#' @include HMX.R
#' Find Differentially Expressed genes using Empirical Bayes Statistics
#' Compute differential expression over time on microarray data using
#' empirical Bayes statistics on a linear model using the
#' \code{\link[limma]{eBayes}} method from the \code{limma} package. All
#' differentially expressed genes for each timepoint are reported.
#' @return list with one entry for each non-baseline timepoint
#' @param eset expressionset object with normalized microarray expression.
#' @param p_val_cutoff adjusted p-value cutoff for determining differentially
#' expressed genes.
#' @export
find_de_genes_eBayes <- function(eset,
p_val_cutoff = 0.02) {
contrast <- c("study_time_collected", "study_time_collected_unit")
pd <- data.table(Biobase::pData(eset))
pd <- pd[, coef := do.call(paste, .SD), .SDcols = contrast]
if (length(unique(pd$coef)) < 2) {
stop("<2 groups found. Cannot perform DE analysis. ")
to_drop <- unique(pd[study_time_collected <= 0, coef])
pd <- pd[coef %in% to_drop, coef := "baseline"]
tmp <- grep("baseline", value = TRUE, invert = TRUE, gtools::mixedsort(unique(pd$coef)))
pd <- pd[, coef := factor(coef, levels = c("baseline", tmp))] # preps coef col for use in model
if (length(unique(pd$participant_id)) < 2) {
stop("Fewer than 2 participants with multiple timepoints! ")
mm <- stats::model.matrix(stats::formula("~participant_id + coef"), pd)
if (dim(mm)[[1]] < dim(mm)[[2]]) {
stop("Not enough subjects to perform analysis")
# NOTE: ES is the normalized expressionset
# TODO: add more notes here and on notion
fit <- limma::lmFit(eset, mm)
fit <- tryCatch(
error = function(e) {
if (!is.null(fit$message)) {
stop("Linear model not able to be fit: ", fit$message)
coefs <- grep("^coef", colnames(mm), value = TRUE)
tt_list <- list()
for (coef in coefs) {
# Check that coef can be used
tt <- data.table(limma::topTable(fit, coef = coef, number = Inf))
if (all(is.na(tt$adj.P.Val))) {
log_message(coef, " has all NA values for adj.P.Val. Skipping to next coef.")
tt <- if (sum(tt$adj.P.Val < p_val_cutoff, na.rm = T) < 100) {
tt[order(adj.P.Val)][1:min(nrow(tt), 100)]
} else {
tt[adj.P.Val < p_val_cutoff]
tt[, coefficient := gsub("coef", "", coef)]
tt_list[[coef]] <- tt
##### ----------------- HMX methods ------------------------ #####
# See HMX$run_de_analysis
run_de_analysis <- function(con, rerun = FALSE) {
if (grepl("^IS", con$study)) {
stop("run_de_analysis is not designed for ImmuneSignatures!")
if (!grepl("SDY", con$study)) {
stop("run run_de_analysis one study at a time!")
if ("de_results" %in% names(con$cache) & !rerun) {
if (con$config$verbose) {
log_message("Running Differential Expression Analysis...")
de_runs <- con$get_de_compatible_runs()
if (nrow(de_runs) == 0) {
log_message("Insufficient data for all cohorts. Analysis not run.")
con$cache[["de_runs"]] <- NULL
con$cache[["de_results"]] <- NULL
if (con$config$verbose) {
log_message(nrow(de_runs), " cohorts/timepoints found for differential expression")
GEA_list <- vector("list")
GEAR_list <- vector("list")
runs <- unique(con$cache$GE_matrices$cohort_type)
gef <- con$getDataset("gene_expression_files", original_view = T)
idx <- 1 # analysis accession key
for (run in runs) {
eset <- con$getGEMatrix(cohortType = run, outputType = "normalized", annotation = "latest")
tt_list <- tryCatch(find_de_genes_eBayes(eset),
error = function(e) e
if ("error" %in% class(tt_list)) {
log_message("Could not run DE analysis for ", run, ": ", tt_list$message)
cm <- con$getDataset("cohort_membership")
cm <- unique(cm[, list(cohort, arm_accession)])
# subset GEF to match run samples
gefSub <- gef[gef$biosample_accession %in% eset$biosample_accession, ]
# create cohort_type identifier so unique to runs, which are cohort * cell_type
cohort_type <- unique(paste(gefSub$cohort, gefSub$type, sep = "_"))
arm_accession <- cm[cohort == unique(eset$cohort), arm_accession]
for (coef in names(tt_list)) {
# One row in GEA per coef per run
analysis_accession <- paste0("GEA", idx)
# arm_name[ is.null(arm_name) ] <- NA
description <- paste0("Differential expression in ", run, ", ", gsub("^coef", "", coef), " vs. baseline")
GEA_list[[idx]] <- data.table(
analysis_accession = analysis_accession,
expression_matrix = run,
arm_name = cohort_type,
arm_accession = arm_accession,
coefficient = gsub("^coef", "", coef),
description = description
tt <- tt_list[[coef]]
if (nrow(tt) > 0) {
tt[, analysis_accession := analysis_accession]
GEAR_list[[idx]] <- data.table(tt)
idx <- idx + 1
de_runs <- rbindlist(GEA_list)
de_results <- rbindlist(GEAR_list)
c("FeatureId", "gene_symbol", "adj.P.Val", "AveExpr", "logFC", "P.Value", "t"),
c("feature_id", "gene_symbol", "adj_p_val", "ave_expr", "log_fc", "p_value", "statistic")
neworder = c(
con$cache[["de_runs"]] <- de_runs
con$cache[["de_results"]] <- de_results
# see HMX$upload_de_analysis_results
upload_de_analysis_results <- function(con) {
if (!grepl("SDY", con$study)) {
stop("Please run for one study at a time.")
de_results <- con$run_de_analysis()
de_runs <- con$cache$de_runs
if (is.null(de_results)) {
"Differential expression results not found. ",
"Skipping upload."
if (nrow(de_results) == 0) {
stop("No differentially expressed genes found.")
if (nrow(de_runs) > 0) {
# delete old GEA
currGEA <- tryCatch(
con = con,
schema = "gene_expression",
query = "gene_expression_analysis"
error = function(e) {
if (!is.null(currGEA$message)) {
log_message(paste0("Error: ", currGEA$message))
stop("May need to turn on DEA module to allow gene_expression schema.")
log_message("Deleting all ", nrow(currGEA), " rows in gene_expression_analysis table...")
if (nrow(currGEA) != 0) {
deleteGEA <- labkey.deleteRows(
baseUrl = con$config$labkey.url.base,
folderPath = con$config$labkey.url.path,
schemaName = "gene_expression",
queryName = "gene_expression_analysis",
toDelete = currGEA
if (deleteGEA$rowsAffected != nrow(currGEA)) {
stop("currGEA not deleted correctly")
log_message("Writing ", nrow(de_runs), " rows to gene_expression_analysis table...")
# push newGEA b/c listings may be different in terms of idx than old
doneGEA <- labkey.importRows(
baseUrl = con$config$labkey.url.base,
folderPath = con$config$labkey.url.path,
schemaName = "gene_expression",
queryName = "gene_expression_analysis",
toImport = de_runs
if (doneGEA$rowsAffected != nrow(de_runs)) {
stop("newGEA not imported correctly")
# GEAR gets deleted and then new rows imported because
# new mappings will be different and do not want to have leftovers
if (nrow(de_results) > 0) {
currGEAR <- ImmuneSpaceR:::.getLKtbl(
con = con,
schema = "gene_expression",
query = "gene_expression_analysis_results"
if (nrow(currGEAR) != 0) {
log_message("Deleting ", nrow(currGEAR), " rows from gene_expression_analysis_results...")
delGEAR <- labkey.deleteRows(
baseUrl = con$config$labkey.url.base,
folderPath = con$config$labkey.url.path,
schemaName = "gene_expression",
queryName = "gene_expression_analysis",
toDelete = currGEAR
postDeleteGEAR <- ImmuneSpaceR:::.getLKtbl(
con = con,
schema = "gene_expression",
query = "gene_expression_analysis_results"
if (nrow(postDeleteGEAR) != 0) {
stop("not all GEAR deleted correctly")
# Import new GEAR
de_results[is.na(de_results)] <- ""
toImport <- data.frame(de_results, stringsAsFactors = F)
# Load in chunks of 50000 rows
log_message("importing ", nrow(toImport), " rows to gene_expression_analysis_results...")
# Use labkey.query.import for importing large number of rows.
# Depends on Rlabkey >= v2.7.0
resGEAR <- labkey.query.import(
baseUrl = con$config$labkey.url.base,
folderPath = con$config$labkey.url.path,
schemaName = "gene_expression",
queryName = "gene_expression_analysis_results",
toImport = toImport
get_de_compatible_runs <- function(con) {
ge_samples <- data.table(labkey.selectRows(
baseUrl = con$config$labkey.url.base,
folderPath = con$config$labkey.url.path,
schemaName = "assay.expressionMatrix.matrix",
queryName = "inputSamples_computed",
colNameOpt = "rname",
colSelect = c(
showHidden = TRUE
# 1. Remove all arm_name * study_time_collected with less than 4 samples
# otherwise predictive modeling cannot work
sample_count := unique(length(biosample_participantid)),
by = .(biosample_arm_name, biosample_study_time_collected)
ge_samples <- ge_samples[sample_count > 3]
# 2. Check for baseline within each arm_name and then filter out baseline
includes_baseline := any(biosample_study_time_collected <= 0),
by = .(biosample_arm_name)
ge_samples <- ge_samples[includes_baseline == TRUE]
ge_samples <- ge_samples[biosample_study_time_collected > 0]
# 4. Summarize by arm_name * study_time_collected for number of subs and key
de_runs <- unique(ge_samples[
study_accession = biosample_study_accession,
arm_name = biosample_arm_name,
study_time_collected = biosample_study_time_collected,
study_time_collected_unit = biosample_study_time_collected_unit,
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