calcEffectSizes | Finds the effect sizes for all genes in the original dataset,... |
combineSCE | Combine a list of SingleCellExperiment objects as one... |
computeZScore | Compute Z-Score |
constructSCE | Create SingleCellExperiment object from csv or txt input |
convertGeneIDs | Convert Gene IDs |
convertSCEToSeurat | convertSCEToSeurat Converts sce object to seurat while... |
convertSeuratToSCE | convertSeuratToSCE Converts the input seurat object to a sce... |
dataAnnotationColor | Generate distinct colors for all categorical col/rowData... |
discreteColorPalette | Generate given number of color codes |
distinctColors | Generate a distinct palette for coloring different clusters |
dot-addSeuratToMetaDataSCE | .addSeuratToMetaDataSCE Adds the input seurat object to the... |
dot-checkDiffExpResultExists | Check if the specified MAST result in SingleCellExperiment... |
dot-computeSignificantPC | .computeSignificantPC Computes the significant principal... |
dot-extractSCEAnnotation | Extract columns from row/colData and transfer to factors |
dot-formatDEAList | Helper function for differential expression analysis methods... |
dot-getComponentNames | .getComponentNames Creates a list of PC/IC components to... |
dot-ggBar | Bar plot plotting tool. |
dot-ggDensity | Density plot plotting tool. |
dot-ggScatter | Plot results of reduced dimensions data. |
dot-ggViolin | Violin plot plotting tool. |
dot-sce2adata | Coverts SingleCellExperiment object from R to anndata.AnnData... |
dot-seuratGetVariableFeatures | .seuratGetVariableFeatures Retrieves the requested number of... |
dot-seuratInvalidate | .seuratInvalidate Removes seurat data from the input... |
dot-updateAssaySCE | .updateAssaySCE Update/Modify/Add an assay in the provided... |
downSampleCells | Estimate numbers of detected genes, significantly... |
downSampleDepth | Estimate numbers of detected genes, significantly... |
enrichRSCE | enrichR Given a list of genes this function runs the... |
exportSCE | Export data in SingleCellExperiment object |
exportSCEtoAnnData | Export a SingleCellExperiment R object as Python annData... |
exportSCEtoFlatFile | Export a SingleCellExperiment object to flat text files |
featureIndex | Retrieve row index for a set of features |
findMarkerDiffExp | Find the marker gene set for each cluster With an input... |
generateMeta | Generate manifest file for droplet and cell count data |
generateSimulatedData | Generates a single simulated dataset, bootstrapping from the... |
getBiomarker | Given a list of genes and a SingleCellExperiment object,... |
getMSigDBTable | Shows MSigDB categories |
getPCA | Perform PCA on a SingleCellExperiment Object A wrapper to... |
getSceParams | Extract QC parameters from the SingleCellExperiment object |
getTopHVG | getTopHVG Extracts the top variable genes from an input... |
getTSNE | Run t-SNE dimensionality reduction method on a... |
getUMAP | Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection(UMAP) algorithm... |
gsvaSCE | Run GSVA analysis on a SingleCellExperiment object |
importAnnData | Create a SingleCellExperiment Object from Python AnnData... |
importBUStools | Construct SCE object from BUStools output |
importCellRanger | Construct SCE object from Cell Ranger output |
importCellRangerV2Sample | Construct SCE object from Cell Ranger V2 output for a single... |
importCellRangerV3Sample | Construct SCE object from Cell Ranger V3 output for a single... |
importDropEst | Create a SingleCellExperiment Object from DropEst output |
importExampleData | Retrieve example datasets |
importFromFiles | Create a SingleCellExperiment object from files |
importGeneSetsFromCollection | Imports gene sets from a GeneSetCollection object |
importGeneSetsFromGMT | Imports gene sets from a GMT file |
importGeneSetsFromList | Imports gene sets from a list |
importGeneSetsFromMSigDB | Imports gene sets from MSigDB |
importMultipleSources | Imports samples from different sources and compiles them into... |
importOptimus | Construct SCE object from Optimus output |
importSEQC | Construct SCE object from seqc output |
importSTARsolo | Construct SCE object from STARsolo outputs |
iterateSimulations | Returns significance data from a snapshot. |
mergeSCEColData | Merging colData from two singleCellExperiment objects |
mouseBrainSubsetSCE | Example Single Cell RNA-Seq data in SingleCellExperiment... |
msigdb_table | MSigDB gene get Cctegory table |
plotBarcodeRankDropsResults | Plots for runEmptyDrops outputs. |
plotBarcodeRankScatter | Plots for runBarcodeRankDrops outputs. |
plotBatchVariance | Plot the percent of the variation that is explained by batch... |
plotBcdsResults | Plots for runBcds outputs. |
plotBiomarker | Given a set of genes, return a ggplot of expression values. |
plotCxdsResults | Plots for runCxds outputs. |
plotDecontXResults | Plots for runDecontX outputs. |
plotDEGHeatmap | Heatmap visualization of DEG result |
plotDEGRegression | plot the linear regression to show visualize the expression... |
plotDEGViolin | plot the violin plot to show visualize the expression... |
plotDoubletCellsResults | Plots for runDoubletCells outputs. |
plotDoubletFinderResults | Plots for runDoubletFinder outputs. |
plotEmptyDropsResults | Plots for runEmptyDrops outputs. |
plotEmptyDropsScatter | Plots for runEmptyDrops outputs. |
plotMarkerDiffExp | Plot a heatmap to visualize the result of 'findMarkerDiffExp' |
plotMASTThresholdGenes | MAST Identify adaptive thresholds |
plotPCA | Plot PCA run data from its components. |
plotRunPerCellQCResults | Plots for runPerCellQC outputs. |
plotScdsHybridResults | Plots for runCxdsBcdsHybrid outputs. |
plotSCEBarAssayData | Bar plot of assay data. |
plotSCEBarColData | Bar plot of colData. |
plotSCEBatchFeatureMean | Plot mean feature value in each batch of a... |
plotSCEDensity | Density plot of any data stored in the SingleCellExperiment... |
plotSCEDensityAssayData | Density plot of assay data. |
plotSCEDensityColData | Density plot of colData. |
plotSCEDimReduceColData | Dimension reduction plot tool for colData |
plotSCEDimReduceFeatures | Dimension reduction plot tool for assay data |
plotSCEHeatmap | Plot heatmap of using data stored in SingleCellExperiment... |
plotSCEScatter | Dimension reduction plot tool for all types of data |
plotSCEViolin | Violin plot of any data stored in the SingleCellExperiment... |
plotSCEViolinAssayData | Violin plot of assay data. |
plotSCEViolinColData | Violin plot of colData. |
plotScrubletResults | Plots for runScrublet outputs. |
plotTSNE | Plot t-SNE plot on dimensionality reduction data run from... |
plotUMAP | Plot UMAP results either on already run results or run first... |
qcInputProcess | Create SingleCellExperiment object from command line input... |
readSingleCellMatrix | Read single cell expression matrix |
reportCellQC | Get runCellQC .html report |
reportDiffExp | Get runDEAnalysis .html report |
reportDropletQC | Get runDropletQC .html report |
reportQCTool | Get .html report of the output of the selected QC algorithm |
retrieveSCEIndex | Retrieve cell/feature index by giving identifiers saved in... |
runANOVA | Perform differential expression analysis on SCE with ANOVA |
runBarcodeRankDrops | Identify empty droplets using barcodeRanks. |
runBBKNN | Apply BBKNN batch effect correction method to... |
runBcds | Find doublets/multiplets using bcds. |
runCellQC | Perform comprehensive single cell QC |
runComBat | Apply ComBat batch effect correction method to... |
runCxds | Find doublets/multiplets using cxds. |
runCxdsBcdsHybrid | Find doublets/multiplets using cxds_bcds_hybrid. |
runDEAnalysis | Perform differential expression analysis on SCE with... |
runDecontX | Detecting contamination with DecontX. |
runDESeq2 | Perform differential expression analysis on SCE with DESeq2. |
runDoubletCells | Detect doublet cells using scDblFinder. |
runDoubletFinder | Generates a doublet score for each cell via doubletFinder |
runDropletQC | Perform comprehensive droplet QC |
runEmptyDrops | Identify empty droplets using emptyDrops. |
runFastMNN | Apply a fast version of the mutual nearest neighbors (MNN)... |
runKMeans | Get clustering with KMeans |
runLimmaBC | Apply Limma's batch effect correction method to... |
runLimmaDE | Perform differential expression analysis on SCE with Limma. |
runMAST | Perform differential expression analysis on SCE with MAST |
runMNNCorrect | Apply the mutual nearest neighbors (MNN) batch effect... |
runPerCellQC | Wrapper for calculating QC metrics with scater. |
runSCANORAMA | Apply the mutual nearest neighbors (MNN) batch effect... |
runSCMerge | Apply scMerge batch effect correction method to... |
runScranSNN | Get clustering with SNN graph |
runScrublet | Find doublets using 'scrublet'. |
runZINBWaVE | Apply ZINBWaVE Batch effect correction method to... |
sampleSummaryStats | Generate table of SCTK QC outputs. |
scater_logNormCounts | scater_logNormCounts Uses logNormCounts to log normalize... |
sce | Example Single Cell RNA-Seq data in SingleCellExperiment... |
sceBatches | Example Single Cell RNA-Seq data in SingleCellExperiment... |
scran_modelGeneVar | scran_modelGeneVar Generates and stores variability data from... |
sctkListGeneSetCollections | Lists imported GeneSetCollections |
sctkPythonInstallConda | Installs Python packages into a Conda environment |
sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv | Installs Python packages into a virtual environment |
SEG | Stably Expressed Gene (SEG) list obect, with SEG sets for... |
selectSCTKConda | Selects a Conda environment |
selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment | Selects a virtual environment |
seuratComputeHeatmap | seuratComputeHeatmap Computes the heatmap plot object from... |
seuratComputeJackStraw | seuratComputeJackStraw Compute jackstraw plot and store the... |
seuratElbowPlot | seuratElbowPlot Computes the plot object for elbow plot from... |
seuratFindClusters | seuratFindClusters Computes the clusters from the input sce... |
seuratFindHVG | seuratFindHVG Find highly variable genes and store in the... |
seuratHeatmapPlot | seuratHeatmapPlot Modifies the heatmap plot object so it... |
seuratICA | seuratICA Computes ICA on the input sce object and stores the... |
seuratIntegration | seuratIntegration A wrapper function to Seurat... |
seuratJackStrawPlot | seuratJackStrawPlot Computes the plot object for jackstraw... |
seuratNormalizeData | seuratNormalizeData Wrapper for NormalizeData() function from... |
seuratPCA | seuratPCA Computes PCA on the input sce object and stores the... |
seuratPlotHVG | seuratPlotHVG Plot highly variable genes from input sce... |
seuratReductionPlot | seuratReductionPlot Plots the selected dimensionality... |
seuratRunTSNE | seuratRunTSNE Computes tSNE from the given sce object and... |
seuratRunUMAP | seuratRunUMAP Computes UMAP from the given sce object and... |
seuratScaleData | seuratScaleData Scales the input sce object according to the... |
seuratSCTransform | seuratSCTransform Runs the SCTransform function to... |
simpleLog | A decorator that prints the arguments to the decorated... |
singleCellTK | Run the single cell analysis app |
subDiffEx | Passes the output of generateSimulatedData() to differential... |
subsetSCECols | Subset a SingleCellExperiment object by columns |
subsetSCERows | Subset a SingleCellExperiment object by rows |
summarizeSCE | Summarize an assay in a SingleCellExperiment |
trimCounts | Trim Counts |
visPlot | visPlot |
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