
Defines functions quickFigure reproducibilityScatterPlot supportRatioPlot reproducibilityCutoffPlot mergeSummaryPlot rangeCoveragePlot bindingSiteDefinednessPlot processingStepsFlowChart estimateBsWidthPlot globalScorePlot transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot transcriptRegionOverlapsPlot targetGeneSpectrumPlot geneOverlapsPlot reproducibilitySamplesPlot reproducibilityFilterPlot makeBsSummaryPlot mergeCrosslinkDiagnosticsPlot duplicatedSitesPlot pureClipGlobalFilterPlot

Documented in bindingSiteDefinednessPlot duplicatedSitesPlot estimateBsWidthPlot geneOverlapsPlot globalScorePlot makeBsSummaryPlot mergeCrosslinkDiagnosticsPlot mergeSummaryPlot processingStepsFlowChart pureClipGlobalFilterPlot quickFigure rangeCoveragePlot reproducibilityCutoffPlot reproducibilityFilterPlot reproducibilitySamplesPlot reproducibilityScatterPlot supportRatioPlot targetGeneSpectrumPlot transcriptRegionOverlapsPlot transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot

#' Plot the PureCLIP score distribution with global cutoff indicator
#' A diagnostic function that plots the PureCLIP score distribution on a log2
#' scale. The function \code{\link{pureClipGlobalFilter}} is expected to be
#' executed prior to calling this plot function.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @return a plot of type \code{\link{ggplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{pureClipGlobalFilter}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' # load data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' # apply 5% filter
#' bds = pureClipGlobalFilter(object = bds, cutoff = 0.05)
#' pureClipGlobalFilterPlot(bds)
#' @export
pureClipGlobalFilterPlot <- function(object) {

    # bind locally used variables
    x <- y <- quant <- name <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
    if (is.null(object@params$pureClipGlobalFilter)) {
        msg0 = paste0("Global filter was not applied yet. Run BSFind() or pureClipGlobalFilter() to compute values first. \n")
    if (is.null(object@plotData$pureClipGlobalFilter$data) |
        is.null(object@plotData$pureClipGlobalFilter$cutoffPoint)) {
        msg1 = paste0("It seems like someting went wrong with your data. Please check the input and make sure to run pureClipGlobalFilter() or BSFind() before plotting. \n")

    optstr = object@params$pureClipGlobalFilter
    optstrNice = paste0("Cutoff=", optstr$cutoff, ", scoreMatchCol=", optstr$match.score)

    # get stored plotting data
    dt = data.frame(s = log2(object@plotData$pureClipGlobalFilter$data))
    cutpoint = log2(object@plotData$pureClipGlobalFilter$cutoffPoint)

    # calc density
    df = density(dt$s)
    df = data.frame(x = df$x, y = df$y)

    # set quantiles to show
    probs = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.1)
    quants = quantile(dt$s, prob = probs)
    df$quant = factor(findInterval(df$x, quants))

    # set cutoff to show
    cutoffNice = paste0(round(optstr$cutoff, 2) * 100, "%")
    dfCutoff = data.frame(pos = cutpoint, name = paste0(round(optstr$cutoff, 2) * 100, "%"))

    # Setup color pal
    colScaleFun = colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Blues"))

    p = ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
        geom_line() +
        geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = 0, ymax = y, fill = quant)) +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = quants) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = colScaleFun(length(probs)+1)) +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1, size = 6), legend.position = "none") +
        geom_vline(xintercept = cutpoint, linetype = "dashed", size = 1, color = "#b35900") +
            title = "pureClipGlobalFilterPlot()",
            subtitle = optstrNice,
            x = "Score [log2]", y = "Density"
        ) +
        geom_label(data = dfCutoff, aes(x = pos, y = Inf, label = name), vjust = 1.2, color = "#b35900")

#' Plot the number of overlaps when assigning crosslink sites to genes
#' A diagnostic function that plots the number of crosslink sites with their
#' respective overlapping rate. The function \code{\link{pureClipGeneWiseFilter}}
#' is expected to be executed prior to calling this plot function.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @return a plot of type \code{\link{ggplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{pureClipGeneWiseFilter}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' # Load GRanges with genes
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' # apply 5% gene-wise filter
#' bds = pureClipGeneWiseFilter(object = bds, anno.genes = gns, cutoff = 0.5,
#'  overlaps = "keepSingle")
#' duplicatedSitesPlot(bds)
#' @export
duplicatedSitesPlot <- function(object) {

    # bind locally used variables
    `#N overlaps` <- Freq <- FreqNice <- nRes <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
    if (is.null(object@params$geneWiseFilter)) {
        msg0 = paste0("Gene-wise filter was not applied yet. Run BSFind() or pureClipGeneWiseFilter() to compute values first. \n")
    if (is.null(object@plotData$geneWiseFilter$data) ) {
        msg1 = paste0("It seems like someting went wrong with your data. Please check the input and make sure to run pureClipGeneWiseFilter() or BSFind() before plotting. \n")

    optstr = object@params$geneWiseFilter
    optstrNice = paste0("Cutoff=", optstr$cutoff, ", overlaps=", optstr$overlaps)

    df = object@plotData$geneWiseFilter$data
    df = df %>% mutate(FreqNice = format(Freq, big.mark = ",", small.mark = "."))

    # Setup color pal
    cols = c("#576F72", rep("lightgrey", nrow(df)-1))

    # Make Plot
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Standard plot
    p = ggplot(df, aes(x = `#N overlaps`, y = Freq, fill = `#N overlaps`, label = FreqNice)) +
        geom_col(color = "black") +
        scale_y_log10() +
        scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(legend.position = "none") +
            title = "dupliatedSitesPlot()",
            subtitle = optstrNice,
            x = "#N overlaps",
            y = "#N (log10)"

    # Add custom options based on overlappingLociOption
    if (optstr$overlaps == "keepSingle") {
        dfResolved = df %>% mutate(nRes = as.numeric(Freq) / as.numeric(`#N overlaps`))
        p = p +
            geom_col(data = dfResolved, aes(x = `#N overlaps`, y = nRes, fill = `#N overlaps`), fill = "#576F72", color = "black") +
            geom_text(data = df, aes(x = `#N overlaps`, y = Freq, label = FreqNice),
                      color = "#b35900", vjust = 1, hjust = 0.8, fontface = "bold", angle = 45)
    if (optstr$overlaps == "removeAll") {
        dfResolved = df %>% mutate(nRes = ifelse(df$`#N overlaps` == 1, TRUE, FALSE))
        p = p +
            geom_col(data = subset(dfResolved, dfResolved$nRes == FALSE),
                     aes(x = `#N overlaps`, y = Freq, fill = `#N overlaps`),
                     fill = "#ECB390", color = "black") +
            geom_text(data = df, aes(x = `#N overlaps`, y = Freq, label = FreqNice),
                      color = "#b35900", vjust = 1, hjust = 0.5, fontface = "bold", angle = 45)
    if (optstr$overlaps == "keepAll") {
        p = p +
            geom_col(data = df, aes(x = `#N overlaps`, y = Freq, fill = `#N overlaps`),
                     fill = "#576F72", color = "black") +
            geom_text(data = df, aes(x = `#N overlaps`, y = Freq, label = FreqNice),
                      color = "#b35900", vjust = 1, hjust = 0.5, fontface = "bold", angle = 45)


#' Plot binding site merging diagnostics
#' A diagnostic function that plots the number of regions to merge over the width
#' of these regions for each merging iteration calculated in
#' \code{\link{makeBindingSites}}. The function \code{\link{makeBindingSites}}
#' is expected to be executed prior to calling this plot function.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @return a plot of type \code{\link{ggplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeBindingSites}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' bds = makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9)
#' mergeCrosslinkDiagnosticsPlot(bds)
#' @export
mergeCrosslinkDiagnosticsPlot <- function(object) {

    # bind locally used variables
    w <- s <- iteration <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))

    if (is.null(object@params$makeBindingSites)) {
        msg0 = paste0("Reproducibility filter was not applied yet. Run BSFind() or makeBindingSites() to compute values first. \n")
    if (is.null(object@plotData$makeBindingSites$mergeCsData) |
        is.null(object@plotData$makeBindingSites$data)) {
        msg1 = paste0("It seems like someting went wrong with your data. Please check the input and make sure to run makeBindingSites() or BSFind() before plotting. \n")

    optstr = object@params$makeBindingSites
    optstrNice = paste0("bsSize=", optstr$bsSize, ", minWidth=", optstr$minWidth, ", minCrosslinks=", optstr$minCrosslinks)

    dfPlot = object@plotData$makeBindingSites$mergeCsData
    dfPlot = dfPlot %>% mutate(iteration = as.factor(iteration), w = as.factor(w))

    # Make Plot
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Standard plot
    cols = c("#716F81","#B97A95","#F6AE99","#F2E1C1","#BEAEE2","#F7DBF0","#CDF0EA","#F9F9F9",rep("grey",5))

    p = ggplot(dfPlot, aes(x = w, y = s, color = iteration, group = iteration)) +
        geom_point(size = 3) +
        geom_line(size = 1) +
        scale_color_manual(values = cols) +
        theme_bw() +
            title = "mergeCrosslinkDiagnosticsPlot()",
            subtitle = optstrNice,
            x = "Region-to-fit width",
            y = "Region-to-fit #N",
            color = "Fitting iteration"
        ) +
        theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
        guides(colour = guide_legend(nrow = 1))


#' Plot binding site filter diagnostics
#' A diagnostic function that plots the number of binding sites retained
#' after each filtering step calculated in \code{\link{makeBindingSites}}.
#' The function \code{\link{makeBindingSites}} is expected to be executed prior
#' to calling this plot function.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @return a plot of type \code{\link{ggplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeBindingSites}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' bds = makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9)
#' makeBsSummaryPlot(bds)
#' @export
makeBsSummaryPlot <- function(object) {

    # bind locally used variables
    Option <- nRanges <- slice <- nNice <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))

    if (is.null(object@params$makeBindingSites)) {
        msg0 = paste0("Reproducibility filter was not applied yet. Run BSFind() or makeBindingSites() to compute values first. \n")
    if (is.null(object@plotData$makeBindingSites$mergeCsData) |
        is.null(object@plotData$makeBindingSites$data)) {
        msg1 = paste0("It seems like someting went wrong with your data. Please check the input and make sure to run makeBindingSites() or BSFind() before plotting. \n")

    optstr = object@params$makeBindingSites
    optstrNice = paste0("bsSize=", optstr$bsSize, ", minWidth=", optstr$minWidth, ", minCrosslinks=", optstr$minCrosslinks)

    dfPlot = object@plotData$makeBindingSites$data
    dfPlot = dfPlot %>%
        mutate(Option = factor(Option, levels = c(Option))) %>%
        slice(-1) %>%
        mutate(nNice = paste0(format(nRanges, big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = ".")))

    # Make Plot
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Standard plot
    cols = c("#262A56","#8D7B68","#A4907C","#C8B6A6","#F1DEC9")

    p = ggplot(dfPlot, aes(x = Option, y = nRanges, fill = Option)) +
        geom_col() +
        scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(legend.position = "none") +
            title = "makeBsSummaryPlot()",
            subtitle = optstrNice,
            x = "Options",
            y = "Ranges #N"
        ) +
        geom_text(data = dfPlot, aes(x = Option, y = nRanges, label = nNice),
                  color = "#b35900", vjust = 1, hjust = 0.8, fontface = "bold", angle = 45)


#' Plot to that shows the crosslink site distribution per replicate
#' A diagnostic function that plots the number of crosslinks sites over the number
#' of crosslink in these sites and highlights the replicate specific
#' reproducibility cutoff that is derived from that distribution.
#' The function \code{\link{reproducibilityFilter}} is expected to be executed prior
#' to calling this plot function.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @param plotRange numeric; number of crosslinks per sites that should be shown
#' before summing them up
#' @return a plot of type \code{\link{ggplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{reproducibilityFilter}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' bds = makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9)
#' bds = reproducibilityFilter(bds)
#' reproducibilityFilterPlot(bds)
#' @export
reproducibilityFilterPlot <- function(object, plotRange = 20) {

    # bind locally used variables
    value <- n <- condtion <- name <- condition <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))

    if (is.null(object@params$reproducibilityFilter)) {
        msg0 = paste0("Reproducibility filter was not applied yet. Run BSFind() or reproducibilityFilter() to compute values first. \n")
    if (is.null(object@plotData$reproducibilityFilterPlot$data) |
        is.null(object@plotData$reproducibilityFilterPlot$cutoffs) |
        is.null(object@plotData$reproducibilitySamplesPlot$data)) {
        msg1 = paste0("It seems like someting went wrong with your data. Please check the input and make sure to run reproducibilityFilter() or BSFind() before plotting. \n")

    optstr = object@params$reproducibilityFilter
    optstrNice = paste0("Cutoff=", optstr$cutoff, ", nReps=", optstr$nReps, ", minCrosslinks=", optstr$minCrosslinks)

    dfPlot = object@plotData$reproducibilityFilterPlot$data
    dfPlotCutoffs = object@plotData$reproducibilityFilterPlot$cutoffs

    # Apply plot range zoom in
    dfPlot$value[dfPlot$value > plotRange] = plotRange

    # Make Plot
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Standard plot
    p = ggplot(dfPlot, aes(x = value, y = n)) +
        geom_col(color = "#2d5986", aes(fill = condition)) +
        facet_wrap(~name, scales = "free_x") +
        scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set2") +
        theme_classic() +
            title = "reproducibilityFilterPlot()",
            subtitle = optstrNice,
            x = "Crosslinks per site",
            y = "Number of sites",
            fill = "Condition"
        ) +
        geom_vline(data = dfPlotCutoffs, aes(xintercept = value, group = name), color = "#b35900", size = 1, linetype = "dashed") +
        geom_label(data = dfPlotCutoffs, aes(x = value, y = max(dfPlot$n), label = value), alpha = 0.5)
        # geom_label(data = dfPlotCutoffs, aes(x = value, y = 1, label = value), nudge_y = 2)


#' UpSet-plot to that shows how each replicate supports binding sites
#' A diagnostic function that plots the set sizes for each replicate, indicating
#' how many binding site the specific replicate supports given its specific
#' threshold. The function \code{\link{reproducibilityFilter}} is expected to be
#' executed prior to calling this plot function.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @param nIntersections numeric; number of intersection to be shown
#' @param show.title logical; if plot title should be visible
#' @param text.size numeric; fontsize of all numbers on axis
#' @return a plot of type \code{\link{ggplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{reproducibilityFilter}},
#' \code{\link{reproducibilityFilterPlot}}
#' @import ComplexHeatmap
#' @importFrom dplyr desc
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @importFrom grid gpar
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' bds = makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9)
#' bds = reproducibilityFilter(bds)
#' reproducibilitySamplesPlot(bds)
#' @export
reproducibilitySamplesPlot <- function(object,
                                       nIntersections = 20,
                                       show.title = TRUE,
                                       text.size = NULL) {

    # bind locally used variables
    title <- rowTitle <- Freq <- `.` <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))

    if (is.null(object@params$reproducibilityFilter)) {
        msg0 = paste0("Reproducibility filter was not applied yet. Run BSFind() or reproducibilityFilter() to compute values first. \n")
    if (is.null(object@plotData$reproducibilitySamplesPlot$data)) {
        msg1 = paste0("It seems like someting went wrong with your data. Please check the input and make sure to run reproducibilityFilter() or BSFind() before plotting. \n")

    optstr = object@params$reproducibilityFilter
    optstrNice = paste0("Cutoff=", paste(optstr$cutoff, collapse = ","),
                        ", nReps=", paste(optstr$nReps, collapse = ","),
                        ", minCrosslinks=", paste(optstr$minCrosslinks, collapse = ","))

    # Get full combination matrix
    df = object@plotData$reproducibilitySamplesPlot$data
    # colnames(df) = colnames(df) %>% as.data.frame() %>% separate(col = ".", sep = "_", into = c(NA, "Sample")) %>% pull(Sample)
    m = make_comb_mat(df)

    rowTitle = "All intersections"

    # Reduce combination matrix for plotting
    if (length(comb_size(m)) > nIntersections) {
        plottingCutoff = comb_size(m) %>%
            as.data.frame() %>% rename("Freq" = ".") %>% arrange(desc(Freq)) %>%
            head(.,nIntersections) %>% tail(1) %>% pull(Freq)
        m = m[comb_size(m) >= plottingCutoff]
        rowTitle = paste0(nIntersections, " largest intersections")

    title = paste0("reproducibilitySamplesPlot()\n", optstrNice)

    # set fontsizes
    if (!is.null(text.size)) {
        fontsize.top = text.size
        fontsize.right = text.size
        fontsize.row.title = text.size
        fontsize.column.title = text.size
        fontsize.row.names = text.size
        fontsize.column.names = text.size
    } else {
        fontsize.top = 8
        fontsize.right = 8
        fontsize.row.title = 12
        fontsize.column.title = 12
        fontsize.row.names = 10
        fontsize.column.names = 10

    UpSet(m, column_title = ifelse(isTRUE(show.title), title, ""),
          row_title = ifelse(isTRUE(show.title), rowTitle, ""),
          comb_order = order(comb_size(m), decreasing = TRUE),
          top_annotation = upset_top_annotation(m, add_numbers = TRUE, annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 0),
                                                numbers_gp = gpar(col = "#4C6793", fontsize = fontsize.top, fontface = "italic")),
          right_annotation = upset_right_annotation(m, add_numbers = TRUE, annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 0),
                                                    gp = gpar(fill = "#0B2447"),
                                                    numbers_gp = gpar(col = "#0B2447", fontsize = fontsize.right, fontface = "italic"),
                                                    numbers_rot = 25),
          comb_col = "#4C6793", bg_col = "white", pt_size = unit(.5, "cm"),
          border = T, lwd = 2, bg_pt_col = "grey",
          row_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize.row.title),
          column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize.column.title),
          row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize.row.names),
          column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize.column.names),
          set_order = seq_along(set_size(m)))


#' UpSet-plot to that shows the gene type overlaps
#' A diagnostic function that plots the gene types of binding sites on overlapping
#' loci genes. The function \code{\link{assignToGenes}} is expected to be
#' executed prior to calling this plot function.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @param show.title logical; if plot title should be visible
#' @param text.size numeric; fontsize of all numbers on axis
#' @return a plot of type \code{\link{ggplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{assignToGenes}} \code{\link{targetGeneSpectrumPlot}}
#' @import ComplexHeatmap
#' @importFrom grid gpar
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' # Load GRanges with genes
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' bds = makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9)
#' bds = assignToGenes(bds, anno.genes = gns)
#' geneOverlapsPlot(bds)
#' @export
geneOverlapsPlot <- function(object,
                             text.size = NULL,
                             show.title = TRUE) {

    # bind locally used variables
    title <- rowTitle <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))

    if (is.null(object@params$assignToGenes)) {
        msg0 = paste0("Assignment to anno.genes was not applied yet. Run BSFind() or assignToGenes() to compute values first. \n")
    if (is.null(object@plotData$assignToGenes$dataOverlaps) |
        is.null(object@plotData$assignToGenes$dataSpectrum) ) {
        msg1 = paste0("It seems like you used options `remove` or `keep` in assignToGenes(). The plot you try to make is only present for options `frequency` and `hierarchy`. \n")

    optstr = object@params$assignToGenes
    optstrNice = paste0("Source=", optstr$source, ", Overlaps=", optstr$overlaps,
                        ifelse(!rlang::is_empty(optstr$rule), paste0(", rule=", paste(optstr$rule, collapse = ">")), ""))

    # Get full combination matrix
    df = object@plotData$assignToGenes$dataOverlaps
    m = make_comb_mat(df)

    rowTitle = "All intersections"
    title = paste0("geneOverlapsPlot()\n", optstrNice)

    # set fontsizes
    if (!is.null(text.size)) {
        fontsize.top = text.size
        fontsize.right = text.size
        fontsize.row.title = text.size
        fontsize.column.title = text.size
        fontsize.row.names = text.size
        fontsize.column.names = text.size
    } else {
        fontsize.top = 8
        fontsize.right = 8
        fontsize.row.title = 12
        fontsize.column.title = 12
        fontsize.row.names = 10
        fontsize.column.names = 10

    UpSet(m, column_title = ifelse(isTRUE(show.title), title, ""),
          row_title = ifelse(isTRUE(show.title), rowTitle, ""),
          comb_order = order(comb_size(m), decreasing = TRUE),
          top_annotation = upset_top_annotation(m, add_numbers = TRUE, annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 0),
                                                numbers_gp = gpar(col = "#4C6793", fontsize = fontsize.top, fontface = "italic")),
          right_annotation = upset_right_annotation(m, add_numbers = TRUE, gp = gpar(fill = "#0B2447"), annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 0),
                                                    numbers_gp = gpar(col = "#0B2447", fontsize = fontsize.right, fontface = "italic"),
                                                    numbers_rot = 25),
          comb_col = "#4C6793", bg_col = "white", pt_size = unit(.5, "cm"),
          row_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize.row.title),
          column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize.column.title),
          row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize.row.names),
          column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize.column.names),
          border = T, lwd = 2, bg_pt_col = "grey",
          set_order = seq_along(set_size(m)))

#' Bar-chart to show the hosting gene types of binding sites
#' A diagnostic function that plots the gene type of the hosting gene for
#' each binding site. The function \code{\link{assignToGenes}} is expected to be
#' executed prior to calling this plot function.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @param showNGroups numeric; the number of different gene types to show
#' @param text.size numeric; the size of the text elments on the plot
#' @return a plot of type \code{\link{ggplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{assignToGenes}} \code{\link{geneOverlapsPlot}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom dplyr lead desc mutate arrange
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom tibble add_row
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' bds = makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9)
#' bds = assignToGenes(bds, anno.genes = gns)
#' targetGeneSpectrumPlot(bds)
#' @export
targetGeneSpectrumPlot <- function(object,
                                   showNGroups = 5,
                                   text.size = 4) {

    # bind locally used variables
    GeneType <- Freq <- FreqNice <- nGenes <- nBs <- geneType <- nice <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))

    if (is.null(object@params$assignToGenes)) {
        msg0 = paste0("Assignment to genes was not applied yet. Run BSFind() or assigneToGenes() to compute values first. \n")
    if (is.null(object@plotData$assignToGenes$dataOverlaps) |
        is.null(object@plotData$assignToGenes$dataSpectrum) ) {
        msg1 = paste0("It seems like you used options `remove` or `keep` in assignToGenes(). The plot you try to make is only present for options `frequency` and `hierarchy`. \n")

    optstr = object@params$assignToGenes
    optstrNice = paste0("Source=", optstr$source, ", Overlaps=", optstr$overlaps)

    df = object@plotData$assignToGenes$dataSpectrum

    # ----
    # Apply topN cutoff
    if (nrow(df) < showNGroups) {
        msg = paste0("Only ", nrow(df), " different gene types, displaying ", nrow(df), " gene types, not ", showNGroups, ". \n")
        showNGroups = nrow(df)
    if (nrow(df) > showNGroups) {
        otherFreq = df %>% arrange(desc(nGenes), desc(nBs)) %>% lead(showNGroups-1)
        dfOther = data.frame(geneType = "Other",
                             nBs = sum(otherFreq$nBs, na.rm = TRUE),
                             nGenes = sum(otherFreq$nGenes, na.rm = TRUE))
        df = df %>% as.data.frame() %>% arrange(desc(nGenes)) %>% head(showNGroups-1)
        df = rbind.data.frame(df, dfOther)
        df = df %>% mutate(nice = paste0(
            format(nGenes, big.mark = ",", small.mark = "."),
            " (#BS:",
            format(nBs, big.mark = ",", small.mark = "."),
            ")")) %>%
            mutate(geneType = forcats::fct_reorder(geneType, nGenes))
    if (nrow(df) == showNGroups) {
        df = df %>% arrange(desc(nGenes), desc(nBs)) %>%
            mutate(nice = paste0(
                format(nGenes, big.mark = ",", small.mark = "."),
                " (#BS:",
                format(nBs, big.mark = ",", small.mark = "."),
                ")")) %>%
            mutate(geneType = forcats::fct_reorder(geneType, nGenes))

    # ----
    # Setup color pal
    cols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = showNGroups+2, name = "Greys")
    cols = cols[1:showNGroups+1]

    # Make Plot
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    p = ggplot(df, aes(x = geneType, y = nGenes, fill = geneType, label = nice)) +
        geom_col(color = "black") +
        scale_y_log10() +
        coord_flip() +
        scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(legend.position = "none") +
        geom_text(aes(y = Inf), color = "#b35900", hjust = 1, fontface = "bold", size = text.size) +
            title = "targetGeneSpectrumPlot()",
            subtitle = optstrNice,
            x = "",
            y = "#N (log10)"


#' UpSet-plot to that shows the transcript region overlaps
#' A diagnostic function that plots the transcript regions of binding sites
#' on overlapping loci. The function \code{\link{assignToTranscriptRegions}} is expected to be
#' executed prior to calling this plot function.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @param show.title logical; if plot title should be visible
#' @param text.size numeric; fontsize of all numbers on axis
#' @return a plot of type \code{\link{ggplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{assignToTranscriptRegions}} \code{\link{transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot}}
#' @import ComplexHeatmap
#' @importFrom grid gpar
#' @importFrom dplyr desc
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[2])
#' bds = makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9)
#' bds = assignToGenes(bds, anno.genes = gns)
#' bds = assignToTranscriptRegions(object = bds, anno.transcriptRegionList = regions)
#' transcriptRegionOverlapsPlot(bds)
#' @export
transcriptRegionOverlapsPlot <- function(object,
                                         text.size = NULL,
                                         show.title = TRUE) {

    # bind locally used variables
    title <- rowTitle <- Freq <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))

    if (is.null(object@params$assignToTranscriptRegions)) {
        msg0 = paste0("Reproducibility filter was not applied yet. Run BSFind() or assignToTranscriptRegions() to compute values first. \n")
    if (is.null(object@plotData$assignToTranscriptRegions$dataOverlaps) |
        is.null(object@plotData$assignToTranscriptRegions$dataSpectrum)) {
        msg1 = paste0("It seems like someting went wrong with your data. Please check the input and make sure to run assignToTranscriptRegions() BSFind() before plotting. \n")
    optstr = object@params$assignToTranscriptRegions
    optstrNice = paste0("Source=", optstr$source, ", overlaps=", optstr$overlaps,
                        ifelse(!rlang::is_empty(optstr$rule), paste0(", rule=", paste(optstr$rule, collapse = ">")), ""))

    # Get full combination matrix
    df = object@plotData$assignToTranscriptRegions$dataOverlaps
    m = make_comb_mat(df, mode = "distinct")

    rowTitle = "All intersections"
    title = paste0("transcriptRegionOverlapsPlot()\n", optstrNice)

    # set fontsizes
    if (!is.null(text.size)) {
        fontsize.top = text.size
        fontsize.right = text.size
        fontsize.row.title = text.size
        fontsize.column.title = text.size
        fontsize.row.names = text.size
        fontsize.column.names = text.size
    } else {
        fontsize.top = 8
        fontsize.right = 8
        fontsize.row.title = 12
        fontsize.column.title = 12
        fontsize.row.names = 10
        fontsize.column.names = 10

    UpSet(m, column_title = ifelse(isTRUE(show.title), title, ""),
          row_title = ifelse(isTRUE(show.title), rowTitle, ""),
          comb_order = order(comb_size(m), decreasing = TRUE),
          top_annotation = upset_top_annotation(m, add_numbers = TRUE, annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 0),,
                                                numbers_gp = gpar(col = "#4C6793", fontsize = fontsize.top, fontface = "italic")),
          right_annotation = upset_right_annotation(m, add_numbers = TRUE, gp = gpar(fill = "#0B2447"), annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 0),,
                                                    numbers_gp = gpar(col = "#0B2447", fontsize = fontsize.right, fontface = "italic"),
                                                    numbers_rot = 25),
          comb_col = "#4C6793", bg_col = "white", pt_size = unit(.5, "cm"),
          row_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize.row.title),
          column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize.column.title),
          row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize.row.names),
          column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize.column.names),
          border = T, lwd = 2, bg_pt_col = "grey",
          set_order = seq_along(set_size(m)))

#' Bar-chart to show the hosting transcript regions of binding sites
#' A diagnostic function that plots the transcript regions of the hosting gene
#' for each binding site. The function \code{\link{assignToTranscriptRegions}}
#' is expected to be executed prior to calling this plot function.
#' Count frequencies can be normalized to the length of the hosting region with
#' option \code{normalize}. The specific factor how the hosting region length is
#' used is given by \code{normalize.factor}. In the case of
#' \code{normalize.factor = "sum"} binding site frequencies are divided by the
#' summed length of all regions that host the specific binding site.
#' Further with option \code{values} once can indicate whether raw or normalized
#' frequencies should be shown 'as-is' or normalized to 'percentages'.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @param values character; if values should be presented 'as-is', that means
#' for example as frequencies in case \code{normalization = FALSE}, or as
#' percentages
#' @param normalize logical; whether to normalize values
#' @param normalize.factor character; indicate by what factor values should be
#' normalized to region length by
#' @param show.others logical; whether to show 'others' category. Has to be false
#' if \code{normalize = TRUE}
#' @param text.size numeric; font size of the numbers to be displayed on each bar
#' @return a plot of type \code{\link{ggplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{assignToTranscriptRegions}} \code{\link{transcriptRegionOverlapsPlot}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[2])
#' bds = makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9)
#' bds = assignToGenes(bds, anno.genes = gns)
#' bds = assignToTranscriptRegions(object = bds, anno.transcriptRegionList = regions)
#' transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot(bds)
#' @export
transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot <- function(object,
                                         values = c("asis", "percentage"),
                                         normalize = FALSE,
                                         normalize.factor = c("sum", "median", "mean"),
                                         show.others = FALSE,
                                         text.size = 4) {

    # bind locally used variables
    TranscriptRegion <- FreqNice <- Freq <-  NULL
    per <- perNice <- value <- name <- norm.value <- norm.per <- freq.per <- . <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))

    if (is.null(object@params$assignToTranscriptRegions)) {
        msg0 = paste0("Transcript region assignment was not computed yet. Run BSFind() or assignToTranscriptRegions() to compute values first. \n")
    if (is.null(object@plotData$assignToTranscriptRegions$dataOverlaps) |
        is.null(object@plotData$assignToTranscriptRegions$dataSpectrum)) {
        msg1 = paste0("It seems like someting went wrong with your data. Please check the input and make sure to run assignToTranscriptRegions() or BSFind() before plotting. \n")

    # handle options
    values = match.arg(values, choices = c("asis", "percentage"))
    normalize.factor = match.arg(normalize.factor, choices = c("sum", "median", "mean"))

    # make option string
    optstr = object@params$assignToTranscriptRegions
    optstrNice = paste0("values=", values, ", normalize=", normalize, ifelse(isTRUE(normalize), paste0(", normalize.factor=", normalize.factor), ""),
                        ", overlaps=", optstr$overlaps,
                        ifelse(! rlang::is_empty(optstr$rule), paste0(", rule=", paste(optstr$rule, collapse = ">")), ""))

    # Get full combination matrix
    df = object@plotData$assignToTranscriptRegions$dataSpectrum

    # Nice formatting of standard names
    df = df %>% mutate(TranscriptRegion = ifelse(toupper(TranscriptRegion) == "UTR3", "3'UTR",
                                                 ifelse(toupper(TranscriptRegion) == "UTR5", "5'UTR",
                                                        ifelse(toupper(TranscriptRegion) == "CDS", "CDS",
                                                               ifelse(toupper(TranscriptRegion) == "INTRON", "Intron", TranscriptRegion)))))

    df = df %>% as.data.frame() %>% arrange(desc(Freq)) %>%
        mutate(FreqNice = format(Freq, big.mark = ",", small.mark = ".")) %>%
        mutate(TranscriptRegion = forcats::fct_reorder(TranscriptRegion, Freq))

    # set color scheme
    cols = c("#A7D2CB", "#F2D388", "#C98474", "#874C62", "#576F72", "#B4CDE6", "#7D6E83", "#D0B8A8")
    cols = cols[1:nrow(df)]

    # Make plot variations
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (!isTRUE(normalize)) {
        # don't normalize

        if (!isTRUE(show.others)) {
            # remove other category to match raw plot with normalized plot
            df = df %>% drop_na() %>%
                mutate(TranscriptRegion = forcats::fct_reorder(TranscriptRegion, Freq))

        if (values == "asis") {
            # show raw numbers
            p = ggplot(df, aes(x = TranscriptRegion, y = Freq, fill = TranscriptRegion, label = FreqNice)) +
                geom_col(color = "darkgrey", linewidth = 0.5) +
                theme_bw() +
                theme(legend.position = "none") +
                geom_text(aes(y = Inf), color = "#b35900", hjust = 1, fontface = "bold", size = text.size) +
                scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
                coord_flip(clip = "on", expand = TRUE) +
                labs(title = "transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot()",
                     subtitle = optstrNice,
                     x = "Transcript regions",
                     y = "#N Binding sites")
        if (values == "percentage") {
            # show percentages
            df = df %>%
                mutate(per = round(Freq / sum(Freq) * 100, digits = 1)) %>%
                mutate(perNice = paste0(per, "%"))

            p = ggplot(df, aes(x = TranscriptRegion, y = per, fill = TranscriptRegion, label = perNice)) +
                geom_col(color = "darkgrey", linewidth = 0.5) +
                theme_bw() +
                theme(legend.position = "none") +
                geom_text(aes(y = Inf), color = "#b35900", hjust = 1, fontface = "bold", size = text.size) +
                scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
                coord_flip(clip = "on", expand = TRUE) +
                labs(title = "transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot()",
                     subtitle = optstrNice,
                     x = "Transcript regions",
                     y = "% Binding sites")



    if (isTRUE(normalize)) {
        # normalize counts
        df = df %>%
            drop_na() %>%
            pivot_longer(-c(TranscriptRegion, Freq, FreqNice)) %>%
            mutate(norm.value = Freq / value) %>%
            group_by(name) %>%
            mutate(norm.per = round(norm.value / sum(norm.value) * 100, digits = 1),
                   freq.per = round(Freq / sum(Freq) * 100, digits = 1)) %>%
            mutate(diff.per = round(norm.per - freq.per, digits = 1) ) %>%
            mutate(FreqNice = format(Freq, big.mark = ","))

        if (values == "asis") {
            # show raw numbers
            if (normalize.factor == "mean") {
                # normalize by mean length
                p = df %>% filter(name == "norm.hosting.mean") %>%
                    ggplot(., aes(x = TranscriptRegion, y = norm.value, fill = TranscriptRegion, label = round(norm.value, digits = 2))) +
                    geom_col(color = "darkgrey", linewidth = 0.5) +
                    theme_bw() +
                    theme(legend.position = "none") +
                    geom_text(aes(y = Inf), color = "#b35900", hjust = 1, fontface = "bold", size = text.size) +
                    scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
                    coord_flip(clip = "on", expand = TRUE) +
                    labs(title = "transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot()",
                         subtitle = optstrNice,
                         x = "Transcript regions",
                         y = "% Binding sites")
            if (normalize.factor == "median") {
                # normalize by mean length
                p = df %>% filter(name == "norm.hosting.median") %>%
                    ggplot(., aes(x = TranscriptRegion, y = norm.value, fill = TranscriptRegion, label = round(norm.value, digits = 2))) +
                    geom_col(color = "darkgrey", linewidth = 0.5) +
                    theme_bw() +
                    theme(legend.position = "none") +
                    geom_text(aes(y = Inf), color = "#b35900", hjust = 1, fontface = "bold", size = text.size) +
                    scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
                    coord_flip(clip = "on", expand = TRUE) +
                    labs(title = "transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot()",
                         subtitle = optstrNice,
                         x = "Transcript regions",
                         y = "% Binding sites")
            if (normalize.factor == "sum") {
                # normalize by mean length
                p = df %>% filter(name == "norm.hosting.sum") %>%
                    ggplot(., aes(x = TranscriptRegion, y = norm.value, fill = TranscriptRegion, label = round(norm.value, digits = 2))) +
                    geom_col(color = "darkgrey", linewidth = 0.5) +
                    theme_bw() +
                    theme(legend.position = "none") +
                    geom_text(aes(y = Inf), color = "#b35900", hjust = 1, fontface = "bold", size = text.size) +
                    scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
                    coord_flip(clip = "on", expand = TRUE) +
                    labs(title = "transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot()",
                         subtitle = optstrNice,
                         x = "Transcript regions",
                         y = "% Binding sites")

        if (values == "percentage") {
            # show percentages
            if (normalize.factor == "mean") {
                # normalize by mean length
                p = df %>% filter(name == "norm.hosting.mean") %>%
                    ggplot(., aes(x = TranscriptRegion, y = norm.per, fill = TranscriptRegion, label = paste0(round(norm.per, digits = 1), "%"))) +
                    geom_col(color = "darkgrey", linewidth = 0.5) +
                    theme_bw() +
                    theme(legend.position = "none") +
                    geom_text(aes(y = Inf), color = "#b35900", hjust = 1, fontface = "bold", size = text.size) +
                    scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
                    coord_flip(clip = "on", expand = TRUE) +
                    labs(title = "transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot()",
                         subtitle = optstrNice,
                         x = "Transcript regions",
                         y = "% Binding sites")
            if (normalize.factor == "median") {
                # normalize by mean length
                p = df %>% filter(name == "norm.hosting.median") %>%
                    ggplot(., aes(x = TranscriptRegion, y = norm.per, fill = TranscriptRegion, label = paste0(round(norm.per, digits = 1), "%"))) +
                    geom_col(color = "darkgrey", linewidth = 0.5) +
                    theme_bw() +
                    theme(legend.position = "none") +
                    geom_text(aes(y = Inf), color = "#b35900", hjust = 1, fontface = "bold", size = text.size) +
                    scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
                    coord_flip(clip = "on", expand = TRUE) +
                    labs(title = "transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot()",
                         subtitle = optstrNice,
                         x = "Transcript regions",
                         y = "% Binding sites")
            if (normalize.factor == "sum") {
                # normalize by mean length
                p = df %>% filter(name == "norm.hosting.sum") %>%
                    ggplot(., aes(x = TranscriptRegion, y = norm.per, fill = TranscriptRegion, label = paste0(round(norm.per, digits = 1), "%"))) +
                    geom_col(color = "darkgrey", linewidth = 0.5) +
                    theme_bw() +
                    theme(legend.position = "none") +
                    geom_text(aes(y = Inf), color = "#b35900", hjust = 1, fontface = "bold", size = text.size) +
                    scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
                    coord_flip(clip = "on", expand = TRUE) +
                    labs(title = "transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot()",
                         subtitle = optstrNice,
                         x = "Transcript regions",
                         y = "% Binding sites")



#' Plot the PureCLIP score distribution after re-assignment
#' A diagnostic function that plots the PureCLIP score distribution on a log2
#' scale after the re-assignment on binding site level.
#' The function \code{\link{annotateWithScore}} is expected to be executed
#' prior to calling this plot function.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @return a plot of type \code{\link{ggplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{annotateWithScore}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom stats density
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' bds1 = makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9)
#' bds1 = annotateWithScore(bds1, match.ranges = getRanges(bds))
#' globalScorePlot(bds1)
#' @export
globalScorePlot <- function(object) {

    # bind locally used variables
    x <- y <- quant <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
    if (is.null(object@params$annotateWithScore)) {
        msg0 = paste0("Score transfer was not applied yet. Run BSFind() or annotateWithScore() to compute values first. \n")
    if (is.null(object@plotData$annotateWithScore$data) ) {
        msg1 = paste0("It seems like someting went wrong with your data. Please check the input and make sure to run annotateWithScore() or BSFind() before plotting. \n")

    optstr = object@params$annotateWithScore
    optstrNice = paste0("match.score=", optstr$match.score, ", match.option=", optstr$match.option)

    # get stored plotting data
    dt = data.frame(s = log2(object@plotData$annotateWithScore$data))

    # calc density
    df = density(dt$s)
    df = data.frame(x = df$x, y = df$y)

    # set quantiles to show
    probs = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.1)
    quants = quantile(dt$s, prob = probs)
    df$quant = factor(findInterval(df$x, quants))

    # Setup color pal
    colScaleFun = colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Blues"))

    p = ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
        geom_line() +
        geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = 0, ymax = y, fill = quant)) +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = quants) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = colScaleFun(length(probs)+1)) +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1), legend.position = "none") +
            title = "globalScorePlot()",
            subtitle = optstrNice,
            x = "Score [log2]", y = "Density"

#' Plot the signal-to-flank score for varying gene-wise filter and binding
#' site width
#' A diagnostic function that plots the the signal-to-flank score as a mean
#' for each binding site width and gene-wise filter as indicated when executing
#' \code{\link{estimateBsWidth}}. Additionally a mean of means visualizes the
#' overall trend and a red line indicates the suggested optimal binding site
#' width. The function \code{\link{estimateBsWidth}} is expected to be
#' executed prior to calling this plot function.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @return a plot of type \code{\link{ggplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{estimateBsWidth}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' bds = estimateBsWidth(bds, anno.genes = gns, est.maxBsWidth = 19,
#'  geneResolution = "coarse", bsResolution = "coarse", est.subsetChromosome = "chr22")
#' estimateBsWidthPlot(bds)
#' @export
estimateBsWidthPlot <- function(object) {

    # bind locally used variables
    bsSize <- ms <- geneWiseFilter <- signalToFlankRatio <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))

    if (is.null(object@params$estimateBsWidth) | is.null(object@params$bsSize) |
        is.null(object@params$geneFilter)) {
        msg0 = paste0("Binding site width was not estimated. Run estimateBsWidth() or BSFind() first. \n")
    if (is.null(object@plotData$estimateBsWidth$data)) {
        msg1 = paste0("It seems like someting went wrong with your data. Please check the input and make sure to run estimateBsWidth() or BSFind() before plotting. \n")

    optstr = object@params$estimateBsWidth
    optstrNice = paste0("bsResolution=", optstr$bsResolution,
                        ", geneResolution=", optstr$geneResolution,
                        ",\noption=", optstr$option,
                        ", subsetChromosome=", ifelse(!is.null(optstr$est.subsetChromosome),
                                                      ifelse(length(optstr$est.subsetChromosome) == 1,
                                                             optstr$est.subsetChromosome, paste(optstr$est.subsetChromosome, collapse = ",")
                                                             ), "None"

    est.bsSize = object@params$bsSize
    est.GeneFilter = object@params$geneFilter
    df = object@plotData$estimateBsWidth$data

    dfPlot = df %>%
        mutate(bsSize = as.factor(bsSize)) %>%
        mutate(geneWiseFilter = paste0((geneWiseFilter)*100, "%")) %>%
        mutate(geneWiseFilter = factor(geneWiseFilter, levels = c(paste0(seq(0,95, by = 5), "%"))))

    dfMean = dfPlot %>%
        group_by(bsSize) %>%
        summarise(ms = mean(signalToFlankRatio), sd = sd(signalToFlankRatio)) %>%
        mutate(geneWiseFilter = "mean")

    dfAnno = dfPlot %>%
        mutate(bsSize = as.numeric(as.character(bsSize))) %>%
        group_by(geneWiseFilter) %>%
        filter(bsSize == max(bsSize)) %>%
        mutate(bsSize = as.factor(bsSize))

    colfunc = colorRampPalette(c("#dceaef", "#4C6793"))
    cols = colfunc(n = length(unique(dfPlot$geneWiseFilter)))

    p = ggplot(dfMean, aes(x = bsSize, y = ms, group = geneWiseFilter)) +
        geom_line(data = dfPlot, aes(x = bsSize, y = signalToFlankRatio, group = geneWiseFilter, color = geneWiseFilter), linewidth = 0.7) +
        geom_point(data = dfPlot, aes(x = bsSize, y = signalToFlankRatio, group = geneWiseFilter, color = geneWiseFilter), size = 2) +
        scale_colour_manual(values = cols) +
        geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = ms-sd, ymax = ms+sd), color = "#874C62", width = 0.2, linewidth = 1.1) +
        geom_line(color = "#874C62", linewidth = 1.1) +
        geom_point(size = 4, shape = 21, color = "#874C62", fill = "#874C62", stroke = 1) +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
        guides(color=guide_legend(nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)) +
            title = "estimateBsWidthPlot()",
            subtitle = optstrNice,
            y = "Signal-to-flank score",
            x = "Binding site width",
            color = "Gene-wise filter"
        ) +
        geom_vline(xintercept = dfMean$bsSize[dfMean$bsSize == est.bsSize], color = "#b35900", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) +
        geom_label(data = dfMean[dfMean$bsSize == est.bsSize,], aes(x = Inf, y = Inf),
                   label = paste0("Size=", est.bsSize, "/ filter=", est.GeneFilter), vjust = 1, size = 3, hjust = 1, alpha = 0.3)

#' Step-wise flowchart plot
#' An overview plot that shows all workflow functions that were executed on the
#' current object, with all input and output binding site numbers and major options
#' that were used. The function can be called at any time in the analysis. Most
#' optimal usage is after a full run of the wrapper function \code{\link{BSFind}}.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @param size.all numeric; size of all numbers
#' @return a plot of type \code{\link{ggplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{BSFind}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom dplyr n lead slice left_join
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[2])
#' bds = BSFind(bds, anno.genes = gns, anno.transcriptRegionList = regions,
#'  est.subsetChromosome = "chr22")
#' processingStepsFlowChart(bds)
#' @export
processingStepsFlowChart <- function(object, size.all = 3) {

    # bind locally used variables
    xmin <- ymin <- xmax <- ymax <- Type <- NULL
    y <- x <- Step <- from <- to <- s_e <- Options <- `#N In` <- `#N Out` <- NULL
    y1 <- y2 <- id <- x1 <- x2 <- opt <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # get results
    res = object@results
    res = format(res, big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = ".")
    colnames(res) = c("Step", "Type", "#N In", "#N Out", "%", "Options")

    flowNode = res %>%
        mutate(x = 0, y = n():1) %>%
        mutate(y = y *2) %>%
        mutate(xmin = x - 0.45,
               xmax = x + 0.45,
               ymin = y - 0.65,
               ymax = y + 0.65) %>%
        mutate(Type = as.factor(Type)) %>%

    df = res %>%
        mutate(from = Step, to = lead(Step)) %>%

    flowEdges = df %>% dplyr::select(from, to) %>%
        mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
        pivot_longer(cols = c("from", "to"),
                     names_to = "s_e",
                     values_to = "Step") %>%
        left_join(flowNode, by = "Step") %>%
        dplyr::select(-c(Step, Type, y, xmin, xmax)) %>%
        mutate(y = ifelse(s_e == "from", ymin, ymax)) %>%
        dplyr::select(-c(ymin, ymax, Options))

    flowArrowIn = flowNode %>%
        mutate(x2 = xmin -0.01, x1 = xmin -0.25, y2 = ymax -0.45, y1 = ymax +0.4) %>%
        mutate(`#N In` = paste0("#N=", `#N In`),`#N Out` = paste0("#N=", `#N Out`))

    flowArrowOut = flowNode %>%
        mutate(x1 = xmin -0.01, x2 = xmin -0.25, y1 = ymax -0.7, y2 = ymax -1.5) %>%
        mutate(`#N In` = paste0("#N=", `#N In`),`#N Out` = paste0("#N=", `#N Out`))

    flowOutLast = flowArrowIn %>% tail(1) %>%
        mutate(y1 = y1-2, y2 = y2-2)

        flowOption = flowNode %>%
            separate(Options, sep = ",", into = c("opt")) %>% # throws a warning, that additional columns are dropped
            mutate(x2 = xmax+0.25, x1 = xmax +0.25, y2 = ymax -1, y1 = ymax -0.65)

        flowOptionArrow = flowNode %>%
            separate(Options, sep = ",", into = c("opt")) %>% # throws a warning, that additional columns are dropped
            mutate(x2 = xmax+0.01, x1 = xmax +0.25, y2 = ymax -0.85, y1 = ymax -0.65)

    if (!is.null(object@params$estimateBsWidth) |
        !is.null(object@params$calculateSignalToFlankScore)) {
        cols = c("#F2D7D9", "#D3CEDF", "#ECE5C7", "#9CB4CC")
    } else {
        cols = c("#F2D7D9", "#D3CEDF", "#9CB4CC")

    p = ggplot() +
        geom_rect(data = flowNode, aes(xmin = xmin, ymin = ymin, xmax = xmax, ymax = ymax, fill = Type), color = "#4d4d4d") +
        geom_text(data = flowNode, aes(x = x, y = y, label = Step), color = "#585c45", size = size.all) +
        geom_path(data = flowEdges,
                  mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, group = id),
                  colour = "#585c45",
                  arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm"), type = "closed")) +
        geom_curve(data = flowArrowIn, aes(x = x1, y = y1, xend = x2, yend = y2),
                   arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.2, "cm"), type = "closed"), size = 0.4,
                   color = "gray20", curvature = -0.2) +
        geom_curve(data = flowArrowOut, aes(x = x1, y = y1, xend = x2, yend = y2),
                   arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.2, "cm"), type = "closed"), size = 0.4,
                   color = "gray20", curvature = -0.2) +
        geom_label(data = flowArrowIn, aes(x = x1, y = y1, label = `#N In`), size = size.all, hjust = 1, color = "#4d4d4d", fill = "#EDEDED") +
        geom_label(data = flowOutLast, aes(x = x1, y = y1, label = `#N Out`), size = size.all, hjust = 1, color = "#4d4d4d", fill = "#EDEDED") +
        xlim(-1.3,1.3) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
        theme_void() +
        labs(title = "BindingSiteFinder Flowchart",
             subtitle = "Use the function processingStepsTable(), with option=extended to get a table with the full overview of all options that \nwere used. ",
             fill = "") +
        theme(legend.position = "bottom",
              plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, color = "#748DA6", size = 20, face = "bold"),
              plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "#748DA6", size = 8, face = "italic")) +
        geom_label(data = flowOption, aes(x = x1, y = y1, label = opt), size = size.all, hjust = 0, color = "#4d4d4d", fill = "#EDEDED", fontface = "italic") +
        geom_curve(data = flowOptionArrow, aes(x = x1, y = y1, xend = x2, yend = y2),
                   arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.2, "cm"), type = "closed"), size = 0.4,
                   color = "gray20", curvature = -0.2)


#' Binding site definedness plot
#' Binding site definedness is given by the percent of crosslinks that fall
#' diretly inside the binding site compare to those around the binding site.
#' This plotting function shows the distribution of those percentage values
#' grouped by what is indicated in the \code{by} argument.
#' If \code{by} = 'all', then all binding site are grouped into one distribution.
#' For options 'transcript_region' and 'gene_type' binding sites are split into
#' groups according to the respective assignment. This requires that the respective
#' assignment function was executed on the dataset prior to calling this plot function.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @param by character; the option by which the plot should be grouped by.
#' Options are: "all", "transcript_region", "gene_type"
#' @param showN.genes numeric; if \code{by} is `gene_type`, then this argument
#' set the maximum number of groups to be shown in the plot
#' @param show.others logical; whether to show 'others' category.
#' @return a plot of type \code{\link{ggplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{BSFind}}, \code{\link{calculateSignalToFlankScore}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggdist stat_halfeye
#' @importFrom dplyr tally
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[2])
#' bds = BSFind(bds, anno.genes = gns, anno.transcriptRegionList = regions,
#'  est.subsetChromosome = "chr22")
#' bds = calculateSignalToFlankScore(bds)
#' bindingSiteDefinednessPlot(bds)
#' @export
bindingSiteDefinednessPlot <- function(
        by = c("all", "transcript_region", "gene_type"),
        showN.genes = 5,
        show.others = FALSE
) {
    # init local vairables
    transcriptRegion <- signalToFlankRatio <- geneType <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))

    if (is.null(object@params$calculateSignalToFlankScore)) {
        msg0 = paste0("Signal-to-flank ratio was not calculated yet. Run BSFind() or CalculateSignalToFlankScore() to compute values first. \n")

    # handle by options
    by = match.arg(by, choices = c("all", "transcript_region", "gene_type"))

    optstr = object@params$calculateSignalToFlankScore
    optstrNice = paste0("Flank=", optstr$flank)

    # get main plotting dataframe
    df = as.data.frame(mcols(getRanges(object)), row.names = NULL)

    # filter if needed
    if (!isTRUE(show.others)) {
        # remove other category to match raw plot with normalized plot
        df = subset(df, transcriptRegion != "OTHER")

    # Nice formatting of standard names
    df = df %>% mutate(transcriptRegion = ifelse(toupper(transcriptRegion) == "UTR3", "3'UTR",
                                                 ifelse(toupper(transcriptRegion) == "UTR5", "5'UTR",
                                                        ifelse(toupper(transcriptRegion) == "CDS", "CDS",
                                                               ifelse(toupper(transcriptRegion) == "INTRON", "Intron", transcriptRegion)))))

    # set plotting order based on frequency
    df.order = df %>% group_by(transcriptRegion) %>% tally() %>% arrange(desc(n))
    df$transcriptRegion = factor(df$transcriptRegion, levels = rev(df.order$transcriptRegion), ordered = TRUE)

    # check for what plotting options are available
    if (by == "transcript_region") {
        # check if option is really available
        if (is.null(object@params$assignToTranscriptRegions)) {
            msg0 = paste0("Transcript region assignment was not computed yet. Run BSFind() or assignToTranscriptRegions() to compute values first. \n")
        } else {
            # set color scheme
            cols = c("#A7D2CB", "#F2D388", "#C98474", "#874C62", "#576F72", "#B4CDE6", "#7D6E83", "#D0B8A8")
            cols = cols[1:nrow(df)]
            # make plot
            p = ggplot(df, aes(x = transcriptRegion, y = signalToFlankRatio)) +
                geom_boxplot(aes(color = transcriptRegion), width = .15, outlier.shape = NA) +
                ggdist::stat_halfeye(aes(fill = transcriptRegion), adjust = 1.5, width = .6, .width = 0, justification = -.2, point_colour = NA) +
                geom_boxplot(aes(color = transcriptRegion), width = .15, outlier.shape = NA) +
                scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
                scale_color_manual(values = cols) +
                theme_bw() +
                theme(legend.position = "none") +
                    title = "bindingSiteDefinednessPlot()",
                    subtitle = optstrNice,
                    x = "Transcript region",
                    y = "Percent bound"
                )  +
                ylim(0,1) +
                geom_hline(yintercept = mean(df$signalToFlankRatio), linetype = "dashed", color = "#696969") +
    if (by == "gene_type") {
        # check if option is really available
        if (is.null(object@params$assignToGenes)) {
            msg0 = paste0("Assignment to genes was not applied yet. Run BSFind() or assigneToGenes() to compute values first. \n")
        } else {
            selGroup = df %>%
                group_by(geneType) %>%
                summarise(n = n()) %>%
                arrange(desc(n)) %>%
                slice_head(n = showN.genes) %>%

            df = df %>% filter(geneType %in% selGroup) %>%
                mutate(geneType  = factor(geneType, levels = rev(selGroup)))

            #  set color scheme
            colfunc = colorRampPalette(c("#cccccc", "#1a1a1a"))
            cols = colfunc(n = showN.genes)

            # make plot
            p = ggplot(df, aes(x = geneType, y = signalToFlankRatio)) +
                ggdist::stat_halfeye(aes(fill = geneType), adjust = 1.5,
                                     width = .6, .width = 0, justification = -.2,
                                     point_colour = NA, slab_color = "#202020",
                                     slab_linewidth = 0.5) +
                geom_boxplot(aes(fill = geneType), width = .15, outlier.shape = NA, color = "#202020") +
                scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
                scale_color_manual(values = cols) +
                theme_bw() +
                theme(legend.position = "none") +
                    title = "bindingSiteDefinednessPlot()",
                    subtitle = optstrNice,
                    x = "Gene type",
                    y = "Percent bound"
                )  +
                ylim(0,1) +
                geom_hline(yintercept = mean(df$signalToFlankRatio), linetype = "dashed", color = "#696969") +

    if (by == "all") {
        # make plot
        p = ggplot(df, aes(x = "Total", y = signalToFlankRatio)) +
            ggdist::stat_halfeye(color = "#696969", fill = "#D3D3D3", adjust = 1.5, width = .6, .width = 0, justification = -.2, point_colour = NA) +
            geom_boxplot(color = "#696969", fill = "#D3D3D3", width = .15, outlier.shape = NA) +
            theme_bw() +
            theme(legend.position = "none") +
                title = "bindingSiteDefinednessPlot()",
                subtitle = optstrNice,
                x = "All",
                y = "Percent bound"
            ) +
            ylim(0,1) +

#' Plot crosslink event coverage over binding site range
#' A diagnostic plot function that allows to check the coverage of crosslink
#' events over different merged regions. The coverage is shown as mean over all
#' replicates and conditions, with a standard deviation corridor.
#' If \code{object} is a single BSFDataObject a single coverage plot will be
#' drawn, whereas if it is a list of BSFDataObjects, then faceting is used to
#' make a plot for each list element.
#' @param object a BSFDataSet, or a list of BSFDataSet
#' @param width numeric; set the plotting range to show (in nt)
#' @param show.samples logical; to show individual samples as lines
#' @param subset.chromosome character; subset by a all ranges on the indicated
#' chromosome. Can also be a vector with multiple chromosomes. If NULL then all
#' ranges are being used.
#' @param quiet logical; whether to print messages
#' @return a plot of type \code{ggplot2} displaying the crosslink coverage over
#' the ranges of the given \code{\link{BSFDataSet}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{BSFDataSet}}, \code{\link{makeBindingSites}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom matrixStats colSds
#' @examples
#' # load data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' # plotting a single object
#' bds <- makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9, minWidth = 2,
#' minCrosslinks = 2, minClSites = 1)
#' rangeCoveragePlot(bds, subset.chromosome = "chr22")
#' # plotting multiple objects
#' bds1 <- makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 3, minWidth = 2,
#' minCrosslinks = 2, minClSites = 1, sub.chr = "chr22")
#' bds2 <- makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9, minWidth = 2,
#' minCrosslinks = 2, minClSites = 1, sub.chr = "chr22")
#' l = list(`1. bsSize = 3` = bds1, `2. bsSize = 9` = bds2)
#' rangeCoveragePlot(l, subset.chromosome = "chr22")
#' @export
rangeCoveragePlot <- function(object,
                              width = 20,
                              show.samples = FALSE,
                              subset.chromosome = "chr1",
                              quiet = TRUE
) {

    # bind locally used variables
    position <- sd <- xmin <- xmax <- ymin <- ymax <- NULL
    Sample <- value <- name <- NULL

    # make plot for individual object
    if (!is(object, "list")) {
        stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
        if (!is.numeric(width)) {
            stop("Plotting width has to be numeric")

        # check if subset is part of the seqnames from ranges
        checkRng = getRanges(object)
        if (!all(subset.chromosome %in% levels(seqnames(checkRng)))){
            msg = paste0("Chromosome to estimate on (", subset.chromosome, "), is not included in the ranges: ", paste(levels(seqnames(checkRng)), collapse = ", "))

        # limit estimation to a specific chromosome
        if (!is.null(subset.chromosome)) {
            redObj = .subsetByChr(object, chr = subset.chromosome, quiet = quiet)
        } else {
            redObj = object

        nSamples = nrow(getMeta(redObj))
        nBs = length(getRanges(redObj))
        bsSize = unique(width(getRanges(redObj)))
        rng = getRanges(redObj)
        rngResize = resize(rng, width = 1, fix = "center") + width
        newObj = setRanges(redObj, rngResize)

        optstrNice = paste0("#BS=", format(nBs, big.mark = ","), ", bsSize=", bsSize, ", chr=", subset.chromosome)

        # compute coverage
        cov = clipCoverage(newObj, samples.merge = FALSE, ranges.merge = FALSE,
                           positions.merge = TRUE, out.format = "data.frame", quiet = quiet)

        # main data frame to show
            df = data.frame(
                mean = colMeans(cov),
                sd = colSds(as.matrix(cov)),
                position = c(rev(-seq_len(width)), 0, seq_len(width))

        # make main plot
        p = ggplot() +
            annotate("rect", xmin = (-floor(bsSize / 2)), xmax = (floor(bsSize / 2)),
                     ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf, alpha = 0.3, color = "grey") +
            geom_ribbon(data = df, aes(x = position, ymin = mean - sd, ymax = mean + sd),
                        fill = "#8cb3d9") +
            geom_line(data = df, aes(x = position, y = mean), size = 1, color = "#2d5986") +
            theme_classic() +
                title = "rangeCoveragePlot()",
                subtitle = optstrNice,
                x = "Position relative to binding site center (nt)",
                y = "Number of crosslink events\n(dark blue = mean of replicates)"
            ) +
            theme(legend.position = "none")

        # add replicates to plot
        if (isTRUE(show.samples)) {
            # add sample
            dfReps = cov %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("Sample") %>%
                pivot_longer(-Sample) %>%
                mutate(position = rep(c(rev(-seq_len(width)), 0, seq_len(width)), nSamples))

            # annotate with sample names
            dfNames = dfReps %>% group_by(Sample) %>%
                filter(position == max(position))
            # set color scheme
            colfunc = colorRampPalette(c("#FFC3A1", "#A75D5D"))
            cols = colfunc(n = nSamples)

            p = p +
                scale_color_manual(values = cols) +
                geom_line(data = dfReps, aes(x = position, y = value, color = Sample)) +
                geom_text(data = dfNames, aes(x = position, y = value, label = Sample, color = Sample), nudge_x = 3) +
                theme(legend.position = "none")

    # make plot for a list of BSFDataSet objects
    if (is(object, "list")) {
        stopifnot(vapply(object, function(x) {
            is(x, "BSFDataSet")},
            FUN.VALUE = logical(1))

        objectNames = names(object)
        df = lapply(seq_along(object), function(x) {

            # check if subset is part of the seqnames from ranges
            checkRng = getRanges(object[[x]])
            if (!all(subset.chromosome %in% levels(seqnames(checkRng)))){
                msg = paste0("Chromosome to estimate on (", subset.chromosome, "), is not included in the ranges: ", paste(levels(seqnames(checkRng)), collapse = ", "))

            # limit estimation to a specific chromosome
            if (!is.null(subset.chromosome)) {
                redObj = .subsetByChr(object[[x]], chr = subset.chromosome, quiet = quiet)
            } else {
                redObj = object[[x]]

            # set correct ranges
            rngResize = resize(getRanges(redObj), width = 1, fix = "center") + width
            newObj = setRanges(redObj, rngResize)

            # compute coverage
            cov = clipCoverage(newObj, samples.merge = FALSE, ranges.merge = FALSE, positions.merge = TRUE, out.format = "data.frame")

            # main data frame to show
                df = data.frame(
                    mean = colMeans(cov),
                    sd = colSds(as.matrix(cov)),
                    position = c(rev(-seq_len(width)), 0, seq_len(width)),
                    name = objectNames[[x]]
            # add sample
            dfReps = cov %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("Sample") %>%
                pivot_longer(-Sample) %>%

            rownames(df) = NULL
            rownames(dfReps) = NULL

            df = cbind(df, dfReps)

        dfPlot = do.call(rbind, df)
        # annotate with sample names
        dfNames = dfPlot %>% group_by(Sample) %>%
            filter(position == max(position))

        bsSize = vapply(object, function(x) {
        }, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))

        dfFrame = data.frame(
            name = names(bsSize),
            xmin = (-floor(bsSize / 2)),
            xmax = (floor(bsSize / 2)),
            ymin = -Inf,
            ymax = Inf

        p = ggplot() +
            geom_rect(data = dfFrame, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax),
                      alpha = 0.2, color = "grey") +
            geom_ribbon(data = dfPlot, aes(x = position, ymin = mean - sd, ymax = mean + sd),
                        fill = "#8cb3d9") +
            geom_line(data = dfPlot, aes(x = position, y = mean), size = 1, color = "#2d5986") +
            theme_classic() +
                title = "rangeCoveragePlot()",
                x = "Position relative to binding site center (nt)",
                y = "Number of crosslink events\n(dark blue = mean of replicates)"
            ) +
            facet_wrap( ~name) +
            theme(legend.position = "none")

        if(isTRUE(show.samples)) {
            # set color scheme
            colfunc = colorRampPalette(c("#FFC3A1", "#A75D5D"))
            cols = colfunc(n = length(unique(dfPlot$Sample)))

            p = p +
                geom_line(data = dfPlot, aes(x = position, y = value, color = Sample)) +
                geom_text(data = dfNames, aes(x = position, y = value, label = Sample, color = Sample), nudge_x = 3, size = 3) +
                scale_color_manual(values = cols)+
                theme(legend.position = "none")

#' Plot summarized results of the different binding site merging and filtering
#' steps
#' Bar charts produced for the different filter steps in the binding site
#' merging routine. Depending on the selected option (\code{select}) all or
#' only a user defined filter can be shown.
#' If \code{object} is a single BSFDataObject a single coverage plot will be
#' drawn, whereas if it is a list of BSFDataObjects, then faceting is used to
#' make a plot for each list element.
#' @param object a BSFDataObject, with the makeBindingSites function already run
#' @param select one of "all", "filter", "inputRanges",
#' "minCLSites", "mergeCrosslinkSites", "minCrosslinks",
#' "centerIsClSite" or "centerIsSummit".
#' Defines which parameter is selected for plotting.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to ggplot
#' @return a plot of type ggplot after the \code{\link{makeBindingSites}}
#' function was run
#' @import ggplot2
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeBindingSites}}
#' @examples
#' # load data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' # plotting a single object
#' bds0 <- makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9, minWidth = 2,
#' minCrosslinks = 2, minClSites = 1)
#' mergeSummaryPlot(bds0)
#' # plotting mulitple obejcts
#' bds1 <- makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9, minWidth = 2,
#' minCrosslinks = 2, minClSites = 1, sub.chr = "chr22")
#' bds2 <- makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9, minWidth = 2,
#' minCrosslinks = 2, minClSites = 3, sub.chr = "chr22")
#' l = list(`1. bsSize = 3` = bds1, `2. bsSize = 9` = bds2)
#' mergeSummaryPlot(l, width = 20)
#' @export
mergeSummaryPlot <- function(object,
                             select = c(
                             ...) {
    # bind locally used variables
    Option <- nRanges <- name <- NULL

    # make plot if only a single summary is given
    if (!is(object, "list")) {
        stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
        smry = getSummary(object)
        # filter not possible if only a single summary is given
        select = "all"
        df = smry
        df$Option = factor(df$Option, levels = c(df$Option))
        p = ggplot(df, aes(
            x = Option,
            y = nRanges,
            fill = Option
        ), ...) +
            geom_col() +
            scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
            theme_classic() +
            theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90),
                  legend.position = "none") +
            ggtitle("Processing steps")

    # make plot if a list of summaries is give
    if (is(object, "list")) {
        select = match.arg(
            choices = c(

        stopifnot(all(vapply(object, function(o) {
            (is(o, "BSFDataSet"))},
            FUN.VALUE = logical(1))))

        smry = lapply(object, getSummary)
        df = do.call("rbind", smry)
        df$name = rep(names(smry), each = 6)
        df$Option = factor(df$Option, levels = c(smry[[1]][[1]]))
        if (select == "all") {
            p = ggplot(df, aes(
                x = Option,
                y = nRanges,
                fill = Option
            ), ...) +
                geom_col() +
                scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                theme_classic() +
                theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90),
                      legend.position = "none") +
                facet_wrap( ~ name) +
                ggtitle("Processing steps")
        if (select == "filter") {
            df = df[df$Option != c("inputRanges", "mergeCrosslinkSites"), ]
            p = ggplot(df, aes(
                x = Option,
                y = nRanges,
                fill = Option
            ), ...) +
                geom_col() +
                scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                theme_classic() +
                theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90),
                      legend.position = "none") +
                facet_wrap( ~ name) +
                ggtitle("Filtering options")
        if (select == "inputRanges" |
            select == "mergeCrosslinkSites" |
            select == "minCrosslinks" |
            select == "centerIsClSite" |
            select == "centerIsSummit" | select == "minClSites") {
            df = df[df$Option == c(select), ]
            p = ggplot(df, aes(
                x = name,
                y = nRanges,
                fill = name
            ), ...length()) +
                geom_col() +
                scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                theme_classic() +
                theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90),
                      legend.position = "none") +



#' Plot to that shows how many replicates support each binding site
#' Plotting function for settings specified in
#' \code{\link{reproducibilityFilter}}.
#' @param object a BSFDataSet object
#' @param cutoff a vector of length = 1, or of length = levels(meta$conditions)
#' with a single number (between 0-1) indicating the quantile cutoff
#' @param min.crosslinks numeric of length = 1, defines the lower boundary for
#' the minimum number of crosslinks a binding site has to be supported by all
#' replicates, regardless of the replicate specific quantile threshold
#' @param max.range maximum number of crosslinks per sites that should be shown
#' @param ... further arguments passed to ggplot
#' @return a plot of type \code{ggplot2} showing the per replicate
#' reproducibility cutoffs based on a given quantile threshold
#' @seealso \code{\link{reproducibilityFilter}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggforce geom_mark_rect
#' @examples
#' # load data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' # merge binding sites
#' bds <- makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9, minWidth = 2,
#' minCrosslinks = 2, minClSites = 1)
#' # use the same cutoff for both conditions
#' suppressWarnings(reproducibilityCutoffPlot(bds, max.range = 20, cutoff = c(0.05)))
#' # use different cutoffs for each condition
#' suppressWarnings(reproducibilityCutoffPlot(bds, max.range = 20, cutoff = c(0.1)))
#' @export
reproducibilityCutoffPlot <-
             cutoff = 0.05,
             min.crosslinks = 1,
             max.range = 20,
             ...) {

        # bind locally used variables
        value <- name <- condition <- applyTo <- NULL

        # deprecation notice

        stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))

        cond = getMeta(object)$condition
        df = coverageOverRanges(
            object, returnOptions = "merge_positions_keep_replicates",
            quiet = TRUE)
        df = as.data.frame(mcols(df))

        if (length(cutoff) == 1) {
            if(length(levels(cond)) > 1) {
                stop("Only one cutoff is given for multiple conditions.")
            # calculate sample specific thresholds
            qSel = .selectQuantilesSingleCondtion(
                covDf = df,
                userCond = cond,
                userNreps = 1,
                userCutoff = cutoff
            # apply minimal crosslink threshold
            qSel$value = ifelse(qSel$value < min.crosslinks,
                                qSel$value + min.crosslinks, qSel$value)

            # prepare objects for plotting
            df[df > max.range] = max.range
            df = df %>% pivot_longer(everything())
            df$condition = vapply(strsplit(df$name, "_"), `[`, 2,
                                  FUN.VALUE = character(1))

            qSel$lower = ifelse(qSel$value == min.crosslinks, TRUE, FALSE)

            p = ggplot(df,
                       aes(x = value, group = name)) +
                scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
                scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
                geom_bar(fill = "#2d5986", color = "#2d5986") +
                facet_wrap( ~name, scales = "free_x") +
                geom_vline(data = qSel,
                           aes(xintercept = value, group = name),
                           color = "darkgrey", size = 1.5) +
                theme_classic() +
                geom_label(data = qSel, aes(x = value, y = 1, label = value)) +
                    title = paste0(paste(paste0("Cutoff: ", unique(qSel$per), " ",
                                                unique(qSel$sel)), collapse = "; "),
                                   "; min.crosslinks = ", min.crosslinks),
                    x = "Crosslinks per site",
                    y = "Number of sites",
                    fill = "condition"

        if (length(cutoff) > 1) {
            if (length(levels(cond)) == 1) {
                stop("Multiple cutoffs are given but only one condition exists")
            # calculate sample specific thresholds
            qSel = .selectQuantilesMultipleConditions(
                covDf = df,
                userCond = cond,
                userNreps = 1,
                userCutoff = cutoff
            # apply minimal crosslink threshold
            qSel$value = ifelse(qSel$value < min.crosslinks,
                                qSel$value + min.crosslinks, qSel$value)

            # prepare objects for plotting
            df[df > max.range] = max.range
            df = df %>% pivot_longer(everything())
            df$condition = vapply(strsplit(df$name, "_"), `[`, 2,
                                  FUN.VALUE = character(1))
            idx = match(df$condition, unique(cond))
            df$cutoff = cutoff[idx]
            rectDf = data.frame(
                condition = cond,
                name = unique(df$name),
                value = 1
            qSel$lower = ifelse(qSel$value == min.crosslinks, TRUE, FALSE)

            p = ggplot(df,
                       aes(x = value, group = name)) +
                geom_rect(data = rectDf,
                          aes(xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf,
                              fill = condition), alpha = 0.3) +
                scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
                # scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
                geom_bar(fill = "#2d5986", color = "#2d5986") +
                facet_wrap( ~name, scales = "free_x") +
                geom_vline(data = qSel,
                           aes(xintercept = value, group = name,
                               color = applyTo), size = 1.5) +
                theme_classic() +
                geom_label(data = qSel, aes(x = value, y = 1, label = value)) +
                    title = paste0(paste(paste0("Cutoff: ", unique(qSel$per), " ",
                                                unique(qSel$sel)), collapse = "; "),
                                   "; min.crosslinks = ", min.crosslinks),
                    x = "Crosslinks per site",
                    y = "Number of sites",
                    fill = "condition"
                ) +

#' Plot that shows the binding site support ratio
#' Function that shows a ratio to determine how well a given binding
#' site with is supported by the crosslink coverage of the data.
#' Ratios are computed using the \code{\link{supportRatio}} function.
#' The higher the ratio, the more does the given binding site width captures
#' the enrichment of crosslinks compared the the local surrounding. A ratio
#' equal to 1 would mean no enrichemnt at all.
#' @param object a BSFDataSet object
#' @param bsWidths a numeric vector indicating the different binding site
#' width to compute the ratio for
#' @param bsFlank optional; a numeric vector of the same length as
#' \code{bsWidth} used to specify the width of the flanking regions
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{makeBindingSites}
#' @return an object of class \code{ggplot2}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' # load data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' suppressWarnings(supportRatioPlot(bds, bsWidths = c(3,7),
#' minWidth = 1, minClSites = 1, minCrosslinks = 2))
#' @export
supportRatioPlot <- function(object, bsWidths, bsFlank = NA, ...){
    # deprecation notice

    df = supportRatio(object, bsWidths, bsFlank, ...)

    p = ggplot(df, aes(x = bsWidths, y = supportRatio, group = 1)) +
        geom_point() +
        geom_line() +
            title = "Binding site widths signal ratios",
            x = "Binding site widths",
            y = "Signal to flank ratio"
        ) +

#' Plot that shows binding site reproducibility as scatter
#' Function compute the number of crosslinks per binding site on a log2 scale
#' for each sample. Samples are pairwise correlated as a scatter and pairwise
#' pearson correlation is shown.
#' Unlike most plotting functions, this function is actively calculating the
#' values to plot.
#' @param object a BSFDataSet object
#' @param quiet logical; whether to print messages
#' @return an object of class \code{ggplot2}
#' @seealso \code{\link{BSFind}},
#' \code{\link{reproducibilityFilter}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' # load data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' bds <- makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9, minWidth = 2,
#' minCrosslinks = 2, minClSites = 3, sub.chr = "chr22")
#' reproducibilityScatterPlot(bds)
#' @export
reproducibilityScatterPlot <- function(object,
                                       quiet = FALSE

    # bind locally used variables
    what <- NULL

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))

    if (is.null(object@params$reproducibilityFilter)) {
        what = "BEFORE"
        msg1 = paste0("Reproducibility filter was not applied yet.\n")
        msg2 = paste0("Correlations are shown BEFORE reproducibility filtering.\n")
        msg3 = paste0("Run BSFind() or reproducibilityFilter() to show correlations AFTER reproducibility filtering.\n")
        if (!quiet) message(c(msg1, msg2, msg3))
    } else {
        what = "AFTER"
        msg1 = paste0("Reproducibility filter was applied.\n")
        msg2 = paste0("Correlations are shown AFTER reproducibility filtering.\n")
        if (!quiet) message(c(msg1, msg2))
    cov = coverageOverRanges(object, returnOptions = "merge_positions_keep_replicates")
    df = as.data.frame(mcols(cov))
    df = log2(df+1)
    max.value = max(df)
    p = GGally::ggpairs(df,
                        upper = list(continuous = .pairsCorColor),
                        lower = list(continuous = GGally::wrap(.parisCorrelationPlot, max.value = max.value)),
                        diag = list(continuous = .pairsDensity),
                        progress = quiet) +
        labs(title = "reproducibilityScatterPlot()",
             subtitle = paste0("Correlations are ", what, " reproducibility filter was applied."))


#' Quick figures
#' Summarize all results in a set of quick figures. Depending on how the
#' function is called a different set of analytic plots are arranged into
#' either a 'main' or 'supplementary' type multi-panel figure.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @param what character; the plotting option. One of: 'main', 'supp'
#' @param save.filename File name to create on the disc
#' @param save.width numeric; plot size width
#' @param save.height numeric; plot size height
#' @param save.device charcter; Device to use. One of: 'pdf', 'png', ...
#' @param quiet whether to print messages
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggsave}}
#' @return a plot
#' @seealso \code{\link{BSFind}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[2])
#' bds = BSFind(bds, anno.genes = gns, anno.transcriptRegionList = regions,
#'  est.subsetChromosome = "chr22")
#' quickFigure(bds)
#' @export
quickFigure <- function(object,
                        what = c("main", "supp"),
                        save.filename = NULL, # if it is NULL, then plot to normal device, if it is a path, then plot to the path
                        save.width = 10,
                        save.height = 12,
                        save.device = "pdf",
                        quiet = TRUE,
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))

    # handle options
    what = match.arg(what, choices = c("main", "supp"))

    # setting ggplot local theme
    theme_clean <- theme(
        plot.title = element_blank(),
        plot.subtitle = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 6),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 6)

    if (what == "main") {

        # overview
        p1 = processingStepsFlowChart(object, size.all = 2) +
            theme(plot.title = element_blank(),
                  plot.subtitle = element_blank())

        # binding sites
        p2 = estimateBsWidthPlot(object) + theme_clean
        p3 = reproducibilitySamplesPlot(object, text.size = 6, show.title = FALSE)
        p3 = ggplotify::as.grob(p3)
        # targets and assignment
        p4 = targetGeneSpectrumPlot(object, text.size = 2) + theme_clean
        p5 = transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot(object, normalize = TRUE, values = "percentage", normalize.factor = "median", text.size = 2) + theme_clean
        p6 = bindingSiteDefinednessPlot(object, by = "transcript_region") + theme_clean

        # stitch plots into patch

        pl = list(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)
        patch = patchwork::wrap_plots(pl)

        # set layout
        layout <- "

        # annotate patches
        patch = patch + patchwork::plot_layout(guides = "collect", design = layout) &
            theme(legend.position = "bottom",
                  legend.title = element_blank(),
                  legend.text = element_text(size = 6))  &
            theme(legend.key.size = unit(3,"mm")) &
            guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE))
        patch = patch +
                title = paste0("Binding spectrum of: ", getName(object)),
                subtitle = "Disclaimer: This is an auto generated figure, handle with care.",
                caption = paste0("Binding spectrum of: ", getName(object), "\n",
                                 "A) processingStepsFlowChart, B) estimateBsWidthPlot,
                                 C) reproducibilitySamplesPlot, D) targetGeneSpectrumPlot,
                                 E) transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot, F) bindingSiteDefinednessPlot"),
                tag_levels = "A"

    if (what == "supp") {
        # binding site definition
        p1 = pureClipGlobalFilterPlot(object) + theme_clean
        p2 = duplicatedSitesPlot(object) + theme_clean
        p3 = mergeCrosslinkDiagnosticsPlot(object) + theme_clean
        p4 = makeBsSummaryPlot(object) + theme_clean
        p5 = globalScorePlot(object) + theme_clean
        # targets and assignment
        p6 = reproducibilityFilterPlot(object) + theme_clean
        p7 = reproducibilityScatterPlot(object, quiet = quiet) + theme_clean

        p8 = geneOverlapsPlot(object, text.size = 6, show.title = FALSE)
        p9 = transcriptRegionOverlapsPlot(object, text.size = 6, show.title = FALSE)

        p = reproducibilitySamplesPlot(object, text.size = 6, show.title = FALSE)

        p7 = patchwork::wrap_elements(GGally::ggmatrix_gtable(p7))
        p8 = ggplotify::as.grob(p8)
        p9 = ggplotify::as.grob(p9)

        # stitch plots into patch
        pl = list(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9)
        patch = patchwork::wrap_plots(pl)

        # patch = p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 +
        #     p6  + patchwork::wrap_elements(GGally::ggmatrix_gtable(p7)) +
        #     ggplotify::as.grob(p8) + ggplotify::as.grob(p9)

        # set layout
        layout <- "

        patch = patch + patchwork::plot_layout(guides = "collect", design = layout) &
            theme(legend.position = "right",
                  legend.title = element_blank(),
                  legend.text = element_text(size = 6))  &
            theme(legend.key.size = unit(3,"mm")) &
            guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE))
        patch = patch +
                title = paste0("Binding spectrum of: ", getName(object)),
                subtitle = "Disclaimer: This is an auto generated figure, handle with care.",
                caption = paste0("Binding spectrum of: ", getName(object), "\n",
                                 "A) pureClipGlobalFilterPlot, B) duplicatedSitesPlot, C) mergeCrosslinkDiagnosticsPlot,
                                 D) makeBsSummaryPlot, E) globalScorePlot, F) reproducibilityFilterPlot,
                                 G) reproducibilityScatterPlot, H) geneOverlapsPlot, I) transcriptRegionOverlapsPlot"),
                tag_levels = "A"


    # manage output
    if (is.null(save.filename)) {
    } else {
        ggsave(filename = save.filename, plot = patch,
               width = save.width, height = save.height,
               device = save.device, ...)
ZarnackGroup/BindingSiteFinder documentation built on Nov. 24, 2024, 10:41 a.m.