#' @importFrom stats quantile
.selectQuantilesMultipleConditions <-
function(covDf, userCond, userNreps, userCutoff) {
# bind locally used variables
per <- applyTo <- NULL
# construct general cutoff matrix in 1% steps
q = as.data.frame(apply(covDf, 2, function(x) {
quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01))
q$cut = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
q$per = rownames(q)
# select that part of q that was chosen by user
qSel = q[q$cut %in% userCutoff, ]
applyDf = data.frame(levels(userCond), userCutoff)
# applyDf = data.frame(levels(userCond), userCutoff, userCond)
idx = match(qSel$cut, applyDf$userCutoff)
qSel$applyTo = applyDf$levels.userCond.[idx]
qSel = qSel %>% pivot_longer(-c(cut, per, applyTo))
qSel$sel = vapply(strsplit(qSel$name, "_"), `[`, 2,
FUN.VALUE = character(1))
if (length(unique(userCutoff)) > 1) {
qSel = qSel[qSel$applyTo == qSel$sel, ]
# add n.reps support to df
nRepsDf = data.frame(defaultNreps = userNreps, applyTo = levels(userCond))
idx = match(qSel$sel, nRepsDf$applyTo)
qSel$defaultNreps = nRepsDf$defaultNreps[idx]
#' @importFrom stats quantile
.selectQuantilesSingleCondtion <-
function(covDf, userCond, userNreps, userCutoff) {
# bind locally used variables
per <- NULL
# construct general cutoff matrix in 1% steps
q = as.data.frame(apply(covDf, 2, function(x) {
quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01))
q$cut = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
q$per = rownames(q)
# select that part of q that was chosen by user
qSel = q[q$cut %in% userCutoff, ]
qSel = qSel %>% pivot_longer(-c(cut, per))
qSel$sel = vapply(strsplit(qSel$name, "_"), `[`, 2,
FUN.VALUE = character(1))
# add n.reps support to df
nRepsDf = data.frame(defaultNreps = userNreps, applyTo = levels(userCond))
idx = match(qSel$sel, nRepsDf$applyTo)
qSel$defaultNreps = nRepsDf$defaultNreps[idx]
qSel$value = round(qSel$value, digits = 0)
#' @importFrom stats median
.computeSupportRatio <- function(object, flankSize){
stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
if(! length(flankSize) == 1) {
stop("flankSize must be a single integer value. ")
if (! is.numeric(flankSize)) {
stop("flankSize needs to be numeric. ")
if (round(flankSize) != flankSize) {
stop("flankSize is not an integer. ")
c0 = rowSums(as.data.frame(mcols(coverageOverRanges(
object, returnOptions = "merge_positions_keep_replicates",
quiet = TRUE))))
objMod = object
objMod = suppressMessages(setRanges(objMod, getRanges(object) + flankSize))
c1 = rowSums(as.data.frame(mcols(coverageOverRanges(
objMod, returnOptions = "merge_positions_keep_replicates",
quiet = TRUE))))
# use 0.1 as pseudocount for the score
score = c0 / (((c1 - c0) + 0.1) / 2)
# report median over all binding sites
score = median(score)
.resolveGeneOverlapsWithRule <- function(rng, ols, rule, selectID, selectName, selectType) {
# initialize local variables
bsIndex <- geneType <- choice <- NULL
# takes a Hits object from the binding site and gene annotation matching
# and a rule by which binding sites on multiple genes are matched
# and the initial ranges
# returns the initial binding site ranges with matched gene info
# check if input is complete
# -> note that selectType cannot be missing since then this option is not
# available !!!
if (is.null(selectID)) {
# the gene_id is missing
olsInfo = data.frame(geneIndex = queryHits(ols),
bsIndex = subjectHits(ols),
geneName = selectName[queryHits(ols)],
geneType = selectType[queryHits(ols)]) %>%
group_by(bsIndex) %>%
arrange(bsIndex) %>%
mutate(choice = rule$idx[match(geneType, rule$gene_type)]) %>%
arrange(choice, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
slice_head(n = 1)
# matching index
idx = match(rng$currIdx, olsInfo$bsIndex)
# handle intergenic cases
rngIntergenic = rng[which(is.na(idx))]
rngIntergenic$geneName = NA
rngIntergenic$geneType = "Intergenic"
# handle normal cases
rngRest = rng[countOverlaps(rng, rngIntergenic) == 0]
rngRest$geneName[idx[!is.na(idx)]] = olsInfo$geneName
rngRest$geneType[idx[!is.na(idx)]] = olsInfo$geneType
if (is.null(selectName)) {
# the gene_name is missing
olsInfo = data.frame(geneIndex = queryHits(ols),
bsIndex = subjectHits(ols),
geneID = selectID[queryHits(ols)],
geneType = selectType[queryHits(ols)]) %>%
group_by(bsIndex) %>%
arrange(bsIndex) %>%
mutate(choice = rule$idx[match(geneType, rule$gene_type)]) %>%
arrange(choice, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
slice_head(n = 1)
# matching index
idx = match(rng$currIdx, olsInfo$bsIndex)
# handle intergenic cases
rngIntergenic = rng[which(is.na(idx))]
rngIntergenic$geneID = NA
rngIntergenic$geneType = "Intergenic"
# handle normal cases
rngRest = rng[countOverlaps(rng, rngIntergenic) == 0]
rngRest$geneID[idx[!is.na(idx)]] = olsInfo$geneID
rngRest$geneType[idx[!is.na(idx)]] = olsInfo$geneType
if (! is.null(selectID) & ! is.null(selectName)) {
# everything is in place
olsInfo = data.frame(geneIndex = queryHits(ols),
bsIndex = subjectHits(ols),
geneID = selectID[queryHits(ols)],
geneName = selectName[queryHits(ols)],
geneType = selectType[queryHits(ols)]) %>%
group_by(bsIndex) %>%
arrange(bsIndex) %>%
mutate(choice = rule$idx[match(geneType, rule$gene_type)]) %>%
arrange(choice, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
slice_head(n = 1)
# matching index
idx = match(rng$currIdx, olsInfo$bsIndex)
# handle intergenic cases
rngIntergenic = rng[which(is.na(idx))]
rngIntergenic$geneID = NA
rngIntergenic$geneName = NA
rngIntergenic$geneType = "Intergenic"
# handle normal cases
rngRest = rng[countOverlaps(rng, rngIntergenic) == 0]
rngRest$geneID[idx[!is.na(idx)]] = olsInfo$geneID
rngRest$geneName[idx[!is.na(idx)]] = olsInfo$geneName
rngRest$geneType[idx[!is.na(idx)]] = olsInfo$geneType
rng = .sortRanges(c(rngIntergenic, rngRest))
# approximate by one round of inital binding site merging
# approximate by center given by highest number of stacked crosslinks
.approximateBindingSites_medium <- function(rng, sgn, bsSize, minWidth) {
# approximate binding sites by first iteration of merging
res = .mergeCrosslinkSites(
rng = rng,
sgn = sgn,
bsSize = bsSize,
minWidth = minWidth,
computeOption = "simple"
rng = res$rng
rng$bsSize = bsSize
# approximate center by highest pureclip score
#' @importFrom IRanges extractList
.approximateBindingSites_coarse <- function(rng, bsSize, minWidth) {
# initialize variables locally
i <- group <- NULL
### Merge peaks for given bs size
redRegion = reduce(rng, min.gapwidth = 1, with.revmap = TRUE)
redRegion = redRegion[width(redRegion) >= minWidth]
mcols(redRegion)$id = seq_along(redRegion)
scoresPerRedRegion = extractList(mcols(rng), redRegion$revmap)
names(scoresPerRedRegion) = seq_along(scoresPerRedRegion)
scoresPerRedRegion = unlist(scoresPerRedRegion)
scoresPerRedRegion$group = rownames(scoresPerRedRegion)
idx = scoresPerRedRegion %>% as.data.frame() %>%
group_by(group) %>% summarise(i = which.max(score)) %>%
mutate(group = as.numeric(group)) %>% arrange(group)
# Convert the GRanges object to a data frame
redRegionDf <- data.frame(seqnames = seqnames(redRegion),
start = start(redRegion),
end = end(redRegion),
strand = strand(redRegion),
group = redRegion$id,
i = idx$i) %>%
mutate(center = start + i -1)
rngNew = GRanges(seqnames = redRegionDf$seqnames, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = redRegionDf$center, width = floor(bsSize/2)),
strand = redRegionDf$strand, bsSize = bsSize)
.findFirstMaximum <- function(x, est.minimumStepGain){
est.option <- df.global <- bsFirstDrop <- idxFirstDrop <- bsSize <- NULL
localEstimates <- est.option <- est.bsSize <- est.geneFilter <- NULL
signalToFlankRatio <- ms <- growth_per <- increaseOverMin <- geneWiseFilter <- NULL
df.global = x %>%
group_by(bsSize) %>%
summarise(ms = mean(signalToFlankRatio), sd = sd(signalToFlankRatio)) %>%
mutate(geneWiseFilter = "mean") %>%
mutate(growth_per = (ms / dplyr::lag(ms)) - 1) %>%
mutate(increase = growth_per > 0) %>%
mutate(increaseOverMin = (growth_per) >= est.minimumStepGain) %>%
# check for minimum increase
if (all(!df.global$increaseOverMin)) {
# no size leads to score increase larger than est.minimumStepGain
# -> trigger local estimation
localEstimates = .findFirstMaximum_local(x, est.minimumStepGain)
est.option = localEstimates$option
est.bsSize = localEstimates$est.bsSize
est.geneFilter = localEstimates$est.geneFilter
} else {
# at lease one size leads to score increase larger than est.minimumStepGain
# -> trigger global estimation
# finde die zeile in der ein TRUE auf ein FALSE folgt
bsFirstDrop = df.global %>%
filter(increaseOverMin == FALSE & dplyr::lag(increaseOverMin, default = TRUE) == TRUE) %>%
# check for no possible maximum
if (length(bsFirstDrop) == 0) {
est.option = "error"
res = list(est.bsSize = est.bsSize, est.geneFilter = est.geneFilter, est.option = est.option)
} else {
bsFirstDrop = max(bsFirstDrop)
# firstMax = which(df.global$increaseOverMin == TRUE)[1]
# df.current = df.global %>% slice(1:firstMax)
# firstDrop = which(df.global$increaseOverMin == FALSE)[1]
if (is.na(bsFirstDrop)) {
localEstimates = .findFirstMaximum_local(x, est.minimumStepGain)
est.option = localEstimates$option
est.bsSize = localEstimates$est.bsSize
est.geneFilter = localEstimates$est.geneFilter
} else {
# pull bsSize
idxFirstDrop = which(df.global$bsSize == bsFirstDrop)
est.bsSize = df.global %>% slice(idxFirstDrop-1) %>% pull(bsSize)
est.geneFilter = x %>%
filter(bsSize == est.bsSize & signalToFlankRatio >= df.global$ms[df.global$bsSize == est.bsSize]) %>%
arrange(geneWiseFilter) %>%
slice_head(n = 1) %>%
# set option
est.option = "global"
res = list(est.bsSize = est.bsSize, est.geneFilter = est.geneFilter, est.option = est.option)
.findFirstMaximum_local <- function(x, est.minimumStepGain) {
df.local <- option <- est.bsSize <- est.geneFilter <- NULL
geneWiseFilter <- signalToFlankRatio <- growth_per <- increase <- bsSize <- NULL
df.local = x %>%
group_by(geneWiseFilter) %>%
mutate(growth_per = (signalToFlankRatio / dplyr::lag(signalToFlankRatio)) - 1) %>%
mutate(increase = growth_per > 0) %>%
mutate(increaseOverMin = (growth_per) >= est.minimumStepGain) %>%
if (any(df.local$increase)) {
# check if at any point an increase of the curve was found
# -> if so take it as anchor
df.curr = df.local %>%
filter(increase == TRUE) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(growth_per == max(growth_per))
# pull bsSize
est.bsSize = df.curr %>% pull(bsSize)
# pull geneWiseFilter
est.geneFilter = df.curr %>% pull(geneWiseFilter)
# set option
option = "local"
if (all(!df.local$increase)) {
# check if there is not a single increase in the curve at any point
# -> if so use the overall maximum as anchor
# pull bsSize
est.bsSize = df.local$bsSize[which.max(df.local$signalToFlankRatio)]
# pull geneWiseFilter
est.geneFilter = df.local$geneWiseFilter[which.max(df.local$signalToFlankRatio)]
# set option
option = "fallback"
# return results
res = list(option = option, est.bsSize = est.bsSize, est.geneFilter = est.geneFilter)
.calcNormalizeFactors <- function(object, rng, trl, normalize.exclude.lower,
# ---
# Checks
# ---
# compute normalization factors for only those regions that actually have binding sites
this.trl = trl[toupper(names(trl)) %in% toupper(unique(rng$transcriptRegion))]
# ---
# Hosting
# ---
# -> compute width for all ranges that overlap with at least one binding site
w.hosting = lapply(seq_along(this.trl), function(x){
# get all relevant width
curr.width = width(reduce(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(this.trl[[x]], rng)))
# find upper and lower boundary cutoffs
currIdx = findInterval(curr.width, vec = quantile(x = curr.width, probs = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.01)), all.inside = TRUE)
seqs = seq(from = 0.01, to = 1, by = 0.01)
names(seqs) = seq_along(seqs)
idxRemoveLower = as.numeric(names(seqs[seqs <= normalize.exclude.lower]))
idxRemoveUpper = as.numeric(names(seqs[seqs >= 1-normalize.exclude.upper+0.01]))
# apply cutoffs
curr.w.reduced = curr.width[which(!currIdx %in% c(idxRemoveLower, idxRemoveUpper))]
# convert to normalization values
width.return = c(mean(curr.w.reduced), median(curr.w.reduced), sum(curr.w.reduced))
w.hosting = do.call(rbind, w.hosting)
colnames(w.hosting) = c("norm.hosting.mean", "norm.hosting.median", "norm.hosting.sum")
w.hosting = as.data.frame(w.hosting)
# set names
w.hosting$TranscriptRegion = names(this.trl)
w.total = cbind.data.frame(w.hosting)
.matchMetaData <- function(d){
# assign local variables
geneID <- geneName <- geneType <- transcriptRegion <- NULL
dataset <- signalToFlankRatio <- NULL
# assign meta data if present
if ("geneID" %in% colnames(d)) {
merge.geneID = d %>%
summarize(geneID = toString(unique(geneID))) %>%
mutate(geneID = ifelse(geneID == "NA", NA, geneID))
} else {
merge.geneID = NA
if ("geneName" %in% colnames(d)) {
merge.geneName = d %>%
summarize(geneName = toString(unique(geneName))) %>%
mutate(geneName = ifelse(geneName == "NA", NA, geneName))
} else {
merge.geneName = NA
if ("geneType" %in% colnames(d)) {
merge.geneType = d %>%
summarize(geneType = toString(unique(geneType))) %>%
mutate(geneType = ifelse(geneType == "NA", NA, geneType))
} else {
merge.geneType = NA
if ("transcriptRegion" %in% colnames(d)) {
merge.transcriptRegion = d %>%
summarize(transcriptRegion = toString(unique(transcriptRegion))) %>%
mutate(transcriptRegion = ifelse(transcriptRegion == "NA", NA, transcriptRegion))
} else {
merge.transcriptRegion = NA
if ("dataset" %in% colnames(d)) {
merge.dataset = d %>%
summarize(dataset = toString(unique(dataset))) %>%
mutate(dataset = ifelse(dataset == "NA", NA, dataset))
} else {
merge.dataset = NA
if ("score" %in% colnames(d)) {
merge.score = d %>%
summarize(score = max(score)) %>%
mutate(score = ifelse(score == "NA", NA, score))
} else {
merge.score = NA
if ("signalToFlankRatio" %in% colnames(d)) {
merge.signalToFlankRatio = d %>%
summarize(signalToFlankRatio = max(signalToFlankRatio)) %>%
mutate(signalToFlankRatio = ifelse(signalToFlankRatio == "NA", NA, signalToFlankRatio))
} else {
merge.signalToFlankRatio = NA
total.meta = cbind(merge.geneID, merge.geneName, merge.geneType,
merge.transcriptRegion, merge.dataset,
merge.score, merge.signalToFlankRatio) %>%
dplyr::distinct_all() %>%
dplyr::select_if(~sum(!is.na(.)) > 0)
.coverageForDifferential <- function(object, ranges, prefix, quiet, match.rangeID){
this.object = setRanges(object, ranges, quiet = quiet)
cov = clipCoverage(this.object,
match.rangeID = match.rangeID,
ranges.merge = TRUE, positions.merge = FALSE,
samples.merge = FALSE, out.format = "granges",
out.format.overwrite = TRUE, quiet = quiet)
colnames(mcols(cov)) = paste0(prefix, colnames(mcols(cov)))
mcols(cov) = cbind(mcols(ranges), mcols(cov))
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