AbstractAlignment | The AbstractAlignment class |
AbstractIndexFile | The abstract AbstractIndexFile class |
AbstractIndexSet | The AbstractIndexSet class |
AromaSeq | The AromaSeq Package class |
aroma.seq-package | Package aroma.seq |
AromaSeqTransform | The AromaSeqTransform class |
BamDataFile | The BamDataFile class |
BamDataSet | The BamDataSet class |
BamDownsampler | The BamDownsampler class |
BamIndexDataFile | The abstract BamIndexDataFile class |
BamMerger | The BamMerger class |
BinnedGcNormalization | The abstract BinnedGcNormalization class |
bowtie2 | Calls the Bowtie2 executable to align input reads |
Bowtie2Alignment | The Bowtie2Alignment class |
bowtie2Build | Creates index on reference genome using bowtie2-build |
Bowtie2IndexFile | The abstract Bowtie2IndexFile class |
Bowtie2IndexSet | The Bowtie2IndexSet class |
buildBowtie2IndexSet.FastaReferenceFile | Builds a Bowtie2 index files set |
buildBwaIndexSet.FastaReferenceFile | Builds a BWA index files set |
buildDictionary.FastaReferenceFile | Builds a DICT sequence dictionary file |
buildIndex.FastaReferenceFile | Builds an FAI index file |
buildTopHat2TranscriptomeIndexSet.Bowtie2IndexSet | Calls TopHat to build a transcriptome index |
BwaAlignment | The BwaAlignment class |
bwaAln | BWA-backtrack alignment via 'bwa aln' |
bwaIndex | Calls the BWA index command |
BwaIndexFile | The abstract BwaIndexFile class |
bwaIndexPrefix | Generates a prefix for the index files |
BwaIndexSet | The BwaIndexSet class |
bwaSampe | Generates BWA-backtrack paired-end (PE) alignments via 'bwa... |
bwaSamse | Generates BWA-backtrack single-end (SE) alignments via 'bwa... |
byOrganism.FastaReferenceFile | Locates a FASTA file by organism |
byOrganism.GtfDataFile | Locates a GTF file by organism |
capabilitiesOf.AromaSeq | Checks which tools are supported |
convertToBam | Converts a SAM file (set of files) set into a (sorted and... |
convertToSam | Converts a SAM (BAM) file (set of files) set into a BAM (SAM)... |
createIndexPrefix | Generates a prefix for a set of index files |
cuffdiff | Calls cuffdiff on input bam file(s) |
cufflinks | Calls cufflinks on input bam file(s) |
doBowtie2 | Read alignment using the Bowtie v2 aligner |
doBWA | Read alignment using the Burrows-Wheeler Transform aligner... |
doDownsample | Generates a downsampled FASTQ or BAM data set |
doHTSeqCount | Counting reads in features |
doQDNAseq | Quantitative inference of copy number aberrations with DNA... |
doTopHat2 | Read alignment using the TopHat v2 aligner |
FastaReferenceFile | The FastaReferenceFile class |
FastaReferenceIndexFile | The FastaReferenceIndexFile class |
FastaReferenceSet | The FastaReferenceSet class |
fastQC | Calls the FastQC executable |
FastQCDataFile | The abstract FastQCDataFile class |
FastQCDataFileSet | The FastQCDataFileSet class |
FastQCReporter | The FastQCReporter class |
FastqDataFile | The abstract FastqDataFile class |
FastqDataSet | The FastqDataSet class |
FastqDownsampler | The FastqDownsampler class |
fastqDump | Calls the fastq-dump executable |
findCmd | Locates the executable given by 'command' |
findCmdv | Locates the executable given by 'command'; tests version if... |
findExternal | Locates an external executable |
findFilesTodo | Identifies which files are not yet processed |
gatk | Calls the GATK executable |
getOutputDataSet | Gets the (complete or incomplete) processed output data set |
GtfDataFile | The GtfDataFile class |
htseqCount | Calls the htseq-count executable to count input reads on... |
HTSeqCountDataFile | The HTSeqCountDataFile class |
HTSeqCountDataSet | The HTSeqCountDataSet class |
HTSeqCounting | The HTSeqCounting class |
IlluminaFastqDataFile | The abstract IlluminaFastqDataFile class |
IlluminaFastqDataSet | The IlluminaFastqDataSet class |
Non-documented_objects | Non-documented objects |
normalizeGcContent | Normalizes signals for GC-content effects |
onExit | Records expressions to be executed when the current function... |
PairedEndFastqDataSet | The PairedEndFastqDataSet class |
PicardDuplicateRemoval | The PicardDuplicateRemoval class |
process.Bowtie2Alignment | Runs the aligner |
process.BwaAlignment | Runs the BWA aligner |
QDNAseqEstimation | The QDNAseqEstimation class |
readDGE.HTSeqCountDataSet | Reads all digital gene expression (DGE) data |
readSeqFile | Reads and summarizes a FASTQ file |
SamDataFile | The abstract SamDataFile class |
SamDataSet | The SamDataSet class |
SamReadGroup | The SamReadGroup class |
samtoolsFaidx | Calls the samtools 'faidx' command |
samtoolsMpileup | Calls the samtools 'mpileup' command |
samtoolsSort | Calls the samtools 'sort' command |
samtoolsView | Calls the samtools 'view' command |
SamTransform | The SamTransform class |
SequenceContigsInterface | The SequenceContigsInterface class |
setupExampleData | Setups example data in the current directory |
sortByName | Produce sorted and indexed BAM file(s) from BAM file(s); this... |
sortByPosition | Produce sorted and indexed BAM file(s) from BAM file(s) |
SraDataFile | The abstract SraDataFile class |
SraDataSet | The SraDataSet class |
systemBowtie2 | Wrapper for bowtie2 |
systemBowtie2Build | Wrapper for bowtie2-build |
systemBWA | Calls the BWA executable |
systemCuffdiff | Calls the Cuffdiff executable to perform isoform abundance... |
systemCufflinks | Calls the Cufflinks executable to perform isoform abundance... |
systemFastQC | Calls the FastQC executable |
systemFastqDump | Wrapper for fastq-dump SRA utility |
systemGATK | Calls the GATK executable |
systemGenericCmd | Wrapper to call 'command' using system2() |
systemHTSeqCount | Wrapper for htseq-count |
systemJava | Calls the Java executable |
systemJavaJar | Calls the Java jar executable |
systemPicard | Calls the Picard executable |
systemSamtools | Calls the samtools executable |
systemSraToolkit | Calls an SRA Toolkit executable |
systemTopHat | Wrapper for tophat |
systemTopHatBuild | Calls the TopHat executable, specifically to build a... |
tophat | Calls the TopHat executable to align input reads |
TopHat2Alignment | The TopHat2Alignment class |
TotalCnBinnedCounting | The TotalCnBinnedCounting class |
validate.BamDataFile | Validates a BAM (or SAM) file |
writeFastaReferenceFile.FastaReferenceSet | Writes the content of multiple FASTA files into a new FASTA... |
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