# Function to validate input parameters for xCell2 training
ValidateInputs <- function(ref, labels, refType) {
if (!refType %in% c("rnaseq", "array", "sc")) {
stop("refType should be 'rnaseq', 'array' or 'sc'.")
if (length(unique(labels$label)) < 3) {
stop("Reference must have at least 3 cell types!")
if (!"data.frame" %in% class(labels)) {
stop("labels must be a dataframe.")
# Check if input is a SummarizedExperiment or SingleCellExperiment
if (inherits(ref, "SummarizedExperiment") || inherits(ref, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
se <- ref
if (refType != "array") {
# Attempt to access TPM data first, followed by other assay types
if ("tpm" %in% assayNames(se)) {
ref <- assay(se, "tpm")
} else if ("logcounts" %in% assayNames(se)) {
warning("TPM data not found. Using log-transformed counts instead.")
ref <- assay(se, "logcounts")
} else if ("normcounts" %in% assayNames(se)) {
warning("TPM data not found. Using normalized counts instead.")
ref <- assay(se, "normcounts")
} else if ("counts" %in% assayNames(se)) {
warning("TPM data not found. Using raw counts instead.")
ref <- assay(se, "counts")
} else {
stop("No valid assay (tmp, logcounts, normcounts, counts) found in the SummarizedExperiment/SingleCellExperiment reference.")
} else {
# Use counts for microarray data
if ("counts" %in% assayNames(se)) {
ref <- assay(se, "counts")
} else {
stop("No counts data found in the SummarizedExperiment object for microarray reference")
labels <- as.data.frame(colData(se))
} else {
# Handle non-SummarizedExperiment/SingleCellExperiment input
if (!any(class(ref) %in% c("matrix", "dgCMatrix", "Matrix"))) {
stop("ref must be one of these classes: matrix, dgCMatrix, Matrix or SummarizedExperiment/SingleCellExperiment object")
if (is.null(labels)) {
stop("labels must be a data frame with 4 columns: 'ont', 'label', 'sample', and 'dataset'")
if (all(colnames(labels) %in% c("ont", "label", "sample", "dataset"))) {
labels <- labels[, c("ont", "label", "sample", "dataset")]
} else {
stop("labels must have 4 columns: 'ont'', 'label'', 'sample'' and 'dataset'")
if (sum(grepl("_", labels$label)) != 0) {
message("Changing underscores to dashes in cell-type labels!")
labels$label <- gsub("_", "-", labels$label)
out <- list(ref = ref, labels = labels)
# Function to convert single-cell data to pseudo-bulk data
ScToPseudoBulk <- function(ref, labels, minPbCells, minPbSamples) {
cellTypes <- unique(labels$label)
groupsList <- lapply(cellTypes, function(cellType) {
cellTypeSamples <- labels[labels$label == cellType, ]$sample
# Calculate maximum possible number of groups given minPbCells
numGroups <- ceiling(length(cellTypeSamples) / minPbCells)
if (length(cellTypeSamples) < minPbSamples) {
minPbSamples <- length(cellTypeSamples)
if (numGroups < minPbSamples) {
numGroups <- minPbSamples
# Generate minPbSamples pseudo samples of cellType
if (length(cellTypeSamples) > minPbSamples) {
cellTypeSamplesShuffled <- sample(cellTypeSamples, length(cellTypeSamples))
listOfShuffledSamples <- split(
/ (length(cellTypeSamplesShuffled) / numGroups))
vapply(listOfShuffledSamples, function(group) {
if (length(group) == 1) {
ref[, group]
} else {
if ("matrix" %in% class(ref)) {
Rfast::rowsums(ref[, group])
} else {
Matrix::rowSums(ref[, group])
}, FUN.VALUE = double(nrow(ref)))
} else {
tmp <- ref[, cellTypeSamples]
colnames(tmp) <- as.character(seq_along(colnames(tmp)))
names(groupsList) <- cellTypes
pseudoRef <- as.matrix(dplyr::bind_cols(groupsList))
rownames(pseudoRef) <- rownames(ref)
pseudoLabel <- tibble::tibble(labels) %>%
dplyr::select("ont", "label") %>%
unique() %>%
label = sub("\\.\\d+$", "", colnames(pseudoRef)),
sample = colnames(pseudoRef),
dataset = "pseudoBulk"
), by = "label") %>%
return(list(ref = pseudoRef, labels = pseudoLabel))
# Function to prepare reference and mixture data
PrepRefMix <- function(ref, mix, refType, minScGenes) {
if (refType == "sc") {
message("> Normalizing pseudo bulk reference to CPM.")
libSizes <- Matrix::colSums(ref)
normFactor <- 1e6 / libSizes
refNorm <- ref %*% Matrix::Diagonal(x = normFactor)
colnames(refNorm) <- colnames(ref)
ref <- as.matrix(refNorm)
message("> Filtering pseudo bulk genes by variance.")
genesVar <- sort(apply(ref, 1, var), decreasing = TRUE)
varCutoff <- c(1.5, 1, 0.8, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0)
for (co in varCutoff) {
if (co == 0) {
varGenesToUse <- names(genesVar)[seq_len(round(length(genesVar) * 0.5))]
} else {
varGenesToUse <- names(genesVar[genesVar >= co])
if (length(varGenesToUse) > minScGenes) {
} else {
stop("Not enough variable genes in scRNA-Seq reference!")
ref <- ref[varGenesToUse, ]
if (min(ref) < 3) {
ref <- ref + 3
} else {
if (max(ref) < 50) {
ref <- 2^ref
if (min(ref) == 1) {
ref <- ref - 1
if (min(ref) < 3) {
ref <- ref + 3
} else {
if (min(ref) < 3) {
ref <- ref + 3
ref <- log2(ref)
if (!is.null(mix)) {
if (max(mix) >= 50) {
mix <- log2(mix + 1)
sharedGenes <- intersect(rownames(ref), rownames(mix))
wm <- paste0(length(sharedGenes), " genes are shared between reference and mixture.")
ref <- ref[sharedGenes, ]
mix <- mix[sharedGenes, ]
return(list(refOut = ref, mixOut = mix))
# Function to get cell type dependencies from a lineage file
LoadDependenciesFromFile <- function(lineageFileChecked) {
ont <- readr::read_tsv(lineageFileChecked, show_col_types = FALSE) %>%
cellTypes <- dplyr::pull(ont[, 2])
cellTypes <- gsub("_", "-", cellTypes)
depList <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(cellTypes))
names(depList) <- cellTypes
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ont))) {
descendants <- gsub("_", "-", strsplit(dplyr::pull(ont[i, 3]), ";")[[1]])
descendants <- descendants[!is.na(descendants)]
ancestors <- gsub("_", "-", strsplit(dplyr::pull(ont[i, 4]), ";")[[1]])
ancestors <- ancestors[!is.na(ancestors)]
depList[[i]] <- list("descendants" = descendants, "ancestors" = ancestors)
# Function to calculate quantiles for each cell type
MakeQuantiles <- function(ref, labels, probs, BPPARAM) {
cellTypes <- unique(labels[, 2])
quantilesMatList <- BiocParallel::bplapply(cellTypes, function(type) {
typeSamples <- labels[, 2] == type
if (sum(typeSamples) == 1) {
type.df <- cbind(ref[, typeSamples], ref[, typeSamples])
} else {
type.df <- ref[, typeSamples]
# Calculate quantiles
apply(type.df, 1, function(x) quantile(x, unique(c(probs, rev(1 - probs))), na.rm = TRUE))
names(quantilesMatList) <- cellTypes
# Function to create signatures for each cell type
CreateSignatures <- function(labels, depList, quantilesMatrix, probs, diffVals, minGenes,
maxGenes, minFracCtPassed, BPPARAM) {
# Inner function to generate signatures for a single cell type
getSignatures <- function(cellTypes, type, depList, quantilesMatrix, probs,
diffVals, minGenes, maxGenes, minFracCtPassed) {
# Remove dependent cell types
notDepCellTypes <- cellTypes[!cellTypes %in% c(type, unname(unlist(depList[[type]])))]
# Set signature cutoffs grid
paramDf <- expand.grid("diffVals" = diffVals, "probs" = probs)
# Find top genes
typeSignatures <- list()
while (length(typeSignatures) < 3 & minFracCtPassed >= 0) {
maxGenesProblem <- c()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(paramDf))) {
# Get Boolean matrices with genes that pass the quantiles criteria
diff <- paramDf[i, ]$diffVals
lowerProb <- which(as.character(as.numeric(gsub(
"%", "", rownames(quantilesMatrix[[1]])
)) / 100) == as.character(paramDf[i, ]$probs))
upperProb <- which(as.character(as.numeric(gsub(
"%", "", rownames(quantilesMatrix[[1]])
)) / 100) == as.character(1 - paramDf[i, ]$probs))
upperProbMatrix <- vapply(notDepCellTypes, function(x) {
get(x, quantilesMatrix)[upperProb, ]
}, FUN.VALUE = double(ncol(quantilesMatrix[[1]])))
# Check diff-prob criteria
diffGenesMatrix <- apply(upperProbMatrix, 2, function(x) {
get(type, quantilesMatrix)[lowerProb, ] > x + diff
genesScores <- apply(diffGenesMatrix, 1, function(x) {
genesScores <- genesScores[lengths(genesScores) > 0]
nCtPassed <- sort(unique(lengths(genesScores)), decreasing = TRUE)
# Make signatures
for (j in nCtPassed) {
fracCtPassed <- round(j / length(notDepCellTypes), 2)
if (fracCtPassed < minFracCtPassed) break
sigGenes <- names(which(lengths(genesScores) >= j))
nGenes <- length(sigGenes)
if (nGenes < minGenes) next
if (nGenes > maxGenes) {
maxGenesProblem <- c(maxGenesProblem, TRUE)
} else {
maxGenesProblem <- c(maxGenesProblem, FALSE)
sigName <- paste(paste0(type, "#"), paramDf[i, ]$probs, diff,
nGenes, fracCtPassed,
sep = "_"
typeSignatures[[sigName]] <- sigGenes
# Handle cases where too many genes are differentially expressed
if (all(maxGenesProblem)) {
diffValsStrict <- c(
diffVals, log2(2^max(diffVals) * 2),
log2(2^max(diffVals) * 4),
log2(2^max(diffVals) * 8),
log2(2^max(diffVals) * 16),
log2(2^max(diffVals) * 32)
paramDf <- expand.grid("diffVals" = diffValsStrict, "probs" = probs)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(paramDf))) {
lowerProb <- which(as.character(as.numeric(gsub(
"%", "", rownames(quantilesMatrix[[1]])
)) / 100) == as.character(paramDf[i, ]$probs))
upperProb <- which(as.character(as.numeric(gsub(
"%", "", rownames(quantilesMatrix[[1]])
)) / 100) == as.character(
1 - paramDf[i, ]$probs
upperProbMatrix <- vapply(notDepCellTypes, function(x) {
get(x, quantilesMatrix)[upperProb, ]
}, FUN.VALUE = double(ncol(quantilesMatrix[[1]])))
diffGenesMatrix <- apply(upperProbMatrix, 2, function(x) {
get(type, quantilesMatrix)[lowerProb, ] > x + diff
genesScores <- apply(diffGenesMatrix, 1, function(x) {
genesScores <- genesScores[lengths(genesScores) > 0]
nCtPassed <- sort(unique(lengths(genesScores)), decreasing = TRUE)
# Make signatures
for (j in nCtPassed) {
fracCtPassed <- round(j / length(notDepCellTypes), 2)
if (fracCtPassed < minFracCtPassed) break
sigGenes <- names(which(lengths(genesScores) >= j))
nGenes <- length(sigGenes)
if (nGenes < minGenes) next
if (nGenes > maxGenes) {
maxGenesProblem <- c(maxGenesProblem, TRUE)
sigName <- paste(paste0(type, "#"), paramDf[i, ]$probs,
diff, nGenes, fracCtPassed,
sep = "_"
typeSignatures[[sigName]] <- sigGenes
# Remove duplicate signatures
typeSignaturesSorted <- lapply(typeSignatures, function(x) sort(x))
typeSignaturesCollapsed <- vapply(typeSignaturesSorted,
collapse = ",", FUN.VALUE = character(1)
duplicatedSignatures <- duplicated(typeSignaturesCollapsed)
typeSignatures <- typeSignatures[!duplicatedSignatures]
# Relax parameter until there are at least 3 signatures
minFracCtPassed <- minFracCtPassed - 0.05
cellTypes <- unique(labels[, 2])
allSignatures <- BiocParallel::bplapply(cellTypes, function(type) {
typeSignatures <- getSignatures(
cellTypes, type, depList, quantilesMatrix, probs,
diffVals, minGenes, maxGenes, minFracCtPassed
# Ensure minimum 3 signatures per cell type
if (length(typeSignatures) < 3) {
probsToUse <- c(probs, max(probs) * 1.25, max(probs) * 1.5, max(probs) * 2)
probsToUse <- probsToUse[probsToUse < 0.5]
minDiff <- min(diffVals[diffVals != 0])
diffValsToUse <- unique(c(minDiff * 0, minDiff * 0.5, minDiff * 0.75, diffVals))
minGenesToUse <- round(minGenes * 0.5)
minGenesToUse <- ifelse(minGenesToUse < 3, 3, minGenesToUse)
typeSignatures <- getSignatures(cellTypes, type, depList, quantilesMatrix,
probs = probsToUse, diffVals = diffValsToUse,
minGenes = minGenesToUse, maxGenes, minFracCtPassed
allSignatures <- unlist(allSignatures, recursive = FALSE)
if (length(allSignatures) == 0) {
stop("No signatures found for reference!")
# Function to generate the gene expression profile matrix
MakeGEPMat <- function(ref, labels) {
cellTypes <- unique(labels$label)
gepMat <- vapply(cellTypes, function(type) {
typeSamples <- labels[, 2] == type
if (sum(typeSamples) == 1) {
typeVec <- as.vector(ref[, typeSamples])
} else {
typeVec <- Rfast::rowMedians(as.matrix(ref[, typeSamples]))
}, FUN.VALUE = double(nrow(ref)))
rownames(gepMat) <- rownames(ref)
# Function to calculate cell types correlation
GetCellTypeCorrelation <- function(gepMat, refType) {
cellTypes <- colnames(gepMat)
if (refType != "sc") {
# Use top 10% most variable genes
genesVar <- apply(gepMat, 1, var)
mostVarGenesCutoff <- quantile(genesVar, 0.9, na.rm = TRUE)
gepMat <- gepMat[genesVar > mostVarGenesCutoff, ]
} else {
# Use top 1% most variable genes
genesVar <- apply(gepMat, 1, var)
mostVarGenesCutoff <- quantile(genesVar, 0.99, na.rm = TRUE)
gepMat <- gepMat[genesVar > mostVarGenesCutoff, ]
# Create correlation matrix
corMat <- matrix(1, ncol = length(cellTypes), nrow = length(cellTypes), dimnames = list(cellTypes, cellTypes))
lowerTriCoord <- which(lower.tri(corMat), arr.ind = TRUE)
# Calculate correlations
for (i in seq_len(nrow(lowerTriCoord))) {
celltypeI <- rownames(corMat)[lowerTriCoord[i, 1]]
celltypeJ <- colnames(corMat)[lowerTriCoord[i, 2]]
corMat[lowerTriCoord[i, 1], lowerTriCoord[i, 2]] <- cor(gepMat[, celltypeI], gepMat[, celltypeJ], method = "spearman")
corMat[lowerTriCoord[i, 2], lowerTriCoord[i, 1]] <- cor(gepMat[, celltypeI], gepMat[, celltypeJ], method = "spearman")
# Function to learn linear transformation and spillover parameters
LearnParams <- function(gepMat, corMat, signatures, depList, BPPARAM) {
cellTypes <- colnames(gepMat)
gepMatLinear <- 2^gepMat
simFracs <- c(0, seq(0.01, 0.25, 0.01))
fracToUse <- 0.25
topSpillValue <- 0.5
# Generate mixtures
mixList <- BiocParallel::bplapply(cellTypes, function(cellType) {
# Generate cellType mixture
cellTypeMat <- matrix(rep(gepMatLinear[, cellType], length(simFracs)),
byrow = FALSE, ncol = length(simFracs),
dimnames = list(rownames(gepMatLinear), simFracs)
cellTypeMatFrac <- cellTypeMat %*% diag(simFracs)
# Generate control mixture
if (!is.null(depList)) {
depCts <- unique(c(cellType, unname(unlist(depList[[cellType]]))))
controls <- cellTypes[!cellTypes %in% depCts]
} else {
controls <- cellTypes[cellTypes != cellType]
control <- names(sort(corMat[controls, cellType])[1])
controlsMat <- matrix(rep(gepMatLinear[, control], length(simFracs)),
byrow = FALSE, ncol = length(simFracs),
dimnames = list(rownames(gepMatLinear), simFracs)
controlsMatFrac <- controlsMat %*% diag(1 - simFracs)
# Combine
mixture <- cellTypeMatFrac + controlsMatFrac
colnames(mixture) <- paste0(cellType, "^^", control, "%%", simFracs)
names(mixList) <- cellTypes
# Learn linear parameters
linearParams <- BiocParallel::bplapply(cellTypes, function(cellType) {
# Get scores
mixMatRanked <- singscore::rankGenes(mixList[[cellType]])
signaturesCellType <- signatures[gsub("#.*", "", names(signatures)) %in% cellType]
scores <- rowMeans(vapply(signaturesCellType, function(sig) {
singscore::simpleScore(mixMatRanked, upSet = sig, centerScore = FALSE)$TotalScore
}, FUN.VALUE = double(ncol(mixMatRanked))))
# Get transformation parameters
tp <- try(minpack.lm::nlsLM(scores ~ a * simFracs^b,
start = list(a = 1, b = 1),
control = list(maxiter = 500)
), silent = TRUE)
a <- coef(tp)[[1]]
b <- coef(tp)[[2]]
# Get linear model parameters
scoresTransformed <- (scores^(1 / b)) / a
lmFit <- lm(simFracs ~ scoresTransformed)
m <- coef(lmFit)[[2]]
n <- coef(lmFit)[[1]]
return(tibble::tibble("celltype" = cellType, "a" = a, "b" = b, "m" = m, "n" = n))
linearParams <- dplyr::bind_rows(linearParams)
# Learn spillover parameters
spillScores <- BiocParallel::bplapply(cellTypes, function(cellType) {
signaturesCellType <- signatures[gsub("#.*", "", names(signatures)) %in% cellType]
a <- linearParams[linearParams$celltype == cellType, ]$a
b <- linearParams[linearParams$celltype == cellType, ]$b
m <- linearParams[linearParams$celltype == cellType, ]$m
n <- linearParams[linearParams$celltype == cellType, ]$n
# Generate fracToUse mixtures
ctsMatFrac <- gepMatLinear * fracToUse
# Generate control mixture
if (!is.null(depList)) {
depCts <- unique(c(cellType, unname(unlist(depList[[cellType]]))))
controls <- cellTypes[!cellTypes %in% depCts]
} else {
controls <- cellTypes[cellTypes != cellType]
controls <- vapply(colnames(ctsMatFrac), function(ct) {
names(sort(corMat[controls, ct])[1])
}, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
controlsMatFrac <- gepMatLinear[, controls] * (1 - fracToUse)
# Combine
mixture <- ctsMatFrac + controlsMatFrac
# Get results for all cell type mixtures
mixCtsMatRanked <- singscore::rankGenes(mixture)
mixCtsMatScores <- vapply(signaturesCellType, function(sig) {
singscore::simpleScore(mixCtsMatRanked, upSet = sig, centerScore = FALSE)$TotalScore
}, FUN.VALUE = double(ncol(mixCtsMatRanked)))
mixCtsMatScores <- Rfast::rowmeans(mixCtsMatScores)
mixCtsMatScores <- (mixCtsMatScores^(1 / b)) / a
mixCtsMatScores <- mixCtsMatScores * m + n
names(mixCtsMatScores) <- colnames(mixCtsMatRanked)
# Get results for all cell type controls
controlsCtsMatRanked <- singscore::rankGenes(controlsMatFrac)
colnames(controlsCtsMatRanked) <- make.unique(colnames(controlsCtsMatRanked))
controlsCtsMatScores <- vapply(signaturesCellType, function(sig) {
singscore::simpleScore(controlsCtsMatRanked, upSet = sig, centerScore = FALSE)$TotalScore
}, FUN.VALUE = double(ncol(controlsCtsMatRanked)))
controlsCtsMatScores[controlsCtsMatScores < 0] <- 0
controlsCtsMatScores <- Rfast::rowmeans(controlsCtsMatScores)
controlsCtsMatScores <- (controlsCtsMatScores^(1 / b)) / a
controlsCtsMatScores <- controlsCtsMatScores * m + n
controlsCtsMatScores[controlsCtsMatScores < 0] <- 0
names(controlsCtsMatScores) <- controls
finalScores <- round(mixCtsMatScores - controlsCtsMatScores, 2)
if (!is.null(depList)) {
depCts <- depCts[depCts != cellType]
finalScores[depCts] <- 0
finalScores[finalScores < 0] <- 0
names(spillScores) <- cellTypes
# Create spillover matrix
spillMat <- Reduce(rbind, spillScores)
rownames(spillMat) <- cellTypes
# Normalize and clean spillover matrix
spillMat[spillMat < 0] <- 0
spillMat <- spillMat / diag(spillMat)
spillMat[is.nan(spillMat)] <- 0
spillMat[spillMat > 1] <- 1
spillMat[spillMat > topSpillValue] <- topSpillValue
diag(spillMat) <- 1
return(list(params = linearParams, spillmat = spillMat))
#' Train Custom xCell2 Reference Object
#' This function creates a custom reference object for \code{\link{xCell2Analysis}}, enabling cell type enrichment analysis.
#' It supports references derived from RNA-Seq, microarray, and scRNA-Seq data and can be derived from various tissues and organisms.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols select right_join mutate_all pull bind_rows
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom readr read_tsv
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam MulticoreParam bplapply
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay assayNames
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment colData
#' @importFrom minpack.lm nlsLM
#' @importFrom Rfast rowMedians rowmeans rowsums Sort
#' @importFrom Matrix rowMeans rowSums colSums Diagonal
#' @importFrom singscore rankGenes simpleScore
#' @importFrom stats coef cor lm quantile var
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @param ref A reference gene expression matrix (genes in rows, samples/cells in columns) or a
#' \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}/\linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} object with expression data in the assays slot.
#' \strong{Valid Assays:}
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{"tpm"}}{Transcripts Per Million (recommended for RNA-Seq).}
#' \item{\code{"logcounts"}}{Log-transformed normalized counts.}
#' \item{\code{"normcounts"}}{Normalized counts.}
#' \item{\code{"counts"}}{Raw counts (required for microarray references).}
#' }
#' \strong{Notes:}
#' \itemize{
#' \item If multiple assays exist, \code{"tpm"} is prioritized.
#' \item For microarray data, the \code{"counts"} assay must be used.
#' }
#' @param mix A bulk mixture of gene expression matrix (genes in rows, samples in columns) (optional).
#' This parameter is required if \code{returnAnalysis} is set to \code{TRUE}, as it is used for enrichment analysis.
#' @param labels A data frame with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"ont"}: The cell type ontology ID (e.g., \code{"CL:0000545"}). Set to \code{NA} if not available.
#' Ontologies can be found at \href{https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ontologies/cl}{EBI Ontology Lookup Service (OLS)} or
#' by using the \link[ontologyIndex]{ontologyIndex} package.
#' \item \code{"label"}: The cell type name (e.g., \code{"T-helper 1 cell"}).
#' \item \code{"sample"}: The sample or cell identifier, matching column names in the reference matrix.
#' \item \code{"dataset"}: The dataset source for each sample. If not applicable, use a constant value for all samples.
#' }
#' This parameter is unnecessary if \code{ref} is a SummarizedExperiment or SingleCellExperiment object, as metadata should be in \code{colData}.
#' @param refType The type of reference data: \code{"rnaseq"} for RNA-Seq, \code{"array"} for microarray, or \code{"sc"} for scRNA-Seq.
#' @param minPbCells Minimum number of cells in a pseudo-bulk sample for scRNA-Seq references (default: \code{30}).
#' @param minPbSamples Minimum number of pseudo-bulk samples for scRNA-Seq references (default: \code{10}).
#' @param minScGenes Minimum number of genes for pseudo-bulk samples for scRNA-Seq references (default: \code{1e4}).
#' @param useOntology A Boolean indicating whether to use ontological integration for cell type dependencies (default: \code{TRUE}).
#' Lineage relationships are determined using the Cell Ontology (CL). Users can refine these dependencies with
#' \code{\link{xCell2GetLineage}} and provide them via the \code{lineageFile} parameter.
#' @param lineageFile Path to a manually curated cell type lineage file generated with \code{\link{xCell2GetLineage}} (optional).
#' @param BPPARAM A \linkS4class{BiocParallelParam} instance that determines the parallelization strategy (more in "Details").
#' Default is \code{BiocParallel::SerialParam()}.
#' @param returnSignatures A Boolean to return only cell type signatures (default: \code{FALSE}).
#' @param returnAnalysis A Boolean to return \code{\link{xCell2Analysis}} results instead of a reference object (default: \code{FALSE}).
#' @param useSpillover A Boolean to use spillover correction during analysis when \code{returnAnalysis} is \code{TRUE} (default: \code{TRUE}).
#' Spillover correction enhances the specificity of enrichment scores by accounting for overlaps between cell types.
#' @param spilloverAlpha Numeric value controlling spillover correction strength (default: \code{0.5}).
#' Lower values apply weaker correction, while higher values apply stronger correction.
#' @return An \code{xCell2Object} containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{signatures}: Cell type-specific gene signatures.
#' \item \strong{dependencies}: Lineage-based dependencies.
#' \item \strong{params}: Linear transformation parameters.
#' \item \strong{spill_mat}: A spillover correction matrix.
#' \item \strong{genes_used}: Genes used for training.
#' }
#' @details
#' \strong{Ontological Integration:}
#' Ontological integration (\code{useOntology}) leverages hierarchical cell type relationships to ensure biologically meaningful signatures.
#' Dependencies can be refined using \code{\link{xCell2GetLineage}}, which generates lineage files for manual review.
#' \strong{Spillover Correction:}
#' Spillover correction enhances the specificity of enrichment scores by reducing overlaps between related cell types.
#' Use the \code{spilloverAlpha} parameter to tune the strength of correction.
#' \strong{Contribute Your xCell2 Reference Object:}
#' Users are encouraged to share their reference objects via the \href{https://dviraran.github.io/xCell2ref}{xCell2 Reference Repository}.
#' @examples
#' library(xCell2)
#' data(dice_demo_ref, package = "xCell2")
#' dice_ref <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(dice_demo_ref, "logcounts")
#' colnames(dice_ref) <- make.unique(colnames(dice_ref))
#' dice_labels <- as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(dice_demo_ref))
#' dice_labels$ont <- NA
#' dice_labels$sample <- colnames(dice_ref)
#' dice_labels$dataset <- "DICE"
#' DICE.xCell2Ref <- xCell2::xCell2Train(ref = dice_ref, labels = dice_labels, refType = "rnaseq")
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{xCell2Analysis}}, for enrichment analysis.
#' \code{\link{xCell2GetLineage}}, for refining cell type dependencies.
#' @author Almog Angel and Dvir Aran
#' @export
xCell2Train <- function(ref,
mix = NULL,
labels = NULL,
lineageFile = NULL,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
useOntology = TRUE,
returnSignatures = FALSE,
returnAnalysis = FALSE,
useSpillover = TRUE,
spilloverAlpha = 0.5,
minPbCells = 30,
minPbSamples = 10,
minScGenes = 1e4
) {
message("Starting xCell2 Train...")
inputsValidated <- ValidateInputs(ref, labels, refType)
ref <- inputsValidated$ref
labels <- inputsValidated$labels
# Generate pseudo bulk from scRNA-Seq reference
if (refType == "sc") {
message("Converting scRNA-seq reference to pseudo bulk...")
pbData <- ScToPseudoBulk(ref, labels, minPbCells, minPbSamples)
ref <- pbData$ref
labels <- pbData$labels
# Prepare reference and mixture data
out <- PrepRefMix(ref, mix, refType, minScGenes)
ref <- out$refOut
mix <- out$mixOut
sharedGenes <- rownames(ref)
# Get cell type dependencies list
if (useOntology) {
if (is.null(lineageFile)) {
message("Finding dependencies using cell type ontology...")
depList <- xCell2::xCell2GetLineage(labels, outFile = NULL)
} else {
message("Loading cell type dependencies...")
depList <- LoadDependenciesFromFile(lineageFile)
} else {
message("Skipping ontological integration!")
depList <- NULL
# Generate signatures
probs <- c(0.1, 0.25, 0.333, 0.49)
diffVals <- c(0, 0.1, 0.585, 1, 1.585, 2, 3, 4, 5)
minGenes <- 8
maxGenes <- 200
minFracCtPassed <- 0.5
message("Generating signatures...")
quantilesMatrix <- MakeQuantiles(ref, labels, probs, BPPARAM)
signatures <- CreateSignatures(
labels, depList, quantilesMatrix, probs, diffVals, minGenes,
maxGenes, minFracCtPassed, BPPARAM
if (returnSignatures) {
message("Retuning xCell2 reference object with signatures only.")
xCell2S4 <- new("xCell2Object",
signatures = signatures,
dependencies = list(),
params = data.frame(),
spill_mat = matrix(),
genes_used = sharedGenes
# Learn linear transformation parameters
message("Learning linear transformation and spillover parameters...")
gepMat <- MakeGEPMat(ref, labels)
corMat <- GetCellTypeCorrelation(gepMat, refType)
params <- LearnParams(gepMat, corMat, signatures, depList, BPPARAM)
# Save results in S4 object
if (is.null(depList)) {
depList <- list()
xCell2S4 <- new("xCell2Object",
signatures = signatures,
dependencies = depList,
params = params$params,
spill_mat = params$spillmat,
genes_used = sharedGenes
message("Your custom xCell2 reference object is ready!")
message("> Please consider sharing with others here: https://dviraran.github.io/xCell2ref")
if (returnAnalysis) {
message("Running xCell2Analysis...")
res <- xCell2::xCell2Analysis(mix,
xcell2object = xCell2S4, spillover = useSpillover,
spilloverAlpha = spilloverAlpha, BPPARAM = BPPARAM
} else {
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