#' @import MotifDb
#' @importFrom DBI dbConnect dbListTables dbGetQuery dbListConnections dbDisconnect
#' @importFrom RPostgreSQL dbConnect dbListTables dbGetQuery dbListConnections dbDisconnect
#' @importFrom stats fivenum prcomp sd
#' @name Trena-class
#' @rdname Trena-class
#' @aliases Trena
#' @import methods
.Trena <- setClass ("Trena",
representation = representation(
setGeneric('getRegulatoryChromosomalRegions', signature='obj',
function(obj, chromosome, chromStart, chromEnd, regulatoryRegionSources, targetGene, targetGeneTSS,
combine=FALSE) standardGeneric("getRegulatoryChromosomalRegions"))
setGeneric('getRegulatoryTableColumnNames', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('getRegulatoryTableColumnNames'))
setGeneric('getGeneModelTableColumnNames', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('getGeneModelTableColumnNames'))
setGeneric('createGeneModelFromRegulatoryRegions', signature='obj',
function(obj, targetGene, solverNames, tbl.regulatoryRegions, mtx)
setGeneric('createGeneModelFromTfList', signature='obj',
function(obj, targetGene, solverNames, tfList, mtx)
setGeneric('getProximalPromoter', signature='obj', function(obj, geneSymbols, tssUpstream, tssDownstream)
setGeneric('assessSnp', signature='obj', function(obj, pfms, variant, shoulder, pwmMatchMinimumAsPercentage, relaxedMatchDelta=25)
# our standard footprint database:
genome.db.uri <- "postgres://"
#' Define an object of class Trena
#' @description
#' The Trena class provides a convenient wrapper for the most commonly used filters and solvers in the \code{trena}
#' package. Given a particular genome (one of \code{c("hg38","mm10")}, the Trena class provides methods to
#' retrieve information about possible regulators for a target gene, assess the effects of SNPs, and create gene models
#' using the flexible \code{\link{EnsembleSolver}} class.
#' @rdname Trena-class
#' @param genomeName A string indicating the genome used by the Trena object. Currently, only human and mouse (
#' "hg38","mm10") are supported
#' @param quiet A logical indicating whether or not the Trena object should print output
#' @return An object of the Trena class
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a Trena object using the human hg38 genome
#' trena <- Trena("hg38")
#' @seealso \code{\link{getRegulatoryChromosomalRegions}}, \code{\link{getRegulatoryTableColumnNames}},
#' \code{\link{getGeneModelTableColumnNames}},
#' \code{\link{createGeneModelFromRegulatoryRegions}},
#' \code{\link{createGeneModelFromTfList}}
Trena = function(genomeName, quiet=TRUE)
stopifnot(genomeName %in% c("hg38", "mm10", "tair10", "SacCer3"))
obj <- .Trena(genomeName=genomeName, quiet=quiet)
} # constructor
#' Retrieve the column names in the regulatory table for a Trena object
#' @rdname getRegulatoryTableColumnNames
#' @aliases getRegulatoryTableColumnNames
#' @param obj An object of class Trena
#' @return A character vector listing the column names in the Trena object regulatory table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a Trena object and retrieve the column names of the regulatory table
#' trena <- Trena("mm10")
#' tbl.cols <- getRegulatoryTableColumnNames(trena)
setMethod('getRegulatoryTableColumnNames', 'Trena',
c("chrom", "motifStart", "motifEnd", "motifName", "strand", "score", "length", "distance.from.tss", "id")
#' Retrieve the column names in the gene model table for a Trena object
#' @rdname getGeneModelTableColumnNames
#' @aliases getGeneModelTableColumnNames
#' @param obj An object of class Trena
#' @return A character vector listing the column names in the Trena object gene model table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a Trena object and retrieve the column names of the gene model table
#' trena <- Trena("mm10")
#' tbl.cols <- getRegulatoryTableColumnNames(trena)
setMethod('getGeneModelTableColumnNames', 'Trena',
c("tf", "randomForest", "pearson", "spearman", "betaLasso")
.callFootprintFilter <- function(obj, source, chromosome, chromStart, chromEnd, targetGene, targetGeneTSS)
chromLocString <- sprintf("%s:%d-%d", chromosome, chromStart, chromEnd)
fpFilter <- FootprintFilter(genome.db.uri, source,
regions=data.frame(chrom=chromosome, start=chromStart, end=chromEnd, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
list.fp <- getCandidates(fpFilter)
tbl.fp <-"rbind",list.fp)
if(nrow(tbl.fp) == 0){
warning(sprintf("no footprints found in %s, region %s:%d-%d, targetGene is %s",
source, chromosome, chromStart, chromEnd, targetGene));
tbl.fp <- tbl.fp[, c("chrom", "start", "endpos", "motifName", "length", "strand", "score1", "score2", "score3")]
colnames(tbl.fp) <- c("chrom", "motifStart", "motifEnd", "motifName", "length", "strand", "score1", "score", "score3")
distance <- tbl.fp$motifStart - targetGeneTSS
direction <- rep("upstream", length(distance))
direction[which(distance < 0)] <- "downstream"
tbl.fp$distance.from.tss <- distance
tbl.fp$id <- sprintf("%s.fp.%s.%06d.%s", targetGene, direction, abs(distance), tbl.fp$motifName)
# a final rearrangement of columns, to match our standard
tbl.fp <- tbl.fp[, getRegulatoryTableColumnNames(obj)]
} # .callFootprintFilter
.callHumanDHSFilter <- function(obj, chromosome, chromStart, chromEnd, targetGene, targetGeneTSS)
if(!obj@quiet) printf("--- in .callHumanDHS")
chromLocString <- sprintf("%s:%d-%d", chromosome, chromStart, chromEnd)
pfms <- as.list(query(query(MotifDb, "sapiens"), "jaspar2018"))
dhsFilter <- HumanDHSFilter(genomeName="hg38",
pfms = pfms
tbl.dhs <- getCandidates(dhsFilter)
if(nrow(tbl.dhs) == 0)
tbl.dhs$length <- nchar(tbl.dhs$match)
distance <- tbl.dhs$motifStart - targetGeneTSS
direction <- rep("upstream", length(distance))
direction[which(distance < 0)] <- "downstream"
colnames(tbl.dhs)[grep("motifRelativeScore", colnames(tbl.dhs))] <- "score"
#colnames(tbl.dhs)[grep("tfs", colnames(tbl.dhs))] <- "tf"
tbl.dhs$distance.from.tss <- distance
tbl.dhs$id <- sprintf("%s.dhs.%s.%06d.%s", targetGene, direction, abs(distance), tbl.dhs$motifName)
tbl.dhs <- tbl.dhs[, getRegulatoryTableColumnNames(obj)]
} # .callHumanDHSFilter
#' Get the regulatory chromosomal regions for a Trena object
#' @rdname getRegulatoryChromosomalRegions
#' @aliases getRegulatoryChromosomalRegions
#' @param obj An object of class Trena
#' @param chromosome A choromosome of interest
#' @param chromStart The beginning of the desired region
#' @param chromEnd The end of the desired region
#' @param regulatoryRegionSources A vector containing the names of sources for chromosome information. These can be
#' addresses of footprint databases or the names of DHS databases
#' @param targetGene A target gene of interest
#' @param targetGeneTSS An integer giving the location of the target gene's transcription start site
#' @param combine A logical indicating whether or not to combine the output into one data frame (default = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @return A list of regulatory regions for the supplied target gene. If \code{combine} is set to \code{TRUE},
#' the list is converted into a data frame.
#' @examples
#' # Get regulatory regions for MEF2C from a footprint database
#' database.filename <- system.file(package="trena", "extdata", "mef2c.neigborhood.hg38.footprints.db")
#' database.uri <- sprintf("sqlite://%s", database.filename)
#' sources <- c(database.uri)
#' trena <- Trena("hg38")
#' chromosome <- "chr5"
#' mef2c.tss <- 88904257
#' loc.start <- mef2c.tss - 1000
#' loc.end <- mef2c.tss + 1000
#' #regions <- getRegulatoryChromosomalRegions(trena, chromosome, mef2c.tss-1000, mef2c.tss+1000,
#' # sources, "MEF2C", mef2c.tss)
#' # Get regulatory regions for AQP4 from a Human DHS source
#' trena <- Trena("hg38")
#' aqp4.tss <- 26865884
#' chromosome <- "chr18"
#' sources <- c("encodeHumanDHS")
#' #regions <- getRegulatoryChromosomalRegions(trena, chromosome, aqp4.tss-1, aqp4.tss+3, sources, "AQP4", aqp4.tss)
setMethod('getRegulatoryChromosomalRegions', 'Trena',
function(obj, chromosome, chromStart, chromEnd, regulatoryRegionSources, targetGene, targetGeneTSS,
tbl.combined <- data.frame()
result <- list()
# some bookeeeping to permit duplicate sources, useful only in testing
source.count <- 0
all.source.names <- regulatoryRegionSources
encodeDHS.source.index <- grep("encodeHumanDHS", regulatoryRegionSources)
source.count <- source.count + 1
regulatoryRegionSources <- regulatoryRegionSources[-encodeDHS.source.index]
printf("calling HumanDHSFilter, span: %d", 1 + chromEnd - chromStart);
tbl.dhs <- .callHumanDHSFilter(obj, chromosome, chromStart, chromEnd, targetGene, targetGeneTSS)
result[[source.count]] <- tbl.dhs
tbl.combined <- rbind(tbl.combined, tbl.dhs)
} # if encode DSH source requested
for(source in regulatoryRegionSources){
source.count <- source.count + 1
printf("calling footprintFilter with source = '%s', span: %d", source, 1 + chromEnd - chromStart);
tbl.fp <- .callFootprintFilter(obj, source, chromosome, chromStart, chromEnd, targetGene, targetGeneTSS)
tbl.combined <- rbind(tbl.combined, tbl.fp)
result[[source.count]] <- tbl.fp
} # for source
names(result) <- all.source.names
result[["all"]] <- tbl.combined
}) # getRegulatoryChromosomalRegions
#' Create a model for a target gene using a Trena object
#' @rdname createGeneModelFromRegulatoryRegions
#' @aliases createGeneModelFromRegulatoryRegions
#' @param obj An object of class Trena
#' @param targetGene The name of a target gene to use for building a model
#' @param solverNames A character vector containing the solver names to be used for building the model
#' @param tbl.regulatoryRegions A data frame of regulatory regions, typically generated by using a filter
#' @param mtx An assay matrix of expression data
#' @return A data frame containing the gene model
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){ # takes too long for the bioconductor build
#' # Create a Trena object for human and make a gene model for "MEF2C" using a footprint filter
#' trena <- Trena("hg38")
#' chromosome <- "chr5"
#' mef2c.tss <- 88904257
#' loc.start <- mef2c.tss - 1000
#' loc.end <- mef2c.tss + 1000
#' database.filename <- system.file(package="trena", "extdata", "mef2c.neigborhood.hg38.footprints.db")
#' database.uri <- sprintf("sqlite://%s", database.filename)
#' sources <- c(database.uri)
#' load(system.file(package="trena", "extdata/ampAD.154genes.mef2cTFs.278samples.RData"))
#' motifs.list <- getRegulatoryChromosomalRegions(trena, chromosome, mef2c.tss-1000, mef2c.tss+1000,
#' sources, "MEF2C", mef2c.tss)
#' library(MotifDb)
#' tbl.motifs.tfs <- associateTranscriptionFactors(MotifDb, motifs.list[[1]], source="MotifDb", expand.rows=TRUE)
#' model.mef2c <- createGeneModelFromRegulatoryRegions(trena, "MEF2C", c("lasso","ridge","randomforest"),
#' tbl.motifs.tfs, mtx.sub)
#' } # if interactive
setMethod('createGeneModelFromRegulatoryRegions', 'Trena',
function(obj, targetGene, solverNames, tbl.regulatoryRegions, mtx){
stopifnot("geneSymbol" %in% colnames(tbl.regulatoryRegions))
unique.tfs.from.regulatory.regions <- unique(tbl.regulatoryRegions$geneSymbol)
tfs <- intersect(unique.tfs.from.regulatory.regions, rownames(mtx))
printf("tf candidate count, in mtx, in tbl.regulatory.regions: %d/%d", length(tfs),
if(length(tfs) == 0)
solver <- EnsembleSolver(mtx, targetGene=targetGene, candidateRegulators=tfs, solverNames,
tbl.model <- run(solver) <-$geneSymbol))
colnames( <- c("gene", "bindingSites")
tbl.model <- merge(tbl.model,, by="gene")
if("pearsonCoeff" %in% colnames(tbl.model)) # our default ordering
tbl.model <- tbl.model[order(abs(tbl.model$pearsonCoeff), decreasing=TRUE),]
}) # createGeneModelFromRegulatoryRegions
#' Create a model for a target gene using a Trena object
#' @rdname createGeneModelFromTfList
#' @aliases createGeneModelFromTfList
#' @param obj An object of class Trena
#' @param targetGene The name of a target gene to use for building a model
#' @param solverNames A character vector containing the solver names to be used for building the model
#' @param tfList A character list, often the gene symbols for known transcription factors
#' @param mtx An assay matrix of expression data
#' @return A data frame containing the gene model
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){ # takes too long for the bioconductor build
#' # Create a Trena object for human and make a gene model for "MEF2C" using a footprint filter
#' trena <- Trena("hg38")
#' chromosome <- "chr5"
#' mef2c.tss <- 88904257
#' loc.start <- mef2c.tss - 1000
#' loc.end <- mef2c.tss + 1000
#' database.filename <- system.file(package="trena", "extdata", "mef2c.neigborhood.hg38.footprints.db")
#' database.uri <- sprintf("sqlite://%s", database.filename)
#' sources <- c(database.uri)
#' load(system.file(package="trena", "extdata/ampAD.154genes.mef2cTFs.278samples.RData"))
#' model.mef2c <- createGeneModelFromTfList(trena, "MEF2C", c("lasso","ridge","randomforest"),
#' tfList=c())
#' } # if interactive
setMethod('createGeneModelFromTfList', 'Trena',
function(obj, targetGene, solverNames, tfList, mtx){
tfs <- unique(intersect(tfList, rownames(mtx)))
printf("tf candidate count, also in mtx, from tfList: %d/%d", length(tfs), length(tfList))
if(length(tfs) == 0)
solver <- EnsembleSolver(mtx, targetGene=targetGene, candidateRegulators=tfs, solverNames,
tbl.model <- run(solver)
tbl.model$bindingSites <- NA
if("rfScore" %in% colnames(tbl.model)){
tbl.model <- tbl.model[order(tbl.model$rfScore, decreasing=TRUE),]
} else if ("pearsonCoeff" %in% colnames(tbl.model)){
tbl.model <- tbl.model[order(abs(tbl.model$pearsonCoeff), decreasing=TRUE),]
}) # createGeneModelFromRegulatoryRegions
#' Grab the region of the proximal promoter for a given gene symbol
#' For the genome of a given Trena object, retrieve a data frame containing the region
#' surrounding a target gene.
#' @rdname getProximalPromoter
#' @aliases getProximalPromoter
#' @param obj An object of class Trena
#' @param geneSymbols A vector containing genes of interest
#' @param tssUpstream A designated distance upstream of the promoter to use as a shoulder
#' (default = 1000)
#' @param tssDownstream A designated distance downstream of the promoter to use as a shoulder
#' (default = 1000)
#' @return A dataframe containing the regions surrounding the proximal promoter
# @export # try to avoid multiple methods table found warning/error
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()) { # too slow for the bioc windows build
#' # Retrieve the proximal promoter for MEF2C using a shoulder size of 2000 on each side
#' trena <- Trena("hg38")
#' regions <- getProximalPromoter(trena, "MEF2C", 2000, 2000)
#' }
setMethod("getProximalPromoter", "Trena",
function(obj, geneSymbols,
tssUpstream = 1000,
tssDownstream = 1000){
# Switch the name of the database and filter we use <- switch(obj@genomeName,
"hg38" = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl",
"mm10" = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl") <- switch(obj@genomeName,
"hg38" = "hgnc_symbol",
"mm10" = "mgi_symbol")
my.mart <- biomaRt::useMart(biomart="ensembl", dataset=
tbl.geneInfo <- biomaRt::getBM(attributes=c("chromosome_name",
"transcript_tsl",,, value=geneSymbols, mart=my.mart)
if(nrow(tbl.geneInfo) == 0)
# Sort by hgnc_symbol and transcript_tsl, then pull the first entry for each gene
tbl.geneInfo <- tbl.geneInfo[order(tbl.geneInfo[[]],
tbl.geneInfo <- tbl.geneInfo[match(unique(tbl.geneInfo[[]]),
# remove contigs and check to make sure it's just 1 chromosome
chromosome_name <- NULL
tbl.geneInfo <- subset(tbl.geneInfo, chromosome_name %in% c(1:22, "X", "Y", "MT"))
chrom <- sprintf("chr%s", tbl.geneInfo$chromosome_name)
tss <- tbl.geneInfo$transcription_start_site
start.loc <- tss - tssDownstream
end.loc <- tss + tssUpstream
return (data.frame(geneSymbol=tbl.geneInfo[[]],
})# getProximalPromoter
#' Assess the effect of a SNP using a Trena object
#' @rdname assessSnp
#' @aliases assessSnp
#' @param obj An object of class Trena
#' @param pfms A set of motif matrices, generally retrieved using MotifDb
#' @param variant A variant of interest
#' @param shoulder A distance from the TSS to use as a window
#' @param pwmMatchMinimumAsPercentage A minimum match percentage for the motifs
#' @param relaxedMatchDelta A numeric indicating the degree of the match (default = 25)
#' @return A data frame containing the gene model
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create a Trena object for human, assign a variant, then assess the effects of the variant
#' trena <- Trena("hg38")
#' library(MotifDb)
#' jaspar.human.pfms <- as.list(query(query(MotifDb, "jaspar2016"), "sapiens"))[21:25]
#' variant <- "rs3875089" # chr18:26865469 T->C
#' tbl <- assessSnp(trena, jaspar.human.pfms, variant, shoulder = 3,
#' pwmMatchMinimumAsPercentage = 65)
#' }
setMethod('assessSnp', 'Trena',
function(obj, pfms, variant, shoulder, pwmMatchMinimumAsPercentage, relaxedMatchDelta=25){
motifMatcher <- MotifMatcher(genomeName=obj@genomeName, pfms=pfms, quiet=obj@quiet)
tbl.variant <- try(.parseVariantString(motifMatcher, variantString=variant), silent=TRUE)
if(is(tbl.variant, "try-error")){
printf("error, unrecognized variant name: '%s'", variant)
tbl.regions <- data.frame(chrom=tbl.variant$chrom,
tbl.wt <- findMatchesByChromosomalRegion(motifMatcher, tbl.regions,
if(nrow(tbl.wt) == 0){
warning(sprintf("no motifs found in reference sequence in neighborhood of %s with shoulder %d",
variant, shoulder))
tbl.mut <- findMatchesByChromosomalRegion(motifMatcher, tbl.regions,
if(nrow(tbl.mut) == 0){
warning(sprintf("no motifs altered by %s with shoulder %d", variant, shoulder))
tbl.wt$signature <- sprintf("%s;%s;%s", tbl.wt$motifName, tbl.wt$motifStart, tbl.wt$strand)
tbl.mut$signature <- sprintf("%s;%s;%s", tbl.mut$motifName, tbl.mut$motifStart, tbl.mut$strand)
# comine wt and mut tables, reorder columns and rows for easier comprehension
tbl <- rbind(tbl.wt[, c(1,12,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,13, 14)], tbl.mut[, c(1,12,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,13, 14)])
tbl <- tbl[order(tbl$motifName, tbl$motifRelativeScore, decreasing=TRUE),]
#tbl$signature <- sprintf("%s;%s;%s", tbl$motifName, tbl$motifStart, tbl$strand)
#tbl <- tbl[,c(1,2,3:110)]
# now look for less stringent matches. these will be matched up with the
# wt and mut motifs which do not yet have partners, thus enabling us to
# provide a wt->mut for each
relaxedMatchPercentage <- pwmMatchMinimumAsPercentage-relaxedMatchDelta
tbl.wt.relaxed <- findMatchesByChromosomalRegion(motifMatcher, tbl.regions, relaxedMatchPercentage)
tbl.wt.relaxed$signature <- sprintf("%s;%s;%s", tbl.wt.relaxed$motifName, tbl.wt.relaxed$motifStart, tbl.wt.relaxed$strand)
tbl.mut.relaxed <- findMatchesByChromosomalRegion(motifMatcher, tbl.regions, relaxedMatchPercentage, variants=variant)
tbl.mut.relaxed$signature <- sprintf("%s;%s;%s", tbl.mut.relaxed$motifName, tbl.mut.relaxed$motifStart, tbl.mut.relaxed$strand)
status <- NULL # workaround "no global binding" error <- intersect(subset(tbl, status=="mut")$signature, subset(tbl, status=="wt")$signature) <- setdiff(subset(tbl, status=="wt")$signature, subset(tbl, status=="mut")$signature) <- setdiff(subset(tbl, status=="mut")$signature, subset(tbl, status=="wt")$signature)
tbl$assessed <- rep("failed", nrow(tbl))
if(length( > 0) {
indices <- sort(unlist(lapply(, function(sig) grep(sig, tbl$signature))))
tbl$assessed[indices] <- "in.both"
if(length( > 0) {
indices <- sort(unlist(lapply(, function(sig) grep(sig, tbl$signature))))
tbl$assessed[indices] <- "wt.only"
if(length( > 0) {
indices <- sort(unlist(lapply(, function(sig) grep(sig, tbl$signature))))
tbl$assessed[indices] <- "mut.only"
tbl$delta <- 0
# find the mut scores for each of the "wt.only" entries, subtract from the wt score
# workaround "no visible binding"
assessed <- NULL
motifRelativeScore <- NULL
tbl.wt.only <- subset(tbl, assessed=="wt.only", select=c(signature, motifRelativeScore))
if(nrow(tbl.wt.only) > 0){
sigs <- tbl.wt.only$signature
tbl.mut.scores <- subset(tbl.mut.relaxed, signature %in% sigs, select=c(signature, motifRelativeScore))
deltas <- unlist(lapply(sigs, function(sig){wt.score <- subset(tbl.wt.only, signature==sig)$motifRelativeScore;
mut.score <- subset(tbl.mut.scores, signature==sig)$motifRelativeScore;
delta <- wt.score - mut.score
tbl$delta[match(sigs, tbl$signature)] <- deltas
} # if some wt.only entries
# find the wt scores for each of the "mut.only" entries, subtract from the mut score
tbl.mut.only <- subset(tbl, assessed=="mut.only", select=c(signature, motifRelativeScore))
if(nrow(tbl.mut.only) > 0){
sigs <- tbl.mut.only$signature
# find the wt scores for these muts, looking in the relaxedMatchPercentage match table
tbl.wt.scores <- subset(tbl.wt.relaxed, signature %in% sigs, select=c(signature, motifRelativeScore))
deltas <- unlist(lapply(sigs, function(sig){mut.score <- subset(tbl.mut.only, signature==sig)$motifRelativeScore;
wt.score <- subset(tbl.wt.scores, signature==sig)$motifRelativeScore;
delta <- wt.score - mut.score
tbl$delta[match(sigs, tbl$signature)] <- deltas
} # tbl.mut.only > 0
coi <- c("motifName", "status", "assessed", "motifRelativeScore", "delta",
"signature", "chrom", "motifStart", "motifEnd", "strand", "match")
stopifnot(all(coi %in% colnames(tbl)))
tbl <- tbl[, coi]
tbl$variant <- variant
}) # assessSnp
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