# Primer optimization algorithms
#' File Name for Initialized Primers.
#' Constructs a filename for initialized primers.
#' @param cur.results.loc Directory where the file should be stored.
#' @param GROUP Sample name of templates.
#' @param primer.lengths Interval of desired primer lengths.
#' @param mode.directionality Directionality of the primers
#' @param allowed.region.definition Definition of the allowed region.
#' @param init.algo Initialization algorithm identifier.
#' @param max.degen Maximum degeneracy of primers.
#' @param conservation Required ratio of primer conservation.
#' @return A filename for the initialized primers.
#' @keywords internal <- function(cur.results.loc, GROUP, primer.lengths, mode.directionality,
allowed.region.definition, init.algo, max.degen, conservation) {
# get the filename for the initial primer set
if (length(cur.results.loc) == 0) {
} <- ""
if (init.algo == "tree") { <- paste(, "degen=", max.degen, "_con=", conservation,
sep = "")
path <- file.path(cur.results.loc, paste(GROUP, "_initial_primers_", init.algo,
"_", primer.lengths[1], "_", primer.lengths[2], "_",, mode.directionality,
".csv", sep = ""))
#' Write Out Optimization Data
#' Writes out all data relating to the optimization of primers.
#' @param opti.results.loc Folder where optimization data reside.
#' @param List with optimization results.
#' @param mode.directionality Direction of primers.
#' @param settings Settings used in the optimization procedure.
#' List containing fw, rev settings.
#' @param Name of template sample.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @param max.degen Maximal degeneracy of primers.
#' @return Write-out of primer information to \code{opti.results.loc}.
#' @keywords internal <- function(opti.results.loc,,
mode.directionality, settings,, template.df, max.degen) {
if (length(opti.results.loc) != 0) {
optimal.primers <-$opti
all.opti.results <-$all_results
for (i in seq_along(all.opti.results)) {
write.csv(all.opti.results[[i]], file = file.path(opti.results.loc, paste(,
"_optimized_set_target_temp_", names(all.opti.results)[i], ".csv",
sep = "")), row.names = FALSE)
template.df <- update_template_cvg(template.df, optimal.primers)
write.csv(template.df, file = file.path(opti.results.loc, paste(, "_optimized_templates.csv",
sep = "")), row.names = FALSE)
# save constraints:
for (i in seq_along(settings)) {
setting <- settings[[i]]
write_settings(setting, file.path(opti.results.loc, paste0(,
"_constraint_settings_", names(settings)[i], ".xml")))
write.csv(optimal.primers, file = file.path(opti.results.loc, paste(,
"_FINAL_optimized_primers.csv", sep = "")), row.names = FALSE)
merged.result <- merge.ambig.primers(optimal.primers, mode.directionality,
write_primers(merged.result, file.path(opti.results.loc,
paste(, "_FINAL_optimized_primers.fasta", sep = "")))
#' @rdname PrimerDesign
#' @name PrimerDesign
#' @details
#' The primer design algorithm used by \code{design_primers} consists
#' of three steps: primer initialization, filtering, and optimization.
#' The method for initializing a set of candidate primers is determined
#' via \code{init.algo}. If \code{init.algo} is set to \emph{naive}, primers
#' are created by extracting substrings from all input template sequences.
#' If \code{init.algo} is set to \emph{tree}, degenerate primers are created by
#' merging similar subsequences by forming their consensus sequence up to
#' a degeneracy of at most \code{max.degen}. The tree-based initialization
#' is recommended for related sequences.
#' The candidate primer set is filtered according to the constraints
#' specified in the \code{settings} object. In some cases, it is necessary
#' to relax the constraints in order to reach the desired \code{required.cvg}.
#' In these cases, primers that fail the input constraints may be selected.
#' If you would like to skip the initialization and filtering stages,
#' you can provide an evaluated \code{Primers} object via \code{primer.df}.
#' Optimizing a primer set entails finding the smallest subset of primers
#' maximizing the coverage, which is done by solving the set cover problem.
#' If melting temperature differences are a constraint,
#' the optimization procedure automatically samples ranges of melting
#' temperatures to find optimal sets for all possible temperatures.
#' You can select the used optimization algorithm via \code{optia.algo}, where
#' you can set "Greedy" for a greedy algorithm or "ILP for
#' an integer linear program formulation (ILP).
#' While the worst-case runtime of the
#' greedy algorithm is shorter than the worst-case runtime of the ILP,
#' the greedy solution may yield larger primer sets than the ILP solution.
#' @return \code{design_primers} returns a list with the following fields:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{opti}:}{A \code{Primers} object providing the designed primer set.}
#' \item{\code{used_constraints}:}{A list with \code{DesignSettings} objects
#' for each primer direction providing the (possibly relaxed) constraints used
#' for designing the optimal primers.}
#' \item{\code{all_results}:}{A list containing objects of class \code{Primers}.
#' Each list entry corresponds to an optimal primer set for a given
#' melting temperature.}
#' \item{\code{all_used_constraints}:}{A list containing \code{DesignSettings} object for each optimized set in \code{all_results}.}
#' \item{\code{filtered}:}{A list with data providing information on the results
#' of the filtering procedure.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Define PCR settings and primer criteria
#' data(Ippolito)
#' # design only with minimal set of constraints
#' constraints(settings)$primer_length <- c("min" = 18, "max" = 18)
#' constraints(settings) <- constraints(settings)[c("primer_length", "primer_coverage")]
#' # Design only forward primers using a greedy algorithm
#' optimal.primers.greedy <- design_primers(template.df[1:2,], "both", settings, init.algo = "naive")
#' # Usage of the tree-based initialization strategy (requires MAFFT)
#' \dontrun{
#' out.dir <- tempdir()
#' optimal.primers.tree <- design_primers(template.df[1:2,], "both", settings,
#' init.algo = "tree", opti.algo = "ILP",
#' max.degen = 16,
#' cur.results.loc = out.dir)
#' }
design_primers <- function(template.df, mode.directionality = c("both", "fw", "rev"),
settings, init.algo = c("naive", "tree"), opti.algo = c("Greedy", "ILP"),
required.cvg = 1.0, timeout = Inf, max.degen = 16, conservation = 1.0, = NULL, cur.results.loc = NULL,
primer.df = NULL, updateProgress = NULL) {
# never allow any binding outside the target region for designing
init.algo <- match.arg(init.algo)
if (init.algo == "tree" && !check.tool.function()["MAFFT"]) {
stop("If you would like to use the tree-based primer initialization strategy, please install MAFFT ( first.")
conOptions(settings)$allowed_other_binding_ratio <- 0
mode.directionality <- match.arg(mode.directionality)
opti.algo <- match.arg(opti.algo)
if (length(settings) == 0 || !is(settings, "DesignSettings")) {
stop("Please provide a DesignSettings object.")
if (!is(template.df, "Templates")) {
stop("Please supply a valid template data frame.")
if (required.cvg < 0 || required.cvg > 1) {
stop("Required coverage should be in [0,1].")
if (max.degen < 0) {
stop("The maximal degeneracy should be positive.")
if (conservation < 0 || conservation > 1) {
stop("The top-conservation percentile should be in [0,1].")
# check whether all required constraints are provided
required.constraints <- c("primer_length", "primer_coverage")
if (!all(required.constraints %in% names(constraints(settings)))) {
stop("Please provide a settings object containing at least primer_length and primer_coverage as constraints.")
if (is.null( {
if (nrow(template.df) >= 1) { <- template.df$Run[1]
if ( == "") {
# sample name should be different from "" for input from csv <- "openPrimeR"
allowed.region.definition <- conOptions(settings)$allowed_region_definition
# check whether binding regions are long enough to design primers
length.check <- check.init.primer.length(template.df, allowed.region.definition,
filters(settings)$primer_length, mode.directionality)
if (!length.check) {
# allowed region is too short
my.warning("AllowedRegionTooShort", "The allowed binding region was too short. Please adjust the binding region such that primers can be created for all templates.")
if (length(primer.df) != 0) {
# skip the init/filtering steps
if (!is(primer.df, "Primers")) {
stop("primer.df is not a Primers objectc.")
if (!"primer_coverage" %in% colnames(primer.df)) {
stop("primer.df does not have coverage entries.")
fw.primers <- primer.df[primer.df$Forward != "", ]
rev.primers <- primer.df[primer.df$Reverse != "", ]
if (mode.directionality == "fw") {
single.primers <- fw.primers
} else if (mode.directionality == "rev") {
single.primers <- rev.primers
} else {
if (nrow(fw.primers) == 0 || nrow(rev.primers) == 0) {
warning("'mode.directionality' is 'both', but only primers of one directionality were provided.")
single.primers <- NULL
} else {
fw.primers <- NULL
rev.primers <- NULL
single.primers <- NULL
target.temps <- NULL
if (mode.directionality == "fw" || mode.directionality == "rev") { <- design_primers.single(template.df,,
mode.directionality, settings, timeout, opti.algo,
allowed.region.definition, init.algo, max.degen,
conservation, target.temps, required.cvg,
cur.results.loc = cur.results.loc,
primer.df = single.primers, updateProgress = updateProgress)
} else {
# both directions are to be optimized
message("#####\n# (FW) Primer design for forward primers\n#####") <- design_primers.single(template.df,, "fw",
settings, timeout, opti.algo, allowed.region.definition, init.algo, max.degen,
conservation, target.temps, required.cvg,
cur.results.loc = cur.results.loc,
primer.df = fw.primers, updateProgress = updateProgress)
if (is.function(updateProgress)) { # reset progress to 0 for rev opti
updateProgress(0, "", "set")
# exclude primer temperature-sets with 0 cvg <- unlist(lapply($all_results, function(x) sum(x$primer_coverage) != 0))$all_results <-$all_results[]$all_used_constraints <-$all_used_constraints[]
if (length($all_results) == 0) {
warning("Could not construct a primer set for both directions with any coverage given the current settings.")
# optimize reverse primers for the same target temperatures as the fw primers
if ("melting_temp_diff" %in% names(opti(settings))) {
target.temps <- unlist(sapply(seq_along($all_results), function(x) mean($all_results[[x]][,"melting_temp"], na.rm= TRUE)))
names($all_results) <- target.temps
if ("melting_temp_range" %in% names(filters(settings))) {
# adjust the melting_temp range here to save time later
delta <- unname(opti(settings)$melting_temp_diff["max"] / 2)
new.Tm.range <- c("min" = min(target.temps) - delta, "max" = max(target.temps) + delta)
new.Tm.limit <- c(new.Tm.range["min"] - delta, new.Tm.range["max"] + delta)
constraints(settings)$melting_temp_range <- new.Tm.range
constraintLimits(settings)$melting_temp_range <- new.Tm.limit
} else {
target.temps <- rep(NA, length($all_results))
# adjust the templates for rever design to include only templates that can be covered by both direction primers
opti.fw <-$opti
cvg.idx <- unique(unlist($Covered_Seqs, template.df)))
required.nbr <- required.cvg * nrow(template.df) # required nbr of covered templates
rev.required.cvg <- min(length(cvg.idx) / required.nbr, 1) # update required cvg to the new value considering only the already-covered templates
rev.template.df <- template.df[cvg.idx[order(cvg.idx)],] # update template data frame to retain only the already covered templates
primers.fw <-$all_results # arg for cross dimerization considerations between fw/rev primers
message("#####\n# (REV) Primer design for reverse primers\n#####") <- design_primers.single(rev.template.df,, "rev",
settings, timeout, opti.algo, allowed.region.definition, init.algo,
max.degen, conservation, target.temps, rev.required.cvg,
cur.results.loc = cur.results.loc, primer.df = rev.primers, updateProgress = updateProgress)
message("#####\n# (BOTH) Aggregating results\n#####")
opti.fw <-$all_results # base consideration of templates on the best set from the 'fw' run
opti.rev <-$all_results
if ("melting_temp_diff" %in% names(opti(settings))) {
# ensure that fw/rev have the same Tm entries.
# if melting temp diff is not active, the names will be NA, so we don't care.
Tms <- intersect(names(opti.fw), names(opti.rev))
opti.fw <- opti.fw[Tms]
opti.rev <- opti.rev[Tms]
if ("melting_temp_diff" %in% names(constraints(settings))) {
# match fw and rev primers for melting temps if melting temp diff is active
# matching of sets should be improved ...?
allowed.diff.fw <- max(sapply($all_used_constraints, function(x) constraints(x)$melting_temp_diff))
allowed.diff.rev <- max(sapply($all_used_constraints, function(x) constraints(x)$melting_temp_diff))
allowed.diff <- max(c(allowed.diff.fw, allowed.diff.rev)) <- as.numeric(names(opti.fw)) <- as.numeric(names(opti.rev))
# create a matrix indicating whether the i-th forward set is compatible with the j-th reverse set
compatible <-, lapply(, function(x) abs(x - < allowed.diff))
compatible.df <- data.frame(which(compatible, arr.ind = TRUE))
colnames(compatible.df) <- c("fw_idx", "rev_idx")
} else {
# set all pairs of fw/rev sets as compatible
compatible.df <- data.frame(fw_idx = seq_along(opti.fw),
rev_idx = seq_along(opti.rev))
} <- evaluate.fw.rev.combinations(opti.fw, opti.rev, compatible.df, template.df)
sel.set <-$stats)
if (length(sel.set) == 0) {
warning("Could not select an optimal fw-rev combination of primers.")
optimal.primers <- NULL
used.settings.fw <- NULL
used.settings.rev <- NULL
} else {
optimal.primers <-$sets[[sel.set]]
# get used settings for the output:
sel.idx.fw <-$stats$fw_index[sel.set]
sel.idx.rev <-$stats$rev_index[sel.set]
used.settings.fw <-$all_used_constraints[[sel.idx.fw]]
used.settings.rev <-$all_used_constraints[[sel.idx.rev]]
used.settings <- list("fw" = used.settings.fw, "rev" = used.settings.rev)
# update melting temp diff and cross dimerization to account for fw/rev primers
for (i in seq_along($sets)) {
cur.set <-$sets[[i]]
cur.set <- update.opti.results(cur.set, settings, template.df)$sets[[i]] <- cur.set
cur.set <- optimal.primers
cur.set <- update.opti.results(cur.set, settings, template.df)
optimal.primers <- cur.set
# construct result: settings
# unify filtering stats from fw and rev primers <- list()
for (i in seq_along($filtered)) {
field <- names($filtered)[i]
if (field != "used_settings") {
# constraints are dealt with in another way ..[[field]] <- my_rbind($filtered[[i]],$filtered[[i]])
# gather filtered primers: combine fw and rev filtered primers <- list(opti = optimal.primers, all_results =$sets,
used_constraints = used.settings,
filtered =
if (length(cur.results.loc) != 0 && length(sel.set) != 0) {
# store data
message("Storing results")
cur.results.loc <- file.path(cur.results.loc, "both")
dir.create(cur.results.loc, showWarnings = FALSE)
PCR.settings <- PCR(settings)
template.df <- update_template_cvg(template.df, optimal.primers),,
mode.directionality, used.settings,, template.df, max.degen), cur.results.loc, optimal.primers, template.df,
mode.directionality, "optimized", PCR.settings$primer_concentration,
PCR.settings$Na_concentration, PCR.settings$Mg_concentration,
PCR.settings$K_concentration, PCR.settings$Tris_concentration,
settings, required.cvg, used.settings) # plot opti coverage info
} <-$all_results
cvg <- unlist(lapply(, function(x) get_cvg_ratio(x, template.df, mode.directionality = mode.directionality, as.char = TRUE)))
message("Coverage of each designed set: ", paste(cvg, collapse = ", "))
#' Selection of Best Primer Set.
#' Selects the best primer set according to coverage and melting temperature differences among primers in the set.
#' @param stats Statistics of the primer sets to be evaluated.
#' @return The index of the best primer set.
#' @keywords internal <- function(stats) {
if (length(stats) == 0) {
# stats: properties of each considered primer set
idx <- which(stats$Coverage == max(stats$Coverage)) # highest coverage sets
if (any(!$TempDiff[idx]))) {
idx <- idx[which.min(stats$TempDiff[idx])] # highest cvg set with lowest temperature difference between primers
#' Evaluation of Set Combinations
#' Evaluates the combinations of forward and reverse primer sets.
#' @param opti.fw List with forward optimal primer sets.
#' @param opti.rev List with reverse optimal primer sets.
#' @param compatible.df Data frame containing the indicices
#' of temperature-compatible forward and reverse primers sets.
#' @param opti.rev.indices Indices for accessing \code{opti.rev}.
#' @param template.df Template data frame for which primers were designed.
#' @return List with information on the combinations of forward and reverse primers
#' as well as the combined data frames themselves.
#' @keywords internal
evaluate.fw.rev.combinations <- function(opti.fw, opti.rev, compatible.df, template.df) {
stat.df <- vector("list", nrow(compatible.df)) # stats of compatible sets
# select compatible combinations of sets via the indices
primer.sets <- vector("list", length(opti.fw))
# set fw temperatures as names as temperatures of fw/rev sets should correspond:
names(primer.sets) <- names(opti.fw)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(compatible.df))) {
fw.idx <- compatible.df$fw_idx[i]
rev.idx <- compatible.df$rev_idx[i]
combi.df <- my_rbind(opti.fw[[fw.idx]], opti.rev[[rev.idx]])
primer.sets[[i]] <- combi.df
cvg <- get_cvg_ratio(combi.df, template.df)
temp.diff <- NA
if ("melting_temp" %in% colnames(combi.df)) {
temp.diff <- max(combi.df$melting_temp) - min(combi.df$melting_temp)
stats <- data.frame(Coverage = cvg,
TempDiff = temp.diff, fw_index = fw.idx,
rev_index = rev.idx)
stat.df[[i]] <- stats
stat.df <-, stat.df)
out <- list(stats = stat.df, sets = primer.sets)
#' Augmentation of Optimized Primer Data.
#' Adds melting_temp_diff and cross_dimerization info to optimized sets.
#' @param primer.df A primer data frame.
#' @param settings A \code{DesignSettings} object.
#' @return An updated primer data frame.
#' @keywords internal
update.opti.results <- function(primer.df, settings, template.df) {
if (length(primer.df) == 0 || nrow(primer.df) == 0) {
mode.directionality <- get.analysis.mode(primer.df)
annealing.temp <- compute_annealing_temp(primer.df, mode.directionality,
template.df, PCR(settings)$Na_concentration,
if ("melting_temp_diff" %in% colnames(primer.df)) {
temp.diff <- get.melting.temp.diff(primer.df$Tm_C_fw, primer.df$Tm_C_rev)
primer.df[, "melting_temp_diff"] <- temp.diff
primer.df[, "EVAL_melting_temp_diff"] <- temp.diff <= opti(settings)$melting_temp_diff["max"]
cross.dimer.df <- NULL
if ("cross_dimerization" %in% names(constraints(settings))) {
# here we have no_structs not set, since we want to annotate the designed data correctly
cross.dimer.df <- compute.all.cross.dimers.frontend(primer.df, PCR(settings)$primer_concentration,
PCR(settings)$Na_concentration, PCR(settings)$Mg_concentration,
PCR(settings)$K_concentration, PCR(settings)$Tris_concentration,
if (length(cross.dimer.df) != 0) {
# no entries in constraint.values when there's nothing to report ...
primer.df <- update.constraint.values(primer.df, cross.dimer.df)
primer.df$EVAL_cross_dimerization <- (primer.df$Cross_Dimer_DeltaG >= constraints(settings)$cross_dimerization["min"])
#' Design Primers for a Single Direction
#' Designs primers for a single direction.
#' @param template.df Template data frame with sequences for which primers shall be designed.
#' @param Identifier for the templates.
#' @param mode.directionality Template strands for which primers shall be designed.
#' Primers can be designed either only for forward strands, only for reverse strands, or
#' both strand directions.
#' @param settings A \code{DesignSettings} object specifying the
#' criteria for designing primers.
#' @param timeout Timeout in seconds for the optimization with ILPs.
#' @param opti.algo The algorithm to be used for solving the primer set covering problem.
#' @param allowed.region.definition Definition of the target binding sites used for evaluating the coverage.
#' If \code{allowed.region.definition} is "within", primers have to lie within the allowed binding region.
#' If \code{allowed.region.definition} is "any", primers have to overlap with the allowed binding region.
#' The default is that primers have to bind within the target binding region.
#' @param init.algo The algorithm to be used for initializing primers.
#' If \code{init.algo} is \code{naive}, then primers are constructed from substrings of the input template sequences.
#' If \code{init.algo} is \code{tree}, phylogenetic trees are used to form degenerate primers whose degeneracy is
#' bounded by \code{max.degen}.
#' @param max.degen Maximal degeneracy of merged primers.
#' @param conservation When using the tree-based primer initialization, consider only the \code{conservation}
#' percentile of regions with the highest conservation.
#' @param target.temps Target melting temperatures for optimized primer sets in Celsius.
#' Only required when optimizing primers for both strand directions and one optimization was already performed.
#' @param required.cvg The target ratio of covered template sequences.
#' If the target ratio cannot be reached, the constraint settings are relaxed up to the relaxation limits.
#' @param fw.primers List with optimized primer data frames corresponding to \code{target.temps}.
#' Only required for optimizing both strand directions and only
#' in the second optimization run in order to check for cross dimerization.
#' @param cur.results.loc Directory for storing results of the primer design procedure.
#' @param primer.df A data frame of evaluated primer candidates that can be optimized directly.
#' @param updateProgress Shiny progress callback function.
#' @return A list containing the results of the primer design procedure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{opti}:}{A \code{Primers} object representing the set of optimized primers.}
#' \item{\code{all_results}:}{A list containing the optimal results for each sampled melting temperature range
#' in terms of a \code{Primers} object
#' in case that the \code{melting_temp_diff} constraint was active. Otherwise,
#' \code{all_results} only has a single entry representing a primer set relating to an undefined melting temperature.}
#' \item{\code{used_constraints}:}{A \code{DesignSettings} object with the (adjusted) analysis settings.}
#' \item{\code{filtered}:}{A \code{Primers} object containing the primer candidates that passed the filtering procedure
#' and which gave rise to the final optimal set.}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
design_primers.single <- function(template.df,,
mode.directionality = c("fw", "rev"),
settings, timeout, opti.algo, allowed.region.definition, init.algo,
max.degen, conservation, target.temps, required.cvg,
fw.primers = NULL,
cur.results.loc = NULL, primer.df = NULL, updateProgress = NULL) {
if (length(mode.directionality) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'mode.directionality' argument.")
mode.directionality <- match.arg(mode.directionality)
# 'Unlist' settings
constraint.settings <- filters(settings)
constraint.limits <- filterLimits(settings)
PCR.settings <- PCR(settings)
primer_conc <- PCR.settings$primer_concentration
template_conc <- PCR.settings$template_concentration
na_salt_conc <- PCR.settings$Na_concentration
mg_salt_conc <- PCR.settings$Mg_concentration
k_salt_conc <- PCR.settings$K_concentration
tris_salt_conc <- PCR.settings$Tris_concentration
other.settings <- conOptions(settings)
allowed.mismatches <- other.settings$allowed_mismatches
allowed.stop.codons <- other.settings$allowed_stop_codons
allowed.other.binding.ratio <- other.settings$allowed_other_binding_ratio
disallowed.mismatch.pos <- other.settings$disallowed_mismatch_pos
primer.lengths <- constraint.settings$primer_length
opti.results.loc <- NULL
filtering.results.loc <- NULL
if (length(cur.results.loc) != 0) {
# create some diagnostic folders
cur.results.loc <- file.path(cur.results.loc, mode.directionality)
filtering.results.loc <- file.path(cur.results.loc, "filtering")
opti.results.loc <- file.path(cur.results.loc, "optimization", opti.algo)
dir.create(cur.results.loc, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(filtering.results.loc, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(opti.results.loc, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# load primers/initialize primers
used.filtering.constraints <- NULL
annealing.temp <- NULL # no pre-determined annealing temperature for filtering should be required
filtered.result <- NULL
used.settings <- settings
if (length(primer.df) == 0) {
# initialize and filter primer set
message("# Phase 1: Initialization of primers")
if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
detail <- paste("Initialization_", mode.directionality, sep = "")
updateProgress(1/3, detail, "inc")
primer.df <- initialize.primer.set(template.df,, primer.lengths, allowed.region.definition,
mode.directionality, init.algo, max.degen, conservation, cur.results.loc)
# filter primers
message("# Phase 2: Selection of primers")
if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
detail <- paste("Filtering_", mode.directionality, sep = "")
updateProgress(1/3, detail, "inc")
filtered.result <- filter.primer.set.opti(primer.df,,
template.df, settings, mode.directionality, required.cvg,
filtering.results.loc, target.temps)
filtered.df <- filtered.result$data
used.settings <- filtered.result$used_settings # update the setings object
} else {
filtered.df <- primer.df
if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
detail <- paste("Optimizing_", mode.directionality, sep = "")
updateProgress(1/3, detail, "inc")
# ensure that melting temperature is available if melting_temp_diff constraint is active:
if ("melting_temp_diff" %in% names(opti(used.settings)) && !"melting_temp" %in% colnames(filtered.df) &&
Sys.which("melting-batch") != "") {
# compute melting temperatures if they don't exist
melting.temps <- compute.melting.temps(filtered.df, primer_conc, na_salt_conc,
mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, mode.directionality)
filtered.df <- cbind(filtered.df, melting.temps)
message("# Phase 3: Optimization of primers")
if (opti.algo == "ILP") {
# ILP OPTIMIZATION optimize with ILPs <- optimize.ILP(filtered.df, template.df, used.settings,
primer_conc, template_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc,
k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, allowed.mismatches,
allowed.other.binding.ratio, allowed.stop.codons, allowed.region.definition,
disallowed.mismatch.pos, target.temps, required.cvg, fw.primers = fw.primers,
diagnostic.location = opti.results.loc, timeout = timeout)
} else {
# GREEDY OPTIMIZATION <-, used.settings,
template.df, mode.directionality, required.cvg, constraint.settings$primer_coverage["primer_mismatches.max"],
primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc,
template_conc, allowed.other.binding.ratio,
allowed.stop.codons, allowed.region.definition,
disallowed.mismatch.pos, target.temps, fw.primers)
opti.set <-$opti
cvg.s <- paste0(round(get_cvg_ratio(opti.set, template.df) * 100, 2), "%")
message("\to Selected ", nrow(opti.set), " primers (", cvg.s, " coverage).")
# update melting_temp_diff & cross-dimer entries in all optimized sets
for (i in seq_along($all_results)) {
cur.set <-$all_results[[i]]
cur.set <- update.opti.results(cur.set, used.settings, template.df)$all_results[[i]] <- cur.set
opti.set <- update.opti.results(opti.set, used.settings, template.df)$opti <- opti.set
# add filtering results to output$filtered <- filtered.result
# create a list of settings for the output
used.settings <- list($used_constraints)
names(used.settings) <- mode.directionality$used_constraints <- used.settings
if (length(opti.results.loc) != 0) {
message("Storing results"),, mode.directionality,
used.settings,, template.df, max.degen)
visualize.all.results(, filtering.results.loc, opti.results.loc, primer_conc,
na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc,
settings, mode.directionality, used.settings, required.cvg)
#' Visualization of Design Results.
#' Visualizes all results from designing primers.
#' @param sample Identifier of the design run.
#' @param filtering.results.loc Location of filtering results.
#' @param opti.results.loc Location of optimization results.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param template_conc Template concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris ion concentration.
#' @param settings The \code{DesignSettings} object.
#' @param mode.directionality Strand direction for which primers were designed.
#' @param used.settings A list with the used settings for optimization (fields "fw" and "rev").
#' @param required.cvg The required coverage.
#' @return Writes visualizations to files in.
#' @keywords internal
visualize.all.results <- function(sample, filtering.results.loc, opti.results.loc,
primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc,
settings, mode.directionality, used.settings, required.cvg) {
if (length(filtering.results.loc) == 0 || length(opti.results.loc) == 0) {
return(NULL) # not suppoed to plot anything
#### Plot filtering stats
excluded.df <- read_primers(file.path(filtering.results.loc, paste(sample, "_excluded_primers.csv",
sep = "")))
template.df <- read_templates(file.path(filtering.results.loc, paste(sample, "_filtered_templates.csv",
sep = "")))
filtered.df <- read_primers(file.path(filtering.results.loc, paste(sample,
"_filtered_primers.csv", sep = "")))
filtered.stats <- read.csv(file.path(filtering.results.loc, paste(sample, "_filtered_primers_stats.csv",
sep = "")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
relax.stats <- file.path(filtering.results.loc, paste(sample, "_filtered_primers_stats_relax.csv",
sep = ""))
if (file.size(relax.stats) > 3) {
stats.relax <- read.csv(file.path(filtering.results.loc, paste(sample, "_filtered_primers_stats_relax.csv",
sep = "")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
stats.relax <- NULL
visualize.filtering.results(sample, filtering.results.loc, mode.directionality,
excluded.df, template.df, filtered.df, filtered.stats, stats.relax, primer_conc,
na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc,
# optimization plots: differentiate between different optimization methods
optimal.primers <- try(read_primers(file.path(opti.results.loc, paste(sample,
"_FINAL_optimized_primers.csv", sep = ""))))
if (is(optimal.primers, "try-error")) {
return() # no available results here
optimal.primers[] <- ""
template.df <- update_template_cvg(template.df, optimal.primers) # update lex cvg, opti.results.loc, optimal.primers, template.df, mode.directionality,
"optimized", primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc,
settings, required.cvg, used.settings)
#' Visualization of Filtering Results.
#' Visualizes the filtering results.
#' @param sample Primer design run identifier.
#' @param results.loc Location where the filtering results are stored.
#' @param mode.directionality Design direction.
#' @param excluded.df Data frame with excluded primers.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @param filtered.df Primer data frame containing the primers that passed the constraints.
#' @param stats.relax Filtering statistics after relaxation.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param template_conc Template concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris ion concentration.
#' @param settings A \code{DesignSettings} object.
#' @param required.cvg The required coverage.
#' @return Write-out of filtering results.
#' @keywords internal
visualize.filtering.results <- function(sample, results.loc, mode.directionality,
excluded.df, template.df, filtered.df, filtered.stats, stats.relax, primer_conc, na_salt_conc,
mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, settings, required.cvg) {
plot.all.filtering.stats(results.loc, sample, excluded.df, filtered.stats, stats.relax,
# create coverage plots/stats, results.loc, filtered.df, template.df, mode.directionality,
"filtering", primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc,
settings, required.cvg)
cvg.stats <- get_cvg_stats(filtered.df, template.df)
write.csv(cvg.stats, file.path(results.loc, paste(sample, "_filtering_cvg_stats.csv",
sep = "")), row.names = FALSE)
#' Plot Filtering Stats.
#' Plots filtering statistics.
#' @param results.loc Location where the filtering results are stored.
#' @param sample Primer design run identifier.
#' @param excluded.df Data frame with excluded primers.
#' @param filtered.stats Filtering statistics data frame.
#' @param stats.relax Filtering statistics after relaxation.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @return Write-out of filtering results.
#' @keywords internal
plot.all.filtering.stats <- function(results.loc, sample, excluded.df, filtered.stats,
stats.relax, template.df) {
# Plot all filtering stats
p <- plot.excluded.hist(excluded.df, filtered.stats, template.df)
my_ggsave(file.path(results.loc, paste(sample, "_excluded_hist.png", sep = "")), p,
units = "cm", width = 40, height = 20)
p <- plot.filtering.stats(filtered.stats, stats.relax)
my_ggsave(file.path(results.loc, paste(sample, "_filtering_stats.png", sep = "")), p,
units = "cm", width = 30, height = 15)
p <- plot.filtering.stats.cvg(filtered.stats, stats.relax)
my_ggsave(file.path(results.loc, paste(sample, "_filtering_stats_cvg.png", sep = "")), p,
units = "cm", width = 30, height = 15)
p <- plot.filtering.runtime(filtered.stats)
my_ggsave(file.path(results.loc, paste(sample, "_filtering_runtime.png", sep = "")), p)
#' Plots Coverage Information
#' Visualizes all coverage-related data.
#' @param sample Primer design run identifier.
#' @param results.loc Location where the filtering results are stored.
#' @param primers Primer data frame.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @param mode.directionality Design direction.
#' @param identifier Identifies whether filtering or optimization info should be displayed.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris ion concentration.
#' @param settings The \code{DesignSettings} object.
#' @param required.cvg The required coverage.
#' @param used.settings A list containing \code{DesignSettings} objects for the 'fw' and 'rev' optimization.
#' @return Writes plots to files.
#' @keywords internal <- function(sample, results.loc, primers, template.df, mode.directionality,
identifier = c("filtering", "optimized"), primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc,
settings, required.cvg, used.settings = NULL) {
if (length(identifier) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'identifier' arg.")
identifier <- match.arg(identifier)
if (length(primers) == 0 || length(template.df) == 0 || length(results.loc) == 0) {
constraint.settings <- constraints(settings)
opti.constraints <- opti(settings)
out.loc <- file.path(results.loc, "plots")
dir.create(out.loc, showWarnings = FALSE)
# primer group coverage overview table
cvg.stats <- get_cvg_stats(primers, template.df)
write.csv(cvg.stats, file = file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier,
"_cvg_stats.csv", sep = "")), row.names = FALSE)
plot_template_cvg(primers, template.df)
my_ggsave(file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier, "_template_cvg.png", sep = "")),
units = "cm", width = 15, height = 15)
plot_template_cvg(primers, template.df, per.mismatch = TRUE)
my_ggsave(file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier, "_template_cvg_mismatch.png", sep = "")),
units = "cm", width = 15, height = 15)
# primer binding regions
if (mode.directionality == "both") {
relations <- c("fw", "rev") # forward primer info
} else {
relations <- mode.directionality
for (i in seq_along(relations)) {
relation <- relations[i]
plot_primer_binding_regions(primers, template.df, relation, group = "all")
my_ggsave(file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier, "_primer_binding_regions_", relation, ".png",
sep = "")), units = "cm", width = 30, height = 15)
if (identifier != "filtering") {
# don't plot for the filtered primers: too many ..
# create pdf report
file <- file.path(out.loc, get_report_fname("report", sample))
create_report(primers, template.df, file, settings, = sample, used.settings = used.settings,
required.cvg = required.cvg)
plot_primer_cvg(primers, template.df)
my_ggsave(file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier, "_primer_cvg.png",
sep = "")), units = "cm", width = 25, height = 15)
for (i in seq_along(relations)) {
relation <- relations[i]
p <- plot_primer(primers, template.df, primers$Identifier, relation)
my_ggsave(file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier, "_", relation, "_primer_plot.png",
sep = "")), plot = p, height = 90, units = "cm", width = 30, dpi = 300)
# self dimerization
self.dimer.cutoff <- ifelse("self_dimerization" %in% names(constraint.settings),
constraint.settings$self_dimerization, NA)
annealing.temp <- compute_annealing_temp(primers, mode.directionality,
template.df, PCR(settings)$Na_concentration,
if (! {
# only plot if data were supposed to be computed <- compute.all.self.dimers(primers, primer_conc,
na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, annealing.temp)
se <-
#se <- view.self.dimer.table(
write.csv(se, file = file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier, "_self_dimer_details.csv",
sep = "")), row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(, file = file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier,
"_self_dimer_details_raw.csv", sep = "")), row.names = FALSE)
p <- plot.dimer.dist(se, self.dimer.cutoff)
my_ggsave(file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier, "_self_dimer_DeltaG.png",
sep = "")), plot = p)
self.dim.table <- dimerization.table(se, self.dimer.cutoff, "Self-Dimerization")
write.csv(self.dim.table, file = file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier,
"_self_dimer_counts.csv", sep = "")), row.names = FALSE)
# cross dimerization
cross.dimer.cutoff <- ifelse("cross_dimerization" %in% names(opti.constraints),
opti.constraints$cross_dimerization, -8) <- compute.all.cross.dimers.unfiltered(primers, primer_conc,
na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, annealing.temp) <- compute.all.cross.dimers(primers, primer_conc,
na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, annealing.temp,
if (length( != 0) { <- na.omit(
se <-
#se <- view.cross.dimer.table(
write.csv(se, file = file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier, "_cross_dimer_details.csv",
sep = "")), row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(, file = file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_",
identifier, "_cross_dimer_details_raw.csv", sep = "")), row.names = FALSE)
p <- plot.dimer.dist(se, cross.dimer.cutoff)
my_ggsave(file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier, "_cross_dimer_DeltaG.png",
sep = "")), plot = p)
cross.dim.table <- dimerization.table(se, cross.dimer.cutoff, "Cross-Dimerization")
write.csv(cross.dim.table, file = file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier,
"_cross_dimer_counts.csv", sep = "")), row.names = FALSE)
# mismatches
mm.table.fw <- compute.mismatch.table(primers, template.df, "fw")
write.csv(mm.table.fw, file = file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier,
"_mismatch_priming.csv", sep = "")), row.names = FALSE)
# constraint evaluation: which constraints are fulfilled?
p <- plot_constraint_fulfillment(primers, settings)
my_ggsave(file.path(out.loc, paste(sample, "_", identifier, "_constraints_evaluation.png",
sep = "")), plot = p)
# output optimal set subsets
groups <- NULL # consider cvg of all groups
compute.all.primer.subsets.ILP(primers, template.df, 1, groups, out.loc, required.cvg)
#' Computation of Primer Subsets
#' Computes all optimal primer subsets and stores their plots.
#' @param primer.df Primer data frame.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @param k Subset size-increment.
#' @param groups Identifiers of template groups in order to limit coverage to
#' certain groups of template sequences.
#' @param cur.results.loc Location for storing the results.
#' @param required.cvg The required coverage ratio.
#' @return Write-out of results.
#' @keywords internal
compute.all.primer.subsets.ILP <- function(primer.df, template.df, k, groups, cur.results.loc, required.cvg = 1) {
if (length(primer.df) == 0 || nrow(primer.df) == 0) {
identifier <- "subsets"
if (length(groups) != 0) {
identifier <- paste(identifier, "_groups_", paste(groups, collapse = "_",
sep = ""), sep = "")
top.primers.overall <- subset_primer_set(primer.df, template.df, k, groups,
identifier, cur.results.loc)
p <- plot_primer_subsets(top.primers.overall, template.df,
required.cvg = required.cvg)
my_ggsave(file.path(cur.results.loc, paste(identifier, "_coverage_ramp.png", sep = "")), p,
units = "cm", width = 15, height = 15)
#' Creation of Melting Temperature Groups
#' Creates a data frame identifying target melting temperatures of individual primer sets.
#' @param primers An object of class \code{Primers} for which to create groups based on melting temperatures.
#' @param template.df An object of class \code{Templates} corresponding to the primers.
#' @param settings A \code{DesignSettings} objects.
#' @param target.temps Pre-defined target melting temperatures to use instead
#' of automatically determining groups from the \code{primers}.
#' @return Data frame with target melting temperatures for individual primer sets.
#' @keywords internal
create.Tm.brackets <- function(primers, template.df, settings, target.temps = NULL) {
group.assignment <- rep(1, nrow(primers)) # all in one group by default
group.df <- NULL
group.df <- data.frame(GroupID = 1, min_Tm = NA, max_Tm = NA,
target_Tm = NA, annealing_temp = NA)
opti.constraints <- opti(settings) <- opti.constraints[["melting_temp_diff"]]["max"]
# ensure that melting temperatures are available if melting_temp_diff is to be constrained
if ("melting_temp_diff" %in% names(opti.constraints) && !"melting_temp" %in% colnames(primers) && nrow(primers) != 0) {
# melting temp is not available although melting_temp_diff should be respected -> compute melting temperatures here
primers <- check_constraints(primers, template.df, settings, active.constraints = "melting_temp_diff")
} else if ("melting_temp" %in% colnames(primers) && "melting_temp_diff" %in% names(opti.constraints)) {
# we have a melting temp, but we might still have missing entries ...
na.idx <- which($melting_temp))
if (length(na.idx) != 0) {
primers[na.idx,] <- check_constraints(primers[na.idx,], template.df, settings, active.constraints = "melting_temp_diff")
if (length(target.temps) != 0 && "melting_temp_diff" %in% names(opti.constraints)) {
# init group.df with target temps
group.df <- data.frame(GroupID = seq_along(target.temps), min_Tm = target.temps - (,
max_Tm = target.temps + (, target_Tm = target.temps, annealing_temp = NA)
} else if ("melting_temp_diff" %in% names(opti.constraints) && nrow(primers) != 0) {
# no target temperatures specified -> determine grouping automatically:
# ensure that groups overlap by selecting steps half the size of the allowed temperature difference
groups <- c(seq(min(primers$melting_temp, na.rm = TRUE), max(primers$melting_temp, na.rm = TRUE), ifelse( !=0, / 2, 1)), max(primers$melting_temp, na.rm = TRUE))
if (length(groups) == 2) {
# ensure that 'group.df' can be constructed
groups <- c(groups, max(primers$melting_temp, na.rm = TRUE))
group.df <- data.frame(GroupID = seq_len(length(groups) - 2), min_Tm = groups[seq_len(length(groups) -
2)], max_Tm = groups[3:length(groups)])
group.df$target_Tm <- group.df$min_Tm + (group.df$max_Tm - group.df$min_Tm)/2
# assign annealing temperatures
if (nrow(primers) != 0 && "melting_temp_diff" %in% names(opti.constraints)) {
group.df$annealing_temp <- sapply(group.df$min_Tm, function(x) annealing.temp.rule.of.thumb(x))
# assign primers to groups if melting temperature is available
group.assignment <- sapply(primers$melting_temp, function(x) group.df$GroupID[which(x >=
group.df$min_Tm & x < group.df$max_Tm)])
group.assignment <- sapply(group.assignment, function(x) ifelse(length(x) ==
0, NA, x))
mean.temp <- mean(primers$melting_temp) # mean melting temperature of the data set serves as the starting position of temperature optimization
target.temp.order <- order(abs(group.df$target_Tm - mean.temp))
group.df <- group.df[target.temp.order, ]
} else if (nrow(primers) != 0 && !"melting_temp_diff" %in% names(opti.constraints)) {
# all primers are in one group -> compute annealing temp for all
# necessary for computations that depend on the Ta
mode.directionality <- get.analysis.mode(primers)
annealing.temp <- compute_annealing_temp(primers, mode.directionality,
template.df, PCR(settings)$Na_concentration,
group.df[, "annealing_temp"] <- min(annealing.temp)
# the melting temp range doesn't need to be computed in this case
# no adjustment of groups necessary
return(list(group_idx = group.assignment, df = group.df, primers = primers))
#' Cross-Dimerization Filtering
#' Removes cross-dimerizing primers from the input data.
#' @param primers.rev The primer data set to be filtered for cross-dimers.
#' @param primers.fw The primer data set to be checked against cross-dimerization.
#' @param opti.constraints List with optimization constraint settings.
#' @param annealing.temp The PCR annealing temperature.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris ion concentration.
#' @return \code{primers.rev} with removed cross-dimerizing primers.
#' @keywords internal
#filter.cross.comp <- function(primers.rev, primers.fw, opti.constraints, annealing.temp,
#primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc) {
## determines whether primers in first set (rev) dimerize with primers in second
## set (fw) and removes primers from first set. this function is used during
## optimization, when one direction has already been optimized (primers.fw) and
## the other one hasn't been yet. no adjustment necessary ...
#if (!"cross_dimerization" %in% names(opti.constraints) || length(primers.fw) ==
#0 || length(primers.rev) == 0) {
#primers.1 <- primers.rev$Reverse # rows: selection
#primers.2 <- primers.fw$Forward # cols
#G.df <- get.cross.dimers(primers.1, primers.2, primer_conc, na_salt_conc,
#mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, annealing.temp, mode = "asymmetric")
#deltaG.cutoff <- opti.constraints$cross_dimerization["min"]
## problem with create.G.matrix: dimension is defined by primer.df ... always
# square!
#G.matrix <- create.G.matrix(primers.rev, G.df, primers.fw) # min deltaG values of cross-dimerization conformations for every pair of primers
#D <- compute.dimer.matrix(G.matrix, deltaG.cutoff) # 1 for dimers, 0 else
## filter:
#rm.idx <- which(apply(D, 1, function(x) any(x == 1)))
#if (length(rm.idx) != 0) {
#primers.rev <- primers.rev[-rm.idx, ]
#' Creation of Melting Temperature Sets.
#' Stratifies primers according to their melting temperatures and checks temperature-dependent constraints.
#' Cross-dimerization between forward and reverse primers is checked here, in case this is a second
#' optimization run and a list \code{primers.fw} with primer data frames is provided.
#' @param primer.df Primer data frame.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @param Tm.brackets Data frame with target primer melting temperatures.
#' @param settings A \code{DesignSettings} object.
#' @param mode.directionality Identifier of strand for which primers shall be designed.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param template_conc Template concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris ion concentration.
#' @param allowed.mismatches The number of mismatches primers are allowed to have with the templates.
#' @param allowed.other.binding.ratio Ratio of primers allowed to bind to non-target regions.
#' @param allowed.stop.codons Consider mismatch binding events that induce stop codons.
#' @param allowed.region.definition Definition of the allowed region.
#' @param disallowed.mismatch.pos The number of positions from the primer 3' end where mismatches should not be allowed.
#' All primers binding templates with mismatches within \code{disallowed.mismatch.pos} from the 3' end are disregarded.
#' @param opti.mode Compute optimization constraints and relax delta Tm if necessary.
#' @param required.cvg Target coverage ratio.
#' @param primers.fw Already designed primer sets for the target temperatures given in \code{Tm.brackets}.
#' Used to determine cross-dimerization.
#' @param diagnostic.location Directory for storing results.
#' @param updateProgress Shiny progress callback function.
#' @return Primer data frames for every target temperature.
#' @keywords internal
compute.Tm.sets <- function(primer.df, template.df, Tm.brackets, settings, mode.directionality = c("fw", "rev"),
primer_conc, template_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc,
allowed.mismatches, allowed.other.binding.ratio,
allowed.stop.codons, allowed.region.definition, disallowed.mismatch.pos,
opti.mode = FALSE, required.cvg = NULL,
primers.fw = NULL, diagnostic.location = NULL, updateProgress = NULL) {
# determine constraints that need to be computed: consider only primer efficiency
# and secondary struct from opti constraints
if (length(mode.directionality) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'mode.directionality' arg.")
mode.directionality <- match.arg(mode.directionality)
# load initial settings:
opti.constraints <- opti(settings)
opti.limits <- optiLimits(settings)
comp.constraints <- NULL # active constraints for filtering during optimization (annealing-temp dependent)
if (opti.mode) {
# compute constraint values for selected constraints
if ("secondary_structure" %in% names(opti.constraints)) {
# should be computed in filters now ...
comp.constraints <- c(comp.constraints, "secondary_structure")
target.temps <- Tm.brackets$df$target_Tm
Tm.sets <- vector("list", length(target.temps))
out.settings <- vector("list", length(target.temps))
if (opti.mode) {
message("Determining melting temperature sets:")
} else {
message("Checking melting temperature set coverage:")
for (i in seq_along(target.temps)) {
# don't parallelize here, it's more important to parallelize constraint computations
cur.opti.constraints <- opti.constraints
cur.opti.limits <- opti.limits
#cat(paste('Opti constraint filtering\n\to Iteration: ', i, '/',
#length(target.temps), '\n\to Target temperature: ', target.temps[i],
#\n\to Constraints: ', paste(comp.constraints, collapse = ','), '\n', sep= ''))
target.temp <- target.temps[i]
# compute absolute melting temperature differences
annealing.temp <- Tm.brackets$df$annealing_temp[i]
# select Tm set:
if (! & "melting_temp" %in% colnames(primer.df)) {
# target is not specified or melting temperature is not available
cur.sel <- which(abs(primer.df$melting_temp - target.temp) <= (cur.opti.constraints$melting_temp_diff["max"]/2)) # was based on opti limits before, but this was removed so that ILP does not need temperature constraint
} else {
cur.sel <- seq_len(nrow(primer.df)) # select all
# available primers for current temp
Tm.set <- primer.df[cur.sel, ]
message("Melting temperature set @ ", target.temps[i], " with ",
nrow(Tm.set), " primers (", get_cvg_ratio(Tm.set, template.df, as.char = TRUE), " coverage)")
if (length(Tm.set) == 0 || nrow(Tm.set) == 0) {
# set to empty data frame!
Tm.sets[[i]] <- Tm.set
out.settings[[i]] <- settings
if (opti.mode) {
# evaluate and relax constraints
# try not to lose any coverage:
# since we may have just selected 1 set with 'required.cvg' we cannot
# try to maintain the existing cvg -> at least one set provided by the relaxation should achieve the specified target cvg from the design function
target.cvg <- min(get_cvg_ratio(primer.df, template.df), required.cvg) # try to attain the required cvg if possible, or less, if we cannot anymore.
message("\to Computing optimization constraints for target coverage ", paste0(round(target.cvg * 100, 2), "%"))
# 1. Melting temp difference relaxation:
while (get_cvg_ratio(Tm.set, template.df) < target.cvg && "melting_temp_diff" %in% names(opti.constraints) && "melting_temp" %in% colnames(primer.df)) {
# relax Delta Tm
cur.opti.constraints$melting_temp_diff <- relax.opti.constraints(cur.opti.constraints, opti.limits, opti.constraints)$melting_temp_diff
cur.opti.limits$melting_temp_diff <-, opti.limits, opti.constraints)$melting_temp_diff
# create new Tm set according to relaxed DeltaG setting:
cur.sel <- which(abs(primer.df$melting_temp - target.temp) <= (cur.opti.constraints$melting_temp_diff["max"]/2))
Tm.set <- primer.df[cur.sel,]
#message("After melting temp deviation filter: ", get_cvg_ratio(Tm.set, template.df))
# 2. Computation of cross-terms between fw/rev primers
if (mode.directionality == "rev" && length(primers.fw) != 0 &&
"cross_dimerization" %in% names(cur.opti.constraints)) {
# consider cross-terms of fw and rev primers when optimizing both fw and rev primers
ions <- compute.sodium.equivalent.conc(na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc,
k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc)
G.df <- get.cross.dimers(Tm.set$Reverse, primers.fw[[i]]$Forward,
ions, annealing.temp,
no.structures = TRUE, mode = "asymmetric")
G.matrix <- create.G.matrix(Tm.set, G.df, primers.fw[[i]]) # min deltaG values of cross-dimerization conformations for every pair of primers
D <- compute.dimer.matrix(G.matrix, cur.opti.constraints$cross_dimerization) # 1 for dimers, 0 else
# filr new Tm.set -> check cvg
rm.idx <- which(apply(D, 1, function(x) any(x == 1)))
new.Tm.set <- Tm.set
if (length(rm.idx) != 0) {
new.Tm.set <- new.Tm.set[-rm.idx, ]
# relax cross term conditions:
while (get_cvg_ratio(new.Tm.set, template.df) < target.cvg) { # relax and re-evaluate
cur.opti.constraints$cross_dimerization <- relax.opti.constraints(cur.opti.constraints, opti.limits, opti.constraints)$cross_dimerization
cur.opti.limits$cross_dimerization <-, opti.limits, opti.constraints)$cross_dimerization
D <- compute.dimer.matrix(G.matrix, cur.opti.constraints$cross_dimerization)
rm.idx <- which(apply(D, 1, function(x) any(x == 1)))
new.Tm.set <- Tm.set
if (length(rm.idx) != 0) {
new.Tm.set <- new.Tm.set[-rm.idx, ]
Tm.set <- new.Tm.set # set to filtered df
#message("After cross dimerization filter: ", get_cvg_ratio(Tm.set, template.df))
# 3. Computation of other Constraints, e.g. primer efficiency
# there's no relaxation here. the filtered data is only used if we can still reach the target coverage.
constraint.df <- compute.constraints(Tm.set, mode.directionality, template.df, settings, updateProgress) <-, constraint.df, cur.opti.constraints[comp.constraints],
comp.constraints, mode.directionality, template.df)
new.Tm.set <-$Filtered
if (get_cvg_ratio(new.Tm.set, template.df) >= target.cvg ) {
# only use efficiency-filtered data, if we're at the target cvg, otherwise use the non-filtered data
Tm.set <- new.Tm.set
#message("After cross dimerization filter: ", get_cvg_ratio(Tm.set, template.df))
# write out filtered data set to diagnostic location output info
if (length(diagnostic.location) != 0) {
write.csv(Tm.set, file = file.path(diagnostic.location, paste("filtered_opti_data_target_temp_",
target.temp, ".csv", sep = "")), row.names = FALSE) # write every iteration in case we have to stop the analysis due to time constraints
write.csv($Excluded, file = file.path(diagnostic.location,
paste("filtered_opti_data_excluded_target_temp_", target.temp, ".csv",
sep = "")), row.names = FALSE) # write every iteration in case we have to stop the analysis due to time constraints
# output relaxed settings and sets
cur.settings <- settings
constraintLimits(cur.settings)[names(cur.opti.limits)] <- cur.opti.limits
constraints(cur.settings)[names(cur.opti.constraints)] <- cur.opti.constraints
out.settings[[i]] <- cur.settings
Tm.sets[[i]] <- Tm.set # store melting temperature-target set
result <- list("sets" = Tm.sets, "settings" = out.settings)
#' Relaxation of Optimization Constraints
#' Relax optimization constraints.
#' @param cur.opti.constraints List with optimization constraint settings.
#' @param initial.opti.limits Initial optimization limits.
#' @param initial.opti.constraints Initial optimization constraints.
#' @return Relaxed optimization constraints.
#' @keywords internal
relax.opti.constraints <- function(cur.opti.constraints, initial.opti.limits, initial.opti.constraints) {
if (length(cur.opti.constraints) == 0) {
# nothing to relax ..
cur.opti.constraints <-, initial.opti.limits, initial.opti.constraints)
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