# Greedy optimization of primer sets
#' Reorder Primers
#' Reorders a primer set according to the IDs of primers.
#' @param filtered.primers Primer data frame.
#' @param primer.ID.order new ordering of IDs in the data frame.
#' @return Reordered primer data frame.
#' @keywords internal
reorder.primer.table <- function(filtered.primers, primer.ID.order) {
# reorders the input primers table according to the given ID order
# filtered.primers: input primer df primer.ID.order: new order of ID column in
# primer.df
if (length(primer.ID.order) == 0) {
filtered.primers$ID <- factor(filtered.primers$ID, levels = primer.ID.order)
o <- order(filtered.primers$ID)
filtered.primers <- filtered.primers[o, ]
#' Greedy Choice
#' Selects the currently best primer for Greedy primer selection.
#' @param result Data frame of current optimized primer data set that is to be augmented.
#' @param primers Data frame of candidate primers for addition to \code{result}.
#' @param deltaG.cutoff Free energy cutoff for cross-dimerization.
#' @param target.temp Target annealing temperature in Celsius.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris ion concentration.
#' @return The index of a suitable primer according to Greedy selection.
#' @keywords internal <- function(result, primers, deltaG.cutoff, target.temp,
primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc) {
if (length(primers) == 0 || nrow(primers) == 0) {
candidates <- NULL # idx of all selection candidates
bad.primer.df <- data.frame(Identifier = numeric(0), Index = numeric(0), melting_temp = numeric(0),
deltaG_dimer = numeric(0))
for (idx in seq_len(nrow(primers))) {
# check whether constraints are fulfilled by selection candidates best primers
# already found, check if cur primer cvg is the same as the best primer cvg of
# the current primer is not as high as the selected ones -> don't consider for
# inclusion
if (length(candidates) != 0) {
if (primers[idx, "primer_coverage"] < primers[candidates[1], "primer_coverage"]) {
if (! && length(result) != 0 && nrow(result) != 0) {
# check for cross-dimerization between current primers and candidate primer
tmp.result <- suppressWarnings(my_rbind(result, primers[idx, ]))
comp <- compute.all.cross.dimers(tmp.result, primer_conc, na_salt_conc,
mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc,
target.temp, check.idx = nrow(tmp.result),
no.structures = TRUE)
if (any(comp$DeltaG < deltaG.cutoff)) {
# any deltaG exceeds the allowed cutoff -> don't select this primer
min.deltaG <- min(comp$DeltaG)
#message(paste("bad primer id: ", primers[idx, "Identifier"], ", dimerization deltaG: ",
bad.primer <- data.frame(Identifier = primers[idx, "Identifier"],
Index = idx, melting_temp = NA, deltaG_dimer = min.deltaG)
bad.primer.df <- rbind(bad.primer.df, bad.primer)
} else {
candidates <- c(candidates, idx)
} else {
# if there's no results yet, the first primer is automatically a candidate ..
candidates <- c(candidates, idx)
if (length(candidates) != 0) {
# select the best primer from the candidates (all have the same cvg) by
# resolution through primer efficiency (if available) select primer by highest
# primer efficiency
if ("primer_efficiency" %in% colnames(primers)) {
o <- order(primers[candidates, "mean_primer_efficiency"], decreasing = TRUE)
idx <- candidates[o][1]
} else {
idx <- candidates[1]
res <- list(sel_idx = idx, filtered_info = bad.primer.df)
#' Filter by Melting Temperature Difference
#' Filters primers by melting temperature differences.
#' @param target.temp Target melting temperature in Celsius.
#' @param selected.primers Current candidate primer data frame.
#' @param Maximum allowed difference of primer melting temperatures to target temperature.
#' @return Filtered primer data frame.
#' @keywords internal <- function(target.temp, selected.primers, {
# target.temp: target melting temperature of primers in the optimization set
# selected.primers: current candidates for selection maximal
# allowed difference of primer melting temperature to target temperature
r <- selected.primers
sel.idx <- NULL
filtered.df <- data.frame(Identifier = numeric(0), Index = numeric(0), melting_temp = numeric(0),
deltaG_dimer = numeric(0)) # excluded primers
if (! {
Tm.diff <- abs(selected.primers$melting_temp - target.temp)
sel.idx <- which(Tm.diff >
if (length(sel.idx) != 0) {
f.df <- data.frame(Identifier = selected.primers$Identifier[sel.idx],
Index = sel.idx, melting_temp = Tm.diff[sel.idx], deltaG_dimer = NA)
filtered.df <- rbind(filtered.df, f.df)
r <- selected.primers[-sel.idx, ]
out <- list(data = r, filtered = Primers(filtered.df)) # data: selected primers, filtered: excluded primers. melting temp entry of filtered: refers to DeltaTm!
#' Check of Primer and Template Correspondence.
#' Checks whether the primers relate to the correct templates.
#' @param primer.df An object of class \code{Primers}.
#' @param template.df An object of class \code{Templates}.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the primers and templates seem to correspond,
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
check_correspondence <- function(primer.df, template.df) {
# check whether primers and templates correspond to one another
cvd.seqs <- unlist(sapply(strsplit(primer.df$Covered_Seqs, split = ","), function(x) as.numeric(x)))
if (length(cvd.seqs) == 0) {
# no covered seqs -> always corresponds
cvd.seqs <- cvd.seqs[!] # exclude primers for which cvg is not available.
m <- match(cvd.seqs, template.df$Identifier)
if (any( {
msg <- paste("Could not match all coverage events to the input template data frame.",
"Please check whether the primers and templates correspond.")
} else {
#' Greedy Optimization
#' Greedy approach for solving the primer set coverage problem.
#' @param primers Primer data frame to be optimized.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @param mode.directionality Primer direction.
#' @param cur.opti.constraints List with optimization constraint settings.
#' @param target.temp Target annealing temperature of the optimized primer set in Celsius.
#' @param allowed.mismatches The number of mismatches primers are allowed to have with the templates.
#' @param opti.limits List with optimization limits.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param template_conc Template concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris ion concentration.
#' @param updateProgress Shiny progress callback function.
#' @return List with optimization data.
#' @keywords internal
optimize.primer.cvg <- function(primers, template.df, mode.directionality,
cur.opti.constraints, target.temp, allowed.mismatches, opti.limits, primer_conc,
na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, updateProgress = NULL) {
#print("optimizing primer cvg")
deltaG.cutoff <- NA
if ("cross_dimerization" %in% names(cur.opti.constraints)) {
deltaG.cutoff <- cur.opti.constraints[["cross_dimerization"]]["min"]
l.df <- template.df
max.cvg <- get_cvg_ratio(primers, template.df)
cur.cvg <- 0
it <- 0
result <- NULL # not initialized here due to Primers class.
all.bad.primers <- data.frame(Identifier = numeric(0), Index = numeric(0),
melting_temp = numeric(0), deltaG_dimer = numeric(0))
# order primers by cvg for greedy selection
selected.primers <- primers[order(primers$primer_coverage, decreasing = TRUE), ]
while ((cur.cvg != max.cvg) && nrow(selected.primers) >= 1) {
it <- it + 1
#message(it) <-, selected.primers,
deltaG.cutoff, target.temp, primer_conc,
na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc)
if (length( == 0 ||$sel_idx)) {
# no primer could be selected..
selected.primers <- primers[FALSE, ]
} else {
best.primer.idx <-$sel_idx
bad.primer.df <-$filtered_info # e.g. cross-dimerizing primers
all.bad.primers <- rbind(all.bad.primers, bad.primer.df)
best.covered <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(selected.primers[best.primer.idx, "Covered_Seqs"], split = ",")))
if (length(best.covered) == 0) {
# cannot improve anymore: best (highest cvg primer) didn't cover anything
# selected.primers gives only the coverage count for sequences that haven't been covered yet :-)
cumulative.coverage <- sum(result$Marginal_Coverage_Gain) + selected.primers[best.primer.idx, "primer_coverage"]
# compute current coverage
cur.cvg <- cumulative.coverage/nrow(template.df)
# use primer entry from original table to have the 'true' covered seqs in the
# result, not only the marginal gain (primer_coverage is not the marginal gain!!)
primer.entry <- primers[match(selected.primers[best.primer.idx, "Identifier"], primers$Identifier), ]
entry <- data.frame(Iteration = it,
Marginal_Coverage_Gain = selected.primers[best.primer.idx, "primer_coverage"],
Cumulative_Coverage = cumulative.coverage, Cumulative_Coverage_Ratio = cur.cvg,
primer.entry, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
result <- rbind(result, entry)
rm.idx <- c(bad.primer.df$Index, best.primer.idx)
selected.primers <- selected.primers[-rm.idx, ] # remove the selected primer and selection candidates that were filtered this round
# re-compute coverage by removing templates that are covered by newly added primer (best.covered)
selected.primers <- evaluate.diff.primer.cvg(selected.primers, best.covered, template.df)
# reset cvg to consistent values from before (not marginal gain anymore):
if (length(result) != 0) {
m <- match(result$Identifier, primers$Identifier)
result[, colnames(primers)] <- primers[m, ]
# remove redundant primers
cvg.matrix <- get.coverage.matrix(primers, template.df)
primer.idx <- remove.redundant.cols(m, cvg.matrix) # updated primer.idx with unnecessary primers removed
result <- result[match(primers$Identifier[primer.idx], result$Identifier), , drop = FALSE]
} else {
result <- primers # could not optimize anything
out <- list(data = Primers(result), bad_primers = all.bad.primers)
#' Greedy Optimization.
#' Greedy approach for solving the primer set coverage problem.
#' @param primers Primer data frame to be optimized.
#' @param settings A \code{DesignSettings} object.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @param mode.directionality Primer direction.
#' @param required.cvg Target coverage ratio.
#' @param allowed.mismatches The number of mismatches primers are allowed to have with the templates.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris ion concentration.
#' @param template_conc Template data frame.
#' @param allowed.other.binding.ratio Ratio of primers allowed to bind to non-target regions.
#' @param allowed.stop.codons Consider mismatch binding events that induce stop codons.
#' @param allowed.region.definition Definition of the target binding sites used for evaluating the coverage.
#' If \code{allowed.region.definition} is \code{within}, primers have to lie within the allowed binding region.
#' If \code{allowed.region.definition} is \code{any}, primers have to overlap with the allowed binding region.
#' The default is that primers have to bind within the target binding region.
#' @param disallowed.mismatch.pos The number of positions from the primer 3' end where mismatches should not be allowed.
#' All primers binding templates with mismatches within \code{disallowed.mismatch.pos} from the 3' end are disregarded.
#' @param target.temps Target melting temperatures for optimized sets in Celsius.
#' @param fw.primers List with already optimized primer data frames corresponding to \code{target.temps}.
#' @param updateProgress Shiny progress callback function.
#' @return List with optimization data.
#' @keywords internal <- function(primers, settings, template.df, mode.directionality = c("fw", "rev"),
required.cvg = 1, allowed.mismatches, primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc,
k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, template_conc, allowed.other.binding.ratio,
allowed.stop.codons, allowed.region.definition = c("within", "any"),
disallowed.mismatch.pos, target.temps = NULL, fw.primers = NULL, updateProgress = NULL) {
if (length(mode.directionality) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'mode.directionality' arg.")
mode.directionality <- match.arg(mode.directionality)
if (length(allowed.region.definition) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'allowed.region.definition' arg.")
allowed.region.definition <- match.arg(allowed.region.definition)
opti.constraints <- opti(settings)
opti.limits <- optiLimits(settings)
if (length(primers) == 0) {
} else if (nrow(primers) == 0) {
# nothing to optimize
return(list(opti = primers, all_results = list(primers), all_used_constraints = list(settings),
used_constraints = settings))
# add primer cvg if not present yet: needed for optimization
if (!"primer_coverage" %in% colnames(primers)) {
stop("Optimization requires pre-computed primer coverage")
# determine computation constraints:
Tm.brackets <- create.Tm.brackets(primers, template.df, settings, target.temps)
primers <- Tm.brackets$primers
Tm.groups <- Tm.brackets$group_idx <- Tm.brackets$df
opti.results <- vector("list", nrow(
# 1. precompute constraints for all temperatures
diagnostic.location <- NULL <- compute.Tm.sets(primers, template.df, Tm.brackets, settings, mode.directionality,
primer_conc, template_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc,
allowed.mismatches, allowed.other.binding.ratio,
allowed.stop.codons, allowed.region.definition, disallowed.mismatch.pos,
TRUE, required.cvg,
fw.primers, diagnostic.location, updateProgress)
Tm.sets <-$sets
Tm.settings <-$settings
# 2. optimize all temperature primer sets <- NULL
max.nbr.relaxations <- 3 <- vector("list", length(Tm.sets)) # for debug
for ( in seq_along(Tm.sets)) { # for debug only <- foreach( = seq_along(Tm.sets), .combine = c) %dopar% {
Tm.set <- Tm.sets[[]]
cur.settings <- Tm.settings[[]]
if (length(Tm.set) == 0 || nrow(Tm.set) == 0) {
# no Tm set -> nothing to optimize. this shouldn't really happen except if there's no data.
Tm.out <- list(list(data = Tm.set, used_constraints = opti.constraints))
} else {
#message(paste("Nbr of primers: ", dim(Tm.set)[1], sep = ""))
target.temp <-$target_Tm[]
annealing.temp <-$annealing_temp[]
if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
detail <- paste("Tm group: ",, sep = "")
updateProgress(1/length(opti.results), detail, "inc")
#message(paste("Optimizing for Tm-group: ",, "/", nrow(,
# sep = ""))
target.cvg <- min(get_cvg_ratio(Tm.set, template.df), required.cvg) <- optimize.primer.cvg(Tm.set, template.df, mode.directionality,
opti(cur.settings), annealing.temp, allowed.mismatches,
opti.limits, primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc,
tris_salt_conc, updateProgress)
result <-$data
result.cvg <- get_cvg_ratio(result, template.df)
# relaxation
while (result.cvg < target.cvg && "cross_dimerization" %in% names(opti(cur.settings))) {
# don't lose any coverage here in the optimization ...
# adjust DeltaG
message("Greedy deltaG relaxation. Current coverage: ", result.cvg,
"Target coverage: ", target.cvg,
". Old deltaG: ", constraints(cur.settings)$cross_dimerization["min"])
constraints(cur.settings)$cross_dimerization <- relax.opti.constraints(opti(cur.settings), optiLimits(Tm.settings[[]]),
constraintLimits(cur.settings)$cross_dimerization <-, optiLimits(Tm.settings[[]]),
opti(Tm.settings[[]]))$cross_dimerization <- optimize.primer.cvg(Tm.set, template.df, mode.directionality,
opti(cur.settings), annealing.temp, allowed.mismatches,
opti.limits, primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc,
tris_salt_conc, updateProgress)
result <-$data
result.cvg <- get_cvg_ratio(result, template.df)
message("-> New coverage: ", result.cvg,
". New deltaG: ", constraints(cur.settings)$cross_dimerization["min"])
Tm.out <- list(list(data =$data, used_constraints = cur.settings))[[]] <- Tm.out[[1]] # for debug only
opti.results <- lapply(, function(x) x$data) # extract optimized sets
names(opti.results) <-$target_Tm # uses the target Tm's before relaxation
# remove empty results
opti.results <- opti.results[lengths(opti.results) != 0]
best.idx <-, template.df)
if (length(best.idx) == 0) {
# could not determine a solution, arbitrarily return the first opti.result
best.idx <- 1
opti.result <- opti.results[[best.idx]]
all.used.constraints <- lapply(, function(x) x$used_constraints) # all used settings
result <- list(opti = opti.result,
used_constraints =[[best.idx]]$used_constraints,
all_used_constraints = all.used.constraints,
all_results = opti.results)
#message("optimization w/ greedy finished")
#' Selection of Best Greedy Result
#' Selects best greedy primer data set.
#' @param opti.results List with primer data frames for different target melting temperatures.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @return The index of the best primer data set.
#' @keywords internal <- function(opti.results, template.df) {
# could have a single function for ILP and greedy result selection? <- sapply(opti.results, function(x) if (length(x) != 0 && nrow(x) !=
0) {
} else {
if (all( == 0)) {
message("Could not find a solution with primers covering any of the templates.")
if (length(opti.results) > 0) {
} else {
cvg.ratios <- sapply(, function(x) x/nrow(template.df))
#message("Cumulative coverage per group: ")
#message("Coverage ratios: ")
# TIE BREAKING: at the moment: just use primer_efficiency: later: score primer
# set using all available parameters
eps <- 0.01 # if the cvg difference is just 1%, choose the set with better efficiency
m.cvg <- max(, na.rm = TRUE)
max.idx <- which( == m.cvg)[1]
sel.idx <- which((cvg.ratios[max.idx] - cvg.ratios) < eps)
idx <- NULL
if ("primer_efficiency" %in% colnames(opti.results[[1]])) {
eff <- unlist(lapply(opti.results[sel.idx], function(x) mean(x$mean_primer_efficiency,
na.rm = TRUE)))
# message(opti.results[[1]]$primer_efficiency)
#message(paste("Primer set mean efficiencies:", eff, sep = ""))
idx <- sel.idx[which.max(eff)]
} else {
# no primer efficiency available -> just select the max
idx <- max.idx[1]
#message(paste("Selected primer set: ", idx, sep = ""))
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