# Constraint: cross dimerization
#' Self dimerization
#' Computes possible self-dimers.
#' @param primers.1 Input primers
#' @param primers.2 (Copy/reverse) of the input primers
#' @param ions Sodium-equivalent ionic concentration.
#' @param annealing.temp The annealing temperature.
#' @param no.structures Whether the dimerization structure shall be computed.
#' @return Possible self-dimer conformations.
#' @keywords internal
get.self.dimers <- function(primers.1, primers.2, ions, annealing.temp,
no.structures = FALSE) {
# pairs (fw - fw, fw-rev, rev-rev)
if (length(primers.1) != length(primers.2)) {
stop("Both primer vectors should have the same length.")
idx <- which(primers.1 != "" & primers.2 != "") <-[idx], primers.2[idx],
annealing.temp, ions, no.structures = no.structures)
# return the correct indices:$Idx1 <- idx[$Idx1]$Idx2 <- idx[$Idx2]
#' Cross dimers
#' Computes all possible primer cross-dimers.
#' @param primers.1 Input primers.
#' @param primers.2 Input primers.
#' @param ions Sodium-equivalent ionic concentration.
#' @param annealing.temp The PCR annealing temperature.
#' @param check.idx indices of primers for checking cross-dimerization
#' @param no.structures Whether to compute structures of dimers.
#' @param mode 'symmetric', if \code{primers.1} and \code{primers.2}
#' carry the same information (i.e. fw-fw, rev-rev, fw-rev), 'asymetric' else.
#' @return Data frame with potential cross dimers.
#' @keywords internal
get.cross.dimers <- function(primers.1, primers.2, ions,
annealing.temp, check.idx = NULL,
no.structures = FALSE,
mode = c("symmetric", "asymmetric")) {
mode <- match.arg(mode)
if (length(primers.1) == 0 || length(primers.2) == 0) {
if (length(annealing.temp) == 1) {
annealing.temp <- rep(annealing.temp, length(primers.1))
#message("Creating dimer combinations ...")
if (mode == "symmetric") {
# fewer options for combinations: can exclude self-dimers, as well as already
# considered combinations (e.g. if we have 1-2, we don't need to 2-1 if 2 in the
# right set and 2 in the left set correspond to each other).
combis <-"rbind", parallel::mclapply(seq_along(primers.1), function(x) expand.grid(x,
} else {
# all combinations
combis <-"rbind", parallel::mclapply(seq_along(primers.1), function(x) expand.grid(x,
if (length(check.idx) != 0) {
combi.idx <- which(apply(combis, 1, function(x) any(x %in% check.idx)))
combis <- combis[combi.idx, ]
idx <- which(primers.1[combis[, 1]] != "" & primers.2[combis[, 2]] != "") # only consider primer pairings representing actual sequences
if (length(idx) == 0) {
combis <- combis[idx, ]
# for each possible cross-dimer use the minimal annealing temp of the pairs
use.Ta <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(nrow(combis)), function(x)
min(annealing.temp[combis[x,1]], annealing.temp[combis[x,2]])))
result <-[combis[, 1]], primers.2[combis[, 2]], use.Ta, ions, no.structures)
result <- result[, c("DeltaG", "Structure", "Idx1", "Idx2")]
# modify indices from internal index to used index
result$Idx1 <- combis[, 1][result$Idx1]
result$Idx2 <- combis[, 2][result$Idx2]
#' Create free energy matrix
#' Creates a matrix giving the deltaG values of all primers.
#' @param primer.df Primer data frame.
#' @param G.df Free energy data for the primers.
#' @param primer.df.2 Optional second primer data frame
#' @return Matrix with the smallest free dimerization energy for every primer pair.
#' @keywords internal
create.G.matrix <- function(primer.df, G.df, primer.df.2 = NULL) {
# asymmetric: when primer.df.2 represents some other primers that aren't matched to primer.df (during optimization)
mode <- "asymmetric"
if (length(primer.df.2) == 0) {
primer.df.2 <- primer.df
mode <- "symmetric"
if (length(G.df) == 0) {
# no possible dimerizations detected
out <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(primer.df) * nrow(primer.df.2)), nrow = nrow(primer.df),
ncol = nrow(primer.df.2))
G <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(primer.df) * nrow(primer.df.2)), nrow = nrow(primer.df),
ncol = nrow(primer.df.2))
# write entries
G[cbind(G.df$Idx1, G.df$Idx2)] <- G.df$DeltaG
if (mode == "symmetric") {
G[cbind(G.df$Idx2, G.df$Idx1)] <- G.df$DeltaG
#' Dimerization matrix
#' Computes a matrix indicating all dimerizing primers according to a DeltaG cutoff.
#' @param G Matrix with free energies of all considered primer pairs.
#' @param deltaG.cutoff Primers with free energies below the cutoff are considered dimerizing.
#' @return Binary matrix with dimerization events according to the \code{deltaG.cutoff}.
#' Contains '1' if primers (i,j) dimerize and '0' else.
#' @keywords internal
compute.dimer.matrix <- function(G, deltaG.cutoff = -7) {
D <- G
D[G <= deltaG.cutoff] <- 1 # primers i and j dimerize
D[G > deltaG.cutoff] <- 0 # primer i and j don't dimerize
# print some infos
nbr.pairs <- dim(G)[1] * dim(G)[1]
nbr.dimers <- length(which(D == 1))
ratio.dimers <- nbr.dimers/(dim(G)[1] * dim(G)[1])
if (nrow(D) == 0 || all(D == 0)) {
message("No dimerizing primers detected :-)")
} else {
dimerizing.primers <- length(unique(which(D == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1]))
cat(paste("Dimerization info: \n\to DeltaG cutoff: ", deltaG.cutoff, "\n\to Number of pairs: ",
nbr.pairs, "\n\to Number of dimers: ", nbr.dimers, " (", round(ratio.dimers *
100, 2), "%)\n\to Number of dimerizing primers: ", dimerizing.primers,
"\n", sep = ""))
#' Self dimers
#' Computes all possible self dimers for the primers in the input data frame.
#' @param primer.df Input primer data frame.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris buffer concentration.
#' @param annealing.temp The PCR annealing temperature.
#' @param for.shiny Whether the output is to be formatted for HTML.
#' @param no.structures Whether dimerization structures shall be outputted.
#' @return Data frame with thermodynamic information on all self dimers.
#' @keywords internal
compute.all.self.dimers <- function(primer.df, primer_conc, na_salt_conc,
mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, annealing.temp, for.shiny = FALSE, no.structures = FALSE) {
# computes data frame with deltaG values of possible primer self-dimers considers
# all directions: a primer can bind fw-fw, fw-rev, rev-rev
#message("Computing self dimers @ ", annealing.temp)
ions <- compute.sodium.equivalent.conc(na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc,
k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc)
fw.fw <- get.self.dimers(primer.df$Forward, primer.df$Forward,
ions, annealing.temp, no.structures = no.structures) # fw-fw primer dimers
if (length(fw.fw) != 0) {
fw.fw$Direction <- "fw-fw"
rev.rev <- get.self.dimers(primer.df$Reverse, primer.df$Reverse,
ions, annealing.temp, no.structures = no.structures) # rev-rev primer dimers
if (length(rev.rev) != 0) {
rev.rev$Direction <- "rev-rev"
fw.rev <- get.self.dimers(primer.df$Forward, primer.df$Reverse,
ions, annealing.temp, no.structures = no.structures) # fw-rev primer dimers
if (length(fw.rev) != 0) {
fw.rev$Direction <- "fw-rev"
results <- rbind(fw.fw, rev.rev, fw.rev)
if (length(results) != 0) {
# remove NAs and add ID
results <- na.omit(results)
# results$Idx1 is missing :o
results$ID <- primer.df$ID[results$Idx1]
if (for.shiny) {
results <- view.dimer.df(results, "Self")
#' Selection of cross dimer index
#' Select the index with the smallest DeltaG value.
#' @param deltaG Data frame with thermodynamic info.
#' @param primers The corresponding primers.
#' @return The indices with smallest DeltaG for every primer.
#' @keywords internal
select.min.cross.idx <- function(deltaG, primers) {
# select smallest deltaG idx from data frame of interaction terms, in the order
# of the primers (NA if nothing is available)
indices <- seq_along(primers)
sel.idx <- unlist(lapply(indices, function(x) {
idx <- which(deltaG$Idx1 == x | deltaG$Idx2 == x)
if (length(idx) == 0) {
min.idx <- which.min(deltaG$DeltaG[idx])
ret <- idx[min.idx]
#' Cross dimerization
#' Compute DeltaG data frame for possible primer cross-dimers.
#' @param primer.df Input primers data frame.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris buffer concentration.
#' @param annealing.temp The PCR annealing temperature.
#' @param check.idx Indices of primers for checking cross-dimerization.
#' @param for.shiny Whether to format for HTML output.
#' @param no.structures Whether dimer structures shall not be determined.
#' If \code{TRUE}, structures are not computed resulting in faster runtimes.
#' @return All cross dimers.
#' @keywords internal
# p.df <-, replicate(30, primer.df, simplify = FALSE))
# X <- compute.all.cross.dimers.unfiltered(p.df, primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, annealing.temp, check.idx = NULL, for.shiny = FALSE, no.structures = FALSE)
compute.all.cross.dimers.unfiltered <- function(primer.df, primer_conc, na_salt_conc,
mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, annealing.temp, check.idx = NULL, for.shiny = FALSE, no.structures = FALSE) {
# computes all combinations of cross dimers: fw-fw, rev-rev, fw-rev
# check.idx: only compute cross-dimers for a subset of primers
ions <- compute.sodium.equivalent.conc(na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc,
k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc)
# message("Computing cross dimers @ ", annealing.temp)
# fw-fw dimers
fw.fw <- get.cross.dimers(primer.df$Forward, primer.df$Forward,
ions, annealing.temp, check.idx, no.structures)
if (length(fw.fw) != 0) {
fw.fw$Direction <- "fw-fw"
# rev-rev dimers
rev.rev <- get.cross.dimers(primer.df$Reverse, primer.df$Reverse,
ions, annealing.temp, check.idx, no.structures)
if (length(rev.rev) != 0) {
rev.rev$Direction <- "rev-rev"
# fw-rev dimers
fw.rev <- get.cross.dimers(primer.df$Forward, primer.df$Reverse,
ions, annealing.temp, check.idx, no.structures)
if (length(fw.rev) != 0) {
fw.rev$Direction <- "fw-rev"
results <- rbind(fw.fw, rev.rev, fw.rev)
if (length(results) != 0) {
# remove NAs and add ID
results <- na.omit(results)
results$Primer_1 <- as.character(primer.df$ID[results$Idx1])
results$Primer_2 <- as.character(primer.df$ID[results$Idx2])
if (for.shiny) {
results <- view.dimer.df(results, "Cross")
#' Cross dimerization
#' Compute worst-case DeltaG data frame with all possible primer cross-dimers.
#' @param primer.df Input primers data frame.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris buffer concentration.
#' @param annealing.temp The PCR annealing temperature.
#' @param results (optional) Cross dimer data frame (unfiltered)
#' @param check.idx Indices of primers for checking cross-dimerization.
#' @param for.shiny Whether the table is inteded for HTML display.
#' @param no.structures Whether dimerization structures shall not be outputted.
#' @return Worst-case cross dimers.
#' @keywords internal
compute.all.cross.dimers <- function(primer.df, primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc,
k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, annealing.temp, results = NULL, check.idx = NULL, for.shiny = FALSE, no.structures = FALSE) {
if (length(results) == 0) {
results <- compute.all.cross.dimers.unfiltered(primer.df, primer_conc,
na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc,
annealing.temp, check.idx, no.structures = no.structures)
if (length(results) == 0) {
# no cross dimers found
# filter out duplicate conformations for the same primer pair
# replaced plyr call with dplyr call for speed for large matrices ..
#result <- ddply(results, c("Idx1", "Idx2"), function(x) arrange(x, substitute(DeltaG))[1, ])
# slicing info:
result <- %>%
dplyr::group_by(.dots = c("Idx1", "Idx2")) %>%
dplyr::slice(which.min(!! quote(DeltaG)))) # !! is inline operator to 'unquote' an expression
if (for.shiny) {
result <- view.dimer.df(result, "Cross")
#' Formats a Dimerization Structure for HTML.
#' @param structures A character vector of dimerization structures.
#' @return HTML-formatted character vectors.
#' @keywords internal
html.format.structure <- function(structures) {
# check if structures are already formatted
if (length(structures) == 0) {
if (grepl("<div", structures[[1]])) {
# already formatted!
# format structures for non-NA indices only
idx <- which(!
pre <- "<div class = 'verbatim'>"
post <- "</div>"
s <- strsplit(structures[idx], "\n")
s <- unlist(lapply(s, function(x) {
if (length(x) != 0) {
paste0("<b>5'-</b>", x[[1]], "<b>-3'</b>", "<br>",
paste0(" ", x[[2]]),
"<br>", "<b>3'-</b>", x[[3]], "<b>-5'</b>")
} else {
out <- paste0(pre, s, post)
result <- rep(NA, length(structures))
result[idx] <- out
#' Formatted dimerization data.
#' Format a dimerization data frame for frontend output.
#' @param dimers Dimerization data frame.
#' @param type Type of dimerization.
#' @return A data frame whose columns are formatted in a user-readable way.
#' @keywords internal
view.dimer.df <- function(dimers, type = c("Self", "Cross")) {
if (length(type) == 0) {
stop("Please supply a 'type' argument.")
type <- match.arg(type)
out <- dimers
if (type == "Self") {
struct.col <- "Self_Dimer_Structure"
} else {
struct.col <- "Cross_Dimer_Structure"
if (!struct.col %in% colnames(out)) {
# name wasn't changed yet ..
struct.col <- "Structure"
structures <- out[, struct.col]
out[, struct.col] <- html.format.structure(structures)
rm.cols <- c("Ambig_Index1", "Ambig_Index2") # Idx1, Idx2 retained for shiny
m <- match(rm.cols, colnames(out))
m <- m[!]
if (length(m) != 0) {
out <- out[,-m]
#out <- out[, "Primer2" != colnames(out)] # remove primer2 col
## re-write Idx1 to contain the idx of the 'other' primer
#if (type == "Cross") {
# idx <- rep(NA, nrow(primer.df))
# for (i in seq_along(primer.df$Forward)) {
# if ($Idx1[i])) {
# next
# }
# if (out$Idx1[i] == i) {
# idx[i] <- out$Idx2[i]
# } else {
# idx[i] <- out$Idx1[i]
# }
# }
# out$Idx1 <- primer.df$ID[idx]
# out <- out[, "Idx2" != colnames(out)]
#' Self Dimerization.
#' Computes all self dimers in a user-formatted way.
#' @param primer.df Input primer data frame.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris buffer concentration.
#' @param annealing.temp The PCR annealing temperature.
#' @param for.shiny Whether to format the table for HTML output.
#' @param no.structures Whether dimerization structures shall be outputted.
#' @return A formatted data frame with self-dimerization infos
#' @keywords internal
compute.all.self.dimers.frontend <- function(primer.df, primer_conc, na_salt_conc,
mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc,
annealing.temp, for.shiny = FALSE,
no.structures = FALSE) {
if (Sys.which("hybrid-min") == "") {
stop("Cannot compute self dimers without an installation of OligoArrayAux for computing the thermoydnamic properties.")
self.dimers <- compute.all.self.dimers(primer.df, primer_conc, na_salt_conc,
mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, annealing.temp, for.shiny = for.shiny, no.structures = no.structures)
# select lowest energy binding mode of a self-dimer:
self.dimers <- ddply(self.dimers, c("Idx1"), function(x) arrange(x, substitute(DeltaG))[1, ]) # i should retain the self primer index, right?
self.dimers <- self.dimers[, c("DeltaG", "Structure", "Idx1", "Idx2")]
if (length(self.dimers) != 0) {
colnames(self.dimers) <- paste0("Self_Dimer_", colnames(self.dimers))
if (for.shiny) {
self.dimers <- view.dimer.df(self.dimers, "Self")
#' Cross Dimerization.
#' Computes all cross dimers in a user-formatted way.
#' @param primer.df Input primer data frame.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris buffer concentration.
#' @param annealing.temp The PCR annealing temperature.
#' @param for.shiny Whether to format the table for HTML output.
#' @param no.structures Whether to compute structures of dimers.
#' @return A formatted data frame with cross-dimerization infos
#' @keywords internal
compute.all.cross.dimers.frontend <- function(primer.df, primer_conc, na_salt_conc,
mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, annealing.temp, for.shiny = FALSE, no.structures = FALSE) {
# computes all combinations of cross dimers: fw-fw, rev-rev, fw-rev
if (Sys.which("hybrid-min") == "") {
stop("Cannot compute cross dimers without an installation of OligoArrayAux for computing the thermoydnamic properties.")
results <- compute.all.cross.dimers.unfiltered(primer.df, primer_conc, na_salt_conc,
mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, annealing.temp, no.structures = no.structures)
sel.cols <- c("DeltaG", "Structure", "Idx1", "Idx2")
result.cols <- paste0("Cross_Dimer_", sel.cols)
if (length(results) == 0) {
# no cross dimers found
count <- nrow(primer.df)
out <- data.frame(Cross_Dimer_DeltaG = rep(0, count),
Cross_Dimer_Structure = rep("", count),
Cross_Dimer_Idx1 = rep(NA, count),
Cross_Dimer_Idx2 = rep(NA, count),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
sel.idx <- select.min.cross.idx(results, primer.df$Forward)
result <- results[sel.idx, sel.cols]
colnames(result) <- result.cols
rownames(result) <- NULL
if (for.shiny) {
result <- view.dimer.df(result, "Cross")
#' Parser for OligoArrayAux Dimerization Data.
#' Parses the free energies and structures of OligoArrayAux.
#' @param deltaG.file A path to a file with OligoArrayAux energies.
#' @param struct.file A path to a file with OligoArrayAux structures.
#' @return A data frame with structures and free energies.
#' @keywords internal
parse.oligo.results <- function(deltaG.file, struct.file) {
time <- Sys.time()
results <- try(read.delim(deltaG.file, header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
if (is(results, "try-error")) {
warning("Oligo error")
deltaG <- results[,2]
#message("DeltaG time: ", Sys.time() - time)
#time <- Sys.time()
K.eq <- results[,3] # eq constant; 0 if prefiltered -> no structure!
prefilter.idx <- which(K.eq == 0)
non.prefilter.idx <- which(K.eq != 0)
if (length(prefilter.idx) == 0) {
deltaG[prefilter.idx] <- 0 # assume it's no dimer
if (file.exists(struct.file)) {
results <- try(readLines(struct.file), silent = TRUE)
if (is(results, "try-error")) {
stop("OligoArrayAux: output not produced.")
last.split <- 1
split.idx <- which(results == "")
sel.idx <- setdiff(seq_along(results), split.idx)
structs <- results[sel.idx]
structs <- align.structures(structs)
#message("Struct time: ", Sys.time() - time)
all.structs <- rep("", length(deltaG))
if (length(non.prefilter.idx) != 0) {
all.structs[non.prefilter.idx] <- structs
} else {
# non-structure mode
all.structs <- rep("", length(deltaG))
out <- data.frame("DeltaG" = deltaG, "Structure" = all.structs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' Identification of Sequence Matches.
#' Identifies matches between two strings
#' provided by OligoArrayAux.
#' @param s1 The aligned nucleotide sequence character vector.
#' @param s2 The aligned, matching substring of \code{s1}.
#' @return A match vector (\code{M} for matches, \code{X} for mismatches).
#' @keywords internal
get.matches <- function(s1, s2) {
if (any(nchar(s1) != nchar(s2))) {
stop("Character vectors of same length required.")
s1 <- strsplit(s1, "")
s2 <- strsplit(s2, "")
match.vector <- lapply(seq_along(s1), function(x) {
ifelse(s1[[x]] == " ", "X", "M")
#' Combination of OligoArrayAux Structure Sequences.
#' Combines the input strings.
#' @param s1 A character vector to be combined with \code{s2}.
#' @param s2 A character vector to be included into \code{s1}.
#' @return A character vector.
#' @keywords internal
combine.strings <- function(s1, s2) {
s1 <- strsplit(s1, split = "")[[1]]
s2 <- strsplit(s2, split = "")[[1]]
idx <- which(s2 != " ")
out <- s1
out[idx] <- s2[idx]
out <- paste0(out, collapse = "")
#' Formatting of Dimerization Structures.
#' Formats the given dimerization structures nicely.
#' @param s1 strutcs A character vector, where a block of 4 elements
#' contains: sequence 1 (with removed overlaps), part of sequence 1
#' overlappign with sequence 2, part of sequence 2
#' overapping with sequence 1, and sequence 2 (with removed overlaps).
#' @return A list of two elements givin the conformation of the first
#' and the second sequence, respectively.
#' @keywords internal
align.structures <- function(structs) {
# returns a list with two elements: conformation of seq1, conformation of seq2
# every
it <- seq(1, length(structs), 4)
s1 <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(it), function(x) combine.strings(structs[it[x]], structs[it[x]+1])))
s2 <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(it), function(x) combine.strings(structs[it[x]+3], structs[it[x]+2])))
struct.matrix <-, lapply(seq_along(it), function(x) c(structs[it[x]+1], structs[it[x]+2])))
match.vector <- get.matches(struct.matrix[,1],struct.matrix[,2])
match.rep <- unlist(lapply(match.vector, function(x) {
x[x == "M"] <- "|"
x[x == "X"] <- " "
paste(x, collapse = "")
out <- paste(s1, match.rep, s2, sep = "\n")
expand.grid.unique <- function(x, y, include.equals = TRUE)
x <- unique(x)
y <- unique(y)
g <- function(i, x, y)
z <- setdiff(y, x[seq_len(i-include.equals)])
if(length(z)) cbind(x[i], z, deparse.level=0)
if (length(x) <= length(y)) {, lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) g(i, x, y)))
} else {
res <-, lapply(seq_along(y), function(i) g(i, y, x)))
res[, c(1,2)] <- res[, c(2,1)]
#' Preparation of Input for Dimerization.
#' @param s1 Nucleotide character vectors (5' to 3')
#' @param s2 Nucleotide character vectors (5' to 3')
#' @return A list with two fields containing character vectors.
#' @keywords internal
prepare.dimer.seqs <- function(s1, s2) {
if (length(s1) == 0 || length(s2) == 0) {
# disambiguate sequences
s1 <- my.disambiguate(DNAStringSet(s1))
s2 <- my.disambiguate(DNAStringSet(s2))
# assign indices
s1.counts <- IRanges::width(s1@partitioning)
s2.counts <- IRanges::width(s2@partitioning)
# indices to indicate the original sequence
idx.s1 <- parallel::mclapply(seq_along(s1), function(x) rep(x, s1.counts[x]))
idx.s2 <- parallel::mclapply(seq_along(s2), function(x) rep(x, s2.counts[x]))
# index to indicate the position in the list of disambiguated sequences:
idx.a1 <- parallel::mclapply(seq_along(s1), function(x) seq_len(s1.counts[x]))
idx.a2 <- parallel::mclapply(seq_along(s2), function(x) seq_len(s2.counts[x]))
# get all combinations
ambig.options <- parallel::mclapply(seq_along(s1), function(x) {
combis <- expand.grid.unique(idx.a1[[x]], idx.a2[[x]])})
combis.ambig <-, ambig.options) # index for disambiguated seqs
colnames(combis.ambig) <- c("Ambig_Index1", "Ambig_Index2")
combis.ori <- parallel::mclapply(seq_along(s1), function(x) {
rep(x, nrow(ambig.options[[x]]))
})# index for original sequences
combis.ori <- data.frame(Idx1 = unlist(combis.ori), Idx2 = unlist(combis.ori))
combis <- cbind(combis.ori, combis.ambig) # TODO: there was a bug here when cbinding for a large set (> 20 mio entries, different number of elements ...), check what happens for global design
s1 <- CharacterList(s1)
s2 <- CharacterList(s2)
# suppress warning that number of columns don't match
# warning doesn't matter since we select by the correct Ambig_Index
s1.mat <- suppressWarnings(, as.list(s1)))
s2.mat <- suppressWarnings(, as.list(s2)))
# this extraction part still takes away some time since we need to iterate over the full list of combinations to select the elements we want
S1 <- tolower(s1.mat[as.matrix(combis[, c("Idx1", "Ambig_Index1")])])
S2 <- tolower(s2.mat[as.matrix(combis[, c("Idx2", "Ambig_Index2")])])
out <- list("Seqs1" = S1, "Seqs2" = S2, "combis" = combis)
#' Simple Batchification
#' @param tasks The tasks to assign to individual batches.
#' @return A list of lists containing indices corresponding to \code{tasks}, each list gives a batch.
#' @keywords internal
batchify.simple <- function(tasks) {
tasks.per.job <- ceiling(length(tasks)/getDoParWorkers()) <- ceiling(length(tasks)/tasks.per.job)
total.tasks <- 0
batches <- vector("list", # idx of the primers in out.primers per file
for (i in seq_len( {
tasks.added <- min(tasks.per.job, length(tasks) - total.tasks)
s <- NULL
if (i == 1) {
s <- 1
} else {
s <- max(batches[[i - 1]]) + 1
e <- s + (tasks.added - 1)
batches[[i]] <- s:e
total.tasks <- total.tasks + tasks.added
#' Batchification by Temperature.
#' @param tasks The tasks to assign to individual batches.
#' @param annealing.temp The annealing temperatures according to which batches are to be created.
#' @return A list of lists containing indices corresponding to \code{tasks}, each list gives a batch.
#' @keywords internal
batchify.temp <- function(tasks, annealing.temp) {
# range of sampled annealing temperatures for batchification
if (length(annealing.temp) != length(tasks)) {
stop("Need matching length of annealing temperatures and tasks for batchification! Number of provided annealing temperatures: ", length(annealing.temp), "; Number of tasks: ", length(tasks))
temps <- seq(min(annealing.temp), max(annealing.temp), 2)
# assign every task to a temp
temp.idx <- sapply(annealing.temp, function(x) which.min(abs(x - temps)))
job.temps <- unique(temps[temp.idx]) <- length(job.temps)
batches <- vector("list", # idx of the primers in out.primers per file
names(batches) <- job.temps
for (i in seq_len( {
cur.temp.idx <- which(job.temps[i] == temps)
cur.temp <- job.temps[i]
batches[[as.character(cur.temp)]] <- tasks[temp.idx == cur.temp.idx]
#' Creates multiple Batches for Parallelization.
#' @param tasks An integer vector with indices representing individual computations.
#' @param annealing.temps Temperatures according to which to batchify.
#' @return A list of lists containing indices corresponding to \code{tasks}, each list gives a batch.
#' @keywords internal
batchify <- function(tasks, annealing.temps = NULL) {
if (length(tasks) == 0) {
# nothing to batchify
if (length(annealing.temps) == 0) {
batches <- batchify.simple(tasks)
} else {
batches <- batchify.temp(tasks, annealing.temps)
#' Retrieval of dimerization energies.
#' Uses OligoArrayAux to compute dimerization candidates.
#' @param s1 Nucleotide character vectors (5' to 3')
#' @param s2 Nucleotide character vectors (5' to 3')
#' @param annealing.temp The PCR annealing temperature in Celsius.
#' @param ions The sodium-equivalent ions used in the PCR.
#' @param no.structures Whether to compute structures of dimers.
#' @return A data frame containing free energies in the field
#' \code{DeltaG} and the dimerization structure in \code{Structure}.
#' @keywords internal <- function(s1, s2, annealing.temp, ions, no.structures) { <- prepare.dimer.seqs(s1, s2)
# update annealing temps to match ''
annealing.temp <- annealing.temp[match($combis$Idx1, seq_along(annealing.temp))]
s1 <-$Seqs1
s2 <-$Seqs2
combis <-$combis
if (length(s1) == 0 || length(s2) == 0) {
# nothing to be computed ..
if (length(s1) != length(s2)) {
stop("Cannot compute dimerization: s1 and s2 have different lengths.")
# parallelize -> split into batches
if (length(annealing.temp) == 1) {
# split up seqs independent of annealing temp into batches for parallelization
batches <- batchify(seq_along(s1))
annealing.temp <- rep(annealing.temp, length(batches))
} else {
# split up seqs dependent on annealing temp
batches <- batchify(seq_along(s1), annealing.temp)
# adjust to batch temperatures:
annealing.temp <- as.numeric(names(batches))
i <- NULL
#print("Computing free energies ...")
results <- foreach(i = seq_along(batches), .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
batch <- batches[[i]]
f1 <- tempfile(pattern = "oligo_dimers_1_", fileext = ".txt")
f2 <- tempfile(pattern = "oligo_dimers_2_", fileext = ".txt")
out.prefix <- tempfile(pattern = "oligo_dimers_out_", fileext = "")
# select sequences
my.s1 <- s1[batch]
my.s2 <- s2[batch]
# write sequences to files
seqinr::write.fasta(as.list(my.s1), as.list(names(my.s1)), f1)
seqinr::write.fasta(as.list(my.s2), as.list(names(my.s2)), f2)
if (length(annealing.temp[i]) == 0 ||[i])) {
warning("Dimerization: Annealing temperature was NA. Using setting of 50.")
annealing.temp[i] <- 50
# filter doesn't speed up the computations so much, just a little bit
# so let's use the default
filter <- 2
# hybrid-min -n DNA -t 50 -T 50 -N 0.1778085 -q tccttcctcatcttcctg caggaggaggaagaacca
call <- paste0("hybrid-min -n DNA -t ",
" -T ",
" -N ",
" -o ",
" --prefilter=",
filter, " ")
if (no.structures) {
call <- paste(call, "-E")
call <- paste(call, f1, f2)
system(call, ignore.stdout = TRUE)
# retrieve results
deltaG.file <- paste0(out.prefix, ".dG")
struct.file <- paste0(out.prefix, ".asc")
results <- parse.oligo.results(deltaG.file, struct.file)
unlink(c(f1, f2))
# annotate with indices of combinations and re-order from batch order
results <- cbind(results[match(seq_along(s1), unlist(batches)), ], combis)
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