# Melting temperature computations
#' Change in Free Energy.
#' Computes the change in free energy.
#' @param delta.H Change in enthalpy in cal/mol.
#' @param delta.S Change in entropy cal/mol*K.
#' @param temp Temperature in Celsius for which to compute free energy change.
#' @return The change in free energy in kcal/mol.
#' @keywords internal <- function(delta.H, delta.S, temp = 37) {
K <- convert.temperature(temp, "K")
G <- (delta.H - (K * delta.S))/1000
return(G) # in kcal/mol
#' Conversion from J to cal
#' Converts the input from Joule to calories.
#' @param val.J Numeric Joule value.
#' @return The value correspdoning to \code{val.J} in calories.
#' @keywords internal <- function(val.J) {
#' Conversion between Celsius and Kelvin
#' Converts the input from Kelvin to Celsius or from Celsius to Kelvin.
#' If \code{temp.scale} is 'K', \code{T_m} is transformed from Celsius
#' to Kelvin. If \code{temp.scale} is 'C', \code{T_m} is transformed from
#' Kelvin to Celsius. The default is to transform from Celsius to Kelvin.
#' @param temp The input temperature.
#' @param temp.scale The desired unit of the output temperature.
#' @return Transforms the input temperature to the specified \code{temp.scale}.
#' @keywords internal
convert.temperature <- function(temp, temp.scale = c("K", "C")) {
# scale: kelvin -> convert to kelvin scale: celsius -> convert to celsius
if (length(temp.scale) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'temp.scale' parameter.")
temp.scale <- match.arg(temp.scale)
if (temp.scale == "K") {
return(temp + 273.15)
} else if (temp.scale == "C") {
return(temp - 273.15)
#' Baldino Formula
#' Computes the melting temperature using the formulation by Baldino.
#' @param sequences Input sequence strings.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris buffer concentration.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @return The melting temperature for the input sequences.
#' @references
#' Rychlik, W. J. S. W., W. J. Spencer, and R. E. Rhoads. "Optimization of the annealing temperature for DNA amplification in vitro." Nucleic acids research 18.21 (1990): 6409-6412.
#' @keywords internal
compute.Tm.baldino <- function(sequences, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc,
tris_salt_conc, primer_conc) {
l <- nchar(sequences) # assume longest length of the PCR product
gc.ratio <- compute.gc.ratio(sequences)
sodium.eq.concentration <- compute.sodium.equivalent.conc(na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc,
k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc)
T_mC <- (0.41 * (gc.ratio * 100)) +
(16.6 * log10(sodium.eq.concentration*1000)) - (675/l)
#' Non-Thermodynamic Computation of Melting Temperatures.
#' Computes the melting temperature of primers from an empiric formula.
#' @param primer.df A \code{Primers} object.
#' @return A data frame with melting temperature information for the primers.
#' @keywords internal
compute.empiric.melting.temp <- function(primer.df) {
fw.seqs <- convert.from.iupac(primer.df$Forward)
rev.seqs <- convert.from.iupac(primer.df$Reverse)
Tm <- function(x) {
if (x[[1]] == "") {
x <- strsplit(x, split = "")
A <- sapply(x, function(y) length(which(y == "a")))
C <- sapply(x, function(y) length(which(y == "c")))
G <- sapply(x, function(y) length(which(y == "g")))
T.count <- sapply(x, function(y) length(which(y == "t")))
# return the smallest reuired melting temperature
Tm <- 64.9 + 41 * (G + C - 16.4) / (A + T.count + G + C)
Tm.fw <- sapply(fw.seqs, Tm)
Tm.rev <- sapply(rev.seqs, Tm)
Tm.K.fw <- convert.temperature(Tm.fw, "K")
Tm.K.rev <- convert.temperature(Tm.rev, "K")
# return overall minimal Tm of both directions:
melting.temp <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(primer.df)), function(x) min(Tm.fw[x], Tm.rev[x], na.rm = TRUE)) <- data.frame("melting_temp" = melting.temp, "Tm_C_fw" = Tm.fw, "Tm_C_rev" = Tm.rev, "Tm_K_fw" = Tm.K.fw, "Tm_K_rev" = Tm.K.rev)
#' Computation of Thermodynamic Melting Temperatures.
#' Use nearest-neighbor thermodynamic computations to find melting temperatures.
#' @param primer.df Primer data frame.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris buffer concentration.
#' @param mode.directionality Direction of primers
#' @return Data frame with melting temperature info for the input primers.
#' @keywords internal
compute.melting.temps.thermo <- function(primer.df, primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc,
k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, mode.directionality = c("fw", "rev", "both")) {
used.Tm <- rep(NA, nrow(primer.df)) # Tm to be used in optimization algorithm
Tm.fw <- call.melt(primer.df$Forward, complement.sequence(primer.df$Forward),
primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc)[, 3:6]
Tm.rev <- call.melt(primer.df$Reverse, complement.sequence(primer.df$Reverse),
primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc)[, 3:6]
cnames <- NULL
if (mode.directionality == "fw" || mode.directionality == "both" && length(Tm.fw) != 0) {
cnames <- colnames(Tm.fw)
} else {
cnames <- colnames(Tm.rev)
# set empty data frame to NA
if (length(Tm.fw) != 0) {
colnames(Tm.fw) <- paste(cnames, "_fw", sep = "")
} else if (length(Tm.fw) == 0 && length(Tm.rev) != 0) {
Tm.fw <- Tm.rev
Tm.fw[TRUE] <- NA
colnames(Tm.fw) <- paste(cnames, "_fw", sep = "")
# set empty data frame to NA
if (length(Tm.rev) != 0) {
colnames(Tm.rev) <- paste(cnames, "_rev", sep = "")
} else if (length(Tm.rev) == 0 && length(Tm.fw) != 0) {
Tm.rev <- Tm.fw
Tm.rev[TRUE] <- NA
colnames(Tm.rev) <- paste(cnames, "_rev", sep = "")
if (length(Tm.fw) != 0 && length(Tm.rev) != 0) {
used.Tm <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(nrow(Tm.fw)), function(x) min(c(Tm.fw$Tm_C_fw[x], Tm.rev$Tm_C_rev[x]),
na.rm = TRUE))) # use the min Tm
} else if (length(Tm.fw) != 0 && length(Tm.rev) == 0) {
used.Tm <- Tm.fw$Tm_C_fw
} else if (length(Tm.rev) != 0 && length(Tm.fw) == 0) {
used.Tm <- Tm.rev$Tm_C_rev
} else {
used.Tm <- NULL
} <- cbind(Tm.fw, Tm.rev, melting_temp = used.Tm)
#' Computation of Melting Temperatures.
#' Use nearest-neighbor thermodynamic computations to find melting temperatures.
#' @param primer.df Primer data frame.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris buffer concentration.
#' @param mode.directionality Direction of primers
#' @return Data frame with melting temperature info for the input primers.
#' @keywords internal
compute.melting.temps <- function(primer.df, primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc,
k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, mode.directionality = c("fw", "rev", "both")) {
if (length(mode.directionality) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'mode.directionality' argument.")
mode.directionality <- match.arg(mode.directionality)
if (check.tool.function()["MELTING"]) {
# melting is available -> use thermodynamic model <- compute.melting.temps.thermo(primer.df, primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc,
k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, mode.directionality)
} else {
# melting is not available -> use empiric formula without salt correction <- compute.empiric.melting.temp(primer.df)
# determine max temperature diff for every primer
temp.diff <- get.melting.temp.diff($Tm_C_fw,$Tm_C_rev)
result <- cbind(,melting_temp_diff = temp.diff)
#' Computation of Maximal Melting Temperature Differences.
#' @param Tm.fw The melting temperatures of forward primers.
#' @param Tmr.rev The melting temperatures of reverse primers.
#' @return The worst-case melting temperature difference, for every primer.
#' @keywords internal
get.melting.temp.diff <- function(Tm.fw, Tm.rev) {
if (length(Tm.fw) != 0) {
fw.idx <- which(!
} else {
fw.idx <- NULL
if (length(Tm.rev) != 0) {
rev.idx <- which(!
} else {
rev.idx <- NULL
max.len <- max(length(Tm.fw), length(Tm.rev))
temp.diff.fw <- rep(0, max.len)
temp.diff.rev <- rep(0, max.len)
if (length(fw.idx) != 0) {
temp.diff.fw[fw.idx] <- sapply(fw.idx, function(x) max(c(abs(Tm.fw[x] - Tm.fw), abs(Tm.fw[x] - Tm.rev)), na.rm = TRUE))
if (length(rev.idx) != 0) {
temp.diff.rev[rev.idx] <- sapply(rev.idx, function(x) max(c(abs(Tm.rev[x] - Tm.rev), abs(Tm.rev[x] - Tm.fw)), na.rm = TRUE))
temp.diff <- sapply(seq_along(temp.diff.fw), function(x) max(c(temp.diff.fw[x], temp.diff.rev[x])))
#' Thermodynamic melting temperature computations.
#' Computes the melting temperature for the input primers.
#' @param primers List of primer strings.
#' @param complements List with corresponding complements.
#' @param out.file Path to the file where MELTING will write the results.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris buffer concentration.
#' @param ID identifiers of the input primers
#' @return Melting temperature data frame.
#' @keywords internal
call.melt.single <- function(primers, complements, out.file, primer_conc, na_salt_conc,
mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc, ID) {
# call melt command ID: used to keep track of ambiguous seqs that were generated
if (length(primers) == 0 || length(complements) == 0) {
melt <- Sys.which("melting-batch")
if (melt == "") {
stop("MELTING not available.")
} else {
if (grepl("windows", .Platform$OS.type)) {
# for windows, use the bat file
jar.file <- Sys.which("melting5.jar")
melt <- paste("java -cp", jar.file, "melting.BatchMain")
#message(paste("Using the following melting location: ", melt))
# melt results from b atch are in joul -> convert to cal use Allawi, SantaLucia
# 1997 publication nearest neighbor data
nn <- "all97" # nearest neighbor model
am <- "wetdna91" # from Wetmur1991, used for more than 60 bases primers
# standard parameters: -P: nucleic acid strand in excess (template or primers) -E
# <compound>: concentration of compound in molar if [Mg] is 0, don't add the
# parameter
salt.cmd <- paste(" -E Na=", format(na_salt_conc, scientific = FALSE), sep = "")
if (mg_salt_conc != 0) {
salt.cmd <- paste(salt.cmd, " -E Mg=", format(mg_salt_conc, scientific = FALSE),
sep = "")
if (k_salt_conc != 0) {
salt.cmd <- paste(salt.cmd, " -E K=", format(k_salt_conc, scientific = FALSE),
sep = "")
if (tris_salt_conc != 0) {
salt.cmd <- paste(salt.cmd, " -E Tris=", format(tris_salt_conc, scientific = FALSE),
sep = "")
# don't use custom tandem file anymore, not necessary if we don't do mismatch Tm computation. <- "AllawiSantaluciaPeyret1997_1998_1999tanmm_mod.xml"
melt.cmd <- paste(melt, " -am ", am, " -nn ", nn, " -H dnadna -P ", format(primer_conc,
scientific = FALSE), salt.cmd, #" -tan :",,
" ", out.file, sep = "")
system(melt.cmd, ignore.stdout = TRUE) # don't igore stdout for debugging
# read results
result.file <- paste(out.file, ".results.csv", sep = "") <- readChar(result.file,$size)
# modify the header change a separator from \r to \t <- gsub("\r", "\t",
# remove terminal tabulators: <- gsub("\t\n", "\n",
results <- try(read.delim(text =, header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE), silent = FALSE)
# raw data is empty sometime. why if there's input -> melting fails i guess?
if (is(results, "try-error")) {
warning("MELTING could not compute the Tm:\n",
"File: ", result.file, "\n",
attr(results, "condition"))
e <- rep(NA, length(primers))
return(data.frame(Sequence = e, Complementary = e, DeltaH = e, DeltaS = e,
Tm_C = e, Tm_K = e, ID = ID))
# determine system locale settings:
decimal.sep <- Sys.localeconv()["mon_decimal_point"]
if (decimal.sep == ".") {
decimal.sep <- "\\."
mill.sep <- ","
} else {
mill.sep <- "\\."
# replace 1000pos commas and convert from J to calories
results[, 3] <-, ".", gsub(mill.sep,
"", results[, 3]))))
results[, 4] <-, ".", gsub(mill.sep,
"", results[, 4]))))
results[, 5] <- as.numeric(gsub(decimal.sep, ".", gsub(mill.sep, "", results[,
colnames(results)[5] <- "Tm_C"
results <- cbind(results, Tm_K = convert.temperature(results$Tm_C, "K"))
######### insert missing sequence results, e.g. for '' seqs
sel <- rep(NA, length(primers))
for (i in seq_along(primers)) {
primer <- primers[i]
comp <- complements[i]
idx.s <- which(sapply(results$Sequence, function(x) x == primer))
idx.c <- which(sapply(results$Complementary, function(x) x == comp))
idx <- intersect(idx.s, idx.c)
if (length(idx) != 0) {
sel[i] <- idx[1]
results <- results[sel, ]
# insert sequence and complementary for missing entries
missing.idx <- which($Sequence))
if (length(missing.idx) != 0) {
results[missing.idx, "Sequence"] <- primers[missing.idx]
results[missing.idx, "Complementary"] <- complements[missing.idx]
# prepare output:
results <- cbind(results, ID = ID)
results$Sequence <- tolower(results$Sequence)
results$Complementary <- tolower(results$Complementary)
#' Thermodynamic melting temperature computations.
#' Computes the melting temperature for the input primers.
#' @param primers Character vector of primer strings.
#' @param complements Character vector with complement sequences
#' corresponding to \code{primers}.
#' @param primer_conc Primer concentration.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris buffer concentration.
#' @return Melting temperature data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @references Le Novère N. (2001). MELTING, computing the
#' melting temperature of nucleic acid duplex. Bioinformatics, 17: 1226-1227.
#' Dumousseau M., Rodriguez N., Juty N., Le Novère N. (2012) MELTING,
#' a flexible platform to predict the melting temperatures of nucleic acids.
#' BMC Bioinformatics, 13: 101.
call.melt <- function(primers, complements, primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc,
k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc) {
# complement needs to be specified for mismatch consideration
# ./melting -S TGAGGTGCAGCTGGTGGAGTC -H dnadna -P 0.00000005 -E Na=0.05 -v -C ACTCCACGCCGACCACCTCAA
# ./melting-batch -H dnadna -P 0.00000005 -E Na=0.05
# primer_rev_comp.fasta complement from 3' to 5' 1. create file for melt
if (all(primers == "") || length(primers) == 0 || length(complements) == 0) {
#print("call.melt: primer input")
runID <- digest::digest(c(primers, complements), "md5")
if (length(primers) != length(complements)) {
stop("The number of primers did not correspond to the number of complements.")
if (Sys.which("melting-batch") == "") {
stop("MELTING executable not available. Please install MELTING to compute melting temperatures.")
idx <- which(primers != "")
out.len <- length(primers)
primers <- primers[idx]
complements <- complements[idx]
# disambiguate primers
unambig.primers <- convert.from.iupac(primers)
# determine idx of exploded primers
unambig.primers.c <- convert.from.iupac(complements) # unambiguated complements
# need to get all combinations of unambig primers with unambig.primers.c
ambig.combinations <- lapply(seq_along(unambig.primers), function(x) expand.grid(unambig.primers[[x]],
unambig.primers.c[[x]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
ids <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(ambig.combinations), function(x) rep(x, nrow(ambig.combinations[[x]]))))
out.primers <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(ambig.combinations), function(x) toupper(ambig.combinations[[x]][,
out.complements <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(ambig.combinations), function(x) toupper(ambig.combinations[[x]][,
# MELTING can't handle terminal mismatches, remove those
check.comp <- toupper(complement.sequence(out.complements))
rm.idx <- which(substring(check.comp, 1, 1) != substring(out.primers, 1, 1) |
substring(check.comp, nchar(check.comp), nchar(check.comp)) !=
substring(out.primers, nchar(out.primers), nchar(out.primers)))
if (length(rm.idx) != 0) {
out.primers <- out.primers[-rm.idx]
ids <- ids[-rm.idx]
out.complements <- out.complements[-rm.idx]
} <- data.frame(Identifier = ids, Primer = out.primers, Complement = out.complements)
# write one file for each parallel call
seqs.per.file <- ceiling(length(out.primers)/getDoParWorkers())
no.files <- ceiling(length(out.primers)/seqs.per.file)
out.files <- rep(NA, no.files)
total.seqs.covered <- 0
seq.idx <- vector("list", no.files) # idx of the primers in out.primers per file
# write out.files
for (i in seq_len(no.files)) {
seqs.added <- min(seqs.per.file, length(out.primers) - total.seqs.covered)
s <- NULL
if (i == 1) {
s <- 1
} else {
s <- max(seq.idx[[i - 1]]) + 1
e <- s + (seqs.added - 1)
seq.idx[[i]] <- s:e
total.seqs.covered <- total.seqs.covered + seqs.added
out.file <- tempfile(paste("melt_seqs_", i, runID, sep = ""), fileext = ".txt")
out.files[i] <- out.file
#print("melt Seqs:")
write.table([seq.idx[[i]], c("Primer", "Complement")], file = out.file,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
# parallelized call:
i <- NULL
results <- foreach(i = seq_along(out.files), .combine = "rbind") %dopar% {
result <- call.melt.single(out.primers[seq.idx[[i]]], out.complements[seq.idx[[i]]],
out.files[i], primer_conc, na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc, tris_salt_conc,
# break results down to individual sequences using the ID column to integrate
# ambig seq results
u.IDs <- unique(results$ID)
results$deltaG <-$DeltaH, results$DeltaS)
# integrate by selecting worst-case deltaG per ambig seq combination
results <- ddply(results, c("ID"), function(x) arrange(x, substitute(deltaG))[1, ]) # select unique pairs
# replace Sequence/Complementary stretch with original input (ambiguous)
results[, "Sequence"] <- primers[results$ID]
results[, "Complementary"] <- complements[results$ID]
results <- results[, colnames(results) != "ID"] # remove ID column
# create entries for primers without this direction ("")
out <- results[1,]
out[,] <- NA
out <-, replicate(out.len, out, simplify = FALSE))
out[idx,] <- results
# clean up temporary files
#' Sodium-equivalent Concentration
#' Computes the sodium-equivalent concentration for the input ion concentrations.
#' @param na_salt_conc Sodium ion concentration.
#' @param mg_salt_conc Magensium ion concentration.
#' @param k_salt_conc Potassium ion concentration.
#' @param tris_salt_conc Tris buffer concentration.
#' @return The sodium-equivalent concentration of the input ion concentrations.
#' @references
#' Record, M. Thomas. "Effects of Na+ and Mg++ ions on the helix–coil transition of DNA."
#' Biopolymers 14.10 (1975): 2137-2158.
#' Owczarzy, Richard, et al. "Predicting stability of DNA duplexes in solutions containing magnesium and monovalent cations."
#' Biochemistry 47.19 (2008): 5336-5353.
#' Peyret, Nicolas. Prediction of nucleic acid hybridization: parameters and algorithms.
#' Detroit: Wayne State University, 2000.
#' @keywords internal
compute.sodium.equivalent.conc <- function(na_salt_conc, mg_salt_conc, k_salt_conc,
tris_salt_conc) {
# beta: correction factor from Peyret (2000)
beta <- 3.3
na_salt_eq <- beta * sqrt(mg_salt_conc) + na_salt_conc + k_salt_conc + tris_salt_conc / 2 # sodium equivalent concentration
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