# Primer functionalities
#' Creation of k-mers of a single sequence.
#' @param seq A character vector.
#' @param k The size of the k-mer.
#' @return A names character vector, where the names
#' are the relative positions of the k-mers and the values
#' give the character vector of the k-mer.
#' @keywords internal
create.kmer <- function(seq, k) {
# generates all unique substrings of length k contained in the single sequence 'seq'
if (length(seq) != 1) {
stop("This function is only for single sequences")
if (k > nchar(seq)) {
k <- nchar(seq)
warning("Specified k-mer size was larger than sequence length; ",
"Reduced k-mer size to: ", k, ".")
k.mers <- unique(substring(seq, seq_len(nchar(seq) - k + 1), k:nchar(seq)))
kmer.pos <- -seq(nchar(seq), k)
names(k.mers) <- kmer.pos
#' Creation of k-mers for multiple sequences.
#' @param seq A character vector.
#' @param k The size of the k-mer.
#' @return A list with named character vectors, containing the k-mers.
#' @keywords internal
create.k.mers <- function(seqs, k) {
# generates all substrings of length k contained in the single sequence 'seq'
i <- NULL
k.mers <- foreach (i = seq_along(seqs), .combine = c) %dopar% {
k.mer <- list(create.kmer(seqs[i], k))
#' Estimation of Primer Coverage.
#' Estimates the possible coverage of primers using
#' probes of size \code{k} and only considering perfect
#' matches without consideration of ambiguities.
#' @param seqs A character vector of sequences to evaluate coverage for.
#' @param k A numeric giving the size of the primers.
#' @param id An optional identifier for the primers.
#' @return A data frame with binding information.
#' @keywords internal
estimate.cvg.dir <- function(seqs, k, id = "") {
# 1. create all k-mers for input seqs
kmers <- create.k.mers(seqs, k)
# since we're creating before the target region, k mer pos is negative
kmer.df <-, lapply(seq_along(kmers), function(x) data.frame("Template_ID" = x, "Primer" = kmers[[x]], "Start" = as.numeric(names(kmers[[x]])), "End" = as.numeric(names(kmers[[x]])) + k)))
# use ddply to determine binding positions / cvg
binding.df <- ddply(kmer.df, "Primer", summarize,
"Start" = paste(substitute(Start), collapse = ","),
"End" = paste(substitute(End), collapse = ","),
"Covered_Seqs" = paste(substitute(Template_ID), collapse = ","),
"primer_coverage" = length(substitute(Template_ID)))
binding.df$Coverage <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(binding.df$Start, split = ","), function(x) length(x)))
binding.df$Coverage_Ratio <- binding.df$Coverage / length(seqs)
#' Estimation of Primer Coverage.
#' Estimates the possible coverage of primers using
#' probes of size \code{k} and only considering perfect
#' matches without consideration of ambiguities.
#' @param seqs A character vector of sequences to evaluate coverage for.
#' @param k A numeric giving the size of the primers.
#' @param mode.directionality Estimation of coverage for forward/reverse/both?
#' @param sample An optional identifier for the sample.
#' @return A list with entries \code{fw} and \code{rev} giving
#' data frames for forward/reverse binding.
#' @keywords internal
estimate.cvg <- function(lex.df, k = 18, mode.directionality, sample = "") {
cvg.fw <- NULL
cvg.rev <- NULL
if (mode.directionality == "fw") {
# seqs <- lex.df$Allowed_fw
cvg.fw <- estimate.cvg.dir(lex.df$Allowed_fw, k, id = paste0(sample, "_", "fw"))
} else if (mode.directionality == "rev") {
cvg.rev <- estimate.cvg.dir(lex.df$Allowed_rev, k, id = paste0(sample, "_", "rev"))
} else {
cvg.fw <- estimate.cvg.dir(lex.df$Allowed_fw, k, id = paste0(sample, "_", "fw"))
cvg.rev <- estimate.cvg.dir(lex.df$Allowed_rev, k, id = paste0(sample, "_", "rev"))
return(list("fw" = cvg.fw, "rev" = cvg.rev))
#' @rdname PrimerDesign
#' @name PrimerDesign
#' @aliases classify_design_problem
#' @details
#' \code{classify_design_problem} determines the difficulty of a primer design
#' task by estimating the distribution of coverage ratios per primer
#' by performing exact string matching with
#' primers of length \code{primer.length}, which are constructed
#' by extracting template subsequences. Next, a beta distribution
#' is fitted to the estimated coverage distribution, which is
#' then compare to reference distributions representing
#' primer design problems of different difficulties via the
#' total variance distance. The difficulty of the input primer design
#' problem is found by selecting the class of the
#' reference distributions that has the smallest distance
#' to the estimated coverage distribution.
#' An estimate of the required number of primers to reach a given
#' \code{required.cvg} can be computed by setting
#' \code{primer.estimate} to \code{TRUE}. Since this estimate
#' is based solely on perfect matching primers, the number of
#' primers that would actually be required is typically less.
#' @return \code{classify_design_problem} returns a list with the
#' following fields:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{Classification}}{The estimated difficulty of the primer design task.}
#' \item{\code{Class-Distances}}{The total variance distance of the fitted
#' beta distribution to the reference distribution.}
#' \item{\code{Confidence}}{The confidence in the estimate of the
#' design tasks' difficulty as based on the class distances.}
#' \item{\code{Uncertain}}{Whether the classification is highly uncertain, that is
#' low-confidence.}
#' \item{\code{Nbr_primers_fw} and \code{Nbr_primers_rev}}{The respective number of
#' required forward and reverse primers if \code{primer.estimate} was set to \code{TRUE}.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Classify the difficulty of a primer design task
#' data(Ippolito)
#' design.estimate <- classify_design_problem(template.df[1:30,])
#' # Estimate the number of required primers to amplify the first 5 templates
#' design.estimate.nbr <- classify_design_problem(template.df[1:5,], mode.directionality = "fw",
#' primer.length = 20, primer.estimate = TRUE)
classify_design_problem <- function(template.df,
mode.directionality = c("both", "fw", "rev"),
primer.length = 18,
primer.estimate = FALSE,
required.cvg = 1) {
if (!is(template.df, "Templates")) {
stop("Please supply a valid template data frame")
mode.directionality <- match.arg(mode.directionality)
# 1. Estimate lower bound of possible primer coverage ratios
cvg.df <- estimate.cvg(template.df, k = primer.length, mode.directionality)
# 2. Fit a Beta distribution to the coverage ratios
x <- c(cvg.df$fw$Coverage_Ratio, cvg.df$rev$Coverage_Ratio)
fit.beta <- try(fitdistrplus::fitdist(x, "beta")) # beta has high error
if (is(fit.beta, "try-error")) {
# if there's too few unique x values, fitdistrplus won't be able to find a fit -> stop here!
my.warning("ProblemEstimationProblem", "Could not estimate problem difficulty, problably because the estimated coverage distribution was too narrow.")
fit <- distr::Beta(fit.beta$estimate[1], fit.beta$estimate[2])
#print("fit is: ")
#hist(rbeta(10000, shape1 = fit.beta$estimate[1], shape2 = fit.beta$estimate[2]))
# 3. Compare the beta distribution to the reference distributions
dists <- unlist(lapply(cvg.ref.dists, function(x) {
distrEx::TotalVarDist(x, fit)
# 4. Classify
best.idx <- which.min(dists)
names(dists) <- names(cvg.ref.dists)
classification <- names(cvg.ref.dists)[best.idx]
# 5. Confidence of classification
if (classification %in% c("very_easy", "easy")) {
check.cols <- c("hard", "very_hard")
} else if (classification %in% c("very_hard", "hard")) {
check.cols <- c("easy", "very_easy")
} else {
check.cols <- c("easy", "very_easy", "hard", "very_hard")
other.dist <- mean(dists[names(dists) %in% check.cols]) # mean of completely different distributions
selected.dist <- dists[best.idx] # lowest distance
confidence <- 1 - (selected.dist / other.dist)
# refuse to give a classification if the standard error was too high, we're too uncertain of the real distribution in this case
std.cutoff <- 10
uncertain.class <- FALSE
if (any(fit.beta$sd > std.cutoff)) {
warning("Fit of distribution had a maximal standard error of: ",
max(fit.beta$sd), ". Classification may be highly uncertain.")
uncertain.class <- TRUE
nbr.fw.primers <- NA
nbr.rev.primers <- NA
if (primer.estimate) {
# Identify the required nbr of primers
primers.fw <- NULL
primers.rev <- NULL
if (mode.directionality == "fw") {
primers.fw <- greedy.primers(cvg.df$fw, template.df, required.cvg)
} else if (mode.directionality == "rev") {
primers.rev <- greedy.primers(cvg.df$rev, template.df, required.cvg)
} else {
primers.fw <- greedy.primers(cvg.df$fw, template.df, required.cvg)
# adjust rev requirement by forward cvg -> should capture the same templates!
cvg.idx <- unique(unlist($Covered_Seqs, template.df)))
required.nbr <- required.cvg * nrow(template.df)
new.required.cvg <- min(length(cvg.idx) / required.nbr, 1)
new.template.df <- template.df[cvg.idx[order(cvg.idx)],]
primers.rev <- greedy.primers(cvg.df$rev, new.template.df, new.required.cvg)
if (length(primers.fw) != 0) {
nbr.fw.primers <- nrow(primers.fw)
if (length(primers.rev) != 0) {
nbr.rev.primers <- nrow(primers.rev)
# Prepare output:
result <- list("Classification" = classification,
"Class-Distances" = dists,
"Confidence" = confidence,
"Uncertain" = uncertain.class,
"Nbr_primers_fw" = nbr.fw.primers,
"Nbr_primers_rev" = nbr.rev.primers)
greedy.primers <- function(binding.df, template.df, required.cvg = 1) {
# lower bound on the number of required primers
o <- order(binding.df$Coverage_Ratio, decreasing = TRUE)
binding.df <- binding.df[o,]
selected.primers <- NULL
cur.cvg <- 0
while ((cur.cvg / nrow(template.df)) < required.cvg && nrow(binding.df) > 0) {
best.covered <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(binding.df[1, "Covered_Seqs"], split = ",")))
if (length(best.covered) == 0) {
selected.primers <- my_rbind(selected.primers, binding.df[1,])
marginal.cvg.gain <- length(best.covered)
cur.cvg <- cur.cvg + marginal.cvg.gain
binding.df <- binding.df[-1, ] # remove the selected primer and selection candidates that were filtered this round
binding.df <- evaluate.diff.primer.cvg(binding.df, best.covered, template.df)
#' Validates a Primers Object.
#' Checks whether a Primers object is valid or not.
#' @param object An input data frame to be checked for being a primer data frame.
#' @return \code{TRUE}, if the object is valid, FALSE otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
validate_primers <- function(object) {
# specify minimal set of columns that should be present in a primer data frame:
required.fields <- list("Identifier" = c("factor"), "ID" = "factor",
"Forward" = "character", "Reverse" = "character",
"primer_length_fw" = c("integer", "numeric"),
"primer_length_rev" = c("integer", "numeric"),
"Direction" = "character",
"Run" = "character")
possible.fields <- NULL # don't check for additional fields here
if (!is(object, "data.frame")) {
return("Input was no data frame.")
check.fields <- check_setting(possible.fields, object, required.fields)
if (check.fields) {
# Check that "Run" is unique
if (length(unique(object$Run)) <= 1) {
} else {
msg <- paste0("The 'Run' column may only contain a single unique value. Observed unique values were: ", paste0(unique(object$Run), collapse = ","))
} else {
#' @rdname PrimerEval
#' @name PrimerEval
#' @aliases check_restriction_sites
#' @return \code{check_restriction_sites} returns a data frame
#' with possible restriction sites found in the primers.
#' @references
#' Roberts, R.J., Vincze, T., Posfai, J., Macelis, D. (2010) REBASE–a database for DNA restriction
#' and modification: enzymes, genes and genomes. Nucl. Acids Res. 38: D234-D236.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Ippolito)
#' # Check the first primer for restriction sites with respect to the first 10 templates
#' site.df <- check_restriction_sites(primer.df[1,], template.df[1:10])
check_restriction_sites <- function(primer.df, template.df,
adapter.action = c("warn", "rm"),
selected = NULL, only.confident.calls = TRUE,
updateProgress = NULL) {
if (length(template.df) == 0 || nrow(template.df) == 0 ||
!is(template.df, "Templates")) {
stop("Need correct templates to identify restriction sites.")
if (length(primer.df) == 0 || nrow(primer.df) == 0 ||
!is(primer.df, "Primers")) {
stop("Need valid primers.")
adapter.action <- match.arg(adapter.action)
fw.idx <- which(nchar(primer.df$Forward) != 0)
rev.idx <- which(nchar(primer.df$Reverse) != 0)
fw.sites <- NULL
rev.sites <- NULL
if (length(fw.idx) != 0) {
seqs <- DNAStringSet(primer.df$Forward[fw.idx])
names(seqs) <- primer.df$ID[fw.idx]
primer.seqs <- DNAStringSet(seqs)
template.seqs <- template.df$Sequence
names(template.seqs) <- template.df$Identifier
template.seqs <- DNAStringSet(template.seqs)
fw.sites <- check_restriction_sites_single(primer.seqs, template.seqs,
direction = "fw",
only.confident.calls = only.confident.calls,
updateProgress = updateProgress)
if (length(rev.idx) != 0) {
seqs <- primer.df$Reverse[rev.idx]
names(seqs) <- primer.df$ID[rev.idx]
primer.seqs <- DNAStringSet(seqs)
template.seqs <- reverseComplement(template.seqs)
rev.sites <- check_restriction_sites_single(primer.seqs, template.seqs,
direction = "rev",
only.confident.calls = only.confident.calls,
updateProgress = updateProgress)
site.df <- rbind(fw.sites, rev.sites)
#' Update of Primer Binding Regions.
#' Updates the relative primer binding sites in the templates
#' when the template binding regions have changed since the last
#' coverage computation.
#' @param primer.df A \code{Primers} data frame.
#' @param template.df Templates with the new binding regions.
#' @param old.template.df Templates with the old binding regions.
#' @return A \code{Primers} object with updated relative binding positions.
#' @keywords internal
update_primer_binding_regions <- function(primer.df, template.df, old.template.df) {
if (length(primer.df) == 0 || nrow(primer.df) == 0) {
if (!is(primer.df, "Primers")) {
stop("Please input a 'Primers' object.")
if (!"primer_coverage" %in% colnames(primer.df)) {
warning("Cannot update primer binding regions as no coverage was available.")
if (!is(template.df, "Templates") || !is(old.template.df, "Templates")) {
stop("Need to have 'Templates' objects to update the primer regions.")
# check that new region annotations are for the same set of templates
if (nrow(template.df) != nrow(old.template.df) || template.df$ID != old.template.df$ID) {
# template sets do not match -> don't adjust anything
# update the current primers object in rv_primers
fw.region <- list(template.df$Allowed_Start_fw, template.df$Allowed_End_fw)
rev.region <- list(template.df$Allowed_Start_rev, template.df$Allowed_End_rev)
fw.region.old <- list(old.template.df$Allowed_Start_fw, old.template.df$Allowed_End_fw)
rev.region.old <- list(old.template.df$Allowed_Start_rev, old.template.df$Allowed_End_rev)
# update the relative binding regions of the primers according to the changes from new to old regions
# for fw: 'end' defines the relatie position of interest
fw.diff <- fw.region[[2]] - fw.region.old[[2]]
# for reverse: start defines the position of relative interest
rev.diff <- rev.region[[1]] - rev.region.old[[1]]
dirs <- c("_fw", "_rev")
# cols with relation to forward binding region:
relative.cols.fw <- unlist(lapply(dirs, function(x) paste0("Relative_Forward_Binding_Position_", c("Start", "End"), x)))
# this won't work if we have paired primers -> need to know covered_seqs_fw and covered_seqs_rev in this case
template.ids <- lapply(strsplit(primer.df$Covered_Seqs, split = ","), as.numeric)
# assume template order hasn't changed:
template.idx <- lapply(template.ids, function(x) match(x, template.df$Identifier))
for (i in seq_along(relative.cols.fw)) {
col <- relative.cols.fw[i]
vals <- lapply(strsplit(primer.df[, col], split = ","), as.numeric)
len.ok <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(vals), function(x) length(vals[[x]]) == length(template.idx[[x]])))
if (any(!len.ok) && any(primer.df[,col] != "")) {
warning("Can't adjust binding range for paired primers at the moment.")
# for adjustment, need to get the template-specific difference
adj.vals <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(vals), function(x) paste(vals[[x]] - fw.diff[template.idx[[x]]], collapse = ",")))
primer.df[, col] <- adj.vals
relative.cols.rev <- unlist(lapply(dirs, function(x) paste0("Relative_Reverse_Binding_Position_", c("Start", "End"), x)))
for (i in seq_along(relative.cols.rev)) {
col <- relative.cols.rev[i]
vals <- lapply(strsplit(primer.df[, col], split = ","), as.numeric)
len.ok <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(vals), function(x) length(vals[[x]]) == length(template.idx[[x]])))
if (any(!len.ok) && any(primer.df[,col] != "")) {
warning("Can't adjust binding range for paired primers at the moment.")
# for adjustment, need to get the template-specific difference
adj.vals <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(vals), function(x) paste(vals[[x]] + rev.diff[template.idx[[x]]], collapse = ",")))
primer.df[, col] <- adj.vals
#' Identification of Restriction Sites.
#' Identifies restriction sites in a list with putative
#' restriction sites provided by \code{bad.regions} using
#' a data frame of restriction sites given by \code{DB}.
#' @param bad.region IRanges with possible adapter sites.
#' @param DB A data frame with restriction enzyme sites.
#' @return A boolean data frame indicating the presence
#' of adapters for all considered restriction sites.
#' @keywords internal
restriction_hits <- function(bad.regions, DB) {
bad.seqs <- unlist(lapply(bad.regions, function(x) as.character(unlist(x))))
names(bad.seqs) <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(bad.regions), function(x) rep(names(bad.regions)[x], length(unlist(bad.regions[[x]])))))
i <- NULL
hit.db <- foreach (i = seq_len(nrow(DB)), .combine = cbind) %dopar% {
enzyme <- as.character(DB$nam[i])
temp <- vmatchPattern(DB$rep[i], bad.seqs,
max.mismatch = 0, with.indels = FALSE)
hits <- sapply(temp, function(x) length(x) != 0)
if (length(hits) == 0) {
} else {
hit.idx <- which(hits)
result <- data.frame("Hit" = hits, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(result)[colnames(result) == "Hit"] <- enzyme
if (length(hit.db) != 0) {
attr(hit.db, "ID") <- names(bad.seqs)
#' Identification of Badly Fitting Regions.
#' Identify regions in the templates where the primers are
#' not very complementary. These regions indicate possible
#' restriction enzyme adapters.
#' @param primer.seqs Primer sequences.
#' @param template.seqs Template sequences.
#' @param search.hits Template substrings that agree well
#' with the input primers.
#' @return A list with putative restriction sites for every primer.
#' @keywords internal
restriction_ali <- function(primer.seqs, template.seqs, search.hits) {
bad.regions <- vector("list", length(search.hits))
# define substitution matrix for alignment
mat <- nucleotideSubstitutionMatrix(match = 1, mismatch = 0,
baseOnly = FALSE, type = "DNA")
for (i in seq_along(search.hits)) {
# align primer with hit region in the templates
if ([i])) {
ali <- pairwiseAlignment(primer.seqs[i], search.hits[i],
substitutionMatrix = mat,
gapOpening = -3, gapExtension = -1, type = "global-local") # open up gaps directly
# identify indels and non-matching regions
# minimal number of bases of restriction
restrict.size <- 3
if (length(ali@subject@indel[[1]]) != 0) {
# there were indels -> look at the indel regions
indel <- ali@subject@indel[[1]]
# only select indels larger than cutoff
sel <- indel@width >= restrict.size
indel <- indel[sel]
if (length(indel) != 0) {
site <- extractAt(primer.seqs[i], indel)
bad.regions[[i]] <- unname(site)
} else {
# no indels -> look at the longest mismatch region
mm.region <- unlist(mismatch(ali@pattern))
# discard short mismatch regions:
if (length(mm.region) > restrict.size) {
# more than 3 mismatches -> consider as adapter seq
site <- extractAt(primer.seqs[i],
IRanges(min(mm.region), max(mm.region)))
bad.regions[[i]] <- unname(site)
names(bad.regions) <- names(primer.seqs)
#' Identification of Sequence Matches.
#' Determines the most similar template sequence for every
#' input primer sequence. Used to identify regions for
#' alignment for the identification of restriction sites.
#' @param primer.seqs Primer sequences.
#' @param template.seqs Template sequences.
#' @return A vector with the template regions matching the
#' \code{primer.seqs} best.
#' @keywords internal
restriction_match <- function(primer.seqs, template.seqs) {
search.hits <- rep(NA, length(primer.seqs))
for (i in seq_along(primer.seqs)) {
scores <- rep(Inf, length(template.seqs))
best.ali <- NA
for (j in seq_len(length(template.seqs))) { # n^2 * n^2 = n^4 performance ...
# vmatchpattern doesn't support indels ...
# max.mismatch: gives the detection limit for adapter sequences/overhang extent
d <- matchPattern(as.character(primer.seqs[i]),
with.indels = TRUE,
max.mismatch = 12)
if (length(d@ranges) == 0) {
# no hits
# retrieve hits in the templates
hits <- sapply(d, function(x) as.character(x))
# determine best hit by computing distance between region of interest and pattern
d <- stringdist::stringdist(hits, as.character(primer.seqs[i]))
# select the hit with the smallest edit distance
sel <- which.min(d)
scores[j] <- d[sel]
hit <- hits[sel]
if (scores[j] <= min(scores)) {
best.ali <- hit
search.hits[i] <- best.ali
#' Identification of Sequence Restriction Sites.
#' Checks the input sequences \code{seqs} for the presence of
#' restriction sites. By removing the restriction sites from a primer set,
#' it is possible to identify the coverage of the primers
#' (e.g. using \code{\link{check_constraints}}) discounting for
#' the impact of the mismatching bases caused by the insert.
#' @param primer.seqs Nucleotide sequences of primers to be checked for restriction sites in terms of a \code{DNAStringSet} object.
#' @param template.seqs A \code{DNAStringSet} object with nucleotide sequences
#' containing the templates corresponding to \code{seqs}.
#' @param adapter.action The action to be performed when adapter sequences
#' are found. Either "warn" to issue warning about adapter sequences or
#' "rm" to remove identified adapter sequences.
#' @param The primer direction that is checked.
#' @param selected Names of restriction sites that are to be checked.
#' By default \code{selected} is \code{NULL} in which case all REBASE
#' restriction sites are checked.
#' @param only.confident.calls Only output confident calls of restriction sites.
#' @param updateProgress A Shiny progress callback function.
#' @return A data frame with restriction sites, if any could be found.
#' @references
#' Roberts, R.J., Vincze, T., Posfai, J., Macelis, D. (2010) REBASE–a database for DNA restriction
#' and modification: enzymes, genes and genomes. Nucl. Acids Res. 38: D234-D236.
#' @keywords internal
check_restriction_sites_single <- function(primer.seqs, template.seqs, adapter.action,
direction = c("fw", "rev"),
selected = NULL,
only.confident.calls = TRUE,
updateProgress = NULL) {
if (length(template.seqs) == 0 || length(primer.seqs) == 0) {
if (!is(primer.seqs, "DNAStringSet")) {
stop("Primers should be a DNAStringSet.")
if (!is(template.seqs, "DNAStringSet")) {
stop("Primers should be a DNAStringSet.")
if (length(direction) == 0) {
stop("Please provide the 'direction' argument.")
direction <- match.arg(direction)
# n.b.: this approach only works if the primer makes sense at all
# if the primer isn't really complementary to the templates,
# we also won't be able to find restriction sites.
# sysdata is available within the package automatically: enzdata
# use only restriction sites without degeneracies for simplicity..
counts <- sapply(regmatches(enzdata$site, gregexpr("[a-z]", enzdata$site, perl=TRUE)), length)
sel <- which(counts == 0)
DB <- enzdata[sel,]
if (!is.null(selected)) {
m <- match(selected, DB$nam)
if (any( {
msg <- paste("Selected enzyme not available: ",
paste(selected[], collapse = ", "), sep = "")
DB <- DB[m,]
if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
detail <- "String matching"
updateProgress(1/3, detail, "inc")
# Confident calls: check for mismatches in the templates
# 1. Identify matches of primers in templates
search.hits <- restriction_match(primer.seqs, template.seqs)
if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
detail <- "Aligning"
updateProgress(1/3, detail, "inc")
# 2. Find the non-matching regions in the templates
bad.regions <- restriction_ali(primer.seqs, template.seqs, search.hits)
# Non-confident call: input primers
input.regions <- vector("list", length(primer.seqs))
names(input.regions) <- names(bad.regions)
for (i in seq_along(primer.seqs)) {
input.regions[[i]] <- DNAStringSetList(as.character(primer.seqs[i]))
all.regions <- list("Confident" = bad.regions, "Unconfident" = input.regions)
if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
detail <- "Identifying adapters"
updateProgress(1/3, detail, "inc")
# 3. Identify whether the non-matching regions are restriction sites
all.hits <- vector("list", length(all.regions))
for (j in seq_along(all.regions)) {
bad.regions <- all.regions[[j]]
hit.db <- restriction_hits(bad.regions, DB)
if (is.null(hit.db)) {
# 4. from all hits, only consider the common restriction sites
common.DB <- DB[DB$common,]
idx <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(hit.db)), function(x) which(as.logical(hit.db[x,])))
hit.names <- lapply(idx, function(x) colnames(hit.db)[x])
found.DB.idx <- lapply(seq_along(hit.names), function(x) idx[[x]][which(hit.names[[x]] %in% common.DB$nam)])
no.hit.idx <- intersect(which(sapply(found.DB.idx, length) == 0), which(sapply(idx, length) != 0))
if (length(no.hit.idx) != 0) {
# no hit in the common restriction sites -> check for the most specific rare restriction site
found.DB.idx[no.hit.idx] <- lapply(seq_along(no.hit.idx), function(x) idx[[no.hit.idx[x]]][which.max(nchar(DB$rep[idx[[no.hit.idx[x]]]]))])
if (length(found.DB.idx) == 0) {
# still no hits? we're done
names(found.DB.idx) <- attr(hit.db, "ID")
hit.out <- vector("list", length(found.DB.idx))
for (i in seq_along(found.DB.idx)) {
if (length(found.DB.idx[[i]]) == 0) {
# no hits found
} <- names(found.DB.idx)[i]
p.idx <- match(, names(primer.seqs@ranges))
out <- data.frame("Primer_Identifier" =,
"Direction" = direction,
"Sequence" = unname(tolower(as.character(primer.seqs[p.idx]))),
"Enzyme" = as.character(DB$nam)[found.DB.idx[[i]]],
"Site" = tolower(DB$rep[found.DB.idx[[i]]]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
hit.out[[i]] <- out
hit.out <-, hit.out)
if (length(hit.out) != 0) {
hit.out$Confidence <- names(all.regions)[j]
all.hits[[j]] <- hit.out
hit.out <-, all.hits)
# only return unique hits per primer
hit.out <- ddply(hit.out, c("Primer_Identifier", "Sequence", "Enzyme", "Site"),
function(x) arrange(x, substitute(Confidence))[1, ])
if (only.confident.calls) {
hit.out <- hit.out[hit.out$Confidence == "Confident",]
# warn about restriction sites:
if (adapter.action == "warn") {
# warn about restriction sites
enzymes <- ddply(hit.out, c("Enzyme", "Site"), summarize,
Identifiers = paste(substitute(Primer_Identifier), collapse = ","))
if (nrow(enzymes) != 0) {
out <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(enzymes)), function(x)
paste("Found ", enzymes[x,"Enzyme"], " (", enzymes[x,"Site"],
") adapter in primers ", enzymes[x,"Identifiers"],
". Please check your sequences.", sep = ""))
warning(paste(out, collapse = "\n"))
} else if (adapter.action == "rm") {
# remove restriction sites from primers
warning("Removal is not implemented yet.")
#' @rdname Input
#' @name Input
#' @aliases Primers-class
#' @section Basic columns:
#' In the following you can find a description of the most
#' important columns that can be found in objects of class \code{Primers}.
#' Note that angular brackets indicate the existence of multiple possibilities.
#' The following columns are present when a set of primers
#' is loaded from a FASTA file using \code{\link{read_primers}}:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{ID}}{The identifiers of the primers.}
#' \item{\code{Identifier}}{The internal identifiers of the primers.}
#' \item{\code{Forward}}{The sequences of forward primers.}
#' \item{\code{Reverse}}{The sequences of reverse primers.}
#' \item{\code{primer_length<fw|rev>}}{The lengths of
#' forward and reverse primer sequences, respectively.}
#' \item{\code{Direction}}{Either 'fw' for forward primers,
#' 'rev' for reverse primers, or 'both' for a primer pair.}
#' \item{\code{Degeneracy_<fw|rev>}}{The degeneracy (ambiguity) of
#' forward and reverse primers, respectively.}
#' \item{\code{Run}}{An identifier describing the primer set.}
#' }
#' @section Coverage-related columns:
#' The following columns are only available in an object of
#' class \code{Primers} after primer coverage
#' has been computed, that is after \code{\link{check_constraints}}
#' has been called with the active \code{primer_coverage} constraint. Computed coverage
#' values relating solely to string matching are indicated by the prefix
#' \code{Basic_}, while columns without this prefix relate to the coverage after
#' applying the constraints formulated via \code{CoverageConstraints}.
#' Information on off-target coverage events are indicated by
#' the \code{Off_} prefix, while on-target coverage events do not carry
#' this prefix.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{primer_coverage}}{The number of templates that are
#' covered by the primers. Note that if a primer set contains
#' primers of both directions, a template is only considered covered
#' if it is covered by primers of both directions.}
#' \item{\code{Coverage_Ratio}}{The ratio of templates that are covered by the primers.}
#' \item{\code{Binding_Position_Start_<fw|rev>}}{The upstream position in the
#' templates where forward and reverse primers respectively bind.}
#' \item{\code{Binding_Position_End_<fw|rev>}}{The downstream position in the templates where forward and reverse primers respectively bind.}
#' \item{\code{Relative_<Forward|Reverse>_Binding_Position_<Start|End>_<fw|rev>}}{
#' The binding upstream (\code{Start}) or downstream (\code{End}) positions
#' of the primers relative to the forward (\code{Forward})
#' or reverse (\code{Reverse}) binding regions, either for
#' forward (\code{fw}) or reverse primers (\code{rev}).}
#' \item{\code{Binding_Region_Allowed}}{Whether a coverage event
#' occurred in the target binding region or not. If the allowed
#' off-target ratio was set to 0 only coverage events within the
#' the target region are reported.}
#' \item{\code{Nbr_of_mismatches_<fw|rev>}}{The number of mismatches
#' of forward and reverse primer coverage events, respectively.}
#' \item{\code{Mismatch_pos_<fw|rev>}}{The position of mismatches
#' for forward and reverse coverage events, respectively. Mismatch
#' positions are reported relative to the 3' end, that is, position
#' 1 indicates a mismatch in the last base of a primer.}
#' \item{\code{primer_specificity}}{The specificity of a primer
#' as determined by its ratio of off-target binding events.}
#' }
#' @section Constraint-related columns:
#' Each constraint that is considered when calling \code{\link{check_constraints}}
#' gives rise to at least one column in the provided \code{Primers} object.
#' Due to the large number of possible constraints, we will limit our description
#' to the \code{gc_clamp} constraint. Once the GC clamp property has been computed,
#' the \code{gc_clamp_fw} column contains the length of the GC clamp for forward
#' primers and \code{gc_clamp_rev} the corresponding length for reverse primers.
#' Whether the desired extent of the GC clamp was obtained by a primer
#' is indicated by the \code{EVAL_gc_clamp} column. It contains \code{TRUE} when
#' the GC clamp constraint was fulfilled and \code{FALSE} when it was broken.
#' To identify whether all required constraints were fulfilled by a primer,
#' the \code{constraints_passed} column can be used. It contains \code{TRUE}
#' if all \code{active.constraints} used by \code{\link{check_constraints}} were fulfilled
#' and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @return The \code{Primers} constructor returns an object of
#' class \code{Primers}.
#' @exportClass Primers
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load a set of primers
#' primer.location <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "primers", "IGHV",
#' "Ippolito2012.fasta", package = "openPrimeR")
#' primer.df <- read_primers(primer.location, "_fw", "_rev")
contains = c("data.frame"), validity = validate_primers)
setMethod("initialize", "Primers",
function(.Object, ...) {
# just call data frame constructor
Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
#' @rdname Input
#' @name Input
#' @aliases Primers-class
#' @export
Primers <- function(...) new("Primers", ...)
my_format_df <- function (x) {
if (is.atomic(x) && !is.null(x)) {
stop("Internal structure doesn't seem to be a list. Possibly corrupt data.frame.")
classes <- unlist(lapply(x, class))
factor.idx <- which(classes == "factor")
for (i in factor.idx) {
x[, i] <- as.character(x[, i])
char.trunc <- function(x, trunc.char = 20) {
trunc.char = max(0L, suppressWarnings(as.integer(trunc.char[1L])), na.rm=TRUE)
if (!is.character(x) || trunc.char <= 0L) return(x)
idx = which(nchar(x) > trunc.char)
x[idx] = paste(substr(x[idx], 1L, as.integer(trunc.char)), "...", sep="")
# truncate all strings
classes <- unlist(lapply(x, class))
string.idx <- which(classes == "character")
for (i in string.idx) {
x[, i] <- char.trunc(x[,i])
my_show_df <- function(x, topn = 3,
nrows = 6) {
# topn - print the top topn and bottom topn rows with '---' inbetween
# nrows - if x is <= nrows, the whle table is printed
if (!is.numeric(nrows)) nrows = 10
if (!is.infinite(nrows)) nrows = as.integer(nrows)
if (nrows <= 0L) return(invisible()) # ability to turn off printing
if (!is.numeric(topn)) topn = 5
topnmiss = missing(topn)
topn = max(as.integer(topn),1L)
if (nrow(x) == 0L) {
if (length(x)==0L)
cat(paste0("Empty object of class '", class(x), "'.\n"))
cat(paste0("Object of class '", class(x), "' without any rows.\n"))
if (topn*2<nrow(x) && (nrow(x)>nrows || !topnmiss)) {
toprint = rbind(head(x, topn), tail(x, topn))
rn = c(seq_len(topn),, length.out=topn))
printdots = TRUE
} else {
toprint = x
rn = seq_len(nrow(x))
printdots = FALSE
toprint = my_format_df(x) # modify data frame to have only character classes
rownames(toprint) <- seq_len(nrow(toprint))
if (is.null(names(x)) | all(names(x) == "")) colnames(toprint)=rep("", ncol(toprint))
if (printdots) {
toprint = rbind(head(toprint,topn),"---" = "",tail(toprint,topn))
rownames(toprint) = format(rownames(toprint),justify="right")
if (nrow(toprint)>20L)
# repeat colnames at the bottom if more than 20 rows are printed
setMethod("show", "Primers", function(object) {
# overwrite the 'print' function in order to limit the output
setMethod("summary", "Primers", function(object) {
stats <- primer.set.parameter.stats(object, get.analysis.mode(object), NULL)
#' cbind for Primers class.
#' Ensures that the cbind result has the appropriate class.
#' @param ... Parameters for cbind function.
#' @return Column binded Primers data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Ippolito)
#' primer.df <- cbind(primer.df, primer.df)
cbind.Primers <- function(...) {
df <-
df <- Primers(df)
#' S4 cbind for Primers.
#' S4 cbind function for Primers.
#' @export
#' @rdname Primers-method
#' @param x The Primers data frame.
#' @param y Another data frame.
#' @return Cbinded primer data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' data(Ippolito)
#' primer.df <- cbind2(primer.df, seq_len(nrow(primer.df)))
setMethod("cbind2", c(x = "Primers", y = "ANY"),
# need this in case of S3 dispatch fails.
function(x, y, ...) {
df <-, y, ...) # packages should not call .Internal()?
df <- Primers(df)
#' S4 rbind for Primers.
#' S4 rbind function for Primers.
#' @export
#' @return Rbinded primer data frame.
#' @rdname Primers-method
#' @keywords internal
setMethod("rbind2", c(x = "Primers", y = "ANY"),
# need this in case of S3 dispatch fails.
function(x, y, ...) {
df <-, y, ...)
df <- Primers(df)
#' rbind for Primers class.
#' Ensures that the rbind result has the appropriate class.
#' @param ... Parameters for rbind function.
#' @return Row-binded Primers data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Ippolito)
#' primer.df <- rbind(primer.df, primer.df)
rbind.Primers <- function(...) {
df <-
df <- Primers(df)
#' Slicing Operator for Primers.
#' Slices a Primers data frame.
#' @param x The Primers data frame.
#' @param i The row index.
#' @param j The column index.
#' @param ... Other arguments to the slice operator.
#' @param drop Simplify data frame?
#' @exportMethod [
#' @rdname Primers-method
#' @return Subset of primer data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @aliases [,Primers-method [,Primers,ANY-method
#' @examples
#' data(Ippolito)
#' primer.df <- primer.df[1:2,]
setMethod("[", c("Primers", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE) {
if (missing(drop)) {
df <- asS3(x)[i, j, ...]
} else {
df <- asS3(x)[i, j, ..., drop = drop]
if (is(df, "data.frame")) {
# only set my class if we haven't simplified.
#options("show.error.messages" = FALSE)
p.df <- suppressWarnings(try(Primers(df), silent = TRUE))
#options("show.error.messages" = TRUE)
if (is(p.df, "try-error")) {
# removed crucial columns -> turn into data frame
p.df <- asS3(df)
df <- p.df
#' Dollar Operator for Primers.
#' Stores data in a column of a Primers data frame.
#' @exportMethod $<-
#' @rdname Primers-method
#' @param name The name of the column.
#' @param value The values of the column.
#' @return Primer data frame with replaced column.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' data(Ippolito)
#' primer.df$Forward[1] <- "ctagcgggaccg"
setMethod("$<-", "Primers",
function(x, name, value) {
df <- asS3(x)
eval(parse(text = paste("df$", name, " <- value", sep = "")))
df <- Primers(df)
#' Updates the Primer Coverage.
#' Updates the most important columns in a primer data frame according to the selected
#' coverage definition. Only coverage events with less or equal than the allowed number of
#' mismatches according to the selected coverage definition will be retained.
#' @param primer.df A \code{Primers} object.
#' @param template.df A \code{Templates} object.
#' @param allowed.mismatches A numeric giving the maximal number of allowed.mismatches.
#' @param cvg.definition The definition of coverage to be used, either "constrained" or "basic".
#' @return A primer data frame with modified coverage information.
#' @keywords internal
update_primer_cvg <- function(primer.df, template.df, allowed.mismatches, cvg.definition = c("constrained", "basic")) {
# note: only updates primer_coverage, covered_seqs, not binding positions etc.
# Consider only coverage events with <= allowed.mismatches and according to the provided cvg.definition
if (length(primer.df) == 0 || nrow(primer.df) == 0) {
# nothing to update ..
mode.directionality <- get.analysis.mode(primer.df)
cvg.definition <- match.arg(cvg.definition) <- prepare_mm_plot(primer.df, template.df)
# select events according to selected cvg.definition and number of mismatches only
df <-[$Coverage_Type == cvg.definition &$Number_of_mismatches <= allowed.mismatches, ]
# just move from mismatch rep to coverage rep
ddf <- ddply(df, c("Primer", "Direction", "Template", "Group"), summarize,
Position = unique(substitute(Position_3terminus)),
Number_of_mismatches = unique(substitute(Number_of_mismatches)))
if (mode.directionality == "both") {
# remove individual binding events
# for pairs of primers: presence of any other other direction is fine for cvg
dir.count.both <- ddply(ddf, c("Template", "Group"), summarize, DirectionCount = length(unique(substitute(Direction))))
rm.idx <- which(dir.count.both$DirectionCount <= 1)
if (length(rm.idx) != 0) {
m <- match(dir.count.both$Template[rm.idx], ddf$Template)
ddf <- ddf[-m,]
# for primers of both directions: they were replicated (fw+both) earlier, need to select events were pairs are present and then select the individual primer once again
both.sel <- which(primer.df$Direction[match(ddf$Primer, primer.df$ID)] == "both")
dff.both <- ddply(ddf[both.sel,], c("Primer", "Template"),
Group = unique(substitute(Group)))
dff.single <- ddf[setdiff(seq_len(nrow(ddf)), both.sel), c("Primer", "Template", "Group")]
dff <- rbind(dff.both, dff.single)
cvd <- ddply(dff, "Primer", summarize, Covered_Seqs = paste(substitute(Template), collapse = ","))
m <- match(cvd$Primer, primer.df$ID)
new.df <- data.frame(ID = primer.df$ID, Covered_Seqs = "", primer_coverage = 0,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (length(m) != 0) { # we found coverage events for our selection
# set corresponding entries in new.df to updated values
cvd.identifier <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(cvd$Covered_Seqs, split = ","), function(x) paste(template.df$Identifier[match(x, template.df$ID)], collapse = ",")))
new.df[m, 'Covered_Seqs'] <- cvd.identifier
new.df[m, 'primer_coverage'] <- sapply(strsplit(cvd.identifier, split = ","), length)
# update primer data frame with new values
new.primer.df <- primer.df
new.primer.df[, colnames(new.df)] <- new.df
#' @rdname Plots
#' @name Plots
#' @aliases plot_primer_binding_regions
#' @return \code{plot_primer_binding_regions} returns a plot of the primer binding regions.
#' @export
#' @include templates.R
#' @examples
#' # Primer binding regions of a single primer set
#' data(Ippolito)
#' p <- plot_primer_binding_regions(primer.df, template.df)
#' # Primer binding regions of multiple primer sets
#' data(Comparison)
#' p.comp <- plot_primer_binding_regions([1:3],[1:3])
function(primers, templates, direction = c("both", "fw", "rev"),
group = NULL, relation = c("fw", "rev"),
region.names = c("Binding region", "Amplification region"), ...) {
#' Plot of Primer Binding Regions for a Single Primer Set.
#' Plots the primer binding regions in the templates.
#' @param primers An object of class \code{Primers} with annotated
#' primer coverage.
#' @param templates An object of class \code{Templates} providing the
#' template sequences corresponding to \code{primers}.
#' @param direction Primer direction
#' @param group The template groups for which binding events should
#' be determined. By default, \code{group} is set to \code{NULL} such that
#' all templates are considered.
#' @param relation A character vector specifying whether binding region data shall
#' be plotted relative to the forward (\code{fw}) or reverse (\code{rev})
#' target binding regions.
#' @param region.names Names for the primer binding region and the amplified region.
#' @return A histogram of primer binding regions.
#' @keywords internal
signature(primers = "Primers", templates = "Templates"),
function(primers, templates,
direction = c("both", "fw", "rev"), group = NULL,
relation = c("fw", "rev"),
region.names = c("Binding region", "Amplification region")) {
relation <- match.arg(relation)
direction <- match.arg(direction)
if (length(primers) == 0 && nrow(primers) == 0) {
if (!is(primers, "Primers")) {
stop("Please input a valid primers object.")
} <- list(primers)
names( <- unique(primers$Run)
p <- plot_primer_binding_regions(, list(templates),
direction, group, relation, region.names = region.names)
create_region_boxes <- function(primers, templates, relation, region.names, ymin, ymax, xmax) {
regions <- vector("list", length(templates)) # binding regions
if (relation == "fw") {
for (i in seq_along(templates)) {
template.df <- templates[[i]]
region.extents <- template.df$Allowed_End_fw_initial - template.df$Allowed_Start_fw_initial
idx <- which.max(region.extents)
s <- template.df$Allowed_Start_fw_initial[idx]
e <- template.df$Allowed_End_fw_initial[idx] <- template.df$Allowed_End_fw[idx] <- template.df$Allowed_Start_fw[idx]
delta <- - e
rel.binding.start <- -( - - 1
rect.x.leader <- -((e-s) + delta) - 1
rect.x.leader.end <- rect.x.leader + e - s <- data.frame("Region" = region.names[1], "xmin" = rect.x.leader, "xmax" = rect.x.leader.end, "ymin" = ymin, "ymax" = ymax) <- data.frame("Region" = region.names[2], "xmin" = rect.x.leader.end + 1, "xmax" = xmax, "ymin" = ymin, "ymax" = ymax)
region.df <- rbind(,
region.df$Run <- unique(primers[i]$Run)
region.df$RelStartPosition <- rel.binding.start
regions[[i]] <- region.df
#binding.starts[[i]] <- data.frame("Run" = names([i], "Position" = rel.binding.start)
} else {
for (i in seq_along(templates)) {
template.df <- templates[[i]]
region.extents <- template.df$Allowed_End_rev_initial - template.df$Allowed_Start_rev_initial
idx <- which.max(region.extents)
seq.len <- nchar(template.df$Sequence[idx])
s <- seq.len - template.df$Allowed_Start_rev_initial[idx] + 1
e <- seq.len - template.df$Allowed_End_rev_initial[idx] + 1 <- seq.len - template.df$Allowed_End_rev[idx] + 1 <- seq.len - template.df$Allowed_Start_rev[idx] + 1
# positive delta: binding region has to be shifted back (negative), negative delta: binding region has to be shifted forward (positive)
delta <- s -
rel.binding.start <- - - 1
rect.x.leader <- -((e-s) + delta) - 1
rect.x.leader.end <- rect.x.leader + e - s
rect.x.leader <- -(s - e + delta) - 1
rect.x.leader.end <- rect.x.leader - e + s <- data.frame("Region" = region.names[1], "xmin" = rect.x.leader, "xmax" = rect.x.leader.end, "ymin" = ymin, "ymax" = ymax) <- data.frame("Region" = region.names[2], "xmin" = rect.x.leader.end + 1, "xmax" = xmax, "ymin" = ymin, "ymax" = ymax)
region.df <- rbind(,
region.df$Run <- unique(primers[i]$Run)
region.df$RelStartPosition = rel.binding.start
regions[[i]] <- region.df
#binding.starts[[i]] <- data.frame("Run" = names([i], "RelStartPosition" = rel.binding.start)
region.df <-, regions)
#' Plot of Primer Binding Regions for Multiple Sets.
#' Plots the primer binding regions for every primer set.
#' @param primers List with primer data frames.
#' @param templates List with template data frames.
#' @param direction Direction of primers.
#' @param group Template groups to plot.
#' This defaults to plotting all groups.
#' @param relation Plot binding region relative to forward binding region or reverse?
#' @param region.names Names for the primer binding region and the amplified region.
#' @param highlight.set Primer sets to highlight in the plot.
#' @return A plot for primer binding region comparison.
#' @keywords internal
signature(primers = "list", templates = "list"),
function(primers, templates,
direction = c("both", "fw", "rev"), group = NULL,
relation = c("fw", "rev"),
region.names = c("Binding region", "Amplification region"),
highlight.set = NULL) {
if (length(region.names) != 2) {
stop("Need 2 region names.")
xlab <- "Location"
direction <- match.arg(direction)
relation <- match.arg(relation)
xlab <- "Binding position" <- lapply(seq_along(primers), function(x)[[x]],
templates[[x]], direction, group, relation))
# annotate with run info
runs <- <- lapply(seq_along(, function(x) if (length([[x]]) !=
0 && nrow([[x]]) != 0) {
cbind([[x]], Run = rep(primers[[x]]$Run[1], nrow([[x]])))
plot.df <-,
if (!is(plot.df, "data.frame")) {
if (length(highlight.set) != 0) {
# check whether highlight set is specified correctly
m <- match(highlight.set, plot.df$Run)
na.idx <- which(
if (length(na.idx) != 0) {
msg <- paste("Highlight set not available in data:",
paste(highlight.set[na.idx], collapse = ","))
highlight.set <- highlight.set[!]
# new annotation function for rectangle plot
plot.df <- ddply(plot.df, c("ID", "Start", "End", "Run"), summarize, Count = length(substitute(ID)))
# cumulate counts for multiple primer IDs -> ymax value for rectangles
plot.df$ymax <- ave(plot.df$Count, plot.df$Start, plot.df$End, plot.df$Run, FUN = cumsum)
# ymin: cumulative sum minus the current count
plot.df$ymin <- plot.df$ymax - plot.df$Count
colnames(plot.df)[colnames(plot.df) %in% c("Start", "End")] <- c("xmin", "xmax")
levels <- unique(plot.df$Run)
plot.df$Run <- factor(plot.df$Run, levels = levels[order(levels)])
bwidth <- 10 # cover 10 positions with one bar
ymin <- min(c(-1, -0.1 * max(plot.df$ymax)))
ymax <- -0.2 # slightly negative to retain the border of the box
# consider widest range of allowed regions from all template sets:
# set boundaries of the plot:
xmin <- min(plot.df$xmin)
xmax <- max(plot.df$xmax)
## require a minimal length for the region segments
if (xmin > 50) {
xmin <- -50
if (xmax < 50) {
xmax <- 50
region.df <- create_region_boxes(primers, templates, relation, region.names, ymin, ymax, xmax)
xmin <- min(xmin, min(region.df$xmin))
x.ticks <- pretty(seq(xmin, xmax))
x.labels <- x.ticks
x.labels[x.labels > 0] <- paste0("+", x.labels[x.labels > 0])
rect.colors <- c("#e5f4ff", "#ffefe5")
names(rect.colors) <- region.names
r.colors <- rep(rect.colors, length(levels(plot.df$Run)))
plot.df$ID <- abbreviate(plot.df$ID, getOption("openPrimeR.plot_abbrev")) # shorten primer IDs
pal <- getOption("openPrimeR.plot_colors")["Primer"] # the RColorBrewer palette to use
primer.colors <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, pal))(length(unique(plot.df[, "ID"])))
names(primer.colors) <- unique(plot.df[, "ID"])
primer.colors <- c(rect.colors, primer.colors)
p <- ggplot(plot.df) + ylab("Number of coverage events") +
xlab(xlab) +
ggtitle("Sites of primer binding in the templates") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5)) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(xmin, xmax),
breaks = x.ticks,
labels = x.labels) +
geom_vline(xintercept = -1, colour = "red") + # end of binding region
geom_vline(data = region.df, aes_string(xintercept = "RelStartPosition"), colour = "red") + # start of binding region
# rectangles for histogram of binding events:
geom_rect(data = plot.df,
mapping = aes_string(xmin = "xmin", xmax = "xmax",
ymin = "ymin", ymax = "ymax",
fill = "ID"),
linetype = "blank", alpha = 0.35) + # rectangles show some overlap due to the transparency!!
scale_fill_manual(values = primer.colors, breaks = unique(plot.df$ID)) +
# x-axis rectangles to annotate binding/amplification region:
geom_rect(data = region.df,
mapping = aes_string(xmin="xmin", xmax="xmax",
ymin="ymin", ymax="ymax", fill = "Region"),
alpha = 0.5,
colour = "#3d3835",
size = 0.3, show.legend = FALSE)
if (length(unique(plot.df$Run)) > 1) {
# show facets and don't show individual primer legend
p <- p + facet_wrap(~Run, ncol = 2) +
guides(fill = FALSE)
} else {
# only show rectangle text for single plot
p <- p + geom_text(data=region.df,
aes_string(x = "xmin+(xmax-xmin)/2",
y = "ymin+(ymax-ymin)/2",
label = "Region"), size = 4)
if (length(unique(plot.df$ID)) > 15) {
# don't show legend for many primers
p <- p + guides(fill = FALSE)
if (length(highlight.set) != 0) {
# highlight selected sets
# highlight of strip.text (facet part) individually doesn't work
# -> this is the solution i came up with
highlights <- data.frame(Run = highlight.set)
p <- p + geom_rect(data=highlights,aes(xmin=-Inf, xmax=Inf,
ymin=-Inf, ymax=Inf), fill='red', alpha=0.1)
#' @rdname Input
#' @name Input
#' @aliases read_primers
#' @details
#' When loading primers via \code{read_primers}, the input arguments
#' \code{}, \code{}, \code{merge.ambig}, and \code{max.degen}
#' are only used for loading primers from a FASTA file.
#' In this case, please ensure that \code{} and
#' \code{} are set according to the keywords indicating
#' the primer directionalities in the FASTA file.
#' When loading primers from a CSV file, the format of the file should adhere
#' to the structure defined by the \code{\link{Primers}} class.
#' @return \code{read_primers} returns a single object of class \code{Primers}
#' if a single input file is provided or a list of such objects if multiple
#' files are provided.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' primer.fasta <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "primers", "IGHV",
#' "Ippolito2012.fasta", package = "openPrimeR")
#' primer.df <- read_primers(primer.fasta, "_fw", "_rev")
#' # Read multiple FASTA files
#' fasta.files <- list.files(system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "primers",
#' "IGHV", package = "openPrimeR"), pattern = "*\\.fasta",
#' full.names = TRUE)[1:3]
#' <- read_primers(fasta.files)
#' # Read primers from a CSV file
#' primer.csv <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "comparison",
#' "primer_sets", "IGL", "IGL_openPrimeR2017.csv", package = "openPrimeR")
#' primer.df <- read_primers(primer.csv)
#' # Read multiple primer CSV files
#' primer.files <- list.files(path = system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "comparison",
#' "primer_sets", "IGH", package = "openPrimeR"),
#' pattern = "*\\.csv", full.names = TRUE)[1:3]
#' <- read_primers(primer.files)
#' # Read a mixture of FASTA/CSV files:
#' mixed.primers <- c(primer.fasta, primer.csv)
#' <- read_primers(mixed.primers)
read_primers <- function(fname, = "_fw", = "_rev",
merge.ambig = c("none", "merge", "unmerge"),
max.degen = 16, template.df = NULL,
adapter.action = c("warn", "rm"), = NULL,
updateProgress = NULL) {
adapter.action <- match.arg(adapter.action)
if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
detail <- "Reading primers"
updateProgress(1/2, detail, "inc")
if (length(fname) > 1) {
# load multiple primer FASTA/CSV files
primers <- read_primers_multiple(fname, =, =, merge.ambig = merge.ambig, max.degen = max.degen,
template.df = template.df,
adapter.action = adapter.action, =,
updateProgress = updateProgress)
} else {
# load a single primer set from FASTA/CSV
primers <- read_primers_single(fname, =, =,
merge.ambig = merge.ambig, max.degen = max.degen,
template.df = template.df,
adapter.action = adapter.action, =,
updateProgress = updateProgress)
read_primers_single <- function(primer.location, = "_fw", = "_rev",
merge.ambig = c("none", "merge", "unmerge"),
max.degen = 16, template.df = NULL,
adapter.action = c("warn", "rm"), = NULL,
updateProgress = NULL) {
if (!file.exists(primer.location)) {
stop(paste("No file found at specified location: ",
primer.location, sep = ""))
# load the primers and at the same time determine whether it's FASTA/CSV input
primers <- try(,
tolower(names(IUPAC_CODE_MAP))), silent = TRUE)
if (is(primers, "try-error")) {
# let's try to read as CSV
fasta.error <- attr(primers, "condition")
primers <- try(read_primers_csv(primer.location), silent = TRUE)
if (is(primers, "try-error")) {
csv.error <- attr(primers, "condition")
stop(paste("Could not read the file as FASTA or CSV.",
"The FASTA error was: ",
fasta.error, ".\n The CSV error was: ", csv.error))
} else {
# it's a CSV:
ext <- "csv"
} else {
# it's a FASTA:
ext <- "fasta"
if (ext == "csv") {
# nothing to change in the input
} else if (ext == "fasta") {
# sanitize the input
if (length(primers) == 0) {
if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
detail <- "Annotating primers"
updateProgress(1/2, detail, "inc")
primer.seqs <- sapply(primers, function(x) paste(tolower(x), collapse = ""))
headers <- sapply(primers, function(x) attr(x, "Annot"))
if (length( == 0) {
# use fasta name without file ending as sample name <- sub("^([^.]*).*", "\\1", basename(primer.location))
# create Primers object:
primers <- read_primers.internal(primer.seqs, headers,,,
merge.ambig, max.degen,
} else {
stop("Unknown filetype.")
if (!is.null(template.df)) {
# check for restriction sites if template.df was inputted
sites <- check_restriction_sites(primers, template.df,
adapter.action, updateProgress = updateProgress)
#' Input of Multiple Primer Sets.
#' Reads multiple CSV files representing stored objects of class \code{Primers}.
#' @param filenames The paths to multiple primer CSV/FASTA files.
#' @return A list containing objects of class \code{Primers}.
#' @keywords internal
read_primers_multiple <- function(filenames,,, merge.ambig,
max.degen, template.df, adapter.action,, updateProgress) {
data <- lapply(filenames, function(x) read_primers_single(x, =, =, merge.ambig = merge.ambig,
max.degen = max.degen, template.df = template.df,
adapter.action = adapter.action, =,
updateProgress = updateProgress))
# annotate names of list/make 'Run' identifiers unique:
data <-, filenames)
} <- function(data, filenames = NULL) {
# annotate names of list using set run identifiers
if (length(data) == 0) {
if (length(filenames) != 0) {
# filenames are available -> use stripped filename for empty files
run.names <- sub("^([^.]*).*", "\\1", basename(filenames))
} else {
run.names <- rep("Unknown", length(data))
non.empty.idx <- which(unlist(lapply(data, nrow)) != 0)
# use stored run identifier for non-empty files:
run.names[non.empty.idx] <- sapply(data[non.empty.idx], function(x) x$Run[1])
# ensure that run names are unique
run.names <- uniqtag::uniqtag(run.names, k = Inf, make.unique)
names(data) <- run.names
# update run names in the loaded primer sets that aren't empty
for (i in seq_along(non.empty.idx)) {
data[[non.empty.idx[i]]]$Run <- run.names[non.empty.idx[i]]
#' Read Primer CSV File.
#' Reads a primer data frame stored in a CSV file.
#' @param file The path to a csv file containing the primer data.
#' @return A \code{Primers} object, an instance of a data frame.
#' @keywords internal
read_primers_csv <- function(file) {
# turn some columns from integer to char if necessary
# (column with a single number will be interpreted as
# numeric otherwise) ...
if (!file.exists(file)) {
stop(paste("Primer CSV file at '", file, "' could not be found."), sep = "")
# character columns:
fix.cvg.cols.constrained <- c("Relative_Forward_Binding_Position_Start_fw", "Relative_Forward_Binding_Position_End_fw",
"Relative_Forward_Binding_Position_Start_rev", "Relative_Forward_Binding_Position_End_rev",
"Relative_Reverse_Binding_Position_Start_fw", "Relative_Reverse_Binding_Position_End_fw",
"Relative_Reverse_Binding_Position_Start_rev", "Relative_Reverse_Binding_Position_End_rev",
"Covered_Seqs", "Binding_Position_Start_rev", "Binding_Position_End_rev",
"Binding_Position_Start_fw", "Binding_Position_End_fw", "Binding_Region_Allowed",
"Nbr_of_mismatches_fw", "Nbr_of_mismatches_rev", "Binding_Region_Allowed_fw",
"Mismatch_pos_fw", "Mismatch_pos_rev", "Binding_Region_Allowed_rev")
off.fix.cvg.cols.constrained <- paste0("Off_", fix.cvg.cols.constrained)
fix.cvg.cols.constrained <- c(fix.cvg.cols.constrained, off.fix.cvg.cols.constrained)
fix.cvg.cols.basic <- paste0("Basic_", fix.cvg.cols.constrained)
fix.cvg.cols <- c(fix.cvg.cols.constrained, fix.cvg.cols.basic)
fix.cols <- c(fix.cvg.cols,
# coverage constraints:
c("primer_efficiency", "T_EVAL_primer_efficiency",
"terminal_mismatch_pos", "annealing_DeltaG",
"stop_codon", "substitution", "coverage_model",
"Forward", "Reverse", "constraints_passed_T", "Direction", "Run"))
numeric.fix.cols <- c("primer_length_fw", "primer_length_rev",
"mean_primer_efficiency", "primer_specificity")
factor.fix.cols <- c("ID", "Identifier")
p <- try(read.csv(file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL), silent = TRUE)
if (is(p, "try-error")) {
msg <- paste0("The csv file: '", file, "' does not seem to represent a valid object of class 'Primers'",
" Please ensure the correct format of the file!")
my.error("TemplateFormatIncorrect", msg)
for (i in seq_len(ncol(p))) {
if (colnames(p)[i] %in% fix.cols) {
p[, colnames(p)[i]] <- as.character(p[, colnames(p)[i]])
na.idx <- which([, colnames(p)[i]]))
if (length(na.idx) != 0) {
# replace NA's in char cols with empty string:
p[na.idx, colnames(p)[i]] <- ""
} else if (colnames(p)[i] %in% numeric.fix.cols) {
p[, colnames(p)[i]] <- as.numeric(p[, colnames(p)[i]])
} else if (colnames(p)[i] %in% factor.fix.cols) {
p[, colnames(p)[i]] <- factor(p[, colnames(p)[[i]]],
levels = p[, colnames(p)[[i]]])
p <- try(Primers(p), silent = TRUE)
if (is(p, "try-error")) {
paste0("The loaded primer csv data from the file '",
file, "' did not represent a valid 'Primers' object.",
" Please check your input!"))
#' Internal Function for Reading Primers
#' Reads the given primer sequences into a data frame.
#' @param primer.seqs Primer sequences.
#' @param headers Headers of the primer FASTA file.
#' @param Identifier of forward primers in the headers.
#' @param Identifier of reverse primers in the headers.
#' @param merge.ambig Should ambiguous primers be merged?
#' @param max.degen Maximum allowed degeneracy
#' @return A data frame with primer sequences.
#' @keywords internal
read_primers.internal <- function(primer.seqs, headers,,, merge.ambig = c("none", "merge", "unmerge"),
max.degen, {
merge.ambig <- match.arg(merge.ambig)
mode <- "default"
if (length(primer.seqs) == 0) {
if ( == "" && == "") {
# assume only fw primers are present <- "_fw" <- NA
headers <- paste(headers,, sep = "")
my.warning("NotifyPrimersMissingKeyword", "No keywords provided for primer directionalities. Primers were assumed to be sense primers.")
} else if ( == "" && != "") {
# rev id is given -> assume complement of rev hits are forward primers
my.warning("NotifyPrimersMissingKeyword", "A keyword was provided only for reverse primers. All primers without the reverse keyword were assumed to be forward primers.")
mode <- "guess_forward" <- NA
} else if ( != "" && == "") {
my.warning("NotifyPrimersMissingKeyword", "A keyword was provided only for forward primers. All primers without the forward keyword were assumed to be reverse primers.")
mode <- "guess_reverse" <- NA
dirs <- rep(NA, length(headers))
dir.fw.idx <- NULL
dir.rev.idx <- NULL
if (mode != "guess_forward") {
dir.fw.idx <- grep(, headers, fixed = TRUE)
} else {
dir.fw.idx <- setdiff(seq_along(headers), grep(, headers, fixed = TRUE))
if (mode != "guess_reverse") {
dir.rev.idx <- grep(, headers, fixed = TRUE)
} else {
dir.rev.idx <- setdiff(seq_along(headers), grep(, headers, fixed = TRUE))
if (length(intersect(dir.fw.idx, dir.rev.idx) != 0)) {
msg <- "Direction annotation is not distinct. Please use distinct keywords."
my.error("NotifyPrimersNoDirection", msg)
dirs[dir.fw.idx] <- "Forward" # names of columns
dirs[dir.rev.idx] <- "Reverse"
use.idx <- seq_along(headers)
if (any( {
warning.msg <- "Not all primer directions are known. Check your input primer fasta file for the correct direction keywords. Primers without known direction are ignored. The affected primers are:"
p <- paste(headers[which(], collapse = ",")
msg <- paste(warning.msg, p, sep = "")
my.error("NotifyPrimersNoDirection", msg)
p.df <- data.frame(Header = headers, Direction = dirs, Sequence = primer.seqs,
Seq_Length = nchar(primer.seqs), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[use.idx, ]
rownames(p.df) <- NULL
# try to match identifiers of primers
h <- headers
if (! {
h <- sub(, "", headers[use.idx], fixed = TRUE)
if (! {
h <- sub(, "", h, fixed = TRUE)
h <- sub(">", "", h)
p.df$ID <- h
# check that every sample has non-duplicate fw/rev primer
unique.directions <- ddply(p.df, "ID", summarize, duplicate = any(duplicated(substitute(Direction))))
if (any(unique.directions$duplicate)) {
# duplicated directions found
idx <- which(unique.directions$duplicate)
warn <- paste("Found primers with duplicate directions! The following primers were affected:\n",
paste(unique.directions$ID[idx], collapse = "\n", sep = ""))
my.error("PrimersDuplicateDirections", warn)
# n.b.: dcast changes variable order -> change back again
ori.order <- p.df$ID
p.df <- dcast(p.df, ID ~ Direction, value.var = "Sequence") # wide-format :-)
m <- match(p.df$ID, ori.order)
p.df <- p.df[order(m),]
# replace missing primers with ''
p.df[] <- ""
# if one direction is not present -> set it
dir.mode <- "both"
if (!"Forward" %in% colnames(p.df)) {
dir.mode <- "rev"
p.df$Forward <- ""
if (!"Reverse" %in% colnames(p.df)) {
dir.mode <- "fw"
p.df$Reverse <- ""
if (merge.ambig == "merge") {
p.df <- merge.ambig.primers(p.df, dir.mode, max.degen)
# message(p.df) disambiguate primers with ambiguities
} else if (merge.ambig == "unmerge") {
p.df <- disambiguate.primers(p.df)
# annotate direction of primers:
directions <- ifelse(nchar(p.df$Forward) != 0 & nchar(p.df$Reverse) != 0, "both",
ifelse(nchar(p.df$Forward) != 0, "fw", "rev"))
p.df <- cbind(Identifier = paste(seq_len(nrow(p.df)), directions, sep = ""),
ID = p.df$ID, p.df[, c("Forward", "Reverse")],
primer_length_fw = nchar(p.df$Forward),
primer_length_rev = nchar(p.df$Reverse),
Direction = directions,
Degeneracy_fw = score_degen(strsplit(p.df$Forward, split = "")),
Degeneracy_rev = score_degen(strsplit(p.df$Reverse, split = "")),
Run =,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
sel <- which(p.df$Direction == "fw")
if (length(sel) != 0 && ! {
p.df$ID[sel] <- paste0(p.df$ID[sel],
sel <- which(p.df$Direction == "rev")
if (length(sel) != 0 && ! {
p.df$ID[sel] <- paste0(p.df$ID[sel],
p.df$ID <- factor(p.df$ID, levels = p.df$ID)
p.df$Identifier <- factor(p.df$Identifier, levels = p.df$Identifier)
p.df <- Primers(p.df) # create Primers object
#' Disambiguation of Primers.
#' Disambiguates ambiguous primer sequences into all possible sequences.
#' @param p.df Primer data frame.
#' @return Data frame with disambiguated primers.
#' @keywords internal
disambiguate.primers <- function(p.df) {
f <- convert.from.iupac(p.df$Forward)
r <- convert.from.iupac(p.df$Reverse)
# combine
combis <- lapply(seq_along(f), function(x) expand.grid(f[[x]], r[[x]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
identifiers <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(combis), function(x) paste(p.df$ID[x],
"_", seq_len(nrow(combis[[x]])), sep = "")))
df <-, combis)
new.df <- data.frame(ID = identifiers, Forward = df[, 1], Reverse = df[, 2],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# message(new.df) message(class(new.df$Forward))
#' Pairing of Forward and Reverse Primers.
#' Pairs forward and reverse primers such that coverage is maximized
#' for every pair.
#' @param primer.df An object of class \code{Primers}.
#' @return An object of class \code{Primers} containing the paired primers.
#' @keywords internal
pair_primers <- function(primer.df, template.df) {
fw.idx <- which(primer.df$Forward != "")
rev.idx <- which(primer.df$Reverse != "")
if (length(fw.idx) == 0 || length(rev.idx) == 0) {
return(primer.df) # nothing to pair
if (!"primer_coverage" %in% colnames(primer.df)) {
stop("pair_primers requires primer coverage.")
# store already paired primers in 'both.df' for later output
both.df <- primer.df[primer.df$Direction == "both",]
# try to pair all single forward/reverse primers
fw.s.idx <- which(primer.df$Direction == "fw")
rev.s.idx <- which(primer.df$Direction == "rev")
# combinations of fw and rev primers
combis <- expand.grid(fw.s.idx, rev.s.idx)
if (nrow(combis) != 0) {
# determine intersection between all combinations
cvd <-[, "Covered_Seqs"], template.df)
cvd.shared <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(combis)),
function(x) intersect(cvd[[combis[x,1]]], cvd[[combis[x,2]]])
cvg.shared <- sapply(cvd.shared, length)
combis$Coverage <- cvg.shared
# exclude pairs that don't share any coverage
sel.combis <- which(combis$Coverage != 0)
combis <- combis[sel.combis,]
# construct a new primer data frame using the pairs
pair.df <- primer.df[combis[,1],]
pair.df$Reverse <- primer.df$Reverse[combis[,2]]
pair.df$primer_coverage <- combis$Coverage
pair.df$Coverage_Ratio <- pair.df$primer_coverage / nrow(template.df)
pair.df$Covered_Seqs <- unlist(lapply(cvd.shared[sel.combis], function(x) paste(template.df$Identifier[x], collapse = ",")))
pair.df$Direction <- rep("both", nrow(combis))
pair.df$ID <- factor(paste0(abbreviate(primer.df$ID[combis[,1]], 5), "+", abbreviate(primer.df$ID[combis[,2]], 5)))
# select non-redundant pairs of primers:
cvg.matrix <- get.coverage.matrix(pair.df, template.df)
sel.cols <- remove.redundant.cols(seq_len(nrow(pair.df)), cvg.matrix)
pair.df <- pair.df[sel.cols,]
} else {
pair.df <- NULL
# output the already paired primers as well as the new pairs
out.df <- my_rbind(both.df, pair.df)
# when pairing, we exclude primers that weren't paired such that only paired primers remained. otherwise we have problems with the subset coverage!!
# check whether some primers couldn't be paired
#missing.idx <- which(unlist(lapply(seq_len(nrow(primer.df)), function(x) all(!grepl(primer.df$ID[x], out.df$ID)))))
#out.df <- my_rbind(primer.df[missing.idx, ], out.df)
#' @rdname Output
#' @name Output
#' @aliases write_primers
#' @return \code{write_primers} stores primers to disk.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Ippolito)
#' # Store primers as FASTA
#' fname.fasta <- tempfile("my_primers", fileext = ".fasta")
#' write_primers(primer.df, fname.fasta)
#' # Store primers as CSV
#' fname.csv <- tempfile("my_primers", fileext = ".csv")
#' write_primers(primer.df, fname.csv, "CSV")
write_primers <- function(primer.df, fname, ftype = c("FASTA", "CSV")) {
ftype <- match.arg(ftype)
if (ftype == "FASTA") {
fw.idx <- which(primer.df$Forward != "")
rev.idx <- which(primer.df$Reverse != "")
seqs <- c(primer.df$Forward[fw.idx], primer.df$Reverse[rev.idx])
labels <- c(as.character(primer.df$ID[fw.idx]), as.character(primer.df$ID[rev.idx]))
seqinr::write.fasta(as.list(seqs), as.list(labels), fname)
} else if (ftype == "CSV") {
write.csv(primer.df, file = fname, row.names = FALSE)
} else {
warning("Unknown filetype: ", ftype)
#' Direction of Primers.
#' Identifies the directionality of the input primers.
#' @param primers A primer data frame.
#' @return \code{both} if both, forward and reverse primers exist in \code{primers}.
#' Otherwise, if either only forward primers or reverse primers exist, returns \code{fw}
#' or \code{rev}, respectively.
#' @keywords internal
get.analysis.mode <- function(primers) {
if (length(primers) == 0) {
mode <- "both"
if (all(primers$Forward == "" |$Forward))) {
mode <- "rev"
} else if (all(primers$Reverse == "" |$Reverse))) {
mode <- "fw"
#' @rdname AnalysisStats
#' @name AnalysisStats
#' @aliases get_cvg_ratio
#' @details
#' The manner in which \code{get_cvg_ratio} determines the coverage ratio
#' depends on the directionality of the input primers.
#' If either only forward or reverse primers are inputted, the individual
#' coverage of each primer is used to determine the overall coverage.
#' If, however, forward and reverse primers are inputted at the same time,
#' the coverage is defined by the intersection of binding events from both,
#' forward and reverse primers.
#' @return By default, \code{get_cvg_ratio} returns a numeric providing
#' the expected primer coverage ratio.
#' If \code{as.char} is \code{TRUE}, the output is provided as a
#' percentage-formatted character vector.
#' The attributes \code{no_covered}, \code{no_templates},
#' and \code{covered_templates} provide the number of covered templates,
#' the total number of templates, and the IDs of covered templates, respectively.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Ippolito)
#' # Determine the overall coverage
#' cvg.ratio <- get_cvg_ratio(primer.df, template.df)
#' # Determine the identitity coverage ratio
#' cvg.ratio.0 <- get_cvg_ratio(primer.df, template.df, allowed.mismatches = 0)
get_cvg_ratio <- function(primer.df, template.df, allowed.mismatches = NULL,
cvg.definition = c("constrained", "basic"),
mode.directionality = NULL, as.char = FALSE) {
if (length(primer.df) == 0 || nrow(primer.df) == 0) {
# no coverage if there's no input.
if (!is(primer.df, "Primers")) {
stop("Please input a primer data frame.")
if (!is(template.df, "Templates")) {
stop("Please provide a valid template data frame.")
if (!"Covered_Seqs" %in% colnames(primer.df) || length(template.df) == 0) {
cvg.definition <- match.arg(cvg.definition)
# check whether primers and templates correspond to one another
if (!check_correspondence(primer.df, template.df)) {
msg <- paste0("Could not match all coverage events to the input template data frame.\n",
"Please verify whether the primer coverage was actually computed for the input template data frame.")
if (length(mode.directionality) == 0) {
# determine directionality
mode.directionality <- get.analysis.mode(primer.df)
} else {
# check input mode
if (!mode.directionality %in% c("fw", "rev", "both")) {
stop("Unknown mode directionality for cvg_ratio")
if (cvg.definition == "constrained" && length(allowed.mismatches) == 0) {
# use the vanilla coverage definition: faster and doesn't require mismatch information
cvd <- get_covered.vanilla(primer.df, template.df, mode.directionality)
} else { <- get_template_cvg_data(primer.df, template.df)
# select only coverage events from the selected cvg definition <-[$Status == cvg.definition, ]
# retrieve only the allowed coverage events
if (length(allowed.mismatches) != 0) {
# select only events with less or equal the allowed number of mismatches <-[$Number_of_mismatches <= allowed.mismatches,]
cvd <- unique($Template)
max.cvg <- length(cvd) / nrow(template.df) # maximum theoretical coverage
if (as.char) {
max.cvg <- paste0(round(max.cvg *100, 2), "%")
# add number of templates covered and total number of templates as attributes
attr(max.cvg, "no_covered") <- length(cvd)
attr(max.cvg, "no_templates") <- nrow(template.df)
attr(max.cvg, "covered_templates") <- as.character(cvd)
#' Determination of the Covered Sequences.
#' Determines the covered template sequences given by \code{template.df}
#' that are covered by the primers given by \code{primers}.
#' The manner in which the coverage ratio is evaluated depends on
#' the directionality of the input primers.
#' If either only forward or reverse primers are inputted, the individual
#' coverage of each primer is used to determine the overall coverage. If, however,
#' forward and reverse primers are inputted at the same time,
#' the coverage is defined by the intersection of binding events from both,
#' forward and reverse primers.
#' @param primers A \code{Primers} object containing the primers
#' for which the coverage should be evaluated.
#' @param template.df A \code{Templates} object containing
#' the template sequences corresponding to \code{primers}.
#' @param mode.directionality If \code{mode.directionality} is provided,
#' the coverage of templates is computed for a specific direction of primers.
#' Either "fw" (forward coverage only), "rev" (reverse coverage only), or "both" for both directions. If \code{mode.directionality} is not provided
#' the direction is determined by the input primers.
#' @return The IDs of all covered templates.
#' @keywords internal
get_covered.vanilla <- function(primers, template.df, mode.directionality = NULL) {
if (length(primers) == 0 || nrow(primers) == 0) {
# no coverage if there's no input.
if (!is(primers, "Primers")) {
stop("Please input a primer data frame.")
if (!is(template.df, "Templates")) {
stop("Please provide a valid template data frame.")
if (!"Covered_Seqs" %in% colnames(primers) || length(template.df) == 0) {
# check whether primers and templates correspond to one another
if (!check_correspondence(primers, template.df)) {
msg <- paste0("Could not match all coverage events to the input template data frame.\n",
"Please verify whether the primer coverage was actually computed for the input template data frame.")
fw.idx <- which(primers$Forward != "")
rev.idx <- which(primers$Reverse != "")
if (length(mode.directionality) == 0) {
# determine directionality
mode.directionality <- get.analysis.mode(primers)
} else {
# check input mode
if (!mode.directionality %in% c("fw", "rev", "both")) {
stop("Unknown mode directionality for cvg_ratio")
primer.df <- primers
if (mode.directionality == "both") {
# fw and rev primers -> intersection of fw and rev cvg events gives the total
# coverage
hits.fw <- unique(unlist($Covered_Seqs[fw.idx],
hits.rev <- unique(unlist($Covered_Seqs[rev.idx],
cvd <- intersect(hits.fw, hits.rev) # idx of covered templates
} else if (mode.directionality == "fw") {
# only fw primers direction
cvd <- unique(unlist($Covered_Seqs[fw.idx], template.df)))
} else {
cvd <- unique(unlist($Covered_Seqs[rev.idx], template.df)))
# convert to template IDs
cvd <- template.df$ID[cvd]
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