# Initialization of Primers
#' Primer Length Check.
#' Checks whether it is possible to construct primers of the desired length.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @param allowed.region.definition Definition of allowed binding regions.
#' @param primer.lengths The desired lengths of the priemrs.
#' @param mode.directionality The primer directionality.
#' @return TRUE, if primers of the desired length can be constructed,
#' @keywords internal
#' FALSE otherwise.
check.init.primer.length <- function(template.df,
allowed.region.definition = c("within", "any"), primer.lengths,
mode.directionality = c("fw", "rev", "both")) {
if (length(allowed.region.definition) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'allowed.region.definition' arg.")
allowed.region.definition <- match.arg(allowed.region.definition)
if (length(mode.directionality) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'mode.directionality' arg.")
mode.directionality <- match.arg(mode.directionality)
if (length(template.df) == 0) {
stop("No templates available.")
if (length(primer.lengths) == 0) {
stop("No primer length specified.")
check <- NULL
if (mode.directionality == "fw") {
check <- check.init.primer.length.single(template.df$Allowed_fw, allowed.region.definition,
} else if (mode.directionality == "rev") {
check <- check.init.primer.length.single(template.df$Allowed_rev, allowed.region.definition,
} else {
check.fw <- check.init.primer.length.single(template.df$Allowed_fw, allowed.region.definition,
check.rev <- check.init.primer.length.single(template.df$Allowed_rev, allowed.region.definition,
check <- check.fw && check.rev
#' Primer Length Check.
#' Checks whether it is possible to construct primers of the desired length.
#' @param allowed String containing the allowed binding sequence.
#' @param allowed.region.definition Definition of allowed binding regions.
#' @param min.len Minimal desired primer lengths.
#' @return TRUE if primers of the desired length can be constructed,
#' FALSE otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
check.init.primer.length.single <- function(allowed,
allowed.region.definition = c("within", "any"), min.len) {
# allowed: allowed binding region min.len: minimal primer length required by user
if (length(allowed.region.definition) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'allowed.region.definition' arg.")
allowed.region.definition <- match.arg(allowed.region.definition)
if (allowed.region.definition == "within" && any(nchar(allowed) < min.len)) {
warning("Selected region is too short to create primers for all templates.")
} else {
#' Creation of an Initial Primer Set.
#' Creates an initial set of candidate primers for primer design.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @param primer.lengths Vector containing the permissible primer lengths.
#' @param mode.directionality Direction of primers to be created.
#' @param sample Name of the template sample.
#' @param allowed.region.definition Definition of the allowed binding region.
#' @param init.algo Algorithm for initializing primers.
#' @param max.degen Maximal allowed degeneration of created primers.
#' @param conservation Required conservation of primers.
#' The value of \code{conservation} should be in the range[0,1].
#' @param updateProgress Shiny progress object.
#' @return An initialized data frame of candidate primers.
#' @keywords internal
create.initial.primer.set <- function(template.df, primer.lengths, mode.directionality = c("fw", "rev"),
sample, allowed.region.definition = c("within", "any"),
init.algo = c("naive", "tree"), max.degen, conservation, updateProgress = NULL) {
if (length(init.algo) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'init.algo' arg.")
init.algo <- match.arg(init.algo)
if (length(mode.directionality) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'mode.directionality' arg.")
mode.directionality <- match.arg(mode.directionality)
if (length(allowed.region.definition) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'allowed.region.definition' arg.")
allowed.region.definition <- match.arg(allowed.region.definition)
seqs <- template.df$Sequence
if (mode.directionality == "fw") {
# Set the positions in the sense sequence
l.s <- template.df$Allowed_Start_fw
e.s <- template.df$Allowed_End_fw
} else if (mode.directionality == "rev") {
# Start primer design start/end in reverse complement sequence
l.s <- nchar(template.df$Sequence) - template.df$Allowed_End_rev + 1 # smaller number (e.g. 1)
e.s <- nchar(template.df$Sequence) - template.df$Allowed_Start_rev + 1 # larger number (e.g. 30)
seqs <- rev.comp.sequence(seqs)
# if l.s/e.s is NA -> create primers for the full sequence
l.s[] <- 1
e.s[] <- nchar(seqs)[]
# ensure that required primer lengths can be fulfilled
if (allowed.region.definition == "within") {
if (any(max(primer.lengths) > (e.s - l.s + 1))) {
warning("The specified maximal primer length ('", max(primer.lengths),
"') exceeds the length of the shortest target binding region ('", min(e.s - l.s +1), "').")
# select only feasible primer lengths
sel <- which(primer.lengths <= min(e.s - l.s + 1))
primer.lengths <- primer.lengths[sel]
} else {
# any intersection with binding range: primer length may not exceed the sequence length
end <- NULL
if (mode.directionality == "fw") {
end <- max(template.df$Allowed_Start_fw)
} else {
end <- max(template.df$Allowed_End_rev - nchar(template.df$Sequence)) + 1
if (any(max(primer.lengths) > (nchar(template.df$Sequence) - end + 1))) {
warning("Specified maximal primer length ('", max(primer.lengths), "') exceeded the length of at least one sequence ('", min(nchar(template.df$Sequence)), "').")
sel <- which(primer.lengths <= min(nchar(template.df$Sequence) - end + 1))
primer.lengths <- primer.lengths[sel]
# change group IDs to be unique
group.tags <- uniqtag::uniqtag(unique(template.df$Group), 3)
seq.groups <- group.tags[match(template.df$Group, unique(template.df$Group))]
seq.IDs <- uniqtag::uniqtag(template.df$ID, 5)
if (init.algo == "naive") {
primers <- create.primers.naive(seqs, seq.IDs, seq.groups, l.s, e.s, primer.lengths,
allowed.region.definition, max.degen, sample, mode.directionality, updateProgress)
} else {
primers <- create.primers.tree(seqs, seq.IDs, seq.groups, l.s, e.s, primer.lengths,
allowed.region.definition, max.degen, conservation, sample, mode.directionality,
#' Primer Identifier Creation.
#' Creates identifiers for generated primers.
#' @param sample Sample name of the templates.
#' @param seq.IDs Identifiers of the templates.
#' @param seq.identifiers The index of the seq.
#' @param all.starts Primer positions (start).
#' @param all.ends Primer positions (end).
#' @param identifier Direction keyword.
#' @param seq.primers The primer sequences as strings.
#' @return Identifiers for each primer.
#' @keywords internal
get.primer.identifier.string <- function(sample, seq.IDs, seq.identifier, all.starts, all.ends,
identifier, seq.primers) {
enum <- seq_along(seq.IDs)
seq.names.short <- paste(paste0(seq.identifier, "-", enum), "|", seq.IDs, "|",
all.starts, ":", all.ends, "|_",
identifier, sep = "")
#' Naive Initialization of Primers.
#' Initialize primers by extracting substrings from all templates.
#' @param seqs The template sequence strings.
#' @param seq.IDs The identifiers of the templates.
#' @param seq.groups The group identifiers of the templates.
#' @param l.s The positions where the allowed region starts for each template.
#' @param e.s The positions where the allowed reigon ends for each template.
#' @param primer.lengths Vector of desired primer lengths.
#' @param allowed.region.definition Definition of the allowed region.
#' @param max.degen Maximum allowed degeneracy of primers.
#' @param sample Template sample identifier.
#' @param updatProgress Shiny progress object.
#' @return Data frame with initialized primer candidates.
#' @keywords internal
create.primers.naive <- function(seqs, seq.IDs, seq.groups, l.s, e.s, primer.lengths, allowed.region.definition,
max.degen, sample = "", identifier = "", updateProgress = NULL) {
if (length(seqs) == 0) {
seq.idx <- NULL
# use group identifier for primers? <- TRUE
if (length(unique(seq.groups)) <= 1) { <- FALSE
all.primer.seqs <- foreach(seq.idx = seq_along(seqs), .combine = c) %dopar% {
if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
detail <- identifier
updateProgress(1/length(seqs), detail, "inc")
# create possible primer start positions:
if (allowed.region.definition == "within") {
primer.starts <- l.s[seq.idx]:(max(1, e.s[seq.idx] - min(primer.lengths)))
} else {
# any overlap:
primer.starts <- (max(1, l.s[seq.idx] - max(primer.lengths))):(e.s[seq.idx])
# create allowed primer intervals
all.starts <- unlist(lapply(primer.starts, function(x) rep(x, length(primer.lengths))))
all.ends <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(primer.starts), function(x) primer.starts[x] + primer.lengths - 1))
if (allowed.region.definition == "within") {
# remove primers that extend over the target region
rm.idx <- which(all.ends > e.s[seq.idx])
} else {
# remove primers that would exceed the template length
rm.idx <- which(all.ends > nchar(seqs[seq.idx]))
if (length(rm.idx) != 0) {
all.starts <- all.starts[-rm.idx]
all.ends <- all.ends[-rm.idx]
seq.primers <- substring(seqs[seq.idx], all.starts, all.ends)
# identify primers:
if ( {
# use group identifiers
use.ids <- seq.groups[seq.idx]
} else {
# use the first sequence identifier
use.ids <- seq.IDs[seq.idx]
names(seq.primers) <- get.primer.identifier.string(sample, abbreviate(use.ids, 5),
seq.idx, all.starts, all.ends, identifier, seq.primers)
all.primer.seqs <- all.primer.seqs[!duplicated(all.primer.seqs)]
degen <- score_degen(strsplit(all.primer.seqs, split = ""))
all.primer.seqs <- all.primer.seqs[degen <= max.degen]
#' @rdname PrimerDesign
#' @name PrimerDesign
#' @aliases get_initial_primers
#' @return \code{get_initial_primers} returns a data frame
#' with candidate primers for optimization.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Ippolito)
#' # Naive primer initialization
#' init.primers <- get_initial_primers("InitialPrimers", template.df,
#' c(18,18), "fw", init.algo = "naive")
#' # Tree-based primer initialization (requires MAFFT)
#' \dontrun{
#' init.primers <- get_initial_primers("InitialPrimers", template.df,
#' c(18,18), "fw", init.algo = "tree")
#' }
get_initial_primers <- function(sample, template.df, primer.lengths,
mode.directionality = c("fw", "rev"), allowed.region.definition = c("within", "any"),
init.algo = c("naive", "tree"), max.degen = 16, conservation = 1.0, updateProgress = NULL) {
if (length(init.algo) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'init.algo' arg.")
init.algo <- match.arg(init.algo)
if (length(mode.directionality) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'mode.directionality' arg.")
mode.directionality <- match.arg(mode.directionality)
if (length(allowed.region.definition) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'allowed.region.definition' arg.")
allowed.region.definition <- match.arg(allowed.region.definition)
if (length(primer.lengths) != 2) {
stop("Primer lengths should be an interval")
if (primer.lengths[2] < primer.lengths[1]) {
stop("Primer length doesn't specify an interval")
if (conservation < 0 || conservation > 1) {
stop("The conservation percentile should be in the range [0,1]")
primer.lengths <- primer.lengths[1]:primer.lengths[2]
if (any(primer.lengths <= 0)) {
stop("All primer lengths have to be strictly positive.")
if (max.degen <= 0) {
stop("The maximal primer degeneracy has to be strictly positive.")
if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
detail <- "Creating primers"
updateProgress(1/2, detail, "inc")
primer.set <- create.initial.primer.set(template.df, primer.lengths, mode.directionality,
sample, allowed.region.definition, init.algo, max.degen, conservation, updateProgress)
if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
detail <- "Structuring"
updateProgress(1/2, detail, "inc")
primer.df <- read_primers.internal(primer.set, names(primer.set), "fw", "rev",
merge.ambig = "none", max.degen, sample)
#' Creation of Initial Primers
#' Creates a set of candidate primers.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @param Name of the template sample.
#' @param primer.lengths Interval of minimal and maximal desired primer length.
#' @param mode.directionality Direction of primers to be created.
#' @param init.algo Algorithm for initializing primers.
#' @param allowed.region.definition Definition of the allowed binding region.
#' @param max.degen Maximal allowed degeneration of created primers.
#' @param conservation Required conservation of primers.
#' The value of \code{conservation} should be in the range[0,1].
#' @param cur.results.loc Location for writing the primers as csv.
#' @return An initial primer data frame.
#' @keywords internal
initialize.primer.set <- function(template.df,, primer.lengths, allowed.region.definition,
mode.directionality, init.algo, max.degen, conservation, cur.results.loc) { <-,, primer.lengths,
mode.directionality, allowed.region.definition, init.algo, max.degen, conservation)
primer.df <- get_initial_primers(, template.df, primer.lengths, mode.directionality,
allowed.region.definition, init.algo, max.degen, conservation)
if (length( != 0) {
dir.create(dirname(, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
write.csv(primer.df, file =, row.names = FALSE)
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