# RCy3.R
# this code is for the Bioconductor build system. You should never need to set or
# read these environment variables in ordinary use.
.BBSOverride <- function(host, port) {
ret <- list()
if ((Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE3_PORT_OVERRIDE") != "") && (Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE3_HOST_OVERRIDE") != "")) {
host = Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE3_HOST_OVERRIDE")
port = as(Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE3_PORT_OVERRIDE"),"integer")
if (.Platform$r_arch == "x64") {
if ((Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE3_PORT_OVERRIDE_64") != "") && (Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE3_HOST_OVERRIDE_64") != "")) {
host = Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE3_HOST_OVERRIDE_64")
port = as(Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE3_PORT_OVERRIDE_64"),"integer")
#cat(paste("Using host", host, "and port", port, "."))
ret["host"] <- host
ret["port"] <- port
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
printf = function (...) print (noquote (sprintf (...)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
representation = representation (uri="character"),
prototype = prototype(uri="http://localhost:1234/v1")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
representation = representation(
contains = 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
prototype = prototype(title="R graph",
graph=new("graphNEL", edgemode='directed'),
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ('ping',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('ping'))
setGeneric ('pluginVersion',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('pluginVersion'))
setGeneric ('getServerStatus',
signature='obj', function(obj, api.version) standardGeneric('getServerStatus'))
setGeneric ('createWindow',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('createWindow'))
setGeneric ('createWindowFromSelection',
signature='obj', function(obj, new.windowTitle, return.graph) standardGeneric ('createWindowFromSelection'))
signature = 'obj', function(obj, new_title, copy.graph.to.R = FALSE) standardGeneric('copyCytoscapeNetwork'))
signature = 'obj',function(obj, new_title, copy.graph.to.R = FALSE) standardGeneric('renameCytoscapeNetwork'))
setGeneric ('getWindowCount',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('getWindowCount'))
setGeneric ('getWindowList',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('getWindowList'))
setGeneric ('deleteWindow',
signature='obj', function(obj, window.title=NA) standardGeneric ('deleteWindow'))
setGeneric ('deleteAllWindows',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('deleteAllWindows'))
setGeneric ('getArrowShapes',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('getArrowShapes'))
setGeneric ('getLayoutNames',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('getLayoutNames'))
setGeneric ('getLayoutNameMapping',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('getLayoutNameMapping'))
setGeneric ('getLayoutPropertyNames',
signature='obj', function(obj, layout.name) standardGeneric ('getLayoutPropertyNames'))
setGeneric ('getLayoutPropertyType',
signature='obj', function(obj, layout.name, property.name) standardGeneric ('getLayoutPropertyType'))
setGeneric ('getLayoutPropertyValue',
signature='obj', function(obj, layout.name, property.name) standardGeneric ('getLayoutPropertyValue'))
function(obj) standardGeneric ('getCommandNames'))
signature = 'obj',
namespace) standardGeneric('getCommandsWithinNamespace'))
signature = 'obj',
copy.graph.to.R = FALSE) standardGeneric('setCommandProperties')
setGeneric ('setLayoutProperties',
signature='obj', function(obj, layout.name, properties.list) standardGeneric ('setLayoutProperties'))
setGeneric ('getLineStyles',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('getLineStyles'))
setGeneric ('getNodeShapes',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('getNodeShapes'))
setGeneric ('getDirectlyModifiableVisualProperties',
signature='obj', function(obj, vizmap.style.name="default") standardGeneric ('getDirectlyModifiableVisualProperties'))
setGeneric ('getAttributeClassNames',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('getAttributeClassNames'))
setGeneric ('setGraph',
signature='obj', function(obj, graph) standardGeneric ('setGraph'))
setGeneric ('getGraph',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('getGraph'))
setGeneric ('sendNodes',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('sendNodes'))
setGeneric ('sendEdges',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('sendEdges'))
setGeneric ('addCyNode',
signature='obj', function(obj, nodeName) standardGeneric ('addCyNode'))
setGeneric ('addCyEdge',
signature='obj', function(obj, sourceNode, targetNode, edgeType, directed) standardGeneric ('addCyEdge'))
setGeneric ('addGraphToGraph',
signature='obj', function(obj, other.graph) standardGeneric ('addGraphToGraph'))
setGeneric ('setNodeAttributes',
signature='obj', function(obj, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('setNodeAttributes'))
setGeneric ('setNodeAttributesDirect',
signature='obj', function(obj, attribute.name, attribute.type, node.names, values) standardGeneric ('setNodeAttributesDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeAttributes',
signature='obj', function(obj, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('setEdgeAttributes'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeAttributesDirect',
signature='obj', function(obj, attribute.name, attribute.type, edge.names, values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeAttributesDirect'))
setGeneric ('displayGraph',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('displayGraph'))
setGeneric ('predictTimeToDisplayGraph',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('predictTimeToDisplayGraph'))
setGeneric ('layoutNetwork',
signature='obj', function(obj, layout.name='grid') standardGeneric ('layoutNetwork'))
setGeneric ('saveLayout',
signature='obj', function(obj, filename, timestamp.in.filename=FALSE) standardGeneric ('saveLayout'))
setGeneric ('restoreLayout',
signature='obj', function(obj, filename) standardGeneric ('restoreLayout'))
setGeneric ('setNodePosition',
signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, x.coords, y.coords) standardGeneric ('setNodePosition'))
setGeneric ('getNodePosition', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names) standardGeneric ('getNodePosition'))
setGeneric ('getNodeSize', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names) standardGeneric ('getNodeSize'))
setGeneric ('redraw', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('redraw'))
setGeneric ('hidePanel', signature='obj', function (obj, panelName) standardGeneric ('hidePanel'))
setGeneric ('hideAllPanels', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('hideAllPanels'))
setGeneric ('dockPanel', signature='obj', function (obj, panelName) standardGeneric ('dockPanel'))
setGeneric ('floatPanel', signature='obj', function (obj, panelName) standardGeneric ('floatPanel'))
setGeneric ('setTooltipInitialDelay', signature='obj', function (obj, msecs) standardGeneric ('setTooltipInitialDelay'))
setGeneric ('setTooltipDismissDelay', signature='obj', function (obj, msecs) standardGeneric ('setTooltipDismissDelay'))
setGeneric ('raiseWindow', signature='obj', function (obj, window.title=NA) standardGeneric ('raiseWindow'))
setGeneric ('setWindowSize', signature='obj', function (obj, width, height) standardGeneric ('setWindowSize'))
setGeneric ('showGraphicsDetails', signature='obj', function (obj, new.value) standardGeneric ('showGraphicsDetails'))
setGeneric ('fitContent', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('fitContent'))
setGeneric ('fitSelectedContent', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('fitSelectedContent'))
setGeneric ('getCenter', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getCenter'))
setGeneric ('setCenter', signature='obj', function (obj, x, y) standardGeneric ('setCenter'))
setGeneric ('getZoom', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getZoom'))
setGeneric ('setZoom', signature='obj', function (obj, new.level) standardGeneric ('setZoom'))
setGeneric ('getViewCoordinates', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getViewCoordinates'))
setGeneric ('getDefaultBackgroundColor', signature='obj',
function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('getDefaultBackgroundColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultBackgroundColor', signature='obj',
function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultBackgroundColor'))
setGeneric ('getDefaultNodeSelectionColor', signature='obj',
function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('getDefaultNodeSelectionColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeSelectionColor', signature='obj',
function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeSelectionColor'))
setGeneric ('getDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor', signature='obj',
function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('getDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor', signature='obj',
function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor'))
setGeneric ('getDefaultEdgeSelectionColor', signature='obj',
function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('getDefaultEdgeSelectionColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeSelectionColor', signature='obj',
function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeSelectionColor'))
setGeneric ('getDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor', signature='obj',
function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('getDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor', signature='obj',
function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor'))
setGeneric ('saveImage', signature='obj', function (obj, file.name, image.type, h=600) standardGeneric ('saveImage'))
setGeneric ('saveNetwork', signature='obj', function (obj, file.name, format='cys') standardGeneric ('saveNetwork'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeShape', signature='obj', function (obj, new.shape, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeShape'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeSize', signature='obj', function (obj, new.size, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeSize'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeColor', signature='obj', function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeBorderColor', signature='obj', function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeBorderColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeBorderWidth', signature='obj', function (obj, new.width, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeBorderWidth'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeFontSize', signature='obj', function (obj, new.size, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeFontSize'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeLabelColor', signature='obj', function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeLabelColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeLineWidth', signature='obj', function (obj, new.width, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeLineWidth'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeLineStyle', signature='obj', function (obj, new.line.style, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeLineStyle'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeColor', signature='obj', function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowColor', signature='obj', function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowColor', signature='obj', function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeFontSize', signature='obj', function (obj, new.size, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeFontSize'))
setGeneric ('setNodeTooltipRule', signature='obj', function (obj, node.attribute.name, vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setNodeTooltipRule'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeTooltipRule', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.attribute.name, vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setEdgeTooltipRule'))
setGeneric ('setNodeLabelRule', signature='obj', function (obj, node.attribute.name, vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setNodeLabelRule'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLabelRule', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.attribute.name, vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setEdgeLabelRule'))
setGeneric ('setNodeColorRule', signature='obj',
function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode, default.color='#FFFFFF', vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setNodeColorRule'))
setGeneric ('setNodeBorderColorRule', signature='obj',
function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode, default.color='#000000', vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setNodeBorderColorRule'))
setGeneric ('setNodeBorderWidthRule', signature='obj',
function (obj, node.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.widths, default.width=1, vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setNodeBorderWidthRule'))
setGeneric ('setNodeShapeRule', signature='obj',
function (obj, node.attribute.name, attribute.values, node.shapes, default.shape='ELLIPSE', vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setNodeShapeRule'))
setGeneric ('setNodeSizeRule', signature='obj',
function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, node.sizes, mode, default.size=40, vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setNodeSizeRule'))
setGeneric ('setNodeOpacityRule', signature='obj',
function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, opacities, mode, aspect='all', vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setNodeOpacityRule'))
setGeneric ('setNodeSizeDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.sizes) standardGeneric ('setNodeSizeDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeLabelDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.labels) standardGeneric ('setNodeLabelDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeFontSizeDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.sizes) standardGeneric ('setNodeFontSizeDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeLabelColorDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.colors) standardGeneric ('setNodeLabelColorDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeWidthDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.widths) standardGeneric ('setNodeWidthDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeHeightDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.heights) standardGeneric ('setNodeHeightDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeShapeDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.shapes) standardGeneric ('setNodeShapeDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeImageDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, image.positions) standardGeneric ('setNodeImageDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeColorDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.colors) standardGeneric ('setNodeColorDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeBorderWidthDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.sizes) standardGeneric ('setNodeBorderWidthDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeBorderColorDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.colors) standardGeneric ('setNodeBorderColorDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeOpacityDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setNodeOpacityDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeFillOpacityDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setNodeFillOpacityDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeLabelOpacityDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setNodeLabelOpacityDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeBorderOpacityDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setNodeBorderOpacityDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeOpacityDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeOpacityDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeColorDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeColorDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLabelDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLabelDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeFontFaceDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeFontFaceDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeFontSizeDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeFontSizeDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLabelColorDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLabelColorDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeTooltipDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeTooltipDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLineWidthDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLineWidthDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLineStyleDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLineStyleDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.colors) standardGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.colors) standardGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect'))
#setGeneric ('setEdgeLabelPositionDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLabelPositionDirect'))
#setGeneric ('setEdgeLabelWidthDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLabelWidthDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLineStyleRule', signature='obj',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.styles, default.style='SOLID', vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setEdgeLineStyleRule'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLineWidthRule', signature='obj',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.widths, default.width='1', vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setEdgeLineWidthRule'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowRule', signature='obj',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, arrows, default='ARROW', vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowRule'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowRule', signature='obj',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, arrows, default='ARROW', vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowRule'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule', signature='obj',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode="interpolate", default.color='#000000', vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule', signature='obj',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode="interpolate", default.color='#000000', vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeColorRule', signature='obj',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode="interpolate", default.color='#FFFFFF', vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setEdgeColorRule'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeOpacityRule', signature='obj',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, opacities, mode, vizmap.style.name = 'default') standardGeneric ('setEdgeOpacityRule'))
setGeneric ('getNodeCount', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getNodeCount'))
setGeneric ('getEdgeCount', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getEdgeCount'))
setGeneric ('getNodeAttribute', signature='obj', function (obj, node.name, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('getNodeAttribute'))
setGeneric ('getNodeAttributeType', signature='obj', function (obj, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('getNodeAttributeType'))
setGeneric ('getAllNodeAttributes', signature='obj', function (obj, onlySelectedNodes=FALSE) standardGeneric ('getAllNodeAttributes'))
setGeneric ('getEdgeAttribute', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.name, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('getEdgeAttribute'))
setGeneric ('getEdgeAttributeType', signature='obj', function (obj, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('getEdgeAttributeType'))
setGeneric ('getAllEdgeAttributes', signature='obj', function (obj, onlySelectedEdges=FALSE) standardGeneric ('getAllEdgeAttributes'))
setGeneric ('getNodeAttributeNames', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getNodeAttributeNames'))
setGeneric ('getEdgeAttributeNames', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getEdgeAttributeNames'))
setGeneric ('deleteNodeAttribute', signature='obj', function (obj, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('deleteNodeAttribute'))
setGeneric ('deleteEdgeAttribute', signature='obj', function (obj, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('deleteEdgeAttribute'))
setGeneric ('getAllNodes', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getAllNodes'))
setGeneric ('getAllEdges', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getAllEdges'))
setGeneric ('selectNodes', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, preserve.current.selection=TRUE) standardGeneric ('selectNodes'))
setGeneric('selectAllNodes', signature = 'obj',function(obj) standardGeneric('selectAllNodes'))
setGeneric ('getSelectedNodes', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getSelectedNodes'))
setGeneric ('clearSelection', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('clearSelection'))
setGeneric ('getSelectedNodeCount', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getSelectedNodeCount'))
setGeneric ('hideNodes', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names) standardGeneric ('hideNodes'))
setGeneric ('unhideNodes', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names) standardGeneric ('unhideNodes'))
setGeneric ('hideSelectedNodes', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('hideSelectedNodes'))
setGeneric ('invertNodeSelection', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('invertNodeSelection'))
setGeneric ('deleteSelectedNodes', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('deleteSelectedNodes'))
setGeneric ('selectEdges', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, preserve.current.selection=TRUE) standardGeneric ('selectEdges'))
setGeneric('selectAllEdges', signature = 'obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('selectAllEdges'))
setGeneric ('invertEdgeSelection', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('invertEdgeSelection'))
setGeneric ('deleteSelectedEdges', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('deleteSelectedEdges'))
setGeneric ('getSelectedEdges', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getSelectedEdges'))
setGeneric ('clearSelection', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('clearSelection'))
setGeneric ('getSelectedEdgeCount', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getSelectedEdgeCount'))
setGeneric ('hideSelectedEdges', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('hideSelectedEdges'))
setGeneric ('unhideAll', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('unhideAll'))
setGeneric ('getFirstNeighbors', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, as.nested.list=FALSE) standardGeneric ('getFirstNeighbors'))
setGeneric ('selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes',
signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes'))
setGeneric ('sfn', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('sfn'))
setGeneric ('selectEdgesConnectedBySelectedNodes',
signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('selectEdgesConnectedBySelectedNodes'))
# methods related to transmitting data from Cytoscape to R
setGeneric ('getWindowID', signature='obj', function (obj, window.title) standardGeneric ('getWindowID'))
setGeneric ('haveNodeAttribute', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('haveNodeAttribute'))
setGeneric ('haveEdgeAttribute', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('haveEdgeAttribute'))
setGeneric ('copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph', signature='obj', function (obj, window.id, existing.graph) standardGeneric ('copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph'))
setGeneric ('copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph', signature='obj', function (obj, window.id, existing.graph) standardGeneric ('copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph'))
setGeneric ('getGraphFromCyWindow', signature='obj', function (obj, window.title) standardGeneric ('getGraphFromCyWindow'))
signature = 'obj',
copyToR = FALSE) standardGeneric('connectToNewestCyWindow')
# methods related to visual styles
setGeneric ('getVisualStyleNames', signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getVisualStyleNames'))
setGeneric ('copyVisualStyle', signature='obj', function (obj, from.style, to.style) standardGeneric ('copyVisualStyle'))
setGeneric ('setVisualStyle', signature='obj', function (obj, new.style.name) standardGeneric ('setVisualStyle'))
setGeneric ('lockNodeDimensions', signature='obj', function (obj, new.state, visual.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('lockNodeDimensions'))
# private methods, for internal use only
setGeneric ('.addNodes',
signature='obj', function (obj, other.graph) standardGeneric ('.addNodes'))
setGeneric ('.addEdges',
signature='obj', function (obj, other.graph) standardGeneric ('.addEdges'))
setGeneric ('.getWindowNameFromSUID',
signature='obj', function (obj, win.suid) standardGeneric ('.getWindowNameFromSUID'))
setGeneric ('.getNetworkViews',
signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('.getNetworkViews'))
setGeneric ('.nodeNameToNodeSUID',
signature='obj', function (obj, node.names) standardGeneric ('.nodeNameToNodeSUID'))
setGeneric ('.nodeSUIDToNodeName',
signature='obj', function (obj, node.suids) standardGeneric ('.nodeSUIDToNodeName'))
setGeneric ('.edgeNameToEdgeSUID',
signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names) standardGeneric ('.edgeNameToEdgeSUID'))
setGeneric ('.edgeSUIDToEdgeName',
signature='obj', function (obj, edge.suids) standardGeneric ('.edgeSUIDToEdgeName'))
setGeneric ('cyPlot', function (node.df, edge.df) standardGeneric('cyPlot'))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setValidity("CytoscapeWindowClass", function(object) {
if (length(object@title) != 1){
"'title' is not a single string"
else if (!nzchar(object@title)){
"'title' is an empty string"
}) # END setValidity
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CytoscapeConnection = function(host='localhost', port=1234) {
res <- .BBSOverride(host, port)
host = res$host
port = res$port
uri = sprintf('http://%s:%s', host, port)
cc = new('CytoscapeConnectionClass', uri = uri)
if (!url.exists(uri)){
write(sprintf('Connection failed.'), stderr())
write(sprintf('To troubleshoot: 1) Please ensure that you have Cytoscape open'), stderr())
write(sprintf('2) that the latest version of CyREST is installed.'), stderr())
write(sprintf('3) that Cytoscape uses Java 8 (not 7 or below).'), stderr())
write(sprintf('To help troubleshooting, please check:'), stderr())
write(sprintf('http://www.cytoscape.org/troubleshooting.html'), stderr())
} # END CytoscapeConnection
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# the 'CytoscapeWindow' class constructor, defined as a simple function
CytoscapeWindow = function(title, graph=new('graphNEL', edgemode='directed'), host='localhost',
port=1234, create.window=TRUE, overwriteWindow=FALSE, collectTimings=FALSE){
res <- .BBSOverride(host, port)
host = res$host
port = res$port
uri = sprintf('http://%s:%s', host, port)
# new 'CytoscapeConnectionClass' object
cy.conn = CytoscapeConnection(host, port)
if (is.null(cy.conn)){
# if the user has specified, delete already existing window(s) with the same title
if (overwriteWindow) {
if (title %in% as.character(getWindowList(cy.conn))) {
deleteWindow(cy.conn, title)
if (!is.na(getWindowID(cy.conn, title))) {
write(sprintf('There is already a window in Cytoscape named "%s".', title), stderr())
write(sprintf('Please use a unique name, or set "overwriteWindow=TRUE".'), stderr())
# add a label to each node if not already present. default label is the node name, the node ID
if (is.classic.graph(graph)){
if (edgemode(graph) == 'undirected') {
graph = remove.redundancies.in.undirected.graph(graph)
# are all node attributes properly initialized?
node.attributes = noa.names(graph)
if (length(node.attributes) > 0) {
check.list = list()
for (node.attribute in node.attributes) {
check.list[[node.attribute]] = properlyInitializedNodeAttribute(graph, node.attribute)
uninitialized.attributes = which(check.list == FALSE)
if (length(uninitialized.attributes) > 0) {
write(sprintf("%d uninitialized node attribute/s", length(uninitialized.attributes)), stderr())
} # if node.attributes
# are all edge attributes properly initialized?
edge.attributes = eda.names(graph)
if (length(edge.attributes) > 0) {
check.list = list()
for (edge.attribute in edge.attributes) {
check.list[[edge.attribute]] = properlyInitializedEdgeAttribute(graph, edge.attribute)
uninitialized.attributes = which(check.list == FALSE)
if (length(uninitialized.attributes) > 0) {
write(sprintf("%d uninitialized edge attribute/s", length(uninitialized.attributes)), stderr())
} # if edge.attributes
if (!'label' %in% noa.names(graph)) {
write('nodes have no label attribute -- adding default labels', stderr())
graph = initNodeAttribute(graph, 'label', 'char', 'noLabel')
if (length(nodes(graph) > 0)) {
nodeData(graph, nodes(graph), 'label') = nodes(graph) # nodes(graph) returns strings
# create new 'CytoscapeWindow' object
cw = new('CytoscapeWindowClass', title=title, graph=graph, uri=uri,
collectTimings=collectTimings, suid.name.dict = list(), edge.suid.name.dict=list())
if (create.window) {
cw@window.id = createWindow(cw)
cw@collectTimings = collectTimings
# let user know that a new window was created
write(sprintf('New window named "%s" was created in Cytoscape.', title), stderr())
return (cw)
} # END 'CytsoscapeWindow' constructor
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
existing.CytoscapeWindow =
function(title, host='localhost', port=1234, copy.graph.from.cytoscape.to.R=FALSE)
res <- .BBSOverride(host, port)
host <- res$host
port <- res$port
uri <- sprintf('http://%s:%s', host, port)
# establish a connection to Cytoscape
cy.conn <- CytoscapeConnection(host, port)
if (is.null(cy.conn)) {
write(sprintf("ERROR in existing.CytoscapeWindow():\n\t Cytoscape connection could not be established >> NULL returned"), stderr())
# ensure the script is using the latest cyREST plugin version
existing.window.id = as.character(getWindowID(cy.conn, title))
# inform user if the window does not exist
if (is.na(existing.window.id)) {
write(sprintf("ERROR in RCy3::existing.CytoscapeWindow():\n\t no window named '%s' exists in Cytoscape >> choose from the following titles: ", title), stderr())
write(as.character(getWindowList(cy.conn)), stderr())
# get graph from Cytoscape
cy.window <- new('CytoscapeWindowClass', title=title, window.id=existing.window.id, uri=uri)
if (copy.graph.from.cytoscape.to.R) {
# copy over graph
g.cy <- getGraphFromCyWindow(cy.window, title)
cy.window <- setGraph(cy.window, g.cy)
# copy over obj@suid.name.dict
resource.uri <- paste(cy.window@uri, pluginVersion(cy.window), "networks", as.character(cy.window@window.id), sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
request.res <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
if (length(request.res$elements$nodes) != 0){
cy.window@suid.name.dict = lapply(request.res$elements$nodes, function(n) {
list(name=n$data$name, SUID=n$data$SUID) })
if (length(request.res$elements$edges) != 0){
cy.window@edge.suid.name.dict = lapply(request.res$elements$edges, function(e) {
list(name=e$data$name, SUID=e$data$SUID) })
return (cy.window)
## END existing.CytsoscapeWindow
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
check.cytoscape.plugin.version = function(cyCon)
plugin.version.string = pluginVersion(cyCon)
string.tmp1 = strsplit(plugin.version.string, ' ')[[1]][1]
string.tmp2 = gsub('[a-z]', '', string.tmp1)
string.tmp3 = gsub('[A-Z]', '', string.tmp2)
plugin.version = as.numeric(string.tmp3)
expected.version = 1
if(plugin.version < expected.version) {
write(' ', stderr())
write(sprintf('This version of the RCy3 package requires CyREST plugin version %s or greater.', expected.version),
stderr ())
write(sprintf('However, you are using version %s. You must upgrade.', plugin.version), stderr ())
write('Please visit the plugins page at http://www.cytoscape.org.', stderr ())
write(' ', stderr())
stop('Wrong CyREST version.')
} # END check.cytoscape.plugin.version
setMethod('ping', signature = 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj) {
conn.str <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), sep="/")
res <- GET(conn.str)
apiVersion <- fromJSON(rawToChar(res$content))$apiVersion
if(length(apiVersion) > 0) {
return("It works!")
} else {
write(sprintf('CyREST connection problem. RCy3 exits!'), stderr())
}) # END ping
setMethod('pluginVersion', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj) {
res <- GET(obj@uri)
# get vector with available plugin versions
available.api.versions <- fromJSON(rawToChar(res$content))$availableApiVersion
api.version <- character(0)
# loop through the vector and check which is the correct plugin version
for(i in 1:length(available.api.versions)) {
server.status = getServerStatus(obj, available.api.versions[i])
if(server.status$status_code == 200) {
api.version = fromJSON(rawToChar(server.status$content))$apiVersion
# current api.version will be the highest/latest version
}) # END pluginVersion
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getServerStatus', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, api.version) {
request.uri = paste(obj@uri, api.version, sep="/")
request.res = GET(url=request.uri)
}) # END getServerStatus
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('createWindow', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
obj@graph@graphData$name <- obj@title
graph.attributes <- obj@graph@graphData
graph.elements = list(nodes = list(), edges = list())
cygraph <- toJSON(list(data = graph.attributes, elements = graph.elements))
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", sep="/")
request.res <- POST(url = resource.uri, body = cygraph, encode = "json")
window.id <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
setMethod ('createWindowFromSelection', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, new.windowTitle, return.graph=FALSE) {
if (getSelectedNodeCount (obj) == 0) {
write (noquote ('RCy3::createWindowFromSelection error: no nodes are selected'), stderr ())
return (NA)
if (new.windowTitle %in% as.character (getWindowList (obj))) {
msg <- sprintf ('RCy3::createWindowFromSelection error: window "%s" already exists', new.windowTitle)
write (noquote (msg), stderr ())
return (NA)
# create new window
cy.window <- CytoscapeWindow (new.windowTitle)
net.SUID <- as.character(cy.window@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
# copy nodes over
selected.nodes <- getSelectedNodes(obj)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "nodes", sep="/")
new.nodes.JSON <- toJSON(selected.nodes)
request.res <- POST(url=resource.uri, body=new.nodes.JSON, encode="json")
new.node.SUIDs <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
new.node.names <- do.call(rbind, lapply(new.node.SUIDs, data.frame, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
# copy node attributes over
node.attribute.names <- noa.names(obj@graph)
for (attribute.name in node.attribute.names) {
printf('sending node attribute "%s"', attribute.name)
caller.specified.attribute.class <- attr(nodeDataDefaults(obj@graph, attribute.name), 'class')
values <- noa(obj@graph, attribute.name)[selected.nodes]
values <- data.frame(values)
values["name"] <- rownames(values)
node.name.suid.value.df <- merge(new.node.names, values, by='name')
# converts the above data frame data in the cyREST [SUID:value]-pairs format
node.SUID.value.pairs <-
apply(node.name.suid.value.df[,c('SUID','values')], 1, function(x) {list(SUID=unname(x[1]), value=unname(x[2]))})
apply(data.frame(new.node.SUIDs, values), 1, function(x) {list(SUID=unname(x[1]), value=unname(x[2]))})
node.SUID.value.pairs.JSON = toJSON(node.SUID.value.pairs)
resource.uri <-
paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultnode/columns", attribute.name, sep="/")
request.res <- PUT(url=resource.uri, body=node.SUID.value.pairs.JSON, encode="json")
# copy edges over
if (is.classic.graph(obj@graph)) {
tbl.edges <- .classicGraphToNodePairTable(obj@graph)
} else if (is.multiGraph(obj@graph)) {
tbl.edges <- .multiGraphToNodePairTable(obj@graph)
new.tbl.edges <- tbl.edges[tbl.edges$source %in% selected.nodes & tbl.edges$target %in% selected.nodes,]
num.edges.to.copy <- nrow(new.tbl.edges)
if (num.edges.to.copy > 0) {
directed <- rep(TRUE, nrow(new.tbl.edges)) #TODO enable undirected?
if (num.edges.to.copy == 1) {
# get the SUIDs of the source nodes for the new edges
source.node.SUIDs <- new.node.names$SUID[new.node.names$name==new.tbl.edges$source]
# get the SUIDs of the target nodes for the new edges
target.node.SUIDs <- new.node.names$SUID[new.node.names$name==new.tbl.edges$target]
source.node.SUIDs <- new.node.names$SUID[match(new.tbl.edges$source, new.node.names$name)]
target.node.SUIDs <- new.node.names$SUID[match(new.tbl.edges$target, new.node.names$name)]
# format the new edges data for sending to Cytoscape
edge.tbl.records =
apply(cbind(source.node.SUIDs, target.node.SUIDs, directed, new.tbl.edges$edgeType), MARGIN=1,
FUN=function(r) {list(source=unname(r[[1]]), target=unname(r[[2]]), directed=unname(r[[3]]), interaction=unname(r[[4]]))})
edge.tbl.records.JSON = toJSON(edge.tbl.records)
resource.uri = paste(cy.window@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "edges", sep="/")
request.res = POST(url=resource.uri, body=edge.tbl.records.JSON, encode="json")
new.edge.SUIDs <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
# copy edge attributes over
edge.attribute.names = eda.names(obj@graph)
for (attribute.name in edge.attribute.names) {
printf('sending edge attribute "%s"', attribute.name)
values <- eda(obj@graph, attribute.name)
if (num.edges.to.copy == 1) {
# add edge name to the dataframe
edge.name.suid.value.df <- data.frame(rbind(unlist(new.edge.SUIDs)))
edge.name.suid.value.df$edgeName <- paste0(new.node.names$name[new.node.names$SUID==edge.name.suid.value.df$source], "|",
edge.name.suid.value.df$edgeValue <- unname(values)[(names(values)==edge.name.suid.value.df$edgeName)]
edge.name.suid.value.df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(new.edge.SUIDs), nrow=3, byrow = TRUE))
names(edge.name.suid.value.df) <- names(data.frame(rbind(unlist(new.edge.SUIDs[[1]]))))
edge.name.suid.value.df$edgeName <- paste0(new.node.names$name[match(edge.name.suid.value.df$source, new.node.names$SUID)], "|",
new.node.names$name[match(edge.name.suid.value.df$target, new.node.names$SUID)])
edge.name.suid.value.df$edgeValue <- unname(values)[match(edge.name.suid.value.df$edgeName, names(values))]
edge.SUID.value.pairs <-
apply(edge.name.suid.value.df[,c('SUID','edgeValue')], 1, function(x) {list(SUID=unname(x[1]), value=unname(x[2]))})
edge.SUID.value.pairs.JSON = toJSON(edge.SUID.value.pairs)
resource.uri <-
paste(cy.window@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultedge/columns", attribute.name, sep="/")
request.res <- PUT(url=resource.uri, body=edge.SUID.value.pairs.JSON, encode="json")
return (existing.CytoscapeWindow (new.windowTitle, copy.graph.from.cytoscape.to.R = return.graph))
}) # createWindowFromSelection
#' Copy a Cytoscape Network
#' Makes a copy of a Cytoscape Network with all of its edges and nodes
#' @param obj Cytoscape network
#' @param new_title New name for the copy
#' @param copy.graph.to.R Logical whether to copy the graph to a new object in R
#' @return Connection to new copy of network.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' cw <- CytoscapeWindow('new.demo', new('graphNEL'))
#' copy_of_your_net <- copyCytoscapeNetwork(cw, "new_copy")
#' }
#' @author Julia Gustavsen, \email{j.gustavsen@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{createWindowFromSelection}}, \code{\link{existing.CytoscapeWindow}}, \code{\link{renameCytoscapeNetwork}}
#' @concept RCy3
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods setGeneric
copy.graph.to.R = FALSE) {
if (obj@title == new_title){
print("Copy not made. The titles of the original window and its copy are the same. Please pick a new name for the copy.")
request.uri <- paste(obj@uri,
sep = "/")
request.res <- POST(url = request.uri,
query = list(title = new_title))
if (copy.graph.to.R){
connect_window <- existing.CytoscapeWindow(new_title,
copy.graph.from.cytoscape.to.R = TRUE)
print(paste("Cytoscape window",
"successfully copied to",
"and the graph was copied to R."))
else {
connect_window <- existing.CytoscapeWindow(new_title,
copy.graph.from.cytoscape.to.R = FALSE)
print(paste("Cytoscape window",
"successfully copied to",
"and the graph was not copied to the R session."))
#' Rename a network
#' Renames a Cytoscape Network.
#' @param object Cytoscape network
#' @param new_title New name for the copy
#' @param copy.graph.to.R Logical whether to copy the graph to a new object in R
#' @return Connection to the renamed network.
#' @author Julia Gustavsen, \email{j.gustavsen@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{createWindowFromSelection}}, \code{\link{existing.CytoscapeWindow}}, \code{\link{copyCytoscapeNetwork}}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' cw <- CytoscapeWindow('new.demo', new('graphNEL'))
#' renamed_net <- renameCytoscapeNetwork(cw, "renamed_network")
#' }
#' @concept RCy3
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods setGeneric
copy.graph.to.R = FALSE) {
new_net <- copyCytoscapeNetwork(obj,
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getWindowCount', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj) {
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks/count", sep="/")
res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
num.cytoscape.windows <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(res$content)))
}) # END getWindowCount
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getWindowID', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, window.title) {
# get all window suids and associates names
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
# SUIDs list of the existing Cytoscape networks
cy.networks.SUIDs <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
# names list of the existing Cytoscape networks
cy.networks.names = c()
for(net.SUID in cy.networks.SUIDs) {
res.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", as.character(net.SUID), sep="/")
result <- GET(res.uri)
net.name <- fromJSON(rawToChar(result$content))$data$name
cy.networks.names <- c(cy.networks.names, net.name)
if(!window.title %in% as.character(cy.networks.names)) {
write(sprintf("Cytoscape window named '%s' does not exist yet", window.title), stderr())
return (NA)
} # if unrecognized window.title
window.entry = which(as.character(cy.networks.names) == window.title)
window.id = as.character(cy.networks.SUIDs[window.entry])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getWindowList', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj) {
if(getWindowCount(obj) == 0) {
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
# SUIDs list of the existing Cytoscape networks
cy.networks.SUIDs <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
# names list of the existing Cytoscape networks
cy.networks.names = c()
for(net.SUID in cy.networks.SUIDs) {
res.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", as.character(net.SUID), sep="/")
result <- GET(res.uri)
net.name <- fromJSON(rawToChar(result$content))$data$name
cy.networks.names <- c(cy.networks.names, net.name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('deleteWindow', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, window.title=NA) {
window.id = getWindowID(obj, window.title)
else if(class(obj) == 'CytoscapeWindowClass')
window.id = as.character(obj@window.id)
else {
write(sprintf('RCy::deleteWindow error. You must provide a valid
CytoscapeWindow object, or a CytoscapeConnection object and
a window title'), stderr())
resource.uri = paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", window.id, sep="/")
request.res = DELETE(url=resource.uri)
setMethod ('deleteAllWindows', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', function (obj) {
# deletes all networks and associated windows in Cytoscape
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", sep="/")
request.res <- DELETE(resource.uri)
setMethod ('getNodeShapes', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', function (obj) {
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "styles/visualproperties/NODE_SHAPE/values", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
request.res <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
setMethod ('getDirectlyModifiableVisualProperties', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, vizmap.style.name="default") {
resource.uri = paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "styles", as.character(vizmap.style.name), "defaults", sep="/")
request.res = GET(url=resource.uri)
visual.properties <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))[[1]])
visual.properties <- sapply(visual.properties, '[[', 1)
setMethod ('getAttributeClassNames', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
# retrieve the names of the recognized and supported names for the class of any node or edge attribute.
function (obj) {
return (c ('floating|numeric|double', 'integer|int', 'string|char|character'))
setMethod ('getLineStyles', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', function (obj) {
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "styles/visualproperties/EDGE_LINE_TYPE/values", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
request.res <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getArrowShapes', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj) {
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "styles/visualproperties/EDGE_TARGET_ARROW_SHAPE/values", sep="/")
# TanjaM: EDGE_SOURCE_ARROW_SHAPE rather than TARGET returns the same results as of April 2015
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
request.res <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
## END getArrowShapes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getLayoutNames', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj) {
request.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "apply/layouts", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=request.uri)
available.layouts <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
## END getLayoutNames
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getLayoutNameMapping', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj) {
layout.names <- getLayoutNames(obj)
layout.full.names <- c()
# get the English/full name of a layout
for (layout.name in layout.names){
request.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "apply/layouts", as.character(layout.name), sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=request.uri)
layout.property.names <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
layout.full.names <- c(layout.full.names, layout.property.names[[4]])
names(layout.names) <- layout.full.names
## END getLayoutNameMapping
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getLayoutPropertyNames', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, layout.name) {
request.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "apply/layouts", as.character(layout.name), "parameters/", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=request.uri)
layout.property.names <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
return(sapply(layout.property.names, '[[', 1))
## END getLayoutPropertyNames
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getLayoutPropertyType', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, layout.name, property.name) {
request.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "apply/layouts", as.character(layout.name), "parameters/", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=request.uri)
layout.property.list <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
layout.property.names <- sapply(layout.property.list, '[[', 1)
position <- layout.property.names == property.name
return(sapply(layout.property.list, '[[', 3)[position])
## END getLayoutPropertyType
setMethod ('getLayoutPropertyValue', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, layout.name, property.name) {
request.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "apply/layouts", as.character(layout.name), "parameters/", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=request.uri)
layout.property.list <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
layout.property.names <- sapply(layout.property.list, '[[', 1)
position <- layout.property.names == property.name
return(sapply(layout.property.list, '[[', 4)[position])
}) # getLayoutPropertyValue
#' Gets commands available from within cytoscape from
#' functions within cytoscape and from installed plugins.
#' @param obj Cytoscape network where commands are fetched via RCy3
#' @return Vector of available commands from all namespaces (e.g. functions and plugins)
#' @concept RCy3
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods setGeneric
function(obj) {
request.uri <- paste(obj@uri,
request.res <- GET(url=request.uri)
available.commands <- unlist(strsplit(rawToChar(request.res$content),
## to remove "Available namespaces" title
## remove the first value
available.commands <- available.commands[-1]
# END getCommandNames
#' Gets commands available from within a namespace in Cytoscape from
#' functions within cytoscape and from installed plugins.
#' @param obj Cytoscape network where commands are fetched via RCy3
#' @param namespace Cytoscape function (e.g. layout or network settings) or Cytoscape plugin function
#' @return Vector of available commands from a specific plugin or Cytoscape function (e.g. namespace)
#' @concept RCy3
#' @export
namespace) {
request.uri <- paste(obj@uri,
sep = "/")
request.res <- GET(url = request.uri)
available.commands <- unlist(strsplit(rawToChar(request.res$content),
split = "\n\\s*"))
## remove "Available commands" title
available.commands <- available.commands[-1]
return(available.commands) })
# END getCommandsWithinNamespace
#' Runs a Cytoscape command (for example from a plugin) with a list of parameters and creates a connection to the network (if a new one is created) so that it can be further manipulated from R.
#' @param obj Cytoscape network where command is run via RCy3
#' @param command.name Need more info here - how to specify..
#' @param properties.list Parameters (e.g. files, p-values, etc) to be used to set to run the command
#' @param copy.graph.to.R If true this copies the graph information to R. This step can be quite slow. Default is false.
#' @return Runs in Cytoscape and creates a connection to the Cytoscape window so that it can be further manipulated from R
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' cw <- CytoscapeWindow('new.demo', new('graphNEL'))
#' selectAllNodes(cw)
#' }
#' @concept RCy3
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods setGeneric
copy.graph.to.R = FALSE) {
all.possible.props <- getCommandsWithinNamespace(obj,
if (all(names(properties.list) %in% all.possible.props) == FALSE) {
print('You have included a name which is not in the commands')
stderr ()
} else {
request.uri <- paste(obj@uri,
sep = "/")
request.res <- GET(url = request.uri,
query = properties.list)
if (request.res$status == 200){
print("Successfully built the EnrichmentMap.")
stdout ()
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri,
sep = "/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
# SUIDs list of the existing Cytoscape networks
cy.networks.SUIDs <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
# most recently made enrichment map will have the highest SUID
cy.networks.SUIDs.last <- max(cy.networks.SUIDs)
res.uri.last <- paste(obj@uri,
sep = "/")
result <- GET(res.uri.last)
net.name <- fromJSON(rawToChar(result$content))$data$name
if (copy.graph.to.R){
connect_window_to_R_session <- existing.CytoscapeWindow(net.name,
copy.graph.from.cytoscape.to.R = TRUE)
print(paste0("Cytoscape window",
" successfully connected to R session and graph copied to R."))
else {
connect_window_to_R_session <- existing.CytoscapeWindow(net.name,
copy.graph.from.cytoscape.to.R = FALSE)
print(paste0("Cytoscape window ",
" successfully connected to R session."))
} else {
print("Something went wrong. Unable to run command.")
stderr ()
# END setCommandProperties
setMethod ('setLayoutProperties', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, layout.name, properties.list) {
all.possible.props <- getLayoutPropertyNames (obj, layout.name)
# set properties iteratively, this could have been done with a single API call
for (prop in names (properties.list)) {
if (!prop %in% all.possible.props) {
write (sprintf ('%s is not a property in layout %s', prop, layout.name), stderr ())
} else {
new.value <- properties.list [[prop]]
new.property.value.list <- list("name"=prop, "value"=new.value)
new.property.value.list.JSON <- toJSON(list(new.property.value.list))
request.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "apply/layouts", as.character(layout.name), "parameters/", sep="/")
request.res <- PUT(url=request.uri, body= new.property.value.list.JSON, encode="json")
if (request.res$status == 200){
write (sprintf ("Successfully updated the property '%s'.", prop), stdout ())
} else {
write (sprintf ("Something went wrong. Unable to update property '%s'.", prop), stderr ())
} # for prop
}) # setLayoutProperties
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod ('setGraph', 'CytoscapeWindowClass', function(obj, graph) {
# copy the graph over
loc.obj <- obj
if (edgemode(graph) == 'undirected'){
graph = remove.redundancies.in.undirected.graph (graph)
loc.obj@graph = graph
eval.parent(substitute(obj <- loc.obj))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getGraph', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
# in Cytoscape, node attributes are administered on a global level. In addition, and in contrast to R, not all nodes in a graph
# will have a specific attribute define on it. (In R, every node has every attribute)
# this function returns a list of nodes for which the specified attribute has a value in the corresponding Cytoscape network
setMethod ('haveNodeAttribute', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, node.names, attribute.name) {
net.SUID = as.character(obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(obj)
# check the attribute exists
if (attribute.name %in% getNodeAttributeNames(obj)) {
# get the node SUIDs
node.SUIDs = .nodeNameToNodeSUID(obj, node.names)
nodes.that.have.attribute = c()
for (i in 1:length(node.SUIDs)) {
resource.uri = paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultnode/rows", as.character(node.SUIDs[i]), attribute.name, sep="/")
request.res = GET(url=resource.uri)
node.attribute.value = rawToChar(request.res$content)
if(nchar(node.attribute.value) > 0) {
nodes.that.have.attribute = c(nodes.that.have.attribute, node.SUIDs[i])
return (as.character(.nodeSUIDToNodeName(obj, nodes.that.have.attribute)))
} else {
write(sprintf("Error: '%s' is not an existing node attribute name", attribute.name), stderr())
## END haveNodeAttribute
# in Cytoscape, attributes are administered on a global level. In addition, and in contrast to R, not all nodes in a graph
# will have a specific attribute define on it. (In R, every node has every attribute)
# this function returns a list of nodes for which the specified attribute has a value in the corresponding Cytoscape network
setMethod ('haveEdgeAttribute', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, edge.names, attribute.name) {
net.SUID = as.character(obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(obj)
if(attribute.name %in% getEdgeAttributeNames(obj)) {
edge.SUIDs = .edgeNameToEdgeSUID(obj, edge.names)
edges.that.have.attribute = c()
for(i in 1:length(edge.SUIDs)) {
resource.uri = paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultedge/rows", as.character(edge.SUIDs[i]), attribute.name, sep="/")
request.res = GET(url=resource.uri)
edge.attribute.value = rawToChar(request.res$content)
if(nchar(edge.attribute.value) > 0) {
edges.that.have.attribute = c(edges.that.have.attribute, edge.SUIDs[i])
return(as.character(.edgeSUIDToEdgeName(obj, edges.that.have.attribute)))
} else {
write(sprintf("Error: '%s' is no an existing edge attribute name", attribute.name), stderr())
setMethod ('copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, window.id, existing.graph) {
net.SUID = as.character(obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(obj)
node.attribute.names = getNodeAttributeNames(obj)
for(attribute.name in node.attribute.names) {
known.node.names = sapply(obj@suid.name.dict, function(n) { n$name })
# nodes that store values for this attribute (meaning the value is not empty)
nodes.with.attribute = haveNodeAttribute(obj, known.node.names, attribute.name)
if(length(nodes.with.attribute) > 0) {
attribute.type = getNodeAttributeType(obj, attribute.name)
write(sprintf("\t retrieving attribute '%s' values for %d nodes", attribute.name, length(nodes.with.attribute)), stderr())
# write(sprintf("\t retrieving %s '%s' attribute for %d nodes", attribute.type, attribute.name, length(nodes.with.attribute)), stderr())
if(attribute.type == 'Integer' || attribute.type == 'Long') {
attribute.type = 'integer'
default.value = as.integer(0)
} else if(attribute.type == 'String') {
attribute.type = 'char'
default.value = as.character('unassigned')
} else if(attribute.type == 'Double' || attribute.type == 'Float') {
attribute.type = 'numeric'
default.value = as.numeric(0.0)
} else if(attribute.type == 'Boolean') {
attribute.type = 'boolean'
default.value = as.logical(FALSE)
} else {
write(sprintf('RCy3::copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph, no support yet for attributes of type %s', attribute.type), stderr())
existing.graph =
initNodeAttribute(existing.graph, attribute.name, attribute.type, default.value)
attribute.values = c()
for(i in 1:length(nodes.with.attribute)) {
attribute.values = c(attribute.values, getNodeAttribute(obj, nodes.with.attribute[i], attribute.name))
nodeData(existing.graph, nodes.with.attribute, attribute.name) = attribute.values
} ## END if there are nodes that have values for the attribute
} ## END for loop : looping through each node attribute
## END copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph
setMethod ('copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, window.id, existing.graph) {
net.SUID = as.character(obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(obj)
edge.attribute.names = getEdgeAttributeNames(obj)
cy2.edgenames = as.character(cy2.edge.names(existing.graph)) # < 2 seconds for > 9000 edges
for(attribute.name in edge.attribute.names) {
edges.with.attribute = haveEdgeAttribute(obj, cy2.edgenames, attribute.name)
if(length(edges.with.attribute) > 0) {
attribute.type = getEdgeAttributeType(obj, attribute.name)
write(sprintf("\t retrieving attribute '%s' values for %d edges", attribute.name, length(edges.with.attribute)), stderr())
if(attribute.type == 'Integer' || attribute.type == 'Long') {
attribute.type = 'integer'
default.value = as.integer(0)
} else if(attribute.type == 'String') {
attribute.type = 'char'
default.value = as.character('unassigned')
} else if(attribute.type == 'Double' || attribute.type == 'Float') {
attribute.type = 'numeric'
default.value = as.numeric(0.0)
} else if(attribute.type == 'Boolean') {
attribute.type = 'boolean'
default.value = as.logical(FALSE)
} else {
write(sprintf('RCy3::copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph, no support yet for attributes of type %s', attribute.type), stderr())
existing.graph =
initEdgeAttribute(existing.graph, attribute.name, attribute.type, default.value)
eda.values = c()
for(i in 1:length(edges.with.attribute)) {
eda.values = c(eda.values, getEdgeAttribute(obj, edges.with.attribute[i], attribute.name))
regex = ' *[\\(|\\)] *'
edges.tokens = strsplit(edges.with.attribute, regex)
source.nodes = unlist(lapply(edges.tokens, function(tokens) tokens[1]))
target.nodes = unlist(lapply(edges.tokens, function(tokens) tokens[3]))
edge.types = unlist(lapply(edges.tokens, function(tokens) tokens[2]))
edgeData(existing.graph, source.nodes, target.nodes, attribute.name) = eda.values
# for(i in 1:length(edgeData(existing.graph, from=source.nodes, to=target.nodes, attr=attribute.name))) {
# attr(edgeData(existing.graph, from=source.nodes, to=target.nodes, attr=attribute.name)[[i]], 'class') =
# getEdgeAttributeType(obj, attribute.name)
# }
} ## END if
} ## END for
}) # END copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph
setMethod ('getGraphFromCyWindow', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, window.title) {
window.id = NULL
# handles the case when 'obj' is 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', instead of 'CytoscapeWindowClass'
if (class(obj) == "CytoscapeConnectionClass") {
window.id = as.character(getWindowID(obj, window.title))
loc.obj =
new('CytoscapeWindowClass', title=window.title, window.id=window.id, uri=obj@uri)
} else {
loc.obj = obj
# network id and cyREST plugin version
net.SUID = as.character(loc.obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(loc.obj)
if (!is.na(net.SUID)) {
# get the graph from Cytoscape
resource.uri = paste(loc.obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, sep="/")
request.res = GET(url=resource.uri)
request.res = fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
g = new("graphNEL", edgemode='directed') # create graph object
g.nodes = request.res$elements$nodes
# if there are no nodes in the graph received from Cytoscape, return an empty 'graphNEL' object
if(length(g.nodes) == 0) {
write(sprintf("NOTICE in RCy3::getGraphFromCyWindow():\n\t returning an empty 'graphNEL'"), stderr())
# else get the node names and add them to the R graph
loc.obj@suid.name.dict = lapply(g.nodes, function(n) {
list(name=n$data$name, SUID=n$data$SUID) })
g.node.names = sapply(loc.obj@suid.name.dict, function(n) { n$name })
write(sprintf("\t received %d NODES from '%s'", length(g.nodes), window.title), stderr())
g = graph::addNode(g.node.names, g)
write(sprintf("\t - added %d nodes to the returned graph\n", length(g.node.names)), stderr())
g = copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph(loc.obj, net.SUID, g)
# Bioconductor's 'graph' edges require the 'edgeType' attribute, so its default value is assigned
g = initEdgeAttribute (g, 'edgeType', 'char', 'assoc')
g.edges = request.res$elements$edges
if (length(g.edges) > 0) {
regex = ' *[\\(|\\)] *'
write(sprintf("\n\t received %d EDGES from '%s'", length(g.edges), window.title), stderr())
loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict = lapply(g.edges, function(e) {
list(name=e$data$name, SUID=e$data$SUID) })
g.edge.names = sapply(loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict, function(e) { e$name })
edges.tokens = strsplit(g.edge.names, regex)
source.nodes = unlist(lapply(edges.tokens, function(tokens) tokens[1]))
target.nodes = unlist(lapply(edges.tokens, function(tokens) tokens[3]))
edge.types = unlist(lapply(edges.tokens, function(tokens) tokens[2]))
write(sprintf('\t - adding %d edges to the returned graph\n', length(edges.tokens)), stderr())
g = addEdge(source.nodes, target.nodes, g)
edgeData(g, source.nodes, target.nodes, 'edgeType') = edge.types
g = copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph(loc.obj, window.id, g)
error = function(cond){
write(sprintf("ERROR in RCy3::getGraphFromCyWindow(): Node names cannot contain parentheses.", window.title), stderr())
} else {
write(sprintf("ERROR in RCy3::getGraphFromCyWindow():\n\t there is no graph with name '%s' in Cytoscape", window.title), stderr())
## END getGraphFromCyWindow
#' Creates a connection to the newest Cytoscape window so that it can be further manipulated from R.
#' @param obj Cytoscape network where command is run via RCy3
#' @param copyToR If true this copies the graph information to R. This step can be quite slow. Default is false.
#' @return Creates a connection to the newest Cytoscape window so that it can be further manipulated from R
#' @concept RCy3
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods setGeneric
copyToR = FALSE) {
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri,
sep = "/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
# SUIDs list of the existing Cytoscape networks
cy.networks.SUIDs <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
# most recently made enrichment map will have the highest SUID
cy.networks.SUIDs.last <- max(cy.networks.SUIDs)
res.uri.last <- paste(obj@uri,
sep = "/")
result <- GET(res.uri.last)
net.name <- fromJSON(rawToChar(result$content))$data$name
## to get edges request.res$elements$edges
newest_CyWindow <- existing.CytoscapeWindow(net.name,
copy.graph.from.cytoscape.to.R = copyToR)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('sendNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass', function(obj) {
loc.obj <- obj
# returns the nodes currently stored in the graph object
graph.network.nodes = nodes(loc.obj@graph)
# returns the nodes currently displayed in Cytoscape
current.cytoscape.nodes = sapply(loc.obj@suid.name.dict, function(n) n$name)
node.suid.name.dict <- (0)
diff.nodes = setdiff(graph.network.nodes, current.cytoscape.nodes)
# if new nodes need to be added
if(length(diff.nodes) > 0) {
net.SUID = as.character(loc.obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(loc.obj)
resource.uri = paste(loc.obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "nodes", sep="/")
diff.nodes.JSON = toJSON(diff.nodes)
write(sprintf('sending %d node(s)', length(diff.nodes)), stderr())
request.res = POST(url=resource.uri, body=diff.nodes.JSON, encode="json")
new.node.SUIDs = unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
for(i in 1:length(new.node.SUIDs)) {
loc.obj@suid.name.dict[[length(loc.obj@suid.name.dict)+1]] = new.node.SUIDs[[i]]
} else {
write('CytoscapeWindow.sendNodes(), no new nodes to send, returning', stderr())
write('sendNodes completed', stderr())
# needed for 'pass-by-reference' R functionality
eval.parent(substitute(obj <- loc.obj))
setMethod ('.addNodes', signature (obj='CytoscapeWindowClass'),
function (obj, other.graph) {
loc.obj <- obj
if(length(nodes(other.graph)) == 0) {
write("NOTICE in RCy3::.addNodes():\n\t no nodes in other.graph >> function returns", stderr())
# new.nodes = setdiff(nodes(other.graph), getAllNodes(loc.obj))
new.node.indices = which(!nodes(other.graph) %in% getAllNodes(loc.obj))
new.nodes = nodes(other.graph)[new.node.indices]
if(length(new.node.indices) > 0) {
net.SUID = as.character(loc.obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(loc.obj)
resource.uri = paste(loc.obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "nodes", sep="/")
new.nodes.JSON = toJSON(new.nodes)
request.res = POST(url=resource.uri, body=new.nodes.JSON, encode="json")
new.node.SUIDs = unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
for(i in 1:length(new.node.SUIDs)) {
loc.obj@suid.name.dict[[length(loc.obj@suid.name.dict)+1]] = new.node.SUIDs[[i]]
} else {
write(sprintf("NOTICE in RCy3::.addNodes():\n\t all %d nodes already exist in Cytoscape - nothing new to add >> function returns", length(nodes(other.graph))), stderr())
# needed for 'pass-by-reference' R functionality
eval.parent(substitute(obj <- loc.obj))
}) # END .addNodes
setMethod ('.addEdges', signature (obj='CytoscapeWindowClass'),
function (obj, other.graph) {
loc.obj <- obj
net.SUID = as.character(loc.obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(loc.obj)
if(length(edgeNames(other.graph)) == 0) {
write("NOTICE in RCy3::.addEdges():\n\t no edges in graph >> function returns", stderr())
if(is.classic.graph(other.graph)) {
tbl.edges = .classicGraphToNodePairTable(other.graph)
} else if(is.multiGraph(other.graph)) {
tbl.edges = .multiGraphToNodePairTable(other.graph)
# get the 'other.graph' edge names
other.graph.edge.names = unname(cy2.edge.names(other.graph))
cytoscape.existing.edge.names =
sapply(loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict, function(e) {return(e$name)})
new.edge.indices = which(!other.graph.edge.names %in% cytoscape.existing.edge.names)
if(length(new.edge.indices) > 0) {
# source nodes vector
source.nodes = tbl.edges$source[new.edge.indices]
# target nodes vector
target.nodes = tbl.edges$target[new.edge.indices]
# edge types vector
edge.type = tbl.edges$edgeType[new.edge.indices]
directed = rep(TRUE, length(source.nodes))
# convert the [node.SUID, node.name] dict(list) to data frame object
suid.name.dict.df =
data.frame(matrix(unlist(loc.obj@suid.name.dict), nrow=length(loc.obj@suid.name.dict), byrow=TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(suid.name.dict.df) <- c("name", "SUID")
# get the SUIDs of the source nodes for the new edges
source.node.SUIDs = .nodeNameToNodeSUID(loc.obj, source.nodes)
# get the SUIDs of the target nodes for the new edges
target.node.SUIDs = .nodeNameToNodeSUID(loc.obj, target.nodes)
# format the new edges data for sending to Cytoscape
edge.tbl.records =
apply(cbind(source.node.SUIDs, target.node.SUIDs, directed, edge.type), MARGIN=1,
FUN=function(r) {list(source=unname(r[[1]]), target=unname(r[[2]]), directed=unname(r[[3]]), interaction=unname(r[[4]]))})
edge.tbl.records.JSON = toJSON(edge.tbl.records)
resource.uri = paste(loc.obj@uri, pluginVersion(loc.obj), "networks", net.SUID, "edges", sep="/")
request.res = POST(url=resource.uri, body=edge.tbl.records.JSON, encode="json")
# request.res.edge.SUIDs contains
# [edge.SUID, source.node.SUID, targetn.node.SUID] for each edge
request.res.edge.data = fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
new.edge.names = cy2.edge.names(other.graph)[new.edge.indices]
# ctreates matrix of the format :
# note: column 1 contains edge.SUIDs, and columns 3 & 4 contain node.SUIDs
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
# [1,] "412" "A (phosphorylates) B" "413" "404"
# [2,] "406" "B (synthetic lethal C" "407" "408"
# [3,] "407" "C (undefined) A" "408" "406"
edge.names.tbl.records =
apply(unname(cbind(unname(t(sapply(request.res.edge.data, unlist))), new.edge.names)),
FUN=function(r) {list(SUID=as.numeric(unname(r[[1]])), value=unname(r[[4]]),
# CREATES DICT ENTRIES for the new edges in the following format :
# [edge.SUID, edge.name, source.node.SUID, target.node.SUID]
for(i in 1:length(edge.names.tbl.records)) {
loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict[[length(loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict)+1]] =
list(SUID=edge.names.tbl.records[[i]]$SUID, name=edge.names.tbl.records[[i]]$value,
# invisible(request.res)
} else {
write(sprintf("NOTICE in RCy3::.addEdges():\n\t all %d edges already exists in Cytoscape - nothing new to add >> function returns", length(other.graph.edge.names)), stderr())
eval.parent(substitute(obj <- loc.obj))
}) # END .addEdges
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# helper function: returns the name of the Cytoscape window based on its SUID
setMethod('.getWindowNameFromSUID', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, win.suid) {
suid <- as.character(win.suid)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", suid, sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
win.name <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))$data$name
## END .getWindowNameFromSUID
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# helper function: returns the SUIDs of all views belonging to specific network
setMethod('.getNetworkViews', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", net.SUID, "views", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
network.view.SUIDs <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
## END .getNetworkViews
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('.nodeNameToNodeSUID', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, node.names) {
# initial source used 'which', but it did not return SUIDs in the input names order
# dict.indices = which(node.names %in% sapply(obj@suid.name.dict, function(n) { n$name}))
# 'match' achieves this desired behavior
dict.node.names <- sapply(obj@suid.name.dict, function(n) {n$name})
dict.indices <- match(node.names, dict.node.names)
# [dict.indices[!is.na(dict.indices)]] is used to clean any 'NAs' from the vector
node.SUIDs <- sapply(obj@suid.name.dict[dict.indices[!is.na(dict.indices)]], function(i) {i$SUID})
## END .nodeNamesToNodeSUID
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('.nodeSUIDToNodeName', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, node.suids) {
dict.node.SUIDs <- sapply(obj@suid.name.dict, function(s) {s$SUID})
dict.indices <- match(node.suids, dict.node.SUIDs)
# [dict.indices[!is.na(dict.indices)]] is used to clean any 'NAs' from the vector
node.names <- sapply(obj@suid.name.dict[dict.indices[!is.na(dict.indices)]], function(n) {n$name})
## END .nodeSUIDToNodeName
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('.edgeNameToEdgeSUID', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, edge.names) {
dict.edge.names <- sapply(obj@edge.suid.name.dict, function(e) {e$name})
dict.indices <- match(edge.names, dict.edge.names)
# [dict.indices[!is.na(dict.indices)]] is used to clean any 'NAs' from the vector
edge.SUIDs <- sapply(obj@edge.suid.name.dict[dict.indices[!is.na(dict.indices)]], function(i){ i$SUID })
## END .edgeNamesToEdgeSUID
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('.edgeSUIDToEdgeName', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, edge.suids) {
dict.edge.SUIDs = sapply(obj@edge.suid.name.dict, function(s) {s$SUID})
dict.indices = match(edge.suids, dict.edge.SUIDs)
# [dict.indices[!is.na(dict.indices)]] is used to clean any 'NAs' from the vector
edge.names = sapply(obj@edge.suid.name.dict[dict.indices[!is.na(dict.indices)]], function(e) {e$name})
## END .edgeSUIDToEdgeName
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('addCyNode', 'CytoscapeWindowClass', function(obj, nodeName) {
loc.obj <- obj
if(nodeName %in% getAllNodes(loc.obj)) {
write(sprintf('RCy3::addCyNode, node "%s" already present in Cytoscape graph', nodeName), stderr())
# get the network suid
net.suid <- as.character(loc.obj@window.id)
resource.uri <- paste(loc.obj@uri, pluginVersion(loc.obj), "networks", net.suid, "nodes", sep="/")
nodename.json = toJSON(c(nodeName))
# add the node to the Cytoscape graph
new.cynode.res <- POST(url=resource.uri, body=nodename.json, encode="json")
new.cynode.suid.name <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(new.cynode.res$content)))
# add the new node to the cw@suid.name.dict
loc.obj@suid.name.dict[[length(loc.obj@suid.name.dict)+1]] <-
list(name=new.cynode.suid.name[[1]]$name, SUID=new.cynode.suid.name[[1]]$SUID)
# add the node to the R graph object
loc.obj@graph <- addNode(nodeName, loc.obj@graph)
eval.parent(substitute(obj <- loc.obj))
}) # addCyNode
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('addCyEdge', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, sourceNode, targetNode, edgeType, directed) {
loc.obj <- obj
good.args = TRUE
# confirm that the user has provided exactly one source and one target nodes
if(length(sourceNode) > 1 || length(targetNode) > 1) {
good.args = FALSE
write(sprintf('RCy3::addEdge can have only one source and one target nodes'), stderr())
if(!sourceNode %in% getAllNodes(loc.obj)) {
good.args = FALSE
write(sprintf('RCy3::addEdge. Error: source node %s does not exist in the Cytoscape graph. Edge cannot be created.', sourceNode), stderr())
if(!targetNode %in% getAllNodes(loc.obj)) {
good.args = FALSE
write(sprintf('RCy3::addEdge. Error: source node %s does not exist in the Cytoscape graph. Edge cannot be created.', targetNode), stderr())
if(!good.args) {
net.suid <- as.character(loc.obj@window.id)
resource.uri <- paste(loc.obj@uri, pluginVersion(loc.obj), "networks", net.suid, "edges", sep="/")
node.names.vec <- sapply(loc.obj@suid.name.dict, "[[", 1)
edge.data <- list(source = loc.obj@suid.name.dict[[which(node.names.vec %in% sourceNode)]]$SUID,
target = loc.obj@suid.name.dict[[which(node.names.vec %in% targetNode)]]$SUID,
directed = directed, interaction = edgeType)
edge.data.JSON <- toJSON(list(edge.data))
new.cyedge.res <- POST(url=resource.uri, body=edge.data.JSON, encode='json')
# add the edge to the R graph object
loc.obj@graph <- addEdge(sourceNode, targetNode, loc.obj@graph)
eval.parent(substitute(obj <- loc.obj))
}) # addCyEdge
# This method adds a new graph to an existing graph.
# First the new nodes, then the new edges, then node attributes, then edge attributes
setMethod ('addGraphToGraph', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, other.graph) {
loc.obj <- obj
# RCy3 keeps a dictionary of the network nodes
# the below vector stores the indices of the newly added nodes in this dictionary
new.node.indices = .addNodes(loc.obj, other.graph)
# RCy3 keeps a dictionary of the network edges
# the below vector stores the indices of the newly added edges to this dictionary
new.edge.indices = .addEdges(loc.obj, other.graph)
node.attribute.names = noa.names(other.graph)
for (attribute.name in node.attribute.names) {
printf('sending noa %s', attribute.name)
.sendNodeAttributesForGraph(loc.obj, other.graph, attribute.name, new.node.indices)
edge.attribute.names = eda.names(other.graph)
for (attribute.name in edge.attribute.names) {
printf('sending eda %s', attribute.name)
.sendEdgeAttributesForGraph(loc.obj, other.graph, attribute.name, new.edge.indices)
# needed for 'pass-by-reference' R functionality
eval.parent(substitute(obj <- loc.obj))
}) # END addGraphToGraph
setMethod('sendEdges', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
loc.obj <- obj
net.SUID = as.character(loc.obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(loc.obj)
# check that there are edges in the graph
if(length(edgeNames(loc.obj@graph)) == 0) {
write('NOTICE in RCy3::sendEdges():\n\t no edges in graph >> function returns', stderr())
write(sprintf('transforming (%d) graph edges to nodePairTable', length(edgeNames(loc.obj@graph))), stderr())
if(loc.obj@collectTimings) {
start.time = Sys.time()
if(is.classic.graph(loc.obj@graph)) {
tbl.edges = .classicGraphToNodePairTable(loc.obj@graph)
else if(is.multiGraph(loc.obj@graph)) {
tbl.edges = .multiGraphToNodePairTable(loc.obj@graph)
if (loc.obj@collectTimings){
write (sprintf(' *** create node pair table: %f secs', difftime (Sys.time(), start.time, units='secs')), stderr ())
# get the list of edges to be send to Cytoscape
in.graph.edge.names = unname(cy2.edge.names(loc.obj@graph))
# get the list of currently existing esges (from dict)
existing.edge.names =
sapply(loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict, function(n) {return(n$name)})
diff.edges = setdiff(in.graph.edge.names, existing.edge.names)
# in new edges need to be send to the network
if(length(diff.edges) > 0) {
write (sprintf('sending %d edges', nrow(tbl.edges)), stderr())
# source nodes vector
source.nodes = tbl.edges$source
# target nodes vector
target.nodes = tbl.edges$target
# edge types vector
edge.type = tbl.edges$edgeType
directed = rep(TRUE, length(source.nodes))
# convert the [node.SUID, node.name] dict(list) to data frame object
suid.name.dict.df =
data.frame(matrix(unlist(loc.obj@suid.name.dict), nrow=length(loc.obj@suid.name.dict), byrow=TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(suid.name.dict.df) <- c("name", "SUID")
# get the SUIDs of the source nodes for the new edges
source.node.SUIDs = .nodeNameToNodeSUID(loc.obj, source.nodes)
# get the SUIDs of the target nodes for the new edges
target.node.SUIDs = .nodeNameToNodeSUID(loc.obj, target.nodes)
# format the new edges data for sending to Cytoscape
edge.tbl.records =
apply(cbind(source.node.SUIDs, target.node.SUIDs, directed, edge.type), MARGIN=1,
FUN=function(r) {list(source=unname(r[[1]]), target=unname(r[[2]]), directed=unname(r[[3]]), interaction=unname(r[[4]]))})
edge.tbl.records.JSON = toJSON(edge.tbl.records)
resource.uri = paste(loc.obj@uri, pluginVersion(loc.obj), "networks", net.SUID, "edges", sep="/")
request.res = POST(url=resource.uri, body=edge.tbl.records.JSON, encode="json")
# request.res.edge.SUIDs contains
# [edge.SUID, source.node.SUID, targetn.node.SUID] for each edge
request.res.edge.data = fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
edge.names = cy2.edge.names(obj@graph)
# ctreates matrix of the format :
# note: column 1 contains edge.SUIDs, and columns 3 & 4 contain node.SUIDs
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
# [1,] "412" "A (phosphorylates) B" "413" "404"
# [2,] "406" "B (synthetic lethal C" "407" "408"
# [3,] "407" "C (undefined) A" "408" "406"
edge.names.tbl.records =
apply(unname(cbind(unname(t(sapply(request.res.edge.data, unlist))), edge.names)),
FUN=function(r) {list(SUID=as.numeric(unname(r[[1]])), value=unname(r[[4]]),
# CREATES DICT ENTRIES for the new edges in the following format :
# [edge.SUID, edge.name, source.node.SUID, target.node.SUID]
for(i in 1:length(edge.names.tbl.records)) {
loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict[[length(loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict)+1]] =
list(SUID=edge.names.tbl.records[[i]]$SUID, name=edge.names.tbl.records[[i]]$value,
} else {
write(sprintf("NOTICE in RCy3::sendEdges():\n\t all %d edges already exist in Cytoscape - nothing new to add >> function returns", length(in.graph.edge.names)), stderr())
# simulate 'pass-by-reference' in R
eval.parent(substitute(obj <- loc.obj))
}) # sendEdges
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('layoutNetwork', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, layout.name = 'grid') {
if(!layout.name %in% getLayoutNames(obj)) {
write(sprintf("layout.name '%s' is not recognized; call getLayoutNames(<CytoscapeWindow>) to see those which are supported", layout.name), stderr())
id = as.character(obj@window.id)
api.str <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "apply/layouts", layout.name, id, sep = "/")
res <- GET(api.str)
}) # layoutNetwork
setMethod ('saveLayout', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, filename, timestamp.in.filename=FALSE) {
custom.layout <- getNodePosition (obj, getAllNodes (obj))
if (timestamp.in.filename) {
dateString <- format (Sys.time (), "%a.%b.%d.%Y-%H.%M.%S")
stem <- strsplit (filename, '\\.RData')[[1]]
filename <- sprintf ('%s.%s.RData', stem, dateString)
write (sprintf ('saving layout to %s\n', filename), stderr ())
save (custom.layout, file=filename)
}) # save.layout
setMethod ('restoreLayout', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, filename) {
custom.layout <- local({x=load(filename); get(x)})
node.names <- names (custom.layout)
node.names.filtered <- intersect (node.names, getAllNodes (obj))
x <- as.integer (sapply (node.names.filtered, function (node.name) return (custom.layout [[node.name]]$x)))
y <- as.integer (sapply (node.names.filtered, function (node.name) return (custom.layout [[node.name]]$y)))
setNodePosition (obj, node.names.filtered, x, y)
}) # restoreLayout
setMethod ('setNodePosition', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, x.coords, y.coords) {
unknown.nodes <- setdiff (node.names, getAllNodes (obj))
recognized.nodes <- intersect(node.names, getAllNodes(obj))
# ensure that nodes were provided
if (length (node.names) == 0){
return ()
# throw error if nodes in node.names don't exist in the network
if (length (unknown.nodes) > 0) {
node.names = intersect (node.names, nodes (obj@graph))
write (sprintf ("Error! Unknown nodes in RCy3::setNodePosition"), stderr ())
for (i in 1:length (unknown.nodes)){
write (sprintf (" %s", unknown.nodes [i]), stderr ())
} # end for
return ()
} # end if
# ensure that node.names, x.coords, y.coords are of the same length
if (length(unique(c(length(node.names), length(x.coords), length(y.coords))))>1){
write (sprintf ("Error! RCy3::setNodePosition: The node names vector has to be the same length as each of the x and y coordiante vectors."), stderr ())
# check if the coordinates are valid numbers
if (!any(is.numeric(c(x.coords, y.coords)))){
write (sprintf ("Error! RCy3::setNodePosition: x and y coordiante vectors must be numeric."), stderr ())
# set x position
setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, x.coords, "NODE_X_LOCATION")
# set y position
setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, y.coords, "NODE_Y_LOCATION")
}) # setNodePosition
setMethod ('getNodePosition', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names) {
net.suid = as.character(obj@window.id)
# cyREST API version
version = pluginVersion(obj)
# get the views for the given network model
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.suid, "views", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
net.views.SUIDs <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
view.SUID <- as.character(net.views.SUIDs[[1]])
# if multiple views are found, inform the user about it
if(length(net.views.SUIDs) > 1) {
write(sprintf("RCy3::getNodePosition() - %d views found... getting node coordinates of the first one", length(net.views.SUIDs)), stderr())
coordinates.list <- list()
# get node position for each node
for (node.name in node.names){
# convert node name into node SUID
dict.indices = which(sapply(obj@suid.name.dict, function(s) { s$name }) %in% node.name)
query.node = sapply(obj@suid.name.dict[dict.indices], function(i) {i$SUID})
# get node x coordinate
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.suid, "views", view.SUID, "nodes", as.character(query.node) ,"NODE_X_LOCATION", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
node.x.position <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
node.x.position <- node.x.position[[2]]
# get node y coordinate
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.suid, "views", view.SUID, "nodes", as.character(query.node) ,"NODE_Y_LOCATION", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
node.y.position <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
node.y.position <- node.y.position[[2]]
# add x and y coordinates to the coordinates list
coordinates.list[[node.name]] <- list(x= node.x.position, y=node.y.position)
}) # getNodePosition
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod ('getNodeSize', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names) {
# get network ID and version
net.SUID = as.character(obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(obj)
# get the views for the given network model
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "views", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
net.views.SUIDs <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
view.SUID <- as.character(net.views.SUIDs[[1]])
widths <- c()
heights <- c()
for (pos in seq(node.names)){
node.name <- node.names[pos]
# map node name to node SUID
dict.indices <- which(sapply(obj@suid.name.dict, function(s) { s$name }) %in% node.name)
node.SUID <- sapply(obj@suid.name.dict[dict.indices], function(i) {i$SUID})
# request
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "views", view.SUID, "nodes", as.character(node.SUID), sep="/")
# request result
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
request.res <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
visual.properties <- sapply(request.res, '[[', "visualProperty")
visual.values <- sapply(request.res, '[[', "value")
widths <- c(widths, as.integer(visual.values[which(visual.properties =="NODE_WIDTH")]))
heights <- c(heights, as.integer(visual.values[which(visual.properties =="NODE_HEIGHT")]))
} # end for (node.name in node.names)
return (list (width=widths, height=heights))
}) # getNodeSize
properlyInitializedNodeAttribute = function (graph, attribute.name) {
if (length (nodes (graph)) == 0)
return (TRUE)
caller.specified.attribute.class = attr (nodeDataDefaults (graph, attribute.name), 'class')
if (is.null (caller.specified.attribute.class)) {
msg1 = sprintf ('Error! Node attribute not initialized "%s"', attribute.name)
msg2 = sprintf (' You should call:')
msg3 = sprintf (' initNodeAttribute (graph, attribute.name, attribute.type, default.value)')
msg4 = sprintf (' where attribute type is one of "char", "integer", or "numeric".')
msg5 = sprintf (' example: g <- initNodeAttribute (g, "nodeType", "char", "molecule")')
msg6 = sprintf (' or: g <- initNodeAttribute (g, "pValue", "numeric", 1.0)')
write (msg1, stderr ())
write (msg2, stderr ())
write (msg3, stderr ())
write (msg4, stderr ())
write (msg5, stderr ())
write (msg6, stderr ())
return (FALSE)
return (TRUE)
} # properlyInitializedNodeAttribute
properlyInitializedEdgeAttribute = function (graph, attribute.name) {
if (length (edgeNames (graph)) == 0)
return (TRUE)
caller.specified.attribute.class = attr (edgeDataDefaults (graph, attribute.name), 'class')
if (is.null (caller.specified.attribute.class)) {
msg1 = sprintf ('Error! "%s" edge attribute not initialized.', attribute.name)
msg2 = sprintf (' You should call:')
msg3 = sprintf (' initEdgeAttribute (graph, attribute.name, attribute.type, default.value)')
msg4 = sprintf (' where attribute type is one of "char", "integer", or "numeric".')
msg5 = sprintf (' example: g <- initEdgeAttribute (g, "edgeType", "char", "molecule")')
msg6 = sprintf (' or: g <- initEdgeAttribute (g, "pValue", "numeric", 1.0)')
write (msg1, stderr ())
write (msg2, stderr ())
write (msg3, stderr ())
write (msg4, stderr ())
write (msg5, stderr ())
write (msg6, stderr ())
return (FALSE)
return (TRUE)
} # properlyInitializedEdgeAttribute
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setNodeAttributes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, attribute.name) {
# it might be the case that 'obj@graph' contains nodes that do NOT exist in Cytoscape
# the below line identifies the indices of those graph nodes, which DO exist in Cytoscape
node.indices = which(nodes(obj@graph) %in% getAllNodes(obj))
if(length(node.indices) > 0) {
node.names = nodes(obj@graph)[node.indices]
values = noa(obj@graph, attribute.name)[node.indices]
caller.specified.attribute.class =
attr(nodeDataDefaults(obj@graph, attribute.name), 'class')
invisible(setNodeAttributesDirect(obj, attribute.name, caller.specified.attribute.class, node.names, values))
} else {
write(sprintf("WARNING in RCy3::setNodeAttributes():\n\t before setting node attributes, please first send the graph nodes to Cytoscape >> function aborted"), stderr())
## END setNodeAttributes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setNodeAttributesDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, attribute.name, attribute.type, node.names, values) {
net.SUID = as.character(obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(obj)
caller.specified.attribute.class = tolower(attribute.type)
# the switch-block ensures the attribute values have the correct data type
caller.specified.attribute.class = 'Double'
values = as.numeric(values)
caller.specified.attribute.class = "Integer"
values = as.integer(values)
caller.specified.attribute.class = "Boolean"
values = as.logical(values)
caller.specified.attribute.class = "String"
values = as.character(values)
if(!attribute.name %in% getNodeAttributeNames(obj)) {
# create new table column in Cytoscape 'Node Table' to store the attribute values
tbl.col = list(name=attribute.name, type=caller.specified.attribute.class)
tbl.col.JSON = toJSON(tbl.col)
resource.uri =
paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultnode/columns", sep="/")
request.res = POST(url=resource.uri, body=tbl.col.JSON, encode="json")
if(length(node.names) > 0) {
if(length(node.names) != length(values)) {
write(sprintf("ERROR in RCy3::setNodeAttributesDirect():\n\t the number of values(%d) for attribute '%s' must equal the number of nodes(%d) >> function aborted",
length(values), attribute.name, length(node.names)), stderr())
} else {
node.SUIDs = .nodeNameToNodeSUID(obj, node.names)
node.name.suid.value.df = data.frame(node.names, node.SUIDs, values)
# converts the above data frame data in the cyREST [SUID:value]-pairs format
node.SUID.value.pairs =
apply(node.name.suid.value.df[,c('node.SUIDs','values')], 1, function(x) {list(SUID=unname(x[1]), value=unname(x[2]))})
node.SUID.value.pairs.JSON = toJSON(node.SUID.value.pairs)
resource.uri =
paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultnode/columns", attribute.name, sep="/")
request.res = PUT(url=resource.uri, body=node.SUID.value.pairs.JSON, encode="json")
## END setNodeAttributesDirect
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeAttributes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, attribute.name) {
cyrest.edge.names = as.character(cy2.edge.names(obj@graph))
# user might have entered the names of edges that do NOT exist
# the below line will return the indices of the nodes that DO exist
edge.indices = which(cyrest.edge.names %in% getAllEdges(obj))
if(length(edge.indices) > 0) {
edge.names = cyrest.edge.names[edge.indices]
edge.names.tilde = names(cy2.edge.names(obj@graph)[edge.indices])
edge.names.with.bars = gsub('~', '|', edge.names.tilde)
values = eda(obj@graph, attribute.name)[edge.names.with.bars]
caller.specified.attribute.class = attr(edgeDataDefaults(obj@graph, attribute.name), 'class')
invisible(setEdgeAttributesDirect(obj, attribute.name, caller.specified.attribute.class, edge.names, values))
} else {
write(sprintf("WARNING in RCy3::setEdgeAttributes():\n\t before setting edge attributes, please first send the graph edges to Cytoscape >> function aborted"), stderr())
## END setEdgeAttributes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeAttributesDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, attribute.name, attribute.type, edge.names, values) {
net.SUID = as.character(obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(obj)
if(length(edge.names) > 0) {
if(length(edge.names) != length(values)) {
write(sprintf("ERROR in RCy3::setEdgeAttributesDirect():\n\t the number of values(%d) for attribute '%s' must equal the number of edges(%d) >> function aborted", length(values), attribute.name, length(edge.names)), stderr())
} else {
caller.specified.attribute.class = tolower(attribute.type)
# the switch-block ensures the attribute values have the correct data type
caller.specified.attribute.class = 'Double'
values = as.numeric(values)
caller.specified.attribute.class = "Integer"
values = as.integer(values)
caller.specified.attribute.class = "Boolean"
values = as.logical(values)
caller.specified.attribute.class = "String"
values = as.character(values)
if(!attribute.name %in% getEdgeAttributeNames(obj)) {
tbl.col = list(name=attribute.name, type=caller.specified.attribute.class)
tbl.col.JSON = toJSON(tbl.col)
resource.uri =
paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultedge/columns", sep="/")
request.res = POST(url=resource.uri, body=tbl.col.JSON, encode="json")
edge.SUIDs = .edgeNameToEdgeSUID(obj, edge.names)
edge.name.suid.value.df = data.frame(edge.names, edge.SUIDs, values)
edge.SUID.value.pairs =
apply(edge.name.suid.value.df[,c('edge.SUIDs','values')], 1, function(x) {list(SUID=unname(x[1]), value=unname(x[2]))})
edge.SUID.value.pairs.JSON = toJSON(edge.SUID.value.pairs)
resource.uri =
paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultedge/columns", attribute.name, sep="/")
request.res = PUT(url=resource.uri, body=edge.SUID.value.pairs.JSON, encode="json")
## END setEdgeAttributesDirect
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('displayGraph', 'CytoscapeWindowClass', function(obj) {
# needed to simulate 'pass-by-reference' behavior in R
loc.obj <- obj
if(length(nodes(loc.obj@graph)) == 0) {
write('RCy3::displayGraph, cannot display empty(0 nodes) graph, returning...', stderr())
node.count = length(nodes(loc.obj@graph))
edge.count = length(edgeNames(loc.obj@graph))
node.attribute.count = length(noa.names(loc.obj@graph)) * node.count
edge.attribute.count = length(eda.names(loc.obj@graph)) * edge.count
estimated.time = predictTimeToDisplayGraph(loc.obj)
# if (execution)time measurement option is turned on, save the current time
if (loc.obj@collectTimings) {
method.start.time = Sys.time()
# start time (for sending nodes to Cytoscape)
stepwise.start.time = Sys.time()
write(sprintf('estimated displayGraph time: %8.1f seconds', estimated.time), stderr())
write(sprintf('adding %d nodes...', length(nodes(obj@graph))), stderr())
if(loc.obj@collectTimings) {
current.step.exec.time = difftime(Sys.time(), stepwise.start.time, units='secs')
write(sprintf(' *** sendNodes: %f secs', current.step.exec.time, stderr()))
# start time (for sending node attributes to Cytoscape)
stepwise.start.time = Sys.time()
# sends edges to Cytoscape
write (sprintf ('adding %d edges...', length (edgeNames (loc.obj@graph))), stderr ())
sendEdges (loc.obj)
if (obj@collectTimings) {
write (sprintf (' *** sendEdges: %f secs', difftime (Sys.time (), stepwise.start.time, units='secs')), stderr ())
stepwise.start.time = Sys.time ()
# sending node attributes
write ('adding node attributes...', stderr ())
# send node attributes from R to Cytoscape
sapply (noa.names (loc.obj@graph), function (name) {print (name); setNodeAttributes (loc.obj, name)})
if (obj@collectTimings) {
write (sprintf (' *** send node attributes: %f secs', difftime (Sys.time (), stepwise.start.time, units='secs')), stderr ())
stepwise.start.time = Sys.time ()
# send edge attributes
write ('adding edge attributes...', stderr ())
edgeAttributeNames = eda.names (loc.obj@graph)
sapply (eda.names (loc.obj@graph), function (name) {print (name); setEdgeAttributes (loc.obj, name)})
if (obj@collectTimings) {
write (sprintf (' *** send edge attributes: %f secs', difftime (Sys.time (), stepwise.start.time, units='secs')), stderr ())
stepwise.start.time = Sys.time ()
actual.time = difftime (Sys.time (), method.start.time, units='secs')
write (sprintf (' *** leaving displayGraph, predicted duration %f secs, actual %f secs', as.integer (round (estimated.time)),
as.integer (round (actual.time))), stderr ())
} # if collectTimings
# pseudo R 'pass-by-reference': cw now contains the [node suid,node name] pairs
eval.parent(substitute(obj <- loc.obj))
## END displayGraph
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('predictTimeToDisplayGraph', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
g = obj@graph
node.count = length(nodes(g))
edge.count = length(edgeNames(g))
noa.count = length(noa.names(g)) * node.count
eda.count = length(eda.names(g)) * edge.count
prediction = (0.002 * node.count) + (0.010 * edge.count) + (0.001 * noa.count) + (0.001 * eda.count)
return (prediction)
## END predictTimeToDisplayGraph
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('redraw', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "apply/styles", "default", net.SUID, sep = "/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
## END redraw
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setWindowSize', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, width, height) {
write(sprintf("WARNING: Method RCy3::setWindowSize() is not implemented in RCy3!"), stderr())
## END setWindowSize
setMethod ('setTooltipInitialDelay', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, msecs) {
write(sprintf("WARNING: Method RCy3::setTooltipInitialDelay() is not implemented in RCy3!"), stderr())
# invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setToolTipInitialDelay', as.integer (msecs)))
setMethod ('setTooltipDismissDelay', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, msecs) {
write(sprintf("WARNING: Method RCy3::setTooltipDismissDelay() is not implemented in RCy3!"), stderr())
# invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setToolTipDismissDelay', as.integer (msecs)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('raiseWindow', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, window.title = NA) {
write(sprintf("WARNING: Method RCy3::raiseWindow() is not implemented in RCy3!"), stderr())
# if (is.na(window.title)) {
# if(class(obj) == 'CytoscapeWindowClass') {
# window.id = obj@window.id
# } else {
# write(sprintf('error in RCy3::raiseWindow(), no window title provided'), stderr())
# return()
# }
# } # no window title
# # if window title was provided
# if(!is.na(window.title)) {
# window.id = getWindowID(obj, window.title)
# if(is.na(window.id)) {
# write(sprintf('error in RCy3::raiseWindow(), unrecognized window title: %s', window.title), stderr ())
# return()
# }
# # TO DO: call to raise the view
# } # window title was provided
}) # raiseWindow
setMethod ('showGraphicsDetails', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, new.value) {
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "ui/lod/", sep="/")
request.res <- PUT(resource.uri)
invisible (request.res)
if (class (obj) == 'CytoscapeWindowClass'){
redraw (obj)
write(sprintf('RCy3::showGraphicsDetails(), Switching between show and hide full graphics details.'), stdout())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# display the graph using all of the available window space (the Cytoscape drawing canvas)
setMethod('fitContent', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "apply/fit", net.SUID, sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
## END fitContent
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('fitSelectedContent', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
write(sprintf("WARNING: Method RCy3::fitSelectedContent() is not implemented in RCy3!"), stderr())
## END fitSelectedContent
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getCenter', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
# get all Cytoscape views belonging to that network
net.views.SUIDs <- .getNetworkViews(obj)
view.SUID <- as.character(net.views.SUIDs[[1]])
# if multiple views are found, inform the user about it
if(length(net.views.SUIDs) > 1) {
write(sprintf("RCy3::getCenter() - %d views found... returning coordinates of the first one", length(net.views.SUIDs)), stderr())
# get the X-coordinate
resource.uri <-
paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "views", view.SUID, "network/NETWORK_CENTER_X_LOCATION", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
x.coordinate <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))$value[[1]]
# get the Y-coordinate
resource.uri <-
paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "views", view.SUID, "network/NETWORK_CENTER_Y_LOCATION", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
y.coordinate <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))$value[[1]]
return(list(x = x.coordinate, y = y.coordinate))
## END getCenter
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# this method could be used to pan and scroll the Cytoscape canvas, which is adjusted(moved)
# so that the specified x and y coordinates are at the center of the visible window.
setMethod('setCenter', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, x, y) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
net.views.SUIDs <- .getNetworkViews(obj)
view.SUID <- as.character(net.views.SUIDs[[1]])
# if multiple views are found, inform the user about it
if(length(net.views.SUIDs) > 1) {
write(sprintf("RCy3::setCenter() - %d views found... setting coordinates of the first one", length(net.views.SUIDs)), stderr())
# set the X-coordinate
resource.uri <-
paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "views", view.SUID, "network", sep="/")
new.x.coordinate.JSON <- toJSON(list(list(visualProperty="NETWORK_CENTER_X_LOCATION", value=x)))
request.res <- PUT(resource.uri, body=new.x.coordinate.JSON, encode="json")
# set the Y-coordinate
resource.uri <-
paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "views", view.SUID, "network", sep="/")
new.y.coordinate.JSON <- toJSON(list(list(visualProperty="NETWORK_CENTER_Y_LOCATION", value=y)))
request.res <- PUT(resource.uri, body=new.y.coordinate.JSON, encode="json")
## END setCenter
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getZoom', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
# get the existing views for the given network model
net.views.SUIDs <- .getNetworkViews(obj)
view.SUID <- as.character(net.views.SUIDs[[1]])
# if multiple views are found, inform the user about it
if(length(net.views.SUIDs) > 1) {
write(sprintf("RCy3::getZoom() - %d views found... returning coordinates of the first one", length(net.views.SUIDs)), stderr())
resource.uri <-
paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "views", view.SUID, "network/NETWORK_SCALE_FACTOR", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
zoom.level <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))$value[[1]]
## END getZoom
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setZoom', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, new.level) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
net.views.SUIDs <- .getNetworkViews(obj)
view.SUID <- as.character(net.views.SUIDs[[1]])
# if multiple views are found, inform the user about it
if(length(net.views.SUIDs) > 1) {
write(sprintf("RCy3::getZoom() - %d views found... returning coordinates of the first view", length(net.views.SUIDs)), stderr())
view.zoom.value <- list(visualProperty='NETWORK_SCALE_FACTOR', value=new.level)
view.zoom.value.JSON <- toJSON(list(view.zoom.value))
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "views", view.SUID, "network", sep="/")
request.res <- PUT(url=resource.uri, body=view.zoom.value.JSON, encode="json")
## END setZoom
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getViewCoordinates', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
write(sprintf("WARNING: Method RCy3::getViewCoordinates() is not implemented in RCy3!"), stderr())
## END getViewCoordinates
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('hidePanel', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, panelName) {
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
if (tolower(panelName) %in% c('data panel', 'd', 'data', 'da')){
panelName <- 'SOUTH'
}else if (tolower(panelName) %in% c('control panel', 'control', 'c', 'co')){
panelName <- 'WEST'
}else if (!(panelName %in% c('WEST', 'EAST', 'SOUTH', 'SOUTH_WEST'))){
write (sprintf ('ERROR! Define a valid panel name.'), stderr ())
panel.name.state = list(name=panelName, state='HIDE')
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "ui/panels", sep="/")
request.res <- PUT(url=resource.uri, body=toJSON(list(panel.name.state)), encoding="json")
## END hidePanel
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('hideAllPanels', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj) {
hidePanel(obj, "SOUTH")
hidePanel(obj, "EAST")
hidePanel(obj, "WEST")
hidePanel(obj, "SOUTH_WEST")
## END hideAllPanels
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('dockPanel', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, panelName) {
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
if (tolower(panelName) %in% c('data panel', 'd', 'data', 'da')){
panelName <- 'SOUTH'
}else if (tolower(panelName) %in% c('control panel', 'control', 'c', 'co')){
panelName <- 'WEST'
}else if (!(panelName %in% c('WEST', 'EAST', 'SOUTH', 'SOUTH_WEST'))){
write (sprintf ('ERROR! Define a valid panel name.'), stderr ())
panel.name.state = list(name=panelName, state='DOCK')
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "ui/panels", sep="/")
request.res <- PUT(url=resource.uri, body=toJSON(list(panel.name.state)), encoding="json")
## END dockPanel
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('floatPanel', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, panelName) {
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
if (tolower(panelName) %in% c('data panel', 'd', 'data', 'da')){
panelName <- 'SOUTH'
}else if (tolower(panelName) %in% c('control panel', 'control', 'c', 'co')){
panelName <- 'WEST'
}else if (!(panelName %in% c('WEST', 'EAST', 'SOUTH', 'SOUTH_WEST'))){
write (sprintf ('ERROR! Define a valid panel name.'), stderr ())
panel.name.state = list(name=panelName, state='FLOAT')
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "ui/panels", sep="/")
request.res <- PUT(url=resource.uri, body=toJSON(list(panel.name.state)), encoding="json")
## END floatPanel
setMethod ('setNodeTooltipRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.attribute.name, vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
id <- as.character (obj@window.id)
if (!node.attribute.name %in% noa.names (obj@graph)) {
write (sprintf ('Warning! RCy3::setNodeTooltipRule: passed non-existent node attribute: %s', node.attribute.name), stderr ())
return ()
attribute.values = noa (obj@graph, node.attribute.name)
# set default tooltip
default.tooltip <- list(visualProperty = "NODE_TOOLTIP", value = "")
setVisualProperty(obj, default.tooltip, viz.style.name)
# define the column type
sample.node.attribute <- getNodeAttribute (obj, getAllNodes(obj)[1], node.attribute.name)
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(sample.node.attribute))
# discrete mapping
discreteMapping(obj, node.attribute.name, attribute.values, attribute.values,
visual.property="NODE_TOOLTIP", columnType=columnType, style=viz.style.name)
}) # END setNodeTooltipRule
setMethod ('setEdgeTooltipRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name) {
id = as.character (obj@window.id)
viz.style.name = 'default'
if (!edge.attribute.name %in% eda.names (obj@graph)) {
write (sprintf ('warning! setEdgeTooltipRule passed non-existent edge attribute: %s', edge.attribute.name), stderr ())
return ()
attribute.values = as.character (eda (obj@graph, edge.attribute.name))
# set default tooltip
default.tooltip <- list(visualProperty = "EDGE_TOOLTIP", value = "")
setVisualProperty(obj, default.tooltip, viz.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(attribute.values[1]))
# discrete mapping
discreteMapping(obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, attribute.values,
visual.property="EDGE_TOOLTIP", columnType=columnType, style=viz.style.name)
}) # setEdgeTooltipRule
setMethod ('setNodeLabelRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.attribute.name, vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
id = as.character (obj@window.id)
if (!node.attribute.name %in% noa.names (obj@graph)) {
write (sprintf ('warning! setNodeLabelRule passed non-existent node attribute: %s', node.attribute.name), stderr ())
return ()
attribute.values = as.character (noa (obj@graph, node.attribute.name))
# set default label
default.label <- list(visualProperty = "NODE_LABEL", value = "")
setVisualProperty(obj, default.label, vizmap.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(attribute.values[1]))
# discrete mapping
discreteMapping(obj, node.attribute.name, attribute.values, attribute.values,
visual.property="NODE_LABEL", columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
}) # setNodeLabelRule
setMethod ('setEdgeLabelRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
id = as.character (obj@window.id)
if (!edge.attribute.name %in% eda.names (obj@graph)) {
write (sprintf ('warning! setEdgeLabelRule passed non-existent edge attribute: %s', edge.attribute.name), stderr ())
return ()
attribute.values = as.character (eda (obj@graph, edge.attribute.name))
# set default label
default.label <- list(visualProperty = "EDGE_LABEL", value = "")
setVisualProperty(obj, default.label, vizmap.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(attribute.values[1]))
# discrete mapping
discreteMapping(obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, attribute.values,
visual.property="EDGE_LABEL", columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
}) # setEdgeLabelRule
setMethod ('setNodeColorRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode, default.color='#FFFFFF', vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
if (!mode %in% c ('interpolate', 'lookup')) {
write ("Error! RCy3:setNodeColorRule. Mode must be 'interpolate' (the default) or 'lookup'.", stderr ())
return ()
# check if colors are formatted correctly
for (color in colors){
if (.isNotHexColor(color)){
# set default
setDefaultNodeColor (obj, default.color, vizmap.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(control.points[1]))
# interpolate
if (mode=='interpolate') { # need a 'below' color and an 'above' color. so there should be two more colors than control.points
if (length (control.points) == length (colors)) { # caller did not supply 'below' and 'above' values; manufacture them
colors = c (colors [1], colors, colors [length (colors)])
write ("RCy3::setNodeColorRule, no 'below' or 'above' colors specified. Inferred from supplied colors.", stderr ());
} #
good.args = length (control.points) == (length (colors) - 2)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setNodeColorRule, interpolate mode.", stderr ())
write ("Expecting 1 color for each control.point, one for 'above' color, one for 'below' color.", stderr ())
return ()
continuousMapping (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, colors, visual.property="NODE_FILL_COLOR", columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # if mode==interpolate
else { # use a discrete rule, with no interpolation, mode==lookup
good.args = length (control.points) == length (colors)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('control points: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('colors: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setNodeColorRule. Expecting exactly as many colors as control.points in lookup mode.", stderr ())
return ()
discreteMapping(obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, colors, visual.property="NODE_FILL_COLOR", columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # else: !interpolate, aka lookup
}) # setNodeColorRule
# Cytoscape distinguishes between Node Opacity, Node Border Opacity, and Node Label Opacity. we call this 'aspect' here.
setMethod ('setNodeOpacityRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, opacities, mode, aspect='all', vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
if (!mode %in% c ('interpolate', 'lookup')) {
write ("Error! RCy3:setNodeOpacityRule. mode must be 'interpolate' (the default) or 'lookup'.", stderr ())
return ()
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(control.points[1]))
# set default # Comment TanjaM: Current version does not set default
#setDefaultNodeOpacity (obj, default.opacity, vizmap.style.name)
aspect.all = length (grep ('all', aspect)) > 0
aspect.fill = length (grep ('fill', aspect)) > 0
aspect.border = length (grep ('border', aspect)) > 0
aspect.label = length (grep ('label', aspect)) > 0
if (aspect.all) {
aspect.fill = TRUE
aspect.border = TRUE
aspect.label = TRUE
if (aspect.fill == FALSE && aspect.border == FALSE && aspect.label == FALSE) {
specific.options = 'fill, border, label'
msg.1 = "Error! RCy3:setNodeOpacityRule. Aspect must be 'all' (the default) "
msg.2 = sprintf ("or some combination, in any order, of %s", specific.options)
write (msg.1, stderr ())
write (msg.2, stderr ())
return ()
if (mode=='interpolate') { # need a 'below' opacity and an 'above' opacity. so there should be two more opacities than control.points
if (length (control.points) == length (opacities)) { # caller did not supply 'below' and 'above' values; manufacture them
opacities = c (opacities [1], opacities, opacities [length (opacities)])
write ("RCy3::setNodeOpacityRule, no 'below' or 'above' opacities specified. Inferred from supplied opacities.", stderr ());
good.args = length (control.points) == (length (opacities) - 2)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (opacities)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setNodeOpacityRule, interpolate mode.", stderr ())
write ("Expecting 1 opacity for each control.point, one for 'above' opacity, one for 'below' opacity.", stderr ())
return ()
if (aspect.fill){
continuousMapping (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, opacities,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
if (aspect.border){
continuousMapping (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, opacities,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
if (aspect.label){
continuousMapping (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, opacities,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # if mode==interpolate
else { # mode==lookup, use a discrete rule, with no interpolation
good.args = length (control.points) == length (opacities)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (opacities)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setNodeOpacityRule. Expecting exactly as many opacities as control.points in lookup mode.", stderr ())
return ()
default.opacity = 255;
if (length (control.points) == 1) { # code around the requirement that one-element lists are turned into scalars
control.points = rep (control.points, 2)
opacities = rep (opacities, 2)
if (aspect.fill){
discreteMapping(obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, opacities,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
if (aspect.border){
discreteMapping(obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, opacities,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
if (aspect.label){
discreteMapping(obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, opacities,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # else: !interpolate
}) # setNodeOpacityRule
setMethod ('setNodeBorderColorRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode, default.color='#000000', vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
if (!mode %in% c ('interpolate', 'lookup')) {
write ("Error! RCy3:setNodeBorderColorRule. Mode must be 'interpolate' or 'lookup'.", stderr ())
return ()
# check if colors are formatted correctly
for (color in colors){
if (.isNotHexColor(color)){
# set default
setDefaultNodeBorderColor (obj, default.color, vizmap.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(control.points[1]))
# mode==interpolate
if (mode=='interpolate') { # need a 'below' color and an 'above' color. so there should be two more colors than control.points
if (length (control.points) == length (colors)){ # caller did not supply 'below' and 'above' values; manufacture them
colors = c (default.color, colors, default.color)
good.args = length (control.points) == (length (colors) - 2)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setNodeBorderColorRule, interpolate mode.", stderr ())
write ("Expecting 1 color for each control.point, one for 'above' color, one for 'below' color.", stderr ())
return ()
# continous mapping
continuousMapping (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, colors, visual.property="NODE_BORDER_PAINT", columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # if mode==interpolate
else { # use a discrete rule, with no interpolation
good.args = length (control.points) == length (colors)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setNodeBorderColorRule. Expecting exactly as many colors as control.points in lookup mode.", stderr ())
return ()
discreteMapping(obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, colors, visual.property="NODE_BORDER_PAINT", columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # else: !interpolate
}) # setNodeBorderColorRule
setMethod ('setNodeBorderWidthRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.widths, default.width=1, vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
id = as.character (obj@window.id)
#TODO we should add interpolate as mode in the function
mode = "lookup"
if (!node.attribute.name %in% noa.names (obj@graph)) {
write (sprintf ('warning! setNodeBorderWidthRule passed non-existent node attribute: %s', node.attribute.name), stderr ())
return ()
# set default
setDefaultNodeBorderWidth(obj, default.width, vizmap.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- "String" #findColumnType(typeof(line.widths[1]))
# discrete mapping
if (mode=="lookup"){
discreteMapping (obj, node.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.widths,
visual.property="NODE_BORDER_WIDTH", columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} else{
# continuous mapping
# TODO need to check here if 2 more values were passed in for width
continuousMapping (obj, node.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.widths, visual.property="NODE_BORDER_WIDTH", columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setDefaultNodeShape', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.shape, vizmap.style.name='default') {
new.shape <- toupper(new.shape)
if (new.shape %in% getNodeShapes(obj)){
style = list(visualProperty = "NODE_SHAPE", value = new.shape)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
write (sprintf ('%s is not a valid shape. Use getNodeShapes() to find valid values.', new.shape), stderr ())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setDefaultNodeSize', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.size, vizmap.style.name='default') {
# lock node dimensions
lockNodeDimensions (obj, TRUE)
style <- list(visualProperty = "NODE_SIZE", value = new.size)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setDefaultNodeColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
if (.isNotHexColor(new.color)){
style = list(visualProperty = "NODE_FILL_COLOR", value = new.color)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setDefaultNodeBorderColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
if (.isNotHexColor(new.color)){
style = list(visualProperty = "NODE_BORDER_PAINT", value = new.color)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod ('setDefaultNodeBorderWidth', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.width, vizmap.style.name='default') {
style = list(visualProperty = "NODE_BORDER_WIDTH", value = new.width)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setDefaultNodeFontSize', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.size, vizmap.style.name='default') {
style = list(visualProperty = "NODE_LABEL_FONT_SIZE", value = new.size)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setDefaultNodeLabelColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
if (.isNotHexColor(new.color)){
style = list(visualProperty = "NODE_LABEL_COLOR", value = new.color)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setDefaultEdgeLineWidth', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.width, vizmap.style.name='default') {
style = list(visualProperty = "EDGE_WIDTH", value = new.width)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setDefaultEdgeLineStyle', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.line.style, vizmap.style.name='default') {
style = list(visualProperty = "EDGE_LINE_TYPE", value = new.line.style)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setDefaultEdgeColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
if (.isNotHexColor(new.color)){
# TODO Comment Tanja: maybe change to EDGE_UNSELECTED_PAINT
style = list(visualProperty = "EDGE_STROKE_UNSELECTED_PAINT", value = new.color)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
setMethod('setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
if (.isNotHexColor(new.color)){
style = list(visualProperty = "EDGE_SOURCE_ARROW_UNSELECTED_PAINT", value = new.color)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
setMethod('setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
if (.isNotHexColor(new.color)){
style = list(visualProperty = "EDGE_TARGET_ARROW_UNSELECTED_PAINT", value = new.color)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setDefaultEdgeFontSize', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.size, vizmap.style.name='default') {
style = list(visualProperty = "EDGE_LABEL_FONT_SIZE", value = new.size)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
setMethod ('setNodeShapeRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.attribute.name, attribute.values, node.shapes, default.shape='ELLIPSE', vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
id = as.character (obj@window.id)
if (!node.attribute.name %in% noa.names (obj@graph)) {
write (sprintf ('Error in RCy3::setNodeShapeRule. Passed non-existent node attribute: %s', node.attribute.name), stderr ())
return ()
# ensure correct node shapes
node.shapes <- toupper(node.shapes)
unique.node.shapes <- unique(node.shapes)
wrong.node.shape <- sapply(unique.node.shapes, function(x) !(x %in% getNodeShapes(obj)))
if (any(wrong.node.shape)){
write (sprintf('ERROR in RCy3::setNodeShapeRule. You tried to use invalid node shapes. For valid ones use getNodeShapes'), stderr())
# set default
setDefaultNodeShape (obj, default.shape, vizmap.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(node.shapes[1]))
# discrete mapping
discreteMapping (obj, node.attribute.name, attribute.values, node.shapes,
visual.property="NODE_SHAPE", columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
}) # setNodeShapeRule
setMethod ('setNodeSizeRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, node.sizes, mode, default.size=40, vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
if (!mode %in% c ('interpolate', 'lookup')) {
write ("Error! RCy3:setNodeSizeRule. mode must be 'interpolate' (the default) or 'lookup'.", stderr ())
return ()
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(control.points[1]))
# lock node dimensions
lockNodeDimensions (obj, TRUE)
# set default
setDefaultNodeSize (obj, default.size, vizmap.style.name)
if (mode=='interpolate') { # need a 'below' size and an 'above' size. so there should be two more colors than control.points
if (length (control.points) == length (node.sizes)) { # caller did not supply 'below' and 'above' values; manufacture them
node.sizes = c (node.sizes [1], node.sizes, node.sizes [length (node.sizes)])
write ("RCy3::setNodeSizeRule, no 'below' or 'above' sizes specified. Inferred from node.sizes.", stderr ())
good.args = length (control.points) == (length (node.sizes) - 2)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (node.sizes)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setNodeSizeRule, interpolate mode.", stderr ())
write ("Expecting 1 node.size for each control.point, one for 'above' size, one for 'below' size.", stderr ())
return ()
continuousMapping (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, node.sizes,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # if mode==interpolate
else { # use a discrete rule, with no interpolation
good.args = length (control.points) == length (node.sizes)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (node.sizes)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setNodeSizeRule. Expecting exactly as many node.sizes as control.points in lookup mode.", stderr ())
return ()
discreteMapping(obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, node.sizes,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # else: !interpolate, aka lookup
}) # setNodeSizeRule
setMethod ('setEdgeColorRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode="interpolate", default.color='#FFFFFF', vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
if (!mode %in% c ('interpolate', 'lookup')) {
write ("Error! RCy3:setEdgeColorRule. mode must be 'interpolate' (the default) or 'lookup'.", stderr ())
return ()
# check if colors are formatted correctly
for (color in colors){
if (.isNotHexColor(color)){
#set default
setDefaultEdgeColor (obj, default.color, vizmap.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(control.points[1]))
if (mode=='interpolate') { # need a 'below' color and an 'above' color. so there should be two more colors than control.points
if (length (control.points) == length (colors)) { # caller did not supply 'below' and 'above' values; manufacture them
colors = c (colors [1], colors, colors [length (colors)])
write ("RCy3::setEdgeColorRule, no 'below' or 'above' colors specified. Inferred from supplied colors.", stderr ());
good.args = length (control.points) == (length (colors) - 2)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setEdgeColorRule, interpolate mode.", stderr ())
write ("Expecting 1 color for each control.point, one for 'above' color, one for 'below' color.", stderr ())
return ()
continuousMapping (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, colors,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # if mode==interpolate
else { # use a discrete rule, with no interpolation, mode==lookup
good.args = length (control.points) == length (colors)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setEdgeColorRule. Expecting exactly as many colors as control.points in lookup mode.", stderr ())
return ()
discreteMapping(obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, colors,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # else: !interpolate, aka lookup
}) # setEdgeColorRule
setMethod ('setEdgeOpacityRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, opacities, mode, vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
if (!mode %in% c ('interpolate', 'lookup')) {
write ("Error! RCy3:setEdgeOpacityRule. mode must be 'interpolate' (the default) or 'lookup'.", stderr ())
return ()
# set default
setDefaultEdgeOpacity (obj, default.opacity, vizmap.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(control.points[1]))
# in a previous Cytoscape version the three elements were set seperately
#aspects = c ('Edge Opacity', 'Edge Target Arrow Opacity', 'Edge Source Arrow Opacity')
if (mode=='interpolate') { # need a 'below' opacity and an 'above' opacity. so there should be two more opacities than control.points
if (length (control.points) == length (opacities)) { # caller did not supply 'below' and 'above' values; manufacture them
opacities = c (opacities [1], opacities, opacities [length (opacities)])
write ("RCy3::setEdgeOpacityRule, no 'below' or 'above' colors specified. Inferred from supplied colors.", stderr ());
good.args = length (control.points) == (length (opacities) - 2)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (opacities)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setEdgeOpacityRule, interpolate mode.", stderr ())
write ("Expecting 1 opacity value for each control.point, one for 'above' opacity, one for 'below' opacity.", stderr ())
return ()
continuousMapping (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, opacities,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # if mode==interpolate
else { # use a discrete rule, with no interpolation
good.args = length (control.points) == length (opacities)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (opacities)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setEdgeColorRule. Expecting exactly as many opacities as control.points in lookup mode.", stderr ())
return ()
discreteMapping(obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, opacities,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # else: !interpolate
}) # setEdgeColorRule
setMethod ('setEdgeLineStyleRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.styles, default.style='SOLID', vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
id = as.character (obj@window.id)
if (!edge.attribute.name %in% eda.names (obj@graph)) {
write (sprintf ('warning! setEdgeLineStyleRule passed non-existent node attribute: %s', edge.attribute.name), stderr ())
return ()
# ensure correct values
line.styles <- toupper(line.styles)
unique.values <- unique(line.styles)
wrong.values <- sapply(unique.values, function(x) !(x %in% getLineStyles(obj)))
if (any(wrong.values)){
write (sprintf ('ERROR in RCy3::setEdgeLineStyleRule. Invalid value. For valid values use getLineStyles'), stderr ())
# set default
default.style.list <- list(visualProperty = "EDGE_LINE_TYPE", value = default.style)
setVisualProperty(obj, default.style.list, vizmap.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(line.styles[1]))
# discrete mapping
discreteMapping (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.styles,
visual.property="EDGE_LINE_TYPE", columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
}) # setEdgeLineStyleRule
setMethod ('setEdgeLineWidthRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.widths, default.width=1, vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
id = as.character (obj@window.id)
if (!edge.attribute.name %in% eda.names (obj@graph)) {
write (sprintf ('Warning! setEdgeLineWidthRule passed non-existent node attribute: %s', edge.attribute.name), stderr ())
return ()
# set default
default.width.list <- list(visualProperty = "EDGE_WIDTH", value = default.width)
setVisualProperty(obj, default.width.list, vizmap.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(line.widths[1]))
#columnType <- 'String'
# discrete mapping
discreteMapping (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.widths,
visual.property="EDGE_WIDTH", columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
setMethod ('setEdgeTargetArrowRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, arrows, default='ARROW', vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
id = as.character (obj@window.id)
if (!edge.attribute.name %in% eda.names (obj@graph)) {
write (sprintf ('Warning! setEdgeTargetArrowRule passed non-existent node attribute: %s', edge.attribute.name), stderr ())
return ()
# set default
default.style.list <- list(visualProperty = "EDGE_TARGET_ARROW_SHAPE", value = default)
setVisualProperty(obj, default.style.list, vizmap.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(arrows[1]))
# discrete mapping
discreteMapping (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, arrows,
visual.property="EDGE_TARGET_ARROW_SHAPE", columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
}) # setTargetArrowRule
setMethod ('setEdgeSourceArrowRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, arrows, default='ARROW', vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
id = as.character (obj@window.id)
if (!edge.attribute.name %in% eda.names (obj@graph)) {
write (sprintf ('warning! setEdgeSourceArrowRule passed non-existent node attribute: %s', edge.attribute.name), stderr ())
return ()
# set default
default.style.list <- list(visualProperty = "EDGE_SOURCE_ARROW_SHAPE", value = default)
setVisualProperty(obj, default.style.list, vizmap.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(arrows[1]))
# discrete mapping
discreteMapping (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, arrows,
visual.property="EDGE_SOURCE_ARROW_SHAPE", columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
}) # setTargetArrowRule
setMethod ('setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode="interpolate", default.color='#000000', vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
if (!mode %in% c ('interpolate', 'lookup')) {
write ("Error! RCy3:setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule. mode must be 'interpolate' (the default) or 'lookup'.", stderr ())
return ()
# check if colors are formatted correctly
for (color in colors){
if (.isNotHexColor(color)){
#set default
setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowColor (obj, default.color, vizmap.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(control.points[1]))
if (mode=='interpolate') { # need a 'below' color and an 'above' color. so there should be two more colors than control.points
if (length (control.points) == length (colors)) { # caller did not supply 'below' and 'above' values; manufacture them
colors = c (colors [1], colors, colors [length (colors)])
write ("RCy3::setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule, no 'below' or 'above' colors specified. Inferred from supplied colors.", stderr ());
good.args = length (control.points) == (length (colors) - 2)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule, interpolate mode.", stderr ())
write ("Expecting 1 color for each control.point, one for 'above' color, one for 'below' color.", stderr ())
return ()
continuousMapping (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, colors,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # if mode==interpolate
else { # use a discrete rule, with no interpolation, mode==lookup
good.args = length (control.points) == length (colors)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule. Expecting exactly as many colors as control.points in lookup mode.", stderr ())
return ()
discreteMapping(obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, colors,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # else: !interpolate, aka lookup
}) # setTargetArrowRule
setMethod ('setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode="interpolate", default.color='#000000', vizmap.style.name = 'default') {
if (!mode %in% c ('interpolate', 'lookup')) {
write ("Error! RCy3:setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule. mode must be 'interpolate' (the default) or 'lookup'.", stderr ())
return ()
# check if colors are formatted correctly
for (color in colors){
if (.isNotHexColor(color)){
#set default
setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowColor (obj, default.color, vizmap.style.name)
# define the column type
columnType <- findColumnType(typeof(control.points[1]))
if (mode=='interpolate') { # need a 'below' color and an 'above' color. so there should be two more colors than control.points
if (length (control.points) == length (colors)) { # caller did not supply 'below' and 'above' values; manufacture them
colors = c (colors [1], colors, colors [length (colors)])
write ("RCy3::setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule, no 'below' or 'above' colors specified. Inferred from supplied colors.", stderr ());
good.args = length (control.points) == (length (colors) - 2)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule, interpolate mode.", stderr ())
write ("Expecting 1 color for each control.point, one for 'above' color, one for 'below' color.", stderr ())
return ()
continuousMapping (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, colors,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # if mode==interpolate
else { # use a discrete rule, with no interpolation, mode==lookup
good.args = length (control.points) == length (colors)
if (!good.args) {
write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
write ("Error! RCy3:setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule. Expecting exactly as many colors as control.points in lookup mode.", stderr ())
return ()
discreteMapping(obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, colors,
columnType=columnType, style=vizmap.style.name)
} # else: !interpolate, aka lookup
}) # setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule
setMethod ('setNodeColorDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, new.colors) {
for (current.color in new.colors){
# ensure the new color string is in correct hexadecimal format
if (.isNotHexColor(current.color)){
# set the node color direct
return(setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.colors, "NODE_FILL_COLOR"))
# only works if node dimensions are unlocked (that is not tied together). see lockNodeDimensions (T/F)
setMethod ('setNodeSizeDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, new.sizes) {
# unlock node dimensions
lockNodeDimensions (obj, FALSE)
for (current.size in new.sizes){
# ensure the sizes are numbers
if (!is.double(current.size)) {
write (sprintf ('illegal size string "%s" in RCy3::setNodeSizeDirect. It needs to be a number.', current.size), stderr ())
return ()
# set the node properties direct
setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.sizes, "NODE_WIDTH")
setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.sizes, "NODE_HEIGHT")
# only works if node dimensions are not locked (that is not tied together). see lockNodeDimensions (T/F)
setMethod ('setNodeWidthDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, new.widths) {
# unlock node dimensions
lockNodeDimensions (obj, FALSE)
for (current.width in new.widths){
# ensure the width(s) are numbers
if (!is.double(current.width)) {
write (sprintf ('illegal node width "%s" in RCy3::setNodeWidthDirect. Width needs to be a number.', current.width), stderr ())
return ()
# set the node property direct
return(setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.widths, "NODE_WIDTH"))
# only works if node dimensions are not locked (that is, tied together). see lockNodeDimensions (T/F)
setMethod ('setNodeHeightDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, new.heights) { # Comment Tanja: Could pass in visual style here
# unlock node dimensions
lockNodeDimensions (obj, FALSE)
for (current.height in new.heights){
# ensure the height(s) are numbers
if (!is.double(current.height)) {
write (sprintf ('illegal height string "%s" in RCy3::setNodeHeightDirect. It needs to be a number.', current.height), stderr ())
return ()
# set the node property direct
return(setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.heights, "NODE_HEIGHT"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setNodeLabelDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, node.names, new.labels) {
setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.labels, "NODE_LABEL")
## END setNodeLabelDirect
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setNodeFontSizeDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, node.names, new.sizes) {
size.type.errors = 0
for(current.size in new.sizes) {
if(!is.double(current.size)) {
write(sprintf("ERROR in RCy3::setNodeFontSizeDirect():\n\t font size '%s' has to be numerical value", current.size), stderr())
size.type.errors = size.type.errors + 1
if(size.type.errors < 1) {
setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.sizes, "NODE_LABEL_FONT_SIZE")
## END setNodeFontSizeDirect
setMethod ('setNodeLabelColorDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, new.colors) {
for (current.color in new.colors){
# ensure the color is formated in the correct hexadecimal style
if (.isNotHexColor(current.color)){
# set the node property direct
return(setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.colors, "NODE_LABEL_COLOR"))
setMethod ('setNodeShapeDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, new.shapes) {
if (length (node.names) != length (new.shapes)) {
if (length(new.shapes) != 1){
msg = sprintf ('error in RCy3::setNodeShapeDirect. new.shapes count (%d) is neither 1 nor same as node.names count (%d)',
length (new.shapes), length (node.names))
write (msg, stderr ())
return ()
# convert old to new node shapes
new.shapes[new.shapes=='round_rect'] <- 'ROUND_RECTANGLE'
new.shapes[new.shapes=='rect'] <- 'RECTANGLE'
# ensure correct node shapes
new.shapes <- toupper(new.shapes)
unique.node.shapes <- unique(new.shapes)
wrong.node.shape <- sapply(unique.node.shapes, function(x) !(x %in% getNodeShapes(obj)))
if (any(wrong.node.shape)){
write (sprintf ('ERROR in RCy3::setNodeShapeDirect. %s is not a valid shape. Please note that some older shapes are no longer available. For valid ones check getNodeShapes.', new.shapes), stderr ())
# set the node property direct
return(setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.shapes, "NODE_SHAPE"))
setMethod ('setNodeImageDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, image.positions) {
write(sprintf("WARNING: Method RCy3::setNodeImageDirect() is not implemented in RCy3!"), stderr())
# insert a warning
if (!is.numeric(image.positions)){
msg = sprintf ('Error in RCy3::setNodeImageDirect. Note that image urls are no longer supported. Upload your image into the Image Manager in the style tab in the control panel and report its position in the Image Manager as number.')
write (msg, stderr ())
if (length (node.names) != length (image.positions)) {
if (length (image.positions) == 1){
msg = sprintf ('Error in RCy3::setNodeImageDirect. image.positions count (%d) is neither 1 nor same as node.names count (%d)',
length (image.positions), length (node.names))
write (msg, stderr ())
return ()
# only allow for upto 9 custom graphics
if ((length(unique(image.positions)))>9){
msg = sprintf ('Error in RCy3::setNodeImageDirect. Cytoscape only supports upto 9 custom graphics.')
write (msg, stderr ())
# TODO check if enough open spaces
# get node images from properties
# pseudo code:
# for loop
# if is == "org.cytoscape.ding.customgraphics.NullCustomGraphics,0,[ Remove Graphics ],"
# if "NODE_CUSTOMGRAPHICS_9" passed and still not: error message
# not working: return(setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, image.urls, "NODE_CUSTOMGRAPHICS_1"))
return(setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, paste0("org.cytoscape.ding.customgraphics.bitmap.URLImageCustomGraphics,", image.positions, ",bundle"), "NODE_CUSTOMGRAPHICS_1"))
# test code to remove an image
# setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, "org.cytoscape.ding.customgraphics.NullCustomGraphics,0,[ Remove Graphics ],", "NODE_CUSTOMGRAPHICS_1")
# # the below code is from a previous RCytoscape version
# for (i in 1:length (node.names)) {
# setNodeShapeDirect (obj, node.names [i], 'rect')
# setNodeLabelDirect (obj, node.names [i], '')
# result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperty", node.names [i], 'Node Custom Graphics 1', image.urls [i])
# }
setMethod ('setNodeBorderWidthDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, new.sizes) {
for (current.size in new.sizes){
# ensure the widths are numbers
if (!is.double(current.size)) {
write (sprintf ('illegal width string "%s" in RCy3::setNodeBorderWidthDirect. It needs to be a number.', current.size), stderr ())
return ()
# set the node property direct
return(setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.sizes, "NODE_BORDER_WIDTH"))
setMethod ('setNodeBorderColorDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, new.colors) {
# ensure the color is formated in correct hexadecimal style
for (color in new.colors){
if (.isNotHexColor(color)){
# set the node border color direct
return(setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.colors, "NODE_BORDER_PAINT"))
setMethod ('setNodeOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, new.values) {
for (current.value in new.values){
# ensure the opacity value is a double and between 0 and 255
if (! is.double(current.value) || current.value < 0 || current.value > 255) {
write (sprintf ('RCy3::setNodeOpacityDirect: illegal opacity string "%s". It needs to be between 0 and 255.', current.value), stderr ())
return ()
setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.values, "NODE_TRANSPARENCY")
setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.values, "NODE_BORDER_TRANSPARENCY")
setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.values, "NODE_LABEL_TRANSPARENCY")
setMethod ('setNodeFillOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, new.values) {
for (current.value in new.values){
# ensure the opacity value is between 0 and 255
if (!is.double(current.value) || current.value < 0 || current.value > 255) {
write (sprintf ('illegal opacity string "%s" in RCy3::setNodeFillOpacityDirect. It needs to be a double and between 0 and 255.', current.value), stderr ())
return ()
# set the node border color direct
return(setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.values, "NODE_TRANSPARENCY"))
setMethod ('setNodeBorderOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, new.values) {
for (current.value in new.values){
# ensure the opacity value is a double and between 0 and 255
if (! is.double(current.value) || current.value < 0 || current.value > 255) {
write (sprintf ('illegal opacity string "%s" in RCy3::setNodeBorderOpacityDirect. It needs to be between 0 and 255.', current.value), stderr ())
return ()
# set the node property direct
return(setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.values, "NODE_BORDER_TRANSPARENCY"))
setMethod ('setNodeLabelOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, new.values) {
for (current.value in new.values){
# ensure the opacity value is a double and between 0 and 255
if (! is.double(current.value) || current.value < 0 || current.value > 255) {
write (sprintf ('illegal opacity string "%s" in RCy3::setNodeLabelOpacityDirect. It needs to be between 0 and 255.', current.value), stderr ())
return ()
# set the node property direct
return(setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, new.values, "NODE_LABEL_TRANSPARENCY"))
setMethod ('setEdgeOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.names, new.values) {
for (current.value in new.values){
# ensure the opacity value is a double and between 0 and 255
if (! is.double(current.value) || current.value < 0 || current.value > 255) {
write (sprintf ('illegal opacity string "%s" in RCy3::setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect. It needs to be between 0 and 255.', current.value), stderr ())
return ()
# set the edge property direct
# property.names = c ('Edge Opacity', 'Edge Source Arrow Opacity', 'Edge Target Arrow Opacity')
setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, new.values, "EDGE_LABEL_TRANSPARENCY")
setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, new.values, "EDGE_TRANSPARENCY")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeColorDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.names, new.value) {
# ensure the color is formated in correct hexadecimal style
for (color in new.value){
if (.isNotHexColor(color)){
# set the edge color direct
# TODO maybe this should be EDGE_PAINT
return(setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, new.value, "EDGE_STROKE_UNSELECTED_PAINT"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeLabelDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, edge.names, new.value) {
setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, new.value, "EDGE_LABEL")
## END setEdgeLabelDirect
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeFontFaceDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, edge.names, new.value) {
setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, new.value, "EDGE_LABEL_FONT_FACE")
## END setEdgeFontFaceDirect
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeFontSizeDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, edge.names, new.value) {
size.type.errors = 0
for(current.size in new.value) {
# ensure the sizes are valid numbers
if(!is.numeric(current.size)) {
write(sprintf ('illegal font string "%s" in RCy3::setEdgeFontSizeDirect():\t\n it needs to be a valid number.', current.size), stderr ())
size.type.errors = size.type.errors + 1
if(size.type.errors < 1) {
setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, new.value, "EDGE_LABEL_FONT_SIZE")
## END setEdgeFontSizeDirect
setMethod ('setEdgeLabelColorDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.names, new.value) {
for (current.color in new.value){
# ensure the color is formated in correct hexadecimal style
if (.isNotHexColor(current.color)){
# set the edge property direct
return(setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, new.value, "EDGE_LABEL_COLOR"))
setMethod ('setEdgeTooltipDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.names, new.values) {
if (length (edge.names) != length (new.values)) {
if (length(new.values) != 1){
msg = sprintf ('error in RCy3::setEdgeTooltipDirect. new.values count (%d) is neither 1 nor same as edge.names count (%d)',
length (new.values), length (edge.names))
write (msg, stderr ())
return ()
# set the edge property direct
return(setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, new.values, "EDGE_TOOLTIP"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeLineWidthDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, edge.names, new.value) {
for (current.size in new.value){
# ensure the sizes are numbers
if (!is.numeric(current.size)) {
write (sprintf ('illegal size string "%s" in RCy3::setEdgeLineWidthDirect. It needs to be a number.', current.size), stderr ())
return ()
# set the edge property direct
return(setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, new.value, "EDGE_WIDTH"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeLineStyleDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, edge.names, new.values) {
unique.new.values <- unique(new.values)
wrong.values <-
sapply(unique.new.values, function(v) { !(toupper(v) %in% getLineStyles(obj)) })
if(any(wrong.values)) {
error.msg <- paste(sprintf("'%s'", names(wrong.values[which(wrong.values)])), sep="", collapse=", ")
error.msg <- paste("\n\t\tERROR in setEdgeLineStyleDirect() >> INVALID line style value(s): ", error.msg, "\n", sep="")
write(error.msg, stderr())
# returns TRUE or FALSE if issues have been found (like invalid edges, ...)
return(setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, toupper(new.values), "EDGE_LINE_TYPE"))
## END setEdgeLineStyleDirect
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, edge.names, new.values) {
unique.new.values <- unique(new.values)
wrong.values <- sapply(unique.new.values, function(v) { !(toupper(v) %in% getArrowShapes(obj)) })
if(any(wrong.values)) {
error.msg <- paste(sprintf("'%s'", names(wrong.values[which(wrong.values)])), sep="", collapse=", ")
error.msg <- paste("\n\t\tERROR in setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect() >> INVALID arrow shape value(s): ", error.msg, "\n", sep="")
write(error.msg, stderr())
# returns TRUE or FALSE if issues have been found (like invalid edges, ...)
return(setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, toupper(new.values), "EDGE_SOURCE_ARROW_SHAPE"))
## END setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, edge.names, new.values) {
unique.new.values <- unique(new.values)
wrong.values <- sapply(unique.new.values, function(v) { !(toupper(v) %in% getArrowShapes(obj)) })
if(any(wrong.values)) {
error.msg <- paste(sprintf("'%s'", names(wrong.values[which(wrong.values)])), sep="", collapse=", ")
error.msg <- paste("\n\t\tERROR in setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect() >> INVALID arrow shape value(s): ", error.msg, "\n", sep="")
write(error.msg, stderr())
# returns TRUE or FALSE if issues have been found (like invalid edges, ...)
return(setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, toupper(new.values), "EDGE_TARGET_ARROW_SHAPE"))
## END setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, edge.names, new.colors) {
for(current.color in new.colors) {
# check the color is represented in hexadecimal format
if (.isNotHexColor(current.color)){
# returns TRUE or FALSE if issues have been found (like invalid edges, ...)
return(setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, new.colors, "EDGE_SOURCE_ARROW_UNSELECTED_PAINT"))
## END setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, edge.names, new.colors) {
for(current.color in new.colors) {
if (.isNotHexColor(current.color)){
# returns TRUE or FALSE if issues have been found (like invalid edges, ...)
return(setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, new.colors, "EDGE_TARGET_ARROW_UNSELECTED_PAINT"))
## END setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, edge.names, new.value) {
for(current.value in new.value) {
# check that the opacity value is DOUBLE number between 0 and 255
if(!is.double(current.value) || current.value < 0 || current.value > 255) {
write(sprintf("\n\t\tERROR in setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect(): illegal opacity value '%s'. Opacity needs to be number between 0 and 255", current.value), stderr())
# returns TRUE or FALSE if issues have been found (like invalid edges, ...)
return(setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, new.value, "EDGE_LABEL_TRANSPARENCY"))
## END setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, edge.names, new.values) {
write(sprintf("WARNING: Method RCy3::setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect() is not implemented in RCy3!"), stderr())
## END setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, edge.names, new.values) {
write(sprintf("WARNING: Method RCy3::setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect() is not implemented in RCy3!"), stderr())
## END setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect
#setMethod ('setEdgeLabelPositionDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
# function (obj, edge.names, new.value) {
# id = as.character (obj@window.id)
# for (edge.name in edge.names)
# result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.name, 'Edge Label Position', as.character (new.value))
# invisible (result)
# })
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getNodeCount', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "nodes/count", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
node.count <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
## END getNodeCount
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getEdgeCount', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "edges/count", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
edge.count <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
## END getEdgeCount
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getNodeAttribute', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, node.name, attribute.name) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
node.SUID <- as.character(.nodeNameToNodeSUID(obj, node.name))
if(length(node.SUID) < 1) {
write(sprintf("WARNING in RCy3::getNodeAttribute():\n\t no node with name '%s' could be found >> function returns empty value", node.name), stderr())
} else {
node.attribute.type <- getNodeAttributeType(obj, attribute.name)
if(length(node.attribute.type) > 0) {
resource.uri <-
paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultnode/rows", node.SUID, attribute.name, sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
node.attribute.value <- unname(rawToChar(request.res$content))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getNodeAttributeType', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, attribute.name) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
if(attribute.name %in% getNodeAttributeNames(obj)) {
resource.uri <-
paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultnode/columns", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
node.attributes.info <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
return(node.attributes.info[[which(lapply(node.attributes.info, function(a) {a$name}) %in% attribute.name)]]$type)
} else {
write(sprintf("WARNING in RCy3::getNodeAttributeType():\n\t '%s' could not be recognized as a valid node attribute >> function returns empty value", attribute.name), stderr())
## END getNodeAttributeType
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getAllNodeAttributes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, onlySelectedNodes = FALSE) {
g = obj@graph
attribute.names = names(nodeDataDefaults(g))
nodes.of.interest = nodes(g)
if(onlySelectedNodes) {
if(getSelectedNodeCount(obj) == 0) {
nodes.of.interest = getSelectedNodes(obj)
result = cbind (unlist (nodeData (g, nodes.of.interest, attr=attribute.names [1])))
if (length (attribute.names) > 1) {
for (name in attribute.names [2:length (attribute.names)]) {
new.column = unlist (nodeData (g, nodes.of.interest, attr=name))
if (is.null (new.column)){
new.column = rep ('NULL', nrow (result))
result = cbind (result, new.column)
} # for name
} # if length > 1
colnames (result) = attribute.names
result = as.data.frame (result, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
for (name in attribute.names) {
attribute.class = attr (nodeDataDefaults (obj@graph, name), 'class')
if (attribute.class == 'FLOATING'){
result [, name] = as.numeric (result [, name])
}else if (attribute.class == 'STRING'){
result [, name] = as.character (result [, name])
}else if (attribute.class == 'INTEGER'){
result [, name] = as.integer (result [, name])
} # for name
return (result)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getEdgeAttribute', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, edge.name, attribute.name) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
edge.SUID <- as.character(.edgeNameToEdgeSUID(obj, edge.name))
if(length(edge.SUID) < 1) {
write(sprintf("WARNING in RCy3::getEdgeAttribute():\n\t no edge with name '%s' could be found >> function returns empty value", edge.name), stderr())
} else {
edge.attribute.type <- getEdgeAttributeType(obj, attribute.name)
if(length(edge.attribute.type) > 0) {
resource.uri <-
paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultedge/rows", edge.SUID, attribute.name, sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
edge.attribute.value <- unname(rawToChar(request.res$content))
## END getEdgeAttribute
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getEdgeAttributeType', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, attribute.name) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
if(attribute.name %in% getEdgeAttributeNames(obj)) {
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultedge/columns", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
edge.attributes.info <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
return(edge.attributes.info[[which(lapply(edge.attributes.info, function(a) {a$name}) %in% attribute.name)]]$type)
} else {
write(sprintf("WARNING in RCy3::getEdgeAttributeType():\n\t '%s' could not be recognized as a valid edge attribute >> function returns empty value", attribute.name), stderr())
## END getEdgeAttributeType
setMethod ('getAllEdgeAttributes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, onlySelectedEdges=FALSE) {
g = obj@graph
attribute.names = names (edgeDataDefaults (g))
edges.of.interest = edgeNames (g)
if (onlySelectedEdges) {
if (getSelectedEdgeCount (obj) == 0){
return (NA)
edges.of.interest = getSelectedEdges (obj)
} # if onlySelectedEdges
source.and.target.nodes = unlist (strsplit (edges.of.interest, '~'))
node.count = length (source.and.target.nodes)
source = source.and.target.nodes [seq (1, node.count, 2)]
target = source.and.target.nodes [seq (2, node.count, 2)]
#printf ('source nodes: %s', list.to.string (source))
#printf ('target nodes: %s', list.to.string (target))
#printf ('attribute names: %s', list.to.string (attribute.names))
result = cbind (unlist (edgeData (g, source, target, attr=attribute.names [1])))
result = cbind (result, source)
result = cbind (result, target)
if (length (attribute.names) > 1) {
for (name in attribute.names [2:length (attribute.names)]) {
new.column = unlist (edgeData (g, source, target, attr=name))
result = cbind (result, new.column)
} # for name
} # if > 1
column.names = c (attribute.names [1], 'source', 'target')
if (length (attribute.names) > 1){
column.names = c (column.names, attribute.names [2:length(attribute.names)])
colnames (result) = column.names
result = as.data.frame (result, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# we had a matrix of character strings, now a data.frame of character strings
# use the embedded type information (created by initEdgeAttribute) to correct to the proper types
# must be a more direct way to do this in the calls to cbind on a data.frame.
for (name in attribute.names) {
attribute.class = attr (edgeDataDefaults (obj@graph, name), 'class')
if (attribute.class == 'FLOATING'){
result [, name] = as.numeric (result [, name])
} else if (attribute.class == 'STRING'){
result [, name] = as.character (result [, name])
} else if (attribute.class == 'INTEGER'){
result [, name] = as.integer (result [, name])
} # for name
return (result)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getNodeAttributeNames', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
resource.uri <-
paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultnode/columns", sep="/")
# request result
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
request.res <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
request.res <- data.frame(t(sapply(request.res, base::c)))
request.res <- unlist(request.res$name)
# exclude some node attributes
node.attribute.names <- request.res[! request.res %in% c("SUID", "shared name", "selected")]
if (length(node.attribute.names) <=2 ){
write(sprintf('Please ensure that you sent the R graph to Cytoscape before calling this function, e.g. using displayGraph. Otherwise names might not be displayed (correctly).'), stderr())
return (node.attribute.names)
## END getNodeAttributeNames
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getEdgeAttributeNames', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
resource.uri <-
paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultedge/columns", sep="/")
# request result
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
request.res <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
request.res <- data.frame(t(sapply(request.res, base::c)))
request.res <- unlist(request.res$name)
# exclude some edge attributes
edge.attribute.names <- request.res[! request.res %in% c("SUID", "shared name", "shared interaction", "selected")]
## END getEdgeAttributeNames
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# delete node attribute by deleting its column in the node table
setMethod('deleteNodeAttribute', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, attribute.name) {
if (attribute.name %in% getNodeAttributeNames(obj)){
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", as.character(obj@window.id), "tables/defaultnode/columns", as.character(attribute.name), sep="/")
result <- DELETE(url= resource.uri)
write(sprintf('Attribute "%s" has been deleted...', attribute.name), stderr())
} else{
msg = paste (attribute.name, 'does not exist and thus could not be deleted.')
write (msg, stderr ())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# delete edge attribute by deleting its column in the edge table
setMethod('deleteEdgeAttribute', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, attribute.name) {
if (attribute.name %in% getEdgeAttributeNames(obj)){
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", as.character(obj@window.id), "tables/defaultedge/columns", as.character(attribute.name), sep="/")
request.res <- DELETE(url= resource.uri)
write(sprintf('Attribute "%s" has been deleted...', attribute.name), stderr())
} else{
msg = paste (attribute.name, 'does not exist and thus could not be deleted.')
write (msg, stderr ())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getAllNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
loc.obj <- obj
# CyREST version
version = pluginVersion(loc.obj)
# network suid
net.SUID <- as.character(loc.obj@window.id)
n.count <- getNodeCount(obj)
if(n.count == 0) {
# get SUIDs of existing (in Cytoscape) nodes
resource.uri <- paste(loc.obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "nodes", sep="/")
# get the SUIDs of the nodes in the Cytoscape graph
cy.nodes.SUIDs <- fromJSON(rawToChar(GET(resource.uri)$content))
dict.nodes.SUIDs <- sapply(loc.obj@suid.name.dict, "[[", 2)
# check that the nodes presented in Cytoscape & RCy3's session dictionary do match
diff.nodes <- setdiff(cy.nodes.SUIDs, dict.nodes.SUIDs)
# in case that differences exist, run synchronization b/n RCy3 and RCytoscape
if(length(diff.nodes) > 0) {
write(sprintf("WARNING in RCy3::getAllNodes():\n\t the following node(s) exist in Cytoscape, but don't exist in RCy3's session"), stderr())
nodes.only.in.cytoscape <- c()
for(i in 1:length(diff.nodes)) {
resource.uri <-
paste(loc.obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "nodes", as.character(diff.nodes[i]), sep="/")
node.name <- fromJSON(rawToChar(GET(resource.uri)$content))$data$name
nodes.only.in.cytoscape <- c(nodes.only.in.cytoscape, node.name)
# [GIK, Jul 2015] synch to be implemented
# loc.obj@suid.name.dict[[length(loc.obj@suid.name.dict) + 1]] <-
# list(name=node.name, SUID=diff.nodes[i])
node.names <- .nodeSUIDToNodeName(obj, cy.nodes.SUIDs[order(cy.nodes.SUIDs)])
eval.parent(substitute(obj <- loc.obj))
## END getAllNodes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getAllEdges', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
count <- getEdgeCount(obj)
if(count == 0) {
# get edge name column and return its values
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultedge/columns/name", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
request.res <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
names <- request.res$values
## END getAllEdges
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('clearSelection', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
# if any nodes are selected, unselect them
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultnode/columns/selected?default=false", sep="/")
request.res <- PUT(url=resource.uri, body=FALSE)
# if any edges are selected, unselect them
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultedge/columns/selected?default=false", sep="/")
request.res <- PUT(url=resource.uri, body=FALSE)
## END clearSelection
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('selectNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, node.names, preserve.current.selection = TRUE) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
if(preserve.current.selection) {
if(getSelectedNodeCount(obj) > 0) {
node.names <- unique(c(getSelectedNodes(obj), node.names))
if(!preserve.current.selection) {
# check for unknown nodes
unknown.nodes <- setdiff(node.names, getAllNodes(obj))
if(length(unknown.nodes) > 0) {
nodes.string <- paste(unknown.nodes, collapse=' ')
write(sprintf("NOTICE in RCy3::selectNodes():\n\t nodes [%s] are not in the Cytoscape graph and will not be selected", nodes.string), stderr())
node.names <- intersect(node.names, getAllNodes(obj))
if(length(node.names) == 0) {
write(sprintf("NOTICE in RCy3::selectNodes():\t\n no nodes to select >> the function call has no effect"), stderr())
# update the 'selected' column
node.SUIDs <- .nodeNameToNodeSUID(obj, node.names)
SUID.value.pairs <- lapply(node.SUIDs, function(s) {list('SUID'=s, 'value'=TRUE)})
SUID.value.pairs.JSON <- toJSON(SUID.value.pairs)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultnode/columns/selected", sep="/")
request.res <- PUT(url=resource.uri, body=SUID.value.pairs.JSON, encode="json")
## END selectNodes
#' Select all nodes
#' Selects all nodes in a Cytoscape Network
#' @param object Cytoscape network
#' @return Selects all nodes in a specified network.
#' @author Julia Gustavsen, \email{j.gustavsen@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{selectNodes}}
#' @concept RCy3
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' cw <- CytoscapeWindow('new.demo', new('graphNEL'))
#' selectAllNodes(cw)
#' }
#' @importFrom methods setGeneric
function(obj) {
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri,
sep = "/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri) # returns all of the node SUIDs
all_node_SUIDs <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
SUID.value.pairs <- lapply(all_node_SUIDs,
function(s) {list('SUID' = s, 'value' = TRUE)})
SUID.value.pairs.JSON <- toJSON(SUID.value.pairs)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri,
sep = "/")
request.res <- PUT(url = resource.uri,
body = SUID.value.pairs.JSON,
encode = "json")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getSelectedNodeCount', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "nodes?column=selected&query=true", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
num.selected.nodes <- length(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
## END getSelectedNodeCount
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getSelectedNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
if(getSelectedNodeCount(obj) == 0) {
write (sprintf ('warning! No nodes selected.'), stdout ())
} else {
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "nodes?column=selected&query=true", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
selected.node.SUIDs <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
selected.node.names <- .nodeSUIDToNodeName(obj, selected.node.SUIDs)
## END getSelectedNodes
setMethod ('hideSelectedNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj) {
node.names <- getSelectedNodes(obj)
setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, 'false', "NODE_VISIBLE")
}) # hideSelectedNodes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('hideNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, node.names) {
setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, 'false', "NODE_VISIBLE")
## END hideNodes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('unhideNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, node.names) {
setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, 'true', "NODE_VISIBLE")
## END unhideNodes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# select all nodes that were not selected and deselect all nodes that were selected
setMethod('invertNodeSelection', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "nodes?column=selected&query=false", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
unselected.node.SUIDs <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
# clear selection
selectNodes(obj, .nodeSUIDToNodeName(obj, unselected.node.SUIDs), FALSE)
## END invertNodeSelection
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# [GIK - Jul, 2015] function might break if self-loops exist in the graph
setMethod('deleteSelectedNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
loc.obj <- obj
net.SUID <- as.character(loc.obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(loc.obj)
selected.node.names <- getSelectedNodes(loc.obj)
selected.node.SUIDs <- .nodeNameToNodeSUID(loc.obj, selected.node.names)
for(i in 1:length(selected.node.SUIDs)) {
node.SUID <- selected.node.SUIDs[i]
# (list of) edges that have this particular node as their source node
source.bound.edges <- list()
# (list of) edges that have this particular node as their target node
target.bound.edges <- list()
source.bound.edge.indices <-
which(sapply(loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict, function(n) {n$source.node}) %in% node.SUID)
if(length(source.bound.edge.indices) > 0) {
# get edge SUIDs
source.bound.edges <-
sapply(loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict[source.bound.edge.indices], function(e) { e$SUID })
# delete all edges, whose source node is to-be deleted
for(k in 1:length(source.bound.edges)) {
resource.uri <- paste(loc.obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "edges", as.character(source.bound.edges[k]), sep="/")
request.res <- DELETE(url=resource.uri)
# [GIK] TO-DO: delete the edge row/entry from Cytoscape's Edge table
# also, delete those edges from the session dictionary
loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict[source.bound.edge.indices] <- NULL
target.bound.edge.indices <-
which(sapply(loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict, function(n) {n$target.node}) %in% node.SUID)
if(length(target.bound.edge.indices) > 0) {
# get edge SUIDs
target.bound.edges <-
sapply(loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict[target.bound.edge.indices], function(e) { e$SUID })
# delete all edges, whose target node is to-be deleted
for(k in 1:length(target.bound.edges)) {
resource.uri <- paste(loc.obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "edges", as.character(target.bound.edges[k]), sep="/")
request.res <- DELETE(url=resource.uri)
# [GIK] TO-DO: delete the edge row/entry from Cytoscape's Edge table
# also, delete those edges from the session dictionary
loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict[target.bound.edge.indices] <- NULL
# delete the node from the Cytoscape network
resource.uri <-
paste(loc.obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "nodes", as.character(node.SUID), sep="/")
request.res <- DELETE(url=resource.uri)
# [GIK] TO-DO: delete the node row/entry in the Cytoscape node table
# delete the node from the session disctionary
node.index <-
which(sapply(loc.obj@suid.name.dict, function(n) { n$SUID }) %in% node.SUID)
loc.obj@suid.name.dict[node.index] <- NULL
eval.parent(substitute(obj <- loc.obj))
## END deleteSelectedNodes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('selectEdges', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj, edge.names, preserve.current.selection=TRUE) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
# keep the currently selected edges
if(preserve.current.selection) {
edge.names <- unique(c(getSelectedEdges(obj), edge.names))
edge.SUIDs <- .edgeNameToEdgeSUID(obj, edge.names)
SUID.value.pairs <- lapply(edge.SUIDs, function(s) {list('SUID'=s, 'value'=TRUE)})
SUID.value.pairs.JSON <- toJSON(SUID.value.pairs)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultedge/columns/selected", sep="/")
request.res <- PUT(url=resource.uri, body=SUID.value.pairs.JSON, encode="json")
## END selectEdges
#' Select all edges
#' Selects all edges in a Cytoscape Network
#' @param obj Cytoscape network
#' @return Selects all edges in a specified network.
#' @author Julia Gustavsen, \email{j.gustavsen@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{selectEdges}}
#' @concept RCy3
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' cw <- CytoscapeWindow('new.demo', new('graphNEL'))
#' selectAllEdges(cw)
#' }
#' @importFrom methods setGeneric
function(obj) {
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri,
sep = "/")
request.res_edges <- GET(resource.uri) ## returns all of the edge suids
all_edge_SUIDs <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res_edges$content))
SUID.value.pairs <- lapply(all_edge_SUIDs,
function(s) {list('SUID' = s, 'value' = TRUE)})
SUID.value.pairs.JSON <- toJSON(SUID.value.pairs)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri,
sep = "/")
request.res <- PUT(url = resource.uri,
body = SUID.value.pairs.JSON,
encode = "json")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('invertEdgeSelection', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "edges?column=selected&query=false", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
unselected.edges.SUIDs <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
# if any edges are selected, unselect them (nodes have clearSelection function)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "tables/defaultedge/columns/selected?default=false", sep="/")
request.res <- PUT(url=resource.uri, body=FALSE)
to.be.selected.edges <- lapply(unselected.edges.SUIDs, function(s) {list('SUID'=s, 'value'=TRUE)})
to.be.selected.edges.JSON <- toJSON(to.be.selected.edges)
unselected.edges.names <- .edgeSUIDToEdgeName(obj, unselected.edges.SUIDs)
selectEdges(obj, unselected.edges.names, FALSE)
## END invertEdgeSelection
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('deleteSelectedEdges', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
loc.obj <- obj
net.SUID = as.character(loc.obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(loc.obj)
selected.edge.names = getSelectedEdges(loc.obj)
selected.edge.SUIDs = .edgeNameToEdgeSUID(loc.obj, selected.edge.names)
for(i in 1:length(selected.edge.SUIDs)) {
edge.SUID = selected.edge.SUIDs[i]
resource.uri = paste(loc.obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "edges", edge.SUID, sep="/")
# delete edge from canvas / view
request.res = DELETE(url=resource.uri)
# delete edge from edge table : NOT possible in the API
# delete edge record from the session dictionary
loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict[which(sapply(loc.obj@edge.suid.name.dict, function(e) { e$SUID }) %in% edge.SUID)] <- NULL
eval.parent(substitute(obj <- loc.obj))
## END deleteSelectedEdges
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getSelectedEdgeCount', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "edges?column=selected&query=true", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
num.selected.edges <- length(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
## END getSelectedEdgeCount
setMethod ('getSelectedEdges', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj) {
net.SUID = as.character(obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(obj)
if(getSelectedEdgeCount(obj) == 0) {
return (NA)
} else {
resource.uri = paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "edges?column=selected&query=true", sep="/")
request.res = GET(url=resource.uri)
selected.edges.SUIDs = fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
selected.edges = .edgeSUIDToEdgeName(obj, selected.edges.SUIDs)
}) # getSelectedEdges
setMethod ('hideSelectedEdges', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj) {
edge.names <- getSelectedEdges(obj)
setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, 'false', "EDGE_VISIBLE")
}) # hideSelectedEdges
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('unhideAll', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function(obj) {
node.names <- getAllNodes(obj)
setNodePropertyDirect(obj, node.names, 'true', "NODE_VISIBLE")
edge.names <- getAllEdges(obj)
setEdgePropertyDirect(obj, edge.names, 'true', "EDGE_VISIBLE")
## END unhideAll
setMethod ('getFirstNeighbors', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, node.names, as.nested.list=FALSE) {
if (length (node.names) == 0){
# map node names to node SUIDs
dict.indices = which(sapply(obj@suid.name.dict, function(s) { s$name }) %in% node.names)
node.SUIDs = sapply(obj@suid.name.dict[dict.indices], function(i) {i$SUID})
# network ID and cyREST API version
net.suid = as.character(obj@window.id)
version = pluginVersion(obj)
# get first neighbors
# TODO at some later point it might be nice to return the first neighbors as nested lists
neighbor.names <- c()
for (node.SUID in node.SUIDs){
# get first neighbors for each node
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.suid, "nodes", as.character(node.SUID), "neighbors", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri)
first.neighbors.SUIDs <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
# map node SUIDs to node names
dict.indices <- which(sapply(obj@suid.name.dict, function(s) { s$SUID }) %in% first.neighbors.SUIDs)
if (as.nested.list){
neighbor.names <- append(neighbor.names, list(c(neighbor.names, sapply(obj@suid.name.dict[dict.indices], function(i) {i$name}))))
neighbor.names <- c(neighbor.names, sapply(obj@suid.name.dict[dict.indices], function(i) {i$name}))
return (neighbor.names)
}) # getFirstNeighbors
setMethod ('selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj) {
if (getSelectedNodeCount (obj) > 0) {
currently.selected = getSelectedNodes (obj)
if (length (currently.selected) == 0){
invisible ()
neighbors = getFirstNeighbors (obj, currently.selected)
full.selection = unique (c (currently.selected, neighbors))
selectNodes (obj, full.selection)
invisible (full.selection)
} # if any nodes are already selected
else {
write (sprintf ('warning! No nodes selected.'), stdout ())
}) # selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('sfn', 'CytoscapeWindowClass', function (obj) {
selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes (obj)
#' Select the edges connecting selected nodes in Cytoscape Network
#' Selects edges in a Cytoscape Network connecting the selected nodes
#' @param obj Cytoscape network
#' @return network with edges selected
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' cw <- CytoscapeWindow('vignette select edges', graph = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph(), overwrite = TRUE)
#' displayGraph(cw)
#' selectNodes(cw,"A") # selects specific nodes
#' getSelectedNodes(cw)
#' getSelectedEdges(cw)
#' selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes(cw)
#' ## This has only selected the nodes, but not the edges in Cytoscape, so we will need to select all of the edges before we make the new subnetwork.
#' selectEdgesConnectedBySelectedNodes(cw)
#' getSelectedNodes(cw)
#' getSelectedEdges(cw)
#' }
#' @author Julia Gustavsen, \email{j.gustavsen@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{createWindowFromSelection}}, \code{\link{selectEdgesConnectedBySelectedNodes}}, \code{\link{renameCytoscapeNetwork}}
#' @concept RCy3
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods setGeneric
selectEdgesConnectedBySelectedNodes <- function(obj) {
selectedNodes = getSelectedNodes(obj)
if (length (selectedNodes) == 1 && is.na (selectedNodes))
return ()
graphEdges <- getAllEdges(obj)
selectedEdges <- unlist(mapply(function(x) return(graphEdges [grep(x, graphEdges)]), selectedNodes))
if (length (selectedEdges) > 0)
selectEdges(obj, selectedEdges)
# END selectEdgesConnectedBySelectedNodes
noa.names = function(graph)
} # noa.names
eda.names = function(graph)
} # eda.names
noa = function(graph, node.attribute.name)
if(!node.attribute.name %in% noa.names(graph))
return(unlist(nodeData(graph, attr=node.attribute.name)))
} # noa
# return the value of every edge in the graph for the specified attribute
eda = function(graph, edge.attribute.name)
if(!edge.attribute.name %in% eda.names(graph))
return (NA)
return(unlist(edgeData(graph, attr=edge.attribute.name)))
} # eda
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# use the expected 'edgeType' attribute to create cytoscape-style 'A (edgeType) B'
# edge names from a graphNEL
# edgeNames (g) # "A~B" "B~C" "C~A"
# if there is no edge attribute named 'edgeType', then create edges(uninterestingly) named 'A (edge) B'
cy2.edge.names = function(graph, R.edge.names=NA)
#printf('running new version of cy2.edge.names')
if(length(edges(graph)) == 0) {
edgeType.attribute.present = TRUE
edge.type = 'unspecified'
if('edgeType' %in% names(edgeDataDefaults(graph))) {
# vector containing the 'edgeType'-attribute value for every edge
edge.type = as.character(eda(graph, 'edgeType'))
tokens = strsplit(.rcyEdgeNames(graph), '~')
a = sapply (tokens, function (tok) tok [1])
b = sapply (tokens, function (tok) tok [2])
edge.type = paste (' (', edge.type, ') ', sep='')
edge.names = paste (a, edge.type, b, sep='')
names (edge.names) = .rcyEdgeNames (graph)
if (!(length (R.edge.names) == 1 && is.na (R.edge.names))) { # we were given some subset of all edges to extract and get cy2 names for. do that here
new.edgeNames.tilde = gsub ('\\|', '~', R.edge.names)
if (length (intersect (names (edge.names), new.edgeNames.tilde)) > 0){
edge.names = edge.names [new.edgeNames.tilde]
return (edge.names)
} # cy2.edge.names
getAdjacentEdgeNames = function (graph, node.names)
all.edge.names = cy2.edge.names (graph)
all.edge.names.cyStyle = as.character (all.edge.names)
indices.of.edges.with.nodes = c ()
for (node in node.names) {
node.regex.nodeA = sprintf ('^%s ', node)
node.regex.nodeB = sprintf (' %s$', node)
indices.A = grep (node.regex.nodeA, all.edge.names.cyStyle)
indices.B = grep (node.regex.nodeB, all.edge.names.cyStyle)
indices.of.edges.with.nodes = c (indices.of.edges.with.nodes, indices.A, indices.B)
} # for node
return (unique (as.character (all.edge.names) [indices.of.edges.with.nodes]))
} # getAdjacentEdgeNames
makeSimpleGraph = function ()
g = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
g = initNodeAttribute (g, 'type', 'char', 'undefined')
g = initNodeAttribute (g, 'lfc', 'numeric', 1.0)
g = initNodeAttribute (g, 'label', 'char', 'default node label')
g = initNodeAttribute (g, 'count', 'integer', 0)
g = initEdgeAttribute (g, 'edgeType', 'char', 'undefined')
g = initEdgeAttribute (g, 'score', 'numeric', 0.0)
g = initEdgeAttribute (g, 'misc', 'char', 'default misc')
g = graph::addNode ('A', g)
g = graph::addNode ('B', g)
g = graph::addNode ('C', g)
nodeData (g, 'A', 'type') = 'kinase'
nodeData (g, 'B', 'type') = 'transcription factor'
nodeData (g, 'C', 'type') = 'glycoprotein'
nodeData (g, 'A', 'lfc') = -3.0
nodeData (g, 'B', 'lfc') = 0.0
nodeData (g, 'C', 'lfc') = 3.0
nodeData (g, 'A', 'count') = 2
nodeData (g, 'B', 'count') = 30
nodeData (g, 'C', 'count') = 100
nodeData (g, 'A', 'label') = 'Gene A'
nodeData (g, 'B', 'label') = 'Gene B'
nodeData (g, 'C', 'label') = 'Gene C'
g = graph::addEdge ('A', 'B', g)
g = graph::addEdge ('B', 'C', g)
g = graph::addEdge ('C', 'A', g)
edgeData (g, 'A', 'B', 'edgeType') = 'phosphorylates'
edgeData (g, 'B', 'C', 'edgeType') = 'synthetic lethal'
edgeData (g, 'A', 'B', 'score') = 35.0
edgeData (g, 'B', 'C', 'score') = -12
return (g)
} # makeSimpleGraph
# create, display and render the 3-node, 3-edge simple graph
demoSimpleGraph = function ()
window.title = 'demo.simpleGraph'
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
if (window.title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy)))
deleteWindow (cy, window.title)
g.simple = makeSimpleGraph ()
cws = CytoscapeWindow (window.title, g.simple)
displayGraph (cws)
layoutNetwork (cws, 'grid')
setNodeLabelRule (cws, 'label')
node.attribute.values = c ("kinase", "transcription factor")
colors = c ('#A0AA00', '#FF0000')
setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cws, 5)
setNodeBorderColorRule (cws, 'type', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='lookup', default.color='#88FF22')
count.control.points = c (2, 30, 100)
sizes = c (20, 50, 100)
setNodeSizeRule (cws, 'count', count.control.points, sizes, mode='interpolate')
setNodeColorRule (cws, 'lfc', c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0), c ('#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000'), mode='interpolate')
invisible (cws)
} # demoSimpleGraph
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
makeRandomGraph = function(node.count=12, seed=123)
#if(node.count > 26) node.count = 26
node.names = as.character(1:node.count)
g = randomGraph(node.names, M <- 1:2, p = 0.6)
attr(edgeDataDefaults(g, attr="weight"), "class") = "DOUBLE"
edgeDataDefaults(g, 'pmid') = '9988778899'
attr(edgeDataDefaults(g, attr="pmid"), "class") = "STRING"
} # makeRandomGraph
# see Robert Flight's replacement below (pshannon, 20 jul 2012)
# the bioconductor graph class stores undirected graph edge attributes redundantly. bioc's nishant says (email, 2 sep 2010):
# The people who started the graph package decided to return duplicate edge attributes / weights for the undirected
# case. ie if you have an edge a-b and the graph is undirected, methods such as edgeWeights, edgeData etc will end up
# returning duplicate values for the attribute for a-b and b-a. That was a design decision taken by the creators of the
# package and I do not think it will be possible to change that now. I guess the solution might be to create your own
# edgeWeights and edgeData methods in your package that retrieve only the non-duplicated attributes for the undirected
# case.
remove.redundancies.in.undirected.graph.old = function (gu)
if (length (nodes (gu)) == 0)
return (new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed'))
g = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
if (length (edgeDataDefaults (gu)) > 0)
edgeDataDefaults (g) = edgeDataDefaults (gu)
if (length (nodeDataDefaults (gu)) > 0)
nodeDataDefaults (g) = nodeDataDefaults (gu)
g = addNode (nodes (gu), g)
for (node in nodes (g)) {
for (noa.name in noa.names (gu)) {
nodeData (g, node, noa.name) = nodeData (gu, node, noa.name)
} # for noa.name
} # for node
if (length (edges (gu)) == 0)
return (g)
edge.names = edgeNames (gu)
edge.node.pairs = strsplit (edge.names, '\\~')
eda.names = eda.names (gu)
for (node.pair in edge.node.pairs) {
source.node = node.pair [1]
target.node = node.pair [2]
#printf ('create edge from %s to %s', source.node, target.node)
g = addEdge (source.node, target.node, g)
for (eda.name in eda.names (gu)) {
edgeData (g, source.node, target.node, eda.name) = edgeData (gu, source.node, target.node, eda.name)
} # for eda.name
} # for node.pair
return (g)
} # remove.redundancies.in.undirected.graph.old
# Robert Flight offered this replacement, having encountered painfully slow execution with a 5k edge undirected graph
# this fast version, likes its slow predecessor, compensates for the (in my view) flawed implementation of undirected
# graphNELs by converting them to directed graphs.
# but because undirected graphs are logically sound, and representationally useful, this is only a temporary fix.
# a redesign of this aspect of the graphNEL class is needed.
# original comments:
# the bioconductor graph class stores undirected graph edge attributes redundantly. bioc's nishant says (email, 2 sep 2010):
# The people who started the graph package decided to return duplicate edge attributes / weights for the undirected
# case. ie if you have an edge a-b and the graph is undirected, methods such as edgeWeights, edgeData etc will end up
# returning duplicate values for the attribute for a-b and b-a. That was a design decision taken by the creators of the
# package and I do not think it will be possible to change that now. I guess the solution might be to create your own
# edgeWeights and edgeData methods in your package that retrieve only the non-duplicated attributes for the undirected
# case.
remove.redundancies.in.undirected.graph = function(gu)
if (length(nodes(gu)) == 0)
return(new("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed"))
g <- new("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed")
if (length(edgeDataDefaults(gu)) > 0)
edgeDataDefaults(g) <- edgeDataDefaults(gu)
if (length(nodeDataDefaults(gu)) > 0)
nodeDataDefaults(g) <- nodeDataDefaults(gu)
g <- addNode(nodes(gu), g)
allNodes <- nodes(gu)
noa.name <- invisible(lapply(noa.names(gu), function(noa.name) {
nodeData(g, allNodes, noa.name) <- nodeData(gu, allNodes, noa.name)
if (length(edgeNames(gu)) == 0)
edge.names <- edgeNames(gu)
edge.node.pairs <- strsplit(edge.names, "\\~")
source.nodes <- sapply(edge.node.pairs, function(x) x[1])
target.nodes <- sapply(edge.node.pairs, function(x) x[2])
g = graph::addEdge(source.nodes, target.nodes, g)
invisible(lapply(eda.names(gu), function(eda.name) {
edgeData(g, source.nodes, target.nodes, eda.name) <- edgeData(gu, source.nodes,
target.nodes, eda.name)
} # remove.redundancies.in.undirected.graph
initNodeAttribute = function (graph, attribute.name, attribute.type, default.value)
stopifnot (attribute.type %in% c ('char', 'integer', 'numeric', 'boolean'))
if (attribute.type == 'char')
attribute.type = 'STRING'
else if (attribute.type == 'integer')
attribute.type = 'INTEGER'
else if (attribute.type == 'numeric')
attribute.type = 'FLOATING'
else if (attribute.type == 'boolean')
attribute.type = 'BOOLEAN'
nodeDataDefaults (graph, attr=attribute.name) = default.value
attr (nodeDataDefaults (graph, attr=attribute.name), 'class') = attribute.type
return (graph)
} # initNodeAttribute
initEdgeAttribute = function (graph, attribute.name, attribute.type, default.value)
stopifnot (attribute.type %in% c ('char', 'integer', 'numeric', 'boolean'))
if (attribute.type == 'char')
attribute.type = 'STRING'
else if (attribute.type == 'integer')
attribute.type = 'INTEGER'
else if (attribute.type == 'numeric')
attribute.type = 'FLOATING'
else if (attribute.type == 'boolean')
attribute.type = 'BOOLEAN'
edgeDataDefaults (graph, attr=attribute.name) = default.value
attr (edgeDataDefaults (graph, attr=attribute.name), 'class') = attribute.type
return (graph)
} # initEdgettribute
# used when adding a new graph to an existing graph. we assume (but do not yet here test) that before this method
# is called, the Cytoscape graph has already been updated with new ones from 'other.graph'
# there may be some overlap between the two graphs; care is taken to only send attributes for new nodes.
# pre-existing attributes in the old graph are therefore not affected.
# the strategy: identify the new nodes, use the standard method 'setNodeAttributesDirect' to send them to cytoscape
.sendNodeAttributesForGraph = function(obj, other.graph, attribute.name, new.node.indices)
caller.specified.attribute.class = attr(nodeDataDefaults(other.graph, attribute.name), 'class')
if(is.null(caller.specified.attribute.class)) {
msg1 = sprintf('Error! RCytoscape:::.sendNodeAttributesForGraph. You must initialize the "%s" node attribute.', attribute.name)
msg2 = sprintf(' example: my.graph = initNodeAttribute(my.graph, attr="moleculeType", "char", "unspecified")')
write(msg1, stderr())
write(msg2, stderr())
# only add attributes for new nodes, unique to the new graph 'other.graph'
# new.node.names = setdiff(nodes(other.graph), nodes(obj@graph))
new.node.names = nodes(other.graph)[new.node.indices]
values = noa(other.graph, attribute.name)[new.node.names]
invisible(setNodeAttributesDirect(obj, attribute.name, caller.specified.attribute.class, new.node.names, values))
} # END .sendNodeAttributesForGraph
# used when adding a new graph to an existing graph. we assume (but do not yet here test) that before this method
# is called, the Cytoscape graph has already been extended with all the new nodes and edges from 'other.graph'
# there may be some overlap between the two graphs; care is taken to only send attributes for new edges
# pre-existing attributes in the old graph are therefore not affected.
# the strategy: identify the new edges, use the standard method 'setEdgeAttributesDirect' to send them to cytoscape
# oddities: edge naming is a tricky business. cytoscape lablels edges like this:
# <sourceNode> (interactionType) <targetNode>
# RCy3 provide a utility function for retrieving them from an R graph object, cy2.edge.names (g)
# which uses the edgeNames (g) method to get the R names
# edgeNames (g2) # [1] "A~E" "A~B" "D~E"
# thus, R has a little inconsistency: sometimes using the tilda, sometimes the vertical bar
# A~E A~B D~E
# "A (inferred) E" "A (unspecified) B" "D (literature) E"
# names (edgeData (g2, attr='edgeType'))
# [1] "A|E" "A|B" "D|E"
# for historical reasons, and maybe laziness, these two conventions are supported here, at the cost of calling gsub on the edge
# names, so that A~E becomes A|E, setting the stage for calling
# values = eda (g, attribute.name) [new.edge.names.with.bar.delimitor]
# below, and thereby ensuring that only the attributes of new edges are sent to Cytoscape
.sendEdgeAttributesForGraph = function (obj, other.graph, attribute.name, new.edge.indices)
caller.specified.attribute.class = attr(edgeDataDefaults(other.graph, attribute.name), 'class')
if(is.null(caller.specified.attribute.class)) {
msg1 = sprintf('Error! RCytoscape:::.sendEdgeAttributesForGraph. You must initialize the "%s" edge attribute.', attribute.name)
msg2 = sprintf(' example: my.graph = initEdgeAttribute (my.graph, attr="edgeType", "char", "unspecified")')
write(msg1, stderr())
write(msg2, stderr())
# send only attributes for edges which are unique to other.graph;
# we assume that any existing edges already have their attributes
new.edge.names = unname(cy2.edge.names(other.graph)[new.edge.indices])
if(length(new.edge.names) == 0) {
values = eda(other.graph, attribute.name)[new.edge.indices]
invisible(setEdgeAttributesDirect(obj, attribute.name, caller.specified.attribute.class, new.edge.names, values))
} # .sendEdgeAttributesForGraph
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getVisualStyleNames', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj) {
resource.uri = paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "apply/styles", sep="/")
request.res = GET(url=resource.uri)
visual.style.names = unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('copyVisualStyle', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, from.style, to.style) {
current.names = getVisualStyleNames (obj)
if (! from.style %in% current.names){
stop (sprintf ('Cannot copy from a non-existent visual style (%s)', from.style))
# get the current style from Cytoscape
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "styles", from.style, sep="/")
from.style.JSON <- GET(url=resource.uri)
from.style <- fromJSON(rawToChar(from.style.JSON$content))
from.style[1] <- as.character(to.style)
# and send it to Cytoscape as a new style with a new name
to.style.JSON <- toJSON(from.style)
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "styles", sep="/")
request.res <- POST(url = resource.uri, body = to.style.JSON, encode = "json")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# apply visual style to network
setMethod('setVisualStyle', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.style.name) {
net.SUID = as.character(obj@window.id)
current.names = getVisualStyleNames(obj)
# inform user if they want to set style that does not exist
if(!new.style.name %in% current.names) {
stop(sprintf('Cannot call setVisualStyle on a non-existent visual style (%s)', new.style.name))
# change the current style to the new style
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "apply/styles", new.style.name, net.SUID, sep="/")
req.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
write(sprintf('network visual style has been set to "%s"', new.style.name), stdout())
setMethod ('lockNodeDimensions', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, new.state, visual.style.name='default') {
# launch error if visual style name is missing
if (! visual.style.name %in% getVisualStyleNames (obj)) {
write (sprintf ('Error in RCy3::lockNodeDimensions. No visual style named "%s"', visual.style.name), stdout ())
return ()
#lock node dimensions
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "styles", as.character(visual.style.name), "dependencies", sep="/")
style <- list(visualPropertyDependency="nodeSizeLocked", enabled = tolower(new.state))
style.JSON <- toJSON(list(style))
request.res <- PUT(url=resource.uri, body=style.JSON, encode="json")
# inform the user if the request was a success or failure
if (request.res$status == 204){
if (new.state==TRUE){
write (sprintf ('Locked node dimensions successfully even if the check box is not ticked.'), stdout ())
write (sprintf ('Unlocked node dimensions successfully even if the check box is not ticked.'), stdout ())
write (sprintf ('Error in RCy3::lockNodeDimensions. Could not lock/unlocked node dimensions'), stderr ())
}) # lockNodeDimensions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getDefaultBackgroundColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, vizmap.style.name='default') {
resource.uri = paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "styles", as.character(vizmap.style.name), "defaults/NETWORK_BACKGROUND_PAINT", sep="/")
request.res = GET(url=resource.uri)
def.background.color = fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))[[2]]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setDefaultBackgroundColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
if (.isNotHexColor(new.color)){
resource.uri = paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "styles", as.character(vizmap.style.name), "defaults", sep="/")
style = list(visualProperty = 'NETWORK_BACKGROUND_PAINT', value = new.color)
style.JSON = toJSON(list(style))
request.res = PUT(url=resource.uri, body=style.JSON, encode="json")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getDefaultNodeSelectionColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, vizmap.style.name='default') {
return(getVisualProperty(obj, vizmap.style.name, 'NODE_SELECTED_PAINT'))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setDefaultNodeSelectionColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
if (.isNotHexColor(new.color)){
style = list(visualProperty = "NODE_SELECTED_PAINT", value = new.color)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
setMethod ('getDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') {
return(getVisualProperty(obj, vizmap.style.name, 'NODE_PAINT'))
setMethod ('setDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
if (.isNotHexColor(new.color)){
style = list(visualProperty = "NODE_PAINT", value = new.color)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('getDefaultEdgeSelectionColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, vizmap.style.name='default') {
return(getVisualProperty(obj, vizmap.style.name, 'EDGE_STROKE_SELECTED_PAINT'))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod('setDefaultEdgeSelectionColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function(obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
if (.isNotHexColor(new.color)){
style = list(visualProperty = "EDGE_STROKE_SELECTED_PAINT", value = new.color)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
setMethod ('getDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') {
return(getVisualProperty(obj, vizmap.style.name, 'EDGE_STROKE_UNSELECTED_PAINT'))
setMethod ('setDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
if (.isNotHexColor(new.color)){
style = list(visualProperty = "EDGE_STROKE_UNSELECTED_PAINT", value = new.color)
setVisualProperty(obj, style, vizmap.style.name)
setMethod ('saveImage', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, file.name, image.type, h = 600) {
image.type = tolower (image.type)
stopifnot (image.type %in% c ('png', 'pdf', 'svg'))
id = as.character (obj@window.id)
if (!file.exists(file.name)){
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", id,
paste0("views/first.", image.type, "?h=", h), sep="/")
# get the view image from Cytoscape in PNG, PDF, or SVG format
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", id,
paste0("views/first.", image.type), sep="/")
request.res <- GET(resource.uri, write_disk(paste0(file.name,".", image.type), overwrite = TRUE))
write (sprintf ('saving image to %s.%s', file.name, image.type), stderr ())
write (sprintf ('choose another filename. File exists: %s', file.name), stderr ())
}) # saveImage
setMethod ('saveNetwork', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
function (obj, file.name, format='cys') {
if (!file.exists(file.name)){
# TODO currently only saves as cys, enable to save also to other formats incl. glm
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "session", sep="/")
request.res <- POST(url=resource.uri, body=NULL, write_disk(paste0(file.name, ".cys"), overwrite = TRUE))
write (sprintf ('saving network to file %s.cys', file.name), stderr ())
.classicGraphToNodePairTable = function (g)
edges.g <- edges(g)
edge.names = as.character(unlist(sapply(names(edges.g), function (a) {
bs = edges.g[[a]];
if (length (bs) > 0) paste (a, edges.g[[a]], sep='~')
# print(class(edge.names))
# print(edge.names)
pairs = strsplit (edge.names, '~')
a = sapply (pairs, "[", 1)
b = sapply (pairs, "[", 2)
if ('edgeType' %in% eda.names (g)){
edgeType = as.character (edgeData (g, from=a, to=b, attr='edgeType'))
edgeType = rep ('unspecified', length (a))
return (data.frame (source=a, target=b, edgeType=edgeType, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
} # .classicGraphToNodePairTable
.multiGraphToNodePairTable = function (mg)
edge.set.names = edgeSets (mg)
template = list (source='', target='', edgeType='')
tbl = data.frame (template, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
for (edge.set in edgeSets (mg)) {
tilde.names = edgeNames (mg, edge.set)
pairs = strsplit (tilde.names, '~')
for (pair in pairs) {
source.node = pair [1]
target.node = pair [2]
new.row = list (source=source.node, target=target.node, edgeType=edge.set)
tbl = rbind (tbl, new.row)
} # for edge
invisible (tbl [-1,])
} # .multiGraphToNodePairTable
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# the bioc graph 'edgeNames' function does not detect, distinguish or report
# reciprocal edges
# this is fixed here
.rcyEdgeNames = function(g)
nodes.list = edges(g)
result = c()
for(source.node in names(nodes.list)) {
target.nodes = nodes.list[[source.node]]
if(length(target.nodes) == 0) {
for(target.node in target.nodes) {
tilde.edge.name = sprintf('%s~%s', source.node, target.node)
result = c(result, tilde.edge.name)
} # for target.node
} # for source.node
.getNovelEdges = function (g.old, g.new)
if (length (edges (g.old)) == 0){
gOld.edgeCount = 0
} else {
gOld.edgeCount = length (edgeNames (g.old))
if (length (edges (g.new)) == 0){
gNew.edgeCount = 0
} else{
gNew.edgeCount = length (edgeNames (g.new))
if (gNew.edgeCount == 0){
return (NA)
if (gOld.edgeCount == 0){
return (cy2.edge.names (g.new))
old.edges = cy2.edge.names (g.old)
new.edges = cy2.edge.names (g.new)
novel.edges = setdiff (new.edges, old.edges)
novel.edges.indices = match (novel.edges, as.character (new.edges))
return (new.edges [novel.edges.indices])
} # .getNovelEdges
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
is.classic.graph = function(obj)
obj.classes = is(obj)
return ('graph' %in% obj.classes)
} # is.classic.graph
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
is.multiGraph = function(obj)
obj.classes = is(obj)
return('MultiGraph' %in% obj.classes)
} # is.multiGraph
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# capitalizes the first letter of all words in a string
simpleCap <- function(x) {
s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
return(paste(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)), substring(s, 2), sep="", collapse=""))
} ### END simpleCap
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
getVisualProperty <- function(obj, vizmap.style.name, property) {
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "styles", as.character(vizmap.style.name), "defaults", property, sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setVisualProperty <- function(obj, style.string, vizmap.style.name='default') {
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "styles", as.character(vizmap.style.name), "defaults", sep="/")
style.JSON <- toJSON(list(style.string))
request.res <- PUT(url=resource.uri, body=style.JSON, encode="json")
.isNotHexColor <- function(color){
if ((substring(color, 1, 1) != "#") || (nchar(color) !=7)) {
write (sprintf ('Error. %s is not a valid hexadecimal color (has to begin with # and be 7 characters long).', color), stderr ())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# obtain every other value for vector : used to resolve CyREST bug with returning column values
obtainEveryOtherValue <- function(v) {
return(v[c(TRUE, FALSE)])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setNodePropertyDirect <- function(obj, node.names, new.values, visual.property) {
# get network ID and version
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
# cyREST allows for multiple views per network
# get all views that associate with this network and select the first one
net.views.SUIDs <- .getNetworkViews(obj)
view.SUID <- as.character(net.views.SUIDs[[1]])
node.SUIDs <- .nodeNameToNodeSUID(obj, node.names)
# 'node.names' and 'new.values' must have the same length
if (length(new.values) == 1) {
new.values <- rep(new.values, length(node.names))
if (length(new.values) != length(node.names)) {
write(sprintf("ERROR in setNodePropertyDirect():\n the number of nodes [%d] and new values [%d] are not the same >> node(s) attribute couldn't be set",
length(node.names), length(new.values)), stderr())
} else if (length(node.names)==1) {
# only one node
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "views", view.SUID, "nodes", node.SUIDs, sep="/")
node.SUID.JSON <- toJSON(list(list(visualProperty=visual.property, value=new.values)))
request.res <- PUT(resource.uri, body=node.SUID.JSON, encode="json")
} else {
# multiple nodes
for (i in seq(node.SUIDs)) {
node.SUID <- as.character(node.SUIDs[i])
current.value <- new.values[i]
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "views", view.SUID, "nodes", node.SUID, sep="/")
node.SUID.JSON <- toJSON(list(list(visualProperty=visual.property, value=current.value)))
request.res <- PUT(resource.uri, body=node.SUID.JSON, encode="json")
} # end for (node.SUID in node.SUIDs)
## END setNodePropertyDirect
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setEdgePropertyDirect <- function(obj, edge.names, new.values, visual.property) {
# get network ID and version
net.SUID <- as.character(obj@window.id)
version <- pluginVersion(obj)
# cyREST allows for multiple views per network
# get all views that exist for this network and select the first one
net.views.SUIDs <- .getNetworkViews(obj)
view.SUID <- as.character(net.views.SUIDs[[1]])
edge.SUIDs <- .edgeNameToEdgeSUID(obj, edge.names)
# 'edge.names' and 'new.values' must have the same length
if (length(new.values) == 1) {
new.values <- rep(new.values, length(edge.names))
if (length(new.values) != length(edge.names)) {
write(sprintf("ERROR in setEdgePropertyDirect():\n\t number of edge.names [%d] and new.values [%d] are not the same >> edge(s) attribute could not be set",
length(edge.names), length(new.values)), stderr())
} else {
request.res <- c()
for (i in seq(edge.SUIDs)) {
edge.SUID <- as.character(edge.SUIDs[i])
current.value <- new.values[i]
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, version, "networks", net.SUID, "views", view.SUID, "edges", edge.SUID, sep="/")
edge.SUID.JSON <- toJSON(list(list(visualProperty=visual.property, value=current.value)))
request.res <- PUT(url=resource.uri, body=edge.SUID.JSON, encode="json")
## END setEdgePropertyDirect
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
getEdgeNamesAndSUIDS <- function(obj){
# map edge names to edge SUIDs
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "networks", as.character(obj@window.id), "tables/defaultedge", sep="/")
request.res <- GET(url=resource.uri)
request.res <- fromJSON(rawToChar(request.res$content))
# get the row information from the edge table
row.lst <- request.res[[6]]
suids <- sapply(row.lst, '[[', "SUID")
names <- sapply(row.lst, '[[', "name")
edge.dict <- as.data.frame(cbind(names, suids))
return (edge.dict)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
discreteMapping <- function(obj, attribute.name, control.points, colors, visual.property, columnType, style){
mapped.content <- apply(cbind(control.points, colors), MARGIN=1,
FUN=function(s) {list(key=as.character(unname(s[[1]])), value=as.character(unname(s[[2]])))})
discrete.mapping <- list(mappingType = "discrete", mappingColumn = attribute.name,
mappingColumnType = columnType, visualProperty=visual.property,
map = mapped.content)
discrete.mapping.json <-toJSON(list(discrete.mapping))
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "styles", style, "mappings", sep="/")
request.res <- POST(url=resource.uri, body=discrete.mapping.json, encode="json")
# inform the user if the request was a success or failure
if (request.res$status == 201){
write (sprintf ('Successfully set rule.'), stdout ())
write (sprintf ('Error. Could not set rule...'), stdout ())
invisible (request.res)
} # discreteMapping
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
continuousMapping <- function(obj, attribute.name, control.points, colors, visual.property, columnType, style){
# continuous mapping
mapped.content <- apply(cbind(control.points, colors[3:length(colors)-1]), MARGIN=1,
FUN=function(s) {list(value=as.character(unname(s[[1]])),
# change the attributes values below the minimum and above the maximum
mapped.content[[1]]$lesser <- colors[1]
mapped.content[[length(mapped.content)]]$greater <- colors[length(colors)]
continuous.mapping <- list(mappingType = "continuous", mappingColumn = attribute.name,
mappingColumnType = columnType, visualProperty=visual.property,
points = mapped.content)
continuous.mapping.json <- toJSON(list(continuous.mapping))
resource.uri <- paste(obj@uri, pluginVersion(obj), "styles", style, "mappings", sep="/")
request.res <- POST(url=resource.uri, body=continuous.mapping.json, encode="json")
# inform the user if the request was a success or failure
if (request.res$status == 201){
write (sprintf ('Successfully set rule.'), stdout ())
write (sprintf ('Error. Could not set rule...'), stdout ())
invisible (request.res)
} # continuousMapping
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
findColumnType <- function(columnType){
if (columnType=="double"){
} else if (columnType == "integer"){
} else if (columnType == "logical"){
} else{
} # findColumnType
# cyPlot
# New RCy3 function to read node and edge attributes according to class()
# Given a node attribute data frame (node.df) with the node names in column 1,
# and an edge attribute data.frame (edge.df) with node names in the first two columns,
# cyPlot creates a graphNEL object with nodes, edges, and their attributes
# that can be loaded into Cytoscape with CytoscapeWindow.
# Author: Mark Grimes
# [cyPlot.5 in MGRCyFunctions.R]
cyPlot <- function (node.df, edge.df) {
edge.nodes <- unique(c(as.character(edge.df[,1]),
mydata <- new("graphNEL",
edgemode = 'directed',
nodes = unique(c(as.character(node.df[, 1]),
# Set up and load all the node attributes
# read class and convert factor to character as required
node.df[,1] <- as.character(node.df[,1])
edge.df[,1:2] <- sapply(edge.df[,1:2],
node.class <- sapply (node.df,
if (any(grep("factor", node.class))) {
node.df[, grep("factor", node.class)] <- sapply(node.df[, grep("factor", node.class)],
as.character) }
if (any(grep("integer", node.class))) {
node.df[, grep("integer", node.class)] <- sapply(node.df[, grep("integer", node.class)],
as.numeric) }
node.class <- sapply(node.df,
edge.class <- sapply(edge.df,
if (any(grep("factor", edge.class))) {
edge.df[, grep("factor", edge.class)] <- sapply(edge.df[, grep("factor", edge.class)],
as.character) }
edge.class <- sapply(edge.df,
# Nodes and attributes
if (length(grep("character", node.class)) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(grep("character", node.class))) {
mydata <- initNodeAttribute(graph = mydata,
attribute.name = names(node.class[grep("character", node.class)])[i],
attribute.type = 'char',
default.value = 'undefined')
nodeData(mydata, n = as.character(node.df[, 1]), attr = names(node.class[grep("character", node.class)])[i]) <- as.character(node.df[,grep("character", node.class)[i]]) }
if (length(grep("numeric", node.class))){
for (i in 1:length(grep("numeric", node.class))) {
mydata <- initNodeAttribute(graph = mydata,
attribute.name = names(node.class[grep("numeric", node.class)])[i],
attribute.type = 'numeric',
default.value = 0.0)
nodeData(mydata, n = as.character(node.df[, 1]), attr = names(node.class[grep("numeric", node.class)])[i]) <- as.numeric(node.df[,grep("numeric", node.class)[i]]) }
# Edges and attributes
mydata = addEdge(as.vector(edge.df[,1],
mode = "character"),
mode = "character"),
if (length(grep("character", edge.class)) > 2){
for (i in 3:length(grep("character", edge.class))) {
mydata <- initEdgeAttribute(graph = mydata,
attribute.name = names(edge.df[,grep("character", edge.class)])[i],
attribute.type = 'char',
default.value = 'undefined')
edgeData(mydata, as.vector(edge.df[,1], mode = "character"), as.vector(edge.df[,2], mode = "character"), attr = names(edge.df[,grep("character", edge.class)])[i]) <- as.character(edge.df[,grep("character", edge.class)[i]]) }
if (any(grep("numeric", edge.class))){
for (i in 1:length(grep("numeric", edge.class))) {
mydata <- initEdgeAttribute(mydata,
attribute.name = names(edge.class[grep("numeric", edge.class)])[i],
attribute.type = "numeric",
default.value = 0)
edgeData(mydata, as.vector(edge.df[,1], mode = "character"), as.vector(edge.df[,2], mode = "character"), attr = names(edge.class[grep("numeric", edge.class)])[i]) <- as.numeric(edge.df[,grep("numeric", edge.class)[i]]) }
# END cyPlot
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.