
Defines functions error warning error error warning ggAddR fin_ticker fin_JustifiedPE

Documented in fin_JustifiedPE fin_ticker ggAddR

#   Copyright 2007-2022 Timothy C. Bates
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#        https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

# devtools::document("~/bin/umx"); devtools::install("~/bin/umx");
# utility naming convention: "umx_" prefix, lowercase, and "_" (not camel case) e.g. xmu_data_swap_a_block()

# ===================================
# = Poems one should know by heart: =
# ===================================

# William Shakespeare
# [Macbeth Tomorrow and tomorrow soliloquy](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/56964/speech-tomorrow-and-tomorrow-and-tomorrow)
# [Othello To be or not to be](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/56965/speech-to-be-or-not-to-be-that-is-the-question)
# [The Merchant of Venice](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/2682703-the-merchant-of-venice)
#  * "How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world."
#  * The quality of mercy is not strained.
#  * "One half of me is yours, the other half is yours,
#    Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours,
#    And so all yours."
#  * If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do,
#    chapels had been churches, 
#    and poor men's cottages princes' palaces.
#  * This above all: to thine own self be true,

# [Ozymandias](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/46565/ozymandias)
# [Yeats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._B._Yeats)
# * [The Second Coming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Second_Coming_(poem))
# * [The Wild Swans at Coole](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wild_Swans_at_Coole_(poem))
#  * [Invictus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invictus)
# Brevia
#  * [Abou ben Adhem](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44433/abou-ben-adhem)
#  * [Odi et amo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catullus_85)
#      I hate and I love.
#      Why?, perhaps you ask.
#      I know not, but I feel it so,
#      and it tortures me.

#' Justified P/E Ratio
#' @description
#' Compute the Justified P/E of a stock.
#' Justified P/E = ( (DPS / EPS) * (1 + g)) / (k – g)
#' DPS is the dividend per share, EPS is the earnings per share,
#' g is the sustainable growth rate, and k is the required rate of return.
#' @param Dividend The dividend.
#' @param EPS The Earnings per Share.
#' @param growthRate The growth rate.
#' @param discountRate Your chosen discount rate.
#' @param basePE The base PE.
#' @param yrs Years.
#' @return - A PE that is justified for this stock.
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Functions
#' @seealso - [fin_interest()], [fin_percent()], [fin_NI()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # fin_JustifiedPE(Dividend= .8, EPS = 2, growthRate = .06, discountRate = .1)
fin_JustifiedPE <- function(Dividend= .02, EPS = 1, growthRate = .08, discountRate = .12, basePE= 20, yrs=10) {
	paste0("Based on growth (", growthRate*100, "% expected growth for ", yrs, " years and a base P/E of ",
	basePE, "), the justified P/E would be: ", (growthRate * yrs) + basePE )
   # ((0.4 * 2) * (1 + 0.06)) / (0.1 - 0.06)
   # ((Dividend/EPS) * (1 + growthRate)) / (k-growthRate)
   # Justified P/E Ratio = 16.8

#' Open a ticker in yahoo finance.
#' @description
#' Open a stock ticker, currently in yahoo finance
#' @param ticker A stock symbol to look up, e.g., "OXY"
#' @return - Open a ticker in a finance site online
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Functions
#' @seealso - [fin_interest()], [fin_percent()], [fin_NI()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # Open $INTC in yahoo finance.
#' \dontrun{
#' fin_ticker("INTC")
#' }

fin_ticker <- function(ticker= "INTC") {
	url =paste0("https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/", ticker)
	# https://www.google.com/finance/quote/SWBI:NASDAQ
	browseURL(url, browser = getOption("browser"))

#' Add a fit statistic to a ggplot
#' @description
#' Add a fit statistic to a ggplot
#' @param model a statistical model which contains a fit measure.
#' @param effect optional hard coded fit/effect.
#' @param xloc x location of R.
#' @param yloc y location of R.
#' @return - plot
#' @export
#' @family Plotting functions
#' @seealso - [umxPlot()], [umxPlotFun()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'	m1 = lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
#'	p = ggplot2::ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg))+ geom_point() +geom_smooth()+
#'	ggAddR(m1, effect = NA, xloc=2, yloc= 10); p
#' }
ggAddR <- function(model, effect = NA, xloc=8, yloc= 10) {
		r2 = round(summary(model)$r.squared, 3)
		lab = bquote(R^2 == .(r2))
		return(cowplot::draw_label(lab, x = xloc, y = yloc, fontfamily = "Times", size = 12))
	} else {
		return(cowplot::draw_label(effect, x = xloc, y = yloc, fontfamily = "Times", size = 12))

# #' Easily use the Box-Cox transform
# #'
# #' @description
# #' Applies Box-Cox to the input columns. Box-Cox finds (x ^ (lambda - 1)) / lambda
# #'
# #' | \eqn{\lambda} | Transformation  |
# #' |:--------------|:----------------|
# #' | -2            | \eqn{1/x^2}     |
# #' | -1            | 1/x             |
# #' | -.5           | 1/sqrt(x)       |
# #' | 0             | log(x)          |
# #' | 0.5           | sqrt(x)         |
# #'
# #' This is a crucial processing step. You should graph (`plotit =TRUE`) and examine.
# #'
# #' Improvements would allow taking more than one column and (optionally)# 
# #' snapping to common values.
# #' @details
# #'
# #' @param x A variable to transform.
# #' @param verbose Plot the likelihood of lambda and show nearest "common" transform.
# #' @return - The Box-Cox transformed variable.
# #' @export
# #' @family Data Functions
# #' @seealso - [MASS::boxcox()]
# #' @references - Box, G. E. P. and Cox, D. R. (1964) An analysis of transformations (with discussion). 
# #' *Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B*, **26**, 211–252. <https://www.jstor.org/stable/2984418>
# #' @md
# #' @examples
# #' tmp = log(1:100)
# #' hist(tmp)
# #' hist(umx_boxcox(tmp))
# umx_boxcox <- function(x, verbose = TRUE, shiftMin=FALSE) {
# 	if(min(x)<0){
# 		con.expr
# 	} else {
# 		alt.expr
# 	}
# 	xbox = MASS::boxcox(lm(x ~ 1), plotit = verbose)
# 	lambda = xbox$x[which.max(xbox$y)]
# 	if(lambda == 0){
# 		newX = log(x)
# 	} else {
# 		newX = ((x^lambda) - 1) / lambda
# 	}
# 	if(verbose){
# 		nearest = c("1/x^2", "1/x", "1/sqrt(x)", "log(x)", "sqrt(x)")[which.min(abs(lambda - c(-2, -1, -.5, 0, 0.5)))]
# 		cat("lambda = ", lambda, "\nTransform was: (x ^ ", lambda, " - 1) / ", lambda, "\nThe nearest common transform is:", 		omxQuotes(nearest))
# 	}
# 	return(newX)
# }

#' load libraries
#' @description
#' `libs` allows loading multiple libraries in one call
#' @param ... library names as strings, e.g. "pwr"
#' @param force.update install.package even if present (to get new version) FALSE
#' @return - nothing.
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Utility Functions
#' @seealso - [library()], [install.packages()], [remove.packages()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' libs("umx", "OpenMx", "car")
#' libs("umx", c("OpenMx", "car"))
#' remove.packages()
#' }
libs <- function(... , force.update = FALSE) {
	dot.items = list(...) # grab all the dot items
	dot.items = unlist(dot.items) # In case any dot items are lists
	for (pack in dot.items) {
		result = tryCatch({
			library(pack, character.only = TRUE)
		}, warning = function(warn) {
			umx_msg("Who's, Z?")
		}, error = function(err) {
			cat(paste0("I'll try and install.packages(", omxQuotes(pack), ") for you"))
			library(pack, character.only = TRUE)
		}, finally={


#' Succinctly select complete rows from a dataframe
#' @description
#' Succinctly select complete rows from a dataframe.
#' @param df an [data.frame()] to select on
#' @param rows Rows to keep (optional, incomplete rows still discarded)
#' @param cols Cols to keep
#' @param drop Whether to return a vector when only 1 column is selected (default TRUE)
#' @return - Complete rows and (optionally) selected columns
#' @export
#' @family Data Functions
#' @md
#' @examples
#' tmp = mtcars
#' tmp[2,1] = NA
#' noNAs(tmp, cols="mpg")
#' noNAs(tmp, cols="mpg", drop = FALSE)
#' noNAs(tmp) # no Mazda RX4 Wag
noNAs <- function(df, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, drop = TRUE) {
			# every complete row, all cols
			df[complete.cases(df), , drop = drop]
			# every complete row, selected cols
			df[complete.cases(df[, cols]), cols, drop = drop]
	} else {
		# remove discluded rows
		df = df[rows, ]
			# every remaining complete row, all cols
			df[complete.cases(df), , drop = drop]
			# every remaining complete row, selected cols
			df[complete.cases(df[, cols]), cols, drop = drop]

#' Return names of models found within a model
#' @description
#' `umxModelNames` returns the names of each model contained in the model provided to it 
#' (optionally excluding the out model itself).
#' @param model an [mxModel()] to search for model names.
#' @param includeOuterModelName FALSE
#' @return - All models names
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Utility Functions
#' @seealso - [mxRename()], [umxSuperModel()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(GFF)
#' mzData = subset(GFF, zyg_2grp == "MZ")
#' dzData = subset(GFF, zyg_2grp == "DZ")
#' selDVs = c("gff", "fc", "qol")
#' m1 = umxCP(selDVs= selDVs, nFac= 1, dzData= dzData, mzData= mzData, sep= "_T", autoRun= TRUE)
#' m2 = mxRename(m1, "model2")
#' umxModelNames(m1) # "top" "MZ" "DZ"
#' umxModelNames(m2) # "top" "MZ" "DZ"
#' super = umxSuperModel("myModel", m1, m2, autoRun = TRUE)
#' umxModelNames(super)
#' plot(super$CP1fac)
#' }
umxModelNames <- function(model, includeOuterModelName = FALSE) {
	nameList = c()
		nameList = c(nameList, model$name)
	if(length(model$submodels) > 0){
		# get the names of the submodels
		subNames = names(model$submodels)
		nameList = c(nameList, subNames)
		# iterate overthem finding sub-sub-models
		for (thisSubModel in subNames) {
			newNames = names(eval(parse(text = paste0("model$", thisSubModel, "$submodels"))))
			nameList = c(nameList, newNames)

# =========================================================
# = Obscure enough to be in xmu internal not for end user =
# =========================================================
#' Rename a umxMatrix (even in a model)
#' @description
#' Rename a [umxMatrix()], including updating its labels to match the new name.
#' @param x A model or matrix
#' @param matrixName Name of the matrix
#' @param name The new name
#' @return - updated matrix or model with updated matrix in it.
#' @export
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(twinData) # ?twinData from Australian twins.
#' twinData[, c("ht1", "ht2")] = twinData[, c("ht1", "ht2")] * 10
#' mzData = twinData[twinData$zygosity %in% "MZFF", ]
#' dzData = twinData[twinData$zygosity %in% "DZFF", ]
#' m1  = umxACE(selDVs= "ht", sep= "", dzData= dzData, mzData= mzData, autoRun= FALSE)
#' tmp = umxRenameMatrix(m1$top, matrixName = "a", name="hello")
#' umx_check(tmp$hello$labels == "hello_r1c1") # new is there
#' umx_check(is.null(tmp$a))                   # old is gone
#' }
umxRenameMatrix <- function(x, matrixName, name) {
		# 1. Grab a copy of the matrix
		tmp = x[[matrixName]]
		umx_check(!is.null(tmp), "stop", paste0("matrix ", matrixName, " not found (calling umxRenameMatrix in model ", omxQuotes(x$name), ")"))
		# 2. Update the new copy
		tmp$name   = name
		tmp$labels = namez(tmp$labels, pattern = paste0(matrixName), replacement = paste0(name))

		# 2. Delete the old one from the model
		x = mxModel(x, matrixName, remove= TRUE)
		# 4. Add back to top
		x = mxModel(x, tmp)
	} else {
		stop("Haven't implemented umxRenameMatrix for matrices")

# ==============================
# = Get and set OpenMx options =
# ==============================

#' Display umx options
#' Show the umx options. Useful for beginners to discover, or people like me to remember :-)
#' @return - message
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @examples
#' umx_get_options()
umx_get_options <- function() {
	message(umx_set_cores(silent = TRUE), " cores will be used")	

#' Set theme system to use for plots.
#' Set output file suffix (default = "gv", alternative is "dot"). If you call this with no
#' value, it will return the current setting. If you call it with TRUE, it toggles the setting.
#' @param umx.plot.use_hrbrthemes whether to them plots with hrbrthemes (if empty returns the current value)
#' @param silent If TRUE, no message will be printed.
#' @return - Current setting
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umx_set_plot_use_hrbrthemes() # print current state
#' old = umx_set_plot_use_hrbrthemes(silent = TRUE) # store current value
#' umx_set_plot_use_hrbrthemes(TRUE)
#' umx_set_plot_use_hrbrthemes(old) # reinstate
umx_set_plot_use_hrbrthemes <- function(umx.plot.use_hrbrthemes = NULL, silent = FALSE) {
	if(is.null(umx.plot.use_hrbrthemes)) {
			message("Currently option to use hrbrthemes for plots is", 
				". Valid options are TRUE or FALSE"
	} else {
		umx_check(umx.plot.use_hrbrthemes %in% c(TRUE, FALSE), "stop", "valid options are TRUE or FALSE)")
		options("umx.plot.use_hrbrthemes" = umx.plot.use_hrbrthemes)

#' Set output suffix used in umx SEM diagram files saved to disk.
#' `umx` SEM diagram files can have a suffix of "gv" (default) or  "dot".
#' Interrogate the setting by calling with no value: it will return the current setting. 
#' To change the setting call with "gv" or "dot". Or use TRUE to toggle the setting.
#' @param umx.plot.suffix The suffix for plot files (if empty current value is returned). "TRUE", toggles setting.
#' @param silent If TRUE, no message will be printed.
#' @return - Current setting
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umx_set_plot_file_suffix() # print current state
#' old = umx_set_plot_file_suffix(silent = TRUE) # store current value
#' umx_set_plot_file_suffix("dot")
#' umx_set_plot_file_suffix("gv")
#' umx_set_plot_file_suffix(old) # reinstate
umx_set_plot_file_suffix <- function(umx.plot.suffix = NULL, silent = FALSE) {
	if(is.null(umx.plot.suffix)) {
			message("Current format is", 
				". Valid options are 'gv' or 'dot'. Use TRUE to toggle"
	} else {
		if(umx.plot.suffix == TRUE){
			# if T then toggle
			if(getOption("umx.plot.suffix") == "gv"){
				umx.plot.suffix = "dot"
			} else {
				umx.plot.suffix = "gv"
		} else {
			umx_check(umx.plot.suffix %in% c("gv", "dot"), "stop", "valid options are 'gv' or 'dot'. Use TRUE to toggle)")
		options("umx.plot.suffix" = umx.plot.suffix)

#' Set output format of plots (structural diagrams) in umx
#' Set output format of plots (default = "DiagrammeR", alternative is "graphviz"). If you call this with no
#' value, it will return the current setting. If you call it with TRUE, it toggles the setting.
#' @param umx.plot.format format for plots (if empty, returns the current value of umx.plot.format). If "TRUE", then toggles
#' @param silent If TRUE, no message will be printed.
#' @return - Current umx.plot.format setting
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' library(umx)
#' umx_set_plot_format() # print current state
#' old = umx_set_plot_format(silent = TRUE) # store current value
#' umx_set_plot_format("graphviz")
#' umx_set_plot_format("DiagrammeR")
#' umx_set_plot_format("png")
#' umx_set_plot_format("pdf")
#' umx_set_plot_format(old) # reinstate
umx_set_plot_format <- function(umx.plot.format = NULL, silent = FALSE) {
	if(is.null(umx.plot.format)) {
			message("Current format is ", 
				". Valid options are 'DiagrammeR', 'pdf', 'png', 'svg', or 'graphviz'. TRUE toggles between DiagrammeR and graphviz"
	} else {
		if(umx.plot.format == TRUE){
			# if T then toggle
			if(getOption("umx.plot.format") == "graphviz"){
				umx.plot.format = "DiagrammeR"
			} else {
				umx.plot.format = "graphviz"
		} else {
			umx_check(umx.plot.format %in% c("DiagrammeR", "pdf", "png", 'svg', "graphviz"), "stop", "valid options are 'DiagrammeR', 'pdf', 'png', 'svg', 'graphviz'. TRUE toggles between DiagrammeR and graphviz)")
		options("umx.plot.format" = umx.plot.format)

#' Set the symbol for money
#' Set umx_set_dollar_symbol (used in e.g. [fin_interest()]
#' @param umx.dollar.symbol symbol for money calculations.
#' @param silent If TRUE, no message will be printed.
#' @return - Current umx.dollar.symbol
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @examples
#' library(umx)
#' umx_set_dollar_symbol() # show current state
#' old = umx_set_dollar_symbol(silent=TRUE) # store existing value
#' fin_interest(100)
#' umx_set_dollar_symbol(old)    # reinstate
umx_set_dollar_symbol <- function(umx.dollar.symbol = NULL, silent = FALSE) {
	if(is.null(umx.dollar.symbol)) {
		if(!silent){ message("Current format is ", omxQuotes(getOption("umx.dollar.symbol"))	) }
	} else {
		options("umx.dollar.symbol" = umx.dollar.symbol)

#' Set the separator
#' Set umx_default_separator (used in CI\[low sep high\] ). Default = ","
#' @param umx_default_separator separator for CIs etc. (if empty, returns the current value)
#' @param silent If TRUE, no message will be printed.
#' @return - Current umx_default_separator
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @examples
#' library(umx)
#' umx_set_separator() # show current state
#' old = umx_set_separator(silent=TRUE) # store existing value
#' umx_set_separator("|")
#' umxAPA(.3, .2)
#' umx_set_separator(old)    # reinstate
umx_set_separator <- function( umx_default_separator = NULL, silent = FALSE) {
	if(is.null( umx_default_separator)) {
			message("Current separator is", omxQuotes(getOption(" umx_default_separator")) )
		invisible(getOption(" umx_default_separator"))		
	} else {
			options(" umx_default_separator" =  umx_default_separator)
} # end umx_set_separator

#' umx_set_table_format
#' Set knitr.table.format default (output style for tables). Legal values are 
#' "latex", "html", "markdown", "pandoc", and "rst".
#' @param knitr.table.format format for tables (if empty, returns the current value of knitr.table.format)
#' @param silent If TRUE, no message will be printed.
#' @return - Current knitr.table.format setting
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' library(umx)
#' umx_set_table_format() # show current state
#' old = umx_set_table_format() # store existing value
#' umx_set_table_format("latex")
#' umx_set_table_format("html")
#' umx_set_table_format("markdown")
#' umx_set_table_format("") # get available options
#' umx_set_table_format(old)    # reinstate
umx_set_table_format <- function(knitr.table.format = NULL, silent = FALSE) {
	legal = c('latex', 'html', 'pipe', 'simple', 'markdown', 'rst')
	if(is.null(knitr.table.format)) {
			message("Current format is", omxQuotes(getOption("knitr.table.format")), 
				". Valid options are ", omxQuotes(legal)
	} else {
		if(!knitr.table.format %in% legal){
			message("legal options are ", omxQuotes(legal))
		} else {
			options("knitr.table.format" = knitr.table.format)
} # end umx_set_table_format

#' umx_set_auto_plot
#' Set autoPlot default for models like umxACE umxGxE etc.
#' @param autoPlot If TRUE, sets the umx_auto_plot option. Else returns the current value of umx_auto_plot
#' @param silent If TRUE, no message will be printed.
#' @return - Current umx_auto_plot setting
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @return - existing value
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' library(umx)
#' umx_set_auto_plot() # print current state
#' old = umx_set_auto_plot(silent = TRUE) # store existing value
#' old
#' umx_set_auto_plot(TRUE)   # set to on (internally stored as "name")
#' umx_set_auto_plot(FALSE)  # set to off (internally stored as NA)
#' umx_set_auto_plot(old)    # reinstate
umx_set_auto_plot <- function(autoPlot = NULL, silent = FALSE) {	
	oldAutoPlot = getOption("umx_auto_plot")
		# not initialised yet
		options("umx_auto_plot" = NA)
		oldAutoPlot = NA
		oldAutoPlot = FALSE
	} else {
		oldAutoPlot = TRUE
		# just asking...
			message("Current plot format is ", omxQuotes(oldAutoPlot), "\n Use TRUE to turn on, FALSE to turn off.")
		if(is.na(autoPlot) || autoPlot %in% FALSE){
			# Set to NA (which is interpreted as FALSE
			options("umx_auto_plot" = NA)		
		} else if(autoPlot == 'name' || autoPlot){
			options("umx_auto_plot" = "name")

#' umx_set_data_variance_check
#' Set default for data checking in models like umxACE umxGxE etc.
#' @param minVar Set the threshold at which to warn user about variables with too-small variance. Else returns the current value of umx_minVar
#' @param maxVarRatio Set the option for threshold at which to warn user variances differ too much. Else returns the current value of umx_maxVarRatio
#' @param silent If TRUE, no message will be printed.
#' @return - list of umx_minVar and umx_maxVarRatio settings
#' @export
#' @seealso xmu_check_variance which uses these to check sanity in the variances of a data frame.
#' @family Get and set
#' @examples
#' library(umx)
#' umx_set_data_variance_check() # print current state
#' old = umx_set_data_variance_check(silent = TRUE) # store existing value
#' umx_set_data_variance_check(minVar = .01)
#' umx_set_data_variance_check(maxVarRatio = 500)
#' umx_set_data_variance_check(minVar = old$minVar, maxVarRatio = old$maxVarRatio) # reinstate
umx_set_data_variance_check <- function(minVar = NULL, maxVarRatio = NULL, silent = FALSE) {
		minVar = getOption("umx_minVar")
			message("Current threshold for small variance warning in umx functions is ", omxQuotes(getOption("umx_minVar")))
		options("umx_minVar" = minVar)		
		maxVarRatio = getOption("umx_maxVarRatio")
			message("Current threshold for excess ratio among variances warning in umx functions is ", omxQuotes(getOption("umx_maxVarRatio")))
		options("umx_maxVarRatio" = maxVarRatio)		
	invisible(list(minVar = minVar, maxVarRatio = maxVarRatio))

#' Turn off most console and summary output from umx
#' Running multiple analyses or simulations, it can be handy to turn off the automatic summary, 
#' graphing, and printing that umx does to help interactive sessions. `umx_set_silent` does this.
#' Summary and graph output, as well as progress and durable console output will be suppressed.
#' Not every function knows about silent, but most, like [umx::umxRAM()] etc do.
#' @details
#' Under the hood, `umx_set_silent` sets options("umx_silent"). This can be set to either `TRUE` or `FALSE`.
#' If TRUE, then the progress messages from model runs are suppressed. Useful for power simulations etc.
#' @param value Boolean stating if umx Models should run silently (TRUE).
#' @param silent If TRUE, this function itself will just return the state of the option, with no user message.
#' @return - Current silent value
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>, <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' library(umx)
#' old = umx_set_silent() # print & store existing value
#' umx_set_silent(FALSE, silent = TRUE) # set to FALSE
#' umx_set_silent(old)   # reinstate
#' umx_set_silent() # print existing value
umx_set_silent <- function(value = NA, silent = FALSE) {
	# initialize if needed
	oldValue = getOption("umx_silent")
	if(is.null(oldValue)) {
		oldValue = FALSE
		options("umx_silent" = FALSE)
	if(is.na(value)) {
		# get value
			message("Current silent setting is ", omxQuotes(oldValue),".\nValid options are TRUE or FALSE.")
	} else {
		umx_check(value %in% c(TRUE, FALSE), "stop")
		options("umx_silent" = value)

#' Automatically run models?
#' Set `autoRun` default for models like [umxRAM()], [umxACE()] etc.
#' @param autoRun If TRUE or FALSE, sets the umx_auto_run option. Else returns the current value of umx_auto_run
#' @param silent If TRUE, no message will be printed.
#' @return - Current umx_auto_run setting
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @md
#' @examples
#' library(umx)
#' umx_set_auto_run() # print existing value
#' old = umx_set_auto_run(silent = TRUE) # store existing value
#' umx_set_auto_run(FALSE)  # set to FALSE
#' umx_set_auto_run(old)    # reinstate
umx_set_auto_run <- function(autoRun = NA, silent = FALSE) {
	oldValue = getOption("umx_auto_run")
	if(is.null(oldValue)) {
		oldValue = FALSE
		options("umx_auto_run" = TRUE)
	if(is.na(autoRun)) {
			message("Current auto-run setting is ", omxQuotes(oldValue),".\nValid options are TRUE or FALSE.")
	} else {
		umx_check(autoRun %in% c(TRUE, FALSE), "stop")
		options("umx_auto_run" = autoRun)

#' umx_set_condensed_slots
#' Sets whether newly-created mxMatrices are to be condensed (set to NULL if not being used) or not.
#' @param state what state (TRUE or FALSE) to set condensed slots (default NA returns current value).
#' @param silent If TRUE, no message will be printed.
#' @return - current value of condensed slots
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' library(umx)
#' umx_set_condensed_slots() # print
#' old = umx_set_condensed_slots(silent = TRUE) # store the existing state
#' umx_set_condensed_slots(TRUE) # update globally
#' umx_set_condensed_slots(old) # set back
umx_set_condensed_slots <- function(state = NA, silent = FALSE) {
			message("mxCondenseMatrixSlots is currently: ",
	} else {
			stop("mxCondenseMatrixSlots must be TRUE or FALSE you tried ", omxQuotes(state))
			options(mxCondenseMatrixSlots = state)			

#' Set options that affect optimization in OpenMx
#' `umx_set_optimization_options` provides access to get and set options affecting optimization.
#' *note*: For `mvnRelEps`, values between .0001 to .01 are conventional. Smaller values slow optimization.
#' @param opt default returns current values of the options listed. Currently
#' "mvnRelEps", "mvnMaxPointsA", and "Parallel diagnostics".
#' @param value If not NULL, the value to set the opt to (can be a list of length(opt))
#' @param silent If TRUE, no message will be printed.
#' @param model A model for which to set the optimizer. Default (NULL) sets the optimizer globally.
#' @return - current values if no value set.
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # show current value for selected or all options
#' umx_set_optimization_options() # print the existing state(s)
#' umx_set_optimization_options("mvnRelEps") 
#' \dontrun{
#' umx_set_optimization_options("mvnRelEps", .01) # update globally
#' umx_set_optimization_options("Parallel diagnostics", value = "Yes") 
#' }
umx_set_optimization_options <- function(opt = c("mvnRelEps", "mvnMaxPointsA", "Parallel diagnostics"), value = NULL, model = NULL, silent = FALSE) {
		# print current values for each item in opt
		for (this in opt) {			
				o = mxOption(NULL, this)
			} else {
				o = mxOption(model, this)
			message(paste0("Current ", this , " is: ", omxQuotes(o)))
	} else {
		# Set options
			stop("For safe coding, please match opt and value lengths")
		} else {
			i = 1
			for (this in opt) {
					o = mxOption(NULL, this, value[i])
				} else {
					o = mxOption(model, this, value[i])
				i = i + 1

#' Set the optimizer in OpenMx
#' `umx_set_optimizer` provides an easy way to get and set the default optimizer.
#' @param opt default (NA) returns current value. Current alternatives are
#' "NPSOL" "SLSQP" and "CSOLNP".
#' @param model A model for which to set the optimizer. Default (NULL) sets the optimizer globally.
#' @param silent If TRUE, no message will be printed.
#' @return - current optimizer if nothing requested to be set.
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' library(umx)
#' umx_set_optimizer() # print the existing state
#' old = umx_set_optimizer(silent = TRUE) # store the existing state
#' umx_set_optimizer("SLSQP") # update globally
#' umx_set_optimizer(old) # set back
umx_set_optimizer <- function(opt = NA, model = NULL, silent = FALSE) {
			o = mxOption(NULL, "Default optimizer")
		} else {
			o = mxOption(model, "Default optimizer")
			quoteOptions = omxQuotes(mxAvailableOptimizers())
			message("Current Optimizer is: ", omxQuotes(o), ". Options are: ", quoteOptions)
	} else {
		if(!opt %in% mxAvailableOptimizers()){
			stop("The Optimizer ", omxQuotes(opt), " is not legal. Legal values (from mxAvailableOptimizers() ) are:",
			mxOption(NULL, "Default optimizer", opt)	
		} else {
			stop(paste0("'Default optimizer' is a global option and cannot be set on models. just say:\n",
			"umx_set_optimizer(", omxQuotes(opt), ")"))

#' umx_set_cores
#' set the number of cores (threads) used by OpenMx
#' @param cores number of cores to use. NA (the default) returns current value. "-1" will set to `omxDetectCores()`.
#' @param model an (optional) model to set. If left NULL, the global option is updated.
#' @param silent If TRUE, no message will be printed.
#' @return - number of cores
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' library(umx)
#' manifests = c("mpg", "disp", "gear")
#' m1 = mxModel("ind", type = "RAM",
#' 	manifestVars = manifests,
#' 	mxPath(from = manifests, arrows = 2),
#' 	mxPath(from = "one", to = manifests),
#' 	mxData(mtcars[, manifests], type = "raw")
#' )
#' umx_set_cores() # print current value
#' oldCores = umx_set_cores(silent = TRUE)  # store existing value
#' umx_set_cores(omxDetectCores()) # set to max
#' umx_set_cores(-1); umx_set_cores() # set to max
#' m1 = umx_set_cores(1, m1)  # set m1 usage to 1 core
#' umx_set_cores(model = m1)  # show new value for m1
#' umx_set_cores(oldCores)    # reinstate old global value
umx_set_cores <- function(cores = NA, model = NULL, silent = FALSE) {
		n = mxOption(model, "Number of Threads") # get the old value
			message(n, "/", omxDetectCores() )
	} else if(umx_is_MxModel(cores)) {
		stop("Call this as umx_set_cores(cores, model), not the other way around")
			stop("cores must be a number. You gave me ", cores)
		umx_check(isTRUE(all.equal(cores, as.integer(cores))), message = paste0("cores must be an integer. You gave me: ", cores))
		if(cores > omxDetectCores() ){
			message("cores set to maximum available (request (", cores, ") exceeds number possible: ", omxDetectCores() )
			cores = omxDetectCores()
		} else if (cores < 1){
			cores = omxDetectCores()
		mxOption(model, "Number of Threads", cores)		

#' umx_set_checkpoint
#' Set the checkpoint status for a model or global options
#' @aliases umx_set_checkpoint umx_checkpoint
#' @param interval How many units between checkpoints: Default =  1.
#' A value of zero sets always to 'No' (i.e., do not checkpoint all models during optimization)
#' @param units units to count in: Default unit is 'evaluations' ('minutes' is also legal)
#' @param prefix string prefix to add to all checkpoint filenames (default = "")
#' @param directory a directory, i.e "~/Desktop" (defaults to getwd())
#' @param model (optional) model to set options in (default = NULL)
#' @return - mxModel if provided
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' umx_set_checkpoint(interval = 1, "evaluations", dir = "~/Desktop/")
#' # Turn off checkpointing with interval = 0
#' umx_set_checkpoint(interval = 0)
#' umx_set_checkpoint(2, "evaluations", prefix="SNP_1")
#' require(umx)
#' data(demoOneFactor)
#' manifests = names(demoOneFactor)
#' m1 = umxRAM("One Factor", data = demoOneFactor, type = "cov",
#' 	umxPath("G", to = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = "G", fixedAt = 1)
#' )
#' m1 = umx_set_checkpoint(model = m1)
#' m1 = mxRun(m1)
#' umx_checkpoint(0)
#' }
umx_set_checkpoint <- function(interval = 1, units = c("evaluations", "iterations", "minutes"), prefix = "", directory = getwd(), model = NULL) {
		stop("You passed in a model as the first parameter. You probably want:\n",
	units = match.arg(units)
	if(interval == 0){
		always = "No"
	} else {
		always = "Yes"
		# Whether to checkpoint all models during optimization.
		mxOption(NULL, "Always Checkpoint"   , always)

		# The number of units between checkpoint intervals
		mxOption(NULL, "Checkpoint Count"    , interval)

		# The type of units for checkpointing: 'minutes', 'iterations', or 'evaluations'.
		mxOption(NULL, "Checkpoint Units"    , units)	

		# The string prefix to add to all checkpoint filenames.
		mxOption(NULL, "Checkpoint Prefix"   , prefix)

		# the directory into which checkpoint files are written.
		mxOption(NULL, "Checkpoint Directory", directory)
	} else {
		model = mxOption(model, "Always Checkpoint"   , always)
		model = mxOption(model, "Checkpoint Count"    , interval)
		model = mxOption(model, "Checkpoint Units"    , units)
		model = mxOption(model, "Checkpoint Prefix"   , prefix)
		model = mxOption(model, "Checkpoint Directory", directory)

#' @export
umx_checkpoint <- umx_set_checkpoint

#' Get or set checkpointing for a model
#' Get the checkpoint status for a model or global options
#' @param model an optional model to get options from
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @family Get and set
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' umx_get_checkpoint() # current global default
#' require(umx)
#' data(demoOneFactor)
#' manifests = names(demoOneFactor)
#' m1 = umxRAM("One Factor", data = demoOneFactor, type = "cov",
#' 	umxPath("G", to = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = "G", fixedAt = 1)
#' )
#' umx_get_checkpoint(model = m1)
#' }
umx_get_checkpoint <- function(model = NULL) {
	message("Always Checkpoint: "    , mxOption(model, "Always Checkpoint") )
	message("Checkpoint  Count: "    , mxOption(model, "Checkpoint Count" ) )
	message("Checkpoint  Units: "    , mxOption(model, "Checkpoint Units" ) )
	message("Checkpoint  Prefix: "   , mxOption(model, "Checkpoint Prefix" ) )	
	message("Checkpoint  Directory: ", mxOption(model, "Checkpoint Directory" ) )

#' Check if OpenMx is using OpenMP, test cores, and get timings
#' Shows how many cores you are using, and runs a test script so user can check CPU usage.
#' @details
#' Some historical (starting 2017-09-06) speeds on my late 2015 iMac, 3.3 GHz
#' Quad-core i7 desktop and then a quad i7 2018 MacBook Pro
#' \tabular{rllll}{
#'	Date       \tab Version         \tab Cores \tab Time              \tab     Notes               \cr
#'	2021-07-28 \tab (git) \tab 8     \tab 00 min 42.98 sec  \tab \eqn{\Delta}:-80 (SLSQP laptop (55 sec under NPSOL))  \cr
#'	2021-07-28 \tab (git) \tab 1     \tab 02 min 03 sec     \tab (SLSQP on laptop)       \cr
#'	2020-08-09 \tab 2.17.3  (git)   \tab 1     \tab 01 min 52 sec     \tab (CSOLNP on laptop)      \cr
#'	2020-08-09 \tab 2.17.3  (git)   \tab 4     \tab 00 min 40.18 sec  \tab (CSOLNP on laptop)      \cr
#'	2019-06-13 \tab v2.13.2 (git)   \tab 1     \tab 01 min, 11 sec    \tab (NPSOL)                 \cr
#'	2019-06-13 \tab v2.13.2 (git)   \tab 4     \tab 00 min, 22 sec    \tab (NPSOL)                 \cr
#'	2019-06-13 \tab v2.13.2 (git)   \tab 6     \tab 00 min, 21 sec    \tab (NPSOL)                 \cr
#'	2018-10-14 \tab v2.11.5 (CRAN)  \tab 4     \tab 00 min, 36 sec    \tab \eqn{\Delta}:-39.598)   \cr
#'	2018-09-17 \tab v2.11.3         \tab 1     \tab 01 min, 31 sec    \tab                         \cr
#'	2018-09-17 \tab v2.11.3         \tab 4     \tab 00 min, 30.6 sec  \tab \eqn{\Delta}: -61.49)   \cr
#'	2017-10-16 \tab v2.7.18-9       \tab 1     \tab 01 min, 07.30 sec \tab                         \cr                  
#'	2017-10-16 \tab v2.7.18-9       \tab 4     \tab 00 min, 22.63 sec \tab \eqn{\Delta}: -44.68)   \cr
#'	2017-10-16 \tab Clang OpenMP    \tab 1     \tab 01 min, 08.38 sec \tab                         \cr                  
#'	2017-10-16 \tab Clang OpenMP    \tab 4     \tab 00 min, 24.89 sec \tab \eqn{\Delta}: -43.49)   \cr
#'	2017-09-07 \tab Clang OpenMP    \tab 1     \tab 01 min, 12.90 sec \tab                         \cr
#'	2017-09-07 \tab Clang OpenMP    \tab 4     \tab 00 min, 32.20 sec \tab \eqn{\Delta}: -40.70    \cr
#'	2017-09-07 \tab Clang notOpenMP \tab 1     \tab 01 min, 09.90 sec \tab                         \cr
#'	2017-09-07 \tab TRAVIS          \tab 1     \tab 01 min, 06.20 sec \tab                         \cr
#'	2017-09-07 \tab TRAVIS          \tab 4     \tab 00 min, 21.10 sec \tab \eqn{\Delta}: -45.00    \cr
#' }
#' @param nCores How many cores to run (defaults to c(1, max). -1 = all available.
#' @param testScript A user-provided script to run (NULL)
#' @param rowwiseParallel Whether to parallel-ize rows (default) or gradient computation 
#' @param nSubjects Number of rows to model (Default = 1000) Reduce for quicker runs.
#' @param optimizer Set optimizer, e.g., "NPSOL")
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @family Test
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # In 2016 1core took 1 minute
#' umx_check_parallel()
#' }
umx_check_parallel <- function(nCores = c(1, omxDetectCores()), testScript = NULL, rowwiseParallel = TRUE, nSubjects = 1000, optimizer=NULL) {
		oldOpt = umx_set_optimizer()
		stop("test script not implemented yet - beat on tim to do it!")
	oldCores = umx_set_cores()
	if( (length(nCores) == 1) && (nCores == -1)){
		nCores = omxDetectCores()
	message("You have been using ", oldCores, " of ", omxDetectCores(), " available cores (0 means max - 1)")
	message("I will now set cores to ", omxQuotes(nCores), " (they will be reset after) and run a script that hits that many cores if possible.\n",
	"Check CPU while it's running and see if R is pegging the processor.")
	# nSubjects = 1000
	numberIndicators = 12
	numberFactors    = 3
	fixedBMatrixF    = matrix(c(.4, .2), 2, 1, byrow = TRUE)
	randomBMatrixF   = matrix(c(.3, .5), 2, 1, byrow = TRUE)
	XMatrixF         = matrix(rnorm(nSubjects * 2, mean = 0, sd = 1), nSubjects, 2)
	UMatrixF         = matrix(rnorm(nSubjects * 1, mean = 0, sd = 1), nSubjects, 1)
	Z = matrix(rnorm(nSubjects, mean = 0, sd = 1), nrow=nSubjects, ncol = 2)

	XMatrix = cbind(XMatrixF, XMatrixF %*% fixedBMatrixF + (XMatrixF*Z) %*% randomBMatrixF + UMatrixF)

	BMatrix = matrix(c( 1, .6, .7, .8,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
	                     0,  0,  0,  0,  1, .5, .6, .7,  0,  0,  0,  0,
	                     0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1, .7, .6, .5), numberFactors, numberIndicators, byrow=TRUE)
	UMatrix = matrix(rnorm(nSubjects*numberIndicators, mean=0, sd=1), nSubjects, numberIndicators)
	YMatrix = XMatrix %*% BMatrix + UMatrix
	dimnames(YMatrix) = list(NULL, paste("X", 1:numberIndicators, sep=""))

	latentMultiRegModerated1 = cbind(YMatrix,Z=Z[,1])
	latentMultiRegModerated1[,'Z'] = latentMultiRegModerated1[,'Z'] - mean(latentMultiRegModerated1[,'Z'])
	numberFactors    = 3
	numberIndicators = 12
	numberModerators = 1
	indicators       = paste("X", 1:numberIndicators, sep="")
	moderators       = c("Z")
	totalVars        = numberIndicators + numberFactors + numberModerators

	# Build orthogonal simple structure factor model

	latents        = paste0("F", 1:numberFactors)
	latents1       = latents[1]
	indicators1    = indicators[1:4]
	latents2       = latents[2]
	indicators2    = indicators[5:8]
	latents3       = latents[3]
	indicators3    = indicators[9:12]

	# Create model with both direct and moderated paths
	test1 = mxModel("threeLatentWithModerator", type = "RAM",
	  manifestVars = c(indicators),
	  latentVars   = c(latents, "dummy1"),
	  umxPath(latents1 , to = indicators1, connect = "all.pairs", values = .2),
		umxPath(latents2 , to = indicators2, connect = "all.pairs", values = .2),
		umxPath(latents3 , to = indicators3, connect = "all.pairs", values = .2),
		umxPath(latents1, to = indicators1[1], fixedAt = 1),
		umxPath(latents2, to = indicators2[1], fixedAt = 1),
		umxPath(latents3, to = indicators3[1], fixedAt = 1),
		umxPath(var = latents   , values = .8),
		umxPath(var = indicators, values = .8),
		umxPath(c("F1", "F2"), to = "F3", values = .2, labels = c("b11", "b12")),
		umxPath("F1",to = "F2", values = .1, labels = "cF1F2"),
		umxPath(c("F1", "F2"),to = "dummy1", values = .2, labels = c("b21", "b22")),
		umxPath("dummy1",to = "F3", free = FALSE, labels = "data.Z"),
		umxPath(means = indicators, fixedAt = 0),
		umxPath(means = latents, values = .1),
		mxData(latentMultiRegModerated1, type = "raw")
	# set rowwiseParallel
	if(packageVersion("OpenMx") >= "2.6.1"){
		test1$fitfunction$rowwiseParallel = rowwiseParallel
	} else {
		message("ignored rowwiseParallel: upgrade to OpenMx 2.6.1 or better to use this")
		# ignore: this is not supported by versions before 2.6.1
	# nCores = 4
	n = 1
	for (thisCores in nCores) {
		if(n == 1){
			models = list(test1) # initialize
		} else {
			models = append(models, test1)
		n = n + 1
	n = 1
	# run each model
	for (thisCores in nCores) {
		thisModel = mxRename(models[[n]], paste0("nCores_equals_", thisCores))
		thisModel = mxRun(thisModel)
		# umx_time(thisModel, autoRun= F)
		models[[n]] = thisModel
		n = n + 1
	invisible(umx_time(models, formatStr = "%M %OS3", autoRun = FALSE))

# ======================================
# = Lower-level Model building helpers =
# ======================================

#' umxJiggle
#' umxJiggle takes values in a matrix and jiggles them
#' @param matrixIn an [mxMatrix()] to jiggle the values of
#' @param mean the mean value to add to each value
#' @param sd the sd of the jiggle noise
#' @param dontTouch A value, which, if found, will be left as-is (defaults to 0)
#' @return - [mxMatrix()]
#' @family Advanced Model Building Functions
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mat1 = umxJiggle(mat1)
#' }
umxJiggle <- function(matrixIn, mean = 0, sd = .1, dontTouch = 0) {
	mask = (matrixIn != dontTouch);
	newValues = mask;
	matrixIn[mask == TRUE] = matrixIn[mask == TRUE] + rnorm(length(mask[mask == TRUE]), mean = mean, sd = sd);
	return (matrixIn);

# ===============
# = RAM helpers =
# ===============
#' umx_is_exogenous
#' Return a list of all the exogenous variables (variables with no incoming single-arrow path) in a model. 
#' @param model an [mxModel()] from which to get exogenous variables
#' @param manifests_only Whether to check only manifests (default = TRUE)
#' @return - list of exogenous variables
#' @export
#' @family Check or test
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(umx)
#' data(demoOneFactor)
#' m1 = umxRAM("One Factor", data = demoOneFactor, type = "cov",
#' 	umxPath("g", to = names(demoOneFactor)),
#' 	umxPath(var = "g", fixedAt = 1),
#' 	umxPath(var = names(demoOneFactor))
#' )
#' umx_is_exogenous(m1, manifests_only = TRUE)
#' umx_is_exogenous(m1, manifests_only = FALSE)
#' }
umx_is_exogenous <- function(model, manifests_only = TRUE) {
	umx_check_model(model, type = "RAM")
	checkThese = model@manifestVars
		checkThese = c(checkThese, model@latentVars)
	if(length(checkThese) < 1){
	exog = c()
	n = 1
	for (i in checkThese) {
		if(!any(model$matrices$A$free[i, ])){
			exog[n] = i
			n = n + 1

#' List endogenous variables in a model
#' Return a list of all the endogenous variables (variables with at least one incoming single-arrow path) in a model.
#' @param model an [mxModel()] from which to get endogenous variables
#' @param manifests_only Whether to check only manifests (default = TRUE)
#' @return - list of endogenous variables
#' @export
#' @family Check or test
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>, <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(umx)
#' data(demoOneFactor)
#' m1 = umxRAM("umx_is_endogenous", data = demoOneFactor, type = "cov",
#' 	umxPath("g", to = names(demoOneFactor)),
#' 	umxPath(var = "g", fixedAt = 1),
#' 	umxPath(var = names(demoOneFactor))
#' )
#' umx_is_endogenous(m1, manifests_only = TRUE)
#' umx_is_endogenous(m1, manifests_only = FALSE)
#' }
umx_is_endogenous <- function(model, manifests_only = TRUE) {
	# has_no_incoming_single_arrow
	umx_check_model(model, type = "RAM")
	checkThese = model@manifestVars
		checkThese = c(checkThese, model@latentVars)
	if(length(checkThese) < 1){
	endog = c()
	n = 1
	for (i in checkThese) {
		# any free paths in this row?
		if(any(model$matrices$A$free[i, ])){
			endog[n] = i
			n = n + 1

# ====================
# = Parallel Helpers =
# ====================

eddie_AddCIbyNumber <- function(model, labelRegex = "") {
	# eddie_AddCIbyNumber(model, labelRegex="[ace][1-9]")
	args     = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
	CInumber = as.numeric(args[1]); # get the 1st argument from the cmdline arguments (this is called from a script)
	CIlist   = umxGetParameters(model ,regex= "[ace][0-9]", verbose= FALSE)
	thisCI   = CIlist[CInumber]
	model    = mxModel(model, mxCI(thisCI) )
	return (model)

# ===================================
# = Ordinal/Threshold Model Helpers =
# ===================================

#' umxFactor
#' A convenient version of [mxFactor()] supporting the common 
#' case in which the factor levels are those in the variable.
#' @aliases umx_factor
#' @param x A variable to recode as an mxFactor (see [mxFactor()])
#' @param levels (default NULL). Like [factor()] but UNLIKE [mxFactor()], 
#' unique values will be used if levels not specified.
#' @param labels = levels (see [mxFactor()])
#' @param exclude = NA (see [mxFactor()])
#' @param ordered = TRUE By default return an ordered mxFactor
#' @param collapse = FALSE (see [mxFactor()])
#' @param verbose Whether to tell user about such things as coercing to factor
#' @param sep If twin data are being used, the string that separates the base from twin index
#' will try and ensure factor levels same across all twins.
#' @return - [mxFactor()]
#' @export
#' @family Data Functions
#' @seealso - [umxFactanal()], [mxFactor()]
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>, <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umxFactor(letters)
#' umxFactor(letters, verbose = TRUE) # report coercions
#' umxFactor(letters, ordered = FALSE) # non-ordered factor like factor(x)
#' # Dataframe example:
#' x = umx_factor(mtcars[,c("cyl", "am")], ordered = FALSE); str(x)
#' # =================
#' # = Twin example: =
#' # =================
#' data(twinData)
#' tmp = twinData[, c("bmi1", "bmi2")]
#' tmp$bmi1[tmp$bmi1 <= 22] = 22
#' tmp$bmi2[tmp$bmi2 <= 22] = 22
#' # remember to factor _before_ breaking into MZ and DZ groups
#' x = umxFactor(tmp, sep = ""); str(x)
#' xmu_check_levels_identical(x, "bmi", sep="")
#' # Simple example to check behavior
#' x = round(10 * rnorm(1000, mean = -.2))
#' y = round(5 * rnorm(1000))
#' x[x < 0] = 0; y[y < 0] = 0
#' jnk = umxFactor(x); str(jnk)
#' df  = data.frame(x = x, y = y)
#' jnk = umxFactor(df); str(jnk)
umxFactor <- function(x = character(), levels= NULL, labels = levels, exclude = NA, ordered = TRUE, collapse = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, sep = NA){
		# x = tmp; sep = NA; sep = ""; thisName = "bmi"; levels = NA
		ncols = ncol(x)
				stop("leave levels = NA: I don't handle setting levels within data.frames AND sep. You set them to ", omxQuotes(levels))
			tmp         = umx_explode_twin_names(x, sep = sep)
			sep         = tmp$sep
			baseNames   = tmp$baseNames
			twinIndexes = tmp$twinIndexes
			for (thisName in baseNames) {
				theseNames = umx_paste_names(thisName, sep, twinIndexes)
				a = x[, theseNames]
				allLevels = unique(as.vector(as.matrix(a)))
				allLevels = sort(allLevels)
				allLevels = allLevels[!is.na(allLevels)] # drop NA if present
				# z = umxFactor(x = x[,theseNames], levels = allLevels, ordered = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, collapse=FALSE)
				# z = umxFactor(x = x[,theseNames], levels = allLevels, labels = allLevels, ordered = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
				x[, theseNames] = umxFactor(x = x[, theseNames, drop = FALSE], levels = allLevels, labels = allLevels, exclude = exclude, collapse = collapse, ordered = ordered, verbose = verbose)
		} else {
			for (c in 1:ncols) {
				x[,c] = umxFactor(x = x[,c], levels = levels, labels = labels, exclude = exclude, collapse = collapse, ordered = ordered, verbose = verbose)
	} else {
			if(!is.null(levels)) {
				x = factor(x, levels = levels, labels = labels, exclude = exclude, ordered = ordered)
			} else {
				x = factor(x, exclude = exclude, ordered = ordered)
			levels = levels(x)
				if(length(levels) > 20){
					feedback = paste0(length(levels), " levels:", paste(c(levels[1:10], "..."), collapse = "', '"))
				} else {
					feedback = paste0("levels:", omxQuotes(levels))
				message("Your variable was not a factor: I made it into one, with ", feedback)
			# Already a factor
			if(is.null(levels)) {
				levels = levels(x)
			} else {
				if(!levels(x) == levels){
					message("the levels you provided are not those I see in the data")
			x = mxFactor(x = x, levels = levels, labels = levels, exclude = exclude, ordered = ordered, collapse = collapse)

#' @export
umx_factor <- umxFactor

# ===========
# = Utility =
# ===========

#' A wrapper to map columns of strings to numeric.
#' If you give one column name, this is changed to numeric, and returned as a **vector**.
#' If you give multiple column names, or don't set cols, each is changed to numeric, and the updated **data.frame** is returned.
#' @param df The df
#' @param cols (optional) list of columns (default = use all)
#' @param mapStrings legal strings which will be mapped in order to numbers.
#' @return - df
#' @export
#' @family Data Functions
#' @md
#' @examples
#' tmp = data.frame(x=letters)
#' umx_strings2numeric(tmp, mapStrings = letters)
#' umx_strings2numeric(tmp, cols= "x", mapStrings = letters)
umx_strings2numeric <- function(df, cols= NA, mapStrings = NULL) {
		umx_check_names(cols, data = df)
		df = df[, cols, drop=FALSE]
		cols = names(df)
		df = df[, cols, drop = FALSE]
	for (thisCol in cols){
		# check values
		unique_values = unique(df[, thisCol, drop = TRUE])
		unique_values = unique_values[!is.na(unique_values)]
			# use table to find valid strings in some order... (not good, tell the user!)
			mapStrings = unique_values
			message("You didn't set mapStrings. This is unwise! I found the following responses, and used them in this order:", omxQuotes(mapStrings))
			if(any(!(unique_values %in% mapStrings))){
				notFound = unique_values[which(!(unique_values %in% mapStrings))]
				stop("Some values in column ", omxQuotes(thisCol), " not in mapStrings, e.g.. :", omxQuotes(notFound))
		# string 2 numeric
		tmp = factor(df[, thisCol, drop = TRUE], levels = mapStrings, labels = 1: length(mapStrings))
		df[, thisCol] = as.numeric(as.character(tmp))
	if(length(cols) == 1){
		return(df[, cols, drop = TRUE])
	} else {

#' A wrapper to make paran easier to use.
#' Just automates applying [complete.cases()]
#' @param df The df (just the relevant columns)
#' @param cols (optional) list of columns (default = use all)
#' @param graph Whether to graph.
#' @param mapStrings optional mapping if cols are strings
#' @return - nothing
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Stats Functions
#' @md
#' @examples
#' library(psych)
#' library(psychTools)
#' data(bfi)
#' umxParan(bfi[, paste0("A", 1:5)])
#' umxParan(bfi, cols= paste0("A", 1:5))
#' # umxParan(bfi, paste0("AB", 1))
umxParan <- function(df, cols= NA, graph = TRUE, mapStrings = NULL) {
		umx_check_names(cols, data = df)
		df = df[, cols]
		for (thisCol in names(df)){
			unique_values = unique(df[, thisCol, drop = TRUE])
			unique_values = unique_values[!is.na(unique_values)]
			if(any(!(unique_values %in% mapStrings))){
				notFound = unique_values[which(!(unique_values %in% mapStrings))]
				stop("Some values in column ", omxQuotes(thisCol), " not in mapStrings, e.g.. :", omxQuotes(notFound))
			tmp = factor(df[, thisCol, drop = TRUE], levels = mapStrings, labels = 1: length(mapStrings))
			df[, thisCol] = as.numeric(as.character(tmp))

	paran::paran(df[complete.cases(df), ], graph = graph)

#' Score a psychometric scale by summing normal and reversed items. 
#' In the presence of NAs, `score= "mean"` and `score = "totals"` both return NA unless na.rm = TRUE.
#' `score = "max"`, ignores NAs no matter what.
#' @description
#' Use this function to generate scores as the appropriate sum of responses to the normal and reversed items in a scale.
#' Items must be named on the pattern `basename + N + suffix`, where `base` is the prefix common to all item (column) names, N is item number in the scale, and suffix an optional trail (like "_T1").
#' `pos` and `rev` are vectors of the item numbers for the normal and reverse-scored item numbers.
#' To reverse items, the function uses `max` and `min` as the lowest and highest possible response scores to compute how to reverse items.
#' *note*: `min` defaults to 1.
#' **TIP**: If you have strings, `umx_score_scale` will work (use `mapStrings = `). *BUT* if you want to make a numeric copy, use `umx_strings2numeric`
#' @param base String common to all item names.
#' @param pos The positive-scored item numbers.
#' @param rev The reverse-scored item numbers.
#' @param min Minimum legal response value (default = 1). Not implemented for values other than 1 so far...
#' @param max Maximum legal response value (also used to compute reversed item values).
#' @param data The data frame
#' @param score Score total (default), proportionCorrect, errors, mean, max, or factor scores
#' @param name The name of the scale to be returned. Defaults to "`base`_score"
#' @param na.rm Whether to delete NAs when computing scores (Default = TRUE) Note: Choice affects mean!
#' @param minManifests How many missing items to tolerate for an individual (when score = factor)
#' @param alpha print Reliability (omega and Cronbach's alpha) (TRUE)
#' @param mapStrings Recoding input like "No"/"Maybe"/"Yes" into numeric values (0,1,2)
#' @param correctAnswer Use when scoring items with one correct response (1/0).
#' @param omegaNfactors Number of factors for the omega reliability (default = 1)
#' @param verbose Whether to print the whole omega output (FALSE)
#' @param digits Rounding for omega etc. (default 2)
#' @param suffix (if dealing with, e.g. "_T1")
#' @return - scores
#' @export
#' @family Data Functions
#' @references -  Revelle, W. (2022) psych: Procedures for Personality and Psychological Research, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA, <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=psych> Version = 2.2.9.
#' * McNeish, D. (2018). Thanks coefficient alpha, we’ll take it from here. *Psychological Methods*, **23**, 412-433. \doi{10.1037/met0000144}.
#' @md 
#' @examples
#' library(psych)
#' library(psychTools)
#' data(bfi)
#' # ==============================
#' # = Score Agreeableness totals =
#' # ==============================
#' # Handscore subject 1
#' # A1(R)+A2+A3+A4+A5 = (6+1)-2 +4+3+4+4 = 20
#' tmp = umx_score_scale(base = "A", pos = 2:5, rev = 1, max = 6, data= bfi, name = "A")
#' tmp[1, namez(tmp, "A",ignore.case = FALSE)]
#' #  A1 A2 A3 A4 A5  A
#' #  2  4  3  4  4  20
#' # ====================
#' # = Request the mean =
#' # ====================
#' tmp = umx_score_scale(name = "A", base = "A", 
#'    pos = 2:5, rev = 1, max = 6, data= bfi, score="mean")
#' tmp$A[1] # = 4
#' # ========================
#' # = Request factor score =
#' # ========================
#' \dontrun{
#'tmp = umx_score_scale(name = "A", base = "A", pos = 2:5, rev = 1,
#'    max = 6, score = "factor", minManifests = 4, data= bfi)
#' #            g
#' # A2 0.6574826
#' # A3 0.7581274
#' # A4 0.4814788
#' # A5 0.6272332
#' # A1 0.3736021
#' # ==================
#' # = Request alpha  =
#' # ==================
#' tmp=umx_score_scale(base="A", pos=2:5, rev=1, max=6, data=bfi, alpha=TRUE)
#' # omega t = 0.72
#' }
#' # ==================
#' # = na.rm = TRUE ! =
#' # ==================
#' tmpDF = bfi
#' tmpDF[1, "A1"] = NA
#' tmp = umx_score_scale("A", pos = 2:5, rev = 1, max = 6, data= tmpDF, score="mean")
#' tmp$A_score[1] # 3.75
#' tmp= umx_score_scale("A", pos= 2:5, rev= 1, max = 6, data = tmpDF,
#'    score="mean", na.rm=FALSE)
#' tmp$A_score[1] # NA (reject cases with missing items)
#' # ===============
#' # = Score = max =
#' # ===============
#' tmp = umx_score_scale("A", pos = 2:5, rev = 1, max = 6,
#'	  data = bfi, name = "A", score = "max")
#' tmp$A[1] # Subject 1 max = 5 (reversed) item 1
#' # Default scale name
#' tmp = umx_score_scale("E", pos = 3:5, rev = 1:2, max = 6, 
#'    data= tmp, score = "mean", na.rm = FALSE)
#' tmp$E_score[1]
#' # Using @BillRevelle's psych package: More diagnostics, including alpha
#' scores= psych::scoreItems(items = bfi, min = 1, max = 6, keys = list(
#'		E = c("-E1","-E2", "E3", "E4", "E5"),
#'		A = c("-A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5")
#' ))
#' summary(scores)
#' scores$scores[1, ]
#' #  E   A 
#' # 3.8 4.0 
#' # Compare output
#' # (note, by default psych::scoreItems replaces NAs with the sample median...)
#' RevelleE = as.numeric(scores$scores[,"E"])
#' RevelleE == tmp[,"E_score"]
#' # =======================
#' # = MapStrings examples =
#' # =======================
#' mapStrings = c(
#'    "Very Inaccurate", "Moderately Inaccurate", 
#'    "Slightly Inaccurate", "Slightly Accurate",
#'    "Moderately Accurate", "Very Accurate")
#' bfi$As1 = factor(bfi$A1, levels = 1:6, labels = mapStrings)
#' bfi$As2 = factor(bfi$A2, levels = 1:6, labels = mapStrings)
#' bfi$As3 = factor(bfi$A3, levels = 1:6, labels = mapStrings)
#' bfi$As4 = factor(bfi$A4, levels = 1:6, labels = mapStrings)
#' bfi$As5 = factor(bfi$A5, levels = 1:6, labels = mapStrings)
#' bfi= umx_score_scale(name="A" , base="A", pos=2:5, rev=1, max=6, data=bfi)
#' bfi= umx_score_scale(name="As", base="As", pos=2:5, rev=1, mapStrings = mapStrings, data= bfi)
umx_score_scale <- function(base= NULL, pos = NULL, rev = NULL, min= 1, max = NULL, data= NULL, score = c("total", "proportionCorrect", "errors", "mean", "max", "factor"), name = NULL, na.rm=TRUE, minManifests = NA, alpha = FALSE, mapStrings= NULL,  correctAnswer = NULL, omegaNfactors = 1, digits = 2, verbose = FALSE, suffix = "") {
	score = match.arg(score)
	if(is.null(name)){ name = paste0(base, "_score", suffix) }
	oldData = data
	umx_check_names(namesNeeded= paste0(base, c(pos, rev), suffix), data=data)
			# Check min max matches mapStrings
			if(!(length(mapStrings) == length(min:max))){
				stop(paste0("You set the max and min, but ", min, " to ", max, " must equal the number of map strings: ", length(mapStrings)))
			min = 1
			max = length(mapStrings)
		relevantColumns = paste0(base, c(pos, rev), suffix)
		for (thisCol in relevantColumns){
			unique_values = unique(data[, thisCol, drop = TRUE])
			unique_values = unique_values[!is.na(unique_values)]
			if(any(!(unique_values %in% mapStrings))){
				notFound = unique_values[which(!(unique_values %in% mapStrings))]
				stop("Some values in column ", omxQuotes(thisCol), " not in mapStrings, e.g.. :", omxQuotes(notFound))
			tmp = factor(data[, thisCol, drop = TRUE], levels = mapStrings, labels = min:max)
			data[, thisCol] = as.numeric(as.character(tmp))
	mins = umx_apply("min", data[ , paste0(base, c(pos, rev), suffix), drop = FALSE], by = "columns", na.rm=TRUE)
	maxs = umx_apply("max", data[ , paste0(base, c(pos, rev), suffix), drop = FALSE], by = "columns", na.rm=TRUE)
	if(any(mins < min)){
		msg = paste0("Polite warning: the following columns had responses less than the min response you set (", omxQuotes(min), "):", 
		omxQuotes(names(mins)[(mins<min)]), "e.g.", omxQuotes(unique(mins[which(mins < min)]))
	if(any(maxs > max)){
		msg = paste0("Polite warning: the following columns had responses greater than the max response you set (", omxQuotes(max), "):", omxQuotes(names(max)[(maxs>max)]))

	# ==================================
	# = Reverse any items needing this =
	# ==================================
			maxs = umx_apply("max", data[ , paste0(base, rev, suffix), drop = FALSE], by = "columns", na.rm= TRUE)
			message("If there are reverse items, you must set 'max' (the highest possible score for an item) in umx_score_scale (note: min defaults to 1)")
			print(table(data[ , paste0(base, rev[1], suffix)] ))
			stop("FYI, the max appears to be ", max(maxs))
		revItems = data[,paste0(base, rev, suffix), drop = FALSE]
		revItems = (max + min) - revItems
		data[ , paste0(base, rev)] = revItems
	allColNames = paste0(base, c(pos, rev), suffix)
	df = data[ , allColNames, drop = FALSE]
		dfDummy = matrix(nrow = nrow(df), ncol= ncol(df))
		for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
			dfDummy[i,] = (df[i, ] == correctAnswer)
		df = dfDummy
		print(reliability(cov(df, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")))
		suppressWarnings({omegaOut = psych::omega(df, nfactors = omegaNfactors)})

			if(omegaNfactors == 1){
				# Omega_h for 1 factor is not meaningful, just omega_t
				cat(paste0("\u03C9 t = ", round(omegaOut$omega.tot, digits), "\n"))
			} else {
				cat(paste0("\u03C9 h = ", round(omegaOut$omega_h, digits), "; \u03C9 t = ", round(omegaOut$omega.tot, digits), "\n"))

		message("\nPolite note: I returned  the sum of correct Answers scored 1/0.")
		scaleScore = rep(NA, nrow(df))
		for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
			scaleScore[i] = sum(df[i, ], na.rm = TRUE)
	} else if(score == "max"){
		scaleScore = rep(NA, nrow(df))
		for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
			scaleScore[i] = max(df[i,], na.rm = TRUE)
	}else if(score == "total"){
			message("\nPolite note: You asked for scale totals, but some subjects have missing data: Perhaps use means?...")
		scaleScore = rowSums(df, na.rm = na.rm)
	}else if(score == "errors"){
			message("\nPolite note: You asked for errors. Just to let you know, some subjects have NA data: I ignored those.")
		scaleScore = rowSums(df, na.rm = na.rm)
		attempted = rowSums(!is.na(df))
		scaleScore = attempted - scaleScore
	}else if(score == "proportionCorrect"){
			message("\nPolite note: You asked for proportions  (scaleScore/attempted). Just to let you know, some subjects have missing data.")
		attempted  = rowSums(!is.na(df))
		scaleScore = rowSums(df, na.rm = na.rm)
		scaleScore = scaleScore/attempted
	}else if(score == "mean"){
		scaleScore = rowMeans(df, na.rm = na.rm)
		# Replace NaN with NA (generated by mean() when all items are NA)
		scaleScore[is.nan(scaleScore)] = NA
	}else if(score == "factor"){
		tmp = umxEFA(name = "score", factors = "g", data = df, scores= "Regression", minManifests= minManifests)
		scaleScore = tmp$g
	oldData[, name] = scaleScore

#' Get or print the version of umx, along with detail from OpenMx and general system info.
#' @description
#' umxVersion returns the version information for umx, and for OpenMx and R.
#' Essential for bug-reports! This function can also test for a minimum version.
#' @param model Optional to show optimizer in this model
#' @param min Optional minimum version string to test for, e.g. '2.7.0' (Default = NULL).
#' @param verbose = TRUE
#' @param return Which package (umx or OpenMx) to 'return' version info for (Default = umx).
#' @return - [mxModel()]
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Utility Functions
#' @seealso - [packageVersion()], [install.OpenMx()]
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>, <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' x = umxVersion(); x
umxVersion <- function (model = NULL, min = NULL, verbose = TRUE, return = c("umx_vers", "OpenMx_vers")) {
	return = match.arg(return)
	umx_vers = try(packageVersion("umx"))
    if (verbose) {
        msg = paste0("umx version: ", umx_vers)
		if(umx_vers >= min){
			message("umx version is recent enough")
		} else {
			stop("umx version is not recent enough to run this script! (min is ", min, "). You have ", umx_vers,
			"\n You can run umx_open_CRAN_page('umx') to see the most recent version of umx on CRAN")
	if(!is.null(model) && !umx_is_MxModel(model)){
		message("Polite message - you should call umxVersion() with no parameters, or the first parameter should be a model")
		model = NULL
	OpenMx_vers = mxVersion(model = model, verbose = verbose)	
    if (verbose) {
		message('Open the CRAN page for any package with umx_open_CRAN_page()\nYou can update OpenMx with:\ninstall.OpenMx(c("NPSOL", "travis", "CRAN", "open travis build page")')

	if(return == "umx"){
	} else {

#' Open the CRAN page for a package
#' On MacOS, this function opens the CRAN page for a package.
#' Useful for looking up documentation, checking you have an
#' up-to-date version, showing the package to people etc.
#' @param package An \R package name.
#' @param inst Install and load if not already installed?
#' @return None 
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Utility Functions
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' umx_open_CRAN_page("umx")
#' }
umx_open_CRAN_page <- function(package = "umx", inst=FALSE) {
	for (p in package) {
		# asString = deparse(substitute(parameter))
		# if(!exists(asString)){
		# 	p = asString
		# }
		# umx_msg(p)
		# 1. Open the web pages
		system(paste0("open 'https://cran.r-project.org/package=", p, "'"))		

		# 2. install if requested
		} else {
			# print("cleanup-code")

		# 3. print data on current version and load
		result = tryCatch({
			ver  = packageVersion(p)
		    library(p, character.only = TRUE)
		}, warning = function(x) {
		    cat(p, "might not be installed locally:\n")
		}, error = function(x) {
		    cat(p, "might not be installed locally:\n")
		}, finally = {

#' Pad an Object with NAs
#' This function pads an R object (list, data.frame, matrix, atomic vector)
#' with \code{NA}s. For matrices, lists and data.frames, this occurs by extending
#' each (column) vector in the object.
#' @param x An \R object (list, data.frame, matrix, atomic vector).
#' @param n The final length of each object.
#' @return - padded object
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Utility Functions
#' @references - \url{https://github.com/kevinushey/Kmisc/tree/master/man}
#' @examples
#' umx_pad(1:3, 4)
#' umx_pad(1:3, 3)
umx_pad <- function(x, n) {
  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    nrow = nrow(x)
    attr(x, "row.names") = 1:n
    for( i in 1:ncol(x) ) {
      x[[i]] = c( x[[i]], rep(NA, times = n - nrow) )
  } else if (is.list(x)) {
    if (missing(n)) {
      max_len = max( sapply( x, length ) )
      return( lapply(x, function(xx) {
        return( c(xx, rep(NA, times=max_len-length(xx))) )
    } else {
      return( lapply(x, function(xx) {
        if (n > length(xx)) {
          return( c(xx, rep(NA, times=n-length(xx))) )
        } else {
  } else if (is.matrix(x)) {
    return( rbind( x, matrix(NA, nrow=n-nrow(x), ncol=ncol(x)) ) )
  } else {
    if (n > length(x)) {
			return( c( x, rep(NA, n-length(x)) ) ) 
    } else {

#' umx_apply
#' Tries to make apply more readable. so "mean of x by columns", instead of "of x, by 2, mean"
#' Other functions to think of include:
#' [cumsum()], [rowSums()], [colMeans()], etc.
#' @param FUN The function to apply.
#' @param of The dataframe to work with.
#' @param by Apply the function to columns or to rows (default = "columns")
#' @param ... optional arguments to FUN, e.g., na.rm = TRUE.
#' @return - object
#' @export
#' @seealso - [umx_aggregate()] 
#' @family Miscellaneous Stats Functions
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umx_apply(mean, mtcars, by = "columns")
#' umx_apply("mean", of = mtcars, by = "columns")
#' tmp = mtcars[1:3,]; tmp[1,1] = NA
#' umx_apply("mean", by = "rows", of = tmp)
#' umx_apply("mean", by = "rows", of = tmp, na.rm = TRUE)
umx_apply <- function(FUN, of, by = c("columns", "rows"), ...) {
	by = match.arg(by)
	by = ifelse(by == "rows", 1, 2)
	apply(of, by, FUN, ...)

#' umx_as_numeric
#' Convert each column of a dataframe to numeric
#' @param df A [data.frame()] to convert
#' @param which which columns to convert (default (null) selects all)
#' @param force Whether to force conversion to numeric for non-numeric columns (defaults to FALSE)
#' @return - data.frame
#' @family Data Functions
#' @export
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @examples
#' # make mpg into string, and cyl into a factor
#' df = mtcars
#' df$mpg = as.character(df$mpg)
#' df$cyl = factor(df$cyl)
#' df$am = df$am==1
#' df = umx_as_numeric(df); str(df) # mpg not touched
#' df = umx_as_numeric(df, force=TRUE); str(df) # mpg coerced back to numeric
#' \dontrun{
#' # coercing a real string will cause NAs
#' df$mpg = c(letters[1:16]); str(df) # replace mpg with letters.
#' df = umx_as_numeric(df, force=TRUE); str(df)
#' }
umx_as_numeric <- function(df, which = NULL, force = FALSE) {
	# TODO umx_as_numeric: Handle matrices, vectors...
		colsToConvert = names(df)
	} else {
		colsToConvert = which
	umx_check_names(colsToConvert, data = df, die = TRUE)
		# just the numeric names
		colsToConvert = colsToConvert[umx_is_numeric(df)]
	for (i in colsToConvert) {
		df[ ,i] = as.numeric(df[ ,i, drop = TRUE])

#' umx_find_object
#' Find objects of a given class, whose name matches a search string.
#' The string (pattern) is grep-enabled, so you can match wild-cards
#' @param pattern the pattern that matching objects must contain
#' @param requiredClass the class of object that will be matched
#' @return - a list of objects matching the class and name
#' @export
#' @references - 
#' @family Miscellaneous Utility Functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' umx_find_object("^m[0-9]") # mxModels beginning "m1" etc.
#' umx_find_object("", "MxModel") # all MxModels
#' }
umx_find_object <- function(pattern = ".*", requiredClass = "MxModel") {
	# Use case: umxFindObject("Chol*", "MxModel")
	matchingNames = ls(envir = sys.frame(-1), pattern = pattern) # envir
	matchingObjects = c()
	for (obj in matchingNames) {
		if(class(get(obj))[1] == requiredClass){
			matchingObjects = c(matchingObjects, obj)

#' umx_rename
#' Returns a dataframe with variables renamed as desired.
#' Unlike similar functions in other packages, it checks that the variables exist, and that the new names do not.
#' Importantly, it also supports [regular expressions][regex]. This allows you to find and replace
#' text based on patterns and replacements. so to change "replacement" to "in place", 
#' `grep=re(place)ment`, `replace= in \\1`.
#' *note*:To use replace list, you must say c(old = "new"), not c(old -> "new")
#' @param data The dataframe in which to rename variables
#' @param from List of existing names that will be found and replaced by the contents of replace. (optional: Defaults to NULL).
#' @param to If used alone, a named collection of c(oldName = "newName") pairs.
#'   OR, if "from" is a list of existing names, the list of new names)
#'   OR, if "regex" is a regular expression, the replace string)
#' @param regex Regular expression with matches will be replaced using replace as the replace string. (Optional: Defaults to NULL).
#' @param test Whether to report a "dry run", not changing anything. (Default = FALSE).
#' @param old deprecated: use from
#' @param replace deprecated: use to
#' @return - dataframe with columns renamed.
#' @export
#' @seealso [namez] to filter (and replace) names, Also [umx_check_names] to check for existence of names in a dataframe.
#' @family Data Functions
#' @md
#' @examples
#' tmp = mtcars
#' tmp = umx_rename(tmp, to = c(cyl = "cylinder"))
#' # let's check cyl has been changed to cylinder...
#' namez(tmp, "c")
#' # Alternate style: from->to, first with a test-run
#' # Dry run
#' tmp = umx_rename(tmp, from = "disp", to = "displacement", test= TRUE)
#' # Actually do it
#' tmp = umx_rename(tmp, from = c("disp"), to = c("displacement"))
#' umx_check_names("displacement", data = tmp, die = TRUE)
#' namez(tmp, "disp")
#' # This will warn that "disp" does not exist (anymore)
#' new = c("auto", "displacement", "rear_axle_ratio")
#' tmp = umx_rename(tmp, from = c("am", "disp", "drat"), to = new)
#' namez(tmp, "a") # still updated am to auto (and rear_axle_ratio)
#' # Test using regex (in this case to revert "displacement" to "disp")
#' tmp = umx_rename(tmp, regex = "lacement", to = "", test= TRUE) 
#' tmp = umx_rename(tmp, regex = "lacement", to = "") # revert to disp
#' umx_names(tmp, "^d") # all names beginning with a d
#' # dev: check deprecated format handled...
#' tmp = umx_rename(tmp, old = c("am", "disp", "drat"), replace = new)
umx_rename <- function(data, from = NULL, to = NULL, regex = NULL, test = FALSE, old = "deprecated_from", replace= "deprecated_to") {
	# See also gdata::rename.vars(data, from, to)	
	if(any(old     != "deprecated_from")){from = old; message("Polite message: Please use 'from' instead of 'old' in umx_rename()") }
	if(any(replace != "deprecated_to")){to = replace; message("Polite message: Please use 'to' instead of 'replace' in umx_rename()") }

		stop("You gave a list to from in umx_rename(). Lists (old='new') only allowed in to")

	if(!is.null(from) && !is.null(regex)){
		stop("Only one of from and regex can be used")
			stop("Please set to to a valid replacement string!")
	    nameVector = umx_names(data)
	    if (is.null(nameVector)) {
	        stop(paste0("umx_rename requires a dataframe or something else with names(), ", 
	            umx_str_from_object(data), " is a ", typeof(data)))
		new_names = gsub(regex, to, nameVector)
			message("The following changes would be made (set test =FALSE to actually make them)")
			message(length(nameVector), " names found. ",
			length(nameVector[!(nameVector == new_names)]), " would be changed. Old:")
			print(nameVector[!(nameVector == new_names)])
			print(new_names[!(nameVector == new_names)])
		} else {
			if(class(data)[[1]] == "character"){
				data = new_names
			} else {
				names(data) = new_names
	} else {
		# Not regex
			# message("replacing from with to")
			if(length(from) != length(to)){
				stop("You are trying to replace ", length(from), " old names with ", length(to), " new names: Lengths must match")
			names_to_replace = from
			new_names_to_try = to
		} else {
			# to is a key-value list of names and replacements
			names_to_replace = unlist(names(to))
			new_names_to_try = unlist(unname(to))
		from_names = names(data)

		if(!all(names_to_replace %in% from_names)) {
			warning("The following names did not appear in the dataframe:", 
			paste(names_to_replace[!names_to_replace %in% from_names], collapse= ", "), "\nPerhaps you already updated them")

		if(anyDuplicated(names_to_replace)) {
		  err = paste("You are trying to update the following names more than once:", 
		           paste(names_to_replace[duplicated(names_to_replace)], collapse = ", "))

		if(anyDuplicated(new_names_to_try)) {
		  err = paste("You have the following duplicates in your to list:", 
		         	paste(new_names_to_try[duplicated(new_names_to_try)], collapse = ", ")
		new_names = new_names_to_try[match(from_names, names_to_replace)]
			message("The following changes would be made (set test =FALSE to actually make them")
			message("Names to be replaced")
			message("replacement names:")
		} else {
			names(data) = new_names
			setNames(data, ifelse(is.na(new_names), from_names, new_names)) # Also returns the new object

#' Search for text
#' Search names if given a data.frame, or strings if given a vector of strings. 
#' The `namez` function is more flexible. A handy feature of `umx_grep` is that it can 
#' search the labels of data imported from SPSS.
#' *nb:* To simply grep for a pattern in a string use R's built-in [grep()] functions, e.g.:
#'  `grepl("^NA\\[0-9]", "NA.3")`
#' @param df The [data.frame()] or string to search.
#' @param grepString the search string.
#' @param output the column name, the label, or both (default).
#' @param ignore.case whether to be case sensitive or not (default TRUE = ignore case).
#' @param useNames whether to search the names as well as the labels (for SPSS files with label metadata).
#' @return - list of matched column names and/or labels.
#' @seealso - [namez()], [umx_aggregate()], [grep()]
#' @family String Functions
#' @export
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umx_grep(mtcars, "hp", output="both", ignore.case= TRUE)
#' umx_grep(c("hp", "ph"), "hp")
#' umx_grep(mtcars, "^h.*", output="both", ignore.case= TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' umx_grep(spss_df, "labeltext", output = "label") 
#' umx_grep(spss_df, "labeltext", output = "name") 
#' }
umx_grep <- function(df, grepString, output = c("both", "label", "name"), ignore.case=TRUE, useNames= FALSE) {
	output = match.arg(output)
	# if(length(grepString > 1)){
	# 	for (i in grepString) {
	# 		umx_grep_labels(df, i, output=output, ignore.case=ignore.case, useNames=useNames)
	# 	}
		vLabels = attr(df, "variable.labels") # list of descriptive labels?
		a       = names(df) 
			# message("No labels found")
			return(grep(grepString, names(df), value=TRUE, ignore.case= ignore.case))
		if(useNames) {
			findIndex = grep(grepString,a, value=FALSE, ignore.case=ignore.case)
			return( as.matrix(vLabels[findIndex]))
		} else {
			# need to cope with finding nothing
			findIndex = grep(grepString,vLabels, value=FALSE, ignore.case=ignore.case)
			if(output=="both") {
				theResult = as.matrix(vLabels[findIndex])
			} else if(output=="label"){
				vLabels= as.vector(vLabels[findIndex])
				theResult = (vLabels)
			} else if(output=="name"){
				theResult = names(vLabels)[findIndex]
				stop(paste("bad choice of output:", output))
			if(dim(theResult)[1]==0 |is.null(theResult)){
				cat("using names!!!!\n")
				findIndex = grep(grepString,a, value=FALSE, ignore.case=ignore.case)
			} else {
	} else {
		return(grep(grepString, df, value = TRUE, ignore.case = ignore.case))

#' A recipe Easter-egg for umx
#' @description
#' How to cook steak.
#' @details Equipment matters. You should buy a heavy cast-iron skillet, and a digital internal thermometer.
#' Preferably cook over a gas flame.
#' *note*: Cheaper cuts like blade steak can come out fine.
#' A great reference is The Food Lab by Kenji Alt Lopez. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Food-Lab-Cooking-Through-Science/dp/0393081087.
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Functions
#' @seealso - [omxBrownie()]
#' @references - [The Food Lab](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Food-Lab-Cooking-Through-Science/dp/0393081087)
#' @examples
#' umxBrownie()
#' @md
umxBrownie <- function() {
	message("Rub steak in a table spoon of salt, put it back in the fridge for an hour (longer is fine).\n",
	"Place steak on a hot cast-iron skillet, with a little peanut oil.\n",
	"Turn steaks as often as you wish. Control heat to below smoke point.\n",
	"Remove and eat when internal temp reaches 130 \u0080 F.\n"

# ===========================
# = File handling functions =
# ===========================

#' Rename files
#' Rename files. On OS X, the function can access the current front-most Finder window.
#' The file renaming is fast and, because you can use regular expressions too change names.
#' @param findStr The pattern to find, i.e., "cats"
#' @param replaceStr The replacement pattern "\1 are not dogs"
#' @param baseFolder Folder to search in. Default ("Finder") will use the current front-most Finder window (on MacOS).
#' Set to NA for a "choose folder" dialog.
#' @param test Boolean determining whether to change files on disk, or just report on what would have happened (Defaults to test = TRUE)
#' @param ignoreSuffix Whether to ignore (don't search in) the suffix (file-type like .mpg) TRUE.
#' @param listPattern A pre-filter for files
#' @param overwrite Boolean determining if an existing file will be overwritten (Defaults to the safe FALSE)
#' @family File Functions
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # "Season 01" --> "S01" in current folder in MacOS Finder
#' umx_rename_file("[Ss]eason +([0-9]+)", replaceStr="S\\1", test = TRUE)
#' # move date to end of file name
#' umx_rename_file("^(.*) *([0-9]{2}\\.[0-9]{2}\\.[0-9]+) *(.*)", replaceStr="\\1 \\3 \\2")
#' }
umx_rename_file <- function(findStr = "old", replaceStr = NA, baseFolder = "Finder", test = TRUE, ignoreSuffix = TRUE, listPattern = NULL, overwrite = FALSE) {
	umx_check(!is.na(replaceStr), "stop", "Please set a replaceStr to the replacement string you desire.")

	# ==============================
	# = 1. Set folder to search in =
	# ==============================
	if(baseFolder == "Finder"){
		baseFolder = system(intern = TRUE, "osascript -e 'tell application \"Finder\" to get the POSIX path of (target of front window as alias)'")
		message("Using front-most Finder window:", baseFolder)
	} else if(baseFolder == "") {
		baseFolder = paste(dirname(file.choose(new = FALSE)), "/", sep = "") # choose a directory
		message("Using selected folder:", baseFolder)
	# =================================================
	# = 2. Find files matching listPattern or findStr =
	# =================================================
	fileList = list.files(baseFolder, pattern = listPattern)
	message("found ", length(fileList), " possible files")
	# if(test){
	# 	omxQuotes(fileList)
	# }
	# return(fileList)

	changed = 0
	for (fn in fileList) {
			baseName = sub(pattern = "(.*)(\\..*)$", x = fn, replacement = "\\1")
			baseName = fn
		if(grepl(pattern = findStr, baseName, perl= TRUE)){
			# found pattern
				# pull suffix and baseName (without suffix)
				baseName = sub(pattern = "(.*)(\\..*)$", x = fn, replacement = "\\1")
				suffix   = sub(pattern = "(.*)(\\..*)$", x = fn, replacement = "\\2")
				fnew = gsub(findStr, replacement = replaceStr, x = baseName, perl= TRUE) # replace all instances
				fnew = paste0(fnew, suffix)
			} else {
				fnew = gsub(findStr, replacement = replaceStr, x = fn, perl= TRUE) # replace all instances
				message(fn, " would be changed to:	", omxQuotes(fnew))
			} else {
				if((!overwrite) & file.exists(paste(baseFolder, fnew, sep = ""))){
					message("renaming ", fn, "to", fnew, "failed as already exists. To overwrite set T")
				} else {
					file.rename(paste0(baseFolder, fn), paste0(baseFolder, fnew))
					changed = changed + 1;
	if(test & (changed == 0)){
		message("no matches for change (PS: once you get some hits, set test = FALSE to actually change files.")
	} else {

#' Move files
#' On OS X, `umx_move_file` can access the current front-most Finder window.
#' The file moves are fast and, because you can use regular expressions, powerful.
#' @param baseFolder  The folder to search in. If set to "Finder" (and you are on OS X) it will use the current
#' front-most Finder window. If it is blank, a choose folder dialog will be thrown.
#' @param regex string to select files to process within the selected folder.
#' @param fileNameList List of files to move.
#' @param destFolder Folder to move files to.
#' @param test Boolean determining whether to change the names, or just report a dry run.
#' @param overwrite Boolean determining whether to overwrite files or not (default = FALSE (safe)).
#' @return None
#' @seealso [file.rename()], [regex()]
#' @family File Functions
#' @md
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' base = "~/Desktop/"
#' dest = "~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Music/"
#' umx_move_file(baseFolder = base, fileNameList = toMove, destFolder = dest, test= TRUE)
#' # ============================================================
#' # = Move all files in downloads ending in ".jpeg" to Desktop =
#' # ============================================================
#' umx_move_file(baseFolder = "~/Downloads/", regex=".jpeg", 
#'		destFolder = "~/Desktop/", test= TRUE)
#' }
umx_move_file <- function(baseFolder = NA, regex = NULL, fileNameList = NA, destFolder = NA, test = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE) {
			stop("Can't use regex and a fileNameList")
		} else {
			fileNameList = list.files(baseFolder, pattern = regex)

		stop("destFolder can't be NA")
	if(baseFolder == "Finder"){
		baseFolder = system(intern = TRUE, "osascript -e 'tell application \"Finder\" to get the POSIX path of (target of front window as alias)'")
		message("Using front-most Finder window:", baseFolder)
	} else if(baseFolder == "") {
		baseFolder = paste(dirname(file.choose(new = FALSE)), "/", sep="") # choose a directory
		message("Using selected folder:", baseFolder)
	moved = 0
	for (fn in fileNameList) {
			message("would move ", fn, " to ", destFolder)	
			moved = moved + 1;
			message("Would have moved ", moved)
		} else {
			if((!overwrite) & file.exists(paste0(destFolder, fn))){
				message("moving ", fn, "to", destFolder, "failed as already exists. To overwrite set overwrite= TRUE")
			} else {
				file.rename(paste0(baseFolder, fn), paste0(destFolder, fn))
				moved = moved + 1;
		message("Moved ", moved)

#' Open a file or folder
#' Open a file or folder. Works on OS X, mostly on windows, and hopefully on unix.
#' NOTE: Your filepath is [shQuote()]'d by this function.
#' @param filepath The file to open
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @family File Functions
#' @md
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>, <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' umx_open() # Default is to open working directory getwd()
#' umx_open("~/bin/umx/R/misc_and_utility copy.r")
#' }
umx_open <- function(filepath = getwd()) {
	filepath = normalizePath(filepath)
	if (umx_check_OS("Windows")){
		shell(shQuote(filepath, type='cmd'), 'cmd.exe')
	} else {
			opener = "open "
		} else { # *nix?
			opener = "xdg-open "
		system(paste(opener, shQuote(filepath)))
	 # system2(opener, shQuote(filepath)) # possibly more robust.
	 # check when around multiple machine types

#' umx_check_OS
#' Check what OS we are running on (current default is OS X). Returns a boolean.
#' Optionally warn or die on failure of the test
#' @param target Which OS(s) you wish to check for (default = "OSX")
#' @param action What to do on failure of the test: nothing (default), warn or die
#' @return - TRUE if on the specified OS (else FALSE)
#' @export
#' @family Test
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>, <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umx_check_OS()
umx_check_OS <- function(target=c("OSX", "SunOS", "Linux", "Windows"), action = c("ignore", "warn", "die")) {
	action = match.arg(action)
	target = match.arg(target)
	# OSX == Darwin
	# Solaris == SunOS
	sysinfo = Sys.info()
	if (!is.null(sysinfo)){
		os = sysinfo['sysname']
		if (os == 'Darwin'){
			os = "OSX"    	
	} else {
		os = .Platform$OS.type
		if (grepl("linux-gnu", R.version$os)){
		  os = "Linux"	    	
	isTarget = (target == os)
		if(action == "die"){
			stop("Sorry: You must be running on ", target, " OS. You're on ", os)
		} else if(action == "warn"){
			message("i was expecting the OS to be ", target, " not ", os)

#' Convert an excel spreadsheet in a text file on sql statements.
#' Unlikely to be of use to anyone but the package author :-)
#' On OS X, by default, the file selected in the front-most Finder window will be chosen.
#' If it is blank, a choose file dialog will be thrown.
#' Read an xlsx file and convert into SQL insert statements (placed on the clipboard)
#' On MacOS, the function can access the current front-most Finder window.
#' The file name should be the name of the test.
#' Columns should be headed:
#' itemText	direction	scale	type	\[optional	response	options\]
#' The SQL fields generated are:
#' itemID, test, native_item_number, item_text, direction, scale, format, author
#' @details
#' tabbedPlus: list scored from 0 to n-1
#' tabbedVertPlus: tabbed, but vertical lay-out 
#' number	2+2\<itemBreak\>min='0' max='7' step='1'
#' 5fm Scored 1-5, anchored: Strongly Disagree | Disagree  | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree
#' intro (not) scored, and sequenced as item 0
#' @param theFile The xlsx file to read. Default = "Finder")
#' @family File Functions
#' @return None 
#' @export
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # An example Excel spreadsheet
#' # local uncompiled path
#' fp = system.file("inst/extdata", "GQ6.sql.xlsx", package = "umx")
#' # installed path
#' fp = system.file("extdata", "GQ6.sql.xlsx", package = "umx")
#' umx_open(fp)
#' umx_make_sql_from_excel() # Using file selected in front-most Finder window
#' umx_make_sql_from_excel("~/Desktop/test.xlsx") # provide a path
#' }
umx_make_sql_from_excel <- function(theFile = "Finder") {
	if(theFile == "Finder"){
		theFile = system(intern = TRUE, "osascript -e 'tell application \"Finder\" to get the POSIX path of (selection as alias)'")
		message("Using file selected in front-most Finder window:", theFile)
	} else if(theFile == "") {
		theFile = file.choose(new = FALSE) # choose a file
		message("Using selected file:", theFile)
	} else if(theFile == "make") {
		theFile = system.file("extdata", "GQ6.sql.xlsx", package = "umx")
	umx_check(file.exists(theFile), message= paste0("file:'", theFile, "' does not exist..."))
	# remove suffix (i.e., .xlsx )
	testName = umx_trim(basename(theFile), "\\..+$")
	df = openxlsx::read.xlsx(theFile, sheet = 1, stringsAsFactors= FALSE)

	expect8 = c("itemText", "direction", "scale", "type")
	if(!all(expect8 %in% names(df))){
		stop(paste("I expected the following required column names:\n", omxQuotes(expect8), "\nYou gave me:", 
		    omxQuotes(names(df))), call. = FALSE)

	nItems = dim(df)[1]
	nCols  = dim(df)[2]

	for (i in 1:nCols) {
		df[,i] = as.character(df[,i])
	df[df == ""] = NA

	pre = "INSERT INTO Items VALUES ('"
	end = paste0("');")

	o = data.frame(sql="junk", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ;
	itemNumber = 1
	for (lineNumber in 1:nItems) {
		direction  = df[lineNumber, "direction"]
		scale      = df[lineNumber, "scale"]
		type       = df[lineNumber, "type"]
		if (type=="info" & itemNumber == 1){
			# this will fail if there are two info questions at the top
			itemNumber = 0
		itemText = df[lineNumber, "itemText"]
		# Any more cells in <itemBreak>?
		if(nCols > 5){
			items = df[lineNumber, 5:nCols]
				itemText = paste0(itemText, "<itemBreak>", paste(items[!is.na(items)], collapse = "<itemBreak>"))
		thisRow = paste(pre, testName, itemNumber, itemText, direction, scale, type, testName, end, sep = "', '")
		thisRow = umx_names(thisRow, pattern = ", '');", replacement = ");")
		o[itemNumber, ] = thisRow
		itemNumber = itemNumber + 1
	umx_write_to_clipboard(x = o)
	message("sql is on clipboard")

#' umx_write_to_clipboard
#' @description
#' umx_write_to_clipboard writes data to the clipboard
#' @details
#' Works on Mac. Let me know if it fails on windows or Unix.
#' @param x something to paste to the clipboard
#' @return None 
#' @export
#' @family File Functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' umx_write_to_clipboard("hello")
#' }
umx_write_to_clipboard <- function(x) {
		clipboard = pipe("pbcopy", "w")
		write.table(x, file = clipboard, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
	} else if (umx_check_OS("Windows")){
		write.table(x, file = "clipboard", sep = "\t", col.names = NA)
		message("clipboard not implemented for *nix - awaiting a reliable solution.
		file(description='clipboard') might help.  See:

#' dl_from_dropbox
#' Download a file from Dropbox, given either the url, or the name and key
#' Improvements would include error handling...
#' @param x Either the file name, or full dropbox URL (see example below)
#' @param key the code after s/ and before the file name in the dropbox url
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @family File Functions
#' @references - \url{https://thebiobucket.blogspot.kr/2013/04/download-files-from-dropbox.html}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dl_from_dropbox("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/7kauod48r9cfhwc/tinytwinData.rda")
#' dl_from_dropbox("tinytwinData.rda", key = "7kauod48r9cfhwc")
#' }
dl_from_dropbox <- function(x, key=NULL){
	# depends on RCurl::getBinaryURL
		bin = RCurl::getBinaryURL(x, ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
		x = sub("^.+/(.*)$", "\\1", x, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)
	} else {
		# user has provided key and file name, so concatenate with https...
		bin = RCurl::getBinaryURL(paste0("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/", key, "/", x), ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
	con = file(x, open = "wb")
	writeBin(bin, con)
	message(noquote(paste(x, "read into", getwd())))

# ===================
# = Stats functions =
# ===================

# =======================
# = Financial utilities =
# =======================

#' Work the valuation of a company
#' @description
#' `fin_valuation` uses the revenue, operating margin, expenses and PE to compute a market capitalization.
#' Better to use a more powerful online site.
#' @details
#' Revenue is multiplied by opmargin to get a gross profit. From this the proportion specified in `expenses` is subtracted 
#' and the resulting earnings turned into a price via the `PE`
#' @param revenue Revenue of the company
#' @param opmargin Margin on operating revenue
#' @param expenses Additional fixed costs
#' @param PE of the company
#' @param symbol Currency
#' @param use reporting values in "B" (billion) or "M" (millions)
#' @return - value
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Functions
#' @seealso - [fin_interest()], [fin_NI()], [fin_percent()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' fin_valuation(rev=7e9, opmargin=.1, PE=33)
#' # Market cap =  $18,480,000,000
#' # (Based on PE= 33, operating Income of $0.70 B, and net income =$0.56B
fin_valuation <- function(revenue=6e6*30e3, opmargin=.08, expenses=.2, PE=30, symbol = "$", use = c("B", "M")) {
	use = match.arg(use)
	} else {
	operatingIncome = revenue * opmargin
	netIncome = operatingIncome *(1-expenses)
	marketCap = netIncome*PE
	class(marketCap) = 'money'; attr(marketCap, 'symbol') = symbol
	class(netIncome) = 'money'; attr(netIncome, 'symbol') = symbol
	class(operatingIncome) = 'money'; attr(operatingIncome, 'symbol') = symbol
	cat("Market cap = ", print(marketCap, cat=F))
	cat("\n(Based on PE= ", PE, ", operating Income of ", print(operatingIncome/divisor, cat=F), " ", use, ", and net income =", print(netIncome/divisor, cat=F), use, "\n", sep = "")


#' Compute the value of a principal & annual deposits at a compound interest over a number of years
#' @description
#' Allows you to determine the final value of an initial `principal` (with optional 
#' periodic `deposits`), over a number of years (`yrs`) at a given rate of `interest`.
#' Principal and deposits are optional. You control compounding periods each year (n) and whether deposits occur at the beginning or end of the year.
#' The function outputs a nice table of annual returns, formats the total using a user-settable currency `symbol`. Can also `report` using a web table.
#' *notes*: Graham valuation: fair P/E = 9 + (1.5 * growth%). e.g.  $INTEL fair P/E = 9+.5*3 = 10.5 up to  9+2*10 = 29
#' Can move the weighting between a conservative .5 and an optimistic 2 (in terms of how long the growth will last and how low the hurdle rate is)
#' @param principal The initial investment at time 0 (default 100)
#' @param deposits Optional periodic additional investment each *year*.
#' @param interest Annual interest rate (default .05)
#' @param inflate How much to inflate deposits over time (default 0)
#' @param yrs Duration of the investment (default 10).
#' @param n Compounding intervals per year (default 12 (monthly), use 365 for daily)
#' @param when Deposits made at the "beginning" (of each year) or "end"
#' @param symbol Currency symbol to embed in the result.
#' @param report "markdown" or "html", 
#' @param table Whether to print a table of annual returns (default TRUE)
#' @param largest_with_cents Default = 0
#' @param baseYear Default = current year (for table row labels)
#' @param final if set (default = NULL), returns the rate required to turn principal into final after yrs (principal defaults to 1)
#' @return - Value of balance after yrs of investment.
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Functions
#' @seealso - [umx_set_dollar_symbol()], [fin_percent()], [fin_NI()], [fin_valuation()]
#' @references - <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compound_interest>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # 1. Value of a principal after yrs years at 5% return, compounding monthly.
#' # Report in browser as a nice table of annual returns and formatted totals.
#' fin_interest(principal = 5000, interest = 0.05, rep= "html")
#' }
#' # Report as a nice markdown table
#' fin_interest(principal = 5000, interest = 0.05, yrs = 10)
#' umx_set_dollar_symbol("£")
#' # 2 What rate is needed to increase principal to final value in yrs time?
#' fin_interest(final = 1.4, yrs=5)
#' fin_interest(principal = 50, final=200, yrs = 5)
#' # 3. What's the value of deposits of $100/yr after 10 years at 7% return?
#' fin_interest(deposits = 100, interest = 0.07, yrs = 10, n = 12)
#' # 4. What's the value of $20k + $100/yr over 10 years at 7% return?
#' fin_interest(principal= 20e3, deposits= 100, interest= .07, yrs= 10, symbol="$")
#' # 5. What is $10,000 invested at the end of each year for 5 years at 6%?
#' fin_interest(deposits = 10e3, interest = 0.06, yrs = 5, n=1, when= "end")
#' # 6. What will $20k be worth after 10 years at 15% annually (n=1)?
#' fin_interest(deposits=20e3, interest = 0.15, yrs = 10, n=1, baseYear=1)
#' # $466,986
#' # manual equivalent
#' sum(20e3*(1.15^(10:1))) # 466985.5
#' # 7. Annual (rather than monthly) compounding (n=1)
#' fin_interest(deposits = 100, interest = 0.07, yrs = 10, n=1)
#' # 8 Interest needed to increase principal to final value in yrs time.
#' fin_interest(principal = 100, final=200, yrs = 5)
fin_interest <- function(principal = 100, deposits = 0, inflate = 0, interest = 0.05, yrs = 10, final= NULL, n = 12, when = "beginning", symbol = NULL, largest_with_cents = 0, baseYear= as.numeric(format(Sys.time(), "%Y")), table = TRUE, report= c("markdown", "html")){
	report = match.arg(report)
	if(is.null(symbol)){symbol = umx_set_dollar_symbol(silent=TRUE)}
		caption= paste0("Compounding ", bucks(deposits, symbol, cat=TRUE), " deposits over ", yrs, " years at ", interest*100, "% interest with ", inflate*100, "% inflation.")
	} else {
		caption= paste0("Compounding ", bucks(principal, symbol, cat=TRUE), " principle plus ", bucks(deposits, symbol, cat=TRUE), " annual deposits, ", interest * 100, "% interest and ", inflate*100, "% inflation.")

	if(inflate != 0){
		deposits = c(deposits, rep(deposits, times = yrs-1) *(1+inflate)^c(1:(yrs-1)))
		deposits = rep(deposits, times = yrs)
		# final = prin*(1+rate)^y
		if(principal==0){ principal=1 }
		# rate is the years root of (final *prin?)

	# 1. compute compounding rate per unit time n (allowing for zero interest so 1.0)
	rate = ifelse(interest==0, 1, 1+(interest/n))

	tableOut = data.frame(Year = NA, Deposits = NA, Interest = NA, Total_Deposits = NA, Total_Interest = NA, Total = scales::dollar(principal, prefix = symbol, largest_with_cents = 0))
	balance  = principal
	totalDeposits = 0
	totalInterest = 0
	for (yr in 1:yrs) {
		# 1. Compute compounding rate per unit time n (allowing for zero interest so 1.0)
		if(when == "beginning"){
			# Deposits at the beginning of each year
			thisInterest = ((balance + deposits[yr]) * rate^n) - (balance + deposits[yr])
		} else {
			# Deposits at the end of the year
			thisInterest = (balance * rate^n) - balance
		totalDeposits = (totalDeposits + deposits[yr])
		totalInterest = (totalInterest + thisInterest)
		balance       = (balance + deposits[yr] + thisInterest)
		thisRow = c(Year=yr+baseYear, Deposit= deposits[yr], Interest = thisInterest, Total_Deposit = totalDeposits, Total_Interest = totalInterest, Total = balance)
		thisRow = c(thisRow[1], scales::dollar(thisRow[-1], prefix = symbol, largest_with_cents = largest_with_cents))
		tableOut = rbind(tableOut, thisRow)
		# principal = 0, deposits = 0, inflate = 0, interest = 0.05, yrs
		umx_print(tableOut, justify = "right", caption = caption, report=report)

		# 2. compute compounded value of the principal (initial deposit)
		Compound_interest_for_principal = principal* rate^(n*yrs)

		# 3. compute compounded value of the deposits

			Future_value_of_a_series = deposits * yrs
		} else {
			# beginning: A = PMT * (((1 + r/n)^(nt) - 1) / (r/n))
			# end      : A = PMT * (((1 + r/n)^(nt) - 1) / (r/n)) * (1+r/n)
			if(when == "beginning"){
				# deposits at the beginning of each year
				periods = (yrs:1)*n
				Future_value_of_a_series = sum(deposits*(rate^periods))
			} else {
				# deposits at the end of the year
				periods = ((yrs-1):1)*n
				Future_value_of_a_series = sum(deposits*(rate^periods)) + (1*deposits)

		Total =  Compound_interest_for_principal+ Future_value_of_a_series
	} else {
		Total = balance
	class(Total) = 'money'
	attr(Total, 'symbol') = symbol

#' Compute NI given annual Earnings.
#' @description
#' Employees pay contributions at 12%% on annual earnings between £9,568 and £50,270. Above that you pay at 2%%. 
#' Employers pay at 13.8%% on all annual earnings of more than £8,840, although there are different thresholds 
#' for those under the age of 21 and for apprentices under the age of 25.
#' @param annualEarnings Employee annual earnings.
#' @param symbol Currency symbol to embed in the result.
#' @return - NI
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Functions
#' @seealso - [fin_interest()], [fin_percent()], [fin_valuation()]
#' @references - <https://www.telegraph.co.uk/tax/tax-hacks/politicians-running-scared-long-overdue-national-insurance-overhaul/>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' fin_NI(42e3)
#' fin_NI(142000)
fin_NI <- function(annualEarnings, symbol = "\u00A3") {
	if(annualEarnings < 50270){
		employee = .12 * max(0, (annualEarnings- 9568))
	} else {
		employee = (.12 * (annualEarnings- 9568)) + (.02 * (annualEarnings-50270))
	employer = .138 * max((annualEarnings - 8840), 0)

	Total = employer + employee
	class(Total) = 'money'
	attr(Total, 'symbol') = symbol
	cat(paste0("Employer pays ", bucks(employer, symbol = symbol, cat = FALSE), ", and employee pays ", bucks(employee, symbol = symbol, cat=FALSE),
	 ". So ", round((employer+employee)/annualEarnings*100, 2),	" % total!\n")

#' Print a money object
#' @description Print function for "money" objects, e.g. [fin_interest()].
#' @aliases bucks print
#' @param x money object.
#' @param symbol Default prefix if not set.
#' @param big.mark option defaulting to ","
#' @param decimal.mark option defaulting to "."
#' @param trim option defaulting to TRUE
#' @param largest_with_cents option defaulting to 1e+05
#' @param negative_parens option defaulting to "hyphen"
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. also cat =F to return string
#' @return - invisible
#' @seealso - [umx::fin_percent()], [umx::fin_interest()], [scales::dollar()]
#' @md
# #' @family print
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bucks(100 * 1.05^32)
#' fin_interest(deposits = 20e3, interest = 0.07, yrs = 20)
bucks <- function(x, symbol = "$", big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = ".", trim = TRUE, largest_with_cents = 1e+05, negative_parens = c("hyphen", "minus", "parens"), ...) {
	dot.items = list(...) # grab all the dot items cat
	cat = ifelse(is.null(dot.items[["cat"]]), TRUE, dot.items[["cat"]])
		cat = TRUE
	} else {
		cat = FALSE
		dot.items[["cat"]] = NULL

	if(!is.null(attr(x, 'symbol')) ){
		symbol = attr(x, 'symbol')
	formatted = scales::dollar(as.numeric(x), prefix = symbol, big.mark = big.mark, decimal.mark = decimal.mark, trim =trim, largest_with_cents = largest_with_cents, style_negative = negative_parens, ...)
	} else {

#' @export
#' @method print money
print.money <- bucks

#' Compute the percent change needed to return to the original value after percent off (or on).
#' @description
#' Determine the percent change needed to "undo" an initial percent change. Has a plot function as well.
#' If an amount of $100 has 20% added, what percent do we need to drop it by to return to the original value?
#' `fin_percent(20)` yields $100 increased by 20% = $120 (Percent to reverse = -17%)
#' @param percent Change in percent (enter 10 for 10%, not 0.1)
#' @param value Principal
#' @param symbol value units (default = "$")
#' @param digits Rounding of results (default 2 places)
#' @param plot Whether to plot the result (default TRUE)
#' @param logY Whether to plot y axis as log (TRUE)
#' @return - new value and change required to return to baseline.
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Functions
#' @seealso - [fin_interest()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # Percent needed to return to original value after 10% taken off
#' fin_percent(-10)
#' # Percent needed to return to original value after 10% added on
#' fin_percent(10)
#' # Percent needed to return to original value after 50% off 34.50
#' fin_percent(-50, value = 34.5)
fin_percent <- function(percent, value= 100, symbol = "$", digits = 2, plot = TRUE, logY = TRUE) {
	percent  = percent/100
	newValue = value * (1 + percent)
	percent_to_reverse = (value/newValue) - 1
	class(newValue) = 'percent'
	attr(newValue, 'oldValue') = value
	attr(newValue, 'percent')  = percent
	attr(newValue, 'digits')   = digits
	attr(newValue, 'symbol')   = symbol
	attr(newValue, 'percent_to_reverse') = percent_to_reverse

		plot(newValue, logY = logY)

#' Print a percent object
#' Print method for "percent" objects: e.g. [umx::fin_percent()]. 
#' @param x percent object.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return - invisible
#' @seealso - [umx::fin_percent()]
#' @md
#' @method print percent
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Percent needed to return to original value after 10% off
#' fin_percent(-10)
#' # Percent needed to return to original value after 10% on
#' fin_percent(10)
#' # Percent needed to return to original value after 50% off 34.50
#' fin_percent(-50, value = 34.5)
print.percent <- function(x, ...) {
	if(!is.null(attr(x, 'digits')) ){
		digits = attr(x, 'digits')
	oldValue = round(attr(x, 'oldValue'), digits)
	percentChange  = attr(x, 'percent')
	symbol   = attr(x, 'symbol')
	percent_to_reverse = round(attr(x, 'percent_to_reverse'), digits)
	dir = ifelse(percentChange < 0, "decreased", "increased")

	cat(symbol, oldValue, " ", dir , " by ", percentChange*100, "% = ", symbol, x, " (Percent to reverse = ", percent_to_reverse*100, "%)", sep="")

#' Plot a percent change graph
#' Plot method for "percent" objects: e.g. [umx::fin_percent()]. 
#' @param x percent object.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return - invisible
#' @seealso - [umx::fin_percent()]
#' @md
#' @method plot percent
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Percent needed to return to original value after 10% off
#' fin_percent(-10)
#' # Percent needed to return to original value after 10% on
#' tmp = fin_percent(10)
#' plot(tmp)
#' # Percent needed to return to original value after 50% off 34.50
#' fin_percent(-50, value = 34.5, logY = FALSE)
plot.percent <- function(x, ...) {
	tmp = list(...) # pull logY if passed in
	logY = tmp$logY
	symbol   = attr(x, 'symbol')
	digits   = attr(x, 'digits')
	oldValue = round(attr(x, 'oldValue'), digits)
	percentChange  = attr(x, 'percent')	
	percent_to_reverse = round(attr(x, 'percent_to_reverse'), digits)
	dir = ifelse(percentChange < 0, "decreased", "increased")
	# fnReversePercent(-.1)
	fnReversePercent <- function(x) {
		# 1/(1+.1)
		percentOn = x/100
		newValue = (1 + percentOn)
		percent_to_reverse = 1-(1/newValue)
	# x range	= -100 (%) to +500 (%)?
	# y = -100 to +200?
	# y range	= -100 to +200?
		p = ggplot(data.frame(x = c(0, 90)), aes(x))
		lab = paste0(round(percentChange*100, 2), "% on = ", round(percent_to_reverse * 100, 2), "% off", sep = "")
		labXpos = 50
		labYpos = -20
		logY = FALSE
	} else {
		p = ggplot(data.frame(x = c(-90, 0)), aes(x))
		lab = paste0(round(percentChange*100, 2), "% off = ", round(percent_to_reverse * 100, 2), "% on", sep = "")
		labXpos = -50
		labYpos = 700
		p = p + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(n.breaks = 8) + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(n.breaks = 10)
		p = p + cowplot::draw_label(lab, vjust = 1, hjust = .5, x = labXpos, y = labYpos, color= "grey")
		# hor & vert
		p = p + ggplot2::geom_segment(x = percentChange*100, xend=-100, y=percent_to_reverse*100, yend=percent_to_reverse*100, alpha=.5, color = "lightgrey")
		p = p + ggplot2::geom_segment(x = percentChange*100, xend=percentChange*100, y=-10, yend=percent_to_reverse*100, alpha=.5, color = "lightgrey")
	} else {
		p = p + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(n.breaks = 8, trans="log10") + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(n.breaks = 10) 
		p = p + cowplot::draw_label(lab, vjust = 1, hjust = .5, x = labXpos, y = log10(labYpos), color= "grey")
		# hor & vert
		p = p + ggplot2::geom_segment(x = percentChange*100, xend=-100             , y= log10(percent_to_reverse*100), yend= log10(percent_to_reverse*100), alpha=.5, color = "lightgrey")
		p = p + ggplot2::geom_segment(x = percentChange*100, xend=percentChange*100, y= -10, yend= log10(percent_to_reverse*100), alpha= .5, color = "lightgrey")
	p = p + ggplot2::stat_function(fun = fnReversePercent, color= "lightblue")
	p = p + labs(x = "Percent change", y = "Percent change to reverse", title = paste0(percentChange*100, " percent ", ifelse(percentChange>0, "on ", "off "), oldValue, " = ", (1+percentChange)*oldValue))
	# p = p + ggplot2::geom_area() can't do with stat fun ...

	# p = p + cowplot::draw_label("\u2B55", hjust=0, vjust=1, x = percentChange*100, y = percent_to_reverse*100, color = "lightblue")

	if(umx_set_plot_use_hrbrthemes(silent = TRUE)){
		# p = p + hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum()
		p = p + hrbrthemes::theme_ft_rc()
	} else {
		# p = p + ggplot2::theme_bw()
		p = p + cowplot::theme_cowplot(font_size = 11)

	cat(symbol, oldValue, " ", dir , " by ", percentChange*100, "% = ", symbol, x, " (Percent to reverse = ", percent_to_reverse*100, "%)", sep="")

#' Easily plot functions in R
#' @description
#' A wrapper for [ggplot2::stat_function()]
#' @details Easily plot a function - like sin, using ggplot.
#' @param fun Function to plot. Also takes strings like "sin(x) + sqrt(1/x)".
#' @param min x-range min.
#' @param max x-range max.
#' @param xlab = Optional x axis label.
#' @param ylab = Optional y axis label.
#' @param title Optional title for the plot.
#' @param logY  Set to, e.g. "log" to set COORDINATE of y to log.
#' @param p  Optional plot onto which to draw the function.
#' @return - A ggplot graph
#' @export
#' @family Plotting functions
#' @seealso - [ggplot2::stat_function()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Uses fonts not available on CRAN
#' umxPlotFun(sin, max= 2*pi)
#' umxPlotFun("sqrt(1/x)", max= 2*pi)
#' umxPlotFun(sin, max= 2*pi, ylab="Output of sin", title="My Big Graph")
#' p = umxPlotFun(function(x){x^2}, max= 100, title="Supply and demand")
#' umxPlotFun(function(x){100^2-x^2}, p = p)
#' # Controlling other plot features
#' umxPlotFun(c("sin(x)", "x^3")) + ylim(c(-1,5)) 
#' }
umxPlotFun <- function(fun= c(dnorm, "sin(x) + sqrt(1/x)"), min= -1, max= 5, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, title = NULL, logY = c("no", "log", "log10"), p = NULL) {
	logY = xmu_match.arg(logY, c("no", "log", "log10"), check = FALSE)
	if(inherits(fun, "numeric")){
		stop("If you write a function symbolically, you need to put it in quotes, e.g. 'x^2'")
	} else if(inherits(fun, "character")){
		make_function <- function(args, body, env = parent.frame()) {
			args = as.pairlist(args)
			eval(call("function", args, body), env)
		funOut = c()
		for (i in fun) {			
			if(is.null(title)){ title = paste0("Plot of ", i) }
			# failed ideas to format as latex...
			# if(is.null(title)){ title = parse(text=paste0("'Plot of '", expression(i) ) ) }
			# if(is.null(title)){ title = parse(text = paste0("Plot of ", i)) }
			if(is.null(ylab)){ ylab = i}
			thisFun = make_function(alist(x=NA), parse(text = i)[[1]] )
			funOut = c(funOut, thisFun)
		fun = funOut # 1 or more functions
		# Got a bare function like sin
		fun = list(fun)
	# plot function 1
			p = p + ggplot2::stat_function(fun = fun[[1]])
		} else {
			p = p + ggplot2::stat_function(fun = fun[[1]], xlim= c(min, max))
		p  = ggplot(data.frame(x = c(min, max)), aes(x) )
		if(logY != "no"){
			p = p + ggplot2::coord_trans(y = logY)
		p    = p + ggplot2::stat_function(fun = fun[[1]])
		xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),  xlab , "X value")
			if(length(as.character(quote(fun[[1]]))) == 1){
				ylab = paste0(as.character(quote(fun[[1]]), " of x"))
			} else {
				ylab = paste0("Function of X")

			if(length(as.character(quote(fun[[1]]))) == 1){
				pref= "Plot of function: "
				pref= "Plot of Functions: "
			result = tryCatch({
				title = expression(paste0(pref,fun[[1]]))
			}, error = function() {
				title = paste0(pref, as.character(quote(fun[[1]]), " function"))
		p = p + labs(x = xlab, y = ylab, caption = title)
	if(length(fun) > 1){
		n= 1
		colorList = c("red", "green", "blue")
		for (i in fun[2:length(fun)]) {
			p = p + ggplot2::stat_function(fun = i, color=colorList[n])
	if(umx_set_plot_use_hrbrthemes(silent = TRUE)){
		p = p + hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum()
	} else {
		p = p + cowplot::theme_cowplot(font_family = "Times", font_size = 12)


#' Compute odds ratio (OR)
#' @description
#' Returns the odds in each group, and the odds ratio. Takes the cases (n) and total N as a list
#' of two numbers for each of two groups. 
#' @details
#' Returns a list of odds1, odds2, and OR + CI. Has a pretty-printing method so displays as:
#' ```
#' Group 1 odds = 0.43
#' Group 2 odds = 0.11
#'           OR = 3.86 CI95[0.160, 3.64]
#' ```
#' @param grp1 either odds for group 1, or cases and total N , e.g c(n=3, N=10)
#' @param grp2 either odds for group 2, or cases and total N , e.g c(n=1, N=20)
#' @param alpha for CI (default = 0.05)
#' @return - List of odds in group 1 and group2, and the resulting OR and CI
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Stats Functions
#' @seealso - [umx_r_test()]
#' @references - <https://stats.oarc.ucla.edu/r/dae/logit-regression/>, <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' oddsratio(grp1 = c(1, 10), grp2 = c(3, 10))
#' oddsratio(grp1 = 0.111, grp2 = 0.429)
#' oddsratio(grp1 = c(3, 10), grp2 = c(1, 10))
#' oddsratio(grp1 = c(3, 10), grp2 = c(1, 10), alpha = .01)
oddsratio <- function(grp1= c(n=3, N=10), grp2= c(n=1, N=10), alpha = 0.05) {
	# nGrp1 = 1; nGrp2 = 2; NGrp1 = 3; NGrp2 = 4
	if(length(grp1) == 2){
		nGrp1 = grp1[1]
		NGrp1 = grp1[2]
		# odds = n/(N-n)
		odds1 = nGrp1/(NGrp1-nGrp1)
	} else {
		odds1 = grp1
	if(length(grp2) == 2){
		nGrp2 = grp2[1]
		NGrp2 = grp2[2]
		odds2 = nGrp2/(NGrp2-nGrp2)
	} else {
		odds2 = grp2

	OR = odds1/odds2	

	if(length(grp1) == 2 & length(grp1) == 2){
		siglog  = sqrt((1/nGrp1) + (1/NGrp1) + (1/nGrp2) + (1/NGrp2))
		zalph   = qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
		LowerCI = exp(log(OR) - zalph * siglog)
		UpperCI = exp(log(OR) + zalph * siglog)
		LowerCI = NA
		UpperCI = NA
	# CI
	result  = list(odds1= odds1, odds2= odds2, OR= OR, LowerCI = LowerCI, UpperCI = UpperCI, alpha = alpha)
	class(result) = 'oddsratio'	

#' Print a scale "oddsratio" object
#' Print method for the [umx::oddsratio()] function.
#' @param x A [umx::oddsratio()] result.
#' @param digits The rounding precision.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return - invisible oddsratio object (x).
#' @seealso - [print()], [umx::oddsratio()], 
#' @md
#' @method print oddsratio
#' @export
#' @examples
#' oddsratio(grp1 = c(1, 10), grp2 = c(3, 10))
#' oddsratio(grp1 = c(3, 10), grp2 = c(1, 10))
#' oddsratio(grp1 = c(3, 10), grp2 = c(1, 10), alpha = .01)
print.oddsratio <- function(x, digits = 3, ...) {
	# x = list(odds1= odds1, odds2= odds2, OR= OR, LowerCI = OR_CI_lo, UpperCI = OR_CI_hi, alpha = alpha)
	charLen = nchar("Group 1 odds")
	cat(sprintf(paste0("%", charLen, "s = ", format(x[["odds1"]], digits = digits)), "Group 1 odds"), fill= TRUE)
	cat(sprintf(paste0("%", charLen, "s = ", format(x[["odds2"]], digits = digits)), "Group 2 odds"), fill= TRUE)

	OR = round(x[[ "OR" ]], digits = digits)
	if(is.na(x[[ "UpperCI" ]])){
		ORstring = paste0(OR, " (input odds as c(n=, N=) to compute CI)")
	} else {
		LowerCI  = round(x[[ "LowerCI" ]], digits=digits)
		UpperCI  = round(x[[ "UpperCI" ]], digits=digits)
		alpha    = x[[ "alpha" ]]
		ORstring = paste0(OR, " CI", 100-(alpha*100), " [", LowerCI, ", ", UpperCI, "]")
	cat(sprintf(paste0("%", charLen, "s = ", ORstring), "OR"), fill= TRUE)
	cat("polite note: Remember OR is sensitive to base rate: A given odds ratio can represent very different degrees of association/correlation")

#' Report correlations and their p-values
#' For reporting correlations and their p-values in a compact table. Handles rounding, and skipping non-numeric columns.
#' To compute heterochoric correlations, see [umxHetCor()].
#' *note*: The Hmisc package has a more robust function called `rcorr`.
#' @param X a matrix or dataframe
#' @param df the degrees of freedom for the test
#' @param use how to handle missing data (defaults to pairwise complete)
#' @param digits rounding of answers
#' @param type Unused argument for future directions
#' @return - Matrix of correlations and p-values
#' @seealso umxHetCor
#' @family Miscellaneous Stats Functions
#' @export
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' tmp = myFADataRaw[1:8,1:8]
#' umx_cor(tmp)
#' tmp$x1 = letters[1:8] # make one column non-numeric
#' umx_cor(tmp)
umx_cor <- function (X, df = nrow(X) - 2, use = c("pairwise.complete.obs", "complete.obs", "everything", "all.obs", "na.or.complete"), digits = 2, type= c("r and p-value", "smart")) {
	# see also
	# Hmisc::rcorr()
	use = match.arg(use)
	message("TODO: umx_cor assumes no missing data, n is just nrow() !!")
	# nVar    = dim(x)[2]
	# nMatrix = diag(NA, nrow= nVar)
	# for (i in 1:nVar) {
	# 	x[,i]
	# }
	numericCols = rep(FALSE, ncol(X))
	for (i in 1:ncol(X)) {
		numericCols[i] = is.numeric(X[,i])
	if(ncol(X) > sum(numericCols)){
		message("dropped ", ncol(X) - sum(numericCols), " non-numeric column(s).")
	R     = cor(X[,numericCols], use = use)
	above = upper.tri(R)
	below = lower.tri(R)
	r2    = R[above]^2
	Fstat = r2 * df/(1 - r2)
	R[row(R) == col(R)] <- NA # NA on the diagonal
	R[above] = pf(Fstat, 1, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
	R[below] = round(R[below], digits)
	R[above] = round(R[above], digits)
	# R[above] = paste("p=",round(R[above], digits))
	message("lower tri  = correlation; upper tri = p-value")

# Return the maximum value in a row
rowMax <- function(df, na.rm = TRUE) {
	tmp = apply(df, MARGIN = 1, FUN = max, na.rm = na.rm)
	tmp[!is.finite(tmp)] = NA

rowMin <- function(df, na.rm= TRUE) {
	tmp = apply(df, MARGIN = 1, FUN = min, na.rm = na.rm)
	tmp[!is.finite(tmp)] = NA

#' umx_round
#' A version of round() which works on dataframes that contain non-numeric data (or data that cannot be coerced to numeric)
#' Helpful for dealing with table output that mixes numeric and string types.
#' @param df a dataframe to round in
#' @param digits how many digits to round to (defaults to getOption("digits"))
#' @param coerce whether to make the column numeric if it is not (default = FALSE)
#' @return - [mxModel()]
#' @family Miscellaneous Stats Functions
#' @export
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' head(umx_round(mtcars, coerce = FALSE))
#' head(umx_round(mtcars, coerce = TRUE))
umx_round <- function(df, digits = getOption("digits"), coerce = FALSE) {
		df = data.frame(df)
				return(round(as.numeric(df), digits))
				return(round(df, digits))
		} else {
			stop("df input for umx_round must be a dataframe")
	# for each column, if numeric, round
	rows = dim(df)[1]
	cols = dim(df)[2]
	for(c in 1:cols) {
			for(r in 1:rows) {
				df[r, c] = round(as.numeric(df[r, c]), digits)
		} else {
			if(is.numeric(df[1, c])){
				df[ , c] = round(df[ , c], digits)

#' Compute an SE from a beta and p value
#' @description
#' `SE_from_p` takes beta and p, and returns an SE.
#' @param beta The effect size
#' @param p The p-value for the effect
#' @param SE Standard error
#' @param lower Lower CI
#' @param upper Upper CI
#' @return - Standard error
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Stats Functions
#' @seealso - [umxAPA()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' SE_from_p(beta = .0020, p = .780)
#' SE_from_p(beta = .0020, p = .01)
#' SE_from_p(beta = .0020, SE = 0.01)
#' umxAPA(.0020, p = .01)
SE_from_p <- function(beta = NULL, p = NULL, SE = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL) {
		stop("beta must be given")
	if (!is.null(p)){ # compute SE from beta and p
		beta_over_SE = -log(p) * (416 * log(p) + 717)/1000
		SE = abs(beta/beta_over_SE) # 3 = 5/(5/3) a/(a/b) = b
		return(c(SE = SE))
		# p = exp(-0.717*(beta/SE) - 0.416*(beta/SE)^2)
		# p = .780
		# x = log(p)

		# "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be 
		# the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than
		# under omnipotent moral busybodies." C.S. Lewis.
	}else{ # compute p from beta and CI or SE
		if (is.null(SE)){
			if(is.null(upper) || is.null(lower)){
				stop("SE_from_p: upper and lower, or SE must be provided to compute p")
			SE = (upper - lower)/(2*1.96)
	 	z = beta/SE
	 	p_value = exp(-0.717 * z - 0.416 * z^2)
		return(c(p_value = p_value))

specify_decimal <- function(x, k){
	format(round(x, k), nsmall = k)

#' Report coefficient alpha (reliability)
#' Compute and report Coefficient alpha (extracted from Rcmdr to avoid its dependencies)
#' @param S A square, symmetric, numeric covariance matrix
#' @return None 
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Stats Functions
#' @seealso - [umx::print.reliability()], 
#' @references - <https://cran.r-project.org/package=Rcmdr>
#' @examples
#' # treat car data as items of a test
#' data(mtcars)
#' reliability(cov(mtcars))
reliability <-function (S){
     reliab <- function(S, R) {
         k         = dim(S)[1]
         ones      = rep(1, k)
         v         = as.vector(ones %*% S %*% ones)
         alpha     = (k/(k - 1)) * (1 - (1/v) * sum(diag(S)))
         rbar      = mean(R[lower.tri(R)])
         std.alpha = k * rbar/(1 + (k - 1) * rbar)
         c(alpha = alpha, std.alpha = std.alpha)
     result = list()
     if ((!is.numeric(S)) || !is.matrix(S) || (nrow(S) != ncol(S)) || any(abs(S - t(S)) > max(abs(S)) * 1e-10) || nrow(S) < 2)
         stop("argument must be a square, symmetric, numeric covariance matrix")
     k = dim(S)[1]
     s = sqrt(diag(S))
     R = S/(s %o% s)
     rel = reliab(S, R)
     result$alpha = rel[1]
     result$st.alpha = rel[2]
     if (k < 3) {
         warning("there are fewer than 3 items in the scale")
     rel = matrix(0, k, 3)
     for (i in 1:k) {
         rel[i, c(1, 2)] = reliab(S[-i, -i], R[-i, -i])
         a = rep(0, k)
         b = rep(1, k)
         a[i] = 1
         b[i] = 0
         cov = a %*% S %*% b
         var = b %*% S %*% b
         rel[i, 3] = cov/(sqrt(var * S[i, i]))
     rownames(rel) = rownames(S)
     colnames(rel) = c("Alpha", "Std.Alpha", "r(item, total)")
     result$rel.matrix = rel
     class(result) = "reliability"

#' Print a scale "reliability" object
#' Print method for the [umx::reliability()] function.
#' @param x A [umx::reliability()] result.
#' @param digits The rounding precision.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return - invisible reliability object (x)
#' @seealso - [print()], [umx::reliability()], 
#' @md
#' @method print reliability
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # treat vehicle aspects as items of a test
#' data(mtcars)
#' reliability(cov(mtcars))
print.reliability <- function (x, digits = 4, ...){
     cat(paste("Alpha reliability = ", round(x$alpha, digits), "\n"))
     cat(paste("Standardized alpha = ", round(x$st.alpha, digits), "\n"))
     cat("\nReliability deleting each item in turn:\n")
     print(round(x$rel.matrix, digits))

#' Convert Radians to Degrees
#' @description Just a helper to multiply radians by 180 and divide by \eqn{\pi} to get degrees.
#' *note*: R's trig functions, e.g. [sin()] use Radians for input! 
#' There are \eqn{2\pi} radians in a circle.
#' 1 Rad = \eqn{180/\pi} degrees = ~ 57.296 degrees.
#' @param rad The value in Radians you wish to convert
#' @return - value in degrees
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Functions
#' @seealso - [deg2rad()], [sin()]
#' @references [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radian)
#' @md
#' @examples
# Has test
#' rad2deg(pi) #180 degrees
rad2deg <- function(rad) { rad * 180/pi }

#' Convert Degrees to Degrees 
#' @description A helper to convert degrees (360 in  a circle) to Rad (\eqn{2\pi}
#' in a circle).
#' *note*: R's trig functions, e.g. [sin()] use Radians for input! 
#' The formula is radians = \eqn{deg x 180/\pi}. 
#' * 180 Degrees is equal to \eqn{\pi} radians.
#' * 1 Rad = \eqn{180/\pi} degrees = ~ 57.296 degrees.
#' @param deg The value in degrees you wish to convert to radians
#' @return - value in radians
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Functions
#' @seealso - [rad2deg()], [sin()]
#' @references [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radian)
#' @md
#' @examples
# Has test
#' deg2rad(180) == pi # TRUE!
deg2rad <- function(deg) { deg * pi/ 180 }

# =======================
# = Developer functions =
# =======================

#' Install OpenMx, with choice of builds
#' @description
#' You can install OpenMx, including the latest NPSOL-enabled build of OpenMx. Options are:
#' 1. "NPSOL": Install from our repository (default): This is where we maintain binaries supporting parallel processing and NPSOL.
#' 2. "travis": Install the latest travis built (MacOS only).
#' 3. "CRAN": Install from CRAN.
#' 4. "open travis build page": Open the list of travis builds in a browser window.
#' @aliases umx_update_OpenMx
#' @param loc Version to get default is "NPSOL". "travis" (latest build),CRAN, list of builds.
#' @param url Custom URL. On Mac, set this to "Finder" and the package selected in the Finder will be installed.
#' @param repos Which repository to use (ignored currently).
#' @param lib Where to install the package.
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @seealso [umxVersion()]
#' @family Miscellaneous Utility Functions
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>, <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' install.OpenMx() # gets the NPSOL version
#' install.OpenMx("NPSOL") # gets the NPSOL version explicitly
#' install.OpenMx("CRAN") # Get the latest CRAN version
#' install.OpenMx("open travis build page") # Open web page of travis builds
#' }
install.OpenMx <- function(loc = c("NPSOL", "travis", "CRAN", "open travis build page", "UVa"), url= NULL, lib, repos = getOption("repos")) {	
	loc = match.arg(loc)
	if(loc == "UVa"){
		loc = "NPSOL"
		message("next time, use 'NPSOL' instead of 'UVa'")
	oldTimeOut = getOption('timeout')
		if(url == "Finder"){
			url = system(intern = TRUE, "osascript -e 'tell application \"Finder\" to get the POSIX path of (selection as alias)'")
			message("Using file selected in front-most Finder window:", url)
		} else if(url == "") {
			url = file.choose(new = FALSE) # choose a file
			message("Using selected file:", url)
	} else if(loc == "NPSOL"){
			detach('package:OpenMx', unload = TRUE)
		# was source("https://openmx.ssri.psu.edu/software/getOpenMx.R")
		# was https://openmx.psyc.virginia.edu/getOpenMx.R
		# was source("https://openmx.ssri.psu.edu/software/getOpenMx.R")		
	}else if(loc == "travis"){
			# was ("https://openmx.psyc.virginia.edu/OpenMx2/bin/macosx/travis/OpenMx_latest.tgz")
			# , lib = lib, repos=repos
			# quit(save = "default")
		} else {
			stop(paste0("Sorry, travis builds are only available for MacOS :-("))
	} else if(loc == "CRAN"){
		install.packages("OpenMx", lib= lib, repos = repos)
	} else if(loc == "open travis build page"){

#' @export
umx_update_OpenMx <- install.OpenMx

#' "make" the umx package using devtools: release to CRAN etc.
#' @description
#' Easily  run devtools "install", "release", "win", "examples" etc.
#' @param what whether to "install", "release" to CRAN, "test", "check" test on "win" or "rhub", "spell", or "examples")).
#' @param pkg the local path to your package. Defaults to my path to umx.
#' @param check Whether to run check on the package before release (default = TRUE).
#' @param run If what is "examples", whether to also run examples marked don't run. (default FALSE).
#' @param start If what is "examples", which function to start from (default (NULL) = beginning).
#' @param spelling Whether to check spelling before release (default = "en_US": set NULL to not check).
#' @param which What rhub platform to use? c("mac", "linux", "win").
#' @param run_dont_test When checking.
#' @param spell for rhub, check spelling? TRUE
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @references - <https://devtools.r-lib.org>, <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # umx_make()  # Just load new code (don't rebuild help etc)
#' # umx_make(what = "quickInst") # Quick install
#' # umx_make(what = "install")   # Full package rebuild and install
#' # umx_make(what = "spell")     # Spellcheck Rd documents
#' # umx_make(what = "sitrep")    # Are needed packages up to date?
#' # umx_make(what = "deps_install") # Update needed packages
#' # umx_make(what = "examples")  # Run the examples
#' # umx_make(what = "checkCRAN") # Run R CMD check
#' # umx_make(what = "rhub")      # Check on rhub
#' # umx_make(what = "win")       # Check on win-builder
#' # umx_make(what = "release")   # Release to CRAN
#' # tmp = umx_make(what = "lastRhub") # View rhub result
#' }
umx_make <- function(what = c("load", "quickInst", "install", "spell", "sitrep", "deps_install", "checkCRAN", "testthat", "examples", "win", "rhub", "lastRhub", "release"), pkg = "~/bin/umx", check = TRUE, run = FALSE, start = NULL, spelling = "en_US", which = c("win", "mac", "linux", "solaris"), run_dont_test = FALSE, spell=TRUE) {
	what  = match.arg(what)
	which = match.arg(which)
	if(what == "load"){
		devtools::load_all(path = pkg)
		changed = gert::git_status(repo = "~/bin/umx")
			umx_print(gert::git_status(repo = pkg))
	} else if(what == "quickInst"){
		devtools::document(pkg = pkg);
		devtools::install(pkg = pkg, quick = TRUE, dependencies= FALSE, upgrade= FALSE, build_vignettes = FALSE);
		devtools::load_all(path = pkg)
		changed = gert::git_status(repo = "~/bin/umx")
			umx_print(gert::git_status(repo = pkg))
	}else if(what == "install"){
		devtools::document(pkg = pkg);
		devtools::install(pkg = pkg);
		devtools::load_all(path = pkg)
	} else if (what == "spell"){
		spelling::spell_check_package(pkg = pkg, vignettes = TRUE, use_wordlist = TRUE)
	# }else if (what=="travisCI"){
	# 	browseURL("https://www.travis-ci.com/tbates/umx")
	}else if (what == "sitrep"){
		devtools::dev_sitrep(pkg = pkg)
	}else if (what == "deps_install"){
	} else if(what == "run_examples"){
		devtools::run_examples(pkg = pkg, run = run, start = start)
	} else if(what == "checkCRAN"){
		devtools::check(pkg = pkg, run_dont_test = run_dont_test) # http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/check.html
	} else if (what =="win"){
		devtools::check_win_devel(pkg = pkg)
	} else if (what =="rhub"){
		if(which == "mac"){
			plat = "macos-highsierra-release-cran"
			plat = "macos-m1-bigsur-release"
		} else if(which=="linux") {
			plat = "debian-gcc-patched"
			# plat = "debian-clang-devel"
		} else if(which=="win") {
			plat = "windows-x86_64-devel" #"windows-x86_64-patched" 
			# plat = "windows-x86_64-devel" # broken 2021-06-12
		} else if (which=="solaris"){
			plat = "solaris-x86-patched-ods"

		cat("checking ", omxQuotes(pkg), "on", omxQuotes(plat))
			devtools::check_rhub(pkg = pkg, platforms = plat, interactive = FALSE, env_vars = c(`_R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_` = "true", `_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_USE_ASPELL_` = "false"))
			devtools::check_rhub(pkg = pkg, platforms = plat, interactive = FALSE)
	} else if(what == "lastRhub"){
			prev = rhub::list_package_checks(package = pkg, howmany = 4)
			check_id = prev$id[1]
		}else if(what == "testthat"){
			devtools::test(pkg = pkg)
	} else if (what == "release"){
		oldDir = getwd()
		setwd(dir= pkg)
		devtools::release(pkg = pkg, check = check, "--no-manual") # spelling = NULL		 
		setwd(dir= oldDir)
		stop("I don't know how to ", what)

# ================================
# = Reporting & Graphing helpers =
# ================================

#' Print the name and compact contents of variable.
#' Helper function to ease debugging with console notes like:  "ObjectName = \<Object Value\>".
#' This is primarily useful for inline debugging, where seeing, e.g., "nVar = 3" can be useful.
#' The ability to say \code{umx_msg(nVar)} makes this easy.
#' @param  x the thing you want to pretty-print
#' @return - NULL
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Utility Functions
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' a = "brian"
#' umx_msg(a)
#' b = c("brian", "sally", "jane")
#' umx_msg(b)
#' umx_msg(mtcars)
umx_msg <- function(x) {
	nm = deparse(substitute(x) )
		message(nm, " = ")
	} else {
		if(length(x) > 1) {
			message(nm, " = ", omxQuotes(x))	
		} else {
			message(nm, " = ", x)	

#' Helper to make the list of vars and their shapes for a graphviz string
#' @description
#' Helper to make a graphviz rank string defining the latent, manifest, and means and their shapes
#' @param latents list of latent variables (including "one")
#' @param manifests list of manifest variables
#' @param preOut existing output string (pasted in front of this: "" by default).
#' @return string
#' @export
#' @family Graphviz
#' @seealso - [xmu_dot_rank()]
#' @examples
#' xmu_dot_define_shapes(c("as1"), c("E", "N"))
xmu_dot_define_shapes <- function(latents, manifests, preOut= "") {
	latents   = unique(latents)
	manifests = unique(manifests)
	preOut    = paste0(preOut, "\n# Latents\n")
	for(var in latents) {
		if(var == "one"){
			preOut = paste0(preOut, "\t", var, " [shape = triangle];\n")
		} else {
			preOut = paste0(preOut, "\t", var, " [shape = circle];\n")
	preOut = paste0(preOut, "\n# Manifests\n")
	for(thisManifest in manifests) {
	   preOut = paste0(preOut, "\t", thisManifest, " [shape = square];\n")

#' Helper to make a graphviz rank string
#' Given a list of names, this filters the list, and returns a graphviz string to force them into the given rank.
#' e.g. `"{rank=same; as1};"`
#' @param vars a list of strings
#' @param pattern regular expression to filter vars
#' @param rank "same", "max", "min"
#' @return string
#' @export
#' @family Graphviz
#' @seealso - [xmu_dot_define_shapes()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' xmu_dot_rank(c("as1"), "^[ace]s[0-9]+$", "same")
xmu_dot_rank <- function(vars, pattern, rank) {
	formatted = paste(namez(vars, pattern), collapse = "; ")
	ranks = paste0("{rank=", rank, "; ", formatted, "};\n")

#' Return dot code for paths in a matrix
#' @description
#' Return dot code for paths in a matrix is a function which walks the rows and cols of a matrix.
#' At each free cell, it creates a dot-string specifying the relevant path, e.g.:
#' \code{ai1 -> var1 [label=".35"]}
#' Its main use is to correctly generate paths (and their sources and sink objects) 
#' without depending on the label of the parameter.
#' It is highly customizable:
#' 1. You can specify which cells to inspect, e.g. "lower".
#' 2. You can choose how to interpret path direction, from = "cols".
#' 3. You can choose the label for the from to ends of the path (by default, the matrix name is used).
#' 4. Offer up a list of from and toLabel which will be indexed into for source and sink
#' 5. You can set the number of arrows on a path (e.g. both).
#' 6. If `type` is set, then sources and sinks added manifests and/or latents output (p)
#' Finally, you can pass in previous output and new paths will be concatenated to these.
#' @param x a [umxMatrix()] to make paths from.
#' @param from one of "rows", "columns"
#' @param cells which cells to process: "any" (default), "diag", "lower", "upper". "left" is the left half (e.g. in a twin means matrix)
#' @param arrows "forward" "both" or "back"
#' @param fromLabel = NULL. NULL = use matrix name (default). If one, if suffixed with index, length() > 1, index into list. "one" is special.
#' @param toLabel = NULL. NULL = use matrix name (default). If one, if suffixed with index, length() > 1, index into list.
#' @param showFixed = FALSE.
#' @param digits to round values to (default = 2).
#' @param fromType one of "latent" or "manifest" NULL (default) = don't accumulate new names.
#' @param toType one of "latent" or "manifest" NULL (default) = don't accumulate new names.
#' @param model If you want to get CIs, you can pass in the model (default = NULL).
#' @param SEstyle If TRUE, CIs shown as "b(SE)" ("b \[l,h\]" if FALSE (default)). Ignored if model NULL.
#' @param p input to build on. list(str = "", latents = c(), manifests = c())
#' @return - list(str = "", latents = c(), manifests = c())
#' @export
#' @family Graphviz
#' @seealso - [plot()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # test with a 1 * 1
#' a_cp = umxMatrix("a_cp", "Lower", 1, 1, free = TRUE, values = pi)
#' out = xmu_dot_mat2dot(a_cp, cells = "lower_inc", from = "cols", arrows = "both")
#' cat(out$str) # a_cp -> a_cp [dir = both label="2"];
#' out = xmu_dot_mat2dot(a_cp, cells = "lower_inc", from = "cols", arrows = "forward",
#' 	fromLabel = "fromMe", toLabel = "toYou", 
#' 	fromType  = "latent", toType  = "manifest", digits = 3, SEstyle = TRUE
#' 	)
#' cat(out$str) # fromMe -> toYou [dir = forward label="3.142"];
#' cat(out$latent) # fromMe
#' cat(out$manifest) # toYou
#' # Make a lower 3 * 3 value= 1:6 (1, 4, 6 on the diag)
#' a_cp = umxMatrix("a_cp", "Lower", 3, 3, free = TRUE, values = 1:6)
#' # Get dot strings for lower triangle (default from and to based on row and column number)
#' out = xmu_dot_mat2dot(a_cp, cells = "lower", from = "cols", arrows = "both")
#' cat(out$str) # a_cp1 -> a_cp2 [dir = both label="2"];
#' # one arrow (the default = "forward")
#' out = xmu_dot_mat2dot(a_cp, cells = "lower", from = "cols")
#' cat(out$str) # a_cp1 -> a_cp2 [dir = forward label="2"];
#' # label to (rows) using var names
#' out = xmu_dot_mat2dot(a_cp, toLabel= paste0("v", 1:3), cells = "lower", from = "cols")
#' umx_msg(out$str) # a_cp1 -> v2 [dir = forward label="2"] ...
#' # First call also inits the plot struct
#' out = xmu_dot_mat2dot(a_cp, from = "rows", cells = "lower", arrows = "both", fromType = "latent")
#' out = xmu_dot_mat2dot(a_cp, from = "rows", cells = "diag", 
#' 		toLabel= "common", toType = "manifest", p = out)
#' umx_msg(out$str); umx_msg(out$manifests); umx_msg(out$latents)
#' # ================================
#' # = Add found sinks to manifests =
#' # ================================
#' out = xmu_dot_mat2dot(a_cp, from= "rows", cells= "diag", 
#' 		toLabel= c('a','b','c'), toType= "manifest");
#' umx_msg(out$manifests)
#' # ================================
#' # = Add found sources to latents =
#' # ================================
#' out = xmu_dot_mat2dot(a_cp, from= "rows", cells= "diag", 
#' 		toLabel= c('a','b','c'), fromType= "latent");
#' umx_msg(out$latents)
#' # ========================
#' # = Label a means matrix =
#' # ========================
#' tmp = umxMatrix("expMean", "Full", 1, 4, free = TRUE, values = 1:4)
#' out = xmu_dot_mat2dot(tmp, cells = "left", from = "rows",
#' 	fromLabel= "one", toLabel= c("v1", "v2")
#' )
#' cat(out$str)
#' \dontrun{
#' # ==============================================
#' # = Get a string which includes CI information =
#' # ==============================================
#' data(demoOneFactor)
#' latents = c("g"); manifests = names(demoOneFactor)
#' m1 = umxRAM("xmu_dot", data = demoOneFactor, type = "cov",
#' 	umxPath(latents, to = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = latents, fixedAt = 1.0)
#' )
#' m1 = umxCI(m1, run= "yes")
#' out = xmu_dot_mat2dot(m1$A, from = "cols", cells = "any", 
#'       toLabel= paste0("x", 1:5), fromType = "latent", model= m1);
#' umx_msg(out$str); umx_msg(out$latents)
#' }
xmu_dot_mat2dot <- function(x, cells = c("diag", "lower", "lower_inc", "upper", "upper_inc", "any", "left"), from = c("rows", "cols"), fromLabel = NULL, toLabel = NULL, showFixed = FALSE, arrows = c("forward", "both", "back"), fromType = NULL, toType = NULL, digits = 2, model = NULL, SEstyle = FALSE, p = list(str = "", latents = c(), manifests = c())) {
	from   = match.arg(from)
	cells  = match.arg(cells)
	arrows = match.arg(arrows)
	# Get default from and to labels if custom not set
	if(is.null(fromLabel)){ fromLabel = x$name }
	if(is.null(toLabel))  { toLabel   = x$name }

	if(inherits(x, "MxAlgebra")){
		# convert to a matrix
		tmp = x$result
		x   = umxMatrix(x$name, "Full", dim(tmp)[1], dim(tmp)[2], free = TRUE, values = tmp)

	nRows = nrow(x)
	nCols = ncol(x)
	# Get parameter value and make the plot string
	# Convert address to [] address and look for a CI: not perfect, as CI might be label based?
	# Also fails to understand not using _std?

	for (r in 1:nRows) {
		for (c in 1:nCols) {
			if(xmu_cell_is_on(r= r, c = c, where = cells, mat = x)){
				# cell is in the target zone
					# Model available - look for CIs by label...
					CIstr = xmu_get_CI(model, label = x$labels[r,c], SEstyle = SEstyle, digits = digits)
						value = umx_round(x$values[r,c], digits)
						value = umx_round(CIstr, digits)
				} else {
						value = umx_round(x$values[r,c], digits)
					} else {
						value = x$values[r,c]
					# tryCatch({
					#    value = umx_round(x$values[r,c], digits)
					# }, warning = function() {
					# }, error = function() {
					# }, finally={
					# 	value = x$values[r,c]
					# })
					# #

				if(from == "rows"){
					sourceIndex = r; sinkIndex = c; fromWidth = nRows; toWidth = nCols
				} else { # from cols
					sourceIndex = c; sinkIndex = r; fromWidth = nCols; toWidth = nRows

				if(length(fromLabel) == 1){
					if(fromLabel == "one"){
						thisFrom = "one"
					} else if(fromWidth > 1){
						thisFrom = paste0(fromLabel, sourceIndex)
						thisFrom = fromLabel[sourceIndex]						
				} else {
					thisFrom = fromLabel[sourceIndex]

				if(length(toLabel) == 1){
					if(toLabel == "one"){
						thisTo = "one"
					} else if(toWidth > 1){
						thisTo = paste0(toLabel, sinkIndex)
						thisTo = toLabel[sinkIndex]						
				} else {
					thisTo = toLabel[sinkIndex]

				# Show fixed cells if non-0
				if(x$free[r,c] || (showFixed && x$values[r,c] != 0)){
					p$str = paste0(p$str, "\n", thisFrom, " -> ", thisTo, " [dir = ", arrows, " label=\"", value, "\"];")
						if(fromType == "latent"){
							p$latents = c(p$latents, thisFrom)
						} else if(fromType == "manifest"){
							p$manifests = c(p$manifests, thisFrom)
							stop("not sure what to do for fromType = ", fromType, ". Legal is latent or manifest")
						if(toType == "latent"){
							p$latents   = c(p$latents, thisTo)
						} else if(toType == "manifest"){
							p$manifests = c(p$manifests, thisTo)
							stop("not sure what to do for fromType = ", toType, ". Legal is latent or manifest")
			} else {
				# fixed cell
	p$latents   = unique(p$latents)
	p$manifests = unique(p$manifests)	

#' umx_time
#' A function to compactly report how long a model took to execute. Comes with some preset styles
#' User can set the format with C-style string formatting.
#' The default time format is "simple", which gives only the biggest unit used. i.e., "x seconds" for times under 1 minute.
#' "std" shows time in the format adopted in OpenMx 2.0 e.g. "Wall clock time (HH:MM:SS.hh): 00:00:01.16"
#' If a list of models is provided, time deltas will also be reported.
#' If instead of a model the key word "start" is given in x, a start time will be recorded. "stop" gives the
#' time since "start" was called (and clears the timer)
#' If a model has not been run, umx_time will run it for you.
#' @param x A [mxModel()] or list of models for which to display elapsed time, or 'start' or 'stop'
#' @param formatStr A format string, defining how to show the time (defaults to human readable)
#' @param tz time zone in which the model was executed (defaults to "GMT")
#' @param autoRun If TRUE (default), run the model if it appears not to have been.
#' @return - invisible time string
#' @export
#' @family Reporting Functions
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(umx)
#' umx_time('stop') # alert user stop called when not yet started... 
#' umx_time('stop')
#' umx_time('start')
#' data(demoOneFactor)
#' latents  = c("G")
#' manifests = names(demoOneFactor)
#' myData = mxData(cov(demoOneFactor), type = "cov", numObs=500)
#' m1 = umxRAM("umx_time_example", data = myData,
#' 	umxPath(from = latents, to = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = latents, fixedAt = 1)
#' )
#' umx_time(m1) # report time from mxModel
#' m2 = umxRun(m1)
#' umx_time(c(m1, m2)) # print comparison table
#' umx_time('stop') # report the time since timer last started, and restart
#' umx_time('stop') # report the time since timer was restarted.
#' }
umx_time <- function(x = NA, formatStr = c("simple", "std", "custom %H %M %OS3"), tz = "GMT", autoRun = TRUE){
	commaSep = paste0(umx_set_separator(silent = TRUE), " ")
	formatStr = xmu_match.arg(formatStr, c("simple", "std", "custom %H %M %OS3"), check = FALSE)
		# check each item is a model
		if(!umx_is_MxModel(x, listOK = TRUE)){
			stop("If x is a list of models, each must be a valid mxModel")
	}else if(umx_is_MxModel(x)){
		# great, we've got a model
			stop(paste("In umx_time, pass models as a list, i.e., umx_time(c(m1, m2)), not umx_time(m1, m2)"))
	}else if(is.character(x)){
		umx_check(x %in% c('start', 'stop', "lap", "now"), "stop", "Valid time strings are 'start', 'stop', 'lap', (or a model or list of models). Leave blank for 'now'")
	}else if(is.na(x)){
		cat("Current time is ", format(Sys.time(), "%X, %a %d %b %Y"), "\nTry me with a list of models, or 'start', 'stop'")
		stop("You must set the first parameter to 'start', 'stop', 'now', a model, or a list of models.\nYou offered up a", class(x))

	for(i in 1:length(x)) {			
		if(length(x) > 1) {
			thisX = x[[i]]
		} else {
			if(inherits(x, "list")){
				thisX = x[[i]]
			} else {
				thisX = x
		if(inherits(thisX, "character")){
			if(thisX == "start"){
				options("umx_last_time" = proc.time())
				thisTime = (proc.time()["elapsed"] - getOption("umx_last_time")["elapsed"])
				# invisible()
			} else if (thisX == "stop" || thisX == "lap" ) {
					tmp = getOption("umx_last_time")
						message("Timer was not yet started: I started it now...")
						options("umx_last_time" = proc.time())
						thisTime = (proc.time()["elapsed"] - getOption("umx_last_time")["elapsed"])
						# invisible()
					} else {
						thisTime = (proc.time()["elapsed"] - getOption("umx_last_time")["elapsed"])
						if(thisX =="stop"){
							options("umx_last_time" = proc.time())
			}else if(thisX == "now"){
				return(format(Sys.time(), "%X, %a %d %b %Y"))
		} else {
			# Handle model
			if(!umx_has_been_run(thisX) && autoRun){
				thisX = mxRun(thisX)
				# message("You must run the model before asking for the elapsed run time")
			thisTime = thisX$output$wallTime
			if(i == 1){
				lastTime     = thisTime
				timeDelta    = ""
				percentDelta = ""
			} else {
				timeDelta    = paste0("(\u0394: ", round(thisTime - lastTime, 3), ")")
				percentDelta = paste0(round(as.numeric(thisTime) / as.numeric(lastTime)*100, 3), "%")
		if(formatStr == "std"){
			realFormatStr = "Wall clock time (HH:MM:SS.hh): %H:%M:%OS2"
		} else if(formatStr == "simple"){
			if(thisTime > (3600-1)){ # > 1 hour
				realFormatStr = "%H hr, %M min, %OS2 sec"
			} else if(thisTime > (60-1)){ # minutes
				realFormatStr = "%M min,  %OS2 sec"
			} else { # < 1 minute
				realFormatStr = "%OS2 sec"
			realFormatStr = formatStr
		if(inherits(thisX, "character")){
			# Handle start-stop
			timeString = format(.POSIXct(thisTime, tz), paste0("elapsed time: ", realFormatStr))
		} else {
			timeString = format(.POSIXct(thisTime, tz), paste0(thisX$name, ": ", realFormatStr, " ", timeDelta, commaSep, percentDelta))

#' Print tables in a range of formats (markdown default, see [umx_set_table_format()] for other formats)
#' or as a web browser table.
#' To aid interpretability of printed tables from OpenMx (and elsewhere)
#' you can change how NA and zero appear, and suppressing values below a certain cut-off.
#' By default, Zeros have the decimals suppressed, and NAs are suppressed altogether.
#' @param x A data.frame to print (matrices will be coerced to data.frame)
#' @param digits  The number of decimal places to print (getOption("digits"))
#' @param caption Optional caption.
#' @param file Whether to write to a file (defaults to NA (no file). Use "html" to open table in browser.
#' @param report How to report the results. "html" = open in browser.
#' @param kableExtra Whether to print the table using kableExtra (if report="html")
#' @param zero.print How to display 0 values (default = "0") for sparse tables, using "." can produce more readable results.
#' @param justify Parameter passed to print (defaults to "none")
#' @param na.print How to display NAs (default = "")
#' @param quote Whether or not to quote strings (FALSE)
#' @param suppress Minimum numeric value to print (NULL = print all values, no matter how small)
#' @param append If html, is this appended to file? (FALSE)
#' @param sortableDF If html, is table sortable? (TRUE)
#' @param both If html, is table also printed as markdown? (TRUE)
#' @param style The style for the table "paper","material_dark" etc.
#' @param bootstrap_options e.g.  border etc.
#' @param lightable_options e.g. striped
#' @param html_font Override default font. e.g. "Times" or '"Arial Narrow", arial, helvetica, sans-s'
#' @param ... Optional parameters for print
#' @return - A dataframe of text
#' @seealso [umx_msg()], [umx_set_table_format()] 
#' @family Miscellaneous Utility Functions
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' data(mtcars)
#' umx_print(mtcars[1:10,], digits = 2, zero.print = ".", justify = "left")
#' umx_print(mtcars[1,1:2], digits = 2, zero.print = "")
#' umx_print(mtcars[1,1:2], digits = 2, caption = "Hi: I'm the caption!")
#' \dontrun{
#' umx_print(mtcars[1:10,], report = "html")
#' }
umx_print <- function (x, digits = getOption("digits"), caption = NULL, report = c("markdown", "html"), file = c(NA, "tmp.html"), na.print = "", zero.print = "0", justify = "none", quote = FALSE, suppress = NULL, kableExtra = TRUE, append = FALSE, sortableDF= TRUE,  html_font = NULL, style = c("paper","material_dark", "classic", "classic_2", "minimal", "material"), bootstrap_options=c("hover", "bordered", "condensed", "responsive"), lightable_options = "striped", both = TRUE, ...){
	style  = match.arg(style)
	file   = xmu_match.arg(file, c(NA, "tmp.html"), check = FALSE)
	report = match.arg(report)		

	# Catch legacy users passing in file instead of report...
	if(!is.na(file) && file == "markdown"){
		cat("polite note: in future, please use report = 'markdown', not file='markdown'. file is for choosing a custom html file when writing to the browser with report= 'html'")
		report = "markdown"
		file   = NA
	}else if(!is.na(file) && file == "html"){
		cat("polite note: in future, please use report = 'html', not file='html'. file is for choosing a custom html file when writing to the browser with report= 'html'")
		report = "html"
		file   = "tmp.html"

!is.na(file) && file == "markdown"

	if(class(x)[[1]] != "data.frame"){
		if(class(x)[[1]] == "matrix" | class(x)[[1]] == "numeric"){
			x = data.frame(x)
		} else if(class(x)[[1]] == "tbl_df"){
			x = data.frame(x)
		} else {
			message("Sorry, umx_print currently only prints data.frames, dreaded tibbles, matrices, and vectors.\n
			File a request to print ", omxQuotes(class(x)[[1]]), " objects\n or perhaps you want umx_msg?")

	if(class(x)[[1]] == "character"){
	}else if(is.null(dim(x)[1]) || dim(x)[1] == 0){
	} else {
		x = umx_round(x, digits = digits, coerce = FALSE)
			# zero-out suppressed values
			x[abs(x) < suppress] = 0
			zero.print = "."

		x[is.na(x)] = na.print		
		x[(x == 0)] = zero.print

	    if (is.numeric(x) || is.complex(x)){
	        print(x, quote = quote, right = TRUE, ...)
		} else if(report == "html"){
			# From report = "html"
			if(both){ print(kable(x, caption= caption, format="pipe")) }
				# default html output
				x = kbl(x,  caption = caption, format=report)
				if(zero.print != "0"){
					# x = add_footnote(x, label = paste0("zero printed as ", omxQuotes(zero.print)))
					x = footnote(kable_input= x, general = paste0("zero printed as ", omxQuotes(zero.print)))
				x = xmu_style_kable(x, html_font = html_font, style = style, bootstrap_options= bootstrap_options, lightable_options = lightable_options, full_width = FALSE)
			} else {
				# !kableExtra
				R2HTML::HTML(x, file = file, Border = 0, append = append, sortableDF = sortableDF)
				system(paste0("open ", file))
			# markdown/latex
			x = kbl(x, caption = caption, format=report)
} # end umx_print

# ===========================
# = Boolean check functions =
# ===========================

#' umx_has_been_run
#' check if an mxModel has been run or not
#' @param model The [mxModel()] you want to check has been run
#' @param stop  Whether to stop if the model has not been run (defaults to FALSE)
#' @return - boolean
#' @export
#' @family Test
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
# has test
#' require(umx)
#' data(demoOneFactor)
#' manifests = names(demoOneFactor)
#' m1 = umxRAM("has_been_run_example", data = demoOneFactor, type = "cov",
#' 	umxPath("G", to = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = "G", fixedAt = 1)
#' )
#' umx_has_been_run(m1)
#' }
umx_has_been_run <- function(model, stop = FALSE) {
	output = model$output
	if (is.null(output)){
			stop("Provided model has no objective function, and thus no output to process further")
	} else if (length(output) < 1){
			stop("Provided model has no output (probably you have not yet run it?)")
		} else {

umxCheckModel <- function(model){
	# Are all the manifests in paths?
	# Do the manifests have residuals?
		stop(paste("manifestVars contains duplicates:", duplicated(model@manifestVars)))
	if(length(model@latentVars) == 0){
		# Check none are duplicates, none in manifests
			stop(paste("latentVars contains duplicates:", duplicated(model@latentVars)))
		if(any(duplicated(c(model@manifestVars, model@latentVars)))){
				paste("manifest and latent lists contain clashing names:", duplicated(c(model@manifestVars, model@latentVars)))
	# Check manifests in dataframe

#' umx_check
#' Check that a test evaluates to TRUE. If not, stop, warn, or message the user
#' @param boolean.test test evaluating to TRUE or FALSE.
#' @param action One of "stop" (the default), "warning", or "message".
#' @param message what to tell the user when boolean.test is FALSE.
#' @param ... extra text will be pasted after the messages.
#' @return - boolean
#' @export
#' @family Test
#' @examples
#' umx_check(length(1:3)==3, "message", "item must have length == 3", "another comment", "and another")
#' umx_check(1==2, "message", "one must be 2", ". Another comment", "and another")
umx_check <- function(boolean.test, action = c("stop", "warning", "message"), message = "check failed", ...){
	dot.items = list(...) # grab all the dot items: mxPaths, etc...
	dot.items = paste(unlist(dot.items), collapse =" ") # concatenate any dot items
	action = match.arg(action)
		if(action == "stop"){
			stop(paste0(message, dot.items), call. = FALSE)
		} else if(action == "warning"){
			warning(paste0(message, dot.items), call. = FALSE)
			message(paste0("Polite message: ", message, dot.items))

#' Check if a request name exists in a dataframe or related object
#' Check if a list of names are in the [namez()] of a dataframe (or the [dimnames()] of a matrix), or the names of 
#' the observed data of an [mzData()]
#' @param namesNeeded Variable names to find (a dataframe is also allowed)
#' @param data data.frame, matrix, or mxData to search in for names (default NA)
#' @param die Whether to die if the check fails (default TRUE).
#' @param illegal Optional list of names which must NOT be present.
#' @param no_others Whether to test that the data contain no columns in addition to those in namesNeeded (default FALSE)
#' @param intersection Show the intersection of names
#' @param message Some helpful text to append when dieing.
#' @family Test
#' @export
#' @family Check or test
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @examples
#' require(umx)
#' data(demoOneFactor) # "x1" "x2" "x3" "x4" "x5"
#' umx_check_names(c("x1", "x2"), demoOneFactor)
#' umx_check_names(c("x1", "x2"), as.matrix(demoOneFactor))
#' umx_check_names(c("x1", "x2"), cov(demoOneFactor[, c("x1","x2")]))
#' umx_check_names(c("x1", "x2"), mxData(demoOneFactor, type="raw"))
#' umx_check_names(c("z1", "x2"), data = demoOneFactor, die = FALSE)
#' umx_check_names(c("x1", "x2"), data = demoOneFactor, die = FALSE, no_others = TRUE)
#' umx_check_names(c("x1","x2","x3","x4","x5"), data = demoOneFactor, die = FALSE, no_others = TRUE)
#' # no request
#' umx_check_names(c(), data = demoOneFactor, die = FALSE, no_others = TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' # An example error from vars that don't exist in the data
#' umx_check_names(c("bad_var_name", "x2"), data = demoOneFactor, die = TRUE)
#' }
umx_check_names <- function(namesNeeded, data = NA, die = TRUE, illegal = NULL, no_others = FALSE, intersection = FALSE, message = ""){
		namesInData = names(data)
	}else if(is.matrix(data)){
		namesInData = dimnames(data)[[2]]
	}else if(umx_is_MxData(data)){
		namesInData = namez(data)
	} else if (!typeof(data) == "character"){
		namesInData = data
	} else {
		stop("Oops: Data has to be a dataframe or matrix. You gave me a ", typeof(data))

		namesNeeded = names(namesNeeded)
	}else if(is.matrix(namesNeeded)){
		namesNeeded = dimnames(namesNeeded)[[2]]
	} else if (typeof(namesNeeded)=="character"){
		namesNeeded = namesNeeded
	} else if (is.null(namesNeeded) || is.na(namesNeeded)){
	} else{
		stop("Oops: namesNeeded has to be a list of names, a dataframe or matrix. You gave me a ", typeof(namesNeeded), "\n",
		"PS: names in data were: ", omxQuotes(namesInData))

		namesFound = intersect(namesNeeded, namesInData)
	} else {
		namesFound   = namesNeeded %in% namesInData
				stop("Not all required names were found in the data. Missing were:\n", paste(namesNeeded[!namesFound], collapse = "; "), "\n", message)
			} else {
			illegalFound = illegal %in% namesInData
					stop("An illegal name was found in the data:\n", omxQuotes(illegal[illegalFound]), "\n", message)
				} else {

		if(no_others & !setequal(namesInData, namesNeeded)){
				stop("Data contains columns other than those needed. Superfluous columns were:\n", 
					paste(namesInData[!namesInData %in% namesNeeded], collapse = "; "))
			} else {
		} else {

#' Get variances from a df that might contain some non-numeric columns
#' Pass in any dataframe and get variances despite some non-numeric columns.
#' Cells involving these non-numeric columns are set to ordVar (default = 1).
#' @param df A dataframe of raw data from which to get variances.
#' @param format to return: options are c("full", "diag", "lower"). Defaults to full, but this is not implemented yet.
#' @param use Passed to [cov()] - defaults to "complete.obs" (see param default for other options).
#' @param ordVar The value to return at any ordinal columns (defaults to 1).
#' @param digits digits to round output to (Ignored if NULL). Set for easy printing.
#' @param strict Whether to allow non-ordered factors to be processed (default = FALSE (no)).
#' @param allowCorForFactorCovs When ordinal data are present, use heterochoric correlations in affected cells, in place of covariances. 
#' @return - [mxModel()]
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Stats Functions
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' tmp     = mtcars[,1:4]
#' tmp$cyl = ordered(mtcars$cyl) # ordered factor
#' tmp$hp  = ordered(mtcars$hp)  # binary factor
#' umx_var(tmp, format = "diag", ordVar = 1, use = "pair")
#' tmp2 = tmp[, c(1, 3)]
#' umx_var(tmp2, format = "diag")
#' umx_var(tmp2, format = "full")
#' data(myFADataRaw)
#' df = myFADataRaw[,c("z1", "z2", "z3")]
#' df$z1 = mxFactor(df$z1, levels = c(0, 1))
#' df$z2 = mxFactor(df$z2, levels = c(0, 1))
#' df$z3 = mxFactor(df$z3, levels = c(0, 1, 2))    
#' umx_var(df, format = "diag")
#' umx_var(df, format = "full", allowCorForFactorCovs=TRUE)
#' # Ordinal/continuous mix
#' data(twinData)
#' twinData= umx_scale_wide_twin_data(data=twinData,varsToScale="wt",sep= "")
#' # Cut BMI column to form ordinal obesity variables
#' obLevels   = c('normal', 'overweight', 'obese')
#' cuts       = quantile(twinData[, "bmi1"], probs = c(.5, .8), na.rm = TRUE)
#' twinData$obese1=cut(twinData$bmi1,breaks=c(-Inf,cuts,Inf),labels=obLevels)
#' twinData$obese2=cut(twinData$bmi2,breaks=c(-Inf,cuts,Inf),labels=obLevels)
#' # Make the ordinal variables into mxFactors
#' ordDVs = c("obese1", "obese2")
#' twinData[, ordDVs] = umxFactor(twinData[, ordDVs])
#' varStarts = umx_var(twinData[, c(ordDVs, "wt1", "wt2")], 
#' 		format= "diag", ordVar = 1, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
umx_var <- function(df, format = c("full", "diag", "lower"), use = c("complete.obs", "pairwise.complete.obs", "everything", "all.obs", "na.or.complete"), ordVar = 1, digits = NULL, strict = TRUE, allowCorForFactorCovs= FALSE){
	format = match.arg(format)
	use    = match.arg(use)
		df = data.frame(df)
	if(any(umx_is_ordered(df, strict = strict))){
		nCol = dim(df)[2]
		# Set to ordVar defaults
			out = umxHetCor(df)
			# zero off diagonal
			out = diag(ordVar, nCol, nCol)
		cont = umx_is_ordered(df, continuous.only = TRUE)
		# insert continuous var variances
			for(i in which(cont)) {
				for(j in which(cont)) {
						# This is a variance
						out[i,i] = var(df[,i], use = use)
					} else {
						out[i,j] = cov(df[, c(i,j)], use = use)[1,2]
		if(format == "diag"){
			out = diag(out)
		} else {
				if(format == "full"){
					out = out
				} else {
					# "lower"
					out = out[lower.tri(out)]
			} else {
				stop("umx_var: Only format = 'diag' supported for data with factors: set allowCorForFactorCovs = TRUE to use correlations instead")
	} else {
		full = var(df, use = use)
		if(format == "full"){
			out = full
		} else if(format == "diag") {
			out = diag(full)
		} else {
		 # "lower"
			out = full[lower.tri(full)]
		return(round(out, digits))
	} else {

#' Get values from lower triangle of a matrix 
#' @description
#' `umx_lower.tri` is a wrapper for [lower.tri()] and a selection to return
#' values from a lower matrix in one step.
#' @param x a [matrix()] from which to extract values.
#' @param diag whether to include the diagonal (default = FALSE).
#' @return - values of cells of the lower triangle.
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Utility Functions
#' @seealso - [lower.tri()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' x = qm(1,2,3|4,5,6|7,8,9)
#' umx_lower.tri(x)
#' # 4,7,8
#' umx_lower.tri(x, diag=TRUE) # 1 4 7 5 8 9
umx_lower.tri <- function(x, diag=FALSE){
	lowercells = lower.tri(x, diag = diag)

#' umx_means
#' Helper to get means from a df that might contain ordered or string data.
#' Factor means are set to "ordVar"
#' @param df a dataframe of raw data from which to get variances.
#' @param ordVar value to return for the means of factor data = 0
#' @param na.rm passed to mean - defaults to "na.rm"
#' @return - frame of means
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Stats Functions
#' @examples
#' tmp = mtcars[,1:4]
#' tmp$cyl = ordered(mtcars$cyl) # ordered factor
#' tmp$hp  = ordered(mtcars$hp)  # binary factor
#' umx_means(tmp, ordVar = 0, na.rm = TRUE)
umx_means <- function(df, ordVar = 0, na.rm = TRUE) {
			df = data.frame(df)
		} else {
			stop("argument df must be a dataframe. You gave me a ", class(df), ". Perhaps this is one column selected from a data frame without [r,c, drop=FALSE]? ")
	if(any(umx_is_ordered(df, strict = FALSE))){
		# Set the default outcome
		means = rep(ordVar, times = dim(df)[2])
		# Get variables where mean makes sense
		cont = umx_is_ordered(df, continuous.only = TRUE, strict = FALSE)
			for(i in which(cont)) {
				means[i] = mean(df[, i], na.rm = na.rm)
	} else {
		means = umx_apply(mean, df, by = "columns", na.rm = TRUE)

#' Check if an object is an mxData object
#' Is the input an MxData?
#' @param x An object to test for being an MxData object
#' @return - Boolean
#' @export
#' @family Test
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @examples
#' umx_is_MxData(mtcars)
#' umx_is_MxData(mxData(mtcars, type= "raw"))
#' umx_is_MxData(mxData(cov(mtcars), type= "cov", numObs = 73))
#' umx_is_MxData(mxDataWLS(na.omit(twinData[, c("wt1", "wt2")]), type= "WLS"))
umx_is_MxData <- function(x) {
    if(class(x)[1] %in%  c("MxNonNullData", "MxDataStatic", "MxDataLegacyWLS") ) {
	} else {

#' Test if one or more variables in a dataframe are ordered
#' Return the names of any ordinal variables in a dataframe
#' @param df A [data.frame()] or [mxData()] to look in for ordinal variables (if you offer a
#' matrix or vector, it will be upgraded to a dataframe)
#' @param names whether to return the names of ordinal variables, or a binary (T,F) list (default = FALSE)
#' @param strict whether to stop when unordered factors are found (default = TRUE)
#' @param binary.only only count binary factors (2-levels) (default = FALSE)
#' @param ordinal.only only count ordinal factors (3 or more levels) (default = FALSE)
#' @param continuous.only use with names = TRUE to get the names of the continuous variables
#' @param summaryObject whether to return a nice summary object. Overrides other settings (FALSE)
#' @return - vector of variable names or Booleans
#' @export
#' @family Check or test
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' x = data.frame(ordered(rbinom(100,1,.5))); names(x) = c("x")
#' umx_is_ordered(x, summaryObject= TRUE) # all ordered factors including binary
#' tmp = mtcars
#' tmp$cyl = ordered(mtcars$cyl) # ordered factor
#' tmp$vs = ordered(mtcars$vs) # binary factor
#' umx_is_ordered(tmp) # true/false
#' umx_is_ordered(tmp, strict=FALSE)
#' umx_is_ordered(tmp, names = TRUE)
#' umx_is_ordered(tmp, names = TRUE, binary.only = TRUE)
#' umx_is_ordered(tmp, names = TRUE, ordinal.only = TRUE)
#' umx_is_ordered(tmp, names = TRUE, continuous.only = TRUE)
#' umx_is_ordered(tmp, continuous.only = TRUE)
#' x = umx_is_ordered(tmp, summaryObject= TRUE)
#' isContinuous = !umx_is_ordered(tmp)
#' \dontrun{
#' # nb: By default, unordered factors cause a message...
#' tmp$gear = factor(mtcars$gear) # Unordered factor
#' umx_is_ordered(tmp)
#' umx_is_ordered(tmp, strict = FALSE) # compare: no warning
#' # also: not designed to work on single variables...
#' umx_is_ordered(tmp$cyl)
#' # Do this instead...
#' umx_is_ordered(tmp[, "cyl", drop= FALSE])
#' }
umx_is_ordered <- function(df, names = FALSE, strict = TRUE, binary.only = FALSE, ordinal.only = FALSE, continuous.only = FALSE, summaryObject= FALSE) {
			isFactor = umx_is_ordered(df)                      # T/F list of factor columns
			isOrd    = umx_is_ordered(df, ordinal.only = TRUE) # T/F list of ordinal (excluding binary)
			isBin    = umx_is_ordered(df, binary.only  = TRUE) # T/F list of binary columns
			nFactors = sum(isFactor)
			nOrdVars = sum(isOrd) # total number of ordinal columns
			nBinVars = sum(isBin) # total number of binary columns

			factorVarNames = names(df)[isFactor]
			ordVarNames    = names(df)[isOrd]
			binVarNames    = names(df)[isBin]
			contVarNames   = names(df)[!isFactor]
			# Summary data
			isFactor = isOrd    = isBin    = c()
			nFactors = nOrdVars = nBinVars = 0			
			factorVarNames = ordVarNames = binVarNames = contVarNames = c()
		return(list(isFactor = isFactor, isOrd = isOrd, isBin = isBin, 
			nFactors = nFactors, nOrdVars = nOrdVars, nBinVars = nBinVars, 
			factorVarNames = factorVarNames, ordVarNames = ordVarNames, binVarNames = binVarNames, contVarNames = contVarNames)

	if(sum(c(binary.only, ordinal.only, continuous.only)) > 1){
		stop("Only one of binary.only ordinal.only and continuous.only can be TRUE")
			df = data.frame(df)
			# stop("df argument to umx_is_ordered must be a data.frame. You gave me a matrix")
		}else if(umx_is_MxData((df))){
			df = df$observed
		} else {
			stop("Argument df must be a data.frame, matrix, or mxData. You gave me a ", class(df), ". Perhaps this is one column selected from a data frame without [r,c, drop=FALSE]? ")
	nVar = ncol(df);
	# Which are ordered factors?
	isFactor  = rep(FALSE, nVar)
	isOrdered = rep(FALSE, nVar)
	for(n in 1:nVar) {
		if(is.ordered(df[, n, drop=TRUE])) {
			thisLevels  = length(levels(df[, n, drop=TRUE]))
			if(binary.only & (2 == thisLevels) ){
				isOrdered[n] = TRUE
			} else if(ordinal.only & (thisLevels > 2) ){
				isOrdered[n] = TRUE	
			} else if(!binary.only & !ordinal.only) {
				isOrdered[n] = TRUE
		if(is.factor(df[,n, drop=TRUE])) {
			thisLevels = length(levels(df[,n, drop=TRUE]))
			if(binary.only & (2 == thisLevels) ){
				isFactor[n] = TRUE
			} else if(ordinal.only & (thisLevels > 2) ){
				isFactor[n] = TRUE	
			} else if(!binary.only & !ordinal.only) {
				isFactor[n] = TRUE
	if(any(isFactor & ! isOrdered) & strict){
		message("Dataframe contains at least 1 unordered factor. Set strict = FALSE to allow this.\n",
			  omxQuotes(names(df)[isFactor & ! isOrdered])

		isOrdered = !isOrdered
		isFactor  = !isFactor

		} else {
	} else {
		} else {

#' umx_is_RAM
#' Utility function returning a binary answer to the question "Is this a RAM model?"
#' @param obj an object to be tested to see if it is an OpenMx RAM [mxModel()]
#' @return - Boolean
#' @export
#' @family Test
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(umx)
#' data(demoOneFactor)
#' manifests = names(demoOneFactor)
#' m1 = umxRAM("is_RAM_ex", data = demoOneFactor, type = "cov",
#' 	umxPath("G", to = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = "G", fixedAt = 1)
#' )
#' if(umx_is_RAM(m1)){
#' 	message("nice RAM model!")
#' }
#' if(!umx_is_RAM(m1)){
#' 	message("model needs to be a RAM model")
#' }
#' }
umx_is_RAM <- function(obj) {
	# return((class(obj$objective)[1] == "MxRAMObjective" | class(obj$expectation)[1] == "MxExpectationRAM"))
	} else if(class(obj)[[1]] == "MxRAMModel"){
	} else {
		return(class(obj$objective)[[1]] == "MxRAMObjective")

#' umx_is_MxModel
#' Utility function returning a binary answer to the question "Is this an OpenMx model?"
#' @param obj An object to be tested to see if it is an OpenMx [mxModel()]
#' @param listOK Is it acceptable to pass in a list of models? (Default = FALSE)
#' @return - Boolean
#' @export
#' @family Test
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' m1 = mxModel("test")
#' if(umx_is_MxModel(m1)){
#' 	message("nice OpenMx model!")
#' }
#' if(umx_is_MxModel(list(m1,m1), listOK = TRUE)){
#' 	message("nice list of OpenMx models!")
#' }
umx_is_MxModel <- function(obj, listOK = FALSE) {
			message("If you're expecting a list of models, set listOK = TRUE")
			testVal = FALSE
			n = 1
			testVal = TRUE
			for (m in obj) {
				if(!umx_is_MxModel(m, listOK = FALSE)){
					testVal = FALSE
				n = n + 1
	} else {
		testVal = isS4(obj) & is(obj, "MxModel")

#' umx_is_MxMatrix
#' Utility function returning a binary answer to the question "Is this an OpenMx mxMatrix?"
#' @param obj an object to be tested to see if it is an OpenMx [mxMatrix()]
#' @return - Boolean
#' @export
#' @family Test
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' x = mxMatrix(name = "eg", type = "Full", nrow = 3, ncol = 3, values = .3)
#' if(umx_is_MxMatrix(x)){
#' 	message("nice OpenMx matrix!")
#' }
umx_is_MxMatrix <- function(obj) {
	isS4(obj) & is(obj, "MxMatrix")	

#' umx_is_cov
#' test if a data frame, matrix or mxData is type cov or cor, or is likely to be raw...
#' @param data dataframe to test
#' @param boolean whether to return the type ("cov") or a boolean (default = string)
#' @param verbose How much feedback to give (default = FALSE)
#' @return - "raw", "cor", or "cov", (or if boolean, then T | F)
#' @export
#' @family Test
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @examples
#' df = cov(mtcars)
#' umx_is_cov(df)
#' df = cor(mtcars)
#' umx_is_cov(df)
#' umx_is_cov(mxData(df[1:3,1:3], type= "cov", numObs = 200))
#' umx_is_cov(df, boolean = TRUE)
#' umx_is_cov(mtcars, boolean = TRUE)
umx_is_cov <- function(data = NULL, boolean = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
	if(is.null(data)) {
		stop("Error in umx_is_cov: You have to provide the data = that you want to check...\n",
		"Or as Jack Nicholson says in The Departed: 'No ticky... no laundry' ") 
		isCov = data$type
			message("mxData type = ", isCov)
	} else	if( nrow(data) == ncol(data)) {
		if(all(data[lower.tri(data)] == t(data)[lower.tri(t(data))])){
			if(all(diag(data) == 1)){
				isCov = "cor"
					message("treating data as cor")
			} else {
				isCov = "cov"
					message("treating data as cov")
		} else {
			isCov = "raw"
				message("treating data as raw: it's a bit odd that it's square, however")
	} else {
		isCov = "raw"
			message("treating data as raw")
		return(isCov %in%  c("cov", "cor"))
	} else {

#' umx_has_means
#' A utility function to return a binary answer to the question "does this [mxModel()] have a means model?" 
#' @param model The [mxModel()] to check for presence of means
#' @return - TRUE or FALSE
#' @export
#' @family Test
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(umx)
#' data(demoOneFactor)
#' manifests = names(demoOneFactor)
#' m1 = umxRAM("has_means_ex", data = demoOneFactor, type = "cov",
#' 	umxPath("G", to = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = "G", fixedAt = 1)
#' )
#' umx_has_means(m1)
#' m1 = mxModel(m1,
#' 	mxPath(from = "one", to = manifests),
#' 	mxData(demoOneFactor[1:100,], type = "raw")
#' )
#' umx_has_means(m1)
#' m1 = mxRun(m1)
#' umx_has_means(m1)
#' }
umx_has_means <- function(model) {
		# TODO umx_has_means could check for the means matrix used in our twin models
		stop("umx_has_means can only test RAM models so far")

#' umx_has_CIs
#' A utility function to return a binary answer to the question "does this [mxModel()] have confidence intervals?" 
#' @param model The [mxModel()] to check for presence of CIs
#' @param check What to check for: "intervals" requested, "output" present, or "both". Defaults to "both"
#' @return - TRUE or FALSE
#' @export
#' @family Test
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(umx)
#' data(demoOneFactor)
#' manifests = names(demoOneFactor)
#' m1 = umxRAM("_has_CI_ex", data = demoOneFactor, type = "cov",
#' 	umxPath("g", to = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = "g", fixedAt = 1.0)
#' )
#' umx_has_CIs(m1) # FALSE: no CIs and no output
#' m1 = mxModel(m1, mxCI("g_to_x1"))
#' umx_has_CIs(m1, check = "intervals") # TRUE intervals set
#' umx_has_CIs(m1, check = "output")  # FALSE not yet run
#' m1 = mxRun(m1)
#' umx_has_CIs(m1, check = "output")  # Still FALSE: Set and Run
#' m1 = mxRun(m1, intervals = TRUE)
#' umx_has_CIs(m1, check = "output")  # TRUE: Set, and Run with intervals = T
#' umxSummary(m1)
#' }
umx_has_CIs <- function(model, check = c("both", "intervals", "output")) {
	check = xmu_match.arg(check, c("both", "intervals", "output"), check=F)
		thisModelHasIntervals = FALSE
		thisModelHasIntervals = length(names(model$intervals)) > 0
		thisModelHasOutput = FALSE
	} else {
		thisModelHasOutput = dim(model$output$confidenceIntervals)[1] > 0
	# do logic of returning a value
	if(check == "both"){
		return(thisModelHasIntervals & thisModelHasOutput)
	} else if(check == "intervals"){

#' Check for required features in an OpenMx.
#' Allows the user to straight-forwardly require a specific model type (i.e., 
#' "RAM", "LISREL", etc.), whether or not the model has data, if it has been run or not. 
#' You can also test whether is has a means model or not and (in future) test if it has submodels.
#' @param obj an object to check
#' @param type what type the model must be, i.e., "RAM", "LISREL", etc. (defaults to not checking NULL)
#' @param hasData whether the model should have data or not (defaults to not checking NULL)
#' @param beenRun whether the model has been run or not (defaults to not checking NULL)
#' @param hasMeans whether the model should have a means model or not (defaults to not checking NULL)
#' @param checkSubmodels whether to check submodels (not implemented yet) (default = FALSE)
#' @param callingFn = Name of the calling function to help the user locate the error.
#' @return - boolean
#' @export
#' @family Test
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(umx)
#' data(demoOneFactor)
#' manifests = names(demoOneFactor)
#' m1 = umxRAM("check_model_ex", data = demoOneFactor, type = "cov",
#' 	umxPath("G", to = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = "G", fixedAt = 1)
#' )
#' umx_check_model(m1) # TRUE, this is a model
#' umx_check_model(m1, type = "RAM") # equivalent to umx_is_RAM()
#' umx_check_model(m1, hasData = TRUE)
#' umx_check_model(m1, hasMeans = TRUE)
#' umx_check_model(m1, beenRun = FALSE)
#' # Model with no data
#' m1 = umxRAM("x ~~ .3*y", autoRun = FALSE)
#' umx_check_model(m1, hasData = TRUE)
#' }
umx_check_model <- function(obj, type = NULL, hasData = NULL, beenRun = NULL, hasMeans = NULL, checkSubmodels = FALSE, callingFn = "a function") {
	# TODO umx_check_model check hasSubmodels = FALSE
	if (!umx_is_MxModel(obj)) {
		stop("'obj' must be an mxModel")
		# No check
	}else if(type == "RAM"){
		if (!umx_is_RAM(obj)) {
			stop(paste0("'obj' must be an RAMModel for use with ", callingFn))
	} else {
		# Assume type is a class string
		if(class(obj)[1] != type){
			stop("You used ", callingFn, " on a model of class ", class(obj)[1], " not the expected ", omxQuotes(type))
		if (length(obj$submodels) > 0) {
			message("Cannot yet handle models with submodels")
		if (hasData & is.null(obj$data$observed)) {
			stop("'model' does not contain any data")
		if(!(umx_has_been_run(obj) == beenRun)){
			stop("'model' run state != ", beenRun)		
		if (!(hasMeans == umx_has_means(obj))) {
			stop(paste0(omxQuotes(obj$name), " does not have means"))

#' Reorder or drop variables from a correlation/covariance matrix.
#' Reorder the variables in a correlation matrix. Can also remove one or more variables from a matrix using this function.
#' @param old a square matrix of correlation or covariances to reorder
#' @param newOrder Variables you want in the order you wish to have
#' @param force Just assume input is value (default = FALSE)
#' @return - the re-ordered/resized matrix
#' @export
#' @family Data Functions
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @examples
#' oldMatrix = cov(mtcars)
#' umx_reorder(oldMatrix, newOrder = c("mpg", "cyl", "disp")) # first 3
#' umx_reorder(oldMatrix, newOrder = c("hp", "disp", "cyl")) # subset and reordered
#' umx_reorder(oldMatrix, "hp") # edge-case of just 1-var
umx_reorder <- function(old, newOrder, force=FALSE) {
	if(!force && !umx_is_cov(old, boolean = TRUE)){
		stop("You don't appear to have offered up a covariance matrix.")
	dim_names = dimnames(old)[[1]]
	if(!all(newOrder %in% dim_names)){
		stop("All variable names must appear in the dimnames of the matrix you are umx_reorder-ing")
	numVarsToRetain = length(newOrder)
	new = old[1:numVarsToRetain, 1:numVarsToRetain, drop = FALSE]
	dimnames(new) = list(newOrder, newOrder)
	for(r in newOrder) {
		for(c in newOrder) {
			new[r, c] = old[r, c]

#' umx_cont_2_quantiles
#' Recode a continuous variable into n-quantiles (default = deciles (10 levels)).
#' It returns an [mxFactor()], with the levels labeled with the max value
#' in each quantile (i.e., open on the left-side). quantiles are labeled "quantile1"
#' "quantile2" etc.
#' \strong{Note}: Redundant quantiles are merged. i.e., if the same score identifies
#' all deciles up to the fourth, then these will be merged into one bin, labeled "quantile4".
#' @aliases umx2ord
#' @param x a variable to recode as ordinal (email maintainer("umx") if you'd like this upgraded to handle df input)
#' @param nlevels How many bins or levels (at most) to use (i.e., 10 = deciles)
#' @param type what to return (Default is "mxFactor") options: "ordered" and "unordered")
#' @param verbose report the min, max, and decile cuts used (default = FALSE)
#' @param returnCutpoints just return the cutpoints, for use directly
#' @return - recoded variable as an [mxFactor()]
#' @export
#' @family Data Functions
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>, <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' x = umx_cont_2_quantiles(rnorm(1000), nlevels = 10, verbose = TRUE)
#' x = data.frame(x)
#' str(x); levels(x)
#' table(x)
#' \dontrun{
#' ggplot2::qplot(x$x)
#' y = mxDataWLS(x, type = "WLS")
#' }
#'# ===========================
#'# = Use with twin variables =
#'# ===========================
#' data(twinData)
#' x = twinData
#' cuts  = umx_cont_2_quantiles(rbind(x$wt1, x$wt2) , nlevels = 10, returnCutpoints = TRUE)
#' x$wt1 = umx_cont_2_quantiles(x$wt1, nlevels = cuts) # use same for both...
#' x$wt2 = umx_cont_2_quantiles(x$wt2, nlevels = cuts) # use same for both...
#' str(x[, c("wt1", "wt2")])
#' # More examples
#' x = umx_cont_2_quantiles(mtcars[, "mpg"], nlevels = 5) # quintiles
#' x = umx2ord(mtcars[, "mpg"], nlevels = 5) # using shorter alias
#' x = umx_cont_2_quantiles(mtcars[, "cyl"], nlevels = 10) # more levels than integers exist
#' x = umx_cont_2_quantiles(rbinom(10000, 1, .5), nlevels = 2)
umx_cont_2_quantiles <- function(x, nlevels = NULL, type = c("mxFactor", "ordered", "unordered"), verbose = FALSE, returnCutpoints = FALSE){
	# TODO: umx_cont_2_quantiles: Check if is.data.frame(x) && dim(x)[2] > 1, and if so, proceed column-wise
	type = match.arg(type)
	if(is.data.frame(x) && dim(x)[2] > 1){
		stop("I can only handle single vectors: email maintainer('umx') and rip him a new one")
	if(!is.numeric(x) ){
		stop("This is for numeric variables. you gave me a ", typeof(x))

		stop("You must set the number of levels, i.e., 'nlevels = 10'  to threshold data into deciles")
	} else if(length(nlevels) > 1){
		# Levels contains a list of cutpoints
		cutPoints = nlevels
		nlevels   = length(cutPoints) + 1
		levelLabels = paste0("quantile", 1:(nlevels))
	} else {
		cutPoints = quantile(x, probs = c((1:(nlevels-1)) / (nlevels)), type = 8, na.rm = TRUE)
		levelLabels = paste0("quantile", 1:(nlevels))
		# needed to collapse overlapping quantiles
		uniqueItems = !duplicated(cutPoints)
		cutPoints   = cutPoints[uniqueItems]
		levelLabels = levelLabels[uniqueItems]

		# (happens with highly skewed data).
	cutPoints   = c(-Inf, cutPoints, Inf)
	if(type == "mxFactor"){
		out = cut(x, breaks = cutPoints, labels = levelLabels, ordered_result = TRUE); 
		out = mxFactor(out, levels = levels(out))
	} else if (type == "ordered") {
		out = cut(x, breaks = cutPoints, labels = levelLabels, ordered_result = TRUE); 		
	} else {
		out = cut(x, breaks = cutPoints, labels = levelLabels); 
		message("Scores ranged from ", min(x), " to ", max(x), ". Cuts made at ", omxQuotes(cutPoints))

#' @export
umx2ord <- umx_cont_2_quantiles

#' Check if a label contains square brackets
#' Helper function to check if a label has square brackets, e.g. "A\[1,1\]"
#' @param input The label to check for square brackets (string input)
#' @return - boolean
#' @export
#' @family Test
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umx_has_square_brackets("[hello]")
#' umx_has_square_brackets("goodbye")
umx_has_square_brackets <- function (input) {
    match1 = grep("[", input, fixed = TRUE)
    match2 = grep("]", input, fixed = TRUE)
    return(length(match1) > 0 && length(match2) > 0)

#' Convert a string to an OpenMx algebra
#' This is useful use to quickly and easily insert values from R variables into the string (using paste() and rep() etc.), 
#' then parse the string as an mxAlgebra argument.
#' A use case is including a matrix exponent (that is A %*% A %*% A %*% A...) with a variable exponent. 
#' @param algString a string to turn into an algebra
#' @param name of the returned algebra
#' @param dimnames of the returned algebra
#' @return - [mxAlgebra()]
#' @export
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' alg = umx_string_to_algebra(paste(rep("A", nReps), collapse = " %*% "), name = "test_case")
#' }
umx_string_to_algebra <- function(algString, name = NA, dimnames = NA) {
	eval(substitute(mxAlgebra(tExp, name=name, dimnames=dimnames), list(tExp = parse(text=algString)[[1]])))

#' Scale data columns, skipping non-scalable columns
#' @description 
#' `umx_scale` applies scale to the columns of a data.frame. By default it scales all numeric columns,
#' and is smart enough to skip non-scalable columns (strings, factors, etc.).
#' You can also select which columns to convert.
#' This is useful when you want to avoid numeric columns which are actually factors.
#' *note*: By default, the attributes which scale adds ("scaled:center" and 
#' "scaled:scale" removed to leave nice numeric columns. Set `attr= TRUE` to preserve these.
#' @param df A dataframe to scale (or a numeric vector)
#' @param varsToScale (leave blank to scale all)
#' @param coerce Whether to coerce non-numerics to numeric (Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param verbose Whether to report which columns were scaled (default FALSE)
#' @param attr to strip off the attributes scale creates (FALSE by default)
#' @return - new dataframe with scaled variables
#' @export
#' @seealso umx_scale_wide_twin_data scale
#' @family Miscellaneous Stats Functions
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' data(twinData)
#' # note: this example is here to remind us why scaling independently for each 
#' # twin would be very bad! Use  umx_scale_wide_twin_data() instead!
#' df = umx_scale(twinData, varsToScale = c("wt1", "wt2"))
#' df = umx_scale(twinData,  attr= TRUE)
#' plot(wt1 ~ wt2, data = df)
umx_scale <- function(df, varsToScale = NULL, coerce = FALSE, attr = FALSE, verbose = FALSE){
			df = scale(df)[,1]
			msg = paste0(quote(df), " isn't a dataframe, it's a", class(df))
			stop(paste0("umx_scale takes a dataframe (or numeric vector) as its first argument.", msg))
		# For each column, if numeric, scale
			varsToScale = names(df)
			df[, varsToScale] = umx_as_numeric(df[, varsToScale])
		varsToScale = varsToScale[umx_is_numeric(df[,varsToScale], all = FALSE)]
			message("Vars I will scale are:", omxQuotes(varsToScale))
			message("Vars I will leave alone are:", omxQuotes(setdiff(names(df), varsToScale)))
			df[ ,varsToScale] = scale(df[ ,varsToScale])[,1, drop=T]
		} else {
			df[ ,varsToScale] = scale(df[ ,varsToScale])
		attr(df, which = "scaled:center") = NULL
		attr(df, which = "scaled:scale")  = NULL

#' Check if variables in a dataframe are in a list of classes.
#' @description
#' Checks the class of each column in a dataframe, seeing if they are %in% a list of classes.
#' Returns a vector of TRUE and FALSE, or, if all ==TRUE, a single binary (the default).
#' @param df A dataframe to check
#' @param classes vector of valid classes, e.g. numeric
#' @param all Whether to return a single all() Boolean or each column individually.
#' @return - Boolean or Boolean vector
#' @export
#' @family Check or test
#' @seealso - [umx_is_numeric()]
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>, <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umx_is_class(mtcars) # report class list
#' # Are the variables in mtcars type character?
#' umx_is_class(mtcars, "character") # FALSE
#' # They're all numeric data
#' umx_is_class(mtcars, "numeric") # TRUE
#' # Show the test-result for each variable in mtcars
#' umx_is_class(mtcars, "numeric") # TRUE
#' # Are they _either_ a char OR a num?
#' umx_is_class(mtcars, c("character", "numeric"))
#' # Is zygosity a factor (note we don't drop = F to keep as dataframe)
#' umx_is_class(twinData[,"zygosity", drop=FALSE], classes = "factor")
#' umx_is_class(mtcars$mpg) # report class of this column (same as class(mpg))
umx_is_class <- function(df, classes = NULL, all = TRUE){

	if(!("data.frame" %in%  class(df)) ){
			return(class(df)[[1]] %in% classes)
	colNames = names(df)
	bIsOK = rep(FALSE, length(colNames))
	i = 1
		for (n in colNames) {
			bIsOK[i] = class(df[, n, drop = TRUE])[1]
			i = i + 1
		bIsOK = rep(FALSE, length(colNames))
		for (n in colNames) {
			bIsOK[i] = (class(df[, n, drop = TRUE]) %in% classes)[1]
			i = i + 1
		} else {

#' Check if variables in a dataframe are numeric
#' @description
#' Checks across columns of a dataframe, return a vector of TRUE and FALSE, 
#' or, if all ==TRUE, a single binary (the default).
#' @param df A dataframe to check
#' @param all Whether to return a single all() Boolean or each column individually.
#' @return - Boolean or Boolean vector
#' @export
#' @family Check or test
#' @seealso - [umx_is_class()]
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>, <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umx_is_numeric(mtcars) # TRUE
#' umx_is_numeric(mtcars, all=FALSE) # vector of TRUE
umx_is_numeric <- function(df, all = TRUE){
		stop(paste0("First argument should be a dataframe as its first argument. ", quote(df), " isn't a dataframe"))
	colNames = names(df)
	bIsNumeric = rep(FALSE, length(colNames))
	i = 1
	for (n in colNames) {
		bIsNumeric[i] = is.numeric(df[, n, drop = TRUE])
		i = i + 1
	} else {

#' Easily residualize variables in long or wide dataframes, returning them changed in-place.
#' @description Residualize one or more variables residualized against covariates, and return a
#' complete dataframe with residualized variable in place.
#' Optionally, this also works on wide (i.e., twin) data. Just supply suffixes to identify
#' the paired-wide columns (see examples).
#' @details In R, residuals for a variable can be found with the `residuals` function:
#' \code{residuals(lm(mpg ~ wt + am, data = mtcars, na.action = na.exclude))}
#' This result could then be written over the old DV column.
#' `umx_residualize` obviates the user having to build the lm, set na.action, or replace the data.
#' In addition, it has the powerful features of operating on a list of variables, and of operating on
#' wide data, expanding the var name using a set of variable-name suffixes.
#' @param var The base name of the variable you want to residualize. Alternatively, a 
#' regression [formula()] containing var on the lhs, and covs on the rhs
#' @param covs Covariates to residualize on.
#' @param suffixes Suffixes that identify the variable for each twin, i.e. c("_T1", "_T2")
#' Up to you to check all variables are present!
#' @param data The dataframe containing all the variables
#' @return - dataframe with var residualized in place (i.e under its original column name)
#' @export
#' @family Twin Data functions
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # Residualize mpg on cylinders and displacement
#' r1 = umx_residualize("mpg", c("cyl", "disp"), data = mtcars)
#' r2 = residuals(lm(mpg ~ cyl + disp, data = mtcars, na.action = na.exclude))
#' all(r1$mpg == r2)
#' # =============================
#' # = Use the formula interface =
#' # =============================
#' r1 = umx_residualize(mpg ~ cyl + I(cyl^2) + disp, data = mtcars)
#' # validate against using lm
#' r2 = residuals(lm(mpg ~ cyl + I(cyl^2) + disp, data = mtcars, na.action = na.exclude))
#' all(r1$mpg == r2)
#' # ===========================================================
#' # = Residualize twin data (i.e. wide or "1 family per row") =
#' # ===========================================================
#' # Make some toy "twin" data to demonstrate with
#' tmp = mtcars
#' tmp$mpg_T1  = tmp$mpg_T2  = tmp$mpg
#' tmp$cyl_T1  = tmp$cyl_T2  = tmp$cyl
#' tmp$disp_T1 = tmp$disp_T2 = tmp$disp
#' covs = c("cyl", "disp")
#' tmp= umx_residualize(var="mpg", covs=covs, suffixes=c("_T1","_T2"), data = tmp)
#' str(tmp[1:5, 12:17])
#' # ===================================
#' # = Residualize several DVs at once =
#' # ===================================
#' df1 = umx_residualize(c("mpg", "hp"), cov = c("cyl", "disp"), data = tmp)
#' df2 = residuals(lm(hp ~ cyl + disp, data = tmp, na.action = na.exclude))
#' all(df1$hp == df2)
umx_residualize <- function(var, covs = NULL, suffixes = NULL, data){
	# Check names	
	nVar = length(var)
	if(nVar > 1 && !inherits(var, "formula")){
		for (i in 1:nVar) {
			data = umx_residualize(var[i], covs = covs, suffixes = suffixes, data = data)
	} else {
		if(inherits(var, "formula")){
			umx_check(is.null(covs), "stop", "when using formula, leave covs empty")
			form = var
			var  = all.vars(terms(form))[1]
			covs = all.vars(delete.response(terms(form)))
		} else {
			form = NULL # so we catch this and create it below
			vars = c(var, covs)
		} else {
			# Wide vars provided: expand names
			vars = umx_paste_names(c(var, covs), suffixes = suffixes)
		umx_check_names(vars, data = data, die = TRUE)
		nVar = length(c(var, covs))

			# Make a long version of the vars we want
			for (i in 1:length(suffixes)) {
				vars = umx_paste_names(c(var, covs), suffixes = suffixes[i])
				if(i == 1){
					tmp = data[,vars]
					names(tmp) = c(var, covs)
				} else {
					tmp2 = data[,vars]
					names(tmp2) = c(var, covs)
					tmp = rbind(tmp, tmp2)
		} else {
			tmp = data[,vars]
		oldNAs = sum(is.na(tmp[,var]))
		# If formula not provided, construct it from var and covs
			form = paste0(var, " ~ ", paste(covs, collapse = " + "))
			form = as.formula(form)
		residModel = lm(form, data = tmp, na.action = na.exclude)
		umxAPA(residModel, digits=3)
		tmp = residuals(residModel)
		newNAs = sum(is.na(tmp))
		if(newNAs > oldNAs){
			message(newNAs - oldNAs, " cases of var ", omxQuotes(var), "lost due to missing covariates")
			i = 1
			nRows = nrow(data)
			for (suff in suffixes) {
				data[, paste0(var, suff)] = tmp[i:(i+nRows-1)]
				i = i + nRows
		} else {
			data[, var] = tmp

#' Scale wide twin data
#' Scale wide data across all twins. You offer up a list of variables to scale, e.g. c("DEP", "bmi")
#' and the separator (e.g. `sep = "_T"`) and twin suffixes e.g. 1:2 that paste together to make 
#' complete variable names: e.g. "DEP_T1" and "DEP_T2".
#' @param varsToScale The base names of the variables ("weight" etc.)
#' @param sep The suffix that distinguishes each case, e.g. "_T")
#' @param data A wide dataframe
#' @param twins Legal digits following sep (default 1:2)
#' @return - dataframe with varsToScale standardized
#' @export
#' @seealso umx_scale
#' @family Twin Data functions
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' data(twinData) 
#' df = umx_scale_wide_twin_data(data = twinData, varsToScale = c("ht", "wt"), sep = "")
#' plot(wt1 ~ wt2, data = df)
umx_scale_wide_twin_data <- function(varsToScale, sep, data, twins = 1:2) {
	# Issue #82 is to allow twins > 2
	if(length(sep) != 1){
		stop("I need one sep, you gave me ", length(sep), "\nYou, might, for instance, need to change c('_T1', '_T2') to just '_T'")
	if(!identical(twins, 1:2)){
		stop("I only support two twins at present, but you asked for:", omxQuotes(twins)," \n",
		"comment on gitgub.com/tbates/umx/#82 to include arbitrary family members.")
	# TODO umx_scale_wide_twin_data: Discover suffixes as unique digits following suffix (could be 1:6)
	namesNeeded = umx_paste_names(varsToScale, sep = sep, suffixes = twins)
	umx_check_names(namesNeeded, data)
	t1Traits = paste0(varsToScale, sep, 1)
	t2Traits = paste0(varsToScale, sep, 2)
	for (i in 1:length(varsToScale)) {
		T1 = data[,t1Traits[i]]
		T2 = data[,t2Traits[i]]
		totalMean = mean(c(T1, T2), na.rm = TRUE)
		totalSD   =   sd(c(T1, T2), na.rm = TRUE)
		T1 = (T1 - totalMean)/totalSD
		T2 = (T2 - totalMean)/totalSD
		data[,t1Traits[i] ] = T1
		data[,t2Traits[i] ] = T2

#' Select first item in list of options, while being flexible about choices.
#' Like a smart version of [match.arg()]: Handles selecting parameter options when default is a list.
#' Unlike  [match.arg()] `xmu_match.arg` allows items not in the list.
#' @aliases xmu_match.arg
#' @param x the value chosen (may be the default option list)
#' @param option_list  A vector of valid options
#' @param check Whether to check that single items are in the list. Set false to accept abbreviations (defaults to TRUE) 
#' @return - one validated option
#' @export
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @seealso - [match.arg()]
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' option_list = c("default", "par.observed", "empirical")
#' xmu_match.arg("par.observed", option_list)
#' xmu_match.arg("allow me", option_list, check = FALSE)
#' xmu_match.arg(option_list, option_list)
#' option_list = c(NULL, "par.observed", "empirical")
#'  # fails with NULL!!!!!
#' xmu_match.arg(option_list, option_list)
#' option_list = c(NA, "par.observed", "empirical")
#' xmu_match.arg(option_list, option_list) # use NA instead
#' option_list = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA)
#' xmu_match.arg(option_list, option_list) # works with non character
#' # An example of checking a bad item and stopping
#' \dontrun{
#' 	tmp <- function(x= c("one", "two", "three")) {
#' 		xmu_match.arg(x, option_list = c("one", "two", "three"))
#' 	}
#' testthat::expect_true(tmp() == "one")
#' testthat::expect_error(tmp("bad"))
#' 	tmp <- function(x= c("one", "two", "three")) {
#' 		xmu_match.arg(x, option_list = c("one", "two", "three"), check = FALSE)
#' 	}
#' testthat::expect_true(tmp("OK") == "OK")
#' testthat::expect_error(tmp(), NA)
#' }
xmu_match.arg <- function(x, option_list, check = TRUE){
	# Often Rs match.arg  will work...
	# filter = match.arg(filter)
	if (identical(x, option_list)) {
			if((x %in% option_list)) {
			} else {
				stop(paste("argument must be one of ", paste(sQuote(option_list), collapse = ", ")))
		} else {
			# don't check

# ================================
# = string and php-style helpers =
# ================================

#' Break twin variable names (BMI_T1, BMI_T2) into base variable names (BMI, "_T", 1:2)
#' @description
#' Break names like Dep_T1 into a list of base names, a separator, and a 
#' vector of twin indexes. e.g.: c("Dep_T1", "Dep_T2", "Anx_T1", "Anx_T2") will become:
#' list(baseNames = c("Dep", "Anx"), sep = "_T", twinIndexes = c(1,2))
#' @param df vector of names or data.frame containing the data
#' @param sep text constant separating name from numeric 1:2 twin index.
#' @return - list(baseNames, sep, twinIndexes)
#' @export
#' @seealso [umx_paste_names()]
#' @family String Functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(umx)
#' data("twinData")
#' umx_explode_twin_names(twinData, sep = "")
#' umx_explode_twin_names(twinData, sep = NULL)
#' # Ignore this: just a single-character/single variable test case
#' x = round(10 * rnorm(1000, mean = -.2))
#' y = round(5 * rnorm(1000))
#' x[x < 0] = 0; y[y < 0] = 0
#' umx_explode_twin_names(data.frame(x_T1 = x, x_T2 = y), sep = "_T")
#' umx_explode_twin_names(data.frame(x_T11 = x, x_T22 = y), sep = "_T")
#' umx_explode_twin_names(c("x_T11", "x_T22"), sep = "_T")
#' }
umx_explode_twin_names <- function(df, sep = "_T") {
		names_in_df = names(df)
	} else {
		names_in_df = df
	regex3Parts = paste0("^(.+)", sep, "([0-9]+)$")
	legalVars   = grep(regex3Parts, names_in_df, value = TRUE)
	baseNames   = sub(regex3Parts, replacement = "\\1", x = legalVars)
	baseNames   = unique(baseNames)
	twinIndexes = sub(regex3Parts, replacement = "\\2", x = legalVars)
	twinIndexes = sort(unique(as.numeric(twinIndexes)))
	return(list(baseNames = baseNames, sep = sep, twinIndexes = twinIndexes))

#' Return variable name as a string
#' Utility to return an object's name as a string
#' @param x an object
#' @return - name as string
#' @export
#' @family String Functions
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umx_str_from_object(mtcars)
#' # "mtcars"
umx_str_from_object <- function(x) {

#' Select desired characters from a string
#' @description
#' `umx_str_chars` returns desired characters of a string
#' @param what A string
#' @param which Chars to select out.
#' @return - Array of selected characters
#' @export
#' @family String Functions
#' @seealso - [umx_explode()]
#' @references - [tutorials](https://tbates.github.io), [github](https://github.com/tbates/umx)
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umx_str_chars("myFpassUword", c(3,8))
umx_str_chars <- function(what, which) {
	strsplit(what, "")[[1]][which]

#' Concatenate base variable names with suffixes to create wide-format variable names (i.e twin-format)
#' @description
#' It's easier to work with base names, rather than the twice-as-long hard-to-typo list of column names.
#' `umx_paste_names` adds suffixes to names so you can work with that nice short list.
#' So, you provide `bmi`, and you get back fully specified family-wise names: `c("bmi_T1", "bmi_T2")`
#' *note*: `tvars` is a shortcut for `umx_paste_names`
#' @details
#' **Method 1**: *Use complete suffixes*
#' You can provide complete suffixes like "_T1" and "_T2". This has the benefit of being explicit
#' and very general:
#'     umx_paste_names(c("var1", "var2"), suffixes = c("_T1", "_T2"))
#' *Note*: for quick typing, `tvars` is an alias for `umx_paste_names`
#' **Method 2**: *Use sep and a suffix vector.*
#' Alternatively, you can use `sep` to add a constant like "_T" after each basename, along
#' with a vector of suffixes. This has the benefit of showing what is varying:
#' This is then suffixed with e.g. "1", "2".
#'     umx_paste_names(c("var1", "var2"), sep = "_T", suffixes = 1:2)
#' *Working with covariates*
#' If you are using [umxACEcov()], you **need** to keep all the covariates at the end of the list.
#' Here's how:
#'     umx_paste_names(c("var1", "var2"), cov = c("cov1"), sep = "_T", suffixes = 1:2)
#' *note*: in conventional twin models, the expCov matrix is T1 vars, followed by T2 vars. For covariates, you want
#' T1vars, T2 vars, T1 covs, T2 covs. This is what `covNames` accomplishes.
#' @aliases tvars
#' @param varNames a list of _base_ names, e.g c("bmi", "IQ")
#' @param sep A string separating the name and the twin suffix, e.g. "_T" (default is "")
#' @param suffixes a list of terminal suffixes differentiating the twins default = 1:2)
#' @param covNames a list of _base_ names for covariates (to be sorted last in list), e.g c("age", "sex")
#' @param prefix a string to prepend to each label, e.g "mean" -> "mean_age" "mean_sex"
#' @return - vector of suffixed var names, i.e., c("v1_T1", "v2_T1", "v1_T2", "v2_T2", "cov_T1", "cov_T2")
#' @export
#' @family String Functions
#' @seealso [namez()] [umx_explode_twin_names()]
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # two styles doing the same thing: first is more general
#' umx_paste_names("bmi", suffixes = c("_T1", "_T2"))
#' umx_paste_names("bmi", sep = "_T", suffixes = 1:2)
#' varNames = umx_paste_names(c("N", "E", "O", "A", "C"), "_T", 1:2)
#' umx_paste_names(c("IQ", "C"), cov = c("age"), sep = "_T", suffixes = 1:2)
#' umx_paste_names(c("IQ", "C"), cov = c("age"), sep = "_T", prefix= "mean_")
#' # For quick-typing, tvars is an alias for umx_paste_names
#' tvars(c("IQ", "C"), cov = "age", sep = "_T", prefix= "mean_")
#' tvars("IQ")
#' @md
umx_paste_names <- function(varNames, sep = "", suffixes = 1:2, covNames = NULL, prefix = NULL) {
	nameList = c()
		nameList = NULL
		for (ID in suffixes) {
			nameList = c(nameList, paste0(prefix, varNames, sep, ID))
		for (ID in suffixes) {
			nameList = c(nameList, paste0(prefix, covNames, sep, ID))
#' @export
tvars <- umx_paste_names

#' Explode a string (Like the php function `explode`)
#' Takes a string and returns an array of delimited strings (by default, each single character)
#' @param delimiter what to break the string on. Default is empty string ""
#' @param string an character string, e.g. "dog"
#' @return - a vector of strings, e.g. c("d", "o", "g")
#' @export
#' @family String Functions
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>, <https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.explode.php>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umx_explode("", "dog") # "d" "o" "g"
#' umx_explode(" ", "cats and dogs") # [1] "cats" "and"  "dogs"
umx_explode <- function(delimiter = character(), string) { 
	strsplit(string, split = delimiter)[[1]] 

#' umx_names
#' @description 
#' Convenient equivalent of running [grep] on [names], with value = TRUE and ignore.case = TRUE.
#' **Plus**:`umx_names` can handle dataframes, a model, list of models, model summary, or a vector of strings as input. 
#' In these cases, it will search column names, parameter or summary output names, or 
#' the literal string values themselves respectively.
#' In addition, `umx_names` can do [replacement][grep] of a found string (see examples). It can also collapse the result (using [paste0])
#' *Note*: `namez` (with a z) is a shortcut for `umx_names`, which makes it easy to replace where you would otherwise use [names].
#' You can learn more about the matching options (like inverting the selection etc.) in the help for base-R [grep].
#' @aliases namez
#' @param df dataframe (or other objects, or a list of models) from which to get names.
#' @param pattern Used to find only matching names (supports grep/regular expressions)
#' @param replacement If not NULL, replaces the found string. Use backreferences ("\1" to "\9") to refer to (subexpressions).
#' @param ignore.case default = TRUE (opposite default to grep)
#' @param perl Should Perl-compatible regexps be used? Default = FALSE
#' @param value Return matching elements themselves (TRUE) or their indices (FALSE) default = TRUE (opposite default to grep)
#' @param fixed = FALSE (grep option If TRUE, pattern is a string to be matched as is. Overrides all conflicting arguments.)
#' @param useBytes = FALSE logical. grep option. If TRUE, matching is by byte rather than by character.
#' @param invert Return indices or values for elements that do not match (default = FALSE).
#' @param global replace all instances in each strong, or just the first (Default).
#' @param collapse "as.is" leaves alone. as.vector formats as pasteable code, i.e., "c('a', 'b')", not "a"  "b" (default NULL), etc.
#' @return - vector of matches
#' @export
#' @seealso - Base-R pattern matching functions: [grep()].
#' And [umx_check_names()] to check for existence of names in a dataframe. 
#' @family String Functions
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # Names from a dataframe, with character matching
#' umx_names(mtcars, "mpg") # only "mpg" matches this
#' # Easy-to-type alias "namez"
#' namez(mtcars, "mpg")
#' # Use a regular expression to match a pattern
#' namez(mtcars, "r[ab]") # "drat", "carb"
#' namez(mtcars, "^d") # vars beginning with 'd' = "disp", drat
#' # Use this function to replace text in names!
#' umx_names(mtcars, "mpg", replacement = "hello") # "mpg" replaced with "hello"
#' # ========================================================================
#' # = Using the custom collapse option to quote each item, and wrap in c() =
#' # ========================================================================
#' namez(mtcars, "m", collapse = "vector") # Paste-able R-code for a vector
#' # Other options passed to R's grep command
#' umx_names(mtcars, "mpg" , invert = TRUE)  # Non-matches (instead of matches)
#' umx_names(mtcars, "disp", value  = FALSE) # Return indices of matches 
#' umx_names(mtcars, "disp", value  = "grepl")  # which var matches disp
#' umx_names(mtcars, "^d"  , fixed  = TRUE)  # Vars containing literal '^d' (none...)
#' # =======================================
#' # = Examples using built-in GFF dataset =
#' # =======================================
#' # Just show phenotypes for Twin 1
#' umx_names(GFF, "_T1$") # twin 1
#' # "zyg" "sex1" "age_T1" "gff_T1" "fc_T1" "qol_T1" "hap_T1"...
#' umx_names(GFF, "2$") # names ending in 2
#' umx_names(GFF, "[^12bs]$") # doesn't end in `1`, `2`, `b`, or `s`
#' # "zyg_6grp" "zyg_2grp" "divorce"
#' umx_names(mxData(twinData[, c("wt1", "wt2")], type= "raw"))
#' umx_names(mxData(cov(twinData[, c("wt1", "wt2")], use="comp"), type= "cov", numObs= 1000))
#' umx_names(mxDataWLS(na.omit(twinData[, c("wt1", "wt2")]), type= "WLS"))
#' namez(umxMatrix("bob", "Full", 3,3)$labels)
umx_names <- function(df, pattern = ".*", replacement = NULL, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = FALSE, value = TRUE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE, invert = FALSE, global = FALSE, collapse = c("as.is", "vector", "formula")) {
	collapse = match.arg(collapse)
	umx_check(value %in% c(TRUE, FALSE, "grepl"), "stop", "'value' must be one of TRUE, FALSE, or grepl")
		ignore.case = FALSE
	if(class(df)[[1]] %in%  c("summary.mxmodel", "data.frame")){
		nameVector = names(df)
	}else if(umx_is_MxData(df)) {
			if(df$type == "raw"){
				nameVector = names(df$observed)
				isRaw = TRUE
			} else {
				nameVector = colnames(df$observed)
				isRaw = FALSE
				stop("There's something wrong with the mxData - I couldn't get the variable names from it. Did you set type correctly?")
	} else if(class(df)[[1]] == "list"){
		# Assume it's a list of mxModels and we want the MODEL names (not parameters... see below)
			nameVector = c()
			for (i in df) {
				nameVector = c(nameVector, i$name)
		} else {
			# try applying names
			result = tryCatch({
				nameVector = names(df)
			}, error = function() {
				stop("namez doesn't know how to handle objects of class", omxQuotes(class(df)))
	} else if(class(df)[[1]] == "character"){
		nameVector = df
	} else if(class(df)[[1]] == "matrix"){
		nameVector = as.vector(df)
	} else if(umx_is_MxModel(df)){
		# Assume it's one model, and we want the parameter names
		nameVector = parameters(df)
		result = tryCatch({
			nameVector = names(df)
		}, error = function() {
			stop("namez doesn't know how to handle objects of class", omxQuotes(class(df)))
		stop(paste0("umx_names requires a dataframe or something else with names() or parameters(), ", umx_str_from_object(df), " is a ", typeof(df)))
		if(value == "grepl"){
			tmp = grepl(pattern = pattern, x = nameVector, ignore.case = ignore.case, perl = perl, fixed = fixed, useBytes = useBytes)
		} else {
			tmp = grep(pattern = pattern, x = nameVector, ignore.case = ignore.case, perl = perl, value = value, fixed = fixed, useBytes = useBytes, invert = invert)
	} else {
			tmp = gsub(pattern = pattern, replacement = replacement, x = nameVector, ignore.case = ignore.case, perl = perl, fixed = fixed, useBytes = useBytes)
		} else {
			tmp = sub(pattern = pattern, replacement = replacement, x = nameVector, ignore.case = ignore.case, perl = perl, fixed = fixed, useBytes = useBytes)
	if(collapse == "as.is"){
	}else if(collapse == "vector"){
		tmp = paste(tmp, collapse  = "', '")
		paste0("c('", tmp, "')")
	}else if(collapse == "formula"){
		tmp = paste(tmp, collapse  = " + ")
		paste0("~ ", tmp)
	} else {
		paste(tmp, collapse  = collapse)

#' @export
namez <- umx_names

#' Trim whitespace surrounding a string.
#' Returns string without leading or trailing whitespace, like the php function.
#' See also built-in [base::trimws()] does the same. 
#' @param string to trim
#' @param removeThis if not NULL then this regular expression is removed wherever found in 'string'
#' @return - string
#' @export
#' @seealso [base::trimws()]
#' @family String Functions
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umx_trim(" dog") # "dog"
#' trimws(" dog ", "l") # added by R in v 3.3.0
#' umx_trim("dog ") # "dog"
#' umx_trim("\t dog \n") # "dog"
#' umx_trim("xlsx dog.xlsx", "\\.?xlsx ?") # "dog"
umx_trim <- function(string, removeThis = NULL) {
		# https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.trim.php
		return(gsub(pattern = "^\\s+|\\s+$", replacement = "", x = string))
		# returns string w/o leading whitespace
		# trim.leading <- function (x)  sub("^\\s+", "", x)
		# returns string w/o trailing whitespace
		# sub("\\s+$", "", x)
	} else {
		return(gsub(pattern = removeThis, replacement = "", x = string))

#' Rotate a vector
#' `umx_rot` rotates the items of a vector (1 place, by default). So: c(1,2,3) -> c(2,3,1)
#' @param vec vector to rotate
#' @param na.last Whether to set the last value to NA (default = FALSE)
#' @return - [mxModel()]
#' @export
#' @family String Functions
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umx_rot(1:10)
#' umx_rot(c(3,4,5,6,7))
#' # [1] 4 5 6 7 3
umx_rot <- function(vec, na.last=FALSE){
	ind = (1:length(vec) %% length(vec)) + 1
	vec = vec[ind]

#' Like the php array_shift function: shifts an item off the beginning of a list
#' Returns x\[1\]. Has the SIDE EFFECT of assigning x to x\[2:end\] in the container environment.
#' @param x the vector to shift
#' @return - first item of x
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Utility Functions
#' @md
#' @examples
#' x = c("Alice", "Bob", "Carol")
#' umx_array_shift(x) # returns "Alice"
#' x # now only 2 items (altered in containing environment)
umx_array_shift <- function(x){
	item1 = x[1]
	x <<- x[2:length(x)]

# =================================
# = Data: Read, Prep, Clean, Fake =
# =================================

#' Convert a covariance matrix into a correlation matrix
#' A version of [cov2cor()] that forces upper and lower triangles to be *identical* (rather than nearly identical)
#' @param x something that cov2cor can work on (matrix, df, etc.)
#' @return - A correlation matrix
#' @export
#' @family Miscellaneous Stats Functions
#' @seealso [cov2cor()]
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @examples
#' umxCov2cor(cov(mtcars[,1:5]))
#' @md
umxCov2cor <- function(x) {
	x = cov2cor(x)
	x[lower.tri(x)] = t(x)[lower.tri(t(x))]

#' Take a long twin-data file and make it wide (one family per row)
#' @description
#' `umx_long2wide` merges on `famID`. Family members are ordered by `twinID`.
#' twinID is equivalent to birth order. Up to 10 twinIDs are allowed (family order).
#' *Note*: Not all data sets have an order column, but it is essential to rank subjects correctly.
#' You might start off with a TWID which is a concatenation of a familyID and a 2 digit twinID
#' **Generating famID and twinID as used by this function**
#' You can capture the last 2 digits with the `mod` function: `twinID = df$TWID %% 100`
#' You can *drop* the last 2 digits with integer div: `famID = df$TWID %/% 100`
#' *Note*: The functions assumes that if zygosity or any passalong variables are NA in the first
#' family member, they are NA everywhere. i.e., it does not hunt for values that
#' are present elsewhere to try and self-heal missing data.
#' @param data The original (long-format) data file
#' @param famID  The unique identifier for members of a family
#' @param twinID The twinID. Typically 1, 2, 50 51, etc...
#' @param zygosity Typically MZFF, DZFF MZMM, DZMM DZOS
#' @param vars2keep = The variables you wish to analyse (these will be renamed with paste0("_T", twinID)
#' @param passalong = Variables you wish to pass-through (keep, even though not twin vars)
#' @param twinIDs2keep = If NA (the default) all twinIDs are kept, else only those listed here. Useful to drop sibs.
#' @return - dataframe in wide format
#' @export
#' @family Twin Data functions
#' @seealso - [merge()]
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>, <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # ==============================================
#' # = First make a long format file for the demo =
#' # ==============================================
# # 1. Drop the 'age' column (we have in addition "age1" and "age2", and "age" 
# # will clash in long format
#' data(twinData)
#' tmp = twinData[, -2]
# # 2. Add fake twinID identifiers for each twin, else this data set won't have a twinID!
#' tmp$twinID1 = 1; tmp$twinID2 = 2
#' long = umx_wide2long(data = tmp, sep = "")
#' str(long)
#' # 'data.frame':	7616 obs. of  11 variables:
#' #  $ fam     : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
#' #  $ zyg     : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#' #  $ part    : int  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
#' #  $ cohort  : chr  "younger" "younger" "younger" "younger" ...
#' #  $ zygosity: Factor w/ 5 levels "MZFF","MZMM",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#' #  $ wt      : int  58 54 55 66 50 60 65 40 60 76 ...
#' #  $ ht      : num  1.7 1.63 1.65 1.57 1.61 ...
#' #  $ htwt    : num  20.1 20.3 20.2 26.8 19.3 ...
#' #  $ bmi     : num  21 21.1 21 23 20.7 ...
#' #  $ age     : int  21 24 21 21 19 26 23 29 24 28 ...
#' #  $ twinID  : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#' # OK. Now to demo long2wide...
#' # Keeping all columns
#' wide = umx_long2wide(data= long, famID= "fam", twinID= "twinID", zygosity= "zygosity")
#' namez(wide) # some vars, like part, should have been passed along instead of made into "part_T1"
#' # ======================================
#' # = Demo requesting specific vars2keep =
#' # ======================================
#' # Just keep bmi and wt
#' wide = umx_long2wide(data= long, famID= "fam", twinID= "twinID", 
#'     zygosity = "zygosity", vars2keep = c("bmi", "wt")
#' )
#' namez(wide)
#' # "fam" "twinID" "zygosity" "bmi_T1" "wt_T1" "bmi_T2" "wt_T2"
#' # ==================
#' # = Demo passalong =
#' # ==================
#' # Keep bmi and wt, and pass through 'cohort'
#' wide = umx_long2wide(data= long, famID= "fam", twinID= "twinID", zygosity= "zygosity", 
#'		vars2keep = c("bmi", "wt"), passalong = "cohort"
#' )
#' namez(wide)
#' }
umx_long2wide <- function(data, famID = NA, twinID = NA, zygosity = NA, vars2keep = NA, passalong = NA, twinIDs2keep=NA) {
	umx_check_names(c(famID, twinID, zygosity), data = data, die = TRUE)
	umx_check_names(passalong, data = data, die = TRUE)
	levelsOfTwinID = unique(data[,twinID])
	umx_check(length(levelsOfTwinID) < 11, "stop", "Found ", length(levelsOfTwinID), " levels of twinID. That seems too many??? should be c(1,2,50,51) or similar?")
	message("Found ", length(levelsOfTwinID), " levels of twinID: ", omxQuotes(levelsOfTwinID))

	if(typeof(vars2keep) == "character"){
		umx_check_names(vars2keep, data = data, die = TRUE)
	} else {
		# message("Keeping all variables")
		vars2keep = setdiff(names(data), c(famID, twinID, zygosity))

	# ======================================
	# = Drop unwanted twinIDs if requested =
	# ======================================
		if(any(!twinIDs2keep %in% levelsOfTwinID)){
			stop("One or more twinIDs you requested to keep do not occur in the data:", 
				omxQuotes(twinIDs2keep[which(!(twinIDs2keep %in% levelsOfTwinID))])
		} else {
			dropped = levelsOfTwinID[!(levelsOfTwinID %in% twinIDs2keep)]
			message("Dropped twinIDs: ", omxQuotes(dropped))
			message("Keeping twinIDs: ", omxQuotes(twinIDs2keep), ", Dropping ", sum(data[,twinID] %in% dropped), " rows out of ", nrow(data))
			levelsOfTwinID = twinIDs2keep

	# ===================================
	# = Merge each twinID starting at 1 =
	# ===================================
	# Extract all the twins of twinID i, merge by famid with existing blocks 
	for(i in 1:length(levelsOfTwinID)) {
		# 1. get all rows of this twinID
		namesForThisTwin = paste0(c(zygosity, vars2keep), "_T", levelsOfTwinID[i])
		current = data[data[,twinID] %in% levelsOfTwinID[i], c(famID, zygosity, vars2keep)]
		# name columns "col_Ti"
		current = umx_rename(current, from = c(zygosity, vars2keep), to = namesForThisTwin)

		if(i == 1){
			# First time through: create dataframe based on twinID[1]
			previous = current
		} else {
			# Twin 2 and onward: create dataframe based on twinID[2], and merge with twin frame
			previous = merge(previous, current, by = c(famID), all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE) # suffixes = c("", levelsOfTwinID[i])

	# 1. Pull the columns matching "zygosity_T[0-9]+$"
	# 2. Add a column "zygosity" consisting for each row of the the first non-NA cell in the "zygosity_Tx" block
	# 3. Delete the copies of zygosity
	zygCols = previous[, namez(previous, paste0(zygosity, "_T[0-9]+$")), drop= FALSE]

	zygosityCol = zygCols[,1, drop=FALSE]
	for (i in 1:nrow(zygCols)) {
		# for each row, get the zygs found for that pair
		theseZygs = zygCols[i, ]
		# label the zyg of the pair, the first non-NA value for the family
			zygosityCol[i,] = zygCols[i, which(!is.na(theseZygs))[1] ]
		} else {
			zygosityCol[i,] = NA
	previous[, zygosity] = zygosityCol

	# Delete the "zygosity_Tx" Zyg cols
	previous[, namez(previous, paste0(zygosity, "_T"))] = NULL

		# passalong variables found: merge them into the dataset
		passAlongData = data[!duplicated(data[, famID]), c(famID, passalong)]
		previous      = merge(previous, passAlongData, by = famID, all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)

	# Rearrange cols to zygosity, passalong then everything else
		firstNames = c(famID, zygosity, passalong)
		firstNames = c(famID, zygosity)		
	allNames   = namez(previous)
	otherNames = allNames[!(allNames %in% firstNames)]
	names2keep = c(firstNames, otherNames)

	umx_check_names(names2keep, data=previous)
	previous = previous[, c(firstNames, otherNames)]

#' umx_merge_randomized_columns
#' @description
#' `umx_merge_randomized_columns` is designed to merge data where subjects have been randomized
#' to conditions, so they have a value in one column, and NA in the other condition columns.
#' It returns a new column of merged scores, and a new column of associated conditions.
#' @param colNames Names of the columns containing the condition data.
#' @param df The data frame
#' @param levels optional names for the levels of condition (default = `colNames`).
#' @param newVarName Name for the new column holding the newVarName (default "score").
#' @param newCondName Name for the new column holding the condition (default "condition").
#' @param as.factor Turn condition into a factor? (FALSE)
#' @return - df with new cols
#' @export
#' @family Data Functions
#' @seealso - [umx_long2wide()], [prolific_check_ID()], [prolific_read_demog()], [prolific_anonymize()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fp = "~/Desktop/Political Ideology_September 13, 2022_10.47.xlsx"
#' df = readxl::read_excel(fp)
#' df = df[c(-1,-2), ] # delete temp data and question text
#' df = data.frame(df)
#' namez(df, "ris", coll = "vec") # c('RiskAversionNoLotter', 'RiskAversionLottery')
#' colNames= c('RiskAversionNoLotter', 'RiskAversionLottery')
#' df = umx_as_numeric(df, colNames, force=TRUE)
#' tmp = umx_merge_randomized_columns(colNames, df); table(tmp$condition)
#' tmp = umx_merge_randomized_columns(colNames, df, 
#' 	levels = c("treatment", "control")); table(tmp$condition)
#' }
umx_merge_randomized_columns <- function(colNames, df, levels = colNames, newVarName = "score", newCondName = "condition", as.factor = FALSE) {
	umx_check(! (newVarName %in% names(df)), "stop", "newVarName already exists: it must be unique")
	umx_check(! (newCondName %in% names(df)), "stop", "newCondName already exists: it must be unique")
	# cols are numeric
	# isn't a tibble!!
	# 1. copy values from `colName[1]` into a new column called newVarName (`score`)
	df[,newVarName]   = df[,colNames[1]]
	df[,newCondName] = levels[1]
	# 2. loop over additional importing non NA values into the var and condition columns
	for (i in 2:(length(colNames))) {
		targetCol = df[,colNames[i]]
		df[!is.na(targetCol),newVarName]   = targetCol[!is.na(targetCol)]
		df[!is.na(targetCol),newCondName] = levels[i]
		df[, newCondName] = factor(df[, newCondName], levels = levels)

#' Change data family data from wide (2 twins per row) to long format.
#' @description
#' Just detects the data columns for twin 1, and twin 2, then returns them stacked
#' on top of each other (rbind) with the non-twin specific columns copied for each as well.
#' *Note*, zygosity codings differ among labs. One scheme uses 1 = MZFF, 2 = MZMM, 3 = DZFF, 4 = DZMM, 
#' 5 = DZOS or DZFM, 6 = DZMF, with 9 = unknown, and then 50, 51,... for siblings.
#' Typically, OS twins are ordered Female/Male.
#' @param data a dataframe containing twin data.
#' @param sep the string between the var name and twin suffix, i.e., var_T1 = _T
#' @param verbose Report the non-twin and twin columns (default = FALSE).
#' @return - long-format dataframe
#' @export
#' @family Twin Data functions
#' @seealso [reshape()], [umx_merge_randomized_columns()], [umx_select_valid()]
#' @examples
#' long = umx_wide2long(data = twinData, sep = "")
#' long = umx_wide2long(data = twinData, sep = "", verbose = TRUE)
#' str(long)
#' str(twinData)
umx_wide2long <- function(data, sep = "_T", verbose = FALSE) {
	# TODO issue #82 umx_wide2long Assumes 2 twins: Generalize to unlimited family size.

	twinNames = umx_names(data, paste0(".", sep, "[1-9]$"))
	nonTwinColNames = setdiff(umx_names(data), twinNames)
	# long = reshape(data, v.names = "conc", idvar = "Subject", timevar = "time", direction = "long")
	# wide = reshape(Indometh, v.names = "conc", idvar = "Subject", timevar = "time", direction = "wide")

	# reshape(long,
	# 	v.names       = selVars,
	# 	idvar         = "id",
	# 	ids           = 1:NROW(data),
	# 	times         = seq_along(varying[[1]]),
	# 	drop          = NULL,
	# 	direction     = "wide",
	# 	new.row.names = NULL,
	# 	sep           = ".",
	# 	split         =
	# )
	# reshape(wide,
	# 	varying       = NULL,
	# 	timevar       = "zygosity",
	# 	idvar         = c("famid", "twid"),
	# 	ids           = "_T". 1:NROW(data),
	# 	times         = seq_along(varying[[1]]),
	# 	drop          = NULL,
	# 	direction     = "long",
	# 	new.row.names = NULL,
	# 	sep           = ".",
	# 	split         =
	# )

	# 1. get the suffixed names
	T1 = umx_names(data, paste0(".", sep, "1"))
	T2 = umx_names(data, paste0(".", sep, "2"))
	# 1b and non-twin names
	nonTwinColNames = setdiff(umx_names(data), c(T1, T2))

	# 2. Remove the suffixes
	T1base = T1
	T2base = T2
	m = regexpr(paste0(sep, "1$"), T1base)
	regmatches(T1base, m) = ""
	m = regexpr(paste0(sep, "2$"), T2base)
	regmatches(T2base, m) = ""
	# Check they're the same
	if(!setequal(T1base, T2base)){
		stop("Twin names don't match")

	# 3. 
	b1 = data[, c(nonTwinColNames, T1)]
	b2 = data[, c(nonTwinColNames, T2)]
	names(b1) = c(nonTwinColNames, T1base)
	names(b2) = c(nonTwinColNames, T1base)
	ld = rbind(b1, b2)

	twinColumns = T1base
	if(length(intersect(nonTwinColNames, twinColumns)) > 0){
		message("Hmm... A variable already existed matching one of the de-suffixed twin variables... 
		A second column with the same name will be created. the issue is with:", 
			omxQuotes(intersect(nonTwinColNames, twinColumns))

#' Stack data like stack() does, with more control.
#' @description
#' Operates like [stack()], but can preserve ("passalong") other variables on each row,
#' and allows the user control over the values and group column names for ease of use.
#' @param x a dataframe containing twin data.
#' @param select The variables to stack (wide 2 long)
#' @param passalong Variables to preserve on each row (e.g. age)
#' @param valuesName The name for the new stacked column (default = "values")
#' @param groupName The name for the column containing the grouping variable (default = "ind")
#' @return - long-format dataframe
#' @export
#' @family Data Functions
#' @seealso [umx_wide2long()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # Base-R stack function
#' df = stack(mtcars, select = c("disp", "hp"), drop=FALSE)
#' # umx_stack, with additional variables passed along 
#' df= umx_stack(mtcars, select= c("disp", "hp"), passalong= "mpg")
#' str(df) # ind is a factor, with levels select
#' ggplot2::qplot(x = mpg, y= values, color=ind, data = df)
umx_stack <- function(x, select, passalong, valuesName = "values", groupName = "ind") {
	# TODO: rewrite to create the full size in one go, and slot in blocks
	# initialize new dataframe
	df = x[c(passalong, select[1])]
	# rename
	names(df)= c(passalong, valuesName)
	# stack remaining columns
	for(thisVar in select[2:length(select)]) {
		tmp = x[c(passalong, thisVar)]
		names(tmp)= c(passalong, valuesName)
		df = rbind(df, tmp)
	# Add column indicating origin of each value
	df[,groupName]= factor(rep(select, each = dim(x)[1]))

#' Data helper function to swap blocks of data from one set of columns to another.
#' Swap a block of rows of a dataset between two sets of variables (typically twin 1 and twin 2)
#' @param theData A data frame to swap within.
#' @param rowSelector Rows to swap between first and second set of columns.
#' @param T1Names The first set of columns.
#' @param T2Names The second set of columns.
#' @return - dataframe
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @export
#' @seealso - [subset()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' test = data.frame(
#' a = paste0("a", 1:10),
#' b = paste0("b", 1:10),
#' c = paste0("c", 1:10),
#' d = paste0("d", 1:10), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' xmu_data_swap_a_block(test, rowSelector = c(1,2,3,6), T1Names = "b", T2Names = "c")
#' xmu_data_swap_a_block(test, rowSelector = c(1,2,3,6), T1Names = c("a","c"), T2Names = c("b","d"))
xmu_data_swap_a_block <- function(theData, rowSelector, T1Names, T2Names) {
	theRows = theData[rowSelector,]
	old_BlockTwo = theRows[,T2Names]
	theRows[,T1Names] -> theRows[, T2Names]
	theRows[,T1Names] = old_BlockTwo
	theData[rowSelector,] = theRows

#' Update NA values in one column with valid entries from another
#' @description
#' Merge valid entries from two columns
#' @param col1 name of the first column
#' @param col2 name of the second column
#' @param bothways Whether to replace from 1 to 2 as well as from 2 to 1
#' @param data The dataframe containing the two columns.
#' @return - Updated dataframe
#' @export
#' @family Data Functions
#' @seealso - [within()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' tmp = mtcars
#' tmp$newDisp = tmp$disp
#' tmp$disp[c(1,3,6)] = NA
#' anyNA(tmp$disp) # column has NAs
#' tmp = umx_select_valid("disp", "newDisp", data = tmp)
#' anyNA(tmp$disp) # column repaired
umx_select_valid <- function(col1, col2, bothways = FALSE, data) {
	# TODO allow columns to passed in: return as list(old, new)?
		message("You idiot!")
	} else {
		# 1. update NA in col1 with contents of col2
		oldcopy = data[, col1]
		newcopy = data[, col2]
		oldcopy[is.na(oldcopy)] = newcopy[is.na(oldcopy)]
		data[, col1] = oldcopy
			# 2. optionally update NA in col2 with contents of col1
			newcopy[is.na(newcopy)] = oldcopy[is.na(newcopy)]
			data[, col2] = newcopy

# =================
# = Simulate Data =
# =================

#' Convert a twin dataset into umx standard format.
#' @description
#' `umx_make_twin_data_nice` is a function to convert your twin data into a format used across `umx`. Specifically:
#' 1. Existing column for zygosity is renamed to "zygosity".
#' 2. `sep` is set to "_T"
#' 3. The twinID is is set to sequential digits, i.e. 1,2...
# #' @details
#' @param data a [data.frame()] to check/convert.
#' @param sep existing separator string (will be updated to "_T").
#' @param zygosity existing zygosity column name (will be renamed `zygosity`).
#' @param numbering existing twin sequence string (will be updated to _T1, _T2, _T3).
#' @param labelNumericZygosity If TRUE numeric zygosity levels will be set to labels.
#' @param levels legal levels of zygosity (ignored if labelNumericZygosity = FALSE (default 1:5)
#' @param labels labels for each zyg level c("MZFF", "MZMM", "DZFF", "DZMM", "DZOS").
#' @return - [data.frame()]
#' @export
#' @family Twin Data functions
#' @seealso - [umx_wide2long()], [umx_long2wide()], 
#' @references - [tutorials](https://tbates.github.io), [tbates/umx](https://github.com/tbates/umx)
#' @md
#' @examples
#' data(twinData)
#' tmp = twinData
#' tmp2 = umx_make_twin_data_nice(twinData, sep="", numbering = 1:5, zygosity="zygosity")
#' tmp$zygosity=NULL
#' tmp = umx_make_twin_data_nice(twinData, sep="", numbering = 1:5, zygosity="zygosity")
#' namez(tmp, "zyg")
#' levels(tmp$zygosity)
umx_make_twin_data_nice <- function(data, sep = "", zygosity = "zygosity", numbering, labelNumericZygosity = FALSE, levels = 1:5, labels = c("MZFF", "MZMM", "DZFF", "DZMM", "DZOS")){
	# 1. rename existing zygosity column to "zygosity" if not already
	if(zygosity != "zygosity"){
			stop("A column called 'zygosity' already exists. please rename that column first, e.g. with\n",
			"data = umx_rename(data, from='zygosity', to='old_zyg')")
		} else {
			data = umx_rename(data, from= zygosity, to= 'zygosity')
			# data$zygosity = data[, zygosity]
	# Update twin names (ending in "sep1" etc.) with new separator ("_T1" etc).
	oldNames = namez(data, paste0(sep, "[0-9]$"))
	newNames = namez(oldNames, pattern = paste0(sep, "([0-9])$"), replacement = "_T\\1")
	data = umx_rename(data=data, from = oldNames, to = newNames)
		data$zygosity = factor(data$zygosity, levels= levels, labels = labels)

#' Simulate twin data with control over A, C, and E parameters, as well as moderation of A.
#' @description
#' Makes MZ and DZ twin data, optionally with moderated A. By default, the three variance components must sum to 1.
#' See examples for how to use this: it is pretty flexible.
#' If you provide 2 varNames, they will be used for twin 1 and twin 2. If you provide one, it will be expanded to var_T1 and var_T2.
#' **note**: the function was designed around nSib = 2 and var names = var_T1. It isn't yet smart enough to do, for instance
#' scaling or shifting to make the min value 0 (normal for most traits we analyse) for nonstandard `varNames` and `nSib``. 
#' *Note*, if you want a power calculator, see [power.ACE.test()] and [umxPower()].
#' **Usage**
#' You must supply `nMZpairs` (you can omit `nDZpairs`).
#' You can give any two of A, C, or E and the function deduces the missing parameter so `A+C+E == 1`.
#' **Moderation**
#' **Univariate GxE Data**
#' To simulate data for `umxGxE`, offer up a list of the average, min and max values for `AA`, i.e., c(avg = .5, min = 0, max = 1).
#' `umx_make_TwinData` will return moderated data, with average value = avg, swinging
#' down to min and up to max across 3-SDs of the moderator.
#' **Bivariate GxE Data**
#' To simulate data with a moderator that is not shared by both twins.
#' Moderated heritability is specified via the bivariate relationship (AA, CC, EE) and two moderators in each component.
#' AA   = list(a11 = .4, a12 = .1, a22 = .15)
#' CC   = list(c11 = .2, c12 = .1, c22 = .10)
#' EE   = list(e11 = .4, e12 = .3, e22 = .25)
#' Amod = list(Beta_a1 = .025, Beta_a2 = .025)
#' Cmod = list(Beta_c1 = .025, Beta_c2 = .025)
#' Emod = list(Beta_e1 = .025, Beta_e2 = .025)
#' @param nMZpairs Number of MZ pairs to simulate
#' @param nDZpairs Number of DZ pairs to simulate (defaults to nMZpairs)
#' @param AA value for A variance. NOTE: See options for use in GxE and Bivariate GxE
#' @param CC value for C variance.
#' @param EE value for E variance.
#' @param DD value for E variance.
#' @param MZr If MZr and DZr are set (default = NULL), the function returns dataframes of the request n and correlation.
#' @param DZr Set to return dataframe using MZr and Dzr (Default NULL)
#' @param nSib Number of siblings in a family (default = 2). "3" = extra sib.
#' @param dzAr DZ Ar (default .5)
#' @param scale Whether to scale output to var=1 mean=0 (Default FALSE)
#' @param bivAmod Used for Bivariate GxE data: list(Beta_a1 = .025, Beta_a2 = .025)
#' @param bivCmod Used for Bivariate GxE data: list(Beta_c1 = .025, Beta_c2 = .025)
#' @param bivEmod Used for Bivariate GxE data: list(Beta_e1 = .025, Beta_e2 = .025)
#' @param varNames name for variables (defaults to 'var')
#' @param mean mean for traits (default = 0) (not applied to moderated cases)
#' @param sd sd of traits (default = 1) (not applied to moderated cases)
#' @param seed Allows user to set.seed() if wanting reproducible dataset
#' @param empirical Passed to mvrnorm
#' @param nThresh  If supplied, use as thresholds and return mxFactor output? (default is not to)
#' @param sum2one  Whether to enforce AA + CC + EE summing the one (default = TRUE)
#' @return - list of mzData and dzData dataframes containing T1 and T2 plus, if needed M1 and M2 (moderator values)
#' @export
#' @family Twin Data functions
#' @family Data Functions
#' @seealso - [umxACE()], [umxGxE()], [umxGxEbiv()]
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>, <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # =====================================================================
#' # = Basic Example, with all elements of std univariate data specified =
#' # =====================================================================
#' tmp = umx_make_TwinData(nMZpairs = 10000, AA = .30, CC = .00, EE = .70)
#' # Show dataframe with 20,000 rows and 3 variables: var_T1, var_T2, and zygosity
#' str(tmp)
#' # ===============================
#' # = How to consume the datasets =
#' # ===============================
#' mzData = tmp[tmp$zygosity == "MZ", ]
#' dzData = tmp[tmp$zygosity == "DZ", ]
#' str(mzData); str(dzData); 
#' cov(mzData[, c("var_T1", "var_T2")])
#' cov(dzData[, c("var_T1", "var_T2")])
#' umxAPA(mzData[, c("var_T1", "var_T2")])
#' # Prefer to work in path coefficient values? (little a?)
#' tmp    = umx_make_TwinData(2000, AA = .7^2, CC = .0)
#' mzData = tmp[tmp$zygosity == "MZ", ]
#' dzData = tmp[tmp$zygosity == "DZ", ]
#' m1 = umxACE(selDVs="var", sep="_T", mzData= mzData, dzData= dzData)
#' # Examine correlations
#' cor(mzData[,c("var_T1","var_T2")])
#' cor(dzData[,c("var_T1","var_T2")])
#' # Example with D (left un-modeled in ACE)
#' tmp = umx_make_TwinData(nMZpairs = 500, AA = .4, DD = .2, CC = .2)
#' m1 = umxACE(selDVs="var", data = tmp, mzData= "MZ", dzData= "DZ")
#' # |    |   a1|   c1|   e1|
#' # |:---|----:|----:|----:|
#' # |var | 0.86| 0.24| 0.45|
#' m1 = umxACE(selDVs="var", data = tmp, mzData= "MZ", dzData= "DZ", dzCr=.25)
#' # |    |  a1|d1 |   e1|
#' # |:---|---:|:--|----:|
#' # |var | 0.9|.  | 0.44|
#' # =============
#' # = Shortcuts =
#' # =============
#' # Omit nDZpairs (equal numbers of both by default)
#' tmp = umx_make_TwinData(100, AA = 0.5, CC = 0.3) # omit any one of A, C, or E (sums to 1)
#' cov(tmp[tmp$zygosity == "DZ", c("var_T1","var_T2")])
#' # Not limited to unit variance
#' tmp = umx_make_TwinData(100, AA = 3, CC = 2, EE = 3, sum2one = FALSE) 
#' cov(tmp[tmp$zygosity == "MZ", c("var_T1","var_T2")])
#' # Output can be scaled (mean=0, std=1)
#' tmp = umx_make_TwinData(100, AA = .7, CC = .1, scale = TRUE) 
#' cov(tmp[tmp$zygosity == "MZ", c("var_T1","var_T2")])
#' \dontrun{
#' # ===============
#' # = GxE Example =
#' # ===============
#' AA = c(avg = .5, min = .1, max = .8)
#' tmp = umx_make_TwinData(nMZpairs = 140, nDZpairs = 240, AA = AA, CC = .35, EE = .65, scale= TRUE)
#' mzData = tmp[tmp$zygosity == "MZ", ]
#' dzData = tmp[tmp$zygosity == "DZ", ]
#' m1 = umxGxE(selDVs = "var", selDefs = "M", sep = "_T", mzData = mzData, dzData = dzData)
#' # =====================
#' # = Threshold Example =
#' # =====================
#' tmp = umx_make_TwinData(100, AA = .6, CC = .2, nThresh = 3)
#' str(tmp)
#' umx_polychoric(subset(tmp, zygosity=="MZ", c("var_T1", "var_T2")))$polychorics
#' # Running model with 7 parameters
#' #           var_T1    var_T2
#' # var_T1 1.0000000 0.7435457
#' # var_T2 0.7435457 1.0000000
#' # =================================================
#' # = Just use MZr and DZr (also works with nSib>2) =
#' # =================================================
#' tmp = umx_make_TwinData(100, MZr = .86, DZr = .60, nSib= 3, varNames = "IQ")
#' umxAPA(subset(tmp, zygosity == "MZ", paste0("IQ_T", 1:2)))
#' umxAPA(subset(tmp, zygosity == "DZ", paste0("IQ_T", 1:2)))
#' m1 = umxACE(selDVs= "IQ", data = tmp)
#' m1 = umxACE(selDVs= "IQ", data = tmp, nSib=3)
#' # TODO tmx_ examples of unmodeled D etc.
#' # Bivariate GxSES example (see umxGxEbiv)
#' AA   = list(a11 = .4, a12 = .1, a22 = .15)
#' CC   = list(c11 = .2, c12 = .1, c22 = .10)
#' EE   = list(e11 = .4, e12 = .3, e22 = .25)
#' Amod = list(Beta_a1 = .025, Beta_a2 = .025)
#' Cmod = list(Beta_c1 = .025, Beta_c2 = .025)
#' Emod = list(Beta_e1 = .025, Beta_e2 = .025)
#' tmp = umx_make_TwinData(5000, AA =AA, CC = CC, EE = EE, 
#' 			bivAmod = Amod, bivCmod =Cmod, bivEmod =Emod)
#' str(tmp)
#' # 'data.frame':	10000 obs. of  7 variables:
#' #  $ defM_T1 : num  0.171 0.293 -0.173 0.238 -0.73 ...
#' #  $ defM_T2 : num  0.492 -0.405 -0.696 -0.829 -0.858 ...
#' #  $ M_T1    : num  0.171 0.293 -0.173 0.238 -0.73 ...
#' #  $ var_T1  : num  0.011 0.1045 0.5861 0.0583 1.0225 ...
#' #  $ M_T2    : num  0.492 -0.405 -0.696 -0.829 -0.858 ...
#' #  $ var_T2  : num  -0.502 -0.856 -0.154 0.065 -0.268 ...
#' #  $ zygosity: Factor w/ 2 levels "MZ","DZ": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#' # TODO tmx example showing how moderation of A introduces heteroscedasticity in a regression model:
#' # More residual variance at one extreme of the x axis (moderator) 
#' # m1 = lm(var_T1~ M_T1, data = x); 
#' # x = rbind(tmp[[1]], tmp[[2]])
#' # plot(residuals(m1)~ x$M_T1, data=x)
#' }
umx_make_TwinData <- function(nMZpairs, nDZpairs = nMZpairs, AA = NULL, CC = NULL, EE = NULL,  DD = NULL,  varNames = "var", MZr= NULL, DZr= MZr, nSib= 2, dzAr= .5, scale = FALSE, mean=0, sd=1, nThresh = NULL, sum2one = TRUE, bivAmod = NULL, bivCmod = NULL, bivEmod = NULL, seed = NULL, empirical = FALSE) {
		set.seed(seed = seed)
	# Function caps the moderator effect at -3 and +3 SD
			stop("Both MZr and DZr must be set if you want to generate data matching MZ and DZ correlations.")
			mzCov = matrix(nrow = nSib, byrow = TRUE, c(1, MZr, MZr, 1))
			dzCov = matrix(nrow = nSib, byrow = TRUE, c(1, DZr, DZr, 1))
			means = c(mean, mean)
		} else if(nSib==3){
			mzCov = matrix(nrow = nSib, byrow = TRUE, c(
				1  , MZr, DZr,
				MZr, 1  , DZr,
				DZr, DZr , 1)
			dzCov = matrix(nrow = nSib, byrow = TRUE, c(
				1  , DZr, DZr,
				DZr, 1  , DZr,
				DZr, DZr , 1)
			means = c(mean, mean, mean)
		sdMat = diag(rep(sd, nSib))
		mzCov = sdMat %*% mzCov %*% sdMat
		dzCov = sdMat %*% dzCov %*% sdMat
		# MASS::mvrnorm
		mzData = mvrnorm(n = nMZpairs, mu = means, Sigma = mzCov, empirical = empirical);
		dzData = mvrnorm(n = nDZpairs, mu = means, Sigma = dzCov, empirical = empirical);
		mzData = data.frame(mzData)
		dzData = data.frame(dzData)
		if(length(varNames) > 1){
			names(mzData) = names(dzData) = varNames
		} else {
			names(mzData) = names(dzData) = umx_paste_names(varNames, "_T", suffixes = 1:nSib)
	}else if(length(AA) == 1){
		umx_check(nSib==2, "stop", "nSib >2 only supported for MZr currently, you gave me ", nSib)
		# Standard ACE, no moderation
			if(sum(c(is.null(AA), is.null(CC), is.null(EE))) > 1){
				stop("You must set at least 2 of AA, CC, and EE. The ones you set are used to ensure A, C, (D if set) and E have values summing to 1.
				NOTE: D will only be set automatically when left null IFF A, C, and E are all set!")
					EE  = 1 - sum(c(AA, CC, DD))
				} else if(is.null(CC)) {
					CC  = 1 - sum(c(AA, EE, DD))
				} else if(is.null(AA)) {
					AA  = 1 - sum(c(EE, CC, DD))
					# Only reached when DD is the only NULL!
					DD  = 1 - (sum(c(AA, CC, EE)))
			if(is.null(DD)){DD = 0}
			if(!isTRUE(all.equal(sum(c(AA, CC, DD, EE)), 1))){
			 	stop("Hmm, AA + CC + DD + EE must sum to 1, unless you don't want them to (in which case set sum2one = FALSE)\n",
					 "You gave me AA =  ", AA, ", CC =  ", CC, ", DD =  ", DD, ",and EE =  ", EE, "\n",
					 "which sum to ", sum(c(AA, CC, DD, EE)) )
			# no need to sum2one: NULL values cannot be set automagically.

		if(is.null(AA)){AA = 0}
		if(is.null(CC)){CC = 0}
		if(is.null(DD)){DD = 0}
		if(is.null(EE)){EE = 0}

		if(any(c(AA, CC, DD, EE)< 0)){
			lowValue = c("AA", "CC", "EE", "DD")[ which(c(AA, CC, EE, DD) < 0) ]
			stop(paste("Hmm, each of the AA, CC, EE and DD variance components must be positive, but ", lowValue, " was negative."), call. = FALSE)		

		# Report to user
		if(!umx_set_silent(silent = TRUE)){
			print(c(AA = AA, CC = CC, DD = DD, EE = EE))
			print(round(c(a = sqrt(AA), c = sqrt(CC), d = sqrt(DD), e = sqrt(EE)), 2))
		ACDE = AA + CC + DD + EE
		ACD  = AA + CC + DD
		hACqD = (dzAr * AA) + CC  + (.25 * DD)
		mzCov = matrix(nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE, c(
		dzCov = matrix(nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE, c(
			ACDE , hACqD,
			hACqD, ACDE)
		sdMat = diag(rep(sd, 2))
		mzCov = sdMat %*% mzCov %*% sdMat
		dzCov = sdMat %*% dzCov %*% sdMat
		mzData = mvrnorm(n = nMZpairs, mu = c(mean, mean), Sigma = mzCov, empirical = empirical);
		dzData = mvrnorm(n = nDZpairs, mu = c(mean, mean), Sigma = dzCov, empirical = empirical);
		mzData = data.frame(mzData)
		dzData = data.frame(dzData)
		if(length(varNames) > 1){
			names(mzData) = names(dzData) = varNames
		} else {
			names(mzData) = names(dzData) = umx_paste_names(varNames, "_T")
	}else if(!is.null(bivAmod)){
			stop("DD (dominance) is only supported for straight ACE")
		# Bivariate Moderation example
		# Moderator (M) path components
		am = sqrt(AA$a11) # The Cholesky moderator A coefficients.
		cm = sqrt(CC$c11) # The Cholesky moderator C coefficients.
		em = sqrt(EE$e11) # The Cholesky moderator E coefficients.

		# Cross paths M -> T in Cholesky
		a12  = sqrt(AA$a12)	# A covariances in terms of Cholesky paths
		c12  = sqrt(CC$c12)	# C
		e12  = sqrt(EE$e12)	# E
		Beta_a1 = bivAmod$Beta_a1	# A paths are moderated
		Beta_c1 = bivCmod$Beta_c1	# C mod
		Beta_e1 = bivEmod$Beta_e1	# E mod

		# Trait "T"
		a22 = sqrt(AA$a22)	# A variance components of the trait ModelA (see above)
		c22 = sqrt(CC$c22)	# C
		e22 = sqrt(EE$e22)	# E	
		Beta_a2 = bivAmod$Beta_a2	# A moderation
		Beta_c2 = bivCmod$Beta_c2	# C
		Beta_e2 = bivEmod$Beta_e2	# E

		# Simulate data by generating scores on the latent variables A, C, E of
		# the moderator and A2, C2, and E2 of the trait, conditional on the moderator. 
		# These are uncorrelated as the latter is trait | moderator.

		# Define the expected correlation matrices for MZ and DZ
		sMZtmp = zero = matrix(data = 0, nrow = 6, ncol = 6)
		diag(sMZtmp) = 1
		sDZtmp = sMZtmp
		sMZtmp[4, 1] = sMZtmp[1, 4] = 1.0 # A
		sDZtmp[4, 1] = sDZtmp[1, 4] = dzAr # A
		sMZtmp[5, 2] = sMZtmp[2, 5] = sDZtmp[5, 2] = sDZtmp[2, 5] = 1 # C

		# varNames = c('defm_T1', 'defm_T2', 't_T1', 'm_T1', 'm_T2', 't_T2')
		# dimnames(sMZtmp) = list(varNames, varNames)

		sigmaMZ = rbind(cbind(sMZtmp, zero),
						cbind(zero, sMZtmp))
		sigmaDZ = rbind(cbind(sDZtmp, zero),
						cbind(zero, sDZtmp))

		# Latent scores: A C E (m)   A C E (t|m)
		# M data cols 1:6, Trait conditional on M cols 7-12
		MZLatent = mvrnorm(nMZpairs, mu = rep(0, 12), Sigma = sigmaMZ, empirical = empirical)
		DZLatent = mvrnorm(nDZpairs, mu = rep(0, 12), Sigma = sigmaDZ, empirical = empirical)

		# Data matrices to be filled with content
		tdatmz = mdatmz = matrix(data = 0, nrow = nMZpairs, ncol = 2)
		tdatdz = mdatdz = matrix(data = 0, nrow = nDZpairs, ncol = 2)

		# Create the phenotypic scores
		for (i in 1:nMZpairs) {
			# Generate Twin 1 phenotypic moderation score
			mod = am * MZLatent[i, 1] + cm * MZLatent[i, 2] + em * MZLatent[i, 3] 
			# create the phenotypic trait score, depending on M and on T|M
			#           T|M                                            M
			atmp1 = (a22 + Beta_a2 * mod) * MZLatent[i, 1+6] + (a12 + Beta_a1 * mod) * MZLatent[i, 1]
			ctmp1 = (c22 + Beta_c2 * mod) * MZLatent[i, 2+6] + (c12 + Beta_c1 * mod) * MZLatent[i, 2]
			etmp1 = (e22 + Beta_e2 * mod) * MZLatent[i, 3+6] + (e12 + Beta_e1 * mod) * MZLatent[i, 3]
			j = 1 # J = 1 twin 1 MZ
			mdatmz[i,j] = mod # moderator
			tdatmz[i,j] = atmp1 + ctmp1 + etmp1	# trait

			# twin2
			mod = am * MZLatent[i, 4] + cm * MZLatent[i, 5] + em * MZLatent[i, 6]
			atmp1 = (a22 + Beta_a2 * mod) * MZLatent[i, 4+6] + (a12 + Beta_a1 * mod) * MZLatent[i, 4]
			ctmp1 = (c22 + Beta_c2 * mod) * MZLatent[i, 5+6] + (c12 + Beta_c1 * mod) * MZLatent[i, 5]
			etmp1 = (e22 + Beta_e2 * mod) * MZLatent[i, 6+6] + (e12 + Beta_e1 * mod) * MZLatent[i, 6]
			j = 2	# twin 2
			mdatmz[i, j] = mod
			tdatmz[i, j] = atmp1 + ctmp1 + etmp1

		# Same for DZ twins (might differ in number)
		for (i in 1:nDZpairs) {
			j = 1
			mod = am * DZLatent[i, 1] + cm * DZLatent[i, 2] + em * DZLatent[i, 3]
			atmp1 = (a22 + Beta_a2 * mod) * DZLatent[i, 1+6] + (a12 + Beta_a1 * mod) * DZLatent[i, 1]
			ctmp1 = (c22 + Beta_c2 * mod) * DZLatent[i, 2+6] + (c12 + Beta_c1 * mod) * DZLatent[i, 2]
			etmp1 = (e22 + Beta_e2 * mod) * DZLatent[i, 3+6] + (e12 + Beta_e1 * mod) * DZLatent[i, 3]
			mdatdz[i,j] = mod
			tdatdz[i,j] = atmp1 + ctmp1 + etmp1
			j = 2 # twin 2
			mod = am * DZLatent[i, 4] + cm * DZLatent[i, 5] + em * DZLatent[i, 6]
			atmp1 = (a22 + Beta_a2 * mod) * DZLatent[i, 4+6] + (a12 + Beta_a1 * mod) * DZLatent[i, 4]
			ctmp1 = (c22 + Beta_c2 * mod) * DZLatent[i, 5+6] + (c12 + Beta_c1 * mod) * DZLatent[i, 5]
			etmp1 = (e22 + Beta_e2 * mod) * DZLatent[i, 6+6] + (e12 + Beta_e1 * mod) * DZLatent[i, 6]
			mdatdz[i,j] = mod
			tdatdz[i,j] = atmp1 + ctmp1 + etmp1

		# Convert to data frames, reorder columns and add names. 
		mzData = as.data.frame(cbind(mdatmz, mdatmz, tdatmz))
		dzData = as.data.frame(cbind(mdatdz, mdatdz, tdatdz))
		mzData = mzData[, c(1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6)]
		dzData = dzData[, c(1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6)]
		# TODO umx_make_TwinData: Use var names
		colnames(mzData) = c('defM_T1', 'defM_T2', 'M_T1', 'var_T1', 'M_T2', 'var_T2')
		colnames(dzData) = c('defM_T1', 'defM_T2', 'M_T1', 'var_T1', 'M_T2', 'var_T2')
	} else {
		# Univariate Moderator
		if(any(c(is.null(AA), is.null(CC), is.null(EE)))){
			stop("For moderation, you must set all three of AA, CC, and EE")			
			stop("DD (dominance) is only supported for straight ACE")
		avgA = AA["avg"]
		# minA applied at -3 SD
		# maxA applied at +3 SD
		SES_2_A_beta = (AA["max"] - AA["min"])/6

		mzData = data.frame(T1 = rep(NA, nMZpairs), T2 = rep(NA, nMZpairs), M1 = rep(NA, nMZpairs), M2 = rep(NA, nMZpairs))
		dzData = data.frame(T1 = rep(NA, nDZpairs), T2 = rep(NA, nDZpairs), M1 = rep(NA, nDZpairs), M2 = rep(NA, nDZpairs))
		# ==========
		# = Do MZs =
		# ==========
		SESlist = rnorm(n = nMZpairs, mean = 0, sd = 1)
		j = 1
		for (thisSES in SESlist) {
			# thisSES = 0
			AA = max(0, (avgA + (thisSES * SES_2_A_beta)))
			# CC = 0.0
			# EE = 0.1
			AC  = AA + CC
			ACE = AA + CC + EE
			mzCov = matrix(nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE, c(
				ACE, AC,
				AC , ACE)
			# print(mzCov)
			# MASS:: package
			mzPair = mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = c(0, 0), Sigma = mzCov, empirical = empirical);
			mzData[j, ] = c(mzPair, thisSES, thisSES)
			j = j + 1

		# ==========
		# = Do DZs =
		# ==========
		SESlist = rnorm(n = nDZpairs, mean = 0, sd = 1)
		j = 1
		for (thisSES in SESlist) {
			# thisSES = -5
			AA = max(0, (avgA + (thisSES * SES_2_A_beta)))
			hAC = (dzAr * AA) + CC
			ACE = AA + CC + EE
			dzCov = matrix(nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE, c(
				ACE, hAC,
				hAC, ACE)
			dzPair = mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = c(0, 0), Sigma = dzCov, empirical = empirical);
			dzData[j,] = c(dzPair, thisSES, thisSES)
			j = j + 1
		names(mzData) = names(dzData) = c(umx_paste_names(varNames, "_T"), "M_T1", "M_T2")
		tmp = rbind(mzData, dzData)
		levelLabels = paste0("quantile", 1:(nThresh+1))
		for (i in 1:length(varNames)) {
			t1 = paste0(varNames[i], sep = "_T1")
			t2 = paste0(varNames[i], sep = "_T2")
			cutPoints = quantile(rbind(tmp[, t1], tmp[, t2]), probs = c((1:nThresh) / (nThresh + 1)), na.rm = TRUE)
			mzData[,t1] = cut(mzData[,t1], breaks = c(-Inf, cutPoints, Inf), labels = levelLabels) 
			mzData[,t2] = cut(mzData[,t2], breaks = c(-Inf, cutPoints, Inf), labels = levelLabels) 
			dzData[,t1] = cut(dzData[,t1], breaks = c(-Inf, cutPoints, Inf), labels = levelLabels) 
			dzData[,t2] = cut(dzData[,t2], breaks = c(-Inf, cutPoints, Inf), labels = levelLabels) 
			# Make the ordinal variables into mxFactors (ensure ordered is TRUE, and require levels)
			ordinalVars = umx_paste_names(varNames, "_T")
			mzData[, ordinalVars] = umxFactor(mzData[, ordinalVars])
			dzData[, ordinalVars] = umxFactor(dzData[, ordinalVars])
	# ============================================
	# = Package it all up and scale if requested =
	# ============================================
	mzData$zygosity = "MZ"
	dzData$zygosity = "DZ"
	twinData = rbind(mzData, dzData)
	twinData$zygosity = factor(twinData$zygosity, levels = c("MZ", "DZ"), labels = c("MZ", "DZ"))
		twinData = umx_scale_wide_twin_data(varNames, sep = "_T", data = twinData)
	# return(list(mzData = mzData, dzData = dzData))

#' Simulate Mendelian Randomization data
#' umx_make_MR_data returns a dataset containing 4 variables: A variable of interest (Y), a putative cause (X),
#' a qtl (quantitative trait locus) influencing X, and a confounding variable (U) affecting both X and Y.
#' The code to make these Data. Modified from Dave Evans 2016 Boulder workshop talk.
#' @param nSubjects Number of subjects in sample
#' @param Vqtl Variance of QTL affecting causal variable X (Default 0.02) 
#' @param pQTL Decreaser allele frequency (Default 0.5)
#' @param bXY  Causal effect of X on Y (Default 0.1)
#' @param bUX  Confounding effect of confounder 'U' on X (Default 0.5) 
#' @param bUY  Confounding effect of confounder 'U' on Y (Default 0.5) 
#' @param seed value for the random number generator (Default 123)
#' @return - data.frame
#' @export
#' @family Data Functions
#' @seealso umx_make_TwinData
#' @examples
#' df = umx_make_MR_data(10000)
#' str(df)
#' \dontrun{
#' m1 = umxTwoStage(Y ~ X, ~qtl, data = df)
#' plot(m1)
#' }
umx_make_MR_data <- function(nSubjects = 1000, Vqtl = .02, bXY = 0.1, bUX = 0.5, bUY = 0.5, pQTL = 0.5, seed = 123) {	
	# nSubjects  = 50,000 # Individuals
	# bXY  = 0.1      # Causal effect of X on Y
	# bUX  = 0.5      # Confounding effect of U on X
	# bUY  = 0.5      # Confounding effect of U on Y
	# pQTL = 0.5      # Decreaser allele frequency
	b_qtl_x  = sqrt(Vqtl) # Path coefficient between SNP and X
	q = 1 - pQTL # Increaser allele frequency
	a = sqrt(1/(2 * pQTL * q)) # Genotypic value for genetic variable of variance 1.0
	# Residual variance in variable X (so variance adds up to one)
	Vex  = (1- Vqtl - bUX^2)
	sdex = sqrt(Vex) # Residual standard error in variable X
	# Residual variance for Y variable (so var sums to 1)
	Vey = 1 - (bXY^2 + 2*bXY*bUX*bUY + bUY^2) 
	sdey = sqrt(Vey) # Residual standard error in variable Y
	# Simulate individual genotypic and phenotypic values
	qtl = sample(c(-a, 0, a), nSubjects, replace = TRUE, prob = c(pQTL^2, 2 * pQTL * q, q^2)) 
	U   = rnorm(nSubjects, 0, 1) #Confounding variables
	X   = b_qtl_x * qtl + bUX * U + rnorm(nSubjects, 0, sdex) # X variable
	Y   = bXY * X + bUY * U + rnorm(nSubjects, 0, sdey) # Y variable
	# Recode SNP qtl using traditional 0, 1, 2 coding
	qtl = replace(qtl, qtl ==  a, 2)
	qtl = replace(qtl, qtl ==  0, 1)
	qtl = replace(qtl, qtl == -a, 0)
	MR_data = data.frame(X = X, Y = Y, U = U, qtl = qtl)
	# save(MR_data, file = "~/bin/umx/data/MR_data.rda")

#' umx_make_fake_data
#' This function takes as argument an existing dataset, which 
#' must be either a matrix or a data frame. Each column of the 
#' dataset must consist either of numeric variables or ordered 
#' factors. When one or more ordered factors are included, 
#' then a heterogeneous correlation matrix is computed using 
#' John Fox's polycor package. Pairwise complete observations 
#' are used for all covariances, and the exact pattern of 
#' missing data present in the input is placed in the output,
#' provided a new sample size is not requested. Warnings from
#' the polycor::hetcor function are suppressed.
#' @param dataset The original dataset of which to make a simulacrum
#' @param digits = Round the data to the requested digits (default = 2)
#' @param n Number of rows to generate (NA = all rows in dataset)
#' @param use.names Whether to name the variables (default = TRUE)
#' @param use.levels = Whether to use existing levels (default = TRUE)
#' @param use.miss Whether to have data missing as in original (defaults to TRUE)
#' @param mvt.method = Passed to hetcor (default = "eigen")
#' @param het.ML = Passed to hetcor (default = FALSE)
#' @param het.suppress Passed to hetcor (default = TRUE)
#' @return - new dataframe
#' @family Data Functions
#' @seealso [OpenMx::mxGenerateData()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fakeCars = umx_make_fake_data(mtcars)
umx_make_fake_data <- function(dataset, digits = 2, n = NA, use.names = TRUE, use.levels = TRUE, use.miss = TRUE, mvt.method = "eigen", het.ML = FALSE, het.suppress = TRUE){
  # requires mvtnorm & polycor
  # requires data frame or matrix
    warning("Data must be a data frame or matrix")
  # organization
  row = dim(dataset)[1] # number of rows
  if(is.na(n))(n = row) # sets unspecified sample size to num rows
  col = dim(dataset)[2] # number of columns
  del = is.na(dataset)  # records position of NAs in dataset
  if(n != row){
    select = round(runif(n, 0.5, row+.49),0)
    del    = del[select,]
  num = rep(NA, col)    # see what's not a factor
  ord = rep(NA, col)    # see what's an ordered factor

  # which columns are numeric (the others are factors)?
  for (i in 1:col){
    num[i] = is.numeric(dataset[,i])
    ord[i] = is.ordered(dataset[,i])

  # check for unordered factors
  location = !(num|ord)
  unorder  = sum(location)

    paste("Unordered factor detected in variable(s):", 

  # if everything is numeric, don't invoke polycor
  if(sum(!num) == 0){
    # generate data with rmvnorm
	# depends on mvtnorm::rmvnorm
    fake = mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, apply(dataset, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE), cov(dataset, use = "pairwise.complete.obs"), mvt.method)

    # round the data to the requested digits
    fake <- round(fake, digits)

    # insert the missing data, if so requested
    if(use.miss == TRUE)(fake[del] <- NA)

    # give the variables names, if so requested
    if(use.names == TRUE)(names(fake) <- names(dataset))

    # return the new data

  # if there are factors, we start here

  # find the variable means (constrain to zero for factors)
  mixedMeans <- rep(0, col)
  mixedMeans[num] <- apply(dataset[, num], 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)

  # estimate a heterogeneous correlation matrix
  if (het.suppress == TRUE){
	  suppressWarnings(het <- polycor::hetcor(dataset, ML = het.ML))
  } else {
	  het <- polycor::hetcor(dataset, ML = het.ML)	
  mixedCov <- het$correlations

  # make a diagonal matrix of standard deviations to turn the 
  # correlation matrix into a covariance matrix
  stand <- matrix(0, col, col)
  diag(stand) <- rep(1, col)
  diag(stand)[num] <- apply(dataset[,num], 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
  # pre and post multiply hetero cor matrix by diagonal sd matrix
  mixedCov <- stand %*% mixedCov %*% stand

  # generate the data
  fake <- as.data.frame(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(row, mixedMeans, mixedCov, mvt.method))

  # insert the missing data, if so requested
  if(use.miss == TRUE)(fake[del] <- NA)

  # turn the required continuous variables into factors
  for (i in (1:col)[!num]){
    # the original data for this column
    old <- dataset[,i]
    # the new data for this column, omiting NAs
    new <- fake[!is.na(fake[,i]),i]

    # what are the levels of the original factor?
    lev <- levels(old)

    # establish cutpoints in new variable from cdf of old factor
    cut <- cumsum(table(old))/(sum(!is.na(old)))

    # put continuous variable into a matrix, repeating value across columns
    wide <- matrix(new, length(new), length(lev))

    # put the cutpoints in a matrix, repeating the cut point values across rows
    crit <- matrix(quantile(new, cut), length(new), length(lev), byrow=TRUE)

    # for each value (row of the wide matrix), 
    # how many cutpoints is the value greater than?
    # number of cutpoints surpassed=category
    fake[!is.na(fake[,i]),i] <- apply(wide>crit, 1, sum)

    # make it a factor
    fake[,i] <- factor(fake[,i], ordered=TRUE)

    # give the new factor the same levels as the old variable
      paste("Fewer categories in simulated variable", 
      names(fake)[i], "than in input variable", names(dataset)[i]))
      levels(fake[,i]) <- lev} else (levels(fake[,i]) <- 1:length(lev))

  # Round the data to the requested digits
  fake[,num] <- round(fake[,num], digits)

  # Give the variables names, if so requested
  if(use.names==TRUE)(names(fake) <- names(dataset))
  # Return the new data

#' Turn a cov matrix into raw data
#' A wrapper for [MASS::mvrnorm()] to simplify turning a covariance matrix into matching raw data.
#' @param covMat A covariance matrix
#' @param n How many rows of data to return
#' @param means the means of the raw data (default = 0)
#' @param varNames default uses "var1", "var2"
#' @param empirical (passed to mvrnorm) Default = FALSE
#' @return - data.frame
#' @export
#' @seealso - [cov2cor()], [MASS::mvrnorm()]
#' @family Data Functions
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' covData <- matrix(nrow=6, ncol=6, byrow=TRUE, dimnames=list(paste0("v", 1:6), paste0("v", 1:6)),
#'   data = c(0.9223099, 0.1862938, 0.4374359, 0.8959973, 0.9928430, 0.5320662,
#'            0.1862938, 0.2889364, 0.3927790, 0.3321639, 0.3371594, 0.4476898,
#'            0.4374359, 0.3927790, 1.0069552, 0.6918755, 0.7482155, 0.9013952,
#'            0.8959973, 0.3321639, 0.6918755, 1.8059956, 1.6142005, 0.8040448,
#'            0.9928430, 0.3371594, 0.7482155, 1.6142005, 1.9223567, 0.8777786,
#'            0.5320662, 0.4476898, 0.9013952, 0.8040448, 0.8777786, 1.3997558)
#' )
#' myData = umx_make_raw_from_cov(covData, n = 100, means = 1:6)
#' umxAPA(myData)
#' covMat = matrix(c(1, .3, .3, 1), nrow=2)
#' tmp= umx_make_raw_from_cov(covMat, n=10, varNames= c("x", "y"))
#' cov(tmp)
#' tmp= umx_make_raw_from_cov(covMat, n=10, varNames= c("x", "y"), empirical= TRUE)
#' cov(tmp)
#' tmp= umx_make_raw_from_cov(qm(1, .3| .3, 1), n=10, varNames= c("x", "y"))
#' cov(tmp)
umx_make_raw_from_cov <- function(covMat, n, means = 0, varNames = NULL, empirical = FALSE) {
	# depends on MASS::mvrnorm
			varNames = letters[1:dim(covMat)[1]]
			varNames = dimnames(covMat)[[1]]
	} else if(length(varNames) != dim(covMat)[2]){
		stop("varNames length doesn't match cov data dimensions\nYou gave me",  length(varNames), "but I need ", dim(covMat)[2])
	if(!umx_is_cov(covMat, boolean = TRUE)){
		stop("covMat must be a covariance matrix")
	if(length(means) == 1){
		means = rep(means, dim(covMat)[2])
	} else {
		if(length(means) != dim(covMat)[2]){
			stop("means must have length 1 or the number of columns in the matrix. You gave me ", dim(covMat)[2], 
			 " columns of cov matrix, but ", length(means), " means.")
	out = MASS::mvrnorm (n = n, mu = means, Sigma = covMat, empirical = empirical);
	out = data.frame(out);  names(out) <- varNames;

#' xmu_CI_merge
#' if you compute some CIs in one model and some in another (copy of the same model, perhaps to get some parallelism),
#' this is a simple helper to kludge them together.
#' @param m1 first copy of the model
#' @param m2 second copy of the model
#' @return - [mxModel()]
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @export
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' xmu_CI_merge(m1, m2)
#' }
xmu_CI_merge <- function(m1, m2) {
	# TODO xmu_CI_merge has 5 things todo :-(
	# 1. remove duplicates...
	# 2. (check they are the same as well!)
	# 3. Support arbitrarily long list of input models with ...
	# 4. check the models are the same, with same fit
	# 5. check the models have CIs
	# kluge together
	a  = m1$output$confidenceIntervals
	b  = m2$output$confidenceIntervals
	a_names = attr(a, "dimnames")[[1]]
	b_names = attr(b, "dimnames")[[1]]
	all_names = c(a_names, b_names)
	all_CIs = rbind(a,b)
		message("Some CIs appear to be duplicates...")
		message("I dropped these from the list:")
		cat(all_CIs[duplicated(all_names), ])

	m1$output$confidenceIntervals = all_CIs
	# return(all_CIs)

# =============
# = Read data =
# =============

#' Read in files from pseudocons.
#' @description
#' Read in PRS scored files from [pseudocons](https://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/richard.howey/pseudocons/example.html).
#' 1. Read the file
#' 2. Break it into pseudo and real rows
#' 3. Clean-up by deleting the pseudo suffix
#' 4. Rename NT vars with a suffix
#' 5. Merge files on ID and return
#' |   | ID               | FID   | BMIS1  | BMIS2 | BMIS3 | BMIS4 | ... |
#' |:--|:-----------------|------:|-------:|------:|------:|------:|:----|
#' | 1 | 1234501          | 12345 | -0.032 | -0.77 | -0.40 | -3.87 | ... |
#' | 2 | 1234501-pseudo-1 | 12345 |  0.117 | -0.66 | -0.33 | -4.08 | ... |
#' @param fn The filename
#' @param bp The path to the folder containing the file
#' @param suffix to add to the NT columns (Default = "_NT")
#' @param chosenp The suffix (pvalue) we desire to use (Default = "S5")
#' @return - dataframe of real and pseudo PRS columns
#' @export
#' @family File Functions
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' basepath = "~/Dropbox/2016 (1). project EA/2018/EA3/"
#' tmp = umx_file_load_pseudo("PRS_EA3_R9_autosomes_HRC1.1_pseudo.txt", bp = bp)
#' str(tmp)
#' head(tmp[, c("BMIS4", "BMIS4_NT")]
#' }
umx_file_load_pseudo <- function(fn, bp, suffix = "_NT", chosenp = "S5") {	
	# 1.  Read the file
	ps = read.table(paste0(bp, fn), header = TRUE, sep = "", as.is = c(TRUE))

	# 2.  Put the pseudo and real lines into separate frames
	pseudo = ps[ps$ID %in% namez(ps$ID, "pseudo"), ]
	real   = ps[ps$ID %in% namez(ps$ID, "pseudo", invert= TRUE),]

	# 3. Clean up ID column in pseudo frame (remove "-pseudo-1" suffix)
	pseudo$ID = namez(pseudo$ID, "-pseudo-1", replacement = "") # remove "-pseudo-1" from ID column

	# 4. Merge by ID column to put each subjects real and pseudo ("_NT") scores in one frame.
	tmp = merge(real, pseudo, by.x = c("ID"), by.y = c("ID"), all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE, suffixes = c("", suffix))
	# rename the chosen column to remove the p-value suffix
	# tmp = umx_rename(data=tmp, regex=paste0("^.*", chosenp, suffix, "$"), replace=)
	# tmp = umx_rename(data=tmp, regex=paste0("^.*", chosenp, suffix, "$"), replace=)
	# "EA3S5"

#' Read and optionally merge demographics file from prolific academic
#' prolific academic provides a demographics file. This reads it and merges with your data
#' using PID and participant_id
#' @param file Path to demographics file.
#' @param base Optional path to folder, in which case 'file' is just filename.
#' @param df Existing datafile to merge demographics into (optional)
#' @param by.df The ID name in existing df (default = "PROLIFIC_PID")
#' @param by.demog The ID name in the prolific demographics file (default = "Participant id" was `by.demog`)
#' @param age Name of age var in demographics file ("age")
#' @param sex Name of sex var in demographics file ("Sex")
#' @param vars Additional vars to keep from demographics file (WAS age & Sex)
#' @param all.df Whether to keep all lines of df (default = TRUE)
#' @param all.demog Whether to keep all lines (people) in the demographics file (default = FALSE)
#' @param verbose Print variable names found in the file.
#' @return - [[data.frame]]
#' @seealso - [prolific_check_ID()], [prolific_anonymize()], [umx_merge_randomized_columns()]
#' @export
#' @family Data Functions
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>, <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fp = "~/Desktop/prolific_export_5f20c3e662e3b6407dcd37a5.csv"
#' df = prolific_read_demog(fp, sex = "Gender", age = "Age", df = df)
#' tmp = prolific_read_demog(fp, by.df = "PROLIFIC_PID", vars=c("Ethnicity.simplified"))
#' }
prolific_read_demog <- function(file, base = "", df = NULL, by.df = "PROLIFIC_PID", by.demog = "Participant.id", age = "age", sex = "Gender", vars= NULL, all.df = TRUE, all.demog = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
	if(base != "") file = paste0(base, file)
	newdf = read.csv(file, header= TRUE, sep = ',', quote = "\"", dec = ".", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = c("NA", "DATA_EXPIRED"))
	if(verbose) print(namez(newdf))
	allNames = umx_check_names(namesNeeded = c(vars,age, sex), data = newdf, message="Checking demographics col names", die=FALSE)
		print(paste0("Asked for: ", omxQuotes(c(vars,age, sex))))
		stop("At least one name missing")

	# Replace "CONSENT_REVOKED" with NA
	# TODO check each var name?
	tmp = newdf[, allNames]
	bad = tmp == "CONSENT_REVOKED"
	tmp[bad] = NA
	newdf[, allNames] = tmp
	# repair age if needed
	newdf[, age] = as.numeric(newdf[, age])
		umx_check_names(namesNeeded = by.df, data = df)
		umx_check_names(namesNeeded = by.demog, data = newdf)
		newdf = merge(df, newdf[, c(by.demog, age, sex, vars)], by.x = by.df, by.y = by.demog, all.x = all.df, all.y = all.demog, suffixes = c("", ".y"))
		newdf = newdf[, c(by.demog, age, sex, vars)]

	if(age %in% namez(df)){
		age = paste0(age, ".y")
	if(sex %in% namez(df)){
		sex = paste0(sex, ".y")

	# May as well print out a nice subjects section...
	# "Man (including Trans Male/Trans Man)"

	jnk = umx_aggregate(eval(parse(text= paste0(age, "~", sex))), data = newdf)

	fStr = namez(xmu_read.markdown(jnk)[1,1], pattern = ".*Female \\(n = ([0-9]+)\\)", replacement = "\\1") # "Female (n = 351)"
	mStr = namez(xmu_read.markdown(jnk)[2,1], pattern =   ".*Male \\(n = ([0-9]+)\\)", replacement = "\\1") # "Male (n = 351)"

	tmp = newdf; tmp$one = 1
	jnk = umx_aggregate(eval(parse(text= paste0(age, " ~ one"))), data = tmp)
	Nstr = namez(xmu_read.markdown(jnk)[1,1], pattern = "1 \\(n = ([0-9]+)\\)", replacement = "\\1") # "1 (n = 703)"
	ageStr = xmu_read.markdown(jnk)[1,2] # "48.32 (12.92)"
	message(paste0("Subjects were ", Nstr, " prolific volunteers (", mStr," male, ", fStr, " female; mean age ", ageStr , " years)"))
	# "Subjects were n prolific volunteers ( m  male f female, mean age  yrs years)"

xmu_read.markdown <- function(file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE, ...){
    if (length(file) > 1) {
        lines <- file
    } else if (grepl('\n', file)) {
        con <- textConnection(file)
        lines <- readLines(con)
    } else {
        lines <- readLines(file)
    lines <- lines[!grepl('^[[:blank:]+-=:_|]*$', lines)]
    lines <- gsub('(^\\s*?\\|)|(\\|\\s*?$)', '', lines)
    read.delim(text = paste(lines, collapse = '\n'), sep = '|', stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, strip.white = strip.white, ...)

#' Clean up a prolific file for sharing by removing anonymity-compromising columns.
#' prolific.ac IDs and other columns like IP and lat/long might compromise 
#' subject anonymity when shared.
#' `prolific_anonymize` replaces PIDs with a simple numeric sequence, preserving
#' repeated measures in long data, and removing other columns.
#' You can delete additional  columns by adding them to `extraColumns`. It is ideal for use 
#' when sharing data to \url{https://researchbox.org} which enforces anonymization.
#' @param df Existing datafile to anonymize.
#' @param PID The prolific ID col name to anonymize
#' @param extraColumns Any  extra columns to delete (default NA)
#' @param baseOffset The numeric to start renumbering PIDs from (default = 1e4)
#' @return - [[data.frame]]
#' @seealso - [prolific_check_ID()], [prolific_read_demog()], [umx_merge_randomized_columns()] 
#' @export
#' @family Data Functions
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>, <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tmp = prolific_anonymize(df, PID = "PID")
#' }
prolific_anonymize <- function(df = NULL, PID = "PID", extraColumns = NA, baseOffset = 1e4){
	revealingColumns = c("StartDate", "EndDate", "Status", "IPAddress", "Progress", "Duration..in.seconds.", "Finished", "RecordedDate", "ResponseId", "RecipientLastName", "RecipientFirstName", "RecipientEmail", "ExternalReference", "LocationLatitude", "LocationLongitude", "DistributionChannel", "UserLanguage", "QID1210817776", "PROLIFIC_PID", "PID")
	# cleanup revealingColumns
	if(PID %in% revealingColumns){
		revealingColumns = revealingColumns[!revealingColumns==PID]

	isPIDInNames    = umx_check_names(PID, df, die = FALSE)
	areExtrasFound = umx_check_names(extraColumns, df, die = TRUE)
		# Anonymise the PID column
		oldValues = df[,PID]
		if(anyDuplicated(df[, PID])){
			message("Some IDs were duplicates. That pattern will be preserved")
			uniqueIDs = unique(oldValues)
			newIDs    = c((baseOffset+1):(baseOffset + length(uniqueIDs)) )
			lookuptbl = setNames(newIDs, uniqueIDs)
			df[,PID]  = lookuptbl[as.character(oldValues)]
		} else {
			message("No duplicates")
			df[,PID] = c((baseOffset+1): (baseOffset + length(oldValues) ) )
	} else {
		# PID was not found, assume this df has no ID column so invent one. But this is super unusal do tell the user!
		df[,PID] = c((baseOffset+1): (baseOffset + dim(df)[1]) )
		message("Polite note: I did not find a PID column. So I created one called ", PID, " and stored anonymous sequential number IDs there")
	# clean up	
	df = df[, names(df)[!names(df) %in% c(revealingColumns, extraColumns)]]
	message("OK, what's left now is:")

#' Return PIDs in df
#' Participants may time-out on Prolific, but still complete on Qualtrics. This identifies them.
#' @param IDs Timed-out (or other) IDs to look for.
#' @param df to search.
#' @param IDcol Name of prolific ID column (default PROLIFIC_PID)
#' @return - list of IDs in the dataframe
#' @export
#' @seealso - [prolific_read_demog()], [prolific_anonymize()], [umx_merge_randomized_columns()] # [prolific_check_ID()]
#' @family Data Functions
#' @examples
#' # IDs = c("59d0ec2446447f00011edb063","5a08c9a7f2e3460001edb063f0254")
#' # prolific_check_ID(IDs, df)
prolific_check_ID <- function(IDs, df, IDcol = "PROLIFIC_PID") {
	IDs[which(IDs %in% df[, IDcol, drop = TRUE])]

#' Read lower-triangle of data matrix from console or file
#' umx_read_lower will read a lower triangle of data, either from the 
#' console, or from file, and return a full matrix, optionally coerced to
#' positive definite. This is useful, especially when copying data from a paper
#' that includes just the lower triangle of a correlation matrix.
#' @param file Path to file (Default "" will read from user input)
#' @param diag Whether data include diagonal (Default TRUE)
#' @param names Variable names. (Default as.character(paste0("X", 1:n)) )
#' @param ensurePD Whether to coerce the resultant matrix to positive definite (Default FALSE)
#' @return - [matrix()]
#' @export
#' @family Data Functions
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>, <https://tbates.github.io>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(umx) # for umxRAM
#' IQtests = c("brainstorm", "matrix", "moral", "shopping", "typing")
#' allCols = c("C", IQtests, "avgIQ", "maxIQ", "video")
#' df = umx_read_lower(diag = FALSE, names = allCols)
#' 0.38
#' 0.86	0.30
#' 0.42	0.12	0.27
#' 0.66	0.21	0.38	0.18
#' 0.80	0.13	0.50	0.25	0.43
#' 0.19	0.11	0.19	0.12	-0.06	0.22
#' 0.27	0.09	0.33	0.05	-0.04	0.28	.73
#' 0.52	0.17	0.38	0.37	0.39	0.44	0.18	0.13
#' dimnames(df) = list(allCols, allCols) # manually add
#' df = umx_read_lower(file = "", diag = FALSE, names = allCols, ensurePD= TRUE)
#' 0.38
#' 0.86	0.30
#' 0.42	0.12	0.27
#' 0.66	0.21	0.38	0.18
#' 0.80	0.13	0.50	0.25	0.43
#' 0.19	0.11	0.19	0.12	-0.06	0.22
#' 0.27	0.09	0.33	0.05	-0.04	0.28	.73
#' 0.52	0.17	0.38	0.37	0.39	0.44	0.18	0.13
#' round(df, 2) 
#' m1 = umxRAM("wooley", data = mxData(df, type="cov", numObs = 90),
#' 	umxPath("g", to = IQtests),
#' 	umxPath(var = "g", fixedAt= 1),
#' 	umxPath(var = IQtests)
#' )
#' summary(m1)
#' }
umx_read_lower <- function(file= "", diag= TRUE, names= NULL, ensurePD= FALSE){
	# modified from John Fox's sem package, to remove dependency on X11
	# depends on Matrix::nearPD
    elements = scan(file=file)
    m = length(elements)
    d = if (diag) 1 else -1
    n = floor((sqrt(1 + 8*m) - d)/2)
		names = paste0("X", 1:n)
	}else if(length(names) != n){
		message("names ignored as you provided ", length(names), " but the data are n = ", n, " wide.")
		names = paste0("X", 1:n)
    if (m != n*(n + d)/2){
        stop("wrong number of elements (cannot make square matrix)")
    X = diag(n)
    X[upper.tri(X, diag=diag)] = elements
    rownames(X) = colnames(X) = names
	X = t(X)
	otherTri = t(X)
	X[upper.tri(X, diag=F)] = otherTri[upper.tri(otherTri, diag=F)]
		# move to positive definite if not already there
			# already positive definite
		} else {
			message("matrix modified to be to positive definite")
			X = as.matrix(Matrix::nearPD(X)$mat)
#' Make pairs of  bin & continuous columns to represent censored data
#' Takes a dataframe of left-censored variables (vars with a floor effect) and does two things to it:
#' 1. It creates new binary (1/0) copies of each column (with the suffix "bin"). These contain 0 where
#'    the variable is below the minimum and NA otherwise.
#' 2. In each existing variable, it sets all instances of min for that var to NA
#' @param data A [data.frame()] to convert
#' @param vars The variables to process
#' @param suffixes Suffixes if the data are family (wide, more than one persona on a row)
#' @return - copy of the dataframe with new binary variables and censoring
#' @export
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @examples
#' df = xmu_make_bin_cont_pair_data(mtcars, vars = c("mpg"))
#' str(df)
#' df[order(df$mpg), c(1,12)]
#' # Introduce a floor effect
#' tmp = mtcars; tmp$mpg[tmp$mpg<=15]=15
#' tmp$mpg_T1 = tmp$mpg_T2 = tmp$mpg
#' df = xmu_make_bin_cont_pair_data(tmp, vars = c("mpg"), suffixes = c("_T1", "_T2"))
#' df[order(df$mpg), 12:15]
xmu_make_bin_cont_pair_data <- function(data, vars = NULL, suffixes=NULL){
		umx_check(length(suffixes) < 3, "stop", "suffixes must have length == 2")
		longVars = umx_paste_names(vars, suffixes = suffixes)
		longVars = vars
	umx_check_names(longVars, data = data, die = TRUE)
		# Get minimum scores from a long version of the vars
		for (i in 1:length(suffixes)) {
			vars_Ti = umx_paste_names(vars, suffixes = suffixes[i])
			if(i == 1){
				tmp = data[, vars_Ti, drop = FALSE]
				names(tmp) = vars
			} else {
				tmp2 = data[, vars_Ti, drop = FALSE]
				names(tmp2) = vars
				tmp = rbind(tmp, tmp2)
		listOfMins = umx_apply(min, tmp, by = "columns", na.rm = TRUE)
	} else {
		listOfMins = umx_apply(min, data[, vars, drop = FALSE], by = "columns", na.rm = TRUE)
	# blank suffix to make this work when there is none
	if(is.null(suffixes)){ suffixes = ""}
	var_i = 1
	for (var in vars) {
		for (thisSuffix in suffixes) {
			thisVarName = paste0(var, thisSuffix)
			thisBinName = paste0(var, "bin", thisSuffix)
			data[,thisBinName] = (data[, thisVarName] <= listOfMins[var_i])
			data[,thisBinName] = mxFactor(data[, thisBinName], c(TRUE, FALSE), c("low", "high"))

			# Set NA if FALSE
			lowScores = data[,thisBinName] == "low"
			lowScoreRows = which(lowScores)
			data[lowScoreRows, thisVarName] = NA
			nonLowScoreRows = which(!lowScores)
			data[nonLowScoreRows, thisBinName] = NA
		var_i = var_i + 1

#' Create a matrix of correlations for variables of diverse types (binary, ordinal, continuous)
#' `umxHetCor` is a helper to:
#' 1. return just the correlations from John Fox's polycor::hetcor function
#' 2. If you give it a covariance matrix, return the nearest positive-definite correlation matrix.
#' @param data A [data.frame()] of columns for which to compute heterochoric correlations. OR an existing covariance matrix.
#' @param ML Whether to use Maximum likelihood computation of correlations (default = FALSE)
#' @param use How to handle missing data: Default= "pairwise.complete.obs". Alternative ="complete.obs".
#' @param treatAllAsFactor Whether to treat all columns as factors, whether they are or not (Default = FALSE)
#' @param verbose How much to tell the user about what was done.
#' @param return Return just the correlations (default) or the hetcor object (contains, method, SEs etc.)
#' @param std.err Compute the SEs? (default = FALSE)
#' @return - A matrix of correlations
#' @family Data Functions
#' @family Miscellaneous Stats Functions
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' umxHetCor(mtcars[,c("mpg", "am")])
#' umxHetCor(mtcars[,c("mpg", "am")], treatAllAsFactor = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
umxHetCor <- function(data, ML = FALSE, use = c("pairwise.complete.obs", "complete.obs"), treatAllAsFactor = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, return= c("correlations", "hetcor object"), std.err = FALSE){
	# Depends on polycor::hetcor
	return = match.arg(return)
	use = match.arg(use)
		n = ncol(data)
		for (i in 1:n) {
			data[,i] = factor(data[,i])
	if(is.null(dim(data)) || dim(data)[2]==1){
			return(var(as.numeric(data), na.rm = TRUE))
		} else {
			return(var(as.numeric(data[,1]), na.rm = TRUE))
	} else {
		hetc = hetcor(data, ML = ML, use = use, std.err = std.err)
		if(return == "correlations"){
		} else {

#' Convert lower-only matrix data to full (or enforce symmetry on a full matrix)
#' Takes a vector of the lower-triangle of cells in a matrix as you might read-in
#' from a journal article), OR a matrix (for instance from a "lower" [mxMatrix()], 
#' and returns a full matrix, copying the lower triangle into the upper.
#' *note*: Can also take lower data presented in the form of a data.frame. Note also, if 
#' presented with a full matrix, the function will return a matrix with  symmetry enforced. Can be
#' handy when you have a "nearly-symmetrical" matrix (with differences in the tenth decimal place).
#' @param lower.data An [mxMatrix()]
#' @param diag A boolean specifying whether the lower.data includes the diagonal
#' @param byrow Whether the matrix is to be filled by row or by column (default = TRUE)
#' @param dimnames Optional dimnames for the matrix (defaults to NULL)
#' @return - [mxMatrix()]
#' @family Data Functions
#' @export
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @examples
#' # 1. Test with a vector in byrow = TRUE order) 
#' tmp = c(
#' 	1.0000, 
#' 	0.6247, 1.0000,
#' 	0.3269, 0.3669, 1.0000,
#' 	0.4216, 0.3275, 0.6404, 1.0000,
#' 	0.2137, 0.2742, 0.1124, 0.0839, 1.0000,
#' 	0.4105, 0.4043, 0.2903, 0.2598, 0.1839, 1.0000,
#' 	0.3240, 0.4047, 0.3054, 0.2786, 0.0489, 0.2220, 1.0000,
#' 	0.2930, 0.2407, 0.4105, 0.3607, 0.0186, 0.1861, 0.2707,  1.0000,
#' 	0.2995, 0.2863, 0.5191, 0.5007, 0.0782, 0.3355, 0.2302,  0.2950, 1.0000,
#' 	0.0760, 0.0702, 0.2784, 0.1988, 0.1147, 0.1021, 0.0931, -0.0438, 0.2087, 1.000
#' )
#' x = umx_lower2full(tmp, diag = TRUE)
#' # check
#' isSymmetric(x)
#' # 2. Test with matrix input
#' tmpn = c("ROccAsp", "REdAsp", "FOccAsp", "FEdAsp", "RParAsp", 
#'          "RIQ", "RSES", "FSES", "FIQ", "FParAsp")
#' tmp = matrix(nrow = 10, ncol = 10, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(tmpn,tmpn), data = 
#' 	c(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,  0.0000, 0.0000, 0,
#' 	0.6247, 1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,  0.0000, 0.0000, 0,
#' 	0.3269, 0.3669, 1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,  0.0000, 0.0000, 0,
#' 	0.4216, 0.3275, 0.6404, 1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,  0.0000, 0.0000, 0,
#' 	0.2137, 0.2742, 0.1124, 0.0839, 1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,  0.0000, 0.0000, 0,
#' 	0.4105, 0.4043, 0.2903, 0.2598, 0.1839, 1.0000, 0.0000,  0.0000, 0.0000, 0,
#' 	0.3240, 0.4047, 0.3054, 0.2786, 0.0489, 0.2220, 1.0000,  0.0000, 0.0000, 0,
#' 	0.2930, 0.2407, 0.4105, 0.3607, 0.0186, 0.1861, 0.2707,  1.0000, 0.0000, 0,
#' 	0.2995, 0.2863, 0.5191, 0.5007, 0.0782, 0.3355, 0.2302,  0.2950, 1.0000, 0,
#' 	0.0760, 0.0702, 0.2784, 0.1988, 0.1147, 0.1021, 0.0931, -0.0438, 0.2087, 1)
#' )
#' x = umx_lower2full(tmp, diag= TRUE)
#' isSymmetric(x)
#' # 3. Test with lower-vector, no diagonal.
#' tmp = c(
#' 	0.6247,
#' 	0.3269, 0.3669,
#' 	0.4216, 0.3275, 0.6404,
#' 	0.2137, 0.2742, 0.1124, 0.0839,
#' 	0.4105, 0.4043, 0.2903, 0.2598, 0.1839,
#' 	0.3240, 0.4047, 0.3054, 0.2786, 0.0489, 0.2220,
#' 	0.2930, 0.2407, 0.4105, 0.3607, 0.0186, 0.1861, 0.2707, 
#' 	0.2995, 0.2863, 0.5191, 0.5007, 0.0782, 0.3355, 0.2302,  0.2950,
#' 	0.0760, 0.0702, 0.2784, 0.1988, 0.1147, 0.1021, 0.0931, -0.0438, 0.2087
#' )
#' umx_lower2full(tmp, diag = FALSE)
#' 	# An example with byrow = FALSE
#' 	ldiag = c(
#' 	1, -.17, -.22, -.19, -.12, .81, -.02, -.26, -.2, -.15,
#' 	1, .11, .2, .21, -.01, .7, .1, .7, .1, .17, .22,
#' 	1, .52, .68, -.12, .09, .49, .27, .46,
#' 	1, .5, -.06, .17, .26, .80, .31,
#' 	1, -.1, .19, .36, .23, .42,
#' 	1, .02, -19, -.06, -.06,
#' 	1, .1, .18, .27,
#' 	1, .51, .7,
#' 	1, .55, 
#' 	1)
#' umx_lower2full(tmp, byrow = FALSE, diag = TRUE)
umx_lower2full <- function(lower.data, diag = NULL, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = NULL) {
		stop("Please set diag explicitly to TRUE or FALSE")
	} else if( !diag %in% c(TRUE, FALSE) ){
		stop("diag must be one of TRUE or FALSE.")

		# Copy the transpose of the lower triangle to the
		# upper triangle
		mat = lower.data
		mat[upper.tri(mat)] <- t(mat)[upper.tri(mat)]
	} else {
		len = length(lower.data)
		if(diag) {
			# len * 2 = ((x+.5)^2)-.25
			size = len * 2
			size = size + .25
			size = sqrt(size)
			size = size - .5;
			# no diag
			# len = (x*((x+1)/2))-x	
			# .5*(x-1)*x
			size = len * 2
			# (x-.5)^2 - .25
			size= size + .25
			size = sqrt(size)
			size = size + .5;
		# mat = diag(10)
		mat = diag(size)
			# oddly enough, flow data into upper triangle, then transform to lower
			mat[upper.tri(mat, diag = diag)] <- lower.data
			tmat = t(mat)
			mat[lower.tri(mat, diag = FALSE)] <- tmat[lower.tri(tmat, diag = FALSE)]
			# bycolumn: flow data into columns of lower triangle, then transform to upper
			mat[lower.tri(mat, diag = diag)] <- lower.data
			tmat = t(mat)
			mat[upper.tri(mat, diag = FALSE)] <-tmat[upper.tri(tmat, diag = FALSE)]

		if(typeof(dimnames) == "list"){
			dimnames(mat) = dimnames
		} else {
			dimnames(mat) = list(dimnames, dimnames)

#' Where all data are missing for a twin, add default values for definition variables, allowing the row to be kept
#' Replaces NAs in definition slots with the mean for that variable ONLY where all data are missing for that twin.
#' @param df The dataframe to process
#' @param varNames list of names of the variables being analysed
#' @param defNames list of covariates
#' @param suffixes that map names on columns in df (i.e., c("T1", "T2"))
#' @param highDefValue What to replace missing definition variables (covariates) with. Default = 99
#' @param rm = how to handle missing values in the varNames. Default is "drop_missing_def", "pad_with_mean")
#' @return - dataframe
#' @export
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(twinData)
#' sum(is.na(twinData$ht1))
#' df = xmu_PadAndPruneForDefVars(twinData, varNames = "ht", defNames = "wt", c("1", "2"))
#' }
xmu_PadAndPruneForDefVars <- function(df, varNames, defNames, suffixes, highDefValue = 99, rm = c("drop_missing_def", "pad_with_mean")) {
	# df = twinData
	# varNames = varNames
	# defNames = covNames
	# suffixes = suffixes
	# highDefValue = -100000
	# rm = "pad_with_mean"

	numTwinsPerFamily = length(suffixes)
	message("Working with ", numTwinsPerFamily, " twins per family:", paste(suffixes, collapse = ", "))
	message("Checking varNames: ", paste(varNames, collapse = ", "))
	# get mean values for each definition Variable
	meanDefVarValues = colMeans(df[, paste0(defNames, suffixes[1]), drop=F], na.rm = TRUE)
	numRows = dim(df)[1]

	for (i in 1:numTwinsPerFamily) {
		# i = 1
		# for twin i
		defVars = paste0(defNames, suffixes[i])
		defData = df[, defVars, drop = F]
		Vars    = paste0(varNames, suffixes[i])
		varData = df[, Vars, drop = F]
		allDataMissing = rep(FALSE, numRows)
		missingDefVars = rep(FALSE, numRows)
		for (n in 1:numRows) {
			# n = 1
			allDataMissing[n] = all(is.na(varData[n,]))
			defsMissing = is.na(defData[n,])
			missingDefVars[n] = any(defsMissing)
					df[n, defVars] = highDefValue
			} else {
					df[n, defVars[defsMissing]] = meanDefVarValues[defsMissing]
		message(numRows, " families found")
		message(sum(allDataMissing), " missing all DVs", " for twin ", i, " (", sum(!allDataMissing), " had at least one datapoint).")
		message("Of these, ", sum(allDataMissing & missingDefVars), " were NA for at least one definition variable and for these subjects, all definition vars were set to highDefValue (", highDefValue, ")")
		message(sum(!allDataMissing & missingDefVars), " were NA for at least one definition variable but had some measured data.\n")
		message(" for these subjects, definition vars were set to the mean for the dataset... not perfect but likely adequate response.")
		warning("I am not yet checking for ordinal vars etc.")

#' Get bracket-style addresses from an mxMatrix
#' Sometimes you want these :-) This also allows you to change the matrix name: useful for using mxMatrix addresses in an mxAlgebra.
#' @param mat an mxMatrix to get address labels from
#' @param free how to filter on free (default = NA: take all)
#' @param newName = NA
#' @return - a list of bracket style labels
#' @export
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(umx)
#' data(demoOneFactor)
#' manifests = names(demoOneFactor)
#' m1 = umxRAM("get_add_ex", data = demoOneFactor, type = "cov",
#' 	umxPath("G", to = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = "G", fixedAt = 1)
#' )#'
#' umx_get_bracket_addresses(m1$matrices$A, free= TRUE)
# "stdA[1,6]" "stdA[2,6]" "stdA[3,6]" "stdA[4,6]" "stdA[5,6]"
#' }
umx_get_bracket_addresses <- function(mat, free = NA, newName = NA) {
	# c("stdS[6,7]", "stdS[7,7]")
		matName = mat$name
	} else {
		matName = newName
	rows <- nrow(mat$free)
	cols <- ncol(mat$free)
	d1 <- expand.grid(matName, "[", 1:rows, ",", 1:cols, "]", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)	
	addys = c()
	for (i in 1:(rows*cols)) {
		addys = c(addys, paste(d1[i,], collapse = ""))
	addys = matrix(addys, rows,cols)
	if(is.na(free) ){
	} else if (free == TRUE){
		return(addys[mat$free == TRUE])
	} else if (free == FALSE){
		return(addys[mat$free == TRUE])
	} else {
		stop("free must be one of NA TRUE or FALSE")	

umx_accumulate <- function(FUN = nlevels, from = c("columns", "rows"), of_df = NULL) {
	# accumulate(nlevels, fromEach = "column", of_df = ordinalColumns)
	from = match.arg(from)
	out = c()
	if(from == "columns"){
		for(n in 1:ncol(of_df)){
			out[n] = nlevels(of_df[,n])
	} else {
		for(n in 1:nrow(of_df)){
			out[n] = nlevels(of_df[n,])

umx_str2Algebra <- function(algString, name = NA, dimnames = NA) {
	# stringToMxAlgebra(paste(rep("A", nReps), collapse = " %*% "), name="whatever")
	eval(substitute(mxAlgebra(tExp, name=name, dimnames=dimnames), list(tExp = parse(text=algString)[[1]])))
	# This is useful because it lets you use paste() and rep() to quickly and easily insert values from R variables into the string, then parse the string as an mxAlgebra argument.
	# Use case: include a matrix exponent (that is A %*% A %*% A %*% A...) with a variable exponent. With this function, the code goes:

#' qm
#' Quickmatrix function
#' @param ... the components of your matrix
#' @param rowMarker mark the end of each row
#' @return - matrix
#' @family Miscellaneous Utility Functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # simple example
#' qm(0, 1 |
#'    2, NA)
#' \dontrun{
#' # clever example
#' M1 = M2 = diag(2)
#' qm(M1,c(4,5) | c(1,2),M2 | t(1:3))
#' }
qm <- function(..., rowMarker = "|") {
	# Short hard to read version that allows some of the more advanced Matlab capabilities like Matrices as arguments:
	# turn ... into string
	# create "rbind(cbind(.),cbind(.),.)" construct
	sep = paste0("\\", rowMarker)
	args<-gsub(sep, "), cbind(", args)
	# eval
	eval(parse(text = args))

# easier to read variant that does not accept matrices as arguments...
# qm <- function(..., colsep = "|") {
# 	# Get the arguments as a list
# 	arg <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
# 	out <- strsplit(as.character(arg), split = colsep, fixed = TRUE)
# 	ns <- sapply(out, length)
# 	ncol <- if(any(ns > 1)){min(which(ns>1))}else{length(ns)}
# 	matrix(as.numeric(unlist(out)), ncol = ncol, byrow = TRUE)
# }

#  tic()
#  toc()
# tic <- function(gcFirst = TRUE, type=c("elapsed", "user.self", "sys.self")){
#    type <- match.arg(type)
#    assign(".type", type, envir=baseenv())
#    if(gcFirst) gc(FALSE)
#    tic <- proc.time()[type]         
#    assign(".tic", tic, envir=baseenv())
#    invisible(tic)
# }
# toc <- function(){
#    type <- get(".type", envir=baseenv())
#    toc <- proc.time()[type]
#    tic <- get(".tic", envir=baseenv())
#    print(toc - tic)
#    invisible(toc)
# }
# library(rbenchmark)
# # Example 1
# # Benchmarking the allocation of one 10^6-element numeric vector,
# # by default replicated 100 times
# benchmark(1:10^6)
# # simple test functions used in subsequent examples
# random.array <- function(rows, cols, dist=rnorm)
# array(dist(rows*cols), c(rows, cols))
# random.replicate <- function(rows, cols, dist=rnorm)
# replicate(cols, dist(rows))
# library("microbenchmark")
# library("ggplot2")
# tm <- microbenchmark(
# 	rchisq(100, 0),
# 	rchisq(100, 1),
# 	rchisq(100, 2),
# 	rchisq(100, 3),
# 	rchisq(100, 5), times=1000
# )
# boxplot(tm)
# autoplot(tm)
# summary(tm)
# tm <- microbenchmark(1:10^6); autoplot(tm)

# =============================
# = Standardization Functions =
# =============================

#' Return a standardized version of a Structural Model
#' umx_standardize takes umx models, including RAM and twin models, and returns a standardized version.
#' @description
#' Return the standardized version of a model (such as ACE, CP etc.)
#' Versions exist for RAM, ACE, ACEv, ACEcov, IP, CP and GxE models.
#' @param model The [mxModel()] whose fit will be reported.
#' @param ... Other parameters.
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @md
#' @export
umx_standardize <- function(model, ...){
	UseMethod("umx_standardize", model)

#' @export
umx_standardize.default <- function(model, ...){
	stop("umx_standardize is not defined for objects of class:", class(model))

#' Standardize a Structural Model (not for end users)
#' You probably want [umx_standardize()], not this.
#' `xmu_standardize_RAM` takes a RAM-style model, and returns standardized version.
#' @param model The [mxModel()] you wish to standardize
#' @param ... Other options
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @references - <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(umx)
#' data(demoOneFactor)
#' manifests = names(demoOneFactor)
#' m1 = umxRAM("std_ex", data = demoOneFactor, type = "cov",
#' 	umxPath("G", to = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = manifests),
#' 	umxPath(var = "G", fixedAt = 1.0)
#' )
#' m1 = xmu_standardize_RAM(m1)
#' m1 = umx_standardize(m1)
#' umxSummary(m1)
#' }
xmu_standardize_RAM <- function(model, ...) {
	umx_check(umx_is_RAM(model), action="stop", message="xmu_standardize_RAM needs a RAM model")

	# mxStandardizeRAMpaths(model=, SE=, cov=)
	# Get the names of the A, S and M matrices
	nameA = model$expectation$A
	nameS = model$expectation$S
	nameM = model$expectation$M

	# Get the A and S matrices, and make an identity matrix
	A = model[[nameA]]
	S = model[[nameS]]
	I = diag(nrow(S$values))
	# this can fail (non-invertible etc. so we wrap it in try-catch)
		# Calculate the expected covariance matrix
		IA = solve(I - A$values)
		expCov = IA %*% S$values %*% t(IA)
		# Return 1/SD to a diagonal matrix
		InvSD = 1/sqrt(diag(expCov))
		# Give the inverse SDs names, because mxSummary treats column names as characters
		names(InvSD) = as.character(1:length(InvSD))
		if (!is.null(dimnames(A$values))){names(InvSD) = as.vector(dimnames(S$values)[[2]])}
		# Put the inverse SDs into a diagonal matrix (might as well recycle I matrix from above)
		diag(I) = InvSD
		# Standardize the A, S and M matrices
		#  A paths are value*sd(from)/sd(to) = I %*% A %*% solve(I)
		#  S paths are value/(sd(from*sd(to))) = I %*% S %*% I
		stdA = I %*% A$values %*% solve(I)
		stdS = I %*% S$values %*% I
		# Populate the model
		model[[nameA]]$values[,] = stdA
		model[[nameS]]$values[,] = stdS
		if (!is.na(nameM)){model[[nameM]]$values[,] = rep(0, length(InvSD))}
	}, warning = function(cond) {
	    # warning-handler-code
	}, error = function(cond) {
	    cat("The model could not be standardized")
	}, finally = {
	    # cleanup-code
	# Return the model
#' @export
umx_standardize.MxModel <- xmu_standardize_RAM

#' xmu_standardize_ACE
#' Standardize an ACE model *BUT* you probably want [umx_standardize()].
#' @param model an [umxACE()] model to standardize
#' @param ... Other options
#' @return - Standardized ACE [umxACE()] model
#' @export
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(umx)
#' data(twinData)
#' selDVs = c("bmi1", "bmi2")
#' mzData = twinData[twinData$zygosity %in% "MZFF", selDVs]
#' dzData = twinData[twinData$zygosity %in% "DZFF", selDVs]
#' m1     = umxACE(selDVs = selDVs, dzData = dzData, mzData = mzData)
#' std    = xmu_standardize_ACE(m1)
#' }
xmu_standardize_ACE <- function(model, ...) {
	if(typeof(model) == "list"){ # Call self recursively
		for(thisFit in model) {
			message("Output for Model: ", thisFit$name)
	} else {
			stop("I can only standardize ACE models that have been run. Just do\n",
			"yourModel = mxRun(yourModel)")
		selDVs = dimnames(model$top.expCovMZ)[[1]]
		nVar <- length(selDVs)/2;
		# Calculate standardized variance components
		a  <- mxEval(top.a, model); # Path coefficients
		c  <- mxEval(top.c, model);
		e  <- mxEval(top.e, model);

		A  <- mxEval(top.A, model); # Variances
		C  <- mxEval(top.C, model);
		E  <- mxEval(top.E, model);
		Vtot = A + C + E;           # Total variance
		I  <- diag(nVar);           # nVar Identity matrix
		SD <- solve(sqrt(I * Vtot)) # Inverse of diagonal matrix of standard deviations  (same as "(\sqrt(I.Vtot))~"
		# Standardized _path_ coefficients ready to be stacked together
		model$top$a$values = SD %*% a; # Standardized path coefficients
		model$top$c$values = SD %*% c;
		model$top$e$values = SD %*% e;
#' @export
umx_standardize.MxModelACE <- xmu_standardize_ACE

#' xmu_standardize_ACEcov
#' Standardize an ACE model with covariates
#' @param model an [umxACEcov()] model to standardize
#' @param ... Other options
#' @return - Standardized [umxACEcov()] model
#' @export
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(umx)
#' data(twinData)
#' twinData$age1 = twinData$age2 = twinData$age
#' selDVs  = c("bmi")
#' selCovs = c("ht") # silly example
#' selVars = umx_paste_names(c(selDVs, selCovs), sep = "", suffixes= 1:2)
#' mzData = subset(twinData, zyg == 1, selVars)[1:80, ]
#' dzData = subset(twinData, zyg == 3, selVars)[1:80, ]
#' m1 = umxACEcov(selDVs = selDVs, selCovs = selCovs, dzData = dzData, mzData = mzData, 
#' 	 sep = "", autoRun = TRUE)
#' fit = xmu_standardize_ACEcov(m1)
#' }
xmu_standardize_ACEcov <- function(model, ...) {
	if(typeof(model) == "list"){ # call self recursively
		for(thisFit in model) {
			message("Output for Model: ",thisFit$name)
	} else {
			stop("I can only standardize models that have been run. Just do\n",
			"yourModel = mxRun(yourModel)")
			# Standardized general path components
			model$top$a$values = model$top$a_std$result # standardized a
			model$top$c$values = model$top$c_std$result # standardized c
			model$top$e$values = model$top$e_std$result # standardized e
		} else {
			stop("Please run umxACEcov(..., std = TRUE). All I do is copy a_std values into a..., so model has to have been run!")

#' @export
umx_standardize.MxModelACEcov <- xmu_standardize_ACEcov

#' Standardize a SexLim model
#' `xmu_standardize_SexLim` would move standardized Sexlim values into raw cells, but can't as these are algebras.
#' @param model an [umxSexLim()] model to standardize
#' @param ... Other options
#' @return - standardized [umxSexLim()] model
#' @export
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' model = xmu_standardize_SexLim(model)
#' }
xmu_standardize_SexLim <- function(model, ...){
	stop("xmu_standardize_SexLim doesn't work as Am etc. are algebras")
	# 'AmStd', 'CmStd', 'EmStd',
	# 'AfStd', 'CfStd', 'EfStd',
	# 'Am', 'Cm', 'Em',
	# 'Af', 'Cf', 'Ef',
	# 'Amf', 'Cmf',
	# 'minCor',
	# 'Vm', 'Vf',
	# 'iSDm', 'iSDf',

		# Standardized ACEm
		model$top$Am$result = model$top$AmStd$result # standardized Am
		model$top$Cm$result = model$top$CmStd$result # standardized Cm
		model$top$Em$result = model$top$EmStd$result # standardized Em

		# Standardized ACEm
		model$top$Af$result = model$top$AfStd$result # standardized Af
		model$top$Cf$result = model$top$CfStd$result # standardized Cf
		model$top$Ef$result = model$top$EfStd$result # standardized Ef

	} else {
		stop("Please run umxSexLim(..., std = TRUE). All I do is copy the values from the standardized matrices already in the model..., so they have to be run!")
#' @export
umx_standardize.MxModelSexLim <- xmu_standardize_SexLim

#' non-user: Standardize an IP model
#' You probably want [umx_standardize()]. This function simply copies the standardized IP components into the ai ci ei and as cs es matrices
#' @param model an [umxIP()] model to standardize
#' @param ... Other options
#' @return - standardized IP [umxIP()] model
#' @export
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' model = xmu_standardize_IP(model)
#' }
xmu_standardize_IP <- function(model, ...){
		# Standardized general path components
		model$top$ai$values = model$top$ai_std$result # standardized ai
		model$top$ci$values = model$top$ci_std$result # standardized ci
		model$top$ei$values = model$top$ei_std$result # standardized ei
	    # Standardized specific coefficients
		model$top$as$values = model$top$as_std$result # standardized as
		model$top$cs$values = model$top$cs_std$result # standardized cs
		model$top$es$values = model$top$es_std$result # standardized es
	} else {
		stop("Please run umxIP(..., std = TRUE). All I do is copy ai_std values into ai..., so they have to be run!")

#' @export
umx_standardize.MxModelIP <- xmu_standardize_IP

#' Function to standardize a common pathway model
#' You probably want [umx_standardize()]. This function simply inserts the standardized CP components into the ai ci ei and as cs es matrices
#' @param model an [umxCP()] model to standardize
#' @param ... Other options
#' @return - standardized [umxCP()] model
#' @export
#' @family xmu internal not for end user
#' @references - <https://tbates.github.io>,  <https://github.com/tbates/umx>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' selDVs = c("gff", "fc", "qol", "hap", "sat", "AD") 
#' m1 = umxCP(selDVs = selDVs, nFac = 3, data=GFF, zyg="zyg_2grp")
#' m2 = xmu_standardize_CP(m1)
#' }
xmu_standardize_CP <- function(model, ...){
		# Standardized general path components
		# Standardized cp loadings
		model@submodels$top$cp_loadings@values = model$top$algebras$cp_loadings_std$result 
		# Standardized specific path coefficients
		model@submodels$top$as@values = model$top$as_std$result # standardized as
		model@submodels$top$cs@values = model$top$cs_std$result # standardized cs
		model@submodels$top$es@values = model$top$es_std$result # standardized es
	} else {
		selDVs = dimnames(model$top.expCovMZ)[[1]]
		nVar   = length(selDVs)/2;
		nFac   = dim(model$top$matrices$a_cp)[[1]]	
		# Calculate standardized variance components
		a_cp = mxEval(top.a_cp , model); # nFac * nFac path matrix flowing into cp_loadings array
		c_cp = mxEval(top.c_cp , model);
		e_cp = mxEval(top.e_cp , model);
		as = mxEval(top.as, model); # Specific factor path coefficients
		cs = mxEval(top.cs, model);
		es = mxEval(top.es, model);
		cp_loadings = mxEval(top.cp_loadings, model); # nVar * nFac matrix
		A  = mxEval(top.A, model);  # Variances
		C  = mxEval(top.C, model);
		E  = mxEval(top.E, model);
		Vtot = A + C + E; # total variance
		nVarIden = diag(nVar)
		SD       = solve(sqrt(nVarIden * Vtot)); # inverse of diagonal matrix of standard deviations  (in classic MX -> "(\sqrt(I.Vtot))~"
		# Standardize loadings on Common factors
		std_commonLoadings = SD %*% cp_loadings; # Standardized path coefficients (general factor(s))
		as_std = SD %*% as; # Standardized path coefficients (nVar specific factors matrices)
		cs_std = SD %*% cs;
		es_std = SD %*% es;
	    # Standardized common and specific path coefficients
		model$top$cp_loadings$values = std_commonLoadings # standardized cp loadings
		model$top$as$values = as_std # standardized as
		model$top$cs$values = cs_std # standardized cs
		model$top$es$values = es_std # standardized es

#' @export
umx_standardize.MxModelCP <- xmu_standardize_CP
tbates/umx documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 1:10 a.m.