umx_rename: umx_rename

umx_renameR Documentation



Returns a dataframe with variables renamed as desired.


  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  regex = NULL,
  test = FALSE,
  old = "deprecated_from",
  replace = "deprecated_to"



The dataframe in which to rename variables


List of existing names that will be found and replaced by the contents of replace. (optional: Defaults to NULL).


If used alone, a named collection of c(oldName = "newName") pairs. OR, if "from" is a list of existing names, the list of new names) OR, if "regex" is a regular expression, the replace string)


Regular expression with matches will be replaced using replace as the replace string. (Optional: Defaults to NULL).


Whether to report a "dry run", not changing anything. (Default = FALSE).


deprecated: use from


deprecated: use to


Unlike similar functions in other packages, it checks that the variables exist, and that the new names do not.

Importantly, it also supports regular expressions. This allows you to find and replace text based on patterns and replacements. so to change "replacement" to "in place", ⁠grep=re(place)ment⁠, ⁠replace= in \\1⁠.

note:To use replace list, you must say c(old = "new"), not c(old -> "new")


  • dataframe with columns renamed.

See Also

namez to filter (and replace) names, Also umx_check_names to check for existence of names in a dataframe.

Other Data Functions: noNAs(), prolific_anonymize(), prolific_check_ID(), prolific_read_demog(), umx, umxFactor(), umxHetCor(), umx_as_numeric(), umx_cont_2_quantiles(), umx_lower2full(), umx_make_MR_data(), umx_make_TwinData(), umx_make_fake_data(), umx_make_raw_from_cov(), umx_merge_randomized_columns(), umx_polychoric(), umx_polypairwise(), umx_polytriowise(), umx_read_lower(), umx_reorder(), umx_score_scale(), umx_select_valid(), umx_stack(), umx_strings2numeric()


tmp = mtcars

tmp = umx_rename(tmp, to = c(cyl = "cylinder"))
# let's check cyl has been changed to cylinder...
namez(tmp, "c")

# Alternate style: from->to, first with a test-run
# Dry run
tmp = umx_rename(tmp, from = "disp", to = "displacement", test= TRUE)
# Actually do it
tmp = umx_rename(tmp, from = c("disp"), to = c("displacement"))
umx_check_names("displacement", data = tmp, die = TRUE)
namez(tmp, "disp")

# This will warn that "disp" does not exist (anymore)
new = c("auto", "displacement", "rear_axle_ratio")
tmp = umx_rename(tmp, from = c("am", "disp", "drat"), to = new)
namez(tmp, "a") # still updated am to auto (and rear_axle_ratio)

# Test using regex (in this case to revert "displacement" to "disp")
tmp = umx_rename(tmp, regex = "lacement", to = "", test= TRUE) 
tmp = umx_rename(tmp, regex = "lacement", to = "") # revert to disp
umx_names(tmp, "^d") # all names beginning with a d

# dev: check deprecated format handled...
tmp = umx_rename(tmp, old = c("am", "disp", "drat"), replace = new)

tbates/umx documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 1:10 a.m.