GFF: Twin data: General Family Functioning, divorce, and...

GFFR Documentation

Twin data: General Family Functioning, divorce, and well-being.


Measures of family functioning, happiness and related variables in twins, and their brothers and sisters. (see details)




A data frame with 1000 rows of twin-family data columns.


Several scales in the data are described in van der Aa et al. (2010). General Family Functioning (GFF) refers to adolescents' evaluations general family health vs. pathology. It assesses problem solving, communication, roles within the household, affection, and control. GFF was assessed with a Dutch translation of the General Functioning sub-scale of the McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD) (Epstein et al., 1983).

Family Conflict (FC) refers to adolescents' evaluations of the amount of openly expressed anger, aggression, and conflict among family members. Conflict sub-scale of the Family Environment Scale (FES) (Moos, 1974)

Quality of life in general (QLg) was assessed with the 10-step Cantril Ladder from best- to worst-possible life (Cantril, 1965).

  • zyg_6grp: Six-level zygosity: MZMM, DZMM, MZFF, DZFF, DZMF, DZFM

  • zyg_2grp: Two-level zygosity measure: 'MZ', 'DZ'

  • divorce: Parental divorce status: 0 = No, 1 = Yes

  • sex_T1: Sex of twin 1: 0 = "male", 1 = "female"

  • age_T1: Age of twin 1 (years)

  • gff_T1: General family functioning for twin 1

  • fc_T1: Family conflict sub-scale of the FES

  • qol_T1: Quality of life for twin 1

  • hap_T1: General happiness for twin 1

  • sat_T1: Satisfaction with life for twin 1

  • AD_T1: Anxiety and Depression for twin 1

  • SOMA_T1: Somatic complaints for twin 1

  • SOC_T1: Social problems for twin 1

  • THOU_T1: Thought disorder problems for twin 1

  • sex_T2: Sex of twin 2

  • age_T2: Age of twin 2

  • gff_T2: General family functioning for twin 2

  • fc_T2: Family conflict sub-scale of the FES

  • qol_T2: Quality of life for twin 2

  • hap_T2: General happiness for twin 2

  • sat_T2: Satisfaction with life for twin 2

  • AD_T2: Anxiety and Depression for twin 2

  • SOMA_T2: Somatic complaints for twin 2

  • SOC_T2: Social problems for twin 2

  • THOU_T2: Thought disorder problems for twin 2

  • sex_Ta: Sex of sib 1

  • age_Ta: Age of sib 1

  • gff_Ta: General family functioning for sib 1

  • fc_Ta: Family conflict sub-scale of the FES

  • qol_Ta: Quality of life for sib 1

  • hap_Ta: General happiness for sib 1

  • sat_Ta: Satisfaction with life for sib 1

  • AD_Ta: Anxiety and Depression for sib 1

  • SOMA_Ta: Somatic complaints for sib 1

  • SOC_Ta: Social problems for sib 1

  • THOU_Ta: Thought disorder problems for sib 1

  • sex_Ts: Sex of sib 2

  • age_Ts: Age of sib 2

  • gff_Ts: General family functioning for sib 2

  • fc_Ts: Family conflict sub-scale of the FES

  • qol_Ts: Quality of life for sib 2

  • hap_Ts: General happiness for sib 2

  • sat_Ts: Satisfaction with life for sib 2

  • AD_Ts: Anxiety and Depression for sib 2

  • SOMA_Ts: Somatic complaints for sib 2

  • SOC_Ts: Social problems for sib 2

  • THOU_Ts: Thought disorder problems for sib 2


van der Aa, N., Boomsma, D. I., Rebollo-Mesa, I., Hudziak, J. J., & Bartels, M. (2010). Moderation of genetic factors by parental divorce in adolescents' evaluations of family functioning and subjective wellbeing. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 13, 143-162. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1375/twin.13.2.143")}

See Also

Other datasets: Fischbein_wt, docData, iqdat, umx, us_skinfold_data


## Not run: 
# Twin 1 variables (end in '_T1')
umx_names(GFF, "1$") # Just variables ending in 1 (twin 1)
str(GFF) # first few rows

m1 = umxACE(selDVs= "gff", sep = "_T",
	mzData = subset(GFF, zyg_2grp == "MZ"), 
	dzData = subset(GFF, zyg_2grp == "DZ")

## End(Not run)

tbates/umx documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 1:10 a.m.