umx_read_lower: Read lower-triangle of data matrix from console or file

umx_read_lowerR Documentation

Read lower-triangle of data matrix from console or file


umx_read_lower will read a lower triangle of data, either from the console, or from file, and return a full matrix, optionally coerced to positive definite. This is useful, especially when copying data from a paper that includes just the lower triangle of a correlation matrix.


umx_read_lower(file = "", diag = TRUE, names = NULL, ensurePD = FALSE)



Path to file (Default "" will read from user input)


Whether data include diagonal (Default TRUE)


Variable names. (Default as.character(paste0("X", 1:n)) )


Whether to coerce the resultant matrix to positive definite (Default FALSE)


  • matrix()


See Also

Other Data Functions: noNAs(), prolific_anonymize(), prolific_check_ID(), prolific_read_demog(), umx, umxFactor(), umxHetCor(), umx_as_numeric(), umx_cont_2_quantiles(), umx_lower2full(), umx_make_MR_data(), umx_make_TwinData(), umx_make_fake_data(), umx_make_raw_from_cov(), umx_merge_randomized_columns(), umx_polychoric(), umx_polypairwise(), umx_polytriowise(), umx_rename(), umx_reorder(), umx_score_scale(), umx_select_valid(), umx_stack(), umx_strings2numeric()


## Not run: 
require(umx) # for umxRAM
IQtests = c("brainstorm", "matrix", "moral", "shopping", "typing")
allCols = c("C", IQtests, "avgIQ", "maxIQ", "video")

df = umx_read_lower(diag = FALSE, names = allCols)
0.86	0.30
0.42	0.12	0.27
0.66	0.21	0.38	0.18
0.80	0.13	0.50	0.25	0.43
0.19	0.11	0.19	0.12	-0.06	0.22
0.27	0.09	0.33	0.05	-0.04	0.28	.73
0.52	0.17	0.38	0.37	0.39	0.44	0.18	0.13

dimnames(df) = list(allCols, allCols) # manually add

df = umx_read_lower(file = "", diag = FALSE, names = allCols, ensurePD= TRUE)
0.86	0.30
0.42	0.12	0.27
0.66	0.21	0.38	0.18
0.80	0.13	0.50	0.25	0.43
0.19	0.11	0.19	0.12	-0.06	0.22
0.27	0.09	0.33	0.05	-0.04	0.28	.73
0.52	0.17	0.38	0.37	0.39	0.44	0.18	0.13

round(df, 2) 

m1 = umxRAM("wooley", data = mxData(df, type="cov", numObs = 90),
	umxPath("g", to = IQtests),
	umxPath(var = "g", fixedAt= 1),
	umxPath(var = IQtests)

## End(Not run)

tbates/umx documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 1:10 a.m.