FishersMethod: Fishers Method of combining p-values.

FishersMethodR Documentation

Fishers Method of combining p-values.


FishersMethod implements R.A. Fisher's (1925) method for creating a meta-analytic p-value by combining a set of p-values from tests of the same hypothesis in independent samples. See also Stouffer's method for combining Z scores, which allows weighting.


FishersMethod(pvalues, ...)



A vector of p-values, e.g. c(.041, .183)


More p-values if you want to offer them up one by one instead of wrapping in a vector for pvalues


  • A meta-analytic p-value


  • Fisher, R.A. (1925). Statistical Methods for Research Workers. Oliver and Boyd (Edinburgh). ISBN 0-05-002170-2.

  • Fisher, R. A (1948). "Questions and answers #14". The American Statistician. 2: 30–31. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.2307/2681650")}.

  • Stouffer, S. A. and Suchman, E. A. and DeVinney, L. C. and Star, S. A. and Williams, R. M. Jr. (1949) The American Soldier, Vol. 1 - Adjustment during Army Life. Princeton, Princeton University Press.

See Also

Other Miscellaneous Stats Functions: SE_from_p(), geometric_mean(), harmonic_mean(), oddsratio(), reliability(), umx, umxCov2cor(), umxHetCor(), umxParan(), umxWeightedAIC(), umx_apply(), umx_cor(), umx_means(), umx_r_test(), umx_round(), umx_scale(), umx_var()


FishersMethod(c(.041, .378))

tbates/umx documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 1:10 a.m.