#Functions to detect peaks on a single FIA-HRMS acquisition.
#The entry is an xcmsRaw object, and the ouptput is a data matrix.
#This is done by band detection and then Continuous Wavelets transform to find the value.
#Package used : pracma, xcms
#XCMS functions used : rawEIC, xcmsRaw
### Function to detect peaks in an FIA acquisition.
AntiSymTriangle <- function(x) {
if (-1 <= x & x < 0) {
if (-2 <= x & x < (-1)) {
return(x + 2)
if (0 <= x & x < 1) {
if (1 <= x & x < 2) {
return(x - 2)
calcAngle <- function(x, y, p1, p2, p3) {
x <- x / max(x)
y <- y / max(y)
a <- sqrt((x[p2] - x[p1]) ^ 2 + (y[p2] - y[p1]) ^ 2)
b <- sqrt((x[p2] - x[p3]) ^ 2 + (y[p2] - y[p3]) ^ 2)
c <- sqrt((x[p1] - x[p3]) ^ 2 + (y[p1] - y[p3]) ^ 2)
val_cos_1 <- (a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 - c ^ 2) / (2 * a * b)
valcos <- suppressWarnings(acos(val_cos_1))
if (is.nan(valcos))
#Taken from the pracma package.
trapezArea <- function (x, y)
if (missing(y)) {
if (length(x) == 0)
y <- x
x <- seq(along = x)
if (length(x) == 0 && length(y) == 0)
if (!(is.numeric(x) || is.complex(x)) || !(is.numeric(y) ||
stop("Arguments 'x' and 'y' must be real or complex vectors.")
m <- length(x)
if (length(y) != m)
stop("Arguments 'x', 'y' must be vectors of the same length.")
if (m <= 1)
xp <- c(x, x[m:1])
yp <- c(numeric(m), y[m:1])
n <- 2 * m
p1 <- sum(xp[1:(n - 1)] * yp[2:n]) + xp[n] * yp[1]
p2 <- sum(xp[2:n] * yp[1:(n - 1)]) + xp[1] * yp[n]
return(0.5 * (p1 - p2))
checkIsoValues <- function(x) {
if (length(x) < 3) {
return(all(x == 0))
##Binarizing the data
shift_right <- x[-1] == 0
shift_left <- x[-length(x)] == 0
if (all(shift_right | shift_left))
fuseRange <- function(r1, r2, extend = TRUE) {
if (extend)
return(c(min(r1[1], r2[1]), max(r1[2], r2[2])))
return(c(max(r1[1], r2[1]), min(r1[2], r2[2])))
#' Detect peaks in an FIA acquisition.
#' Detect the peak corresponding to compounds present in the sample
#' in a Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) acquisition. The item provided
#' must be an xcmsRaw object.
#' @export
#' @param xraw An xcmsRaw object as returned by \code{\link[xcms]{xcmsRaw}}.
#' @param ppm The authorized deviation between scans in ppm, this parameter
#' will also be used to fuse the bands if there are close enough.
#' @param dmz The minimum absolute value of the deviation between scans, to take into account
#' the higher diviations at low masses.
#' @param es A noise estimation object as returned by \link{estimateNoiseMS}, or NULL
#' if the parameter noise if only an threshold is supposed to be used.
#' @param solvar Should the signal corresponding to solvent be kept ?
#' Only their maximum intensiyt will be calculated.
#' @param solint How are the intensity of signal with bot solvent and sample
#' be treated in the injection zone region, the area of the rectangle
#' with peak-width and solvent intensity is considered.
#' @param fullInteg If no solvent is detected before the injection,
#' should the signals be integrated on the ufll chromatogram.
#' \itemize{
#' \item poly. Half of this area is kept.
#' \item substract. The area is removed substracted.
#' \item remove. The area is conserved in the final value.
#' }
#' @param graphical A boolean indicating if the detected area shall be plotted.
#' @param SNT NULL by default a relative intensity of signal/intensity of solvent threshold,
#' used only if es is equal to NULL.
#' @param f method to design the filter, "TIC" means that the peak of the TIC is
#' used as a filter. "regression" means that the signal is regressed form the most
#' intense band as an Exponential modified gaussian.
#' @param pvalthresh The threshold used in p-value to discard signal, only used if
#' a noise model is provided.
#' @param scanmin The first scan to consider.
#' @param scanmax The last scan to consider.
#' @param bandCoverage A filter on the number of point found in a band. 0.3 by default to allow matrix
#' effect.
#' @param shiftFactor
#' @param sizeMin The minimum number of point considered for a band to be considred for solvent filtration.
#' @param bandlist An optional bandlist to be passed.
#' @param ... more arguments to be passed to the \link{determiningInjectionZone} function.
#' @return A numeric matrix with the following column
#' \itemize{
#' \item mzmin the minimum value of the mass traces in the m/z dimension.
#' \item mzmax the maximum value of the mass traces in the m/z dimension.
#' \item scanMin the first scan on which the signal is detected.
#' \item scanMax the last scan on which the signal is detected.
#' \item areaIntensity the integrated area of the signal.
#' \item maxIntensity the maximum intensity of the signal.
#' \item solventIntensity the intensity of the solvent, 0 means that no significant
#' solvent was detected.
#' \item corPeak An idicator of matrix effect, if it's close to 1, the compound
#' does not suffer from heavy matrix effect, if it is inferior to 0.5, the compound
#' suffer from heavy matrix effect.
#' \item timeShifted An indicator of the shifting of th epeak in the time direction.
#' \item signalOverSolventRatio The ratio of the signal max intensity on the solvent max intensity.
#' }
#' @aliases findFIASignal findPeaks
#' @examples
#' if(require(plasFIA)){
#' #Getting the path of a file.
#' path_raw<-list.files(system.file(package="plasFIA","mzML"),full.names=TRUE)[2]
#' #Opening the file with xcms
#' xraw<-xcmsRaw(path_raw)
#' ppm<-2
#' #getting the filtered signals without noise model which is not recommended.
#' tsignal<-findFIASignal(xraw,ppm=ppm,SNT=3)
#' #Getting the noise model un the plasSet object.
#' data(plasSet)
#' es<-attr(plasSet,"noiseEstimation")
#' #Getting the signal with a noise model.
#' tsignal<-findFIASignal(xraw,ppm=2,es=es,pvalthresh=0.005)
#' head(tsignal)
#' }
#' @useDynLib proFIA
findFIASignal <-
es = NULL,
solvar = c("throw", "keep"),
solint = c("poly", "substract", "add"),
fullInteg = FALSE,
dmz =
graphical = FALSE,
f = c("regression", "TIC"),
pvalthresh = NULL,
scanmin = 1,
scanmax = length(xraw@scantime),
bandCoverage = 0.3,
sizeMin = NULL,
bandlist = NULL,
...) {
xraw <- xcmsRaw(xraw)
}else if(class(xraw)!="xcmsRaw"){
stop("Character giving path to a file or xcmsRaw object required for xraw argument.")
solint <- match.arg(solint)
solvar <- match.arg(solvar)
f <- match.arg(f)
n <- length(xraw@scantime)
sizepeak <-
determiningInjectionZone(xraw, scanmin = scanmin, scanmax = scanmax, ...)
if (length(sizepeak) < 3) {
"No injection peak has been detected in the acquisition",
psip <- 1
headPeaks <-
###Which kind of quality control will be used.
QC <- "Reduced"
if (is.null(es) & is.null(SNT)) {
stop("No noise model and no SNT provided.")
} else if (is.null(es) & is.numeric(SNT)) {
QC <- "Snt"
message("No noise model provided, a signal/solvant threshold will be used.")
} else if (!is.null(es@estimation)) {
if (is.null(pvalthresh)) {
"A noise model is provided but no threshold was specified, the threshold is therefore set to 0.01 by default"
pvalthresh <- 0.01
} else{
message("A noise model and a pvalue threshold are provided, SNT will be ignored.")
QC <- "Nes"
} else{
stop("Wrong type of noise or SNT, check the parameters.")
if (QC == "Nes") {
headPeaks <- c(headPeaks, "signalOverSolventPvalue")
modelPeak <- NULL
sizeMin <- floor((sizepeak[3] -sizepeak[1]) * 0.5)
###Bands are calculated.
bandlist <- findBandsFIA(
ppm = ppm,
sizeMin = sizeMin,
dmz =
beginning = sizepeak[1],
firstScan = scanmin,
lastScan = scanmax,
fracMin = bandCoverage
pmmin = sizepeak[1]
pmmax = sizepeak[2]
if (f == "TIC") {
TICv <- rawEIC(xraw, mzrange = range(xraw@env$mz))$intensity
### A model peak is given by the detected TIC peak.
modelPeak <- TICv[sizepeak[1]:sizepeak[2]]
modelPeak <- modelPeak - modelPeak[1]
modelPeak <- smooth.BWF(modelPeak, freq = 0.2)
modelPeak <- modelPeak / max(modelPeak)
} else if (f == "regression") {
modelPeak <- getInjectionPeak(
sec = 2,
iquant = 0.95,
gpeak = sizepeak,
graphical = FALSE
###Beginning and end correspond to the position where th epeak int is superior at 5%
mpPmax <- which.max(modelPeak)
pmmin <-
which(modelPeak[1:mpPmax] > 0.05 * modelPeak[mpPmax])
pmmin <- pmmin[1]
pmmax <-
which(modelPeak[(mpPmax + 1):length(modelPeak)] > 0.05 *
modelPeak[mpPmax]) + mpPmax - 1
pmmax <- pmmax[length(pmmax)]
modelPeak <- modelPeak[pmmin:pmmax]
modelPeak <- modelPeak / max(modelPeak)
sizepeak[2] <- max(sizepeak[2], pmmax)
###defining the injection peak model.
xseq <- seq(-2, 2, length = 1000)
yTriangl <- sapply(xseq, AntiSymTriangle, simplify = TRUE)
sizeInc <- floor((sizepeak[3] - sizepeak[1]))
seqIndex <- floor(seq(0, 1000, length = sizeInc))
modelInjPeak <- yTriangl[seqIndex]
if (sizeInc < 5)
modelInjPeak <- yTriangl[c(0, 250, 750, 1000)]
nInj <- length(modelInjPeak)
pmaxInjPeak <- which.max(modelInjPeak)
pleftInjPeaks <- floor(pmaxInjPeak / 2)
prightInjPeaks <- pmaxInjPeak + floor(pmaxInjPeak / 2)
##Constant which will be used on all iteration.
nf <- length(modelPeak)
ninj <- length(modelInjPeak)
countSol <- 0
adjustZone <- floor((sizepeak[3] - sizepeak[1]) / 6)
#Important positions on the iflter.
pmaxModelPeak <- which.max(modelPeak)
#Position ot start looking for the limit.
pleftModelPeaks <- floor(pmaxModelPeak / 2)
prightModelPeaks <-
pmaxModelPeak + floor((nf - pmaxModelPeak) * 0.75)
###list which will stock the result.
ResList <- list()
title(main=paste("Peak and filters vizualisation : ",getRawName(xraw@filepath)))
legend("center",legend = c("Raw EIC","Smoothed Eic","Integration limit","Injection peak filter coef","Triangular filter Coef (when used)"),
message("Band filtering: ", appendLF = FALSE)
memmess <- 1
for (i in 1:nrow(bandlist)) {
#0 is max on sizepeak
#1 rigth not extended
#2 is ok by extension from right
#3 is ok by extension from right using extended filter
#4 left not extended
#5 is ok by extension from the left
#6 is shifted on the right
#+10 for shifted
#+100 for solvent
typep <- NA_integer_
bshifted <- 0
vact <- floor(i / nrow(bandlist) * 100) %/% 10
if (vact != memmess) {
memmess <- vact
message(memmess * 10, " ", appendLF = FALSE)
vEic <-
rawEIC(xraw, mzrange = c(bandlist[i, "mzmin"], bandlist[i, "mzmax"]))
###CHecking if there is only isolated values, 0 means no reliably detectable solvant.
Bsol <-
ifelse(checkIsoValues(vEic$intensity[1:sizepeak[1]]), FALSE, TRUE)
valSol <- NULL
if (Bsol) {
valOkSol <- which(vEic$intensity[1:sizepeak[1]] != 0)
valSol <- mean(vEic$intensity[valOkSol])
} else{
valSol <- 0
##Calculating the correlation.
mEic <- max(vEic$intensity)
pos0 <-
which(vEic$intensity[sizepeak[1]:sizepeak[2]] == 0) + sizepeak[1] -
valCor <- NULL
cinter <- pmmin:pmmax
if (length(pos0) == 0) {
valCor <- cor(modelPeak, vEic$intensity[cinter])
} else{
if ((sizepeak[2] - sizepeak[1] + 1 - length(pos0)) > 1) {
valCor <-
suppressWarnings(cor(modelPeak[-pos0], vEic$intensity[cinter][-pos0]))
} else{
valCor <- 0
###Problematic case in really noisy peaks.
if (is.na(valCor)) {
valCor <- 0
##Calculating the convolution
convolvedSeqF <-
convolve(vEic$intensity, modelPeak, type = "filter")
convolvedSeqInj <-
convolve(vEic$intensity, modelInjPeak, type = "filter")
smoothedSeq <- smooth.BWF(vEic$intensity, freq = 0.2)
###Getting the local maximum
#pMf is the position of the maximum on the convolved sequence.
scminF <- max(1, scanmin - floor(nf / 2))
scmaxF <- max(1, scanmax - floor(nf / 2))
pMf <- which.max(convolvedSeqF[scminF:scmaxF]) + scminF - 1
##PosMaw is the position of the maximum of the filter on the EIC.
posMax <- pMf + pmaxModelPeak
###Peaklim store the found limit of the peak.
peaklim <- NULL
###SecodMaw is the position of the second maximum on th epeak
SecondMax <- NULL
FirstMax <- FALSE
PeakFound <- FALSE
extendedFilter <- FALSE
###If the maximum detected is in the injection peak.
if (posMax < sizepeak[2] && posMax > sizepeak[1]) {
###First estimation of the peak limit. peaklim will store the peak limit all along the process.
#peaklim <- c(posMax - (floor(nf / 2)), posMax + (floor(nf / 2)))
typep <- 0
peaklim <-
c(pMf + pleftModelPeaks, pMf + prightModelPeaks)
###Locating the limit of the peak found
pl <-
findPeaksLimits(smoothedSeq, peaklim[1] + 1, peaklim[2] - 1)
#Once the limit of the peak is located, the peak limit is found.
peaklim <- fuseRange(peaklim, pl)
###The filter coeff goes down to find if there is a second peak.
# adjustZone)]) + max(((pMf - adjustZone) - 1),1)
#We find the limit on the convolved sequence.
flim <-
findPeaksLimits(convolvedSeqF, pMf - 1, pMf + 1)
second_filter <- FALSE
###Case where the max is the right of the injection peak.
if (posMax < sizepeak[2] &
posMax > sizepeak[3]) {
typep <- 1
###We check the second part of the interval.
# SecondInter <- c(sizepeak[1] - floor(nf / 2),
# min(flim[1] - floor(nf /
# 2), pl[1]))
SecondInter <-
c(sizepeak[1] - floor(nf / 2), flim[1])
#Necessary as flim may return -1 if out of sequence.
SecondInter[1] <- max(SecondInter[1], 0)
#Checking hat there is an inter to consider.
if (SecondInter[2] - SecondInter[1] > 1) {
Secondpmf <-
which.max(convolvedSeqF[SecondInter[1]:SecondInter[2]]) +
SecondInter[1] - 1
#The second maximum on the filter.
SecondMax <- Secondpmf + pmaxModelPeak
###CHecking that the second max is in the left part of the injection peak.
if (SecondMax > sizepeak[1] &&
SecondMax < sizepeak[3]&&
(convolvedSeqF[Secondpmf]>convolvedSeqF[Secondpmf+1])) {
###The limit of the second peak is localised in a decent windows.
pl <- findPeaksLimits(smoothedSeq,
SecondMax - 1,
SecondMax + 1)
peaklim[1] <- pl[1]
extendedFilter <- TRUE
typep <- 2
} else {
### Checking hte injection filter in the good direction.
SecondInter <-
c(sizepeak[1] - floor(ninj / 2),
pl[1] - floor(ninj / 2))
##Necessary because both filter have different size.
SecondInter[1] <- max(SecondInter[1], 0)
if ((SecondInter[2] - SecondInter[1]) > 0) {
###Checking if we are not too close from the beginning.
SecondMax <-
which.max(convolvedSeqInj[SecondInter[1]:SecondInter[2]]) +
SecondInter[1] - 1# + pmaxInjPeak
Secondpmf <-
SecondMax + pmaxInjPeak
second_filter <- TRUE
if (Secondpmf > sizepeak[1] &&
Secondpmf < pl[1]&&
rawSecondPmf <-
which.max(smoothedSeq[(SecondMax - adjustZone):(SecondMax +
adjustZone)]) + (SecondMax - adjustZone) - 1
pl <-
rawSecondPmf - 2,
rawSecondPmf + 2)
extendedFilter <- TRUE
typep <- 3
peaklim[1] <- pl[1]
bshifted <- 1
# if(Bsol){
peaklim[2] <- max(peaklim[2],flim[2])
# }else{
# peaklim[2] <- length(xraw@scantime)
# }
bshifted <- 1
# if(Bsol){
peaklim[2] <- max(peaklim[2],flim[2])
# }else{
# peaklim[2] <- length(xraw@scantime)
# }
bshifted <- 1
# if(Bsol){
peaklim[2] <- max(peaklim[2],flim[2])
# }else{
# peaklim[2] <- length(xraw@scantime)
# }
###Case where the detected mas is at the left of the peak.
if (posMax >= sizepeak[1] &
posMax < sizepeak[3]) {
typep <- 4
#In this case the injection peak is always the limit
peaklim[1] <- sizepeak[1]
SecondInter <- c(flim[2], sizepeak[2] - floor(nf / 2))
#Checking that there is a second maximum in th second direction.
SecondpMf <-
which.max(convolvedSeqF[SecondInter[1]:SecondInter[2]]) +
SecondInter[1] - 1
SecondMax <- SecondpMf + pmaxModelPeak
###CHecking that the second max is in the left part of the injection peak.
if (SecondMax > sizepeak[3] &
SecondMax <= sizepeak[2]) {
typep <- 5
###The limit of the second peak is localised in a decent windows.
rawSecondPmf <-
which.max(smoothedSeq[(SecondMax - adjustZone):(SecondMax +
adjustZone)]) + (SecondMax - adjustZone) - 1
pl <- findPeaksLimits(smoothedSeq,
rawSecondPmf - 1,
rawSecondPmf + 1)
extendedFilter <- TRUE
peaklim[2] <- pl[2]
if (posMax > sizepeak[2]) {
typep <- 6
##Checking that there is some retention in the colmun.
##If it the case the peak is wider than usual, so wider than the
#peaklim = floor(nf / 2)+c(pMf - (floor(nf / 2)), pMf + (floor(nf / 2)))
###Locating the limit of the peak found
bshifted <- 1
pl <-
findPeaksLimits(convolvedSeqF, pMf - 3, pMf + 3)
peaklim <- pl + floor(nf / 2)
#cat("mumu",posMax," ")
if (diff(peaklim) < length(modelPeak))
peaklim = NULL
###Quality control of the found peak.
NoPeak <- is.null(peaklim)
####Refinement of the right peak limit.
if (!NoPeak) {
if (!Bsol & fullInteg) {
peaklim[2] <- length(xraw@scantime)
} else{
if (peaklim[2] < sizepeak[2]) {
msol <- mean(vEic$intensity[sizepeak[2]:length(vEic$intensity)])
sdsol <-
p_candidate <- peaklim[2]
vtreshint <-msol + 2 * sdsol
while (smoothedSeq[p_candidate]>vtreshint&&smoothedSeq[p_candidate+1]>vtreshint ) {
###We try to put
p_candidate <- p_candidate + 1
if(p_candidate == length(xraw@scantime)) break
###Three candidates are considered, the found point, the sipzekea, and orignal value.
vcandidates <- c(peaklim[2],sizepeak[2],p_candidate)
posMax <- posMax+which.max(vEic$intensity[c(posMax-1,posMax,posMax+1)])-2
psup <- which(vEic$intensity[vcandidates]<vEic$intensity[posMax])
vcandidates <- vcandidates[psup]
vval <- sapply(vcandidates,calcAngle,
###Possible adding a term to considered the area in the peak and the are outside.
typep <- typep+1000
peaklim[2] <- vcandidates[which.min(vval)]
###If there is no solvent we try to adjust the righ limit ot a 0.
# if(!Bsol){
# pp0 <- which(vEic$intensity[peaklim[2]:length(xraw@scantime)]==0)
# while(vEic$intensity[peaklim[2]]!=0&peaklim[2]<length(vEic$intensity)){
# peaklim[2] <- peaklim[2]+1
# }
# }
#Refinement of the left peak limit.
if (!NoPeak) {
peaklim[1] = max(peaklim[1], sizepeak[1])
if (vEic$intensity[peaklim[1]] > valSol * 1.5)
peaklim[1] <- sizepeak[1]
if (peaklim[2] < peaklim[1]) {
NoPeak <- TRUE
pval <- NULL
SNTval <- max(smoothedSeq)/ valSol
if (NoPeak) {
pval <- 1
SNTval <- 0
} else if (valSol == 0) {
pval <- 0
SNTval <- Inf
###Checking that the final peak detected is not shifted.
# if (peaklim[2] > sizepeak[2] &
# abs(posMax - sizepeak[2]) < abs(posMax - sizepeak[3]) &
# abs(peaklim[1] - sizepeak[3]) < abs(peaklim[1] - sizepeak[1])) {
if (abs(posMax-sizepeak[3])>abs(shiftFactor*(posMax-sizepeak[2]))&(!extendedFilter)) {
bshifted <- 1
bshifted <- 0
} else if (QC == "Nes") {
p1 <- max(1,peaklim[1]-1)
p2 <- min(length(xraw@scantime),peaklim[2]+1)
pval <- calcPvalue(
seq(smoothedSeq[p1], smoothedSeq[p2],
length = peaklim[2] - peaklim[1] + 1)
typep <- typep+100
if (pval > pvalthresh)
if (SNTval < 1.5)
###Checking that the final peak detected is not shifted.
# if (peaklim[2] > sizepeak[2] &
# abs(posMax - sizepeak[2]) < abs(posMax - sizepeak[3]) &
# abs(peaklim[1] - sizepeak[3]) < abs(peaklim[1] - sizepeak[1])) {
# bshifted <- 1
# }
if (abs(posMax-sizepeak[3])>abs((posMax-sizepeak[2])*shiftFactor)&(!extendedFilter)) {
bshifted <- 1
typep <- typep+10
bshifted <- 0
}else if(QC=="Snt"){
if (SNTval < SNT)
if (bshifted) {
valCor <- NA_real_
###Intensities are calculated
iArea <- 0
solArea <- 0
areaEIC <- vEic$intensity
tempRes <- NULL
if (NoPeak & solvar == "throw") {
} else{
tempRes <- c(
bandlist[i, "mzmin"],
bandlist[i, "mzmax"],
bandlist[i, "mz"],
if (peaklim[2] > length(vEic$scan)) {
peaklim[2] <- length(vEic$scan)
if (peaklim[1] > length(vEic$scan))
iArea <-
trapezArea(xraw@scantime[peaklim[1]:peaklim[2]], areaEIC[peaklim[1]:peaklim[2]])
solArea <- NULL
if (solint == "poly") {
solArea <-
(xraw@scantime[peaklim[2]] - xraw@scantime[peaklim[1]]) * valSol /
else if (solint == "substract") {
solArea <-
(xraw@scantime[peaklim[2]] - xraw@scantime[peaklim[1]]) * valSol
else if (solint == "add") {
solArea <- 0
if (solArea < iArea) {
iArea <- iArea - solArea
tempRes <- c(
bandlist[i, "mzmin"],
bandlist[i, "mzmax"],
bandlist[i, "mz"],
###The peak is only add if the peak is not detected as solvant.
if (QC == "Nes") {
tempRes <- c(tempRes, pval)
ResList[[psip]] <- tempRes
psip <- psip + 1
###Graphical output if needed.
if (graphical) {
if (is.null(peaklim))
ntitle <- paste("mz :",
sprintf("%0.4f", bandlist[i, "mzmin"]),
sprintf("%0.4f", bandlist[i, "mzmax"]))
vEic$intensity / mEic,
type = "n",
col = "black",
main =
xlab = "Time",
ylab = "Intensity"
###Smoothed sequence
col = "darkgreen",
lwd = 2
##Peak Area is delimited by verticla bands.
segments(xraw@scantime[c(peaklim[1],peaklim[2])],c(1,1),y1 = c(0,0),
lines(xraw@scantime, vEic$intensity / mEic, lwd = 2)
xraw@scantime[(floor((nf + 1) / 2)):(length(xraw@scantime) - floor(nf /
convolvedSeqF / max(convolvedSeqF),
col = "orange",
lwd = 2
xraw@scantime[(floor((ninj + 1) / 2)):(length(xraw@scantime) - floor(ninj /
convolvedSeqInj / max(convolvedSeqInj),
col = "purple",
lwd = 2
"\nSignal filtering finished.\n",
" signals detected with an injection between: ",
sprintf("%0.1f", xraw@scantime[sizepeak[1]]),
sprintf("%0.1f", xraw@scantime[sizepeak[1] + length(modelPeak)])
matPeak <- do.call("rbind", ResList)
colnames(matPeak) <- headPeaks
matrix = matPeak,
injpeak = modelPeak,
injscan = sizepeak[1]
OverlapSplit <- function(x, nsplit = 1, overlap = 2) {
vsize <- length(x)
nperdf <- ceiling((vsize + overlap * nsplit) / (nsplit + 1))
start <-
seq(1, nsplit * (nperdf - overlap) + 1, by = nperdf - overlap)
sapply(start, function(i)
x[c(i:(i + nperdf - 1))])
medianFiltering <- function(x, size = 5, complete = TRUE) {
if (size %% 2 != 1) {
stop("feneter size should be impair")
nf = size %/% 2
matMed <- OverlapSplit(x, length(x) - size, size - 1)
res <- apply(matMed, 2, median)
if (complete) {
res <- c(rep(res[1], nf), res, rep(res[length(res)], nf))
#' First guess of the limit of the injection peak.
#' Determine a first approximation of the injection peak based
#' on the angle of the injection peak and changing of variation.
#' This peak is not used directly by findFIAsignal, but will be used to initialize the regression
#' giving the injection peak. Shloud be used carefuly.
#' @export
#' @param xraw An xcmsRaw object as returned by \code{\link[xcms]{xcmsRaw}}. It may also be
#' a TIC sequence as a list scan intensity.
#' @param threshold A relative increase born to detect the limit of the injection
#' peak.
#' @param graphical should the resulting limit be plotted.
#' @param scanmin The first scan to consider.
#' @param scanmax The last scan to consider.
#' @return A triplet composed of c(left limit,right limit, maximum) of the
#' estimated injection peak.
#' @aliases determiningInjectionZone
#' @examples
#' if(require(plasFIA)){
#' #Getting the path of a file.
#' path_raw <- list.files(system.file(package="plasFIA","mzML"),full.names=TRUE)[2]
#' #Opening the file with xcms
#' xraw <- xcmsRaw(path_raw)
#' #Getting a first approximation of injection peak;
#' sp <- determiningInjectionZone(xraw)
#' }
determiningInjectionZone <-
threshold = 0.05,
graphical = FALSE,
scanmin = NULL,
scanmax = NULL) {
#Cutting the acquisition if necessary.
seqTIC <- rawEIC(xraw, mzrange = range(xraw@env$mz))
if (is.null(scanmin)) {
scanmin <- 1
if (is.null(scanmax)) {
scanmax <- length(xraw@scantime)
seqTIC$scan <- seqTIC$scan[scanmin:scanmax]
seqTIC$intensity <- seqTIC$intensity[scanmin:scanmax]
##Getting the range of variation of the TIC :
rangInt <- range(seqTIC$intensity)
###We make the supposition that first scan is solvent.
valSol <- seqTIC$intensity[1]
###Checking if the peak is finished.
valThreshEnd <- diff(rangInt) * threshold + valSol
###Beginning of increase of the peak.
pinc <- seqTIC$intensity > valThreshEnd
###True for 3 conscutives scans.
pinc <-
which(pinc[1:(length(pinc) - 2)] &
pinc[2:(length(pinc) - 1)] & pinc[3:length(pinc)])[1]
sizeMed <- min(pinc + (pinc + 1) %% 2, 7)
vMedSeq <- medianFiltering(seqTIC$intensity, size = sizeMed)
if (pinc[1] == 1) {
stop("impossible to process the file as no injection scan is present.")
pbegin <- max(1, pinc[1] - 1)
while(pbegin>1 && seqTIC$intensity[pbegin]>seqTIC$intensity[pbegin-1]) pbegin <- pbegin-1
pmax <- which.max(seqTIC$intensity)
candidates_limits <-
(pmax + (pmax - pbegin)):length(seqTIC$intensity)
###We normalize both dimension.
vy <- vMedSeq / max(vMedSeq)
vx <- seq(0, 1, length = length(seqTIC$intensity))
inter <- vx[2] - vx[1]
####Removing the one with an angl to the bottom.
candidates_limits <-
candidates_limits[which(seqTIC$intensity[candidates_limits - 1] >
seqTIC$intensity[candidates_limits] &
seqTIC$intensity[candidates_limits + 1]<
##We test with the angle between the summit and the end of the signal.
a <-
sqrt((vy[candidates_limits] - rep(vy[pmax], length(
))) ^ 2 +
(rep(vx[pmax], length(
)) - vx[candidates_limits]) ^ 2)
b <-
sqrt((vy[candidates_limits] - rep(vy[length(vx)], length(
))) ^ 2 +
(rep(vx[length(vx)], length(
)) - vx[candidates_limits]) ^ 2)
c <-
sqrt(rep((vx[pmax] - vx[length(vx)]) ^ 2 + (vy[pmax] - vy[length(vx)]) ^
##lines value <-
lvalues <- ((rep(vx[length(vx)], length(
)) - vx[candidates_limits])/(vx[length(vx)] - vx[pmax]))*
(vy[pmax] - vy[length(vx)])+vy[length(vx)]
pright <- which(lvalues>=vy[candidates_limits])
warning("No right limit may be detected, this can be caused
by wrongly formed injection peak.")
p3 <- scanmax-scanmin+1
val_cos_1 <- (a[pright] ^ 2 + b[pright] ^
2 - c[pright] ^ 2) / (2 * a[pright] *
valcos <- acos(val_cos_1)
#We get the peak with the highest angle.
p3 <- candidates_limits[pright[which.min(valcos - a[pright] * b[pright])]]
res <- c(pbegin,p3,pmax)
if (graphical) {
title <-
paste("Initial guess of injection zone",
type = "l",
xlab = "Time",
ylab = "Total Ion Intensity",
main = title
abline(v = xraw@scantime[res], col = "red")
####CHecking the percentage of area taken by the peak of proFIA.
solventVal <- mean(seqTIC$intensity[1:res[1]])
iout <-
if(res[2]!= length(seqTIC$intensity)){
iout <- c(iout,unique(res[2]:length(seqTIC$intensity)))
iin <- res[1]:res[2]
areaIn <- trapezArea(xraw@scantime[iin], seqTIC$intensity[iin])
areaOut <- trapezArea(xraw@scantime[iout],
#Substracting the solvent.
areaIn <-
areaIn - trapezArea(xraw@scantime[iin], rep(solventVal, length(iin)))
areaOut <-
areaIn - trapezArea(xraw@scantime[iout], rep(solventVal, length(iout)))
percentPres <- areaIn / (areaIn + areaOut)
if (percentPres <= 0.75) {
"The detected injection peak only include only ",
round(percentPres * 100),
" of intensity.",
sep = ""
###This is the ufnction used to recalculate
### a better injection windows.
determiningInjectionZoneFromTIC <-
threshold = 0.05,
scanmin = NULL,
scanmax = NULL) {
#Cutting the acquisition if necessary.
if (is.null(scanmin)) {
scanmin <- 1
if (is.null(scanmax)) {
scanmax <- length(seqTIC$scan)
seqTIC$scan <- seqTIC$scan[scanmin:scanmax]
seqTIC$intensity <- seqTIC$intensity[scanmin:scanmax]
##Getting the range of variation of the TIC :
rangInt <- range(seqTIC$intensity)
###We make the supposition that first scan is solvent.
valSol <- seqTIC$intensity[1]
###Checking if the peak is finished.
valThreshEnd <- diff(rangInt) * threshold + valSol
###Beginning of increase of the peak.
pinc <- seqTIC$intensity > valThreshEnd
###True for 3 conscutives scans.
pinc <-
which(pinc[1:(length(pinc) - 2)] &
pinc[2:(length(pinc) - 1)] & pinc[3:length(pinc)])[1]
sizeMed <- min(pinc + (pinc + 1) %% 2, 7)
vMedSeq <- medianFiltering(seqTIC$intensity, size = sizeMed)
if (pinc[1] == 1) {
stop("impossible to process the file as no injection scan is present.")
pbegin <- max(1, pinc[1] - 1)
while(pbegin>1 && seqTIC$intensity[pbegin]>seqTIC$intensity[pbegin-1]) pbegin <- pbegin-1
pmax <- which.max(seqTIC$intensity)
candidates_limits <-
(pmax + (pmax - pbegin)):length(seqTIC$intensity)
###We normalize both dimension.
vy <- vMedSeq / max(vMedSeq)
vx <- seq(0, 1, length = length(seqTIC$intensity))
inter <- vx[2] - vx[1]
####Removing the one with an angl to the bottom.
candidates_limits <-
candidates_limits[which(seqTIC$intensity[candidates_limits - 1] >
seqTIC$intensity[candidates_limits] &
seqTIC$intensity[candidates_limits + 1]<
##We test with the angle between the summit and the end of the signal.
a <-
sqrt((vy[candidates_limits] - rep(vy[pmax], length(
))) ^ 2 +
(rep(vx[pmax], length(
)) - vx[candidates_limits]) ^ 2)
b <-
sqrt((vy[candidates_limits] - rep(vy[length(vx)], length(
))) ^ 2 +
(rep(vx[length(vx)], length(
)) - vx[candidates_limits]) ^ 2)
c <-
sqrt(rep((vx[pmax] - vx[length(vx)]) ^ 2 + (vy[pmax] - vy[length(vx)]) ^
##lines value <-
lvalues <- ((rep(vx[length(vx)], length(
)) - vx[candidates_limits])/(vx[length(vx)] - vx[pmax]))*
(vy[pmax] - vy[length(vx)])+vy[length(vx)]
pright <- which(lvalues>=vy[candidates_limits])
warning("No right limit may be detected, this can be caused
by wrongly formed injection peak.")
p3 <- scanmax-scanmin+1
val_cos_1 <- (a[pright] ^ 2 + b[pright] ^
2 - c[pright] ^ 2) / (2 * a[pright] *
valcos <- acos(val_cos_1)
#We get the peak with the highest angle.
p3 <- candidates_limits[pright[which.min(valcos - a[pright] * b[pright])]]
res <- c(pbegin,p3,pmax)
####CHecking the percentage of area taken by the peak of proFIA.
solventVal <- mean(seqTIC$intensity[1:res[1]])
iout <-
if(res[2]!= length(seqTIC$intensity)){
iout <- c(iout,unique(res[2]:length(seqTIC$intensity)))
iin <- res[1]:res[2]
areaIn <- trapezArea(seqTIC$scan[iin], seqTIC$intensity[iin])
areaOut <- trapezArea(seqTIC$scan[iout],
#Substracting the solvent.
areaIn <-
areaIn - trapezArea(seqTIC$scan[iin], rep(solventVal, length(iin)))
areaOut <-
areaIn - trapezArea(seqTIC$scan[iout], rep(solventVal, length(iout)))
percentPres <- areaIn / (areaIn + areaOut)
if (percentPres <= 0.75) {
"The detected injection peak only include only ",
round(percentPres * 100),
" of intensity.",
sep = ""
#' Determine the limits of the injection peak in a FIA acquisition.
#' Determine a first approximation of the injection peak using the
#' Douglas-Peuker Algorithm provided in the \code{rgeos} package.
#' The object provided must be an xcmsRaw object.
#' @export
#' @param xraw An xcmsRaw object as returned by \code{\link[xcms]{xcmsRaw}}.
#' @param freq The degrees of smoothing used on the TIC, corresponding to
#' the cutting frequency of the blackman windowed sync filter.
#' @param graphical should the resulting peak be plotted.
#' @param smooth Should the TIC be smoothed, recommended.
#' @param extended In case of very long tailing, shloud the research be extended.
#' @param percentSol If extended is TRUE, the limiting level of solvent for
#' @param scanmin The minimum scan to consider for peak detection.
#' @param scanmax the maximum scan to consider.
#' injection peak detection.
#' @return A triplet composed of c(left limit,right limit, maximum) of the
#' estimated injection peak.
#' @aliases determiningSizePeak.Geom determiningSizePeak
#' @examples
#' if(require(plasFIA)){
#' #Getting the path of a file.
#' path_raw <- list.files(system.file(package="plasFIA","mzML"),full.names=TRUE)[2]
#' #Opening the file with xcms
#' xraw <- xcmsRaw(path_raw)
#' #Getting a first approximation of injection peak;
#' sp <- determiningSizePeak.Geom(xraw)
#' }
determiningSizePeak.Geom <-
scanmin = 1,
scanmax = length(xraw@scantime),
freq = 0.15,
graphical = FALSE,
smooth = TRUE,
extended = FALSE,
percentSol = NULL) {
TIC <- rawEIC(xraw, mzrange = range(xraw@env$mz))
if (smooth) {
TIC$intensity <- smooth.BWF(TIC$intensity, freq = freq)
n <- length(TIC$intensity)
###Subsetteing the value
TIC$intensity <- TIC$intensity[scanmin:scanmax]
###Solvant is approximates as the mean of the lower decile.
sTime <-
scale(xraw@scantime[TIC$scan][scanmin:scanmax], center = FALSE)
sInt <- scale(TIC$intensity, center = FALSE)
maxInt <- max(sInt)
sval <- quantile(sInt, 0.15)
epsilon <- (maxInt - sval) * 0.5
if ((maxInt / sval) < 2)
"The ratio of the solvant levels on the maximum of the TIC for",
" is < 2. This can be a problem in the acquistion."
posMax <- 1
approxSize <- 2
segment <- numeric(0)
numiter <- 0
while (posMax < 3 | (approxSize - posMax) < 2) {
###Checking that the area of the peak found is sufficient from the rest of the world.
if (numiter == 50) {
stop("Geometric algorithm could not find a peak. Check if there is one on the TIC.")
segment <- segmentCurve(sTime, sInt, epsilon)
approxSize <- length(segment)
simplInt <- TIC$intensity[segment]
simplTime <- xraw@scantime[segment]
posMax <- which.max(simplInt)
epsilon <- epsilon * 0.9
numiter <- numiter + 1
peaklim <- segment[c(posMax - 1, posMax + 1, posMax)]
###Post processing.
Solvantlevel <- mean(oTIC$intensity[1:(peaklim[1])])
###Getting all the point
thresh <- NULL
if (extended) {
thresh <- (1 + percentSol / 100) * Solvantlevel
while (TIC$intensity[peaklim[2]] > thresh &
peaklim[2] < n) {
peaklim[2] <- peaklim[2] + 1
if (graphical) {
TICv <- rawEIC(xraw, mzrange = range(xraw@env$mz))[scanmin:scanmax]
ntitle <- basename(xraw@filepath)
ntitle <- strsplit(ntitle, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
xlab = "Seconds",
ylab = "Intensity",
main = "TIC Chroamtogram",
type = "l"
xseq <- xraw@scantime[peaklim[1]:peaklim[2]]
yseq <- TIC$intensity[peaklim[1]:peaklim[2]]
polygon(c(xseq, rev(xseq)), c(yseq, rep(0, length(yseq))), col = "red")
col = "purple",
lwd = 2,
lty = 2
lines(simplTime, simplInt, col = "darkgreen")
if (extended)
abline(v = thresh, col = "darkgrey")
c("raw TIC", "smoothed TIC", "simplified TIC"),
col = c("black", "red", "darkgreen"),
lwd = c(1, 1, 1)
"An injection peak has been spotted:",
sprintf("%0.1f", xraw@scantime[peaklim[1] + scanmin - 1]),
sprintf("%0.1f", xraw@scantime[peaklim[2] + scanmin - 1]),
start_param_emg <- function(tx,ty){
sol <- ty[1]
mv <- which.max(ty)
q10 <- (ty[mv]-sol)*0.1+sol
p1 <- which.min(abs(ty[1:mv]-q10))
p2 <- which.min(abs(ty[mv:length(ty)]-q10))+mv-1
a <- tx[mv]-tx[p1]
b <- tx[p2]-tx[mv]
ratio <- b/a
csig_1 <- 0
csig_2 <- 0
csig_3 <-0
cm2_1 <- 0
cm2_2 <- 0
cm2_3 <- 0
csig_1 <- -1.2951
csig_2 <- 6.6162
csig_3 <- -0.9516
cm2_1 <- 0.1270
cm2_2 <- -0.06458
cm2_3 <- 0.4766
csig_1 <- 0
csig_2 <- 3.3139
csig_3 <- 1.1147
cm2_1 <- -0.0299
cm2_2 <- 0.3569
cm2_3 <- 0.1909
Wr <- (a+b)
sig_g <- Wr/(csig_1*(ratio^2)+csig_2*(ratio)+csig_3)
H <- sol
mu <- tx[mv]
sigma <- sig_g
M2 <- (cm2_3+cm2_2*ratio+cm2_1*(ratio^2))*(Wr^2)
tau <- sqrt((M2-sig_g^2))
parv <- c(mu,sig_g,1/tau)
# graphics::plot(tx,ty/max(ty),type="l",col="black",main=sprintf("%0.3f",ratio))
# lines(tx,persoConv(tx,parv),col="purple")
# abline(v=c(tx[p1],tx[mv],tx[p2]),col="darkgreen")
#' Fit an injection peak to an FIA acquisition.
#' Determine an injection peak as an exponential modified gaussian
#' function and a second order exponential corresponding to matrix
#' effect to the most intense signals in an acquisition.
#' @export
#' @param xraw An xcmsRaw object as returned by \code{\link[xcms]{xcmsRaw}}.
#' @param bandlist A list of bands which can be used. Shall stay NULL in general use.
#' bands will be determined automatically.
#' @param sec A tolerance in sec to group the signals.
#' @param iquant The maximum intensity intensity threshold under which the peaks
#' would not be used for peak determination.
#' @param gpeak An approximation of the injection peak, if NULL
#' determining sizepeak.Geom will be used.
#' @param selIndex A seleciton of index to make the regression. We recommend to let it to NULL.
#' @param scanmin The first scan to consider for regression.
#' @param scanmax The last scan to consider for regression.
#' @param refinement Should the starting point of the regression be refined using the selected EICs.
#' @param graphical shald the individually fitted components be plotted.
#' @return A vector contaning the injection peak
#' @aliases getInjectionPeak
#' @examples
#' if(require(plasFIA)){
#' #Getting the path of a file.
#' path_raw <- list.files(system.file(package="plasFIA","mzML"),full.names=TRUE)[2]
#' #Opening the file with xcms
#' xraw <- xcmsRaw(path_raw)
#' #Getting the injection scan
#' gp <- determiningInjectionZone(xraw)
#' #performing band detection.
#' tbands <- findBandsFIA(xraw,ppm = 2,sizeMin = gp[3]-gp[1],beginning=gp[1],end=gp[2])
#' #Getting the injection peak
#' vpeak <- getInjectionPeak(xraw,bandlist=tbands,gpeak=gp)
#' plot(vpeak,type="l")
#' }
getInjectionPeak <-
sec = 2,
iquant = 0.95,
gpeak = NULL,
selIndex = NULL,
scanmin = 1,
scanmax = length(xraw@scantime),
refinement = TRUE,
graphical = FALSE) {
if (is.null(gpeak)) {
gpeak <- determiningInjectionZone(xraw,scanmin=scanmin,scanmax=scanmax)
###Filtering the peak to retain the peak without oslven
matDInt <- NULL
if (!is.null(selIndex)) {
matDInt <-
apply(bandlist[selIndex, , drop = FALSE], 1, function(x, xraw) {
a = rawEIC(xraw, mzrange = c(x["mzmin"], x["mzmax"]))
}, xraw = xraw)
} else{
ttrue <- which(bandlist[, "meanSolvent"] == 0 | bandlist[, "meanSolvent"]*100<bandlist[,"maxIntensity"])
ttrue <- bandlist[ttrue,]
###Hard thresh
ht <- quantile(ttrue[, "maxIntensity"], probs = iquant)
ttrue <- ttrue[which(ttrue[, "maxIntensity"] >= ht),]
ttrue <- ttrue[order(ttrue[,"maxIntensity"],decreasing=TRUE)[1:min(5,nrow(ttrue))],]
###Making hte matrix with the selected threshold
matInt <- apply(ttrue, 1, function(x, xraw) {
a = rawEIC(xraw, mzrange = c(x["mzmin"], x["mzmax"]))
}, xraw = xraw)
###A number of 0 equal to the size of the injection peak is provided to avoid
###Problem fitting the beginning of the peaks
###Making a verfication that the retianed profiles does not have solvent in it
vok <-
which(as.logical(apply(matInt, 2, checkIso, niso = min(gpeak[1],3))))
if (length(vok) >= 5) {
matInt <- matInt[, vok, drop = FALSE]
###For each line getting the beginning of the injection peak
getBeginning <- function(x, size = 3) {
a <- which((x[3:length(x)] != 0) &
(x[2:(length(x) - 1)] != 0) &
(x[1:(length(x) - 2)] != 0))
vb <- apply(matInt, 2, getBeginning)
pna <- which(is.na(vb))
if (length(pna) > 0) {
matInt <- matInt[,-pna]
vb <- vb[-pna]
tvb <- table(vb)
tvbo <- sort(tvb, decreasing = TRUE)
ctvb <- cumsum(tvbo) / sum(tvbo)
poscut <- which(ctvb > 0.6)[1]
pvd <- density(xraw@scantime[vb], bw = sec / 3)
pmax <- which.max(pvd$y)
vp <- findPeaksLimits(pvd$y, pmax - 1, pmax + 1)
####Checking the correctness of the gorup found.
retentionInColumn <- function(xraw, pok, rangeSec = sec) {
if (diff(range(xraw@scantime[pok])) > rangeSec) {
warning("Too much retention, a clear injection peak may not be found.")
inter <- pvd$x[vp]
tokeepb <- ((xraw@scantime[vb] >= inter[1]) & (xraw@scantime[vb] <= inter[2]))
###Now we check that the maximum fall within the limits of the Maximum calculated value.
###Maximum covering 2s is estimated.
vmax <- apply(matInt, 2, which.max)
pna <- which(is.na(vmax))
if (length(pna) > 0) {
matInt <- matInt[,-pna]
vmax <- vmax[-pna]
tvmax <- table(vmax)
tvmaxo <- sort(tvmax, decreasing = TRUE)
ctvmax <- cumsum(tvmaxo) / sum(tvmaxo)
poscut <- which(ctvmax > 0.6)[1]
pvdm <- density(xraw@scantime[vmax], bw = sec)
pmaxb <- which.max(pvdm$y)
vpm <- findPeaksLimits(pvdm$y, pmaxb - 1, pmaxb + 1)
interm <- pvdm$x[vpm]
tokeepm <- ((xraw@scantime[vmax] >= interm[1]) & (xraw@scantime[vb] <= interm[2]))
tokeep <- which(tokeepb&tokeepm)
if (length(tokeep) > 20) {
oa <- apply(matInt[, tokeep], 2, max)
tokeep <- tokeep[order(oa, decreasing = TRUE)[1:20]]
if (!is.null(selIndex)) {
tokeep <- selIndex
matDInt <- matInt[, tokeep,drop=FALSE]
"chromatograms have been used for peak shape determination."
vmax <- apply(matDInt, 2, max)
matSInt <- t(t(matDInt) / vmax)
n <- ncol(matSInt)
opar <- list()
####Making the first guess of the parameters.
#mu sigma tau then the a b and h
tMat <- t(t(matDInt) / apply(matDInt, 2, max))
inita <- 0.5
initb <- 0.34
initpar <- NULL
gpeakr <- NULL
nTIC <- apply(tMat,1,sum)
nTIC <- medianFiltering(nTIC,size=5)
initial_estimates <- start_param_emg(xraw@scantime,nTIC)
tMat2 <- apply(tMat,2,medianFiltering)
###A new TIC is constructed form the matrix
# nTIC <- apply(tMat,1,sum)
gpeakr <- determiningInjectionZoneFromTIC(list(intensity=nTIC,scan=seq_along(nTIC)),scanmin=scanmin,scanmax=scanmax)
initpar <-
rep(inita, n),
rep(initb, n),
rep(1.1,n)#vmax * 1.1
# weigthvec <- NULL
# if(refinement){
weigthvec <- c(rep(1,gpeakr[1]-1),
# }else{
# weigthvec <- length(c(
# rep(2, gpeakr[1] - 1),
# 5,
# seq(1, 2, length = (gpeakr[3] - gpeakr[1]) - 1),
# seq(2, 1.5, length = (gpeakr[2] - gpeakr[3] +
# 1)),
# rep(1.5, length(xraw@scantime) - gpeakr[2])
# ))
# }
lower <- c(1, 2,0.0001, rep(0, 3 * n))
nlC <- nls.lm.control(maxiter = 100, ptol = 0.001,nprint=FALSE,epsfcn=0.00001)
if (graphical) {
type = "l",
xlab = "Time (s)",
ylab = "Scaled intensity")
parestimate <- nls.lm(
par = initpar,
fn = matResiduals,
observed = tMat2,
type = "gaussian",
beginning = gpeak[1],
xx = xraw@scantime,
control = nlC,
n = n,
lower = lower,
weigth = weigthvec
cest <- coef(parestimate)
parv <- NULL
parv <- cest[1:3]
# cat("initial_estimates",sprintf("%0.4f",initial_estimates),"parv",sprintf("%0.4f",parv))
multiplier <- numeric(n)
for (i in 1:n) {
parm <- cest[c(3 + i, 3 + i + n, 3 + i + 2 * n)]
tr <- persoConv(xraw@scantime, parv, type = "gaussian")
mat_eff <- -matrix_effect(tr, parm[1], parm[2])
fitted <- (tr + mat_eff) * parm[3]
###initial par
# parm2 <- initpar[c(3 + i, 3 + i + n, 3 + i + 2 * n)]
# tr2 <- persoConv(xraw@scantime, initpar[1:3], type = "gaussian")
# mat_eff2 <- -matrix_effect(tr2, parm2[1], parm2[2])
# fitted2 <- (tr2 + mat_eff2) * parm2[3]
# fitted[1:gpeak[1]] <- 0
# tr[1:gpeak[1]] <- 0
multiplier[i] <- max(fitted)
if (graphical) {
tMat[, i],
ylim = c(0, max(1, tr * parm[3])),
type = "l")
lines(xraw@scantime, fitted, col = "red")
lines(xraw@scantime, (mat_eff + 1) * parm[3], col = "blue")
lines(xraw@scantime, tr * parm[3] , col = "green")
# lines(xraw@scantime, fitted2, col = "red",lty=2)
# lines(xraw@scantime, (mat_eff2 + 1) * parm2[3], col = "blue",lty=2)
# lines(xraw@scantime, tr2 * parm2[3] , col = "green",lty=2)
TP <- persoConv(xraw@scantime, p = parv)
i <- 1
mgpeak <- max(TP)
while(i < gpeak[1] & TP[i] < 0.01*mgpeak){
TP[i] <- 0
i <- i+1
# TP[1:gpeak[1]] <- 0
tMat <- tMat %*% diag(multiplier,nrow=length(multiplier),ncol=length(multiplier))
if (graphical) {
type = "l",
col = rainbow(
start = 0.25,
end = 0.6,
alpha = 0.5
xlab = "Scan",
ylab = "Intensity",
main = paste(
"Regressed injection peak for",
lines(TP, col = "red", lwd = 2)
c("regressed signal"),
col = "red",
lty = 1)
triangleDistribution <- function(x) {
if (x > 0 & x < 0.5) {
return(2 * x)
if (x >= 0.5 & x < 1) {
return(1 - 2 * (x - 0.5))
###mu sigma tau.
persoConv <- function(time, p, type = c("gaussian", "triangle")) {
type <- match.arg(type)
mu <- p[1]
sigma <- p[2]
tau <- p[3]
x <- NULL
# cat(mu,sigma,tau,"\n")
if (type == "gaussian") {
x <- dnorm(time, mean = mu, sd = sigma)
if (type == "triangle") {
x <- sapply((time - mu) / sigma + 0.5, triangleDistribution)
yexp <- dexp(time,tau)
# yexp <- exp(-time / tau)# / tau
# yexp <- yexp/max(yexp)
vv <- convolve(yexp, rev(x))
return(vv / max(vv))
###Term - a added to remove the intensity in 0
matrix_effect <- function(intensity, a, b) {
tr <-
a * (exp(b * intensity)-1)#+(p$c)*exp(p$d*intensity)) #+p$c*exp(p$d*intensity))/(p$a+p$c)
matResiduals <-
type = "gaussian",
weigth) {
mu <- rep(mpp[1], n)
sigma <- rep(mpp[2], n)
tau <- rep(mpp[3], n)
a <- mpp[4:(3 + n)]
b <- mpp[(4 + n):(3 + 2 * n)]
h <- mpp[(4 + 2 * n):(3 + 3 * n)]
matpar <- matrix(c(mu, sigma, tau, a, b, h), ncol = 6)
trmat <- apply(matpar, 1, persoConv, time = xx)
mmareffect <-
sapply(1:ncol(trmat), function(x, va, vb, mat) {
a <- va[x]
b <- vb[x]
- matrix_effect(mat[, x], a, b)
}, mat = trmat, va = a, vb = b)
#We ignore the point before the solvent peak.
# cat("trmat",any(is.nan(trmat)),"mmareffect",any(is.nan( mmareffect)),"\n")
trmatres <- t(t(trmat + mmareffect) * h)
matdiff <- observed - trmatres
matdiff <- matdiff * weigth
# matdiff[1:beginning,] <- 0
# Fit an injection peak to an FIA acquisition using likehood maximization
# Determine an injection peak as an exponential modified gaussian
# function and a second order exponential corresponding to matrix
# effect to the most intense signals in an acquisition.
# @param xraw An xcmsRaw object as returned by \code{\link[xcms]{xcmsRaw}}.
# @param bandlist A list of bands which can be used. Shall stay NULL in general use.
# bands will be determined automatically.
# @param noiseModel A noiseEstimation object, usually will be passed by the proFIAset
# function;
# @param sec A tolerance in sec to group the signals.
# @param iquant The maximum intensity intensity threshold under which the peaks
# would not be used for peak determination.
# @param gpeak An approximation of the injection peak, if NULL
# determining sizepeak.Geom will be used.
# @param graphical shald the individually fitted components be plotted.
# @return A vector contaning the injection peak
# @aliases getInjectionPeak.logL
# @examples
# if(require(plasFIA)){
# #Getting the path of a file.
# path_raw <- list.files(system.file(package="plasFIA","mzML"),full.names=TRUE)[2]
# #Opening the file with xcms
# xraw <- xcmsRaw(path_raw)
# #Getting the injection scan
# gp <- determiningInjectionZone(xraw)
# #performing band detection.
# tbands <- findBandsFIA(xraw,ppm = 2,sizeMin = gp[3]-gp[1],beginning=gp[1],end=gp[2])
# #Loading a noise model.
# data(plasSet)
# nes <- plasSet@noiseEstimation
# #Getting the injection peak
# vpeak <- getInjectionPeak(xraw,bandlist=tbands,noiseModel = nes,gpeak=gp)
# plot(vpeak,type="l")
# }
# logL <-
# function(mpp,
# xx,
# observed,
# weigth,noiseModel=NULL){
# n <- (length(mpp)-3)/2
# mu <- rep(mpp[1], n)
# sigma <- rep(mpp[2], n)
# tau <- rep(mpp[3], n)
# a <- mpp[4:(3 + n)]
# b <- mpp[(4 + n):(3 + 2 * n)]
# h <- mpp[(4 + 2 * n):(3 + 3 * n)]
# matpar <- matrix(c(mu, sigma, tau, a, b, h), ncol = 6)
# trmat <- apply(matpar, 1, persoConv, time = xx)
# mmareffect <- sapply(1:ncol(trmat), function(x, va, vb, mat) {
# a <- va[x]
# b <- vb[x]
# - matrix_effect(mat[, x], a, b)
# }, mat = trmat, va = a, vb = b)
# trmatres <- t(t(trmat + mmareffect) * h)
# matdiff <- observed - trmatres
# matdiff <- matdiff
# ###Calculating the noise variance.
# nvar <- apply(trmatres,1,noiseModel@estimation)
# prob <- rbind(as.numeric(nvar),as.numeric(matdiff))
# prob <- apply(prob,2,function(x){
# log10(dnorm(x[2],0,x[1]))
# })
# ###Calculating the prob
# return(prob)
# }
# getInjectionPeak.logL <-
# function(xraw,
# bandlist=NULL,
# noiseModel = NULL,
# sec = 2,
# iquant = 0.95,
# gpeak = NULL,
# graphical = FALSE, maxSig = 10) {
# if (is.null(gpeak)) {
# gpeak <- determiningInjectionZone(xraw)
# }
# if(is.null(bandlist)){
# message("No bandList provided")
# bandlist=findBandsFIA(xraw,ppm=)
# }
# ###Filtering the peak to retain the peak without oslven
# ttrue <- which(bandlist[, "meanSolvent"] == 0)
# ttrue <- bandlist[ttrue,]
# ###Hard thresh
# ht <- quantile(ttrue[, "maxIntensity"], probs = iquant)
# ttrue <- ttrue[which(ttrue[, "maxIntensity"] >= ht),]
# ###Making hte matrix with the selected threshold
# matInt <- apply(ttrue, 1, function(x, xraw) {
# requireNamespace("xcms")
# a = rawEIC(xraw, mzrange = c(x["mzmin"], x["mzmax"]))
# a$intensity
# }, xraw = xraw)
# ###A number of 0 equal to the size of the injection peak is provided to avoid
# ###Problem fitting the beginning of the peaks
# ###Making a verfication that the retianed profiles does not have oslvent in it
# vok <- which(as.logical(apply(matInt, 2, checkIso, niso = 3)))
# if (length(vok) >= 5) {
# matInt <- matInt[, vok, drop = FALSE]
# }
# ###For each line getting the beginning of the injection peak
# getBeginning <- function(x, size = 3) {
# a <- which((x[3:length(x)] != 0) &
# (x[2:(length(x) - 1)] != 0) &
# (x[1:(length(x) - 2)] != 0))
# return(a[1])
# }
# vb <- apply(matInt, 2, getBeginning)
# tvb <- table(vb)
# tvbo <- sort(tvb, decreasing = TRUE)
# ctvb <- cumsum(tvbo) / sum(tvbo)
# poscut <- which(ctvb > 0.6)[1]
# pvd <- density(vb, bw = sec / 3)
# pmax <- which.max(pvd$y)
# vp <- findPeaksLimits(pvd$y, pmax - 1, pmax + 1)
# ####Checking the correctness of the gorup found.
# retentionInColumn <- function(xraw, pok, rangeSec = sec) {
# if (diff(range(xraw@scantime[pok])) > rangeSec) {
# warning("Too much retention, a clear injection peak may not be found.")
# return(FALSE)
# }
# return(TRUE)
# }
# inter <- pvd$x[vp]
# matDInt <- matInt[, which(vb >= inter[1] & vb <= inter[2])]
# #print(ttrue[which(vb %in% tokeep),])
# #return(ttrue[which(vb %in% tokeep),])
# message(paste(
# ncol(matDInt),
# "chromatograms have been used for peak shape determination."
# ))
# #densval=density(vb,0.5)
# ###Clustring by the time limit.
# vmax <- apply(matDInt, 2, max)
# if(ncol(matDInt)>maxSig){
# matDInt[,order(vmax,decreasing=TRUE)[1:maxSig]]
# }
# matSInt <- t(t(matDInt) / vmax)
# n <- ncol(matSInt)
# ####â—‹Making the first guess of the parameters.
# #mu sigma tau then the a b and h
# inita <- 0.06
# initb <- 0.5
# initmu <- xraw@scantime[gpeak[3]]
# initsig <- (xraw@scantime[gpeak[1]] + xraw@scantime[gpeak[2]]) / 5
# inittau <- 10
# initpar <- c(initmu,
# initsig,
# inittau,
# rep(inita, n),
# rep(initb, n))
# h <- vmax
# tMat <- t(t(matDInt) / apply(matDInt, 2, max))
# #Log likehood function.
# #TODO pass this in C code and otpimize it.
# logL <-
# function(mpp){
# n <- (length(mpp)-3)/2
# mu <- rep(mpp[1], n)
# sigma <- rep(mpp[2], n)
# tau <- rep(mpp[3], n)
# a <- mpp[4:(3 + n)]
# b <- mpp[(4 + n):(3 + 2 * n)]
# matpar <- matrix(c(mu, sigma, tau, a, b, h), ncol = 6)
# trmat <- apply(matpar, 1, persoConv, time = xraw@scantime)
# mmareffect <- sapply(1:ncol(trmat), function(x, va, vb, mat) {
# a <- va[x]
# b <- vb[x]
# - matrix_effect(mat[, x], a, b)
# }, mat = trmat, va = a, vb = b)
# trmatres <- t(t(trmat + mmareffect) * h)
# matdiff <- matDInt - trmatres
# matdiff <- matdiff
# ###Calculating the noise variance.
# nvar <- apply(abs(trmatres),1,noiseModel@estimation)
# prob <- rbind(as.numeric(nvar),as.numeric(matdiff))
# prob <- apply(prob,2,function(x){
# log10(dnorm(x[2],0,x[1]))
# })
# #browser()
# ###Calculating the prob
# return(prob)
# }
# #
# # LL<-function(parv){
# # #DEBUG addition of a plot.
# #
# # mu = parv[1]
# # sigma = parv[2]
# # tau = parv[3]
# # alla = parv[4:(3+(length(parv)-3)/2)]
# # allb = parv[(4+(length(parv)-3)/2):(3+2*(length(parv)-3)/2)]
# # logl <- numeric(length(as.numeric(matSInt)))
# #
# # ###We remove the h "parameter we will add it at the end.
# # for(i in 1:length(alla)){
# # TP <- persoConv(xraw@scantime, p = c(mu,sigma,tau),type="gaussian")
# # mf <- -matrix_effect(TP, alla[i], allb[i])
# # obs <- (TP+mf)
# # obs <- (obs+min(obs))
# # diff <- vmax[i]*(matSInt[,i]-obs)
# #
# # vvar <- noiseModel@estimation(abs(diff))
# # vdnorm <- apply(rbind(diff,vvar),2,function(x){dnorm(x[1],0,sd=x[2])})
# #
# # logl[((i-1)*nrow(matSInt)+1):(i*nrow(matSInt))] <- (log(vdnorm))
# # if(i==5){
# # plot(matSInt[,i])
# # lines(obs,col="red")
# # #browser()
# # }
# #
# # }
# # print(sum(logl))
# # return(logl)
# # }
# ###Printing the LL for all the value.
# # tauseq <- seq(inittau/2,inittau*1.5,length=40)
# # sigseq <- seq(initsig/2,initsig*1.5,length=40)
# # res <- numeric(length(tauseq)*length(sigseq))
# # for(i in 1:length(sigseq)){
# # for(j in 1:length(tauseq)){
# # vpar <- c(initmu,
# # sigseq[i],
# # tauseq[j],
# # rep(inita,n),
# # rep(initb,n))
# #
# # res[(i-1)*length(sigseq)+j] <- LL(vpar)
# # }
# # }
# # library(lattice)
# #
# # wireframe(res ~ tauseq*sigseq, data = NULL,
# # xlab = "tau", ylab = "sig",
# # main = "tausig",
# # drape = TRUE,
# # colorkey = TRUE,
# # screen = list(z = -60, x = -60)
# # )
# ml <- maxLik( logL,start = initpar,method="BHHH", control=list(tol=1,iterlim = 200,printLevel=2))
# # plot(xraw@scantime,
# # matInt[, 4] / max(matInt[, 4]),
# # col = "green",
# # type = "l")
# opar <- list()
# print(summary(ml))
# cest <- as.numeric(coef(ml))
# print(cest)
# cat(paste("cest",cest))
# parv <- cest[1:3]
# multiplier <- numeric(n)
# for (i in 1:n) {
# parm <- cest[c(3 + i, 3 + i + n)]
# hi <- vmax[i]
# cat(paste("parm",parm,"parv",parv))
# tr <- persoConv(xraw@scantime, parv, type = "gaussian")
# mat_eff <- -matrix_effect(tr, parm[1], parm[2])
# fitted <- (tr + mat_eff) * hi
# multiplier[i] <- max(fitted) / hi
# if (graphical) {
# plot(xraw@scantime, tMat[, i], type = "l")
# lines(xraw@scantime, fitted, col = "red")
# lines(xraw@scantime, mat_eff + 1, col = "blue")
# lines(xraw@scantime, tr , col = "green")
# }
# }
# TP <- persoConv(xraw@scantime, p = parv)
# tMat <- tMat %*% diag(multiplier)
# if(graphical){
# matplot(
# tMat,
# type = "l",
# col = rainbow(
# n,
# start = 0.25,
# end = 0.6,
# alpha = 0.5
# ),
# xlab = "Scan",
# ylab = "Intensity",
# main = paste("Regressed injection peak for",
# getRawName(xraw@filepath))
# )
# lines(TP, col = "red", lwd = 2)
# legend("topright",
# c("regressed signal"),
# col = "red",
# lty = 1)
# }
# return(TP)
# }
matResidualsLikehood <- function(mpp,
type = "gaussian",
noisefunction) {
mu <- rep(mpp[1], n)
sigma <- rep(mpp[2], n)
tau <- rep(mpp[3], n)
a <- mpp[4:(3 + n)]
b <- mpp[(4 + n):(3 + 2 * n)]
h <- mpp[(4 + 2 * n):(3 + 3 * n)]
matpar <- matrix(c(mu, sigma, tau, a, b, h), ncol = 6)
trmat <- apply(matpar, 1, persoConv, time = xx)
mmareffect <- sapply(1:ncol(trmat), function(x, va, vb, mat) {
a <- va[x]
b <- vb[x]
- matrix_effect(mat[, x], a, b)
}, mat = trmat, va = a, vb = b)
trmatres <- t(t(trmat + mmareffect) * h)
LL <- function(diff) {
R = sum(log10(sapply(diff, dnorm)))
matdiff <- observed - trmatres
###Noise estimation function.
matdiff <- matdiff * weigth
###Wrapper for parallelism
openAndFindPeaks <- function(fname, ppm, es = es, ...) {
xraw <- xcmsRaw(fname)
message("processing: ", fname, "\n")
tP <- findFIASignal(xraw, ppm, es = es, ... = ...)
signals = tP$matrix,
injectionPeak = tP$injpeak,
injectionScan = tP$injscan
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