#An object created to estimate the noise of an ensemble on CFIA acquisition.
#' An S4 class to represent heteroscedasctic noise of MS.
#' @slot bins The limit of the bins on which the noise have been estimated.
#' @slot varmean The estimate of the mean of the variance in each bin.
#' @slot size The size of each bins in number of elements.
#' @slot estimation The estimation function, if a model have been fitted.
#' @slot filelist The list of the fitted file.
#' @slot estimated A boolean indicating if a model have been fitted.
#' @slot frac A numeric giving the fraction of the point ot be conserved when estimating the noise model.
#' @slot intlim The maximum and minmum intensity on which the estimationis done.
#' @slot reglim The limits of the regression of the model on these data.
#' detected for each experiment.
slot = list(
bins = "numeric",
varmean = "numeric",
size = "integer",
estimation = "function",
filelist = "character",
estimated = "logical",
frac = "numeric",
intlim = "numeric",
reglim = "numeric"
prototype = list(
bins = numeric(0),
varmean = numeric(0),
size = integer(0),
estimation = new("function"),
filelist = character(0),
estimated = FALSE,
frac = 0.99,
intlim = numeric(0),
reglim = numeric(0)
getMidBins <- function(bins) {
return((bins[-length(bins)] + bins[-1]) / 2)
###Determine the first point on which to cut.
cuttingPoint <- function(osize, frac = 0.995) {
osize <- osize[-1]
vmax <- sum(osize)
nsize <- cumsum(osize)
vt <- frac * vmax
poscut <- (which(nsize > vt))[1]
interToRegress <- function(object,
quant = 0.95,
thresh = NULL) {
vNoise <- NULL
if (class(object) != "noiseEstimation") {
vNoise <- object@noiseEstimation
} else{
vNoise <- object
trx <- getMidBins(vNoise@bins)
try <- vNoise@varmean
vsize <- vNoise@size
trw <- log10(vsize)
trw <- log10(vsize)
vsize <- vsize / sum(vsize)
vsize <- cumsum(vsize)
plsup <- which(vsize > quant)[1] + 1
plmin <- NULL
###Implement th enon loess method.
if (is.null(thresh)) {
mag <- movavg(try[1:plsup], max(min(7,floor(plsup/2)),2), type = "s")
mag <- mag[3:(length(mag) - 2)]
plmin <- which.min(mag) + 2
} else{
plmin <- which(try >= thresh)[1]
return(c(plmin, plsup))
setMethod("show", "noiseEstimation", function(object) {
"an \"noiseEstimator\" object with ",
length(object@bins) - 1,
" bins with mass range,",
if (is.null(object@estimation()))
cat("No estimation have been done.\n")
cat("An estimation have been done.\n")
memsize <- object.size(object)
cat("Memory usage:", signif(memsize / 2 ^ 20, 3), "MB\n")
#' Plot the estimated noise from a proFIAset object.
#' Plot an intensity vs variances plot for the noise estimated from a
#' MS acquisition. If a model is fitted to the data it will be plotted.
#' Only the interval used for the regression and on which the estimation will be used is shown.
#' @export
#' @param object A noise estimation object or a \code{\link{proFIAset-class}} object.
#' @param xlim The xlim paramter to be passed to plot.
#' @param ylim The ylim paramter to be passed to plot.
#' @param ... SUpplementary arguments to be passed to plot
#' @param plotNoise plotNoise,proFIAset-method
#' @return The plotted value as an x y list.
#' @examples
#' if(require(plasFIA)){
#' data(plasSet)
#' plotNoise(plasSet)
#' }
plotNoise <- function(object,
xlim = NULL,
ylim = NULL,
...) {
if (class(object) == "proFIAset") {
object <- object@noiseEstimation
} else if (class(object) != "noiseEstimation") {
stop("plotNoise require a proFIAset or a noiseEstimation object ot be given as input.")
if (length(object@bins) == 0 |
length(object@varmean) == 0 |
length(object@size) == 0)
stop("Nothing to plot, empty noise estimation object.\n")
main <- "Noise variance estimation"
toplot <- NULL
dtp <- NULL
##Determining the position of cutting.
vBins <- getMidBins(object@bins)
if (object@estimated)
main <- paste(main, "and fitted model")
seqx <- NULL
###Plotting the points
seqreg <- NULL
seqreg <- object@reglim[1]:object@reglim[2]
seqreg <- 1:length(object@size)
xsp <- vBins[seqreg]
ysp <- object@varmean[seqreg]
colv <- log10(object@size[seqreg])
pos0 <- which(object@size[seqreg] == 0)
if (length(pos0) != 0) {
xsp <- xsp[-pos0]
ysp <- ysp[-pos0]
colv <- colv[-pos0]
###Generating the gam of colors to be used.
colv <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "cyan"))(50)[as.numeric(cut(colv, breaks = 50))]
colv <- c(colv[1], colv)
###Generating the oclor gradient
if (is.null(xlim))
xlim <- range(xsp)
if (is.null(ylim))
ylim <- range(ysp)
cex = 0.7,
col = colv,
pch = 19,
xlim = xlim,
ylim = ylim,
xlab = "Intensity bins",
ylab =
"Estimated variance",
main = main,
vtexleg <- c("Estimated variance(most numerous)",
"Estimated variance(less numerous)")
vcolleg <- colv[c(1, length(colv))]
vltyleg <- c(FALSE, FALSE)
vpchleg <- c(19, 19)
if (object@estimated) {
if (is.null(xlim)) {
seqx <- seq(1, object@bins[length(object@bins)], length = 1000)
} else{
seqx <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = 1000)
seqy <- sapply(seqx, object@estimation)
lines(seqx, seqy, col = "red")
vtexleg <- c(vtexleg, "Fitted model")
vcolleg <- c(vcolleg, "red")
vltyleg <- c(vltyleg, 1, 2)
vpchleg <- c(vpchleg, NA, NA)
col = vcolleg,
lty = vltyleg,
pch = vpchleg)
return(invisible(list(x = xsp, y = ysp)))
###Fit the modle using nls
makeBins <- function(n, minInt, maxInt) {
res <- seq(log(minInt), log(maxInt), length = n)
### The weigths used for the noise points correspond ot the standard deviation on the variance estimator.
##Maybe exported later.
setGeneric("fitModel", function(object, ...)
setMethod("fitModel", "noiseEstimation", function(object,
modelType =
c("loess", "polynom", "plinear"),
weighted = FALSE,
threshold = NULL,
quant = 0.95, absThreshold = NULL) {
modelType <- match.arg(modelType)
xvalues <- getMidBins(object@bins)
yvalues <- object@varmean
vsize <- object@size
wvalues <- sqrt(object@size)
#Determining a limiting frequency to fit the data.
##The zero are removed, as the first points which is heavely biaised because of the low intensity of the filter.
p0 <- which(object@size == 0)
if (length(p0) != 0) {
xvalues <- xvalues[-c(1, p0)]
yvalues <- yvalues[-c(1, p0)]
wvalues <- wvalues[-c(1, p0)]
vsize <- vsize[-c(1, p0)]
###Determining the injection model.
beginning <- object@varmean[2]
yvalues <- yvalues - beginning
###Cutting the vector on which do th regression
limreg <- interToRegress(object, quant, threshold)
if(is.na(limreg[1])) return(NA)
pLim <- which(xvalues>absThreshold)
stop("Absolute noise threshold is too high, no point considered for regression.")
pLim <- pLim[1]
limreg[1] <- max(limreg[1],pLim[1])
iilim <- xvalues[c(limreg[1], limreg[2])]
xvalues <- xvalues[limreg[1]:limreg[2]]
yvalues <- yvalues[limreg[1]:limreg[2]]
wvalues <- wvalues[limreg[1]:limreg[2]]
###Checking is there is size 0 bins to remove.
if (!weighted) {
wvalues <- rep(1, length(wvalues))
} else{
wvalues <- wvalues / log2(yvalues)
###The value of the interept is determined as the
if (modelType == "polynom") {
estimationModel <- lm(yvalues ~ xvalues + I(xvalues ^ 2) - 1, weights = wvalues)
resCoef <- coef(estimationModel)
object@estimation <- function(x) {
if (x > iilim[2]) {
if (x < iilim[1]) {
return(resCoef[2] * x ^ 2 + resCoef[1] * x + beginning)
} else if (modelType == "plinear") {
object@estimation <- function(x) {
bmax <- ifelse(x>object@bins[limreg[2]],TRUE,FALSE)
bmin <- ifelse(x<object@bins[limreg[1]],TRUE,FALSE)
pok <- 1:length(x)
pok <- pok[-c(bmin,bmax)]
res <- numeric(length(x))
res[bmin] <- object@bins[limreg[1]]
res[bmax] <- object@bins[limreg[2]]
cbin = .bincode(x[pok], object@bins)
posSeg <- (x[pok] - object@bins[cbin]) / (object@bins[cbin + 1] - object@bins[cbin])
res[pok] <- object@varmean[cbin]+(object@varmean[cbin+1]-object@varmean[cbin]) * posSeg
} else if (modelType == "loess") {
m.lo <- loess(yvalues ~ xvalues, weights = wvalues)
bins <- getMidBins(object@bins)
object@estimation <- function(x,nullVal=yvalues[limreg[1]]) {
vreturn = predict(m.lo, x)
psup <- which(x > bins[object@reglim[2]])
if (length(psup)>0) {
vreturn[psup] <- object@varmean[object@reglim[2]]
pmin <- which(x < object@reglim[1])
if (length(pmin)>0) {
vreturn[pmin] <- nullVal
object@estimated <- TRUE
object@reglim <- limreg
estimateNoiseFile <-
nbin = 120,
denoising = c("BWF", "SavGol"),
graphical =
maxInt = NULL,
minInt = NULL,
...) {
stop("To estimate the noise on more than one file use estimateNoiseMS.")
xraw <- NULL
xraw <- xcmsRaw(fname)
xraw <- fname
sizepeak <- determiningInjectionZone(xraw, graphical = FALSE, ...)
###Checking if the sizepeak algorithm is bad.
beginningInjection <- sizepeak[1]
tabROI <- findBandsFIA(
firstScan = 1,
lastScan = length(xraw@scantime),
ppm = ppm,
sizeMin = (sizepeak[3] - sizepeak[1])*0.5,
dmz = dmz,
beginning = sizepeak[1],
fracMin = 0.25
denoising <- match.arg(denoising)
funcName <- paste("smooth.", denoising, sep = "")
n <- length(xraw@scantime)
##Make the binning interval
if (is.null(maxInt))
maxInt <- max(xraw@env$intensity)
if (is.null(minInt))
minInt <- max(xraw@env$intensity)
#cat("minInt ",minInt,"maxInt",maxInt,"\n")
binlim <- makeBins(nbin + 1, minInt, maxInt)
binlim[1] <- 0
binlim[length(binlim)] <- max(maxInt, binlim[length(binlim)]) + 1
matres <-
nrow = 2 * length(xraw@scantime),
ncol = nrow(tabROI))
if (graphical) {
for (i in 1:nrow(tabROI)) {
v <- tabROI[i,]
rEIC <- rawEIC(xraw, mzrange = c(tabROI[i, "mzmin"], tabROI[i, "mzmax"]))
ntitle <- paste(
"raw and smoothed EIC ",
sprintf("%0.2f", tabROI[i, "mzmin"]),
sprintf("%0.2f", tabROI[i, "mzmax"]),
sep =
plot(xraw@scantime, rEIC$intensity, type = "l")
fv <- putZero(rEIC$intensity, do.call(funcName, list(x = rEIC$intensity)))
type = "l",
col = "red")
noiseestimate <- rEIC$intensity - fv[1:n]
bins <- .bincode(fv[1:n], binlim)
matres[, i] <- c(noiseestimate, bins)
} else{
matres <- apply(tabROI, 1, function(v, xr, binl) {
rEIC <- rawEIC(xr, mzrange = c(v["mzmin"], v["mzmax"]))
fv <- putZero(rEIC$intensity, do.call(funcName, list(x = rEIC$intensity)))
noiseestimate <- rEIC$intensity - fv[1:n]
bins = .bincode(fv[1:n], binl)
c(noiseestimate, bins)
}, xr = xraw, binl = binlim)
###Obtaining the noise estimate
matnoise <- as.numeric(matres[1:n,])
matbin <- as.numeric(matres[(n + 1):(2 * n),])
tbin <- table(matbin)
vecmean <- aggregate(matnoise, by = list(bin = matbin), function(x) {
mean(x ^ 2)
}) ###Variance
#vecvar=aggregate(matnoise,by=list(bin=matbin),function(x){return(sum((x^2-mean(x^2))^2)/(length(x)*(length(x)-1)))}) ###Standard deviation of the mean
#vecvar[,2]=sapply(vecvar[,2],function(x){if(length(x)>1){return(x)}else if(is.nan(x)|is.na(x)){return(0)}else{return(x)}})
vnum <- rep(0, nbin)
vmean <- rep(0, nbin)
vmean[vecmean[, 1]] <- vecmean[, 2]
vmean <- sapply(vmean, function(x) {
if (is.nan(x) | is.na(x)) {
} else{
vnum[as.numeric(names(tbin))] = tbin
return(list(bins = binlim, noisevar = sqrt(vmean), size = as.integer(vnum)))
#' Estimate the noise of a mass spectrometer using multiple MS acquisition.
#' Determine the variances of the noise in function of the intensity
#' from multiples FIA acquisitions, using the method from Wentzell and Tarazuk(2014)
#' \emph{Characterization of heteroscedastic measurement noise in the absence of replicates}
#' @export
#' @param list_files A list of files in which the noise should be estimated.
#' @param ppm The authorized deviation between scans in ppm, this parameter
#' will also be used to fuse the bands if there are close enough.
#' @param dmz The dmz parameters to be passed to findBandsFIA, see \link{findBandsFIA}
#' @param nBin The number of intensity bins to be used.
#' @param minInt The minimum intensity expected in all the files.
#' @param maxInt The maximum intensity expected in all the files.
#' @param includeZero Should the left bin start a 0.
#' @param parallel Shall parrallelism be used.
#' @param BPPARAM A BiocParallelParam object to be used for parallelism
#' if parallel is TRUE.
#' @return A noise estimator object.
#' @examples
#' ##Listing the files in plasFIA
#' if(require(plasFIA)){
#' list_mzml <- list.files(system.file(package="plasFIA","mzML"),full.names=TRUE)
#' ##For speed purpose
#' list_mzml <- list_mzml[1:2]
#' es <- estimateNoiseMS(list_mzml,2,parallel=FALSE)
#' }
estimateNoiseMS <-
nBin = 500,
minInt = 500,
maxInt = 10 ^ 8,
res = NULL
if (parallel & requireNamespace("BiocParallel")) {
if (is.null(BPPARAM))
BPPARAM <- bpparam()
res <- bplapply(
nbin = nBin,
ppm = ppm,
maxInt = maxInt,
minInt =
} else{
if (parallel) {
"BioCParallel package is not installed, impossible to use parallelism. Single core is used."
res <- sapply(
nbin = nBin,
ppm = ppm,
maxInt = maxInt,
minInt =
simplify = FALSE
if (is.null(minInt) |
is.null(maxInt)) {
stop("No intensities provided noise cannot be estimated")
vInt <- rep(0, length(res[[1]]$noise))
vSize <- as.integer(rep(0, length(res[[1]]$noise)))
for (i in 1:length(res)) {
vInt <- (vSize * (vInt) + res[[i]]$size * res[[i]]$noise) / sapply((res[[i]]$size +
vSize), function(x) {
max(x, 1)
vSize <- vSize + res[[i]]$size
list_files <- sapply(list_files,function(x){
est <- new("noiseEstimation")
est@intlim <- c(minInt, maxInt)
est@varmean <- vInt
est@size <- as.integer(vSize)
est@bins <- res[[1]]$bins
est@filelist <- list_files
est@estimated <- FALSE
#H0 test if the seq int seq and the sequence hseq may be a putati
calcPvalue <- function(nes, intseq, hseq) {
if (length(intseq) != length(hseq))
stop("length of the 2 seqs is different")
if (!nes@estimated)
stop("A model have not been fitted to the data")
dist <- (intseq - hseq)
hvar <- sapply(hseq, nes@estimation, nullVal = NA)
##Points which haven't any values are not estimated.
invpos <- which(sapply(hvar, is.na) | hvar < 0)
if (length(invpos) != 0) {
hvar <- hvar[-invpos]
if (length(hvar) == 0 &
any(intseq > 2 * nes@bins[nes@reglim[1]]))
if (length(hvar) == 0)
testStat <- sum(dist)
pvalue <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(testStat, 0, sum(hvar)))
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