#' xCell2GetLineage function
#' This function identify the descendants and ancestors of each cell type based on the cell ontology tree.
#' If no output file is specified, the function returns a list of cell type dependencies.
#' If an output file is specified, the function writes the cell type dependencies to a TSV file.
#' @importFrom AnnotationHub AnnotationHub
#' @importFrom ontologyIndex get_descendants get_ancestors
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate rowwise
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom readr write_tsv
#' @param labels A data frame with four columns:
#' "ont": the cell type ontology as a character (i.e., "CL:0000545" or NA if there is no ontology).
#' "label": the cell type name as a character (i.e., "T-helper 1 cell").
#' "sample": the cell type sample that match the column name in ref.
#' "dataset": sample's source dataset or subject (can be the same for all sample if no such information).
#' @param outFile An optional output file name to write the cell type dependencies.
#' @return A list of cell type dependencies, or a TSV file containing the cell type dependencies if an output file is specified.
#' @examples
#' # For detailed example read xCell2 vignette.
#' # Extract reference matrix
#' data(dice_demo_ref, package = "xCell2")
#' dice_ref <- as.matrix(dice_demo_ref@assays@data$logcounts)
#' colnames(dice_ref) <- make.unique(colnames(dice_ref)) # Make samples samples unique
#' # Extract reference metadata
#' dice_labels <- as.data.frame(dice_demo_ref@colData)
#' # Prepare labels data frame
#' dice_labels$ont <- NA
#' dice_labels$sample <- colnames(dice_ref)
#' dice_labels$dataset <- "DICE"
#' # Assign cell type ontology (optional but recommended)
#' dice_labels[dice_labels$label == "B cells", ]$ont <- "CL:0000236"
#' dice_labels[dice_labels$label == "Monocytes", ]$ont <- "CL:0000576"
#' dice_labels[dice_labels$label == "NK cells", ]$ont <- "CL:0000623"
#' dice_labels[dice_labels$label == "T cells, CD8+", ]$ont <- "CL:0000625"
#' dice_labels[dice_labels$label == "T cells, CD4+", ]$ont <- "CL:0000624"
#' dice_labels[dice_labels$label == "T cells, CD4+, memory", ]$ont <- "CL:0000897"
#' # Identify cell type lineage (dependencies)
#' xCell2::xCell2GetLineage(labels = dice_labels, outFile = "demo_dice_dep.tsv")
#' # Open `demo_dice_dep.tsv` and check if the lineage assigned to each cell type makes sense.
#' # Note that "T cells, CD4+, memory" assigned as a descendant of "T cells, CD4+"
#' @export
xCell2GetLineage <- function(labels, outFile = NULL) {
labelsUniq <- labels %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::select("ont", "label") %>%
if (all(is.na(labelsUniq[, 1]))) {
message("Cannot find cell types dependencies - no ontologies provided")
lineageOut <- labelsUniq %>%
dplyr::mutate(descendants = "", ancestors = "")
} else {
ah <- AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub()
# AH111554 cellOnto_2023.02.15 (2023)
cl <- ah[["AH111554"]]
labelsUniq$descendants <- NA
labelsUniq$ancestors <- NA
for (i in seq_len(nrow(labelsUniq))) {
ont <- labelsUniq$ont[i]
descendants <- ontologyIndex::get_descendants(cl, roots = ont, exclude_roots = TRUE)
ancestors <- ontologyIndex::get_ancestors(cl, terms = ont)
ancestors <- ancestors[ancestors != ont]
descendants <- paste(dplyr::pull(labelsUniq[dplyr::pull(
labelsUniq[, 1]
) %in% descendants, 2]), collapse = ";")
ancestors <- paste(dplyr::pull(labelsUniq[dplyr::pull(
labelsUniq[, 1]
) %in% ancestors, 2]), collapse = ";")
labelsUniq$descendants[i] <- descendants
labelsUniq$ancestors[i] <- ancestors
lineageOut <- labelsUniq
# If no output is provided, xCell2GetLineage will return dependencies right away
if (is.null(outFile)) {
celltypes <- gsub("_", "-", dplyr::pull(lineageOut[, 2]))
depList <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(celltypes))
names(depList) <- celltypes
for (i in seq_len(nrow(lineageOut))) {
descendants <- gsub("_", "-", strsplit(dplyr::pull(lineageOut[i, 3]), ";")[[1]])
descendants <- descendants[!is.na(descendants)]
ancestors <- gsub("_", "-", strsplit(dplyr::pull(lineageOut[i, 4]), ";")[[1]])
ancestors <- ancestors[!is.na(ancestors)]
depList[[i]] <- list("descendants" = descendants, "ancestors" = ancestors)
} else {
readr::write_tsv(lineageOut, outFile)
warning("It is recommended that you manually check the cell type lineage file: ", outFile)
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