#' @title Download and Process GEO Data
#' @description
#' This function downloads gene expression data from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database.
#' It retrieves either the expression matrix or the supplementary tabular data if the expression data is not available.
#' The function also allows for the conversion of probe identifiers to gene symbols and can combine multiple probes into a single symbol.
#' @param geo A character string specifying the GEO Series ID (e.g., "GSE12345").
#' @param dir A character string specifying the directory where files should be downloaded. Default is the current working directory (`"."`).
#' @param combine A logical value indicating whether to combine multiple probes into a single gene symbol. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param method A character string specifying the method to use for combining probes into a single gene symbol. Options are `"max"` (take the maximum value) or `"mean"` (compute the average). Default is `"max"`.
#' @return A list containing:
#' \item{data}{A data frame of the expression matrix.}
#' \item{sample}{A data frame of the sample metadata.}
#' \item{feature}{A data frame of the feature metadata, which includes gene symbols if combining probes.}
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @import data.table
#' @export
prepare_geo <- function(geo, dir = ".", combine = TRUE, method = "max") {
. <- ID <- symbol <- gene_assignment <- NULL
eset <- GEOquery::getGEO(GEO = geo, destdir = dir, getGPL = FALSE)
if (length(eset) > 1) warning("There are more than one geo dataset;only the first one will be extracted")
exp <-[[1]]@assayData$exprs)
pd <- eset[[1]]@phenoData@data
if (nrow(exp) == 0L) {
warning("No expression data is retrieved in series matrix; try to check the supplementary file")
# code from GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles()
stub <- gsub("\\d{1,3}$", "nnn", geo, perl = TRUE)
url <- sprintf(
stub, geo
fnames <- try(
a <- xml2::read_html(url)
grep("^G", xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(a, "//a/@href")),
value = TRUE
silent = TRUE
fIdx <- grep(pattern = "(count)|(fpkm)|(tpm)", x = fnames, = TRUE)
if (inherits(fnames, "try-error") || length(fIdx) == 0L) {
message(sprintf("No potential expression data is detected in supplementary files"))
message("Check URL manually if in doubt")
message("detect potential expression data: \n", paste0(fnames[fIdx], "\n"))
message("read potential expression data in supplementary files...")
res <- lapply(fIdx, \(idx) fread(paste0(url, fnames[[idx]])))
names(res) <- make.names(fnames[[fIdx]])
res[["sampleInfo"]] <- eset[[1]]@phenoData@data
gpl <- GEOquery::getGEO(eset[[1]]@annotation, destdir = ".")
gpl <- GEOquery::Table(gpl)
if (!is.character(gpl[["ID"]])) {
warning("The gpl annotation data's ID column is not character; Please check the gpl data carefully!")
gpl[, let(ID = as.character(ID))]
gpl <- gpl[.(rownames(exp)), on = .(ID)]
if (!combine) {
gpl <- setDF(gpl, gpl[[1]])
return(list(data = exp, sample = pd, feature = gpl))
gpl2 <- copy(gpl)
if ("gene_assignment" %chin% colnames(gpl)) {
gpl2[, symbol := sapply(strsplit(x = gene_assignment, "//"), `[`, 2)]
if (any(colnames(gpl) %ilike% "symbol|genename")) {
gpl2[["symbol"]] <- gpl[[which(colnames(gpl) %ilike% "symbol|genename")]]
exp2 <-
exp2[, symbol := gpl2[, symbol]]
exp2 <- exp2[symbol != ""]
if (method == "max") {
exp2 <- exp2[, .SD[which.max(rowMeans(.SD, na.rm = TRUE))], by = symbol, .SDcols = is.numeric]
if (method == "mean") {
exp2 <- exp2[, lapply(.SD, function(x) sum(x) / length(x)), by = symbol, .SDcols = is.numeric]
exp2 <- setDF(exp2, exp2$symbol)
exp2$symbol <- NULL
gpl2 <- gpl2[.(rownames(exp2)), on = .(symbol), mult = "first"]
gpl2 <- setDF(gpl2, gpl2$symbol)
gpl2$symbol <- NULL
return(list(data = exp2, sample = pd, feature = gpl2))
#' Prepare TCGA Data for Analysis
#' This function prepares TCGA data for downstream analyses such as differential expression analysis with `limma` or survival analysis.
#' It extracts and processes the necessary information from the TCGA data object, separating tumor and non-tumor samples.
#' @param data A `SummarizedExperiment` object containing TCGA data, typically obtained from R package `TCGABiolinks`.
#' @return A list.
#' @import data.table
#' @export
prepare_tcga <- function(data) {
sampleInfo <-
sampleInfo[["OS"]] <- fcoalesce(sampleInfo[["days_to_death"]], sampleInfo[["days_to_last_follow_up"]])
featuresInfo <-
rownames(featuresInfo) <- data@rowRanges@ranges@NAMES
expr <-$unstranded, row.names = rownames(featuresInfo))
colnames(expr) <- rownames(sampleInfo)
# tumor smaple data
tumorIdx <- sampleInfo[["sample_type"]] %ilike% "Tumor"
expr2 <-$fpkm_unstrand, row.names = rownames(featuresInfo))
colnames(expr2) <- rownames(sampleInfo)
expr2 <- expr2[, tumorIdx]
sampleInfo2 <- sampleInfo[tumorIdx, ]
all = list(
exprCount = expr,
featuresInfo = featuresInfo,
sampleInfo = sampleInfo
tumor = list(
exprFpkm = expr2,
featuresInfo = featuresInfo,
sampleInfo = sampleInfo2
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