##performing HMM:
##################################################################### <-
function(dat, datainfo =, vr = .01, maxiter = 100,
aic = TRUE, bic = TRUE, delta = NA, eps = 0.01)
chrom.uniq <- unique(datainfo$Chrom)
states <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(dat), ncol=(2+6*ncol(dat)))
states[,1:2] <- cbind(datainfo$Chrom, datainfo$kb)
nstates <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(chrom.uniq), ncol=ncol(dat))
states.list <- list(states)
nstates.list <- list(nstates)
##list consists of experiments starting with aic then, if bic, scroll
##over deltas. delta= 1 by default.
nlists <- 0
if (aic)
nlists <- 1
if (bic)
if (
delta <- c(1)
delta <- c(1, delta)
for (j in 1:length(delta))
nlists <- nlists+1
if (nlists > 1)
for (j in 2:nlists)
states.list[[j]] <- states.list[[1]]
nstates.list[[j]] <- nstates.list[[1]]
for (i in 1:ncol(dat))
cat("sample is ", i, "\tChromosomes: ")
colstart <- 2+(i-1)*6+1
colend <- 2+i*6
for (j in 1:length(chrom.uniq))
cat(j, " ")
res <-
try(states.hmm.func(sample=i, chrom=j, dat=dat,
maxiter=maxiter, aic=aic, bic=bic,
delta=delta, nlists=nlists, eps = eps))
if (!(inherits(res, "try-error")))
for (m in 1:nlists)
states.list[[m]][((1:nrow(states))[states[,1]==j]),colstart:colend] <-
nstates.list[[m]][j,i] <- res$nstates.list[[m]]
stop("hmm fit failed!\n")
list(states.hmm = states.list, nstates.hmm = nstates.list)
states.hmm.func <-
function(sample, chrom, dat, datainfo =, vr = .01,
maxiter = 100, aic = FALSE, bic = TRUE, delta = 1,
nlists = 1, eps = .01, = FALSE,
diag.prob = .99)
obs <- dat[datainfo$Chrom==chrom, sample]
kb <- datainfo$kb[datainfo$Chrom==chrom]
##with current sproc files, data is already ordered by kb's
obs.ord <- obs[order(kb)]
kb.ord <- kb[order(kb)]
ind.nonna <- which(!
y <- obs.ord[ind.nonna]
kb <- kb.ord[ind.nonna]
numobs <- length(y)
zz <- vector(mode = "list", 5)
zz[[1]] <-
list(log.lik =
sum(dnorm(y, mean = mean(y), sd = sd(y), log = TRUE)))
for(k in 2:5)
mu <- kmeans(y, k)$centers
gamma <- matrix((1 - diag.prob) / (k - 1), k, k)
diag(gamma) <- diag.prob
zz[[k]] <-
res <-
mu = as.double(mu),
sigma = as.double(sqrt(vr)),
gamma = as.double(gamma),
pi = as.double(rep(-log(k), k)),
num.iter = as.integer(maxiter),
log.lik = double(1),
filtered.cond.probs = double(k * numobs),
hidden.states = integer(numobs),
res$hidden.states <- res$hidden.states + 1
res$filtered.cond.probs <-
matrix(res$filtered.cond.probs, nrow = k)
res$gamma <- matrix(res$gamma, nrow = k)
##identify the model with the smallest model selection criteria
##now, scroll over all options:
##number of states (means) + number of states*(number of states-1) (transitions) #+ 1 (variance)
# kk <- c(2, 5, 10, 17, 26)
kk <- (1:5) ^ 2 + 1
for (nl in 1:nlists)
if ((aic) && (nl==1))
factor <- 2
else if (bic)
if (aic)
factor <- log(numobs)*delta[nl-1]
factor <- log(numobs)*delta[nl]
lik <- sapply(zz, function(z) -z$log.lik) + kk * factor / 2
nstates <- likmin <- which.min(lik)
z <- zz[[likmin]]
##out rpred and state
if (nstates > 1) #if non-generic
maxstate <- apply(z$filter, 2, which.max)
### maxstate <- z$hidden.states
rpred <- as.vector(z$mu %*% z$filter)
prob <- apply(z$filter, 2, max)
##use median for prediction and mad for state dispersions
maxstate.unique <- unique(maxstate)
pred <- rep(0, length(y))
disp <- rep(0, length(y))
for (m in 1:length(maxstate.unique))
pred[maxstate==maxstate.unique[m]] <-
disp[maxstate==maxstate.unique[m]] <-
##if (length(z$pshape) == 1)
## disp <- rep(z$pshape, length(maxstate))
## disp <- z$pshape[maxstate]
else #if generic
maxstate <- rep(1, length(y))
##rpred <- rep(mean(y), length(y))
rpred <- rep(median(y), length(y))
prob <- rep(1, length(y))
##pred <- rep(mean(y), length(y))
pred <- rep(median(y), length(y))
##disp <- rep(var(y), length(y))
disp <- rep(mad(y), length(y))
out <-
cbind(matrix(maxstate, ncol=1),
matrix(rpred, ncol=1),
matrix(prob, ncol=1),
matrix(pred, ncol=1),
matrix(disp, ncol=1))
out.all <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(kb.ord), ncol=6)
out.all[ind.nonna,1:5] <- out
out.all[,6] <- obs.ord
out.all <-
dimnames(out.all)[[2]] <- c("state", "rpred", "prob", "pred", "disp", "obs")
if (nl==1)
out.all.list <- list(out.all)
nstates.list <- list(nstates)
out.all.list[[nl]] <- out.all
nstates.list[[nl]] <- nstates
##cloneinfo <-, length(kb.ord)), kb.ord))
##dimnames(cloneinfo)[[2]] <- c("Chrom", "kb")
list(out.list = out.all.list, nstates.list = nstates.list)
mergeFunc <-
function(statesres, minDiff = .1)
##merging states which are too close to each other to avoid showing technical
##rather than biological artifacts.
##start with two states closest to each other, if there are close enough , merge them
##and continue while treating them as the same state. Stop when no more states
##can be merged. write out states.merge file
##with merging only states and predicted values need to be changed
sq.state <- seq(3, ncol(statesres), b = 6)
sq.pred <- seq(6, ncol(statesres), b = 6)
sq.obs <- seq(8, ncol(statesres), b = 6)
chrom <- statesres[,1]
for (i in 1:length(sq.state)) #over all samples
### print(i)
for (j in 1:length(unique(chrom))) ##over all chromosomes
##missing values
statesr <- statesres[ chrom == j, ]
ind.nonna <- which(![ ,sq.obs[i] ]))
states <- statesr[,sq.state[i] ][ind.nonna] #states
obs <- statesr[ ,sq.obs[i] ][ind.nonna] #observations
pred <- statesr[ ,sq.pred[i] ][ind.nonna] #predicted (medians in a state)
##if there are K states, there can't be more than (K-1) merges
num.states <- length(unique(states)) ##number of states:
##if more than 1 state
if (num.states > 1)
for (m in 1:(num.states-1))
states.uniq <- unique(states) ##unique list of states
pred.states.uniq <- rep(0, length(states.uniq)) ##unique list of predictions for that states
for (s in 1:length(states.uniq))
pred[states ==states.uniq[s]] <- median(obs[states ==states.uniq[s]])
pred.states.uniq[s] <- (pred[states==states.uniq[s]])[1]
dst <- abs(dist(pred.states.uniq)) ##paiwise distances
if (min(dst) >= minDiff)
##if minimum difference is large enough
##record the merged version
statesres[chrom==j, sq.state[i]][ind.nonna] <-
statesres[chrom==j, sq.pred[i]][ind.nonna] <- pred
##if closest are close enough
pred.dist.matr <- as.matrix(dst)
##find the closest two states, in the case of the tie take the first one
for (s1 in 1:(nrow(pred.dist.matr)-1))
for (s2 in (s1+1):ncol(pred.dist.matr)) {
if (pred.dist.matr[s1,s2] == min(dst))
##s1 and s2 are the first two states that are too close to each other
states[states==states.uniq[s2]] <- states.uniq[s1] ##update states
pred[states==states.uniq[s1]] <- median(obs[states==states.uniq[s1]])
statesres[chrom==j, sq.state[i]][ind.nonna] <- states
statesres[chrom==j, sq.pred[i]][ind.nonna] <- pred
list(states.hmm = statesres)
computeSD.func <-
function(statesres, maxmadUse = .2, maxmedUse = .2,
maxState=3, maxStateChange = 100, minClone=20,
##1. maxmadUse : use state only if its mad <= maxmadUse (to avoid cases where
##points HMM does not seprate reults into several states (e.g. when
##individual clones fall out)
##maxmedUse: use state only if median is less < maxmedUse (states
##with chnages may have higher sd beause not all clones acquare a given
##2. maxState: use only those chromosomes that contain fewer than maxState
##states (may modify to state transitions later
##maxStateChange show chromosomes with fewer than ceratin number of changes
##3. minClone: use only those states that contain greater than minClone
##4. maxChrom: use up to maxChrom (e.g. avoid using X and Y)
chrom <- statesres[,1]
sq.state <- seq(3, ncol(statesres), b=6)
sq.obs <- seq(8, ncol(statesres), b=6)
madChrom <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(unique(chrom)), ncol=length(sq.state))
madGenome <- rep(NA, length(sq.state))
for (i in 1:length(sq.obs))
mad.tmp <- NA
for (j in 1:maxChrom)
ind.nonna <- (1:length(statesres[chrom==j, sq.obs[i]]))[![chrom==j, sq.obs[i]])]
mad.tmp1 <- NA
states.uniq <- unique(statesres[chrom==j, sq.state[i]][ind.nonna])
states <- statesres[chrom==j, sq.state[i]][ind.nonna]
obs <- statesres[chrom==j, sq.obs[i]][ind.nonna]
##use only chromosomes with <= maxState
states.change <- diff(states)
states.change.num <- length(states.change[states.change!=0])
##if (length(states.uniq) <= maxState)
if ((length(states.uniq) <= maxState) && (states.change.num <= maxStateChange))
for (k in states.uniq)
obs.state <- obs[states==k]
md <- mad(obs.state, na.rm = TRUE)
med <- median(obs.state, na.rm = TRUE)
##use only states with >= minClone and mad of state is <= maxmadUse and
##median of state is < maxmedUse
if ((length(obs.state) >= minClone) && (md <= maxmadUse) && (abs(med) <= maxmedUse))
mad.tmp1 <- c(mad.tmp1, md)
if (length(mad.tmp1[!]) > 0)
mad.tmp1 <- mad.tmp1[-1]
mad.tmp <- c(mad.tmp, mad.tmp1)
madChrom[j,i] <- median(mad.tmp1)
if (length(mad.tmp[!]) > 0)
mad.tmp <- mad.tmp[-1]
madGenome[i] <- median(mad.tmp)
if (length(madGenome[]) > 0)
cat("Warning: MAD could not had ben computed for one of the\
list(madChrom = madChrom, madGenome = madGenome)
findOutliers.func <-
function(thres, factor=4, statesres)
##"state", "rpred", "prob", "pred", "disp", "obs"
thres <- thres * factor
chrom <- statesres[,1]
sq.state <- seq(3, ncol(statesres), b = 6)
sq.rpred <- seq(4, ncol(statesres), b = 6)
sq.prob <- seq(5, ncol(statesres), b = 6)
sq.pred <- seq(6, ncol(statesres), b = 6)
sq.obs <- seq(8, ncol(statesres), b = 6)
##1 = outlier
outlier <- matrix(0, nrow = length(chrom), ncol = length(sq.state))
states.out <- matrix(0, nrow = length(chrom), ncol = length(sq.state))
##predicted values for all (including outliers) with median computed without outliers
pred.out <- matrix(0, nrow=length(chrom), ncol=length(sq.state))
##predicted values for all but outliers
pred.obs.out <- matrix(0, nrow=length(chrom), ncol=length(sq.state))
for (i in 1:length(sq.state))
### print(i)
for (j in 1:length(unique(chrom)))
ind.nonna <- which(![chrom==j, sq.obs[i]]))
states <- statesres[chrom == j, sq.state[i]][ind.nonna]
obs <- statesres[chrom == j, sq.obs[i]][ind.nonna]
pred <- statesres[chrom == j, sq.pred[i]][ind.nonna]
pred.obs <- pred
##identify outliers
for (k in 1:length(obs))
md <- median(obs[states == states[k]],na.rm = TRUE)
if ((obs[k] > md + thres[i]) || (obs[k] < md - thres[i]))
outlier[chrom==j, i][ind.nonna][k] <- 1
##assigning observed value for a clone instead of predicted
pred.obs[k] <- obs[k]
#####NO longer do this ####################################################
##state is -1 : will reassign state later as well as predicted value
##possibly using pam() clustering and siluette width as a measure
##states[k] <- -1
#####NO longer do this ####################################################
##recompute medians (predicted) without outliers -- use medians now
##Note that predicted before indicated means and now indicate median
##states other than "-1" -- i.e. statesless
states.uniq <- unique(states)
for (m in 1:length(states.uniq))
##predictions for all
pred[states==states.uniq[m]] <-
median(obs[states == states.uniq[m] & outlier[chrom==j, i][ind.nonna] == 0])
##predictions for non-outliers only
pred.obs[states == states.uniq[m] & outlier[chrom==j, i][ind.nonna] == 0] <-
median(obs[states==states.uniq[m] & outlier[chrom==j, i][ind.nonna] == 0])
pred.obs.out[chrom==j, i][ind.nonna] <- pred.obs
pred.out[chrom==j, i][ind.nonna] <- pred
###############assign missing:
outlier[chrom==j, i][-ind.nonna] <- NA
pred.obs.out[chrom==j, i][-ind.nonna] <- NA
pred.out[chrom==j, i][-ind.nonna] <- NA
list(outlier=outlier, pred.obs.out=pred.obs.out, pred.out=pred.out)
findAber.func <-
function(maxClones = 1, maxLen = 1000, statesres)
##either fewer than maxClones or length <= maxLen.
chrom <- statesres[,1]
kb <- statesres[,2]
sq.state <- seq(3, ncol(statesres), b=6)
sq.obs <- seq(8, ncol(statesres), b=6)
aber <- matrix(0, nrow=length(chrom), ncol=length(sq.state))
for (i in 1:length(sq.state))
### print(i)
for (j in 1:length(unique(chrom)))
st1 <- statesres[chrom==j, sq.obs[i]]
ind.nonna <- which(!
states <- statesres[chrom==j, sq.state[i]][ind.nonna]
kbnow <- kb[chrom==j][ind.nonna]
abernow <- rep(0, length(kbnow))
num <- 1
for (m in 2:length(states))
if (states[m-1] != states[m])
##first clone is different from 2nd -> it's aberration
if (m == 2)
abernow[1] <- 1
##2nd clone is dif't from 3rd
if (m == 3)
abernow[1:2] <- 1
##last clone is different from previous -> it's aberration
##the clones before last may be an aberration as well
if (m == length(states))
abernow[length(states)] <- 1
##clone before last is different from previous -> it's aberration
if (m == (length(states)-1))
abernow[(length(states)-1):(length(states))] <- 1
if (m <= length(states))
##take middle distances: if number of clones is small or they are very close together
if ((num <= maxClones) || ((kbnow[m-1]-kbnow[m-num]) <= maxLen))
abernow[(m-num):(m-1)] <- 1
num <- 1
num <- num + 1
aber[chrom==j, i][ind.nonna] <- abernow
aber[chrom==j, i][-ind.nonna] <- NA
findTrans.func <-
function(outliers, aber, statesres)
##exclude aberrations but keep outliers in
chrom <- statesres[,1]
kb <- statesres[,2]
sq.state <- seq(3, ncol(statesres), b=6)
sq.obs <- seq(8, ncol(statesres), b=6)
##transition matrix
trans.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow=length(chrom), ncol=length(sq.state))
##lenght of the corresponding stretch matrix: 0 for aberrations and outliers
translen.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow=length(chrom), ncol=length(sq.state))
for (i in 1:length(sq.state))
### print(i)
for (j in 1:length(unique(chrom)))
ind.nonna <- (1:length(statesres[chrom==j, sq.obs[i]]))[![chrom==j, sq.obs[i]])]
kbnow <- kb[chrom==j][ind.nonna]
states <- statesres[chrom==j, sq.state[i]][ind.nonna]
outliersnow <- outliers[chrom==j,i][ind.nonna]
abernow <- aber[chrom==j,i][ind.nonna]
transnow <- rep(0, length(states))
translennow <- rep(0, length(states))
states.diff <- diff(states[abernow==0])
ind <- (1:length(states.diff))[states.diff != 0]
if (length(ind) > 0)
start <- ind+1
end <- ind
transnow[abernow==0][start] <- 1
transnow[abernow==0][end] <- 2
##compute the length of the corresponding stretches: same number is assigned for all clones
##between 1 and 2 including aberrations and outliers. distance to the first end is
##computed from the start and of the last stretch is computed from the last clone to the
##end of chromosome.
st <- c(1,(1:length(transnow))[transnow==1])
en <- c((1:length(transnow))[transnow==2], length(transnow))
for (m in 1:length(st))
translennow[st[m]:en[m]] <- kbnow[en[m]]-kbnow[st[m]]
translen.matrix[chrom==j,i][ind.nonna] <- translennow
transnow[abernow==1] <- 3
trans.matrix[chrom==j,i][ind.nonna] <- transnow
trans.matrix[chrom==j, i][-ind.nonna] <- NA
translen.matrix[chrom==j, i][-ind.nonna] <- NA
list(trans.matrix=trans.matrix, translen.matrix=translen.matrix)
findAmplif.func <-
function(absValSingle = 1, absValRegion = 1.5, diffVal1=1,
diffVal2 = .5, maxSize = 10000, translen.matr,
trans.matr, aber, outliers, pred, pred.obs, statesres)
chrom <- statesres[,1]
kb <- statesres[,2]
sq.state <- seq(3, ncol(statesres), b=6)
sq.obs <- seq(8, ncol(statesres), b=6)
amplif.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow=length(kb), ncol=length(sq.state))
for (i in 1:length(sq.state))
### print(i)
for (j in 1:length(unique(chrom)))
ind.nonna <- (1:length(statesres[chrom==j, sq.obs[i]]))[![chrom==j, sq.obs[i]])]
abernow <- aber[chrom==j,i][ind.nonna]
outliersnow <- outliers[chrom==j,i][ind.nonna]
##predicted value for the stretch
prednow <- pred[chrom==j,i][ind.nonna]
##predicted value for the stretch, outliers have observed value
predobsnow <- pred.obs[chrom==j,i][ind.nonna]
obsnow <- statesres[chrom==j,sq.obs[i]][ind.nonna]
transnow <- trans.matr[chrom==j,i][ind.nonna]
translennow <- translen.matr[chrom==j,i][ind.nonna]
amplifnow <- rep(0, length(obsnow))
########maybe remove############
##if aberration or outlier and > absValSingle
## amplifnow[(abernow==1 | outliersnow ==1) & obsnow >= absValSingle] <- 1
##if aberration and greater by diffVal1 than max of the two surrounding
##stretches or
##if outlier and greater by diffVal2 than its stretch and > 1
##outlier is much larger (diffVal) that its stretch
amplifnow[outliersnow ==1 & ((obsnow - prednow) >= diffVal1)] <- 1
##outlier and > 1 and diffVal2 greater than its stretch
amplifnow[outliersnow ==1 & ((obsnow - prednow) >= diffVal2) & obsnow >= absValSingle] <- 1
##aberration is much larger than maximum of the two surrounding stretches
##need to take spacial care when no stertches to the left or to the right
indaber <- (1:length(amplifnow))[abernow==1]
if (length(indaber) > 0)
indstretch <- (1:length(amplifnow))[abernow==0 & outliersnow==0]
for (m in 1:length(indaber))
stretchleft <-
max(indstretch[indstretch < indaber[m]]),
na.rm = TRUE)
stretchright <-
min(indstretch[indstretch > indaber[m]]),
na.rm = TRUE)
##if no stretches to the left
if (stretchleft == 0)
mx <- prednow[stretchright]
} #if no stretches to the right:
else if (stretchright == (length(amplifnow)+1))
mx <- prednow[stretchleft]
mx <- max(prednow[stretchleft], prednow[stretchright])
if (!
if (((predobsnow[indaber[m]] - mx) >= diffVal1) || ((predobsnow[indaber[m]] - mx) >= diffVal2 && (predobsnow[indaber[m]] >= absValSingle)))
amplifnow[indaber[m]] <- 1
##if part of the stretch and observed value of > absValRegion and
##NOT YET: larger by diffValRegion than max of the surrounding regions regions and
##size of the corresponding stretch <= maxSize
amplifnow[abernow==0 & outliersnow ==0 & obsnow >= absValRegion & translennow <= maxSize] <- 1
amplif.matrix[chrom==j,i][ind.nonna] <- amplifnow
amplif.matrix[chrom==j, i][-ind.nonna] <- NA
list(amplif = amplif.matrix)
plotChrom.hmm.func <-
function(sample, chr, statesres, amplif, aber, outliers, trans,
pred, yScale = c(-2,2), maxChrom = 23, chrominfo,
samplenames, namePSfile = "", ps = TRUE, plotend = TRUE)
chrom.rat <- chrominfo$length/max(chrominfo$length)
chrom.start <- rep(0, maxChrom)
for (i in 2:length(chrom.start))
chrom.start[i] <- sum(chrominfo$length[1:(i-1)])
##chrom.mid contains middle positions of the chromosomes relative to
##the whole genome (useful for plotting the whole genome)
chrom.mid <- rep(0, maxChrom)
for (i in 1:length(chrom.start))
chrom.mid[i] <- chrom.start[i]+chrominfo$length[i]/2
chrom <- statesres[,1]
if (plotend)
if (ps)
postscript(namePSfile, paper="letter")
pdf(namePSfile, width=11, height=8.5)
par(lab=c(15,6,7), pch=18, cex=1, lwd=1)
sq.state <- seq(3, ncol(statesres), b=6)
sq.obs <- seq(8, ncol(statesres), b=6)
for (j in 1:length(chr))
ind.nonna <- (1:length(statesres[chrom==chr[j], sq.obs[sample]]))[![chrom==chr[j], sq.obs[sample]])]
kb <- (statesres[chrom==chr[j],2][ind.nonna])/1000
obs <- statesres[chrom==chr[j], sq.obs[sample]][ind.nonna]
states <- statesres[chrom==chr[j], sq.state[sample]][ind.nonna]
nstates <- length(unique(states))
abernow <- aber[chrom==chr[j],sample][ind.nonna]
outliersnow <- outliers[chrom==chr[j],sample][ind.nonna]
amplifnow <- amplif[chrom==chr[j],sample][ind.nonna]
transnow <- trans[chrom==chr[j],sample][ind.nonna]
##predicted values when non-aberration of outlier: otherwise observed
prednow <- obs
prednow[outliersnow == 0 & abernow==0] <- (pred[chrom==chr[j],sample][ind.nonna])[outliersnow == 0 & abernow==0]
y.min <- min(yScale[1], min(obs))
y.max <- max(yScale[2], max(obs))
plot(kb, obs, xlab="", ylab="", ylim=c(y.min, y.max), type="l", col="blue", xlim=c(0, chrominfo$length[chr[j]]/1000))
points(kb, obs,col="black")
title(main=paste("Sample ", sample, " ", samplenames[sample], " - Chr ",chr[j], "Number of states ", nstates), xlab="kb (in 1000's)", ylab="data (observed)")
abline(h=seq(y.min,y.max, b=.2), lty=3)
abline(v=chrominfo$centromere[chr[j]]/1000, lty=2, col="red", lwd=3)
##start (dotted blue) and end of states (green)
if (nstates > 1)
abline(v=kb[transnow==1], col="blue", lwd=2)
abline(v=kb[transnow==2], col="green", lty=2, lwd=.5)
##amplif = red
##aber = green
##outliers = yellow
if (length(outliersnow[outliersnow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[outliersnow ==1], obs[outliersnow ==1], col="yellow")
if (length(abernow[abernow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[abernow ==1], obs[abernow ==1], col="green")
if (length(amplifnow[amplifnow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[amplifnow ==1], obs[amplifnow ==1], col="red")
##predicted states:
plot(kb, prednow, xlab="", ylab="", ylim=c(y.min, y.max), type="l", col="blue", xlim=c(0, chrominfo$length[chr[j]]/1000))
points(kb, prednow,col="black")
title(xlab="kb (in 1000's)", ylab="data (smoothed)")
abline(h=seq(y.min,y.max, b=.2), lty=3)
abline(v=chrominfo$centromere[chr[j]]/1000, lty=2, col="red", lwd=3)
##start (dotted blue) and end of states (green)
if (nstates > 1)
abline(v=kb[transnow==1], col="blue", lwd=2)
abline(v=kb[transnow==2], col="green", lty=2, lwd=.5)
##amplif = red
##aber = green
##outliers = yellow
if (length(outliersnow[outliersnow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[outliersnow ==1], obs[outliersnow ==1], col="yellow")
if (length(abernow[abernow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[abernow ==1], obs[abernow ==1], col="green")
if (length(amplifnow[amplifnow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[amplifnow ==1], obs[amplifnow ==1], col="red")
if (plotend)
plotCGH.hmm.func <-
function (data, datainfo, chrominfo, samplename, sampNm,
yScale = c(-2, 2), namePSfile = "", ps = TRUE,
statesres, amplif, aber, outliers, trans)
################General Comments############################################
#########creating file
chrom.uniq <- unique(datainfo$Chrom)
chrominfo <- chrominfo[chrom.uniq,]
sq.state <- seq(3, ncol(statesres), b=6)
sq.obs <- seq(8, ncol(statesres), b=6)
chrom.rat <- chrominfo$length/max(chrominfo$length)
##i.e. for each chromosome it repreesents the fraction of length of the
##longest chromosome
##chrom.start contains starting positions of the chromosomes relative to the
##whole genome (0 for the first)
chrom.start <- rep(0, length(chrom.uniq))
for (i in 2:length(chrom.start))
chrom.start[i] <- sum(chrominfo$length[1:(i-1)])
##chrom.mid contains middle positions of the chromosomes relative to
##the whole genome (useful for plotting the whole genome)
chrom.mid <- rep(0, length(chrom.uniq))
for (i in 1:length(chrom.start))
chrom.mid[i] <- chrom.start[i]+chrominfo$length[i]/2
} <-, chrom.start, chrom.mid, chrom.rat))
dimnames([[2]] <- c("chr", "length", "centromere", "start", "mid", "rat")
##computing positions in genome for each clone:
clone.genomepos <- rep(0, length(datainfo$kb))
for (i in 1:length(chrom.uniq))
clone.genomepos[datainfo$Chrom==i] <- datainfo$kb[datainfo$Chrom==i]$start[i]
##Now, determine vertical scale for each chromosome:
y.min <- rep(yScale[1], length(chrom.uniq))
y.max <- rep(yScale[2], length(chrom.uniq))
##figure out the sample
smpnames <- sampNm
if ((samplename >= 1) && (samplename <= ncol(data)))
##samplename was the index
smp <- samplename
samplename <- smpnames[smp]
##so now samplename is a name
else ##samplename
smp <- (1:length(smpnames))[smpnames==samplename]
##values to plot:
vals <- data[,smp]
##adjust scales of chromosomes that have values outside a fixed scale
for (i in 1:length(chrom.uniq))
y.min[i] <- min(c(vals[datainfo$Chrom==i],yScale[1]), na.rm = TRUE)
y.max[i] <- max(c(vals[datainfo$Chrom==i],yScale[2]), na.rm = TRUE)
##set genome scale to the max and min values across chrom's
ygenome.min <- min(y.min, na.rm = TRUE)
ygenome.max <- max(y.max, na.rm = TRUE)
##start a postscript file
postscript(namePSfile, paper="letter", horizontal = FALSE)
##just a safety line
close.screen(all.screens = TRUE)
##"inch" factor for to determine size of the plot in inches (for "pin" parameter)
fact <- 3.9
##split the screen
##plot chromosomes
scr.seq <- c(10:27, 31:34, 30)
j.seq <- 1:length(chrom.uniq)
for (j in j.seq)
ind.nonna <- (1:length(vals[datainfo$Chrom==j]))[![datainfo$Chrom==j])]
par(cex=.5, pch=20, lab=c(15,4,7), tcl=-.2, las=1, oma=c(0,0,0,0), cex.axis=1.3, cex.main=1.3, mgp=c(0,.15,0), lwd=.5)
par(pin=c($rat[j]*fact, .65))
plot((datainfo$kb[datainfo$Chrom==j][ind.nonna])/1000, vals[datainfo$Chrom==j][ind.nonna], ylim=c(y.min[j],y.max[j]), xlab="", ylab="", type="l", col="blue", xlim=c(0,$length[j]/1000))
points((datainfo$kb[datainfo$Chrom==j][ind.nonna])/1000, vals[datainfo$Chrom==j][ind.nonna], col="black")
##if (j < 23)
##title(main=paste("Chr",j), line=.1)
## title(main="Chr. X", line=.1)
title(main=paste("Chr",j), line=.1)
abline(h=seq(y.min[j],y.max[j], b=.5), lty=3)
abline(v=0, lty=2)
abline($centromere[j]/1000, lty=2, col="red")
##plotting transitions and aberrations
kb <- (datainfo$kb[datainfo$Chrom==j][ind.nonna])/1000
chrom <- datainfo$Chrom
obs <- vals[chrom==j][ind.nonna]
states <- statesres[chrom==j, sq.state[smp]][ind.nonna]
nstates <- length(unique(states))
abernow <- aber[chrom==j,smp][ind.nonna]
outliersnow <- outliers[chrom==j,smp][ind.nonna]
amplifnow <- amplif[chrom==j,smp][ind.nonna]
transnow <- trans[chrom==j,smp][ind.nonna]
if (nstates > 1)
abline(v=kb[transnow==1], col="blue", lwd=1)
abline(v=kb[transnow==2], col="green", lty=2, lwd=.25)
##amplif = red
##aber = orange
##outliers = yellow
if (length(outliersnow[outliersnow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[outliersnow ==1], obs[outliersnow ==1], col="yellow")
if (length(abernow[abernow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[abernow ==1], obs[abernow ==1], col="orange")
if (length(amplifnow[amplifnow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[amplifnow ==1], obs[amplifnow ==1], col="red")
##plot genome:
screen(9 )
par(cex=.5, pch=20, lab=c(1,4,7), tcl=-.2, las=1, cex.axis=1.3, mgp=c(0,.15,0), cex.main=1.3, xaxs="i")
par(pin=c(7.8, .55))
plot(clone.genomepos/1000, vals, ylim=c(ygenome.min,ygenome.max), xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(min(clone.genomepos[clone.genomepos>0], na.rm = TRUE)/1000, clone.genomepos[length(clone.genomepos[clone.genomepos>0])]/1000), col="black", type="l", lwd=1)
title(main="Whole Genome (not to horizontal scale)",line=.1)
for (i in seq(1,21,b=2))
mtext(paste("", i), side = 1, at = ($mid[i]/1000), line=.3, col="red", cex.main=.5)
mtext("X", side = 1, at = ($mid[nrow(]/1000), line=.3, col="red",cex.main=.5)
abline(v=c($start/1000, ($start[23]$length[nrow(])/1000), lty=1)
abline(h=seq(ygenome.min,ygenome.max, b=.5), lty=3)
abline(v=($$start)/1000, lty=3, col="red")
mtext(paste("Sample ", samplename, " ", smp, "Log2Ratio of Intensities vs Position in 1000's kb"), outer = TRUE, line=-1.2, cex=.8)
plotChrom.samples.func <-
function(nr, nc, sample, chr, statesres, amplif, aber,
outliers, trans, pred, yScale = c(-2, 2),
maxChrom = 23, chrominfo =,
chrom.rat <- chrominfo$length/max(chrominfo$length)
chrom.start <- rep(0, maxChrom)
for (i in 2:length(chrom.start))
chrom.start[i] <- sum(chrominfo$length[1:(i-1)])
##chrom.mid contains middle positions of the chromosomes relative to
##the whole genome (useful for plotting the whole genome)
chrom.mid <- rep(0, maxChrom)
for (i in 1:length(chrom.start))
chrom.mid[i] <- chrom.start[i]+chrominfo$length[i]/2
chrom <- statesres[,1]
par(lab=c(15,6,7), pch=18, cex=1, lwd=1)
sq.state <- seq(3, ncol(statesres), b=6)
sq.obs <- seq(8, ncol(statesres), b=6)
for (j in 1:length(chr))
ind.nonna <- (1:length(statesres[chrom==chr[j], sq.obs[sample[j]]]))[![chrom==chr[j], sq.obs[sample[j]]])]
kb <- (statesres[chrom==chr[j],2][ind.nonna])/1000
obs <- statesres[chrom==chr[j], sq.obs[sample[j]]][ind.nonna]
states <- statesres[chrom==chr[j], sq.state[sample[j]]][ind.nonna]
nstates <- length(unique(states))
abernow <- aber[chrom==chr[j],sample[j]][ind.nonna]
outliersnow <- outliers[chrom==chr[j],sample[j]][ind.nonna]
amplifnow <- amplif[chrom==chr[j],sample[j]][ind.nonna]
transnow <- trans[chrom==chr[j],sample[j]][ind.nonna]
##predicted values when non-aberration of outlier: otherwise observed
prednow <- obs
prednow[outliersnow == 0 & abernow==0] <- (pred[chrom==chr[j],sample[j]][ind.nonna])[outliersnow == 0 & abernow==0]
y.min <- min(yScale[1], min(obs))
y.max <- max(yScale[2], max(obs))
plot(kb, obs, xlab="", ylab="", ylim=c(y.min, y.max), type="l", col="blue", xlim=c(0, chrominfo$length[chr[j]]/1000))
points(kb, obs,col="black")
title(main=paste(samplenames[sample[j]], " - Chr ",chr[j], "Number of states ", nstates), xlab="kb (in 1000's)", ylab="data (observed)")
##abline(h=seq(y.min,y.max, b=.2), lty=3)
abline(v=chrominfo$centromere[chr[j]]/1000, lty=2, col="red", lwd=3)
##start (dotted blue) and end of states (green)
if (nstates > 1)
abline(v=kb[transnow==1], col="blue", lwd=2)
abline(v=kb[transnow==2], col="green", lty=2, lwd=.5)
##amplif = red
##aber = orange
##outliers = yellow
if (length(outliersnow[outliersnow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[outliersnow ==1], obs[outliersnow ==1], col="yellow")
if (length(abernow[abernow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[abernow ==1], obs[abernow ==1], col="orange")
if (length(amplifnow[amplifnow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[amplifnow ==1], obs[amplifnow ==1], col="red")
plotChrom.grey.samples.func <-
function(nr, nc, sample, chr, statesres, amplif, aber,
outliers, trans, pred, yScale = c(-2, 2),
maxChrom = 23, chrominfo =,
chrom.rat <- chrominfo$length/max(chrominfo$length)
chrom.start <- rep(0, maxChrom)
for (i in 2:length(chrom.start))
chrom.start[i] <- sum(chrominfo$length[1:(i-1)])
##chrom.mid contains middle positions of the chromosomes relative to
##the whole genome (useful for plotting the whole genome)
chrom.mid <- rep(0, maxChrom)
for (i in 1:length(chrom.start))
chrom.mid[i] <- chrom.start[i]+chrominfo$length[i]/2
chrom <- statesres[,1]
par(lab=c(15,6,7), pch=18, cex=1, lwd=1)
sq.state <- seq(3, ncol(statesres), b=6)
sq.obs <- seq(8, ncol(statesres), b=6)
for (j in 1:length(chr))
ind.nonna <- (1:length(statesres[chrom==chr[j], sq.obs[sample[j]]]))[![chrom==chr[j], sq.obs[sample[j]]])]
kb <- (statesres[chrom==chr[j],2][ind.nonna])/1000
obs <- statesres[chrom==chr[j], sq.obs[sample[j]]][ind.nonna]
states <- statesres[chrom==chr[j], sq.state[sample[j]]][ind.nonna]
nstates <- length(unique(states))
abernow <- aber[chrom==chr[j],sample[j]][ind.nonna]
outliersnow <- outliers[chrom==chr[j],sample[j]][ind.nonna]
amplifnow <- amplif[chrom==chr[j],sample[j]][ind.nonna]
transnow <- trans[chrom==chr[j],sample[j]][ind.nonna]
##predicted values when non-aberration of outlier: otherwise observed
prednow <- obs
prednow[outliersnow == 0 & abernow==0] <- (pred[chrom==chr[j],sample[j]][ind.nonna])[outliersnow == 0 & abernow==0]
y.min <- min(yScale[1], min(obs))
y.max <- max(yScale[2], max(obs))
plot(kb, obs, xlab="", ylab="", ylim=c(y.min, y.max), type="l", col="grey50", xlim=c(0, chrominfo$length[chr[j]]/1000))
points(kb, obs,col="black")
title(main=paste(samplenames[sample[j]], " - Chr ",chr[j], "Number of states ", nstates), xlab="kb (in 1000's)", ylab="data (observed)")
##abline(h=seq(y.min,y.max, b=.2), lty=3)
abline(v=chrominfo$centromere[chr[j]]/1000, lty=2, col="grey50", lwd=3)
##start (dotted blue) and end of states (green)
if (nstates > 1)
abline(v=kb[transnow==1], col="black", lwd=2)
abline(v=kb[transnow==2], col="black", lty=2, lwd=.5)
##amplif = red
##aber = orange
##outliers = yellow
if (length(outliersnow[outliersnow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[outliersnow ==1], obs[outliersnow ==1], col="grey80")
if (length(abernow[abernow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[abernow ==1], obs[abernow ==1], col="grey50")
if (length(amplifnow[amplifnow ==1]) > 0)
points(kb[amplifnow ==1], obs[amplifnow ==1], col="grey30")
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