Normalisedaveragepeaksignal-methods: Retrieve normalised average peak profiles

Normalisedaveragepeaksignal-methodsR Documentation

Retrieve normalised average peak profiles


Retrieve normalised average peak profiles


signature(object = "ChIPQCexperiment")

Retrieve a matrix of normalised average peak signal data for all samples in a ChIP-seq experiment. Each column represents a sample, and each row a base pair position, centered on peak summits.

signature(object = "list")

Retrieve a matrix of normalised average peak signal data for all samples in a list of ChIPQCsample objects. Each column represents a sample, and each row a base pair position, centered on peak summits.

signature(object = "ChIPQCsample")

Retrieve a vector representing the normalised average peak profile for a sample. Each column represents a basepair position, centered on the peak summits.


Thomas Carroll and Rory Stark

See Also

ChIPQC-package, ChIPQCexperiment, ChIPQCsample


CTCFprofile = Normalisedaveragepeaksignal(QCsample(exampleExp,1))
plot(CTCFprofile,type='l',ylab="normalised mean pileup")

allprofiles = Normalisedaveragepeaksignal(exampleExp)
for(i in 1:ncol(allprofiles)) lines(allprofiles[,i],col=i)

shengqh/ChIPQC documentation built on Feb. 27, 2023, 10:51 p.m.