## function: gsva
## purpose: main function of the package which estimates activity
## scores for each given gene-set
#' @title Gene Set Variation Analysis
#' @description This is the old manual page of the defunct version
#' of the function `gsva()`.
#' @name gsva-defunct
## #' @usage gsva(expr, gset.idx.list, ...)
#' @seealso [`GSVA-pkg-defunct`]
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname GSVA-pkg-defunct
#' @section Details:
#' Instead of `gsva(expr=., gset.idx.list=., method=., ...)`, use a
#' method-specific parameter object,
#' see [`plageParam`] [`zscoreParam`] [`ssgseaParam`] [`gsvaParam`],
#' followed by a call to the new `gsva()` function, see [`gsva`].
#' @export
setMethod("gsva", signature(param="missing"), function(param, ...) {
.Defunct(new = "gsva()", package="GSVA",
msg="Calling gsva(expr=., gset.idx.list=., method=., ...) is defunct; use a method-specific parameter object (see '?gsva').")
#' @rdname GSVA-pkg-defunct
#' @export
setMethod("gsva", signature(param="matrix"), function(param, ...) {
.Defunct(new = "gsva()", package="GSVA",
msg="Calling gsva(expr=., gset.idx.list=., method=., ...) is defunct; use a method-specific parameter object (see '?gsva').")
#' @rdname GSVA-pkg-defunct
#' @export
setMethod("gsva", signature(param="ExpressionSet"), function(param, ...) {
.Defunct(new = "gsva()", package="GSVA",
msg="Calling gsva(expr=., gset.idx.list=., method=., ...) is defunct; use a method-specific parameter object (see '?gsva').")
#' @rdname GSVA-pkg-defunct
#' @export
setMethod("gsva", signature(param="SummarizedExperiment"), function(param, ...) {
.Defunct(new = "gsva()", package="GSVA",
msg="Calling gsva(expr=., gset.idx.list=., method=., ...) is defunct; use a method-specific parameter object (see '?gsva').")
#' @rdname GSVA-pkg-defunct
#' @export
setMethod("gsva", signature(param="dgCMatrix"), function(param, ...) {
.Defunct(new = "gsva()", package="GSVA",
msg="Calling gsva(expr=., gset.idx.list=., method=., ...) is defunct; use a method-specific parameter object (see '?gsva').")
#' @rdname GSVA-pkg-defunct
#' @export
setMethod("gsva", signature(param="SingleCellExperiment"), function(param, ...) {
.Defunct(new = "gsva()", package="GSVA",
msg="Calling gsva(expr=., gset.idx.list=., method=., ...) is defunct; use a method-specific parameter object (see '?gsva').")
compute.gene.cdf <- function(expr, sample.idxs, Gaussk=TRUE, kernel=TRUE,
sparse=FALSE, any_na=FALSE,
na_use=c("everything", "all.obs", "na.rm"),
verbose=TRUE) {
na_use <- match.arg(na_use)
n.test.samples <- ncol(expr)
n.genes <- nrow(expr)
n.density.samples <- length(sample.idxs)
if (any_na && na_use == "all.obs") {
msg <- paste("missing values present in the input expression data and",
gene.cdf <- NA
if (kernel) {
if (is(expr, "dgCMatrix")) {
if (sparse)
gene.cdf <- .kcdfvals_sparse_to_sparse(expr[, sample.idxs, drop=FALSE],
Gaussk, verbose)
gene.cdf <- .kcdfvals_sparse_to_dense(expr[, sample.idxs, drop=FALSE],
Gaussk, verbose)
} else if (is.matrix(expr)) {
A = .Call("matrix_density_R",
as.double(t(expr[ ,sample.idxs, drop=FALSE])),
levels=c("everything", "all.obs",
gene.cdf <- t(matrix(A, n.test.samples, n.genes))
} else
stop(sprintf("Matrix class %s cannot be handled yet.", class(expr)))
} else {
if (is(expr, "dgCMatrix")) {
if (sparse)
gene.cdf <- .ecdfvals_sparse_to_sparse(expr[, sample.idxs, drop=FALSE],
gene.cdf <- .ecdfvals_sparse_to_dense(expr[, sample.idxs, drop=FALSE],
} else if (is.matrix(expr)) {
if (any_na)
gene.cdf <- .ecdfvals_dense_to_dense_nas(expr[, sample.idxs, drop=FALSE],
gene.cdf <- .ecdfvals_dense_to_dense(expr[, sample.idxs, drop=FALSE],
} else
stop(sprintf("Matrix class %s cannot be handled yet.", class(expr)))
zorder_rankstat <- function(z, p) {
## calculation of the ranks by expression-level statistic
zord <- apply(z, 2, order, decreasing=TRUE)
## calculation of the rank-order statistic
zrs <- apply(zord, 2, function(x, p)
do.call("[<-", list(rep(0, p), x, abs(p:1-p/2))), p)
list(Zorder=zord, ZrankStat=zrs)
## here gSetIdx contains the positions in the decreasing gene ranking
## and rankStat contains the rank statistic value in the original
## gene order of the data
.gsvaRndWalk_rankingpos_notau <- function(gSetIdx, geneRanking, rankStat) {
n <- length(geneRanking)
k <- length(gSetIdx)
stepCDFinGeneSet <- integer(n)
stepCDFinGeneSet[gSetIdx] <- rankStat[geneRanking[gSetIdx]]
stepCDFinGeneSet <- cumsum(stepCDFinGeneSet)
stepCDFinGeneSet <- stepCDFinGeneSet / stepCDFinGeneSet[n]
stepCDFoutGeneSet <- rep(1L, n)
stepCDFoutGeneSet[gSetIdx] <- 0L
stepCDFoutGeneSet <- cumsum(stepCDFoutGeneSet)
stepCDFoutGeneSet <- stepCDFoutGeneSet / stepCDFoutGeneSet[n]
walkStat <- stepCDFinGeneSet - stepCDFoutGeneSet
#' @importFrom Matrix nnzero
.sufficient_ssize <- function(expr, kcdf.min.ssize) {
## in the sparse case stored in a 'dgCMatrix', by now,
## use the average nonzero values per row
if (is(expr, "dgCMatrix"))
return((nnzero(expr) / nrow(expr)) >= kcdf.min.ssize)
## in every other case, including the dense case, by now,
## just look at the number of columns
return(ncol(expr) >= kcdf.min.ssize)
.parse_kcdf_param <- function(expr, kcdf, kcdf.min.ssize, sparse, verbose) {
kernel <- FALSE
Gaussk <- TRUE ## default (TRUE) is a Gaussian kernel, Poisson otherwise (FALSE)
if (kcdf == "auto") {
if (verbose)
cli_alert_info("kcdf='auto' (default)")
if (!.sufficient_ssize(expr, kcdf.min.ssize)) {
kernel <- TRUE
if (is(expr, "dgCMatrix")) { ## dgCMatrix does not store integers
## so we check them with x == floor(x)
sam <- sample(expr@x, size=min(1000, length(expr@x)),
Gaussk <- any((sam < 0) | (sam != floor(sam)))
} else if (is.integer(expr[1, 1]))
Gaussk <- FALSE
} else {
if (kcdf == "Gaussian") {
kernel <- TRUE
Gaussk <- TRUE
} else if (kcdf == "Poisson") {
kernel <- TRUE
Gaussk <- FALSE
} else
kernel <- FALSE
if (verbose) {
if (is(expr, "dgCMatrix") && sparse)
cli_alert_info("GSVA sparse algorithm")
cli_alert_info("GSVA dense (classical) algorithm")
if (kernel) {
if (Gaussk)
cli_alert_info("Row-wise ECDF estimation with Gaussian kernels")
cli_alert_info("Row-wise ECDF estimation with Poisson kernels")
} else
cli_alert_info("Direct row-wise ECDFs estimation")
list(kernel=kernel, Gaussk=Gaussk)
#' @importFrom parallel splitIndices
#' @importFrom IRanges IntegerList match
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpnworkers
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_info cli_progress_bar
#' @importFrom cli cli_progress_update cli_progress_done
compute.geneset.es <- function(expr, gset.idx.list, sample.idxs, kcdf,
kcdf.min.ssize, abs.ranking,
mx.diff=TRUE, tau=1, sparse=FALSE,
verbose=TRUE, BPPARAM=SerialParam(progressbar=verbose)) {
kcdfparam <- .parse_kcdf_param(expr, kcdf, kcdf.min.ssize, sparse, verbose)
kernel <- kcdfparam$kernel
Gaussk <- kcdfparam$Gaussk
## open parallelism only if ECDFs have to be estimated for
## more than 100 genes on more than 100 samples
if (bpnworkers(BPPARAM) > 1 && length(sample.idxs) > 100 &&
nrow(expr) > 100) {
iter <- function(Y, idpb, n_chunks=bpnworkers(BPPARAM)) {
idx <- splitIndices(nrow(Y), min(nrow(Y), n_chunks))
i <- 0L
function() {
if (i == length(idx))
i <<- i + 1L
if (!is.null(idpb))
cli_progress_update(id=idpb, set=i)
Y[idx[[i]], , drop=FALSE]
if (verbose) {
msg <- sprintf("Estimating ECDFs with %d cores",
idpb <- cli_progress_bar(msg, total=100)
gene.density <- bpiterate(iter(expr, idpb, 100),
Gaussk=Gaussk, kernel=kernel,
sparse=sparse, any_na=FALSE,
na_use="everything", verbose=FALSE,
REDUCE=rbind, reduce.in.order=TRUE,
if (verbose)
} else
gene.density <- compute.gene.cdf(expr, sample.idxs, Gaussk, kernel,
sparse, any_na=FALSE,
na_use="everything", verbose)
gset.idx.list <- IntegerList(gset.idx.list)
n <- ncol(expr)
es <- NULL
if (n > 10 && bpnworkers(BPPARAM) > 1) {
if (verbose) {
msg <- sprintf("Calculating GSVA scores with %d cores",
es <- bplapply(as.list(1:n), function(j, Z) {
gene_ord_rnkstat <- list()
if (is(Z, "dgCMatrix"))
gene_ord_rnkstat <- .order_rankstat_sparse_to_sparse(Z, j)
gene_ord_rnkstat <- .order_rankstat(Z[, j])
geneRanking <- gene_ord_rnkstat[[1]]
rankStat <- gene_ord_rnkstat[[2]]
geneSetsRankIdx <- match(gset.idx.list, geneRanking)
.gsva_score_genesets(as.list(geneSetsRankIdx), geneRanking, rankStat,
mx.diff, abs.ranking, tau)
}, Z=gene.density, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
} else {
idpb <- NULL
if (verbose)
idpb <- cli_progress_bar("Calculating GSVA scores", total=n)
es <- lapply(as.list(1:n), function(j, Z) {
gene_ord_rnkstat <- list()
if (is(Z, "dgCMatrix"))
gene_ord_rnkstat <- .order_rankstat_sparse_to_sparse(Z, j)
gene_ord_rnkstat <- .order_rankstat(Z[, j])
geneRanking <- gene_ord_rnkstat[[1]]
rankStat <- gene_ord_rnkstat[[2]]
geneSetsRankIdx <- match(gset.idx.list, geneRanking)
sco <- .gsva_score_genesets(as.list(geneSetsRankIdx), geneRanking, rankStat,
mx.diff, abs.ranking, tau)
if (verbose)
}, Z=gene.density)
if (verbose)
es <- do.call("cbind", es)
## implement calculations separating ranks from random walks
## BEGIN exported methods (to be moved to 'gsvaNewAPI.R')
#' @title GSVA ranks and scores
#' @description Calculate GSVA scores in two steps: (1) calculate GSVA
#' ranks; and (2) calculate GSVA scores using the previously calculated
#' ranks.
#' @param param A [`gsvaParam-class`] object built using the constructor
#' function [`gsvaParam`].
#' @param verbose Gives information about each calculation step. Default: `TRUE`.
#' @param BPPARAM An object of class [`BiocParallelParam`] specifying parameters
#' related to the parallel execution of some of the tasks and calculations
#' within this function.
#' @return In the case of the `gsvaRanks()` method, an object of class
#' [`gsvaRanksParam-class`].
#' @seealso [`gsvaParam-class`], [`gsvaRanksParam-class`], [`gsva`]
#' @aliases gsvaRanks,gsvaParam-method
#' @name gsvaRanks
#' @rdname gsvaRanks
#' @references Hänzelmann, S., Castelo, R. and Guinney, J. GSVA: Gene set
#' variation analysis for microarray and RNA-Seq data.
#' *BMC Bioinformatics*, 14:7, 2013.
#' [DOI](https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-14-7)
#' @examples
#' library(GSVA)
#' p <- 10 ## number of genes
#' n <- 30 ## number of samples
#' nGrp1 <- 15 ## number of samples in group 1
#' nGrp2 <- n - nGrp1 ## number of samples in group 2
#' ## consider three disjoint gene sets
#' geneSets <- list(gset1=paste0("g", 1:3),
#' gset2=paste0("g", 4:6),
#' gset3=paste0("g", 7:10))
#' ## sample data from a normal distribution with mean 0 and st.dev. 1
#' y <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow=p, ncol=n,
#' dimnames=list(paste("g", 1:p, sep="") , paste("s", 1:n, sep="")))
#' ## genes in set1 are expressed at higher levels in the last 'nGrp1+1' to 'n' samples
#' y[geneSets$set1, (nGrp1+1):n] <- y[geneSets$set1, (nGrp1+1):n] + 2
#' ## build GSVA parameter object
#' gsvapar <- gsvaParam(y, geneSets)
#' ## calculate GSVA ranks
#' gsvarankspar <- gsvaRanks(gsvapar)
#' gsvarankspar
#' ## calculate GSVA scores
#' gsva_es <- gsvaScores(gsvarankspar)
#' gsva_es
#' ## calculate now GSVA scores in a single step
#' gsva_es1 <- gsva(gsvapar)
#' ## both approaches give the same result with the same input gene sets
#' all.equal(gsva_es1, gsva_es)
#' ## however, results will be (obviously) different with different gene sets
#' geneSets2 <- list(gset1=paste0("g", 3:6),
#' gset2=paste0("g", c(1, 2, 7, 8)))
#' ## note that there is no need to calculate the GSVA ranks again
#' geneSets(gsvarankspar) <- geneSets2
#' gsvaScores(gsvarankspar)
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_info cli_alert_success
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpnworkers
#' @exportMethod gsvaRanks
setMethod("gsvaRanks", signature(param="gsvaParam"),
if (verbose && gsva_global$show_start_and_end_messages) {
cli_alert_info(sprintf("GSVA version %s",
exprData <- get_exprData(param)
dataMatrix <- unwrapData(exprData, get_assay(param))
filteredDataMatrix <- .filterGenes(dataMatrix, removeConstant=TRUE,
if (!inherits(BPPARAM, "SerialParam") && verbose) {
msg <- sprintf("Using a %s parallel back-end with %d workers",
class(BPPARAM), bpnworkers(BPPARAM))
if (verbose)
cli_alert_info(sprintf("Calculating GSVA ranks"))
kcdfminssize <-get_kcdfNoneMinSampleSize(param)
gsvarnks <- .compute_gsva_ranks(expr=filteredDataMatrix,
rownames(gsvarnks) <- rownames(filteredDataMatrix)
colnames(gsvarnks) <- colnames(filteredDataMatrix)
rnkcontainer <- wrapData(get_exprData(param), gsvarnks)
rval <- new("gsvaRanksParam",
exprData=rnkcontainer, geneSets=get_geneSets(param),
assay="gsvaranks", annotation=get_annotation(param),
minSize=get_minSize(param), maxSize=get_maxSize(param),
tau=get_tau(param), maxDiff=get_maxDiff(param),
sparse=get_sparse(param), checkNA=get_checkNA(param),
didCheckNA=get_didCheckNA(param), anyNA=anyNA(param),
if (verbose && gsva_global$show_start_and_end_messages)
cli_alert_success("Calculations finished")
.check_geneSets_minSize_maxSize_tau <- function(geneSets, minSize, maxSize, tau) {
if (all(!is.na(geneSets))) {
if (!is.list(geneSets) && !is(geneSets, "GeneSetCollection"))
cli_abort(c("x"="'geneSets' must be either a list or a 'GeneSetCollection' object"))
if (length(geneSets) == 0)
cli_abort(c("x"="'geneSets' has length 0"))
if (length(minSize) != 1)
cli_abort(c("x"="'minSize' must be of length 1"))
if (length(maxSize) != 1)
cli_abort(c("x"="'maxSize' must be of length 1"))
if ((is.na(minSize) && !is.na(maxSize)) || ## here assuming length 'minSize' and 'maxSize'
(!is.na(minSize) && is.na(maxSize))) ## is 1, otherwise 'is.na()' would return > 1 value
cli_abort(c("x"="'minSize' and 'maxSize' should be either both NA or both non-NA"))
if (!is.na(minSize) && !is.na(maxSize)) {
if (!is.integer(minSize) && !is.numeric(minSize))
cli_abort(c("x"="'minSize' must be a positive integer value"))
if (!is.integer(maxSize) && !is.numeric(maxSize))
cli_abort(c("x"="'maxSize' must be a positive integer value"))
if (minSize < 1)
cli_abort(c("x"="'minSize' must be a positive integer value"))
if (maxSize < 1)
cli_abort(c("x"="'maxSize' must be a positive integer value"))
if (maxSize < minSize)
cli_abort(c("x"="'maxSize' must be at least 'minSize' or greater"))
if (length(tau) != 1)
cli_abort(c("x"="'tau' must be of length 1"))
if (!is.na(tau)) {
if (!is.integer(tau) && !is.numeric(tau))
cli_abort(c("x"="'tau' must be a numeric value"))
.check_maxDiff_absRanking <- function(maxDiff, absRanking) {
if (length(maxDiff) != 1)
cli_abort(c("x"="'maxDiff' must be of length 1"))
if (!is.na(maxDiff)) {
if (!is.logical(maxDiff))
cli_abort(c("x"="'maxDiff' must be a logical value"))
if (length(absRanking) != 1)
cli_abort(c("x"="'absRanking' must be of length 1"))
if (!is.na(absRanking)) {
if (!is.logical(absRanking))
cli_abort(c("x"="'absRanking' must be a logical value"))
#' @param param A parameter object of the [`gsvaRanksParam-class`] class.
#' @return In the case of the `gsvaScores()` method, a gene-set by sample matrix
#' of GSVA enrichment scores stored in a container object of the same type as
#' the input ranks data container. If
#' the input was a base matrix or a [`dgCMatrix-class`] object, then the output will
#' be a base matrix object with the gene sets employed in the calculations
#' stored in an attribute called `geneSets`. If the input was an
#' [`ExpressionSet`] object, then the output will be also an [`ExpressionSet`]
#' object with the gene sets employed in the calculations stored in an
#' attributed called `geneSets`. If the input was an object of one of the
#' classes described in [`GsvaExprData`], such as a [`SingleCellExperiment`],
#' then the output will be of the same class, where enrichment scores will be
#' stored in an assay called `es` and the gene sets employed in the
#' calculations will be stored in the `rowData` slot of the object under the
#' column name `gs`.
#' @aliases gsvaScores,gsvaRanksParam-method
#' @name gsvaScores
#' @rdname gsvaRanks
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_info cli_abort cli_alert_success
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpnworkers
#' @exportMethod gsvaScores
setMethod("gsvaScores", signature(param="gsvaRanksParam"),
function(param, verbose=TRUE,
if (verbose && gsva_global$show_start_and_end_messages) {
cli_alert_info(sprintf("GSVA version %s",
## assuming rows in the rank data have been already filtered
exprData <- get_exprData(param)
filteredDataMatrix <- unwrapData(exprData, get_assay(param))
filteredMappedGeneSets <- .filterAndMapGeneSets(param=param,
if (!inherits(BPPARAM, "SerialParam") && verbose) {
msg <- sprintf("Using a %s parallel back-end with %d workers",
class(BPPARAM), bpnworkers(BPPARAM))
if (verbose)
cli_alert_info(sprintf("Calculating GSVA scores"))
gsva_es <- .compute_gsva_scores(R=filteredDataMatrix,
verbose=verbose, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
rownames(gsva_es) <- names(filteredMappedGeneSets)
colnames(gsva_es) <- colnames(filteredDataMatrix)
gs <- .geneSetsIndices2Names(indices=filteredMappedGeneSets,
rval <- wrapData(get_exprData(param), gsva_es, gs)
if (verbose && gsva_global$show_start_and_end_messages)
cli_alert_success("Calculations finished")
#' @title GSVA enrichment data and visualization
#' @description Extract and plot enrichment data from GSVA scores.
#' @param param A [`gsvaRanksParam-class`] object obtained with the method
#' [`gsvaRanks`].
#' @param column The column for which we want to retrieve the enrichment data.
#' This parameter is only available in the `gsvaEnrichment()` method.
#' @param geneSet Either a positive integer number between 1 and the number of
#' available gene sets in `param`, or a character string with the name of
#' one of the gene sets available in `param`.
#' @param plot A character string indicating whether an enrichment plot should
#' be produced using either base R graphics (`plot="base"`) or the ggplot2 package
#' (`plot="ggplot"`), or not (`plot="no"`). In the latter case, the enrichment
#' data will be returned. By default `plot="auto"`, which implies that if this
#' method is called from an interactive session, a plot using base R graphics
#' will be produced and, otherwise, the enrichment data is returned.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to the `plot()` function when the
#' previous parameter `plot="base"`.
#' @return When `plot="no"`, this method returns the enrichment data. When
#' `plot="ggplot"`, this method returns a `ggplot` object. When `plot="base"`
#' no value is returned.
#' @aliases gsvaEnrichment,gsvaRanksParam-method
#' @name gsvaEnrichment
#' @rdname gsvaEnrichment
#' @references Hänzelmann, S., Castelo, R. and Guinney, J. GSVA: Gene set
#' variation analysis for microarray and RNA-Seq data.
#' *BMC Bioinformatics*, 14:7, 2013.
#' [DOI](https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-14-7)
#' @examples
#' library(GSVA)
#' p <- 10 ## number of genes
#' n <- 30 ## number of samples
#' nGrp1 <- 15 ## number of samples in group 1
#' nGrp2 <- n - nGrp1 ## number of samples in group 2
#' ## consider three disjoint gene sets
#' geneSets <- list(gset1=paste0("g", 1:3),
#' gset2=paste0("g", 4:6),
#' gset3=paste0("g", 7:10))
#' ## sample data from a normal distribution with mean 0 and st.dev. 1
#' y <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow=p, ncol=n,
#' dimnames=list(paste("g", 1:p, sep="") , paste("s", 1:n, sep="")))
#' ## genes in set1 are expressed at higher levels in the last 'nGrp1+1' to 'n' samples
#' y[geneSets$set1, (nGrp1+1):n] <- y[geneSets$set1, (nGrp1+1):n] + 2
#' ## build GSVA parameter object
#' gsvapar <- gsvaParam(y, geneSets)
#' ## calculate GSVA ranks
#' gsvarankspar <- gsvaRanks(gsvapar)
#' gsvarankspar
#' ## by default the enrichment data for the first column and the first
#' ## gene set are retrieved
#' gsvaEnrichment(gsvarankspar)
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_info cli_abort cli_alert_danger
#' @exportMethod gsvaScores
setMethod("gsvaEnrichment", signature(param="gsvaRanksParam"),
function(param, column=1, geneSet=1,
plot=c("auto", "base", "ggplot", "no"), ...)
plot <- match.arg(plot)
geneSets <- get_geneSets(param)
if (length(geneSet) > 1) {
msg <- paste("Please provide only the name or position of a",
"single gene set.")
if (is.character(geneSet)) {
if (!geneSet %in% names(geneSets)) {
msg <- paste("Gene set %s is missing from the input",
"parameter object")
cli_abort(c("x"=sprintf(msg, geneSet)))
} else if (is.integer(geneSet) || is.numeric(geneSet)) {
if (geneSet < 1 || geneSet > length(geneSets)) {
msg <- paste("When 'geneSet' is numeric, it should be a",
"number between 1 and the number of gene",
"sets (%d).")
cli_abort(c("x"=sprintf(msg, length(geneSets))))
} else {
msg <- paste("'geneSet' should be either numeric or",
tau <- get_tau(param)
maxDiff <- get_maxDiff(param)
absRanking <- get_absRanking(param)
sparse <- get_sparse(param)
any_na <- anyNA(param)
na_use <- get_NAuse(param)
minsize <- get_minSize(param)
exprData <- get_exprData(param)
filteredDataMatrix <- unwrapData(exprData, get_assay(param))
## no need for verbosity when mapping a single gene set
filteredMappedGeneSets <- .filterAndMapGeneSets(param, wgset=geneSet,
geneSetIdx <- filteredMappedGeneSets[[1]]
edata <- .gsva_enrichment_data(R=filteredDataMatrix,
if (plot == "no" || (plot == "auto" && !interactive()))
if (plot == "auto" || plot == "base")
.plot_enrichment_base(edata, ...)
else { ## plot == "ggplot"
instpkgs <- installed.packages(noCache=TRUE)[, "Package"]
if (!"ggplot2" %in% instpkgs)
cli_alert_danger("Please install the ggplot2 package")
## END exported methods (to be moved to 'gsvaNewAPI.R')
#' @importFrom cli cli_progress_update
#' @importFrom parallel splitIndices
.row_iter <- function(X, idpb, n_chunks) {
idx <- splitIndices(nrow(X), min(nrow(X), n_chunks))
i <- 0L
function() {
if (i == length(idx))
i <<- i + 1L
if (!is.null(idpb))
cli_progress_update(id=idpb, set=i)
X[idx[[i]], , drop=FALSE]
#' @importFrom cli cli_progress_update
#' @importFrom parallel splitIndices
.col_iter <- function(X, idpb, n_chunks) {
idx <- splitIndices(ncol(X), min(ncol(X), n_chunks))
i <- 0L
function() {
if (i == length(idx))
i <<- i + 1L
if (!is.null(idpb))
cli_progress_update(id=idpb, set=i)
X[, idx[[i]], drop=FALSE]
#' @importFrom IRanges IntegerList match
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpnworkers
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_info cli_progress_bar
#' @importFrom cli cli_progress_done
#' @importFrom sparseMatrixStats colRanks
.compute_gsva_ranks <- function(expr, kcdf, kcdf.min.ssize,
sparse, any_na, na_use, verbose,
BPPARAM=SerialParam(progressbar=verbose)) {
kcdfparam <- .parse_kcdf_param(expr, kcdf, kcdf.min.ssize, sparse, verbose)
kernel <- kcdfparam$kernel
Gaussk <- kcdfparam$Gaussk
Z <- idpb <- NULL
## open parallelism only if ECDFs have to be estimated for
## more than 100 genes on more than 100 samples
if (bpnworkers(BPPARAM) > 1 && nrow(expr) > 100 && ncol(expr) > 100) {
n_chunks <- 10 ## 10 chunks of (nrow(expr) / 10) rows
if (verbose) {
msg <- sprintf("Estimating row ECDFs with %d cores",
idpb <- cli_progress_bar(msg, total=n_chunks)
Z <- bpiterate(.row_iter(expr, idpb, n_chunks),
Gaussk=Gaussk, kernel=kernel,
sparse=sparse, any_na=any_na,
na_use=na_use, verbose=FALSE,
REDUCE=rbind, reduce.in.order=TRUE,
if (verbose)
} else
Z <- compute.gene.cdf(expr, seq.int(ncol(expr)), Gaussk, kernel,
sparse, any_na=any_na, na_use=na_use, verbose)
## here 'ties.method="last"' allows one to obtain the result
## from 'order()' based on ranks
if (is(Z, "dgCMatrix")) { ## assumes expression values are positive
if (verbose)
cli_alert_info("Calculating GSVA column ranks")
R <- .sparseColumnApplyAndReplace(Z, rank, ties.method="last")
} else {
## open parallelism only if ranks have to be calculated for
## more than 10000 genes on more than 1000 samples
if (bpnworkers(BPPARAM) > 1 && nrow(Z) > 10000 && ncol(Z) > 1000) {
n_chunks <- 100 ## 100 chunks of (ncol(expr) / 100) columns
if (verbose)
idpb <- cli_progress_bar("Calculating GSVA column ranks")
R <- bpiterate(.col_iter(Z, idpb, n_chunks),
colRanks, ties.method="last", preserveShape=TRUE,
REDUCE=cbind, reduce.in.order=TRUE,
if (verbose)
} else {
if (verbose)
cli_alert_info("Calculating GSVA column ranks")
R <- colRanks(Z, ties.method="last", preserveShape=TRUE)
## here gSetIdx, decOrderStat and symRnkStat contain the positions with respect
## to the original order of genes in the data
.gsvaRndWalk <- function(gSetIdx, decOrderStat, symRnkStat, tau) {
n <- length(decOrderStat)
k <- length(gSetIdx)
gSetRnk <- decOrderStat[gSetIdx]
stepCDFinGeneSet <- integer(n)
if (tau == 1)
stepCDFinGeneSet[gSetRnk] <- symRnkStat[gSetIdx]
else {
stepCDFinGeneSet <- numeric(n)
stepCDFinGeneSet[gSetRnk] <- symRnkStat[gSetIdx]^tau
stepCDFinGeneSet <- cumsum(stepCDFinGeneSet)
stepCDFoutGeneSet <- rep(1L, n)
stepCDFoutGeneSet[gSetRnk] <- 0L
stepCDFoutGeneSet <- cumsum(stepCDFoutGeneSet)
walkStat <- rep(NA_real_, n)
if (stepCDFinGeneSet[n] > 0 && stepCDFoutGeneSet[n] > 0) {
stepCDFinGeneSet <- stepCDFinGeneSet / stepCDFinGeneSet[n]
stepCDFoutGeneSet <- stepCDFoutGeneSet / stepCDFoutGeneSet[n]
walkStat <- stepCDFinGeneSet - stepCDFoutGeneSet
.gsva_score_genesets_Rimp <- function(geneSetsIdx, decOrdStat, symRnkStat,
maxDiff, absRanking, tau, any_na, na_use,
minSize) {
md <- lapply(geneSetsIdx, function(gSetIdx, decOrdStat, symRnkStat) {
maxDev <- c(NA_real_, NA_real_)
if (any_na) {
walkStat <- .gsvaRndWalk_nas(gSetIdx, decOrdStat, symRnkStat,
tau, na_use, minSize)
if (any(!is.na(walkStat))) {
if (na_use == "na.rm")
maxDev <- c(max(c(0, max(walkStat, na.rm=TRUE))),
min(c(0, min(walkStat, na.rm=TRUE))))
maxDev <- c(max(c(0, max(walkStat))),
min(c(0, min(walkStat))))
} else {
walkStat <- .gsvaRndWalk(gSetIdx, decOrdStat, symRnkStat, tau)
maxDev <- c(max(c(0, max(walkStat))), min(c(0, min(walkStat))))
}, decOrdStat, symRnkStat)
md <- do.call("rbind", md)
if (maxDiff && absRanking)
md[, 2] <- -1 * md[, 2]
sco <- rowSums(md)
if (!maxDiff) {
if (any_na) {
mask <- is.na(sco)
sco[!mask] <- md[cbind(1:sum(!mask), ifelse(sco[!mask] > 0, 1, 2))]
} else
sco <- md[cbind(1:length(sco), ifelse(sco > 0, 1, 2))]
## here gSetIdx, decOrderStat and symRnkStat contain the positions with respect
## to the original order of genes in the data
.gsvaRndWalk_nas <- function(gSetIdx, decOrderStat, symRnkStat, tau, na_use,
minSize=1L, wna_env) {
n <- length(decOrderStat)
gSetRnk <- decOrderStat[gSetIdx]
if (any(is.na(gSetRnk))) {
if (na_use == "everything")
return(rep(NA_real_, n))
else if (na_use == "all.obs")
cli_abort(c("x"="Input GSVA ranks have NA values."))
else if (na_use == "na.rm") {
gSetIdx <- gSetIdx[!is.na(gSetRnk)]
gSetRnk <- gSetRnk[!is.na(gSetRnk)]
k <- length(gSetIdx)
walkStat <- rep(NA_real_, n)
if (k >= minSize) {
stepCDFinGeneSet <- integer(n)
if (tau == 1)
stepCDFinGeneSet[gSetRnk] <- symRnkStat[gSetIdx]
else {
stepCDFinGeneSet <- numeric(n)
stepCDFinGeneSet[gSetRnk] <- symRnkStat[gSetIdx]^tau
stepCDFinGeneSet <- cumsum(stepCDFinGeneSet)
stepCDFoutGeneSet <- rep(1L, n)
stepCDFoutGeneSet[gSetRnk] <- 0L
stepCDFoutGeneSet <- cumsum(stepCDFoutGeneSet)
if (stepCDFinGeneSet[n] > 0 && stepCDFinGeneSet[n] > 0) {
stepCDFinGeneSet <- stepCDFinGeneSet / stepCDFinGeneSet[n]
stepCDFoutGeneSet <- stepCDFoutGeneSet / stepCDFoutGeneSet[n]
walkStat <- stepCDFinGeneSet - stepCDFoutGeneSet
} else if (!get("w", envir=wna_env)) ## warn only once. it can only happen
assign("w", TRUE, envir=wna_env) ## with na_use="na.rm"
## convert ranks into decreasing order statistics and symmetric rank statistics
.ranks2stats <- function(r, sparse) {
mask <- r == 0
p <- length(r)
r_dense <- as.integer(r) ## assume ranks are integer
if (any(mask)) { ## sparse ranks into dense ranks
nzs <- sum(mask)
r_dense[!mask] <- r_dense[!mask] + nzs ## shift ranks of nonzero values
r_dense[mask] <- seq.int(nzs) ## zeros get increasing ranks
dos <- p - r_dense + 1L ## dense ranks into decreasing order stats
srs <- numeric(p)
if (any(mask) && sparse) {
r[!mask] <- r[!mask] + 1 ## shift ranks of nonzero values by one
r[mask] <- 1 ## all zeros get the same first rank
srs <- abs(max(r)/2 - r)
} else
srs <- abs(p/2 - r_dense)
list(dos=dos, srs=srs)
## convert ranks into decreasing order statistics and symmetric rank statistics
## skipping NA values
.ranks2stats_nas <- function(r, sparse) {
na_mask <- is.na(r)
if (all(na_mask))
return(list(dos=rep(NA, length(r)), srs=rep(NA, length(r))))
n_nas <- sum(na_mask)
mask <- !na_mask & r == 0
p <- length(r)
r_dense <- as.integer(r) ## assume ranks are integer
if (any(mask)) { ## sparse ranks into dense ranks
nzs <- sum(mask)
r_dense[!mask] <- r_dense[!mask] + nzs ## shift ranks of nonzero values
r_dense[mask] <- seq.int(nzs) ## zeros get increasing ranks
dos <- p - n_nas - r_dense + 1L ## dense ranks into decreasing order stats
srs <- numeric(p)
if (any(mask) && sparse) {
r[!mask] <- r[!mask] + 1L ## shift ranks of nonzero values by one
r[mask] <- 1L ## all zeros get the same first rank
srs <- abs(max(r, na.rm=TRUE)/2 - r)
} else
srs <- abs((p - n_nas)/2 - r_dense)
list(dos=dos, srs=srs)
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_warning
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpnworkers
.compute_gsva_scores <- function(R, geneSetsIdx, tau, maxDiff, absRanking,
sparse, any_na, na_use, minSize, verbose,
BPPARAM=SerialParam(progressbar=verbose)) {
n <- ncol(R)
es <- NULL
if (!is(R, "dgCMatrix"))
sparse <- FALSE
wna_env <- new.env()
assign("w", FALSE, envir=wna_env)
if (n > 10 && bpnworkers(BPPARAM) > 1) {
if (verbose) {
msg <- sprintf("Calculating GSVA scores with %d cores",
idpb <- cli_alert_info(msg)
es <- bplapply(as.list(1:n), function(j, R) {
rnkstats <- NULL
if (any_na)
rnkstats <- .ranks2stats_nas(R[, j], sparse)
rnkstats <- .ranks2stats(R[, j], sparse)
sco <- .gsva_score_genesets(geneSetsIdx, decOrdStat=rnkstats$dos,
symRnkStat=rnkstats$srs, maxDiff,
absRanking, tau, any_na, na_use, minSize,
} else {
idpb <- NULL
if (verbose)
idpb <- cli_progress_bar("Calculating GSVA scores", total=n)
es <- lapply(as.list(1:n), function(j, R, idpb) {
rnkstats <- NULL
if (any_na)
rnkstats <- .ranks2stats_nas(R[, j], sparse)
rnkstats <- .ranks2stats(R[, j], sparse)
sco <- .gsva_score_genesets(geneSetsIdx, decOrdStat=rnkstats$dos,
symRnkStat=rnkstats$srs, maxDiff,
absRanking, tau, any_na, na_use, minSize,
if (verbose)
}, R=R, idpb=idpb)
if (verbose)
es <- do.call("cbind", es)
if (any_na && na_use == "na.rm")
if (get("w", envir=wna_env)) {
msg <- sprintf(paste("NA enrichment scores in gene sets with less",
"than %d genes after removing missing values"),
.gsva_enrichment_data <- function(R, column, geneSetIdx, maxDiff,
absRanking, tau, sparse, any_na,
na_use, minSize) {
n <- ncol(R)
es <- NULL
if (!is(R, "dgCMatrix"))
sparse <- FALSE
wna_env <- new.env()
assign("w", FALSE, envir=wna_env)
if (any_na) {
rnkstats <- .ranks2stats_nas(R[, column], sparse)
walkStat <- .gsvaRndWalk_nas(geneSetIdx, rnkstats$dos, rnkstats$srs,
tau, na_use, minSize, wna_env=wna_env)
maxDev <- whMaxDev <- c(NA, NA)
if (any(!is.na(walkStat))) {
if (na_use == "na.rm")
maxDev <- c(max(c(0, max(walkStat, na.rm=TRUE))),
min(c(0, min(walkStat, na.rm=TRUE))))
maxDev <- c(max(c(0, max(walkStat))),
min(c(0, min(walkStat))))
if (length(which.max(walkStat)) > 0)
whMaxDev[1] <- which.max(walkStat)
if (length(which.min(walkStat)) > 0)
whMaxDev[2] <- which.min(walkStat)
} else {
rnkstats <- .ranks2stats(R[, column], sparse)
walkStat <- .gsvaRndWalk(geneSetIdx, rnkstats$dos, rnkstats$srs, tau)
maxDev <- c(max(c(0, max(walkStat))), min(c(0, min(walkStat))))
whMaxDev <- c(which.max(walkStat), which.min(walkStat))
whMaxDev[maxDev == 0] <- NA
if (any_na && na_use == "na.rm")
if (get("w", envir=wna_env)) {
msg <- sprintf(paste("Gene set has fewer than %d genes after",
"removing missing values, no enrichment data",
if (maxDiff && absRanking)
maxDev[2] <- -1 * maxDev[2]
sco <- sum(maxDev)
if (!maxDiff) {
if (any_na) {
if (!is.na(sco)) {
sco <- maxDev[1]
if (abs(maxDev[2]) > maxDev[1])
sco <- maxDev[2]
edat <- data.frame(rank=seq.int(nrow(R)),
rownames(edat)[na.omit(rnkstats$dos)] <- rownames(R)[!is.na(rnkstats$dos)]
geneSetIdx <- geneSetIdx[!is.na(rnkstats$dos[geneSetIdx])]
gsetrnk <- rnkstats$dos[geneSetIdx]
lepos <- leneg <- NA
if (!is.na(whMaxDev[1]))
lepos <- geneSetIdx[gsetrnk <= whMaxDev[1]]
if (!is.na(whMaxDev[2])) {
if (!is.na(whMaxDev[1]) && whMaxDev[2] < whMaxDev[1]) {
mask <- gsetrnk >= whMaxDev[2] & gsetrnk <= whMaxDev[1]
lepos <- leneg <- geneSetIdx[mask]
} else
leneg <- geneSetIdx[gsetrnk >= whMaxDev[2]]
if (all(!is.na(lepos)))
lepos <- rownames(R)[lepos]
if (all(!is.na(leneg)))
leneg <- rownames(R)[leneg]
res <- list(stats=edat,
#' @importFrom graphics abline grid lines segments
.plot_enrichment_base <- function(edata, ...) {
ylim <- range(edata$stats$stat)
hgsetticks <- (ylim[2] - ylim[1]) * 0.1
plot(edata$stats, type="l", lwd=2, las=1, panel.first=grid(),
xlab="Gene Ranking", ylab="Random Walk Statistic", col="green", ...)
abline(h=0, lwd=2, lty=2, col="grey")
lines(edata$stats, lwd=2, col="green")
segments(edata$gsetrnk, -hgsetticks/2, edata$gsetrnk, hgsetticks/2, lwd=2)
if (!is.na(edata$whichMaxPos) &&
(edata$maxDiff || edata$maxPos >= abs(edata$maxNeg)))
segments(edata$whichMaxPos, 0, edata$whichMaxPos, edata$maxPos,
lwd=2, lty=2, col="darkred")
if (!is.na(edata$whichMaxNeg) &&
(edata$maxDiff || edata$maxPos < abs(edata$maxNeg)))
segments(edata$whichMaxNeg, 0, edata$whichMaxNeg, edata$maxNeg,
lwd=2, lty=2, col="darkred")
#' @importFrom cli cli_abort
#' @importFrom utils globalVariables
.plot_enrichment_ggplot <- function(edata, ...) {
if (!.isPackageLoaded("ggplot2")) {
loaded <- suppressPackageStartupMessages(requireNamespace("ggplot2"))
if (!loaded)
cli_abort(c("x"="ggplot2 could not be loaded"))
ylim <- range(edata$stats$stat)
hgsetticks <- (ylim[2] - ylim[1]) * 0.1
gsetticks <- data.frame(gsetrnk=edata$gsetrnk)
## from https://stackoverflow.com/a/39877048
fintticks <- function(x) unique(floor(pretty(seq(min(x),
(max(x) + 1) * 1.1))))
ggplot2::ggplot(data=edata$stats) +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks=fintticks) +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_string(x="rank", y="stat"), color="green") +
mapping=ggplot2::aes_string(x="gsetrnk", y=-hgsetticks/2,
xend="gsetrnk", yend=hgsetticks/2),
linewidth=1) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=0, colour="grey", linetype="dashed") +
{ if (!is.na(edata$whichMaxPos) &&
(edata$maxDiff || edata$maxPos >= abs(edata$maxNeg)))
mapping=ggplot2::aes_string(x="whichMaxPos", y=0,
xend="whichMaxPos", yend="maxPos"),
colour="darkred", linetype="dashed") } +
{ if (!is.na(edata$whichMaxPos) &&
(edata$maxDiff || edata$maxPos < abs(edata$maxNeg)))
mapping=ggplot2::aes_string(x="whichMaxNeg", y=0,
xend="whichMaxNeg", yend="maxNeg"),
colour="darkred", linetype="dashed") } +
panel.grid.major=ggplot2::element_line(colour="grey", linetype="dotted"),
panel.border=ggplot2::element_rect(colour="black", fill=NA)) +
ggplot2::labs(x="Gene Ranking", y="Random Walk Statistic")
## functions interfacing C code
.ecdfvals_sparse_to_sparse <- function(X, verbose) {
stopifnot(is(X, "CsparseMatrix")) ## QC
Xrsp <- as(X, "RsparseMatrix")
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose)) ## QC
.Call("ecdfvals_sparse_to_sparse_R", X, Xrsp, verbose)
.ecdfvals_sparse_to_dense <- function(X, verbose) {
stopifnot(is(X, "CsparseMatrix")) ## QC
Xrsp <- as(X, "RsparseMatrix")
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose)) ## QC
.Call("ecdfvals_sparse_to_dense_R", X, Xrsp, verbose)
.ecdfvals_dense_to_dense <- function(X, verbose) {
stopifnot(is.matrix(X)) ## QC
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose)) ## QC
.Call("ecdfvals_dense_to_dense_R", X, verbose)
.ecdfvals_dense_to_dense_nas <- function(X, verbose) {
stopifnot(is.matrix(X)) ## QC
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose)) ## QC
.Call("ecdfvals_dense_to_dense_nas_R", X, verbose)
.kcdfvals_sparse_to_sparse <- function(X, Gaussk, verbose) {
stopifnot(is(X, "CsparseMatrix")) ## QC
Xrsp <- as(X, "RsparseMatrix")
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose)) ## QC
.Call("kcdfvals_sparse_to_sparse_R", X, Xrsp, Gaussk, verbose)
.kcdfvals_sparse_to_dense <- function(X, Gaussk, verbose) {
stopifnot(is(X, "CsparseMatrix")) ## QC
Xrsp <- as(X, "RsparseMatrix")
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose)) ## QC
.Call("kcdfvals_sparse_to_dense_R", X, Xrsp, Gaussk, verbose)
.order_rankstat <- function(x) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(x)) ## QC
.Call("order_rankstat_R", x)
.gsva_rnd_walk <- function(gsetIdx, decOrdStat, symRnkStat) {
stopifnot(is.integer(gsetIdx)) ## QC
stopifnot(is.integer(decOrdStat)) ## QC
stopifnot(is.numeric(symRnkStat)) ## QC
.Call("gsva_rnd_walk_R", gsetIdx, decOrdStat, symRnkStat)
#' @importFrom cli cli_abort
.gsva_score_genesets <- function(geneSetsIdx, decOrdStat, symRnkStat,
maxDiff, absRanking, tau, any_na, na_use,
minSize, wna_env) {
minSize <- as.integer(minSize)
stopifnot(is.list(geneSetsIdx)) ## QC
stopifnot(length(geneSetsIdx) > 0) ## QC
stopifnot(is.integer(geneSetsIdx[[1]])) ## QC
stopifnot(is.integer(decOrdStat)) ## QC
stopifnot(is.numeric(symRnkStat)) ## QC
stopifnot(is.logical(maxDiff)) ## QC
stopifnot(is.logical(absRanking)) ## QC
stopifnot(is.numeric(tau)) ## QC but it still migth be an integer!!
stopifnot(is.logical(any_na)) ## QC
stopifnot(is.character(na_use)) ## QC
stopifnot(is.integer(minSize)) ## QC
na_use <- as.integer(factor(na_use, levels=c("everything", "all.obs",
sco <- .Call("gsva_score_genesets_R", geneSetsIdx, decOrdStat, symRnkStat,
maxDiff, absRanking, as.double(tau), any_na, na_use, minSize)
if (any_na) {
if (na_use == 2 && !is.null(attr(sco, "class")))
cli_abort(c("x"="Input GSVA ranks have NA values."))
if (na_use == 3 && !is.null(attr(sco, "class")))
assign("w", TRUE, envir=wna_env)
.order_rankstat_sparse_to_dense <- function(X, j) {
stopifnot(is(X, "CsparseMatrix")) ## QC
.Call("order_rankstat_sparse_to_dense_R", X, j)
.order_rankstat_sparse_to_sparse <- function(X, j) {
stopifnot(is(X, "CsparseMatrix")) ## QC
.Call("order_rankstat_sparse_to_sparse_R", X, j)
## we may not need anymore these two functions below
ks_test_m <- function(gset_idxs, gene.density, sort.idxs, mx.diff=TRUE,
abs.ranking=FALSE, tau=1, verbose=TRUE){
n.genes <- nrow(gene.density)
n.samples <- ncol(gene.density)
n.geneset <- length(gset_idxs)
geneset.sample.es <- .Call("ks_matrix_R",
## ks-test in R code - testing only
ks_test_Rcode <- function(gene.density, gset_idxs, tau=1, make.plot=FALSE){
n.genes = length(gene.density)
n.gset = length(gset_idxs)
sum.gset <- sum(abs(gene.density[gset_idxs])^tau)
dec = 1 / (n.genes - n.gset)
sort.idxs <- order(gene.density,decreasing=T)
offsets <- sort(match(gset_idxs, sort.idxs))
last.idx = 0
values <- rep(NaN, length(gset_idxs))
current = 0
for(i in seq_along(offsets)){
current = current + abs(gene.density[sort.idxs[offsets[i]]])^tau / sum.gset - dec * (offsets[i]-last.idx-1)
values[i] = current
last.idx = offsets[i]
check_zero = current - dec * (n.genes-last.idx)
#if(check_zero > 10^-15){
# stop(paste=c("Expected zero sum for ks:", check_zero))
if(make.plot){ plot(offsets, values,type="l") }
max.idx = order(abs(values),decreasing=T)[1]
mx.value <- values[max.idx]
return (mx.value)
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