## check for presence of valid row/feature names
#' @importFrom Biobase featureNames
.check_rownames <- function(expr) {
## CHECK: is this the right place to check this?
## 21/10/24: let's do it at parameter constructor
if (is.null(rownames(expr)))
cli_abort(c("x"="The input assay object doesn't have rownames"))
else if (any(duplicated(rownames(expr)))) {
cli_abort(c("x"="The input assay object has duplicated rownames"))
## 2024-02-06 axel: function .filterGenes() is intended to detect genes (rows)
## with constant expression (and, hence, no information), warn about them and
## optionally remove them (in particular, ssGSEA's choice is to keep them).
## the original approach tried to identify genes with a standard deviation of
## exactly 0 but failed in certain cases of all identical values due to the use
## of floating point arithmetic, see issues:
## https://github.com/rcastelo/GSVA/issues/54
## https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/matrixStats/issues/204
## an improvement in matrixStats::rowSds() fixes the original issue but cannot
## guarantee that there won't be other problematic cases.
## We propose to detect cases of constant gene expression by comparing genewise
## min and max values rather than computing the SD, which *should* avoid using
## floating point arithmetic in favour of comparisons and scale linearly with
## the number of samples (columns) -- we'll of course have to check that. ;-)
## A related but different issue has recently surfaced when methods PLAGE and
## z-scores are applied to sparse matrices and attempt to scale the non-zero
## values of genes: genes that are constant in their non-zero values will have
## an SD of 0 and therefore scaling them will result in division by 0.
#' @importFrom sparseMatrixStats rowRanges
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_warning cli_abort
.filterGenes <- function(expr, removeConstant=TRUE, removeNzConstant=TRUE) {
geneRanges <- rowRanges(expr, na.rm=TRUE, useNames=FALSE)
constantGenes <- (geneRanges[, 1] == geneRanges[, 2])
if (any(constantGenes) || anyNA(constantGenes)) {
invalidGenes <- (constantGenes | is.na(constantGenes))
msg <- sprintf("%d genes with constant values throughout the samples",
if (removeConstant) {
cli_alert_warning("Genes with constant values are discarded")
expr <- expr[!invalidGenes, ]
if (is(expr, "dgCMatrix")) {
nzGeneList <- .sparse2columnList(t(expr))
nzGeneRanges <- vapply(nzGeneList, FUN=range, FUN.VALUE=double(2))
constantNzGenes <- (nzGeneRanges[1,] == nzGeneRanges[2,])
if (any(constantNzGenes) || anyNA(constantNzGenes)) {
invalidNzGenes <- (constantNzGenes | is.na(constantNzGenes))
msg <- sprintf("%d genes with constant non-zero values throughout the samples",
if (removeNzConstant) {
cli_alert_warning("Genes with constant non-zero values are discarded")
expr <- expr[!invalidNzGenes, ]
if (nrow(expr) < 2)
cli_abort(c("x"="Less than two genes in the input assay object"))
## maps gene sets content in 'gsets' to 'features', where 'gsets'
## is a 'list' object with character string vectors as elements,
## and 'features' is a character string vector object. it assumes
## features in both input objects follow the same nomenclature,
#' @importFrom cli cli_abort
.mapGeneSetsToFeatures <- function(gsets, features) {
## Aaron Lun's suggestion at
## https://github.com/rcastelo/GSVA/issues/39#issuecomment-765549620
gsets2 <- CharacterList(gsets)
mt <- match(gsets2, features)
mapdgenesets <- as.list(mt[!is.na(mt)])
if (length(unlist(mapdgenesets, use.names=FALSE)) == 0) {
msg <- paste("No identifiers in the gene sets could be matched to the",
"identifiers in the expression data.")
## it assumes that all arguments have been already checked for correctness
#' @importFrom cli cli_abort
.filterAndMapGeneSets <- function(param, wgset=NA, filteredDataMatrix, verbose) {
geneSets <- get_geneSets(param)
if (!is.na(wgset))
geneSets <- geneSets[wgset]
minSize <- get_minSize(param)
maxSize <- get_maxSize(param)
## note that the method for 'GeneSetCollection' calls geneIds(), i.e.,
## whatever the input, from here on we have a list of character vectors
geneSets <- mapGeneSetsToAnno(geneSets=geneSets,
## map to the actual features for which expression data is available
## note that the result is a list of integer vectors (indices to rownames)
## and not a list of character vector any longer
mappedGeneSets <- .mapGeneSetsToFeatures(geneSets, rownames(filteredDataMatrix))
## remove gene sets from the analysis for which no features are available
## and meet the minimum and maximum gene-set size specified by the user
filteredMappedGeneSets <- filterGeneSets(mappedGeneSets,
if (length(filteredMappedGeneSets) == 0) {
msg <- "No gene set left after mapping and filtering."
## this should NEVER happen -- just to make sure it doesn't...
if (anyDuplicated(names(filteredMappedGeneSets)) > 0) {
msg <- "The gene set list contains duplicated gene set names."
if (any(lengths(filteredMappedGeneSets) == 1)) {
msg <- "Some gene sets have size one. Consider setting minSize > 1"
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_warning
.filterAndMapGenesAndGeneSets <- function(param,
verbose=FALSE) {
exprData <- get_exprData(param)
dataMatrix <- unwrapData(exprData, get_assay(param))
## filter genes according to various criteria,
## e.g., constant expression
filteredDataMatrix <- .filterGenes(dataMatrix,
filteredMappedGeneSets <- .filterAndMapGeneSets(param=param,
## (re-)extract a list of gene names from a list of indices
## (indices resulting from the matching above)
.geneSetsIndices2Names <- function(indices, names) {
return(lapply(indices, function(i, n) n[i], n=names))
## access to gene set attribute without explicit use of attributes
.geneSets <- function(obj) {
gs <- attr(obj, "geneSets", exact=TRUE)
if (is.null(gs))
stop("The object does not contain information about gene sets.")
## converts a dgCMatrix into a list of its columns, based on
## https://rpubs.com/will_townes/sparse-apply
## it is only slightly more efficient than .sparseToList() below BUT simpler
## and does NOT offer converting to a list of rows which is far less efficient
## on a dgCMatrix object. if you need lists of rows, simply transpose before
## calling this function, t() is reasonably fast as is calling vapply() on its
## result
.sparse2columnList <- function(m) {
return(split(m@x, findInterval(seq_len(nnzero(m)), m@p, left.open=TRUE)))
## actually, it's not just an apply() but also in-place modification
## ellipsis added for cases such as when FUN=rank where we may need
## to set the parameter 'ties.method' of the 'rank()' function
.sparseColumnApplyAndReplace <- function(m, FUN, ...) {
x <- lapply(.sparse2columnList(m), FUN=FUN, ...)
m@x <- unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)
if (is.integer(m@x)) ## rank(ties.method="first") returns integers
mode(m@x) <- "numeric" ## dgCMatrix holds only doubles and logicals
#' @importFrom cli cli_abort cli_alert_danger
.check_for_na_values <- function(exprData, assay, checkNA, use) {
autonaclasseswocheck <- c("matrix", "ExpressionSet",
mask <- class(exprData) %in% autonaclasseswocheck
checkNAyesno <- switch(checkNA, yes="yes", no="no",
ifelse(any(mask), "yes", "no"))
didCheckNA <- any_na <- FALSE
if (checkNAyesno == "yes") {
any_na <- anyNA(unwrapData(exprData, assay))
didCheckNA <- TRUE
if (any_na) {
if (use == "all.obs")
cli_abort(c("x"="Input expression data has NA values."))
else if (use == "everything")
cli_alert_warning(paste("Input expression data has NA values,",
"which will be propagated through",
else ## na.rm
cli_alert_warning(paste("Input expression data has NA values,",
"which will be discarded from",
list(any_na=any_na, didCheckNA=didCheckNA)
## transforms a dgCMatrix into a list of its
## non-zero values by MARGIN (1 for row, 2 for column)
## currently unused because replaced by .sparse2columnList() and kept for the
## time being, just in case...
## .sparseToList <-function(dgCMat, MARGIN){
## MARGIN <- as.integer(MARGIN)
## J <- rep(1:ncol(dgCMat), diff(dgCMat@p))
## I <- dgCMat@i + 1
## x <- dgCMat@x
## if (MARGIN == 1L) {
## result <- split(x, I)
## names(result) <- rownames(dgCMat)[as.numeric(names(result))]
## } else if (MARGIN == 2L) {
## result <- split(x, J)
## names(result) <- colnames(dgCMat)[as.numeric(names(result))]
## }
## else {
## warning("invalid MARGIN; return NULL")
## result <- NULL
## }
## result
## }
## .dgCapply<-function(m, MARGIN, FUN){
## x <- lapply(.sparseToList(m, MARGIN), FUN)
## m@x <- unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)
## m
## }
.guessIfCountData <- function(x, tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
return(typeof(x) == "integer" ||
(all(x >= 0) && all(x - round(x) < tolerance)))
## from https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2005-September/078974.html
## function: isPackageLoaded
## purpose: to check whether the package specified by the name given in
## the input argument is loaded. this function is borrowed from
## the discussion on the R-help list found in this url:
## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2005-September/078974.html
## parameters: name - package name
## return: TRUE if the package is loaded, FALSE otherwise
.isPackageLoaded <- function(name) {
## Purpose: is package 'name' loaded?
## --------------------------------------------------
(paste("package:", name, sep="") %in% search()) ||
(name %in% loadedNamespaces())
.objPkgClass <- function(obj) {
oc <- class(obj)
pkg <- attr(oc, "package", exact=TRUE)
opc <- if(is.null(pkg)) {
} else {
paste(pkg[1], oc[1], sep = "::")
.showSome <- function(x) {
paste0(paste(Biobase::selectSome(x, 4), collapse=", "),
" (", length(x), " total)")
.catObj <- function(x, prefix = " ") {
if(is.null(x)) {
cat(paste0(prefix, "none."))
} else {
cat(paste0(prefix, capture.output(gsvaShow(x))), sep="\n")
.isCharNonEmpty <- function(x) {
return((!is.null(x)) &&
(length(x) > 0) &&
(is.character(x)) &&
(!all(is.na(x))) &&
(any(nchar(x) > 0)))
.isCharLength1 <- function(x) {
return((.isCharNonEmpty(x)) && (length(x) == 1))
## annotation package checks
.isAnnoPkgValid <- function(ap) {
.isAnnoPkgInstalled <- function(ap) {
ap <- c(ap, paste0(ap, ".db"))
return(any(ap %in% rownames(installed.packages())))
## utility function to make sure matrix to dgCMatrix coercion is uniform
## (since direct coercion to dgCMatrix is deprecated (!) by Matrix pkg)
.matrix2dgCMatrix <- function(m) {
return(as(as(as(m, "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix"))
### 2024-08-02 axel: the following three functions have been copied from
### GSEABase/R/utilities.R (v. 1.66.0) as our implementation of readGMT()
### is mostly based on (a copy of) GSEABase::getGmt() which is making use
### of these utility functions. Since we decided that GSVA::readGMT() may
### return a list of gene sets as well as a GeneSetCollection, it should work
### if a user doesn't have GSEABase installed at all.
## Placeholder 'till something appropriate decided
.uniqueIdentifier <- local({
node <- NULL
pid <- NULL
uid <- 0L
function() {
if (is.null(node)) {
node <<- Sys.info()['nodename']
pid <<- Sys.getpid()
uid <<- uid + 1L
base::paste(node, pid, date(), uid, sep=":")
.stopf <- function(...) {
call <- match.call(call=sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
msg <- paste(sprintf(...), collapse="\n")
stop(simpleError(msg, call=call))
.warningf <- function(...) {
call <- match.call(call=sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
msg <- paste(sprintf(...), collapse="\n")
warning(simpleWarning(msg, call=call))
### end of copy from GSEABase/R/utilities.R
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