computeGeneSetsOverlap: Compute gene-sets overlap

computeGeneSetsOverlapR Documentation

Compute gene-sets overlap


Calculates the overlap among every pair of gene-sets given as input.

This function calculates the overlap between every pair of gene sets of the input argument gSets. Before this calculation takes place, the gene sets in gSets are firstly filtered to discard genes that do not match to the identifiers in uniqGenes. Secondly, they are further filtered to meet the minimum and/or maximum size specified with the arguments minSize and maxSize. The overlap between two gene sets is calculated as the number of common genes between the two gene sets divided by the smallest size of the two gene sets.


## S4 method for signature 'list,character'
computeGeneSetsOverlap(gSets, uniqGenes, minSize = 1, maxSize = Inf)

## S4 method for signature 'list,ExpressionSet'
computeGeneSetsOverlap(gSets, uniqGenes, minSize = 1, maxSize = Inf)

## S4 method for signature 'GeneSetCollection,character'
computeGeneSetsOverlap(gSets, uniqGenes, minSize = 1, maxSize = Inf)

## S4 method for signature 'GeneSetCollection,ExpressionSet'
computeGeneSetsOverlap(gSets, uniqGenes, minSize = 1, maxSize = Inf)



Gene sets given either as a list or a GeneSetCollection object.


Vector of unique genes to be considered when calculating the overlaps.


Minimum size.


Maximum size.


A gene-set by gene-set matrix of the overlap among every pair of gene sets.


J. Guinney


Hänzelmann, S., Castelo, R. and Guinney, J. GSVA: Gene set variation analysis for microarray and RNA-Seq data. BMC Bioinformatics, 14:7, 2013.

See Also



geneSets <- list(set1=as.character(1:4), set2=as.character(4:10))
computeGeneSetsOverlap(geneSets, unique(unlist(geneSets)))

rcastelo/GSVA documentation built on March 5, 2025, 4:37 p.m.