#' proteingroup to isoforms
#' @param x proteingroups string vector
#' @param unique whether to remove duplicates
#' @return string vector
#' @examples
#' (x <- c('Q96JP5;Q96JP5-2', 'Q96JP5', 'Q96JP5-2;P86791'))
#' pg_to_isoforms(x)
#' pg_to_canonical(x)
#' pg_to_isoforms( x, unique = FALSE)
#' pg_to_canonical(x, unique = FALSE)
#' # .pg_to_isoforms(x[1]) # unexported dot functions
#' # .pg_to_canonical(x[1]) # operate on scalars
#' @export
pg_to_canonical <- function(x, unique = TRUE){
unname(vapply(x, .pg_to_canonical, character(1), unique = unique))
.pg_to_canonical <- function(x, unique = TRUE){
z <- unlist(stri_split_fixed(x, ';'))
z %<>% split_extract_fixed('-', 1)
if ({{unique}}) z %<>% unique()
paste0(z, collapse = ';')
#' @rdname pg_to_canonical
#' @export
pg_to_isoforms <- function(x, unique = TRUE){
unname(vapply(x, .pg_to_isoforms, character(1), unique = unique))
.pg_to_isoforms <- function(x, unique = TRUE){
z <- unlist(stri_split_fixed(x, ';'))
z %<>% split_extract_fixed('-', 2)
z[z=='NA'] <- '0'
# Sometimes the canonical isoform is NOT isoform-1 !
# https://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/Q9H0P0/entry#sequences
if ({{unique}}) z %<>% unique()
paste0(z, collapse = ',')
#' Extract common substring
#' @param a first string
#' @param b second string
#' @return string
#' @examples
#' a <- "heart-specific Fatty acid binding protein"
#' b <- "Fatty acid binding protein, isoform 3"
#' extract_common_substr(a, b)
#' a <- "Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein-associated proteins B and B'"
#' b <- "Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein-associated protein N"
#' extract_common_substr(a, b)
#' @references https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28261825
#' @noRd
extract_common_substr <- function(a, b){
tt <- drop(attr(adist(a, b, counts=TRUE), "trafos"))
# Nothing in common
if (!stri_detect_regex(tt, 'M+')) return('')
# Something in common
aa <- stri_sub(tt, stri_locate_all_regex(tt, '[DM]+')[[1]]) %>%
paste0(collapse = '') %>% trimws()
# paste is required because multiple substrings can be found
#bb <- tt %>%
# stri_sub(stri_locate_all_regex(tt, '[IM]+')[[1]]) %>%
# paste0(collapse = '')
stri_sub(a, stri_locate_all_regex(aa, 'M+')[[1]]) %>%
paste0(collapse = '') %>%
# different = c(a %>%
# stri_sub(stri_locate_all_regex(aa, 'D+')[[1]]) %>%
# trimws(),
# b %>%
# stri_sub(stri_locate_all_regex(bb, 'I+')[[1]])) %>%
# trimws())
#' Commonify strings
#' @param x character vector
#' @examples
#' x <- c( 'Retrotransposon Gag-like protein 8B',
#' 'Retrotransposon Gag-like protein 8B')
#' commonify_strings(x)
#' x <- c( 'Histone H2B type 1-K',
#' 'Histone H2B type 1-C/E/F/G/I')
#' commonify_strings(x)
#' x <- c("Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein-associated proteins B and B'",
#' "Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein-associated protein N")
#' commonify_strings(x)
#' x <- c( 'Fatty acid binding protein, isoform 3',
#' 'Fatty acid binding protein',
#' 'heart-specific Fatty acid binding protein',
#' 'heart-specific Fatty acid binding protein, isoform 3')
#' commonify_strings(x)
#' x <- c('ABC1', 'DEF2')
#' commonify_strings(x)
#' @noRd
commonify_strings <- function(x){
. <- NULL
common <- Reduce(extract_common_substr, x)
alternate <- if (common==''){ x
} else { stri_replace_first_fixed(x, common, '') %>%
stri_replace_first_fixed(', ', '') %>%
if (all(alternate == '')) return(common)
alternate %>%
unique() %>%
(function(s){s[s==''] <- '.'; s}) %>%
sort() %>%
#magrittr::extract(.!='') %>%
paste0(collapse='|') %>%
paste0('(', ., ')') %>%
paste0(common, .)
#' diann precursor quantity
#' @export
PRECURSOR_QUANTITY <- 'Precursor.Quantity'
excelcols <- function(file, range) colnames(read_excel(file, range = range, n_max = 0))
cols <- function(file) names(fread(file, nrows = 0))
col1 <- function(file) cols(file)[1]
col2 <- function(file) cols(file)[2]
col3 <- function(file) cols(file)[3]
# x <- 'Q15149;Q15149-3;Q15149-4;Q15149-8'
# uniprot2isoforms(x)
uniprot2isoforms <- function(x){
x %<>% stri_split_fixed(';')
x %<>% unlist()
x %<>% split_extract_fixed('-', 2)
x[x=='NA'] <- '0'
#x %<>% unique() #doesnt work with the way diann organises its proteingroups
x %<>% sort()
paste0(x, collapse = ',')
#' @rdname read_diann_proteingroups
#' @export
.read_diann_precursors <- function(
file, Lib.PG.Q = 0.01, verbose = TRUE
# Assert
iprecursor <- isoform <- NULL
log2maxlfq <- maxlfq <- organism <- pepcounts <- NULL
precounts <- precursor <- preintensity <- protein <- NULL
run <- top1 <- top3 <- total <- NULL
uniprot <- NULL
# Read
anncols <- c('Run', 'Genes', 'Protein.Names', 'Protein.Group', 'Precursor.Id',
'Q.Value', 'Lib.PG.Q.Value', 'Stripped.Sequence')
numcols <- c('Precursor.Quantity', 'PG.Quantity', 'PG.MaxLFQ')
cols <- c(anncols, numcols)
dt <- fread(file, select = cols) # 1977.16 but 1,35E+11
for (col in numcols){ dt[, (col) := stri_replace_first_fixed(get(col), ',', '.') ]
dt[, (col) := as.numeric(get(col)) ] }
setnames(dt, 'Run', 'run')
setnames(dt, 'Genes', 'gene')
setnames(dt, 'Protein.Names', 'protein')
setnames(dt, 'Protein.Group', 'uniprot')
setnames(dt, 'Precursor.Id', 'precursor')
setnames(dt, 'Lib.PG.Q.Value', 'Lib.PG.Q')
setnames(dt, 'Stripped.Sequence', 'sequence')
setnames(dt, 'PG.MaxLFQ', 'maxlfq')
setnames(dt, 'PG.Quantity', 'intensity')
setnames(dt, 'Precursor.Quantity', 'preintensity')
# Filter
n0 <- length(unique(dt$uniprot))
q <- Lib.PG.Q
dt %<>% extract(Lib.PG.Q < q)
n1 <- length(unique(dt$uniprot))
if (verbose) message('\t\tRetain ', n1, '/', n0, ' proteingroups: Lib.PG.Q < ', Lib.PG.Q)
# Order precursors
dt <- dt[, .SD[rev(order(preintensity))], by = c('uniprot', 'run')]
dt[, iprecursor := seq_len(.N), by = c('uniprot', 'run')]
dt[, precounts := length(unique(precursor)), by = c('uniprot', 'run')]
dt[, pepcounts := length(unique(sequence)), by = c('uniprot', 'run')]
# Order proteingroups
pgdt <- dt[, .(uniprot, run, pepcounts, precounts, maxlfq)]
pgdt %<>% unique()
pgdt %<>% extract(, .(pepcounts = sum(pepcounts),
precounts = sum(precounts),
log2maxlfq = log2(sum(maxlfq, na.rm = TRUE))), by = 'uniprot')
pgdt %<>% extract(order(-pepcounts, -precounts, -log2maxlfq))
dt[, uniprot := factor(uniprot, pgdt$uniprot)]
dt %<>% extract(order(uniprot, run, iprecursor))
dt[, uniprot := as.character(uniprot)]
# Intuify protein
pgdt <- unique(dt[, .(uniprot, protein)])
pgdt %<>% uncollapse(protein, sep = ';') # uncollapse
pgdt[, organism := split_extract_fixed(protein, '_', 2)] # drop organism
pgdt[, protein := split_extract_fixed(protein, '_', 1)] #
pgdt[, protein := commonify_strings(protein), by = c('uniprot', 'organism')] # commonify (within proteingroup/organism)
pgdt %<>% recollapse(by = c('uniprot', 'organism'), sep = ';') # recollapse (within proteingroup/organism)
pgdt[, protein := paste0(protein, '_', organism)] # add organism
pgdt %<>% recollapse(by = 'uniprot') # recollapse (within proteingroup)
# Add feature_id
pgdt[, isoform := uniprot2isoforms(uniprot), by = 'uniprot']
pgdt[, feature_id := paste0(protein, '-', isoform)]
pgdt[, c('isoform') := NULL]
# pgdt[, feature_name := forge_pg_descriptions(uniprot, protein, fastadt)] # add feature_name
dt %<>% .merge(pgdt, by = 'uniprot')
dt %<>% pull_columns(c('gene', 'protein', 'organism', 'feature_id', 'uniprot',
'run', 'pepcounts', 'precounts', 'iprecursor', 'precursor', 'sequence'))
# Summarize
dt[, top1 := rev(sort(preintensity))[1], by = c('uniprot', 'run')]
dt[, top3 := sum(rev(sort(preintensity))[1:3], na.rm = TRUE), by = c('uniprot', 'run')]
dt[, total := sum( preintensity, na.rm = TRUE), by = c('uniprot', 'run')]
#' @rdname read_diann_proteingroups
#' @export
.read_diann_proteingroups <- function(
file, Lib.PG.Q = 0.01
dt <- .read_diann_precursors(file, Lib.PG.Q = Lib.PG.Q)
dt[, sequence := sequence[1], by = c('uniprot', 'run')]
cols <- c('gene', 'feature_id', 'protein', 'organism', 'uniprot', 'run',
'pepcounts', 'precounts', 'sequence',
'intensity', 'top1', 'top3', 'total', 'maxlfq',
dt %<>% extract(, cols, with = FALSE )
dt %<>% unique()
assert_is_identical_to_true(all(dt[, .N, by = c('run', 'feature_id')]$N==1)) # single row per run/protein - yes!
#' Read diann
#' @param file 'report.tsv' file
#' @param Lib.PG.Q Lib.PG.Q cutoff
#' @param simplify_snames TRUE or FALSE: simplify (drop common parts in) samplenames ?
#' @param contaminants character vector: contaminant uniprots
#' @param impute TRUE or FALSE: impute group-specific NA values?
#' @param plot TRUE or FALSE
#' @param pca TRUE or FALSE: run pca ?
#' @param pls TRUE or FALSE: run pls ?
#' @param fit model engine: 'limma', 'lm', 'lme(r)', 'wilcoxon' or NULL
#' @param formula model formula
#' @param block model blockvar: string or NULL
#' @param coefs model coefficients of interest: character vector or NULL
#' @param contrasts coefficient contrasts of interest: character vector or NULL
#' @param palette color palette: named string vector
#' @param verbose TRUE or FALSE
#' @param ... used to maintain deprecated functions
#' @return data.table or SummarizedExperiment
#' @examples
#' # Read
#' file <- download_data('dilution.report.tsv')
#' .read_diann_precursors(file) # precursors longdt
#' .read_diann_proteingroups(file) # proteingroups longdt
#' fdt(read_diann_proteingroups(file)) # proteingroups sumexp
#' # Compare
#' PR <- .read_diann_precursors(file)
#' PG <- .read_diann_proteingroups(file)
#' PG[intensity==top1] # matches : 24975 (85%) proteingroups
#' PG[intensity!=top1] # doesnt match : 4531 (15%) proteingroups
#' RUN <- 'IPT_HeLa_1_DIAstd_Slot1-40_1_9997'
#' PR[uniprot=='Q96JP5;Q96JP5-2' & run == RUN, 1:6] # match: 8884 == 8884
#' PR[uniprot=='P36578' & run == RUN, 1:6] # no match: 650887 != 407978
#' PR[intensity != top1][feature_id == unique(feature_id)[1]][run == unique(run)[1]][1:2, 1:6]
#' PR[intensity != top1][feature_id == unique(feature_id)[2]][run == unique(run)[1]][1:2, 1:6]
#' PR[intensity != top1][feature_id == unique(feature_id)[3]][run == unique(run)[1]][1:3, 1:6]
#' @export
read_diann_proteingroups <- function(
Lib.PG.Q = 0.01,
simplify_snames = TRUE,
contaminants = character(0),
impute = FALSE,
plot = FALSE,
pca = plot,
pls = plot,
fit = if (plot) 'limma' else NULL,
groupvar = 'subgroup',
formula = as.formula(sprintf('~ %s', groupvar)),
block = NULL,
coefs = NULL,
contrasts = NULL,
palette = NULL,
verbose = TRUE
# Assert
if (!is.null(contaminants)) assert_is_character(contaminants)
# SumExp
dt <- .read_diann_proteingroups(file, Lib.PG.Q = Lib.PG.Q)
object <- SummarizedExperiment(list(
log2maxlfq = dcast_diann(dt, 'maxlfq', fill = NA, log2 = TRUE),
log2intensity = dcast_diann(dt, 'intensity', fill = NA, log2 = TRUE),
log2top1 = dcast_diann(dt, 'top1', fill = NA, log2 = TRUE),
log2top3 = dcast_diann(dt, 'top3', fill = NA, log2 = TRUE),
log2total = dcast_diann(dt, 'total', fill = NA ),
pepcounts = dcast_diann(dt, 'pepcounts', fill = 0 ),
precounts = dcast_diann(dt, 'precounts', fill = 0 ),
sequence = dcast_diann(dt, 'sequence', fill = '')))
sdt(object)$sample_id <- snames(object)
fdt(object)$feature_id <- fnames(object)
analysis(object)$nfeatures <- nrow(object)
# fdt
cols <- c('maxlfq', 'intensity', 'top1', 'top3', 'total',
'sequence', 'run', 'pepcounts', 'precounts')
dt[, (cols) := NULL]
dt %<>% unique()
assert_are_identical(nrow(dt), nrow(object)) # if not more fields need to be NULLed
object %<>% merge_fdt(dt)
for (assay in assayNames(object)) object %<>% add_assay_means(assay)
# sdt
snames(object) <- colnames(object)
if (simplify_snames) snames(object) %<>% simplify_snames()
object$subgroup <- infer_subgroup( object$sample_id)
# Filter. Impute. Analyze
if (length(contaminants)>0){
object %<>% rm_diann_contaminants(contaminants, verbose = verbose)
object %<>% rm_missing_in_all_samples(verbose = verbose)
object %<>% extract(order(rowVars(values(.), na.rm = TRUE)), )
object %<>% filter_exprs_replicated_in_some_subgroup(verbose = verbose)
if ({{impute}}) object %<>% impute()
object %<>% analyze(
pca = pca, pls = pls,
fit = fit, formula = formula,
block = block, coefs = coefs,
contrasts = contrasts, verbose = verbose,
plot = plot, palette = palette)
#' @rdname read_diann_proteingroups
#' @export
read_diann <- function(...){
# file <- download_data('dilution.report.tsv')
# dt <- .read_diann_proteingroups(file)
# dcast_diann(dt, quantity = 'maxlfq', fill = NA, log2 = TRUE )[1:3, 1:3]
# dcast_diann(dt, quantity = 'precounts', fill = 0 )[1:3, 1:3]
# dcast_diann(dt, quantity = 'pepcounts', fill = 0 )[1:3, 1:3]
# dcast_diann(dt, quantity = 'sequence', fill = '' )[1:3, 1:3]
dcast_diann <- function(dt, quantity, fill, log2 = FALSE){
mat <- data.table::dcast(dt, feature_id ~ run, value.var = quantity, fill = fill)
mat %<>% dt2mat()
mat %<>% extract(unique(dt$feature_id), ) # preserve original order
if (is.na(fill)) mat %<>% zero_to_na() %>% nan_to_na()
if (log2) mat %<>% log2()
#' Contaminants URL
#' @examples
#' @export
#' Downloads contaminants
#' @param url contaminants file url (string)
#' @param overwrite TRUE or FALSE: overwrite existiung download?
#' @return filename (string)
#' @examples
#' download_contaminants() # download first time
#' download_contaminants(overwrite = TRUE) # download each time
#' @export
download_contaminants <- function(url = CONTAMINANTSURL, overwrite = FALSE){
destdir <- file.path(R_user_dir("autonomics", "cache"), "maxquant")
dir.create(destdir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
destfile <- paste0(destdir, '/contaminants.fasta')
if (overwrite | !file.exists(destfile)){
download.file(url, destfile, mode = 'wb'),
error = function(e){
message('Automatic download failed: ', url,
'\nDownload manually into\n',
destfile <<- NULL
#' Read contaminants
#' @param file contaminant file
#' @return data.table
#' @examples
#' file <- download_contaminants()
#' dt <- read_contaminants(file)
#' @export
read_contaminants <- function(file = download_contaminants()){
# Assert
if (!requireNamespace('Biostrings', quietly = TRUE)){
stop("BiocManager::install('Biostrings'). Then re-run.") }
if (is.null(file)){
cmessage('\t`file` doesnt exist - return NULL')
return(NULL) # download_contaminants returns NULL when offline
assert_is_identical_to_true(substr(file, nchar(file)-4, nchar(file)) == 'fasta')
# Read
y <- Biostrings::readAAStringSet(file)
y %<>% names()
y %<>% split_extract_fixed(' ', 1)
# Return
#' Rm contaminants
#' Rm contaminants from DIA-NN SumExp
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param contaminants uniprots (character vector)
#' @param verbose TRUE or FALSE
#' @return SummarizedExperiment
#' @examples
#' file <- download_data('dilution.report.tsv')
#' object <- read_diann_proteingroups(file)
#' object %<>% rm_diann_contaminants()
#' @export
rm_diann_contaminants <- function(
object, contaminants = read_contaminants(), verbose = TRUE
# Assert
if (is.null(contaminants)){
message('\tcontminants is NULL - return object unchanged')
contaminant <- uniprot <- NULL
# Rm
fdt0 <- fdt(object)
fdt0 %<>% separate_rows(uniprot, sep = ';') %>% data.table()
fdt0[, contaminant := FALSE]
fdt0[uniprot %in% contaminants, contaminant := TRUE]
fdt0[, uniprot := NULL]
fdt0 %<>% extract(, .(contaminant = any(contaminant)), by = 'feature_id')
object %<>% merge_fdt(fdt0)
object %<>% filter_features(!contaminant, verbose = verbose)
# Return
has_one_level <- function(x) length(unique(x))==1
x <- paste0('pi_exp_', c('wt_r1', 'wt_r2', 'kd_r1', 'kd_r2'))
simplify_snames <- function(x){
sep <- guess_sep(x)
if (sep == 'NOSEP') return(x)
x <- data.table(x = x)
x <- x[, tstrsplit(x, split = sep)]
idx <- !vapply(x, has_one_level, logical(1))
x <- x[, idx, with = FALSE]
x <- Reduce(function(a,b) paste(a, b, sep = sep), x)
# sampleids <- paste0('pi_exp_', c('wt_r1', 'wt_r2', 'kd_r1', 'kd_r2'))
infer_subgroup <- function(sampleids){
sep <- guess_sep(sampleids)
if (sep == 'NOSEP') return(rep('group0', length(sampleids)))
n <- nfactors(sampleids)
subgroups <- sampleids %>% split_extract_fixed(sep, 1:(n-1))
if (any(duplicated(subgroups))) return(subgroups)
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