# Workflow functions
# - these functions are used in the main bindingSiteFinde workflow
# - each function updates the bindingSiteFinder object
# - functions are either designed to work on single nt wide crosslink sites or
# on merged binding sites
# - for each function a related plotting funciton exists to visualize the results
# - the wrapper function BSFind() executes the functions below in the desired order
#' Filter PureCLIP sites by their score distribution
#' Function that applies a filter on the global crosslink site score distribution.
#' The \code{\link{GenomicRanges}} contained in the \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} need to
#' have a meta-column that holds a numeric score value, which is used for filtering.
#' The name of the column can be set with \code{match.score}.
#' The function is part of the standard workflow performed by \code{\link{BSFind}}.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object with stored crosslink ranges
#' of width=1
#' @param cutoff numeric; defines the cutoff for which sites to keep, the
#' smallest step is 1\% (0.01)
#' @param match.score character; meta column name of the crosslink site
#' \code{\link{GenomicRanges}} object that holds the score which is used for
#' sub-setting
#' @param quiet logical; whether to print messages
#' @return an object of class \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} with its ranges filtered
#' by those that passed the threshold set with \code{cutoff}
#' @seealso \code{\link{BSFind}}, \code{\link{pureClipGlobalFilterPlot}}
#' @examples
#' # load data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' # apply 5% filter
#' pureClipGlobalFilter(object = bds, cutoff = 0.05)
#' @export
pureClipGlobalFilter <- function(object, # bindingSiteFinder
cutoff = 0.01, # defines the cutoff for which PureCLIP sites to keep; smallest are 1% (0.01); a cutoff of 0.05 means to remove the lowest 5% PureCLIP sites base on the score
match.score = "score",
quiet = FALSE
) {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
# check for correct cutoff value
possibleCutoffs = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.01)
if (! cutoff %in% possibleCutoffs) {
msg = paste0("Specified cutoff (", cutoff,
"), does not refer to a percentage value. Try cutoffs of the form 0.01, 0.05, ... instead.")
# Check for correct score column
metaNames = colnames(mcols(getRanges(object)))
if (! match.score %in% metaNames) {
msg = paste0("Specified match.score (", match.score, "), is present in the ranges. Add respective column. ")
# Create matching vectors for score column from input source
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
rngInitial = getRanges(object)
score = mcols(rngInitial)[match(match.score, colnames(mcols(rngInitial)))][[1]]
# ---
# Store function parameters in list
optstr = list(cutoff = cutoff, match.score = match.score)
object@params$pureClipGlobalFilter = optstr
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# compute quantile based on PureCLIP score
qCut = quantile(score, probs = seq(0,1, by = 0.01))
# apply user set cutoff
names(qCut) = as.numeric(sub("%", "", names(qCut))) / 100
idx = match(cutoff, names(qCut))
rngFiltered = rngInitial[score >= qCut[idx]]
# ---
# Store for plotting
dfPlot = score
cutoffPoint = qCut[idx]
object@plotData$pureClipGlobalFilter$data = dfPlot
object@plotData$pureClipGlobalFilter$cutoffPoint = cutoffPoint
# ---
# Store for results
resultLine = data.frame(
funName = "pureClipGlobalFilter()", class = "crosslink sites",
nIn = length(rngInitial), nOut = length(rngFiltered),
per = paste0(round(length(rngFiltered)/ length(rngInitial), digits = 2)*100,"%"),
options = paste0("Cutoff=", optstr$cutoff, ", scoreMatchCol=", optstr$match.score)
object@results = rbind(object@results, resultLine)
# return BSF object with only ranges above cutoff
objectNew = setRanges(object, rngFiltered, quiet = quiet)
#' Filter PureCLIP sites by their score distribution per gene
#' Function that applies a filter on the crosslink site score distribution at
#' gene level. This allows to filter for those sites with the strongest signal
#' on each gene. Since scores are tied to the expression level of the hosting
#' transcript this function allows a fair filter for all genes partially
#' independent of the expression level.
#' The \code{\link{GenomicRanges}} contained in the \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} need to
#' have a meta-column that holds a numeric score value, which is used for filtering.
#' The name of the column can be set with \code{scoreCol}.
#' In the case of overlapping gene annotation, a single crosslink site will be
#' attributed to multiple genes. The \code{\link{overlaps}} parameter allows
#' to control these cases. Option `keepSingle` will only keep a single instance
#' of the site; `removeAll` will remove both sites; `keepAll` will keep both
#' sites.
#' The function is part of the standard workflow performed by \code{\link{BSFind}}.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object with stored crosslink ranges
#' of width=1
#' @param cutoff numeric; defines the cutoff for which sites to remove, the
#' smallest step is 1\% (0.01). A cutoff of 5\% will remove the lowest 5\% sites,
#' given their score, on each gene, thus keeping the strongest 95\%.
#' @param overlaps character; how overlapping gene loci should be handled.
#' @param anno.annoDB an object of class \code{OrganismDbi} that contains
#' the gene annotation (!!! Experimental !!!).
#' @param anno.genes an object of class \code{\link{GenomicRanges}} that represents
#' the gene ranges directly
#' @param match.score character; meta column name of the crosslink site
#' \code{\link{GenomicRanges}} object that holds the score which is used for
#' sub-setting
#' @param match.geneID character; meta column name of the genes
#' \code{\link{GenomicRanges}} object that holds a unique geneID
#' @param quiet logical; whether to print messages
#' @return an object of class \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} with its ranges filtered
#' by those that passed the gene-wise threshold set with \code{cutoff}
#' @seealso \code{\link{BSFind}}, \code{\link{estimateBsWidthPlot}}
#' @importFrom dplyr filter reframe group_by mutate mutate_all arrange row_number
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures genes
#' @importFrom stats density
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' # Load GRanges with genes
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' # apply 5% gene-wise filter
#' pureClipGeneWiseFilter(object = bds, anno.genes = gns, cutoff = 0.5, overlaps = "keepSingle")
#' @export
pureClipGeneWiseFilter <- function(object, # bindingSiteFinder
cutoff = 0.05, # defines the cutoff for which PureCLIP sites to keep; smallest steps are in 1% (0.01); cutoff of 0.7 means that the top 70% of PureCLIP sites per gene are retained.
overlaps = c("keepSingle", "removeAll", "keepAll"), # Options to deal with PureCLIP sites on overlapping loci genes; use keepSingle as default; keepAll will inflate the number of binding sites by the number of overlaps, removeAll will kill all duplicated instances
anno.annoDB = NULL, # annotation data base of class OrganismDbi; can be NULL -> but then anno.genes must be provided
anno.genes = NULL, # ranges of the genes of class GenomicRanges; can be NULL -> but then anno.annoDB must be provided
match.score = "score",
match.geneID = "gene_id",
quiet = FALSE) {
# Local variables
datasource <- cutoffs <- quantiles <- name <- NULL
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# type checks
stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
# Check if none is specified
if (is.null(anno.annoDB) & is.null(anno.genes)) {
msg = paste0("None of the required annotation sources anno.annoDB or anno.genes was specified. ")
# Check if both are specified
if (!is.null(anno.annoDB) & !is.null(anno.genes)) {
msg = paste0("Both of the required annotation sources anno.annoDB or anno.genes are specified. Please provide only one of the two. ")
# Checks if anno.annoDB should be used
if (!is.null(anno.annoDB) & is.null(anno.genes)) {
stopifnot(is(anno.annoDB, "OrganismDb"))
datasource = "anno.annoDB"
# extract relevant annotation
anno.genes = genes(anno.annoDB, columns = c("GENEID"))
# Create matching vectors for columns from input annotation
selectID = as.character(anno.genes$GENEID)
# Checks if anno.genes should be used
if (is.null(anno.annoDB) & !is.null(anno.genes)) {
stopifnot(is(anno.genes, "GenomicRanges"))
datasource = "anno.genes"
# extract relevant annotation
anno.genes = anno.genes
# check correct annotation columns
annoColNames = colnames(mcols(anno.genes))
if (!all(match.geneID %in% annoColNames)) {
msg = paste0("The provided matching column for the geneID (",
match.geneID, ") is not present in the provided annotation. \n")
# Create matching vectors for columns from input annotation
selectID = mcols(anno.genes)[match(match.geneID, colnames(mcols(anno.genes)))][[1]]
# check if cutoff was estimated before or if default should be used
if (!is.null(object@params$bsSize) &
!is.null(object@params$geneFilter)) {
cutoff = object@params$geneFilter
# handle options (remove, keep)
overlaps = match.arg(overlaps, choices = c("keepSingle", "removeAll", "keepAll"))
# Check for correct score column
# get all ranges
rngInitial = getRanges(object)
metaNames = colnames(mcols(rngInitial))
if (! match.score %in% metaNames) {
# if (! any(metaNames == match.score)) {
msg = paste0("Specified match.score (", match.score, "), is present in the ranges. Add respective column. ")
# ---
# Store function parameters in list
optstr = list(cutoff = cutoff, overlaps = overlaps,
source = datasource, match.geneID = match.geneID)
object@params$geneWiseFilter = optstr
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create matching vectors for score column from input source
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
score = mcols(rngInitial)[match(match.score, colnames(mcols(rngInitial)))][[1]]
rngInitial$score = score
# get all intergenic cases
rngIntergeneic = rngInitial[countOverlaps(rngInitial, anno.genes) == 0]
mcols(rngIntergeneic)$geneID = "Intergenic"
# get all cases to solve
# rngToSolve = subset(rngInitial, !rngInitial %in% rngIntergeneic)
# rngToSolve = rngInitial[!rngInitial %in% rngIntergeneic]
rngToSolve = rngInitial[countOverlaps(rngInitial, rngIntergeneic) == 0]
# Gene specific cutoffs
# ---------------------
# set cutpoints
potentialCutoffs = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
# group scores by gene range
ols = findOverlaps(anno.genes, rngToSolve) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
mutate(score = rngToSolve$score[subjectHits]) %>%
# calculate gene range specific quantile cutoff
quants = ols %>%
dplyr::reframe(quantiles = quantile(score, probs = potentialCutoffs)) %>%
group_by(queryHits) %>%
mutate(cutoffs = potentialCutoffs) %>%
dplyr::filter(as.character(cutoffs) == as.character(cutoff))
# apply cutoff to every PureCLIP peak per gene
peakIdToKeep = ols
peakIdToKeep$quantiles = quants$quantiles[match(peakIdToKeep$queryHits, quants$queryHits)]
peakIdToKeep = peakIdToKeep %>%
dplyr::filter(score >= quantiles)
# add gene information
filteredPerRegion = rngToSolve[peakIdToKeep$subjectHits]
mcols(filteredPerRegion)$geneID = selectID[peakIdToKeep$queryHits]
# ---
# Store for plotting
dfPlot = countOverlaps(filteredPerRegion) %>% table() %>% as.data.frame() %>% rename("#N overlaps" = ".")
object@plotData$geneWiseFilter$data = dfPlot
# Deal with multiple loci
# -----------------------
# check for overlapping loci peaks
potentialOverlaps = findOverlaps(filteredPerRegion)
overlappingLociHits = potentialOverlaps[queryHits(potentialOverlaps) != subjectHits(potentialOverlaps)]
# reduce to a single pair
singlePair = overlappingLociHits %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
dplyr::filter(queryHits > subjectHits)
overlappingLociHits = overlappingLociHits[queryHits(overlappingLociHits) %in% singlePair$queryHits]
# get numbers
overlappingLociGenePairs = paste0(unique(names(filteredPerRegion[queryHits(overlappingLociHits)])),
unique(names(filteredPerRegion[subjectHits(overlappingLociHits)])), " | ")
fractionOfRangesRemoved = paste0(round(length(overlappingLociHits) / length(rngInitial) * 100, digits = 2), "%")
# Handle cases
if (length(overlappingLociHits) > 0) {
msg0 = paste0(fractionOfRangesRemoved, " (", length(overlappingLociHits),"/", length(rngInitial), ")",
" peaks overlap with multiple anno.genes in the given gene annotation. \n")
if (overlaps == "keepSingle") {
msg1 = "A single instance of each peak is kept. This is recommended. \n "
filteredPerRegion = filteredPerRegion[!duplicated(filteredPerRegion)]
# report message
if (!quiet) message(c(msg0, msg1))
if (overlaps == "removeAll") {
msg1 = "All peaks on any duplicated range are removed. This is not recommended, since many peaks are lost. \n"
filteredPerRegion = filteredPerRegion[countOverlaps(filteredPerRegion) == 1]
warning(c(msg0, msg1))
if (overlaps == "keepAll") {
msg1 = "Duplicated peaks due to overlapping loci are not removed. This is not recommended, since peak numbers are inflated. \n"
warning(msg0, msg1)
# add intergenic cases again
filteredPerRegion = c(filteredPerRegion, rngIntergeneic)
# ---
# Store for results
resultLine = data.frame(
funName = "pureClipGeneWiseFilter()", class = "crosslink sites",
nIn = length(rngInitial), nOut = length(filteredPerRegion),
per = paste0(round(length(filteredPerRegion)/ length(rngInitial), digits = 2)*100,"%"),
options = paste0("Cutoff=", optstr$cutoff, ", overlapp option=", optstr$overlaps)
object@results = rbind(object@results, resultLine)
objectOut = setRanges(object, filteredPerRegion, quiet = quiet)
#' Assign binding sites to their hosting genes
#' Function that assigns each binding site in the \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} to its
#' hosting gene given a gene annotation (\code{anno.annoDB}, \code{anno.genes}).
#' Regardless of the annotation source that is being used, the respective meta
#' information about the genes have to be present. They can be set by the
#' \code{match.geneID}, \code{match.geneName} and \code{match.geneType} arguments.
#' In the case of overlapping gene annotation, a single binding site will be
#' associated with multiple genes. The \code{\link{overlaps}} parameter allows
#' to decide in these cases. Option `frequency` will take the most frequently
#' observed gene type, option `hierarchy` works in conjunction with a user defined
#' rule (\code{overlaps.rule}). Options `remove` and `keep` will remove or
#' keep all overlapping cases, respectively.
#' Note that if an overlaps exists, but gene types are identical options
#' `frequency` and `hierarchy` will cause the gene that was seen first to be
#' selected as representative.
#' The function is part of the standard workflow performed by \code{\link{BSFind}}.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object with stored binding sites. This
#' means that ranges should be > 1
#' @param overlaps character; how overlapping gene loci should be handled.
#' @param overlaps.rule character vector; a vector of gene type that should
#' be used to handle overlapping cases in a hierarchical manor. The order of the
#' vector is the order of the hierarchy.
#' @param anno.annoDB an object of class \code{OrganismDbi} that contains
#' the gene annotation (!!! Experimental !!!).
#' @param anno.genes an object of class \code{\link{GenomicRanges}} that represents
#' the gene ranges directly
#' @param match.geneID character; meta column name of the gene ID
#' @param match.geneName character; meta column name of the gene name
#' @param match.geneType character; meta column name of the gene type
#' @param quiet logical; whether to print messages
#' @return an object of class \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} with binding sites having
#' hosting gene information added to their meta columns.
#' @seealso \code{\link{BSFind}}, \code{\link{geneOverlapsPlot}},
#' \code{\link{targetGeneSpectrumPlot}}
#' @importFrom dplyr select slice_head group_by count ungroup arrange desc left_join
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures genes
#' @importFrom dplyr desc
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' # Load GRanges with genes
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' bds = makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9)
#' bds = assignToGenes(bds, anno.genes = gns)
#' @export
assignToGenes <- function(object,
overlaps = c("frequency", "hierarchy", "remove", "keep"),
overlaps.rule = NULL,
anno.annoDB = NULL,
anno.genes = NULL,
match.geneID = "gene_id",
match.geneName = "gene_name",
match.geneType = "gene_type",
quiet = FALSE
) {
# local variables
datasource <- geneIndex <- geneID <- geneName <- value <- bsIndex <- Freq <- geneType <- match.missing <- NULL
selectType <- selectID <- selectName <- NULL
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
# Check if none is specified
if (is.null(anno.annoDB) & is.null(anno.genes)) {
msg = paste0("None of the required annotation sources anno.annoDB or anno.genes was specified. ")
# Check if both are specified
if (!is.null(anno.annoDB) & !is.null(anno.genes)) {
msg = paste0("Both of the required annotation sources anno.annoDB or anno.genes are specified. Please provide only one of the two. ")
# Checks if anno.annoDB should be used
if (!is.null(anno.annoDB) & is.null(anno.genes)) {
stopifnot(is(anno.annoDB, "OrganismDb"))
if (!is.null(anno.genes)) {
msg = paste0("Parameter anno.annoDB and anno.genes are specified at the same time. Use only one of them.")
} else {
datasource = "anno.annoDB"
# extract relevant annotation
anno.genes = genes(anno.annoDB, columns=c("ENSEMBL", "GENETYPE", "SYMBOL", "GENEID"))
# Create matching vectors for columns from input annotation
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
selectID = as.character(anno.genes$GENEID)
selectName = as.character(anno.genes$SYMBOL)
selectType = as.character(anno.genes$GENETYPE)
# Checks if anno.genes should be used
if (is.null(anno.annoDB) & !is.null(anno.genes)) {
stopifnot(is(anno.genes, "GenomicRanges"))
if (!is.null(anno.annoDB)) {
msg = paste0("Parameter anno.annoDB and anno.genes are specified at the same time. Use only one of them.")
} else {
datasource = "anno.genes"
# extract relevant annotation
# check for duplicated annotation columns
if (sum(colnames(mcols(anno.genes)) == match.geneID) > 1) {
msg = paste0("The names of multiple columns of the annotation match the match.geneID parameter. Please use a unique column name for match.geneID in anno.genes.")
if (sum(colnames(mcols(anno.genes)) == match.geneName) > 1) {
msg = paste0("The names of multiple columns of the annotation match the match.geneName parameter. Please use a unique column name for match.geneName in anno.genes.")
if (sum(colnames(mcols(anno.genes)) == match.geneType) > 1) {
msg = paste0("The names of multiple columns of the annotation match the match.geneType parameter. Please use a unique column name for match.geneType in anno.genes.")
# check correct annotation columns
inNames = c(match.geneID, match.geneName, match.geneType)
annoColNames = colnames(mcols(anno.genes))
presentNames = inNames[inNames %in% annoColNames]
# extract columns from annotaiton based on available names
present.cols = lapply(presentNames, function(x){
match.col = mcols(anno.genes)[match(x, colnames(mcols(anno.genes)))][[1]]
names(present.cols) = presentNames
# extract values from annotation for all present columns
if (match.geneID %in% names(present.cols)) {
selectID = present.cols[[match(match.geneID, names(present.cols))]]
} else {
msg = paste0("No meta column for ", match.geneID, " present. Creating custom ID.\n")
if (!quiet) message(msg)
selectID = paste0("CUSTOM", seq_along(anno.genes))
if (match.geneName %in% names(present.cols)) {
selectName = present.cols[[match(match.geneName, names(present.cols))]]
} else {
msg = paste0("No meta column for ", match.geneName, " present.\n")
if (!quiet) message(msg)
if (match.geneType %in% names(present.cols)) {
selectType = present.cols[[match(match.geneType, names(present.cols))]]
} else {
msg = paste0("No meta column for ", match.geneType, " present.\n")
if (!quiet) message(msg)
# handle options (hierarchy, frequency, remove, keep)
overlaps = match.arg(overlaps, choices = c("frequency", "hierarchy", "remove", "keep"))
if (is.null(selectType)) {
# gene type is missing
# -> check for correct overlap option
if (overlaps == "frequency" | overlaps == "hierarchy") {
msg0 = paste0(match.geneType, " is missing in the annotation. Options 'frequency' and 'hierarchy' are not available.\n")
msg1 = paste0("Select one of: 'remove' or 'keep'.\n")
stop(c(msg0, msg1))
# Check multiple loci options
if (overlaps == "hierarchy" & is.null(overlaps.rule)) {
msg1 = paste0("Binding sites on anno.genes with overlapping annotaitons is set to be handled by 'hierarchy', but no rule is provided. \n")
msg2 = paste0("Change the 'overlaps' option or provide a valid rule. \n")
stop(c(msg1, msg2))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---
# Store function parameters in list
optstr = list(source = datasource, match.geneID = match.geneID,
match.geneName = match.geneName, match.geneType = match.geneType,
overlaps = overlaps, overlaps.rule = overlaps.rule)
object@params$assignToGenes = optstr
# Match Binding sites and anno.genes
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# split ranges in duplicated event and non duplicated events
rngInitial = getRanges(object)
rngInitial$currIdx = seq_along(rngInitial)
# remove possibility of partial overlaps by setting `minoverlap` parameter
# to the size of the binding sites
# -> use the minimum of the size for uneven binding sites sizes
# -> this is not optimal since partial overlaps can be re-introduced
# -> does not affect ranges that are true binding sites
bs.set.range = min(unique(width(rngInitial)))
ols = findOverlaps(anno.genes, rngInitial, minoverlap = bs.set.range)
# ols = findOverlaps(anno.genes, rngInitial)
# Deal with multiple loci
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Count out how many cases there are
countOlsSize = as.data.frame(table(duplicated(subjectHits(ols))))
if (nrow(countOlsSize) == 1){
# no duplications are present
# -> no overlaps have to be resolved
totalBS = countOlsSize$Freq[1]
duplicatedBS = 0
} else {
totalBS = countOlsSize$Freq[1]
duplicatedBS = countOlsSize$Freq[2]
duplicatedFraction = paste0(round(duplicatedBS / totalBS * 100, digits = 2), "%")
# ----
# Store results for plotting
# -> select data
if (all(!is.null(selectID) & !is.null(selectType) & !is.null(selectName))) {
# nothing is missing
dfPlot = data.frame(geneIndex = queryHits(ols), bsIndex = subjectHits(ols),
geneType = selectType[queryHits(ols)]) %>% #TODO type
dplyr::mutate(value = 1) %>%
dplyr::select(-geneIndex) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = geneType, values_from = value, values_fn = length, values_fill = 0) %>%
dplyr::select(-bsIndex) %>%
dplyr::mutate_all(~ ifelse(. > 1, 1, .))
} else {
# check what is missing
if (!is.null(selectType)) {
# anything other than gene type is missing
dfPlot = data.frame(geneIndex = queryHits(ols), bsIndex = subjectHits(ols),
geneType = selectType[queryHits(ols)]) %>% #TODO type
dplyr::mutate(value = 1) %>%
dplyr::select(-geneIndex) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = geneType, values_from = value, values_fn = length, values_fill = 0) %>%
dplyr::select(-bsIndex) %>%
dplyr::mutate_all(~ ifelse(. > 1, 1, .))
} else {
# gene type is missing
dfPlot = NULL
object@plotData$assignToGenes$dataOverlaps = dfPlot
# Case where there are no overlaps
if (duplicatedBS == 0) {
msg = paste0("No binding sites (",
format(totalBS, big.mark = ',', decimal.mark = "."),
") on overlapping gene loci. \n")
msg2 = paste0("Parameter 'overlaps' set to '",
overlaps, "' not in use. \n")
if(!quiet) message(c(msg, msg2))
# Cases where there are multiple overlaps
msg0 = paste0(duplicatedFraction, " (", duplicatedBS,"/", totalBS, ")",
" of binding sites overlap with multiple anno.genes in the given gene annotation. \n")
if (overlaps == "hierarchy") {
# apply hierarchy solution
msg1 = paste0("Apply 'hierarchy' solution")
if(!quiet) message(c(msg0, msg1))
ruleMod = data.frame(gene_type = overlaps.rule, idx = seq_along(overlaps.rule))
rngResolved = .resolveGeneOverlapsWithRule(rng = rngInitial, ols = ols, rule = ruleMod,
selectID = selectID, selectName = selectName,
selectType = selectType)
if (length(rngInitial) != length(rngResolved)) {
if(!quiet) message(paste0(format(length(rngInitial)-length(rngResolved), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" binding sites could not be assigned to a gene range.\n"))
if (overlaps == "frequency") {
# apply frequency solution
msg1 = paste0("Apply 'frequency' solution")
if (!quiet) message(c(msg0, msg1))
ruleFreq = selectType %>% table() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
rename(gene_type = 1) %>% arrange(desc(Freq)) %>%
mutate(idx = row_number()) %>% rename(n = 2)
rngResolved = .resolveGeneOverlapsWithRule(rng = rngInitial, ols = ols, rule = ruleFreq,
selectID = selectID, selectName = selectName, selectType = selectType)
if (length(rngInitial) != length(rngResolved)) {
if (!quiet) message(paste0(format(length(rngInitial)-length(rngResolved), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" binding sites could not be assigned to a gene range.\n"))
if (overlaps == "remove") {
# apply remove option
msg1 = "Binding sites from overlapping loci are removed. This is not recommended. Please see options 'heirarchy' and 'frequency'. \n"
warning(c(msg0, msg1))
rngResolved = rngInitial[subjectHits(ols)]
# manage meta columns
if (!is.null(selectID)) {
mcols(rngResolved) = cbind(mcols(rngResolved), geneID = selectID[queryHits(ols)])
if (!is.null(selectType)) {
mcols(rngResolved) = cbind(mcols(rngResolved), geneType = selectType[queryHits(ols)])
if (!is.null(selectName)) {
mcols(rngResolved) = cbind(mcols(rngResolved), geneName = selectName[queryHits(ols)])
# remove duplicates
rngResolved = rngResolved[countOverlaps(rngResolved) == 1]
if (overlaps == "keep") {
msg1 = "Binding sites from overlapping loci are kept. This is not recommended. Please see options 'heirarchy' and 'frequency'. \n"
warning(c(msg0, msg1))
rngResolved = rngInitial[subjectHits(ols)]
# manage meta columns
if (!is.null(selectID)) {
mcols(rngResolved) = cbind(mcols(rngResolved), geneID = selectID[queryHits(ols)])
if (!is.null(selectType)) {
mcols(rngResolved) = cbind(mcols(rngResolved), geneType = selectType[queryHits(ols)])
if (!is.null(selectName)) {
mcols(rngResolved) = cbind(mcols(rngResolved), geneName = selectName[queryHits(ols)])
# ---
# Store results for plotting
if (all(!is.null(selectID) & !is.null(selectType) & !is.null(selectName))) {
# nothing is missing
nCountGenes = rngResolved %>% mcols() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
group_by(geneID) %>% dplyr::count(geneType) %>% ungroup() %>%
dplyr::count(geneType) %>% arrange(desc(n))
nCountBs = rngResolved %>% mcols() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
dplyr::count(geneType) %>% arrange(desc(n))
nCountAll = left_join(nCountBs, nCountGenes, by = "geneType") %>%
rename("nBs" = "n.x", "nGenes" = "n.y")
} else {
# check what is missing
if (!is.null(selectType)) {
# anything other than gene type is missing
nCountGenes = rngResolved %>% mcols() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
group_by(geneID) %>% dplyr::count(geneType) %>% ungroup() %>%
dplyr::count(geneType) %>% arrange(desc(n))
nCountBs = rngResolved %>% mcols() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
dplyr::count(geneType) %>% arrange(desc(n))
nCountAll = left_join(nCountBs, nCountGenes, by = "geneType") %>%
rename("nBs" = "n.x", "nGenes" = "n.y")
else {
# gene type is missing
nCountAll = NULL
object@plotData$assignToGenes$dataSpectrum = nCountAll
# ---
# Store for results
resultLine = data.frame(
funName = "assignToGenes()", class = "binding sites",
nIn = length(rngInitial), nOut = length(rngResolved),
per = paste0(round(length(rngResolved)/ length(rngInitial), digits = 2)*100,"%"),
options = paste0("Overlaps=", optstr$overlaps, ", Source=", optstr$source,
paste0(", overlaps.rule=",
paste(optstr$overlaps.rule, collapse = ">")), ""))
object@results = rbind(object@results, resultLine)
objectOut = setRanges(object, rngResolved, quiet = quiet)
#' Assign binding sites to their hosting transcript regions
#' Function that assigns each binding site in the \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} to its
#' hosting transcript region given an annotation database (\code{anno.annoDB}), or
#' a GRanges list / \code{\link{CompressedGRangesList}} (\code{anno.transcriptRegionList})
#' that holds the ranges for the transcript regions of interest.
#' Since the assignment is based on the overlaps of annotated transcript ranges
#' and binding sites, no matching meta data is needed.
#' In the case of transcript regions overlaps are very frequent. To resolve these
#' cases the \code{\link{overlaps}} argument can be used. Option `frequency`
#' will take the most frequently observed transcript region, option `hierarchy`
#' works in conjunction with a user defined rule (\code{overlaps.rule}).
#' Options `flag` and `remove` will label binding sites with an ambiguous tag or
#' remove all overlapping cases, respectively.
#' The function is part of the standard workflow performed by \code{\link{BSFind}}.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object with stored binding sites. This
#' means that ranges should be > 1
#' @param overlaps character; how overlapping transcript regions should be handled.
#' @param overlaps.rule character vector; a vector of transcript region
#' names that should be used to handle overlapping cases in a hierarchical manor.
#' The order of the vector is the order of the hierarchy.
#' @param anno.annoDB an object of class \code{OrganismDbi} that contains
#' the transcript region annotation (!!! Experimental !!!).
#' @param anno.transcriptRegionList an object of class \code{\link{CompressedGRangesList}}
#' that holds an ranges for each transcript region
#' @param normalize.exclude.upper numeric; percentage value that indicates the
#' upper boundary for transcript region length to be considered when calculating
#' normalization factors for regions.
#' @param normalize.exclude.lower numeric; percentage value that indicates the
#' lower boundary for transcript region length to be considered when calculating
#' normalization factors for regions.
#' @param quiet logical; whether to print messages
#' @return an object of class \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} with binding sites having
#' hosting transcript region information added to their meta columns.
#' @seealso \code{\link{BSFind}},
#' \code{\link{transcriptRegionOverlapsPlot}},
#' \code{\link{transcriptRegionSpectrumPlot}}
#' @importFrom dplyr rename_with desc
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures cds intronsByTranscript threeUTRsByTranscript fiveUTRsByTranscript
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[2])
#' bds = makeBindingSites(object = bds, bsSize = 9)
#' bds = assignToGenes(bds, anno.genes = gns)
#' bds = assignToTranscriptRegions(object = bds, anno.transcriptRegionList = regions)
#' @export
assignToTranscriptRegions <- function(object, # bindingSiteFinder
overlaps = c("frequency", "hierarchy", "flag", "remove"), # overlapping loci solution options
overlaps.rule = NULL, # rule to apply when option hierarchy is selected
anno.annoDB = NULL, # annotation data base of class OrganismDbi; can be NULL -> but then anno.transcriptRegionList must be provided
anno.transcriptRegionList = NULL, # GRangesList object with the transcript features to be used; can be NULL -> but then anno.annoDB must be provided
normalize.exclude.upper = 0.02,
normalize.exclude.lower = 0.02,
quiet = FALSE
) {
# local variables
datasource <- `.` <- Freq <- transcript_type <- NULL
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
# Check if none is specified
if (is.null(anno.annoDB) & is.null(anno.transcriptRegionList)) {
msg = paste0("None of the required annotation sources anno.annoDB or anno.transcriptRegionList was specified. ")
# Check if both are specified
if (!is.null(anno.annoDB) & !is.null(anno.transcriptRegionList)) {
msg = paste0("Both of the required annotation sources anno.annoDB or anno.transcriptRegionList are specified. Please provide only one of the two. ")
# anno.annoDB should be used
if (!is.null(anno.annoDB) & is.null(anno.transcriptRegionList)) {
stopifnot(is(anno.annoDB, "OrganismDb"))
if (!is.null(anno.transcriptRegionList)) {
msg = paste0("Parameter anno.annoDB and anno.transcriptRegionList are specified at the same time. Use only one of them.")
} else {
datasource = "anno.annoDB"
# extract relevant annotation - transcripts
cdseq = cds(anno.annoDB)
intrns = unlist(intronsByTranscript(anno.annoDB))
utrs3 = unlist(threeUTRsByTranscript(anno.annoDB))
utrs5 = unlist(fiveUTRsByTranscript(anno.annoDB))
anno.transcriptRegionList = GRangesList(CDS = cdseq, Intron = intrns, UTR3 = utrs3, UTR5 = utrs5)
names(anno.transcriptRegionList) = toupper(names(anno.transcriptRegionList))
# anno.transcriptRegionList should be used
if (is.null(anno.annoDB) & !is.null(anno.transcriptRegionList) ) {
stopifnot(is(anno.transcriptRegionList, "GenomicRangesList"))
if (!is.null(anno.annoDB)) {
msg = paste0("Parameter anno.annoDB and anno.transcriptRegionList are specified at the same time. Use only one of them.")
} else {
datasource = "anno.transcriptRegionList"
# extract relevant annotation - transcripts
anno.transcriptRegionList = anno.transcriptRegionList
names(anno.transcriptRegionList) = toupper(names(anno.transcriptRegionList))
# handle options (hierarchy, frequency, remove, keep)
overlaps = match.arg(overlaps, choices = c("frequency", "hierarchy", "flag", "remove"))
# Check multiple loci options
if (overlaps == "hierarchy" & is.null(overlaps.rule)) {
msg1 = paste0("Multiple region problem is set to be handled by 'hierarchy', but no overlaps.rule is provided. \n")
msg2 = paste0("Change the 'overlaps' option or provide a valid overlaps.rule. \n")
stop(c(msg1, msg2))
overlaps.rule = toupper(overlaps.rule)
if (! all(overlaps.rule %in% names(anno.transcriptRegionList))){
msg = paste0("Regions defined in overlaps.rule (", paste(overlaps.rule, collapse = " > "),
") does not match the input region names (", paste(names(anno.transcriptRegionList), collapse = ", "), ")")
if (overlaps == "hierarchy" & is.null(overlaps.rule)) {
msg1 = paste0("Overlap are set to be solved by 'hierarchy', but no overlaps.rule is provided. \n")
msg2 = paste0("Change the 'overlaps' option or provide a valid overlaps.rule. \n")
stop(c(msg1, msg2))
# ---
# Store function parameters in list
optstr = list(source = datasource, overlaps = overlaps, overlaps.rule = overlaps.rule)
object@params$assignToTranscriptRegions = optstr
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Match transcript annotation with binding sites
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
rngInitial = getRanges(object)
rng = getRanges(object)
cRange = resize(rng, width = 1, fix = "center")
countDf = lapply(anno.transcriptRegionList, function(x) {
countOverlaps(cRange, x)
}) %>% as.data.frame() %>% rename_with(toupper)
# Add intergenic cases
countDf = countDf %>% mutate(OTHER = ifelse(rowSums(.) == 0, 1, 0))
# ---
# Store results for plotting
plotDf = countDf
plotDf[plotDf >= 1] = 1
object@plotData$assignToTranscriptRegions$dataOverlaps = plotDf
# Deal with multiple loci
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Count out how many cases there are
totalBs = nrow(countDf)
numberOfLociHit = rowSums(countDf != 0)
ambigousBs = nrow(countDf[numberOfLociHit != 1,])
ambigousBsFraction = paste0(round(ambigousBs / totalBs * 100, digits = 2), "%")
# Case where there are no overlaps
if (ambigousBs == 0) {
msg0 = paste0("No binding sites (", format(totalBs, big.mark = ',', decimal.mark = "."), ") on overlapping transcript loci. \n")
msg1 = paste0("Parameter 'overlaps' set to '", overlaps, "' not in use. \n")
if(!quiet) message(c(msg0, msg1))
# assign regions
countDfSorted = countDf
countDfSorted[countDfSorted > 0] = 1
col_names = colnames(countDfSorted)
transcriptRegion = ifelse(rowSums(countDfSorted) == 1, col_names[max.col(countDfSorted, ties.method = "first")], "Ambiguous")
mcols(rng) = cbind.data.frame(mcols(rng), transcriptRegion = transcriptRegion)
# Cases where we have to resolve overlapping loci
if (ambigousBs > 0) {
msg0 = paste0(ambigousBsFraction, " (", ambigousBs,"/", totalBs, ")",
" of binding sites overlap with multiple different transcript regions in the given annotation. \n")
if (overlaps == "hierarchy") {
# apply hierarchy solution
msg1 = paste0("Apply 'hierarchy' solution. \n ")
if(!quiet) message(c(msg0, msg1))
countDfSorted = countDf[, overlaps.rule]
countDfSorted[countDfSorted > 0] = 1
transcriptRegion = names(countDfSorted)[max.col(countDfSorted, ties.method = "first")]
mcols(rng) = cbind.data.frame(mcols(rng), transcriptRegion = transcriptRegion)
if (overlaps == "frequency") {
msg1 = paste0("Apply 'frequency' solution. \n ")
if(!quiet) message(c(msg0, msg1))
countDfSorted = countDf
# countDfSorted[countDfSorted > 0] = 1
# get overlaps.rule by frequency
overlaps.rule = names(countDfSorted)[max.col(countDfSorted, ties.method = "first")] %>%
table() %>% as.data.frame() %>% rename(transcript_type = 1) %>%
arrange(desc(Freq)) %>% pull(transcript_type) %>% as.character()
# apply frequency solution
countDfSorted = countDfSorted[, overlaps.rule]
transcriptRegion = names(countDfSorted)[max.col(countDfSorted, ties.method = "first")]
mcols(rng) = cbind.data.frame(mcols(rng), transcriptRegion = transcriptRegion)
if (overlaps == "flag") {
msg1 = paste0("Binding sites with multiple different overlapping transcript regions are being flaged with the tag 'Ambiguous'. \n")
if(!quiet) message(c(msg0, msg1))
countDfSorted = countDf
countDfSorted[countDfSorted > 0] = 1
# flag multiple loci binding sites
col_names = colnames(countDfSorted)
transcriptRegion = ifelse(rowSums(countDfSorted) == 1, col_names[max.col(countDfSorted, ties.method = "first")], "Ambiguous")
mcols(rng) = cbind.data.frame(mcols(rng), transcriptRegion = transcriptRegion)
# remove mulitple loci binding sitges
mcols(rng) = cbind.data.frame(mcols(rng), transcriptRegion = transcriptRegion)
if (overlaps == "remove") {
msg1 = paste0("Binding sites with multiple different overlapping transcript regions are being removed. This is not recommended! \n")
if(!quiet) message(c(msg0, msg1))
countDfSorted = countDf
countDfSorted[countDfSorted > 0] = 1
# flag multiple loci binding sites
col_names = colnames(countDfSorted)
transcriptRegion = ifelse(rowSums(countDfSorted) == 1, col_names[max.col(countDfSorted, ties.method = "first")], "Ambiguous")
mcols(rng) = cbind.data.frame(mcols(rng), transcriptRegion = transcriptRegion)
# remove mulitple loci binding sitges
mcols(rng) = cbind.data.frame(mcols(rng), transcriptRegion = transcriptRegion)
rng = rng[rng$transcriptRegion != "Ambiguous"]
# ---
# Calculate width for length based normalization
## normalize by all expressed regions
debugList = list(object = object, rng = rng)
# saveRDS(debugList, file = "./debugList.rds")
norm.factors = .calcNormalizeFactors(object, rng, anno.transcriptRegionList,
normalize.exclude.lower = normalize.exclude.lower,
normalize.exclude.upper = normalize.exclude.upper)
# ---
# Store results for plotting
dfPlot = rng$transcriptRegion %>%
table() %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
rename("TranscriptRegion" = ".") %>%
arrange(desc(Freq)) %>%
left_join(., y = norm.factors, by = "TranscriptRegion")
object@plotData$assignToTranscriptRegions$dataSpectrum = dfPlot
# ---
# Store for results
resultLine = data.frame(
funName = "assignToTranscriptRegions()", class = "binding sites",
nIn = length(rngInitial), nOut = length(rng),
per = paste0(round(length(rng)/ length(rngInitial), digits = 2)*100,"%"),
options = paste0("Overlaps=", optstr$overlaps, ", Source=", datasource,
ifelse(!rlang::is_empty(optstr$overlaps.rule), paste0(", overlaps.rule=", paste(optstr$overlaps.rule, collapse = ">")), ""))
object@results = rbind(object@results, resultLine)
outObject = setRanges(object, rng, quiet = quiet)
#' Function to estimate the appropriate binding site width together with the
#' optimal gene-wise filter level.
#' This function tests different width of binding sites for different gene-wise
#' filtering steps. For each test the signal-to-score ratio is calculated. The
#' mean over all gene-wise filterings at each binding site width is used to
#' extract the optimal width, which serves as anchor to select the optimal
#' gene-wise filter.
#' Parameter estimation is done on a subset of all crosslink sites
#' (\code{est.subsetChromosome}).
#' Gene-level filter can be tested with varying
#' levels of accuracy ranging from `finest` to `coarse`, representing 1% and
#' 20% steps, respectively.
#' Binding site computation at each step can be done on three different accuracy
#' level (\code{bsResolution}). Option `fine` is equal to a normal run
#' of the \code{\link{makeBindingSites}} function. `medium` will perform
#' a shorter version of the binding site computation, skipping some of the
#' refinement steps. Option `coarse` will approximate binding sites by merged
#' crosslinks regions, aligning the center at the site with the highest score.
#' For each binding site in each set given the defined resolutions a signal-to-
#' flank score ratio is calculated and the mean of this score per set is returned.
#' Next a mean of means is created which results in a single score for each
#' binding site width that was tested. The width that yielded the highest score
#' is selected as optimal. In addtion the \code{minimumStepGain} option
#' allows control over the minimum additional gain in the score that a tested
#' width has to have to be selected as the best option.
#' To enhance the sensitivity of the binding site estimation, the sensitivity
#' mode exists. In this mode crosslink sites undergo a pre-filtering and merging
#' step, to exclude potential artifical peaks (experimental-, mapping-biases).
#' If sensitivity mode is activated the \code{est.minWidth} option should be set
#' to 1.
#' The optimal geneFilter is selected as the first one that passes the merged
#' mean of the selected optimal binding site width.
#' The function is part of the standard workflow performed by \code{\link{BSFind}}.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object with stored crosslink sites.
#' This means that ranges should have a width = 1.
#' @param bsResolution character; level of resolution at which different binding
#' site width should be tested
#' @param geneResolution character; level of resolution at which gene-wise filtering
#' steps should be tested
#' @param est.maxBsWidth numeric; the largest binding site width which should
#' considered in the testing
#' @param est.minimumStepGain numeric; the minimum additional gain in the score
#' in percent the next binding site width has to have, to be selected as best option
#' @param est.maxSites numeric; maximum number of PureCLIP sites that are used;
#' @param est.subsetChromosome character; define on which chromosome the
#' estimation should be done in function \code{\link{estimateBsWidth}}
#' @param est.minWidth the minimum size of regions that are subjected to the
#' iterative merging routine, after the initial region concatenation.
#' @param est.offset constant added to the flanking count in the signal-to-flank
#' ratio calculation to avoid division by Zero
#' @param sensitive logical; whether to enable sensitive pre-filtering before
#' binding site merging or not
#' @param sensitive.size numeric; the size (in nucleotides) of the merged
#' sensitive region
#' @param sensitive.minWidth numeric; the minimum size (in nucleoties) of the
#' merged sensitive region
#' @param anno.annoDB an object of class \code{OrganismDbi} that contains
#' the gene annotation (!!! Experimental !!!).
#' @param anno.genes an object of class \code{\link{GenomicRanges}} that represents
#' the gene ranges directly
#' @param bsResolution.steps numeric vector; option to use a user defined threshold
#' for binding site width directly. Overwrites \code{bsResolution}
#' @param geneResolution.steps numeric vector; option to use a user defined threshold
#' vector for gene-wise filtering resolution. Overwrites \code{geneResolution}
#' @param quiet logical; whether to print messages
#' @param veryQuiet logical; whether to suppress all messages
#' @param reportScoresPerBindingSite report the ratio score for each binding site
#' separately. Warning! This is for debugging and testing only. Downstream
#' functions can be impaired.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link{pureClipGeneWiseFilter}}
#' @return an object of class \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} with binding sites with
#' the `params` slots `bsSize` and `geneFilter` being filled
#' @seealso \code{\link{BSFind}},
#' \code{\link{estimateBsWidthPlot}}
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise slice_head slice_tail
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures genes
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[2])
#' estimateBsWidth(bds, anno.genes = gns, est.maxBsWidth = 19,
#' geneResolution = "coarse", bsResolution = "coarse", est.subsetChromosome = "chr22")
#' @export
estimateBsWidth <- function(object, # BindingSiteFinder object
bsResolution = c("medium", "fine", "coarse"),
geneResolution = c("medium", "coarse", "fine", "finest"),
est.maxBsWidth = 13,
est.minimumStepGain = 0.02,
est.maxSites = Inf,
est.subsetChromosome = "chr1", #
est.minWidth = 2,
est.offset = 1,
sensitive = FALSE,
sensitive.size = 5,
sensitive.minWidth = 2,
anno.annoDB = NULL,
anno.genes = NULL,
bsResolution.steps = NULL,
geneResolution.steps = NULL,
quiet = TRUE,
veryQuiet = FALSE,
reportScoresPerBindingSite = FALSE,
) {
# initialize local variables
bsSize <- ms <- growth_per <- sel <- geneWiseFilter <- est.option <- signalToFlankRatio <- NULL
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
if (c(est.maxBsWidth %% 2) == 0) {
stop("est.maxBsWidth is even. An odd number is required to have a distinct binding site center.")
# Check if none is specified
if (is.null(anno.annoDB) & is.null(anno.genes)) {
msg = paste0("None of the required annotation sources anno.annoDB or anno.genes was specified. ")
# Check if both are specified
if (!is.null(anno.annoDB) & !is.null(anno.genes)) {
msg = paste0("Both of the required annotation sources anno.annoDB or anno.genes are specified. Please provide only one of the two. ")
# Checks if anno.annoDB should be used
if (!is.null(anno.annoDB) & is.null(anno.genes)) {
stopifnot(is(anno.annoDB, "OrganismDb"))
if (!is.null(anno.genes)) {
msg = paste0("Parameter anno.annoDB and anno.genes are specified at the same time. Use only one of them.")
} else {
# extract relevant annotation
anno.genes = genes(anno.annoDB)
# Checks if anno.genes should be used
if (is.null(anno.annoDB) & !is.null(anno.genes)) {
stopifnot(is(anno.genes, "GenomicRanges"))
if (!is.null(anno.annoDB)) {
msg = paste0("Parameter anno.annoDB and anno.genes are specified at the same time. Use only one of them.")
} else {
# extract relevant annotation
anno.genes = anno.genes
# handle gene filter resolution
geneResolution = match.arg(geneResolution, choices = c("medium", "coarse", "fine", "finest"))
if (!is.null(geneResolution.steps)) {
geneResolution.steps = geneResolution.steps
} else {
if (geneResolution == "coarse") {
geneResolution.steps = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.2)
geneResolution.steps = geneResolution.steps[1:length(geneResolution.steps)-1]
if (geneResolution == "medium") {
geneResolution.steps = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.1)
geneResolution.steps = geneResolution.steps[1:length(geneResolution.steps)-1]
if (geneResolution == "fine") {
geneResolution.steps = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.05)
geneResolution.steps = geneResolution.steps[1:length(geneResolution.steps)-1]
if (geneResolution == "finest") {
geneResolution.steps = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.01)
geneResolution.steps = geneResolution.steps[1:length(geneResolution.steps)-1]
# handle binding site compute resolution
bsResolution = match.arg(bsResolution, choices = c("medium", "fine", "coarse"))
# handle est.maxBsWidth
if (!is.null(bsResolution.steps)) {
bsResolution.steps = bsResolution.steps
} else {
bsResolution.steps = seq(from = 3, to = est.maxBsWidth, by = 2)
# ---
# Store function parameters in list
optstr = list(bsResolution = bsResolution,
geneResolution = geneResolution,
est.maxBsWidth = est.maxBsWidth,
est.maxSites = est.maxSites,
est.minimumStepGain = est.minimumStepGain,
est.subsetChromosome = est.subsetChromosome,
est.minWidth = est.minWidth,
est.offset = est.offset,
sensitive = sensitive,
sensitive.size = sensitive.size,
sensitive.minWidth = sensitive.minWidth)
object@params$estimateBsWidth = optstr
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
checkRng = getRanges(object)
# check if subset is part of the seqnames from ranges
if (!all(est.subsetChromosome %in% levels(seqnames(checkRng)))){
msg = paste0("Chromosome to estimate on (", est.subsetChromosome, "), is not included in the ranges: ", paste(levels(seqnames(checkRng)), collapse = ", "))
# limit estimation to a specific chromosome
if (!is.null(est.subsetChromosome)) {
redObj = .subsetByChr(object, chr = est.subsetChromosome, quiet = quiet)
} else {
redObj = object
# limit estimation to a maximum number of sites
estRng = getRanges(redObj)
if (length(estRng) > est.maxSites) {
estRng = head(estRng, est.maxSites)
redObj = setRanges(redObj, estRng, quiet = quiet)
# limit the clip signal to the ranges used for estimation (plus some extra offset)
if (!is.null(est.subsetChromosome)) {
# reduce signal to frame
maxFrame = ceiling((max(bsResolution.steps) *3))
redObj = .reduceSignalToFrame(redObj, frame = maxFrame, quiet = quiet)
} else {
# don't reduce signal
redObj = redObj
# collapse signal from replicates
sgnMerge = .collapseSamples(getSignal(redObj))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# a counter that shows to how many percent the computation is done
counterTotalIterations = length(geneResolution.steps) * length(bsResolution.steps)
counterCurrentIterations = 0
# print start message
msg = paste0("Estimation at: ", round((counterCurrentIterations/counterTotalIterations)*100 ), "%" )
if(!veryQuiet) message(msg)
# calculate binding sites for each filter step and width
scoreAllDf = lapply(geneResolution.steps, function(bsFilterStep){
# bsFilterStep = 0.2
# apply current gene-wise filter (has two modes)
if (isTRUE(sensitive)) {
# -> sensitive mode
# define regions in which sites should be kept
cRng = getRanges(redObj)
cRngMerge = reduce(cRng, min.gapwidth = sensitive.size)
cRngMerge = cRngMerge[width(cRngMerge) >= sensitive.minWidth]
# currFilterObj = pureClipGeneWiseFilter(object = redObj, anno.genes = anno.genes, cutoff = bsFilterStep, quiet = quiet, ...)
currFilterObj = pureClipGeneWiseFilter(object = redObj, anno.genes = anno.genes, cutoff = bsFilterStep, quiet = quiet)
cRngFilter = getRanges(currFilterObj)
currRng = IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(cRngFilter, cRngMerge)
} else {
# -> normal mode
# currFilterObj = pureClipGeneWiseFilter(object = redObj, anno.genes = anno.genes, cutoff = bsFilterStep, quiet = quiet, ...)
currFilterObj = pureClipGeneWiseFilter(object = redObj, anno.genes = anno.genes, cutoff = bsFilterStep, quiet = quiet)
currRng = getRanges(currFilterObj)
# calculate binding sites for current bsWidth
rngPerWidth = lapply(bsResolution.steps, function(bsWidthStep){
if (bsResolution == "fine") {
# calculate with full binding sites
currBsObj = makeBindingSites(object = currFilterObj,
bsSize = bsWidthStep,
minWidth = est.minWidth,
quiet = quiet)
currBs = getRanges(currBsObj)
if (bsResolution == "medium") {
# approximate binding sites by a single merge and extend round
currBs = .approximateBindingSites_medium(rng = currRng,
sgn = sgnMerge,
bsSize = bsWidthStep,
minWidth = est.minWidth)
if (bsResolution == "coarse") {
# approximate binding sites by reduced pureclip sites center
currBs = .approximateBindingSites_coarse(rng = currRng,
bsSize = bsWidthStep,
minWidth = est.minWidth)
rngPerWidth = unlist(GRangesList(rngPerWidth))
# handle all plus ranges
cRangePlus = subset(rngPerWidth, strand == "+")
if (length(cRangePlus) > 0) {
bsSumPlus = sum(sgnMerge$signalPlus[cRangePlus])
extendedRangePlus = cRangePlus + cRangePlus$bsSize
exSumPlus = sum(sgnMerge$signalPlus[extendedRangePlus])
# extendedRangePlus$signalToFlankRatio = (bsSumPlus) / (((exSumPlus - bsSumPlus) / 2) + est.offset)
extendedRangePlus$signalToFlankRatio = (bsSumPlus / exSumPlus)
} else {
extendedRangePlus = cRangePlus
# handle all minus ranges
cRangeMinus = subset(rngPerWidth, strand == "-")
if (length(cRangeMinus) > 0) {
bsSumMinus = sum(sgnMerge$signalMinus[cRangeMinus])
extendedRangeMinus = cRangeMinus + cRangeMinus$bsSize
exSumMinus = sum(sgnMerge$signalMinus[extendedRangeMinus])
# extendedRangeMinus$signalToFlankRatio = (bsSumMinus) / (((exSumMinus - bsSumMinus) / 2) + est.offset)
extendedRangeMinus$signalToFlankRatio = (bsSumMinus / exSumMinus)
} else {
extendedRangeMinus = cRangeMinus
if (isTRUE(reportScoresPerBindingSite)) {
# report the scores for each binding site
# -> does not allow the usage of the standard plot
df = rbind(as.data.frame(mcols(extendedRangeMinus)), as.data.frame(mcols(extendedRangePlus))) %>%
group_by(bsSize) %>%
mutate(geneWiseFilter = bsFilterStep)
} else {
# combine both and make results dataframe
df = rbind(as.data.frame(mcols(extendedRangeMinus)), as.data.frame(mcols(extendedRangePlus))) %>%
group_by(bsSize) %>%
summarize(signalToFlankRatio = median(signalToFlankRatio), .groups = "keep") %>%
mutate(geneWiseFilter = bsFilterStep)
# update chunk counter
counterCurrentIterations <<- counterCurrentIterations + length(bsResolution.steps)
msg = paste0("Estimation at: ", round((counterCurrentIterations/counterTotalIterations)*100 ), "%" )
if(!veryQuiet) message(msg)
df = do.call("rbind", scoreAllDf)
# ---
# Store results for plotting
if (isTRUE(reportScoresPerBindingSite)){
object@plotData$estimateBsWidth$dataEnhanced = df
} else {
object@plotData$estimateBsWidth$data = df
resEstimate = .findFirstMaximum(df, est.minimumStepGain = est.minimumStepGain)
est.bsSize = resEstimate$est.bsSize
est.geneFilter = resEstimate$est.geneFilter
est.option = resEstimate$est.option
if (est.option == "local") {
msg = paste0("No global maximum found with est.maxBsWidth=", est.maxBsWidth, ". Using local maximum instead.\n")
if(!veryQuiet) warning(msg)
if (est.option == "fallback") {
msg = paste0("No global or local maximum found with est.maxBsWidth=", est.maxBsWidth, ". Falling back to simple maximum instead.\n")
if(!veryQuiet) warning(msg)
if (est.option == "error") {
msg = paste0("No maximum found at all. Raise 'est.minimumStepGain' argument/, change bsResolution and/or geneResolution arguments/ raise est.maxBsWidth and check visually. \n")
# Store estimate type in options (global/ local)
optstr$option = est.option
object@params$estimateBsWidth = optstr
# Store estimated parameters
object@params$bsSize = est.bsSize
object@params$geneFilter = est.geneFilter
# ---
# Store for results
rng = getRanges(object)
resultLine = data.frame(
funName = "estimateBsWidth()", class = "estimate",
nIn = length(rng), nOut = length(rng),
per = paste0(round(length(rng)/ length(rng), digits = 2)*100,"%"),
options = paste0("bsResolution=", bsResolution, ", geneResolution=", geneResolution,
", est.maxBsWidth=", est.maxBsWidth, ", est.maxSites=", est.maxSites, ", est.subsetChromosome=", paste(est.subsetChromosome, collapse = ","))
object@results = rbind(object@results, resultLine)
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