#' Compute background coverage for binding sites per gene
#' This function computes the background coverage used for the differential
#' binding analysis to correct for transcript level changes. Essentially,
#' the crosslink signal on each gene is split into crosslinks that can be
#' attributed to the binding sites and all other signal that can be attributed
#' to the background.
#' To avoid that crosslinks from binding sites contaminate the background counts
#' a protective region around each binding sites can be spanned with
#' \code{use.offset} the default width of the offset region is half of the
#' binding site width, but can also be changed with the \code{ranges.offset}
#' parameter.
#' Additional region that one wants to exclude from contributing to the
#' background signal can be incorporated as \code{GRanges} objects through
#' the \code{blacklist} option.
#' It is expected that binding sites are assigned to hosting genes prior to
#' running this funciton (see \code{\link{BSFind}}). This means a unique gene ID
#' is present in the meta columns of each binding site ranges. If this is not the
#' case one can invoce the binding site to gene assignment with
#' \code{generate.geneID.bs}. The same is true for the blacklist regions with
#' option \code{generate.geneID.blacklist}.
#' It is expected that all binding sites are of the same size
#' (See \code{\link{BSFind}} on how to achieve this). If this is however not
#' the case and one wants to keep binding sites of different with then option
#' \code{force.unequalSites} can be used.
#' This function is intended to be used for the generation of the count matrix
#' used for the differential binding analysis. It is usually preceded by
#' \code{\link{combineBSF}} and followed by \code{\link{filterBsBackground}}.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object with two conditions
#' @param anno.annoDB an object of class \code{OrganismDbi} that contains
#' the gene annotation.
#' @param anno.genes an object of class \code{\link{GenomicRanges}} that represents
#' the gene ranges directly
#' @param blacklist GRanges; genomic ranges where the signal should be
#' excluded from the background
#' @param use.offset logical; if an offset region around the binding sites should
#' be used on which the signal is excluded from the background
#' @param ranges.offset numeric; number of nucleotides the offset window around
#' each binding site should be wide (defaults to 1/2 binding site width - NULL)
#' @param match.geneID.gene character; the name of the column with the gene ID
#' in the genes meta columns used for matching binding sites to genes
#' @param match.geneID.bs character; the name of the column with the gene ID
#' in the binding sites meta columns used for matching binding sites to genes
#' @param match.geneID.blacklist character; the name of the column with the gene
#' ID in the blacklist meta columns used for matching the blacklist regions
#' with the genes
#' @param generate.geneID.bs logical; if the binding site to gene matching
#' should be performed if no matching gene ID is provided
#' @param generate.geneID.blacklist logical; if the blacklist to gene matching
#' should be performed if no matching gene ID is provided
#' @param uniqueID.gene character; column name of a unique ID for all genes
#' @param uniqueID.bs character; column name of a unique ID for all binding sites
#' @param uniqueID.blacklist character; column name of a unique ID for all
#' blacklist regions
#' @param force.unequalSites logical; if binding sites of not identical width
#' should be allowed or not
#' @param quiet logical; whether to print messages or not
#' @param veryQuiet logical; whether to print messages or not
#' @param ... additional arguments; passed to \code{\link{assignToGenes}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{combineBSF}},
#' \code{\link{filterBsBackground}}
#' @return an object of class \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} with counts for binding
#' sites, background and total gene added to the meta column of the ranges
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' # make binding sites
#' bds = makeBindingSites(bds, bsSize = 7)
#' bds = assignToGenes(bds, anno.genes = gns)
#' # change meta data
#' m = getMeta(bds)
#' m$condition = factor(c("WT", "WT", "KO", "KO"), levels = c("WT", "KO"))
#' bds = setMeta(bds, m)
#' # change signal
#' s = getSignal(bds)
#' names(s$signalPlus) = paste0(m$id, "_", m$condition)
#' names(s$signalMinus) = paste0(m$id, "_", m$condition)
#' bds = setSignal(bds, s)
#' # make example blacklist region
#' myBlacklist = getRanges(bds)
#' myBlacklist = sample(myBlacklist, size = 500) + 4
#' # make background
#' bds.b1 = calculateBsBackground(bds, anno.genes = gns)
#' # make background - no offset
#' bds.b2 = calculateBsBackground(bds, anno.genes = gns, use.offset = FALSE)
#' # make background - use blacklist
#' bds.b3 = calculateBsBackground(bds, anno.genes = gns, blacklist = myBlacklist)
#' @export
calculateBsBackground <- function(object,
anno.annoDB = NULL,
anno.genes = NULL,
blacklist = NULL,
use.offset = TRUE,
ranges.offset = NULL,
match.geneID.gene = "gene_id",
match.geneID.bs = "geneID",
match.geneID.blacklist = "geneID",
generate.geneID.bs = FALSE,
generate.geneID.blacklist = FALSE,
uniqueID.gene = "gene_id",
uniqueID.bs = "bsID",
uniqueID.blacklist = "bsID",
force.unequalSites = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE,
veryQuiet = TRUE,
# bind local variables
geneID <- . <- NULL
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
# check meta data
this.meta = getMeta(object)
if (length(levels(this.meta$condition)) == 1) {
msg0 = paste0("Found only one conditions in the input object.\n")
msg1 = paste0("Make sure to combine objects from different conditions in order to compare them.\n")
# TODO this could also be just a warning
# Check gene annotation source
# -> Check if none is specified
if (is.null(anno.annoDB) & is.null(anno.genes)) {
msg = paste0("None of the required annotation sources anno.annoDB or anno.genes was specified. ")
# -> Check if both are specified
if (!is.null(anno.annoDB) & !is.null(anno.genes)) {
msg = paste0("Both of the required annotation sources anno.annoDB or anno.genes are specified. Please provide only one of the two. ")
# -> Checks if anno.annoDB should be used
if (!is.null(anno.annoDB) & is.null(anno.genes)) {
stopifnot(is(anno.annoDB, "OrganismDb"))
datasource = "anno.annoDB"
# extract relevant annotation
anno.genes = genes(anno.annoDB, columns = c("GENEID"))
# Create matching vectors for columns from input annotation
selectID = as.character(anno.genes$GENEID)
# -> Checks if anno.genes should be used
if (is.null(anno.annoDB) & !is.null(anno.genes)) {
stopifnot(is(anno.genes, "GenomicRanges"))
datasource = "anno.genes"
# extract relevant annotation
anno.genes = anno.genes
# check correct annotation columns
annoColNames = colnames(mcols(anno.genes))
if (!match.geneID.gene %in% annoColNames) {
msg0 = paste0("The column '", match.geneID.gene, "', for match.geneID.gene is not present.\n")
msg1 = paste0("Provide a column for gene id matching. \n")
# Create matching vectors for columns from input annotation
selectID.gene = mcols(anno.genes)[match(match.geneID.gene, colnames(mcols(anno.genes)))][[1]]
# test if unique id is present
if (!uniqueID.gene %in% colnames(mcols(anno.genes))) {
# id is not present
# -> throw error
msg0 = paste0("No unique ID present for genes with name: ", uniqueID.gene, " for option 'uniqueID.gene'. \n")
msg1 = paste0("Provide a unique ID for each range. \n")
} else {
# id is present
# -> test if it is unique
this.uniqueID.gene = (mcols(anno.genes))[colnames(mcols(anno.genes)) == uniqueID.gene][[1]]
if (any(duplicated(this.uniqueID.gene))) {
msg0 = paste0("Unique IDs are not duplicated for IDs: ",
paste(this.uniqueID.gene[duplicated(this.uniqueID.gene)], collapse = ","))
# Check if binding site to gene assignment was already done
# -> if not run gene assignment first
if (!match.geneID.bs %in% colnames(mcols(getRanges(object)))) {
# no gene ID found in binding site meta columns
msg0 = paste0("No matching column for gene ID found with name: '", match.geneID.bs, "' in binding site meta data.\n")
if (!isTRUE(generate.geneID.bs)){
# binding site to gene matching should not be done
# -> stop with error
msg1 = paste0("Binding site to gene matching not actiavted with: generate.geneID.bs=", generate.geneID.bs)
} else {
# -> run binding site to gene matching
msg1 = paste0("Trying 'assignToGenes()' to assing binding sites to hosting genes. \n")
if(!quiet) warning(msg0, msg1)
object = assignToGenes(object, anno.genes = anno.genes, quiet = quiet, ...)
if (!uniqueID.bs %in% colnames(mcols(getRanges(object)))) {
# id is not present
# -> throw error
msg0 = paste0("No unique ID present for binding sites with name: ", uniqueID.bs, " for option 'uniqueID.bs'. \n")
msg1 = paste0("Provide a unique ID for each range. \n")
} else {
# id is present
# -> test if it is unique
this.uniqueID.bs = mcols(getRanges(object))[colnames(mcols(getRanges(object))) == uniqueID.bs][[1]]
if (any(duplicated(this.uniqueID.bs))) {
msg0 = paste0("Unique IDs are not duplicated for IDs: ",
paste(this.uniqueID.bs[duplicated(this.uniqueID.bs)], collapse = ","))
# Check if blacklist regions have a gene ID that can be used
# -> if not run gene assignment first
blacklist.inUse = FALSE
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
# blacklist regions are present
blacklist.inUse = TRUE
# -> check gene ID
if (!match.geneID.blacklist %in% colnames(mcols(blacklist))) {
# no geneID found in binding site meta columns
msg0 = paste0("No matching column for gene ID found with name: '", match.geneID.blacklist, "' in blacklist region meta data.\n")
if (!isTRUE(generate.geneID.blacklist)){
# binding site to gene matching should not be done
# -> stop with error
msg1 = paste0("Blacklist region to gene matching not actiavted with: generate.geneID.blacklist=", generate.geneID.blacklist)
} else {
# -> run binding site to gene matching
msg1 = paste0("Trying 'assignToGenes()' to assing blacklist regions to hosting genes. \n")
if(!quiet) warning(msg0, msg1)
# -> think about which parameters for assignToGenes need to be available to the user
object.blacklist = setRanges(object, blacklist, quiet = quiet)
object.blacklist = assignToGenes(object.blacklist, anno.genes = anno.genes, quiet = quiet, ...)
blacklist = getRanges(object.blacklist)
if (!uniqueID.blacklist %in% colnames(mcols(blacklist))) {
# id is not present
# -> throw error
msg0 = paste0("No unique ID present for blacklist regions with name: ", uniqueID.blacklist, " for option 'uniqueID.blacklist'. \n")
msg1 = paste0("Provide a unique ID for each range. \n")
} else {
# id is present
# -> test if it is unique
this.uniqueID.blacklist = mcols(blacklist)[colnames(mcols(blacklist)) == uniqueID.blacklist][[1]]
if (any(duplicated(this.uniqueID.blacklist))) {
msg0 = paste0("Unique IDs are not duplicated for IDs: ",
paste(this.uniqueID.blacklist[duplicated(this.uniqueID.blacklist)], collapse = ","))
# get all ranges
this.ranges.initial = getRanges(object)
this.ranges = getRanges(object)
# check ranges width
if (length(unique(width(this.ranges))) > 1) {
# binding sites are not all of the same size
msg0 = paste0("Binding sites are not all of the same size. \n")
msg1 = paste0("Found sizes: ", paste(unique(width(this.ranges)), collapse = ","))
msg2 = paste0("Use 'combineBSF()' to unify binding site sizes. \n")
# check if user wants to force continue despite binding sites being unequal
stop(c(msg0, msg1, msg2))
} else {
if (!quiet) warning(c(msg0, msg1, msg2))
# check for binding sites with geneID = NA and remove
all.geneIDs = mcols(this.ranges)[match(match.geneID.bs, colnames(mcols(this.ranges)))][[1]]
if (any(is.na(all.geneIDs))) {
msg0 = paste0("Found ", length(which(is.na(all.geneIDs))), " binding sites with 'NA' as geneID. \n")
msg1 = paste0("Removing those keeps ", length(which(!is.na(all.geneIDs))), " binding sites remaining. \n")
if(!quiet) warning(c(msg0,msg1))
this.ranges = this.ranges[which(!is.na(all.geneIDs))]
# final binding site check
if (length(this.ranges) == 0) {
# no more binding site ranges are left
msg0 = paste0("No more binding sites left to work with.\n")
msg1 = paste0("Check input data. \n")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# calculate coverage per binding site
# ------------------------------------
cov.bs = .coverageForDifferential(object, ranges = this.ranges,
match.rangeID = uniqueID.bs,
prefix = "counts.bs.", quiet = veryQuiet)
# calculate coverage of hosting genes
# ----------------------------------------
this.matchIDs.gene = mcols(anno.genes)[,which(match.geneID.gene == colnames(mcols(anno.genes)))]
this.matchIDs.bs = mcols(this.ranges)[,which(match.geneID.bs == colnames(mcols(this.ranges)))]
hosting.genes = anno.genes[this.matchIDs.gene %in% this.matchIDs.bs]
# calculate gene-wise coverage
cov.hosting.genes = .coverageForDifferential(object, ranges = hosting.genes,
match.rangeID = uniqueID.gene,
prefix = "counts.gene.", quiet = veryQuiet)
# group counts by gene
cov.bs.merge = as.data.frame(mcols(cov.bs)) %>%
select(geneID, contains("counts")) %>%
group_by(geneID) %>%
# match binding site counts per gene
match.gene = mcols(cov.hosting.genes)[colnames(mcols(cov.hosting.genes)) == match.geneID.gene][[1]]
match.bs = cov.bs.merge[colnames(cov.bs.merge) == match.geneID.bs][[1]]
idx.bs = match(match.gene, match.bs)
mcols(cov.hosting.genes) = cbind(mcols(cov.hosting.genes),
select(cov.bs.merge, starts_with("counts"))[idx.bs,])
# add the offset ranges per gene
# ----------------------------------------
if (isTRUE(use.offset)) {
# offset should be used
# -> check if the default or manual value should be used
# ranges.offset is set manually
stopifnot(is(ranges.offset, "numeric"))
} else {
ranges.offset = floor(width(this.ranges)/2)
# turn offset size into offset ranges
range.offset = this.ranges + ranges.offset
# # turn offset size into offset ranges
# range.before = flank(this.ranges, width = ranges.offset, start = TRUE, both = FALSE)
# range.after = flank(this.ranges, width = ranges.offset, start = FALSE, both = FALSE)
# # merge overlapping offsets
# range.offset = c(range.before, range.after)
range.offset.merge = reduce(range.offset, with.revmap = TRUE)
idx = unlist(lapply(range.offset.merge$revmap, `[[`, 1))
range.offset.merge$geneID = mcols(range.offset)[colnames(mcols(range.offset)) == match.geneID.bs][[1]][idx]
range.offset.merge$id = seq_along(range.offset.merge)
# calulate coverage on offset regions
cov.offset = .coverageForDifferential(object, ranges = range.offset.merge,
match.rangeID = "id",
prefix = "counts.offset.", quiet = veryQuiet)
# group counts by gene
cov.offset.gene = as.data.frame(mcols(cov.offset)) %>%
select(all_of(match.geneID.bs), contains("counts")) %>%
dplyr::group_by_if(., is.character) %>%
# match counts per gene
match.gene = mcols(cov.hosting.genes)[colnames(mcols(cov.hosting.genes)) == match.geneID.gene][[1]]
match.offset = cov.offset.gene[colnames(cov.offset.gene) == match.geneID.bs][[1]]
idx.offset = match(match.gene, match.offset)
# add counts to gene
mcols(cov.hosting.genes) = cbind(mcols(cov.hosting.genes),
select(cov.offset.gene, starts_with("counts"))[idx.offset,])
# add additional blacklist regions per gene
# ----------------------------------------
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
# blacklist region is present
# -> calculate coverage
cov.blacklist = .coverageForDifferential(object, ranges = blacklist,
match.rangeID = uniqueID.blacklist,
prefix = "counts.black.", quiet = veryQuiet)
# group counts by gene
# cov.blacklist = as.data.frame(mcols(cov.blacklist)) %>%
# select(geneID, contains("counts")) %>%
# group_by(geneID) %>%
# dplyr::summarise_all(sum)
cov.blacklist = as.data.frame(mcols(cov.blacklist)) %>%
select(all_of(match.geneID.blacklist), contains("counts")) %>%
dplyr::group_by_if(., is.character) %>%
# match counts per gene
match.gene = mcols(cov.hosting.genes)[colnames(mcols(cov.hosting.genes)) == match.geneID.gene][[1]]
match.blacklist = cov.blacklist[colnames(cov.blacklist) == match.geneID.bs][[1]]
idx.blacklist = match(match.gene, match.blacklist)
mcols(cov.hosting.genes) = cbind(mcols(cov.hosting.genes),
select(cov.blacklist, starts_with("counts"))[idx.blacklist,])
# manage returns
# ----------------------------------------
countMatr = mcols(cov.hosting.genes) %>% as.data.frame() %>%
select(starts_with("counts"), ) %>%
replace(is.na(.), 0)
if (isTRUE(use.offset) | !is.null(blacklist)) {
# one additional resource to subtract from gene counts is present
if (isTRUE(use.offset) & !is.null(blacklist)) {
# offset and blacklist are used
# -> subtract both with bs from gene counts
sel.countsToRemove = countMatr %>% select(contains(c("offset", "black")))
# combine counts to remove
sample.ids = paste0(this.meta$id, "_", this.meta$condition)
sel.countsToRemove = as.matrix(sel.countsToRemove)
countsToRemove = lapply(sample.ids, function(x) {
rowSums(sel.countsToRemove[, grepl(x, colnames(sel.countsToRemove))])
countsToRemove = do.call(cbind, countsToRemove)
if (isTRUE(use.offset) & is.null(blacklist)) {
# offset is used and blacklist is not used
# -> subtract offset with bs from gene counts
sel.countsToRemove = countMatr %>% select(contains(c("offset")))
countsToRemove = sel.countsToRemove
if (!isTRUE(use.offset) & !is.null(blacklist)) {
# offset is not used and blacklist is used
# -> subtract blacklist with bs from gene counts
sel.countsToRemove = countMatr %>% select(contains(c("black")))
countsToRemove = sel.countsToRemove
} else {
# only one type signal is used for background
if (!isTRUE(use.offset) & is.null(blacklist)) {
# none of the options are used (no blacklist, not offset)
# -> only subtract bs count from genes
sel.countsToRemove = countMatr %>% select(contains(c("bs")))
countsToRemove = sel.countsToRemove
# make background counts
sample.ids = paste0(this.meta$id, "_", this.meta$condition)
countsBg = countMatr %>% select(contains("gene"))
countsBg = countsBg - countsToRemove
colnames(countsBg) = paste0("counts.bg.",sample.ids)
# select background and gene coverage for each hosting gene and replicate
# mcols(cov.hosting.genes) = cbind(select(as.data.frame(mcols(cov.hosting.genes)), -(starts_with("counts"))),
# select(as.data.frame(mcols(cov.hosting.genes)), starts_with("counts.gene")),
# countsBg)
# select background coverage for each hosting gene and replicate
mcols(cov.hosting.genes) = cbind(select(as.data.frame(mcols(cov.hosting.genes)), -(starts_with("counts"))),
# match hosting gene counts with binding site counts
this.matchIDs.gene = mcols(cov.hosting.genes)[,which(match.geneID.gene == colnames(mcols(cov.hosting.genes)))]
idx = match(this.matchIDs.bs, this.matchIDs.gene)
mcols(cov.bs) = cbind(mcols(cov.bs),
select(as.data.frame(mcols(cov.hosting.genes)), starts_with("counts"))[idx,])
# set object and return
object = setRanges(object, cov.bs, quiet = veryQuiet)
# ---
# Store function parameters in list
optstr = list(source = datasource,
blacklist = blacklist.inUse,
use.offset = use.offset,
ranges.offset = paste(unique(ranges.offset), sep = ","),
match.geneID.gene = match.geneID.gene,
match.geneID.bs = match.geneID.bs,
match.geneID.blacklist = match.geneID.blacklist,
generate.geneID.blacklist = generate.geneID.blacklist,
generate.geneID.bs = generate.geneID.bs,
uniqueID.blacklist = uniqueID.blacklist,
uniqueID.bs = uniqueID.bs,
uniqueID.gene = uniqueID.gene,
force.unequalSites = force.unequalSites)
object@params$calculateBsBackground = optstr
# ---
# Store for results
resultLine = data.frame(
funName = "calculateBsBackground()", class = "transform",
nIn = length(this.ranges.initial), nOut = length(cov.bs),
per = paste0(round(length(cov.bs)/ length(this.ranges.initial), digits = 2)*100,"%"),
options = paste0("Ranges.offset=", optstr$ranges.offset,
", source=", optstr$datasource,
", blacklist=", optstr$blacklist,
", use.offset=", optstr$use.offset,
", match.geneID.gene=", optstr$match.geneID.gene,
", match.geneID.bs=", optstr$match.geneID.bs,
", match.geneID.blacklist=", optstr$match.geneID.blacklist,
", generate.geneID.blacklist=", optstr$generate.geneID.blacklist,
", generate.geneID.bs=", optstr$generate.geneID.bs,
", uniqueID.blacklist=", optstr$uniqueID.blacklist,
", uniqueID.bs=", optstr$uniqueID.bs,
", uniqueID.gene=", optstr$uniqueID.gene,
", force.unequalSites=", optstr$force.unequalSites)
object@results = rbind(object@results, resultLine)
#' Filter for genes not suitable for differential testing
#' This function removes genes where the differential testing protocol can
#' not be applied to, using count coverage information on the binding sites
#' and background regions per gene, through the following steps:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Remove genes with overall not enough crosslinks: \code{minCounts}
#' \item Remove genes with a disproportion of counts in binding sites vs. the
#' background: \code{balanceBackground}
#' \item Remove genes where the expression between conditions is too much off
#' balance: \code{balanceCondition}
#' }
#' To remove genes with overall not enough crosslinks (\code{minCounts})
#' all counts are summed up per gene across all samples and compared to the
#' minimal count threshold (\code{minCounts.cutoff}).
#' To remove genes with a count disproportion between binding sites and
#' background regions crosslinks are summed up for binding sites and background
#' per gene. These sums are combined in a ratio. Genes where eg. 50\% of all
#' counts are within binding sites would be removed
#' (see \code{balanceBackground.cutoff.bs} and \code{balanceBackground.cutoff.bg}).
#' To remove genes with very large expression differences between conditions,
#' crosslinks are summed up per gene for each condition. If now eg. the total
#' number of crosslinks is for 98\% in one condition and only 2\% of the
#' combined signal is in the second condition, expression levels are too
#' different for a reliable comparisson (see \code{balanceCondition.cutoff}).
#' This function is intended to be used right after a call of \code{\link{calculateBsBackground}}.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object with computed count data
#' for binding sites and background regions
#' @param minCounts logical; whether to use the minimum count filter
#' @param minCounts.cutoff numeric; the minimal number of crosslink
#' per gene over all samples for the gene to be retained (default = 100)
#' @param balanceBackground logical; whether to use the counts balancing filter
#' between binding sites and background
#' @param balanceBackground.cutoff.bs numeric; the maximum fraction of the total signal
#' per gene that can be within binding sites (default = 0.2)
#' @param balanceBackground.cutoff.bg numeric; the minimum fraction of the total signal
#' per gene that can be within the background (default = 0.8)
#' @param balanceCondition logical; whether to use the counts balancing filter
#' between conditions
#' @param balanceCondition.cutoff numeric; the maximum fraction of the total signal
#' that can be attributed to only one condition
#' @param match.geneID character; the name of the column with the gene ID
#' in the binding sites meta columns used for matching binding sites to genes
#' @param flag logical; whether to remove or flag binding sites from genes that do not
#' pass any of the filters
#' @param quiet logical; whether to print messages or not
#' @param veryQuiet logical; whether to print messages or not
#' @seealso \code{\link{calculateBsBackground}}, \code{\link{plotBsBackgroundFilter}}
#' @return an object of class \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} with biniding sites filtered
#' or flagged by the above filter options
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' # make testset
#' bds = makeBindingSites(bds, bsSize = 7)
#' bds = assignToGenes(bds, anno.genes = gns)
#' bds = imputeBsDifferencesForTestdata(bds)
#' bds = calculateBsBackground(bds, anno.genes = gns, use.offset = FALSE)
#' # use all filters and remove binding sites that fail (default settings)
#' f0 = filterBsBackground(bds)
#' # do not use the condition balancing filter
#' f1 = filterBsBackground(bds, balanceCondition = FALSE)
#' # use only the minimum count filter and flag binding sites instead of
#' # removing them
#' f3 = filterBsBackground(bds, flag = TRUE, balanceCondition = FALSE,
#' balanceBackground = FALSE)
#' @export
filterBsBackground <- function(object,
minCounts = TRUE,
minCounts.cutoff = 100,
balanceBackground = TRUE,
balanceBackground.cutoff.bs = 0.3,
balanceBackground.cutoff.bg = 0.7,
balanceCondition = TRUE,
balanceCondition.cutoff = 0.05,
match.geneID = "geneID",
flag = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE,
veryQuiet = FALSE
# Initialize local variables
. <- s <- name <- value <- type <- bg <- gene.approx <- bs <- ratio.bg <- NULL
ratio.bs <- f.bg <- f.bs <-condition <- total <- both <- NULL
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
# get ranges
this.ranges.initial = getRanges(object)
this.ranges = getRanges(object)
# check if ranges have geneID present
if (!match.geneID %in% colnames(mcols(this.ranges))) {
msg0 = paste0("No matching column for gene ID found with name: '", match.geneID, "' in binding site meta data.\n")
msg1 = paste0("Please run calculateBsBackground() first. \n")
stop(c(msg0, msg1))
# check if ranges have counts present
if (!any(grepl("counts", colnames(as.data.frame(mcols(this.ranges)))))) {
# meta data has no columns named counts
# -> stop here; point user to calculateBsBackground
msg0 = paste0("No associated fields with crosslink counts found for present binding sites. \n")
msg1 = paste0("Make sure to run 'calculateBsBackground()' first. \n")
# check if ranges have at least two samples per condition in counts
this.counts = as.data.frame(mcols(this.ranges)) %>% select(contains("counts"))
# check binding sites
this.counts.bs = this.counts %>% select(contains("bs"))
if (length(this.counts.bs) == 0) {
msg0 = paste0("No counts for binding sites present. \n")
msg1 = paste0("Make sure to run 'calculateBsBackground()' first. \n")
stop(c(msg0, msg1))
# check background
this.counts.bg = this.counts %>% select(contains("bg"))
if (length(this.counts.bg) == 0) {
msg0 = paste0("No counts for background present. \n")
msg1 = paste0("Make sure to run 'calculateBsBackground()' first. \n")
stop(c(msg0, msg1))
this.meta = getMeta(object)
this.condition.reference = levels(this.meta$condition)[1]
this.condition.comp = levels(this.meta$condition)[2]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# filter for genes with less counts than cutoff
if (isTRUE(minCounts)) {
# the gene-wise count filter should be used
# -> group counts by gene and sample and filter
all.counts = as.data.frame(mcols(this.ranges)) %>%
select(all_of(match.geneID), contains("counts")) %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(match.geneID) %>%
summarise(dplyr::across(everything(), sum)) %>%
mutate(s = select(., contains("counts")) %>% rowSums(.)) %>%
select(all_of(match.geneID), s)
idx = which(all.counts < minCounts.cutoff, arr.ind = TRUE)
# ---
# Store for plotting
object@plotData$filterBsBackground$data.minCounts = all.counts
if (length(idx) > 0) {
if (!veryQuiet) message("Count filter ")
# found positions with counts less than cutoff
# remove these counts
msg0 = paste0("Found ", format(nrow(idx), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" genes with less total counts than ", minCounts.cutoff, ".\n")
# remove genes below threshold
genesToRemove = all.counts[idx[,1],] %>% pull(match.geneID)
allGenes = mcols(this.ranges)[colnames(mcols(this.ranges)) == match.geneID][[1]]
idxToRemove = allGenes %in% genesToRemove
if (isTRUE(flag)) {
# flag genes with low counts
# -> add additional meta column
msg1 = paste0("Flagging a total of ",
format(length(genesToRemove), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" genes and ",
format(sum(idxToRemove), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" binding sites.\n")
mcols(this.ranges)$flag.minCount = idxToRemove
if (!isTRUE(flag)) {
# remove genes with low counts
msg1 = paste0("Removing a total of ",
format(length(genesToRemove), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" genes and ",
format(sum(idxToRemove), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" binding sites.\n")
this.ranges = this.ranges[!idxToRemove]
# inform user
if (!quiet) warning(c(msg0, msg1))
# filter for genes with binding site vs background ratio being off
if (isTRUE(balanceBackground)) {
if (!veryQuiet) message("Ratio filter ")
# binding site to background ratio filter is used
# -> calculate ratios per gene over all samples
df.ratio = as.data.frame(mcols(this.ranges)) %>%
select(all_of(match.geneID), starts_with("counts")) %>%
pivot_longer(-all_of(match.geneID)) %>%
mutate(type = sub(".*\\.(.*?)\\..*", "\\1", name)) %>%
select(-name) %>%
dplyr::group_by_if(., is.character) %>%
summarise(sum = sum(value), .groups = "keep") %>%
pivot_wider(values_from = sum, names_from = type) %>%
mutate(gene.approx = bg + bs) %>%
mutate(ratio.bg = bg / (gene.approx + 1)) %>%
mutate(ratio.bs = bs / (gene.approx + 1)) %>%
select(all_of(match.geneID), ratio.bg, ratio.bs) %>%
# ---
# Store for plotting
object@plotData$filterBsBackground$data.balanceBackground = df.ratio
# apply filter cutoffs
df.filter = df.ratio %>% ungroup() %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = name, values_from = value) %>%
mutate(f.bg = ifelse(ratio.bg < balanceBackground.cutoff.bs, TRUE, FALSE),
f.bs = ifelse(ratio.bs > balanceBackground.cutoff.bs, TRUE, FALSE))
msg0 = paste0("Found ", format(sum(df.filter$f.bg | df.filter$f.bs), big.mark = ".", decimal.mark = ","),
" genes with bs to bg ratio not meeting thresholds.\n")
genesToRemove = df.filter %>% filter(f.bg | f.bs) %>% pull(match.geneID)
allGenes = mcols(this.ranges)[colnames(mcols(this.ranges)) == match.geneID][[1]]
idxToRemove = allGenes %in% genesToRemove
if (isTRUE(flag)) {
# flag genes with ratio above thresholds
# -> add additional meta column
msg1 = paste0("Flagging a total of ",
format(length(genesToRemove), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" genes and ",
format(sum(idxToRemove), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" binding sites.\n")
mcols(this.ranges)$flag.ratio = idxToRemove
if (!isTRUE(flag)) {
# remove genes with low counts
msg1 = paste0("Removing a total of ",
format(length(genesToRemove), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" genes and ",
format(sum(idxToRemove), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" binding sites.\n")
this.ranges = this.ranges[!idxToRemove]
# inform user
if (!quiet) warning(c(msg0, msg1))
# filter for genes with large count imbalances between both conditions
if (isTRUE(balanceCondition)) {
if (!veryQuiet) message("Balance filter ")
# genes should be filtered for count differences between conditions
# -> calculate sum of counts per gene and condition
df.ratio = as.data.frame(mcols(this.ranges)) %>%
select(all_of(match.geneID), starts_with("counts")) %>%
pivot_longer(-all_of(match.geneID)) %>%
mutate(type = sub(".*\\.(.*?)\\..*", "\\1", name)) %>%
mutate(condition = sub(".*_", "", name)) %>%
filter(type == "bg") %>%
select(-c(name, type)) %>%
dplyr::group_by_if(., is.character) %>%
summarise(sum = sum(value), .groups = "keep") %>%
pivot_wider(values_from = sum, names_from = condition) %>%
mutate(total = rowSums(dplyr::across(dplyr::where(is.numeric)))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
dplyr::relocate(all_of(match.geneID), total, all_of(this.condition.reference), all_of(this.condition.comp))
# ---
# Store for plotting
object@plotData$filterBsBackground$data.balanceCondition = df.ratio
df.filter = data.frame(
geneID = df.ratio %>% select(all_of(match.geneID)),
this.condition.reference = ifelse(c(df.ratio[,3][[1]] / df.ratio[,2][[1]]) < balanceCondition.cutoff, TRUE, FALSE),
his.condition.comp = ifelse(c(df.ratio[,4][[1]] / df.ratio[,2][[1]]) < balanceCondition.cutoff, TRUE, FALSE)
df.filter$both = df.filter[,2] | df.filter[,3]
msg0 = paste0("Found ", format(sum(df.filter$both, na.rm = TRUE), big.mark = ".", decimal.mark = ","),
" genes with condition balance ratio not meeting thresholds.\n")
genesToRemove = df.filter %>% filter(both) %>% pull(match.geneID)
allGenes = mcols(this.ranges)[colnames(mcols(this.ranges)) == match.geneID][[1]]
idxToRemove = allGenes %in% genesToRemove
if (isTRUE(flag)) {
# flag genes with balance ratio above thresholds
# -> add additional meta column
msg1 = paste0("Flagging a total of ",
format(length(genesToRemove), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" genes and ",
format(sum(idxToRemove), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" binding sites.\n")
mcols(this.ranges)$flag.balance = idxToRemove
if (!isTRUE(flag)) {
# remove genes with low counts
msg1 = paste0("Removing a total of ",
format(length(genesToRemove), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" genes and ",
format(sum(idxToRemove), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" binding sites.\n")
this.ranges = this.ranges[!idxToRemove]
# inform user
if (!quiet) warning(c(msg0, msg1))
object = setRanges(object, this.ranges, quiet = quiet)
# ---
# Store function parameters in list
optstr = list(
minCounts = minCounts,
minCounts.cutoff = minCounts.cutoff,
balanceBackground = balanceBackground,
balanceBackground.cutoff.bs = balanceBackground.cutoff.bs,
balanceBackground.cutoff.bg = balanceBackground.cutoff.bg,
balanceCondition = balanceCondition,
balanceCondition.cutoff = balanceCondition.cutoff,
match.geneID = match.geneID,
flag = flag)
object@params$filterBsBackground = optstr
# ---
# Store for results
resultLine = data.frame(
funName = "filterBsBackground()", class = "transform",
nIn = length(this.ranges.initial), nOut = length(this.ranges),
per = paste0(round(length(this.ranges)/ length(this.ranges.initial), digits = 2)*100,"%"),
options = paste0("minCounts=", optstr$minCounts,
", source=", optstr$datasource,
", minCounts.cutoff=", optstr$minCounts.cutoff,
", balanceBackground=", optstr$balanceBackground,
", balanceBackground.cutoff.bs=", optstr$balanceBackground.cutoff.bs,
", balanceBackground.cutoff.bg=", optstr$balanceBackground.cutoff.bg,
", balanceCondition=", optstr$balanceCondition,
", balanceCondition.cutoff=", optstr$balanceCondition.cutoff,
", match.geneID=", optstr$generate.genmatch.geneIDeID.bs,
", flag=", optstr$flag)
object@results = rbind(object@results, resultLine)
#' Compute fold-changes per binding site
#' Given count data for binding sites and background regions this function will
#' compute fold-changes between two condition for each binding site. Computation
#' is based on \code{\link[DESeq2]{DESeq}} using the Likelihood ratio test to
#' disentangle transcription level changes from binding site level changes.
#' Fold-changes per binding sites are corrected for transcript level changes.
#' Essentially, background counts are used to model transcript level changes,
#' which are then used to compute fold-changes per binding site, which are
#' corrected for the observed transcript level changes. This is done by using a
#' Likelihood ratio test comparing the full model
#' (~condition + type + condition:type) to the reduced model (~condition + type).
#' Fold-changes for the transcript level changes are modeled explicitly in a
#' second round of the \code{\link[DESeq2]{DESeq}} workflow, using the default
#' Wald test to compare changes between the conditions (~condition). Counts
#' attributed to binding sites are removed from the gene level counts.
#' Results from both calculation rounds can be filtered and further manipulated
#' with parameters given in the DESeq2 framework
#' (see \code{\link[DESeq2]{results}}, \code{\link[DESeq2]{lfcShrink}}).
#' This function is intended to be used right after a call of \code{\link{filterBsBackground}}.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object
#' @param fitType either "parametric", "local", "mean", or "glmGamPoi" for the
#' type of fitting of dispersions to the mean intensity.
#' See \code{\link[DESeq2]{DESeq}} for more details.
#' @param sfType either "ratio", "poscounts", or "iterate" for the type of size
#' factor estimation. See \code{\link[DESeq2]{DESeq}} for more details.
#' @param minReplicatesForReplace the minimum number of replicates required in
#' order to use replaceOutliers on a sample. See \code{\link[DESeq2]{DESeq}} for
#' more details.
#' @param independentFiltering logical, whether independent filtering should be
#' applied automatically. See \code{\link[DESeq2]{results}} for more details.
#' @param alpha the significance cutoff used for optimizing the independent
#' filtering. See \code{\link[DESeq2]{results}} for more details.
#' @param pAdjustMethod he method to use for adjusting p-values. See
#' \code{\link[DESeq2]{results}} for more details.
#' @param minmu lower bound on the estimated count. See
#' \code{\link[DESeq2]{results}} for more details.
#' @param filterFun an optional custom function for performing independent
#' filtering and p-value adjustment. See \code{\link[DESeq2]{results}} for more
#' details.
#' @param use.lfc.shrinkage logical; whether to compute shrunken log2 fold
#' changes for the DESeq results. See \code{\link[DESeq2]{lfcShrink}} for more
#' details.
#' @param type if 'ashr', 'apeglml' or 'normal' should be used for fold change
#' shrinkage. See \code{\link[DESeq2]{lfcShrink}} for more details.
#' @param svalue logical, should p-values and adjusted p-values be replaced with
#' s-values when using apeglm or ashr. See \code{\link[DESeq2]{lfcShrink}}
#' for more details.
#' @param apeAdapt logical, should apeglm use the MLE estimates of LFC to adapt
#' the prior. See \code{\link[DESeq2]{lfcShrink}} for more details.
#' @param apeMethod what method to run apeglm, which can differ in terms of
#' speed. See \code{\link[DESeq2]{lfcShrink}} for more details.
#' @param match.geneID character; the name of the column with the gene ID
#' in the binding sites meta columns used for matching binding sites to genes
#' @param quiet logical; whether to print messages or not
#' @param veryQuiet logical; whether to print messages or not
#' @param replaceNegative logical; force negative counts to be replaces by 0.
#' Be careful when using this, having negative counts can point towards problems
#' with the gene annotation in use.
#' @param removeNA logical; force binding sites with any NA value to be removed.
#' Be careful when using this, having negative counts can point towards problems
#' with the gene annotation in use.
#' @return a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object, with results from the
#' \code{\link[DESeq2]{DESeq}} analysis added to the meta columns of the
#' binding site ranges.
#' @seealso \code{\link{calculateBsBackground}},
#' \code{\link{filterBsBackground}},
#' \code{\link{plotBsBackgroundFilter}},
#' \code{\link[DESeq2]{DESeq}}
#' @importFrom stats relevel
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' # make example dataset
#' bds = makeBindingSites(bds, bsSize = 7)
#' bds = assignToGenes(bds, anno.genes = gns)
#' bds = imputeBsDifferencesForTestdata(bds)
#' bds = calculateBsBackground(bds, anno.genes = gns)
#' # calculate fold changes - no shrinkage
#' bds = calculateBsFoldChange(bds)
#' # calculate fold changes - with shrinkage
#' bds = calculateBsFoldChange(bds, use.lfc.shrinkage = TRUE)
#' @export
calculateBsFoldChange <- function(object,
# for DESeq
fitType = "local",
sfType = "ratio",
minReplicatesForReplace = 10,
# for results
independentFiltering = TRUE,
alpha = 0.05,
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
minmu = 0.5,
filterFun = NULL,
# for lfcShrink
use.lfc.shrinkage = FALSE,
type = c("ashr", "apeglm", "normal"),
svalue = FALSE,
apeAdapt = TRUE,
apeMethod = "nbinomCR",
# general
match.geneID = "geneID",
quiet = TRUE,
veryQuiet = FALSE,
replaceNegative = FALSE,
removeNA = FALSE
# forceThis = FALSE
# Bind locale variables
geneID <- NULL
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
# check if shrinkage type is set
if (isTRUE(use.lfc.shrinkage)) {
type = match.arg(type, choices = c("ashr", "apeglm", "normal"))
this.meta = getMeta(object)
# check for correct pairwise setting in meta data
if (length(levels(this.meta$condition)) != 2) {
msg0 = paste0("Fold-changes can only be computed for pairwise comparisons.\n")
if (length(levels(this.meta$condition)) < 2) {
# only one condition found
msg1 = paste0("Found that only one condition is present. There is nothing to compare.\n")
msg2 = paste0("Please provide two conditions that can be compared. \n")
if (length(levels(this.meta$condition)) > 2) {
msg1 = paste0("Found more than 2 conditions. Too many comparisons.\n")
msg2 = paste0("Please split mulitple comparisons into sets of pairwise comparisions.\n")
this.ranges = getRanges(object)
# check if ranges have geneID present
if (!match.geneID %in% colnames(mcols(this.ranges))) {
msg0 = paste0("No matching column for gene ID found with name: '", match.geneID, "' in binding site meta data.\n")
msg1 = paste0("Please run calculateBsBackground() first. \n")
stop(c(msg0, msg1))
# check if ranges have counts present
if (!any(grepl("counts", colnames(as.data.frame(mcols(this.ranges)))))) {
# meta data has no columns named counts
# -> stop here; point user to calculateBsBackground
msg0 = paste0("No associated fields with crosslink counts found for present binding sites. \n")
msg1 = paste0("Make sure to run 'calculateBsBackground()' first. \n")
# check if ranges have at least two samples per condition in counts
this.counts = as.data.frame(mcols(this.ranges)) %>% select(contains("counts"))
# check binding sites
this.counts.bs = this.counts %>% select(contains("bs"))
if (length(this.counts.bs) == 0) {
msg0 = paste0("No counts for binding sites present. \n")
msg1 = paste0("Make sure to run 'calculateBsBackground()' first. \n")
this.counts.bs.samples = as.data.frame(table(sub(".*_", "", colnames(this.counts.bs))))
if (!all(this.counts.bs.samples[,2] > 1)) {
# found less than two replicates per condition for bs
msg0 = paste0("Less than two replicates are present for each condition. \n")
msg1 = paste0("Found conditions: ", paste(this.counts.bs.samples[,1], collapse = ", "),
" with counts: ", paste(this.counts.bs.samples[,2], collapse = ", "), "\n")
stop(c(msg0, msg1))
# check background
this.counts.bg = this.counts %>% select(contains("bg"))
if (length(this.counts.bg) == 0) {
msg0 = paste0("No counts for background present. \n")
msg1 = paste0("Make sure to run 'calculateBsBackground()' first. \n")
this.counts.bg.samples = as.data.frame(table(sub(".*_", "", colnames(this.counts.bg))))
if (!all(this.counts.bg.samples[,2] > 1)) {
# found less than two replicates per condition for bs
msg0 = paste0("Less than two replicates are present for each condition. \n")
msg1 = paste0("Found conditions: ", paste(this.counts.bg.samples[,1], collapse = ", "),
" with counts: ", paste(this.counts.bg.samples[,2], collapse = ", "), "\n")
stop(c(msg0, msg1))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# check for NA values
idx = which(is.na(this.counts), arr.ind = TRUE)
if (nrow(idx) > 0) {
# found rows with NA values as counts in matrix
# -> prompt user towards removing or checking
msg0 = paste0(format(nrow(idx), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" ranges found with NA values.\n")
if (isTRUE(removeNA)) {
# force remove NA cases
this.counts = this.counts[-idx[,1],]
this.ranges = this.ranges[-idx[,1]]
msg1 = paste0("Removed all cases.\n")
if (!veryQuiet) warning(c(msg0, msg1))
} else {
msg1 = paste0("This can point towards problems with the gene annoation.\n")
msg2 = paste0("You can either
(1) find problematic genes and fix the cause, or
(2) set 'removeNA=TRUE' to force remove those cases.\n")
# check for negative values
idx = which(this.counts < 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
if (nrow(idx) > 0) {
# found rows with negative values as counts in matrix
# -> prompt user towards removing or checking
msg0 = paste0(format(nrow(idx), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
" ranges found with negative values.\n")
if (isTRUE(replaceNegative)) {
# force replace negative counts
this.counts[idx] = 0
msg1 = paste0("Replaced all cases with 0.\n")
if (!veryQuiet) warning(c(msg0, msg1))
} else {
msg1 = paste0("This can point towards problems with the gene annoation.\n")
msg2 = paste0("You can either
(1) find problematic genes and fix the cause, or
(2) set 'replaceNegative=TRUE' to force them to 0.\n")
# if (isTRUE(forceThis)) {
# # TODO check if there are negative counts
# # -> temporary hack to replace negative counts with 0
# # -> this happens in rare instances where offset ranges of neighboring
# # binding sites overlap, which cause crosslinks to be counted twice.
# # On genes with low counts this could result in negative values for the
# # background.
# # -> Optimal solution is to use a combination of `reduce + with.revmap` and
# # `disjoin` to split overlapping offset ranges, which avoids the problem
# idx = which(this.counts < 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
# if (nrow(idx) > 0) {
# this.counts[idx] = 0
# msg0 = paste0(format(nrow(idx), big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."),
# " ranges found with negative counts, replacing them with 0.\n")
# if (!veryQuiet) warning(c(msg0))
# }
# # TODO
# # quick fix for NA values
# idx = which(is.na(this.counts), arr.ind = TRUE)
# if (nrow(idx) > 0) {
# this.counts = this.counts[-idx[,1],]
# this.ranges = this.ranges[-idx[,1]]
# if (!veryQuiet) warning(c(msg0))
# }
# }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# MAIN 1) - Testing binding sites
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!veryQuiet) message("1) Testing binding sites ")
# construct coldata
# -----------------
coldata = rbind.data.frame(this.meta, this.meta)
coldata$clPlus = NULL
coldata$clMinus = NULL
coldata$type = as.factor(c(rep("bs", nrow(this.meta)), rep("bg", nrow(this.meta))))
# make counts matrix and pass on to deseq
# ---------------------------------------
count.matr = this.counts %>% select(contains(c("bs", "bg"))) %>% as.matrix()
se = SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(assays = list(counts = count.matr),
rowRanges = granges(this.ranges),
colData = coldata)
mode(SummarizedExperiment::assay(se)) = "integer"
dds = DESeq2::DESeqDataSet(se, design = ~condition + type + condition:type)
# manage model parametrisation through factor levels
# -> reference level is taken from meta data
# -> is the first level from condition
reference.level = levels(this.meta$condition)[1] # WT
dds$condition = stats::relevel(dds$condition, reference.level)
dds$type = stats::relevel(dds$type, "bg")
# running the deseq2 test
# -----------------------
dds = DESeq2::DESeq(dds, test="LRT", reduced = ~ condition + type,
fitType = fitType,
sfType = sfType,
quiet = quiet,
minReplicatesForReplace = minReplicatesForReplace,
modelMatrixType = "standard",
useT = FALSE)
# pulling deseq2 results
# ----------------------
comp.level = levels(this.meta$condition)[2] # KO
this.contrast = paste0("condition", comp.level, ".typebs")
if (!this.contrast %in% DESeq2::resultsNames(dds)) {
msg0 = paste0("Contrast named: ", this.contrast, "not found in available names: ", paste(DESeq2::resultsNames(dds), collapse = ", "), ".\n")
msg1 = paste0("Please check the factor levels of the 'condition' column in your meta data.\n")
stop(c(msg0, msg1))
if (!is.null(filterFun)) {
res = DESeq2::results(dds, name = this.contrast,
lfcThreshold = 0,
altHypothesis = "greaterAbs",
independentFiltering = independentFiltering,
alpha = alpha, pAdjustMethod = pAdjustMethod,
filterFun = filterFun, format = "DataFrame",
minmu = minmu)
} else {
res = DESeq2::results(dds, name = this.contrast,
lfcThreshold = 0,
altHypothesis = "greaterAbs",
independentFiltering = independentFiltering,
alpha = alpha, pAdjustMethod = pAdjustMethod,
format = "DataFrame", minmu = minmu)
# apply fold change shrinkage if needed
# -> requiers additional packages to be installed
if (isTRUE(use.lfc.shrinkage)) {
res = DESeq2::lfcShrink(dds = dds, res = res, coef = this.contrast,
type = type, lfcThreshold = 0,
svalue = svalue, returnList = FALSE,
format = "DataFrame", saveCols = NULL,
apeAdapt = apeAdapt, apeMethod = apeMethod,
quiet = quiet)
# match with ranges
colnames(res) = paste0('bs.', colnames(res))
mcols(this.ranges) = cbind.data.frame(mcols(this.ranges), res)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# MAIN 2) - Testing the background
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!veryQuiet) message("2) Testing genes ")
# construct coldata
# -----------------
coldata.bg = this.meta
coldata.bg$clPlus = NULL
coldata.bg$clMinus = NULL
# make counts matrix and pass on to deseq
# ---------------------------------------
count.matr.bg = as.data.frame(count.matr)
count.matr.bg$geneID = mcols(this.ranges)[colnames(mcols(this.ranges)) == match.geneID][[1]]
count.matr.bg = count.matr.bg %>% select(geneID, starts_with("counts.bg"))
count.matr.bg = count.matr.bg[!duplicated(count.matr.bg$geneID),]
rownames(count.matr.bg) = count.matr.bg$geneID
count.matr.bg$geneID = NULL
se.bg = SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(assays = list(counts = as.matrix(count.matr.bg)),
colData = coldata.bg)
mode(SummarizedExperiment::assay(se.bg)) = "integer"
dds.bg = DESeq2::DESeqDataSet(se.bg, design = ~ condition)
dds.bg$condition = stats::relevel(dds.bg$condition, reference.level)
# running the deseq2 test
# -----------------------
dds.bg = DESeq2::DESeq(dds.bg, test = "Wald",
fitType = fitType,
sfType = sfType,
quiet = quiet,
minReplicatesForReplace = minReplicatesForReplace,
modelMatrixType = "standard",
useT = FALSE)
# pulling deseq2 results
# ----------------------
this.contrast.bg = paste0("condition_", comp.level, "_vs_", reference.level)
if (!is.null(filterFun)) {
res.bg = DESeq2::results(dds.bg, name = this.contrast.bg,
lfcThreshold = 0,
altHypothesis = "greaterAbs",
independentFiltering = independentFiltering,
alpha = alpha, pAdjustMethod = pAdjustMethod,
filterFun = filterFun, format = "DataFrame",
minmu = minmu)
} else {
res.bg = DESeq2::results(dds.bg, name = this.contrast.bg,
lfcThreshold = 0,
altHypothesis = "greaterAbs",
independentFiltering = independentFiltering,
alpha = alpha, pAdjustMethod = pAdjustMethod,
format = "DataFrame", minmu = minmu)
# apply fold change shrinkage if needed
# -> requiers additional packages to be installed
if (isTRUE(use.lfc.shrinkage)) {
res.bg = DESeq2::lfcShrink(dds = dds.bg, res = res.bg, coef = this.contrast.bg,
type = type, lfcThreshold = 0,
svalue = svalue, returnList = FALSE,
format = "DataFrame", saveCols = NULL,
apeAdapt = apeAdapt, apeMethod = apeMethod,
quiet = quiet)
# match with binding sites
match.bs.ranges = mcols(this.ranges)[colnames(mcols(this.ranges)) == match.geneID][[1]]
colnames(res.bg) = paste0('bg.', colnames(res.bg))
idx = match(match.bs.ranges, rownames(res.bg))
mcols(this.ranges) = cbind.data.frame(mcols(this.ranges), res.bg[idx,])
object = setRanges(object, this.ranges, quiet = quiet)
# ---
# Store function parameters in list
optstr = list(fitType = fitType, sfType = sfType,
minReplicatesForReplace = minReplicatesForReplace,
lfcThreshold = 0,
independentFiltering = independentFiltering,
alpha = alpha, pAdjustMethod = pAdjustMethod,
minmu = minmu,
use.lfc.shrinkage = use.lfc.shrinkage,
type = type,
svalue = svalue, apeAdapt = apeAdapt,
apeMethod = apeMethod, match.geneID = match.geneID)
object@params$calculateBsFoldChange = optstr
# ---
# Store for results
resultLine = data.frame(
funName = "calculateBsFoldChange()", class = "transform",
nIn = length(this.ranges), nOut = length(this.ranges),
per = paste0(round(length(this.ranges)/ length(this.ranges), digits = 2)*100,"%"),
options = paste0("Alpha=", optstr$alpha,
", fitType=", optstr$fitType,
", sfType=", optstr$sfType,
", minReplicatesForReplace=", optstr$minReplicatesForReplace,
", lfcThreshold=", optstr$lfcThreshold,
", independentFiltering=", optstr$independentFiltering,
", minmu=", optstr$minmu,
", use.lfc.shrinkage=", optstr$use.lfc.shrinkage,
ifelse(length(optstr$type) == 1, paste0(", type=", optstr$type), ""),
", svalue=", optstr$svalue,
", apeAdapt=", optstr$apeAdapt,
", apeMethod=", optstr$apeMethod,
", match.geneID=", optstr$match.geneID)
object@results = rbind(object@results, resultLine)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exported helper
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Impute artificial differences in the example data set
#' A function that works only on the test data set provided with the package. It
#' is used for internal testing and the making of examples to showcase the
#' differential binding functions.
#' Differences between samples are artificially introduced by removing the
#' signal on a random set of binding sites of the input.
#' @param object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object; explicitly the test data set
#' from the extdata folder
#' @param size numeric; the number of positions on which signal should be
#' deleted, counting from the start
#' @param change.per numeric; the percentage of ranges that should be effected
#' by the change.
#' @return object a \code{\link{BSFDataSet}} object with the signal slot adapted
#' to reflect changes in binding between two artificial conditions
#' @examples
#' # load clip data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rds$", full.names = TRUE)[1])
#' bds = makeBindingSites(bds, bsSize = 7)
#' bds = assignToGenes(bds, anno.genes = gns)
#' bds = imputeBsDifferencesForTestdata(bds)
#' @export
imputeBsDifferencesForTestdata <- function(object,
size = 5,
change.per = 0.1
# manipulate meta data sample names
this.meta = getMeta(object)
this.meta$condition = factor(c("WT", "WT", "KO", "KO"), levels = c("WT", "KO"))
# manipulate signal names
s = getSignal(object)
names(s$signalPlus) = paste0(this.meta$id, "_", this.meta$condition)
names(s$signalMinus) = paste0(this.meta$id, "_", this.meta$condition)
# manipulate ranges
this.ranges = getRanges(object)
diff.ranges = sample(this.ranges, size = length(this.ranges)* change.per)
idx = sample(c(TRUE,FALSE), size = length(diff.ranges), replace = TRUE)
diff.ranges.up = diff.ranges[idx]
diff.ranges.down = diff.ranges[!idx]
# manipulate signal
vToKill.up = lapply(1:size, function(x){
start(ranges(diff.ranges.up)) + x
vToKill.up = do.call(c, vToKill.up)
s$signalPlus$`1_WT`$chr22[vToKill.up] = 0
s$signalPlus$`2_WT`$chr22[vToKill.up] = 0
s$signalMinus$`1_WT`$chr22[vToKill.up] = 0
s$signalMinus$`2_WT`$chr22[vToKill.up] = 0
vToKill.down = lapply(1:size, function(x){
start(ranges(diff.ranges.down)) + x
vToKill.down = do.call(c, vToKill.down)
s$signalPlus$`3_KO`$chr22[vToKill.down] = 0
s$signalPlus$`4_KO`$chr22[vToKill.down] = 0
s$signalMinus$`3_KO`$chr22[vToKill.down] = 0
s$signalMinus$`4_KO`$chr22[vToKill.down] = 0
object = setMeta(object, this.meta)
object = setSignal(object, s)
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