#' Plot signal coverage of selected ranges
#' Function plots the coverage of the CLIP data in the signal slot and plots it
#' as coverage. The plot is centered around a given binding site, which can be
#' selected by an index.
#' @param object a \link{BSFDataSet} object
#' @param plotIdx integer, index of the range to plot
#' @param flankPos numeric, number of nucleotides by which the plotting frame is
#' symmetrically extended
#' @param shiftPos numeric, nucleotide positions by which the current plotting
#' range should be shifted
#' @param mergeReplicates logical, if replicates should be merge per
#' condition (TRUE) or if every replicates should be shown separately (FALSE)
#' @param autoscale logical, if y-axis should be scaled to the maximum for all
#' replicates (TRUE), or not (FALSE)
#' @param highlight logical, if the central range should be highlighted (TRUE),
#' or not (FALSE)
#' @param showCentralRange logical, if the central range should be shown (TRUE),
#' or not (FALSE)
#' @param customRange \code{GenomicRanges}, a custom range object to be shown
#' underneath the coverage tracks
#' @param customRange.name character, the name of the customRange track
#' @param customAnnotation \code{GenomicRanges} or \code{TxDb}, a custom annotation
#' for eg. gene, exons, etc. to be shown underneath the coverage tracks
#' @param customAnnotation.name character, the name of the customAnnotation track
#' @param title character, set plotting title
#' @param colorPalette vector, hex colors used for the conditions
#' @return an object of class \code{GVIZ}
#' @seealso \code{\link{BSFDataSet}}, \code{\link{BSFind}}
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom dplyr everything group_by summarize pull mutate rename
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @examples
#' # load data
#' files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
#' load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))
#' bindingSiteCoveragePlot(bds, plotIdx = 3, flankPos = 10)
#' @export
bindingSiteCoveragePlot <- function(object, plotIdx, flankPos, shiftPos = NULL,
mergeReplicates = FALSE, autoscale = FALSE,
highlight = TRUE, showCentralRange = TRUE,
customRange = NULL, customRange.name = "custom",
customAnnotation = NULL, customAnnotation.name = "anno",
title = NULL, colorPalette = NULL
) {
# test parameter input validity
stopifnot(is(object, "BSFDataSet"))
stopifnot(is(mergeReplicates, "logical"))
stopifnot(is(autoscale, "logical"))
stopifnot(is(highlight, "logical"))
stopifnot(is(showCentralRange, "logical"))
if (!all(is.null(customRange) | is(customRange, "GenomicRanges"))) {
stop("customRange not of the right type. Must be GenomicRanges or NULL")
if (!all(is.null(customAnnotation) |
is(customAnnotation, "GenomicRanges") |
is(customAnnotation, "TxDb"))) {
stop("customAnnotation not of the right type. Must be GenomicRanges, TxDb or NULL")
# bind locally used variables
`.` <- name <- value <- condition <- NULL
# replicates should be merged
if(isTRUE(mergeReplicates)) {
object = collapseReplicates(object, collapseAll = FALSE)
# get initial objects for plotting
rng = getRanges(object)
sgn = getSignal(object)
mta = getMeta(object)
rngToPlot = rng[plotIdx]
rngToPlotExtended = rng[plotIdx] + flankPos
# shift window if needed
if(!is.null(shiftPos)) {
rngToPlotExtended = shift(rngToPlotExtended, shiftPos)
# find overlapping additional ranges
idx = findOverlaps(rng, rngToPlotExtended)
rngSub = rng[queryHits(idx)]
if (is.null(names(rngSub))) {
rngSub$symbol = paste0("BS:", seq_along(rngSub))
} else {
rngSub$symbol = names(rngSub)
# setting frame for plot
currChr = unique(as.character(seqnames(rngToPlot)))
currStart = start(rngToPlotExtended)
currEnd = end(rngToPlotExtended)
currStrand = as.character(strand(rngToPlotExtended))
centerStart = start(rngToPlot)
centerWidth = width(rngToPlot)-1
# determine if window is too large for histogram boarder
if (width(rngToPlotExtended) < 300) {
plotRangeSmall = TRUE
} else {
plotRangeSmall = FALSE
# make tracks to plot
axisTrack = Gviz::GenomeAxisTrack(fontcolor = "black")
rngTrackOthers = Gviz::GeneRegionTrack(rngSub, chromosome = currChr,
start = currStart, end = currEnd,
name = "BS Other", fontsize = 6,
exonAnnotation = "symbol", fontcolor.item="black",
fill = "salmon", col = "black", col.line = "black",
col.frame = "black", col.axis="black",
col.border.title=NULL, frame = TRUE,
col.title = "black", background.title="white")
# compute coverage over all replicates
sgnCov = suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(coverageOverRanges(setRanges(object, rngToPlotExtended),
returnOptions = "merge_ranges_keep_positions")))
# reverse signal if it is on the minus strand
if (as.character(strand(rngToPlot)) == "-") {
sgnCov = t(apply(sgnCov, 1, rev))
sgnRng = GenomicRanges::tile(rngToPlotExtended, width = 1) %>%
unlist(., use.names = F)
values(sgnRng) = t(sgnCov)
if (isTRUE(autoscale)) {
max = mcols(sgnRng) %>% as.data.frame() %>% max()
max = rep(max, nrow(mta))
} else {
max = mcols(sgnRng) %>% as.data.frame() %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(dplyr::everything()) %>% dplyr::group_by(name) %>%
dplyr::summarize(max = max(value)) %>% dplyr::pull(max)
# set color palette
if (is.null(colorPalette)) {
colorPalette = c("#A7D2CB", "#F2D388", "#C98474", "#874C62")
if (isTRUE(mergeReplicates)) {
mta = data.frame(condition = as.factor(levels(mta$condition)))
if (length(levels(mta$condition)) <= length(colorPalette)) {
replicatColors = lapply(seq_along(levels(mta$condition)), function(x){
idx = which(levels(mta$condition)[x] == mta$condition)
col = rep(colorPalette[x], length(idx))
names(replicatColors) = levels(mta$condition)
if (!isTRUE(mergeReplicates)) {
replicatColors = unlist(replicatColors, use.names = TRUE) %>% as.data.frame() %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column("condition") %>%
dplyr::mutate(condition = substring(condition, 1, nchar(condition)-1)) %>%
dplyr::rename('col' = '.')
if (isTRUE(mergeReplicates)) {
replicatColors = unlist(replicatColors, use.names = TRUE) %>% as.data.frame() %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column("condition") %>%
dplyr::rename('col' = '.')
mta$color = replicatColors$col[match(mta$condition, replicatColors$condition)]
if (length(levels(mta$condition)) == 1) {
mta$color = "#A7D2CB"
if (length(levels(mta$condition)) > length(colorPalette)) {
warning("The color palette supports only up to 4 different conditions at the moment. Setting all colors to grey.")
mta$color = "#808080"
sgnTracks = lapply(seq_along(mcols(sgnRng)), function(x){
currSample = sgnRng[,x]
histOutlineColor = ifelse(plotRangeSmall, "black", mta$color[x])
dTrack = Gviz::DataTrack(currSample, type = 'hist', ylim = c(0,max[x]),
col.histogram=histOutlineColor, fill.histogram = mta$color[x],
name = names(mcols(currSample)),
col = "black", col.line = "black",
col.frame = "black", col.axis="black",
col.border.title=NULL, frame = FALSE,
col.title = "black", background.title="white")
# all main tracks are created at this point
if (!isTRUE(showCentralRange)) {
# remove central range from plotting if wanted
allTracks = c(axisTrack, sgnTracks)
} else {
# all main tracks are added -> this is the default look of the plot
allTracks = c(axisTrack, sgnTracks, rngTrackOthers)
# add additional custom range to be shown under the binding sites
if (!is.null(customRange)) {
# find overlapping custom ranges
idx = findOverlaps(customRange, rngToPlotExtended)
customRangeSub = customRange[queryHits(idx)]
rngCustom = Gviz::GeneRegionTrack(customRangeSub, chromosome = currChr,
start = currStart, end = currEnd,
name = customRange.name, fontsize = 6,
fill = "#B7C4CF", col = "black", col.line = "black",
col.frame = "black", col.axis="black",
col.border.title=NULL, frame = TRUE,
col.title = "black", background.title="white")
allTracks = c(allTracks, rngCustom)
# add additional gene annotation to be shown underneath
if (!is.null(customAnnotation)) {
rngGene = Gviz::GeneRegionTrack(customAnnotation, chromosome = currChr,
start = currStart, end = currEnd,
name = customAnnotation.name, fontsize = 6,
fill = "#D7C0AE", col = "black", col.line = "black",
col.frame = "black", col.axis="black",
col.border.title=NULL, frame = TRUE,
col.title = "black", background.title="white")
allTracks = c(allTracks, rngGene)
# add highlighting option to the central range
if(isTRUE(highlight)) {
allTracks = Gviz::HighlightTrack(trackList = allTracks,
start = centerStart, width = centerWidth, chromosome = currChr)
# manage plot title
if (is.null(title)) {
if (is.null(names(rngToPlot))) {
title = paste0("BS:", as.character(plotIdx), "/ ",
currChr, ": ", currStart, "-", currEnd, " ", currStrand)
} else {
title = paste0("BS:", as.character(names(rngToPlot)), "/ ",
currChr, ": ", currStart, "-", currEnd, " ", currStrand)
Gviz::plotTracks(trackList = allTracks,
from = currStart, to = currEnd, main = title, cex.main = 1, col = "black")
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