addHotspotToVision | Add HS python obj to vision OBJECT |
addLatentSpace | Add a latent space computed using an external method |
addProjection-Vision-method | Add a set of projection coordinates to use for visualization |
addSignatures | Add signatures to VISION object |
addTSNE | Adds a tSNE projection |
addUMAP | Adds a UMAP projection |
analyzeHotspotObjectVision | Analyze a Hotspot object using built in methods such such as... |
analyzeLocalCorrelations | Compute local correlations for all signatures |
analyzeLocalCorrelationsModules | Compute local correlations for all modules |
analyzeTrajectoryCorrelations | Compute trajectory correlations for all signatures |
analyze-Vision-method | Main entry point for running VISION Analysis |
ancestor_at_depth | Find the ancestor of a node above a specific depth |
annotateLatentComponents | Compute pearson correlation between signature scores and... |
applyFilters | Applies filters to the inputted expression data (may remove... |
applyICA | Performs ICA on data |
applyISOMap | Performs ISOMap on data |
applyMicroClustering | Pool cells into microclusters |
applyPCA | Performs PCA on data |
applyPermutationWPCA | Applies pemutation method to return the most significant... |
applyRBFPCA | Performs PCA on data that has been transformed with the... |
applySimplePPT | Applies the Simple PPT algorithm onto the expression data. |
applySpectralEmbedding | Performs Spectral Embedding on data |
applytSNE10 | Performs tSNE with perplexity 10 on data |
applytSNE30 | Performs tSNE with perplexity 30 on data |
applyUMAP | Performs UMAP on data |
batchify | Utility methods Helper utility to group list items into... |
batchSigEvalNorm | Evaluate signature scores efficiently in batches |
calcInterEdgeDistMat | Calculate all distances between points on two different edges |
calcIntraEdgeDistMat | Calculate distances between all points on a given edge,... |
calc_mod_sig_enrichment | Computes the hypergeometric overlap test for modules and... |
calcModuleScores | Calculate module scores (signature scores but on the modules) |
calc_set_enrichment | Calculate the hypergeometric enrichment for two sets from a... |
calcSignatureScores | calculate signature scores |
calculateTrajectoryDistances | Calculate distance matrix between all pairs of ponts based on... |
clipBottom | Sets all values below a certain level in the data equal to 0 |
Cluster | Wrapper class for a particular cluster. Maps a cluster type... |
clusterCells | Creates clustering of the cells |
clusterModScores | Compute Ranksums Test, for all factor meta data. One level... |
clusterSignatures | Clusters signatures according to the rank sum |
clusterSigScores | Compute Ranksums Test, for all factor meta data. One level... |
colNormalization | Performs z-normalization on all columns |
colRankNormalization | Creaes a new version of the data that has ranks (column-wise)... |
colVarsSp | Compute col-wise variance on matrix without densifying |
computeKNNWeights-matrix-method | compute for each vector the weights to apply to it's K... |
computeKNNWeights-phylo-method | Compute for each vector the weights to apply to it's K... |
computeKNNWeights-Trajectory-method | Compute KNN weights based on geodesic distances for... |
computeLatentSpace | Computes the latent space of the expression matrix using PCA |
computeProjectionGenes | filter data accourding to the provided filters |
convertGeneIds | Change Gene Identifiers |
coordinatesToJSON | Converts a projection into a JSON object mapping each sample... |
createGeneSignature | Create a user-defined gene signature |
createTrajectoryMetaData | Generate meta-data associated with this trajectory |
depthBasedCladewiseTreeCluster | Performs a breadth first search to create a specific number... |
depthBasedTreeCluster | Performs a binary search on a depth d such that if... |
dot-colNormHelper | Calculates the column znormalization after row znormalization |
draw_hotspot_heatmap | Draw Modules Heatmap (Gene x Gene) |
evalSigGeneImportance | Calculate gene-signature importance |
evalSigGeneImportanceSparse | Calculate Gene-Signature Importance |
fbConsistencyScores | Evaluates the significance of each protein |
filterGenesFano | Applies the Fano filter to the input data (may remove rows) |
filterGenesNovar | Eliminate genes whose sample variance is equal to 0 (may... |
filterGenesThreshold | Filter genes whose values sum to less than some threshold... |
find_knn_parallel | Parallel KNN |
find_knn_parallel_tree | Parallel KNN for Trees |
find_root | Find the root node |
fitTree | Fit tree using input parameters |
geary_sig_v_proj | Evaluates values vs coordinates using the Geary C |
generateOverlapSignatures | Generates signature objects for the overlap sets between... |
generatePermutationNull | Generate random signatures for a null distribution by... |
generateProjections | generate projections |
generateProjectionsInner | Projects data into 2 dimensions using a variety of linear and... |
generateTrajectoryProjections | Generate 2d representations of a trajectory model |
get_all_children | Get all the tip children of a node. |
get_children | Find the children of a node |
getLatentSpace | Get Latent Space |
getLatentTrajectory | Get Latent Trajectory |
get_max_cluster_size | Tree method for getting the max child clade size of a node |
getMetaAutocorrelation | Get MetaData Autocorrelation Scores |
getMetaDifferential | Get Results of One-vs-All Differential Tests with Metadata... |
get_min_cluster_size | Tree method for getting the min child clade size of a node |
getMSE | Calculates the MSE between C and X |
getNormalizedCopy | Calculates the specified normalized data matrix |
getNormalizedCopySparse | Calculates the specified normalized data matrix |
getParam | Gets parameters with defaults |
get_parent | Get the parent of a node |
getProjections | Get 2D views of the expression data |
getSelections | Get saved selections |
getSignatureAutocorrelation | Get Signature Autocorrelation Scores |
getSignatureDifferential | Get Results of One-vs-All Differential Signature Tests |
getSignatureScores | Get Signature Scores |
group_modules_enrichment | Make the clusters for the modules by enrichment. For now we... |
hasUnnormalizedData | Tests for Unnormalized Data |
hsCalculateModuleScores | Create Hotspot Modules and calculate module scores given a HS... |
hsComputeAutoCorrelations | Compute Hotspot auto correlations |
hsComputeLocalCorrelations | Interface function to compute local correlations for Hotspot... |
hsCreateKnnGraph | Init KNN graph in Hotspot object |
hsInit | Init Hotspot object from Vision Object |
ilog1p | inverse log-scale transform a dense OR sparse matrix |
innerEvalSignatureBatchNorm | Used in inner loop of batchSigEvalNorm |
is_tip | Check if a child is a tip |
knn_tree | Helper KNN Function for Trees |
launchServer | Lanch the server |
lca_based_depth | Depth of tip1 parent immediately after LCA(tip1, tip2) |
lcaBasedHotspotNeighbors | Add custom tree based neighbor and weights to a Hotspot... |
lcaBasedTreeKNN | Generate neighbors and weights for a tree object, based on... |
loadHotspotObject | Load in an existing Hotspot object from bytes or a file |
louvainCluster | Applies the Louvain algorithm to generate micro-clustered... |
matLog2 | log2-scale transform a dense OR sparse matrix |
matrix_chisq | Perform 1vAll factor analysis given a factor matrix and group... |
matrix_wilcox | Vectorized wilcox rank-sums test |
matrix_wilcox_cpp | C++ wilcox rank-sums test |
maxSizeCladewiseTreeCluster | Performs a breadth first search to create a specific number... |
minSizeCladeNeighbors | Get's the nearest >= min size neighbors of a node based on... |
noNormalization | Does nothing, just returns the original data |
NormData | Initialize a new NormData object |
pearsonCorrToJSON | convert perason correlation coeffcients between PCs and... |
phyloAnalyze-PhyloVision-method | Analyze a PhyloVision object |
PhyloVision-class | Initializes a new PhyloVision Object |
poolCells | create micro-clusters that reduce noise and complexity while... |
poolMatrixCols | Pools columns of a numeric matrix |
poolMatrixCols_Inner | create "super-cells" by pooling together single cells |
poolMatrixRows | Pools rows of a numeric matrix |
poolMetaData | Aggregate meta-data for cells in pools |
processSignatures | Processes signatures on input |
projectOnTree | Project the given dataoints onto the tree defined by the... |
read_10x | Read 10x Output |
read_10x_h5 | Read 10x HDF5 Output |
read_10x_h5_v2 | Read 10x HDF5 Output - CellRanger 2.0 |
read_10x_h5_v3 | Read 10x HDF5 Output - CellRanger 3.0 |
readjust_clusters | Repartitions existing clusters to achieve desired... |
readSignaturesInput | Reads in a list of signature input files. |
registerMethods | Registers the projection methods to be used |
rowAndColNormalization | Performs z-normalization on all columns and rows |
rowNormalization | Performs z-normalization on all rows |
rowVarsSp | Compute row-wise variance on matrix without densifying |
runHotspot | Perform Hotspot analysis on Vision Object |
saveAndViewResults-Vision-method | Save the VISION object as an .RDS file and view the results... |
saveHSBytestToPickle | Save bytes in the Hotspot object slot to a file |
ServerExpression | Wrapper class for gene expression object for JSON. |
ServerSigProjMatrix | Wrapper class for Signature Projection Matrix |
sigConsistencyScores | Evaluates the significance of each signature in each cluster |
Signature | Initialize a new Signature object. |
signatureToJSON | Converts Signature object to JSON |
sigProjMatrixToJSON | Converts a sigProjMatrix from an R Object to a JSON object |
sigScoresToJSON | Converts row of signatures score matrix to JSON |
sigsToSparseMatrix | Utility method to load signatures into a sparse matrix |
sigsVsProjection_n | Evaluates the significance of each numeric signature vs. a... |
sigsVsProjection_pcf | Evaluates the significance of each meta data factor signature... |
sigsVsProjection_pcn | Evaluates the significance of each meta data numeric... |
sqdist | Alternative computation of distance matrix, based on matrix... |
Trajectory | Initialize a new Trajectory object. |
TrajectoryProjection | Initialize a new TrajectoryProjection object. |
translateCellPositions | Translate cell positions |
treeClusterMinCladeSize | Generate clade-clusters for a tree of minimum size (unless... |
trivial_dist | Trivial distance function for arbitrary tree clustering |
ultrametric_tree | Generate an ultrametric tree |
versionCheck | Checks the version of the Vision object and displays error if... |
viewResults | View results of analysis |
VISION-class | Initializes a new VISION object. |
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