#' @rdname as.splits
#' @export
allSplits <- function(k, labels = NULL) {
result <- lapply(1:(2^(k - 1) - 1), dec2Bin)
if (is.null(labels)) labels <- (as.character(1:k))
attr(result, "labels") <- labels
class(result) <- "splits"
#' @rdname as.splits
#' @export
allCircularSplits <- function(k, labels = NULL) {
fun <- function(x, y) {
tmp <- (1L:y) + x
tmp %% (k + 1L) + tmp %/% (k + 1L)
k <- as.integer(k)
l <- (k - 1L) %/% 2L
res <- vector("list", k * (k - 1L) / 2)
res[1:k] <- 1L:k
ind <- k
if (k > 3) {
if (k > 4L) {
for (i in 2:l) {
res[(ind + 1):(ind + k)] <- lapply(0L:(k - 1L), fun, i)
ind <- ind + k
if ( (k %% 2L) == 0) {
m <- k %/% 2
res[(ind + 1):(ind + m)] <- lapply(0L:(m - 1L), fun, m)
res <- lapply(res, sort)
if (is.null(labels)) labels <- as.character(1:k)
attr(res, "labels") <- labels
attr(res, "cycle") <- 1:k
class(res) <- "splits"
#degree <- function(x){
# tabulate(x$edge)
splits2design <- function(obj, weight = NULL, x=TRUE) {
labels <- attr(obj, "labels")
m <- length(labels)
n <- length(obj)
l <- 1:m
sl <- lengths(obj)
p0 <- sl * (m - sl)
p <- c(0, cumsum(p0))
i <- numeric(max(p))
for (k in 1:n) {
sp <- obj[[k]]
if (p0[k] != 0) i[(p[k] + 1):p[k + 1]] <- getIndex(sp, l[-sp], m)
dims <- c(m * (m - 1) / 2, n)
if(x) return(sparseMatrix(i = i, p = p, x=1, dims = dims) )
sparseMatrix(i = i, p = p, dims = dims)
addEdge <- function(network, desc, spl) {
edge <- network$edge
parent <- edge[, 1]
child <- edge[, 2]
nTips <- length(network$tip.label)
desc2 <- SHORTwise(desc) #, nTips)
split <- desc2[spl]
index <- network$splitIndex
ind <- which(compatible(split, desc2[index]) == 1)
if (is.null(ind) | (length(ind) == 0)) return(network)
add <- TRUE
v <- sort(match(split[[1]], edge[,2]))
fromTo <- intersect(attr(desc, "cycle"), split[[1]])
fromTo <- parent[match(fromTo, child)]
g <- make_graph(t(edge), directed = FALSE)
ind <- NULL
for (i in 2:length(fromTo)) {
d <- all_shortest_paths(g, fromTo[i - 1], fromTo[i])$res
sptmp <- unlist( lapply(d, \(d) E(g, path=d)) )
ind <- c(ind, sptmp) # [-c(1, length(sptmp))])
ind <- unique(ind)
oldNodes <- unique(as.vector(edge[ind, ]))
mNodes <- max(network$edge)
newNodes <- (mNodes + 1L):(mNodes + length(oldNodes))
# duplicated splits
dSpl <- edge[ind, ]
edge2 <- edge[v, ]
for (i in seq_along(oldNodes)) {
edge2[edge2 == oldNodes[i]] <- newNodes[i]
edge[v, ] <- edge2
# alle Splits verdoppeln
for (i in seq_along(oldNodes)) dSpl[dSpl == oldNodes[i]] <- newNodes[i]
edge <- rbind(edge, dSpl, deparse.level = 0) # experimental: no labels
index <- c(index, index[ind])
# neu zu alt verbinden
edge <- rbind(edge, cbind(oldNodes, newNodes), deparse.level = 0)
index <- c(index, rep(spl, length(oldNodes)))
network$edge <- edge
network$Nnode <- max(edge) - nTips
network$splitIndex <- index
## as.splits.phylo
circNetwork <- function(x, ord = NULL) {
if (is.null(ord)) ord <- attr(x, "cycle")
weight <- attr(x, "weights")
if (is.null(weight)) weight <- rep(1, length(x))
nTips <- length(ord)
tmp <- which(ord == 1)
if (tmp != 1) ord <- c(ord[tmp:nTips], ord[1:(tmp - 1)])
res <- stree(nTips, tip.label = attr(x, "labels"))
res$edge[, 2] <- ord
res$edge.length <- NULL
x <- SHORTwise(x) #, nTips)
spRes <- as.splits(res)[res$edge[, 2]]
index <- match(spRes, x)
if (any(is.na(index))) {
l.na <- sum(is.na(index))
x <- c(x, spRes[is.na(index)])
weight <- c(weight, rep(0, l.na))
index <- match(spRes, x)
l <- lengths(ONEwise(x))
l2 <- lengths(x)
tmp <- countCycles(x, ord = ord)
ind <- which(tmp == 2 & l2 > 1) # & l<nTips changed with ordering
# ind = ind[order(l[ind])]
ind <- ind[order(l2[ind], decreasing = TRUE)]
dm2 <- as.matrix(compatible(x, x[ind]))
X <- as.matrix(x)[, ord]
Y <- X
rsY <- rowSums(Y)
X <- X[ind, , drop=FALSE]
for (k in seq_along(ind)) {
Vstart <- ord[1]
Vstop <- ord[nTips]
ordStart <- 1
ordStop <- nTips
for (j in 2:nTips) {
if (X[k, j - 1] < X[k, j]) {
Vstart <- ord[j]
ordStart <- j
if (X[k, j - 1] > X[k, j]) {
Vstop <- ord[j - 1]
ordStop <- j - 1
fromTo <- ordStart:ordStop
if (ordStart > ordStop) fromTo <- c(ordStart:nTips, 1:ordStop)
fromTo <- ord[fromTo]
g <- make_graph(t(res$edge), directed = FALSE)
isChild <- (rsY == (Y %*% X[k, ]))[index]
sp2 <- NULL
sp0 <- NULL
for (i in 2:length(fromTo)) {
sptmp <- shortest_paths(g, fromTo[i - 1], fromTo[i],
output = c("epath"))$epath[[1]]
sp2 <- c(sp2, sptmp[-c(1, length(sptmp))])
sp0 <- c(sp0, sptmp)
sp0 <- unique(sp0)
if (length(sp2) > 0) {
# blub = which(dm[index[sp2], ind[k]]>0)
TMP <- rowSums(dm2[index[sp2], 1:k, drop = FALSE])
blub <- which(TMP > 0)
sp2 <- sp2[blub]
if (length(sp2) == 0) {
isChild <- (rsY == (Y %*% X[k, ]))[index]
sp0 <- which(isChild == TRUE)
edge1 <- unique(as.vector(res$edge[sp0, ]))
edge2 <- as.vector(res$edge[-sp0, ])
asdf <- edge1 %in% edge2
sp <- edge1[asdf]
if (length(sp2) > 0) sp <- unique(as.vector(t(res$edge[sp2, ])))
parent <- res$edge[, 1]
child <- res$edge[, 2]
j <- ord[which(X[k, ] == 1)]
anc <- unique(parent[match(j, child)])
maxVert <- max(parent)
l <- length(sp)
newVert <- (maxVert + 1):(maxVert + l)
sp01 <- setdiff(sp0, sp2)
for (i in 1:l) res$edge[sp01, ][res$edge[sp01, ] == sp[i]] <- newVert[i]
newindex <- rep(ind[k], l)
if (length(sp) > 1) newindex <- c(index[sp2], newindex)
index <- c(index, newindex)
# connect new and old vertices
newEdge <- matrix(cbind(sp, newVert), ncol = 2)
if (length(sp) > 1) {
# copy edges
qwer <- match(as.vector(res$edge[sp2, ]), sp)
newEdge <- rbind(matrix(newVert[qwer], ncol = 2), newEdge)
res$edge <- rbind(res$edge, newEdge)
res$Nnode <- max(res$edge) - nTips
res$splitIndex <- index
res$edge.length <- rep(1, nrow(res$edge))
class(res) <- c("networx", "phylo")
attr(res, "order") <- NULL
res$edge.length <- weight[index] # ausserhalb
res$Nnode <- max(res$edge) - nTips
res$splitIndex <- index
res$splits <- x
class(res) <- c("networx", "phylo")
attr(res, "order") <- NULL
#' Conversion among phylogenetic network objects
#' \code{as.networx} convert \code{splits} objects into a \code{networx}
#' object. And most important there exists a generic \code{plot} function to
#' plot phylogenetic network or split graphs.
#' @details A \code{networx} object hold the information for a phylogenetic
#' network and extends the \code{phylo} object. Therefore some generic function
#' for \code{phylo} objects will also work for \code{networx} objects. The
#' argument \code{planar = TRUE} will create a planar split graph based on a
#' cyclic ordering. These objects can be nicely plotted in \code{"2D"}.
#' @aliases networx
#' @param x an object of class \code{"splits"} or \code{"phylo"}
#' @param planar logical whether to produce a planar graph from only cyclic
#' splits (may excludes splits).
#' @param coord add coordinates of the nodes, allows to reproduce the plot.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @returns an object of class \code{networx}.
#' @note The internal representation is likely to change.
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{klaus.schliep@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{consensusNet}}, \code{\link{neighborNet}},
#' \code{\link{splitsNetwork}}, \code{\link{hadamard}},
#' \code{\link{distanceHadamard}}, \code{\link{plot.networx}},
#' \code{\link[ape]{evonet}}, \code{\link[ape]{as.phylo}}
#' @references
#' Schliep, K., Potts, A. J., Morrison, D. A. and Grimm, G. W. (2017),
#' Intertwining phylogenetic trees and networks. \emph{Methods Ecol Evol}.
#' \bold{8}, 1212--1220. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12760
#' @keywords plot
#' @importFrom igraph make_graph
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' tree1 <- rtree(20, rooted=FALSE)
#' sp <- as.splits(rNNI(tree1, n=10))
#' net <- as.networx(sp)
#' plot(net)
#' \dontrun{
#' # also see example in consensusNet
#' example(consensusNet)
#' }
#' @rdname as.networx
#' @export as.networx
as.networx <- function(x, ...) {
if (inherits(x, "networx"))
#' @export
addTrivialSplits <- function(obj) {
label <- attr(obj, "labels")
nTips <- length(label)
weight <- attr(obj, "weights")
if (is.null(weight)) weight <- rep(1, length(obj))
STree <- stree(nTips, tip.label = attr(obj, "labels"))
STree$edge.length <- NULL
spRes <- as.splits(STree)[STree$edge[, 2]]
tmpIndex <- match(spRes, SHORTwise(obj))
if (any(is.na(tmpIndex))) {
l.na <- sum(is.na(tmpIndex))
obj <- c(obj, spRes[is.na(tmpIndex)])
weight <- c(weight, rep(0, l.na))
attr(obj, "weights") <- weight
#' @export
removeTrivialSplits <- function(obj) {
nTips <- length(attr(obj, "labels"))
l <- lengths(obj)
ind <- which( (l == 0L) | (l == 1L) | (l == nTips) | (l == (nTips - 1L)))
#' @rdname as.networx
#' @importFrom igraph shortest_paths all_shortest_paths decompose E
#' @importFrom Matrix spMatrix
#' @method as.networx splits
#' @export
as.networx.splits <- function(x, planar = FALSE, coord = "none", ...) {
label <- attr(x, "labels")
coord <- match.arg(coord, c("none", "equal angle", "3D", "2D"))
x <- addTrivialSplits(x)
nTips <- length(label)
x <- ONEwise(x)
l <- lengths(x)
if (any(l == nTips)) x <- x[l != nTips] # get rid of trivial splits
l <- lengths(x)
weight <- attr(x, "weights")
if (is.null(weight)) weight <- rep(1, length(x))
attr(x, "weights") <- weight
ext <- sum(l == 1 | l == (nTips - 1))
if (!is.null(attr(x, "cycle"))) {
c.ord <- attr(x, "cycle")
else c.ord <- cophenetic(x) |> getOrderingNN()
attr(x, "cycle") <- c.ord
# check for star tree
if(length(x)==nTips) return(as.phylo(x))
# which splits are in circular ordering
circSplits <- which(countCycles(x, ord = c.ord) == 2)
if (length(circSplits) == length(x)) planar <- TRUE
tmp <- circNetwork(x, c.ord)
attr(tmp, "order") <- NULL
if (planar) {
dm <- as.matrix(compatible(x))
ll <- lengths(x)
ind <- tmp$splitIndex # match(sp, x)
ind2 <- union(ind, which(ll == 0)) # which(duplicated(x))
ind2 <- union(ind2, which(ll == nTips))
ord <- order(colSums(dm))
ord <- setdiff(ord, ind2)
if (length(ord) > 0) {
for (i in seq_along(ord)) {
tmp <- addEdge(tmp, x, ord[i])
tmp$edge.length <- weight[tmp$splitIndex]
tmp$Nnode <- max(tmp$edge) - nTips
class(tmp) <- c("networx", "phylo")
tmp$edge.length <- weight[tmp$splitIndex]
tmp$Nnode <- max(tmp$edge) - nTips
attr(x, "cycle") <- c.ord
tmp$splits <- x
class(tmp) <- c("networx", "phylo")
tmp <- reorder(tmp)
coord <- match.arg(coord)
vert <- switch(coord,
"none" = NULL,
"equal angle" = coords.equal.angle(tmp),
"2D" = coords(tmp, dim = "2D"),
"3D" = coords(tmp, dim = "3D"))
# attr(tmp, "coords") <- coordinates
tmp$plot <- list(vertices = vert)
#' @rdname as.networx
#' @method as.networx phylo
#' @export
as.networx.phylo <- function(x, ...) {
spl <- as.splits(x)
spl <- spl[x$tree[, 2]]
x$splitIndex <- seq_len( nrow(x$edge) )
x$splits <- spl
class(x) <- c("networx", "phylo")
# as.igraph.networx <- function(x, directed=FALSE){
# make_graph(t(x$edge), directed=directed)
# }
#' @export
reorder.networx <- function(x, order = "cladewise", index.only = FALSE, ...) {
order <- match.arg(order, c("cladewise", "postorder"))
if (!is.null(attr(x, "order")))
if (attr(x, "order") == order)
g <- make_graph(t(x$edge))
if (order == "cladewise") neword <- topo_sort(g, "out")
else neword <- topo_sort(g, "in")
neworder <- order(match(x$edge[, 1], neword))
if (index.only) return(neworder)
x$edge <- x$edge[neworder, ]
if (!is.null(x$edge.length))
x$edge.length <- x$edge.length[neworder]
if (!is.null(x$edge.labels))
x$edge.labels <- x$edge.labels[neworder]
if (!is.null(x$splitIndex)) x$splitIndex <- x$splitIndex[neworder]
attr(x, "order") <- order
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.