threshStateC | R Documentation |
Internal phangorn functions.
threshStateC(x, thresholds)
assert_phylo(x, has_edge_length = FALSE, is_rooted = FALSE,
is_ultrametric = FALSE)
assert_multiPhylo(x, is_ultrametric = FALSE, is_rooted = FALSE,
same_labels = FALSE, has_edge_length = FALSE)
assert_phyDat(x, contains_label = !is.null(label), label = NULL)
assert_dist(x, finite = FALSE, missing = FALSE)
assert_treeish(x, null.ok = FALSE)
clean_phylo(x, unroot = FALSE, multi2di = FALSE, = FALSE, reorder = FALSE)
clean_multiPhylo(x, unroot = FALSE, multi2di = FALSE, = FALSE, reorder = FALSE, compress = FALSE)
candidate_tree(x, method = c("unrooted", "ultrametric", "tipdated"),
eps = 1e-08, tip.dates = NULL, ...)
hash(x, ...)
map_duplicates(x, dist = length(x) < 500, ...)
edQt(Q = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), bf = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25))
pml.init(data, k = 1L)
coords(obj, dim = "3D")
pmlPen(object, lambda, ...)
relabel(x, ref)
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