### =========================================================================
### Miscellaneous low-level utils
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Unless stated otherwise, nothing in this file is exported.
### TODO: Move this to S4Vectors (or BiocBaseUtils).
load_package_gracefully <- function(package, ...)
if (!requireNamespace(package, quietly=TRUE))
stop("Could not load package ", package, ". Is it installed?\n\n ",
wmsg("Note that ", ..., " requires the ", package, " package. ",
"Please install it with:"),
"\n\n BiocManager::install(\"", package, "\")")
call_fun_in_txdbmaker <- function(fun, ...)
load_package_gracefully("txdbmaker", "starting with BioC 3.19, ",
"calling ", fun, "()")
msg <- c(fun, "() has moved from GenomicFeatures to the txdbmaker ",
"package, and is formally deprecated in GenomicFeatures ",
">= 1.59.1. Please call txdbmaker::", fun, "() to get rid ",
"of this warning.")
FUN <- base::get(fun, envir=asNamespace("txdbmaker"), inherits=FALSE)
do.call(FUN, list(...))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### DB related.
### Most of this stuff was copy/pasted from AnnotationDbi (trying to avoid
### depending on AnnotationDbi for now).
### Environment for storing run-time objects
RTobjs <- new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv())
assign("debugSQL", FALSE, envir=RTobjs)
debugSQL <- function()
debugSQL <- !get("debugSQL", envir=RTobjs)
assign("debugSQL", debugSQL, envir=RTobjs)
### Use dbQuery(conn, SQL, 1) instead of dbQuery(conn, SQL)[[1]],
### it's much safer!
dbEasyQuery <- function(conn, SQL, j0=NA)
if (get("debugSQL", envir=RTobjs)) {
if (!is.character(SQL) || length(SQL) != 1L || is.na(SQL))
stop("[debugSQL] 'SQL' must be a single string")
cat("[debugSQL] SQL query: ", SQL, "\n", sep="")
st <- system.time(data0 <- dbGetQuery(conn, SQL))
cat("[debugSQL] time: ", st["user.self"], " seconds\n", sep="")
} else {
data0 <- dbGetQuery(conn, SQL)
if (is.na(j0))
## Needed to deal properly with data frame with 0 column ("NULL data
## frames with 0 rows") returned by RSQLite when the result of a SELECT
## query has 0 row
if (nrow(data0) == 0L)
### TODO: Put this in AnnotationDbi.
queryAnnotationDb <- function(annotationdb, sql)
paste(sql, collapse="\n"))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Data frame related.
### TODO: Find a better home for these low-level data.frame utils.
### Not data.frame specific. Would also work on any matrix-like object.
has_col <- function(x, colnames) {colnames %in% colnames(x)}
makeZeroRowDataFrame <- function(col2class)
if (!is.character(col2class) || is.null(names(col2class)))
stop("'col2class' must be a named character vector")
as.data.frame(lapply(col2class, function(class) get(class)()),
### Sets the class of (all or some of) the columns of a data.frame.
### Typical use:
### x <- setDataFrameColClass(x, c(colA="integer", colB="factor"))
### Note that if 'x' has more than one "colA" col, then *all* of them are
### coerced to integer.
setDataFrameColClass <- function(x, col2class, drop.extra.cols=FALSE)
if (!is.data.frame(x))
stop("'x' must be a data.frame")
if (!is.character(col2class) || is.null(names(col2class)))
stop("'col2class' must be a named character vector")
if (!all(names(col2class) %in% colnames(x)))
stop("'col2class' has invalid names")
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(drop.extra.cols))
stop("'drop.extra.cols' must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (drop.extra.cols) {
col_idx <- which(colnames(x) %in% names(col2class))
} else {
col_idx <- seq_len(ncol(x))
tmp <- lapply(col_idx,
col <- x[[j]]
colname <- colnames(x)[j]
if (!(colname %in% names(col2class)))
class <- col2class[[colname]]
FUNname <- paste("as", class, sep=".")
if (exists(FUNname) && is.function(FUN <- get(FUNname)))
as(col, class)
names(tmp) <- colnames(x)[col_idx]
return(data.frame(tmp, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### ID assignment and/or reassignment.
### Returns the vector of ids such that 'unique(x)[ids, ]' is identical
### to 'x' (in the same way that 'levels(f)[f]' is identical to
### 'as.vector(f)' when 'f' is a character factor).
### This unambiguously defines 'ids'. In particular, it's not Locale
### specific, despite the fact that the current implementation uses a
### sorting approach.
### TODO: Remove! (not used anymore)
makeIdsForUniqueDataFrameRows <- function(x)
if (!is.data.frame(x))
stop("'x' must be a data.frame")
x_order <- do.call(order, x)
x_dups <- duplicated(x)
## First we make "provisory" ids. Those ids *are* Locale specific.
prov_ids <- integer(nrow(x))
prov_ids[x_order] <- cumsum(!x_dups[x_order])
## Convert the "provisory" ids into the final ids. The final ids are
## *not* Locale specific anymore.
as.integer(factor(prov_ids, levels=unique(prov_ids)))
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