
Defines functions xCell2Analysis

Documented in xCell2Analysis

#' xCell2Analysis function
#' This function performs cell type enrichment analysis to identify proportions of cell types in a bulk gene expression mixture.
#' @importFrom singscore rankGenes simpleScore
#' @importFrom BiocParallel MulticoreParam bplapply
#' @importFrom pracma lsqlincon
#' @param mix A bulk mixture of gene expression data (genes in rows, samples in columns).
#' @param xcell2object An S4 object of class `xCell2Object`.
#' @param minSharedGenes Minimum fraction of shared genes required between the mix and the reference (default: 0.9).
#' @param rawScores Boolean to indicate whether to return raw enrichment scores (default: FALSE).
#' @param spillover Boolean - use spillover correction on the transformed enrichment scores? (default: TRUE).
#' @param spilloverAlpha A numeric for spillover alpha value (default: 0.5).
#' @param numThreads Number of threads for parallel processing (default: 1).
#' @examples
#' # For detailed example read xCell2 vignette.
#' # Load "ready to use" xCell2 reference object or generate a new one using `xCell2Train`
#' data(DICE_demo.xCell2Ref, package = "xCell2")
#' # Load bulk RNA-Seq gene expression mixture
#' data(mix_demo, package = "xCell2")
#' # Run xCell2 cell type enrichment analysis
#' xcell2_res <- xCell2::xCell2Analysis(mix = mix_demo, xcell2object = DICE_demo.xCell2Ref)
#' @return A data frame containing the cell type enrichment for each sample in the input matrix, as estimated by xCell2.
#' @export
xCell2Analysis <- function(mix,
                           minSharedGenes = 0.9,
                           rawScores = FALSE,
                           spillover = TRUE,
                           spilloverAlpha = 0.5,
                           numThreads = 1) {
  scoreMix <- function(cellType, mixRanked, signaturesCellType) {
    scores <- vapply(signaturesCellType, function(sig) {
      singscore::simpleScore(mixRanked, upSet = sig, centerScore = FALSE)$TotalScore
    }, FUN.VALUE = double(ncol(mixRanked)))
    rownames(scores) <- colnames(mixRanked)
  param <- BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = numThreads)
  # Check reference/mixture genes intersection
  genesIntersectFrac <- round(length(intersect(rownames(mix), getGenesUsed(xcell2object))) /
    length(getGenesUsed(xcell2object)), 2)
  if (genesIntersectFrac < minSharedGenes) {
      "This xCell2 reference shares ",
      genesIntersectFrac, " genes with the mixtures and minSharedGenes = ",
      minSharedGenes, ".",
      "\n", "Consider training a new xCell2 reference or adjusting minSharedGenes."

  if (genesIntersectFrac < 0.85) {
      "This xCell2 reference shares only ",
      genesIntersectFrac, " genes with the mixtures.",
      "\n", "Consider using a reference that share at least 85% of the genes with the mixture for optimal results."
  # Rank mix gene expression matrix
  mixRanked <- singscore::rankGenes(mix[getGenesUsed(xcell2object), ])
  # Score and predict
  sigsCellTypes <- unique(unlist(lapply(
    function(x) {
      strsplit(x, "#")[[1]][1]
  # Get raw enrichment scores
  resRaw <- BiocParallel::bplapply(sigsCellTypes, function(cellType) {
    signaturesCellType <- getSignatures(xcell2object)[startsWith(names(
    ), paste0(cellType, "#"))]
    # Remove signature with missing genes
    sigs2remove <- vapply(signaturesCellType, function(sig){
      sum(sig %in% rownames(mixRanked)) == 0
    }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
    if (all(sigs2remove) | sum(!sigs2remove) < 3) {
        "Cannot calculate enrichment scores for '",
        cellType, "' because all signatgures' genes are missing in your mixture."
      zeros_matrix <- matrix(rep(0, ncol(mixRanked)*3), nrow = ncol(mixRanked), ncol = 3)
      rownames(zeros_matrix) <- colnames(mixRanked)

    if (any(sigs2remove)) {
        "Removing ", sum(sigs2remove), "/", length(signaturesCellType), " signatures of '",
        cellType, "' because all genes in those signatures are missing in your mixture."
    signaturesCellType <- signaturesCellType[!sigs2remove]
    # Calculate enrichment scores with SingScore
    warning_list <- list()
    scores <- withCallingHandlers(
        scoreMix(cellType, mixRanked, signaturesCellType)
      warning = function(w) {
        warning_list <- c(warning_list, conditionMessage(w))  # Capture warnings
        invokeRestart("muffleWarning")  # Prevent the warning from being printed repeatedly
    if (length(warning_list) > 0) {
      warning("There were ",  length(warning_list), "/", length(signaturesCellType),
              " signatures with missing gene(s) for '", cellType,
              "' during enrichment scores calculation.\n",
              "Missing genes are:\n",
              unique(unlist(strsplit(gsub(".*genes missing: ", "", unlist(warning_list)), ","))))
  }, BPPARAM = param)
  names(resRaw) <- sigsCellTypes
  res <- t(vapply(resRaw, function(cellTypeScores) {
  }, FUN.VALUE = double(nrow(resRaw[[1]]))))
  if (rawScores) {
  } else {
    # Linear transformation
    res <- t(vapply(rownames(res), function(cellType) {
      cellTypeRes <- res[cellType, ]
      # Linear transformation
      a <- getParams(xcell2object)[xcell2object@params$celltype == cellType, ]$a
      b <- getParams(xcell2object)[xcell2object@params$celltype == cellType, ]$b
      m <- getParams(xcell2object)[xcell2object@params$celltype == cellType, ]$m
      cellTypeRes <- (cellTypeRes^(1 / b)) / a
      cellTypeRes <- cellTypeRes * m
      # Shift values
      cellTypeRes <- cellTypeRes - min(cellTypeRes)
      cellTypeRes <- round(cellTypeRes, 5)
    }, FUN.VALUE = double(ncol(res))))
  if (spillover) {
    # Spillover correction
    spillMat <- getSpillMat(xcell2object) * spilloverAlpha
    diag(spillMat) <- 1
    rows <- intersect(rownames(res), rownames(spillMat))
    scoresCorrected <- apply(res[rows, ], 2, function(x) {
      pracma::lsqlincon(spillMat[rows, rows],
                        lb = 0
    scoresCorrected[scoresCorrected < 0] <- 0
    rownames(scoresCorrected) <- rows
  } else {
AlmogAngel/xCell2 documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 4:51 a.m.