# All the code in this file needs to be copied to your Shiny app, and you need
# to call `withBusyIndicatorUI()` and `withBusyIndicatorServer()` in your app.
# You can also include the `appCSS` in your UI, as the example app shows.
# =============================================
# Set up a button to have an animated loading indicator and a checkmark
# for better user experience
# Need to use with the corresponding `withBusyIndicator` server function
withBusyIndicatorUI <- function(button) {
id <- button[["attribs"]][["id"]]
`data-for-btn` = id,
class = "btn-loading-container",
img(src = "ajax-loader-bar.gif", class = "btn-loading-indicator"),
icon("check", class = "btn-done-indicator")
div(class = "btn-err",
tags$b("Error: "),
span(class = "btn-err-msg")
# does the same thing as above, but put the animation inside the button label
actionButtonBusy <- function(buttonId, buttonTitle) {
`data-for-btn` = buttonId,
tags$span( class = "btn-loading-container", style = "float:right",
img(src = "ajax-loader-bar.gif", class = "btn-loading-indicator"),
icon("check", class = "btn-done-indicator")
div(class = "btn-err",
tags$b("Error: "),
span(class = "btn-err-msg")
# Call this function from the server with the button id that is clicked and the
# expression to run when the button is clicked
withBusyIndicatorServer <- function(buttonId, expr) {
# UX stuff: show the "busy" message, hide the other messages, disable the button
loadingEl <- sprintf("[data-for-btn=%s] .btn-loading-indicator", buttonId)
doneEl <- sprintf("[data-for-btn=%s] .btn-done-indicator", buttonId)
errEl <- sprintf("[data-for-btn=%s] .btn-err", buttonId)
shinyjs::show(selector = loadingEl)
shinyjs::hide(selector = doneEl)
shinyjs::hide(selector = errEl)
shinyjs::hide(selector = loadingEl)
# Try to run the code when the button is clicked and show an error message if
# an error occurs or a success message if it completes
value <- expr
shinyjs::show(selector = doneEl)
shinyjs::delay(2000, shinyjs::hide(selector = doneEl, anim = TRUE, animType = "fade",
time = 0.5))
}, error = function(err){
errorFunc(err, buttonId)
# When an error happens after a button click, show the error
errorFunc <- function(err, buttonId) {
errEl <- sprintf("[data-for-btn=%s] .btn-err", buttonId)
errElMsg <- sprintf("[data-for-btn=%s] .btn-err-msg", buttonId)
errMessage <- gsub("^ddpcr: (.*)", "\\1", err$message)
shinyjs::html(html = errMessage, selector = errElMsg)
shinyjs::show(selector = errEl, anim = TRUE, animType = "fade")
appCSS <- "
.btn-loading-container {
margin-left: 10px;
font-size: 1.2em;
.btn-done-indicator {
color: green;
.btn-err {
margin-top: 10px;
color: red;
# Accordion - formatting for collapsible section in an accordion
# Use example:
# HTML('<div class="accordion" id="myAccordion">
# <div class="panel">'),
# HTML(accordionSection("1","2","myAccordion")),
# # panel content code,
# HTML('</div>'),
# HTML('</div>
# </div>')
accordionSection <- function(collapseId, panelTitle, accordionId) {
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-block" ',
'data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#', collapseId, '" data-parent="#', accordionId, '">',
<div id="', collapseId, '" class="collapse">',
sep = ""
# show or hide all collapses in a list
allSections <- function(action, collapseList) {
if (action == "hide"){
for (i in collapseList){
shinyjs::hide(i, anim = TRUE)
else if (action == "show"){
for (i in collapseList){
shinyjs::show(i, anim = TRUE)
withConsoleRedirect <- function(expr) {
options(warn = 1)
tmpSinkfileName <- tempfile()
tmpFD <- file(tmpSinkfileName, open = "wt")
sink(tmpFD, type="output", split = TRUE)
sink(tmpFD, type = "message")
result <- expr
sink(type = "message")
console.out <- readChar(tmpSinkfileName,$size)
if (length(console.out) > 0) {
insertUI(paste0("#", "console"), where = "beforeEnd",
ui = tags$p(paste0(console.out, "\n", collapse = ""))
withConsoleMsgRedirect <- function(expr) {
result <- expr
message = function(m) {
shinyjs::html(id = "console", html = m$message, add = TRUE)
# Gene Sets #
formatGeneSetList <- function(setListStr) {
setListArr <- strsplit(setListStr, "\n")[[1]]
setListList <- list()
for (set in setListArr) {
setListList[[set]] <- set
formatGeneSetDBChoices <- function(dbIDs, dbCats) {
splitIds = strsplit(dbIDs, " ")
choices <- list()
for (i in seq_along(splitIds)) {
entry <- splitIds[i][[1]]
choices[[sprintf("%s - %s", entry, dbCats[i])]] <- entry
# QC/Filtering #
combineQCMPlots <- function(input, output, combineP, sampleList, plots, plotIds, statuses) {
if (length(sampleList) == 1) {
# Plot output code from
output[[plotIds$QCMetrics]] <- renderUI({
plot_output_list <- lapply(names(plots), function(subScore) {
subPlotID <- paste0("QCMetrics", subScore)
# Convert the list to a tagList - this is necessary for the list of items
# to display properly., plot_output_list)
for (subScore in names(plots)) {
# Need local so that each item gets its own number. Without it, the value
# of i in the renderPlot() will be the same across all instances, because
# of when the expression is evaluated.
my_subScore <- subScore
subPlotID <- paste0("QCMetrics", subScore)
output[[subPlotID]] <- renderPlot(plots[[my_subScore]])
} else {
output[[plotIds$QCMetrics]] <- renderUI({
plot_output_list <- lapply(names(plots$Violin), function(subScore) {
subPlotID <- paste0("QCMetrics", subScore)
if (is.null(input$subScore)){
# Convert the list to a tagList - this is necessary for the list of items
# to display properly., plot_output_list)
for (subScore in names(plots$Violin)) {
# Need local so that each item gets its own number. Without it, the value
# of i in the renderPlot() will be the same across all instances, because
# of when the expression is evaluated.
my_subScore <- subScore
subPlotID <- paste0("QCMetrics", my_subScore)
output[[subPlotID]] <- renderPlot(plots$Violin[[my_subScore]])
combineQCSubPlots <- function(output, combineP, algo, sampleList, plots, plotIds, statuses) {
if (length(sampleList) == 1) {
# Plot output code from
output[[plotIds[[algo]]]] <- renderUI({
plot_output_list <- lapply(names(plots), function(subScore) {
subPlotID <- paste(c(algo, subScore), collapse="")
# Convert the list to a tagList - this is necessary for the list of items
# to display properly., plot_output_list)
for (subScore in names(plots)) {
# Need local so that each item gets its own number. Without it, the value
# of i in the renderPlot() will be the same across all instances, because
# of when the expression is evaluated.
my_subScore <- subScore
subPlotID <- paste(c(algo, my_subScore), collapse="")
output[[subPlotID]] <- renderPlot(plots[[my_subScore]])
} else {
tabsetID <- paste0(algo, "Tabs") # for the tabsetPanel within a tab
mainPlotID <- paste0(plotIds[[algo]], "Main")
output[[plotIds[[algo]]]] <- renderUI(plotOutput(mainPlotID))
output[[mainPlotID]] <- renderPlot(plots$Violin)
for (i in seq_along(sampleList)) {
s <- sampleList[[i]]
sID <- paste(c(algo, s, "Tab"), collapse = "")
if (is.null(statuses[[algo]][[s]])) {
if (i == 1) {
appendTab(tabsetID, tabPanel(s, uiOutput(sID)), select = TRUE)
} else {
appendTab(tabsetID, tabPanel(s, uiOutput(sID)), select = FALSE)
# Plot output code from
output[[sID]] <- renderUI({
plot_output_list <- lapply(names(plots$Sample[[s]]), function(subScore) {
subPlotID <- paste(c(algo, s, subScore), collapse="")
# Convert the list to a tagList - this is necessary for the list of items
# to display properly., plot_output_list)
for (subScore in names(plots$Sample[[s]])) {
# Need local so that each item gets its own number. Without it, the value
# of i in the renderPlot() will be the same across all instances, because
# of when the expression is evaluated.
my_subScore <- subScore
subPlotID <- paste(c(algo, s, my_subScore), collapse="")
output[[subPlotID]] <- renderPlot(plots$Sample[[s]][[my_subScore]])
arrangeQCPlots <- function(inSCE, input, output, algoList, sampleList, plotIDs, statuses, redDimName) {
uniqueSampleNames <- unique(sampleList)
combineP <- "none"
for (a in algoList) {
if (a == "doubletCells") {
dcPlots <- plotDoubletCellsResults(inSCE, combinePlot = combineP, sample = sampleList,
reducedDimName = redDimName, plotLabels = "none")
combineQCSubPlots(output, combineP, a, uniqueSampleNames, dcPlots, plotIDs, statuses)
} else if (a == "cxds") {
cxPlots <- plotCxdsResults(inSCE, combinePlot = combineP, sample = sampleList,
reducedDimName = redDimName, plotLabels = "none")
combineQCSubPlots(output, combineP, a, uniqueSampleNames, cxPlots, plotIDs, statuses)
} else if (a == "bcds") {
bcPlots <- plotBcdsResults(inSCE, combinePlot = combineP, sample = sampleList,
reducedDimName = redDimName, plotLabels = "none")
combineQCSubPlots(output, combineP, a, uniqueSampleNames, bcPlots, plotIDs, statuses)
} else if (a == "cxds_bcds_hybrid") {
cxbcPlots <- plotScdsHybridResults(inSCE, combinePlot = combineP, sample = sampleList,
reducedDimName = redDimName, plotLabels = "none")
combineQCSubPlots(output, combineP, a, uniqueSampleNames, cxbcPlots, plotIDs, statuses)
} else if (a == "decontX") {
dxPlots <- plotDecontXResults(inSCE, combinePlot = combineP, sample = sampleList,
reducedDimName = redDimName, plotLabels = "none")
combineQCSubPlots(output, combineP, a, uniqueSampleNames, dxPlots, plotIDs, statuses)
} else if (a == "QCMetrics") {
qcmPlots <- plotRunPerCellQCResults(inSCE, sample = sampleList, combinePlot = combineP, plotLabels = "none")
combineQCMPlots(input, output, combineP, uniqueSampleNames, qcmPlots, plotIDs, statuses)
} else if (a == "scrublet") {
sPlots <- plotScrubletResults(inSCE, combinePlot = combineP, sample = sampleList,
reducedDimName = redDimName, plotLabels = "none")
combineQCSubPlots(output, combineP, a, uniqueSampleNames, sPlots, plotIDs, statuses)
} else if (a == "doubletFinder") {
dfPlots <- plotDoubletFinderResults(inSCE, combinePlot = combineP, sample = sampleList,
reducedDimName = redDimName, plotLabels = "none")
combineQCSubPlots(output, combineP, a, uniqueSampleNames, dfPlots, plotIDs, statuses)
findOverlapping <- function(arr1, arr2) {
filter <- vector()
for (x in arr1) {
if (x %in% arr2) {
filter <- c(filter, TRUE)
} else {
filter <- c(filter, FALSE)
addToColFilterParams <- function(name, categorial, criteria, criteriaGT, criteriaLT, id, paramsReactive) {
threshStr <- ""
if (categorial) {
threshArr <- list()
for (c in criteria) {
threshArr <- c(threshArr, sprintf("%s == '%s'", name, c))
threshStr <- paste(threshArr, collapse = " | ")
} else {
if (is.null(criteriaGT)) {
threshStr <- sprintf("%s < %.5f", name, criteriaLT)
} else if (is.null(criteriaLT)) {
threshStr <- sprintf("%s > %.5f", name, criteriaGT)
} else {
threshStr <- sprintf("%s > %.5f & %s < %.5f", name, criteriaGT, name, criteriaLT)
entry <- list(col=name, param=threshStr, id=id)
paramsReactive$params <- c(paramsReactive$params, list(entry))
paramsReactive$id_count <- paramsReactive$id_count + 1
addToRowFilterParams <- function(name, X, Y, id, paramsReactive) {
entry <- reactiveValues(row=name, X=X, Y=Y, id=id)
paramsReactive$params <- c(paramsReactive$params, list(entry))
paramsReactive$id_count <- paramsReactive$id_count + 1
formatFilteringCriteria <- function(paramsReactive) {
criteria = list()
for (entry in paramsReactive) {
criteria <- c(criteria, entry$param)
addRowFiltersToSCE <- function(inSCE, paramsReactive) {
for (entry in paramsReactive$params) {
rowName <- paste0(entry$row, "_filter")
a <- assay(inSCE, entry$row)
vec <- rowSums(a > entry$X) > entry$Y
rowData(inSCE)[[rowName]] <- vec
entry$param <- sprintf("%s == T", rowName)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.