fabia <- function(X,p=13,alpha=0.01,cyc=500,spl=0,spz=0.5,non_negative=0,random=1.0,center=2,norm=1,scale=0.0,lap=1.0,nL=0,lL=0,bL=0){
## X - data matrix
## cyc - maximum number of cycles
## alpha - sparseness
## p - factors
if (missing(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")
if (!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
if (!is.numeric(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")
if (p>min(l,n)) {
stop("Too many biclusters. Stopped.")
rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
rowna <- rownames(X)
colna <- colnames(X)
message("Running FABIA on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
message(" Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
message(" Sparseness factor --------------- alpha: ",alpha)
message(" Number of iterations -------------- cyc: ",cyc)
message(" Loading prior parameter ----------- spl: ",spl)
message(" Factor prior parameter ------------ spz: ",spz)
if (random>0) {
message(" Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = interval")
} else {
message(" Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = SVD")
if (non_negative>0) {
message(" Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = Yes")
} else {
message(" Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = No")
if (center>0) {
if (center<2) {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: 1 = mean")
} else {
if (center<3) {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: 2 = median")
} else {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = mode")
} else {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = no centering")
if (norm>0) {
if (norm > 1) {
message(" Scaling to variance one: --------- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
} else {
message(" Quantile scaling (0.75-0.25): ---- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
}} else {
message(" Scaling -------------------------- norm: ",norm," = No")
if (scale>0) {
message(" Scaling loadings per iteration -- scale: ",scale," = to ", scale)
} else {
message(" Scaling loadings per iteration -- scale: ", scale," = No")
message(" Constraint variational parameter -- lap: ", lap)
if ((nL>0)&&(nL<p)) {
message(" Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL)
if (bL>0) {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
} else {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
} else {
message(" Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL, " = no limit")
if ((lL>0)&&(lL<n)) {
message(" Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL)
if (bL>0) {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
} else {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
} else {
message(" Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL, " = no limit")
eps <- as.double(1e-3)
eps1 <- as.double(1e-10)
init_lapla <- 1.0
init_psi <- 0.2
iin <- 1.0/l
cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
if (center>0) {
if (center<2) {
cent <- apply(X, 1, mean)
} else {
if (center<3) {
cent <- apply(X, 1, median)
} else {
cent <- estimateMode(X)
X <- X - cent
XX <- as.vector(rep(1,n))
if (norm>0) {
if (norm>1)
scaleData <- 1/sqrt(iin*apply(X,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*XX)
scaleData <- 1/sqrt(apply(X,1,function(x) {quantile(x,0.75) - quantile(x,0.25)})+0.001*XX)
X <- scaleData*X
} else {
scaleData <- as.vector(rep(1.0,n))
if (random>0) {
L <- matrix(random*rnorm(n*p),nrow=n,ncol=p)
} else {
svd <- La.svd(X)
L <- svd$u[,1:p]%*%diag(svd$d[1:p])
if (scale>0)
dL <- 1/sqrt( apply(L,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*as.vector(rep(1,n)))
L <- (scale*dL)*L
lapla <- init_lapla*matrix(1,nrow=l,ncol=p)
Psi <- init_psi*XX
cyc <- as.integer(cyc)
nL <- as.integer(nL)
lL <- as.integer(lL)
bL <- as.integer(bL)
alpha <- as.double(alpha)
non_negative <- as.integer(non_negative)
p <- as.integer(p)
spz <- as.double(spz)
scale <- as.double(scale)
lap <- as.double(lap)
res <- .Call("fabic", X,Psi,L,lapla,cyc ,alpha,eps,eps1,spl,spz,scale,lap,nL,lL,bL,non_negative,PACKAGE="fabia")
if (is.null(res))
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list(),n=1,p1=1,p2=1,l=1,center=as.vector(1),scaleData=as.vector(1),X=as.matrix(1),L=noL,Z=nZ,M=as.matrix(1),LZ=as.matrix(1),U=as.matrix(1),avini=as.vector(1),xavini=as.vector(1),ini=as.matrix(1),Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))
# INI call for biclusters
vz <- iin*apply(res$E_SX_n,1,function(x) sum(x^2))
vz <- sqrt(vz+1e-10)
ivz <- 1/vz
if(length(ivz)==1) {
nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
noL <- vz*res$L
res$lapla <- vz^2 * res$lapla
else {
nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
noL <- t(vz*t(res$L))
res$lapla <- sweep(res$lapla, 2, vz^2, "*")
ini <- matrix(0,l,(p+1))
avini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(p+1)))
xavini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(l+1)))
idp <- diag(p)
ppL <- crossprod(noL,(1/res$Psi)*noL)
for (j in 1:l){
mat <- idp + ppL/res$lapla[j,]
ini[j,1:p] <- log(diag(mat))
s <- log(det(mat))
ini[j,p+1] <- s
xavini[j] <-s
for (i in 1:p){
avini[i] <- sum(ini[,i])
ss <- sum(ini[,p+1])
xavini[l+1] <- ss
avini[p+1] <- ss
rownames(noL) <- rowna
colnames(noL) <- colnames(noL, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
clnames <- colnames(noL)
rownames(nZ) <- clnames
colnames(nZ) <- colna
M <- diag(p)
rownames(M) <- clnames
colnames(M) <- clnames
rownames(Lz) <- rowna
colnames(Lz) <- colna
U <- X-Lz
rownames(U) <- rowna
colnames(U) <- colna
if ((avini[p+1]>1e-8)&&(p>1)) {
soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)
avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
noL <- noL[,soo$ix]
nZ <- nZ[soo$ix,]
M <- M[soo$ix,soo$ix]
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("fabia",cyc,alpha,spl,spz,p,NULL,NULL,random,scale,norm,center,lap,nL,lL,bL,non_negative),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=noL,Z=nZ,M=M,LZ=Lz,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=res$Psi,lapla=res$lapla))
fabiap <- function(X,p=13,alpha=0.01,cyc=500,spl=0,spz=0.5,sL=0.6,sZ=0.6,non_negative=0,random=1.0,center=2,norm=1,scale=0.0,lap=1.0,nL=0,lL=0,bL=0){
## X - data matrix
## cyc - maximum number of cycles
## alpha - sparseness
## p - factors
## sL - final sparseness L
## sZ - final sparseness z
if (missing(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")
if (!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
if (!is.numeric(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")
if (p>min(l,n)) {
stop("Too many biclusters. Stopped.")
rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
rowna <- rownames(X)
colna <- colnames(X)
message("Running FABIAP on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
message(" Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
message(" Sparseness factor --------------- alpha: ",alpha)
message(" Number of iterations -------------- cyc: ",cyc)
message(" Loading prior parameter ----------- spl: ",spl)
message(" Factor prior parameter ------------ spz: ",spz)
message(" Loading sparseness projection ------ sL: ",sL)
message(" Factor sparseness projection ------- sZ: ",sZ)
if (random>0) {
message(" Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = interval")
} else {
message(" Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = SVD")
if (non_negative>0) {
message(" Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = Yes")
} else {
message(" Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = No")
if (center>0) {
if (center<2) {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: 1 = mean")
} else {
if (center<3) {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: 2 = median")
} else {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = mode")
} else {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = no centering")
if (norm>0) {
if (norm > 1) {
message(" Scaling to variance one: --------- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
} else {
message(" Quantile scaling (0.75-0.25): ---- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
}} else {
message(" Scaling -------------------------- norm: ",norm," = No")
if (scale>0) {
message(" Scaling loadings per iteration -- scale: ",scale," = to ", scale)
} else {
message(" Scaling loadings per iteration -- scale: ", scale," = No")
message(" Constraint variational parameter -- lap: ", lap)
if ((nL>0)&&(nL<p)) {
message(" Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL)
if (bL>0) {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
} else {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
} else {
message(" Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL, " = no limit")
if ((lL>0)&&(lL<n)) {
message(" Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL)
if (bL>0) {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
} else {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
} else {
message(" Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL, " = no limit")
eps <- as.double(1e-3)
eps1 <- as.double(1e-10)
init_lapla <- 1.0
init_psi <- 0.2
iin <- 1.0/l
cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
if (center>0) {
if (center<2) {
cent <- apply(X, 1, mean)
} else {
if (center<3) {
cent <- apply(X, 1, median)
} else {
cent <- estimateMode(X)
X <- X - cent
XX <- as.vector(rep(1,n))
if (norm>0) {
if (norm>1)
scaleData <- 1/sqrt(iin*apply(X,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*XX)
scaleData <- 1/sqrt(apply(X,1,function(x) {quantile(x,0.75) - quantile(x,0.25)})+0.001*XX)
X <- scaleData*X
} else {
scaleData <- as.vector(rep(1.0,n))
if (random>0) {
L <- matrix(random*rnorm(n*p),nrow=n,ncol=p)
if (non_negative>0)
L <- abs(L)
} else {
svd <- La.svd(X)
L <- svd$u[,1:p]%*%diag(svd$d[1:p])
if (non_negative>0)
L <- abs(L)
if (scale>0)
dL <- 1/sqrt( apply(L,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*as.vector(rep(1,n)))
L <- (scale*dL)*L
lapla <- init_lapla*matrix(1,nrow=l,ncol=p)
Psi <- init_psi*XX
cyc <- as.integer(cyc)
nL <- as.integer(nL)
lL <- as.integer(lL)
bL <- as.integer(bL)
alpha <- as.double(alpha)
non_negative <- as.integer(non_negative)
p <- as.integer(p)
spz <- as.double(spz)
scale <- as.double(scale)
lap <- as.double(lap)
res <- .Call("fabic", X,Psi,L,lapla,cyc,alpha,eps,eps1,spl,spz,scale,lap,nL,lL,bL,non_negative,PACKAGE="fabia")
if (is.null(res))
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list(),n=1,p1=1,p2=1,l=1,center=as.vector(1),scaleData=as.vector(1),X=as.matrix(1),L=noL,Z=nZ,M=as.matrix(1),LZ=as.matrix(1),U=as.matrix(1),avini=as.vector(1),xavini=as.vector(1),ini=as.matrix(1),Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))
rL <- res$L
n <- nrow(rL)
gh1 <- sqrt(1.0*n)-(sqrt(1.0*n)-1.0)*sL
for (i in 1:p)
#le <- sum(res$L[,i]^2)
le <- 1.0
rL[,i] <- projFunc(s=as.vector(res$L[,i]),k1=gh1,k2=le)
rz <- res$E_SX_n
l <- ncol(rz)
gh2 <- sqrt(1.0*l)-(sqrt(1.0*l)-1.0)*sZ
for (i in 1:p)
#le <- sum(res$z[,i]^2)
le <- 1.0
rz[i,] <- projFunc(s=as.vector(res$E_SX_n[i,]),k1=2,k2=le)
# INI call for biclusters
vz <- iin*apply(rz,1,function(x) sum(x^2))
vz <- sqrt(vz+1e-10)
ivz <- 1/vz
if(length(ivz)==1) {
nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
noL <- vz*res$L
res$lapla <- vz^2 * res$lapla
else {
nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
noL <- t(vz*t(res$L))
res$lapla <- sweep(res$lapla, 2, vz^2, "*")
ini <- matrix(0,l,(p+1))
avini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(p+1)))
xavini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(l+1)))
idp <- diag(p)
ppL <- crossprod(noL,(1/res$Psi)*noL)
for (j in 1:l){
mat <- idp + ppL/res$lapla[j,]
ini[j,1:p] <- log(diag(mat))
s <- log(det(mat))
ini[j,p+1] <- s
xavini[j] <-s
for (i in 1:p){
avini[i] <- sum(ini[,i])
ss <- sum(ini[,p+1])
xavini[l+1] <- ss
avini[p+1] <- ss
rownames(noL) <- rowna
colnames(noL) <- colnames(noL, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
clnames <- colnames(noL)
rownames(nZ) <- clnames
colnames(nZ) <- colna
M <- diag(p)
rownames(M) <- clnames
colnames(M) <- clnames
rownames(Lz) <- rowna
colnames(Lz) <- colna
U <- X-Lz
rownames(U) <- rowna
colnames(U) <- colna
if ((avini[p+1]>1e-8)&&(p>1)) {
soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)
avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
noL <- noL[,soo$ix]
nZ <- nZ[soo$ix,]
M <- M[soo$ix,soo$ix]
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("fabiap",cyc,alpha,spl,spz,p,sL,sZ,random,scale,norm,center,lap,nL,lL,bL,non_negative),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=noL,Z=nZ,M=M,LZ=Lz,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=res$Psi,lapla=res$lapla))
fabias <- function(X,p=13,alpha=0.6,cyc=500,spz=0.5,non_negative=0,random=1.0,center=2,norm=1,lap=1.0,nL=0,lL=0,bL=0){
## X - data matrix
## cyc - maximum number of cycles
## alpha - sparseness low value because enforced by projFunc
## p - factors
if (missing(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")
if (!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
if (!is.numeric(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")
if (p>min(l,n)) {
stop("Too many biclusters. Stopped.")
rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
rowna <- rownames(X)
colna <- colnames(X)
message("Running FABIAS on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
message(" Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
message(" Sparseness projection factor ---- alpha: ",alpha)
message(" Number of iterations -------------- cyc: ",cyc)
message(" Factor prior parameter ------------ spz: ",spz)
if (random>0) {
message(" Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = interval")
} else {
message(" Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = SVD")
if (non_negative>0) {
message(" Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = Yes")
} else {
message(" Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = No")
if (center>0) {
if (center<2) {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: 1 = mean")
} else {
if (center<3) {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: 2 = median")
} else {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = mode")
} else {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = no centering")
if (norm>0) {
if (norm > 1) {
message(" Scaling to variance one: --------- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
} else {
message(" Quantile scaling (0.75-0.25): ---- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
}} else {
message(" Scaling -------------------------- norm: ",norm," = No")
message(" Constraint variational parameter -- lap: ", lap)
if ((nL>0)&&(nL<p)) {
message(" Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL)
if (bL>0) {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
} else {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
} else {
message(" Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL, " = no limit")
if ((lL>0)&&(lL<n)) {
message(" Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL)
if (bL>0) {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
} else {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
} else {
message(" Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL, " = no limit")
eps <- as.double(1e-3)
eps1 <- as.double(1e-10)
init_lapla <- 1.0
init_psi <- 0.2
iin <- 1.0/l
cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
if (center>0) {
if (center<2) {
cent <- apply(X, 1, mean)
} else {
if (center<3) {
cent <- apply(X, 1, median)
} else {
cent <- estimateMode(X)
X <- X - cent
XX <- as.vector(rep(1,n))
if (norm>0) {
if (norm>1)
scaleData <- 1/sqrt(iin*apply(X,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*XX)
scaleData <- 1/sqrt(apply(X,1,function(x) {quantile(x,0.75) - quantile(x,0.25)})+0.001*XX)
X <- scaleData*X
} else {
scaleData <- as.vector(rep(1.0,n))
if (random>0) {
L <- matrix(random*rnorm(n*p),nrow=n,ncol=p)
if (non_negative>0)
L <- abs(L)
} else {
svd <- La.svd(X)
L <- svd$u[,1:p]%*%diag(svd$d[1:p])
if (non_negative>0)
L <- abs(L)
lapla <- init_lapla*matrix(1,nrow=l,ncol=p)
Psi <- init_psi*XX
cyc <- as.integer(cyc)
nL <- as.integer(nL)
lL <- as.integer(lL)
bL <- as.integer(bL)
alpha <- as.double(alpha)
non_negative <- as.integer(non_negative)
p <- as.integer(p)
spz <- as.double(spz)
lap <- as.double(lap)
res <- .Call("fabics", X,Psi,L,lapla,cyc ,alpha,eps,spz,lap,nL,lL,bL,non_negative,PACKAGE="fabia")
if (is.null(res))
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list(),n=1,p1=1,p2=1,l=1,center=as.vector(1),scaleData=as.vector(1),X=as.matrix(1),L=noL,Z=nZ,M=as.matrix(1),LZ=as.matrix(1),U=as.matrix(1),avini=as.vector(1),xavini=as.vector(1),ini=as.matrix(1),Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))
# INI call for biclusters
vz <- iin*apply(res$E_SX_n,1,function(x) sum(x^2))
vz <- sqrt(vz+1e-10)
ivz <- 1/vz
if(length(ivz)==1) {
nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
noL <- vz*res$L
res$lapla <- vz^2 * res$lapla
else {
nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
noL <- t(vz*t(res$L))
res$lapla <- sweep(res$lapla, 2, vz^2, "*")
ini <- matrix(0,l,(p+1))
avini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(p+1)))
xavini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(l+1)))
idp <- diag(p)
ppL <- crossprod(noL,(1/res$Psi)*noL)
for (j in 1:l){
mat <- idp + ppL/res$lapla[j,]
ini[j,1:p] <- log(diag(mat))
s <- log(det(mat))
ini[j,p+1] <- s
xavini[j] <-s
for (i in 1:p){
avini[i] <- sum(ini[,i])
ss <- sum(ini[,p+1])
xavini[l+1] <- ss
avini[p+1] <- ss
rownames(noL) <- rowna
colnames(noL) <- colnames(noL, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
clnames <- colnames(noL)
rownames(nZ) <- clnames
colnames(nZ) <- colna
M <- diag(p)
rownames(M) <- clnames
colnames(M) <- clnames
rownames(Lz) <- rowna
colnames(Lz) <- colna
U <- X-Lz
rownames(U) <- rowna
colnames(U) <- colna
if ((avini[p+1]>1e-8)&&(p>1)) {
soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)
avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
noL <- noL[,soo$ix]
nZ <- nZ[soo$ix,]
M <- M[soo$ix,soo$ix]
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("fabias",cyc,alpha,NULL,spz,p,NULL,NULL,random,scale,norm,center,lap,nL,lL,bL,non_negative),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=noL,Z=nZ,M=M,LZ=Lz,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=res$Psi,lapla=res$lapla))
fabi <- function(X,p=13,alpha=0.01,cyc=500,spl=0,spz=0.5,center=2,norm=1,lap=1.0){
if (missing(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")
if (!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
if (!is.numeric(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")
if (p>min(l,n)) {
stop("Too many biclusters. Stopped.")
rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
rowna <- rownames(X)
colna <- colnames(X)
message("Running FABI on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
message(" Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
message(" Sparseness factor --------------- alpha: ",alpha)
message(" Number of iterations -------------- cyc: ",cyc)
message(" Loading prior parameter ----------- spl: ",spl)
message(" Factor prior parameter ------------ spz: ",spz)
if (center>0) {
if (center<2) {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: 1 = mean")
} else {
if (center<3) {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: 2 = median")
} else {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = mode")
} else {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = no centering")
if (norm>0) {
if (norm > 1) {
message(" Scaling to variance one: --------- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
} else {
message(" Quantile scaling (0.75-0.25): ---- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
}} else {
message(" Scaling -------------------------- norm: ",norm," = No")
eps <- as.double(1e-3)
eps1 <- as.double(1e-10)
init_lapla <- 1.0
init_psi <- 0.2
iin <- 1.0/l
cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
if (center>0) {
if (center<2) {
cent <- apply(X, 1, mean)
} else {
if (center<3) {
cent <- apply(X, 1, median)
} else {
cent <- estimateMode(X)
X <- X - cent
XX <- as.vector(rep(1,n))
if (norm>0) {
if (norm>1)
scaleData <- 1/sqrt(iin*apply(X,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*XX)
scaleData <- 1/sqrt(apply(X,1,function(x) {quantile(x,0.75) - quantile(x,0.25)})+0.001*XX)
X <- scaleData*X
} else {
scaleData <- as.vector(rep(1.0,n))
lapla <- init_lapla*matrix(1,nrow=l,ncol=p)
Psi <- init_psi*XX
eps2 <- 1e-1
kvect <- as.vector(rep(1,p))
nvect <- as.vector(rep(1,n))
nk_one <- matrix(1,n,p)
nk_zero <- matrix(0,n,p)
kk_zero <- matrix(0,p,p)
kk_one <- diag(p)
E_SX_n <- matrix(0,p,l)
E_SSXX_n <- list()
L <- (0.5*XX^(.5))*nk_one
for (i in 1:cyc){
sum1<- nk_zero
sum2<- eps2*kk_one
for (j in 1:l){
laj <- lapla[j,]
tmp <- chol2inv(chol(LPsiL+diag(laj)))
x_j <- as.vector(X[,j])
e_sx_n <- as.vector(tcrossprod(tmp,LPsi)%*%x_j)
#e_sx_n[which(e_sx_n<0)] <- 0
e_ssxx_n <- tmp + tcrossprod(e_sx_n,e_sx_n)
sum1 <- sum1 + tcrossprod(x_j,e_sx_n)
sum2 <- sum2 + e_ssxx_n
laj <- (epsv+diag(e_ssxx_n))^(-spz)
laj[which(laj<lap)] <- lap
lapla[j,] <- laj
# L <- (sum1 - alpha*sign(sum1))
# L[which(abs(sum1)<alpha)] <- 0
sll <- chol2inv(chol(sum2))
L <- sum1%*%sll
ddL <- alpha*Psi*sign(L)*abs(nk_one*eps+L)^{-spl}
L <- L - ddL
L[which(abs(L)<abs(ddL))] <- 0
Psi <- XX - diag(tcrossprod(L,sum1)/l)
Psi[Psi < eps] <- eps
if (i %% 20==0) { print(i)}
for (j in 1:l){
tmp <- chol2inv(chol(LPsiL+diag(lapla[j,])))
x_j <- as.vector(X[,j])
e_sx_n <- as.vector(tcrossprod(tmp,LPsi)%*%x_j)
E_SX_n[,j] <- e_sx_n
E_SSXX_n[[j]] <- tmp + tcrossprod(e_sx_n,e_sx_n)
# INI call for biclusters
vz <- iin*apply(E_SX_n,1,function(x) sum(x^2))
vz <- sqrt(vz+1e-10)
ivz <- 1/vz
if(length(ivz)==1) {
nZ <- ivz*E_SX_n
noL <- vz*L
lapla <- vz^2 * lapla
else {
nZ <- ivz*E_SX_n
noL <- t(vz*t(L))
lapla <- sweep(lapla, 2, vz^2, "*")
ini <- matrix(0,l,(p+1))
avini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(p+1)))
xavini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(l+1)))
idp <- diag(p)
ppL <- crossprod(noL,(1/Psi)*noL)
for (j in 1:l){
mat <- idp + ppL/lapla[j,]
ini[j,1:p] <- log(diag(mat))
s <- log(det(mat))
ini[j,p+1] <- s
xavini[j] <-s
for (i in 1:p){
avini[i] <- sum(ini[,i])
ss <- sum(ini[,p+1])
xavini[l+1] <- ss
avini[p+1] <- ss
rownames(noL) <- rowna
colnames(noL) <- colnames(noL, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
clnames <- colnames(noL)
rownames(nZ) <- clnames
colnames(nZ) <- colna
M <- diag(p)
rownames(M) <- clnames
colnames(M) <- clnames
rownames(Lz) <- rowna
colnames(Lz) <- colna
U <- X-Lz
rownames(U) <- rowna
colnames(U) <- colna
if ((avini[p+1]>1e-8)&&(p>1)) {
soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)
avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
noL <- noL[,soo$ix]
nZ <- nZ[soo$ix,]
M <- M[soo$ix,soo$ix]
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("fabi",cyc,alpha,spl,spz,p,NULL,NULL,NULL,scale,norm,center,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=noL,Z=nZ,M=M,LZ=Lz,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=Psi,lapla=lapla))
fabiasp <- function(X,p=13,alpha=0.6,cyc=500,spz=0.5,center=2,norm=1,lap=1.0){
if (missing(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")
if (!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
if (!is.numeric(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")
if (p>min(l,n)) {
stop("Too many biclusters. Stopped.")
rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
rowna <- rownames(X)
colna <- colnames(X)
message("Running FABIASP on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
message(" Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
message(" Sparseness projection factor ---- alpha: ",alpha)
message(" Number of iterations -------------- cyc: ",cyc)
message(" Factor prior parameter ------------ spz: ",spz)
if (center>0) {
if (center<2) {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: 1 = mean")
} else {
if (center<3) {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: 2 = median")
} else {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = mode")
} else {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = no centering")
if (norm>0) {
if (norm > 1) {
message(" Scaling to variance one: --------- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
} else {
message(" Quantile scaling (0.75-0.25): ---- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
}} else {
message(" Scaling -------------------------- norm: ",norm," = No")
eps <- as.double(1e-3)
eps1 <- as.double(1e-10)
init_lapla <- 1.0
init_psi <- 0.2
iin <- 1.0/l
cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
if (center>0) {
if (center<2) {
cent <- apply(X, 1, mean)
} else {
if (center<3) {
cent <- apply(X, 1, median)
} else {
cent <- estimateMode(X)
X <- X - cent
XX <- as.vector(rep(1,n))
if (norm>0) {
if (norm>1)
scaleData <- 1/sqrt(iin*apply(X,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*XX)
scaleData <- 1/sqrt(apply(X,1,function(x) {quantile(x,0.75) - quantile(x,0.25)})+0.001*XX)
X <- scaleData*X
} else {
scaleData <- as.vector(rep(1.0,n))
lapla <- init_lapla*matrix(1,nrow=l,ncol=p)
Psi <- init_psi*XX
eps2 <- 1e-1
L1a <- sqrt(n)-(sqrt(n)-1)*alpha
kvect <- as.vector(rep(1,p))
nvect <- as.vector(rep(1,n))
nk_one <- matrix(1,n,p)
nk_zero <- matrix(0,n,p)
kk_zero <- matrix(0,p,p)
kk_one <- diag(p)
E_SX_n <- matrix(0,p,l)
E_SSXX_n <- list()
L <- (0.5*XX^(.5))*nk_one
L <- L/sqrt(sum(L*L))
for (i in 1:cyc){
sum1<- nk_zero
sum2<- eps2*kk_one
for (j in 1:l){
laj <- lapla[j,]
tmp <- chol2inv(chol(LPsiL+diag(laj)))
x_j <- as.vector(X[,j])
e_sx_n <- as.vector(tcrossprod(tmp,LPsi)%*%x_j)
#e_sx_n[which(e_sx_n<0)] <- 0
e_ssxx_n <- tmp + tcrossprod(e_sx_n,e_sx_n)
sum1 <- sum1 + tcrossprod(x_j,e_sx_n)
sum2 <- sum2 + e_ssxx_n
laj <- (epsv+diag(e_ssxx_n))^(-spz)
laj[which(laj<lap)] <- lap
lapla[j,] <- laj
L <- sum1%*%chol2inv(chol(sum2))
Psi <- epsn+abs(XX - diag(tcrossprod(L,sum1)/n))
for (j in 1:p)
L[,j] <- projFunc(s=as.vector(L[,j]),k1=L1a,k2=1.0)
if (i %% 20==0) { print(i)}
for (j in 1:l){
tmp <- chol2inv(chol(LPsiL+diag(lapla[j,])))
x_j <- as.vector(X[,j])
e_sx_n <- as.vector(tcrossprod(tmp,LPsi)%*%x_j)
E_SX_n[,j] <- e_sx_n
E_SSXX_n[[j]] <- tmp + tcrossprod(e_sx_n,e_sx_n)
# INI call for biclusters
vz <- iin*apply(E_SX_n,1,function(x) sum(x^2))
vz <- sqrt(vz+1e-10)
ivz <- 1/vz
if(length(ivz)==1) {
nZ <- ivz*E_SX_n
noL <- vz*L
lapla <- vz^2 * lapla
else {
nZ <- ivz*E_SX_n
noL <- t(vz*t(L))
lapla <- sweep(lapla, 2, vz^2, "*")
ini <- matrix(0,l,(p+1))
avini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(p+1)))
xavini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(l+1)))
idp <- diag(p)
ppL <- crossprod(noL,(1/Psi)*noL)
for (j in 1:l){
mat <- idp + ppL/lapla[j,]
ini[j,1:p] <- log(diag(mat))
s <- log(det(mat))
ini[j,p+1] <- s
xavini[j] <- s
for (i in 1:p){
avini[i] <- sum(ini[,i])
ss <- sum(ini[,p+1])
xavini[l+1] <- ss
avini[p+1] <- ss
rownames(noL) <- rowna
colnames(noL) <- colnames(noL, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
clnames <- colnames(noL)
rownames(nZ) <- clnames
colnames(nZ) <- colna
M <- diag(p)
rownames(M) <- clnames
colnames(M) <- clnames
rownames(Lz) <- rowna
colnames(Lz) <- colna
U <- X-Lz
rownames(U) <- rowna
colnames(U) <- colna
if ((avini[p+1]>1e-8)&&(p>1)) {
soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)
avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
noL <- noL[,soo$ix]
nZ <- nZ[soo$ix,]
M <- M[soo$ix,soo$ix]
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("fabiasp",cyc,alpha,NULL,spz,p,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,norm,center,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=noL,Z=nZ,M=M,LZ=Lz,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=Psi,lapla=lapla))
fabiaVersion <- function() {
version <- packageDescription("fabia",fields="Version")
message('\nFABIA Package Version ', version, '\n')
message('\nCopyright (c) 2010 by Sepp Hochreiter\n\n')
estimateMode <- function(X,maxiter=50,tol=0.001,alpha=0.1,a1=4.0,G1=FALSE) {
if (missing(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X missing for mode. Stopped.")
if (!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
if (!is.numeric(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X must be numeric for mode. Stopped.")
iin <- 1.0/l
u <- apply(X, 1, median)
xu <- X - u
XX <- sqrt(iin*apply(xu,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*as.vector(rep(1,n)))
dXX <- 1/XX
X <- dXX*X
u <- apply(X, 1, median)
gxu <- 10.0*tol
iter <- 1
alpha <- alpha/l
xu <- X - u
if (G1) {
while (abs(gxu) > tol && iter < maxiter) {
gxu <- apply(xu, 1, function(x) alpha*sum(tanh(a1 * x)))
u <- u + gxu
xu <- X - u
iter <- iter + 1
} else {
while (abs(gxu) > tol && iter < maxiter) {
gxu <- apply(xu, 1, function(x) alpha*sum(x * exp(-a1*(x^2)/2)))
u <- u + gxu
xu <- X - u
iter <- iter + 1
u <- XX*u
xu <- XX*xu
matrixImagePlot <- function(x,xLabels=NULL, yLabels=NULL, zlim=NULL, title=NULL){
if (missing(x)) {
stop("Data matrix x missing. Stopped.")
if (!is.matrix(x)) {
x <- as.matrix(x)
if (!is.numeric(x)) {
stop("Data matrix x must be numeric. Stopped.")
min <- min(x)
max <- max(x)
if( !is.null(zlim) ){
min <- zlim[1]
max <- zlim[2]
if( !is.null(yLabels) ){
yLabels <- c(yLabels)
} else {
yLabels <- rownames(x)
if( !is.null(xLabels) ){
xLabels <- c(xLabels)
} else {
xLabels <- colnames(x)
if( is.null(title) ){
title <- c()
# check for null values
if( is.null(xLabels) ){
xLabels <- c(1:ncol(x))
if( is.null(yLabels) ){
yLabels <- c(1:nrow(x))
#layout(matrix(data=c(1,2), nrow=1, ncol=2), widths=c(4,1), heights=c(1,1))
layout(matrix(data=c(1,2), nrow=1, ncol=2), widths=c(7,1), heights=c(1,1))
# Red and green range from 0 to 1 while Blue ranges from 1 to 0
ColorRamp <- rgb( seq(0,1,length=256), # Red
seq(0,1,length=256), # Green
seq(1,0,length=256)) # Blue
ColorLevels <- seq(min, max, length=length(ColorRamp))
# Reverse Y axis
reverse <- nrow(x) : 1
yLabels <- yLabels[reverse]
x <- x[reverse,]
# Data Map
# par(mar = c(3,5,2.5,2))
par(mar = c(3,5,2.5,1))
image(1:length(xLabels), 1:length(yLabels), t(x), col=ColorRamp, xlab="",
ylab="", axes=FALSE, zlim=c(min,max))
if( !is.null(title) ){
axis(BELOW<-1, at=1:length(xLabels), labels=xLabels, cex.axis=0.7)
axis(LEFT <-2, at=1:length(yLabels), labels=yLabels, las= HORIZONTAL<-1,
# Color Scale
# par(mar = c(3,2.5,2.5,2))
par(mar = c(3,2,2.5,1))
image(1, ColorLevels,
matrix(data=ColorLevels, ncol=length(ColorLevels),nrow=1),
plotBicluster <- function(r,p,opp=FALSE,zlim=NULL,title=NULL,which=c(1, 2)){
print("Plots may not be shown correctly in RStudio")
if (missing(r)) {
stop("r (= the result of extractBic) is missing. Stopped.")
if (missing(p)) {
stop("The bicluster to plot is missing. Stopped.")
if (is(r)[1] == "Factorization") {
stop("First argument is of the class Factorization but must be the result of the function extractBic() (a list). Stopped.")
x <- r$X
if (!is.matrix(x)) {
x <- as.matrix(x)
if (!is.numeric(x)) {
stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")
if (!is.numeric(r$np)) {
stop("Number of biclusters must be numeric. Stopped.")
if (p>r$np) {
stop("Bicluster number is too large. Stopped.")
if ((nrow(x)<2)||(ncol(x)<2)) {
stop("Data matrix X too small or missing. Stopped.")
devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)
if (length(which) > 1 && dev.interactive()) {
devAskNewPage(ask = TRUE)
showf <- c(FALSE, FALSE)
showf[which] <- TRUE
n <- nrow(x)
np <- r$np
l <- ncol(x)
if (!opp) {
if (r$bic[[p]][1]<1) {
stop("No genes in bicluster. Stopped.")
if (r$bic[[p]][2]<1) {
stop("No samples in bicluster. Stopped.")
observations <- unlist(r$bic[p,3])
samples <- unlist(r$bic[p,5])
} else {
if (r$bicopp[[p]][1]<1) {
stop("No genes in bicluster. Stopped.")
if (r$bicopp[[p]][2]<1) {
stop("No samples in bicluster. Stopped.")
observations <- unlist(r$bicopp[p,3])
samples <- unlist(r$bicopp[p,5])
if (length(observations)<1) {
stop("No genes in bicluster. Stopped.")
if (length(samples)<1) {
stop("No samples in bicluster. Stopped.")
min <- min(x)
max <- max(x)
if( !is.null(zlim) ){
min <- zlim[1]
max <- zlim[2]
yLabels <- rownames(x)
xLabels <- colnames(x)
if( is.null(title) ){
title <- c()
# Reverse Y axis
reverse <- n : 1
yLabels <- yLabels[reverse]
x <- x[reverse,]
obs <- match(observations,yLabels)
samp <- match(samples,xLabels)
ybl <- length(obs)
if (ybl == 0) {
obs <- match(observations,as.character(n:1))
ybl <- length(obs)
if (ybl == 0) {
obs <- match(observations,c(n:1))
ybl <- length(obs)
xbl <- length(samp)
if (xbl == 0) {
samp <- match(samples,as.character(1:l))
xbl <- length(samp)
if (xbl == 0) {
samp <- match(samples,c(1:l))
xbl <- length(samp)
pmL <- diag(n)
for (i in 1:ybl){
ii <- n-i+1
pmL[ii,ii] <- 0
pmL[ii,obs[i]] <- 1
pmL[obs[i],obs[i]] <- 0
pmL[obs[i],ii] <- 1
tmp <- yLabels[ii]
yLabels[ii] <- yLabels[obs[i]]
yLabels[obs[i]] <- tmp
pmZ <- diag(l)
for (i in 1:xbl){
pmZ[i,i] <- 0
pmZ[i,samp[i]] <- 1
pmZ[samp[i],samp[i]] <- 0
pmZ[samp[i],i] <- 1
tmp <- xLabels[i]
xLabels[i] <- xLabels[samp[i]]
xLabels[samp[i]] <- tmp
x <- pmL%*%x%*%pmZ
rownames(x) <- yLabels
colnames(x) <- xLabels
if (n>100)
lll <- 12
yl <- c(1,round(n*(1:lll)/lll))
yll <- rep("",n)
yll[yl] <- rownames(x)[yl]
yLabels <- yll
for (i in 1:ybl){
ii <- n-i+1
yLabels[ii] <- rownames(x)[ii]
if (showf[1]){
layout(matrix(data=c(2,1), nrow=1, ncol=2), widths=c(7,1), heights=c(1,1))
# Red and green range from 0 to 1 while Blue ranges from 1 to 0
ColorRamp <- rgb( seq(0,1,length=256), # Red
seq(0,1,length=256), # Green
seq(1,0,length=256)) # Blue
ColorLevels <- seq(min, max, length=length(ColorRamp))
# Color Scale
par(mar = c(3,2,2.5,1))
image(1, ColorLevels,
matrix(data=ColorLevels, ncol=length(ColorLevels),nrow=1),
# Data Map
par(mar = c(3,5,2.5,1))
image(1:length(xLabels), 1:length(yLabels), t(x), col=ColorRamp, xlab="",
ylab="", axes=FALSE, zlim=c(min,max))
if( !is.null(title) ){
axis(BELOW<-1, at=1:length(xLabels), labels=xLabels, cex.axis=0.7)
axis(LEFT <-2, at=1:length(yLabels), labels=yLabels, las= HORIZONTAL<-1,
#rect(xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, density = NULL, angle = 45,
# col = NA, border = NULL, lty = par("lty"), lwd = par("lwd"),
# ...)
rect(xleft=0.6, ybottom= n-ybl, xright=xbl+1, ytop=n+0.3,lwd=3,border="red")
if (showf[2]){
layout(matrix(data=c(2,1), nrow=1, ncol=2), widths=c(7,1), heights=c(1,1))
ColorRamp <- rgb( seq(0,1,length=256), # Red
seq(0,1,length=256), # Green
seq(1,0,length=256)) # Blue
ColorLevels <- seq(min, max, length=length(ColorRamp))
# Color Scale
par(mar = c(3,2,2.5,1))
image(1, ColorLevels,
matrix(data=ColorLevels, ncol=length(ColorLevels),nrow=1),
# Data Map
par(mar = c(3,5,2.5,1))
image(1:xbl, 1:ybl, t(x[(n-ybl+1):n,1:xbl]), col=ColorRamp, xlab="",
ylab="", axes=FALSE, zlim=c(min,max))
if( !is.null(title) ){
axis(BELOW<-1, at=1:xbl, labels=xLabels[1:xbl], cex.axis=0.7)
axis(LEFT <-2, at=1:ybl, labels=yLabels[(n-ybl+1):n], las= HORIZONTAL<-1,
devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)
makeFabiaData <- function(n,l,p,f1,f2,of1,of2,sd_noise,sd_z_noise,mean_z,sd_z,sd_l_noise,mean_l,sd_l){
if(!is.numeric(n)) {
stop("n must be numeric")
if(!is.numeric(l)) {
stop("l must be numeric")
if(!is.numeric(p)) {
stop("p must be numeric")
if(!is.numeric(f1)) {
stop("f1 must be numeric")
za <- floor(runif(p)*(l/f1)+of1)
la <- floor(runif(p)*(n/f2)+of2)
ZC <- list()
LC <- list()
X <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_noise),n,l)
Y <- matrix(0,n,l)
rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
rownames(Y) <- rownames(X)
colnames(Y) <- colnames(X)
for (i in 1:p){
zj <- rnorm(l,mean = 0, sd = sd_z_noise)
z0 <- rep(0,l)
zf <- floor(runif(za[i])*l)
ZC[[i]] <- zf
z1 <- rnorm(za[i],mean = mean_z, sd = sd_z)
zj[zf] <- z1
z0[zf] <- z1
lj <- rnorm(n,mean = 0, sd = sd_l_noise)
l0 <- rep(0,n)
lf <- floor(runif(la[i])*n)
LC[[i]] <- lf
l1 <- rnorm(la[i],mean = mean_l, sd = sd_l)
lsign <- 2*round(runif(la[i]))-1
l1 <- l1*lsign
lj[lf] <- l1
l0[lf] <- l1
X <- X + lj%*%t(zj)
Y <- Y + l0%*%t(z0)
makeFabiaDataBlocks <- function(n,l,p,f1,f2,of1,of2,sd_noise,sd_z_noise,mean_z,sd_z,sd_l_noise,mean_l,sd_l){
if(!is.numeric(n)) {
stop("n must be numeric")
if(!is.numeric(l)) {
stop("l must be numeric")
if(!is.numeric(p)) {
stop("p must be numeric")
if(!is.numeric(f1)) {
stop("f1 must be numeric")
za <- floor(runif(p)*(l/f1)+of1)
la <- floor(runif(p)*(n/f2)+of2)
ZC <- list()
LC <- list()
X <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_noise),n,l)
Y <- matrix(0,n,l)
rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
rownames(Y) <- rownames(X)
colnames(Y) <- colnames(X)
for (i in 1:p){
zj <- rnorm(l,mean = 0, sd = sd_z_noise)
z0 <- as.vector(rep(0,l))
tf <- floor(runif(1)*(l-za[i]))
zf <- tf:(tf+za[i]-1)
ZC[[i]] <- zf
z1 <- rnorm(za[i],mean = mean_z, sd = sd_z)
zj[zf] <- z1
z0[zf] <- z1
lj <- rnorm(n,mean = 0, sd = sd_l_noise)
l0 <- as.vector(rep(0,n))
uf <- floor(runif(1)*(n-la[i]))
lf <- uf:(uf+la[i]-1)
LC[[i]] <- lf
l1 <- rnorm(la[i],mean = mean_l, sd = sd_l)
lsign <- 2*round(runif(la[i]))-1
l1 <- l1*lsign
lj[lf] <- l1
l0[lf] <- l1
X <- X + lj%*%t(zj)
Y <- Y + l0%*%t(z0)
makeFabiaDataPos <- function(n,l,p,f1,f2,of1,of2,sd_noise,sd_z_noise,mean_z,sd_z,sd_l_noise,mean_l,sd_l){
if(!is.numeric(n)) {
stop("n must be numeric")
if(!is.numeric(l)) {
stop("l must be numeric")
if(!is.numeric(p)) {
stop("p must be numeric")
if(!is.numeric(f1)) {
stop("f1 must be numeric")
za <- floor(runif(p)*(l/f1)+of1)
la <- floor(runif(p)*(n/f2)+of2)
ZC <- list()
LC <- list()
X <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_noise),n,l)
Y <- matrix(0,n,l)
rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
rownames(Y) <- rownames(X)
colnames(Y) <- colnames(X)
for (i in 1:p){
zj <- rnorm(l,mean = 0, sd = sd_z_noise)
z0 <- rep(0,l)
zf <- floor(runif(za[i])*l)
ZC[[i]] <- zf
z1 <- rnorm(za[i],mean = mean_z, sd = sd_z)
zj[zf] <- z1
z0[zf] <- z1
lj <- rnorm(n,mean = 0, sd = sd_l_noise)
l0 <- rep(0,n)
lf <- floor(runif(la[i])*n)
LC[[i]] <- lf
l1 <- rnorm(la[i],mean = mean_l, sd = sd_l)
lj[lf] <- l1
l0[lf] <- l1
X <- X + lj%*%t(zj)
Y <- Y + l0%*%t(z0)
makeFabiaDataBlocksPos<- function(n,l,p,f1,f2,of1,of2,sd_noise,sd_z_noise,mean_z,sd_z,sd_l_noise,mean_l,sd_l){
if(!is.numeric(n)) {
stop("n must be numeric")
if(!is.numeric(l)) {
stop("l must be numeric")
if(!is.numeric(p)) {
stop("p must be numeric")
if(!is.numeric(f1)) {
stop("f1 must be numeric")
za <- floor(runif(p)*(l/f1)+of1)
la <- floor(runif(p)*(n/f2)+of2)
ZC <- list()
LC <- list()
X <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_noise),n,l)
Y <- matrix(0,n,l)
rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
rownames(Y) <- rownames(X)
colnames(Y) <- colnames(X)
for (i in 1:p){
zj <- rnorm(l,mean = 0, sd = sd_z_noise)
z0 <- as.vector(rep(0,l))
tf <- floor(runif(1)*(l-za[i]))
zf <- tf:(tf+za[i]-1)
ZC[[i]] <- zf
z1 <- rnorm(za[i],mean = mean_z, sd = sd_z)
zj[zf] <- z1
z0[zf] <- z1
lj <- rnorm(n,mean = 0, sd = sd_l_noise)
l0 <- as.vector(rep(0,n))
uf <- floor(runif(1)*(n-la[i]))
lf <- uf:(uf+la[i]-1)
LC[[i]] <- lf
l1 <- rnorm(la[i],mean = mean_l, sd = sd_l)
lj[lf] <- l1
l0[lf] <- l1
X <- X + lj%*%t(zj)
Y <- Y + l0%*%t(z0)
# mfsc - matrix factorization with sparseness constraints
# Written by Sepp Hochreiter according to
# Patrik O. Hoyer
# 'Non-negative matrix factorization with sparseness constraints'
# Journal of Machine Learning Research 5:1457-1469, 2004.
# res <- mfsc(X,p=5,cyc=100,sL=0.6,sZ=0.6,center=2,norm=1)
# res$L
# res$Z
# X - data matrix
# p - number of components (inner dimension of factorization)
# sL - sparseness of L, in [0,1]
# sZ - sparseness of Z, in [0,1]
# cyc - maximal number of iterations
# Note: Sparseness is measured on the scale [0,1] where 0 means
# completely distributed and 1 means ultimate sparseness.
mfsc <- function(X,p=5,cyc=100,sL=0.6,sZ=0.6,center=2,norm=1) {
if (missing(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")
if (!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
if (!is.numeric(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")
if (p>min(l,n)) {
stop("Too many biclusters. Stopped.")
rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
rowna <- rownames(X)
colna <- colnames(X)
message("Running MFSC on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
message(" Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
message(" Number of maximal iterations ------ cyc: ",cyc)
message(" Loading sparseness projection ------ sL: ",sL)
message(" Factor sparseness projection ------- sZ: ",sZ)
if (center>0) {
if (center<2) {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: 1 = mean")
} else {
if (center<3) {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: 2 = median")
} else {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = mode")
} else {
message(" Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = no centering")
if (norm>0) {
if (norm > 1) {
message(" Scaling to variance one: --------- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
} else {
message(" Quantile scaling (0.75-0.25): ---- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
}} else {
message(" Scaling -------------------------- norm: ",norm," = No")
iin <- 1.0/l
ini <- matrix(1,l,(p+1))
avini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(p+1)))
xavini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(l+1)))
cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
if (center>0) {
if (center<2) {
cent <- apply(X, 1, mean)
} else {
if (center<3) {
cent <- apply(X, 1, median)
} else {
cent <- estimateMode(X)
X <- X - cent
XX <- as.vector(rep(1,n))
if (norm>0) {
if (norm>1)
scaleData <- 1/sqrt(iin*apply(X,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*XX)
scaleData <- 1/sqrt(apply(X,1,function(x) {quantile(x,0.75) - quantile(x,0.25)})+0.001*XX)
X <- scaleData*X
} else {
scaleData <- as.vector(rep(1.0,n))
# Create initial matrices
L <- matrix (rnorm(n*p),nrow=n,ncol=p)
Z <- matrix (rnorm(l*p),nrow=p,ncol=l)
# Make initial matrices have correct sparseness
L1a <- sqrt(n)-(sqrt(n)-1)*sL
L1s <- sqrt(l)-(sqrt(l)-1)*sZ
for (i in 1:p)
L[,i] <- projFunc(s=as.vector(L[,i]),k1=L1a,k2=1.0)
Z[i,] <- projFunc(s=as.vector(Z[i,]),k1=L1s,k2=1.0)
# Calculate initial objective
objhistory <- sum((X-L%*%Z)^2)
# Initial stepsizes
stepsizeL <- 1.0
stepsizeZ <- 1.0
# Start iteration
for (i in 1:cyc)
# Save old values
Lold <- L
Zold <- Z
# ----- Update Z ---------------------------------------
# Gradient for Z
dZ <- t(L)%*%(L%*%Z-X)
begobj <- objhistory
newobj <- 2.0*begobj
# Make sure we decrease the objective!
while (newobj>begobj) {
# Take step in direction of negative gradient, and project
Znew <- Z - stepsizeZ*dZ
# Make initial matrices have correct sparseness
for (j in 1:p)
Znew[j,] <- projFunc(s=as.vector(Znew[j,]),k1=L1s,k2=1.0)
# Calculate new objective
newobj <- sum((X-L%*%Znew)^2)
# If the objective decreased, we can continue...
stepsizeZ <- stepsizeZ/2.0
if (stepsizeZ<1e-10) {
rownames(L) <- rowna
colnames(L) <- colnames(L, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
clnames <- colnames(L)
rownames(Z) <- clnames
colnames(Z) <- colna
M <- diag(p)
rownames(M) <- clnames
colnames(M) <- clnames
LZ <- L%*%Z
rownames(LZ) <- rowna
colnames(LZ) <- colna
U <- X-LZ
rownames(U) <- rowna
colnames(U) <- colna
for (i in 1:p){
avini[i] <- sum(L[,i]^2)*sum(Z[i,]^2)
for (i in 1:l){
xavini[i] <- sum(L[i,]^2)
avini[p+1] <- sum(avini[1:p])
xavini[l+1] <- sum(xavini[1:l])
if (avini[p+1]>1e-8) {
soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)
avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
L <- L[,soo$ix]
Z <- Z[soo$ix,]
M <- M[soo$ix,soo$ix]
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("mfsc",cyc,NULL,NULL,NULL,p,sL,sZ,NULL,NULL,norm,center,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=L,Z=Z,M=M,LZ=LZ,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))
# Slightly increase the stepsize
stepsizeZ <- stepsizeZ*1.2
Z <- Znew
# ----- Update L ---------------------------------------
# Gradient for L
dL <- (L%*%Z-X)%*%t(Z)
begobj <- sum((X-L%*%Z)^2)
newobj <- 2*begobj
# Make sure we decrease the objective!
while (newobj>begobj) {
# Take step in direction of negative gradient, and project
Lnew <- L - stepsizeL*dL
norms <- sqrt(sum(Lnew^2))
for (j in 1:p)
Lnew[,j] <- projFunc(s=as.vector(Lnew[,j]),k1=L1a,k2=1.0)
# Calculate new objective
newobj <- sum((X-Lnew%*%Z)^2)
stepsizeL <- stepsizeL/2
if (stepsizeZ<1e-10) {
rownames(L) <- rowna
colnames(L) <- colnames(L, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
clnames <- colnames(L)
rownames(Z) <- clnames
colnames(Z) <- colna
M <- diag(p)
rownames(M) <- clnames
colnames(M) <- clnames
LZ <- L%*%Z
rownames(LZ) <- rowna
colnames(LZ) <- colna
U <- X-LZ
rownames(U) <- rowna
colnames(U) <- colna
for (i in 1:p){
avini[i] <- sum(L[,i]^2)*sum(Z[i,]^2)
for (i in 1:l){
xavini[i] <- sum(L[i,]^2)
avini[p+1] <- sum(avini[1:p])
xavini[l+1] <- sum(xavini[1:l])
if (avini[p+1]>1e-8) {
soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)
avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
L <- L[,soo$ix]
Z <- Z[soo$ix,]
M <- M[soo$ix,soo$ix]
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("mfsc",cyc,NULL,NULL,NULL,p,sL,sZ,NULL,NULL,norm,center,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=L,Z=Z,M=M,LZ=LZ,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))
# Slightly increase the stepsize
stepsizeL <- stepsizeL*1.2
L <- Lnew
# Calculate objective
newobj <- 0.5*sum(sum((X-L%*%Z)^2))
objhistory <- newobj
# Solves the following problem:
# Given a vector s, find the vector v having sum(abs(v))=k1
# and sum(v^2)=k2 which is closest to s in the euclidian sense.
projFunc <- function(s, k1, k2) {
N <- length(s)
isneg <- as.vector(rep(0,N))
isneg[which(s<0)] <- 1
ones <- as.vector(rep(1,N))
s <- abs(s)
# Start by projecting the point to the sum constraint hyperplane
v <- s + (k1-sum(s))/N
# Initialize zerocoeff (initially, no elements are assumed zero)
# zerocoeff <- which(v<=0)
# v[zerocoeff] <- 0
zerocoeff <- vector(mode = "integer", length = 0)
j <- 0
ende <- 0
while (ende<1) {
# This does the proposed projection operator
midpoint <- ones*k1/(N-length(zerocoeff))
midpoint[zerocoeff] <- 0
w <- v-midpoint
a <- sum(w^2)
b <- 2*crossprod(w,v)
c <- sum(v^2)-k2
t <- b^2-4*a*c
if (t<0) {t <- 0}
if (a<1e-10) {a <- 1e-10}
alphap <- (-b+sqrt(t))/(2*a)
v <- alphap*w + v
if ((length(which(v<0))==0)&&(j>1)) {
ende <- 2
else {
j <- j+1
# Set negs to zero, subtract appropriate amount from rest
zerocoeff <- which(v<=0)
v[zerocoeff] <- 0
tempsum <- sum(v)
tta <- N - length(zerocoeff)
if (tta>0) {
v <- v + (k1-tempsum)/tta
v[zerocoeff] <- 0
v <- (-2*isneg + ones)*v
extractPlot <- function(fact,thresZ=0.5,ti="FABIA",thresL=NULL,Y=NULL,which=c(1,2,3,4,5,6)){
if (missing(fact)) {
stop("Object fact of class Factorization is missing. Stopped.")
if (is(fact) != "Factorization") {
stop("Object fact is not of the class Factorization. Stopped.")
devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)
if (length(which) > 1 && dev.interactive()) {
devAskNewPage(ask = TRUE)
if ((length(which) == 2) && (is.null(Y)) && (which[1]==1)) {
devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)
showf[which] <- TRUE
X <- as.matrix(X(fact))
misX <- FALSE
if (!is.matrix(X)||(nrow(X)<2)||(ncol(X)<2)) {
showf[2] <- FALSE
showf[4] <- FALSE
misX <- TRUE
noL <- as.matrix(L(fact))
nZ <- as.matrix(Z(fact))
p <- ncol(noL)
lll <- 12
yl <- c(1,round(n*(1:lll)/lll))
yll <- rep("",n)
if (misX) {
yll[yl] <- as.character(yl)
} else {
yll[yl] <- rownames(X)[yl]
LZ <- noL%*%nZ
tt <- paste("(",as.character(n)," genes, ",as.character(l)," samples, ",as.character(p)," biclusters )")
if (!is.null(Y) && showf[1]){
matrixImagePlot(Y,title=paste(ti,": noise free data\n",tt,sep=""),yLabels= yll)
if (showf[2]){
matrixImagePlot(X,title=paste(ti,": data\n",tt,sep=""),yLabels= yll)
if (showf[3]){
matrixImagePlot(LZ,title=paste(ti,": reconstructed data\n",tt,sep=""),yLabels= yll)
if (showf[4]){
matrixImagePlot(LZ-X,title=paste(ti,": error\n",tt,sep=""),yLabels= yll)
if (showf[5]){
matrixImagePlot(abs(noL),title=paste(ti,": absolute loadings\n",tt,sep=""),yLabels= yll)
if (showf[6]){
matrixImagePlot(abs(nZ),title=paste(ti,": absolute factors\n",tt,sep=""))
devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)
extractBic <- function(fact,thresZ=0.5,thresL=NULL)
if (missing(fact)) {
stop("Object fact of class Factorization is missing. Stopped.")
if (is(fact) != "Factorization") {
stop("Object fact is not of the class Factorization. Stopped.")
noL <- as.matrix(L(fact))
nZ <- as.matrix(Z(fact))
X <- as.matrix(X(fact))
n <- nrow(noL)
p <- ncol(noL)
l <- ncol(nZ)
binn <- list()
binp <- list()
bixv <- list()
bixn <- list()
numng <- list()
numnp <- list()
biyp <- list()
biypv <- list()
biypn <- list()
numnn <- list()
biyn <- list()
biynv <- list()
biynn <- list()
if (is.null(rownames(X))||(length(rownames(X))<2))
gene_names <- as.character(1:n)
} else {
gene_names <- rownames(X)
rownames(noL) <- gene_names
if (is.null(colnames(X))||(length(colnames(X))<2))
sample_names <- as.character(1:l)
} else {
sample_names <- colnames(X)
colnames(nZ) <- sample_names
# if (is.null(thresL)) {
# mom <- 0
# for (i in 1:p) {
# tmom <- as.numeric(tcrossprod(noL[,i],nZ[i,]))
# mom <- mom + sum(tmom^2)
# }
# mom <- mom/(length(tmom)*p)
# thresL <- sqrt(mom)/thresZ
# }
if (is.null(thresL)) {
mom <- 0
for (i in 1:p) {
mom <- mom + sum(noL[,i]^2)*sum(nZ[i,]^2)
# mom <- mom/(n*l*p)
mom <- mom/(as.double(n)*as.double(l)*as.double(p))
thresL <- sqrt(mom)/thresZ
for (i in 1:p){
snl <- sort(abs(noL[,i]),decreasing = TRUE,index.return = TRUE)
gene_namest <- gene_names[snl$ix]
sL <- noL[snl$ix,i]
numng[[i]] <- as.vector(which(abs(noL[,i])>thresL))
cho <- which(abs(sL)>thresL)
bixv[[i]] <- sL[cho]
bixn[[i]] <- gene_namest[cho]
snz <- sort(abs(nZ[i,]),decreasing = TRUE,index.return = TRUE)
sample_namest <- sample_names[snz$ix]
sz <- nZ[i,snz$ix]
chop <- which(sz>thresZ)
ss2 <- sum(abs(sz[chop]))
chon <- which(sz< -thresZ)
ss3 <- sum(abs(sz[chon]))
if (ss2>=ss3) {
binp[[i]] <- c(length(cho),length(chop))
numnp[[i]] <- as.vector(which(nZ[i,]>thresZ))
biypv[[i]] <- sz[chop]
biypn[[i]] <- sample_namest[chop]
binn[[i]] <- c(length(cho),length(chon))
numnn[[i]] <- as.vector(which(nZ[i,]< -thresZ))
biynv[[i]] <- sz[chon]
biynn[[i]] <- sample_namest[chon]
} else {
binn[[i]] <- c(length(cho),length(chop))
numnn[[i]] <- as.vector(which(nZ[i,]>thresZ))
biynv[[i]] <- sz[chop]
biynn[[i]] <- sample_namest[chop]
binp[[i]] <- c(length(cho),length(chon))
numnp[[i]] <- as.vector(which(nZ[i,]< -thresZ))
biypv[[i]] <- sz[chon]
biypn[[i]] <- sample_namest[chon]
bic <- cbind(binp,bixv,bixn,biypv,biypn)
numn <- cbind(numng,numnp)
bicopp <- cbind(binn,bixv,bixn,biynv,biynn)
numnopp <- cbind(numng,numnn)
nmfdiv <- function(X,p=5,cyc=100) {
if (missing(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")
if (!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
if (!is.numeric(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")
# Check that we have non-negative data
if (min(X)<0) {
stop("Negative values in matrix X. Stopped.")
# Dimensions
n <- nrow(X)
l <- ncol(X)
rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
rowna <- rownames(X)
colna <- colnames(X)
message("Running NMFDIV on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
message(" Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
message(" Number of maximal iterations ------ cyc: ",cyc)
# Globally rescale data to avoid potential overflow/underflow
X <- X/max(X)
cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
scaleData <- as.vector(rep(max(X),n))
# Create initial matrices
L <- matrix (abs(rnorm(n*p)),nrow=n,ncol=p)
Z <- matrix (abs(rnorm(l*p)),nrow=p,ncol=l)
#Z <- Z/(sqrt(rowsum(Z*Z,1:n))*as.vector(rep(1,l)))
# Calculate initial objective
objhistory <- 0.5*sum(sum((X-L%*%Z)^2))
ini <- matrix(1,l,(p+1))
avini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(p+1)))
xavini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(l+1)))
# Start iteration
for (i in 1:cyc)
# Show progress
# Save old values
Lold <- L
Zold <- Z
# Compute new L and Z (Lee and Seung; NIPS*2000)
#L <- L*((X/(L%*%Z + 1e-9))%*%t(Z))/rowSums(Z)
#Z <- Z*(t(L)%*%(X/(L%*%Z + 1e-9)))/colSums(L)
L <- L*((X/(L%*%Z + 1e-9))%*%t(Z))/tcrossprod(rep(1,n),rowSums(Z))
Z <- Z*(t(L)%*%(X/(L%*%Z + 1e-9)))/tcrossprod(colSums(L),rep(1,l))
# Renormalize so rows of Z have constant energy
norms <- sqrt(rowSums(Z^2))
# Z <- Z/tcrossprod(norms,rep(1,l))
# L <- L*tcrossprod(rep(1,n),norms)
Z <- Z/norms
L <- L*norms
# Calculate objective
newobj <- sum(X*log((X+1e-10)/(L%*%Z)) - X + L%*%Z)
objhistory <- newobj
rownames(L) <- rowna
colnames(L) <- colnames(L, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
clnames <- colnames(L)
rownames(Z) <- clnames
colnames(Z) <- colna
M <- diag(p)
rownames(M) <- clnames
colnames(M) <- clnames
LZ <- L%*%Z
rownames(LZ) <- rowna
colnames(LZ) <- colna
U <- X-LZ
rownames(U) <- rowna
colnames(U) <- colna
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("nmfdiv",cyc,NULL,NULL,NULL,p,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=L,Z=Z,M=M,LZ=LZ,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))
nmfeu <- function(X,p=5,cyc=100) {
if (missing(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")
if (!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
if (!is.numeric(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")
# Check that we have non-negative data
if (min(X)<0) {
stop("Negative values in matrix X. Stopped.")
# Dimensions
n <- nrow(X)
l <- ncol(X)
rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
rowna <- rownames(X)
colna <- colnames(X)
message("Running NMFEU on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
message(" Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
message(" Number of maximal iterations ------ cyc: ",cyc)
# Globally rescale data to avoid potential overflow/underflow
X <- X/max(X)
cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
scaleData <- as.vector(rep(max(X),n))
ini <- matrix(1,l,(p+1))
avini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(p+1)))
xavini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(l+1)))
# Create initial matrices
L <- matrix (abs(rnorm(n*p)),nrow=n,ncol=p)
Z <- matrix (abs(rnorm(l*p)),nrow=p,ncol=l)
#Z <- Z/(sqrt(rowsum(Z*Z,1:n))*as.vector(rep(1,l)))
# Calculate initial objective
objhistory <- 0.5*sum(sum((X-L%*%Z)^2))
# Start iteration
for (i in 1:cyc)
# Show progress
# Save old values
Lold <- L
Zold <- Z
# Compute new L and Z (Lee and Seung; NIPS*2000)
Z <- Z*(t(L)%*%X)/(t(L)%*%L%*%Z + 1e-9)
L <- L*(X%*%t(Z))/(L%*%Z%*%t(Z) + 1e-9)
# Renormalize so rows of Z have constant energy
norms <- sqrt(rowSums(Z^2))
# Z <- Z/tcrossprod(norms,rep(1,l))
# L <- L*tcrossprod(rep(1,n),norms)
Z <- Z/norms
L <- L*norms
# Calculate objective
newobj <- sum(X*log((X+1e-10)/(L%*%Z)) - X + L%*%Z)
objhistory <- newobj
rownames(L) <- rowna
colnames(L) <- colnames(L, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
clnames <- colnames(L)
rownames(Z) <- clnames
colnames(Z) <- colna
M <- diag(p)
rownames(M) <- clnames
colnames(M) <- clnames
LZ <- L%*%Z
rownames(LZ) <- rowna
colnames(LZ) <- colna
U <- X-LZ
rownames(U) <- rowna
colnames(U) <- colna
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("nmfeu",cyc,NULL,NULL,NULL,p,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=L,Z=Z,M=M,LZ=LZ,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))
projFuncPos <- function(s, k1, k2) {
N <- length(s)
ones <- as.vector(rep(1,N))
# Start by projecting the point to the sum constraint hyperplane
v <- s + (k1-sum(s))/N
# Initialize zerocoeff (initially, no elements are assumed zero)
# zerocoeff <- which(v<=0)
# v[zerocoeff] <- 0
zerocoeff <- vector(mode = "integer", length = 0)
j <- 0
ende <- 0
while (ende<1) {
# This does the proposed projection operator
midpoint <- ones*k1/(N-length(zerocoeff))
midpoint[zerocoeff] <- 0
w <- v-midpoint
a <- sum(w^2)
b <- 2*crossprod(w,v)
c <- sum(v^2)-k2
t <- b^2-4*a*c
if (t<0) {t <- 0}
if (a<1e-10) {a <- 1e-10}
alphap <- (-b+sqrt(t))/(2*a)
v <- alphap*w + v
if ((length(which(v<0))==0)&&(j>1)) {
ende <- 2
else {
j <- j+1
# Set negs to zero, subtract appropriate amount from rest
zerocoeff <- which(v<=0)
v[zerocoeff] <- 0
tempsum <- sum(v)
tta <- N - length(zerocoeff)
if (tta>0) {
v <- v + (k1-tempsum)/tta
v[zerocoeff] <- 0
# nmfsc - nonnegative matrix factorization with sparseness constraints
# Written by Sepp Hochreiter according to
# Patrik O. Hoyer
# 'Non-negative matrix factorization with sparseness constraints'
# Journal of Machine Learning Research 5:1457-1469, 2004.
# res <- nmfsc( X, p, sL, sZ,cyc=100)
# res$L
# res$Z
# X - data matrix
# p - number of components (inner dimension of factorization)
# sL - sparseness of L, in [0,1]
# sZ - sparseness of Z, in [0,1]
# cyc - maximal number of iterations
# Note: Sparseness is measured on the scale [0,1] where 0 means
# completely distributed and 1 means ultimate sparseness.
nmfsc <- function(X,p=5,cyc=100,sL=0.6,sZ=0.6) {
if (missing(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")
if (!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
if (!is.numeric(X)) {
stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")
# Check that we have non-negative data
if (min(X)<0) {
stop("Negative values in matrix X. Stopped.")
# Data dimensions
n <- nrow(X)
l <- ncol(X)
rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
rowna <- rownames(X)
colna <- colnames(X)
message("Running NMFSC on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
message(" Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
message(" Number of maximal iterations ------ cyc: ",cyc)
message(" Loading sparseness projection ------ sL: ",sL)
message(" Factor sparseness projection ------- sZ: ",sZ)
cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
scaleData <- as.vector(rep(1.0,n))
# Create initial matrices
L <- matrix (rnorm(n*p),nrow=n,ncol=p)
Z <- matrix (rnorm(l*p),nrow=p,ncol=l)
ini <- matrix(1,l,(p+1))
avini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(p+1)))
xavini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(l+1)))
# Make initial matrices have correct sparseness
L1a <- sqrt(n)-(sqrt(n)-1)*sL
L1s <- sqrt(l)-(sqrt(l)-1)*sZ
for (i in 1:p)
L[,i] <- projFuncPos(s=as.vector(L[,i]),k1=L1a,k2=1.0)
Z[i,] <- projFuncPos(s=as.vector(Z[i,]),k1=L1s,k2=1.0)
# Calculate initial objective
objhistory <- sum((X-L%*%Z)^2)
# Initial stepsizes
stepsizeL <- 1.0
stepsizeZ <- 1.0
# Start iteration
for (i in 1:cyc)
# Save old values
Lold <- L
Zold <- Z
# ----- Update Z ---------------------------------------
# Gradient for Z
dZ <- t(L)%*%(L%*%Z-X)
begobj <- objhistory
newobj <- 2.0*begobj
# Make sure we decrease the objective!
while (newobj>begobj) {
# Take step in direction of negative gradient, and project
Znew <- Z - stepsizeZ*dZ
# Make initial matrices have correct sparseness
for (j in 1:p)
Znew[j,] <- projFuncPos(s=as.vector(Znew[j,]),k1=L1s,k2=1.0)
# Calculate new objective
newobj <- sum((X-L%*%Znew)^2)
# If the objective decreased, we can continue...
stepsizeZ <- stepsizeZ/2.0
if (stepsizeZ<1e-10) {
rownames(L) <- rowna
colnames(L) <- colnames(L, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
clnames <- colnames(L)
rownames(Z) <- clnames
colnames(Z) <- colna
M <- diag(p)
rownames(M) <- clnames
colnames(M) <- clnames
LZ <- L%*%Z
rownames(LZ) <- rowna
colnames(LZ) <- colna
U <- X-LZ
rownames(U) <- rowna
colnames(U) <- colna
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("nmfsc",cyc,NULL,NULL,NULL,p,sL,sZ,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=L,Z=Z,M=M,LZ=LZ,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))
# Slightly increase the stepsize
stepsizeZ <- stepsizeZ*1.2
Z <- Znew
# ----- Update L ---------------------------------------
# Gradient for L
dL <- (L%*%Z-X)%*%t(Z)
begobj <- sum((X-L%*%Z)^2)
newobj <- 2*begobj
# Make sure we decrease the objective!
while (newobj>begobj) {
# Take step in direction of negative gradient, and project
Lnew <- L - stepsizeL*dL
norms <- sqrt(sum(Lnew^2))
for (j in 1:p)
Lnew[,j] <- projFuncPos(s=as.vector(Lnew[,j]),k1=L1a,k2=1.0)
# Calculate new objective
newobj <- sum((X-Lnew%*%Z)^2)
stepsizeL <- stepsizeL/2
if (stepsizeZ<1e-10) {
rownames(L) <- rowna
colnames(L) <- colnames(L, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
clnames <- colnames(L)
rownames(Z) <- clnames
colnames(Z) <- colna
M <- diag(p)
rownames(M) <- clnames
colnames(M) <- clnames
LZ <- L%*%Z
rownames(LZ) <- rowna
colnames(LZ) <- colna
U <- X-LZ
rownames(U) <- rowna
colnames(U) <- colna
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("nmfsc",cyc,NULL,NULL,NULL,p,sL,sZ,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=L,Z=Z,M=M,LZ=LZ,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))
# Slightly increase the stepsize
stepsizeL <- stepsizeL*1.2
L <- Lnew
# Calculate objective
newobj <- 0.5*sum(sum((X-L%*%Z)^2))
objhistory <- newobj
# modified eqscplot from the package MASS
# Plots with Geometrically Equal Scales
# From Version: 7.3-3, Date: 2009-10-15
# Maintainer: Brian Ripley <>
# Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002) _Modern Applied
# Statistics with S._ Fourth edition. Springer.
plotEqScale <- function (x, y, ratio = 1, tol = 0.04, uin, ...)
dots <- list(...)
nmdots <- names(dots)
Call <-
Call$ratio <- Call$tol <- Call$uin <- NULL
if (is.matrix(x)) {
y <- x[, 2]
x <- x[, 1]
if (!is.null(dn <- colnames(x))) {
xlab0 <- dn[1L]
ylab0 <- dn[2L]
else {
xlab0 <- ""
ylab0 <- ""
else if (is.list(x)) {
y <- x$y
x <- x$x
xlab0 <- "x"
ylab0 <- "y"
else {
xlab0 <- deparse(substitute(x))
ylab0 <- deparse(substitute(y))
Call$x <- x
Call$y <- y
Call$xlab <- if ("xlab" %in% nmdots)
else xlab0
Call$ylab <- if ("ylab" %in% nmdots)
else ylab0
xlim <- if ("xlim" %in% nmdots)
else range(x[is.finite(x)])
ylim <- if ("ylim" %in% nmdots)
else range(y[is.finite(y)])
midx <- 0.5 * (xlim[2L] + xlim[1L])
xlim <- midx + (1 + tol) * 0.5 * c(-1, 1) * (xlim[2L] - xlim[1L])
midy <- 0.5 * (ylim[2L] + ylim[1L])
ylim <- midy + (1 + tol) * 0.5 * c(-1, 1) * (ylim[2L] - ylim[1L])
oldpin <- par("pin")
xuin <- oxuin <- oldpin[1L]/abs(diff(xlim))
yuin <- oyuin <- oldpin[2L]/abs(diff(ylim))
if (missing(uin)) {
if (yuin > xuin * ratio)
yuin <- xuin * ratio
else xuin <- yuin/ratio
else {
if (length(uin) == 1L)
uin <- uin * c(1, ratio)
if (any(c(xuin, yuin) < uin))
stop("'uin' is too large to fit plot in")
xuin <- uin[1L]
yuin <- uin[2L]
xlim <- midx + oxuin/xuin * c(-1, 1) * diff(xlim) * 0.5
ylim <- midy + oyuin/yuin * c(-1, 1) * diff(ylim) * 0.5
Call$xlim <- xlim
Call$ylim <- ylim
Call$xaxs <- Call$yaxs <- "i"
Call[[1L]] <-"plot")
spfabia <- function(X,p=13,alpha=0.01,cyc=500,spl=0,spz=0.5,non_negative=0,random=1.0,write_file=1,norm=1,scale=0.0,lap=1.0,nL=0,lL=0,bL=0,samples=0,initL=0,iter=1,quant=0.001,lowerB=0.0,upperB=1000.0,dorescale=FALSE,doini=FALSE,eps=1e-3,eps1=1e-10){
## X - name of the data file
## cyc - maximum number of cycles
## alpha - sparseness
## p - factors
if (missing(X)) {
stop("Data file name missing. Stopped.")
message("Running sparse FABIA on a sparse matrix in file >",X,"<:")
message(" Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
message(" Sparseness factor --------------- alpha: ",alpha)
message(" Number of iterations -------------- cyc: ",cyc)
message(" Loading prior parameter ----------- spl: ",spl)
message(" Factor prior parameter ------------ spz: ",spz)
if (random>0) {
message(" Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = positive")
} else {
message(" Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = all values")
if (non_negative>0) {
message(" Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = Yes")
} else {
message(" Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = No")
if (write_file>0) {
message(" Write results files -------------------: ",write_file, " = Yes")
} else {
message(" Write results files -------------------: ",write_file, " = No")
if (norm>0) {
message(" Scaling to variance one: --------- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
} else {
message(" Scaling -------------------------- norm: ",norm," = No")
if (scale>0) {
message(" Scaling loadings per iteration -- scale: ",scale," = to ", scale)
} else {
message(" Scaling loadings per iteration -- scale: ", scale," = No")
message(" Constraint variational parameter -- lap: ", lap)
if ((nL>0)&&(nL<p)) {
message(" Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL)
if (bL>0) {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
} else {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
} else {
message(" Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL, " = no limit")
if (lL>0) {
message(" Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL)
if (bL>0) {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
} else {
message(" starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
} else {
message(" Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL, " = no limit")
if (samples[1]==0) {
message(" Number of samples ------------- samples: ", samples, " = all samples")
} else {
message(" Number of samples ------------ samples: ", length(samples))
if (initL[1]==0) {
message(" Random initialization of L ------ initL: ", initL)
} else {
message(" Biclusters init. by samples ----- initL: ", length(initL))
message(" Iterations ------------------------iter: ",iter)
if (iter>1) {
message(" Quantile of largest L removed --- quant: ",quant)
message(" Lower column sum bound --------- lowerB: ",lowerB)
message(" Upper column sum bound --------- upperB: ",upperB)
if (dorescale) {
message(" Z and L are rescaled -------- dorescale: TRUE")
} else {
message(" Z and L are not rescaled ---- dorescale: FALSE")
if (doini && dorescale) {
message(" Biclusters sorted (information) - doini: TRUE")
} else {
message(" Biclusters not sorted (infor.) -- doini: FALSE")
eps <- as.double(eps)
eps1 <- as.double(eps1)
init_lapla <- as.double(1.0)
init_psi <- as.double(0.1)
samples <- as.integer(
initL <- as.integer(initL)
iter <- as.integer(iter)
norm <- as.integer(norm)
cyc <- as.integer(cyc)
nL <- as.integer(nL)
lL <- as.integer(lL)
bL <- as.integer(bL)
quant <- as.double(quant)
lowerB <- as.double(lowerB)
upperB <- as.double(upperB)
alpha <- as.double(alpha)
non_negative <- as.integer(non_negative)
write_file<- as.integer(write_file)
p <- as.integer(p)
spz <- as.double(spz)
scale <- as.double(scale)
lap <- as.double(lap)
res <- .Call("spfabic",X,p,alpha,cyc,spl,spz,non_negative,random,write_file,init_psi,init_lapla,norm,scale,lap,nL,lL,bL,eps,eps1,samples,initL,iter,quant,lowerB,upperB,PACKAGE="fabia")
if (is.null(res))
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list(),n=1,p1=1,p2=1,l=1,center=as.vector(1),scaleData=as.vector(1),X=as.matrix(1),L=noL,Z=nZ,M=as.matrix(1),LZ=as.matrix(1),U=as.matrix(1),avini=as.vector(1),xavini=as.vector(1),ini=as.matrix(1),Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))
if (dorescale) {
eps <- as.double(1e-3)
nvect <- as.vector(rep(1,n))
iin <- 1.0/l
# INI call for biclusters
vz <- iin*apply(res$E_SX_n,1,function(x) sum(x^2))
vz <- sqrt(vz+1e-10)
ivz <- 1/vz
if(length(ivz)==1) {
nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
noL <- vz*res$L
res$lapla <- vz^2 * res$lapla
else {
nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
noL <- t(vz*t(res$L))
res$lapla <- sweep(res$lapla, 2, vz^2, "*")
} else {
nZ <- res$E_SX_n
noL <- res$L
if (dorescale && doini) {
ini <- matrix(0,l,(pi+1))
avini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(pi+1)))
xavini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(l+1)))
idp <- diag(pi)
ppL <- matrix(0,pi,pi)
for (ite in 0:(iter-1))
ppL[((ite*p)+1):((ite+1)*p),((ite*p)+1):((ite+1)*p)] <- crossprod(noL[,((ite*p)+1):((ite+1)*p)],(1/(res$Psi[((ite*n)+1):((ite+1)*n)]+epsn))*noL[,((ite*p)+1):((ite+1)*p)])
for (j in 1:l){
mat <- idp + ppL/res$lapla[j,]
ini[j,1:pi] <- log(diag(mat))
s <- log(det(mat))
ini[j,pi+1] <- s
xavini[j] <- s
for (i in 1:pi){
avini[i] <- sum(ini[,i])
ss <- sum(ini[,pi+1])
xavini[l+1] <- ss
avini[pi+1] <- ss
if ((avini[pi+1]>1e-8)&&(pi>1)) {
soo <- sort(avini[1:pi], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)
avini[1:pi] <- avini[soo$ix]
noL <- noL[,soo$ix]
nZ <- nZ[soo$ix,]
} else {
ini <- as.matrix(1)
avini <- as.vector(1)
xavini <- as.vector(1)
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("spfabia",cyc,alpha,spl,spz,p,NULL,NULL,random,scale,norm,NULL,lap,nL,lL,bL,non_negative,write_file,init_lapla,init_psi,samples,initL,iter,quant,lowerB,upperB),n=n,p1=pi,p2=pi,l=l,center=as.vector(1),scaleData=as.vector(1),X=as.matrix(1),L=noL,Z=nZ,M=as.matrix(1),LZ=as.matrix(1),U=as.matrix(1),avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=res$Psi,lapla=res$lapla))
readSamplesSpfabia <- function(X,samples=0,lowerB=0.0,upperB=1000.0){
if (missing(X)) {
stop("Data file name missing. Stopped.")
samples <- as.integer(
lowerB <- as.double(lowerB)
upperB <- as.double(upperB)
res <- .Call("readSamplesSpfabic",X,samples,lowerB,upperB,PACKAGE="fabia")
if (is.null(res))
samplesPerFeature <- function(X,samples=0,lowerB=0.0,upperB=1000.0){
if (missing(X)) {
stop("Data file name missing. Stopped.")
samples <- as.integer(
lowerB <- as.double(lowerB)
upperB <- as.double(upperB)
res <- .Call("samplesPerFeature",X,samples,lowerB,upperB,PACKAGE="fabia")
if (is.null(res))
readSpfabiaResult <- function(X){
## X - name of the data files
if (missing(X)) {
stop("Data file name missing. Stopped.")
res <- .Call("readSpfabicResult",X,PACKAGE="fabia")
if (is.null(res))
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list(),n=1,p1=1,p2=1,l=1,center=as.vector(1),scaleData=as.vector(1),X=as.matrix(1),L=noL,Z=nZ,M=as.matrix(1),LZ=as.matrix(1),U=as.matrix(1),avini=as.vector(1),xavini=as.vector(1),ini=as.matrix(1),Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))
iin <- 1.0/l
# INI call for biclusters
eps <- as.double(1e-3)
nvect <- as.vector(rep(1,n))
vz <- iin*apply(res$E_SX_n,1,function(x) sum(x^2))
vz <- sqrt(vz+1e-10)
ivz <- 1/vz
if(length(ivz)==1) {
nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
noL <- vz*res$L
res$lapla <- vz^2 * res$lapla
else {
nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
noL <- t(vz*t(res$L))
res$lapla <- sweep(res$lapla, 2, vz^2, "*")
ini <- matrix(0,l,(p+1))
avini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(p+1)))
xavini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(l+1)))
idp <- diag(p)
ppL <- crossprod(noL,(1/(res$Psi+epsn))*noL)
for (j in 1:l){
mat <- idp + ppL/res$lapla[j,]
ini[j,1:p] <- log(diag(mat))
s <- log(det(mat))
ini[j,p+1] <- s
xavini[j] <- s
for (i in 1:p){
avini[i] <- sum(ini[,i])
ss <- sum(ini[,p+1])
xavini[l+1] <- ss
avini[p+1] <- ss
if ((avini[p+1]>1e-8)&&(p>1)) {
soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)
avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
noL <- noL[,soo$ix]
nZ <- nZ[soo$ix,]
return(new("Factorization", parameters=list(),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=as.vector(1),scaleData=as.vector(1),X=as.matrix(1),L=noL,Z=nZ,M=as.matrix(1),LZ=as.matrix(1),U=as.matrix(1),avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=res$Psi,lapla=res$lapla))
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