backgroundEstimate: Estimate background intensities from foreground intensity

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also

View source: R/SnpSetIlluminaNormalize.R


Background intensity from Illumina Golden Gate bead arrays are estimated based on several data models


  backgroundEstimate(object,method=c("minimum", "mode","intmin", 
  "anglemode"), maxmode=3000, bincount=40, maxangle=0.3, subsample="OPA")



SnpSetIllumina object


chracter, data model to use


numeric, maximum intensity for mode for method="mode"


numeric, for method="intmin" , see details


numeric in radians, maximum theta for mode for method="anglemode"


factor or column name in featureData slot


The Illumina software does not provide background values in the output. Some models can be used to estimate background from the raw data intensities.
minimum: The allele specific minimum intensity is used.
mode: This model assumes that the first mode of the density of the intensities is determined by the zero-allele in the data, see ref. The signal intensity of the zero-allele should be zero, therefore this is considered the background value.
intmin: This model assumes there is crosstalk between the alleles, and background increases with the intensity of the other allele. The range between 0 and the maximum of the other allele is divided in bincount bins, and the minimum for this allele is determined for probes where the other allele falls in a bin. A linear fit is determined though the minimum values to obtain a gradually increasing value.
anglemode: This model finds the density modes closest to 0 and \frac{π}{2} for polar transformed intensities, and uses this to determine background.


This function returns an SnpSetIllumina object. The Rb and Gb matrices in the assayData slot contain estimated background values.


Jan Oosting

See Also

SnpSetIllumina-class, backgroundCorrect.SNP

beadarraySNP documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:21 p.m.