##' Features in \code{query} are assigned transcript names and gene names
##' of structurally compatible features in \code{subject} (see below).
##' If a feature in \code{query} does not match any features in
##' \code{subject}, its geneName inherits from connected annotated features.
##' Feature matching is performed as follows:
##' Query splice junctions are matched with identical subject splice
##' junctions. Query splice sites are matched with splice sites
##' implied by subject splice junctions. Query exon bins are matched with
##' overlapping subject exons. Spliced boundaries of query exon bins
##' must match spliced subject exon boundaries. Query exon bins cannot
##' extend across spliced subject exon boundaries.
##' @title Annotation with respect to transcript features
##' @param query \code{SGFeatures}, \code{SGVariants},
##' \code{SGFeatureCounts} or \code{SGVariantCounts} object
##' @param subject \code{TxFeatures} object
##' @return \code{query} with updated \code{txName}, \code{geneName}
##' column slots
##' @examples
##' sgf_annotated <- annotate(sgf_pred, txf_ann)
##' sgv_annotated <- annotate(sgv_pred, txf_ann)
##' @author Leonard Goldstein
annotate <- function(query, subject)
if (!is(subject, "TxFeatures")) {
stop("subject must be a TxFeatures object")
if (is(query, "SGFeatures")) {
query <- annotateFeatures(query, subject)
} else if (is(query, "SGVariants")) {
query <- updateObject(query, verbose = TRUE)
query_class <- class(query)
query_mcols <- mcols(query)
query_unlisted <- unlist(query, use.names = FALSE)
extended <- addDummySpliceSites(query_unlisted)
extended <- annotate(extended, subject)
i <- match(featureID(query_unlisted), featureID(extended))
query_unlisted <- extended[i]
query <- relist(query_unlisted, query)
mcols(query) <- query_mcols
query <- new(query_class, query)
query <- annotatePaths(query)
} else if (is(query, "Counts")) {
rd <- rowRanges(query)
rd <- annotate(rd, subject)
rowRanges(query) <- rd
addDummySpliceSites <- function(features)
junctions <- features[type(features) == "J"]
for (type in c("D", "A")) {
S <- flank(junctions, -1, switch(type, "D" = TRUE, "A" = FALSE))
S <- granges(S)
i <- which(!duplicated(S))
S <- S[i]
mcols(S)$type <- rep(type, length(i))
mcols(S)$splice5p <- rep(NA, length(i))
mcols(S)$splice3p <- rep(NA, length(i))
mcols(S)$featureID <- seq_along(i) + max(featureID(features))
mcols(S)$geneID <- geneID(junctions)[i]
S <- SGFeatures(S)
new2old <- match(seqlevels(features), seqlevels(S))
seqinfo(S, new2old = new2old) <- seqinfo(features)
features <- c(features, S)
annotateFeatures <- function(query, subject)
i <- which(type(subject) %in% c("F", "L"))
if (length(i) > 0) {
subject <- c(subject[-i], mergeExonsTerminal(subject[i], 1))
if (is(query, "TxFeatures")) {
hits <- matchTxFeatures(query, subject)
} else if (is(query, "SGFeatures")) {
hits <- matchSGFeatures(query, subject)
qH <- queryHits(hits)
sH <- subjectHits(hits)
for (option in c("tx", "gene")) {
q_id <- factor(slot(query, "featureID"))
s_ann <- slot(subject, paste0(option, "Name"))
id_ann <- splitCharacterList(s_ann[sH], q_id[qH])
q_ann <- setNames(id_ann[match(q_id, names(id_ann))], NULL)
slot(query, paste0(option, "Name")) <- q_ann
if (is(query, "SGFeatures")) {
query <- propagateAnnotation(query)
propagateAnnotation <- function(query)
## select partially annotated components
query_ann <- elementNROWS(geneName(query)) > 0
gid <- intersect(geneID(query)[query_ann], geneID(query)[!query_ann])
if (length(gid) == 0) return(query)
g <- spliceGraph(query[geneID(query) %in% gid])
## remove uninformative edges
## (annotated edges with annotated 'from' and 'to' nodes)
gv <- nodes(g)
gd <- edges(g)
gd$from <- match(gd$from, gv$name)
gd$to <- match(gd$to, gv$name)
gd_ann <- elementNROWS(gd$geneName) > 0
fr_ann <- query_ann[match(gv$featureID[gd$from], featureID(query))]
to_ann <- query_ann[match(gv$featureID[gd$to], featureID(query))]
excl <- which(gd_ann & (fr_ann | & (to_ann |
if (length(excl) > 0) g <- delete.edges(g, excl)
## remove uninformative nodes (unconnected nodes)
excl <- which(degree(g, mode = "in") == 0 & degree(g, mode = "out") == 0)
if (length(excl) > 0) g <- delete.vertices(g, excl)
## graph information
gv <- nodes(g)
gd <- edges(g)
gd$from <- match(gd$from, gv$name)
gd$to <- match(gd$to, gv$name)
gv$geneName <- lapply(vector("list", nrow(gv)), as.character)
i <- which(!$featureID))
gv$geneName[i] <- as.list(geneName(query))[
match(gv$featureID[i], featureID(query))]
gv$cluster <- clusters(g)$membership
gd$cluster <- gv$cluster[gd$from]
cluster2geneName <- splitCharacterList(
c(gv$geneName, gd$geneName), factor(c(gv$cluster, gd$cluster)))
cluster2geneName <- cluster2geneName[elementNROWS(cluster2geneName) == 1]
## select unannotated features
i_gd <- which(elementNROWS(gd$geneName) == 0)
i_gv <- which(elementNROWS(gv$geneName) == 0 & !$featureID))
fid <- c(gd$featureID[i_gd], gv$featureID[i_gv])
n_1 <- c(gd$from[i_gd], i_gv)
n_2 <- c(gd$to[i_gd], i_gv)
cluster <- gv$cluster[n_1]
## unannotated features inherit gene names from connected features
ann <- CharacterList(vector("list", length(fid)))
i <- which(as.character(cluster) %in% names(cluster2geneName))
ann[i] <- cluster2geneName[match(cluster[i], names(cluster2geneName))]
i <- which(!as.character(cluster) %in% names(cluster2geneName))
bwd <- lapply(n_1[i], function(x) {
v <- subcomponent(g, x, "in")
d <- which(gd$to %in% v)
sort(unique(unlist(c(gv$geneName[v], gd$geneName[d])))) })
fwd <- lapply(n_2[i], function(x) {
v <- subcomponent(g, x, "out")
d <- which(gd$from %in% v)
sort(unique(unlist(c(gv$geneName[v], gd$geneName[d])))) })
w <- pintersect(bwd, fwd)
j <- which(elementNROWS(w) == 0)
w[j] <- punion(bwd[j], fwd[j])
ann[i] <- CharacterList(w)
## update query geneName column
geneName(query)[match(fid, featureID(query))] <- ann
annotateSegments <- function(ids, features)
out <- vector("list", length(ids))
segment_ids <- strsplit(ids, ",")
segment_n <- elementNROWS(segment_ids)
ids <- unlist(segment_ids)
ids_segment <- togroup0(segment_ids)
ids_ann <- vector("list", length(ids))
ids_ann <- as(ids_ann, "CharacterList")
i <- grep("^\\d+$", ids)
if (length(i) > 0) {
ids_ann[i] <- txName(features)[match(ids[i], featureID(features))]
i <- grep("^\\{\\S*\\}$", ids)
if (length(i) > 0) {
tmp <- ids[i]
tmp <- gsub("\\{|\\}", "", tmp)
tmp <- strsplit(tmp, ";", fixed = TRUE)
tmp <- as(tmp, "CharacterList")
ids_ann[i] <- tmp
ann <- unlist(ids_ann)
ann_id <- togroup0(ids_ann)
ann_segment <- ids_segment[ann_id]
if (length(ann) == 0) {
segment_ann_n <- table(paste0(ann_segment, ":", ann))
x_segment <- vapply(strsplit(names(segment_ann_n), ":"),
"[", character(1), 1)
x_ann <- sub("^\\d+:", "", names(segment_ann_n))
i <- which(segment_ann_n == segment_n[as.integer(x_segment)])
if (length(i) > 0) {
x_segment <- x_segment[i]
x_ann <- x_ann[i]
segment_ann <- split(x_ann, x_segment)
out[as.integer(names(segment_ann))] <- segment_ann
annotatePaths <- function(paths)
features <- unlist(paths)
## encode txName
txName_unique <- unique(unlist(txName(features)))
txName(features) <- relist(as.character(match(unlist(txName(features)),
txName_unique)), txName(features))
x <- featureID(paths)
i <- grep("(", x, fixed = TRUE)
while (length(i) > 0) {
## find inner event
m <- regexpr("\\([^\\(\\)]+\\)", x[i])
l <- attr(m, "match.length")
## split at event
u <- substr(x[i], 1, m - 1)
b <- substr(x[i], m + 1, m + l - 2)
v <- substr(x[i], m + l, nchar(x)[i])
## annotate event
list_ids <- strsplit(b, "|", fixed = TRUE)
ids <- unlist(list_ids)
ids_path <- i[togroup0(list_ids)]
ids_ann <- annotateSegments(ids, features)
ann <- unlist(ids_ann)
ann_id <- togroup0(ids_ann)
ann_path <- ids_path[ann_id]
path_ann <- vector("list", length(i))
if (!is.null(ann)) {
tmp <- tapply(ann, ann_path, unique, simplify = FALSE)
path_ann[match(names(tmp), i)] <- tmp
path_ann <- paste0("{", unstrsplit(path_ann, ";"), "}")
x[i] <- paste0(u, path_ann, v)
i <- grep("(", x, fixed = TRUE)
out <- annotateSegments(x, features)
out <- as(out, "CharacterList")
## decode txName
out <- relist(txName_unique[as.integer(unlist(out))], out)
txName(paths) <- out
## geneName
path_ids <- extractIDs(featureID(paths))
path_ids_unlisted <- unlist(path_ids)
i <- match(path_ids_unlisted, featureID(features))
f <- factor(togroup0(path_ids), levels = seq_along(path_ids))
path_ann <- splitCharacterList(geneName(features)[i], f)
geneName(paths) <- setNames(path_ann, NULL)
matchTxFeatures <- function(query, subject)
q <- feature2name(query, TRUE)
s <- feature2name(subject, TRUE)
s2i <- split(seq_along(s), s)
qH <- which(q %in% names(s2i))
sH <- match(q[qH], names(s2i))
qH <- qH[togroup0(sH)]
sH <- unlist(sH)
Hits(qH, sH, length(query), length(subject), = TRUE)
matchSGFeatures <- function(query, subject) {
Reduce(union, list(
matchJunction(query, subject),
matchExon(query, subject),
matchSplice(query, subject, "D"),
matchSplice(query, subject, "A")
matchJunction <- function(query, subject) {
i_q <- which(type(query) == "J")
i_s <- which(type(subject) == "J")
hits <- findMatches(query[i_q], subject[i_s])
qH <- queryHits(hits)
sH <- subjectHits(hits)
Hits(i_q[qH], i_s[sH], length(query), length(subject), = TRUE)
matchExon <- function(query, subject, stringent = TRUE) {
i_q <- which(type(query) == "E")
i_s <- which(type(subject) %in% c("I", "F", "L", "U"))
q2 <- query[i_q]
s2 <- subject[i_s]
hits <- findOverlaps(q2, s2)
qH <- queryHits(hits)
sH <- subjectHits(hits)
hits <- Hits(i_q[qH], i_s[sH], length(query), length(subject), = TRUE)
if (!stringent) { return(hits) }
## exclude hits with inconsistent 5' spliced boundary
i <- which(splice5p(q2)[qH])
if (length(i) > 0) {
q2_5p <- start(flank(q2[qH][i], -1, TRUE))
s2_5p <- start(flank(s2[sH][i], -1, TRUE))
s2_type <- type(s2)[sH][i]
excl_q_5p <- i[which(q2_5p != s2_5p | s2_type %in% c("F", "U"))]
} else { excl_q_5p <- integer() }
## exclude hits with inconsistent 3' spliced boundary
i <- which(splice3p(q2)[qH])
if (length(i) > 0) {
q2_3p <- start(flank(q2[qH][i], -1, FALSE))
s2_3p <- start(flank(s2[sH][i], -1, FALSE))
s2_type <- type(s2)[sH][i]
excl_q_3p <- i[which(q2_3p != s2_3p | s2_type %in% c("L", "U"))]
} else { excl_q_3p <- integer() }
## exclude hits with query overlapping 5' flanking intron
i <- which(type(s2)[sH] %in% c("I", "L"))
if (length(i) > 0) {
hits_2 <- findOverlaps(q2[qH][i], flank(s2[sH][i], 1, TRUE))
hits_2 <- hits_2[queryHits(hits_2) == subjectHits(hits_2)]
excl_s_5p <- i[queryHits(hits_2)]
} else { excl_s_5p <- integer() }
## exclude hits with query overlapping 3' flanking intron
i <- which(type(s2)[sH] %in% c("F", "I"))
if (length(i) > 0) {
hits_2 <- findOverlaps(q2[qH][i], flank(s2[sH][i], 1, FALSE))
hits_2 <- hits_2[queryHits(hits_2) == subjectHits(hits_2)]
excl_s_3p <- i[queryHits(hits_2)]
} else { excl_s_3p <- integer() }
excl <- unique(c(excl_q_5p, excl_q_3p, excl_s_5p, excl_s_3p))
if (length(excl) > 0) { hits <- hits[-excl] }
matchSplice <- function(query, subject, type = c("D", "A")) {
type <- match.arg(type)
i_q <- which(type(query) == type)
q <- query[i_q]
if (type == "D") {
i_s_J <- which(type(subject) == "J")
s_J <- flank(subject[i_s_J], -1, TRUE)
i_s_E <- which(type(subject) %in% c("I", "F"))
s_E <- flank(subject[i_s_E], -1, FALSE)
} else if (type == "A") {
i_s_J <- which(type(subject) == "J")
s_J <- flank(subject[i_s_J], -1, FALSE)
i_s_E <- which(type(subject) %in% c("I", "L"))
s_E <- flank(subject[i_s_E], -1, TRUE)
i_s <- c(i_s_J, i_s_E)
s <- c(s_J, s_E)
hits <- findMatches(q, s)
qH <- queryHits(hits)
sH <- subjectHits(hits)
Hits(i_q[qH], i_s[sH], length(query), length(subject), = TRUE)
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