visualizeResults <- function(summary, export, expand, colors, from, to)
message('Summarising scores...', appendLF = FALSE)
# Merging data to presentable form.
subpaths <- summary$subpaths
pValues <- summary$pValues
subScore <- summary$subScore
sb <- summary$measures[,1] # subPathness
sp <- summary$measures[,2] # subBC
sd <- summary$measures[,3] # subDEG
org <- summary$org
filters <- summary$filters
type <- summary$type
miRNAoverSubs <- as.vector(summary$miRNAsOverSubpathway)
if (is.null(subpaths) || nrow(subpaths) == 0)
message('done.'); return(invisible())
if (missing(export))
export <- c('.txt', '.xlsx')
if (missing(expand))
expand <- TRUE
if (missing(colors))
colors <- c('#FFFFFF', '#DCFFDC', '#99FF99', '#00EB00', '#00E100')
if (missing(from)) { from <- 'entrezgene' }
if (missing(to)) { to <- 'entrezgene' }
# Round data
pValues <- format(ceiling(pValues*10^2)/10^2, scientific=FALSE)
subScore <- ceiling(subScore*10^3)/10^3
sb <- ceiling(sb*10^2)/10^1
sp <- ceiling(sp*10^2)/10^1
sd <- ceiling(sd*10^2)/10^1
# Creating directories
# Map subpath ids to pathway names
pathways <- downloadKEGGPathwayList(org)
subpathIds <- gsub(org, '', rownames(subpaths))
y <- pathways[,2]
names(y) <- pathways[,1]
subNames <- y[subpathIds]
if (type == 'Linear')
d <- paste(cache$dirs$slnr, org, sep='//')
f1 <- createScoreFile(dir=d, type='a', fileType='.txt')
f2 <- createScoreFile(dir=d, type='a', fileType='.xlsx')
if (type == 'Non-Linear')
d <- paste(cache$dirs$snlr, org, sep='//')
f1 <- createScoreFile(dir=d, type='a', fileType='.txt')
f2 <- createScoreFile(dir=d, type='a', fileType='.xlsx')
pathnames <- list()
# Subpath members (by removing zero placeholders)
if (type=='Linear')
# Convert nomenclature
ids <- unique(as.vector(subpaths))
psubs2 <- NULL
if ( from != to )
y <- convertNomenclature(ids=ids, org=org, from=from, to=to)
if (nrow(y) > 1)
lib <- y[,2]
names(lib) <- y[,1]
z <- matrix(,nrow=nrow(subpaths), ncol=ncol(subpaths))
for (i in 1:nrow(subpaths))
z[i,] <- lib[as.character(subpaths[i,])]
psubs2 <- apply(z, 1, paste, collapse=' ')
psubs2 <- gsub(' NA',' ',psubs2) # Remove zeros
psubs2 <- apply(subpaths, 1, paste, collapse=' ')
psubs2 <- gsub(' 0',' ',psubs2) # Remove zeros
psubs1 <- apply(subpaths, 1, paste, collapse=' ')
psubs1 <- gsub(' 0',' ',psubs1) # Remove zeros
if (type=='Non-Linear')
usubs <- vector(mode='list', length=nrow(subpaths))
for(i in 1:nrow(subpaths))
usub <- unique(unlist(strsplit(subpaths[i,], split='-')))
usubs[[i]] <- matrix(as.numeric(usub[which(usub!='0')]), nrow=1)
subs <- unlistToMatrix(fillMatrixList(usubs))
ids <- unique(as.vector(subs))
psubs2 <- NULL
if ( from != to )
y <- convertNomenclature(ids=ids, org=org, from=from, to=to)
if (nrow(y) > 1)
lib <- y[,2]
names(lib) <- y[,1]
z <- matrix(,nrow=nrow(subs), ncol=ncol(subs))
for (i in 1:nrow(subs))
z[i,] <- lib[as.character(subs[i,])]
psubs2 <- apply(z, 1, paste, collapse=' ')
psubs2 <- gsub(' NA',' ',psubs2) # Remove zeros
psubs2 <- apply(subs, 1, paste, collapse=' ')
psubs2 <- gsub(' 0',' ',psubs2) # Remove zeros
psubs1 <- apply(subs, 1, paste, collapse=' ')
psubs1 <- gsub(' 0',' ',psubs1) # Remove zeros
# Create the links
links <- createKEGGLinks(subpaths, type=type, openInBrowser=FALSE)
names(links) <- paste('S', 1:nrow(subpaths), sep='')
# Create the main data frame
titles <- paste('(', paste(org, names(subNames), ') ', sep=''), subNames,
df <- data.frame('Subpath'=links, 'Pathway'=titles,
class(df$Subpath) <- c('hyperlink')
# isMetabolic
rnames <- as.numeric(gsub(org, '', rownames(subpaths)))
names(rnames) <- rownames(subpaths)
isMetabolic <- ifelse(rnames < 2000, '+', '-')
df <- cbind(df, data.frame('isMetabolic'=isMetabolic,
if ('subScore' %in% names(filters))
# Append the gene scores for all time points
dft <- data.frame(subScore, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(dft) <- paste('T', 1:ncol(subScore), sep='')
df <- cbind(df, dft)
if ('p-value' %in% names(filters))
df <- cbind(df, data.frame('q-value'=pValues, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
if ('measures' %in% names(filters))
df <- cbind(df, data.frame('subPathness'=sb, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
df <- cbind(df, data.frame('subBC'=sp, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
df <- cbind(df, data.frame('subDEG'=sd, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
} <- .getFilters()[from] <- .getFilters()[to]
dft1 <- data.frame(psubs1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(dft1) <-
if ( !is.null(psubs2) )
dft2 <- data.frame(psubs2, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(dft2) <-
df <- cbind(df, dft2, dft1)
rr <- 2
if ( is.null(psubs2) )
df <- cbind(df, dft1)
rr <- 1
# Create a header mapper
header <- c('baseStart'=1, 'baseStop'=3)
header <- c(header, 'scoreStart'=(3+1), 'scoreStop'=(3+ncol(subScore)))
right <- (3 + ncol(subScore))
if ('p-value' %in% names(filters))
header <- c(header, 'p-value'=(right + 1))
right <- (right + 1)
if ('measures' %in% names(filters))
header <- c(header, 'measuresStart'=(right + 1),
'measuresStop'=(right + 3))
right <- (right + 3)
header <- c(header, 'memberStart'=(right + 1),
'memberStop'=(right + rr))
right <- (right + rr)
if ('mirScore' %in% names(filters))
header <- c(header, 'mirStart'=(right + 1), 'mirStop'=(right + 1))
right <- (right + 1)
if ('mirScore' %in% names(filters))
df <- cbind(df, data.frame('miRNA'=miRNAoverSubs,
if ('.xlsx' %in% export && expand)
.createExcelOutputMulti(df=df, links=links, file=f2, filters=filters,
header=header, colors=colors)
if ('.xlsx' %in% export && !expand)
.createExcelOutputSingle(df=df, links=links, file=f2, filters=filters,
header=header, colors=colors)
if ('.txt' %in% export)
df[,1] <- names(links)
exportToFile(df, f1, append=FALSE)
.createExcelOutputSingle <- function(df, links, file, filters, header, colors)
# Specify columns according to specified filters
ncols <- 2 # Members
hypCols <- 0; mesCols <- 0; mirCols <- 0
if ('p-value' %in% names(filters))
ncols <- ncols + 1
hypCols <- 1
if ('measures' %in% names(filters))
ncols <- ncols + 3
mesCols <- 3
if ('mirScore' %in% names(filters))
ncols <- ncols + 1
mirCols <- 1
# Determime columns for each group
subScoreRange <- 4 : (ncol(df) - ncols)
if ('measures' %in% names(filters))
measuresRange <- (ncol(df) - ncols + 1 + hypCols) :
(ncol(df) - ncols + hypCols + mesCols)
a <- (ncol(df) - ncols + hypCols + mesCols)
membersRange <- (a + 1) : (a + 2)
# Bind a row on top of df with column groupings
# (Subscores, Measures, miRNA Mediated Subpathway Members)
cnames <- colnames(df)
cnames <- paste(' ', cnames, ' ', sep='')
df <- rbind(cnames,df)
cnames <- c('', '', '')
cnames <- c(cnames, rep('Subscores', length(subScoreRange)), '')
if ('measures' %in% names(filters))
cnames <- c(cnames, rep('Measures',3))
cnames <- c(cnames, rep('miRNA Mediated Subpathway Members',2), '')
df <- rbind(cnames, df)
wb <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb, 'Results')
cl <- lapply(df, function(x) tolower(class(x)))
wb$writeData(sheet='Results', df=df, startRow=1, startCol=1,
colClasses = cl, hlinkNames = c('','SubId',names(links)),
colNames=FALSE, keepNA=FALSE)
# Customize output
setColWidths(wb, sheet='Results', cols=1:ncol(df), widths='auto')
modifyBaseFont(wb, fontSize=10, fontColour='#000000', fontName="Segoe UI")
freezePane(wb, sheet='Results', firstActiveRow=3, firstActiveCol=2)
# Main Body
style <- createStyle(fontSize=10, fontName='Segoe UI', halign="left",
valign = "center", fgFill='#ffffff',
addStyle(wb, sheet='Results', style=style, rows=2:(nrow(df)+1),
cols=1:ncol(df), gridExpand=TRUE)
# Gene scores and topologics
style <- createStyle(fontSize=10, fontName='Segoe UI', halign="center",
valign = "center", fgFill='#ffffff',
addStyle(wb, sheet='Results', style=style, rows=2:(nrow(df)+1),
cols=3:ncol(df), gridExpand=TRUE)
# Gene members and mirnas
style <- createStyle(fontSize=10, fontName='Segoe UI', halign="left",
valign = "center", fgFill='#ffffff',
if (!'mirScore' %in% names(filters))
tcols <- ncol(df)
if ('mirScore' %in% names(filters))
tcols <- (ncol(df)-1):ncol(df)
addStyle(wb, sheet='Results', style=style, rows=2:(nrow(df)+1),
cols=tcols, gridExpand=TRUE)
# Header
mergeCells(wb, sheet='Results', rows=1, cols=subScoreRange)
if ('measures' %in% names(filters))
mergeCells(wb, sheet='Results', rows=1, cols=measuresRange)
mergeCells(wb, sheet='Results', rows=1, cols=membersRange)
style <- createStyle(fontSize=11, fontName='Segoe UI',
fontColour='#000000', halign="center", valign = "center",
fgFill='#ffffff', borderColour = '#000000')
addStyle(wb, sheet='Results', style=style, rows=1, cols=1:ncol(df),
# Header Column
style <- createStyle(fontSize=11, fontName='Segoe UI', halign="left",
valign = "center", fgFill='#ffffff',
addStyle(wb, sheet='Results', style=style, rows=1:(nrow(df)+1), cols=1:1,
setRowHeights(wb, sheet='Results', rows = 1, heights = 35)
setRowHeights(wb, sheet='Results', rows = 2:(nrow(df)+1), heights = 25)
# Split gene score matrix to part based on the score
S <- df[, 4:(ncol(df) - ncols), drop=FALSE]
rn <- 1:12
breaks <- unname(sapply(split(rn,cut(rn,quantile(rn,(0:k)/k),
include.lowest=TRUE)), function(x) { x[2] }))
breaks <- c(0, breaks/10)
k <- length(colors) + 1
for (i in 2:k)
idx <- which((S >= breaks[i-1]) & (S < breaks[i]))
rows <- ((idx-1) %% nrow(S)) + 1
cols <- floor((idx-1)/nrow(S)) + 1
# Set cell colors of gene scores according to their scores
style <- createStyle(fontSize=10, fontName='Segoe UI',
halign="center", valign = "center", fgFill=colors[i-1])
addStyle(wb, sheet='Results', style=style, rows=0+rows, cols=3+cols,
saveWorkbook(wb, file, overwrite=TRUE)
.createExcelOutputMulti <- function(df, links, file, filters, header, colors)
# Find number of necessary miRNA columns
mirCols <- 0
if ('mirScore' %in% names(filters))
mirCols <- 1
for (i in 1:nrow(df))
mirs = unlist(strsplit(df[i,header['mirStart']], ' '))
if (length(mirs) > mirCols) { mirCols <- length(mirs) }
# Find number of necessary members columns
genCols <- 0
for (i in 1:nrow(df))
gens = unlist(strsplit(df[i,header['memberStart']], ' '))
if (length(gens) > genCols) { genCols <- length(gens) }
genCols <- (header['memberStop'] - header['memberStart'] + 1)*genCols
x <- matrix('', nrow=nrow(df), ncol=mirCols + genCols)
colnames(x) <- rep(' ', mirCols + genCols)
# Fill first b columns of expansion with individual genes
for (i in 1:nrow(x))
if (header['memberStop'] - header['memberStart'] > 0)
# Symbol
geneSymbols <- unlist(strsplit(df[i,header['memberStart']], ' '))
x[i, 1:length(geneSymbols)] <- geneSymbols
# Entrez
geneEntrez <- unlist(strsplit(df[i,header['memberStop']], ' '))
idx1 <- length(geneSymbols) + 1
idx2 <- length(geneSymbols) + length(geneEntrez)
x[i, idx1: idx2] <- as.integer(geneEntrez)
if (header['memberStop'] - header['memberStart'] == 0)
geneEntrez <- unlist(strsplit(df[i,header['memberStart']], ' '))
x[i, 1:length(geneEntrez)] <- geneEntrez
if ('mirScore' %in% names(filters))
mirs <- unlist(strsplit(df[i,header['mirStart']], ' '))
if (length(mirs) > 0)
x[i, (genCols + 1) : (genCols + length(mirs))] <- mirs
# Remove empty columns
idx <- which(
if ( length(idx) > 0 ) { x[idx] <- '' }
idx <- table(which(x == '', arr.ind=TRUE)[, 'col'])
idx <- as.numeric(names(idx)[which(unname(idx) == nrow(x))])
if ( length(idx) > 0 )
x <- x[, -idx, drop=FALSE]
genCols <- genCols - length(idx)
from <- colnames(df)[header['memberStart']]
to <- colnames(df)[header['memberStop']]
qvalCols <- 0
mesCols <- 0
if ('p-value' %in% names(filters)) { qvalCols<- 1 }
if ('measures' %in% names(filters)) { mesCols <- 3 }
if ('mirScore' %in% names(filters))
idx <- c(header['memberStart'], header['memberStop'],
if (!'mirScore' %in% names(filters))
idx <- c(header['memberStart'], header['memberStop'])
df <- cbind(df[,-idx],, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
# Specify columns according to specified filters
subScoreRange <- 4 : (ncol(df) - (mirCols + genCols + qvalCols + mesCols))
a <- tail(subScoreRange,1) + 1
if ('p-value' %in% names(filters))
qvaluesRange <- a : a
a <- tail(qvaluesRange,1) + 1
if ('measures' %in% names(filters))
measuresRange <- a : (a + 2)
a <- tail(measuresRange,1) + 1
membersRange <- a : (a + genCols - 1)
if ('mirScore' %in% names(filters))
a <- tail(membersRange,1) + 1
mirRange <- a : (a + mirCols - 1)
# Bind a row on top of df with column groupings
# (Subscores, Measures, miRNA Mediated Subpathway Members)
df <- rbind(paste(' ', colnames(df), ' ', sep=''), df)
cnames <- c(rep('',3), rep('Subscores', length(subScoreRange)))
if ('p-value' %in% names(filters))
cnames <- c(cnames, rep('', 1))
if ('measures' %in% names(filters))
cnames <- c(cnames, rep('Measures', 3))
if (from != to)
title <- paste0('miRNA Mediated Subpathway Members (', from, ', ',
to, ')')
if (from == to)
title <- paste0('miRNA Mediated Subpathway Members (', from, ')')
cnames <- c(cnames, rep(title, genCols), rep('miRNAs', mirCols))
df <- rbind(cnames, df)
wb <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb, 'Results')
cl <- lapply(df, function(x) tolower(class(x)))
wb$writeData(sheet='Results', df=df, startRow=1, startCol=1,
colClasses = cl, hlinkNames = c('','SubId',names(links)),
colNames=FALSE, keepNA=FALSE)
# Customize output
cols <- c(1:3, subScoreRange)
if ('p-value' %in% names(filters)) { cols <- c(cols, qvaluesRange) }
if ('measures' %in% names(filters)) { cols <- c(cols, measuresRange) }
if ('mirScore' %in% names(filters)) { cols <- c(cols, mirRange) }
setColWidths(wb, sheet='Results', cols=cols, widths='auto')
modifyBaseFont(wb, fontSize=10, fontColour='#000000', fontName="Segoe UI")
freezePane(wb, sheet='Results', firstActiveRow=3, firstActiveCol=2)
# Main Body
style <- createStyle(fontSize=10, fontName='Segoe UI', halign="left",
valign = "center", fgFill='#ffffff',
addStyle(wb, sheet='Results', style=style, rows=2:(nrow(df)+1),
cols=1:ncol(df), gridExpand=TRUE)
# Gene scores and topologics
style <- createStyle(fontSize=10, fontName='Segoe UI', halign="center",
valign = "center", fgFill='#ffffff',
addStyle(wb, sheet='Results', style=style, rows=2:(nrow(df)+1),
cols=3:ncol(df), gridExpand=TRUE)
# Gene members and mirnas
style <- createStyle(fontSize=10, fontName='Segoe UI', halign="left",
valign = "center", fgFill='#ffffff',
addStyle(wb, sheet='Results', style=style, rows=3:nrow(df),
cols=membersRange, gridExpand=TRUE)
# Header
mergeCells(wb, sheet='Results', rows=1, cols=subScoreRange)
if ('measures' %in% names(filters))
mergeCells(wb, sheet='Results', rows=1, cols=measuresRange)
mergeCells(wb, sheet='Results', rows=1, cols=membersRange)
if ('mirScore' %in% names(filters))
mergeCells(wb, sheet='Results', rows=1, cols=mirRange)
style <- createStyle(fontSize=11, fontName='Segoe UI',
fontColour='#000000', halign="center", valign = "center",
fgFill='#ffffff', borderColour = '#000000')
addStyle(wb, sheet='Results', style=style, rows=1, cols=1:ncol(df),
# Header Column
style <- createStyle(fontSize=11, fontName='Segoe UI', halign="left",
valign = "center", fgFill='#ffffff',
addStyle(wb, sheet='Results', style=style, rows=1:(nrow(df)+1), cols=1:1,
setRowHeights(wb, sheet='Results', rows = 1, heights = 35)
setRowHeights(wb, sheet='Results', rows = 2:(nrow(df)+1), heights = 25)
# Split gene score matrix to part based on the score
S <- df[, subScoreRange, drop=FALSE]
k <- length(colors) + 1
rn <- 1:(2*k)
breaks <- unname(sapply(split(rn,cut(rn,quantile(rn,(0:k)/k),
include.lowest=TRUE)), function(x) { x[2] }))
breaks <- c(0, breaks/((k-1)*2))
for (i in 2:k)
idx <- which((S >= breaks[i-1]) & (S < breaks[i]))
# Index to row and column
rows <- ((idx-1) %% nrow(S)) + 1
cols <- floor((idx-1)/nrow(S)) + 1
# Set cell colors of gene scores according to their scores
style <- createStyle(fontSize=10, fontName='Segoe UI',
halign="center", valign = "center", fgFill=colors[i-1])
addStyle(wb, sheet='Results', style=style, rows=rows, cols=3+cols,
saveWorkbook(wb, file, overwrite=TRUE)
subpathwayKEGGmap <- function(subpathways, type, openInBrowser)
createKEGGLinks(subpathways, type, openInBrowser)
createKEGGLinks <- function(subpaths, type, openInBrowser)
links <- vector(mode='numeric', length=nrow(subpaths))
for(i in 1:nrow(subpaths))
if (type == 'Linear')
links[i] <- createKEGGLink(subpaths[i,,drop=FALSE],
if (type == 'Non-Linear')
sub <- unlist(strsplit(subpaths[i,], split='-'))
sub <- matrix(unique(sub), nrow=1)
rownames(sub) <- rownames(subpaths[i,,drop=FALSE])
links[i] <- createKEGGLink(sub, openInBrowser)
createKEGGLink <- function(subpath, openInBrowser)
# Create KEGG map link
if (missing(openInBrowser)) { openInBrowser <- TRUE}
pathway <- rownames(subpath)
prefix <- paste0('', pathway)
suffix <- c()
for (i in 1:ncol(subpath))
sf <- paste(as.numeric(subpath[1,i]), '%09yellow,red')
suffix <- paste(suffix, sf, sep='/')
link <- paste(prefix, suffix, sep='')
if (openInBrowser) { browseURL(link) }
subpathwayMiRNAs <- function(summary, subIdx, timePoints)
subpath <- summary$subpaths[subIdx, , drop=FALSE]
edgeList <- summary$edgeList
tt <- ncol(edgeList) - 2
thres <- unname(summary$filters['mirScore'])
org <- summary$org
type <- summary$type
if (type == 'Linear') { baseDir <- cache$dirs$vlnr }
if (type == 'Non-Linear') { baseDir <- cache$dirs$vnlr }
filename <- paste0(baseDir, '//subpathway', subIdx, '.pdf')
if ( missing(timePoints) )
timePoints <- 1:tt
if ( !missing(timePoints) )
if ( length(which(!timePoints %in% 1:tt)) > 0 )
message('Invalid time point.')
# Final miRNA-mRNA interactions (miRNA x mRNA)
sub.edgeList <- edgeList[edgeList[, 2] %in% subpath, ]
sub.edgeList[, 1] <- gsub(paste0(org,'-'), '', sub.edgeList[, 1])
mats <- list()
for ( t in timePoints)
sub.t.edgeList <- sub.edgeList[, c(1:2, 2+t)]
idx <- which(sub.t.edgeList[, 3, drop=TRUE] > thres)
sub.t.edgeList <- sub.edgeList[idx, , drop=FALSE]
sub.miRNAs <- unique(sub.t.edgeList[, 1])
sub.mRNAs <- getSubpathwayGenes(subpath, 'Linear')
nrows <- length(sub.miRNAs)
ncols <- length(sub.mRNAs)
sub.edgeMat <- matrix(0, nrow=nrows, ncol=ncols)
rownames(sub.edgeMat) <- sub.miRNAs
colnames(sub.edgeMat) <- sub.mRNAs
for ( i in 1:nrow(sub.t.edgeList) )
idx1 <- which(rownames(sub.edgeMat) == sub.t.edgeList[i, 1])
idx2 <- which(colnames(sub.edgeMat) == sub.t.edgeList[i, 2])
sub.edgeMat[idx1, idx2] <- sub.edgeMat[idx1, idx2] + 1
# sub.edgeMat <- sub.edgeMat[which(rowSums(sub.edgeMat) > 0), ,
# drop=FALSE]
# sub.edgeMat <- sub.edgeMat[, which(colSums(sub.edgeMat) > 0),
# drop=FALSE]
# Add a null miRNA that targets all genes by default so that mRNAs
# with no interactions do not have to be removed.
mat <- sub.edgeMat * 100
mat <- rbind(rep(1, ncol(mat)), mat)
rownames(mat) <- c(' ', rownames(sub.edgeMat) )
mats <- c(mats, list(mat))
doCirclize(mats, filename)
return( mats )
doCirclize <- function(mats, filename)
# doCirclize
tt <- length(mats)
pdf(filename, width=3*tt, height=3, onefile=TRUE)
par(mfrow=c(1, tt))
for ( t in 1:tt )
mat <- mats[[t]]
order <- c(rownames(mat), rev(colnames(mat)))
# miRNA colors
colors <- c('#ffffff', rainbow(nrow(mat)-1))
names(colors) <- rownames(mat)
bgap <- 50
gd <- c(rep(2, nrow(mat)-1), bgap, rep(2, ncol(mat)-1), bgap)
gcol <- NULL
gcol[rownames(mat)] <- colors[rownames(mat)]
gcol[colnames(mat)] <- 'lightgray'
# Example
degree <- 163
circos.par( = degree, = gd)
chordDiagram(mat,order=order, grid.col = gcol, transparency = 0.5,
annotationTrack="grid", annotationTrackHeight=0.01,
# since default text facing in `chordDiagram` is fixed, we need to
# manually add text in track 1
for(si in get.all.sector.index())
xlim ="xlim", sector.index = si,
track.index = 1)
ylim ="ylim", sector.index = si,
track.index = 1)
circos.text(mean(xlim), ylim[1], si, facing = "clockwise",
adj = c(0, 1.5),
niceFacing = TRUE, cex = 0.7, col = "black", sector.index = si,
track.index = 1)
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