## Genelist and edgelist maintainance
matrixToLexicon <- function( adjMats, org, groupMode )
if ( missing(groupMode) )
groupMode <- 'collapse'
lex <- list('org'=org,'genes'=NULL,'edges'=NULL, 'adjMat'=NULL)
if (length(adjMats) == 0) { return(lex) }
# Find unique genes in organism's pathways
genes <- c()
for (i in 1:length(adjMats))
adjMat <- adjMats[[i]]
res <- c()
for (m in 1:length(rownames(adjMat)))
s <- rownames(adjMat)[m]
s <- gsub(paste(org,':',sep=''), '', s )
res <- c(res, s)
genes <- c(genes, unique(unlist(res)) )
if (groupMode == 'expand') { genes <- sort(unique(as.numeric(genes))) }
geneLex <- NULL
if ( length(genes) > 0 )
geneLex <- 1:length(genes)
names(geneLex) <- genes
# Find unique edges in organism's pathways
edges <- data.frame()
pathway <- names(adjMats)
for (i in 1:length(adjMats))
if (!is.matrix(adjMats[[i]])) { next() }
if (nrow(adjMats[[i]]) == 0) { next() }
X <- t(adjMats[[i]])
rn <- gsub(paste(org,':',sep=''), '', rownames(X))
cn <- gsub(paste(org,':',sep=''), '', colnames(X))
y <- expand.grid(rn, cn, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
y <- cbind(y, as.vector(X), gsub(org,'',pathway[i]))
edges <- rbind(edges, y[which(X > 0),])
edges <- unique(edges)
edgeLex <- NULL
if ( nrow(edges) > 0 )
# Indexed columns of edgelist, with entrez ids as names.
edgeLex <- data.frame( 'E1'=edges[,2],'E2'=edges[,1],
'e1'=geneLex[ as.character(edges[,2]) ],
'e2'=geneLex[ as.character(edges[,1]) ],
edgeType=edges[,3], pathway=edges[,4],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
adjMat <- NULL
if (nrow(edges) > 0)
# Keep only one interaction type
idx <- which(!duplicated(edgeLex[,1:2]))
adjMat <- ftM2adjM(as.matrix(edgeLex[idx, 1:2]), edgeLex[idx, 5],
adjMat <- adjMat[order(as.numeric(rownames(adjMat)) ), ]
adjMat <- adjMat[, order(as.numeric(colnames(adjMat)) )]
# Return values
lex <- list('org'=org, 'genes'=geneLex, 'edges'=edgeLex, 'adjMat'=adjMat)
filterMatrix <- function( adjMats, org, userGenes )
if (is.null(userGenes))
filtAdjMats <- adjMats
for (i in 1:length(adjMats))
if (is.null(adjMats[[i]])) { next() }
genes <- rownames(adjMats[[i]])
genes <- lapply(genes, function(x)
{ matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x, ' '))), nrow=1) })
genes <- unlistToMatrix(fillMatrixList(genes))
idxGenes <- matrix(genes %in% userGenes, nrow=nrow(genes)) * 1
filtGenes <- genes * idxGenes
filtGenes[filtGenes == 0] <- ''
rnames <- apply(filtGenes, 1, function(x)
{ paste(x[which(x != '')], collapse=' ') })
rownames(filtAdjMats[[i]]) <- rnames
colnames(filtAdjMats[[i]]) <- rnames
idx <- which(rnames != '')
filtAdjMats[[i]] <- filtAdjMats[[i]][idx, idx, drop=FALSE]
# Remove rows and columns with duplicated names
idx <- which(!duplicated(rownames(filtAdjMats[[i]])))
filtAdjMats[[i]] <- filtAdjMats[[i]][idx, idx, drop=FALSE]
## MiRNAs
.createMirnaLexicon <- function(org, genes)
# Given a list of genes, and a file which maps miRNA's with their gene
# targets. Construct a vector containing the genes, followed by the
# miRNA's that target them. Their indexes are used to construct a two
# column matrix, containing the mirna's on the first column, and their
# respective gene targets on the second (index-index).
# Import mirgene map
targets <- importMiRNAFile(org)
# Keep user miRNAs
e=new.env(); load(file=cache$dirs$mirnaExpressions, envir=e)
miEx <- e[[ls(e)[1]]]
targets <- targets[which((targets[,1] %in% rownames(miEx))),]
# Find mirnas that target the given genes
targets <- targets[which((targets[,2] %in% names(genes))),]
userMirs <- unique(targets[,1])
# Mirna names are accompanied by their indexes
mirs <- (length(genes) + 1) : (length(genes) + length(userMirs))
names(mirs) <- userMirs
# Create edge list between mirnas and gene targets
edgeList <- unique(targets[, 1:2])
rownames(edgeList) <- 1:nrow(edgeList)
# Create indexer
interact <- c(names(genes), userMirs)
lib <- 1:length(interact)
names(lib) <- as.character(interact)
# Edgelist
idx <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(edgeList), ncol=2)
# Index mirna's column
idx[,1] <- as.numeric(lib[edgeList[,1]])
# Index gene targets column
idx[,2] <- as.numeric(lib[as.character(edgeList[,2])])
colnames(idx) <- c(' ', ' ')
edgeList <- cbind(idx, edgeList)
return(list('nodes'=mirs, 'edges'=edgeList))
## Others
getSubpathwayGenes <- function(subpaths, type)
if ( !is(subpaths,'matrix') )
subpaths <- matrix(subpaths, nrow=1)
if (type == 'Linear')
genes <- unique(as.vector(subpaths))
genes <- genes[which(genes!=0)]
if (type == 'Non-Linear')
usubs <- vector(mode='list', length=nrow(subpaths))
for(i in 1:nrow(subpaths))
usub <- unique(unlist(strsplit(subpaths[i,], split='-')))
usubs[[i]] <- matrix(as.numeric(usub[which(usub!='0')]), nrow=1)
# Join list of named matrices to a single named matrix
usubs <- unlistToMatrix(fillMatrixList(usubs))
genes <- unique(as.vector(usubs))
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