# Data consolidation
fillMatrixList <- function(L, maxLen)
if (is.null(L)) { return(L) }
# If input is not a list, return original data
if (!is.list(L)) { return(L) }
lens <- c()
for (i in 1:length(L))
if (!is.null(L[[i]]))
lens <- c(lens, getLengths(L[[i]]))
if (is.null(lens)) { return(NULL) }
# Set number of columns.
if (missing(maxLen)) { maxLen <- max(lens, na.rm=TRUE) }
# If no filling is necessary, return original data
if (length(unique(lens)) == 1) { return(L) }
# Enforce maximum length on each subpath of each pathway
res <- L
for (i in 1:length(L))
submat <- L[[i]]
if (is.null(submat)) { next() }
replmat <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(submat), ncol=maxLen)
for (j in 1:nrow(submat))
replmat[j,] <- c(submat[j,], rep(0, maxLen - length(submat[j,])))
res[[i]] <- replmat
unlistToMatrix <- function(L, mode='rbind')
if (is.null(L)) { return(L) }
# If input is already a matrix, return original data.
if ( is(L,'matrix') ) { return(L) }
# Find what type of data the list holds
type <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(L))
if (is.vector(L[[i]])) type <- 'vector'
if (is.matrix(L[[i]])) type <- 'matrix'
if (is.null(type)) { return(NULL) }
# List of vectors of variable size
if (type == 'vector')
lens <- sapply(L, function(x) { length(x) })
M <- matrix(0, nrow=length(L), ncol=max(lens))
for (i in 1:length(L))
M[i,1:lens[i]] <- L[[i]]
rownames(M) <- names(L)
# A list of matrices with at least one common dimension size
# rbind:same number of columns, cbind:same number of rows
if (type == 'matrix')
M <-, L)
lnames <- names(L)
if (length(lnames) > 0)
lens <- sapply(L, function(x)
if (!is.null(x)) nrow(x) else 0
} )
rnames <- vector(mode='numeric', length=nrow(M))
ctr <- 0
for (i in 1:length(lnames))
if (lens[i] > 0)
idx <- (ctr+1) : (ctr<-ctr+lens[i])
rnames[idx] <- rep(lnames[i], lens[i])
rownames(M) <- rnames
getLengths <- function(M)
# Count length of non zero elements in each row of a matrix.
# Each row must consist of a prefix with non zero elements,
# and a suffix of consecutive zeros denote absence of data.
# Ideal for matrices with a large number of rows.
esub <- cbind(M, rep(0, nrow(M)))
esub <- rbind(esub, c(-1, rep(0, ncol(M))))
df <- which(diff(which(c(t(esub)) != 0)) - 1 > 0)
len <- c(df[1], diff(df))
splitWork <- function(N, k)
if (missing(k))
k <- detectCores(logical=FALSE)
if (N < k)
k <- N
if (N > 1)
jobs <- split(1:N, cut(1:N, quantile(1:N,(0:k)/k),
include.lowest=TRUE, labels=FALSE))
if (N == 1)
jobs <- list(c(1)); names(jobs) <- '1'
return(list(jobs=jobs, k=k))
matrixToList <- function(subpaths, block, k)
if ( is(subpaths,'list') )
subpaths <- unlistToMatrix(subpaths)
if (missing(block)) { block <- 1000 }
if (missing(k)) { k <- detectCores(logical=FALSE) }
K <- floor(nrow(subpaths)/block)
xx <- splitWork(nrow(subpaths), K)
S <- vector(mode='list', length=K)
for (i in 1:K)
S[[i]] <- subpaths[xx$jobs[[i]],]
kk <- splitWork(length(S), k=k)
res <- list(subpaths=S, jobs=kk$jobs, k=kk$k)
matrixToFile <- function(adjMats, org, dirs )
# Remove possible edge type information
for (i in 1:length(adjMats))
adjMats[[i]][adjMats[[i]] > 1] <- 1
adjMatFiles <- paste( dirs$tmp$mat,'//', org, '//', names(adjMats) ,
'.txt', sep = '' )
IdsFiles <- paste( dirs$tmp$ids,'//', org, '//', names(adjMats) ,
'ids.txt', sep = '' )
mapply( write.table, adjMats, file = adjMatFiles, sep = ",",
row=FALSE, col=FALSE )
matIds <- lapply(adjMats, function(x) { colnames(x) } )
mapply( write.table, matIds, file = IdsFiles, sep = ",",
row=FALSE, col=FALSE )
optimalLengths <- function(subpaths, mode)
if (is.list(subpaths)) { subpaths <- unlistToMatrix(subpaths) }
res <- vector(mode='numeric', length=ncol(subpaths))
lens <- getLengths(subpaths)
for (len in 3:ncol(subpaths))
idx <- which(lens <= len)
res[len] <- length(unique(as.vector(subpaths[idx,])))
idxToMat <- function(L, idx)
rows <- ((idx-1) %% nrow(L)) + 1
cols <- floor((idx-1)/nrow(L)) + 1
return(list(rows=rows, cols=cols))
normalize <- function(x)
res <- (x-min(x)) / (max(x)-min(x))
# Data Export
exportSubpaths <- function(subpaths, dir, type, verbose, mode)
if (is.null(subpaths)) { return() }
if (missing(verbose)) { verbose <- TRUE }
if (missing(mode)) { mode <- 'clean'}
if (missing(type)) { type <- c('.txt','.RData')}
if (verbose)
message('Exporting subpaths...', appendLF = FALSE)
# Determine max serial number of output files already present in directory
n1 <- 0; n2 <- 0
f1 <- gsub('.RData', '', list.files(dir, pattern='.RData'))
f2 <- gsub('.txt', '', list.files(dir, pattern='.txt'))
if (length(f1) > 0)
n1 <- as.integer(unique(unlist(strsplit(f1, 'subpaths'))))
n1 <- max(n1, na.rm=TRUE)
if (length(f2) > 0)
n2 <- as.integer(unique(unlist(strsplit(f2, 'subpaths'))))
n2 <- max(n2, na.rm=TRUE)
n <- max(n1,n2)
if ('.RData' %in% type)
file <- paste0(dir, '//subpaths', sprintf("%03d", n+1),'.RData')
save(subpaths, file=file)
if ('.txt' %in% type)
# Create output file
file <- paste0(dir,'//subpaths', sprintf("%03d", n+1),'.txt')
i <- 1
paths <- names(subpaths)
if (is.list(subpaths))
for (sub in subpaths)
# Append subpaths to output file
if (is.null(sub))
i <- i + 1; next()
sub <- cbind(rep(paths[i], nrow(sub)), sub)
write.table(sub, file=file, sep='\t', append=TRUE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
i <- i + 1
if (is.matrix(subpaths))
# Append subpaths to output file
if (mode != 'justify')
write.table(subpaths, file=file, sep='\t', append=TRUE,
row.names=TRUE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
if (mode == 'justify')
exportToFile(R=subpaths, expfile=file)
if (verbose) { message('done.') }
createScoreFile <- function(dir, type, fileType)
if (missing(fileType)) { fileType <- '.txt'}
# Determine max serial number of output files already present in directory
n1 <- 0; n2 <- 0
f1 <- gsub(paste('a', fileType, sep=''), '',
list.files(dir, pattern=paste('a', fileType, sep='')))
f2 <- gsub(paste('b', fileType, sep=''), '',
list.files(dir, pattern=paste('b', fileType, sep='')))
if (length(f1) > 0)
N1 <- as.integer(unique(unlist(strsplit(f1, 'scores'))))
n1 <- max(n1, na.rm=TRUE)
if (length(f2) > 0)
n2 <- as.integer(unique(unlist(strsplit(f2, 'scores'))))
n2 <- max(n2, na.rm=TRUE)
if (type == 'a') { n <- n1 }
if (type == 'b') { n <- n2 }
file <- paste0(dir,'//scores', sprintf("%03d", n+1),
paste0(type, fileType))
exportToFile <- function(R, expfile, append=FALSE)
if (!file.exists(expfile)) { file.create(expfile) }
max.print <- getOption('max.print')
width <- getOption('width')
options(width = 10000)
if ( is(R,'matrix') )
options(max.print=nrow(R) * ncol(R))
sink(file=expfile, append=append)
#, row.names=T, q=F)
print(noquote(R), row.names=TRUE, col.names=FALSE, q=FALSE)
if ( is(R,'list') )
print(R); sink();
if ( is(R,'numeric') )
x <- paste(names(R), '\t', R, collapse='\n')
cat(x, file=expfile , sep = '\n')
if ( is(R,'integer') )
x <- paste(R, '\t', names(R), collapse='\n')
cat(x, file=expfile , sep = '\n')
if ( is(R,'data.frame') )
options(max.print=nrow(R) * ncol(R))
sink(file=expfile, append=append)
print(noquote(R), row.names=FALSE, right=FALSE)
if ( is(R,'character') )
print(noquote(R), row.names=FALSE)
options(width = width)
checkFile <- function(dir, file, filepath='')
if (filepath=='')
filepath <- paste(dir, file, sep='//')
if (!file.exists(filepath))
message('Wrong or missing filepath', filepath);
# Basic fault tolerant parallel computation
.doSafeParallel <- function(funcName, export, combine, N, cores, ...)
if ( missing(export) ) { export <- NULL }
if ( cores == 'default' ) { cores <- detectCores(logical=FALSE) }
if ( cores == 1 )
# Run sequentially for trivial inputs
exports <- NULL
# Create and register parallel backend
cl <- makeCluster(cores)
on.exit(stopCluster(cl), add=TRUE)
exports <- c(as.character(substitute(funcName)), export)
env <- parent.env(parent.frame())
if ( !is.null(export) )
clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=exports, envir=env)
i <- 0
while (TRUE)
if ( combine == 'default')
res <- foreach( i=1:N, .export=exports) %do%
funcName(i, ...)
res <- foreach( i=1:N, .export=exports,
.combine=combine) %do%
funcName(i, ...)
}, error = function(e)
message('\n\t Master cannot establish communication with workers')
message('\t+ Reinitializing clusters...', appendLF = FALSE)
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(logical=FALSE))
on.exit(stopCluster(cl), add=TRUE)
if ( !is.null(export) )
clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=exports, envir=env)
# Obtain full path to an executable file
.Sys.which2 <- function(cmd)
stopifnot(length(cmd) == 1)
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
pathname <- system(sprintf("where %s", cmd), intern=TRUE)[1]
if (! return(setNames(pathname, cmd))
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