# Main scan function for CGEN package
GxE.scan <- function(snp.list, pheno.list, op=NULL) {
# op
# model 1=snp.logistic, 2=additive.test, 3=score.test, 4=snp.matched
# 0=user-defined
if (!is.list(snp.list)) stop("snp.list must be a list")
op <- default.list(op,
scan.func.op <- op[["scan.func.op", exact=TRUE]]
SOPFLAG <- !is.null(scan.func.op)
which <- op$model
if (which == 3) {
method <- "wald"
if (SOPFLAG) {
temp <- scan.func.op[["method", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(temp)) temp <- 0
if (temp %in% 1) method <- "max"
# Output file
out.file <- op[["out.file", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(out.file)) out.file <- paste(getwd(), "/GxE.scan.output.txt", sep="")
op$out.file <- out.file
if (is.null(snp.list[["temp.dir", exact=TRUE]])) {
snp.list$temp.dir <- dirname(out.file)
if (is.null(snp.list[["id.str", exact=TRUE]])) {
snp.list$id.str <- basename(out.file)
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
format <- snp.list$format
scan.func <- op[["scan.func", exact=TRUE]]
if ((!which) && (is.null(scan.func))) {
stop("ERROR with options: scan.func must be specified with model=0")
impute.flag <- format %in% "impute"
op$scan.GxE.model <- NULL
UML_CML <- 0
if (which != 1) UML_CML <- 0
str2 <- ""
if (UML_CML) str2 <- "_2"
if ((which) && (impute.flag) && (which != 3)) stop("ERROR: Only the score test can be used with imputed genotype data")
if ((which == 3) && (method == "wald")) str2 <- "a"
if (which) {
op$scan.setup.func <- paste("GxE.setup.", which, str2, sep="")
op$scan.func <- paste("GxE.scan.", which, str2, sep="")
pheno.list$remove.miss <- 1
# Set keep.vars
vlist <- list(id.var=pheno.list[["id.var", exact=TRUE]],
response.var=pheno.list[["response.var", exact=TRUE]],
main.vars=pheno.list[["main.vars", exact=TRUE]],
int.vars=pheno.list[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]],
strata.var=pheno.list[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]],
ProbG1.var=pheno.list[["ProbG1.var", exact=TRUE]],
cc.var=pheno.list[["cc.var", exact=TRUE]],
nn.var=pheno.list[["nn.var", exact=TRUE]])
temp <- getAllVars(vlist, names=names(vlist))
pheno.list$keep.vars <- unique(temp)
if (which %in% 2:4) {
snp.list$impute.method <- 2
if (snp.list$impute.cutoff < 0) snp.list$impute.cutoff <- 0.999
impute.method <- snp.list$impute.method
if (which) {
gmodel <- NULL
if (!is.null(scan.func.op)) gmodel <- scan.func.op[["genetic.model", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(gmodel)) gmodel <- 0
if ((UML_CML) && (gmodel == 3)) stop("ERROR1: genetic.model = 3 is not valid")
if ((impute.flag) && (impute.method == 1) && (gmodel == 3)) {
stop("ERROR2: genetic.model = 3 is not valid")
snp.list$genetic.model <- 0, pheno.list, op=op)
} # END: scan.GxE
# Setup function for snp.logistic
GxE.setup.1 <- function(data, opList) {
# data data frame
# op List of sublists
pheno.list <- opList$pheno.list
op <- opList[["scan.func.op", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(op)) op <- list()
op <- default.list(op, c("output.parms", "output.methods"),
list(0, c("UML", "CML", "EB")))
parmFlag <- op$output.parms
methods <- unique(toupper(removeWhiteSpace(op$output.methods)))
temp <- methods %in% c("UML", "CML", "EB")
methods <- methods[temp]
if (!length(methods)) {
cat("\nERROR: output.methods must be any of UML, CML or EB\n")
op$imputed <- opList$impute.flag
if (op$imputed) {
op$ <- opList$
op$ <- opList$
op$ <- opList$
response.var <- pheno.list[["response.var", exact=TRUE]]
snp.var <- pheno.list[["snp.var", exact=TRUE]]
# Check for errors
if (length(response.var) != 1) scan.error("pheno.list$response.var must be a single variable", "GxE.setup.1")
if (length(snp.var) != 1) scan.error("pheno.list$snp.var must be a single variable", "GxE.setup.1")
if (! scan.error("data must be a data frame", "GxE.setup.1")
main.vars <- pheno.list[["main.vars", exact=TRUE]]
int.vars <- pheno.list[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
strata.var <- pheno.list[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]] <- main.vars <- int.vars <- strata.var
int.flag <- !is.null(int.vars)
op <- default.list(op, c("snpName", "fit.null", "genetic.model"), list("SNP", 0, 0))
if (!is.numeric(snp.var)) op$snpName <- snp.var
zeroFlag <- 0
zero.vars <- NULL
main.form <- ("formula" %in% class(main.vars))
int.form <- ("formula" %in% class(int.vars))
s.form <- ("formula" %in% class(strata.var))
# Check variable names
vlist <- list(response.var=response.var, main.vars=main.vars,
int.vars=int.vars, strata.var=strata.var)
vars <- getAllVars(vlist, names=names(vlist))
temp <- !(vars %in% colnames(data))
if (any(temp)) {
scan.error("The above variables were not found in the input data", "GxE.setup.1")
# Check if snp.var is in main.vars or int.vars
if (snp.var %in% getAllVars(main.vars)) scan.error("ERROR: main.vars must not contain snp.var", "GxE.setup.1")
if (snp.var %in% getAllVars(int.vars)) scan.error("ERROR: int.vars must not contain snp.var", "GxE.setup.1")
# Remove missing values
temp <- getFormulas(vlist)
miss <- c(NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf)
if (length(temp)) data <- applyFormulas(data, temp, remove=miss)
data <- removeMiss.vars(data, vars=vars, miss=miss)
rm(vlist, vars)
temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)
# Get the response variable
D <- unfactor(data[, response.var])
nobs <- length(D)
# Get the snp variable
#snp <- unfactor(data[, snp.var])
facVars <- NULL
sflag <- !is.null(strata.var)
# Check for constant strata variable
if ((sflag) && (!s.form) && (length(strata.var) == 1)) {
temp <- unique(makeVector(data[, strata.var]))
if (length(temp) == 1) sflag <- FALSE
# Determine if any strata vars are character
if ((sflag) && (!s.form)) {
for (v in strata.var) {
if (is.character(data[, v])) data[, v] <- factor(data[, v])
# Get the variables that are factors
for (temp in colnames(data)) {
if (is.factor(data[, temp])) facVars <- c(facVars, temp)
# Get the V design matrix
design.V0 <- logistic.dsgnMat(data, int.vars, facVars)$designMatrix
int.vars <- colnames(design.V0)
# For fitting a null model
if (op$fit.null) {
# Remove interaction vars, snp
temp <- getAllVars(
temp <- unique(temp, int.vars)
zero.vars <- temp
int.vars <- NULL
design.V0 <- NULL
zeroFlag <- 1
op$fixParms <- list(parms=snp.var, values=0)
op$zero.vars <- NULL
# Get the stratafication matrix
temp <- sMatrix.logistic(data, strata.var, facVars)
design.S0 <- temp$design.S0
op$s.1catVar <- temp$s.1catVar
# Get the X design matrix
X_ <- logistic.dsgnMat(data, main.vars, facVars, remove.vars=zero.vars)$designMatrix
# For the zero.vars option
zero.vars <- op[["zero.vars", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(zero.vars)) {
temp <- list(main.vars=X_, int.vars=design.V0, strata.var=design.S0)
temp <- apply_zero.vars(zero.vars, temp, snp.var, facVars, data)
op$fixParms <- temp[["fixParms", exact=TRUE]]
temp <- temp$mat.list
design.V0 <- temp[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
int.vars <- colnames(design.V0)
X_ <- temp[["main.vars", exact=TRUE]]
design.S0 <- temp[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]]
# Set up return vector
int.names <- NULL
if (op$genetic.model != 3) {
retvars <- snp.var
snpvars <- snp.var
if (int.flag) {
int.names <- paste(snp.var, ":", int.vars, sep="")
retvars <- c(retvars, int.names)
} else {
retvars <- paste(snp.var, 1:2, sep="")
snpvars <- retvars
if (int.flag) {
int.names <- paste(snp.var, "1:", int.vars, sep="")
int.names <- c(int.names, paste(snp.var, "2:", int.vars, sep=""))
retvars <- c(retvars, int.names)
pheno.list$return.vars <- retvars
pheno.list$omnibus.vars <- retvars
pheno.list$interaction.vars <- int.names
#methods <- c("UML", "CML", "EB")
vnames <- paste(methods, ".Omnibus.Pvalue", sep="")
if (int.flag) vnames <- c(vnames, paste(methods, ".Inter.Pvalue", sep=""))
if (parmFlag) {
# Betas
v2 <- "Beta"
for (method in methods) {
vnames <- c(vnames, paste(method, ".", retvars, ".", v2, sep=""))
# Cov
v2 <- "Cov"
nv <- length(retvars)
for (method in methods) {
for (i in 1:nv) {
vnames <- c(vnames, paste(method, ".", retvars[i], "_", retvars[i:nv], ".", v2, sep=""))
retvec <- rep(NA, length(vnames))
names(retvec) <- vnames
pheno.list$return.vec <- retvec
pheno.list$omnibus.flag <- !is.null(pheno.list[["omnibus.vars", exact=TRUE]])
pheno.list$interaction.flag <- !is.null(pheno.list[["interaction.vars", exact=TRUE]])
pheno.list$parmFlag <- parmFlag
pheno.list$methods <- methods
# Base model
if (!is.null(X_)) {
fit <- try(glm(D ~ X_, family=binomial()), silent=TRUE)
} else {
fit <- try(glm(D ~ 1, family=binomial()), silent=TRUE)
checkBaseModel(fit, opList)
retdata <- list(D=D, design.X0=X_, design.V0=design.V0, design.S0=design.S0)
pheno.list$subject.ids <- makeVector(data[, pheno.list$id.var])
pheno.list$ <- "D"
list(data=retdata, pheno.list=pheno.list, scan.func.op=op)
} # END: GxE.setup.1
# Scan function for snp.logistic <- function(data, op) {
# data List of data objects
# op snp.logistic options
#imputed <- op$imputed
imputed <- 0
if (imputed) {
snp <- cbind(data[[op$]], data[[op$]],
temp <-[, 1])
} else {
snp <- data[[op$snpName]]
temp <-
D <- data$D
design.X0 <- data$design.X0
design.V0 <- data$design.V0
design.S0 <- data$design.S0
nmiss <- sum(temp)
n <- length(D)
if (n - nmiss < 5) return(NULL)
if (nmiss) {
temp <- !temp
if (imputed) {
snp <- snp[temp, ]
} else {
snp <- snp[temp]
D <- D[temp]
design.X0 <- design.X0[temp, , drop=FALSE]
design.V0 <- design.V0[temp, , drop=FALSE]
design.S0 <- design.S0[temp, , drop=FALSE]
ret <- snp.main(D, snp, X.main=design.X0,,
X.strata=design.S0, ProbG1=NULL, op=op)
} # END:
# Scan function for snp.logistic
GxE.scan.1 <- function(data, op) {
# data List of data objects
# op List of sublists
ret <-, op$scan.func.op)
if (is.null(ret)) return(NULL)
pheno.list <- op$pheno.list
retvars <- pheno.list$return.vars
retvec <- pheno.list$return.vec
omnivars <- pheno.list$omnibus.vars
omniFlag <- pheno.list$omnibus.flag
intervars <- pheno.list$interaction.vars
interFlag <- pheno.list$interaction.flag
parmFlag <- pheno.list$parmFlag
methods <- pheno.list$methods
outvars <- pheno.list$OUTVARS
retvec[] <- NA
for (method in methods) {
obj <- ret[[method, exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(obj)) {
parms <- obj$parms
cov <- obj$cov
temp <- retvars %in% colnames(cov)
vars <- retvars[temp]
nvars <- length(vars)
if ((parmFlag) && (nvars)) {
# Betas
names <- paste(method, ".", vars, ".Beta", sep="")
retvec[names] <- parms[vars]
# Cov
for (i in 1:nvars) {
v1 <- vars[i]
v2 <- vars[i:nvars]
names <- paste(method, ".", v1, "_", v2, ".Cov", sep="")
retvec[names] <- cov[v1, v2]
if (omniFlag) {
v <- paste(method, ".Omnibus.Pvalue", sep="")
retvec[v] <- waldTest.main(parms, cov, omnivars)$pvalue
if (interFlag) {
v <- paste(method, ".Inter.Pvalue", sep="")
retvec[v] <- waldTest.main(parms, cov, intervars)$pvalue
} # END: GxE.scan.1
# Setup function for the additive test
GxE.setup.2 <- function(data, opList=NULL) {
pheno.list <- opList$pheno.list
op <- opList[["scan.func.op", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(op)) op <- list()
response.var <- pheno.list[["response.var", exact=TRUE]]
snp.var <- pheno.list[["snp.var", exact=TRUE]]
exposure.var <- pheno.list[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
strata.var <- pheno.list[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]]
main.vars <- pheno.list[["main.vars", exact=TRUE]]
# Check for errors
if (length(response.var) != 1) scan.error("response.var must be a single variable", "GxE.setup.2")
if (length(snp.var) != 1) scan.error("snp.var must be a single variable", "GxE.setup.2")
if (! scan.error("data must be a data frame")
if (length(exposure.var) != 1) scan.error("pheno.list$int.vars must be a single variable", "GxE.setup.2")
if (!(length(strata.var) %in% 0:1)) scan.error("strata.var must be NULL or a single variable", "GxE.setup.2")
op <- default.list(op,
c("indep", "maxit", "reltol", "optim.method", "use.C.code", "genetic.model"),
list(FALSE, 500, 1e-7, "BFGS", 1, 3))
if (!(op$genetic.model %in% 1:3)) scan.error("ERROR: genetic.model must be 1, 2, or 3", "GxE.setup.2")
op$ <- opList$
# Check variable names
vlist <- list(response.var=response.var, main.vars=main.vars,
strata.var=strata.var, exposure.var=exposure.var)
vars <- getAllVars(vlist, names=names(vlist))
temp <- !(vars %in% colnames(data))
if (any(temp)) {
scan.error("The above variables were not found in the input data", "GxE.setup.2")
# Check if snp.var is in main.vars
temp <- getAllVars(main.vars)
if (snp.var %in% temp) scan.error("ERROR: main.vars must not contain snp.var", "GxE.setup.2")
if (exposure.var %in% temp) scan.error("ERROR: main.vars must not contain the exposure var", "GxE.setup.2")
# Remove missing values
temp <- getFormulas(vlist)
miss <- c(NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf)
if (length(temp)) data <- applyFormulas(data, temp, remove=miss)
data <- removeMiss.vars(data, vars=vars, miss=miss)
if (!nrow(data)) scan.error("ERROR: Zero rows in the input data after removing rows with missing values", "GxE.setup.2")
# Get the response variable
Y <- as.numeric(unfactor(makeVector(data[, response.var])))
if (!(all(Y %in% 0:1))) scan.error("ERROR: response.var must be coded 0-1", "GxE.setup.2")
# Get the exposure variable
exv <- unfactor(makeVector(data[, exposure.var]))
uexv <- unique(exv)
nexv <- length(uexv)
if (nexv < 2) scan.error("After missing values are removed, the interaction variable has less than 2 levels", "GxE.setup.2")
if (!(all(uexv %in% 0:2))) {
# Recode to 0-1-2
tlist <- list()
for (i in 1:nexv) tlist[[i]] <- exv %in% uexv[i]
for (i in 1:nexv) exv[tlist[[i]]] <- i - 1
exv <- as.numeric(exv)
# Get the stratification vector
if (!is.null(strata.var)) {
strataVec <- factor(makeVector(data[, strata.var]))
} else {
strataVec <- NULL
# Get the variables that are factors
facVars <- NULL
for (temp in vars) {
if (is.factor(data[, temp])) facVars <- c(facVars, temp)
# Get the design matrix
if (is.null(main.vars)) {
X_ <- NULL
} else {
X_ <- logistic.dsgnMat(data, main.vars, facVars, removeInt=1)$designMatrix
pheno.list$RERI.flag <- 0
pheno.list$AP.flag <- 0
pheno.list$SYN.flag <- 0
indep <- op$indep
cnames <- c("Add.LRT.P", "Mult.LRT.P", "Mult.Wald.P")
if (nexv == 2) {
cnames <- c(cnames, "RERI.P")
pheno.list$RERI.flag <- 1
if (!indep) {
cnames <- c(cnames, "Synergy.P", "Attrib.P")
pheno.list$AP.flag <- 1
pheno.list$SYN.flag <- 1
retvec <- rep(NA, length(cnames))
names(retvec) <- cnames
pheno.list$return.vec <- retvec
pheno.list$ <- "Y"
# Base model
if (!is.null(X_)) {
form <- Y ~ X_ + exv
} else {
form <- Y ~ exv
fit <- try(glm(form, family=binomial()), silent=TRUE)
checkBaseModel(fit, opList)
retdata <- list(Y=Y, exv=exv, design.X0=X_, strataVec=strataVec)
list(data=retdata, pheno.list=pheno.list, scan.func.op=op)
} # END: GxE.setup.2
# Scan function for additive test
GxE.scan.2 <- function(data, opList) {
pheno.list <- opList$pheno.list
op <- opList$scan.func.op
# Get the snp variable
snp <- data[[opList$]]
subset <-
miss <- any(subset)
if (miss) {
subset <- !subset
snp <- snp[subset]
usnp <- unique(snp)
if (!(all(usnp %in% 0:2))) scan.error("ERROR: snp.var must be coded 0-1-2", "GxE.scan.2")
n1 <- length(usnp)
if (n1 < 2) scan.error("After missing values the SNP has less than 2 levels", "GxE.scan.2")
if (n1 == 2) {
if (!(all(usnp %in% 0:1))) scan.error("ERROR: snp.var must be coded 0-1 for this analysis", "GxE.scan.2")
if (op$genetic.model != 0) cat("NOTE: SNP only has 2 levels. Changing genetic.model.\n")
op$genetic.model <- 0
exv <- data$exv
if (miss) exv <- exv[subset]
uexv <- unique(exv)
n2 <- length(uexv)
if (n2 < 2) scan.error("After missing values are removed, the interaction variable has less than 2 levels", "GxE.scan.2")
if (n2 == 2) {
if (!(all(uexv %in% 0:1))) {
# Recode to 0-1
temp1 <- exv %in% uexv[1]
temp2 <- exv %in% uexv[2]
exv[temp1] <- 0
exv[temp2] <- 1
# Get the method
if (op$genetic.model %in% 0:2) {
method <- paste("2x", n2, sep="")
} else {
method <- paste(n1, "x", n2, sep="")
Y <- data$Y
design.X0 <- data[["design.X0", exact=TRUE]]
strataVec <- data[["strataVec", exact=TRUE]]
if (miss) {
Y <- Y[subset]
if (!is.null(design.X0)) design.X0 <- design.X0[subset, , drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(strataVec)) strataVec <- strataVec[subset]
ret <- try(additiveTest(Y, snp, exv, design.X0, method, indep=op$indep,,
control=list(maxit=op$maxit, reltol=op$reltol), optim.method=op$optim.method,
use.C.code=op$use.C.code, genetic.model=op$genetic.model), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(ret, conv=0)) scan.error(ret, "additiveTest")
retvec <- pheno.list$return.vec
nn <- names(ret)
if ("pval.add" %in% nn) retvec[1] <- ret$pval.add
if ("pval.mult" %in% nn) retvec[2] <- ret$pval.mult
if ("pval.wald.mult" %in% nn) retvec[3] <- ret$pval.wald.mult
if ((pheno.list$RERI.flag) && ("RERI" %in% nn)) retvec["RERI.P"] <- ret$RERI[1, "pval"]
if ((pheno.list$SYN.flag) && ("S" %in% nn)) retvec["Synergy.P"] <- ret$S[1, "pval"]
if ((pheno.list$AP.flag) && ("AP" %in% nn)) retvec["Attrib.P"] <- ret$AP[1, "pval"]
} # END: GxE.scan.2
# Setup function for score test
GxE.setup.3 <- function(data, opList) {
pheno.list <- opList$pheno.list
op <- opList[["scan.func.op", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(op)) op <- list()
response.var <- pheno.list$response.var
main.vars <- pheno.list[["main.vars", exact=TRUE]]
strata.var <- pheno.list[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]]
exposure.var <- pheno.list[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(exposure.var)) {
scan.error("pheno.list$int.vars must be specified", "GxE.setup.3")
if (length(response.var) != 1) scan.error("pheno.list$response.var must be a single variable", "GxE.setup.3")
if (!(length(strata.var) %in% 0:1)) scan.error("strata.var must be NULL or a single variable", "GxE.setup.3")
# Check the options list
if (is.null(op)) op <- list()
op <- default.list(op,
c("indep", "doGLM", "p.mvn", "do.joint", "df2", "thetas"),
list(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, seq(-3,3,by=0.1)))
op$p.mvn <- FALSE
indep <- op$indep
doGLM <- op$doGLM
p.mvn <- op$p.mvn
do.joint <- op$do.joint
df2 <- op$df2
thetas <- op$thetas
if (!(indep %in% 0:1)) scan.error("The option indep must be TRUE or FALSE", "GxE.setup.3")
if (!(doGLM %in% 0:1)) scan.error("The option doGLM must be TRUE or FALSE", "GxE.setup.3")
if (!(p.mvn %in% 0:1)) scan.error("The option p.mvn must be TRUE or FALSE", "GxE.setup.3")
if (!(do.joint %in% 0:1)) scan.error("The option do.joint must be TRUE or FALSE", "GxE.setup.3")
if (!(df2 %in% 0:1)) scan.error("The option df2 must be TRUE or FALSE", "GxE.setup.3")
if (!is.vector(thetas)) scan.error("The option thetas must be a numeric vector", "GxE.setup.3")
if (!is.numeric(thetas)) scan.error("The option thetas must be a numeric vector", "GxE.setup.3")
if ((!indep) && (!is.null(strata.var))) {
warning("strata.var is ignored since it can only be used with indep=TRUE")
strata.var <- NULL
pheno.list$strata.var <- NULL
vlist <- list(response.var=response.var, main.vars=main.vars,
strata.var=strata.var, exposure.var=exposure.var)
vars <- getAllVars(vlist, names=names(vlist))
temp <- !(vars %in% colnames(data))
if (any(temp)) {
scan.error("The above variables were not found in the input data", "GxE.setup.3")
# Check variable names
mvars <- getAllVars(main.vars)
evars <- getAllVars(exposure.var)
if (response.var %in% mvars) scan.error("ERROR: main.vars must not contain response.var", "GxE.setup.3")
if (response.var %in% evars) scan.error("ERROR: exposure.var must not contain response.var", "GxE.setup.3")
temp <- !(mvars %in% c(evars))
mvars <- mvars[temp]
# Get the response variable
Y <- as.numeric(unfactor(data[, response.var]))
if (!(all(Y %in% 0:1))) scan.error("ERROR: response.var must be coded 0-1", "GxE.setup.3")
# Get the stratification vector
if (!is.null(strata.var)) {
strataVec <- as.numeric(factor(makeVector(data[, strata.var])))
} else {
strataVec <- NULL
# Get the variables that are factors
facVars <- NULL
for (temp in vars) {
if (is.factor(data[, temp])) facVars <- c(facVars, temp)
# Design matrix for exposure
X2 <- logistic.dsgnMat(data, evars, facVars, removeInt=1)$designMatrix
#for (i in 1:ncol(X2)) {
# if (!(all(X2[, i] %in% 0:1))) scan.error("ERROR: pheno.list$int.vars must be binary variables", "GxE.setup.3")
# Get the design matrix for main effects
if (!length(mvars)) {
X_ <- NULL
} else {
X_ <- logistic.dsgnMat(data, mvars, facVars, removeInt=1)$designMatrix
cnames <- c("maxTheta", "maxScore", "pval")
vnames <- c("Max.Theta", "Max.Score", "Pvalue")
if (doGLM) {
cnames <- c(cnames, "pval.logit")
vnames <- c(vnames, "Pvalue.logit")
if (do.joint) {
cnames <- c(cnames, "pval.joint")
vnames <- c(vnames, "Pvalue.joint")
retvec <- rep(NA, length(cnames))
names(retvec) <- vnames
pheno.list$return.vec <- retvec
pheno.list$return.names <- cnames
pheno.list$ <- "Y"
# Base model
if (!is.null(X_)) {
form <- Y ~ X_ + X2
} else {
form <- Y ~ X2
fit <- try(glm(form, family=binomial()), silent=TRUE)
checkBaseModel(fit, opList)
retdata <- list(Y=Y, X2=X2, COVS=X_, strataVec=strataVec)
list(data=retdata, pheno.list=pheno.list, scan.func.op=op)
} # END: GxE.setup.3
# Scan function for score test
GxE.scan.3 <- function(data, opList) {
snp.var <- opList$
# Get the snp variable
snp <- as.numeric(makeVector(data[[snp.var]]))
temp <-
miss <- any(temp)
if (miss) {
temp <- !temp
snp <- snp[temp]
usnp <- unique(snp)
#if (!(all(usnp %in% 0:2))) scan.error("ERROR: snp.var must be coded 0-1-2", "GxE.setup.3")
n1 <- length(usnp)
if (n1 < 2) scan.error("After removing rows with missing values, the SNP only has 1 level", "GxE.scan.3")
Y <- data$Y
X2 <- data$X2
COVS <- data[["COVS", exact=TRUE]]
strataVec <- data[["strataVec", exact=TRUE]]
if (miss) {
Y <- Y[temp]
X2 <- X2[temp, , drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(COVS)) COVS <- COVS[temp, , drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(strataVec)) strataVec <- strataVec[temp]
op <- opList$scan.func.op
ret <- scoreTest.general9(Y, snp, X2, COVS, op$thetas, op$df2, op$indep, strataVec,
op$doGLM, op$p.mvn, do.joint=op$do.joint)
pheno.list <- opList$pheno.list
retnames <- pheno.list$return.names
retvec <- pheno.list$return.vec
rnames <- names(ret)
for (i in 1:length(retnames)) {
nn <- retnames[i]
if (nn %in% rnames) retvec[i] <- ret[[nn]]
} # END: GxE.scan.3
# Setup function for Minsun's score test
GxE.setup.3a <- function(data, opList) {
pheno.list <- opList$pheno.list
op <- opList[["scan.func.op", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(op)) op <- list()
op <- default.list(op, c("output.sandwich", "output.parms", "output.methods"),
list(0, 0, c("UML", "CML", "EB")))
sandFlag <- op$output.sandwich
parmFlag <- op$output.parms
methods <- op$methods
methods <- unique(toupper(removeWhiteSpace(op$output.methods)))
temp <- methods %in% c("UML", "CML", "EB")
methods <- methods[temp]
if (!length(methods)) {
cat("\nERROR: output.methods must be any of UML, CML or EB\n")
response.var <- pheno.list$response.var
main.vars <- pheno.list[["main.vars", exact=TRUE]]
strata.var <- pheno.list[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]]
exposure.var <- pheno.list[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(exposure.var)) {
scan.error("pheno.list$int.vars must be specified", "GxE.setup.3a")
if (length(response.var) != 1) scan.error("pheno.list$response.var must be a single variable", "GxE.setup.3a")
if (!(length(strata.var) %in% 0:1)) scan.error("strata.var must be NULL or a single variable", "GxE.setup.3a")
vlist <- list(response.var=response.var, main.vars=main.vars,
strata.var=strata.var, exposure.var=exposure.var)
vars <- getAllVars(vlist, names=names(vlist))
temp <- !(vars %in% colnames(data))
if (any(temp)) {
scan.error("The above variables were not found in the input data", "GxE.setup.3a")
# Check variable names
mvars <- getAllVars(main.vars)
if (!length(mvars)) scan.error("pheno.list$main.vars cannot be NULL")
evars <- getAllVars(exposure.var)
if (response.var %in% mvars) scan.error("ERROR: main.vars must not contain response.var", "GxE.setup.3a")
if (response.var %in% evars) scan.error("ERROR: exposure.var must not contain response.var", "GxE.setup.3a")
# Get the response variable
Y <- as.numeric(unfactor(data[, response.var]))
if (!(all(Y %in% 0:1))) scan.error("ERROR: response.var must be coded 0-1", "GxE.setup.3a")
# Get the stratification vector
if (!is.null(strata.var)) {
strataVec <- as.numeric(factor(makeVector(data[, strata.var])))
} else {
strataVec <- rep(1, nrow(data))
# Get the variables that are factors
facVars <- NULL
for (temp in vars) {
if (is.factor(data[, temp])) facVars <- c(facVars, temp)
# Design matrix for exposure
X2 <- logistic.dsgnMat(data, evars, facVars, removeInt=1)$designMatrix
ev <- colnames(X2)
# Get the design matrix for main effects
if (!length(mvars)) {
} else {
COVS <- logistic.dsgnMat(data, mvars, facVars, removeInt=1)$designMatrix
# Compute the fitted values
if (is.null(COVS)) {
fit <- glm(Y ~ 1, family=binomial())
} else {
fit <- glm(Y ~ COVS, family=binomial())
checkBaseModel(fit, opList)
fitted_value <- fitted(fit)
rvars <- NULL
names <- NULL
for (meth in methods) {
rvars <- c(rvars, paste(meth, c("_joint_pval", "_interaction_pval"), sep=""))
names <- c(names, paste(meth, c(".Omnibus.Pvalue", ".Inter.Pvalue"), sep=""))
if (sandFlag) {
for (meth in methods) {
rvars <- c(rvars, paste(meth, c("_joint_pval_sandwich", "_interaction_pval_sandwich"), sep=""))
names <- c(names, paste(meth, c(".Omnibus.Pvalue", ".Inter.Pvalue"), ".Sand", sep=""))
pheno.list$return.vars <- rvars
n.ex <- ncol(X2)
m <- n.ex + 1 # For SNP + exposure terms
meth <- methods
nmeth <- length(meth)
retnames <- names
pheno.list$n.ret.parms <- m
VARS <- c("SNP", paste("SNP", ev, sep=":"))
# Parameter estimates
if (parmFlag) {
for (i in 1:nmeth) {
temp <- paste(meth[i], VARS, "Beta", sep=".")
retnames <- c(retnames, temp)
# Cov parameters
cov.ij <- NULL
cp <- list()
for (i in 1:m) {
cp[[i]] <- paste(VARS[i], VARS[i:m], sep="_")
cov.ij <- c(cov.ij, i:m + m*(i - 1))
if (parmFlag) {
for (i in 1:nmeth) {
for (j in 1:m) {
temp <- paste(meth[i], cp[[j]], "Cov", sep=".")
retnames <- c(retnames, temp)
# Sandwich cov
if (sandFlag) {
for (i in 1:nmeth) {
for (j in 1:m) {
temp <- paste(meth[i], cp[[j]], "Cov.Sand", sep=".")
retnames <- c(retnames, temp)
len <- length(retnames)
vec <- rep("", len)
names(vec) <- retnames
pheno.list$return.vec <- vec
pheno.list$cov.ij <- cov.ij
pheno.list$parmFlag <- parmFlag
pheno.list$sandFlag <- sandFlag
pheno.list$output.methods <- methods
retdata <- list(Y=Y, X2=X2, COVS=COVS, strataVec=strataVec, fitted_value=fitted_value)
pheno.list$ <- "Y"
list(data=retdata, pheno.list=pheno.list, scan.func.op=op)
} # END: GxE.setup.3a
# Scan function for score test
GxE.scan.3a <- function(data, opList) {
snp.var <- opList$
# Get the snp variable
snp <- as.numeric(makeVector(data[[snp.var]]))
temp <-
miss <- any(temp)
Y <- data$Y
X2 <- data$X2
COVS <- data[["COVS", exact=TRUE]]
strataVec <- data$strataVec
fitted <- data$fitted
if (miss) {
temp <- !temp
Y <- Y[temp]
X2 <- X2[temp, , drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(COVS)) COVS <- COVS[temp, , drop=FALSE]
strataVec <- strataVec[temp]
fitted <- fitted[temp]
snp <- snp[temp]
pheno.list <- opList$pheno.list
sandFlag <- pheno.list$sandFlag
rlist <- Modified_Wald_Test(Y, snp, X2, COVS, strataVec, fitted, sandwich=sandFlag)
rvec <- unlist(rlist)
retvec <- pheno.list$return.vec
retvec[] <- ""
pvars <- pheno.list$return.vars
np <- length(pvars)
retvec[1:np] <- rvec[pvars]
parmFlag <- pheno.list$parmFlag
meth <- pheno.list$output.methods
nmeth <- length(meth)
m <- pheno.list$n.ret.parms
b <- np
# Parameter estimates
if (parmFlag) {
parms <- paste(meth, "_parm", sep="")
for (i in 1:nmeth) {
a <- b + 1
b <- a + m - 1
temp <- rlist[[parms[i], exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(temp)) next
retvec[a:b] <- temp
# Covariance
cov.ij <- pheno.list$cov.ij
n <- m*(m+1)/2
if (parmFlag) {
parms <- paste(meth, "_var", sep="")
for (i in 1:nmeth) {
a <- b + 1
b <- a + n - 1
p2 <- paste(parms[i], cov.ij, sep="")
retvec[a:b] <- rvec[p2]
# Sandwich covariance
if (sandFlag) {
parms <- paste(meth, "_var_sandwich", sep="")
for (i in 1:nmeth) {
a <- b + 1
b <- a + n - 1
p2 <- paste(parms[i], cov.ij, sep="")
retvec[a:b] <- rvec[p2]
} # END: GxE.scan.3a
# Setup function for snp.logistic returning all UML-CML estimates
GxE.setup.1_2 <- function(data, opList) {
rlist <- GxE.setup.1(data, opList)
dlist <- rlist$data
pheno.list <- rlist$pheno.list
op <- rlist$scan.func.op
# Run a base model with simulated SNP
nobs <- length(dlist$D)
snp <- rbinom(nobs, 1, 0.5)
ProbG1 <- NULL
if (op$imputed) ProbG1 <- rep(0.5, nobs)
ret <- try(snp.main(dlist$D, snp, X.main=dlist[["design.X0", exact=TRUE]],$design.V0, X.strata=dlist[["design.S0", exact=TRUE]],
ProbG1=ProbG1, op=op), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(ret)) {
scan.error("Model failed", "GxE.setup.1_2")
out.base <- opList[["base.outfile", exact=TRUE]]
outFlag <- !is.null(out.base)
interaction.variables <- colnames(dlist$design.V0)
main.variables <- op[["E.parm.names", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(main.variables)) main.variables <- interaction.variables
pheno.list$main.variables <- main.variables
pheno.list$interaction.variables <- interaction.variables
if (outFlag) {
sink(out.base, append=TRUE)
cat("Exposure variables:\n")
cat("Interaction variables:\n")
if (opList$print) {
cat("Exposure variables:\n")
cat("Interaction variables:\n")
# Make sure all interaction variables are also main effects
temp <- ret$UML$parms
temp <- names(temp)
if (!(all(main.variables %in% temp))) {
scan.error("All interaction variables must also be main effects", "GxE.setup.1_2")
# Output variable names for the UML main effects:
# Output variable names for the upper triangle of the UML covariance matrix:
# Output variable names for the UML-CML covariance matrix:
n.main.vars <- length(main.variables) <- length(interaction.variables)
UML.ME.out <-"UML", n.main.vars,
CML.ME.out <-"CML", n.main.vars,
UML.COV.out <- outNames.cov("UML", n.main.vars,
CML.COV.out <- outNames.cov("CML", n.main.vars,
UML.CML.COV.out <- outNames.cov2(n.main.vars,
pheno.list$UML.ME.out <- UML.ME.out
pheno.list$CML.ME.out <- CML.ME.out
pheno.list$UML.COV.out <- UML.COV.out
pheno.list$CML.COV.out <- CML.COV.out
pheno.list$UML.CML.COV.out <- UML.CML.COV.out
retnames <- c(UML.ME.out, UML.COV.out, CML.ME.out, CML.COV.out, UML.CML.COV.out)
pheno.list$return.names <- retnames
retvec <- rep(NA, length(retnames))
names(retvec) <- retnames
pheno.list$return.vec <- retvec
rlist$pheno.list <- pheno.list
} # END: GxE.setup.1_2
# Scan function for snp.logistic returning all UML-CML estimates
GxE.scan.1_2 <- function(data, opList) {
pheno.list <- opList$pheno.list
outvec <- pheno.list$return.vec
fit <-, opList$scan.func.op)
if (is.null(fit)) return(outvec)
main.variables <- pheno.list$main.variables
interaction.variables <- pheno.list$interaction.variables
snp <- opList$
# Extract UML and CML estimates
temp <- try(extractEst(fit, "UML", outvec, snp, main.variables, interaction.variables,
pheno.list$UML.ME.out, pheno.list$UML.COV.out), silent=TRUE)
if (!("try-error" %in% class(temp))) outvec <- temp
temp <- try(extractEst(fit, "CML", outvec, snp, main.variables, interaction.variables,
pheno.list$CML.ME.out, pheno.list$CML.COV.out), silent=TRUE)
if (!("try-error" %in% class(temp))) outvec <- temp
temp <- try(extract_UML.CML(fit, outvec, snp, main.variables, interaction.variables,
pheno.list$UML.CML.COV.out), silent=TRUE)
if (!("try-error" %in% class(temp))) outvec <- temp
} # END: GxE.scan.1_2
# Setup function for snp.matched
GxE.setup.4 <- function(data, opList) {
pheno.list <- opList$pheno.list
op <- opList[["scan.func.op", exact=TRUE]]
op <- default.list(op,
c("maxiter", "reltol", "genetic.model"),
list(100, 1e-5, 0))
response.var <- pheno.list[["response.var", exact=TRUE]]
main.vars <- pheno.list[["main.vars", exact=TRUE]]
int.vars <- pheno.list[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
cc.var <- pheno.list[["cc.var", exact=TRUE]]
nn.var <- pheno.list[["nn.var", exact=TRUE]]
int.flag <- !is.null(int.vars)
# Check for errors
if (length(response.var) != 1) scan.error("response.var must be a single variable", "GxE.setup.4")
if (! scan.error("data must be a data frame", "GxE.setup.4")
ccFlag <- !is.null(cc.var)
nnFlag <- !is.null(nn.var)
if(!ccFlag && !nnFlag) scan.error("At least one of cc.var and nn.var must be provided", "GxE.setup.4")
if (ccFlag && length(cc.var) > 1) scan.error("cc.var must be a single variable", "GxE.setup.4")
if (nnFlag && length(nn.var) > 1) scan.error("nn.var must be a single variable", "GxE.setup.4")
main.form <- ("formula" %in% class(main.vars))
int.form <- ("formula" %in% class(int.vars))
# Check variable names
vlist <- list(response.var=response.var, main.vars=main.vars,
int.vars=int.vars, cc.var=cc.var, nn.var=nn.var)
vars <- getAllVars(vlist, names=names(vlist))
temp <- !(vars %in% colnames(data))
if (any(temp)) {
scan.error("The above variables were not found in the input data", "GxE.setup.4")
# Remove missing values
temp <- getFormulas(vlist)
miss <- c(NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf)
if (length(temp)) data <- applyFormulas(data, temp, remove=miss)
data <- removeMiss.vars(data, vars=vars, miss=miss)
# Get the response variable
D <- unfactor(data[, response.var])
facVars <- NULL
# Get the strata vars
cc.strat <- NULL
nn.strat <- NULL
if (ccFlag) cc.strat <- as.integer(data[, cc.var])
if (nnFlag) nn.strat <- as.integer(data[, nn.var])
pheno.list$ccFlag <- ccFlag
pheno.list$nnFlag <- nnFlag
pheno.list$ <- "D"
# Get the variables that are factors
for (temp in colnames(data)) {
if (is.factor(data[, temp])) facVars <- c(facVars, temp)
# Get the X design matrix
design.X0 <- logistic.dsgnMat(data, main.vars, facVars)$designMatrix
# Get the V design matrix
design.V0 <- logistic.dsgnMat(data, int.vars, facVars)$designMatrix
# Set up return vector
snp.var <- pheno.list$snp.var
int.names <- NULL
if (op$genetic.model != 3) {
retvars <- snp.var
if (int.flag) {
int.names <- paste(snp.var, ":", int.vars, sep="")
retvars <- c(retvars, int.names)
} else {
retvars <- paste(snp.var, 1:2, sep="")
if (int.flag) {
int.names <- paste(snp.var, "1:", int.vars, sep="")
int.names <- c(int.names, paste(snp.var, "2:", int.vars, sep=""))
retvars <- c(retvars, int.names)
pheno.list$return.vars <- retvars
pheno.list$omnibus.vars <- retvars
pheno.list$interaction.vars <- NULL
pheno.list$interaction.vars <- int.names
methods <- NULL
if (ccFlag) methods <- c("CLR", "CCL")
if (nnFlag) methods <- c(methods, "HCL")
pheno.list$return.methods <- methods
vnames <- paste(methods, ".Omnibus.Pvalue", sep="")
if (int.flag) vnames <- c(vnames, paste(methods, ".Inter.Pvalue", sep=""))
v2 <- c("Beta", "SE")
for (method in methods) {
for (var in retvars) {
vnames <- c(vnames, paste(method, ".", var, ".", v2, sep=""))
retvec <- rep(NA, length(vnames))
names(retvec) <- vnames
pheno.list$return.vec <- retvec
pheno.list$omnibus.flag <- !is.null(pheno.list[["omnibus.vars", exact=TRUE]])
pheno.list$interaction.flag <- !is.null(pheno.list[["interaction.vars", exact=TRUE]])
# Test with a simulated SNP
design.S0 <- as.matrix(rbinom(length(D), 2, 0.4))
colnames(design.S0) <- opList$
if (ccFlag) {
clg <- try(snp.ccl.main(D, X.snp=design.S0, X.main=design.X0,,
cc.strat=cc.strat, op=op))
if (checkTryError(clg, conv=0)) {
scan.error("ERROR with snp.matched", "GxE.setup.4")
if (nnFlag) {
hcl <- try(snp.hcl.main(D, X.snp=design.S0, X.main=design.X0,,
nn.strat=nn.strat, op=op))
if (checkTryError(hcl, conv=0)) {
scan.error("ERROR with snp.matched", "GxE.setup.4")
retdata <- list(D=D, cc.strat=cc.strat, nn.strat=nn.strat,
design.X0=design.X0, design.V0=design.V0)
list(data=retdata, pheno.list=pheno.list, scan.func.op=op)
} # END: GxE.setup.4
# Scan function for snp.matched
GxE.scan.4 <- function(data, opList) {
op <- opList$scan.func.op
pheno.list <- opList$pheno.list
retvars <- pheno.list$return.vars
retvec <- pheno.list$return.vec
omnivars <- pheno.list$omnibus.vars
omniFlag <- pheno.list$omnibus.flag
intervars <- pheno.list$interaction.vars
interFlag <- pheno.list$interaction.flag
snp <- data[[opList$]]
D <- data$D
design.X0 <- data[["design.X0", exact=TRUE]]
design.V0 <- data[["design.V0", exact=TRUE]]
cc.strat <- data[["cc.strat", exact=TRUE]]
nn.strat <- data[["nn.strat", exact=TRUE]]
temp <-
miss <- any(temp)
if (miss) {
temp <- !temp
snp <- snp[temp]
D <- D[temp]
if (!is.null(design.X0)) design.X0 <- design.X0[temp, , drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(design.V0)) design.V0 <- design.V0[temp, , drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(cc.strat)) cc.strat <- cc.strat[temp]
if (!is.null(nn.strat)) nn.strat <- nn.strat[temp]
gmodel <- op$genetic.model
cnames <- opList$
if (gmodel == 1) {
snp[snp %in% 2] <- 1
} else if (gmodel == 2) {
temp2 <- snp %in% 2
temp1 <- snp %in% 1
snp[temp2] <- 1
snp[temp1] <- 0
} else if (gmodel == 3) {
snp <- cbind(as.numeric(snp %in% 1), as.numeric(snp %in% 2))
cnames <- paste(cnames, 1:2, sep="")
design.S0 <- as.matrix(snp)
colnames(design.S0) <- cnames
ret <- list()
if (pheno.list$ccFlag) {
clg <- try(snp.ccl.main(D, X.snp=design.S0, X.main=design.X0,,
cc.strat=cc.strat, op=op))
if(!checkTryError(clg, conv=0)) {
ret$CLR <- clg$CLR
ret$CCL <- clg$CCL
if (pheno.list$nnFlag) {
hcl <- try(snp.hcl.main(D, X.snp=design.S0, X.main=design.X0,,
nn.strat=nn.strat, op=op))
if (!checkTryError(hcl, conv=0)) ret$HCL <- hcl
for (method in pheno.list$return.methods) {
obj <- ret[[method, exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(obj)) {
parms <- obj$parms
cov <- obj$cov
temp <- retvars %in% colnames(cov)
vars <- retvars[temp]
nvars <- length(vars)
if (nvars) {
names <- paste(method, ".", vars, ".Beta", sep="")
retvec[names] <- parms[vars]
names <- paste(method, ".", vars, ".SE", sep="")
if (nvars > 1) {
retvec[names] <- sqrt(diag(cov[vars, vars]))
} else {
retvec[names] <- sqrt(cov[vars, vars])
if (omniFlag) {
v <- paste(method, ".Omnibus.Pvalue", sep="")
retvec[v] <- waldTest.main(parms, cov, omnivars)$pvalue
if (interFlag) {
v <- paste(method, ".Inter.Pvalue", sep="")
retvec[v] <- waldTest.main(parms, cov, intervars)$pvalue
} # END: GxE.scan.4
# Function to partition a scan into smaller jobs to be run on a cluster
GxE.scan.partition <- function(snp.list, pheno.list, op=NULL) {
op <- default.list(op, c("", "out.dir", "R.cmd", "qsub.cmd", "id.str",
list(100, getwd(), "R --vanilla", "qsub", "",
if (length(op$R.cmd) > 1) stop("ERROR: with R.cmd")
if (length(op$qsub.cmd) > 1) stop("ERROR: with qsub.cmd")
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
if (op$ < length(snp.list$file)) stop("ERROR: < number of genotype files")
pheno.list <- check.pheno.list(pheno.list)
# If plink format, check for 2 id variables
if (snp.list$plink.format) {
if (length(pheno.list$id.var) != 2) stop("ERROR: pheno.list$id.var must be length 2 for PLINK genotype files")
temp <- snp.list[["subject.list", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(temp)) {
if (length(temp$id.var) != 2) stop("ERROR: subject.list$id.var must be length 2 for PLINK genotype files")
snp.list <- check.GLU(snp.list)
snp.list <- check.PLINK(snp.list)
ret <- NULL
out.dir <- op$out.dir
snp.list$temp.dir <- out.dir
snp.list$id.str <- op$id.str
snp.list$start.vec <- 1
snp.list$stop.vec <- -1
in.str <- paste("job_", op$id.str, sep="")
out.str <- paste("GxEout_", op$id.str, sep="")
format <- snp.list$format
inc.snps <- snp.list[["include.snps", exact=TRUE]]
if ((!(format %in% c("impute", "tped", "ldat"))) && (is.null(inc.snps))) {
cat("Consider specifying snp.list$include.snps\n")
gen.op <- list(out.out=out.dir, out.log=out.dir,,
source.list=list(), nFiles=op$, which.scan=0,
scan.func="GxE.scan", qsub=1, qsub.op="", R.op="",
R.cmd=op$R.cmd, basefile=0, qsub.cmd=op$qsub.cmd,
op.list=op[["GxE.scan.op", exact=TRUE]],
begin.commands.qsub=op[["begin.commands.qsub", exact=TRUE]],
filePrefix=in.str, outString=out.str)
ret <- GxE.scan.genfile(snp.list, pheno.list, gen.op)
f <- ret$Rjobs.file
} # END: GxE.scan.partition
# Function to combine output files
GxE.scan.combine <- function(out.file, dir.or.files, pattern="GxEout_") {
if (length(dir.or.files) < 2) {
ff <- list.files(dir.or.files, pattern=pattern, full.names=TRUE)
} else {
ff <- dir.or.files
nf <- length(ff)
if (!nf) stop("ERROR: no files to combine")
fid <- file(out.file, "w")
flag <- 0
for (f in ff) {
if (!file.exists(f)) next
x <- scan(f, what="character", sep="\n", quiet=TRUE)
if (length(x)) {
# Remove header
if (flag) x <- x[-1]
if (length(x)) {
write(x, file=fid, ncolumns=1)
flag <- 1
} # END: GxE.scan.combine
# Function to get the snps to run a scan on
nsnps.genoFile <- function(snp.list) {
nsnps <- -1
if (nchar(snp.list$GLU)) {
if (!snp.list$glu.checked) snp.list <- check.GLU(snp.list)
if (nchar(snp.list$GLU)) {
ret <- ginfo.GLU(snp.list, out.snps=NULL, out.subs=NULL)
nsnps <- ret$n.snps
if (!length(nsnps)) nsnps <- -1
if (!is.finite(nsnps)) nsnps <- -1
if (nsnps < 0) {
cat("Number of SNPs in genotype file could not be determined.\n")
cat("Consider specifying snp.list$nsnps.vec.\n")
} # END: nsnps.genoFile
# Function to set nsnps.vec
get.nsnps.vec <- function(snp.list, op) {
nsnps <- snp.list[["nsnps.vec", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(nsnps)) nsnps <- op[["nsnps.vec", exact=TRUE]]
len <- length(nsnps)
if (len) {
if (len != length(snp.list$file)) stop("ERROR length(nsnps.vec) != length(file)")
ff <- snp.list$file
tlist <- snp.list
nsnps <- NULL
for (f in ff) {
tlist$file <- f
temp <- nsnps.genoFile(tlist)
if (temp < 0) return(NULL)
nsnps <- c(nsnps, temp)
} # END: get.nsnps.vec
# Function to change \t to \\t <- function(inlist) {
if (is.null(inlist)) return(inlist)
if (!is.list(inlist)) return(inlist)
nam <- names(inlist)
len <- length(nam)
for (i in 1:len) {
name <- nam[i]
obj <- inlist[[name]]
if (grepl("delimiter", name, fixed=TRUE)) {
if (obj == "\t") inlist[[name]] <- "\\t"
if (obj == "\n") inlist[[name]] <- "\\n"
} else if (is.list(obj)) {
if ("delimiter" %in% names(obj)) {
del <- obj$delimiter
if (del == "\t") {
obj$delimiter <- "\\t"
inlist[[name]] <- obj
} else if (del == "\n") {
obj$delimiter <- "\\n"
inlist[[name]] <- obj
} # END:
# Function to create a file of all snps for a plink format
scan.include.snps <- function(snp.list, op) {
if (!snp.list$plink.format) return(NULL)
if (length(snp.list$file) != 1) return(NULL)
if (!is.null(snp.list[["include.snps", exact=TRUE]])) return(NULL)
bim <- snp.list[["PLINK.bim.file", exact=TRUE]]
map <- snp.list[["", exact=TRUE]]
out <- paste(snp.list$temp.dir, "inc_", op$filePrefix, sep="")
if (!is.null(bim)) {
f <- bim
} else if (!is.null(map)) {
f <- map
} else {
x <- scan.file(f)
x <- makeVector(x[, 2])
write(x, file=out, ncolumns=1)
temp <- list(file=out, id.var=-1, header=0)
snp.list$include.snps <- temp
op[["nsnps.vec"]] <- length(x)
list(snp.list=snp.list, op=op)
} # END: scan.include.snps
# Function to determine if data should be transformed
scan.check.transform <- function(snp.list, op) {
snp.list <- check.GLU(snp.list)
snp.list <- check.PLINK(snp.list)
nsnps.vec <- op[["nsnps.vec", exact=TRUE]]
nsnps.flag <- !is.null(nsnps.vec)
GLU <- nchar(snp.list$GLU)
PLINK <- nchar(snp.list$PLINK)
transform <- snp.list[["transform", exact=TRUE]]
njobs <- op$nFiles
nfiles <- length(snp.list$file)
if (is.null(op[["include.snps.files", exact=TRUE]])) {
op$include.snps.files <- snp.list[["include.snps", exact=TRUE]]
snp.list$include.snps <- NULL
if (njobs < nfiles) stop("ERROR: njobs < nfiles")
if (njobs < 2) return(list(snp.list=snp.list, op=op))
if (is.null(transform)) transform <- -1
if (snp.list$format %in% "impute") transform <- 0
if ((!GLU) && (!PLINK)) transform <- 0
if ((!GLU) && (!snp.list$plink.format)) transform <- 0
if (transform) {
temp <- scan.include.snps(snp.list, op)
if (!is.null(temp)) return(temp)
# If the data can be transformed, decide to break up include.snps.
# Only do this if nfiles = 1.
if ((nfiles == 1) && (transform %in% c(-1, 1))) {
snp.list$start.vec <- 1
snp.list$stop.vec <- -1
inc.snps <- getSNPsToInclude(snp.list) <- length(inc.snps)
if (!nsnps.flag) nsnps.vec <- -1
if ( {
if ( < njobs) njobs <-
transform <- 1
nperfile <- ceiling(
# Create seperate include.snps files
include.snps.files <- NULL
outdir <- snp.list$temp.dir
str <- paste(outdir, "inc_", op$filePrefix, sep="")
ii <- 1
b <- 0
while (1) {
a <- b + 1
b <- a + nperfile - 1
if (b > b <-
out <- paste(str, "_", ii, ".txt", sep="")
write(inc.snps[a:b], file=out, ncolumns=1)
include.snps.files <- c(include.snps.files, out)
if (b >= break
ii <- ii + 1
op$include.snps.files <- include.snps.files
# Repeat snp file
snp.list$file <- rep(snp.list$file, length(include.snps.files))
op$nsnps.vec <- NULL
if (transform == -1) transform <- NULL
snp.list$transform <- transform
op$nFiles <- njobs
list(snp.list=snp.list, op=op)
} # END: scan.check.transform
# Function to create job files
GxE.scan.genfile <- function(snp.list, pheno.list, op) {
# This function returns the (updated) options list op.
# op List of options with the following names
# out.out Folder for output results
# No default
# out.log Folder for output log files
# No default
# Folder for the "call" files
# No default
# nsnps.vec Vector for the number of snps in each file of snp.list$file
# The default is NULL
# source.list List of source files
# No default
# nFiles The maximum number of jobs to submit
# The default is 1000
# filePrefix Character string to prefix each call file
# The default is "call_".
# outString Character string to prefix each output file in out.out
# The default is "out".
# qcString Character string to prefix each qc output file. Use NULL
# for no qc output files.
# The default is "qc_info".
# test 0 or 1 for testing purposes.
# The default is 0.
# lib.list List of sublist with names "library" and "lib.loc" for
# including libraries with the library() function.
# The default is NULL.
# op.list List of options for the snp.scan() function.
# The default is NULL.
# fileNames File to store the names of each call file and out file
# The default is NULL
# qsub.cmd qsub command. The default is "qsub"
# begin.commands.qsub Commands at the beginning of each appcall file.
# The default is "#!/bin/bash".
# begin.commands.R Commands at the beginning of each R file.
# The default is "#!/bin/bash".
op <- default.list(op,
c("out.out", "out.log", "", "source.list",
"nFiles", "filePrefix", "outString",
"test", "qsub.op", "biowulf", "qcString", "which.scan", "qsub",
"qsub.cmd", "begin.commands.qsub", "basefile", "begin.commands.R",
"R.cmd", "R.op"),
list("ERROR", "ERROR", "ERROR", "ERROR", 1000,
"call_", "out", 0, "-l nodes=1", 1, "qc_info", c(1, 2), 1,
"qsub", "#!/bin/bash", 1, NULL,
"/usr/local/bin/R", "--vanilla"),
error=c(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
op$nsnps.vec <- get.nsnps.vec(snp.list, op)
snp.list$nsnps.vec <- NULL
# Determine if data can and/or should be transformed
temp <- scan.check.transform(snp.list, op)
snp.list <- temp$snp.list
op <- temp$op
nsnps.vec <- op[["nsnps.vec", exact=TRUE]]
source <- op$source.list
lib.list <- op[["lib.list", exact=TRUE]]
out.out <- checkForSep(op$out.out)
out.log <- checkForSep(op$out.log) <- checkForSep(op$
nFiles <- op$nFiles
filePrefix <- op$filePrefix
outString <- op$outString
op.list <- op[["op.list", exact=TRUE]] # For the model
test <- op$test
basefile <- op$basefile
rcomm0 <- op[["begin.commands.R", exact=TRUE]]
n.source <- length(source)
scanFlag <- 1 %in% op$which.scan
scan0Flag <- 0 %in% op$which.scan
if ((scanFlag) && (scan0Flag)) stop("ERROR: op$which.scan cannot contain both 0 and 1")
qcString <- op[["qcString", exact=TRUE]]
qcFlag <- 2 %in% op$which.scan
scan.func <- op[["scan.func", exact=TRUE]]
if ((scan0Flag) && (is.null(scan.func))) stop("ERROR: op$scan.func must be specified")
noHeader <- !(snp.list$format %in% c("ldat", "lbat", "sdat", "sbat"))
include.snps.files <- op[["include.snps.files", exact=TRUE]]
include.flag <- !is.null(include.snps.files)
# Get the file names
snp.file <- snp.list$file
nsnp.file <- length(snp.file)
snp.list$file <- NULL
stopEarly <- 0
# ndata will also be used as a flag is nsnps.vec = NULL
if (is.null(nsnps.vec)) {
ndata <- 0
nFiles <- length(snp.file)
} else {
ndata <- sum(nsnps.vec)
if (ndata < nFiles) nFiles <- ndata
runsPerFile <- ceiling(ndata/nFiles)
# Initialize
index <- 1
start.row <- 1
stop.row <- runsPerFile
outIndex <- 1
fnFlag <- !is.null(op[["fileNames", exact=TRUE]])
# For testing purposes
if (test) {
nFiles <- 1
stop.row <- max(test, 10)
# Change tab
pheno.list <-
snp.list <-
snp.list$subject.list <-[["subject.list", exact=TRUE]])
qsub <- op$qsub
if (fnFlag) {
fn_index <- 1
fnMat <- matrix(data="", nrow=2*nFiles, ncol=3)
colnames(fnMat) <- c("callFile", "outFile", "nlines")
if (qsub) {
fnStr <- ""
} else {
fnStr <- ".R"
jjindex <- 1
if (noHeader) {
begin.row <- 1
} else {
begin.row <- 2
if (runsPerFile == 1) stop.row <- begin.row
# Check include.snps.files
if (include.flag) {
if (length(include.snps.files) == 1) include.snps.files <- rep(include.snps.files, nFiles)
if (length(include.snps.files) != nFiles) stop("ERROR: with include.snps.files")
snp.list$alreadyChecked <- 0
# Create files
for (i in 1:nFiles) {
if ((i == 1) && (basefile)) {
temp <- paste(out.out, "baseModel", sep="")
op.list$base.outfile <- temp
op$base.outfile <- temp
} else {
op.list$base.outfile <- NULL
# The files will be named <filePrefix>i.R
temp <- paste(, filePrefix, i, ".R", sep="")
fid <- file(temp, "w")
#cat("rm(list = ls(all=TRUE)) \n", file=fid)
#cat("gc() \n \n", file=fid)
if (!is.null(rcomm0)) write(rcomm0, file=fid, ncolumns=1)
# libraries
if (length(lib.list)) {
for (j in 1:length(lib.list)) {
libs <- lib.list[[j]]
lb <- libs$library
loc <- libs[["lib.loc", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(loc)) {
temp <- paste("library(", lb, ") \n", sep="")
} else {
temp <- paste('library(', lb, ', lib.loc="', loc, '") \n', sep='')
cat(temp, file=fid)
# source files
if (n.source) {
for(k in 1:n.source) {
temp <- paste('source("', source[[k]], '") \n', sep='')
cat(temp, file=fid)
# snp.list
genfile.list(snp.list, "snp.list", fid)
# Pheno list
genfile.list(pheno.list, "pheno.list", fid)
# Options list
genfile.list(op.list, "op.list", fid)
# Shared libraries
temp <- op[["SHLIB", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(temp)) {
for (j in 1:length(temp)) {
str <- paste('dyn.load("', temp[j], '") \n', sep='')
cat(str, file=fid)
# Output the info that depends on each file
stop <- 0
newFileFlag <- 0
nThisRun <- NULL
nThisFile <- 0
if (qcFlag) {
qc.list <- list(freqByCC=1)
genfile.list(qc.list, "qc.list", fid)
while (!stop) {
if ((!ndata) && (!test)) {
start.row <- 1
stop.row <- -1
# snp file
BNAME <- basename(snp.file[index])
temp <- paste('snp.list$file <- "', snp.file[index], '" \n', sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
# include.snps
if (include.flag) {
temp <- paste('snp.list$include.snps <- "', include.snps.files[index], '" \n', sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
# start row
temp <- paste("snp.list$start.vec <- ", start.row, " \n", sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
nCarryOver <- NULL
# Get the stop row
if (ndata) {
if (runsPerFile > 1) {
check.N <- nsnps.vec[index] - 1
} else {
check.N <- nsnps.vec[index] + begin.row - 1
if (stop.row >= check.N) {
# Get the number of runs for this file
nThisRun <- nsnps.vec[index] - start.row + 1
# Get the total number of runs for this file
nThisFile <- nThisFile + nThisRun
# Get the number of runs for the next file
nCarryOver <- max(runsPerFile - nThisFile, 0)
if (nCarryOver == 1) nCarryOver <- 0
# Set stop row to -1, so that the rest of the current file will be read
stop.row <- -1
newFileFlag <- 1
} else {
nThisFile <- nThisFile + runsPerFile
# print(c(start.row, stop.row, nThisFile, nThisRun, runsPerFile, nCarryOver))
# Stop row
temp <- paste("snp.list$stop.vec <- ", stop.row, " \n", sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
# Output file
out.b0 <- paste(outString, BNAME, "_job", i, "_", outIndex, "_", jjindex, ".txt", sep="")
temp <- paste('op.list$out.file <- "', out.out, out.b0, '" \n \n', sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
if (scanFlag) {
cat("ret <- snp.scan(snp.list, pheno.list, op=op.list) \n", file=fid)
if (scan0Flag) {
str <- paste("ret <- ", scan.func, "(snp.list, pheno.list, op=op.list) \n", sep="")
cat(str, file=fid)
if (qcFlag) {
temp <- paste('qc.list$outfile <- "', out.out, qcString,
"_id", i, "_", outIndex, "_", jjindex, '" \n \n', sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
cat("ret <- getGenoStats.file(snp.list, pheno.list, op=qc.list) \n", file=fid)
# Save file names
if (fnFlag) {
fnMat[fn_index, "callFile"] <- paste(filePrefix, i, fnStr, sep="")
fnMat[fn_index, "outFile"] <- out.b0
if (runsPerFile > 1) {
if (stop.row <= 0) {
nlines <- nsnps.vec[index] - start.row + 2
} else {
nlines <- stop.row - start.row + 2
if (start.row == 1) nlines <- nlines - 1
if (stop.row == -1) nlines <- nlines + 1
if (noHeader) {
if (start.row == 1) nlines <- nlines + 1
if (stop.row == -1) nlines <- nlines - 1
fnMat[fn_index, "nlines"] <- nlines
} else {
fnMat[fn_index, "nlines"] <- 2
fn_index <- fn_index + 1
# update
jjindex <- jjindex + 1
if (!is.null(nCarryOver)) {
# Go to the next file
index <- index + 1
outIndex <- 1
# Update start and stop rows
start.row <- 1
if (nCarryOver == 0) {
stop.row <- runsPerFile
# Exit the loop
stop <- 1
} else {
stop.row <- nCarryOver
if (runsPerFile == 1) stop.row <- begin.row
} else {
# Exit loop
stop <- 1
# Update start and stop rows
start.row <- stop.row + 1
stop.row <- stop.row + runsPerFile
if (runsPerFile == 1) stop.row <- start.row
outIndex <- outIndex + 1
# For the case when 1 file per job
if (!ndata) {
index <- index + 1
outIndex <- 1
# Check index
if (index > nsnp.file) {
stop <- 1
save <- i
stopEarly <- 1
} # END: while (!stop)
# close the file
if (stopEarly) {
nFiles <- save
} # END: for (i in 1:nFiles)
op$Rjobs.file <- GxE.scan.jobsFile(nFiles,, out.log, filePrefix=filePrefix,
qsub.op=op$qsub.op, qsub=op$qsub, Rcmd=op$R.cmd,
LD_LIB=op[["LD_LIB", exact=TRUE]], qsub.cmd=op$qsub.cmd,
begin.commands=op[["begin.commands.qsub", exact=TRUE]],
op$out.out <- out.out
op$ <-
op$out.log <- out.log
op$nFiles <- nFiles
# Write out file names
if (fnFlag) {
fnMat <- removeOrKeepRows(fnMat, 1:(fn_index-1))
writeTable(fnMat, op$fileNames)
} # END: GxE.scan.genfile
# Function for generating the R jobs files
GxE.scan.jobsFile <- function(nFiles,, out.log, filePrefix="call_",
qsub.op="-l nodes=1", qsub=1, Rcmd="/usr/local/bin/R",
LD_LIB=NULL, begin.commands="#!/bin/bash", qsub.cmd="qsub",
R.op="--vanilla") {
# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/spin1/users/wheelerwi/kai/ERneg_PBCS/source/jul16_2013:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
LD.flag <- !is.null(LD_LIB)
if (LD.flag) {
LD.str <- paste("export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=", LD_LIB, ":${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}\n", sep="")
} else {
LD.str <- NULL
str0 <- c(begin.commands, LD.str)
if ((qsub) || (LD.flag)) {
# Create the appcall files
for (i in 1:nFiles) {
ff <- paste(, filePrefix, i, sep="")
temp <- removeWhiteSpace(paste(Rcmd, " ", R.op, sep=""))
temp <- paste(temp, " < ",,
filePrefix, i, ".R > ", out.log,
filePrefix, i, ".log", sep="")
str <- c(str0, temp)
write(str, file=ff, ncolumns=1)
# Create R jobs file
Rjobs.file <- paste(, "Rjobs_", filePrefix, sep="")
if (qsub) {
cfiles <- removeWhiteSpace(paste(qsub.cmd, " ", qsub.op, sep=""))
cfiles <- paste(cfiles, " ",, filePrefix, 1:nFiles, sep="")
cfiles <- removeWhiteSpace(cfiles)
} else {
cfiles <- paste("bash ",, filePrefix, 1:nFiles, " > ", out.log,
filePrefix, 1:nFiles, ".log", sep="")
#cfiles <- c("#!/bin/bash", cfiles)
write(cfiles, file=Rjobs.file)
} else {
Rjobs.file <- paste(, "Rjobs_", filePrefix, sep="")
cfiles <- removeWhiteSpace(paste(Rcmd, " ", R.op, sep=""))
cfiles <- paste(cfiles, " < ",,
filePrefix, 1:nFiles, ".R > ", out.log,
filePrefix, 1:nFiles, ".log", sep="")
#cfiles <- c("#!/bin/bash", cfiles)
write(cfiles, file=Rjobs.file)
} # END: GxE.scan.jobsFile
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