# History: Aug 09 2013 Initial coding
# Oct 04 2013 Allow for 2 pheno.list id variables
# Oct 16 2013 Add functions to check for PLINK and GLU
# May 13 2014 Fix bug in getPheno.file
# Function to check for GLU
check.GLU <- function(snp.list) {
#GLU import path: /spin1/users/w
glu <- snp.list$GLU
if (!nchar(glu)) return(snp.list)
if (snp.list$glu.checked) return(snp.list)
str <- paste(glu, " --path 2>&1", sep="")
ret <- try(callOS(str, intern=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
x <- grep("GLU import path", ret, fixed=TRUE)
if (!length(x)) {
snp.list$GLU <- ""
cat("NOTE: The GLU software was not found\n")
snp.list$glu.checked <- 1
} # END: check.GLU
# Function to check for PLINK
check.PLINK <- function(snp.list) {
plink <- snp.list$PLINK
if (!nchar(plink)) return(snp.list)
if (snp.list$plink.checked) return(snp.list)
out <- paste(snp.list$temp.dir, "check.PLINK", snp.list$id.str, sep="")
str <- paste(plink, " --noweb --silent --help --out ", out, sep="")
ret <- try(callOS(str, intern=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
log <- paste(out, ".log", sep="")
if (!file.exists(log)) {
snp.list$PLINK <- ""
cat("NOTE: The PLINK software was not found\n")
} else {
snp.list$plink.checked <- 1
} # END: check.PLINK
snp.delete.files <- function(snp.list) {
if (snp.list$delete) {
f <- snp.list[["temp.snp.file", exact=TRUE]]
if ((!is.null(f)) && (file.exists(f))) file.remove(f)
snp.list$temp.snp.file <- NULL
f <- snp.list[["temp.sub.file", exact=TRUE]]
if ((!is.null(f)) && (file.exists(f))) file.remove(f)
snp.list$temp.sub.file <- NULL
f <- snp.list[["temp.geno.file", exact=TRUE]]
if ((!is.null(f)) && (file.exists(f))) file.remove(f)
snp.list$temp.geno.file <- NULL
} # END: snp.delete.files
# Function to get the (subset) of SNP ids to include
getSNPsToInclude <- function(snp.list) {
start <- snp.list$start.vec
stop <- snp.list$stop.vec
slist <- snp.list[["include.snps", exact=TRUE]]
ret <- NULL
if (!is.null(slist)) {
ret <- getIds.file(slist)
if (stop <= 0) stop <- length(ret)
# Is slist a file
if ((is.list(slist)) && (!is.null(slist[["file", exact=TRUE]]))) {
ret <- ret[start:stop]
} # END: getSNPsToInclude
# Function to get the (subset) of subject ids to include
getSubsToInclude <- function(snp.list) {
subs <- NULL
slist <- snp.list[["include.subs", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(slist)) subs <- getIds.file(slist, id.sep=snp.list$id.sep)
} # END: getSubsToInclude
# Function to generate the transform call to GLU
transCall.genoFile.GLU <- function(snp.list, out.file="-") {
GLU <- snp.list$GLU
snps <- getSNPsToInclude(snp.list)
tdir <- snp.list$temp.dir
id.str <- snp.list$id.str
format <- snp.list$format
GLU.op <- snp.list[["GLU.options.str", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(snps)) {
snp.flag <- 1
ff.snp <- paste(tdir, "tSNP", id.str, ".txt", sep="")
write(snps, file=ff.snp, ncolumns=1)
snp.list$temp.snp.file <- ff.snp
snp.list$start.vec <- 1
snp.list$stop.vec <- -1
} else {
snp.flag <- 0
subs <- getSubsToInclude(snp.list)
if (!is.null(subs)) {
sub.flag <- 1
ff.sub <- paste(tdir, "tSUB", id.str, ".txt", sep="")
write(subs, file=ff.sub, ncolumns=1)
snp.list$temp.sub.file <- ff.sub
snp.list$include.subs <- subs
} else {
sub.flag <- 0
str <- paste(GLU, " transform -o ", out.file, " -F ldat -f ", format, sep="")
if (!is.null(GLU.op)) str <- paste(str, " ", GLU.op, sep="")
if (snp.flag) str <- paste(str, " --includeloci=", ff.snp, sep="")
if (sub.flag) str <- paste(str, " --includesamples=", ff.sub, sep="")
str <- paste(str, " ", snp.list$file, sep="")
snp.list$delimiter <- "\t"
snp.list$include.snps <- NULL
snp.list$include.subs <- NULL
snp.list$format <- "ldat"
snp.list$in.miss <- " "
list(snp.list=snp.list, call.str=str)
} # END: transCall.genoFile.GLU
# Function to create a pipe
pipe.genoFile.GLU <- function(snp.list) {
temp <- transCall.genoFile.GLU(snp.list)
snp.list <- temp$snp.list
str <- temp$call.str
snp.list$fid <- pipe(str, open="r")
} # END: pipe.genoFile
# Function to transform a genotype file to tped using plink
transform.genoFile.PLINK <- function(snp.list) {
DEBUG <- snp.list$DEBUG
snps <- getSNPsToInclude(snp.list)
tdir <- snp.list$temp.dir
id.str <- snp.list$id.str
format <- snp.list$format
ff.snp <- NULL
ff.sub <- NULL
plink.op <- snp.list[["PLINK.options.str", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(snps)) {
snp.flag <- 1
ff.snp <- paste(tdir, "transform_SNP", id.str, sep="")
write(snps, file=ff.snp, ncolumns=1)
snp.list$temp.snp.file <- ff.snp
snp.list$start.vec <- 1
snp.list$stop.vec <- length(snps)
} else {
snp.flag <- 0
subs <- getSubsToInclude(snp.list)
if (!is.null(subs)) {
sub.flag <- 1
ff.sub <- paste(tdir, "transform_SUB", id.str, sep="")
write(subs, file=ff.sub, ncolumns=1)
snp.list$temp.sub.file <- ff.sub
#snp.list$include.subs <- subs
} else {
sub.flag <- 0
# Define an output string
out <- paste(tdir, "temp_PLINK", id.str, sep="")
bed.flag <- snp.list$format %in% "bed"
# See if bim/fam/map files were specified
bim.file <- snp.list[["PLINK.bim.file", exact=TRUE]]
fam.file <- snp.list[["PLINK.fam.file", exact=TRUE]]
map.file <- snp.list[["", exact=TRUE]]
bim.flag <- !is.null(bim.file)
fam.flag <- !is.null(fam.file)
map.flag <- !is.null(map.file)
all.flag <- 0
if (bed.flag && bim.flag && fam.flag) all.flag <- 1
if ((!bed.flag) && (map.flag)) all.flag <- 1
# Get the base file name and remove extension
snpf <- snp.list$file
snpf <- substr(snpf, 1, nchar(snpf)-4)
str <- paste(snp.list$PLINK, " --noweb --transpose --recode", sep="")
if (!is.null(plink.op)) str <- paste(str, " ", plink.op, sep="")
if (bed.flag) {
if (!all.flag) {
str <- paste(str, " --bfile ", snpf, sep="")
} else {
str <- paste(str, " --bed ", snp.list$file, sep="")
str <- paste(str, " --bim ", bim.file, sep="")
str <- paste(str, " --fam ", fam.file, sep="")
} else {
if (!all.flag) {
str <- paste(str, " --file ", snpf, sep="")
} else {
str <- paste(str, " --ped ", snp.list$file, sep="")
str <- paste(str, " --map ", map.file, sep="")
if (snp.flag) str <- paste(str, " --extract ", ff.snp, sep="")
if (sub.flag) str <- paste(str, " --keep ", ff.sub, sep="")
str <- paste(str, " --out ", out, sep="")
if (DEBUG) print(str)
tped.f <- paste(out, ".tped", sep="")
tfam.f <- paste(out, ".tfam", sep="")
log.f <- paste(out, ".log", sep="")
nosex.f <- paste(out, ".nosex", sep="")
nof.f <- paste(out, ".nof", sep="")
hh.f <- paste(out, ".hh", sep="")
if (!file.exists(tped.f)) stop("ERROR calling PLINK")
if (!file.exists(tfam.f)) stop("ERROR calling PLINK")
if (file.exists(log.f)) file.remove(log.f)
if (file.exists(nosex.f)) file.remove(nosex.f)
if (file.exists(nof.f)) file.remove(nof.f)
if (file.exists(hh.f)) file.remove(hh.f)
if ((snp.flag) && (file.exists(ff.snp))) file.remove(ff.snp)
if ((sub.flag) && (file.exists(ff.sub))) file.remove(ff.sub)
snp.list$temp.snp.file <- NULL
snp.list$temp.sub.file <- tfam.f
snp.list$temp.geno.file <- tped.f
snp.list$file <- tped.f
snp.list$file.type <- 11
snp.list$format <- "tped"
snp.list$subject.list <- list(file=tfam.f, id.var=1:2, delimiter=" ", header=0)
snp.list$include.subs <- NULL
snp.list$in.miss <- "0"
snp.list$include.snps <- NULL
snp.list$order.subs <- NULL
} # END: transform.genoFile.PLINK
# Function to transform a genotype file to ldat
transform.genoFile.GLU <- function(snp.list) {
# Define an output file
out <- paste(snp.list$temp.dir, "temp.genoFile", snp.list$id.str, ".ldat", sep="")
snp.list$temp.geno.file <- out
temp <- transCall.genoFile.GLU(snp.list, out.file=out)
snp.list <- temp$snp.list
str <- temp$call.str
if (snp.list$DEBUG) print(str)
snp.list$file <- out
snp.list$file.type <- 2
snp.list$order.subs <- NULL
} # END: transform.genoFile.GLU
# Function to transform genotype file to ldat or tped
transform.genoFile <- function(snp.list) {
if (snp.list$use.GLU) {
pipe <- snp.list[["pipe", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(pipe)) {
temp <- snp.list[["include.snps", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(temp)) {
pipe <- 0
} else {
pipe <- 1
snp.list$pipe <- pipe
if (!pipe) {
# Transform
snp.list <- transform.genoFile.GLU(snp.list)
snp.list$use.GLU <- 0
} else if (snp.list$use.PLINK) {
snp.list <- transform.genoFile.PLINK(snp.list)
snp.list$use.PLINK <- 0
} # END: transform.genoFile
# Function to save a list of snps in the scan to a file using GLU
snps.genoFile.GLU <- function(snp.list, out.file) {
GLU <- snp.list$GLU
format <- snp.list$format
out <- paste(out.file, ":c=1", sep="")
str <- paste(GLU, " ginfo --lazy -f ", format, " --outputloci=", out, " ", snp.list$file, sep="")
x <- try(scan(out.file, what="character", quiet=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(x, conv=0)) {
str <- paste(GLU, " ginfo -f ", format, " --outputloci=", out, " ", snp.list$file, sep="")
x <- scan(out.file, what="character", quiet=TRUE)
x <- x[-1]
write(x, file=out.file, ncolumns=1)
} # END: snps.genoFile.GLU
# Function to save a list of subjects in the scan to a file
subs.genoFile.GLU <- function(snp.list, out.file) {
GLU <- snp.list$GLU
format <- snp.list$format
out <- paste(out.file, ":c=1", sep="")
str <- paste(GLU, " ginfo --lazy -f ", format, " --outputsamples=", out, " ", snp.list$file, sep="")
x <- try(scan(out.file, what="character", quiet=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(x, conv=0)) {
str <- paste(GLU, " ginfo -f ", format, " --outputsamples=", out, " ", snp.list$file, sep="")
x <- scan(out.file, what="character", quiet=TRUE)
x <- x[-1]
write(x, file=out.file, ncolumns=1)
} # END: subs.genoFile.GLU
# Function to get value from a character vector
getValue.cvec <- function(vec, str, sep=":", pos=2) {
v <- grep(str, vec, fixed=TRUE, value=TRUE)
if (length(v) != 1) return(NULL)
v <- getVecFromStr(v, delimiter=sep)
if (length(v) < pos) return(NULL)
ret <- v[pos]
} # END: getValue.cvec
# Function to write out loci and samples using glu
ginfo.GLU <- function(snp.list, out.snps=NULL, out.subs=NULL) {
# "Filename : gain.lbat"
# "Format : ldat"
# "sample count: 5591"
# "locus count: 131285"
# ""
snpFlag <- !is.null(out.snps)
subFlag <- !is.null(out.subs)
e1 <- 0
e2 <- 0
GLU <- snp.list$GLU
format <- snp.list$format
str <- paste(GLU, " ginfo --lazy -f ", format, sep="")
if (subFlag) {
out2 <- paste(out.subs, ":c=1", sep="")
str <- paste(str, " --outputsamples=", out2, sep="")
if (snpFlag) {
out1 <- paste(out.snps, ":c=1", sep="")
str <- paste(str, " --outputloci=", out1, sep="")
str <- paste(str, " ", snp.list$file, sep="")
ret <- callOS(str, intern=TRUE)
# Get the number of snps and subjects
nsnp <- getValue.cvec(ret, "locus", sep=":", pos=2)
nsub <- getValue.cvec(ret, "sample", sep=":", pos=2)
if (!length(nsnp)) e1 <- 1
if (!length(nsub)) e2 <- 1
if (snpFlag) {
x1 <- try(scan(out.snps, what="character", quiet=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
e1 <- checkTryError(x1, conv=0)
if (subFlag) {
x2 <- try(scan(out.subs, what="character", quiet=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
e2 <- checkTryError(x2, conv=0)
if (e1 || e2) {
str <- paste(GLU, " ginfo -f ", format, sep="")
if (subFlag) {
out2 <- paste(out.subs, ":c=1", sep="")
str <- paste(str, " --outputsamples=", out2, sep="")
if (snpFlag) {
out1 <- paste(out.snps, ":c=1", sep="")
str <- paste(str, " --outputloci=", out1, sep="")
str <- paste(str, " ", snp.list$file, sep="")
ret <- callOS(str, intern=TRUE)
if (snpFlag) x1 <- scan(out.snps, what="character", quiet=TRUE)
if (subFlag) x2 <- scan(out.subs, what="character", quiet=TRUE)
# Get the number of subjects and snps
nsnp <- getValue.cvec(ret, "locus", sep=":", pos=2)
nsub <- getValue.cvec(ret, "sample", sep=":", pos=2)
if (snpFlag) {
x1 <- x1[-1]
write(x1, file=out.snps, ncolumns=1)
if (subFlag) {
x2 <- x2[-1]
write(x2, file=out.subs, ncolumns=1)
if (!length(nsnp)) nsnp <- -1
if (!length(nsub)) nsub <- -1
list(n.snps=as.numeric(nsnp), n.subs=as.numeric(nsub))
} # END: ginfo.GLU
# Function to open file and postion file pointer
getFilePtr <- function(file.list, row=1) {
if (row < 1) stop("ERROR in getFilePtr: row < 1")
fid <- getFID(file.list$file, file.list)
if (row > 1) {
temp <- scan(fid, what="character", nlines=1, sep="\n", skip=row-2, quiet=TRUE)
} # END: getFilePtr
# Function to open a genotype file and position file pointer
getFilePtr.genoFile <- function(snp.list) {
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
row <- snp.list$start.vec
format <- tolower(snp.list$format)
if (row == 1) {
if ((format %in% "ldat") && (!snp.list$use.GLU)) row <- 2
snp.list$start.vec <- row
if (snp.list$use.GLU) {
snp.list <- pipe.genoFile.GLU(snp.list)
# Read first row of subject ids
ids <- scan(snp.list$fid, nlines=1, sep="\t", what="character", quiet=TRUE)
snp.list$order.subs <- ids[-1]
if (row > 1) scan(snp.list$fid, what="character", nlines=1, sep="\n", skip=row-2, quiet=TRUE)
} else {
snp.list$fid <- getFilePtr(snp.list, row=row)
} # END: getFilePtr.genoFile
# Function to get a column of ids from a file
getIds.file <- function(file.list,, lower=0, upper=0, id.sep=":") {
len <- length(file.list)
flag <- FALSE
if (len == 1) {
flag <- try(file.exists(file.list), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(flag, conv=0)) flag <- FALSE
if ((!flag) && (is.vector(file.list)) && (!("list" %in% class(file.list)))) {
ids <- file.list
} else {
file.list <- check.file.list(file.list)
f <- file.list$file
sep <- file.list$delimiter
# Get the number of columns
row1 <- scan(f, what="character", sep=sep, quiet=TRUE, nlines=1)
nc <- length(row1)
if ((flag) && (nc == 1)) {
file.list$id.var <- -1
file.list$header <- 0
if (is.null(file.list[["id.var", exact=TRUE]])) file.list$id.var <- 1
id.var <- file.list$id.var
if ((length(id.var) == 1) && (id.var %in% -1)) {
ids <- scan(f, what="character", sep=sep, quiet=TRUE)
} else {
# Allow for 2 id variables
x <- matrix(scan(f, what="character", sep=sep, quiet=TRUE), byrow=TRUE, ncol=nc)
if (is.numeric(id.var)) {
ids <- x[, id.var]
} else {
temp <- row1 %in% id.var
if (sum(temp) != 1) stop("ERROR in getIds.file: with id.var")
col <- (1:nc)[temp]
ids <- x[, col]
m <- ncol(ids)
if (is.null(m)) m <- 0
if (m == 2) ids <- paste(makeVector(ids[, 1]), id.sep, makeVector(ids[, 2]), sep="")
ids <- makeVector(ids)
if (file.list$header) ids <- ids[-1]
if ( ids <- removeWhiteSpace(ids)
if (lower) ids <- tolower(ids)
if (upper) ids <- toupper(ids)
} # END: getIds.file
# Function to get the (ordered) subject ids for a genotype file
getSubIds.genoFile <- function(snp.list) {
ids <- NULL
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
format <- tolower(snp.list$format)
slist <- snp.list[["subject.list", exact=TRUE]]
sep <- snp.list$delimiter
if (format %in% "ldat") {
ids <- scan(snp.list$file, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE, sep=sep, what="character")
ids <- ids[-1]
if (!is.null(slist)) ids <- getIds.file(slist, id.sep=snp.list$id.sep)
if (is.null(ids)) {
out.file <- paste(snp.list$dir, "getSub", snp.list$id.str, ".txt", sep="")
if (nchar(snp.list$GLU)) {
ids <- subs.genoFile.GLU(snp.list, out.file)
if (snp.list$delete) file.remove(out.file)
if (is.null(ids)) scan.error("ERROR: subject ids = NULL. Set snp.list$subject.list", "getSubIds.genoFile")
} # END: getSubIds.genoFile
# Function to set up snp.list for streamed input <- function(snp.list, pheno.ids=NULL, temp.list=NULL) {
DEBUG <- snp.list$DEBUG
# pheno.ids Ordered vector of final subject ids to be included
snp.list$stream <- 1
if (!is.null(temp.list)) {
temp.list <- check.temp.list(temp.list)
snp.list$temp.dir <- temp.list$dir
snp.list$id.str <- temp.list$id
snp.list$delete <- temp.list$delete
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
# Transform the data if needed
if (snp.list$transform) {
snp.list$include.subs <- pheno.ids
if (DEBUG) cat("transform.genoFile\n")
snp.list <- transform.genoFile(snp.list)
snp.list$include.subs <- NULL
if (is.null(snp.list[["order.subs", exact=TRUE]])) {
if (DEBUG) cat("getSubIds.genoFile\n")
snp.list$order.subs <- getSubIds.genoFile(snp.list)
if (DEBUG) cat("getFilePtr.genoFile\n")
snp.list <- getFilePtr.genoFile(snp.list)
subs <- snp.list[["order.subs", exact=TRUE]]
if (!length(subs)) stop("ERROR in subs = NULL")
snp.list$n.subjects <- length(subs)
pheno.ids.miss <- NULL
if (!is.null(pheno.ids)) {
n0 <- length(pheno.ids)
ids <- match(pheno.ids, subs)
temp <- !
ids <- ids[temp]
n1 <- length(ids)
if (!n1) {
stop("ERROR in no intersecting ids")
if (n1 < n0) {
pheno.ids.miss <- pheno.ids[!temp]
cat("The above phenotype ids were not matched in the genotype data.\n")
snp.list$order.vec <- ids
snp.list$include.subs <- NULL
snp.list$order.subs <- NULL
# Get number of snps to process
if (snp.list$stop.vec < 1) {
snp.list$n.snps <- Inf
} else {
snp.list$n.snps <- snp.list$stop.vec - snp.list$start.vec + 1
list(snp.list=snp.list, pheno.ids.miss=pheno.ids.miss)
} # END:
# Function to get all pheno variables to use
getAllVars.pheno <- function(pheno.list) {
nn0 <- names(pheno.list)
nn1 <- grep(".var", nn0, fixed=TRUE, value=TRUE)
nn1 <- unique(nn1)
vars <- getAllVars(pheno.list, names=nn1)
var.list <- list()
for (name in nn1) {
var.list[[name]] <- getAllVars(pheno.list, names=name)
# Get the variable names on pheno
x <- pheno.list[["data", exact=TRUE]]
flag <- pheno.list$
if ((flag) && (!is.null(x))) {
vv <- colnames(x)
} else {
vv <- scan(pheno.list$file, what="character", nlines=1, sep="", quiet=TRUE)
if (pheno.list$header == 0) vv <- 1:length(vv)
temp <- vars %in% vv
vars <- vars[temp]
if (!length(vars)) vars <- NULL
list(vars=vars, names=nn1, var.list=var.list)
} # END: getAllVars.pheno
# Function to load and set up the phenotype data
getPheno.file <- function(pheno.list) {
# For scans, remove.miss should be set to 1 and keep.vars defined
pheno.list <- check.pheno.list(pheno.list)
vars_names <- getAllVars.pheno(pheno.list)
rmv <- NULL
keep.vars <- pheno.list[["keep.vars", exact=TRUE]]
remove.miss <- pheno.list$remove.miss
x <- pheno.list[["data", exact=TRUE]]
flag <- pheno.list$
if ((flag) && (!is.null(x))) {
pheno.list$subsetData <- NULL
pheno.list$data <- NULL
pheno.list$ <- 0
return(list(pheno.list=pheno.list, data=x))
pheno.list$keep.vars <- NULL
pheno.list$remove.miss <- 0
x <- loadData.table(pheno.list)
pheno.list$keep.vars <- keep.vars
pheno.list$remove.miss <- remove.miss
x <-, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Check for numeric variable names
vnames <- vars_names[["names", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(vnames)) {
temp <- !(vnames %in% c("snp.var", ""))
vnames <- vnames[temp]
nv <- length(vnames)
if (nv) {
cnames <- colnames(x)
for (v in vnames) {
vars <- pheno.list[[v, exact=TRUE]]
if ("formula" %in% class(vars)) next
varsn <- as.numeric(vars)
temp <-
varsn <- varsn[!temp]
varsc <- vars[temp]
if (length(varsn)) pheno.list[[v]] <- c(cnames[varsn], varsc)
pheno.list$data <- x
pheno.list$ <- 1
vars_names <- getAllVars.pheno(pheno.list)
pheno.list$data <- NULL
pheno.list$ <- 0
# If keep.vars is defined, make sure it contains all necessary variables
keep.vars <- pheno.list$keep.vars
if (!is.null(keep.vars)) {
keep.vars <- unique(c(keep.vars, vars_names$vars))
pheno.list$keep.vars <- keep.vars
temp <- keep.vars %in% colnames(x)
keep <- keep.vars[temp]
if (length(keep)) x <- x[, keep, drop=FALSE]
# Remove missing values after keep.vars is applied
if (remove.miss) x <- removeMiss(x, miss=pheno.list$in.miss)
# Data has been subsetted
pheno.list$subsetData <- NULL
pheno.list$data <- NULL
pheno.list$ <- 0
# Check if any formulas are to be applied
if (pheno.list$remove.miss) {
formulas <- getFormulas(pheno.list)
formFlag <- length(formulas)
if (formFlag) {
miss <- c(NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf)
# Update the data for any formulas
x <- applyFormulas(x, formulas, remove=miss)
# Remove missing values
vars <- pheno.list[["keep.vars", exact=TRUE]]
x <- removeMiss.vars(x, vars=vars, miss=miss)
# Check for constant vars
#temp <- checkForConstantVar(x, msg=1, removeVars=1)
#x <- temp$data
#rmv <- temp[["remove", exact=TRUE]]
# Remove vars from variable lists if possible
#if (!is.null(rmv)) {
# nn <- vars_names$names
# for (v in nn) {
# obj <- pheno.list[[v, exact=TRUE]]
# if (is.vector(obj)) {
# temp <- obj %in% rmv
# if (any(temp)) {
# new <- obj[!temp]
# if (!length(new)) new <- NULL
# pheno.list[[v]] <- new
# }
# }
# }
# Define the categorical variables
facvars <- pheno.list[["factor.vars", exact=TRUE]]
vars <- colnames(x)
type <- pheno.list$file.type
if (is.null(facvars)) {
for (v in vars) {
vec <- makeVector(x[, v])
if (type != 1) {
if (all( facvars <- c(facvars, v)
} else {
if ((is.factor(vec)) || (is.character(vec))) facvars <- c(facvars, v)
} else {
facvars <- unique(c(facvars, pheno.list$id.var))
temp <- !(vars %in% c(facvars, pheno.list$id.var))
numvars <- vars[temp]
if (length(numvars)) {
for (v in numvars) x[, v] <- as.numeric(x[, v])
# Allow for 2 id variables and change id.var
id.var <- pheno.list$id.var
nid.var <- length(id.var)
if (nid.var == 2) {
sep <- pheno.list$id.sep
ids <- paste(makeVector(x[, id.var[1]]), sep, makeVector(x[, id.var[2]]), sep="")
pheno.list$id.var <- id.var[1]
x[, pheno.list$id.var] <- ids
pheno.list$ <- pheno.list$response.var
pheno.list$subject.ids <- makeVector(x[, pheno.list$id.var])
list(pheno.list=pheno.list, data=x)
} # END: getPheno.file
# Function to get the intersecting ids
getPhenoGeno.ids <- function(data, pheno.list, geno.ids) {
nr <- nrow(data)
pids <- makeVector(data[, pheno.list$id.var])
temp <- !(pids %in% geno.ids)
m <- sum(temp)
# No ids match at first
if (m == nr) {
cat("No intersecting ids in phenotype and genotype data.\n")
cat("Trying to match by concatenating pheno ids.\n")
pids <- paste(pids, pids, sep=":")
temp <- !(pids %in% geno.ids)
m <- sum(temp)
if (m == nr) stop("No intersecting ids in phenotype and genotype data")
data[, pheno.list$id.var] <- pids
if (any(temp)) {
miss <- data[temp, pheno.list$id.var]
print("The above phenotype ids were not matched in the genotype data.")
data <- data[!temp, , drop=FALSE]
if (!nrow(data)) stop("No intersecting ids in phenotype and genotype data")
} # END: getPhenoGeno.ids
# Function to get the phenotype and genotype data for streamed input <- function(snp.list, pheno.list, temp.list=NULL) {
DEBUG <- snp.list$DEBUG
x <- NULL
pids <- pheno.list[["subject.ids", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(pids)) {
pheno.list <- check.pheno.list(pheno.list)
temp <- getPheno.file(pheno.list)
x <- temp$data
pheno.list <- temp$pheno.list
pids <- x[, pheno.list$id.var]
pheno.list$data <- NULL
pheno.list$ <- 0
if (DEBUG) cat("\n")
temp <-, pheno.ids=pids, temp.list=temp.list)
snp.list <- temp$snp.list
miss <- temp[["pheno.ids.miss", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(miss)) {
temp <- !(pids %in% miss)
if (!is.null(x)) {
x <- x[temp, , drop=FALSE]
} else {
stop("ERROR in missing ids")
list(snp.list=snp.list, pheno.list=pheno.list,
} # END:
# Function to get all snp info from the entire vector
getSNPinfo.vec <- function(x, format) {
# format impute, tped, ldat
impute <- NULL
snp <- NULL
loc <- NULL
a1 <- ""
a2 <- ""
chr <- NULL
if (format == "impute") {
impute <- x[1]
snp <- x[2]
loc <- x[3]
a1 <- x[4]
a2 <- x[5]
NCOL <- 5
} else if (format == "ldat") {
snp <- x[1]
NCOL <- 1
} else if (format == "tped") {
chr <- x[1]
snp <- x[2]
loc <- x[4]
NCOL <- 4
vec <- x[-(1:NCOL)]
aa <- paste(a1, a2, sep="")
list(vec=vec, impute=impute, snp=snp, chr=chr, loc=loc, a1=a1, a2=a2, majMin=aa)
} # END: getSNPinfo.vec
# Function to get the numeric genotype vector
getNumGenoVec <- function(, snp.list) {
ret <-
format <- snp.list$format
vec <-$vec
len <- length(vec)
gmodel <- snp.list$genetic.model
in.miss <- snp.list$in.miss
nsub <- snp.list$n.subjects
ProbG0 <- NULL
ProbG1 <- NULL
ProbG2 <- NULL
if (format == "impute") {
if ((nsub) && (len != 3*nsub)) stop("ERROR in getNumGenoVec: wrong vector length")
y <- impute.get_genoVec(as.numeric(vec), ret$a1, ret$a2, genetic.model=gmodel,
cutoff=snp.list$impute.cutoff, method=snp.list$impute.method)
a <- y$majMin
vec.num <- as.numeric(y$vec)
ProbG1 <- as.numeric(y$ProbG1)
ProbG0 <- as.numeric(y$ProbG0)
ProbG2 <- as.numeric(y$ProbG2)
} else if (format == "ldat") {
if ((nsub) && (len != nsub)) stop("ERROR in getNumGenoVec: wrong vector length")
y <- recode.geno(vec, in.miss=in.miss,$
vec.num <- as.numeric(y$vec)
a <- y$alleles
} else if (format == "tped") {
if ((nsub) && (len != 2*nsub)) stop("ERROR in getNumGenoVec: wrong vector length")
id1 <- seq(1, len, 2)
id2 <- id1 + 1
v1 <- vec[id1]
v2 <- vec[id2]
temp <- (v1 %in% in.miss) | (v2 %in% in.miss)
vec2 <- paste(vec[id1], vec[id2], sep="")
if (any(temp)) vec2[temp] <- " "
y <- recode.geno(vec2, in.miss=" ",$
vec.num <- as.numeric(y$vec)
a <- y$alleles
if (snp.list$MAF) {
maf <- 0.5*mean(vec.num, na.rm=TRUE)
if (!is.finite(maf)) maf <- -1
ret$MAF <- maf
ids <- snp.list[["order.vec", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(ids)) {
vec.num <- vec.num[ids]
if (!is.null(ProbG1)) ret$ProbG1 <- ProbG1[ids]
if (!is.null(ProbG0)) ret$ProbG0 <- ProbG0[ids]
if (!is.null(ProbG2)) ret$ProbG2 <- ProbG2[ids]
ret$vec.num <- vec.num
ret$majMin <- a
} # END: getNumGenoVec
# Function to return the next observation <- function(snp.list) {
inc.snps <- snp.list[["include.snps", exact=TRUE]]
inc.flag <- !is.null(inc.snps)
format <- snp.list$format
if (!inc.flag) {
vec <- scan(snp.list$fid, what="character", sep=snp.list$delimiter, quiet=TRUE, nlines=1)
if (!length(vec)) return(NULL)
info <- getSNPinfo.vec(vec, format)
} else {
fid <- snp.list$fid
sep <- snp.list$delimiter
while (1) {
vec <- scan(fid, what="character", sep=sep, quiet=TRUE, nlines=1)
if (!length(vec)) return(NULL)
info <- getSNPinfo.vec(vec, format)
if (info$snp %in% inc.snps) break
# Get the numeric vector
ret <- getNumGenoVec(info, snp.list)
} # END:
# Function to remove missing values from data objects
pheno.removeMiss <- function(pheno.list, subset) {
ret <- pheno.list
names <- pheno.list$data.names
for (nn in names) {
obj <- pheno.list[[nn]]
if (!is.vector(obj)) {
ret[[nn]] <- obj[subset, , drop=FALSE]
} else {
ret[[nn]] <- obj[subset]
} # END: pheno.removeMiss
# Function to create formulas
create.formula <- function(y.var, snp.var, mvars=NULL, ivars=NULL,
time.var=NULL, strata.var=NULL) {
if (is.null(time.var)) {
str0 <- paste(y.var, " ~ ", sep="")
} else {
str0 <- paste("Surv(", time.var, ", ", y.var, ") ~ ", sep="")
if (!is.null(mvars)) {
mstr <- paste(mvars, collapse=" + ", sep="")
str2 <- paste(" + ", mstr, sep="")
} else {
mstr <- "1"
str2 <- ""
str.base <- paste(str0, mstr, sep="")
if (!is.null(strata.var)) str.base <- paste(str.base, " + strata(", strata.var, ")", sep="")
base.formula <- as.formula(str.base)
str <- paste(str0, snp.var, str2, sep="")
if (!is.null(ivars)) {
temp <- paste(snp.var, ":", ivars, sep="")
temp <- paste(temp, collapse=" + ", sep="")
str <- paste(str, " + ", temp, sep="")
if (!is.null(strata.var)) str<- paste(str, " + strata(", strata.var, ")", sep="")
formula <- as.formula(str)
list(formula=formula, base.formula=base.formula)
} # END: create.formula
# Function to check and print the base model
checkBaseModel <- function(fit, op) {
if (checkTryError(fit)) {
stop("ERROR: base model failed")
fit <- summary(fit)
if (op$print) print(fit)
out <- op[["base.outfile", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(out)) {
} # END: checkBaseModel
# Function to get formulas
pheno.addFormula <- function(pheno.list) {
y.var <- pheno.list$response.var
mvars <- pheno.list[["main.vars", exact=TRUE]]
ivars <- pheno.list[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
snp.var <- pheno.list$snp.var
time.var <- pheno.list[["time.var", exact=TRUE]]
strata.var <- pheno.list[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]]
temp <- create.formula(y.var, snp.var, mvars=mvars, ivars=ivars, time.var=time.var,
f <- pheno.list[["base.formula", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(f)) pheno.list$base.formula <- temp$base.formula
f <- pheno.list[["formula", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(f)) pheno.list$formula <- temp$formula
} # END: pheno.addFormula
# Function for logistic scan
setup.lin_log <- function(data, oplist, which) {
plist <- oplist$pheno.list
sv <- plist[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]]
tv <- plist[["time.var", exact=TRUE]]
plist$strata.var <- NULL
plist$time.var <- NULL
plist <- pheno.addFormula(plist)
plist$strata.var <- sv
plist$time.var <- tv
ivars <- plist[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
snp.var <- plist$snp.var
omni.flag <- 0
inter.flag <- 0
retvars <- snp.var
if (!is.null(ivars)) {
inames <- paste(snp.var, ":", ivars, sep="")
retvars <- c(retvars, inames)
plist$omnibus.vars <- retvars
plist$interaction.vars <- inames
plist$interaction.flag <- 1
omni.flag <- 1
inter.flag <- 1
plist$return.vars <- retvars
plist$omnibus.flag <- omni.flag
plist$interaction.flag <- inter.flag
n <- length(retvars)
v2 <- c("Beta", "SE")
if (omni.flag + inter.flag == 0) v2 <- c(v2, "Pvalue")
n2 <- length(v2)
vec <- rep(NA, n2*n + omni.flag + inter.flag)
cc <- NULL
if (omni.flag) cc <- c(cc, "Omnibus.Pvalue")
if (inter.flag) cc <- c(cc, "Inter.Pvalue")
return.vlist <- list()
for (i in 1:length(retvars)) {
v <- retvars[i]
temp <- paste(v, ".", v2, sep="")
cc <- c(cc, temp)
return.vlist[[i]] <- temp
plist$return.vlist <- return.vlist
plist$return.nvars <- length(retvars)
if (length(v2) == 2) {
plist$v2.vec <- c(1, 2)
} else {
plist$v2.vec <- c(1, 2, 4)
names(vec) <- cc
plist$return.vec <- vec
plist$scan.setup.func <- NULL
# Base model
form <- plist$base.formula
if (which == 1) {
fit <- lm(form, data=data)
} else {
fit <- glm(form, data=data, family=binomial())
checkBaseModel(fit, oplist)
} # END: setup.lin_log
# Function for logistic scan
setup.logistic <- function(data, oplist) {
ret <- try(setup.lin_log(data, oplist, 2), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(ret, conv=0)) {
scan.error("ERROR in setup.lin_log", "setup.lin_log")
} # END: setup.logistic
# Function for linear scan
setup.linear <- function(data, oplist) {
ret <- try(setup.lin_log(data, oplist, 1), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(ret, conv=0)) {
scan.error("ERROR in setup.lin_log", "setup.lin_log")
} # END: setup.linear
# Scan function for linear/logistic reg
scan.lin_log <- function(data, oplist, which) {
plist <- oplist$pheno.list
form <- plist[["formula", exact=TRUE]]
vars <- plist$return.vars
if (which == 1) {
fit <- lm(form, data=data)
} else {
fit <- glm(form, data=data, family=binomial())
coef <- summary(fit)$coefficients
nn <- rownames(coef)
ret <- plist$return.vec
v2.vec <- plist$v2.vec
vlist <- plist$return.vlist
for (i in 1:plist$return.nvars) {
v <- vars[i]
if (v %in% nn) ret[vlist[[i]]] <- coef[v, v2.vec]
if (plist$omnibus.flag) ret["Omnibus.Pvalue"] <- getWaldTest(fit, plist$omnibus.vars)$pvalue
if (plist$interaction.flag) ret["Inter.Pvalue"] <- getWaldTest(fit, plist$interaction.vars)$pvalue
} # END: scan.lin_log
# Function for logistic scan
scan.logistic <- function(data, oplist) {
ret <- scan.lin_log(data, oplist, 2)
} # END: scan.logistic
# Function for linear scan
scan.linear <- function(data, oplist) {
ret <- scan.lin_log(data, oplist, 1)
} # END: scan.linear
# Setup function for coxph
setup.coxph <- function(data, oplist) {
plist <- oplist$pheno.list
plist <- pheno.addFormula(plist)
ivars <- plist[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
snp.var <- plist$snp.var
omni.flag <- 0
inter.flag <- 0
retvars <- snp.var
if (!is.null(ivars)) {
inames <- paste(snp.var, ":", ivars, sep="")
retvars <- c(retvars, inames)
plist$omnibus.vars <- retvars
plist$interaction.vars <- inames
plist$interaction.flag <- 1
omni.flag <- 1
inter.flag <- 1
plist$return.vars <- retvars
plist$omnibus.flag <- omni.flag
plist$interaction.flag <- inter.flag
n <- length(retvars)
v2 <- c("Beta", "SE", "Pvalue")
n2 <- length(v2)
vec <- rep(NA, n2*n + omni.flag + inter.flag)
cc <- NULL
if (omni.flag) cc <- c(cc, "Omnibus.Pvalue")
if (inter.flag) cc <- c(cc, "Inter.Pvalue")
for (v in retvars) cc <- c(cc, paste(v, ".", v2, sep=""))
names(vec) <- cc
plist$return.vec <- vec
plist$scan.setup.func <- NULL
# Base model
form <- plist$base.formula
fit <- try(coxph(form, data=data), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(fit, conv=0)) {
scan.error("ERROR fitting base model", "setup.coxph")
checkBaseModel(fit, oplist)
} # END: setup.coxph
# Scan function for coxph
scan.coxph <- function(data, oplist, which) {
plist <- oplist$pheno.list
form <- plist[["formula", exact=TRUE]]
vars <- plist$return.vars
fit <- try(coxph(form, data=data), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(fit, conv=0)) return(plist$return.vec)
coef <- summary(fit)$coefficients
nn <- rownames(coef)
ret <- plist$return.vec
v2 <- c(".Beta", ".SE", ".Pvalue")
for (i in 1:length(vars)) {
v <- vars[i]
if (v %in% nn) ret[paste(v, v2, sep="")] <- coef[v, c(1, 2, 5)]
if (plist$omnibus.flag) ret["Omnibus.Pvalue"] <- getWaldTest(fit, plist$omnibus.vars)$pvalue
if (plist$interaction.flag) ret["Inter.Pvalue"] <- getWaldTest(fit, plist$interaction.vars)$pvalue
} # END: scan.coxph
# Function to update pheno.list
setPhenoList <- function(pheno.list, op) {
if (is.null(pheno.list)) return(NULL)
if (is.null(pheno.list[["response.var", exact=TRUE]])) {
scan.error("pheno.list$response.var must be specified", "setPhenoList")
id.var <- pheno.list[["id.var", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(id.var)) scan.error("pheno.list$id.var must be specified", "setPhenoList")
nid.var <- length(id.var)
#if (nid.var != length(unique(id.var))) scan.error("ERROR with pheno.list$id.var", "setPhenoList")
if (nid.var > 2) scan.error("ERROR with pheno.list$id.var", "setPhenoList")
f <- op$scan.func
all <- c("scan.linear", "scan.logistic", "scan.coxph")
if (f %in% all) {
pheno.list$remove.miss <- 1
temp <- getAllVars.pheno(pheno.list)$var.list
vars <- c(temp$id.var, temp$response.var, temp[["main.vars", exact=TRUE]],
temp[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]])
if (f %in% c("scan.coxph")) {
v <- temp[["time.var", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(v)) stop("ERROR: No time variable specified in pheno.list")
vars <- c(vars, v, temp[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]])
temp <- pheno.list[["keep.vars", exact=TRUE]]
pheno.list$keep.vars <- unique(c(vars, temp))
# Watch out if keep.vars contins formulas
temp <- pheno.list[["keep.vars", exact=TRUE]]
} # END: setPhenoList
# Function to check vars in pheno.list
checkPheno.vars <- function(pheno.list) {
if (is.null(pheno.list)) return(NULL)
cnames <- pheno.list[["colnames", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(cnames)) return(NULL)
temp <- getAllVars.pheno(pheno.list)
vars <- unlist(temp$var.list)
ignore <- c(pheno.list$snp.var, pheno.list$,
pheno.list[["return.vars", exact=TRUE]],
pheno.list[["interaction.vars", exact=TRUE]],
pheno.list[["omnibus.vars", exact=TRUE]]
temp <- !(vars %in% ignore)
vars <- unique(vars[temp])
temp <- !(vars %in% cnames)
if (any(temp)) {
scan.error("The above variables were not found in the input data", "checkPheno.vars")
} # END: checkPheno.vars
# Function to update pheno.list
setLists <- function(pheno.list, snp.list, op) {
pheno.list <- setPhenoList(pheno.list, op)
f <- op$scan.func
imp <- snp.list$format %in% "impute"
scan.func.op <- op[["scan.func.op", exact=TRUE]]
snp.list <- check.PLINK(snp.list)
snp.list <- check.GLU(snp.list)
# Check for transforming genotype data
use.GLU <- snp.list$use.GLU
use.PLINK <- snp.list$use.PLINK
len.glu <- nchar(snp.list$GLU)
plink.len <- nchar(snp.list$PLINK)
if (use.GLU || use.PLINK) {
if ((!len.glu) && (!plink.len)) scan.error("ERROR: both GLU and PLINK were not found", "setLists")
if (use.GLU && (!len.glu)) {
snp.list$use.GLU <- 0
snp.list$use.PLINK <- 1
snp.list$id.sep <- " "
if (use.PLINK && (!plink.len)) {
snp.list$use.GLU <- 1
snp.list$use.PLINK <- 0
snp.list$id.sep <- ":"
# Watch out for a PLINK format but no subject file.
if ((snp.list$plink.format) & (is.null(snp.list[["subject.list", exact=TRUE]]))) {
# Stop with an error
scan.error("ERROR: set snp.list$subject.list", "setLists")
# If plink format, check for 2 id variables
if (snp.list$plink.format) {
if (length(pheno.list$id.var) != 2) stop("ERROR: pheno.list$id.var must be length 2 for PLINK genotype files")
if (length(snp.list$subject.list$id.var) != 2) stop("ERROR: subject.list$id.var must be length 2 for PLINK genotype files")
# Determine if data needs to be transformed
if (is.null(snp.list[["transform", exact=TRUE]])) {
if (snp.list$format %in% c("ldat", "impute", "tped")) {
snp.list$transform <- 0
} else {
snp.list$transform <- 1
pheno.list$id.sep <- snp.list$id.sep
list(pheno.list=pheno.list, snp.list=snp.list, scan.func.op=scan.func.op)
} # END: setLists
# Function to throw an error
scan.error <- function(err.vec, {
n <- length(err.vec)
if (n) {
for (i in 1:n) {
str <- paste(err.vec, "\n", sep="")
str <- paste("ERROR: in function ",, sep="")
} # END: scan.error
# Function to perform a scan <- function(snp.list, pheno.list, op=NULL) {
# Local function to close open files
out.error <- function(str) {
if (!is.null(out.fid)) close(out.fid)
if (!is.null(snp.list[["fid", exact=TRUE]])) close(snp.list$fid)
} # END: out.error
# Local function to return the out vector when an error occurs
out.getVec <- function(vec) {
str <- paste(snp, "\t", majMin, sep="")
if (geno.MAF) str <- paste(str, "\t", geno.stats$MAF, sep="")
if (geno.missRate) str <- paste(str, "\t", geno.stats$missRate, sep="")
if (geno.counts) {
temp <- paste(geno.stats$counts, collapse="\t", sep="")
str <- paste(str, "\t", temp, sep="")
ret <- c(vec, str)
} # END: out.getVec
# Local function for setting up output vector
out.setup <- function(out.vec, ret, FLAG=0) {
out.len <- 0
nn <- NULL
if (is.null(ret)) ret <- NA
if (!checkTryError(ret, conv=0)) {
if ((!is.vector(ret)) && (!is.list(ret))) {
str <- paste("ERROR: The returned object from ", scan.function,
" must be a vector or a list.", sep="")
nn <- names(ret)
ret <- unlist(ret)
if (!is.vector(ret)) {
str <- paste("ERROR: The returned object from ", scan.function,
" must be able to be coerced to a vector with the unlist function.", sep="")
len <- length(ret)
if (len) {
# To prevent problem with a list containing objects with names
if (length(nn) == len) names(ret) <- nn
nn <- names(ret)
if (is.null(nn)) nn <- paste("V", 1:len, sep="")
# Set out.vec
if (out.flag1) {
# Match the names
temp <- nn %in% out.names
if (any(temp)) out.vec[nn[temp]] <- ret[temp]
} else {
# Set up out.vec
out.vec <- c(snp, majMin)
nn0 <- c(, "MajMinAllele")
if (geno.MAF) {
out.vec <- c(out.vec, geno.stats$MAF)
nn0 <- c(nn0, "MAF")
if (geno.missRate) {
out.vec <- c(out.vec, geno.stats$missRate)
nn0 <- c(nn0, "MissRate")
if (geno.counts) {
out.vec <- c(out.vec, geno.stats$counts)
if (y.binary) {
nn0 <- c(nn0, "Case.Counts.012", "Control.Counts.012")
} else {
nn0 <- c(nn0, "Counts.012")
if (FLAG) {
names(out.vec) <- nn0
out.vec <- c(out.vec, ret)
names(out.vec) <- c(nn0, nn)
out.len <- len
} else {
if (!out.flag1) out.vec0 <- out.getVec(out.vec0)
} else {
if (!out.flag1) out.vec0 <- out.getVec(out.vec0)
list(out.vec=out.vec, out.vec0=out.vec0, out.len=out.len, out.names=nn)
} # END: out.setup
# Local function for writing output vector
out.write <- function(out.vec, FLAG=0) {
if (out.flag1) {
temp <- paste(out.vec, collapse="\t", sep="")
write(temp, file=out.fid, ncolumns=1)
} else if (out.len) {
# First write out the column names
temp <- paste(names(out.vec), collapse="\t", sep="")
write(temp, file=out.fid, ncolumns=1)
# Check for previous snps that were not written
if (!is.null(out.vec0)) {
if (!FLAG) {
temp <- paste(rep("", out.len), collapse="\t", sep="")
temp <- rep(temp, length(out.vec0))
temp <- paste(out.vec0, "\t", temp, sep="")
} else {
temp <- out.vec0
write(temp, file=out.fid, ncolumns=1)
if (!FLAG) {
temp <- paste(out.vec, collapse="\t", sep="")
write(temp, file=out.fid, ncolumns=1)
out.flag1 <- 1
} # END: out.write
# Local function for computing geno stats
out.stats <- function() {
counts <- NULL
miss <- NULL
if (impute.flag) {
v0 <- data0[[]]
v1 <- data0[[]]
v2 <- data0[[]]
} else {
v0 <- as.numeric(snp.vec %in% 0)
v1 <- as.numeric(snp.vec %in% 1)
v2 <- as.numeric(snp.vec %in% 2)
if (geno.counts) {
if (y.binary) {
n10 <- sum(v0[y.vec.1], na.rm=TRUE)
n11 <- sum(v1[y.vec.1], na.rm=TRUE)
n12 <- sum(v2[y.vec.1], na.rm=TRUE)
n00 <- sum(v0[y.vec.0], na.rm=TRUE)
n01 <- sum(v1[y.vec.0], na.rm=TRUE)
n02 <- sum(v2[y.vec.0], na.rm=TRUE)
counts <- c(paste(n10, n11, n12, sep="|"), paste(n00, n01, n02, sep="|"))
} else {
n0 <- sum(v0, na.rm=TRUE)
n1 <- sum(v1, na.rm=TRUE)
n2 <- sum(v2, na.rm=TRUE)
counts <- paste(n0, n1, n2, sep="|")
if (geno.missRate || geno.MAF) {
N <- length(snp.vec)
temp <- !
M <- sum(temp)
if (geno.MAF) MAF <- (sum(v1[temp]) + 2*sum(v2[temp]))/(2*M)
if (geno.missRate) miss <- (N - M)/N
list(counts=counts, MAF=MAF, missRate=miss)
} # END: out.stats
# Local function to set output vector
out.setVec <- function(out.vec) {
if (stats.flag) {
out.vec[1:out.index0] <- c(snp, majMin, geno.stats$MAF, geno.stats$missRate, geno.stats$counts)
} else {
out.vec[1:out.index0] <- c(snp, majMin)
} # END: out.setVec
op <- default.list(op,
c("scan.func", "out.file", "", "print", "geno.counts",
"", "", "",
"geno.MAF", "geno.missRate", "max.allele.len", "DEBUG"),
list("ERROR", "ERROR", "SNP", 0, 1,
"SNP.ProbG0", "SNP.ProbG1", "SNP.ProbG2",
1, 1, 9999, 0),
error=c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
if (DEBUG) cat("check.snp.list\n")
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
if (is.null(pheno.list)) pheno.list <- list()
if (!is.list(pheno.list)) stop("ERROR: pheno.list must be a list")
pheno.list$checkVars <- 0
snp.list$DEBUG <- DEBUG
pheno.list$DEBUG <- DEBUG
pheno.list$snpfile <- snp.list$file
if (DEBUG) cat("check.pheno.list\n")
pheno.list <- check.pheno.list(pheno.list)
temp.list <- op[["temp.list", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(temp.list)) {
if (DEBUG) cat("check.temp.list\n")
temp.list <- check.temp.list(temp.list)
snp.list$temp.dir <- temp.list$dir
snp.list$id.str <- temp.list$id
snp.list$delete <- temp.list$delete
} <- op$
out.fid <- NULL
pheno.list$snp.var <-
scan.function <- op$scan.func
scan.func.op <- op[["scan.func.op", exact=TRUE]]
snp.list$order.subs <- NULL
pheno.list$subjects.ids <- NULL
pheno.list$ <- pheno.list$response.var
print <- op$print
geno.counts <- op$geno.counts
geno.MAF <- op$geno.MAF
geno.missRate <- op$geno.missRate <- op$ <- op$ <- op$
impute.flag <- snp.list$format %in% "impute"
op$impute.flag <- impute.flag
stats.flag <- geno.counts || geno.MAF || geno.missRate
max.allele.len <- op$max.allele.len
if ((snp.list$format %in% "impute") && (is.null(snp.list[["subject.list", exact=TRUE]]))) {
stop("ERROR: snp.list$subject.list must be specified")
if (DEBUG) cat("setLists\n")
temp <- setLists(pheno.list, snp.list, op)
pheno.list <- temp$pheno.list
snp.list <- temp$snp.list
# Load the phenotype data
if (DEBUG) cat("getPheno.file\n")
temp <- getPheno.file(pheno.list)
pheno.list <- temp$pheno.list
data0 <- temp$data
temp <- colnames(data0)
if ( %in% temp) {
out.error("ERROR: set op$ to a variable name not in pheno.list$file")
if (impute.flag) {
if ( %in% temp) {
out.error("ERROR: set op$ to a variable name not in pheno.list$file")
if ( %in% temp) {
out.error("ERROR: set op$ to a variable name not in pheno.list$file")
if ( %in% temp) {
out.error("ERROR: set op$ to a variable name not in pheno.list$file")
if (! out.error("ERROR: Data must be a data frame")
if (!nrow(data0)) out.error("No rows in data")
if (nrow(data0) != length(unique(data0[, pheno.list$id.var]))) {
warning("pheno.list$id.var does not have all unique ids")
# Get the order of the subjects in the genotype data
if (DEBUG) cat("getSubIds.genoFile\n")
snp.list$order.subs <- getSubIds.genoFile(snp.list)
# Check for intersecting subjects
if (DEBUG) cat("getPhenoGeno.ids\n")
data0 <- getPhenoGeno.ids(data0, pheno.list, snp.list$order.subs)
pheno.list$subject.ids <- data0[, pheno.list$id.var]
pheno.list$colnames <- colnames(data0)
# Apply the setup function
op[["pheno.list"]] <- pheno.list
temp <- op[["scan.setup.func", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(temp)) {
if (DEBUG) cat("scan.setup.func\n")
temp <- try(, list(data0, op)), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(temp, conv=0)) {
out.error("ERROR: calling scan.setup.func")
if (is.null(temp)) temp <- list()
if (!is.list(temp)) out.error("ERROR: Returned object scan.setup.func is not a list or NULL")
tlist <- temp[["pheno.list", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(tlist)) pheno.list <- tlist
tlist <- temp[["scan.func.op", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(tlist)) scan.func.op <- tlist
tlist <- temp[["data", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(tlist)) data0 <- tlist
if (!length(data0[[1]])) out.error("No rows in data after calling scan.setup.func")
if ( {
pheno.list$colnames <- colnames(data0)
pheno.list$subject.ids <- data0[, pheno.list$id.var]
# Check variables in phenotype data
if (DEBUG) cat("checkPheno.vars\n")
# Set up the genotype data
pheno.list$data <- data0
pheno.list$ <- 1
if (DEBUG) cat("\n")
temp <- try(, pheno.list, temp.list=temp.list), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(temp, conv=0)) {
out.error("ERROR: calling")
snp.list <- temp$snp.list
pheno.list <- temp$pheno.list
pheno.list$data <- NULL
pheno.list$ <- 0
pheno.list$colnames <- NULL
if (!is.null(temp[["", exact=TRUE]])) data0 <- temp$
n.snps <- snp.list$n.snps
data0[[]] <- NA
pheno.list$subject.ids <- NULL
if (impute.flag) {
data0[[]] <- NA
data0[[]] <- NA
data0[[]] <- NA
# Input list to scan function
op[["pheno.list"]] <- pheno.list
op[["scan.func.op"]] <- scan.func.op <- pheno.list[["", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null( out.error("ERROR: is NULL")
rm(pheno.list, scan.func.op)
# For genotype counts
y.binary <- 0
if (geno.counts) {
y.vec <- data0[[]]
temp <- is.finite(y.vec)
if (all(!temp)) out.error("Response has no finite values")
if (all(y.vec[temp] %in% 0:1)) y.binary <- 1
if (y.binary) {
y.vec.0 <- y.vec %in% 0
y.vec.1 <- y.vec %in% 1
y.vec <- NULL
# For output file
out.flag1 <- 0
out.vec <- NA
out.vec0 <- NULL
out.len <- 0
out.names <- NULL
out.index0 <- 2 + geno.MAF + geno.missRate + geno.counts*(1 + y.binary)
index <- 1
snp <- NULL
majMin <- NULL
remove.indels <- snp.list[["remove.indels", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(remove.indels)) remove.indels <- 0
MAF <- snp.list[["MAF", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(MAF)) snp.list$MAF <- 0
MAF <- snp.list$MAF
out.fid <- file(op$out.file, "w")
while (1) {
out.vec[] <- NA
# Return list will have names vec.num, a1, a2, etc
retlist <-
if (is.null(retlist)) break
snp <- retlist$snp
majMin <- substr(retlist$majMin, 1, max.allele.len)
if ((remove.indels) && (nchar(majMin) > 3)) {
index <- index + 1
if ((MAF) && (retlist$MAF < MAF)) {
index <- index + 1
snp.vec <- retlist$vec.num
data0[[]] <- snp.vec
if (impute.flag) {
data0[[]] <- retlist$ProbG0
data0[[]] <- retlist$ProbG1
data0[[]] <- retlist$ProbG2
# Get statistics
if (stats.flag) geno.stats <- out.stats()
if (out.flag1) out.vec <- out.setVec(out.vec)
# Call scan function
ret <- try(, list(data0, op)), silent=TRUE)
if (DEBUG) print(ret)
temp <- out.setup(out.vec, ret)
out.vec <- temp$out.vec
if (!out.flag1) {
out.vec0 <- temp$out.vec0
out.len <- temp$out.len
out.names <- temp$out.names
# Write output
out.flag1 <- out.write(out.vec)
if (index >= n.snps) break
index <- index + 1
} # END: while
# Check for no output
if ((!is.null(snp)) && (!out.flag1)) {
temp <- out.setup(out.vec, 1, FLAG=1)
out.vec <- temp$out.vec
out.len <- 1
out.write(out.vec, FLAG=1)
if (!is.null(out.fid)) close(out.fid)
if (!is.null(snp.list$fid)) close(snp.list$fid)
if (snp.list$delete) snp.list <- snp.delete.files(snp.list)
} # END:
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