# History Apr 21 2008 Initial coding
# May 09 2008 Use returned hessian to compute cov
# May 29 2008 Redo the log-likelihood calculation
# May 31 2008 Move tests to GbyE function.
# Jun 02 2008 Add gradient function for the optimizer
# Add code for new output file.
# Jun 03 2008 Add test2.vars for a user specified Wald test.
# Jun 04 2008 Add tests.init (standard logistic reg.)
# Jun 06 2008 Add parameter estimates and standard errors
# to out.file.
# Make vnames a seperate function
# Jun 07 2008 Combine GbyE.1snp and GbyE.irls
# Jun 09 2008 Change input argument names, function names.
# Remove strataMat from input.
# Jun 13 2008 Catch errors when calling logistic.SNP
# Jun 16 2008 Rename getLoglike to getLoglike.glm
# Jun 17 2008 Rename strata vars to Allele_freq
# Put strata parms in a separate object
# Jun 18 2008 Update for change in getWaldTest
# Jun 20 2008 Change X.vars to X.main, V.vars to
# Jun 30 2008 Remove call to setUpSummary
# Jul 02 2008 Add code for streamed input
# Jul 09 2008 Change in getEB function:
# cmat <- cbind(diag(temp), diag(1-temp))
# Jul 11 2008 Rename the functions to snp.logistic and
# snp.scan.logistic
# Jul 11 2008 Add output for snp and subject counts
# Jul 17 2008 Add code for factor snps
# Jul 18 2008 Add test.inter
# Jul 18 2008 Add code for saving individual tests and p-values
# Jul 21 2008 Add option to output corr parms
# Jul 22 2008 Change code to call getTest function
# Jul 26 2008 Add tests and tests.1df options
# The tests option will replace the test2.vars option
# Aug 07 2008 Check for constant variables in getDsgnMat
# Aug 11 2008 Define classes for return objects
# Aug 21 2008 Add option for joint and stratified effects
# Aug 25 2008 Rename snp.logistic to snp.main
# Add snp.logistic function
# Aug 29 2008 Update for change in getWaldTest
# Oct 08 2008 Allow for different family if only.UML = 1
# Oct 10 2008 Allow for no recoding of genotypes when stream = 1
# Oct 21 2008 Make more efficient for only.UML = 1
# Oct 29 2008 Change the line in snp.scan.logistic from
# snp <- as.integer(snp) to
# snp <- as.numeric(snp)
# Dec 10 2008 Allow the user to specify formulas in
# snp.logistic.
# Jan 30 2009 Add option to output UML base model
# Mar 05 2009 Get MAF from getData.1 function (stream = 0)
# Mar 05 2009 Update for stream = 1
# Mar 16 2009 Do not set cc.var to response.var by default
# Jun 16 2009 Print out response levels only for binomial family
# Jul 10 2009 Check if design.V0 is NULL in getInter.Vars()
# Jul 22 2009 Move temp.list inside the options list
# Aug 03 2009 Change in outputRow to match the change in
# effects.init return list
# Sep 17 2009 Add in output option in getDelimiter in snp.scan.logistic
# Change as.integer to as.numeric
# Add errorCheck option in snp.main
# Oct 01 2009 Check variable names in snp.logistic
# Oct 16 2009 Change in recode.geno
# Oct 16 2009 Add major/minor allele to out file in snp.scan.logistic
# Oct 20 2009 Fix bug in getting response0 in snp.scan.logistic
# Sometimes it is character
# Oct 28 2009 Make sure design matrices from logistic.dsgnMat
# are numeric
# Dec 17 2009 Remove IRLS algorithm
# Add code for genetic.model = 3
# Dec 23 2009 Generalize the stratification
# Jan 04 2010 Update snp.logistic for missing values
# Feb 01 2010 Wrap callOptim in try function in snp.main
# Feb 04 2010 In snp.logistic, check for 1 strata.var that is constant
# Feb 12 2010 Use chol and chol2inv instead of solve.
# Add option for C code.
# Feb 17 2010 Check CML variances from returned C code
# Feb 17 2010 Make getInit function in snp.main more efficient
# Feb 26 2010 Use the snp variable name in snp.logistic
# Mar 04 2010 Use normVarNames function in snp.logistic
# Mar 14 2010 Add option for using (2) only controls to determine
# the major/minor allele or (1) all subjects
# The default is 1
# Mar 18 2010 Add package="CGEN" option
# Mar 29 2010 Add return values to snp.logistic
# Mar 30 2010 Add option for fixing parameters
# Apr 02 2010 Add option zero.vars to snp.logistic
# Apr 05 2010 Change call to C code
# Apr 14 2010 Change default reltol to 1e-8
# Apr 22 2010 Fix bug in getInit with adding snp back when zeroSNP = 1
# Apr 26 2010 Change code for when there are NAs with UML parms
# Nov 04 2011 Check if snp.var is a main effect
# Dec 23 2011 Add function in snp.main to check CML initial estimates
# Allow for initial estimates to be passed in
# Jul 18 2012 Remove errorCheck option in snp.main. Was causing a problem
# for different genetic models.
# Feb 02 2013 Add warning message for continuous variables
# Mar 26 2013 Add code for imputed SNPs
# Mar 29 2013 Add new functions for outputing UML-CML estimates
# Apr 03 2013 Add code for meta-analysis
# Apr 04 2013 Generalize code for UML-CML estimates
# Apr 05 2013 Modify snp.scan.logistic for imputed snps
# Sep 01 2013 Allow snp to be a 3 column matrix in snp.main
# Oct 22 2013 Return full CML covariance matrix from snp.main
# Oct 25 2013 Add function to return strat matrix
# TO DO:
# Modify the different tests for the different genetic models
# Update test2 code for factors
# Check for consistent input arguments (out.est, only.UML,...)
sMatrix.logistic <- function(data, strata.var, facVars) {
sflag <- !is.null(strata.var)
sform <- "formula" %in% class(strata.var)
nobs <- nrow(data)
svarCat1 <- FALSE
# Check for constant strata variable
if ((sflag) && (!sform) && (length(strata.var) == 1)) {
svarCat1.v <- data[, strata.var]
svarCat1.s <- sort(unique(svarCat1.v))
svarCat1.n <- length(svarCat1.s)
if (svarCat1.n == 1) sflag <- FALSE
if (sflag) {
if ((is.character(svarCat1.v)) || (is.factor(svarCat1.v))) svarCat1 <- TRUE
if (!sflag) {
design.S0 <- matrix(data=1, nrow=nobs, ncol=1)
s.1catVar <- 1
} else {
if (svarCat1) {
design.S0 <- matrix(data=0, nrow=nobs, ncol=svarCat1.n)
s.1catVar <- 1
for (i in 1:svarCat1.n) design.S0[(svarCat1.v %in% svarCat1.s[i]), i] <- 1
} else {
design.S0 <- logistic.dsgnMat(data, strata.var, facVars, removeInt=0)$designMatrix
s.1catVar <- 0
list(design.S0=design.S0, s.1catVar=s.1catVar)
} # END: sMatrix.logistic
# Function to perform SNP by environment interaction analysis.
snp.scan.logistic <- function(snp.list, pheno.list, op=NULL) {
# snp.list (See snp.list.wordpad)
# pheno.list (See pheno.list.wordpad)
# This list must include the name "response.var",
# and can also include the names "strata.var",
# "main.vars", "int.vars" (see below)
# response.var Name of the response variable. This variable
# must be coded as 0 and 1.
# No default
# strata.var Stratification variable name(s) or a formula.
# The default is NULL so that all observations
# belong to the same strata.
# main.vars Vector of variables names in the file pheno.list$file
# that will be included in the model as main effects.
# main.vars can also be a formula.
# The default is NULL.
# int.vars Vector of variable names in the file pheno.list$file
# that will interact with each snp in the snp data.
# int.vars can also be a formula.
# The default is NULL.
# cc.var The name of the case-control variable. This variable must
# be coded as 0-1. The variable is used to determine
# the MAF based on controls.
# The default is NULL.
# op List with the following names.
# genetic.model 0-2
# 0: trend
# 1: dominant
# 2: recessive
# 3: general
# The default is 0.
# reltol Stopping tolerance
# The default is 1e-8
# maxiter Maximum number of iterations
# The default is 100
# optimizer One of : "BFGS", "Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG",
# "L-BFGS-B", "SANN".
# The default is "BFGS"
# print 0 or 1 to print each list of output
# The default is 0
# test.omnibus 0 or 1 for the test
# involving the snp and interaction terms.
# The default is 1
# test.main 0 or 1 for computing
# the test for the main effect of the snp.
# The default is 1.
# test.inter 0 or 1 for computing
# the test for the interaction terms.
# The default is 0.
# tests List of character vector of variable names that
# will be used in Wald tests.
# The default is NULL.
# tests.1df Character vector of variable names to use for 1 df
# Wald tests.
# The default is NULL.
# tests.UML NULL or a list with at least one of the following
# names: "omnibus", "main", or "inter". These names
# can be set to one of the following values:
# "WALD", "LR", or "SCORE".
# Example: test.UML=list(main="WALD", omnibus="LR") will
# compute a wald test for the main effect of SNP and
# a likelihood ratio test for the SNP and interactions.
# !!!! Only for family=binomial !!!!!!
# The default value for each name is "WALD"
# The default is NULL.
# tests.CML 0 or 1 for computing the WALD tests using the
# conditional ML estimates.
# The default is 1.
# tests.EB 0 or 1 for computing the WALD tests using the
# empirical bayes estimates
# The default is 0.
# geno.counts 0 or 1 to add the genotype counts to out.file
# The default is 0.
# subject.counts 0 or 1 to add the number of cases and controls to
# out.file.
# The default is 0.
# 1 or 2 to use all subjects
# effects List for joint/stratified effects
# Names in the list must be "var", "type",
# "var.levels", "snp.levels", "var.base"
# The default is NULL.
# var Variable name to compute the effects with the SNP
# No default
# type 1 or 2 or c(1, 2) , 1 = joint, 2 = stratified
# The default is 1.
# var.levels (Only for continuous var) Numeric vector of the
# levels to be used in the calculation.
# The default is 0.
# var.base (Only for continuous var) Baseline level.
# The default is 0
# snp.levels One of the following: 0, 1, 2, c(0,1), c(0,2),
# c(1,2) or c(0, 1, 2)
# The default is 1.
# method Character vector containing any of the following:
# "UML", "CML", "EB"
# The default is c("UML", "CML", "EB")
# out.est List with the names "parms" and "method".
# Use this option if you want to save parameter
# estimates and standard errors to out.file.
# parms 1-3 or a character vector of the parameters to
# save statistics on.
# 1: Main effect is saved.
# 2: Main effect and interactions are saved.
# 3: All parameters are saved.
# method Character vector containing any of the following:
# "UML", "CML", "EB"
# For example, setting parms=3 and method=c("CML", "EB")
# will write all the parameter estimates and
# standard errors for the methods CML and EB.
# The default value of out.est is NULL.
# what Character vector containing any of the following:
# "beta", "se", "test", "pvalue"
# corr.parms List of character vectors of length 2 giving the
# pairs of variables for correlations.
# out.file NULL or file name to save summary information for
# each snp. The output will at least contain the columns
# "SNP" and "MAF". MAF is the minor allele frequency
# form the controls. Additional columns in this file
# are based on the values of test.omnibus, test.main,
# test2.vars, tests.UML, tests.CML, tests.EB, and
# out.est.
# The default is NULL.
# out.dir NULL or the output directory to store the output
# lists for each SNP. A seperate file will be created
# for each snp in the snp data set.
# The file names will be the out_<snp>.rda
# The object names are called "ret".
# The default is NULL.
# base.outfile NULL or path to base model rda file
# The default is NULL.
# temp.list See temp.list.doc
# The list returned is from the last analysis performed.
# Function to call different test functions
getTest <- function(fit, vars, test, which, model) {
# fit List of parms, cov, and loglike
# vars Variables to test
# test "WALD", "LR", or "SCORE"
# which 1-4 1=omnibus, 2=main, 3=inter, 4=test2
# model "UML", "CML", or "EB"
if (test == "WALD") {
# Set up a list for calling getWaldTest
temp <- list(parms=fit$parms, cov=fit$cov)
return(getWaldTest(temp, vars))
# Determine if test is valid
if (test == "LR") {
# LR is not for EB
if (model == "EB") return(list(test=NA, df=NA, pvalue=NA))
if ((model == "CML") && (which %in% c(1, 2))) return(list(test=NA, df=NA, pvalue=NA))
} else if (test == "SCORE") {
if ((model == "CML") && (which %in% c(1, 2))) return(list(test=NA, df=NA, pvalue=NA))
# Determine if interactions are in the model
if (which == 2) { <- design.V
xflag <- 1
} else { <- NULL
xflag <- 0
# Factor snp if genetic.model = 3
if (genetic.model == 3) snp <- factor(snp)
# Determine if SNP is in the model
if (which == 3) {
int.vec <- snp
flag <- 1
} else {
int.vec <- NULL
flag <- 0
# Base model
if (model == "UML") {
fit0 <- callGLM(response, X.main=design.X,, int.vec=snp,
family="binomial", prefix="SNP_", retX=TRUE,
} else {
fit0 <- snp.main(response, snp, X.main=design.X,,
X.strata=design.S, op=op)
fit0 <- fit0[[model]]
# Add info for score tests
if (test == "SCORE") {
# Add x, y, linear.predictors
temp <- getXBeta(cbind(design.X, int.vec,, fit0$parms)
fit0$linear.predictors <- temp$XBeta
fit0$x <- temp$X
fit0$y <- response
} else {
# LR test, add the rank
fit0$rank <- ncol(fit0$cov)
if (test == "LR") {
# Likelihood ratio test. Add the rank
fit$rank <- ncol(fit$cov)
return(likelihoodRatio(fit, fit0))
} else {
# Score test
# Get the matrix to test
temp <- NULL
if ((genetic.model == 3) && (!xflag || !flag)) {
snp <- createDummy(snp)$data
if (!xflag) temp <- addInterVars(NULL, snp, design.V)$data
if (!flag) temp <- cbind(temp, snp)
return(score.logReg(fit0, temp))
} # END: getTest
# Function to add tests to the return list
addToList <- function(ret, which) {
# ret Return list
# which "UML", "CML", "EB"
if (which == "UML") {
# tests.UML.vec is actually a list
test <- tests.UML.vec
} else {
test <- rep("WALD", times=3)
field <- paste(which, c(".omnibus", ".main", ".inter"), sep="")
temp <- ret[[which]]
if (!is.null(temp)) {
if (omniFlag) ret[[field[1]]] <-
getTest(temp, omni.vars[[vListIndex]], test[1], 1, which)
if (mainFlag) ret[[field[2]]] <-
getTest(temp, main.vars[[vListIndex]], test[2], 2, which)
if (interFlag) ret[[field[3]]] <-
getTest(temp, inter.vars[[vListIndex]], test[3], 3, which)
# tests will start from field 4
if (test2Flag) {
field2 <- paste(which, ".test", 1:n.tests, sep="")
for (i in 1:n.tests) {
ret[[field2[i]]] <- getTest(temp, test2.vars[[i]], "WALD", 4, which)
} else {
if (omniFlag) ret[[field[1]]] <- list(test=NA, pvalue=NA, df=NA)
if (mainFlag) ret[[field[2]]] <- list(test=NA, pvalue=NA, df=NA)
if (interFlag) ret[[field[3]]] <- list(test=NA, pvalue=NA, df=NA)
if (test2Flag) {
temp <- list(test=NA, pvalue=NA, df=NA)
for (i in 1:n.tests) ret[[field2[i]]] <- temp
} # END: addTest
# Function to tests to the output vector
addToVec <- function(outVec, which) {
# outVec Output vector
# which "omnibus", "main", "inter", or "testi"
tname <- paste(which, ".test", sep="")
pname <- paste(which, ".pvalue", sep="")
dname <- paste(which, ".df", sep="")
if (tests.UML) {
t <- paste("UML.", tname, sep="")
p <- paste("UML.", pname, sep="")
d <- paste("UML.", dname, sep="")
r <- paste("UML.", which, sep="")
outVec[t] <- ret[[r]]$test
outVec[p] <- ret[[r]]$pvalue
outVec[d] <- ret[[r]]$df
if (tests.CML) {
t <- paste("CML.", tname, sep="")
p <- paste("CML.", pname, sep="")
d <- paste("CML.", dname, sep="")
r <- paste("CML.", which, sep="")
outVec[t] <- ret[[r]]$test
outVec[p] <- ret[[r]]$pvalue
outVec[d] <- ret[[r]]$df
if (tests.EB) {
t <- paste("EB.", tname, sep="")
p <- paste("EB.", pname, sep="")
d <- paste("EB.", dname, sep="")
r <- paste("EB.", which, sep="")
outVec[t] <- ret[[r]]$test
outVec[p] <- ret[[r]]$pvalue
outVec[d] <- ret[[r]]$df
} # END: addToVec
# Function for the number of cases and controls
getCCcounts <- function(notMiss) {
# Note: The cntrl vector equals 1 for controls.
# So the returned vector from table(), will have the counts
# for the cases and then the controls, which is the order in
# the output file.
if (is.null(notMiss)) return(subj.cnts0)
temp <- cntrl[notMiss]
nn <- sum(temp)
return(c(length(temp)-nn, nn))
} # END: getCCcounts
# Function to get variables for main test
getMain.vars <- function() {
v2 <- NULL
v1 <- getVarNames.snp(prefix=op$snpName, genetic.model=genetic.model)
if (genetic.model == 3) {
v2 <- getVarNames.snp(prefix=op$snpName, genetic.model=0)
list(v1, v2)
} # END: getMain.vars
# Function to get variables for omnibus test
getOmni.vars <- function() {
# Combine main effect and interaction vars
mvars <- getMain.vars()
temp <- getInter.vars()
v1 <- c(mvars[[1]], temp[[1]])
v2 <- c(mvars[[2]], temp[[2]])
list(v1, v2)
} # END: getMain.vars
# Function to get the interaction vars
getInter.vars <- function() {
if (is.null(design.V0)) return(NULL)
v2 <- NULL
v1 <-, prefix=op$snpName, genetic.model=genetic.model, sep=":")
if (genetic.model == 3) {
v2 <-, prefix=op$snpName, genetic.model=0, sep=":")
list(v1, v2)
} # END: getInter.vars
# Function to return the test2 vars
getTest2.vars <- function() {
tests <- getListName(op, "tests")
ret <- list()
# Loop over each set of variables
for (i in 1:length(tests)) {
testi <- tests[[i]]
# Determine if any of the test2 variables are factors
temp <- 0
if (facFlag) temp <- testi %in% facVars
if (!any(temp)) {
test2.vars <- testi
} else {
# First add the variables that are not factors
test2.vars <- testi[as.logical(1-temp)]
# Now add the dummy variables for the factors
temp <- testi[temp]
for (temp2 in temp) {
# Get the dummy variable names in one of the lists
temp3 <- getListName(X.newVars, temp2)
if (!is.null(temp3)) {
test2.vars <- c(test2.vars, temp3)
} else {
temp3 <- getListName(V.newVars, temp2)
test2.vars <- c(test2.vars, temp3)
# Check the variable names
temp <- check.vec.char(test2.vars, "tests", len=NULL,
if (temp) stop("ERROR with op$tests")
# Add to the list
ret[[i]] <- test2.vars
} # END: getTest2.vars
# Function to return the index to use to get the test variable names
getVListIndex <- function(n) {
if (genetic.model != 3) {
} else {
if (n == 3) {
} else {
} # END: getVListIndex
# Function to in initialize the output file
initOutfile <- function() {
# Create an output vector
vnames <- NULL
vec <- c(".test", ".pvalue", ".df")
if (omniFlag) {
temp <- paste("omnibus", vec, sep="")
if (tests.CML) vnames <- c(vnames, paste("CML.", temp, sep=""))
if (tests.UML) vnames <- c(vnames, paste("UML.", temp, sep=""))
if (tests.EB ) vnames <- c(vnames, paste("EB.", temp, sep=""))
if (mainFlag) {
temp <- paste("main", vec, sep="")
if (tests.CML) vnames <- c(vnames, paste("CML.", temp, sep=""))
if (tests.UML) vnames <- c(vnames, paste("UML.", temp, sep=""))
if (tests.EB ) vnames <- c(vnames, paste("EB.", temp, sep=""))
if (interFlag) {
temp <- paste("inter", vec, sep="")
if (tests.CML) vnames <- c(vnames, paste("CML.", temp, sep=""))
if (tests.UML) vnames <- c(vnames, paste("UML.", temp, sep=""))
if (tests.EB ) vnames <- c(vnames, paste("EB.", temp, sep=""))
if (test2Flag) {
for (i in 1:n.tests) {
temp <- paste("test", i, vec, sep="")
if (tests.CML) vnames <- c(vnames, paste("CML.", temp, sep=""))
if (tests.UML) vnames <- c(vnames, paste("UML.", temp, sep=""))
if (tests.EB ) vnames <- c(vnames, paste("EB.", temp, sep=""))
} <- NULL
est.test <- NULL
est.pval <- NULL
est.corr <- NULL
if (out.est.flag) {
if ((out.est$parms == 2) && (!Vflag)) out.est$parms <- 1
# Vector to hold parm names
what <- out.est$what
temp <- NULL
if (out.est.beta) temp <- est.p[[1]]
if ( { <- list()
for (i in 1:length(est.parms)) {[[i]] <- paste(est.parms[[i]], ".se", sep="")
temp <- c(temp,[[1]])
if (out.est.test) {
est.test <- list()
for (i in 1:length(est.parms)) {
est.test[[i]] <- paste(est.parms[[i]], ".test", sep="")
temp <- c(temp, est.test[[1]])
if (out.est.pval) {
est.pval <- list()
for (i in 1:length(est.parms)) {
est.pval[[i]] <- paste(est.parms[[i]], ".pvalue", sep="")
temp <- c(temp, est.pval[[1]])
if (out.est.corr) {
est.corr <- NULL
corrs <- getListName(out.est, "corr.parms")
for (i in 1:length(corrs)) {
var <- paste(corrs[[i]], collapse="_", sep="")
est.corr <- c(est.corr, var)
temp <- c(temp, est.corr)
for (method in out.est$method) {
temp2 <- paste(method, ".", temp, sep="")
vnames <- c(vnames, temp2)
# Effects
if (effectsFlag) {
names <- effects$out.names
nr <- nrow(names)
for (method in effects$method) {
for (type in effects$type) {
for (i in 1:nr) {
temp <- paste(method, ".eff", type, ".",
names[i,], sep="")
vnames <- c(vnames, temp)
# Standard errors
for (i in 1:nr) {
temp <- paste(method, ".eff", type, ".",
names[i,], ".se", sep="")
vnames <- c(vnames, temp)
outVec <- double(length(vnames))
names(outVec) <- vnames
# geno and subject counts
if (subj.counts) vnames <- c("N.cases", "N.controls", vnames)
if (geno.counts) vnames <- c("Hom.common", "Heter", "Hom.uncommon", vnames)
vnames <- c("SNP", "Alleles", "MAF", vnames)
fid <- writeVecToFile(vnames, op$out.file, colnames=NULL, type=3,
close=0, sep="\t")
list(fid=fid, outVec=outVec,,
est.test=est.test, est.pval=est.pval, est.corr=est.corr)
} # END: initOutfile
# Function to create a design matrix
getDsgnMat <- function(vars) {
design <- removeOrKeepCols(phenoData0, vars, which=1)
newVars <- NULL
if (facFlag) {
temp <- vars %in% facVars
if (any(temp)) {
temp <- vars[temp]
temp <- createDummy(design, vars=temp)
design <- temp$data
newVars <- temp$newVars
design <- as.matrix(design)
# Check for constant variables
design <- checkForConstantVar(design, msg=1)$data
list(designMatrix=design, newVars=newVars)
} # END: getDsgnMat
# Function to output a row to the output file
outputRow <- function() {
cat(, majMin, maf, "", file=fid, sep="\t")
if (geno.counts) cat(genoCounts, "", file=fid, sep="\t")
if (subj.counts) cat(getCCcounts(subj.notMiss), "", file=fid, sep="\t")
if (omniFlag) outVec <- addToVec(outVec, "omnibus")
if (mainFlag) outVec <- addToVec(outVec, "main")
if (interFlag) outVec <- addToVec(outVec, "inter")
if (test2Flag) {
for (i in 1:n.tests) {
outVec <- addToVec(outVec, paste("test", i, sep=""))
if (out.est.flag) {
parms <- est.p[[vListIndex]]
for (method in out.est$method) {
temp <- getListName(ret, method)
if (out.est.beta) temp1 <- paste(method, ".", est.parms[[vListIndex]], sep="")
if ( temp2 <- paste(method, ".",[[vListIndex]], sep="")
if (out.est.test) temp3 <- paste(method, ".", est.test[[vListIndex]], sep="")
if (out.est.pval) temp4 <- paste(method, ".", est.pval[[vListIndex]], sep="")
if (out.est.corr) temp5 <- paste(method, ".", est.corr, sep="")
if (!is.null(temp)) {
# NOTE: Names that are not found in a named vector
# get assigned a missing value (NA) to them.
se <- sqrt(diag(temp$cov))[parms]
p <- temp$parms[parms]
if (out.est.beta) outVec[temp1] <- p
if ( outVec[temp2] <- se
if (out.est.test) outVec[temp3] <- p/se
if (out.est.pval) outVec[temp4] <- 2*pnorm(abs(p/se), lower.tail=FALSE)
if (out.est.corr) {
# The order is the same as est.corr
corrs <- out.est$corr.parms
cov <- temp$cov
for (i in 1:length(corrs)) {
outVec[temp5[i]] <- cov[corrs[[i]][1], corrs[[i]][2]]
} else {
if (out.est.beta) outVec[temp1] <- NA
if ( outVec[temp2] <- NA
if (out.est.test) outVec[temp3] <- NA
if (out.est.pval) outVec[temp4] <- NA
if (out.est.corr) outVec[temp5] <- NA
} # END: for (method in out.est$method)
} # END: if (out.est.flag)
# Effects
if (effectsFlag) {
names <- effects$out.names
nr <- nrow(names)
lnames <- effects$list.names
for (method in effects$method) {
i <- 0
for (type in effects$type) {
i <- i + 1
# Get the list of effects and standard errors
temp <- paste(method, lnames[i], sep="")
leff <- ret[[temp]]
if (is.null(leff)) next
eff <- leff$logEffects
for (j in 1:nr) {
temp <- paste(method, ".eff", type, ".", names[j, ], sep="")
outVec[temp] <- eff[j, ]
# Standard errors
eff <- leff$
for (j in 1:nr) {
temp <- paste(method, ".eff", type, ".", names[j, ], ".se", sep="")
outVec[temp] <- eff[j, ]
} # END: if (effectsFlag)
cat(outVec, file=fid, sep="\t")
cat("\n", file=fid)
} # END: outputRow
# Function to check the out.est list
check.out.est <- function(out.est) {
corr <- getListName(out.est, "corr.parms")
flag <- !is.null(corr)
new <- corr
if (flag) {
if (class(corr) != "list") {
corr <- unique(corr)
n <- length(corr)
if (n > 1) {
index <- 1
# Convert into a list
new <- list()
for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
for (j in (i+1):n) {
list[[index]] <- c(corr[i], corr[j])
index <- index + 1
} else {
new <- NULL
out.est$corr.parms <- new
if (!flag) {
out.est <- default.list(out.est, c("parms", "method", "what"),
list(1, "CML", c("beta", "se")),
checkList=list(NA, c("UML", "CML", "EB"),
c("beta", "se", "test", "pvalue")) )
} # END: check.out.est
# Function to check the UML test list
check.tests.uml <- function(u) {
if (is.null(u)) return(NULL)
if (!is.list(u)) {
if (u) {
return(list(omnibus="WALD", main="WALD", inter="WALD"))
} else {
tests <- c("WALD", "LR", "SCORE")
omni <- getListName(u, "omnibus")
main <- getListName(u, "main")
inter <- getListName(u, "inter")
temp <- c(omni, main, inter)
temp <- match(temp, tests)
if (any( stop("ERROR with tests.UML")
# Get the correct order
if (is.null(omni)) omni <- "WALD"
if (is.null(main)) main <- "WALD"
if (is.null(inter)) inter <- "WALD"
u <- list(omnibus=omni, main=main, inter=inter)
} # END: check.tests.uml
# Function to check that the options are consistent
checkOptions <- function(op) {
# Check for the tests.1df option
tests.1df <- getListName(op, "tests.1df")
if (!is.null(tests.1df)) {
op$out.est <- list(parms=tests.1df, what=c("test", "pvalue"))
op$tests.1df <- NULL
# Check tests list
tests <- getListName(op, "tests")
if (!is.null(tests)) {
# List with vectors is also of type vector
if (!is.list(tests)) tests <- list(tests)
op$tests <- tests
# Make sure at least 1 test is being done
temp <- op$test.omnibus + op$test.main + op$test.inter +
as.numeric(!is.null(getListName(op, "out.est"))) +
as.numeric(!is.null(getListName(op, "tests")))
if (!temp) op$test.omnibus <- 1
op$effects <- checkEffects(getListName(op, "effects"))
} # END: checkOptions
# Function to check the effects list
checkEffects <- function(eff) {
if (is.null(eff)) return(NULL)
eff <- default.list(eff,
c("var", "type", "var.levels", "snp.levels", "method", "var.base"),
list("ERROR", 1, 0, 1, c("UML", "CML", "EB"), 0),
error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
temp <- eff$method %in% c("UML", "CML", "EB")
if (any(temp)) {
eff$method <- eff$method[temp]
} else {
eff$method <- c("UML", "CML", "EB")
} # END: checkEffects
# Function to compute the effects
calcEffects <- function(eff, ret) {
for (method in eff$method) {
temp <- ret[[method]]
if (!is.null(temp)) {
for (type in eff$type) {
if (type == 1) {
name <- paste(method, ".JointEffects", sep="")
} else {
name <- paste(method, ".StratEffects", sep="")
ret[[name]] <- try(effects.init(temp$parms, temp$cov, eff$var1,
eff$var2, eff$snp.levels, eff$var.levels,
base1=0, base2=eff$var.base, int.var=eff$int.var,
effects=type, sep1=eff$sep), silent=TRUE)
if (class(ret[[name]]) == "try-error") ret[[name]] <- NULL
} # END: calcEffects
# Function to set up effects list
setupEffects <- function(eff, facVars, X.vars, V.vars) {
if (is.null(eff)) return(NULL)
# Call before phenoData0 is removed
eff$var1 <- getMain.vars()[[1]]
temp <- nchar(eff$var1)
if (substring(eff$var1, temp, temp) == "_") {
eff$sep <- ""
} else {
eff$sep <- "_"
# Check if the variable is a main effect
temp <- eff$var %in% X.vars
if (!any(temp)) {
temp <- paste(eff$var, " is not a main effect. No effects will be computed",
eff$var <- eff$var[temp]
nvar <- length(eff$var)
if ((nvar == 1) && (eff$var %in% facVars)) {
temp <- levels(factor(phenoData0[, eff$var]))
# For now, first level is the baseline
baseline <- paste(eff$var, "_", temp[1], sep="")
temp <- temp[-1]
# Get the dummy variable names
eff$var2 <- paste(eff$var, "_", temp, sep="")
flag <- 1
} else {
eff$var2 <- eff$var
flag <- 0
# Check if var is also an interaction
temp <- eff$var %in% V.vars
if (all(temp)) {
if (!flag) {
# For continuous var
eff$int.var <- paste(eff$var1, eff$var, sep="")
} else {
eff$int.var <- paste(eff$var1, eff$var2, sep="")
} else {
eff$int.var <- NULL
# Get the names for the output data set
n1 <- length(eff$snp.levels)
n2 <- length(eff$var.levels)
if (flag) n2 <- n2 + 1
names <- matrix(data=" ", nrow=n1, ncol=n2)
if (!flag) {
for (i in 1:n1) {
names[i,] <- paste(eff$var1, eff$snp.levels[i], "_",
eff$var2, "_", eff$var.levels, sep="")
} else {
temp <- c(baseline, eff$var2)
for (i in 1:n1) {
names[i,] <- paste(eff$var1, eff$snp.levels[i], "_",
temp, sep="")
eff$out.names <- names
# Get the list names
temp <- character(length(eff$type))
i <- 1
for (type in eff$type) {
if (type == 1) {
temp[i] <- ".JointEffects"
} else {
temp[i] <- ".StratEffects"
i <- i + 1
eff$list.names <- temp
} # END: setupEffects
# Check the input lists
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
pheno.list <- default.list(pheno.list,
c("response.var"), list("ERROR"), error=c(1))
# Rename main.vars to X.vars, int.vars to V.vars
pheno.list$X.vars <- pheno.list[["main.vars", exact=TRUE]]
pheno.list$V.vars <- pheno.list[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
# Determine if fomulas were passed in
temp <- pheno.list[["X.vars", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(temp)) {
main.form <- ("formula" %in% class(temp))
} else {
main.form <- FALSE
temp <- pheno.list[["V.vars", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(temp)) {
int.form <- ("formula" %in% class(temp))
} else {
int.form <- FALSE
temp <- pheno.list[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(temp)) {
s.form <- ("formula" %in% class(temp))
} else {
s.form <- FALSE
formFlag <- main.form + int.form + s.form
temp.list <- op[["temp.list", exact=TRUE]]
temp.list <- check.temp.list(temp.list)
temp <- c("BFGS", "Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN", "IRLS")
op <- default.list(op,
c("id", "print", "optimizer", "snpName", "tests.CML",
"tests.EB", "genetic.model", "geno.counts", "subject.counts",
"test.omnibus", "test.main", "test.inter", "tests.UML",
list(1, 0, "BFGS", "SNP_", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1),
checkList=list(NA, 0:1, temp, NA, 0:1, 0:1, 0:3,
0:1, 0:1, 0:1, 0:1, 0:1, NA, 1:2))
op <- checkOptions(op)
op$tests.UML <- check.tests.uml(getListName(op, "tests.UML"))
# Check cc.var
temp <- pheno.list[["cc.var", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(temp)) {
op$subject.counts <- 0
if (op$ == 2) pheno.list$cc.var <- pheno.list$response.var
# Check the out.est list
out.est <- op[["out.est", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(out.est)) {
out.est <- check.out.est(out.est)
out.est.flag <- 1
# Set flags for output
out.est.beta <- ("beta" %in% out.est$what) <- ("se" %in% out.est$what)
out.est.test <- ("test" %in% out.est$what)
out.est.pval <- ("pvalue" %in% out.est$what)
out.est.corr <- !is.null(getListName(out.est, "corr.parms"))
} else {
out.est.flag <- 0
# The genetic model is taken care of in logistic.SNP
snp.list$genetic.model <- NULL
# Flag for streamed input
stream <- snp.list[["stream", exact=TRUE]]
# All the variables must be given by variable name (not column number)
if ((is.numeric(pheno.list$response.var)) ||
(is.numeric(pheno.list$strata.var)) ||
(is.numeric(pheno.list$factor.vars)) ||
(is.numeric(pheno.list$id.var)) ) {
stop("ERROR: variables must be specified by name, not column number")
if ((!main.form) && (is.numeric(pheno.list$X.vars)))
stop("ERROR: variables must be specified by name, not column number")
if ((!int.form) && (is.numeric(pheno.list$V.vars)))
stop("ERROR: variables must be specified by name, not column number")
# Keep only the variables we need
if (!formFlag) {
temp <- c(pheno.list$response.var, pheno.list$strata.var,
pheno.list$X.vars, pheno.list$V.vars, pheno.list$id.var,
pheno.list$keep.vars <- unique(temp)
pheno.list$remove.vars <- NULL
} else {
# Do not remove variables
pheno.list$keep.vars <- NULL
pheno.list$remove.miss <- 1
pheno.list$make.dummy <- 0
# Get the data vector of snps
tlist <- list(include.row1=0, include.snps=0, return.type=1, MAF=1,
missing=1, snpNames=1, orderByPheno=1, return.pheno=1)
if (stream) {
tlist$file.index <- 1
temp <- paste("TMP_", temp.list$id, sep="")
tempfile <- getTempfile(temp.list$dir, temp)
tlist$outfile <- tempfile
temp <- try(getData.1(snp.list, pheno.list, temp.list, op=tlist),
if (class(temp) == "try-error") {
stop("ERROR loading data")
snpData <- temp$data
missing <- temp$missing
snpNames <- temp$snpNames
delimiter <- getDelimiter(snp.list, output=1)
design.X <- NULL
design.V <- NULL
nsnps <- length(snpData)
maf.vec <- temp[["MAF", exact=TRUE]]
maf.flag <- !is.null(maf.vec)
controls <- temp[["controls", exact=TRUE]]
alleles <- temp[["alleles", exact=TRUE]]
allFlag <- !is.null(alleles)
ProbG1 <- temp[["ProbG1", exact=TRUE]]
ProbG1.flag <- !is.null(ProbG1)
# Get the phenotype data
phenoData.list <- temp$phenoData.list
phenoData0 <- phenoData.list$data
if (stream) {
snpFid <- temp$fid
in.miss <- getListName(snp.list, "in.miss") <- getListName(snp.list, "")
delete <- temp.list$delete
# Update the snp list
snp.list <- update.snp.list(snp.list, where=1)
snpNames <- getListName(snp.list, "snpNames")
snpFlag <- 1 - is.null(snpNames)
# Get the required objects
temp <-, snp.list, tempfile, delete, controls=controls)
subjFlag <- temp$subjFlag
subj.ids <- temp$subj.ids
total.nsubjects <- temp$total.nsubjects
subj.order2 <- temp$subj.order2 <- temp$ <- temp$
snp <- temp$snp
control.ids <- getListName(temp, "control.ids")
codes <- getInheritanceVec(snp.list$genetic.model,
rm(temp, tlist, snp.list, phenoData.list, controls)
temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)
# Get the response variable
response0 <- as.numeric(phenoData0[, pheno.list$response.var])
if (!any(response0 %in% 0:1)) stop("ERROR: response must be 0-1")
# Get the number of observations
nobs <- length(response0)
# Print out number of observations that will be used
temp <- paste("For the analysis, ", nobs, " observations will be used.", sep="")
# Determine all factor variables
facVars <- pheno.list[["factor.vars", exact=TRUE]]
Xflag <- !is.null(pheno.list[["X.vars", exact=TRUE]])
Vflag <- !is.null(pheno.list[["V.vars", exact=TRUE]])
Sflag <- !is.null(pheno.list[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]])
vars <- pheno.list$response.var
if ((!s.form) && (Sflag)) vars <- c(vars, pheno.list$strata.var)
if ((!main.form) && (Xflag)) vars <- c(vars, pheno.list$X.vars)
if ((!int.form) && (Vflag)) vars <- c(vars, pheno.list$V.vars)
vars <- unique(vars)
for (v in vars) {
if ((is.factor(phenoData0[, v])) || (is.character(phenoData0[, v]))) {
facVars <- c(facVars, v)
facVars <- unique(facVars)
facFlag <- !is.null(facVars)
X.newVars <- NULL
V.newVars <- NULL
# Get the stratafication matrix
temp <- sMatrix.logistic(phenoData0, pheno.list$strata.var, facVars)
design.S0 <- temp$design.S0
op$s.1catVar <- temp$s.1catVar
nStrata <- ncol(design.S0)
# Get the X design matrix
if (Xflag) {
temp <- logistic.dsgnMat(phenoData0, pheno.list$X.vars,
design.X0 <- temp$designMatrix
X.newVars <- temp$newVars
} else {
design.X0 <- NULL
# Get the V design matrix
if (Vflag) {
temp <- logistic.dsgnMat(phenoData0, pheno.list$V.vars,
design.V0 <- temp$designMatrix
V.newVars <- temp$newVars
} else {
design.V0 <- NULL
op$test.inter <- 0
# Get the genetic model
genetic.model <- op$genetic.model
# Check for effects
op$effects <- setupEffects(getListName(op, "effects"), facVars,
pheno.list$X.vars, pheno.list$V.vars)
effects <- getListName(op, "effects")
effectsFlag <- !is.null(effects)
# Get a logical vector for obtaining the cc counts
if (op$subject.counts) {
cntrl <- (pheno.list$cc.var == 0)
subj.cnts0 <- table(cntrl)
rm(pheno.list, phenoData0)
temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)
# Set the output directory
if (!is.null(op$out.dir)) {
out.dir <- checkForSep(op$out.dir)
if (nsnps != length(unique(snpNames))) stop("SNP names are not unique")
} else {
out.dir <- NULL
# Determine if tests will be computed
omniFlag <- op$test.omnibus
mainFlag <- op$test.main
interFlag <- op$test.inter
test2Flag <- (!is.null(getListName(op, "tests")))
tests.UML <- (!is.null(getListName(op, "tests.UML")))
if (tests.UML) tests.UML.vec <- op$tests.UML
tests.CML <- op$tests.CML
tests.EB <- op$tests.EB
tests <- omniFlag + mainFlag + test2Flag + tests.UML +
tests.CML + tests.EB + interFlag
geno.counts <- op$geno.counts
subj.counts <- op$subject.counts
# Check out.est
if (out.est.flag) {
if ((out.est$parms == 2) && (!Vflag)) out.est$parms <- 1
# Get the variable names that will be used
log.vnames <- logistic.vnames(design.X0, design.V0, nStrata,
snpName=op$snpName, out.est=out.est,
est.p <- log.vnames[["est.p", exact=TRUE]]
est.parms <- log.vnames[["est.parms", exact=TRUE]]
# Get the variable names for the tests
if (mainFlag) main.vars <- getMain.vars()
if (omniFlag) omni.vars <- getOmni.vars()
if (interFlag) inter.vars <- getInter.vars()
if (test2Flag) {
# test2.vars is a list
test2.vars <- getTest2.vars()
op$test2.vars <- NULL
n.tests <- length(test2.vars)
rm(facFlag, facVars, X.newVars, V.newVars)
# Open the output file
fileFlag <- 1 - is.null(op$out.file)
if (fileFlag) {
temp <- initOutfile()
fid <- temp$fid
outVec <- temp$outVec <- temp$
est.test <- temp$est.test
est.pval <- temp$est.pval
est.corr <- temp$est.corr
# Base model
temp <- getListName(op, "base.outfile")
if (!is.null(temp)) {
i <- callGLM(response0, X.main=design.X0,, int.vec=NULL,
family=binomial(), prefix="SNP_", retX=TRUE,
retY=TRUE,, int.vec.base=0)
save(i, file=temp)
op$errorCheck <- 0
ProbG1.vec <- NULL
if (ProbG1.flag) op$imputed <- 1
# Loop over each SNP
i <- 0
while (1) {
if (fileFlag) outVec[] <- NA
i <- i + 1
if (!stream) {
if (i > nsnps) break
snp <- as.numeric(getVecFromStr(snpData[i], delimiter=delimiter))
snp.miss <- missing[i] <- snpNames[i]
if (allFlag) {
majMin <- alleles[i]
} else {
majMin <- " "
# Get the MAF
if (maf.flag) {
maf <- maf.vec[i]
} else {
maf <- getMAF(snp)
# For imputed data
if (ProbG1.flag) ProbG1.vec <- as.numeric(getVecFromStr(ProbG1[i], delimiter=delimiter))
} else {
if (i > 1) { <- + 1
snp <- getNextObs(i, snpFid, snpFlag, snpNames, tempfile, delete,,, delimiter)
if (is.null(snp)) break
} <- snp[1]
if (snpFlag) snpNames <- update.snpNames(snpNames,
# Get the correct order and recode
temp <- orderSNP(snp[-1],, subj.order2, total.nsubjects,
in.miss,, subjFlag=subjFlag, subj.ids=subj.ids,
out.genotypes=codes, control.ids=control.ids)
snp <- as.numeric(temp$SNP)
maf <- temp$MAF
snp.miss <- any(
if (allFlag) {
majMin <- temp$alleles
} else {
majMin <- " "
# Remove missing values
if (snp.miss) {
temp <- as.logical(!
if (subj.counts) subj.notMiss <- temp
response <- response0[temp]
snp <- snp[temp]
design.S <- removeOrKeepRows(design.S0, temp, which=1)
if (Xflag) design.X <- removeOrKeepRows(design.X0, temp, which=1)
if (Vflag) design.V <- removeOrKeepRows(design.V0, temp, which=1)
} else {
response <- response0
design.S <- design.S0
design.X <- design.X0
design.V <- design.V0
subj.notMiss <- NULL
# Get the genotype counts
genoCounts <- getGenoCounts(snp)
n.genos <- sum(genoCounts > 0)
# Make sure that there is more than 1 genotype
if (n.genos < 2) {
# Do not call snp.logistic
ret <- list()
} else {
# Set options
if (n.genos == 2) {
op$geno.binary <- 1
op$genetic.model <- 0
} else {
op$geno.binary <- 0
op$genetic.model <- genetic.model
# Fit the model
ret <- try(snp.main(response, snp, X.main=design.X,,
X.strata=design.S, ProbG1=ProbG1.vec, op=op), silent=TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(ret)) ret <- list()
# Get the list index for test variable names
vListIndex <- getVListIndex(n.genos)
# Add the snp name
ret$snp <-
# Compute tests
if (tests) {
if (tests.UML) ret <- addToList(ret, "UML")
if (tests.CML) ret <- addToList(ret, "CML")
if (tests.EB) ret <- addToList(ret, "EB")
# Effects
if (effectsFlag) ret <- calcEffects(effects, ret)
# Print the return list
if (op$print) print(ret)
# Save the output
if (!is.null(out.dir)) {
temp <- paste(out.dir, "out_",, ".rda", sep="")
save(ret, file=temp)
if (fileFlag) temp <- outputRow()
} # END: while(1)
if (fileFlag) close(fid)
} # END: snp.scan.logistic
# Function to permform a SNP by environment interaction analysis for 1 SNP.
snp.logistic <- function(data, response.var, snp.var, main.vars=NULL,
int.vars=NULL, strata.var=NULL, op=NULL) {
# data Data frame containing all the data.
# No default
# response.var Name of the binary response variable coded
# as 0 (controls) and 1 (cases)
# No default.
# snp.var Name of the genotype variable coded as 0, 1, 2 (or 0, 1)
# No default.
# main.vars Character vector of the main effects variables or
# a formula.
# The default is NULL
# int.vars Names of all covariates of interest that will
# interact with the SNP variable or a formula.
# The default is NULL
# strata.var Name of the stratification variable(s) or a formula.
# Any character variable or factor will be considered
# categorical. Any numeric variable will be considered
# continuous. An intercept column will be automatically
# included.
# The default is NULL (1 stratum)
# ProbG1.var Variable for Prob(G = 1) or NULL. Not needed if snp.var
# is of length 3.
# The default is NULL.
# op List with the following names.
# genetic.model 0-2
# 0: trend
# 1: dominant
# 2: recessive
# 3: general
# The default is 0.
# This option has no effect if the snp is binary.
# reltol Stopping tolerance
# The default is 1e-8
# maxiter Maximum number of iterations
# The default is 100
# optimizer One of :"Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B",
# "SANN", "IRLS"
# The default is "BFGS"
# snpName Name to be used in the SNP variable and interaction
# variables.
# The default is "SNP_".
# debug 0 or 1 to show the IRLS iterations.
# The default is 0
# fit.null 0 or 1 to fit a NULL model which excludes the snp,
# interactions with the snp, and the interacting covariates
# This option takes precedence over zero.vars.
# The default is 0.
# zero.vars Character vector of variable names to fix or a list
# with names "snp.var", "main.vars", int.vars", and
# "strata.var".
# If zero.vars is a list, then the names is the list can
# either be formulas or character vectors.
# The default is 0.
# Check for errors
if (length(response.var) != 1) stop("response.var must be a single variable")
if (! stop("data must be a data frame")
ProbG1.var <- NULL
n.snp.var <- length(snp.var)
#if (!(n.snp.var %in% c(1, 3))) {
# stop("snp.var must be a single variable or 3 variables for imputed genotypes")
if (n.snp.var != 1) stop("snp.var must be a single variable")
# Check variable names
vlist <- list(response.var=response.var, snp.var=snp.var, main.vars=main.vars,
int.vars=int.vars, strata.var=strata.var, ProbG1.var=ProbG1.var)
vars <- getAllVars(vlist, names=names(vlist))
temp <- !(vars %in% colnames(data))
if (any(temp)) {
stop("The above variables were not found in the input data")
# Check if snp.var is in main.vars or int.vars
if (any(snp.var %in% getAllVars(main.vars))) stop("ERROR: main.vars must not contain snp.var")
if (any(snp.var %in% getAllVars(int.vars))) stop("ERROR: int.vars must not contain snp.var") <- main.vars <- int.vars <- strata.var
op <- default.list(op, c("snpName", "fit.null", "imputed", "genetic.model"),
list("SNP_", 0, 0, 0))
op$imputed <- 0
if ((!is.numeric(snp.var)) && (n.snp.var == 1)) op$snpName <- snp.var
zeroFlag <- 0
zero.vars <- NULL
#if ((n.snp.var > 1) || (!is.null(ProbG1.var))) {
# op$imputed <- 1
if (n.snp.var == 1) {
snp <- as.numeric(unfactor(data[, snp.var]))
snp <- snp[is.finite(snp)]
#if (!all(snp %in% 0:2)) op$imputed <- 1
if (!all(snp %in% 0:2)) stop("snp.var must be coded 0-1-2")
imputed <- op$imputed
genetic.model <- op$genetic.model
if (!(genetic.model %in% 0:3)) stop("op$genetic.model must be 0-3")
#if ((imputed) && (genetic.model == 3)) stop("op$genetic.model must be 0-2 for imputed genotypes")
#if ((imputed) && (n.snp.var == 1) && (genetic.model != 0)) {
# stop("op$genetic.model must be 0 for imputed genotypes and length(snp.var) = 1")
#if ((imputed) && (n.snp.var == 1) && (is.null(ProbG1.var))) {
# stop("ProbG1.var must be specified for imputed genotypes and length(snp.var) = 1")
#if ((imputed) && (length(ProbG1.var) > 1)) stop("ProbG1.var must be NULL or of length 1")
main.form <- ("formula" %in% class(main.vars))
int.form <- ("formula" %in% class(int.vars))
s.form <- ("formula" %in% class(strata.var))
ProbG1 <- NULL
# For impute snp with 3 vars, if all 0, then missing
#if (n.snp.var > 1) {
# snp1 <- as.numeric(unfactor(data[, snp.var[1]]))
# snp2 <- as.numeric(unfactor(data[, snp.var[2]]))
# snp3 <- as.numeric(unfactor(data[, snp.var[3]]))
# temp <- (snp1 %in% 0) & (snp2 %in% 0) & (snp3 %in% 0)
# if (any(temp)) data[temp, snp.var] <- NA
# Remove missing values
temp <- getFormulas(vlist)
miss <- c(NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf)
if (length(temp)) data <- applyFormulas(data, temp, remove=miss)
data <- removeMiss.vars(data, vars=vars, miss=miss)
rm(vlist, vars)
temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)
# Get the response variable
D <- unfactor(data[, response.var])
nobs <- length(D)
# Get Prob(G=1)
#if ((imputed) && (!is.null(ProbG1.var))) ProbG1 <- as.numeric(unfactor(data[, ProbG1.var]))
# Get the snp variable(s)
if (n.snp.var == 1) {
snp <- as.numeric(unfactor(data[, snp.var]))
} else {
# snp1 <- as.numeric(unfactor(data[, snp.var[1]]))
# snp2 <- as.numeric(unfactor(data[, snp.var[2]]))
# snp3 <- as.numeric(unfactor(data[, snp.var[3]]))
# if (genetic.model == 0) {
# snp <- snp2 + 2*snp3
# } else if (genetic.model == 1) {
# snp <- snp2 + snp3
# } else if (genetic.model == 2) {
# snp <- snp3
# }
# Add it ot the data frame
# data[, op$snpName] <- snp
# Save Prob(G = 1) if needed
# if (is.null(ProbG1)) ProbG1 <- snp2
# rm(snp1, snp2, snp3)
# gc()
#if (imputed) op$genetic.model <- 0
facVars <- NULL
sflag <- !is.null(strata.var)
# Check for constant strata variable
if ((sflag) && (!s.form) && (length(strata.var) == 1)) {
temp <- unique(makeVector(data[, strata.var]))
if (length(temp) == 1) sflag <- FALSE
# Determine if any strata vars are character
if ((sflag) && (!s.form)) {
for (v in strata.var) {
if (is.character(data[, v])) data[, v] <- factor(data[, v])
# Get the variables that are factors
for (temp in colnames(data)) {
if (is.factor(data[, temp])) facVars <- c(facVars, temp)
# Get the V design matrix
design.V0 <- logistic.dsgnMat(data, int.vars, facVars)$designMatrix
int.vars <- colnames(design.V0)
# For fitting a null model
if (op$fit.null) {
# Remove interaction vars, snp
temp <- getAllVars(
temp <- unique(temp, int.vars)
zero.vars <- temp
int.vars <- NULL
design.V0 <- NULL
zeroFlag <- 1
op$fixParms <- list(parms=snp.var, values=0)
op$zero.vars <- NULL
# Get the stratafication matrix
temp <- sMatrix.logistic(data, strata.var, facVars)
design.S0 <- temp$design.S0
op$s.1catVar <- temp$s.1catVar
# Get the X design matrix
design.X0 <- logistic.dsgnMat(data, main.vars, facVars, remove.vars=zero.vars)$designMatrix
# For the zero.vars option
zero.vars <- op[["zero.vars", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(zero.vars)) {
temp <- list(main.vars=design.X0, int.vars=design.V0, strata.var=design.S0)
temp <- apply_zero.vars(zero.vars, temp, snp.var, facVars, data)
op$fixParms <- temp[["fixParms", exact=TRUE]]
temp <- temp$mat.list
design.V0 <- temp[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
int.vars <- colnames(design.V0)
design.X0 <- temp[["main.vars", exact=TRUE]]
design.S0 <- temp[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]]
main.vars <- colnames(design.X0)
strata.var <- colnames(design.S0)
# Check for non-dummy continuous variables ant print a warning
wflag <- 0
if (!all(design.X0 %in% 0:1)) wflag <- 1
if ((!wflag) && (!all(design.V0 %in% 0:1))) wflag <- 1
if ((!wflag) && (!all(design.S0 %in% 0:1))) wflag <- 1
if (wflag) warning("For stability of the algorithm, continuous variables should be scaled")
# Call the core function
ret <- snp.main(D, snp, X.main=design.X0,,
X.strata=design.S0, ProbG1=ProbG1, op=op)
# Add model info
model <- list(data=data, response.var=response.var, snp.var=op$snpName,
main.vars=main.vars, int.vars=int.vars,
strata.var=strata.var, factors=facVars,
ret$ <- model
} # END: snp.logistic
# Function to permform a SNP by environment interaction analysis for 1 SNP.
snp.main <- function(D, snp, X.main=NULL,,
X.strata=NULL, ProbG1=NULL, op=NULL) {
# D Binary response vector coded as 0 (controls) and 1 (cases)
# No default.
# snp Vector of genotypes or 3 column matrix for imputed snp
# No default.
# X.main Design matrix for all covariates of interest, excluding
# the SNP variable. This matrix should NOT include an
# intercept column.
# The default is NULL
# Design matrix for all covariates of interest that will
# interact with the SNP variable.
# This matrix should NOT include an intercept column.
# The default is NULL
# X.strata NULL or a design matrix for the stratification.
# The default is NULL (1 stratum)
# ProbG1 Vector of Prob(G=1) for imputed SNPs
# The default is NULL
# op List with the following names.
# genetic.model 0-3
# 0: trend
# 1: dominant
# 2: recessive
# 3: general
# The default is 0.
# This option has no effect if the snp is binary.
# reltol Stopping tolerance
# The default is 1e-8
# maxiter Maximum number of iterations
# The default is 100
# optimizer One of :"Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B",
# "SANN"
# The default is "BFGS"
# snpName Name to be used in the SNP variable and interaction
# variables.
# The default is "SNP_".
# debug 0 or 1 to show the IRLS iterations.
# The default is 0
# errorCheck 0 or 1 to check for errors with the input arguments
# The default is 1
# use.C.code 0 or 1 to call the C code for the BFGS optimizer
# The default is 1
# fit.null 0 or 1 for fitting a null model. All the necessary
# variables should already be removed from the design
# matrices.
# The default is 0
# num.deriv 0 or 1 to use numerical derivatives.
# Numerical derivatives will be used if genetic.model > 0
# The default is 0
# imputed 0 or 1 for imputed SNPs
# s.1catVar 0 or 1 for 1 categorical strata var
# The default is 0
# fixParms List with names "parms" and "value".
# The default is NULL
# parms Vector of parm names to fix
# No default
# values Numeric vector of fixed values
# No default
# A list with sublists named UML (standard logistic regression),
# CML (conditional ML), and EB (empirical bayes).
# Each sublist contains the parameter estimates and covariance
# matrix. The lists UML and CML also contain the log-likelihood.
# Local function to return the initial estimates
getInit <- function() {
# Define the formula
ff <- "D ~ 1"
if (nx) ff <- paste(ff, " + X.main ", sep="")
if (!fit.null) {
if (!zeroSNP) ff <- paste(ff, "+ fsnp ", sep="")
if (nv) {
if (!gmodel3) {
ff <- paste(ff, "+", sep="")
} else {
ff <- paste(ff, "+ fsnp[,1] + fsnp[,2]", sep="")
ff <- as.formula(ff)
# Get variable names for Z
v <- logistic.vnames(X.main,, nStrata, snpName=op$snpName,
genetic.model=genetic.model, fit.null=fit.null, zeroSNP=zeroSNP)
# Call after snp was multiplied by V
fit <- glm(ff, family=binomial(), model=FALSE, x=FALSE, y=FALSE)
# Check the convergence
if (!fit$converged) return(NULL)
UML.parms <- fit$coefficients
loglike <- getLoglike.glm(fit)
cov <- summary(fit)$cov.scaled
cnames <- v$UML.names
#all <- v$all.names
names(UML.parms) <- cnames
parms <- UML.parms
if (zeroSNP) {
# Add the snp back in
pos <- nx + 1
len <- length(parms)
temp <- c(parms[1:pos], 0)
temp2 <- c(cnames[1:pos], v$snp)
if (nv) {
temp <- c(temp, parms[(pos+1):len])
temp2 <- c(temp2, cnames[(pos+1):len])
parms <- temp
names(parms) <- temp2
# Check for NAs
naFlag <- 0
naXPos <- NULL
naVPos <- NULL
temp <-
cnames <- cnames[!temp]
colnames(cov) <- cnames
rownames(cov) <- cnames
if (any(temp)) {
naFlag <- 1
# Stop if snp was not estimated
if (temp[nx+2]) stop("ERROR: SNP was not estimated for the UML method")
# Get the NA positions in the design matrices
naPos <- (1:length(UML.parms))[temp]
temp2 <- (naPos <= nx + 1)
if (any(temp2)) naXPos <- naPos[temp2] - 1
temp2 <- !temp2
if (any(temp2)) naVPos <- naPos[temp2] - nx - 2
UML.parms <- UML.parms[!temp]
parms <- parms[!]
# Remove the special character "`" that glm will sometimes
# put in the variable names
parms <- changeStr.names(parms, "`", replace="")
cov <- changeStr.names(cov, "`", replace="")
alpha <- parms[1]
beta <- parms[-1]
# Vector for xi parms. Only intercept will be non zero
xi <- rep(0, times=nStrata)
total <- 2*length(D)
if (op$s.1catVar) {
mini <- NULL
maxi <- NULL
for (i in 1:ncol(X.strata)) {
temp <- X.strata[, i] == 1
freq <- sum(snp[temp])/total
if (freq == 0) {
mini <- c(mini, i)
} else if (freq == 1) {
maxi <- c(maxi, i)
} else {
xi[i] <- log(freq/(1-freq))
if (!is.finite(xi[i])) xi[i] <- 0
if (!is.null(mini)) xi[mini] <- min(xi, -5)
if (!is.null(maxi)) xi[maxi] <- max(xi, 5)
} else {
freq <- sum(snp)/total
if (freq == 0) {
xi[1] <- -1
} else if (freq == 1) {
xi[1] <- 1
} else {
xi[1] <- log(freq/(1-freq))
if (!is.finite(xi[1])) xi[1] <- 0
eta <- c(parms, xi)
names(eta) <- c(names(parms), v$strata)
list(eta=eta, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, xi=xi, fit=fit, parms=parms,
loglike=loglike, cov=cov, fitted.values=fit$fitted.values, UML.parms=UML.parms,
naFlag=naFlag, naXPos=naXPos, naVPos=naVPos)
} # END: getInit
# Function to compute Pdg.xs = P(D=d, G=g | X, S)
Pdg.xs <- function(ret, alpha, beta, xi) {
# Get the xi parameters for each observation
if (nStrata == 1) {
temp.xi <- xi
} else {
dim(xi) <- c(nStrata, 1)
temp.xi <- X.strata %*% xi
# Make sure that beta is a column vector
dim(beta) <- c(nbeta, 1)
# Get theta for each d, g combination
ret[, d0g0.col] <- 0
ret[, d0g1.col] <- log2 + temp.xi
ret[, d0g2.col] <- 2*temp.xi
ret[, d1g0.col] <- alpha + (Z0 %*% beta)
ret[, d1g1.col] <- alpha + (Z1 %*% beta) + log2 + temp.xi
ret[, d1g2.col] <- alpha + (Z2 %*% beta) + 2*temp.xi
ret <- exp(ret)
# For a binary snp that the user input
if (geno.binary) ret[, g2.col] <- 0
# Compute the sum over (d,g)
sum <- rowSums(ret)
# Divide by sum
ret <- matrixDivideVec(ret, sum)
list(Pdg.matrix=ret, Pdg.rowSums=sum)
} # END: Pdg.xs
# Function to compute P(D=1 | X,S)
Pd1.xs <- function(pmat) {
rowSums(pmat[, d1.col])
} # END: Pd1.xs
# Function to compute E(DG | X,S)
Edg.xs <- function(pmat) {
if (gmodel3) {
return(pmat[, c(d1g1.col, d1g2.col)])
} else if (geno.binary) {
return(pmat[, d1g1.col])
} else {
return(pmat[, d1g1.col] + 2*pmat[, d1g2.col])
} # END: Edg.xs
# Function to compute E(G | X,S)
Eg.xs <- function(pmat) {
temp <- pmat
temp[, g2.col] <- 2*temp[, g2.col]
temp <- temp[, c(g1.col, g2.col)]
} # END: Eg.xs
# Function to compute E(DG^2 | X,S) = E(D^2G^2 | X,S)
Edgg.xs <- function(pmat) {
if (geno.binary) {
return(pmat[, d1g1.col])
} else {
return(pmat[, d1g1.col] + 4*pmat[, d1g2.col])
} # END: Edgg.xs
# Function to compute E(G^2 | X,S)
Egg.xs <- function(pmat) {
temp <- pmat
temp[, g2.col] <- 4*temp[, g2.col]
temp <- temp[, c(g1.col, g2.col)]
} # END: Egg.xs
# Function to return a logical matrix to make the computation of
# the log-likelihood easier.
getLoglike.mat <- function() {
ret <- matrix(data=FALSE, nrow=n, ncol=nlevels)
if (gmodel3) {
col <- 3*D + 1 + snp
} else {
col <- 3*D + 1 + fsnp
for (i in 1:n) ret[i, col[i]] <- TRUE
} # END: getLoglike.mat
# Function to compute the log-likelihood (or testing)
loc.getLoglike <- function(eta) {
alpha <- eta[alpha.row]
beta <- eta[beta.row]
xi <- eta[xi.row]
if (fixFlag) eta <- fixGetEta(eta)
Pdg <- Pdg.xs(Pdg, eta[alpha.row], eta[beta.row], eta[xi.row])
if (!imputed) {
Pdg <- Pdg$Pdg.matrix
ret <- sum(log(Pdg[loglike.mat]))
} else {
# Get the xi parameters for each observation
if (nStrata == 1) {
temp.xi <- xi
} else {
dim(xi) <- c(nStrata, 1)
temp.xi <- X.strata %*% xi
# Make sure that beta is a column vector
dim(beta) <- c(nbeta, 1)
vec <- D*(alpha + Z.imp %*% beta) + fsnp*temp.xi + log2*ProbG1
vec <- exp(vec)/Pdg$Pdg.rowSums
ret <- sum(log(vec))
} # END: loc.getLoglike
# Function to compute a Z matrix
getZ <- function(gvalue) {
temp.V <- NULL
if (gmodel3) {
temp.snp <- matrix(data=0, nrow=n, ncol=2)
if (gvalue) temp.snp[, gvalue] <- 1
if (nv) {
temp.V <- cbind(matrixMultVec(, temp.snp[, 1]),
matrixMultVec(, temp.snp[, 2]))
} else {
temp.snp <- rep(gvalue, times=n)
if (nv) temp.V <- matrixMultVec(, temp.snp)
ret <- as.matrix(cbind(X.main, temp.snp, temp.V))
} # END: getZ
# Function to compute Z matrix for imputed snp
getZ.imp <- function(genovec) {
temp.V <- NULL
if (nv) temp.V <- matrixMultVec(, genovec)
ret <- as.matrix(cbind(X.main, genovec, temp.V))
} # END: getZ.imp
# Function to compute W(Y - mu)
getWtYmu <- function(eta=NULL, which=1) {
# eta Vector of parms
# Only needed for which = 1
# which 0 or 1, 1 is for the optimizer
# The default is 1
# Get the matrix of probabilities
if (fixFlag) eta <- fixGetEta(eta)
pmat <- Pdg.xs(Pdg, eta[alpha.row], eta[beta.row], eta[xi.row])$Pdg.matrix
temp1 <- D - Pd1.xs(pmat)
temp2 <- Dsnp - Edg.xs(pmat)
temp3 <- snp - Eg.xs(pmat)
dim(temp1) <- c(1, n)
temp1 <- temp1 %*% X.main
if (gmodel3) {
dim(temp2) <- c(2, n)
} else {
dim(temp2) <- c(1, n)
temp2 <- temp2 %*%
dim(temp3) <- c(1, n)
temp3 <- temp3 %*% X.strata
temp <- c(temp1, temp2, temp3)
dim(temp) <- c(nparms, 1)
if (fixFlag) temp <- temp[fixMap]
} # END: getWtYmu
# Function to call the optimizer
callOptim <- function() {
# Set the control list
control <- list(fnscale=-1, maxit=op$maxiter, reltol=op$reltol)
# Call the optimizer
if (op$num.deriv) {
ret <- optim(eta0, loc.getLoglike, method=op$optimizer,
control=control, hessian=TRUE)
} else {
ret <- optim(eta0, loc.getLoglike, gr=getWtYmu, method=op$optimizer,
control=control, hessian=TRUE)
# Determine if it converged
conv <- (ret$convergence == 0)
# Get the covariance matrix and score
if (conv) {
conv <- 1
cov <- chol(-ret$hessian)
cov <- chol2inv(cov)
cnames <- names(eta0)
colnames(cov) <- cnames
rownames(cov) <- cnames
} else {
cov <- NA
conv <- 0
# Return list
list(parms=ret$par, cov=cov, converged=conv, loglike=ret$value)
} # END: callOptim
# Function to compute empirical bayes estimates
getEB <- function() {
#if (fixFlag) return(NULL)
ids <- c(alpha.row, beta.row)
if (zeroSNP) ids <- ids[-length(ids)]
parm1 <- ret$UML$parms
parm2 <- ret$CML$parms[ids]
cov1 <- ret$UML$cov
vnames <- names(parm1)
dim(parm1) <- NULL
dim(parm2) <- NULL
psi2 <- parm1 - parm2
psi2 <- psi2*psi2
phi <- diag(cov1)
denom <- psi2 + phi
# Compute the new estimates
parms <- parm1*psi2/denom + parm2*phi/denom
temp <- (phi*(phi-psi2))/(denom*denom)
if (length(temp) > 1) {
cmat <- cbind(diag(1-temp), diag(temp))
} else {
cmat <- matrix(c(1-temp, temp), nrow=1)
rm(psi2, phi, denom, parm1, parm2)
temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)
# Set up the Z matrix
temp <- NULL
if (nv) {
temp <- removeOrKeepCols(, 1, which=-1)
if (gmodel3) {
temp <- cbind(matrixMultVec(temp, fsnp[, 1]),
matrixMultVec(temp, fsnp[, 2]))
} else {
temp <- matrixMultVec(temp, fsnp)
# Define the Z matrix. X has an intercept column as the first column
if (!zeroSNP) {
Z <- cbind(X.main, fsnp, temp)
} else {
Z <- cbind(X.main, temp)
# Compute the scores for UML
temp <- D - fitted.values
score1 <- matrixMultVec(Z, temp)
# Get the matrix of probabilities P(D=d, G=g|X,S)
parm2 <- ret$CML$parms
if (fixFlag) parm2 <- fixGetEta(parm2)
pmat <- Pdg.xs(Pdg, parm2[alpha.row], parm2[beta.row], parm2[xi.row])$Pdg.matrix
# Get the scores for the 3 parts of eta (parm2)
temp1 <- D - Pd1.xs(pmat)
temp1 <- matrixMultVec(X.main, temp1)
temp2 <- Dsnp - Edg.xs(pmat)
if (gmodel3) {
temp2 <- cbind(matrixMultVec(, temp2[, 1]),
matrixMultVec(, temp2[, 2]))
} else {
temp2 <- matrixMultVec(, temp2)
# If the snp was not in the model as a main effect, then remove the
# first column of temp2.
if (zeroSNP) {
if (ncol(temp2) == 1) {
temp2 <- NULL
} else {
temp2 <- temp2[, -1]
temp3 <- snp - Eg.xs(pmat)
temp3 <- matrixMultVec(X.strata, temp3)
# Get the scores for CML
if (!fit.null) {
score2 <- cbind(temp1, temp2, temp3)
} else {
score2 <- cbind(temp1, temp3)
# Free memory
rm(temp1, temp2, temp3, Z, pmat, parm2)
temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)
# Compute the covariance of beta.UML and eta
temp <- 0
dim1 <- c(ncol(score1), 1)
dim2 <- c(1, ncol(score2))
for (i in 1:n) {
temp1 <- score1[i, ]
temp2 <- score2[i, ]
dim(temp1) <- dim1
dim(temp2) <- dim2
temp <- temp + (temp1 %*% temp2)
cov12 <- cov1 %*% temp %*% ret$CML$cov
# We only need the cov(beta.UML, beta.CML) submatrix
cov12 <- cov12[ids, ids]
rm(score1, score2)
temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)
# Initialize the covariance matrix
nb <- length(parms)
nb2 <- 2*nb
nbp1 <- nb + 1
cov <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nb2, ncol=nb2)
cov[1:nb, 1:nb] <- cov1
cov[nbp1:nb2, nbp1:nb2] <- ret$CML$cov[ids, ids]
cov[1:nb, nbp1:nb2] <- cov12
cov[nbp1:nb2, 1:nb] <- t(cov12)
# Return this matrix
UML.CML.cov <- cov12
rownames(UML.CML.cov) <- paste("UML.", vnames, sep="")
colnames(UML.CML.cov) <- paste("CML.", vnames, sep="")
# Obtain the final covariance matrix
cov <- cmat %*% cov %*% t(cmat)
colnames(cov) <- vnames
rownames(cov) <- vnames
list(parms=parms, cov=cov, UML.CML.cov=UML.CML.cov)
} # END: getEB
# Function to call before returning the return list
setReturn <- function(ret) {
class(ret) <- "snp.logistic"
if (!is.null(ret$UML)) {
class(ret$UML) <- "UML"
} else {
if (is.null(ret$CML)) return(ret)
if (fixFlag) {
xi.row <- fix_xi.row
if (!xi.row[1]) {
class(ret$CML) <- "CML"
# Transfrom the strata parms ???
xi <- ret$CML$parms[xi.row]
#exi <- exp(xi)
#ret$CML$strata.parms <- exi/(1 + exi)
ret$CML$strata.parms <- xi
# Remove the strata parms from parms
ret$CML$parms <- ret$CML$parms[-xi.row]
# Get the cov matrix for the strata
xi <- ret$CML$cov[xi.row, xi.row]
dim(xi) <- c(nStrata, nStrata)
# Use the delta method. The derivative is a diagonal matrix
#dexi <- ret$CML$strata.parms/(1 + exi)
#ndexi <- length(dexi)
#if (ndexi > 1) dexi <- diag(dexi)
# Get the covariance matrix
#temp <- dexi %*% xi %*% dexi
#dim(temp) <- c(ndexi, ndexi)
#ret$CML$strata.cov <- temp
ret$CML$strata.cov <- xi
# Set the names
temp <- names(ret$CML$strata.parms)
colnames(ret$CML$strata.cov) <- temp
rownames(ret$CML$strata.cov) <- temp
# Save full cov
ret$CML$cov.full <- ret$CML$cov
# Remove strata parms from cov
temp <- ret$CML$cov[-xi.row, -xi.row]
if (length(temp) == 1) {
dim(temp) <- c(1, 1)
rownames(temp) <- colnames(temp) <- "Intercept"
ret$CML$cov <- temp
class(ret$CML) <- "CML"
if (!is.null(ret$EB)) class(ret$EB) <- "EB"
} # END: setReturn
# Function to call glm for a factor snp (for now)
fitGLM <- function() {
snp <- factor(snp)
temp <- callGLM(D, X.main=X.main,, int.vec=snp,
family=op$family, prefix=op$snpName)
if (temp$converged) {
uml <- list(parms=temp$coefficients)
uml$cov <- summary(temp)$cov.scaled
uml$loglike <- getLoglike.glm(temp)
} # END: fitGLM
# Function to get a new eta from fixEta0
fixGetEta <- function(eta) {
ret <- fixEta0
ret[fixMap] <- eta
} # END: fixGetEta
# Wrapper for the C function
CML_EB.R <- function() {
if (op$use.C.code == 0) return(NULL)
if (!is.loaded("CML_EB")) {
warning("CML_EB function is not loaded")
# If initial estimates were passed in, then use them
op_eta0 <- op[["init.parms", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(op_eta0)) {
if (length(op_eta0) != nparms) stop("ERROR: init.parms has the wrong length")
eta0[] <- op_eta0
error <- 1
# Make the matrices vectors by row
if (!nx) X.main <- 0
if (!nv) <- 0
X.main <- t(X.main)
dim(X.main) <- NULL <- t(
dim( <- NULL
X.strata <- t(X.strata)
dim(X.strata) <- NULL
# Define the return vector
cml.parms <- double(nparms)
cml.cov <- double(nparms*nparms)
cml.ll <- double(1)
error <- as.integer(1)
nbp1 <- nbeta + 1
eb.parms <- double(nbp1)
eb.cov <- double(nbp1*nbp1)
uml.cov <- ret$UML$cov
uml.parms <- ret$UML$parms
if (zeroSNP) {
# Remove snp and update other variables
temp <- match(op$snpName, names(eta0))
if (! {
eta0 <- eta0[-temp]
nparms <- length(eta0)
nbeta <- nbeta - 1
# Vector for UML-CML cov
uml.cml.cov <- double((nbeta+1)*nparms)
############## Include PACKAGE="CGEN" when building a package ############
# Call the C function
temp <- .C("CML_EB", as.double(eta0), as.integer(nparms), as.integer(nbeta),
as.integer(D), as.double(snp), as.integer(n), as.double(X.main), as.integer(nx),
as.double(, as.integer(nv), as.double(X.strata), as.integer(nStrata),
as.integer(genetic.model), as.integer(geno.binary),
as.integer(op$maxiter), as.double(op$reltol), as.integer(op$debug),
as.double(uml.cov), as.double(fitted.values),
as.integer(zeroSNP), as.integer(op$num.deriv), as.integer(imputed), as.double(ProbG1),
as.double(uml.parms), error=error, cml.parms=cml.parms, cml.cov=cml.cov, cml.ll=cml.ll,
eb.parms=eb.parms, eb.cov=eb.cov, uml.cml.cov=uml.cml.cov, PACKAGE="CGEN")
error <- temp$error
if (error) return(list())
# Get the covariance matrix
cml.cov <- matrix(temp$cml.cov, nrow=nparms, byrow=TRUE)
if (any(!is.finite(diag(cml.cov)))) return(list())
cml.parms <- temp$cml.parms
cnames <- names(eta0)
names(cml.parms) <- cnames
colnames(cml.cov) <- cnames
rownames(cml.cov) <- cnames
cnames <- cnames[1:(1+nbeta)]
eb.parms <- temp$eb.parms
names(eb.parms) <- cnames
eb.cov <- matrix(temp$eb.cov, nrow=1+nbeta, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(eb.cov) <- cnames
rownames(eb.cov) <- cnames
# UML-CML matrix
uml.cml.cov <- matrix(temp$uml.cml.cov, byrow=TRUE, ncol=nparms)
rownames(uml.cml.cov) <- paste("UML.", cnames, sep="")
colnames(uml.cml.cov) <- paste("CML.", names(eta0), sep="")
# Return list
list(CML=list(parms=cml.parms, cov=cml.cov, loglike=temp$cml.ll),
EB=list(parms=eb.parms, cov=eb.cov, UML.CML.cov=uml.cml.cov))
# Function to check the initial estimates of CML
check_init <- function() {
new <- eta0
# If initial estimates were passed in, then use them
op_eta0 <- op[["init.parms", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(op_eta0)) {
if (length(op_eta0) != nparms) stop("ERROR: init.parms has the wrong length")
new[] <- op_eta0
maxll <- loc.getLoglike(eta0)
maxit <- 100
h <- 0.1
steps <- h*abs(new)
temp <- steps <= 1e-8
steps[temp] <- 0.01
for (i in 1:nparms) {
test <- new
point <- new[i]
step <- steps[i]
flag <- 0
# For 2 directions
for (k in 1:2) {
for (j in 1:maxit) {
point0 <- point + step
test[i] <- point0
ll <- loc.getLoglike(test)
if (ll > maxll) {
maxll <- ll
point <- point0
flag <- 1
} else {
if (flag) {
new[i] <- point
} else {
# Try other direction
point <- new[i]
step <- -step
} # END: check_init
# Check the options list
op <- default.list(op, c("reltol", "maxiter", "optimizer",
"snpName", "debug", "genetic.model", "errorCheck", "geno.binary",
"use.C.code", "only.UML", "fit.null", "num.deriv", "imputed",
list(1e-8, 100, "BFGS", "SNP_", 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) <- ncol(snp)
if (is.null( <- 0
if ( == 3) op$imputed <- 1
op$imputed <- 0 # Changed Mar 11, 2015
fixFlag <- 0
fit.null <- op$fit.null
imputed <- op$imputed
if (imputed) {
if ( == 3) {
ProbG1 <- snp[, 2]
# Create snp vector
gmodel <- op$genetic.model
if (gmodel == 0) {
snp <- snp[, 2] + 2*snp[, 3]
} else if (gmodel == 1) {
snp <- snp[, 2] + snp[, 3]
} else if (gmodel == 2) {
snp <- snp[, 3]
} else {
stop("Incorrect genetic.model with imputed data")
op$genetic.model <- 0
if (is.null(ProbG1)) stop("ERROR: ProbG1 is NULL")
} else {
ProbG1 <- 0
zeroSNP <- FALSE
if (fit.null) { <- NULL
op$fixParms <- list(parms=op$snpName, values=0)
zeroSNP <- TRUE
fixFlag <- 1
} else {
fixFlag <- !is.null(op[["fixParms", exact=TRUE]])
if (fixFlag) {
if (op$snpName %in% op$fixParms$parms) zeroSNP <- TRUE
if (zeroSNP) op$genetic.model <- 0
genetic.model <- op$genetic.model
geno.binary <- 0
if (!(genetic.model %in% c(0, 1, 2, 3))) stop("genetic.model must be 0-3")
# Get the number of genotypes
snp <- unfactor(snp, fun=as.numeric)
usnp <- sort(unique(snp))
n <- length(usnp)
# If the input SNP is binary 0-1, set genetic.model to 0
if (!imputed) {
if (!all(usnp %in% c(0, 1, 2))) stop("snp is not coded correctly")
if (n == 1) {
stop("snp only has 1 value")
} else if (n == 2) {
if (genetic.model) warning("genetic.model is set to 0")
genetic.model <- 0
if (all(usnp %in% 0:1)) geno.binary <- 1
if (genetic.model %in% 1:2) geno.binary <- 1
# Check D
if (!all(unique(D) %in% c(0, 1))) stop("D is not coded correctly")
if (!is.null(X.strata)) {
if (!is.matrix(X.strata)) stop("X.strata is not a matrix")
gmodel3 <- (genetic.model == 3)
n <- length(D)
if (op$optimizer != "BFGS") op$use.C.code <- 0
#if (imputed) dim(ProbG1) <- c(n, 1)
# See if X and V were given
if (is.null(X.main)) {
nx <- 0
} else {
nx <- ncol(X.main)
if (is.null( {
nv <- 0
} else {
nv <- ncol(
# Get the SNP vector for the specific genetic model
fsnp <- snp
if (genetic.model == 1) {
# Dominant
temp <- snp == 2
fsnp[temp] <- 1
} else if (genetic.model == 2) {
temp <- snp == 1
fsnp[temp] <- 0
temp <- snp == 2
fsnp[temp] <- 1
} else if (genetic.model == 3) {
fsnp <- cbind(as.integer(snp == 1), as.integer(snp == 2))
# Check the strata
if (is.null(X.strata)) X.strata <- matrix(data=1, nrow=n, ncol=1)
nStrata <- ncol(X.strata)
# Get the initial estimates
temp <- getInit()
if (is.null(temp)) return(NULL)
# Save the initial estimates and initialize the return list
ret <- list()
ret$UML <- list(parms=temp$UML.parms, cov=temp$cov, loglike=temp$loglike)
if (op$only.UML) setReturn(ret)
nbeta <- length(temp$beta)
eta0 <- temp$eta
alpha.row <- 1
beta.row <- 2:(nbeta+1)
xi.row <- (max(beta.row)+1):length(eta0)
cov <- NULL
nparms <- length(eta0)
# Save the fitted values for empirical bayes
fitted.values <- temp$fitted.values
# If there were NAs in UML, modify the design matrices
if (temp$naFlag) {
if (nx) {
pos <- temp$naXPos
len <- length(pos)
if (len) {
if (len == nx) {
nx <- 0
X.main <- NULL
} else {
X.main <- removeOrKeepCols(X.main, pos, which=-1)
nx <- ncol(X.main)
if (nv) {
pos <- temp$naVPos
len <- length(pos)
if (len) {
if (len == nv) {
nv <- 0 <- NULL
} else { <- removeOrKeepCols(, pos, which=-1)
nv <- ncol(
# Determine if parameters are to be fixed
if (fixFlag) {
#op$use.C.code <- 0
temp <- op$fixParms
# Define the map for fixed parms
temp2 <- match(temp$parms, names(eta0))
temp2 <- temp2[!]
if (!length(temp2)) stop("ERROR with fixParms$parms")
fixEta0 <- eta0
fixEta0[temp2] <- temp$values
fixMap <- (1:nparms)[-temp2]
# Change eta0
eta0 <- eta0[fixMap]
# Get the updated xi.row
temp <- sum(xi.row %in% temp2)
nxi <- length(xi.row) - temp
if (nxi) {
temp <- length(eta0)
fix_xi.row <- (temp-nxi+1):temp
} else {
fix_xi.row <- 0
if (genetic.model) op$num.deriv <- 1
# Call the C code
clist <- try(CML_EB.R(), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(clist, conv=0)) return(setReturn(ret))
if (!is.null(clist)) {
if (!length(clist)) return(setReturn(ret))
ret$CML <- clist$CML
ret$EB <- clist$EB
# Initialize
nlevels <- 6
d0g0.col <- 1
d0g1.col <- 2
d0g2.col <- 3
d1g0.col <- 4
d1g1.col <- 5
d1g2.col <- 6
d0.col <- c(d0g0.col, d0g1.col, d0g2.col)
d1.col <- c(d1g0.col, d1g1.col, d1g2.col)
g0.col <- c(d0g0.col, d1g0.col)
g1.col <- c(d0g1.col, d1g1.col)
g2.col <- c(d0g2.col, d1g2.col)
log2 <- log(2)
# Define the Z matrices for efficiency
Z0 <- getZ(0)
Z1 <- getZ(1)
Z2 <- getZ(2)
if (imputed) Z.imp <- getZ.imp(fsnp)
# Initialize the matrix to hold all probabilities P(D=d, G=g| X, S)
Pdg <- matrix(data=0, nrow=n, ncol=nlevels)
# Compute D*snp
if (gmodel3) {
Dsnp <- matrixMultVec(fsnp, D)
} else {
Dsnp <- D*fsnp
# Add intercept columns to X and V
X.main <- addIntercept(X.main, nrow=n) <- addIntercept(, nrow=n)
# Define a logical matrix for the calculation of the log-likelihood
loglike.mat <- getLoglike.mat()
# Update initial estimates if needed
eta0 <- check_init()
temp <- try(callOptim(), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(temp, conv=0)) return(setReturn(ret))
if (!temp$converged) return(setReturn(ret))
temp <- list(parms=temp$parms, cov=temp$cov, loglike=temp$loglike)
ret$CML <- temp
# Empirical Bayes
ret$EB <- getEB()
ret <- setReturn(ret)
} # END: snp.main
# Function to return a vector of variable names
logistic.vnames <- function(X, V, nStrata, snpName="SNP_",
out.est=NULL, genetic.model=0,
fit.null=0, zeroSNP=0) {
# Initialize the return list
ret <- list()
# Check out.est
if (!is.null(out.est)) {
temp <- out.est$parms
if (is.character(temp)) {
ret$est.p <- temp
out.est <- 0
} else {
# Numeric value
out.est <- temp
} else {
out.est <- 0
save1 <- out.est
ret$int <- "Intercept"
if (!is.null(X)) ret$X <- getVarNames(X, prefix="X")
ret$snp <- getVarNames.snp(prefix=snpName, genetic.model=genetic.model)
if (!is.null(V)) {
temp <-, prefix=snpName, genetic.model=genetic.model, sep=":")
} else {
temp <- NULL
if (out.est == 2) out.est <- 1
ret$V <- temp
ret$strata <- paste("Allele_freq.", 1:nStrata, sep="")
ret$all <- c(ret$int, ret$X, ret$snp, ret$V, ret$strata)
if (out.est) {
if (out.est == 3) {
ret$est.p <- c(ret$int, ret$X, ret$snp, ret$V)
} else {
ret$est.p <- ret$snp
if (out.est == 2) {
ret$est.p <- c(ret$est.p, ret$V)
if (genetic.model == 3) {
# Create another vector of parm names for the case when there is
# less than 3 genotypes
snp1 <- paste(snpName, 1, sep="")
if (!is.null(V)) {
tempv <-, prefix=snpName, genetic.model=0, sep=":")
tempv1 <-, prefix=snp1, genetic.model=0, sep=":")
} else {
tempv <- NULL
tempv1 <- NULL
if (save1 == 3) {
temp <- c(ret$int, ret$X, snpName, tempv)
temp1 <- c(ret$int, ret$X, snp1, tempv1)
} else if (save1 == 2) {
temp <- c(snpName, tempv)
temp1 <- c(snp1, tempv1)
} else if (save1 == 1) {
temp <- snpName
temp1 <- snp1
ret$est.p <- list(ret$est.p, temp)
ret$est.parms <- list(ret$est.p[[1]], temp1)
} else {
ret$est.parms <- ret$est.p
} else {
ret$est.parms <- ret$est.p
if (fit.null) {
ret$UML.names <- c(ret$int, ret$X)
ret$all.names <- c(ret$int, ret$X, ret$snp, ret$strata)
} else {
UML.names <- c(ret$int, ret$X)
if (!zeroSNP) UML.names <- c(UML.names, ret$snp)
UML.names <- c(UML.names, ret$V)
ret$UML.names <- UML.names
ret$all.names <- ret$all
} # END: logistic.vnames
# Function to create a design matrix
logistic.dsgnMat <- function(data, vars, facVars, removeInt=1,
norm.names=1, remove.vars=NULL) {
# data Data frame
# vars Character vector of variable names or a formula
# facVars Character vector of factor names
# remove.vars Character vector of variable names to remove.
# They are removed after the variable names are normalized.
# The default is NULL.
rm.vars <- function(mat, rmvars) {
mnames <- colnames(mat)
temp <- !(mnames %in% rmvars)
mnames <- mnames[temp]
len <- length(mnames)
if (len == 0) {
mat <- NULL
} else if ((len == 1) && (mnames == "Intercept")) {
mat <- NULL
} else {
mat <- removeOrKeepCols(mat, mnames, which=1)
} # END: rm.vars
if (is.null(vars)) return(list(designMatrix=NULL, newVars=NULL))
# Determine if vars is a formula
if ("formula" %in% class(vars)) {
# Get the design matrix
design <- model.matrix(vars, data=data)
# Remove the intercept, if needed
newVars <- colnames(design)
if (removeInt) {
if (newVars[1] == "(Intercept)") {
design <- removeOrKeepCols(design, 1, which=-1)
newVars <- newVars[-1]
if (norm.names) colnames(design) <- normVarNames(colnames(design))
if (!is.null(remove.vars)) design <- rm.vars(design, remove.vars)
return(list(designMatrix=design, newVars=newVars))
design <- removeOrKeepCols(data, vars, which=1)
newVars <- NULL
if (!is.null(facVars)) {
temp <- vars %in% facVars
if (any(temp)) {
temp <- vars[temp]
temp <- createDummy(design, vars=temp)
design <- temp$data
newVars <- temp$newVars
design <- as.matrix(design)
if (norm.names) colnames(design) <- normVarNames(colnames(design))
# Check for constant variables
design <- checkForConstantVar(design, msg=1)$data
if (!removeInt) {
# Add intercept
cnames <- colnames(design)
design <- cbind(1, design)
colnames(design) <- c("Intercept", cnames)
if (!is.null(remove.vars)) design <- rm.vars(design, remove.vars)
# Make sure matrix is numeric
d <- dim(design)
cnames <- colnames(design)
design <- as.numeric(design)
dim(design) <- d
colnames(design) <- cnames
list(designMatrix=design, newVars=newVars)
} # END: logistic.dsgnMat
# Function to apply the zero.vars option to the design matrices
apply_zero.vars <- function(zero.vars, mat.list, snp.var, facVars, data) {
mat.names <- names(mat.list)
fixParms <- NULL
if (is.character(zero.vars)) {
for (i in 1:length(mat.names)) {
mat <- mat.list[[i]]
if (is.null(mat)) next
cnames <- colnames(mat)
temp <- cnames %in% zero.vars
if (any(temp)) {
cnames <- cnames[!temp]
if (!length(cnames)) {
mat <- NULL
} else {
mat <- removeOrKeepCols(mat, cnames, which=1)
mat.list[[mat.names[i]]] <- mat
if (snp.var %in% zero.vars) {
fixParms <- list(parms=snp.var, values=0)
} else {
# zero.vars is a list
znames <- names(zero.vars)
temp <- zero.vars[["snp.var", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(temp)) {
if (temp == snp.var) {
fixParms <- list(parms=snp.var, values=0)
for (z in znames) {
vars <- zero.vars[[z]]
if (is.null(vars)) next
mat <- mat.list[[z, exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(mat)) next
cnames <- colnames(mat)
pnames <- colnames(logistic.dsgnMat(data, vars, facVars)$designMatrix)
temp <- cnames %in% pnames
if (any(temp)) {
cnames <- cnames[!temp]
if (!length(cnames)) {
mat <- NULL
} else {
mat <- removeOrKeepCols(mat, cnames, which=1)
mat.list[[z]] <- mat
list(mat.list=mat.list, fixParms=fixParms)
} # END: apply_zero.vars
# Function to output the needed UML and CML estimates
UML_CML_GxE_parms <- function(main.variables, interaction.variables, out.file, snps, data, response.var,
main.vars=NULL, int.vars=NULL, strata.var=NULL, ProbG1.var=NULL, op=NULL) {
# Input arguments:
# out.file Output file to save the necessary UML and CML estimates, or NULL
# snps Character vector of snps to be analyzed
# data Data frame containing the snps to be analyzed, outcome,
# covariates and other variables
# response.var Same definition as is snp.logistic
# main.vars Same definition as is snp.logistic
# int.var Character vector of interaction variable
# strata.var Same definition as is snp.logistic
# op Same definition as is snp.logistic
# Output variable names for the UML main effects:
# Output variable names for the upper triangle of the UML covariance matrix:
# Output variable names for the UML-CML covariance matrix:
n.main.vars <- length(main.variables) <- length(interaction.variables)
UML.ME.out <-"UML", n.main.vars,
CML.ME.out <-"CML", n.main.vars,
UML.COV.out <- outNames.cov("UML", n.main.vars,
CML.COV.out <- outNames.cov("CML", n.main.vars,
UML.CML.COV.out <- outNames.cov2(n.main.vars,
fileFlag <- !is.null(out.file)
print <- op$print
# Open the output file
if (fileFlag) fid <- file(out.file, "w")
# Write out the column names
outvars <- c("SNP", UML.ME.out, UML.COV.out, CML.ME.out, CML.COV.out, UML.CML.COV.out)
if (fileFlag) writeOut(fid, outvars)
# Vector to store output values
outvec <- character(length(outvars))
names(outvec) <- outvars
outvec0 <- outvec
# Loop over each snp
for (snp in snps) {
outvec0[] <- ""
outvec <- outvec0
outvec["SNP"] <- snp
fit <- try(snp.logistic(data, response.var, snp, main.vars=main.vars,
int.vars=int.vars, strata.var=strata.var, op=op), silent=TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(fit)) {
if (print) print(fit)
if (fileFlag) writeOut(fid, outvec)
if (print) print(summary(fit))
# Extract UML and CML estimates
temp <- try(extractEst(fit, "UML", outvec, snp, main.variables, interaction.variables,
UML.ME.out, UML.COV.out), silent=TRUE)
if (!("try-error" %in% class(temp))) outvec <- temp
temp <- try(extractEst(fit, "CML", outvec, snp, main.variables, interaction.variables,
CML.ME.out, CML.COV.out), silent=TRUE)
if (!("try-error" %in% class(temp))) outvec <- temp
temp <- try(extract_UML.CML(fit, outvec, snp, main.variables, interaction.variables,
UML.CML.COV.out), silent=TRUE)
if (!("try-error" %in% class(temp))) outvec <- temp
if (fileFlag) writeOut(fid, outvec)
if (fileFlag) close(fid)
} # END: UML_CML_GxE_parms
# Function to write output to an open (tab-delimited) file
writeOut <- function(FID, vec) {
# FID File id
# vec Vector to output
str <- paste(vec, collapse="\t", sep="")
write(str, file=FID, ncolumns=1)
} # END: writeOut
# Function to get the parameter names <- function(which, n.main.vars, {
ret <- "G"
if (n.main.vars < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, "E")
} else {
jj <- 1:n.main.vars
ret <- c(ret, paste("E", jj, sep=""))
if ( < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, "GE")
} else {
jj <-
ret <- c(ret, paste("GE", jj, sep=""))
ret <- paste(which, ".", ret, ".BETA", sep="")
} # END:
# Function to get output names
outNames.cov <- function(which, n.main.vars, {
# G row
ret <- "G.G"
if (n.main.vars < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, "G.E")
} else {
jj <- 1:n.main.vars
ret <- c(ret, paste("G.E", jj, sep=""))
if ( < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, "G.GE")
} else {
jj <-
ret <- c(ret, paste("G.GE", jj, sep=""))
# E rows
if (n.main.vars < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, "E.E")
if ( < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, "E.GE")
} else {
jj <-
ret <- c(ret, paste("E.GE", jj, sep=""))
} else {
jj0 <- 1:n.main.vars
jj2 <-
for (i in 1:n.main.vars) {
jj <- i:n.main.vars
ret <- c(ret, paste("E", i, ".E", jj, sep=""))
if ( < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, paste("E", i, ".GE", sep=""))
} else {
ret <- c(ret, paste("E", i, ".GE", jj2, sep=""))
# GE rows
if ( < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, "GE.GE")
} else {
jj0 <-
for (i in {
jj <-
ret <- c(ret, paste("GE", i, ".GE", jj, sep=""))
ret <- paste(which, ".", ret, ".COV", sep="")
} # END: outNames.cov
outNames.cov2 <- function(n.main.vars, {
if ((n.main.vars < 2) && ( < 2)) {
# G row
ret <- "UML.G.CML.G"
if (n.main.vars < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, "UML.G.CML.E")
} else {
jj <- 1:n.main.vars
ret <- c(ret, paste("UML.G.CML.E", jj, sep=""))
if ( < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, "UML.G.CML.GE")
} else {
jj <-
ret <- c(ret, paste("UML.G.CML.GE", jj, sep=""))
# E rows
if (n.main.vars < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, "UML.E.CML.G")
ret <- c(ret, "UML.E.CML.E")
if ( < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, "UML.E.CML.GE")
} else {
ret <- c(ret, paste("UML.E.CML.GE",, sep=""))
} else {
jj <- 1:n.main.vars
jj2 <-
for (i in 1:n.main.vars) {
ret <- c(ret, paste("UML.E", i, ".CML.G", sep=""))
ret <- c(ret, paste("UML.E", i, ".CML.E", jj, sep=""))
if ( < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, paste("UML.E", i, ".CML.GE", sep=""))
} else {
ret <- c(ret, paste("UML.E", i, ".CML.GE", jj2, sep=""))
# GE rows
if ( < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, "UML.GE.CML.G")
if (n.main.vars < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, "UML.GE.CML.E")
} else {
ret <- c(ret, paste("UML.GE.CML.E", 1:n.main.vars, sep=""))
ret <- c(ret, "UML.GE.CML.GE")
} else {
jj0 <- 1:n.main.vars
jj2 <-
for (i in {
ret <- c(ret, paste("UML.GE", i, ".CML.G", sep=""))
if (n.main.vars < 2) {
ret <- c(ret, paste("UML.GE", i, ".CML.E", sep=""))
} else {
ret <- c(ret, paste("UML.GE", i, ".CML.E", jj0, sep=""))
ret <- c(ret, paste("UML.GE", i, ".CML.GE", jj2, sep=""))
ret <- paste(ret, ".COV", sep="")
} # END: outNames.cov2
# Function to get the UML-CML cov estimates
extract_UML.CML <- function(fit, outvec,,,, ids) {
x <- fit[["EB", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(x)) return(outvec)
cov <- x[["UML.CML.cov", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(cov)) return(outvec)
# Get the names of the interaction parms <- paste(, ":",, sep="")
G.row <- paste("UML.",, sep="")
G.col <- paste("CML.",, sep="")
E.row <- paste("UML.",, sep="")
E.col <- paste("CML.",, sep="")
GE.row <- paste("UML.",, sep="")
GE.col <- paste("CML.",, sep="")
# Vector of expected parameter names
row.names <- paste("UML.", c(,,, sep="")
col.names <- paste("CML.", c(,,, sep="")
n.names <- length(col.names) <- length(
cnames <- colnames(cov)
temp <- col.names %in% cnames
if (!all(temp)) {
cov2 <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=n.names, ncol=n.names)
colnames(cov2) <- col.names
rownames(cov2) <- row.names
col2.names <- col.names[temp]
row2.names <- row.names[temp]
cov2[row2.names, col2.names] <- cov[row2.names, col2.names]
} else {
cov2 <- cov
if ( < 2) {
outvec[ids] <- c(cov2[G.row, G.col], cov2[G.row, E.col], cov2[G.row, GE.col],
cov2[E.row, G.col], cov2[E.row, E.col], cov2[E.row, GE.col],
cov2[GE.row, G.col], cov2[GE.row, E.col], cov2[GE.row, GE.col])
} else {
vec <- cov2[G.row, G.col]
for (i in vec <- c(vec, cov2[G.row, E.col[i]])
for (i in vec <- c(vec, cov2[G.row, GE.col[i]])
for (i in {
row <- E.row[i]
vec <- c(vec, cov2[row, G.col])
for (j in vec <- c(vec, cov2[row, E.col[j]])
for (j in vec <- c(vec, cov2[row, GE.col[j]])
for (i in {
row <- GE.row[i]
vec <- c(vec, cov2[row, G.col])
for (j in vec <- c(vec, cov2[row, E.col[j]])
for (j in vec <- c(vec, cov2[row, GE.col[j]])
outvec[ids] <- vec
} # END: extract_UML.CML
# Function to extract estimates. The updated output vector will be returned
extractEst <- function(fit, which, outvec,,,, ids.main, ids.cov) {
# fit Return object from snp.logistic
# which "UML" or "CML"
# outvec Output vector
# Name of the SNP
# Name of the environmental variable
if (which == "EB") return(extract_UML.CML(fit, outvec,,
x <- fit[[which, exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(x)) return(outvec) <- length(
# Get the names of the interaction parms <- paste(, ":",, sep="")
# Vector of expected parameter names
vec.names <- c(,,
n.vec.names <- length(vec.names)
parms <- x[["parms", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(parms)) {
cnames <- names(parms)
temp <- vec.names %in% cnames
if (!all(temp)) {
parms2 <- rep(NA, n.vec.names)
names(parms2) <- vec.names
vec2.names <- vec.names[temp]
parms2[vec2.names] <- parms[vec2.names]
} else {
parms2 <- parms
vec2.names <- vec.names
outvec[ids.main] <- c(parms[vec2.names])
cov <- x[["cov", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(cov)) {
cnames <- colnames(cov)
temp <- vec.names %in% cnames
if (!all(temp)) {
cov2 <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=n.vec.names, ncol=n.vec.names)
colnames(cov2) <- vec.names
rownames(cov2) <- vec.names
vec2.names <- vec.names[temp]
cov2[vec2.names, vec2.names] <- cov[vec2.names, vec2.names]
} else {
cov2 <- cov
if ( < 2) {
outvec[ids.cov] <- c(cov2[,], cov2[,], cov2[,],
cov2[,], cov2[,], cov2[,])
} else {
vec <- cov2[,]
for (i in vec <- c(vec, cov2[,[i]])
for (i in vec <- c(vec, cov2[,[i]])
for (i in {
row <-[i]
for (j in vec <- c(vec, cov2[row,[j]])
for (j in vec <- c(vec, cov2[row,[j]])
for (i in {
row <-[i]
for (j in vec <- c(vec, cov2[row,[j]])
outvec[ids.cov] <- vec
} # END: extractEst
# Function for running a scan
scan.UML_CML <- function(snp.list, pheno.list, op=NULL) {
# Check the input lists
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
pheno.list <- default.list(pheno.list,
c("response.var"), list("ERROR"), error=c(1))
response.var <- pheno.list$response.var
main.vars <- pheno.list[["main.vars", exact=TRUE]]
int.vars <- pheno.list[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
strata.var <- pheno.list[["strata.vars", exact=TRUE]]
cc.var <- pheno.list[["cc.var", exact=TRUE]]
# Determine if fomulas were passed in
temp <- main.vars
if (!is.null(temp)) {
main.form <- ("formula" %in% class(temp))
} else {
main.form <- FALSE
temp <- int.vars
if (!is.null(temp)) {
int.form <- ("formula" %in% class(temp))
} else {
int.form <- FALSE
temp <- strata.var
if (!is.null(temp)) {
s.form <- ("formula" %in% class(temp))
} else {
s.form <- FALSE
formFlag <- main.form + int.form + s.form
temp.list <- op[["temp.list", exact=TRUE]]
temp.list <- check.temp.list(temp.list)
temp <- c("BFGS", "Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN", "IRLS")
op <- default.list(op,
c("id", "print", "optimizer", "snpName","genetic.model",
"", "out.file", "save.varnames"),
list(1, 0, "BFGS", "SNP_", 0, 1, "scan.UML_CML.txt", 1),
error=c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
checkList=list(NA, 0:1, temp, NA, 0:2, 1:2, NA, 0:1))
print <- op$print
SNP <- op$snpName
# Check cc.var
if (is.null(cc.var)) {
if (op$ == 2) pheno.list$cc.var <- pheno.list$response.var
# The genetic model is taken care of in logistic.SNP
snp.list$genetic.model <- NULL
# All the variables must be given by variable name (not column number)
if ((is.numeric(pheno.list$response.var)) ||
(is.numeric(pheno.list$strata.var)) ||
(is.numeric(pheno.list$factor.vars)) ||
(is.numeric(pheno.list$id.var)) ) {
stop("ERROR: variables must be specified by name, not column number")
if ((!main.form) && (is.numeric(pheno.list$X.vars)))
stop("ERROR: variables must be specified by name, not column number")
if ((!int.form) && (is.numeric(pheno.list$V.vars)))
stop("ERROR: variables must be specified by name, not column number")
# Keep only the variables we need
if (!formFlag) {
temp <- c(response.var, strata.var, main.vars, int.vars,
pheno.list$id.var, cc.var)
pheno.list$keep.vars <- unique(temp)
pheno.list$remove.vars <- NULL
} else {
# Do not remove variables
pheno.list$keep.vars <- NULL
pheno.list$remove.miss <- 1
pheno.list$make.dummy <- 0
# Get the data vector of snps
tlist <- list(include.row1=0, include.snps=0, return.type=1, MAF=1,
missing=1, snpNames=1, orderByPheno=1, return.pheno=1, ProbG1=1)
temp <- try(getData.1(snp.list, pheno.list, temp.list, op=tlist),
if (class(temp) == "try-error") {
stop("ERROR loading data")
snpData <- temp$data
snpNames <- temp$snpNames
delimiter <- getDelimiter(snp.list, output=1)
nsnps <- length(snpData)
maf.vec <- temp[["MAF", exact=TRUE]]
maf.flag <- !is.null(maf.vec)
alleles <- temp[["alleles", exact=TRUE]]
allFlag <- !is.null(alleles)
ProbG1 <- temp[["ProbG1", exact=TRUE]]
ProbG1.flag <- !is.null(ProbG1)
ProbG1.var <- NULL
# Get the phenotype data
phenoData.list <- temp$phenoData.list
phenoData0 <- phenoData.list$data
phenoData0 <-, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
phenoData0[, SNP] <- NA
if (ProbG1.flag) {
ProbG1.var <- paste(SNP, "ProbG1", sep="")
phenoData0[, ProbG1.var] <- NA
rm(temp, tlist, snp.list, phenoData.list)
temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)
# Get the response variable
response0 <- as.numeric(phenoData0[, response.var])
if (!any(response0 %in% 0:1)) stop("ERROR: response must be 0-1")
# Get the number of observations
nobs <- length(response0)
# Print out number of observations that will be used
temp <- paste("For the analysis, ", nobs, " observations will be used.\n", sep="")
cat(paste("Number of cases = ", sum(response0 %in% 1), "\n", sep=""))
cat(paste("Number of controls = ", sum(response0 %in% 0), "\n", sep=""))
cat(paste("Output will be written to: ", op$out.file, "\n\n", sep=""))
temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)
# Run a base model with simulated SNP
phenoData0[, SNP] <- rbinom(nobs, 1, 0.5)
out.file <- op$out.file
out.base <- paste(out.file, "_info", sep="")
temp <- try(snp.logistic(phenoData0, response.var, SNP, main.vars=main.vars,
int.vars=int.vars, strata.var=NULL, op=op), silent=TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(temp)) {
interaction.variables <- temp$$int.vars
main.variables <- op[["E.parm.names", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(main.variables)) main.variables <- interaction.variables
if (op$save.varnames) {
cat("Exposure variables:\n")
cat("Interaction variables:\n")
for (v in unique(c(main.variables, interaction.variables))) {
cat(paste(v, "\n", sep=""))
tab <- table(phenoData0[, v], response0, exclude=NULL)
if (length(tab) < 31) {
tab <- addmargins(tab)
if (print) {
cat("Exposure variables:\n")
cat("Interaction variables:\n")
# Make sure all interaction variables are also main effects
temp <- temp$UML$parms
temp <- names(temp)
if (!(all(main.variables %in% temp))) {
stop("All interaction variables must also be main effects")
# Flag for first line of output
firstFlag <- 0
# Open the output file
fid <- file(op$out.file, "w")
# Loop over each SNP
i <- 0
while (1) {
errorFlag <- 0
i <- i + 1
if (i > nsnps) break
snp <- as.numeric(getVecFromStr(snpData[i], delimiter=delimiter)) <- snpNames[i]
phenoData0[, SNP] <- snp
if (allFlag) {
majMin <- alleles[i]
} else {
majMin <- " "
# Get the MAF
if (maf.flag) {
maf <- maf.vec[i]
} else {
maf <- getMAF(snp)
# For imputed data
if (ProbG1.flag) {
temp <- as.numeric(getVecFromStr(ProbG1[i], delimiter=delimiter))
phenoData0[, ProbG1.var] <- temp
# Fit the model
temp <- try(UML_CML_GxE_parms(main.variables, interaction.variables, NULL, SNP, phenoData0, response.var,
main.vars=main.vars, int.vars=int.vars, strata.var=strata.var, ProbG1.var=ProbG1.var,
op=op), silent=TRUE)
errorFlag <- ("try-error" %in% class(temp))
if (!errorFlag) {
if (firstFlag) {
writeOut(fid, c(, majMin, maf, temp[-1]))
} else {
writeOut(fid, c("SNP", "Alleles", "MAF", names(temp[-1])))
writeOut(fid, c(, majMin, maf, temp[-1]))
firstFlag <- 1
errorVec <- temp[-1]
errorVec[] <- "NA"
} else {
if (firstFlag) writeOut(fid, c(, majMin, maf, errorVec))
} # END: while(1)
} # END: scan.UML_CML
# Function for meta-anlaysis
meta.fixed <- function(study.list) {
# study.list List of named lists with names beta and cov
nstudy <- length(study.list)
sigma.inv.list <- list()
sum.sigma.inv <- 0
sum.sigma.inv.beta <- 0
# Compute sigma inverse for each study
for (i in 1:nstudy) {
temp <- study.list[[i]]
beta <- temp$beta
sigma <- temp$cov
sigma.inv <- solve(sigma)
sum.sigma.inv <- sum.sigma.inv + sigma.inv
dim(beta) <- c(length(beta), 1)
sum.sigma.inv.beta <- sum.sigma.inv.beta + sum.sigma.inv %*% beta
sigma.inv.list[[i]] <- sigma.inv
meta.cov <- solve(sum.sigma.inv)
meta.beta <- meta.cov %*% sum.sigma.inv.beta
list(meta.beta=meta.beta, meta.cov=meta.cov, meta.cov.inv=sum.sigma.inv,
} # END: meta.fixed
# Function to compute A matrix for EB meta
get.EB.A_matrix <- function(parm1, cov1, parm2) {
psi <- parm1 - parm2
dim(psi) <- NULL
psi2 <- psi*psi
phi <- diag(cov1)
temp <- psi2/(psi2 + phi)
A <- diag(temp)
} # END: get.EB.A_matrix
meta.EB <- function(beta1, beta2, sumInv1.inv, sumInv2.inv, inv1.list, inv2.list,
cov12.list) {
# Covariance matrix for beta1 is sumInv1.inv
A <- get.EB.A_matrix(beta1, sumInv1.inv, beta2)
n <- length(beta1)
I <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=n)
diag(I) <- 1
beta.EB <- (A %*% beta1) + (I - A) %*% beta2
sum <- 0 <- length(inv1.list)
for (i in {
sum <- sum + inv1.list[[i]] %*% cov12.list[[i]] %*% inv2.list[[i]]
cov.EB <- sumInv1.inv %*% sum %*% sumInv2.inv
list(beta=beta.EB, cov=cov.EB)
} # END: meta.EB
# Function to get the parms/cov for a study given a named vec
getBetaObject <- function(vec, vars) {
# vec Named vector
# vars Names to extract (must be ordered G, E, GE)
ret <- vec[vars]
} # END: getBetaObject
# Function to get the cov for a study given a named vec
getCovObject <- function(vec, vars) {
# vec Named vector
# vars Names to extract (must be ordered, upper triangle of matrix)
len <- length(vars)
n <- (-1 + sqrt(8*len + 1))/2
ret <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=n, ncol=n)
a <- 1
for (i in 1:n) {
b <- a + n - i
ret[i, i:n] <- vec[vars[a:b]]
ret[i:n, i] <- ret[i, i:n]
a <- b + 1
} # END: getCovObject
# Function to get the UML-CML cov for a study given a named vec
getCov12Object <- function(vec, vars) {
# vec Named vector
# vars Names to extract (must be ordered, rows of matrix)
n <- sqrt(length(vars))
ret <- matrix(data=vec[vars], byrow=TRUE, nrow=n, ncol=n)
} # END: getCov12Object
# Function to perfrm meta-analysis for each study
meta.GxE <- function(study.list, op=NULL) {
# study.list List of sublists containing name of file, study name, etc
# op List with names:
# out.file Output file
# snps List of snps to include
# print 0 or 1
# Function to get the number of E parms
get.n.parms <- function(vec, which) {
# vec character vector of column names
# which "E" (for main effects) or "G" (for interactions)
# Remove UML.G.BETA and CML.G.BETA
temp <- !(vec %in% c("UML.G.BETA", "CML.G.BETA"))
vec <- vec[temp]
ids <- grep("BETA", vec, fixed=TRUE)
vec <- vec[ids]
vec <- gsub("UML.", "", vec, fixed=TRUE)
vec <- gsub("CML.", "", vec, fixed=TRUE)
vec <- gsub(".BETA", "", vec, fixed=TRUE)
temp <- substr(vec, 1, 1) == which
vec <- vec[temp]
vec <- unique(vec)
n <- length(vec)
} # END: get.n.parms
# Function to get the parm names that would need to be flipped from
# a different reference cat
get.flip.E <- function(vec) {
# Remove UML.G.BETA and CML.G.BETA
temp <- !(vec %in% c("UML.G.BETA", "CML.G.BETA"))
vec <- vec[temp]
ids <- grep("BETA", vec, fixed=TRUE)
vec <- vec[ids]
vec2 <- vec
vec2 <- gsub("UML.", "", vec2, fixed=TRUE)
vec2 <- gsub("CML.", "", vec2, fixed=TRUE)
temp <- substr(vec2, 1, 1) %in% c("E","G")
ret <- vec[temp]
} # END: get.flip.E
# Function to determine which column names would be flipped from
# a different risk allele
get.flip.cnames <- function(vec) {
ids <- grep("BETA", vec, fixed=TRUE)
vec <- vec[ids]
vec2 <- vec
vec2 <- gsub("UML.", "", vec2, fixed=TRUE)
vec2 <- gsub("CML.", "", vec2, fixed=TRUE)
temp <- substr(vec2, 1, 1) == "G"
ret <- vec[temp]
} # END: get.flip.cnames
# Function to flip an allele
flip.allele <- function(a) {
if (a == "A") {
} else if (a == "T") {
} else if (a == "C") {
} else if (a == "G") {
} else {
} # END: flip.allele
# Function to determine if G parms need to be flipped
get.flip.status <- function(risk.base, other.base, MAF.base,
risk, other, MAF) {
message <- ""
messageFlag <- 0
flip <- 0
error <- 0
# See if the set of alleles match
set.base <- c(risk.base, other.base)
set <- c(risk, other)
flag <- all(set %in% set.base)
if (!flag) {
# Try flipping set of alleles
set[1] <- flip.allele(set[1])
set[2] <- flip.allele(set[2])
flag <- all(set %in% set.base)
if (!flag) {
message <- "Alleles do not match"
messageFlag <- 1
return(flip=0, error=1, message=message)
# See if risk allele matches
if (risk != set[1]) flip <- 1
list(flip=flip, error=error, message=message)
} # END: get.flip.status
op <- default.list(op, c("out.file", "print"), list("ERROR", 0),
error=c(1, 0))
nstudy <- length(study.list)
snps <- op[["snps", exact=TRUE]]
snpFlag <- !is.null(snps)
snps.all <- NULL
cnames <- NULL
outfile <- op[["out.file", exact=TRUE]]
outFlag <- !is.null(outfile)
if (snpFlag) snps <- removeWhiteSpace(snps)
# Check each study list
vec <- scan(study.list[[1]]$file, what="character", nlines=1, quiet=TRUE)
for (i in 1:nstudy) {
study.list[[i]] <- check.file.list(study.list[[i]], op=list(vars=vec))
temp <- study.list[[i]][["flip.betas", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(temp)) study.list[[i]]$flip.betas <- 0
# Read in the data
for (i in 1:nstudy) {
tlist <- study.list[[i]]
x <- loadData.table(tlist)
x[, "SNP"] <- removeWhiteSpace(x[, "SNP"])
if (snpFlag) {
temp <- x[, "SNP"] %in% snps
x <- removeOrKeepRows(x, temp)
nx <- nrow(x)
str <- paste("For study ", i, ", ", nx, " SNPs will be included.", sep="")
if (!nx) {
str <- paste("Removing study ", i, sep="")
study.list[[i]] <- NULL
rownames(x) <- x[, "SNP"]
tlist$data <- x
study.list[[i]] <- tlist
snps.all <- unique(c(snps.all, x[, "SNP"]))
# Check the names of the columns
if (i == 1) {
cnames <- colnames(x)
} else {
if (!all(cnames == colnames(x))) {
str <- paste("ERROR with column names for study ", i, sep="")
# Get the number of main effect parms and interaction parms
N.E.parms <- get.n.parms(cnames, "E")
N.GE.parms <- get.n.parms(cnames, "G")
# Get the column names for the vector of main effect estimates
UML.beta.cnames <-"UML", N.E.parms, N.GE.parms)
CML.beta.cnames <-"CML", N.E.parms, N.GE.parms)
UML.cov.cnames <- outNames.cov("UML", N.E.parms, N.GE.parms)
CML.cov.cnames <- outNames.cov("CML", N.E.parms, N.GE.parms)
UML.CML.cov.cnames <- outNames.cov2(N.E.parms, N.GE.parms)
# Get the betas to flip from different reference cat
cat.flip.cnames <- get.flip.E(cnames)
# Get the beta column names to flip for different risk allele
allele.flip.cnames <- get.flip.cnames(cnames)
outnames <- c("SNP", "Risk.allele", "Other.allele", "P.omnibus",
"", "Studies", "Message")
outvec <- character(length(outnames))
names(outvec) <- outnames
# Open the output file
if (outFlag) {
fid <- file(outfile, "w")
writeOut(fid, outnames)
# Loop over each snp
nsnps <- length(snps.all)
for (i in 1:nsnps) {
outvec[] <- "NA"
UML.list <- list()
CML.list <- list()
index <- 0
snp <- snps.all[i]
message <- ""
outvec[1:3] <- c(snp, ".", ".")
# For UML-CML cov matrix
UML.CML.list <- list()
# Keep track of alleles and MAF
risk.vec <- NULL
other.vec <- NULL
MAF.vec <- NULL
study.vec <- NULL
# Get the vector of estimates for each study
for (j in 1:nstudy) {
x <- study.list[[j]]$data
if (!(snp %in% rownames(x))) next
vec <- x[snp, ]
names(vec) <- cnames
alleles <- vec["Alleles"]
other <- substr(alleles, 1, 1)
risk <- substr(alleles, 2, 2)
MAF <- as.numeric(vec["MAF"])
vec <- as.numeric(vec[-(1:3)])
if (any(!is.finite(vec))) next
names(vec) <- cnames[-(1:3)]
# Flip betas if needed
if (study.list[[j]]$flip.betas) vec[cat.flip.cnames] <- -vec[cat.flip.cnames]
# Get the UML and CML estimates
CML.beta <- getBetaObject(vec, CML.beta.cnames)
CML.cov <- getCovObject(vec, CML.cov.cnames)
UML.beta <- getBetaObject(vec, UML.beta.cnames)
UML.cov <- getCovObject(vec, UML.cov.cnames)
# For UML-CML cov matrix
UML.CML.cov <- getCov12Object(vec, UML.CML.cov.cnames)
if (any(!is.finite(UML.CML.cov))) next
# Check the alleles
if (index == 0) {
risk.base <- risk
other.base <- other
outvec[2:3] <- c(risk, other)
MAF.base <- MAF
} else {
# Compare to base values
ret <- get.flip.status(risk.base, other.base, MAF.base, risk, other, MAF)
if (ret$error) next
if (ret$flip) {
# Flip betas
UML.beta[allele.flip.cnames] <- -UML.beta[allele.flip.cnames]
CML.beta[allele.flip.cnames] <- -CML.beta[allele.flip.cnames]
index <- index + 1
#alleles.vec <- c(alleles.vec, alleles)
#MAF.vec <- c(MAF.vec, MAF)
study.vec <- c(study.vec, j)
# Add parms to the lists
tlist <- list(beta=UML.beta, cov=UML.cov)
UML.list[[index]] <- tlist
tlist <- list(beta=CML.beta, cov=CML.cov)
CML.list[[index]] <- tlist
tlist <- list(beta=CML.beta, cov=CML.cov)
UML.CML.list[[index]] <- UML.CML.cov
outvec[""] <- index
if (!index) {
outvec["Message"] <- "No studies"
if (outFlag) writeOut(fid, outvec)
outvec["Studies"] <- paste(study.vec, collapse=",", sep="")
# Perform the fixed effects meta-anlaysis for UML and CML estimates
# Return list: list(meta.beta=meta.beta, meta.cov=meta.cov, meta.cov.inv=sum.sigma.inv,
# inv.list=sigma.inv)
UML.meta <- try(meta.fixed(UML.list), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(UML.meta, conv=0)) {
outvec["Message"] <- "Error in UML meta-analysis"
if (outFlag) writeOut(fid, outvec)
CML.meta <- try(meta.fixed(CML.list), silent=TRUE)
if (checkTryError(CML.meta, conv=0)) {
outvec["Message"] <- "Error in CML meta-analysis"
if (outFlag) writeOut(fid, outvec)
# Now perform EB
# meta.EB <- function(beta1, beta2, sumInv1.inv, sumInv2.inv, inv1.list, inv2.list,
# cov12.list)
# Return list: list(beta=beta.EB, cov=cov.EB)
ret <- meta.EB(UML.meta$meta.beta, CML.meta$meta.beta, UML.meta$meta.cov,
CML.meta$meta.cov, UML.meta$inv.list,
CML.meta$inv.list, UML.CML.list)
temp <- waldTest.main(ret$beta, ret$cov, 1:length(UML.beta))
outvec["P.omnibus"] <- temp$pvalue
outvec["Message"] <- "OK"
# Write output
if (outFlag) writeOut(fid, outvec)
if (outFlag) close(fid)
} # END: meta.GxE
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