# History Mar 28 2008 Allow infile to be a connection in scanFile
# In readTable, call createDummy using the factors
# variables.
# Mar 31 2008 Change snpNames option
# Apr 01 2008 Add option in loadData for file.type = 3 to call
# scanFile instead of readTable.
# Apr 03 2008 Change the option creatDummy to make.dummy in readTable.
# Apr 04 2008 Add in.miss to readTable
# Remove makeIdsNames from readTable.
# Apr 11 2008 Add getNcols function.
# Use scanFile in table2Format
# Apr 15 2008 Change in sas.list
# May 12 2008 Add remove.miss to readTable
# Add baseline option for readTable
# Jun 27 2008 Add function getColumns
# Jun 27 2008 Use the tempfile function for generating temporary
# file names
# Jun 28 2008 Do not extract snp names in loadData
# Jun 30 2008 Add code for streamed input
# Jul 02 2008 Add code for type 5 (.zip) files
# Jul 03 2008 Add code for type 6, 8
# Add getNrows function
# Jul 08 2008 Add changeLevels and subsetData options to readTable
# Unfactor all variables in the beginning of readTable
# Jul 09 2008 Remove baseline option from readTable and
# keep all factors
# Sep 17 2008 In loadData, check for outfile when it is needed.
# Sep 24 2008 In getNcols, add option to return the columns
# Mar 05 2009 Generalize getColumns function
# Apr 20 2009 Change getNrows function
# Jun 12 2009 Change default delimiter in loadData to "\t"
# Jun 15 2009 In loadData, method=2 file.type=3,6,8 change
# default returnMatrix to 1
# Jun 15 2009 For snpNames option in loadData, use the substring
# option in extractByStr
# Jul 20 2009 Fix bug in getNrows. Set delimiter to "\n".
# Aug 03 2009 Change in readTable: set in readTable
# Remove changeLevels option
# Aug 10 2009 Pass snp.list option snpNames.keep into extractByStr function
# Aug 19 2009 Add checkVars function
# Aug 27 2009 Set in readTable
# Oct 16 2009 Changes for set up:
# readTable
# Dec 24 2009 In readTable, call unfactor.all for file.type=1
# Dec 28 2009 Add function getFileType
# Use getFileType in loadData
# Dec 29 2009 Add getFileDelim function
# Jan 06 2010 Call getFileType in getFID
# Jan 19 2010 Add function loadData.table
# Mar 23 2010 Update getFileDelim
# Apr 08 2010 Add function to read data from IMPUTE2 file
# Apr 12 2010 Add option to load.impute2
# Jun 09 2010 Return imputed flag for each snp in load.impute2
# Jul 22 2010 Update getFileDelim for data passed in
# Oct 11 2010 Update getFileDelim
# Jan 04 2011 Add getFileHeader function
# Jul 08 2011 Modify load.impute2 for missing genotypes (0 0 0)
# Dec 22 2011 Allow for genetic.model = 4 (heterozygous) in load.impute2
# Jan 13 2012 Add function to read a compressed file for a C function
# Sep 06 2012 Add function read_tped to read a tped file
# Mar 29 2013 Return Prob(G=1) from impute2
# Jul 25 2013 Add extract.SNP functions
# Oct 04 2013 Allow for more than 1 id variable in readTable (temp$len <- NULL)
# Oct 09 2013 Add option checkVars in readTable
# Jan 31 2014 Add scan.file function
# Function to load and return the data object (or subset)
loadData <- function(infile, p) {
# infile The R object file containing the data. Only 1 object should
# be in the file. The load() function is used to read in
# the data.
# No default
# p A list with the folowing names:
# file.type 1-12 Type 1 is for a file created with the save()
# command. Type 2 is for other flat files that have row 1
# as subject ids and then the snps as rows.
# Type 3 is for tables where column 1 is the subject id
# and the remining columns are snps. See delimiter,
# transpose and method below.
# Type 4 is a sas data set. See sas.list below.
# No default
# start.row The starting row. The default value is 1
# stop.row The end row or -1 to return all the data from row
# start.row onwards.
# The default is -1
# include.row1 0 or 1 to include the first row of the data. The
# first row may be a header containing variable names.
# This option overrides start.row
# snpNames Character vector of the snp names to use. If NULL, then
# start.row and stop.row will be used.
# The default is NULL.
# snpNames.keep 0 or 1 to remove or keep the snps in snpNames
# The default is 1 (keep).
# read.n Integer This option is only used with file.type=3.
# It specifies the maximum number of lines to read in
# each iteration.
# The default value is -1, so that the entire table will
# be read in all at once.
# delimiter This option is only for file.type = 3.
# The default is "|".
# transpose 0 or 1 to transpose the data. Set to 1 for the snp data.
# This option is only for file.type = 3 and 4.
# The default is 0.
# method 1 or 2 This option is only for file.type = 3 and
# transpose = 0.
# 1: call readTable
# 2: call scanFile
# The default is 1.
# stream 0 or 1 for streamed input
# The default is 0
# outfile Name of the output (temporary) file if one needs it to
# be created with stream = 1.
# The default is NULL.
# id.var For type 3 and 4 only
# No default
# For file.type = 4
# temp.list
# sas.list Only for file.type = 4. A list with the following names:
# sas.exe
# sas.file
# shell
# subject.list Only for file.type = 9, 10.
# File containing subject ids
# Set defaults
p <- default.list(p, c("start.row", "stop.row",
"include.row1", "read.n", "delimiter", "transpose",
"stream", "snpNames.keep"),
list(1, -1, 1, -1, "\t", 0, 0, 1),
error=c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
type <- p[["file.type", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(type)) type <- getFileType(infile, default=-1)
if (type == -1) stop("ERROR in loadData: file.type must be specified")
p$file.type <- type
# Check for errors with start.row and stop.row
if ((!p$include.row1) && (p$start.row == 1)) p$start.row <- 2
# Check for errors
if (p$start.row < 1) stop("ERROR: with start.row")
if ((p$stop.row > 0) && (p$start.row > p$stop.row)) {
stop("ERROR: with start.row and/or stop.row")
type <- p$file.type
stream <- p$stream
outfile <- p[["outfile", exact=TRUE]]
p$outfile <- NULL
# Set default for some file type
temp <- p[["method", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(temp)) {
if (type %in% c(6, 8)) {
p$method <- 2
} else {
p$method <- 1
if ((type %in% c(3, 6, 8)) & (p$method == 2)) {
p <- default.list(p, c("returnMatrix", "what"), list(1, "character"))
# Load the data
if (type == 1) {
# R object file (variables are rows)
dat <- loadFile(infile, p)
} else if (type == 2) {
# Flat file (variables are rows)
# If stream, then return file id
if (stream) return(file(infile, "r"))
p$delimiter <- "\n"
dat <- scanFile(infile, p)
} else if (type == 3) {
# Flat file (variables are columns)
if (p$transpose) {
p$include.header <- p$include.row1
p$vars <- p[["snpNames", exact=TRUE]]
p$start.col <- p$start.row
p$stop.col <- p$stop.row
dat <- table2Format(infile, p)
} else {
if (p$method == 2) {
dat <- scanFile(infile, p)
} else {
dat <- readTable(infile, p)
} else if (type == 4) {
# SAS data set
p$vars <- p$snpNames
p$start.col <- p$start.row
p$stop.col <- p$stop.row
p$sas.list$id.var <- p$id.var
dat <- getSASData(infile, p, transpose=p$transpose)
} else if (type == 5) {
# Type 2 compressed zip file
dat <- readFile.zip2(infile, p)
if (stream) return(dat)
} else if (type == 7) {
# Type 2 compressed gz file
dat <- readFile.gz2(infile, p)
if (stream) return(dat)
} else if (type %in% c(6, 8)) {
# Type 3 compressed file
dat <- readFile.gzip3(infile, p)
if (stream) return(dat)
} else if (type %in% c(9, 10)) {
# Returned object is a list
return(load.impute2(infile, p))
} else if (type %in% c(11, 12)) {
# Returned object is a list
temp <- p[["subject.list", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(temp)) temp <- p[["pheno.list", exact=TRUE]]
return(read_tped(p, temp, op=p))
} else {
# GLU format
dat <- glu.transform(infile, inFormat=type)
# Extract snps
temp <- p[["snpNames", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(temp)) {
op <- list(include.row1=p$include.row1, substr.vec=c(1, 15),
keep=p$snpNames.keep, exact=1)
dat <- extractByStr(dat, temp, op=op)
# For streamed input
if (stream) {
if (is.null(outfile)) stop("ERROR: outfile must be specified")
writeLines(dat, con=outfile)
dat <- file(outfile, "r")
} # END: loadData
# Function to load an object from a file that was created with the
# save() function
loadFile <- function(infile, p) {
# infile Path to the file to load
# p A list of options with the names:
# name The name of the object in the file
# For now, the file should only contain 1 object
# The default value is "dat"
# start.row The default is 1
# stop.row The default is -1
# include.row1 The default is 1
p <- default.list(p, c("start.row", "stop.row", "include.row1",
"name", "stream"),
list(1, -1, 1, "dat", 0))
# Initialize
dat <- NULL
# Load the object
temp <- load(infile)
if (length(temp) > 1) stop("ERROR: infile contains more than 1 object")
# Rename the object
if (temp != p$name) {
dat <- eval(parse(text=temp))
eval(parse(text=paste("rm(", temp, ")", sep="")))
temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)
# Get the number of rows
n <- length(dat)
rows <- NULL
if ((p$stop.row < 0) || (p$stop.row > n)) p$stop.row <- n
if ((p$include.row1) && (p$start.row <= 2)) {
p$start.row <- 1
p$include.row1 <- 0
if ((p$stop.row < n) || (p$start.row > 1)) {
rows <- (p$start.row):(p$stop.row)
if (p$include.row1) rows <- c(1, rows)
temp <- length(rows)
if ((temp) && (temp != n)) dat <- dat[rows]
} # END: loadFile
# Function to read a data set using scan()
scanFile <- function(infile, p) {
# infile File to read. Infile can also be a connection.
# If it is a connection, then include.row1 gets set to
# 0 if start.row > 2 and start.row gets set to 1.
# No default
# p A list with the following names
# start.row Starting row to read.
# The default is 1.
# stop.row The stopping row to read.
# The default is -1, so that up to the end of the file
# will be read.
# include.row1 0 or 1 to include row1
# The default is 1.
# what Type of data to read
# The default is "character"
# delimiter The delimiter
# The default is "\n"
# returnMatrix 0 or 1 to return a matrix. If set to 1 and include.row1=1,
# then it is assumed that row 1 is a header and the column
# names will be assigned.
# The default is 0
# ncol If returnMatrix = 1 and infile is a connection, then
# ncol must be set to the number of columns in the returned
# matrix. ncol does not need to be specified otherwise.
# The default is NULL
p <- default.list(p, c("start.row", "stop.row", "what",
"include.row1", "delimiter", "returnMatrix"),
list(1, -1, "character", 1, "\n", 0),
error=c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
start.row <- floor(p$start.row)
stop.row <- floor(p$stop.row)
include.row1 <- p$include.row1
connFlag <- 0
if (stop.row > 0) {
if ((start.row < 0) || (start.row > stop.row)) start.row <- 1
if ((stop.row == 1) && (include.row1)) include.row1 <- 0
row1Flag <- 0
temp <- (p$what == "character")
if (!length(temp)) temp <- 0
if (temp) {
if (include.row1) {
row1Flag <- 1
if (start.row == 1) start.row <- 2
#if ((include.row1) && (start.row == 2)) start.row <- 1
#if ((include.row1) && (start.row > 1)) row1Flag <- 1
} else {
if ((include.row1) && (p$returnMatrix)) row1Flag <- 1
if ((include.row1) && (p$returnMatrix) && (start.row == 1)) start.row <- 2
# See if infile is a connection
if ("connection" %in% class(infile)) {
connFlag <- 1
if ((p$returnMatrix) && (is.null(p$ncol))) stop("ERROR: ncol must be set")
if (include.row1) {
if (start.row <= 2) {
row1Flag <- 1
start.row <- 1
} else {
row1Flag <- 0
include.row1 <- 0
skip <- start.row - 1
nlines <- stop.row - start.row + 1
if ((row1Flag) && (start.row == 1)) nlines <- nlines - 1
if (nlines == 0) nlines <- 1
} else {
skip <- start.row - 1
nlines <- stop.row - start.row + 1
# Get row1
if (row1Flag) {
row1 <- scan(file=infile, what="character", nlines=1,
sep=p$delimiter, quiet=TRUE)
} else {
row1 <- NULL
# Get the rest
dat <- scan(file=infile, what=p$what, skip=skip, quiet=TRUE,
nlines=nlines, sep=p$delimiter)
if (p$returnMatrix) {
# Get the number of columns
if (!is.null(p$nc)) {
nc <- p$nc
} else {
if (!include.row1) {
nc <- length(scan(file=infile, what=p$what, nlines=1,
sep=p$delimiter, quiet=TRUE))
} else {
nc <- length(row1)
# Convert to a matrix
dat <- matrix(data=dat, ncol=nc, byrow=TRUE)
# Assign column names
if (include.row1) colnames(dat) <- row1
} else {
if (!is.null(row1)) dat <- c(row1, dat)
} # END: scanFile
# Function to read in a table and convert data to the proper format
table2Format <- function(infile, p) {
# infile Path to the file. The file must have a header.
# infile can also be a data frame or matrix
# No default
# p A list with the following names:
# delimiter Delimiter in infile (infile is a file)
# The default is " "
# out.delimiter Delimiter to use in transposed data
# The default is "|"
# id.var Name or column number of the id variable
# No default
# include.header 0 or 1 to include the header as the first column
# in the transposed data.
# The default is 1.
# read.n Number of rows to read each iteration.
# The default is that all rows will be read.
# vars Vector of variable names or column numbers to read.
# If column numbers, then the vector must be numeric.
# The default is NULL
# start.col Starting column to read
# The default is 1
# stop.col Ending column to read.
# The default is -1.
# outfile Output file
# The default is NULL
# out.type 1 = compressed R object file (using save() function)
# 2 = flat file
# The default is 1.
# Local function
f2 <- function(col) {
paste(col, sep="", collapse=delimiter)
p <- default.list(p, c("id.var", "start.col", "stop.col", "read.n",
"include.header", "out.delimiter", "out.type", "delimiter"),
list("ERROR", 1, -1, -1, 1, "\t", 1, " "),
error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
# Initialize
include.header <- p$include.header
delimiter <- p$out.delimiter
start.col <- p$start.col
stop.col <- p$stop.col
vars <- p$vars
stop <- 0
index <- 1
ids <- NULL
rflag <- 0
readFlag <- 0
idFlag <- 0
fid <- NULL
tlist <- list()
if ((! && (!is.matrix(infile))) {
# Get the number of columns
temp <- getNcols(infile, p)
# Open a connection
fid <- file(infile, "r")
# Define a list for scanFile
tlist <- list(what="character", returnMatrix=1, delimiter=p$delimiter,
include.row1=1, start.row=1, stop.row=p$read.n,
while (!stop) {
if (!is.null(fid)) {
# Read in the data
infile <- scanFile(fid, tlist)
# Check for error
if (class(infile) == "try-error") {
if (readFlag) {
} else {
# Set read.n and continue
if (read.n < 1) {
read.n <- 1000
} else {
read.n <- ceiling(read.n/2)
} else {
if (!length(infile)) break
} # END: if (!is.null(fid))
readFlag <- 1
tlist$include.row1 <- 0
if (index == 1) {
nc <- ncol(infile)
cnames <- colnames(infile)
if (nc < 2) stop("ERROR: the table has too few columns")
# Get the name of the id variable
if (is.numeric(p$id.var)) {
if ((p$id.var < 1) || (p$id.var > nc)) stop("ERROR with id.var")
idname <- cnames[p$id.var]
} else {
idname <- p$id.var
p$id.var <- match(idname, cnames)
if ($id.var)) stop("ERROR: with id.var")
# Get the column numbers for the vars
if (!is.null(vars)) {
rflag <- 1
if (!is.numeric(vars)) {
vars <- match(vars, cnames)
# Remove NAs
vars <- vars[!]
if (!length(vars)) {
if (!is.null(fid)) close(fid)
} else {
if ((any(vars < 1)) || (any(vars > nc)))
stop("ERROR: column numbers are not correct")
# Set start row
start.col <- min(vars)
} else {
if (start.col < 1) start.col <- 1
if ((start.col == 2) && (include.header)) start.col <- 1
if (stop.col < 1) stop.col <- nc
if (stop.col > nc) stop.col <- nc
#if ((start.col==1) && (stop.col==1)) include.header <- 1
if ((stop.col < nc) || (start.col > 1)) {
rflag <- 1
vars <- start.col:stop.col
# See if the id variable is the only variable
if ((length(vars) == 1) && (vars == p$id.var)) include.header <- 1
} # END if (index == 1)
# Get the ids
ids <- c(ids, as.character(infile[, p$id.var]))
# Keep columns
if (rflag) {
infile <- removeOrKeepCols(infile, vars, which=1)
if (index == 1) {
cnames <- colnames(infile)
nc <- ncol(infile)
if (idname %in% cnames) {
idFlag <- 1
idPos <- match(idname, cnames)
} else {
idFlag <- 1
idPos <- p$id.var
# Remove the id column if it was not removed before
if (idFlag) {
infile <- removeOrKeepCols(infile, idPos, which=-1)
if (index == 1) {
cnames <- colnames(infile)
nc <- length(cnames)
# Get rows
temp <- try(apply(infile, 2, f2), silent=TRUE)
# Check for error
if (class(temp) == "try-error") {
# It failed, so loop over each column
temp <- character(nc)
for (i in 1:nc) temp[i] <- f2(infile[, i])
if (index == 1) {
data <- temp
} else {
data <- paste(data, temp, sep=delimiter)
if (is.null(fid)) stop <- 1
index <- index + 1
} # END: while (!stop)
# Close the file
if (!is.null(fid)) close(fid)
rm(infile, vars, tlist, fid)
temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)
# First row are the subject ids
if (include.header) {
data <- c(f2(ids), data)
cnames <- c(idname, cnames)
# Add the snp ids
data <- paste(cnames, data, sep=delimiter)
# Save data
temp <- getListName(p, "outfile")
if (!is.null(temp)) {
if (p$out.type == 1) {
save(data, file=temp)
} else {
writeLines(data, con=temp)
} # END: table2Format
# Function to return a text file from a sas data set.
# Missing values will be represented as -9. The delimiter will be "|".
getSASData <- function(, p, transpose=0) {
# The complete path to the SAS data set.
# No default
# p A list with the names "sas.list", "temp.list" and
# other names as in scanFile (for transpose = 1) or
# readTable (for transpose = 0)
# No default
# transpose 0 or 1 1 is for retrieving the snp data.
# 0 is for reading a sas table with the read.table()
# function.
# The default is 0.
# Check the lists
if (is.null(p$sas.list)) stop("ERROR: SAS options list is NULL")
p$sas.list <- default.list(p$sas.list,
c("sas.exe", "sas.file", "id.var", "shell"),
list("ERROR", "ERROR", "ERROR", "bash"),
error=c(1, 1, 1, 0))
p$sas.list$delimiter <- "|"
p$sas.list$temp.list <- check.temp.list(p$sas.list$temp.list)
# Initialize
dir <- p$sas.list$temp.list$dir
id <- p$sas.list$temp.list$id
delete <- p$sas.list$temp.list$delete
str <- paste("_sas", id, "_", sep="")
# Define the file names
p$sas.list$outfile <- getTempfile(dir, prefix=c(str, "out"), ext=".txt")
p$sas.list$temp.file <- getTempfile(dir, prefix=c(str, "tmp"), ext=".sas")
p$sas.list$temp.script <- getTempfile(dir, prefix=c(str, "bat"), ext=".bat")
p$sas.list$idFile <- getTempfile(dir, prefix=c(str, "ids"), ext=".txt")
p$sas.list$delete <- delete
if (transpose) {
# Create the text files
p$sas.list$out.miss <- -9
ret <- SAS2Format(, p)
# Read in the text file
p$what <- "character"
p$delimiter <- "\n"
p$returnMatrix <- 0
p$start.row <- 1
p$stop.row <- -1
p$snpNames <- NULL
dat <- scanFile(p$sas.list$outfile, p)
# Read in the file of subject ids
ids <- scanFile(p$sas.list$idFile, p)
ids <- paste(ids, sep="", collapse="|")
# Combine
dat <- c(ids, dat)
# Delete file
if (delete) file.remove(p$sas.list$idFile)
} else {
# Create the text file
ret <- exportSAS(, p$sas.list)
# Set the list
p$file.type <- 3
p$header <- 1
p$delimiter <- "|"
p$in.miss <- c(p$in.miss, "", " ", " ")
# Read the table
dat <- readTable(p$sas.list$outfile, p)
# Delete file
if (delete) file.remove(p$sas.list$outfile)
} # END: getSASData
# Function to export a SAS data set
exportSAS <- function(, p) {
# See SAS2Format for the options
p <- default.list(p,
c("sas.exe", "sas.file", "outfile", "temp.file", "delimiter",
"temp.script", "delete", "shell"),
list("ERROR", "ERROR", "outfile.txt", "", " ",
"temp.bat", 1, "bash"),
error=c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
# Check the existence of the sas data set
if (check.files( stop()
# Check the existence of the sas source file
if (check.files(p$sas.file)) stop()
# Get the path to the library
libname <- dirname(
# Get the name of the sas data set
temp <- strsplit(basename(, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
data <- temp[length(temp)-1]
# Open a connection to the temporary file
fid <- try(file(p$temp.file, "w"), silent=TRUE)
if (class(fid)[1] == "try-error") stop("ERROR: temp.file is invalid")
temp <- paste('libname _tmp4125 "', libname, '"; \n', sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
# % include file
temp <- paste('%include "', p$sas.file, '"; \n', sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
# Define macro variables
temp <- paste("%let data = _tmp4125.", data, "; \n", sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
temp <- paste('%let outfile = "', p$outfile, '"; \n', sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
temp <- paste('%let delimiter = "', p$delimiter, '"; \n', sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
# Define the macro call
temp <- "%export(data=&data, outfile=&outfile, \n"
cat(temp, file=fid)
temp <- "delimiter=&delimiter); \n"
cat(temp, file=fid)
# Close the file
# Create the batch file and call sas
ret <- createScript(p$temp.script, p$sas.exe, p$temp.file, shell=p$shell,
# Delete file
if (p$delete) file.remove(p$temp.file)
# Check the return code
if (ret) stop("ERROR: calling exportSAS")
} # END: exportSAS
# Function to transform a sas data set to a text file, where the columns
# of the sas data set will be the rows.
SAS2Format <- function(, p) {
# The complete path to the SAS data set
# No default
# p A list with the following names
# start.col
# stop.col
# vars
# sas.list A list with the following names
# sas.exe The complete path to the executable file to
# start SAS. If there is a command (eg sas) to start
# SAS from any directory, then use the command instead.
# No default
# sas.file The file containing the SAS macros needed to
# convert the SAS data set.
# No default
# outfile The output file that will contain the data in
# the new format.
# The default is "outfile.txt"
# temp.file The temporary file that will contain SAS commands
# to run the SAS macro %table2Format.
# The default is ""
# id.var The id variable on the SAS data set
# The default is NULL
# delimiter The delimiter to be used in the outfile.
# The default is "|".
# temp.script The temporary script file that will call SAS.
# The default is "temp.bat"
# delete 0 or 1 to delete the temporary files temp.file and
# temp.script.
# The default is 1.
# shell The default is "bash"
# out.miss The numeric value to denote missing values.
# Use "." for a regular SAS missing value
# The default is -9999
# idFile Output file containing the SNP ids.
# The default is "id.txt"
p$sas.list <- default.list(p$sas.list,
c("sas.exe", "sas.file", "outfile", "temp.file", "delimiter",
"temp.script", "delete", "shell", "out.miss", "idFile"),
list("ERROR", "ERROR", "outfile.txt", "", "|",
"temp.bat", 1, "bash", -9999, "id.txt"),
error=c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
p <- default.list(p, c("start.col", "stop.col"), list(1, -1))
s <- p$sas.list
# Check the existence of the sas data set
if (check.files( stop()
# Check the existence of the sas source file
if (check.files(s$sas.file)) stop()
# Convert vars to a string
if (!is.null(p$vars)) p$vars <- paste(p$vars, collapse=" ")
# Get the path to the library
libname <- dirname(
# Get the name of the sas data set
temp <- strsplit(basename(, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
data <- temp[length(temp)-1]
# Open a connection to the temporary file
fid <- try(file(s$temp.file, "w"), silent=TRUE)
if (class(fid)[1] == "try-error") stop("ERROR: temp.file is invalid")
temp <- paste('libname _tmp4125 "', libname, '"; \n', sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
# % include file
temp <- paste('%include "', s$sas.file, '"; \n', sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
# Define macro variables
temp <- paste("%let data = _tmp4125.", data, "; \n", sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
temp <- paste('%let outfile = "', s$outfile, '"; \n', sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
temp <- paste("%let outMiss = ", as.numeric(s$out.miss), "; \n", sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
temp <- paste("%let idVar = ", s$id.var, "; \n", sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
temp <- paste('%let delimiter = "', s$delimiter, '"; \n', sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
temp <- paste("%let startCol = ", p$start.col, "; \n", sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
temp <- paste("%let stopCol = ", p$stop.col, "; \n", sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
temp <- paste("%let vars = ", p$vars, "; \n", sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
temp <- paste('%let idFile = "', s$idFile, '"; \n', sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
# Define the macro call
temp <- "%table2Format(data=&data, idVar=&idVar, outfile=&outfile, \n"
cat(temp, file=fid)
temp <- "outMiss=&outMiss, delimiter=&delimiter, idFile=&idFile,\n"
cat(temp, file=fid)
temp <- "startCol=&startCol, stopCol=&stopCol, vars=&vars); \n"
cat(temp, file=fid)
# Close the file
# Create the batch file and call sas
ret <- createScript(s$temp.script, s$sas.exe, s$temp.file, shell=s$shell,
# Delete file
if (s$delete) file.remove(s$temp.file)
# Check the return code
if (ret) stop("ERROR: calling SAS2Format")
} # END: SAS2Format
# Function to create and execute a script file
createScript <- function(script.file, exe, run.file, shell="bash",
delete=1) {
# script.file The batch file to create.
# No default
# exe The executable file
# No default
# run.file The file that the executable program will run
# No default
# shell Shell to use (UNIX)
# The default is "bash"
# delete 0 or 1 to delete script.file
# The default is 1
# Open the script file
fid <- try(file(script.file, "w"), silent=TRUE)
if (class(fid)[1] == "try-error") stop("ERROR: script file is invalid")
# Get the path seperator
sep <- .Platform$file.sep
# Get the directory names of the executable program
dirs <- strsplit(dirname(exe), sep, fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
file <- basename(exe)
# Determine the platform
os <- .Platform$OS.type
winFlag <- (os == "windows")
if (winFlag) {
temp <- paste(dirs[1], " \n", sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
cat("cd \\ \n", file=fid)
dirs <- dirs[-1]
for (dir in dirs) {
temp <- paste("cd ", dir, " \n", sep="")
cat(temp, file=fid)
# Define the command to call sas
temp <- paste(file, ' "', run.file, '"', sep='')
cat(temp, file=fid)
# Close the file
# Call the script file
if (winFlag) {
ret <- shell(script.file)
} else {
ret <- system(paste(shell, script.file, sep=" "))
# Delete the file
if (delete) file.remove(script.file)
# Check the return code
if (ret > 1) stop("ERROR: with system call")
} # END: createScript
# Function to read in a table (data frame)
readTable <- function(file, p) {
# file Data file.
# No default.
# p is a list with the folowing fields:
# file.type 1 or 3 1 is for an R object file created with the
# save() function. 3 is for a table that will be read in
# with read.table()
# The default is 3
# header 0 or 1 . Set to 0 if the file does not contain a header.
# The default is 1.
# delimiter The delimiter used in the file.
# The default is "".
# id.var Name or column number of the id variable.
# Use NULL if there is no id variable.
# No default.
# keep.vars Vector of variable names or column numbers to keep.
# The default is NULL, so that all variables will be kept.
# remove.vars Vector of variable names or column numbers to remove.
# The default is NULL, so that all variables will be kept.
# Both use.vars and remove.vars cannot be specified.
# factor.vars Vector of variable names or column numbers to convert
# into factors.
# The default is NULL.
# make.dummy 0 or 1 to create dummy variables for the factor variables.
# The default is 0.
# keep.ids Vector of ids or row numbers to keep.
# The default is NULL.
# remove.ids Vector of ids or row numbers to remove.
# Both keep.ids and remove.ids cannot be specified
# The default is NULL.
# in.miss Character vector of strings to define missing values
# in read.table (na.strings)
# The default is "NA"
# remove.miss 0 or 1 to remove rows with missing values.
# Rows are removed after keep.vars or remove.vars has
# been applied.
# The default is 0.
# subsetData List of sublists. Each sublist must contain the names
# "var", "operator", and "value".
# See the function subsetData.list in the file wga_util.R
# Ex: list(list(var="GENDER", operator"==", value="MALE"))
# The default is NULL
# checkVars 0 or 1 to check that variable names exist
# The default is 1
# Set defaults
p <- default.list(p,
c("header", "file.type", "delimiter", "make.dummy", "in.miss",
"remove.miss", "", "checkVars"),
list(1, 3, "", 0, "NA", 0, 0, 1))
# Check for errors
if ((!is.null(p$keep.vars)) && (!is.null(p$remove.vars))) {
stop("ERROR: keep.vars and remove.vars cannot both be specified.")
if ((!is.null(p$keep.ids)) && (!is.null(p$remove.ids))) {
stop("ERROR: keep.ids and remove.ids cannot both be specified.")
stopOnError <- p$checkVars
# Read in the data
if (p$ {
x <- p$data
p$data <- NULL
} else if (p$file.type == 1) {
x <- loadFile(file)
} else {
x <- read.table(file, header=p$header, sep=p$delimiter,
# See if there is an id variable
idFlag <- 1 - is.null(p$id.var)
# Check the variables
nc <- ncol(x)
cnames <- colnames(x)
temp <- list(maxValue=nc, minValue=1, checkList=cnames)
if (p$checkVars) {
check.vec(p$keep.vars, "keep.vars", temp)
check.vec(p$remove.vars, "remove.vars", temp)
check.vec(p$factor.vars, "factor.vars", temp)
temp$len <- NULL
if (idFlag) check.vec(p$id.var, "id.var", temp)
# Get the rows to keep
if ((!is.null(p$remove.ids)) || (!is.null(p$keep.ids))) {
if (!is.null(p$remove.ids)) {
temp.ids <- p$remove.ids
flag <- -1
} else {
temp.ids <- p$keep.ids
flag <- 1
temp.ids <- as.character(unique(temp.ids))
nrows <- nrow(x)
if (idFlag) {
id <- as.character(x[, p$id.var])
} else {
id <- as.character(1:nrows)
temp <- id %in% temp.ids
temp[] <- FALSE
x <- removeOrKeepRows(x, temp, which=flag)
# Subset data by variables
sub <- p[["subsetData", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(sub)) {
# Get var names and unfactor
for (i in 1:length(sub)) {
tlist <- sub[[i]]
temp <- tlist[["var", exact=TRUE]]
x[, temp] <- unfactor(x[, temp], fun=NULL)
x <- subsetData.list(x, sub)
# Remove variables
temp <- p[["remove.vars", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(temp)) {
temp <- unique(temp)
x <- removeOrKeepCols(x, temp, which=-1, stopOnError=stopOnError)
# Keep variables
temp <- p[["keep.vars", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(temp)) {
temp <- unique(temp)
x <- removeOrKeepCols(x, temp, which=1, stopOnError=stopOnError)
# Un-factor all factors
if (p$file.type == 1) x <- unfactor.all(x)
# Factor variables
if (!is.null(p$factor.vars)) {
factorFlag <- 1
p$factor.vars <- unique(p$factor.vars)
for (var in p$factor.vars) x[, var] <- factor(x[, var])
if ((p$make.dummy) && (is.numeric(p$factor.vars))) {
# If factor.vars is numeric, then get the variable names
factor.char <- cnames[p$factor.vars]
} else {
factor.char <- p$factor.vars
} else {
factorFlag <- 0
# Remove missing values
if (p$remove.miss) x <- removeMiss(x)
# Create dummy variables
if ((p$make.dummy) && (factorFlag)) {
n <- length(factor.char)
b <- rep("x_!!_@#^&#*", times=n)
d <- rep(1, times=n)
x <- createDummy(x, vars=factor.char, baseline=b, keep.factor=d)$data
} # END: readTable
# Function to get the number of columns in a file or data object
getNcols <- function(infile, p) {
p <- default.list(p, c("delimiter", "return.cols"), list("\t", 0))
# See if infile is a data frame or matrix
temp <- dim(infile)
if (!is.null(temp)) return(temp[2])
p$open <- "r"
fid <- getFID(infile, p)
temp <- scan(file=fid, what="character", sep=p$delimiter,
nlines=1, quiet=TRUE)
if (p$return.cols) {
} else {
} # END: getNcols
# Function to read in a file and return certain columns
getColumns <- function(file.list, vars, temp.list=NULL, op=NULL) {
# file.list (See file.list.wordpad)
# vars Vector of variable names or column numbers
# op List with names
# return.type 0, 1, 2 0=list, 1=matrix, 2=data frame
# Returns a list with each element is a name form vars,
# or if vars is numeric the position in the list.
file.list <- default.list(file.list,
c("file", "file.type", "delimiter", "header"),
list("ERROR", 3, "\t", 1), error=c(1, 0, 0, 0))
op <- default.list(op, c("return.type"), list(0))
type <- getListName(file.list, "file.type")
file <- getListName(file.list, "file")
vars <- unique(vars)
if (type == 1) {
data <- loadFile(file)
} else if (type == 3) {
file.list$include.row1 <- file.list$header
file.list$what <- "character"
file.list$returnMatrix <- 1
data <- scanFile(file, file.list)
} else if (type == 4) {
temp.list <- check.temp.list(temp.list)
file.list$sas.list$delimiter <- "|"
file.list$sas.list$temp.list <- temp.list
# Define an id variable to prevent an error
file.list$sas.list$id.var <- "id"
data <- getSASData(file, file.list, transpose=0)
} else if (type %in% c(6, 8)) {
file.list$method <- 2
file.list$include.row1 <- file.list$header
file.list$what <- "character"
file.list$returnMatrix <- 1
data <- readFile.gzip3(file, file.list)
# Check for errors
oplist <- list(checkList=colnames(data), minValue=1, maxValue=ncol(data))
check.vec(vars, "vars", oplist)
return.type <- op$return.type
if (return.type == 0) {
ret <- list()
for (var in vars) ret[[var]] <- as.vector(data[, var])
} else {
ret <- removeOrKeepCols(data, vars, which=1)
if (return.type == 1) {
ret <- as.matrix(ret)
} else {
ret <- data.frame(ret)
} # END: getColumns
# Function for type 2 zip files
readFile.zip2 <- function(infile, p) {
p <- default.list(p, c("zipFile", "start.row", "stop.row", "stream"),
list("ERROR", 1, -1, 0), error=c(1, 0, 0, 0))
fid <- unz(infile, p$zipFile, open="r")
if (p$stream) {
} else {
return(readFile.type2(fid, p))
} # END: readFile.zip2
# Function for type 2 zip files
readFile.gz2 <- function(infile, p) {
p <- default.list(p, c("start.row", "stop.row", "stream"),
list(1, -1, 0), error=c(0, 0, 0))
fid <- gzfile(infile, open="r")
if (p$stream) {
} else {
return(readFile.type2(fid, p))
} # END: readFile.gz2
# Function for readFile.zip2 and readFile.gz2
readFile.type2 <- function(fid, p) {
# Read row 1
row1 <- scan(file=fid, what="character", nlines=1, sep="\n", quiet=TRUE)
# Update start.row and stop.row
p$start.row <- max(p$start.row - 1, 1)
if (p$stop.row > 0) p$stop.row <- max(p$stop.row - 1, 1)
p$what <- "character"
p$delimiter <- "\n"
p$include.row1 <- 0
p$returnMatrix <- 0
dat <- scanFile(fid, p)
dat <- c(row1, dat)
} # END: readFile.type2
# Function for opening a file
getFID <- function(infile, p) {
p <- default.list(p, c("open"), list("r"))
if (is.null(p[["file.type", exact=TRUE]])) p$file.type <- getFileType(infile)
type <- p$file.type
if (type %in% c(2, 3, 9, 11)) {
fid <- file(infile, open=p$open)
} else if (type %in% c(5, 6)) {
fid <- unz(infile, p$zipFile, open=p$open)
} else if (type %in% c(7, 8, 10, 12)) {
fid <- gzfile(infile, open=p$open)
} # END: getFID
# Function for type 3 zip or gz files
readFile.gzip3 <- function(infile, p) {
p <- default.list(p, c("file.type", "method", "delimiter"),
list("ERROR", 1, "\t"), error=c(1, 0, 0),
checkList=list(c(6, 8), 1:2, NA))
# Call scanFile or readTable
# NOTE: read.table automatically closes the connection
if (p$method == 2) {
# Set up list for scanFile
p$open <- "r"
p$returnMatrix <- 1
p$ncol <- getNcols(infile, p)
fid <- getFID(infile, p)
dat <- scanFile(fid, p)
} else {
p$open <- ""
fid <- getFID(infile, p)
dat <- readTable(fid, p)
} # END: readFile.gzip3
# Function to get the number of rows in a data set
getNrows <- function(infile, file.type=3, delimiter="\n") {
fid <- getFID(infile, list(file.type=file.type, open="r"))
i <- 0
while (1) {
temp <- scan(fid, what="character", sep="\n", nlines=1,
n=1, quiet=TRUE)
if (!length(temp)) break
i <- i + 1
} # END: getNrows
# Function to check variables in a data set
checkVars <- function(flist, vars) {
flist <- default.list(flist, c("file", "file.type", "delimiter", "header"),
list("ERROR", 3, "\t", 1), error=c(1, 0, 0, 0))
flist$return.cols <- 1
f <- flist$file
cols <- getNcols(f, flist)
if (is.numeric(vars)) {
op <- list(minValue=1, maxValue=length(cols))
} else {
op <- list(checkList=cols)
ret <- check.vec(vars, paste("Variables for ", f, sep=""), op)
if (ret) stop("ERROR in checkVars")
} # END: checkVars
# Function to return the file type
getFileType <- function(f, default=3) {
ret <- default
vec <- tolower(getVecFromStr(f, delimiter="."))
n <- length(vec)
ext1 <- ""
if (n) {
ext0 <- vec[n]
if (n > 1) ext1 <- vec[n-1]
if (ext0 == "gz") {
if (ext1 %in% c("txt", "xls", "csv", "dat", "data", "sdat", "def")) {
ret <- 8
} else if (ext1 %in% c("ldat")) {
ret <- 7
} else if (ext1 %in% c("tped")) {
ret <- 12
} else if (ext0 %in% c("txt", "xls", "csv", "dat", "data", "sdat", "def")) {
ret <- 3
} else if (ext0 %in% c("rda")) {
ret <- 1
} else if (ext0 %in% c("ldat")) {
ret <- 2
} else if (ext0 %in% c("zip")) {
if (ext1 %in% c("txt")) {
ret <- 6
} else if (ext1 %in% c("ldat")) {
ret <- 5
} else if (ext0 %in% c("lbat", "sbat")) {
ret <- ext0
} else if (ext0 %in% c("tped")) {
ret <- 11
} # END: getFileType
# Function for guessing what the delimiter in a file is
getFileDelim <- function(f, type=NULL, default="\t") {
delim <- default
if (length(f) == 1) {
if (is.null(type)) type <- getFileType(f)
if (type %in% c("lbat", "sbat")) return(delim)
fid <- getFID(f, list(file.type=type))
x <- scan(fid, what="character", nlines=2, sep="\n")
if (length(x) < 2) return(delim)
} else {
# Assume f is the data
x <- f
x1 <- getVecFromStr(x[1], delimiter="")
x1 <- sort(table(x1, exclude=NULL), decreasing=TRUE)
x2 <- getVecFromStr(x[2], delimiter="")
x2 <- sort(table(x2, exclude=NULL), decreasing=TRUE)
n1 <- names(x1)
n2 <- names(x2)
temp <- (n1 %in% n2) & (x1 %in% x2)
if (!any(temp)) return("\n")
x1 <- x1[temp]
n1 <- n1[temp]
temp <- (n2 %in% n1) & (x2 %in% x1)
if (!any(temp)) return("\n")
x2 <- x2[temp]
n2 <- n2[temp]
check <- c("\t", " ", "\n", "|", ",")
len1 <- length(n1)
for (j in 1:len1) {
temp <- n1[j]
if ((temp %in% check) && (x1[j] == x2[temp])) {
delim <- temp
if (!(delim %in% check)) delim <- "\n"
} # END: getFileDelim
# Function to load a table
loadData.table <- function(flist) {
if (!is.list(flist)) {
if (!is.character(flist)) stop("ERROR in loadData.table: incorrect type of input argument")
temp <- flist
flist <- list(file=temp)
flist <- check.file.list(flist)
flag <- 0
type <- flist$file.type
if (type == 1) {
# Load the object
temp <- load(flist$file)
name <- flist[["name", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(name)) name <- "data"
if ((length(temp) > 1) || (name != "data")) {
# Rename the object
data <- eval(parse(text=name))
eval(parse(text=paste("rm(", temp, ")", sep="")))
temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)
} else if (type == 3) {
method <- flist[["method", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(method)) method <- 1
if (method == 2) {
flist$returnMatrix <- 1
data <- scanFile(flist$file, flist)
} else {
data <- readTable(flist$file, flist)
flag <- 1
} else if (type == 4) {
# SAS data set
flist$sas.list$id.var <- flist$id.var
data <- getSASData(flist$file, flist, transpose=0)
} else if (type %in% c(6, 8)) {
# Type 3 compressed file
method <- flist[["method", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(method)) flist$method <- 2
data <- readFile.gzip3(flist$file, flist)
} else {
stop("ERROR in loadData.table: file.type must be 1, 3, 4, 6, or 8")
# Apply other arguments
if (!flag) {
flist$ <- 1
flist$data <- data
data <- readTable(flist$file, flist)
} # END: loadData.table
# Function to load data from impute2 output
load.impute2 <- function(infile, op) {
# op List of options
# genetic.model 0 = Return expected value
# 1 = Dominant
# 2 = Recessive
# 3 = Return all probs delimited by "|"
# The default is 0
# subject.list List of subject ids
# Imputed snps have "---" as first column
gmodel <- function(v1, v2, v3) {
if (retType == 0) {
ret <- v2 + 2*v3
} else if (retType == 1) {
ret <- v2 + v3
} else if (retType == 2) {
ret <- v3
} else if (retType == 3) {
ret <- paste(v1, v2, v3, collapse="\t", sep="|")
} else if (retType == 4) {
ret <- v2
} # END: gmodel
op <- default.list(op, c("genetic.model", "stop.row", "file.type", "ProbG1"),
list(0, -1, 10, 1))
# Adjust options
op$delimiter <- "\n"
if (op$stop.row > 1) op$stop.row <- op$stop.row - 1
if (op$file.type == 9) {
x <- scanFile(infile, op)
} else {
x <- readFile.gz2(infile, op)
ProbG1.flag <- op$ProbG1
ProbG1 <- NULL
# Get the subject ids
subs <- getIdsFromFile(op$subject.list, id.vec=NULL)
nsubs <- length(subs)
subs <- paste(subs, collapse="\t", sep="")
subs <- paste("ldat\t", subs, sep="")
nperLine <- 3*nsubs + 5
s1 <- seq(from=1, to=nperLine-5, by=3)
s2 <- seq(from=2, to=nperLine-5, by=3)
s3 <- seq(from=3, to=nperLine-5, by=3)
rem <- 1:5
x <- c(subs, x)
nx <- length(x)
snpNames <- character(nx-1)
alleles <- character(nx-1) # First should be major
MAF <- numeric(nx-1)
imputed <-, times=nx-1)
retType <- op$genetic.model
if (ProbG1.flag) ProbG1 <- x[-1]
for (i in 1:(nx-1)) {
vec <- getVecFromStr(x[i+1], delimiter=" ")
if (length(vec) != nperLine) {
temp <- paste("ERROR in load.impute2: with line ", i+1, sep="")
if (vec[1] != "---") imputed[i] <- 0
snpNames[i] <- vec[2]
a1 <- vec[4]
a2 <- vec[5]
vec <- as.numeric(vec[-rem])
svec1 <- vec[s1]
svec2 <- vec[s2]
svec3 <- vec[s3]
# Check for missing values
temp <- svec1 + svec2 + svec3 == 0
temp[] <- TRUE
if (any(temp)) {
svec1[temp] <- NA
svec2[temp] <- NA
svec3[temp] <- NA
sum1 <- sum(svec1, na.rm=TRUE)
sum2 <- sum(svec2, na.rm=TRUE)
sum3 <- sum(svec3, na.rm=TRUE)
if (sum1 >= sum3) {
alleles[i] <- paste(a1, a2, sep="")
MAF[i] <- (sum2 + 2*sum3)/(2*(sum1 + sum2 + sum3))
value <- gmodel(svec1, svec2, svec3)
} else {
alleles[i] <- paste(a2, a1, sep="")
MAF[i] <- (sum2 + 2*sum1)/(2*(sum1 + sum2 + sum3))
value <- gmodel(svec3, svec2, svec1)
temp <- paste(value, collapse="\t", sep="")
x[i+1] <- paste(snpNames[i], "\t", temp, sep="")
if (ProbG1.flag) ProbG1[i] <- paste(svec2, collapse="\t", sep="")
rm(s1, s2, s3, svec2, svec3)
temp <- gc()
vec <- op[["snpNames", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(vec)) {
temp <- snpNames %in% vec
if (any(temp)) {
x <- x[c(TRUE, temp)]
snpNames <- snpNames[temp]
alleles <- alleles[temp]
MAF <- MAF[temp]
if (ProbG1.flag) ProbG1 <- ProbG1[temp]
} else {
temp <- paste("NOTE: No SNPs found in file ", infile, sep="")
list(snpData=x, alleles=alleles, MAF=MAF, snpNames=snpNames, imputed=imputed,
} # END: load.impute2
# Function to determine if a file has a header
getFileHeader <- function(flist) {
ret <- 1
flist$return.cols <- 1
cols <- getNcols(flist$file, flist)
numcols <- as.numeric(cols)
temp <- !
if (any(temp)) ret <- 0
} # END: getFileHeader
# Function to read a compressed file for a C function
# For this function, there must be a global variable GLOBAL_GZ_FPT declared
read_C_GZ_file <- function(filename) {
if (exists("GLOBAL_GZ_FPT")) {
#if (is.null(GLOBAL_GZ_FPT)) {
# GLOBAL_GZ_FPT <<- gzfile(filename, open="r")
# ret <- scan(GLOBAL_GZ_FPT, nlines=1, what="character", sep="\n")
} else {
stop("GLOBAL_GZ_FPT must be declared as a global variable")
#ret <- scan(GLOBAL_GZ_FPT, nlines=1, what="character", sep="\n")
} # END: read_C_GZ_file
# Function to read a tped file and convert to compressed ldat format
read_tped <- function(snp.list, pheno.list, op=NULL) {
snp.list$header <- 0
snp.list$file.type <- 11
if (is.null(snp.list[["in.miss", exact=TRUE]])) snp.list$in.miss <- "0"
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
phenoFlag <- !is.null(pheno.list)
if (phenoFlag) {
pheno.list <- check.file.list(pheno.list)
id <- pheno.list[["id.var", exact=TRUE]]
if ((!is.null(id)) && (id == -1)) {
ids <- removeWhiteSpace(scan(pheno.list$file, what="character"))
} else {
x <- loadData.table(pheno.list)
ids <- makeVector(x[, pheno.list$id.var])
op <- default.list(op, c("returnVector"), list(1))
p <- snp.list
p$include.row1 <- 0
p$delimiter <- snp.list$delimiter
p$returnMatrix <- 1
x <- scanFile(snp.list$file, p)
# Col1 is chr, Col2 is snp name, Col3 is 0, Col4 is loc
chr <- makeVector(x[, 1])
snp <- makeVector(x[, 2])
loc <- as.numeric(makeVector(x[, 4]))
x <- removeOrKeepCols(x, c(1, 2, 3, 4), which=-1)
if (!is.null(snp.list[["snpNames", exact=TRUE]])) {
temp <- snp %in% snp.list$snpNames
chr <- chr[temp]
snp <- snp[temp]
loc <- loc[temp]
x <- removeOrKeepRows(x, temp)
if (!length(snp)) stop("ERROR: No SNPs included")
nr <- nrow(x)
nc <- ncol(x)
nsubs <- floor(nc/2)
if (nc != nsubs*2) stop("ERROR: Incorrect number of columns in TPED file")
if (phenoFlag) {
if (nsubs != length(ids)) stop("ERROR: Incorrect number of columns in TPED file or rows in pheno.list$file")
if (!phenoFlag) ids <- paste("sub", 1:nsubs, sep="")
x1 <- x[, seq(from=1, to=nc, by=2)]
x2 <- x[, seq(from=2, to=nc, by=2)]
miss <- (x1 %in% snp.list$in.miss) | (x2 %in% snp.list$in.miss)
temp <- x1 > x2
x <- matrix(data=paste(x1, x2, sep=""), ncol=nsubs, nrow=nr, byrow=FALSE)
if (any(temp)) x[temp] <- paste(x2[temp], x1[temp], sep="")
rm(x1, x2, temp)
x[miss] <- " "
sep <- snp.list$out.delimiter
if (sep == " ") {
sep <- "\t"
snp.list$out.delimiter <- sep
if (op$returnVector) {
data <- character(nr)
for (i in 1:nr) data[i] <- paste(x[i, ], collapse=sep, sep="")
data <- paste(snp, data, sep="\t")
data <- c(paste(c("ldat", ids), collapse=sep, sep=""), data)
x <- data
} else {
colnames(x) <- ids
ret <- list(snpData=x, snp=snp, chr=chr, loc=loc, snp.list=snp.list)
} # END: read_tped
# Function to extract SNPs from a character vector
extract.SNP.vec <- function(x, rows, op=NULL) {
op <- default.list(op,
c("substr.start", "substr.stop", "format", "delimiter", "method"),
list(1, 30, "impute", " ", 1))
ret <- NULL
numFlag <- is.numeric(rows)
rows <- unique(rows)
lenx <- length(x)
format <- op$format
if (format %in% c("impute", "tped")) {
snp.col <- 2
} else {
snp.col <- 1
method <- op$method
sep <- op$delimiter
if (numFlag) {
temp <- (rows <= lenx) & (rows > 0)
rows <- rows[temp]
if (!length(rows)) return(list(data=NULL, snps=NULL))
ret <- x[rows] # Order is preserved
} else {
# Check for SNP names
y <- extract.SNPinfo.vec(x, format, op=op)$snp
temp <- y %in% rows
ret <- x[temp]
rows <- y[temp] # Order is preserved
if (!length(ret)) ret <- NULL
if (!length(rows)) rows <- NULL
list(data=ret, rows=rows)
} # END: extract.SNP.vec
# Function to extract SNPs from a file
extract.SNP.file <- function(snp.list, rows.list, op=NULL) {
# snp.list
# rows.list A character/numeric vector of snp names/row numbers or
# a list of type file.list
# op List with names read.n, substr.end
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
op <- default.list(op, c("read.n"),
format <- "impute"
type <- snp.list$file.type
if (type %in% c(2, 7)) format <- "ldat"
if (type %in% c(11, 12)) format <- "tped"
op$format <- format
op$delimiter <- snp.list$delimiter
if (is.list(rows.list)) {
rows <- getIdsFromFile(rows.list)
} else {
rows <- as.vector(rows.list)
outfile <- op[["out.file", exact=TRUE]]
outFlag <- !is.null(outfile)
rows <- unique(rows)
numFlag <- is.numeric(rows)
nrows <- length(rows)
ff <- snp.list$file
read.n <- op$read.n
maxRow <- rows[nrows]
if (!numFlag) {
maxRow <- -1
} else {
rows <- sort(rows)
ret <- list(data=NULL, rows=NULL)
# Special case
if ((nrows == 1) & (numFlag)) {
ret$data <- scan(ff, what="character", sep="\n", quiet=TRUE, nlines=1, skip=rows-1)
ret$rows <- rows
} else {
op$snp.col <- snp.list$snp.col
op$delimiter <- snp.list$delimiter
if (read.n <= 0) {
x <- scan(ff, what="character", sep="\n", quiet=TRUE, nlines=maxRow)
ret <- extract.SNP.vec(x, rows, op=op)
} else {
# Read in a portion of the file. Watch out for numeric rows!!!!
ret$data <- NULL <- 0
# Open the file
fid <- getFID(ff, snp.list)
while (1) {
temp <- scan(fid, what="character", sep="\n", quiet=TRUE, nlines=read.n)
ndat <- length(temp)
if (!ndat) break
temp <- extract.SNP.vec(temp, rows, op=op)
if (length(temp$data)) {
ret$data <- c(ret$data, temp$data)
# Take into account changing row numbers
if (numFlag) {
ret$rows <- c(ret$rows, temp$rows +
} else {
ret$rows <- c(ret$rows, temp$rows)
# Update rows
if (numFlag) {
rows <- rows - ndat
rows <- rows[rows > 0]
} else {
temp <- !(rows %in% ret$rows)
rows <- rows[temp]
if (!length(rows)) break <- + ndat
if (!length(ret$data)) ret$data <- NULL
if (!length(ret$rows)) ret$rows <- NULL
if ((!is.null(ret$data)) && (outFlag)) write(ret$data, file=outfile, ncolumns=1)
} # END: extract.SNP.file
# Function to extract snp info from a char vector
extract.SNPinfo.vec <- function(x, format, op=NULL) {
format <- tolower(format)
if (!(format %in% c("impute", "ldat", "tped"))) stop("ERROR: invalid format")
op <- default.list(op, c("method", "substr.end", "stop.on.error"), list(1, -1, 0))
substr.end <- op$substr.end
if (substr.end < 1) {
substr.end <- max(nchar(x))
# format impute, tped, ldat
impute.col <- 0
snp.col <- 0
loc.col <- 0
a1.col <- 0
a2.col <- 0
chr.col <- 0
impute <- NULL
snp <- NULL
loc <- NULL
a1 <- NULL
a2 <- NULL
chr <- NULL
# The "-" must be first or last in each class []
if (format == "impute") {
pattern <- "^[-0-9A-Za-z:_;]+ [-0-9A-Za-z:_;]+ [0-9]+ [-0-9A-Za-z]+ [-0-9A-Za-z]+"
sep <- " "
impute.col <- 1
snp.col <- 2
loc.col <- 3
a1.col <- 4
a2.col <- 5
NCOL <- 5
} else if (format == "ldat") {
pattern <- "^[-0-9A-Za-z:_]+"
sep <- "\t"
snp.col <- 1
NCOL <- 1
} else if (format == "tped") {
pattern <- "^[0-9A-Za-z]+ [-0-9A-Za-z:_]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]+"
sep <- " "
chr.col <- 1
snp.col <- 2
loc.col <- 4
NCOL <- 4
str <- substr(x, 1, substr.end)
n0 <- length(x)
if (op$method == 1) {
tmp <- gregexpr(pattern, str, perl=TRUE)
str <- unlist(regmatches(str, tmp))
n1 <- length(str)
if (n1 != n0) {
str <- substr(x, 1, substr.end)
tmp <- grep(pattern, str, perl=TRUE)
temp <- !((1:n0) %in% tmp)
str2 <- str[temp]
print(substr(str2, 1, 100))
print(paste("n0 = ", n0, ", n1 = ", n1, sep=""))
print("ERROR in extract.SNPinfo.vec: with vector lengths")
if (op$stop.on.error) stop("ERROR in extract.SNPinfo.vec: with vector lengths")
tmp <- length(getVecFromStr(str[1], delimiter=sep))
mat <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(str, sep, fixed=TRUE)), byrow=TRUE, ncol=tmp)
} else {
mat <- matrix(data="", nrow=n0, ncol=NCOL)
for (i in 1:n0) mat[i, ] <- getVecFromStr(str[i], delimiter=sep)[1:NCOL]
if (impute.col) impute <- makeVector(mat[, impute.col])
if (snp.col) snp <- makeVector(mat[, snp.col])
if (loc.col) loc <- makeVector(mat[, loc.col])
if (a1.col) a1 <- makeVector(mat[, a1.col])
if (a2.col) a2 <- makeVector(mat[, a2.col])
if (chr.col) chr <- makeVector(mat[, chr.col])
list(impute=impute, snp=snp, chr=chr, loc=loc, a1=a1, a2=a2)
} # END: extract.SNPinfo.vec
# Function to scan a file
scan.file <- function(f, header=0, sep="") {
row1 <- scan(f, what="character", sep=sep, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE)
nc <- length(row1)
skip <- 1
if (!header) skip <- 0
x <- matrix(scan(f, what="character", skip=skip, sep=sep, quiet=TRUE), byrow=TRUE, ncol=nc)
if (header) colnames(x) <- row1
} # END: scan.file
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