# History Feb 14 2008 Initial coding
# Feb 19 2008 Add function convert.GenABEL
# Change recode.vec to recode.geno
# Feb 22 2008 Add the name "file" to snp.list and remove
# the names "prefix" and "extension".
# Change "in.dir" to "dir" in snp.list
# Mar 04 2008 Make convert.snpMatrix more efficient
# Mar 07 2008 Allow snps from different chromosomes to be part
# of the same snpMatrix data object.
# Move chrms, start.vec, stop.vec into snp.list
# Mar 12 2008 Add seperate functions to check each list
# Add snpNames field to snp.list
# Mar 13 2008 Change the purpose of the chrms vector in snp.list
# Allow reading other flat files
# Mar 14 2008 Change dir and file fields in locusMap.list
# Add snp.list$row1.omitN
# Add funtion readPhenoData
# Change the function getPhenoData
# Add readTable function.
# Mar 17 2008 Change recode.geno
# Rename readTable to table2Format
# Rename readPhenoData to readTable
# Allow phenotype data and locus map data to be type 1
# Mar 18 2008 Check for numeric vectors when there is no header.
# Do not always check the phenotype list for snpMatrix
# Add function to transform a sas file (SAS2Format).
# Mar 19 2008 Add getLocusMap to read the locus map data set
# In convert.GenABEL, delete temporary files as they
# are no longer needed instead of at the end.
# Mar 20 2008 Make scanFile more general.
# Add file.type = 4 (SAS data sets)
# Mar 21 2008 Change in convert.GenABEL when adding the snp data.
# Read in the temporary files as lines instead of each
# element at a time.
# Allow readTable not to have an id variable
# Mar 24 2008 Use loadData function to load the phenotype and
# locusMap data.
# Allow an option to pass in the snp data file into
# convert.snpMatrix
# Change in convert.GenABEL to subset by subject ids.
# Change in convert.snpMatrix to subset by subject ids.
# Mar 25 2008 Add createDummy function and createDummy option in the
# phenotype list.
# Mar 26 2008 Add option to save the snp output files
# Re-write sas2Format
# Mar 27 2008 Get the order of the snps in the snp files
# Break functions up ino seperate files
# Mar 31 2008 Change the snpNames option
# Apr 01 2008 Add error checks.
# Apr 03 2008 Change in getPhenoData to check if the subject ids
# are unique. If not, then create a variable with
# unique ids. Return a list of the data and new var.
# Change is complete for GenABEL.
# Apr 04 2008 Make changes in convert.snpMatrix for non-unique
# subject ids.
# Change is complete for snpMatrix
# Apr 05 2008 Change in getDataObject for which = 1.
# Change the subject ids when the ids are not unique
# Apr 08 2008 Change in loadData.type1 to return the subject ids
# in the order they appear in the data
# Apr 09 2008 Add getSubjIds function
# Set pdata.ids to be the subject ids even when the
# ids are unique in
# Apr 11 2008 Add getDelimiter
# Apr 15 2008 Change to sas.list
# Apr 17 2008 Put the names delete, id, and dir in sas.list
# Change in getPhenoData
# Put function addToPhenoData in wga_unused.R
# Apr 19 2008 Change update.snpNames function.
# Apr 30 2008 Add option to remove rows with missing values
# in getPhenoData.
# May 02 2008 Check for same number of genotypes for each SNP.
# May 08 2008 Add option so that loadData.type1 returns the
# phenotype data.
# Remove snp.list$snpNames after the snpNames
# vector is defined.
# May 09 2008 Add inheritance option
# May 12 2008 Remove remove.miss from getPhenoData
# Jun 10 2008 Change inheritance to genetic.model
# Jun 27 2008 Have getLocusMap call getColumns
# Jun 27 2008 Call update.snp.list to get all snp ids to use
# Jun 28 2008 Extract snpNames after loadData is called
# Add
# Jul 08 2008 When subjects are not found, save them in a
# global object
# Jul 30 2008 Add function to get the intersection of the
# subject ids on the phenotype and genotype files.
# Aug 14 2008 Move intersectSubIds call into getData.1
# Sep 17 2008 Fix bug in intersectSubIds for streamed input
# Oct 02 2008 Set snpNames and snpNames.list to NULL in
# intersectSubIds function
# Oct 10 2008 Add code not to recode genotypes
# Oct 29 2008 Recode before subsetting the subjects (changes in
# loadData.type1 and orderSNP
# Dec 11 2008 Add code for formulas in pheno.list
# Dec 15 2008 Move snpMatrix, GenABEL code to wga_unused.R
# Feb 06 2009 Change in to return the subject ids
# which are controls
# Feb 19 2009 Add MAF calculation in loadData.type1
# Mar 05 2009 Do not produce an error if cc.var is not specified in
# loadData.type1
# Compute MAF in orderSNP
# Mar 20 2009 Check cc.var is 0-1 in
# Apr 07 2009 Leave ids as variable in the phenotype data
# May 01 2009 Update getLocusMap function to return snps from a
# given chromosome in a selected range.
# Jul 21 2009 Call checkDelimiter function in getData.1
# Aug 10 2009 Do not stop if snpNames were not found. Add error option.
# Use options out.miss and out.delimiter in snp.list
# Sep 17 2009 Add option in getDelimiter for the output snp data
# Oct 16 2009 Set up changes:
# getPhenoData
# loadData.type1
# getData.1
# intersectSubIds
# Oct 16 2009 Change in recode.geno
# Dec 30 2009 Add code for getting variables from formulas
# Feb 25 2010 Add genotype frequencies and number of missing genotypes
# to loadData.type1
# Mar 25 2010 Add gene.var to getLocusMap
# Apr 08 2010 Update loadData.type1 for file.type = 9, 10
# Apr 12 2010 Change getSNPLoadList for file.type = 9, 10
# Apr 27 2010 Add code for duplicated pheno ids
# Jun 09 2010 Return imputed vector for imputed data in loadData.type1
# Oct 18 2010 With an empty space missing value ("") check the last genotype. If missing,
# then a missing value needs to be added.
# Sep 07 2012 Add code for TPED files
# Apr 03 2013 Add code to return ProbG1 for imputed data
# Function to read the locus map data set
# This function return a list with the names "snp", "chrm", and "loc".
# "snp" and "chrm" are character vectors, and "loc" is a numeric vector.
getLocusMap <- function(file, locusMap.list, temp.list=NULL, op=NULL) {
# file File to read
# No default
# locusMap.list List of options (See locusMap.list.wordpad)
# No default
# op List with names chrm, start, stop
# Set up the input arguments to getColumns()
vars <- c(locusMap.list$snp.var, locusMap.list$chrm.var,
locusMap.list$loc.var, locusMap.list$alleles.var,
file.list <- locusMap.list
file.list$file <- file
# Check for errors
chrmFlag <- !is.null(locusMap.list[["chrm.var", exact=TRUE]])
locFlag <- !is.null(locusMap.list[["loc.var", exact=TRUE]])
snpFlag <- !is.null(locusMap.list[["snp.var", exact=TRUE]])
allFlag <- !is.null(locusMap.list[["alleles.var", exact=TRUE]])
geneFlag <- !is.null(locusMap.list[["gene.var", exact=TRUE]])
opFlag <- !is.null(op)
data <- getColumns(file.list, vars, temp.list=temp.list)
# Return a list
ret <- list()
if (snpFlag) ret$snp <- data[[locusMap.list$snp.var]]
if (chrmFlag) ret$chrm <- data[[locusMap.list$chrm.var]]
if (locFlag) ret$loc <- as.numeric(data[[locusMap.list$loc.var]])
if (allFlag) ret$alleles <- data[[locusMap.list$alleles.var]]
if (geneFlag) ret$gene <- data[[locusMap.list$gene.var]]
# Determine if only certain snps in a range is desired
if (opFlag) {
temp <- rep(TRUE, times=length(data[[1]]))
chr <- getListName(op, "chrm")
if ((!is.null(chr)) & (chrmFlag)) {
temp <- temp & (ret$chrm %in% chr)
start <- getListName(op, "start")
if ((!is.null(start)) & (locFlag)) {
temp <- temp & (ret$loc >= as.numeric(start))
stop <- getListName(op, "stop")
if ((!is.null(stop)) & (locFlag)) {
temp <- temp & (ret$loc <= as.numeric(stop))
temp[] <- FALSE
if (snpFlag) ret$snp <- ret$snp[temp]
if (chrmFlag) ret$chrm <- ret$chrm[temp]
if (locFlag) ret$loc <- ret$loc[temp]
if (allFlag) ret$alleles <- ret$alleles[temp]
if (geneFlag) ret$gene <- ret$gene[temp]
} # END: getLocusMap
# Function to read and modify the phenotype data based on which
# package is being used.
getPhenoData <- function(p, temp.list=NULL) {
# The options sex.var, sex.female, and sex.male are used
# with which = 2 and 3 (see below).
# p is a list with the folowing fields:
# file Phenotype data file. This file must have an
# id variable.
# No default
# file.type 1, 3, 4 1 is for an R object file created with the
# save() function. 3 is for a table that will be read in
# with read.table(). 4 is for a SAS data set.
# The default is 3
# header 0 or 1 . Set to 0 if the file does not contain a header.
# The default is 1.
# delimiter The delimiter in the table.
# The default is ""
# id.var Name or column number of the id variable.
# No default.
# keep.vars Vector of variable names or column numbers to keep.
# The default is NULL, so that all variables will be kept.
# remove.vars Vector of variable names or column numbers to remove.
# The default is NULL, so that all variables will be kept.
# Both use.vars and remove.vars cannot be specified.
# factor.vars Vector of variable names or column numbers to convert
# into factors.
# The default is NULL.
# make.dummy 0 or 1 to make dummy variables for factor.vars
# The default is 0.
# keep.ids Vector of ids or row numbers to keep.
# The default is NULL.
# remove.ids Vector of ids or row numbers to remove.
# Both keep.ids and remove.ids cannot be specified
# The default is NULL.
# in.miss Vector of character strings to define the missing values.
# remove.miss 0 or 1 to remove rows with missing values
# The default is 0.
# sas.list See below
# Check the list
p <- check.pheno.list(p)
id.var <- p$id.var
if (!is.null(p$keep.vars)) {
if (!(p$id.var %in% p$keep.vars)) stop("ERROR: keep.vars must contain id.var")
# Set options
p$transpose <- 0
p$start.row <- 1
p$stop.row <- -1
p$stream <- 0
p$include.row1 <- p$header
p$snpNames <- NULL
p$method <- 1
if (p$file.type == 4) {
p$sas.list$delimiter <- "|"
temp.list <- check.temp.list(temp.list)
p$sas.list$temp.list <- temp.list
# Check if missing values are to be removed.
# NOTE: a formula can create missing values when the variable
# does not have any: log(x)
removeFlag <- p$remove.miss
# Check if any formulas are to be applied
formulas <- getFormulas(p)
formFlag <- length(formulas) && removeFlag
if (formFlag) p$remove.miss <- 0
# The data has been loaded, call readTable
x <- readTable(p$file, p)
p$data <- NULL
if (formFlag) {
# Update the data for any formulas
x <- applyFormulas(x, formulas)
# Remove missing values
vars <- getAllVars(p)
x <- removeMiss.vars(x, vars=vars, miss=p$in.miss)
} else {
if (removeFlag) x <- removeMiss(x, miss=p$in.miss)
nr <- nrow(x)
# Get the id var
id <- x[, p$id.var]
# Check if the ids are unique <- NULL <- unique(id)
n.uid <- length(
if (n.uid != nr) {
# Print a warning message
warning("The subject ids are not all unique")
if (p$unique.ids) { <- p$
x[,] <- x[, id.var]
# Get the new ids
count <- rep(0, n.uid)
names(count) <-
temp <- x[,]
dups <- duplicated(x[, id.var])
if (is.factor(temp)) temp <- as.character(levels(temp))[temp]
for (i in 2:nr) {
if (dups[i]) {
name <- temp[i]
cntname <- count[name]
if (cntname) {
temp[i] <- paste(name, "_", cntname, sep="")
count[name] <- cntname + 1
} else {
count[name] <- 2
x[, id.var] <- temp
} # END: if (p$unique.ids)
# Set the row names
#rownames(x) <- as.character(x[, id.var])
# Return a list
} # END: getPhenoData
# Function to return the snp data for which = 1
loadData.type1 <- function(snp.list, pheno.list, temp.list, op=NULL) {
# snp.list
# pheno.list
# op A list with the following names
# include.row1 0 or 1 to include the header
# The default is 1
# include.snps 0 or 1 to include the snp names as the
# first element of field.
# The default is 0.
# return.type 1 or 2 1 is a vector of characters
# 2 is a matrix. The returned matrix will have
# the column names as subject ids and row names
# as snpnames.
# The default is 1
# missing 0 or 1 to return a logical vector to determine
# which snps had missing values
# The default is 1.
# snpNames 0 or 1 to return a vector of snp names
# The default is 1.
# subjIds 0 or 1 to return a vector of subject ids corresponding
# to the order they appear. (Subjects are columns)
# The default is 0
# orderByPheno 0 or 1 to order the columns of the snps according
# to the order of the subject ids in the phenotype
# data.
# The default is 1.
# return.pheno 0 or 1 to return the phenotype data
# The default is 1.
# useControls 0 or 1 to use only the subset of controls to determine
# the minor allele. If set to 1, then there must be a name
# "cc.var" in pheno.list which gives the name of the 0-1
# case-control variable.
# The default is 1.
# MAF 0 or 1 to compute the MAF for each SNP. If useControls = 1,
# then only the controls will be used.
# The default is 0.
# alleles 0 or 1 to return the major/minor alleles
# The default is 1
# genoFreqs 0 or 1 to return genotype frequencies as a string 0-1-2
# The default is 0
# n.miss 0 or 1 to return number of missing genotypes
# The default is 0.
# Check the lists. pheno.list is checked in
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
temp.list <- check.temp.list(temp.list)
# Check the options list
if (is.null(op)) op <- list()
op <- default.list(op,
c("include.row1", "include.snps", "return.type", "missing",
"snpNames", "subjIds", "orderByPheno", "return.pheno",
"useControls", "MAF", "stopOnError", "alleles",
"genoFreqs", "n.miss"),
list(1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
if (op$return.type == 2) op$include.row1 <- 1
# Check for error condition
if (op$useControls) {
ccvar <- getListName(pheno.list, "cc.var")
if (is.null(ccvar)) {
#print("NOTE: pheno.list$cc.var not specified")
op$useControls <- 0
tpedFlag <- snp.list$file.type %in% c(11, 12)
if (tpedFlag) snp.list$pheno.list <- pheno.list
# Character vector containing the snp data. First element contains the
# subject ids. Remaining elements contain the snp name and genotypes.
# This character vector must be delimited.
i <- 1
data.obj <- NULL
delimiter <- getDelimiter(snp.list)
in.miss <- <- snp.list$
mode <- snp.list$genetic.model
codes <- getInheritanceVec(mode, recode=snp.list$recode)
missFlag <- op$missing
phenoData.list <- NULL
# Get phenotype information
temp <-, snp.list, temp.list=temp.list) <- temp$
pheno.uid <- temp$pheno.uid
pdata.flag <- temp$pdata.flag
pdata.ids <- temp$pdata.ids
nsubj <- temp$nsubj
nsubj.u <- temp$nsubj.u
controls <- getListName(temp, "controls")
if (op$return.pheno) phenoData.list <- temp$phenoData.list
rm(pheno.list, temp)
temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)
# Update snp.list
snp.list <- update.snp.list(snp.list)
# Define a list to call loadData
tList <- getSnpLoadList(snp.list, temp.list)
imputeFlag <- snp.list$file.type %in% c(9, 10)
if (imputeFlag) {
op$MAF <- 0
op$alleles <- 0
delimiter <- "\t"
snpNames <- getListName(snp.list, "snpNames")
total.nsnp <- length(snpNames)
snpsFlag <- 1 - is.null(snpNames)
snp.list$snpNames <- NULL
count <- 0
index <- 0
rows <- NULL
firstFlag <- 0
stopFlag <- 0
missing <- NULL
snps <- NULL
sFlag <- op$snpNames
inc.snps <- op$include.snps
ret.type <- op$return.type
temp.matrix <- NULL
save.subs <- NULL
ret.order <- NULL
temp.snp <- NULL
MAF.flag <- op$MAF
allFlag <- op$alleles
alleles <- NULL
if (!is.null(snp.list$ allFlag <- 0
gfreqFlag <- op$genoFreqs
nmissFlag <- op$n.miss
genoFreqs <- NULL
n.miss <- NULL
temp2 <- NULL
imputed <- NULL
chr <- NULL
loc <- NULL
# If the snp names were specified, then set sFlag to 1 so that
# the snp names will be kept
if (snpsFlag) sFlag <- 1
if (ret.type == 2) sFlag <- 1
# Function to convert character to numeric
if (mode != 3) { <- as.integer
} else { <- as.numeric
out.miss <- snp.list$out.miss
if (snp.list$file.type == 4) {
out.sep <- "|"
} else {
out.sep <- snp.list$out.delimiter
if (tpedFlag) {
delimiter <- snp.list$out.delimiter
in.miss <- " "
ProbG1 <- NULL
ProbG1.flag <- 0
# Loop over each file and combine the objects
for (file in snp.list$file) {
index <- index + 1
# Get the input file name
temp <- paste(snp.list$dir, file, sep="")
# Update the list
tList$start.row <- snp.list$start.vec[index]
tList$stop.row <- snp.list$stop.vec[index]
tList$snpNames <- snpNames
# Get the snp data
snpData <- loadData(temp, tList)
if (imputeFlag) {
MAF <- c(MAF, snpData$MAF)
alleles <- c(alleles, snpData$alleles)
imputed <- c(imputed, snpData$imputed)
ProbG1 <- c(ProbG1, snpData$ProbG1)
ProbG1.flag <- !is.null(ProbG1)
snpData <- snpData$snpData
} else if (tpedFlag) {
chr <- c(chr, snpData$chr)
loc <- c(loc, snpData$loc)
snpData <- snpData$snpData
nsnps <- length(snpData)
if (!firstFlag) {
if (nsnps <= 1) next
} else {
if (!nsnps) next
# Get the subjects and check for errors
temp <- getSubjIds(snpData[1], snpData[2], delimiter, pheno.uid,
subjects <- temp$subjects
subj.ids <- temp$subj.ids
subjFlag <- temp$subjFlag
total.nsubjects <- temp$total.nsubjects
control.ids <- getListName(temp, "control.ids")
# Check for controls
if (!any(control.ids)) {
#print("NOTE: No controls found to determine the minor allele")
control.ids <- NULL
# Define a matrix for return type = 2
if (ret.type == 2) temp.matrix <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nsnps-1, ncol=nsubj)
# Save the subjects to preserve the order
if (!firstFlag) {
if (pdata.flag) {
# The order will be as in the phenotype data
subj.order <-
subj.order2 <- getOrder(, subjects)
# The new subject ids will be written out
subjects <- pdata.ids
} else {
if (op$orderByPheno) {
subj.order <-
} else {
subj.order <- subjects
subj.order2 <- getOrder(subj.order, subjects)
subjects <- subjects[subj.order2]
if (ret.type == 2) colnames(temp.matrix) <- subjects
if (op$subjIds) save.subs <- subjects
} else {
subj.order2 <- getOrder(subj.order, subjects)
# Set the first row
snpData[1] <- paste(subjects, sep="", collapse=out.sep)
# For missing vector
if (missFlag) temp.miss <- rep(FALSE, times=nsnps-1)
# snp names vector
if (sFlag) temp.snp <- character(nsnps-1)
if (MAF.flag) {
temp.MAF <- numeric(nsnps-1)
} else {
temp.MAF <- NULL
# alleles
if (allFlag) {
temp.all <- character(nsnps-1)
} else {
temp.all <- NULL
# Geno freqs
if (gfreqFlag) {
temp.gfreq <- character(nsnps-1)
} else {
temp.gfreq <- NULL
# n.miss
if (gfreqFlag) {
temp.nmiss <- numeric(nsnps-1)
} else {
temp.nmiss <- NULL
for (i in 2:nsnps) {
temp <- getVecFromStr(snpData[i], delimiter=delimiter)
# Remove the snp name <- temp[1]
temp <- temp[-1]
if (sFlag) temp.snp[i-1] <-
# Check for error
lentemp <- length(temp)
if (lentemp != total.nsubjects) {
lenstr <- nchar(snpData[i])
if ((lentemp == total.nsubjects - 1) && ("" %in% in.miss) &&
(substr(snpData[i], lenstr, lenstr) == delimiter)) {
# Add a missing genotype
temp <- c(temp, "")
} else {
stop(paste("ERROR with SNP",
# Use the 0, 1, 2 codes
if (!imputeFlag) {
temp2 <- recode.geno(temp, in.miss=in.miss, out.miss=out.miss,
out.genotypes=codes,, subset=control.ids)
# Vector of recoded genotypes
temp <- temp2$vec
# Get the MAF
if (MAF.flag) temp.MAF[i-1] <- getMAF(temp, sub.vec=control.ids, controls=TRUE)
if (allFlag) temp.all[i-1] <- temp2$alleles
# Geno Frequencies
if (gfreqFlag) temp.gfreq[i-1] <- paste(table(temp, exclude=NA), collapse="|", sep="")
# n.miss
if (nmissFlag) temp.nmiss[i-1] <- sum(
# Get the correct subjects
if (subjFlag) temp <- temp[subj.ids]
# Get the correct order
temp <- temp[subj.order2]
# Determine if the snp has missing values
if (missFlag) {
if (any( temp.miss[i-1] <- TRUE
if (ret.type == 2) {
temp.matrix[i-1, ] <-
} else {
snpData[i] <- paste(temp, sep="", collapse=out.sep)
if (inc.snps) snpData[i] <- paste(, out.sep, snpData[i], sep="")
if (ProbG1.flag) {
temp <- getVecFromStr(ProbG1[i-1], delimiter=delimiter)
if (subjFlag) temp <- temp[subj.ids]
temp <- temp[subj.order2]
ProbG1[i-1] <- paste(temp, sep="", collapse=out.sep)
} # END: for (i in 2:nsnps)
# Get the rows by searching for the snp names
if (snpsFlag) {
snpNames <- update.snpNames(snpNames, temp.snp)
count <- count + length(snpData) - 1
if (!length(snpNames)) stopFlag <- 1
} # END: if (snpsFlag)
# Update
if (ret.type == 2) {
rownames(temp.matrix) <- temp.snp
data.obj <-,
} else {
if (firstFlag) snpData <- snpData[-1]
data.obj <- c(data.obj, snpData)
if (missFlag) missing <- c(missing, temp.miss)
if (sFlag) snps <- c(snps, temp.snp)
if (MAF.flag) MAF <- c(MAF, temp.MAF)
if (allFlag) alleles <- c(alleles, temp.all)
if (gfreqFlag) genoFreqs <- c(genoFreqs, temp.gfreq)
if (nmissFlag) n.miss <- c(n.miss, temp.nmiss)
firstFlag <- 1
if (stopFlag) break
} # END: for (file in snp.list$file)
# Check for error
if (snpsFlag) {
if ((total.nsnp != count) && (length(snpNames))) {
print("Some SNPs were not found")
if (op$stopOnError) {
stop("ERROR: The above SNPs were not found")
rm(subjects, snpNames, tList, subj.ids,, pheno.uid,
temp.matrix, subj.order, total.nsubjects, temp.MAF, temp.all, temp2,
temp.gfreq, temp.nmiss)
temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)
if (!op$include.row1) data.obj <- data.obj[-1]
list(data=data.obj, missing=missing, snpNames=snps, nsubjects=nsubj,
subjects=save.subs, order=ret.order, phenoData.list=phenoData.list,
MAF=MAF, alleles=alleles, n.miss=n.miss, genoFreqs=genoFreqs,
imputed=imputed, chr=chr, loc=loc, ProbG1=ProbG1)
} # END: loadData.type1
# Function to return phenotype data and file id <- function(snp.list, pheno.list, temp.list, op=NULL) {
snp.list$stream <- 1
op <- default.list(op, c("file.index", "useControls"),
list(1, 1), error=c(0, 0))
index <- op$file.index
if (index == 1) {
# Check the lists. pheno.list is checked in
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
temp.list <- check.temp.list(temp.list)
# Update snp.list for snpNames
snp.list <- update.snp.list(snp.list)
# Get phenotype information
pinfo <-, snp.list, temp.list=temp.list)
} else {
pinfo <- NULL
ccvar <- getListName(pheno.list, "cc.var")
if (is.null(ccvar)) {
#print("WARNING in pheno.list$cc.var not specified")
op$useControls <- 0
if (op$useControls == 0) pinfo$controls <- NULL
# Define a list to call loadData
tList <- getSnpLoadList(snp.list, temp.list, op=op)
temp <- paste(snp.list$dir, snp.list$file[index], sep="")
# Open the data and get the subject ids
fid <- loadData(temp, tList)
pheno.uid=pinfo$pheno.uid, fid=fid, controls=pinfo$controls)
} # END:
# Function to get the data or the file id
getData.1 <- function(snp.list, pheno.list, temp.list, op=NULL) {
# Check the lists
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
pheno.list <- check.pheno.list(pheno.list)
# Check the delimiters
temp <- snp.list
temp$file <- temp$file[1]
if (!checkDelimiter(temp)) {
stop("ERROR: Check the delimiter in snp.list")
if (!checkDelimiter(pheno.list)) {
stop("ERROR: Check the delimiter in pheno.list")
if (snp.list$stream) {
ret <-, pheno.list, temp.list, op=op)
} else {
ret <- loadData.type1(snp.list, pheno.list, temp.list, op=op)
} # END: getData.1
# Function to get the next observation
scanNextObs <- function(fid, fid.row, get.row, snpFlag=0, sep="|",
snpNames=NULL) {
if (!snpFlag) {
row <- scan(file=fid, what="character", nlines=1, sep=sep,
skip=get.row-fid.row, quiet=TRUE)
} else {
# Loop and check each snp name
cont <- 1
while (cont) {
row <- scan(file=fid, what="character", nlines=1, sep=sep, quiet=TRUE)
if (!length(row)) break
if (row[1] %in% snpNames) break
} # END: scanNextObs
# Function to get the next observation and close the file if no more
# reading is to be done
getNextObs <- function(i, snpFid, snpFlag, snpNames, tempfile, delete,,, delimiter) {
# Check the snpNames vector
if ( ((snpFlag) && (!length(snpNames))) || (i > ) {
closeFile(snpFid, file=tempfile, delete=delete)
# Read in the next snp
snp <- scanNextObs(snpFid,,,
sep=delimiter, snpFlag=snpFlag, snpNames=snpNames)
if (!length(snp)) {
closeFile(snpFid, file=tempfile, delete=delete)
} # END: getNextObs
# Function to order and subset a SNP
orderSNP <- function(snp,, subj.order2, total.nsubjects,
in.miss,, subjFlag=0, subj.ids=NULL,
out.genotypes=0:2, control.ids=NULL) {
# Check for error
if (length(snp) != total.nsubjects) stop(paste("ERROR with SNP",
# Use the 0, 1, 2 codes
temp <- recode.geno(snp, in.miss=in.miss, out.miss=NA,
snp <- temp$vec
alleles <- temp$alleles
# Compute the MAF
maf <- getMAF(snp, sub.vec=control.ids, controls=TRUE)
# Get the correct subjects
if (subjFlag) snp <- snp[subj.ids]
# Get the correct order
snp <- snp[subj.order2]
list(SNP=snp, MAF=maf, alleles=alleles)
} # END: orderSNP
# Function to call for stream input after getData.1 was called <- function(obj, snp.list, tempfile, delete, controls=NULL) {
# obj Return object from getData.1
pheno.uid <- obj$pheno.uid <- obj$
snpFid <- obj$fid
start.vec <- snp.list[["start.vec", exact=TRUE]]
stop.vec <- snp.list[["stop.vec", exact=TRUE]]
start <- max(2, start.vec[1])
# Get stop in terms of i = 1, 2, ....
stop <- stop.vec[1] - start + 1
if (stop < 0) stop <- Inf
delimiter <- getDelimiter(snp.list)
snames <- snp.list[["snpNames", exact=TRUE]]
snpFlag <- 1 - is.null(snames)
# Read in the subjects and first snp
temp <- scanNextObs(snpFid, 1, 1, sep=delimiter)
snp <- scanNextObs(snpFid, 2, start, sep=delimiter,
snpFlag=snpFlag, snpNames=snames)
if (!length(snp)) {
closeFile(snpFid, file=tempfile, delete=delete)
stop("ERROR: Check snp.list options")
# Get the subjects id vector and order
temp <- getSubjIds(temp, snp, delimiter, pheno.uid, controls=controls)
subjects <- temp$subjects
subjFlag <- temp$subjFlag
subj.ids <- temp$subj.ids
total.nsubjects <- temp$total.nsubjects
control.ids <- getListName(temp, "control.ids")
if (!any(control.ids)) {
#print("NOTE: No controls found to determine the minor allele")
control.ids <- NULL
subj.order2 <- getOrder(, subjects)
list(subjFlag=subjFlag, subj.ids=subj.ids,,
total.nsubjects=total.nsubjects, subj.order2=subj.order2,
snp=snp,, control.ids=control.ids)
} # END:
# Function to get info from the phenotype data <- function(pheno.list, snp.list, temp.list=NULL) {
id.var <- pheno.list$id.var
# Load the phenotype data
temp <- list(file.type=pheno.list$file.type, header=pheno.list$header,
delimiter=pheno.list$delimiter, id.var=id.var,
remove.miss=0, in.miss=pheno.list$in.miss)
data <- loadData(pheno.list$file, temp)
# Get all of the control ids
ccvar <- pheno.list[["cc.var", exact=TRUE]]
if (!is.null(ccvar)) {
# Check that it is 0-1
temp <- (data[, ccvar] %in% c(0, 1))
temp[] <- TRUE
if (!all(temp)) stop("ERROR in pheno.list$cc.var is not coded as 0-1")
temp <- (data[, ccvar] == 0)
temp[] <- FALSE
controls <- unique(makeVector(data[temp, id.var]))
} else {
controls <- NULL
# Update pheno.list
pheno.list$data <- data
pheno.list$ <- 1
# Get the intersecting subject ids with the genotype data
ids <- intersectSubIds(snp.list, pheno.list, temp.list=temp.list)
# Keep these ids
temp <- data[, id.var] %in% ids
temp[] <- FALSE
data <- removeOrKeepRows(data, temp)
pheno.list$data <- data
rm(data, ids)
# Call getPhenoData for the other pheno.list options to get the
# data to be used in the analysis
getPheno.list <- getPhenoData(pheno.list, temp.list=temp.list)
phenoData <- getPheno.list$data
pheno.list$data <- NULL
pdata.flag <- !is.null(getPheno.list$
pheno.list$ <- getPheno.list$
# pdata.flag is the flag for non-unique subject ids
if (!pdata.flag) {
# Get the subject ids <- makeVector(phenoData[, pheno.list$id.var])
pdata.ids <-
} else { <- as.character(phenoData[, pheno.list$])
pdata.ids <- makeVector(phenoData[, pheno.list$id.var])
# Get the total number of subjects
nsubj <- length(
# Get the unique ids
pheno.uid <- unique(
# Get the number of unique subjects
nsubj.u <- length(pheno.uid)
# Return a list of info
list(, pheno.uid=pheno.uid, pdata.ids=pdata.ids,
pdata.flag=pdata.flag, nsubj=nsubj, nsubj.u=nsubj.u,
phenoData.list=getPheno.list, controls=controls)
} # END:
# Function to check for errors is the subject ids
getSubjIds <- function(snpData1, snpData2, delimiter, pheno.uid, controls=NULL) {
# snpData1 Row 1
# snpData2 Row 2
# delimiter delimiter
# pheno.uid Unique (original) phenotype ids
# controls Unique (original) control ids
# Get the subject ids from the snp data
subs <- getSubject.vec(snpData1, snpData2, delimiter)
total.nsubjects <- length(subs)
# Get the number of unique original subject ids
nsubj.u <- length(pheno.uid)
# Check for an error
if (sum(pheno.uid %in% subs) != nsubj.u) {
temp <- !(pheno.uid %in% subs)
temp <- pheno.uid[temp] <<- temp
stop("The above subject ids were not found in the genotype data")
# Determine if any subjects should be removed
subj.ids <- subs %in% pheno.uid
if (sum(subj.ids) != nsubj.u) {
print("The subject ids in the genotype data may not all be unique")
stop("ERROR with subject ids")
# Get the logical vector for controls. Recall: MAF is determined by the
# entire sample of subjects.
if (!is.null(controls)) {
control.ids <- subs %in% controls
} else {
control.ids <- NULL
if (total.nsubjects == nsubj.u) {
# All subjects are here, so subj.ids is no longer needed
subj.ids <- NULL
subjFlag <- 0
} else {
subjFlag <- 1
subs <- subs[subj.ids]
# Return list
list(subjects=subs, subjFlag=subjFlag, subj.ids=subj.ids,
total.nsubjects=total.nsubjects, control.ids=control.ids)
} # END: getSubjIds
# Function to return the vector of subject ids from a snp file
getSubject.vec <- function(snpData1, snpData2, delimiter) {
# snpData1 Row 1 (header)
# snpData2 Row 2
# delimiter
# Get the subject ids from the snp data
if (length(snpData1) == 1) {
subs <- getVecFromStr(snpData1, delimiter=delimiter)
} else {
subs <- snpData1
# Get the number of fields to remove
n.omit <- getRow1.omitN(subs, snpData2, delimiter=delimiter)
if (n.omit > 0) subs <- subs[-(1:n.omit)]
} # END: getSubject.vec
# Function to determine the number of fields to remove in row1 of the snp
# data
getRow1.omitN <- function(row1, row2, delimiter="|") {
# row1
# row2
# delimiter
n1 <- length(row1)
if (length(row2) == 1) row2 <- getVecFromStr(row2, delimiter=delimiter)
n2 <- length(row2)
n.omit <- n1 - n2 + 1
if (n.omit < 0) stop("ERROR: in the snp files")
if (n.omit > 1) warning("Possible error in the SNP data")
} # END: getRow1.omitN
# Function to return the delimiter used in the file read in
getDelimiter <- function(snp.list, output=0) {
delimiter <- snp.list$delimiter
if ((output == 1) && (!snp.list$stream)) delimiter <- snp.list$out.delimiter
if (snp.list$file.type %in% c(4)) {
delimiter <- "|"
} # END: getDelimiter
# Function to get the vector of missing values <- function(snp.list) {
ret <- snp.list$in.miss
if (snp.list$file.type == 4) ret <- c(ret, "-9")
} # END:
# Function to update the snpNames vector when snp names are specified
update.snpNames <- function(snpNames, temp.snp) {
# snpNames Vector of all snp names desired
# temp.snp Vector of snp names on current data
# Remove the snp names from the snpNames vector
rows <- as.logical(1 - (snpNames %in% temp.snp))
snpNames <- snpNames[rows]
} # END: update.snpNames
# Function to return a list of parameter options for loading the
# snp data.
getSnpLoadList <- function(snp.list, temp.list, op=NULL) {
op <- default.list(op, c("file.index"), list(1))
if (snp.list$file.type %in% c(11, 12)) return(snp.list)
ret <- list(file.type=snp.list$file.type,
delimiter=snp.list$delimiter, read.n=snp.list$read.n,
sas.list=snp.list$sas.list, transpose=1, include.row1=1,
ret$snpNames <- getListName(snp.list, "snpNames")
stream <- snp.list$stream
if (stream) {
ret$stream <- 1
ret$outfile <- op$outfile
if (ret$file.type == 4) ret$sas.list$temp.list <- temp.list
if (ret$file.type %in% c(9, 10)) {
ret <- snp.list
ret$delimiter <- "\t"
ret$out.delimiter <- "\t"
} # END: getSnpLoadList
# Function to get the common subject ids.
# Returns the updated pheno.list
intersectSubIds <- function(snp.list, pheno.list, temp.list=NULL) {
snp.list$snpNames <- NULL
snp.list$snpNames.list <- NULL
snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
pheno.list <- check.pheno.list(pheno.list)
temp.list <- check.temp.list(temp.list)
delimiter <- getDelimiter(snp.list)
snp.list <- update.snp.list(snp.list)
stream <- getListName(snp.list, "stream")
# Get the unique files
files <- unique(snp.list$file)
# Define a list to call loadData
tList <- getSnpLoadList(snp.list, temp.list)
tList$start.row <- 1
tList$stop.row <- 2
isub <- NULL
index <- 1
# Loop over each file and combine the objects
for (file in files) {
# Get the data
temp <- loadData(paste(snp.list$dir, file, sep=""), tList)
if (snp.list$file.type %in% c(9, 10, 11, 12)) {
temp <- temp$snpData
delimiter <- "\t"
# Get the first 2 rows
if (!stream) {
row1 <- temp[1]
row2 <- temp[2]
} else {
row1 <- scanNextObs(temp, 1, 1, sep=delimiter, snpFlag=0,
row2 <- scanNextObs(temp, 1, 1, sep=delimiter, snpFlag=0,
# Get the subject ids
temp <- getSubject.vec(row1, row2, delimiter)
if (index == 1) {
isub <- temp
} else {
isub <- intersect(isub, temp)
if (!length(isub)) {
stop("ERROR: No intersecting subject ids in the genotype files")
# Get the phenotype data
dflag <- !is.null(getListName(pheno.list, ""))
if (dflag) {
temp <- unique(makeVector(pheno.list$data[, pheno.list$id.var]))
} else {
temp <- NULL # ADD code here
isub <- intersect(isub, temp)
if (!length(isub)) {
stop("ERROR: No intersecting subject ids in the genotype and phenotype files")
if (length(temp) != length(isub)) {
temp <- temp[!(temp %in% isub)]
print(temp) <<- temp
print("The above subject ids were not found in the genotype data")
warning("Some subject ids were not found in the genotype data")
} # END: intersectSubIds
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