#' @title PerformDataInspect
#' @description This functions provide a path for users to visually inspect their raw data before the data
#' trimming so as to remove the dirty or significantly uneluted peaks.
#' @param datapath Character, the path of the raw MS data files (.mzXML, .CDF and .mzML)
#' for the visual and intuitive data inspectation or the file folder (if only a folder path provided, the first file will
#' be inspected).
#' @param rt.range Numerics, a congregation of two values to define the lower and upper RT range (seconds) for
#' users to inspect. This is an optional parameter, if absent, will display the MS of the whole RT range.
#' @param mz.range Numerics, a congregation of two values to define the lower and upper mz range for
#' users to inspect. This is an optional parameter, if absent, will display the MS of the whole mz range.
#' @param dimension Character, the dimension for sample to display, including '2D' or '3D'. The default is '3D'.
#' @param res Numeric, the resolution for data inspectation. The larger the value, the higher the resolution.
#' The default value is 100. This value is usually clearly enough and also give consideration to the speed.
#' @export
#' @return will output a figure for viewing the data structure
#' @import MSnbase
#' @importFrom Cairo Cairo
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang \email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca} Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' Mcgill University
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#' @examples
#' ## Get raw spectra files
#' DataFiles <- dir(system.file("mzData", package = "mtbls2"), full.names = TRUE,
#' recursive = TRUE)[c(10:12, 14:16)]
#' PerformDataInspect(DataFiles[1])
PerformDataInspect <-
function(datapath = NULL,
rt.range = c(0,0),
mz.range = c(0,0),
dimension = "3D",
res = 100) {
fullUserPath <- getwd();
if (datapath == "null" | is.null(datapath)) {
if (.on.public.web() & dir.exists("upload/QC")) {
datapath <- "/upload/QC"
datapath <- paste0(fullUserPath, datapath)
} else if (.on.public.web()) {
datapath <- paste0("/upload/", list.files("upload", recursive = TRUE)[1])
datapath <- paste0(fullUserPath, datapath)
} else {
MessageOutput("Local Inspectation !\n")
} else {
files <-
list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/upload/"),
full.names = TRUE,
recursive = TRUE)
if (isEmpty(files)) {
# Handle the example issue - show other files
files <-
full.names = TRUE,
recursive = TRUE
datapath = files[datapath == basename(files)]
} else {
# Handle the regular data insepctation
datapath = files[datapath == basename(files)]
if (basename(datapath) == "NA") {
# Handle the example issue - default showing
datapath <-
if (!grepl(pattern = c("*.mzXML"), basename(datapath)) &
!grepl(pattern = c("*.mzxml"), basename(datapath)) &
!grepl(pattern = c("*.mzData"), basename(datapath)) &
!grepl(pattern = c("*.mzdata"), basename(datapath)) &
!grepl(pattern = c("*.mzML"), basename(datapath)) &
!grepl(pattern = c("*.mzml"), basename(datapath)) &
!grepl(pattern = c("*.CDF"), basename(datapath)) &
!grepl(pattern = c("*.cdf"), basename(datapath))) {
MessageOutput(paste("First file in ", datapath, " will be inspected !\n"),SuppressWeb = TRUE)
mzf <- list.files(datapath, recursive = FALSE, full.names = TRUE)[1]
} else {
mzf <- datapath
if (grepl(pattern = c("*.CDF"), basename(mzf)) |
grepl(pattern = c("*.cdf"), basename(mzf))) {
# centroid_cdf();
ms <- mzR::openMSfile(mzf)
hd <- header(ms)
ms1 <- which(hd$msLevel == 1)
if (missing(rt.range) | (rt.range[1] == 0 & rt.range[2] == 0)) {
rtsel <-
hd$retentionTime[ms1] >= min(hd$retentionTime) &
hd$retentionTime[ms1] <= max(hd$retentionTime)
rt.extension <- FALSE
"RT range is:",
"seconds !\n"
), SuppressWeb = TRUE)
} else{
if (rt.range[2] < rt.range[1]) {
a1 <- rt.range[1]
rt.range[1] <- rt.range[2]
rt.range[2] <- a1
} else if (rt.range[2] == rt.range[1]) {
rt.range[2] <- rt.range[2] + 1
rt.range[1] <- rt.range[1] - 1
MessageOutput(paste("RT range is:", rt.range[1], "and", rt.range[2], "seconds !\n"),SuppressWeb = TRUE)
rtsel <-
hd$retentionTime[ms1] > rt.range[1] &
hd$retentionTime[ms1] < rt.range[2]
rt.min <- min(hd$retentionTime[ms1])
rt.max <- max(hd$retentionTime[ms1])
if (rt.range[1] < rt.min | rt.range[2] > rt.max) {
rt.extension <- TRUE
} else {
rt.extension <- FALSE
if (missing(mz.range) | (mz.range[1] == 0 & mz.range[2] == 0)) {
min.mz <- min(hd$lowMZ)
max.mz <- max(hd$highMZ)
if (min.mz == 0 & max.mz == 0 | min.mz == max.mz) {
"mz.range information is missing in your data file. mz between 100 and 1200 will be shown here !\n"
min.mz <- 100
max.mz <- 1200
} else if (is.infinite(min.mz) |
is.infinite(max.mz) | min.mz == -1 | max.mz == -1) {
"mz.range information is missing in your data file. mz between 50 and 2000 will be shown here !\n"
min.mz <- 50
max.mz <- 2000
MessageOutput(paste("MZ range is:", min.mz, "and", max.mz, "Thomson !\n"),SuppressWeb = TRUE)
res.mz <- (max.mz - min.mz) / res
M <- MSmap(ms,
zeroIsNA = TRUE)
} else{
if (mz.range[2] < mz.range[1]) {
a1 <- mz.range[1]
mz.range[1] <- mz.range[2]
mz.range[2] <- a1
} else if (mz.range[2] == mz.range[1]) {
mz.range[2] <- mz.range[2] + 0.01
mz.range[1] <- mz.range[1] - 0.01
MessageOutput(paste("MZ range is:", mz.range[1], "and", mz.range[2], "Thomson !\n"),SuppressWeb = TRUE)
res.mz <- (mz.range[2] - mz.range[1]) / res
M <- MSmap(ms,
zeroIsNA = TRUE)
if (rt.extension) {
if (min(M@rt) > rt.range[1]) {
M@rt <- c(rt.range[1], M@rt)
M@map <- rbind(rep(NA, dim(M@map)[2]), M@map)
M@ms <- c(M@ms, 1)
if (max(M@rt) < rt.range[2]) {
M@rt <- c(M@rt, rt.range[2])
M@map <- rbind(M@map, rep(NA, dim(M@map)[2]))
M@ms <- c(M@ms, 1)
if (missing(dimension)) {
dimension = "3D"
FN <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(mzf))
filename <-
file = filename,
unit = "in",
dpi = 72,
width = 7,
height = 7,
type = "png",
bg = "white"
seed.cols <- c("#fafafa", "#e0e0e0");
cols <- colorRampPalette(seed.cols)(8)
seed.cols22 <- c("#ffee00","#ffc400", "#ff0000","#a600ff", "#0006b0","#000363")
cols2 <- colorRampPalette(seed.cols22)(8)
if (dimension == "3D") {
} else {
M@mz <- round(M@mz,3)
print(plot(M, aspect = 1, allTicks = FALSE, col.regions = c(cols, cols2)))
#' @title SetPlotParam
#' @description This function sets the generic Plotting Parameters for different functions
#' @param Plot Logical, if true, the function will plot internal figures for different functions.
#' @param labels Logical, if true, the labels in the plot will be added.
#' @param format Numeric, input the format of the image to create.
#' @param dpi Numeric, input the dpi of the image to create.
#' @param width Numeric, input the width of the image to create.
#' @param ... Other specific parameters for specific function. Please set them according to the corresponding function.
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang \email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca}, and Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#' @return will return a plotting parameters set
#' @export
#' @examples
#' SetPlotParam(Plot = TRUE, dpi = 144, width = 12)
SetPlotParam <-
function(Plot = FALSE,
labels = TRUE,
format = "png",
dpi = 72,
width = 9,
...) {
Plot = Plot,
labels = labels,
format = format,
dpi = dpi,
width = width,
#' @title PlotXIC/EIC
#' @description This functionn creates an extracted ion chromatogram (XIC/EIC) for a specific
#' m/z and retention time. This is used for quality-control of raw m/s data.
#' @param mSet mSet Object. Should contain the spectra processing result.
#' @param featureNum Numeric, Feature number in the feature table.
#' @param sample_labeled Logical, whether to lable the sample name.
#' @param Group_labeled Logical, whether to lable the group name.
#' @param format Character, to give the format of BPI figures ploted. Can be "jpeg", "png", "pdf", "svg",
#' "tiff" or "ps". Default is "png".
#' @param dpi Numeric, to define the dpi of the figures. Default is 72.
#' @param width Numeric, to define the width of the figure.
#' @param height Numeric, to define the height of the figure.
#' @param sample_filled Logical, to determine the EIC/XIC is filled or not for sample EIC
#' @param group_filled Logical, to determine the EIC/XIC is filled or not for group EIC
#' @importFrom Cairo Cairo
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom grid viewport
#' @importFrom MSnbase filterMz
#' @export
#' @return will return a figure of EIC/XIC
#' @examples
#' data(mSet);
#' newPath <- dir(system.file("mzData", package = "mtbls2"),
#' full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)[c(10, 11, 12)]
#' mSet <- updateRawSpectraPath(mSet, newPath);
#' #PlotXIC(mSet, 1, TRUE, TRUE);
PlotXIC <-
function(mSet = NULL,
group_filled) {
# Parameters initialization
if (missing(sample_labeled)) {
sample_labeled <- FALSE
if (missing(Group_labeled)) {
Group_labeled <- TRUE
if (missing(format)) {
format <- "png"
if (missing(dpi)) {
dpi <- 72
if (missing(width)) {
width <- 6
if (missing(height)) {
height <- width * 1.05
sample_filled <- FALSE;
group_filled <- TRUE;
# Load data results
} else if(is.null(mSet)) {
stop("mSet is missing!")
raw_data <- mSet@rawOnDisk;
raw_data@featureData$retentionTime <-
# Get groups information
groupsInfo0 <- groupsInfo <- raw_data@phenoData@data[["sample_group"]]
group_levels <- levels(as.factor(groupsInfo))
groupsInfo <-
FUN = function(x) {
which(x == groupsInfo)
samples_names <- raw_data@phenoData@data[["sample_name"]]
# Get current feature information
peak_idx_current <-mSet@peakfilling$FeatureGroupTable@listData$peakidx[[featureNum]]
#peak_table <- mSet[["msFeatureData"]][["chromPeaks"]][peak_idx_current,];
peak_table <- mSet@peakfilling[["msFeatureData"]][["chromPeaks"]][peak_idx_current,]
peak_table <- peakTableSUM(peak_table)
rtrange <-
c(mSet@peakfilling[["FeatureGroupTable"]]@listData[["rtmin"]][featureNum] - 10,
mSet@peakfilling[["FeatureGroupTable"]]@listData[["rtmax"]][featureNum] + 10)
mzrange <-
c(mSet@peakfilling[["FeatureGroupTable"]]@listData[["mzmin"]][featureNum] - 0.2,
mSet@peakfilling[["FeatureGroupTable"]]@listData[["mzmax"]][featureNum] + 0.2)
RawData <- MSnbase::filterMz(MSnbase::filterRt(raw_data, rtrange), mzrange)
title <-
paste0(round(mSet@peakfilling[["FeatureGroupTable"]]@listData[["mzmed"]][[featureNum]], 4),
round(mSet@peakfilling[["FeatureGroupTable"]]@listData[["rtmed"]][[featureNum]], 2),
# Get feature details as a list in MSdb
MSdb0 <- MSdb <- IntoLists <- IntoListg <- list()
for (i in group_levels) {
IntoListg[[i]] <- 0
#Different groups
if (is(groupsInfo,"list")) {
array_sample <- groupsInfo[[i]]
} else {
array_sample <- groupsInfo[, i]
nc <- 0
for (x in array_sample) {
#Different samples per group
sample_idx <- which(x == peak_table[, "sample"])
#print(paste0("sample_idx: ",x, sample_idx))
for (j in sample_idx) {
#Multiple features in corresponding sample - extract a little bit more
mzr <-
c(peak_table[j, 2] - 0.001, peak_table[j, 3] + 0.001)
rtr <- c(peak_table[j, which(colnames(peak_table) == "rtmin")] - 0.1,
peak_table[j, which(colnames(peak_table) == "rtmax")] + 0.1)
IntoListg[[i]] <- IntoListg[[i]] + peak_table[j, 7]
IntoLists[[i]][[samples_names[x]]] <- peak_table[j, 7]
MSdb0[[samples_names[x]]] <-
mz = mzr,
rt = rtr,
aggregationFun = "max"
nc <- nc + 1
# Do the average on the same group
if (nc != 0) {
IntoListg[[i]] <- IntoListg[[i]] / nc
} else {
IntoListg[[i]] <- 0.0
if (!identical(MSdb0, list())) {
MSdb[[i]] <- MSdb0
MSdb0 <- list()
## Get Group CV Table
y <- NULL;
CVTable <- PeakGroupCV(IntoLists, groupsInfo);
CVTable <- data.frame(x = CVTable$V1,y=CVTable$V2);
pCV <- ggplot(data=CVTable, aes(x=x, y=y, fill =x, alpha = 0.5)) +
geom_col(width = 1.32/ncol(CVTable)) +
theme_bw() +
theme(text = element_text(size=8.5),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
legend.position = "none",
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
labs(y = expression(italic("Coefficient of variation"))) +
geom_hline(yintercept=1, linetype="dashed", color = "red");
## PLotting sample EIC begin -
res0 <- lapply(
FUN = function(x) {
res_sample <- data.frame()
if (length(x) != 0) {
for (j in seq_along(x)) {
sampleRes <- data.frame(x[[j]]@rtime, x[[j]]@intensity, rep(names(x)[j], length(x[[j]]@rtime)));
rtdiff <- mean(diff(sampleRes$x..j...rtime));
insertEmptyScan <- data.frame(c(unname(x[[j]]@rtime[1]) - 4*rtdiff, unname(x[[j]]@rtime[1]) - 3*rtdiff,
unname(x[[j]]@rtime[1]) - 2*rtdiff, unname(x[[j]]@rtime[1]) - rtdiff,
unname(tail(x[[j]]@rtime,1)) + rtdiff, unname(tail(x[[j]]@rtime,1)) + 2*rtdiff,
unname(tail(x[[j]]@rtime,1)) + 3*rtdiff, unname(tail(x[[j]]@rtime,1)) + 4*rtdiff),
rep(0, 8),
rep(names(x)[j], 8));
colnames(sampleRes) <- colnames(insertEmptyScan) <- colnames(sampleRes);
sampleRes <- rbind(insertEmptyScan, sampleRes)
res_sample <- rbind(res_sample,sampleRes);
res_sample[is.na(res_sample)] <- 0
res <- data.frame()
for (w in seq_along(res0)) {
ncouts <- nrow(res0[[w]])
resds <-
cbind(res0[[w]], rep(names(res0)[w], nrow(res0[[w]])), rep(NA, ncouts))
for (ww in seq_along(unique(resds[, 3]))) {
cn <- unique(resds[, 3])[ww]
cint <- IntoLists[[w]][cn == names(IntoLists[[w]])]
resds[resds[, 3] == cn,][which(resds[resds[, 3] == cn, 2] == max(resds[resds[, 3] == cn, 2])), 5] <-
formatC(cint[[1]], format = "e", digits = 2)
res <- rbind(res, resds)
colnames(res) <-
c("RT", "Intensity", "Samples", "Groups", "Labels");
peak_width <- max(res$RT) - min(res$RT);
## Resume for the missing peaks
minRT <- min(res$RT);
maxRT <- max(res$RT);
RTvec <- c(minRT, minRT + (maxRT - minRT)/4, minRT + (maxRT - minRT)/2, minRT + (maxRT - minRT)*3/4, maxRT)
missingIdx <- which(!(samples_names %in% unique(res$Samples)));
for(m in missingIdx){
res <- rbind(res, data.frame(RT=RTvec,
Intensity = rep(0, 5),
Samples = rep(samples_names[m], 5),
Groups = rep(groupsInfo0[m], 5),
Labels = c(NA, NA, 0, NA, NA)))
if(mSet@params[["Peak_method"]] == "Massifquant"){
spanValue <- 0.8
}else {
spanValue <- 0.6
} else {
spanValue <- 0.55
print(paste0("EIC_", title, "_sample_", dpi, ".", format));
if (.on.public.web()) {
file = paste0("EIC_", title, "_sample_", dpi, ".", format),
unit = "in",
dpi = dpi,
width = width,
height = height,
type = format,
bg = "white"
s_image0 <- ggplot(res, aes_string(x = "RT", y = "Intensity", color = "Samples")) +
geom = 'area',
method = "loess",
se = FALSE,
span = spanValue,
size = 0.35,
formula = "y ~ x",
alpha = 1 / 4,
aes_string(fill = "Samples")
} else {
s_image0 <- ggplot(res, aes_string(x = "RT", y = "Intensity", color = "Samples")) +
method = "loess",
se = FALSE,
span = spanValue,
size = 0.35,
formula = "y ~ x",
alpha = 1 / 4,
aes_string(color = "Samples"),
fill = NA
s_image <-s_image0 +
theme_bw() +
ylim(0, NA) +
xlim(min(res$RT) - peak_width * 0.05 , max(res$RT) + peak_width * 0.35) +
legend.position = c(0.87, 0.85),
plot.title = element_text(
size = 12,
face = "bold",
hjust = 0.5
legend.title = element_text(size = 8.5),
legend.text = element_text(size = 8),
legend.key.size = unit(3, "mm"),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
) +
if (sample_labeled) {
s_image <-
s_image + geom_text_repel(aes_string(y = "Intensity * 0.2", label = "Labels"),
force = 1.5,
show.legend = FALSE)
if (.on.public.web()) {
## PLotting sample EIC finished -
## PLotting group EIC begin --
res <- NULL
res <- lapply(MSdb, featureSUM, frtr = rtrange)
if (any(sapply(res, is.null))) {
res <- res[-which(sapply(res, is.null))]
res_data <- data.frame();
for (k in seq_along(res)) {
ncout <- nrow(res[[k]]);
resd <-
cbind(res[[k]], rep(names(res[k]), ncout), rep(NA, ncout))
resd[which(resd$Inten_mean == max(resd$Inten_mean)), 4] <-
formatC(IntoListg[[names(res[k])]], format = "e", digits = 2)
res_data <- rbind(res_data, resd)
colnames(res_data) <- c("RT", "Intensity", "Groups", "Labels");
rownames(res_data) <- NULL;
peak_width <- max(res_data$RT) - min(res_data$RT);
## ADD the missing groups
minRT <- maxRT <- RTvec <- missingIdx <- m <- NULL;
minRT <- min(res_data$RT);
maxRT <- max(res_data$RT);
RTvec <- c(minRT, minRT + (maxRT - minRT)/4, minRT + (maxRT - minRT)/2, minRT + (maxRT - minRT)*3/4, maxRT)
missingIdx <- which(!(unique(groupsInfo0) %in% unique(res_data$Groups)));
for(m in missingIdx){
res_data <- rbind(res_data, data.frame(RT=RTvec,
Intensity = rep(0, 5),
Groups = rep(unique(groupsInfo0)[m], 5),
Labels = c(NA, NA, 0, NA, NA)))
if (.on.public.web()) {
file = paste0("EIC_", title, "_group_", dpi, ".", format),
unit = "in",
dpi = dpi,
width = width,
height = height,
type = format,
bg = "white"
g_image0 <- ggplot(res_data, aes_string(x = "RT", y = "Intensity", color = "Groups")) + #geom_line() +
geom = 'area',
method = "loess",
se = FALSE,
span = spanValue,
size = 0.35,
formula = "y ~ x",
alpha = 1 / 4,
aes_string(fill = "Groups")
} else {
g_image0 <- ggplot(res_data, aes_string(x = "RT", y = "Intensity", color = "Groups")) + #geom_line() +
geom = 'area',
method = "loess",
se = FALSE,
span = spanValue,
size = 0.35,
formula = "y ~ x",
alpha = 1 / 4,
aes_string(color = "Groups"),
fill = NA
g_image <- g_image0 +
theme_bw() +
ylim(0, NA) +
xlim(min(res_data$RT) - peak_width * 0.75 ,
max(res_data$RT) + peak_width * 0.75) +
legend.position = c(0.85, 0.88),
plot.title = element_text(
size = 12,
face = "bold",
hjust = 0.5
legend.title = element_text(size = 9),
legend.text = element_text(size = 9),
legend.key.size = unit(4, "mm"),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
) +
if (Group_labeled) {
g_image <-
g_image + geom_text_repel(aes_string(y = "Intensity * 0.2", label = "Labels"),
force = 1.5,
show.legend = FALSE)
print(g_image); print(pCV,vp=viewport(.3, .76, .24, 0.24));
if (.on.public.web()) {
## PLotting group EIC finished --
#' @title PlotSpectraInsensityStistics
#' @description This function is used to do the statistics on the spectra intensity
#' @param mSet mSet object, usually generated after the peakannotaion finished here.
#' @param imgName Character, to give the name of BPI figures ploted.
#' @param format Character, to give the format of BPI figures ploted. Can be "jpeg", "png", "pdf", "svg",
#' "tiff" or "ps". Default is "png".
#' @param dpi Numeric, to define the dpi of the figures. Default is 72.
#' @param width Numeric, to define the width of the figure. Height = width * 0.618.
#' @export
#' @return will return a figure of spectral peak intensity
#' @importFrom Cairo Cairo
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom graphics boxplot
#' @importFrom graphics grid
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @examples
#' data(mSet);
#' newPath <- dir(system.file("mzData", package = "mtbls2"),
#' full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)[c(10, 11, 12)]
#' mSet <- updateRawSpectraPath(mSet, newPath);
#' PlotSpectraInsensityStistics(mSet);
PlotSpectraInsensityStistics <-
function(mSet = NULL,
format = "png",
dpi = 72,
width = NA) {
if(is.null(mSet) & .on.public.web()){
} else if(is.null(mSet)) {
stop("mSet is missing!")
sample_idx <- mSet@rawOnDisk@phenoData@data[["sample_group"]];
sample_num <-
if (length(unique(sample_idx)) > 9) {
col.fun <-
grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Set3"))
group_colors <- col.fun(length(unique(sample_idx)))
} else{
group_colors <-
paste0(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Set1")[seq_along(unique(sample_idx))], "60")
ints <-
split(log2(mSet@peakfilling$msFeatureData$chromPeaks[, "into"]),
f = mSet@peakfilling$msFeatureData$chromPeaks[, "sample"])
if(mSet@params$BlankSub & any(sample_idx == "BLANK")){
ints <- ints[names(ints) != 0];
sample_num <- sample_num[sample_idx != "BLANK"]
names(ints) <- as.character(sample_num)
sample_idx <- as.factor(sample_idx)
group_colors <-
FUN = function(x) {
rep(group_colors[x], length(sample_idx[sample_idx == levels(sample_idx)[x]]))
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE);
if (.on.public.web()) {
file = imgName,
unit = "in",
dpi = dpi,
width = width,
height = length(sample_num) * 0.65 * (width/8),
type = format,
bg = "white"
#op <-
par(mar = c(3.5, 10, 4, 1.5), xaxt = "s")
sampleNMs <- names(ints);
len_nms <- nchar(sampleNMs);
if(any(len_nms > 15)){
names(ints) <-
unname(unlist(sapply(sampleNMs, function(x){
LEN_x <- nchar(x);
if(LEN_x > 15){
substring(x, LEN_x-14,LEN_x)
} else {
varwidth = TRUE,
col = as.character(unlist(group_colors)),
ylab = "",
horizontal = TRUE,
las = 2,
main = expression(log[2] ~ intensity),
cex.lab = 0.8,
cex.main = 1.25
#title(ylab=expression(log[2]~intensity), line=7.5, cex.lab=1.2)
grid(nx = NA, ny = NULL)
if (.on.public.web()) {
#' @title PlotSpectraPCA
#' @description This function is used to plot the PCA of all spectra
#' @param mSet mSet object, usually generated after the peakannotaion finished here.
#' @param imgName Character, to give the name of BPI figures ploted.
#' @param format Character, to give the format of BPI figures ploted. Can be "jpeg", "png", "pdf", "svg",
#' "tiff" or "ps". Default is "png".
#' @param dpi Numeric, to define the dpi of the figures. Default is 72.
#' @param width Numeric, to define the width of the figure. Height = width * 0.618.
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom RJSONIO toJSON
#' @importFrom stats prcomp
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @return will return a figure of PCA after log tranformation (log2)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(mSet);
#' newPath <- dir(system.file("mzData", package = "mtbls2"),
#' full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)[c(10, 11, 12)]
#' mSet <- updateRawSpectraPath(mSet, newPath);
#' PlotSpectraPCA(mSet);
PlotSpectraPCA <-
function(mSet = NULL,
format = "png",
dpi = 72,
width = NA) {
if(missing(mSet) || is.null(mSet)){
if (.on.public.web()) {
file = imgName,
unit = "in",
dpi = dpi,
width = width,
height = width * 0.80,
type = format,
bg = "white"
sample_idx <-
if(mSet@params$BlankSub & any(sample_idx == "BLANK")){
sample_idx <- sample_idx[sample_idx != "BLANK"]
# feature_value <-
# .feature_values(
# pks = mSet@peakfilling$msFeatureData$chromPeaks,
# fts = mSet@peakfilling$FeatureGroupTable,
# method = "medret",
# value = "into",
# intensity = "into",
# colnames = mSet@rawOnDisk@phenoData@data[["sample_name"]],
# missing = NA
# );
feature_value0 <- mSet@dataSet[-1,];
rownames(feature_value0) <- feature_value0[,1];
feature_value <- feature_value0[,-1];
feature_value[is.na(feature_value)] <- 0;
int.mat <- as.matrix(feature_value)
rowNms <- rownames(int.mat);
colNms <- colnames(int.mat);
int.mat <- t(apply(int.mat, 1, function(x) .replace.by.lod(as.numeric(x))));
rownames(int.mat) <- rowNms;
colnames(int.mat) <- colNms;
feature_value <- int.mat;
feature_value[feature_value==0] <- 1;
pca_feats <- log10(feature_value);
if (nrow(feature_value) < 2) {
mes = paste0(
"<font color=\"red\">",
"\nERROR: No enough peaks detected, please adjust your parameters or use other Peak/Alignment method",
ecol = "\n",
progress = 65
if (.on.public.web()) {
pca_feats[is.na(pca_feats)] <- 0;
df0 <- na.omit(pca_feats);
df1 <- df0[is.finite(rowSums(df0)),];
df <- t(df1);
mSet_pca <- prcomp(df, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE);
sum.pca <- summary(mSet_pca);
var.pca <-
sum.pca$importance[2,]; # variance explained by each PCA
xlabel <- paste("PC1", "(", round(100 * var.pca[1], 1), "%)");
ylabel <- paste("PC2", "(", round(100 * var.pca[2], 1), "%)");
zlabel <- paste("PC3", "(", round(100 * var.pca[3], 1), "%)");
# using ggplot2
df <- as.data.frame(mSet_pca$x);
df$group <- sample_idx;
## Handle to generate json file for PCA3D online
## For score plot
pca3d <- list();
pca3d$score$axis <- c(xlabel, ylabel, zlabel);
xyz0 <- df[,seq_len(3)];
colnames(xyz0) <- rownames(xyz0) <- NULL;
pca3d$score$xyz <- data.frame(t(xyz0));
colnames(pca3d$score$xyz) <- NULL;
pca3d$score$name <- rownames(df);
pca3d$score$facA <- df$group;
if(length(unique(df$group)) < 9){
col.fun <-
grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(unique(df$group)), "Set1"));
} else {
col.fun <-
grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(unique(df$group)), "Set3"));
pca3d$score$colors <- col.fun(length(unique(df$group)));
# json.obj <- RJSONIO::toJSON(pca3d, .na='null');
# sink("spectra_3d_score.json");
# cat(json.obj);
# sink();
## For loading plot
#pca3d <- list();
pca3d$loading$axis <- paste("Loading ", seq_len(3), sep="");
coords0 <- coords <- data.frame(t(signif(mSet_pca$rotation[,seq_len(3)], 5)));
colnames(coords) <- NULL;
pca3d$loading$xyz <- coords;
pca3d$loading$name <- rownames(mSet_pca$rotation);
pca3d$loading$entrez <- paste0(round(mSet@peakfilling[["FeatureGroupTable"]]@listData$mzmed, 4),
round(mSet@peakfilling[["FeatureGroupTable"]]@listData$rtmed, 2));
dists <- GetDist3D(coords0);
pca3d$loading$cols <- GetRGBColorGradient(dists);
pca3d$cls = df$group;
# json.obj <- RJSONIO::toJSON(pca3d, .na='null');
# sink("spectra_3d_loading.json");
# cat(json.obj);
# sink();
qs::qsave(pca3d$score, "score3d.qs");
qs::qsave(pca3d$loading, "loading3d.qs");
fileNm <- paste0("spectra_3d_loading.json");
my.json.scatter(fileNm, T);
if (nrow(df) < 30) {
if (length(unique(sample_idx)) > 9) {
col.fun <-
grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Set3"));
p <-
ggplot2::ggplot(df, aes_string(
x = "PC1",
y = "PC2",
color = "group",
label = "row.names(df)"
)) +
geom_text_repel(force = 1.5) +
geom_point(size = 5, fill = col.fun(length(unique(sample_idx)))) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 12))
} else{
p <-
ggplot2::ggplot(df, aes_string(
x = "PC1",
y = "PC2",
color = "group",
label = "row.names(df)"
)) +
geom_text_repel(force = 1.5) +
geom_point(size = 5) +
scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 12))
} else {
if (length(unique(sample_idx)) > 9) {
p <-
ggplot2::ggplot(df, aes_string(x = "PC1",
y = "PC2",
color = "group")) + geom_point(size = 5)
} else{
p <-
ggplot2::ggplot(df, aes_string(x = "PC1",
y = "PC2",
color = "group")) + geom_point(size = 5) + scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1");
p <-
p + xlab(xlabel) + ylab(ylabel) + theme_bw() + theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 12));
if (.on.public.web()) {
#' @title PlotSpectraRTadj
#' @description This function is used to plot the adjustment of retention time of all spectra
#' @param mSet mSet object, usually generated after the peakannotaion finished here.
#' @param imgName Character, to give the name of BPI figures ploted.
#' @param format Character, to give the format of BPI figures ploted. Can be "jpeg", "png", "pdf", "svg",
#' "tiff" or "ps". Default is "png".
#' @param dpi Numeric, to define the dpi of the figures. Default is 72.
#' @param width Numeric, to define the width of the figure. Height = width * 0.618.
#' @return will return a figure of spectral adjustment of retention time
#' @export
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @importFrom Cairo Cairo
#' @importFrom graphics points
#' @examples
#' data(mSet);
#' newPath <- dir(system.file("mzData", package = "mtbls2"),
#' full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)[c(10, 11, 12)]
#' mSet <- updateRawSpectraPath(mSet, newPath);
#' PlotSpectraRTadj(mSet);
PlotSpectraRTadj <-
function(mSet = NULL,
format = "png",
dpi = 72,
width = NA) {
if(is.null(mSet) & .on.public.web()){
} else if(is.null(mSet)) {
stop("mSet is missing!")
sample_idx <- mSet@rawOnDisk@phenoData@data[["sample_group"]];
if(mSet@params$BlankSub & any(sample_idx == "BLANK")){
sample_idx <- sample_idx[sample_idx != "BLANK"];
specdata0 <- mSet@rawOnDisk;
blk2rms <- which(specdata0@phenoData@data[["sample_group"]] == "BLANK");
fdnew <- specdata0@featureData
fdnew@data <- fdnew@data[!(fdnew@data[["fileIdx"]] %in% blk2rms),];
#fdnew@data[["fileIdx"]] <- fdnew@data[["fileIdx"]] - length(blk2rms)
ii <- 1;
for(fii in unique(fdnew@data[["fileIdx"]])){
fdnew@data[["fileIdx"]][fdnew@data[["fileIdx"]] == fii] <- ii;
ii <- ii + 1
pdnew <- specdata0@phenoData;
pdnew@data <- pdnew@data[-blk2rms,];
numfiles <- length(specdata0@experimentData@instrumentModel) - length(blk2rms)
specdata <- new(
processingData = new("MSnProcess",
files = specdata0@processingData@files[-blk2rms]),
featureData = fdnew,
phenoData = pdnew,
experimentData = new("MIAPE",
instrumentManufacturer = rep("a",numfiles),
instrumentModel = rep("a",numfiles),
ionSource = rep("a",numfiles),
analyser = rep("a",numfiles),
detectorType = rep("a",numfiles)))
} else {
specdata <- mSet@rawOnDisk;
if (.on.public.web()) {
file = imgName,
unit = "in",
dpi = dpi,
width = width,
height = width * 0.75,
type = format,
bg = "white"
if (length(unique(sample_idx)) > 9) {
col.fun <-
grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Set3"))
group_colors <- col.fun(length(unique(sample_idx)))
} else{
group_colors <-
paste0(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Set1")[seq_along(unique(sample_idx))], "60")
names(group_colors) <- unique(sample_idx)
## Extract RT information
rt.set <-
list(rtime(specdata), unlist(mSet@peakRTcorrection$adjustedRT))
diffRt <- rt.set[[2]] - rt.set[[1]]
diffRt <- split(diffRt, fromFile(specdata))
xRt <- mSet@peakRTcorrection$adjustedRT
col = group_colors[sample_idx]
lty = 1
lwd = 1
col <- rep(col, length(diffRt))
lty <- rep(lty, length(diffRt))
lwd <- rep(lwd, length(diffRt))
ylim <- range(diffRt, na.rm = TRUE)
pch = NA,
xlim = range(xRt, na.rm = TRUE),
ylim = ylim,
xlab = "RT_Adjustment",
ylab = "RT_Difference"
for (i in seq_along(diffRt)) {
x = xRt[[i]],
y = diffRt[[i]],
col = col[i],
lty = lty[i],
type = "l",
lwd = lwd[i]
rawRt <-
split(rtime(specdata), fromFile(specdata))
adjRt <- xRt
peaks_0 <- mSet@peakfilling$msFeatureData$chromPeaks;
subs <-
pkGroup <- mSet@peakRTcorrection[["pkGrpMat_Raw"]];
rawRt <- rawRt[subs]
adjRt <- adjRt[subs]
## Have to "adjust" these for peakgroup only:
pkGroupAdj <- pkGroup
if (!is.null(pkGroup)) {
for (i in seq_len(ncol(pkGroup))){
pkGroupAdj[, i] <-
.applyRtAdjustment(pkGroup[, i], rawRt[[i]], adjRt[[i]])
diffRt <- pkGroupAdj - pkGroup
xRt <- pkGroupAdj
## Loop through the rows and plot points - ordered by diffRt!
for (i in seq_len(nrow(xRt))){
idx <- order(diffRt[i, ])
x = xRt[i, ][idx],
diffRt[i, ][idx],
col = "#00000080",
type = "b",
pch = 16,
lty = 3
legend = unique(sample_idx),
pch = 15,
col = group_colors
if (.on.public.web()) {
#' @title PlotSpectraBPIadj
#' @description This function is used to plot the adjust BPI (Base Peak Ion)
#' @param mSet mSet object, usually generated after the peakannotaion finished here.
#' @param imgName Character, to give the name of BPI figures ploted.
#' @param format Character, to give the format of BPI figures ploted. Can be "jpeg", "png", "pdf", "svg",
#' "tiff" or "ps". Default is "png".
#' @param dpi Numeric, to define the dpi of the figures. Default is 72.
#' @param width Numeric, to define the width of the figure. Height = width * 0.618.
#' @return will return a figure of adjusted BPIs
#' @export
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @importFrom Cairo Cairo
#' @examples
#' data(mSet);
#' newPath <- dir(system.file("mzData", package = "mtbls2"),
#' full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)[c(10, 11, 12)]
#' mSet <- updateRawSpectraPath(mSet, newPath);
#' PlotSpectraBPIadj(mSet);
PlotSpectraBPIadj <-
function(mSet = NULL,
format = "png",
dpi = 72,
width = NA) {
if(is.null(mSet) & .on.public.web()){
} else if(is.null(mSet)) {
stop("mSet is missing!")
if (.on.public.web()) {
file = imgName,
unit = "in",
dpi = dpi,
width = width,
height = width * 0.75,
type = format,
bg = "white"
sample_idx <-
if(mSet@params$BlankSub & any(sample_idx == "BLANK")){
sample_idx <- sample_idx[sample_idx != "BLANK"];
specdata0 <- mSet@rawOnDisk;
blk2rms <- which(specdata0@phenoData@data[["sample_group"]] == "BLANK");
fdnew <- specdata0@featureData
fdnew@data <- fdnew@data[!(fdnew@data[["fileIdx"]] %in% blk2rms),];
#fdnew@data[["fileIdx"]] <- fdnew@data[["fileIdx"]] - length(blk2rms)
ii <- 1;
for(fii in unique(fdnew@data[["fileIdx"]])){
fdnew@data[["fileIdx"]][fdnew@data[["fileIdx"]] == fii] <- ii;
ii <- ii + 1
pdnew <- specdata0@phenoData;
pdnew@data <- pdnew@data[-blk2rms,];
numfiles <- length(specdata0@experimentData@instrumentModel) - length(blk2rms)
object_od <- new(
processingData = new("MSnProcess",
files = specdata0@processingData@files[-blk2rms]),
featureData = fdnew,
phenoData = pdnew,
experimentData = new("MIAPE",
instrumentManufacturer = rep("a",numfiles),
instrumentModel = rep("a",numfiles),
ionSource = rep("a",numfiles),
analyser = rep("a",numfiles),
detectorType = rep("a",numfiles)))
} else {
object_od <- mSet@rawOnDisk;
sample_idx <- as.factor(sample_idx);
if (length(unique(sample_idx)) > 9) {
col.fun <-
grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Set3"))
group_colors <- col.fun(length(unique(sample_idx)))
} else{
group_colors <-
paste0(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Set1")[seq_along(unique(sample_idx))], "60")
group_colors2 <- group_colors
names(group_colors2) <- unique(sample_idx)
group_colors <-
FUN = function(x) {
rep(group_colors[x], length(sample_idx[sample_idx == levels(sample_idx)[x]]))
#object_od <- mSet@rawOnDisk
adj_rt <- unlist(mSet@peakRTcorrection$adjustedRT)
object_od <- selectFeatureData(
fcol = c(
object_od@featureData$retentionTime <- adj_rt
res <- MSnbase::chromatogram(
aggregationFun = "max",
missing = NA_real_,
msLevel = 1L,
BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(4)
plot(res, col = as.character(unlist(group_colors)))
legend = unique(sample_idx),
pch = 15,
col = group_colors2
if (.on.public.web()) {
#' @title plotMSfeature
#' @description plotMSfeature is used to plot the feature intensity of different groups
#' @param mSet mSet Object, should be processed aby 'PerformPeakProfiling'.
#' @param FeatureNM Numeric, feature number in the feature table.
#' @param dpi Numeric, to define the dpi of the figures. Default is 72. (only works for web version)
#' @param format Character, to give the format of BPI figures ploted. Can be "jpeg", "png", "pdf", "svg",
#' "tiff" or "ps". Default is "png". (only works for web version)
#' @param width Numeric, width of the figure (default is NA, usually set it as 6~12)
#' @export
#' @return will return a figure of ms stats
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @importFrom Cairo Cairo
#' @examples
#' data(mSet);
#' newPath <- dir(system.file("mzData", package = "mtbls2"),
#' full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)[c(10, 11, 12)]
#' mSet <- updateRawSpectraPath(mSet, newPath);
#' plotMSfeature (mSet, 1); # Here is only one group
plotMSfeature <- function(mSet = NULL,
FeatureNM = 1,
dpi = 72,
format = "png",
width = NA) {
} else {
stop("No mSet Object found !")
peakdata <- mSet@peakAnnotation$camera_output;
peakdata1 <-
peakdata[, c((-1):-6,-ncol(peakdata),-ncol(peakdata) + 1,-ncol(peakdata) + 2,
-ncol(peakdata) + 3, -ncol(peakdata) + 4, -ncol(peakdata) + 5)]
peakdata1[is.na(peakdata1)] <- 0
group_info <- mSet@dataSet[c(1),-1]
data_table <-
round(as.numeric(peakdata1[FeatureNM,]), 1), as.character(as.matrix(group_info))
data_table[, 1] <- as.numeric(data_table[, 1])
colnames(data_table) <- c("value", "Group")
rownames(data_table) <- NULL
width = 6;
title = paste0(round(peakdata[FeatureNM, 1], 4), "mz@", round(peakdata[FeatureNM, 4], 2), "s")
} else {
title = paste0(round(peakdata[FeatureNM, 1], 4), "mz@", round(peakdata[FeatureNM, 4], 2), "s_", dpi, "_", width)
if (.on.public.web()) {
file = paste0(title, ".", format),
unit = "in",
dpi = dpi,
width = width,
height = width/6*6.18,
type = format,
bg = "white"
p1 <-
ggplot(data_table, aes_string(
x = "Group",
y = "log2(value + 1)",
fill = "Group"
)) + # geom_violin(trim = TRUE,draw_quantiles = TRUE) +
stat_boxplot(geom = "errorbar", width = 0.15, aes(color = "black")) +
size = 0.35,
width = 0.5,
fill = "white",
outlier.fill = "white",
outlier.color = "white"
) +
geom_jitter(aes_string(fill = "Group"),
width = 0.2,
shape = 21,
size = 2.5) +
values = c(
) +
theme_bw() +
legend.position = "none",
axis.text.x = element_text(
#family = "Arial",
size = 12,
angle = 45,
hjust = 1
axis.text.y = element_text(
#family = "Arial",
size = 12,
face = "plain"
axis.title.y = element_text(
#family = "Arial",
size = 16,
face = "plain"
axis.title.x = element_text(
#family = "Arial",
size = 16,
face = "plain"
plot.title = element_text(
#family = "Arial",
size = 16,
face = "bold",
hjust = 0.5
) +
ylab(expression(log[2] ~ intensity)) + xlab("Groups") + ggtitle(title)
if (.on.public.web()) {
return(paste0(title, ".", format))
#' @title plotSingleTIC
#' @description plotSingleTIC is used to plot the TIC of a certain spectra
#' @param mSet mSet Object, should be processed by ImportMSData.
#' @param filename Character, to give the filename for the TIC plotting.
#' @param imagename Character, to give the filename of the TIC plotted. (only works for web version)
#' @param dpi Numeric, dpi of the figure (default is 72, usually set it as 72, 144, 360)
#' @param width Numeric, width of the figure (default is 7, usually set it as 6~12)
#' @param format Character, format of the figure (default is 'png', usually can be 'png', 'pdf','tiff','svg','eps','jpg')
#' @export
#' @return will return a figure of a single TIC
#' @importFrom Cairo Cairo
#' @examples
#' data(mSet);
#' newPath <- dir(system.file("mzData", package = "mtbls2"),
#' full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)[c(10, 11, 12)]
#' mSet <- updateRawSpectraPath(mSet, newPath);
#' plotSingleTIC(mSet, "MSpos-Ex2-Col0-48h-Ag-2_1-A,3_01_9829.mzData",
#' "MSpos-Ex2-Col0-48h-Ag-2_1-A,3_01_9829.png")
plotSingleTIC <- function(mSet = NULL,
dpi = 72,
width = 7,
format = "png") {
} else {
stop("No mSet found !")
AllFileNMs <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", basename(mSet@rawOnDisk@processingData@files));
file_order <-
which(filename == AllFileNMs)
raw_data_filt <-
filterFile(mSet@rawOnDisk, file = file_order);
tics <- chromatogram(raw_data_filt, aggregationFun = "sum", MulticoreParam(4));
if (.on.public.web()) {
file = imagename,
unit = "in",
dpi = dpi,
width = width,
height = width/7*5,
type = format,
bg = "white"
plot(tics, col = "#0080FF", main = filename);
if (.on.public.web()) {
#' @title plotTICs
#' @description plotTICs is used to plot the TIC of all files
#' @param mSet mSet Object, should be processed by ImportMSData.
#' @param imgName Character, to name the imgName for the TIC plotting.
#' @param dpi Numeric, to define the dpi of the figures. Default is 72. (only works for web version)
#' @param format Character, to give the format of BPI figures ploted. Can be "jpeg", "png", "pdf", "svg",
#' "tiff" or "ps". Default is "png". (only works for web version)
#' @param width Numeric, width of the figure (default is NA, usually set it as 6~12)
#' @export
#' @return will return a figure of TICs
#' @importFrom Cairo Cairo
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @examples
#' newPath <- dir(system.file("mzData", package = "mtbls2"),
#' full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)[c(10:12)]
#' data(mSet)
#' mSet <- updateRawSpectraPath(mSet, newPath)
#' plotTICs(mSet)
plotTICs <-function(mSet = NULL,
format = "png",
dpi = 72,
width = NA){
tics <- NULL;
#need to extract the plotting part from import function
if(is.null(mSet) & !.on.public.web()){
raw_data_filt <- mSet@rawOnDisk;
} else if(!.on.public.web() & (is(mSet, "mSet"))) {
raw_data_filt <- mSet@rawOnDisk;
tics <- chromatogram(raw_data_filt, aggregationFun = "sum", MulticoreParam(4))
} else if(.on.public.web()) {
} else if(is.null(mSet)) {
stop("mSet is missing!")
samplegroup <- raw_data_filt@phenoData@data$sample_group;
samplename <- raw_data_filt@phenoData@data$sample_name;
groupInfo <-as.factor(samplegroup);
groupNum <- nlevels(groupInfo)
if (groupNum > 9) {
col.fun <-
grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Set3"))
group_colors <- col.fun(groupNum)
} else{
group_colors <-
paste0(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Set1")[seq_len(groupNum)], "60")
names(group_colors) <- levels(groupInfo)
if (.on.public.web()) {
file = imgName,
unit = "in",
dpi = dpi,
width = width,
height = width* 0.75,
type = format,
bg = "white"
plot(tics, col = group_colors[raw_data_filt$sample_group])
legend = levels(groupInfo),
pch = 15,
col = group_colors
if (.on.public.web()) {
#' @title plotBPIs
#' @description plotBPIs is used to plot the BPI of all files
#' @param mSet mSet Object, should be processed by ImportMSData.
#' @param imgName Character, to give the filename for the TIC plotting.
#' @param dpi Numeric, to define the dpi of the figures. Default is 72. (only works for web version)
#' @param format Character, to give the format of BPI figures ploted. Can be "jpeg", "png", "pdf", "svg",
#' "tiff" or "ps". Default is "png". (only works for web version)
#' @param width Numeric, width of the figure (default is NA, usually set it as 6~12)
#' @export
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @importFrom Cairo Cairo
#' @return will return a figure of BPIs
#' @examples
#' newPath <- dir(system.file("mzData", package = "mtbls2"),
#' full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)[c(10:12)]
#' data(mSet)
#' mSet <- updateRawSpectraPath(mSet, newPath)
#' plotBPIs(mSet)
plotBPIs <-function(mSet = NULL,
format = "png",
dpi = 72,
width = NA){
bpis <- NULL;
#need to extract the plotting part from import function
if(is.null(mSet) & !.on.public.web()){
raw_data_filt <- mSet@rawOnDisk;
} else if(!.on.public.web() & (is(mSet, "mSet"))) {
raw_data_filt <- mSet@rawOnDisk;
bpis <- chromatogram(raw_data_filt, aggregationFun = "max", MulticoreParam(4))
} else if(.on.public.web()) {
} else if(is.null(mSet)) {
stop("mSet is missing!")
samplegroup <- raw_data_filt@phenoData@data$sample_group;
samplename <- raw_data_filt@phenoData@data$sample_name;
groupInfo <-as.factor(samplegroup);
groupNum <- nlevels(groupInfo)
if (groupNum > 9) {
col.fun <-
grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Set3"))
group_colors <- col.fun(groupNum)
} else{
group_colors <-
paste0(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Set1")[seq_len(groupNum)], "60")
names(group_colors) <- levels(groupInfo)
if (.on.public.web()) {
file = imgName,
unit = "in",
dpi = dpi,
width = width,
height = width* 0.75,
type = format,
bg = "white"
plot(bpis, col = group_colors[raw_data_filt$sample_group])
legend = levels(groupInfo),
pch = 15,
col = group_colors
if (.on.public.web()) {
my.json.scatter <- function(filenm, containsLoading=F){
res <- qs::qread("score3d.qs")
nodes <- vector(mode="list");
names <- res$name;
if(ncol(res$xyz) > nrow(res$xyz)){
orig.pos.xyz <- t(res$xyz);
orig.pos.xyz <- res$xyz;
ticksX <- pretty(range(orig.pos.xyz[,1]*1.2),10, bound=F);
ticksY <- pretty(range(orig.pos.xyz[,2]*1.2),10, bound=F);
ticksZ <- pretty(range(orig.pos.xyz[,3]*1.2),10, bound=F);
#add two nodes, 1 with all min values and another with all max values. For scaling purposes
minNode <- c(min(ticksX), min(ticksY), min(ticksZ));
maxNode <- c(max(ticksX), max(ticksY), max(ticksZ));
# Add the new rows to the data frame
orig.pos.xyz.mod <- rbind(orig.pos.xyz, minNode)
orig.pos.xyz.mod <- rbind(orig.pos.xyz.mod, maxNode)
pos.xyz <- orig.pos.xyz.mod;
pos.xyz[,1] <- scale_range(orig.pos.xyz.mod[,1], -1,1);
pos.xyz[,2] <- scale_range(orig.pos.xyz.mod[,2], -1,1);
pos.xyz[,3] <- scale_range(orig.pos.xyz.mod[,3], -1,1);
#remove last two rows
pos.xyz <- pos.xyz[1:(nrow(pos.xyz) - 2), ]
metadf <- res$facA
metadf <- as.factor(metadf);
col = vector();
meta.vec = as.vector(metadf)
meta.vec.num = as.integer(as.factor(metadf))
col.s <- res$colors
for(i in 1:length(meta.vec.num)){
col[i] = col.s[meta.vec.num[i]];
legendData <- list(label=levels(metadf),color=col.s)
#for IPCA in multifactor
if("facB" %in% names(res)){
meta.vec2 <- res$facB
metadf <- res$metadata_list;
shape <- vector();
meta.vec.num <- as.integer(as.factor(meta.vec2))
shape.s <- c("circle", "triangle", "square", "diamond")[1:length(unique(meta.vec2))];
for(i in 1:length(meta.vec.num)){
shape[i] = shape.s[meta.vec.num[i]];
legendData2 <- list(label=unique(meta.vec2),shape=shape.s);
nodeSize = 18;
for(i in 1:length(names)){
nodes[[i]] <- list(
fx = unname(pos.xyz[i,1])*1000,
fy = unname(pos.xyz[i,2])*1000,
fz = unname(pos.xyz[i,3])*1000,
origX = unname(orig.pos.xyz[i,1]),
origY = unname(orig.pos.xyz[i,2]),
origZ = unname(orig.pos.xyz[i,3]),
if("facB" %in% names(res)){
nodes[[i]][["meta2"]] <- meta.vec2[i]
nodes[[i]][["shape"]] <- shape[i]
ticks <- list(x=ticksX, y=ticksY, z=ticksZ);
netData <- list(nodes=nodes,
metaCol = legendData);
res2 <- qs::qread("loading3d.qs");
if(ncol(res2$xyz) > nrow(res2$xyz)){
orig.load.xyz <- t(res2$xyz);
orig.load.xyz <- res2$xyz;
ticksX <- pretty(range(orig.load.xyz[,1]),10);
ticksY <- pretty(range(orig.load.xyz[,2]),10);
ticksZ <- pretty(range(orig.load.xyz[,3]),10);
#add two nodes, 1 with all min values and another with all max values. For scaling purposes
minNode <- c(min(ticksX), min(ticksY), min(ticksZ));
maxNode <- c(max(ticksX), max(ticksY), max(ticksZ));
# Add the new rows to the data frame
orig.load.xyz.mod <- rbind(orig.load.xyz, minNode)
orig.load.xyz.mod <- rbind(orig.load.xyz.mod, maxNode)
load.xyz <- orig.load.xyz.mod;
load.xyz[,1] <- scale_range(orig.load.xyz.mod[,1], -1,1);
load.xyz[,2] <- scale_range(orig.load.xyz.mod[,2], -1,1);
load.xyz[,3] <- scale_range(orig.load.xyz.mod[,3], -1,1);
#remove last two rows
load.xyz <- load.xyz[1:(nrow(load.xyz) - 2), ];
names <- res2$name;
if("entrez" %in% names(res2)){
ids <- res2$entrez;
ids <- res2$name;
colres <- rgba_to_hex_opacity(res2$cols);
colorb <- colres[[1]];
opacity_array <- colres[[2]];
nodes2 <- vector(mode="list");
for(i in 1:length(names)){
nodes2[[i]] <- list(
fx = unname(load.xyz[i,1])*1000,
fy = unname(load.xyz[i,2])*1000,
fz = unname(load.xyz[i,3])*1000,
origX = unname(orig.load.xyz[i,1]),
origY = unname(orig.load.xyz[i,2]),
origZ = unname(orig.load.xyz[i,3]),
seedArr = "notSeed",
ticksLoading <- list(x=ticksX, y=ticksY, z=ticksZ);
netData <- list(omicstype="",
misc="", ticks=ticks,
metaCol = legendData);
if("facB" %in% names(res)){
netData$metaShape <- legendData2;
rownames(pos.xyz) <- res$name;
res$pos.xyz <- pos.xyz;
# Define a function to convert RGBA to Hex and opacity values
rgba_to_hex_opacity <- function(rgba_array) {
# Define an empty vector to store the hex color values
hex_values <- vector("character", length = length(rgba_array))
# Define an empty vector to store the opacity values
opacity_values <- vector("numeric", length = length(rgba_array))
# Loop through each element in the input array
for (i in seq_along(rgba_array)) {
rgba <- rgba_array[i]
rgba <- gsub("rgba\\(", "",rgba);
rgba <- gsub("\\)", "",rgba);
# Convert the RGBA value to a list of numeric values
rgba <- strsplit(rgba, ",")[[1]]
rgba <- as.numeric(rgba)
# Convert the RGB values to hexadecimal notation
hex <- rgb(rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3], maxColorValue = 255)
hex_values[i] <- hex
# Extract the opacity value from the RGBA string
opacity_values[i] <- rgba[4]
# Return a list containing the hex color values and opacity values
return(list(hex_values = hex_values, opacity_values = opacity_values))
scale_range <- function(x, new_min = 0, new_max = 1) {
range <- pretty(x,10);
old_min <- min(range);
old_max <- max(range);
(x - old_min) / (old_max - old_min) * (new_max - new_min) + new_min
ComputeEncasing <- function(filenm, type, names.vec, level=0.95, omics="NA"){
level <- as.numeric(level)
names = strsplit(names.vec, "; ")[[1]]
res <- .get.rdt.set();
res <- res$pos.xyz
pos.xyz <- res
inx = rownames(pos.xyz) %in% names;
coords = as.matrix(pos.xyz[inx,c(1:3)])
mesh = list()
if(type == "alpha"){
sh=ashape3d(coords, 1.0, pert = FALSE, eps = 1e-09);
mesh[[1]] = as.mesh3d(sh, triangles=T);
}else if(type == "ellipse"){
pos=cov(coords, y = NULL, use = "everything");
mesh[[1]] = ellipse3d(x=as.matrix(pos), level=level);
r = plot(res, cont=level*100, display="rgl");
sc = scene3d();
mesh = sc$objects;
.get.rdt.set <- function(){
.set.rdt.set <- function(my.set){
qs::qsave(my.set, file="rdt.set.qs");
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.